Visa Credit vs. MasterCard Credit

Bilo da ste vrhunski poznavalac onlajn kazina ili ih samo povremeno posećujete, verovatno ste čuli za VISA i MasterCard. Oba platna sistema su popularna u svetu onlajn kazina i efektivno pokrivaju većinu onlajn gejming platformi sa tradicionalnim platnim metodama. Naravno, popularnost ovih bankarskih platnih kartica prelazi okvire onlajn kockanja. Možete ih pronaći u gotovo svim sferama života, od zabave, do onih najosnovnijih. 

Mnogo je razloga zbog kojih su ove dve platne metode tako pogodne za sve namene, ali to ne znači da neke druge ne nude slične povoljnosti. Ovde se nameće pitanje - Zašto da koristimo VISA ili MasterCard u onlajn kazinima? U ovom tekstu ćemo pokušati da odgovorimo na njega. 

VISA i MasterCard


Za VISA platnu karticu su svi čuli. Na tržištu je od 1958. i danas je to jedan od samo nekoliko brendova koji su uspeli da opstanu toliko dugo. VISA ima zanimljivu istoriju. Osmislila ju je Bank of America, u želji da automatizuje proces plaćanja uz pomoć kompjuterskog sistema. Projekt je odmah doživeo uspeh i za vrlo kratko vreme stekao kapacitet da izađe sa prvim programom za kreditnu karticu u istoriji! Tako je, VISA je zaslužna što danas imamo automatizovani kartični platni sistem. 

Ovaj brend se već uveliko udomaćio širom sveta. Danas je to najkorišćenija platna opcija i svoju upotrebu je pronašla u svim vrstama plaćanja koje možete zamisliti. VISA karticu možete koristiti za prodaju i kupovinu, naravno, to se odnosi i na onlajn i oflajn robu i usluge. Ono što ovu platnu metodu čini tako moćnom je njena rasprostranjena mreža. Najveća je na tržištu platnih usluga i sarađuje sa svima, od svetskih vlada, do velikih finansijskih institucija

Mnoštvo je razloga zbog kojih je VISA tako pogodna za ljubitelje onlajn kockanja, ali glavni su bezbednost, pouzdanost i dostupnost. Igrači su bezbedni na platformama za klađenje, jer ova usluga primenjuje dvofaktorsku autentifikaciju. Naravno, govorimo o iskoraku u odnosu na ono što nude ostale platne opcije. Pristupačnost ove usluge je njena dodatna prednost. Veliki broj ljudi već uveliko koristi VISA karticu u onlajn kazinima. Potrebno je samo da unesu bankovne podatke u kazino po izboru, i to bi bilo to! Ako je kojim slučejm nemate, veoma lako možete doći do nje. Potražite najbližu banku i podnesite zahtev. Velika je mogućnost da upravo vaša banka izdaje VISA karticu.

MasterCard je još jedna kartična bankarska usluga sa dugom istorijom. Na početku, ovaj servis je pripadao organizaciji koju je u SAD-u osnovalo nekoliko moćnih finansijskih institucija: Wells Fargo, Crocker National Bank, Bank of California i United California Bank. Za vrlo kratko vreme, organizacija se proširila, pridruživalo joj se na hiljade finasijskih institucija. MasterCard platnom sistemu, na početku poznatom kao Master Charge, nije trebalo mnogo vremena da stekne globalnu popularnost. Kada je prešao granice SAD-a, prošao je kroz proces ribrendiranja i tržištu ponudio svoje prve platne kartice.

Kao što je i slučaj sa VISA platnom metodom, moć MasterCard leži u njenom globalnom uticaju. Ova usluga je dostupna u preko 180 zemalja, stavljajući je tako odmah iza ranije pomenute kartice. Koristi se za kupovinu u supermarketima, na brojnim onlajn trgovačkim sajtovima, za plaćanje usluga i mnogo toga. Većina ljudi je čula za MasterCard brend. Može se reći da ovaj platni sistem otvara vrata mnogih onlajn platformi za klađenje, pa i ne samo njih. 

