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  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    KatsCasino ripped me off. I signed up for the ndb bonus And won the  play through. They requested my  KYC documents. 

      my ID is from Las Vegas and I also Live in Texas, Which is where i am now. i sent in the ID  and was able to find a Tmobile bill that was exactly ninety days old. I sent it in and told them as I sent it.That it is exactly ninety days old if you look at the date. I knew there was a chance they weren't going to see the email by the days end So I wanted them to know that I sent it in within the Is time frame requested. 

     Of course, they sent me something back saying that this was too old. They needed something more recent. So I  wrote them and said it said 90 days. It was 90 days, but I'll find something else. 

    So I called the Casino and Ask them about having 2 addresses. That my ID has  vegas but I'm in  texas now and they said thats no problem As long as the current utility bill or whatever you send.Has your name on it at the address you right now. So I got my current At&t  bill from the address i'm at here In texas And send it to them. So about four days later I get an email stating that I need Send them a ³³ bill with the address I gave them the first time. 

    Of course, I went back-and-forth with them stating that the bill I sent them.And that's what they wanted but within the time frame they requested. And I also stated that I called and spoke to their support staff And he reassured me that it doesn't matter if the address is different as long as the current address And my name is on it. Well I've yet to hear back from them Since then other than with blank emails.  When I call their support staff they seem to want to help but they say they can't look at my account because I Haven't made a deposit. 

    I'll send in some of the correspondence. 

    Well I have to get it from. My email and I don't want to have to do this all over again. I'll send them in the next post. 

    KatsCasino me je opljačkao. Prijavio sam se za ndb bonus i pobedio u igri. Tražili su moje KIC dokumente.

    moja lična karta je iz Las Vegasa i takođe živim u Teksasu, gde sam sada. poslao sam ličnu kartu i uspeo sam da pronađem Tmobile račun star tačno devedeset dana. Poslao sam i rekao im kao što sam poslao. Da je star tačno devedeset dana ako pogledate datum. Znao sam da postoji šansa da neće videti imejl do kraja dana, pa sam želeo da znaju da sam ga poslao u traženom roku.

    Naravno, poslali su mi nešto nazad govoreći da je ovo prestaro. Trebalo im je nešto novije. Pa sam im napisao i rekao da je pisalo 90 dana. Bilo je 90 dana, ali ću naći nešto drugo.

    Pa sam nazvao kazino i pitao ih da imaju 2 adrese. Da moja lična karta ima Vegas, ali sada sam u Teksasu i rekli su da to nije problem Sve dok je trenutni račun za komunalije ili šta god da pošaljete. Ima vaše ime na adresi na kojoj trenutno. Tako da sam dobio svoj trenutni At&t račun sa adrese na kojoj sam ovde u Teksasu i poslao sam im ga. Otprilike četiri dana kasnije dobijam e-poštu u kojoj se navodi da treba da im pošaljem ³³ račun sa adresom koju sam im dao prvi put.

    Naravno, išao sam napred-nazad sa njima navodeći da sam im poslao račun. I to je ono što su oni želeli, ali u roku koji su tražili. Takođe sam rekao da sam zvao i razgovarao sa njihovim osobljem za podršku i on me je uverio da nije važno da li je adresa drugačija sve dok je trenutna adresa i moje ime je na njoj. Pa, od tada se još nisam javio, osim sa praznim imejlovima. Kada pozovem njihovo osoblje za podršku, čini se da žele da pomognu, ali kažu da ne mogu da pogledaju moj račun jer nisam napravio depozit.

    Poslaću deo prepiske.

    Pa moram da ga uzmem. Moja e-pošta i ne želim da sve ovo ponavljam. Poslaću ih u sledećem postu.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I'm going to send a few of the emails here.  I can't really send my responses bc they have all my info on them. But I sent the documents requested. And within the time frame. The Tmonile bill was Jan 10th I sent it in on April 9th they said it was too old. So I sent my Att...phone bill they said it was a forgery I guess.