Nije teško zaključiti da VISA i MasterCard imaju mnogo toga zajedničkog. Obe platne metode su poznate po svojim karticama, pouzdane su, pristupačne, i maksimalno bezbedne. Ne iznenađuje nas činjenica da su i direktni konkurenti, a i trenutno najpoznatije platne opcije na svetu. Pored prednosti, ove dve metode dele i slične nedostatke. Doći ćemo do njih nešto malo kasnije.

Kako započeti sa korišćenjem ove dve platne metode? 

getting_started_with_the_two_methods (4)

VISA i MasterCard platne metode su dosta slične. Obe pripadaju tradicionalnim bankarskim uslugama, i potrebno je fizički otići do ekspoziture neke banke i obratiti se službeniku koji će vam pomoći da otvorite VISA/MasterCard nalog. 

Da vidimo kako funkcioniše VISA kartica! Da bi započeli proces, potrebno je da korisnik ode do VISA partner banke ili finansijske institucije i da podnese zahtev za karticu. Naravno, ovo je najjednostavniji deo. Zahvaljujući rasprostranjenoj VISA mreži, partnerske institucije ćete vrlo lako pronaći, gotovo na svakom uglu. Moraćete da odlučite da li želite VISA debitnu ili kreditnu karticu. Prethodno se dobro raspitajte i potom odaberite onu opciju koja vama najviše odgovara. 

Kada započnete proces, biće potrebno da pupunite par obrazaca. Ovo je verovatno najzahtevniji deo podnošenja zahteva za jednu bankarsku platnu karticu. U te obrazce je potrebno uneti podatke kao što su adresa, broj telefona, ime i prezime, ali i odgovoriti na par ličnih pitanja, između ostalih i o finansijskom stanju. Ta pitanja mogu biti pomalo i neprijatna, ali obično im samo banka ima pristup. Kada to obavite, predajte te obrasce službeniku u banci, zajedno sa važećom ličnom kartom, da bi mogli da verifikuju vaš identitet. Vozačka dozvola ili pasoš bi mogli da posluže u tu svrhu. 

Podnošenje zahteva za MasterCard je praktično isto. Izdavanje bankarske kartice je već standardizovan proces. Tako da i nije važno koju karticu potražujete, koliko su važni oni sitni detalji propisani od strane banke. S obzirom na činjenicu da je MasterCard priznat brend u svetu finansija, pronalazak partnerskih institucija nije nikakav problem. Čak, korisnici mogu da posete MasterCard zvanični veb-sajt i tamo pomoću alata za lociranje pronađu listu partnerskih banaka u blizini. 

Nešto što bi igrači trebalo da imaju na umu, pre nego što započnu koriščenje bilo koje od ovih platnih metoda je zabrana upotrebe kreditnih kartica na sjatovima za kockanje, koja je trenutno na snazi u nekoliko zemalja. Ovaj zakon je na snazi u UK i Nemačkoj, ali nikada se ne zna kada će se neka zemlja pridružiti ovom trendu. Iako to i nije mnogo verovatno, sad za sad, tu činjenicu treba imati na umu kada razmatrate da li da uzmete kreditnu ili debitnu karticu. 

Korišćenje VISA i MasterCard u onlajn kazinima 

Kako što je već pomenuto jednom ili dvaput, najveća prednost ovih platnih metoda je pristupačnost koju dobijate u onlajn kocarskom prostoru. VISA i MasterCard su pokretački motori u ovom polju. Radi se o najprepoznatljivijim i najkorišćenijim metodama, koje su dostupne na većini kockarskih sajtova, tako da njihovi korisnici često imaju „kraljevski tretman”. Pored toga što omogućavaju pristup bilo kojoj kockarskoj platformi koju možete zamisliti, korišćenje ovih kartica često ide uz specijane pogodnosti, kao što su bonusi kazina. Oni obično nisu dostupni za ostale platne metode, ali sa bankarskim karticam stvari drugačije stoje. 

Ukoliko odlučite da koristite VISA, kao svoju primarnu platnu metodu za depozitovanje u onlajn kazinu, ovo su koraci koje morate pratiti: 

  1. Posetite stranicu sa blagajnom kazina (Payments/Banking/Cashier)
  2. Potražite VISA logo na listi platnih metoda i kliknite na njega
  3. U novi prozor unesite broj kartice, datum isteka i CCV2 broj, ukoliko je potrebno, i naznačite da ste vi vlasnik kartice
  4. Odredite iznos koji biste želeli da depozitujete
  5. Prihvatite transakciju, i novac će odmah stići na vaš nalog 

Igrači ne bi trebalo da nailaze na bilo kakve probleme prilikom korišćanjea VISA kartice za isplate. U suštini, depozitovanja i isplate putem ove platene metode podrazumevaju iste korake. Jedina razlika koju će igrači primetiti je neznatna promena u drugom koraku. Umesto da potražujete logo u tabu za depozitovanje, potražite ga u sekciji za isplate i kliknite na njega. Pratite ostale uobičajene korake sa liste iznad, i sve ćete obaviti za minut ili dva. 

Na žalost, jedna od najvećih nedostataka VISA platne opcije se pojavljuje prilikom isplata. Dok su opcije kao što su e-novčanici, kriptovalute i ostale moderne metode poznate po brzim isplatama, ova bankarska kartica pada na testu brzine. Isplate putem ove platne metode mogu potrajate 3-5 dana, što nije tako idealna situacija ukoliko želite da brzo unovčite svoj dobitak. Što je još i gore, vreme potrebno za obradu ovakvog zahteva za isplatu je duže od standardnog vremena čekanja, koje inače nameće kazino. Velika je verovatnoća da ćete čekati 5-7 dana da novac stigne na vaš nalog. 

Ukoliko odlučite da koristite MasterCard da depozitujete u onlajn kazinu po vašem izboru, shvatićete da je taj proces brz i da se može obaviti bez poteškoća. Za nju važe gotovo isti koraci kao i za prethodnu metodu, tako da bi trebalo da ste već upoznati sa njom. Evo kako sve to funkcioniše: 

  1. Odaberite opciju „depozitovanje sa kreditnom/debtinom karticom” (Deposit with Credit/Debit Card)
  2.  Na listi ponuđenih kreditnih/debitnih kartica odaberite MasterCard kao svoju opciju za depozitovanje
  3. Unesite broj kartice, datum isteka, vaše ime kao vlasnika kartice i CCV2 kod sa zadnje strane kartice
  4. Odredite koliki iznos želite da depozitujete i potvrdite transakciju 
  5. Sredstva će odmah stići na vaš nalog

Na žalost, MasterCard „boluje od istih bolesti” kao i VISA kada su isplate u pitanju. Prvo, MasterCard katkad nije među ponuđenim opcijama za isplatu. Igračima se nameće dodatna obaveza, jer moraju da odaberu neku alternativnu opciju da bi premostili ovu prazninu. Još jedan veliki nedostatak je vreme potrebno za isplatu. Isplate putem ove platne metode traju negde između 5 do 7 dana. Ukoliko strpljenje nije jedna od vaših vrlina, predlažemo vam da istražite i potražite neke druge opcije. 

Prednosti i nedostaci

Posle čitanja ovog teksta, velike su šanse da ste stekli neko mišljenje o ovim metodama. Obično je ono pozitivno! Obe ove usluge, kao najrasprostranjenije platne metode trenutno na tržištu, imaju mnogo toga da ponude. Radi se o opcijama koje ne bi trebalo olako shvatiti ni pod kakvim uslovima. Naravno, to ne znači da su VISA i MasterCard bez nedostataka. Ukratko ćemo proći kroz prednosti i nedostatke oba ova sistema, sa željom da vam pomognemo da odlučite koja je najpogodnija za vas. 