    Ovde ću poslati nekoliko mejlova. Ne mogu zaista da pošaljem svoje odgovore jer imaju sve moje informacije o njima. Ali poslao sam tražena dokumenta. I to u vremenskom okviru. Tmonile račun je bio 10. januara, poslao sam ga 9. aprila, rekli su da je prestar. Pa sam poslao svoj Att...telefonski račun, rekli su da je to falsifikat, pretpostavljam.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I also sent my at&t bill the last thing I sent. From last month. The month of these emails and the respo ded with send something with your real address. That's the only response I've gotten in weeks except for the dozen or so blank emails. 

    Takođe sam poslao svoj at&t račun poslednju stvar koju sam poslao. Od prošlog meseca. Mesec ovih mejlova i odgovora sa pošaljite nešto sa vašom pravom adresom. To je jedini odgovor koji sam dobio nedeljama osim desetak praznih mejlova.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello Crazyej,

    Please provide us with your casino username/ID via private message and we'll contact the casino rep to check your account and provide us with additional information.

    Zdravo Craziej ,

    Molimo vas da nam pošaljete svoje korisničko ime/ID kazina putem privatne poruke i mi ćemo kontaktirati predstavnika kazina da proverimo vaš nalog i pružimo nam dodatne informacije.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello Crazyej,

    Thank you for providing us with your username, we're going to get in touch with the casino rep and ask for an update on your case. 

    Zdravo Craziej ,

    Hvala vam što ste nam dali svoje korisničko ime, mi ćemo stupiti u kontakt sa predstavnikom kazina i zatražiti ažuriranje o vašem slučaju.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Thank you. Good luck. They are just going to ignore you I'm sure. 

    Hvala vam. Srećno. Siguran sam da će te samo ignorisati.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello Crazyej,

    We want to let you know that we haven't heard back from the Kats casino rep thus far, we'll send a reminder in hopes that they'll get back to us. Keep you updated on this thread.

    Zdravo Craziej ,

    Želimo da vas obavestimo da do sada nismo dobili odgovor od predstavnika kazina Kats, poslaćemo podsetnik u nadi da će nam se javiti. Obaveštavajte vas o ovoj temi.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Thank You again seriously. I appreciate what you are doing for me. I don't see how anyone would run their bonuses. 

    Hvala Vam još jednom ozbiljno. Cenim to što radite za mene. Ne vidim kako bi neko koristio svoje bonuse.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello Crazyej,

    We sent another reminder to the casino representative now. Keep you updated on this thread. 

    Zdravo Craziej ,

    Sada smo poslali još jedan podsetnik predstavniku kazina. Obaveštavajte vas o ovoj temi.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski


    As I checked the withdrawal requested by player was cancelled as the verification process could not complete. Player did not share the complete documents.


    Dok sam proverio, povlačenje koje je tražio igrač je otkazano jer proces verifikacije nije mogao da se završi. Igrač nije podelio kompletne dokumente.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello Crazyej,

    Can you confirm this please? 

    Zdravo Craziej ,

    Možete li to potvrditi?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello Crazyej,

    Since we received no response from your side, we would need to close this complaint due to the submitter's inactivity.

    Zdravo Craziej ,

    Pošto nismo dobili odgovor sa vaše strane, morali bismo da zatvorimo ovu žalbu zbog neaktivnosti podnosioca.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    The casino rep reached out to me and asked me to send my proof of address again. I did and the response so far was another blank email. Hopefully he can fix this issue. I told them from the beginning I had 2 addresses and they said it was ok. As long as the proof is current and has my name on it.   

    Predstavnik kazina me je kontaktirao i zamolio me da ponovo pošaljem dokaz o adresi. Jesam i odgovor je do sada bio još jedan prazan email. Nadam se da može da reši ovaj problem. Rekao sam im od početka da imam 2 adrese i rekli su da je u redu. Sve dok je dokaz aktuelan i da ima moje ime na njemu.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Kats casino is a total ripoff. I do not expect to receive my money either. It has been since may 21st.