Odabrati između VISA i MasterCard je poprilično teško. Obe usluge nude neverovatno slične uslove, te korisnicima uopšte nije lako da se odluče za jednu. Prednosti obe opcije leže u njihovim istorijama. Obe su dobro pozicionirane kao globalni brendovi, koji su mnogo puta do sada dokazali da im se može verovati. Dodajmo tome i njihovu široko rasprostranjenu mrežu u celom svetu i praktično neometan pristup gotovo svakom onlajn i oflajn kockarskom prostoru. 

Sigurnost ovih usluga je besprekorna! Dobro je poznato da banke primenjuju najviši mogući nivo sigurnosti. S obzirom na činjenicu da su partnerstva sa ovim finansijskim institucijama u samoj srži ovih platnih usluga, igrači mogu biti sigurni da se njihovi računi i lični podaci čuvaju „pod ključem i katancem”.

Ni nedostatke ovih usluga ne bi trebalo ignorisati, jer one često prevagnu i korisnik se ne odluči za njih. Uglavnom, govorimo o dugom čekanju na isplatu. Nekim ljudima to i ne predstavlja veliki problem, ali dugo čekanje vrlo lako može pokvariti onlajn kockarsko iskustvo. Isplata dobitaka je pola uzbuđenja, ali ako nemate opciju da ona bude brza, to može zaseniti pobedničku euforiju. 

Zabrana kreditnih kartica u onlajn kockanju je takođe još jedan nedostatak na koji treba obratiti pažnju. Ovo se sad za sad odnosi samo na Britaniju i Nemačku, ali nikad se ne zna kada će neka zemlja početi sa razmatranjem ovakve zabrane. Ukoliko vam odgovaraju pogodnosti koje pružaju kreditne kartice, možda ćete se razočarati kada shvatite da su one nedostupne u pojedinim regionima i kockarnicama. 

Gotovo je nemoguće pronaći razlike između ovih sistema, dok ne obratite pažnju na detalje. Kada budete u situaciji da odlučujete koju da odaberete, sve će se na kraju svesti na lične afinitete. Obe opcije pružaju slične ponude, tako da odabir one prave možda više ima veze sa samim brendom, nego sa onlajn kockarskim privilegijama.


Uporedite platne metode
Platne metode Visa Credit MasterCard Credit
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This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Allowed players: USA and CANADIAN players ONLY! How do players claim the bonus:Clear PCs cache and cookies. Players need to register from our LINK; go to redeem coupon and cancel the existing coupon; enter the no deposit coupon code LCB20. PLEASE NOTE: Players need to register credit card to claim no deposit. Max cashout: $120. Slots, Keno and Scratch Tickets only. Valid until: 31st Dec 2022. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: NO. You can claim the no deposit bonus at ALL sister casinos (Slots Plus, Las Vegas USA, Vegas Casino Online).

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New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US & CA ! Amount= $20. How do players get the bonus: Sign up from our LINK and redeem coupon code in the cashier. Max cashout = $120. Slots Keno and Scratch tickets ONLY. ALLOWED Countries: US and Canada ONLY. The bonus is non cashable and the amount of the bonus will be deducted from the withdrawal. Valid until 31st December 2023. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. 

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Kod bonusa: STA35

70xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
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New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US Ok! How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and enter the bonus code shown below during registration. The no deposit bonus will be added automatically. Max cashout: $100. Allowed games: Slots, Keno and Scratch tickets. Max bet allowed for no deposit bonuses: $20. Min deposit needed in order to cash out winnings: Yes - $50. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: Yes. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Both. Is the ND available on mobile: Yes. Promo offer valid: Until further notice. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer.

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Kod bonusa: LCB18

40xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
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New players only - US OK. The list of restricted countries for this exclusive has been updated: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Georgia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine. Max cashout = $150. ALLOWED games: Slots only (no progressives). Minimum deposit is needed in order to cash out winnings. You will also need to validate your email address, validate your email by clicking on the link in the 'Welcome eMail' you receive when you register.

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25xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. Amount: $68. Max cashout:$100. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots 100%; Video Poker 20%; Keno counts 50%; Roulette1%. Once credited when does the bonus expire: after 30 days. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Bonus expires: Until further notice. Restricted countries at the casino: Australia, Belarus, China, Czech Republic, France, India, Indonesia, Kazakstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Viet Nam. (Wagering requirements for the players from AR, AZ, BD, BR, HU, PO, RO, RU, SA, and TZ are multiplied by 5x).

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Kod bonusa: LCBMIAMI15

40xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Restricted games: Roulette, Craps or Baccarat games. Once credited when does the bonus expire: No expiry. Promo offer expires: Until further notice. Max Cash out: $150. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: $25. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: Yes. Restricted Countries from this bonus: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine.

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  • NextGen
  • Arrows Edge
  • Wager Gaming
  • Softveri
    Dragon Gaming


Kod bonusa: LCBLI18

40xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New players only - US OK. How to claim: Clear your PC's cookies and cache first and then sign up from our LINK and use the bonus code shown below to claim the no deposit. You will also need to validate your email address, validate your email by clicking on the link in the 'Welcome eMail' you receive when you register. Max cashout = $150. Minimum $25 deposit is needed in order to cash out winnings. Restricted countries:Australia, Canada, Denmark, Israel, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, India, Lebanon, Romania, Poland, Russia, Bulgaria, Sweden, Italy, Ukraine, Netherlands,Finland.

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  • Arrows Edge
  • Wager Gaming
  • Dragon Gaming


Kod bonusa: RS15

40xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Amount $15. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK and once registered go to Cashier - click on 'Instant Coupon', type in the bonus code and click Validate. Max cashout: $150. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: Yes. Restricted Countries from this bonus: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Russia and Ukraine. Restricted games: Roulette, Craps or Baccarat games.

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  • NextGen
  • Arrows Edge
  • Wager Gaming
  • Softveri
    Dragon Gaming Dragoon Soft


Kod bonusa: READY30

53xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
New customers only. T&C's apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. The wagering requirements for Free Chip are 53x, allowing to cash out $60. Applies to all games except titles by Dragon game provider, All Roulette Games, Ride'em Poker, Baccarat, Pai Gow, Craps, Caribbean Poker, Top Card Trumps (Casino War), Draw High Low, Pontoon 21, Pirate 21, Red Dog, Oasis Poker.

4.1 / 5 Ocene


Kod bonusa: LCB35

53xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, verify their account and activate the bonus code in their profile. Max cashout: $70. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots - 100%; Card Games - 15%. Max bet for the bonus: No.  Cashable bonus: Yes. Sticky Bonus: No. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Is the offer available on download &/or instant play version: Instant Play. Exclusive promo expires: 31st July 2024. Restricted countries from this bonus: Aruba, Bonaire, Saba, Spain, Statia, St Martin.

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Kod bonusa: LCBGOLD60

53xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+ US OK! 60 free spins on Egyptian Gold. How to claim the bonus: How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and enter the bonus code shown below during registration. The no deposit bonus will be added automatically.Max cashout: $100. Allowed games: Slots, Real-Series Video Slots, Keno, Bingo, Board games. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: Yes. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Promo offer expires: 31st July 2024.

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Kod bonusa: LCB44

40xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. How to claim bonus: Players need to sign up from our LINK, open the Cashier and go to Coupons, enter the bonus code and click Redeem. Max cashout: $200. Allowed games: Slots bonus only (No progressives). Promo offer expires: Until further notice. Once credited when does the bonus expire: No expiration. Allowed max bet per spin: $10. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. 

3.9 / 5 Ocene

Casino Max 09/07/17

335% up to $3350 + 175 Spins

Kod bonusa: LCBVIP

40x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. PLUS 175 Free Spins on Cash Bandits 3. How to claim: Players need to sign up from our LINK - make your first deposit and claim coupon code. Free spins are issued 25 per day for 7 days. Allowed games - Slots Keno and scratch cards. No max cashout! Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice. Available on mobile: Yes. Certain countries are excluded from first deposit Welcome Offer and non-deposit bonus offers: Armenia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia, Philippines, Turkey, Hungary, Latvia and Lithuania.

3.8 / 5 Ocene

200% up to €/$3000

1xd - Najniži uslovni obrt
 New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. Min deposit: 25 €. Max Cashout: 10xdeposit. Only valid for Video slots and 3 Reel slots

3.7 / 5 Ocene

  • BetSoft
  • Genesis Gaming
  • Rival
  • Softveri
    saucify Vivo Gaming Genii Arrows Edge Radi8 Games Fresh Deck Studios Woohoo Games Dragon Gaming Qora Games

275% up to $2000

Kod bonusa: LCBLIVE275

50x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. 275% up to $2000. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, make a minimum deposit and redeem the bonus code. Minimum deposit: $25. No max cashout. Restricted games: Baccarat, Craps, European Roulette, and the following slots: Chilli Pop, The Golden Owl of Athena, Legend of the Nile, Ogre Empire, Reels of Wealth, Sin City Nights, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Max allowed bet: $10. Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice. Restricted countries from the bonus: Armenia, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Nigeria, Lebanon, Lithuania, Pakistan, Poland, Sweden, Romania, Ukraine and Russian Federation.


3.7 / 5 Ocene

  • BetSoft
  • Rival
  • saucify
  • Softveri
    Genii Arrows Edge Proprietary Nucleus Gaming Fresh Deck Studios FlipLuck

210% up to $2100 + 200 Spins

Kod bonusa: LCB210

40x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+ US OK! 210% up to $2,100 + 200 free spins on Diamond Fiesta. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK and redeem the code in the cashier before making a deposit. ( You'll receive 20 free spins for 10 days). Minimum deposit: $35 ($10 crypto). No max cashout. Allowed games: Slots, keno and scratch cards only. Cashable bonus: No. Available on mobile: Yes. Restricted countries for the bonus: Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan , Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Estonia, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia , Lithuania, Mauritius, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabia Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Venezuela. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice.

3.7 / 5 Ocene

300% up to €/$1500

48x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. Minimum deposit: $/€25. Welcome Package Deposit Offers is subject to a wagering requirement of x40.

3.6 / 5 Ocene

  • Mobilots
  • Mancala Gaming
  • Softveri
    KA Gaming Eurasian Gaming
iNetBet 09/08/16


Kod bonusa: LCB15

20xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US OK! How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up from our LINK - Simply redeem the coupon code provided in the cashier section.Max cashout: $100. Bonus expires: Until further notice. Need to register credit card to claim no deposit?: NO. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings?: Verification deposit may be required on withdrawal. Players from the following countries are not permitted to redeem any non deposit bonuses prior to making their first purchase: Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Indonesia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine.

3.5 / 5 Ocene

100 Spins

Kod bonusa: LCBWELCOME

60xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US Ok! 100 Free Spins on "Miami Jackpots". How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and redeem coupon via the Cashier, then navigate to the game and the free spins will begin automatically. Max cashout: $180. Once credited when does the bonus expire: No expiry. Allowed max bet per spin: €5. Minimum deposit needed in order to cash out winnings: No. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Is No deposit available on download & instant play version: Yes. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Promo offer valid: Until further notice. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. 

3.5 / 5 Ocene

Slotastic 03/02/16


Kod bonusa: LCB30FREE

60xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US OK. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and use the bonus code shown below. The bonus will be added automatically. Allowed games: Slots, Scratch Cards, Keno. Promo offer expires: until further notice. Maximum cashout = $180. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Restricted countries from this bonus: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Ontario.

3.5 / 5 Ocene

EmuCasino 08/11/12

12 Spins

30xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
 New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. 12 Free Spins on Eddy Dundee slot. Go to your account settings and click on ‘Bonuses’. Under ‘Claimable Bonuses’, click on ‘Registration Free Spins’ and then ‘Claim Bonus. ’Load the game Eddy Dundee. Players must be Mobile Verified. Maximum bet size: $0.25. Maximum cash out: $15. 

3.5 / 5 Ocene

360% up to $3600 + 30 Spins

Kod bonusa: VIPBONUS

40x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+ US OK! 360% up to $3,600 + 30 Spins on Zhanshi. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, and enter the bonus code in the coupon section. Minimum deposit: $35. No Max Cashout. Allowed games: Slots, Keno and Scratch Cards. Cashable bonus: No. Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice.

3.5 / 5 Ocene

350% up to $500 + 50 Spins

Kod bonusa: LCB-INFINITY

35x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. US OK! Amount:  350% up to $500  + 50 FS on Great Golden Lion . How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, redeem the code from the cashier under the "coupons" tab. Alternatively, mobile users will see a tab labeled "coupons" on the bottom of their device, simply click on it and enter the coupon code. Minimum deposit: $25. Max cashout: 10 x the bonus value. Non-Sticky Bonus: Yes. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots, Keno and Bingo: 100%, Board games and Scratch Cards: 25%; Restricted games: Table games. Cashable bonus: Yes. Is the offer available on download &/or instant play version: Both. Exclusive promo expires Unitl Further Notice. Restricted countries from the bonus: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia, United Kingdom.

3.5 / 5 Ocene

200% up to €/$3000

35x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
 New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. Min deposit: 25 €. Max Cashout: 10xdeposit. Only valid for Video slots and 3 Reel slots

3.5 / 5 Ocene

  • BetSoft
  • Genesis Gaming
  • Rival
  • Softveri
    saucify Genii Arrows Edge Radi8 Games Fresh Deck Studios Woohoo Games Dragon Gaming Qora Games


60xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New players only. T&Cs apply. 18+. US OK! How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, go to Cashier, and activate the bonus.  Sticky Bonus: Yes. Max cashout: 1xbonus amount. Cashable bonus: Yes. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots 100%. Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice. August 11th, 2024.  Is the offer available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: $25.

3.5 / 5 Ocene


Kod bonusa: LCB15

60xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi
New players only. T&Cs apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+.  US OK! How to claim the bonus: Players need to register through our LINK and enter the bonus code. Max cashout: $180. Cashable bonus: Yes. Allowed games:  Slots (no progressives), keno and scratch cards. Once credited when does the bonus expire: 7 days. Expiry date for exclusive bonus: Until further notice. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses? Need to register a credit card to claim no deposit: No. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: $25. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. 

3.4 / 5 Ocene

  • BetSoft
  • Genesis Gaming
  • Rival
  • Softveri
    saucify Genii Arrows Edge Wager Gaming Radi8 Games Woohoo Games Dragon Gaming Qora Games Dragoon Soft


Kod bonusa: LCB10

50xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+ US OK! Amount: $10. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK, open the email inbox to see the welcome message from LadyLuck with introductory deals, then hit Cashier on the site to verify your email address (In case you can’t find the casino’s verification email, check your spam folder and look for the sender TheOnlineCasino). Click on the link, hit Cashier again to load and open the Coupons tab to enter the bonus code shown below. Tap Redeem Coupon and pick any slot game you want to play. Allowed games: Slots only. Maximum cashout: $100 ( Please note: Once wagering is complete your playable balance will reset to $50. You can only withdraw exactly $100 from this bonus via Bitcoin. If your balance is below $100 you will have to continue playing until your balance reaches $100 or greater, if your balance exceeds $100 after wagering has been completed any funds over this amount will be removed from any subsequent cashout. Standard casino terms and conditions apply.) Once credited when does the bonus expire: In 60 days. Max allowed bet for no deposit bonuses: $5. Need to make a deposit in order to verify a payment: Yes - $20 (for ecoPayz)/ $26 (for other banking methods). Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Is No deposit available on download &/or instant play version: Both. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo valid: Until further notice.

3.4 / 5 Ocene

100 Spins

Kod bonusa: LCB100FREE

60xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New players only - US OK. Amount: 100 free spins on T-Rex II. How to claim: Players need to sign up from our LINK - Use Bonus code LCB100FREE. Max cash out: $180. Restricted Countries and US states from this bonus: New York, Kentucky, Washington State, Maryland, New Jersey, Louisiana and Missouri. Greece, Poland, Russia, Sweden, United Kingdom, Romania, Bulgaria, Mauritius and Portugal. Promo valid: Until further notice. Min deposit needed in order to cash out winnings?: YES. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version? YES. Is No deposit available on mobile? YES.

3.3 / 5 Ocene

250% up to $5500

Kod bonusa: WELCOME

35x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min Deposit: $25. On 2nd & 3rd deposit get 150% bonus. No max cashout. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for list of online slots.

3.2 / 5 Ocene


Kod bonusa: LCB-20

45xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
Ekskluzivni bonusi - Pročitajte detalje
New players only. T&Cs apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+.  US OK! Amount: $20 Free Chip. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up from our link, go to the cashier, enter the code and simply click redeem. Maximum cashout: $100. Restricted games: Baccarat, Caribbean Poker, Craps, Roulette. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots and Keno 100% and Board Games 25%. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses: $10. Once credited when does the bonus expire: 3 months. Promo offer expires:  Until further notice. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Non-sticky bonus: No. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. 

3.1 / 5 Ocene

200% up to €/$3000

35x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
 New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. Min deposit: 25 €. Max Cashout: 10xdeposit. Only valid for Video slots and 3 Reel slots

2.9 / 5 Ocene

  • BetSoft
  • Genesis Gaming
  • Rival
  • Softveri
    saucify Vivo Gaming Genii Arrows Edge Radi8 Games Fresh Deck Studios Woohoo Games Dragon Gaming Qora Games

80 Spins

Kod bonusa: CRACKLING80

45xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+.  80 Free Spins on Shelltastic Wins!. Max Cashout 100$. 

2.8 / 5 Ocene

400% up to €800

50xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New customers only. T&C apply. 19+. Min Deposit: €25. Max Cashout: 15 x Deposit. Max bet €5. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots. From day of activation bonus will be valid for 10 days. Welcome Casino Package can be used on slots and only on the following Providers: Egt, Amatic, Netent.

2.7 / 5 Ocene

400% up to $4000

Kod bonusa: WELCOME1

40x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New customers only. T&C apply. 19+. Min Deposit: $20. Max Bet: $5. Max Cashout: 10xDeposit. Cashable Bonus. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots.

2.7 / 5 Ocene

200% up to €/$500

50x(b+d) - Najniži uslovni obrt
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit is $25. When playing with a bonus, there is a maximum bet of $5 per spin/round until the wagering requirement has been met. Bonuses expire 30 days after being awarded to you. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for list of online slots.

2.5 / 5 Ocene

  • BetSoft
  • Rival
  • saucify
  • Softveri
    Genii Arrows Edge Wager Gaming Nucleus Gaming Fresh Deck Studios Dragon Gaming FlipLuck Dragoon Soft

2.3 / 5 Ocene


400% up to €/$6000

Bez uslovnih obrta!
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.  400% Bonus (in the cashier) OR 100% Cashback (Contact  Live Chat Support).  Max cashout: 10xdeposit.  For more information about wagering requirements please contact the casino's customer support.

2.1 / 5 Ocene



60xb - Najniži uslovni obrt
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. You must win at least 1 times the amount of the bonus before a withdrawal is allowed. Max cashout: $100. Playthrough may vary, please check when claiming promotion. Unless otherwise stated, 1 credit wagered in a game counts as 1 credit toward playthrough requirements. Play at the following games and any variant is not allowed and the winnings can be considered as null and void: Game Type: Baccarat, Blackjack, CaribStud, Casino Battle, Craps, DoubleUp, RedDog, Ride ’em Poker, Roulette, Sicbo, Slot Progressive, ThreeCard, Videopoker; Game Category: 3D Slots.

1.9 / 5 Ocene

CryptoReels 25/10/19

1.6 / 5 Ocene

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