    Kats kazino je potpuna prevara. Ne očekujem ni da dobijem svoj novac. Od 21. maja.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello Crazyej,

    We're going to get in touch with the casino representative and check the status of your verification. Keep you updated on this thread. 

    Zdravo Craziej ,

    Mi ćemo stupiti u kontakt sa predstavnikom kazina i proveriti status vaše verifikacije. Obaveštavajte vas o ovoj temi.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello Angel USA,

    If you would like us to contact the casino representative on your behalf and inquire about the delay of your withdrawal please send us your casino username/ID via private message.

    Zdravo anđele SAD ,

    Ako želite da kontaktiramo predstavnika kazina u vaše ime i da se raspitamo o kašnjenju vašeg povlačenja, pošaljite nam vaše korisničko ime/ID kazina putem privatne poruke .

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Thank you. I really appreciate your help. 

    Hvala vam. Zaista cenim tvoju pomoć.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I have yet to.get a response from.them as I didn't expect one. What can they say. I've done exactly as they have requested. My documents are irrefutable. Only thing they can do is either pay me or lie or ignore their own policies. I'm including my At&t home internet bill in this post so you all can see how they lie. They require 2 things Proof of who you are I. D. Which they accepted already and proof of address which is one of the following. Utility bill, home internet bill, or something from the government. That's it. Those 2 things are all that's required and I have sent both. Why are they not accepting the At&t bill when it is on their list?  

    Još nisam dobio odgovor od njih jer ga nisam očekivao. Šta da kažu. Uradio sam tačno kako su tražili. Moji dokumenti su nepobitni. Jedino što mogu da urade je ili da mi plate ili da lažu ili ignorišu sopstvenu politiku. Uključujem svoj račun za kućni internet At&t u ovaj post tako da svi možete da vidite kako lažu. Zahtevaju 2 stvari Dokaz o tome ko ste lična karta koju su već prihvatili i dokaz adrese koja je jedna od sledećih. Račun za komunalije, račun za kućni internet ili nešto od vlade. To je to. Te 2 stvari su sve što je potrebno i poslao sam obe. Zašto ne prihvataju At&t račun kada je na njihovoj listi?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello Crazyej,

    We removed the attachment you had due to privacy reasons. We will contact the casino representative again, refer to your latest post, and forward the attached document. Hopefully, we'll hear back from them soon.

    Zdravo Craziej ,

    Uklonili smo prilog koji ste imali iz razloga privatnosti. Ponovo ćemo kontaktirati predstavnika kazina, pogledati vaš najnoviji post i proslediti priloženi dokument. Nadamo se da ćemo se uskoro čuti od njih.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski


    As I checked, player's withdrawal was rejected as the documents were not sent by him. Player has requested the withdrawal again on 13/june/24. The banking team will write an email to the player asking for documents for withdrawal, please ask player to reply to the email.


    Kako sam proverio, igračevo povlačenje je odbijeno jer dokumente nije poslao on. Igrač je ponovo zatražio povlačenje 13. juna 24. Bankarski tim će napisati e-poruku igraču tražeći dokumente za povlačenje, molimo zamolite igrača da odgovori na e-poštu.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello Crazyej,

    Please provide us with the latest updates. Have you sent your documents for withdrawal? 


    Zdravo Craziej ,

    Dostavite nam najnovija ažuriranja. Da li ste poslali svoja dokumenta na povlačenje?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    They haven't sent me the request for it yet. According to the affiliate I have to wait and respond to that email directly.

    Još mi nisu poslali zahtev za to. Prema podružnici, moram da sačekam i direktno odgovorim na tu e-poštu.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I'm waiting on that email still.

    Još uvek čekam taj mejl.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I just went to look at the status of the withdrawal request and this was there in red. Don't know what it means but whatever it is it's incorrect. I had to have 100 to use btc bc they take 30.

    Samo sam otišao da pogledam status zahteva za povlačenje i ovo je bilo crveno. Ne znam šta to znači, ali šta god da je, netačno je. Morao sam da imam 100 da bih koristio btc bc oni uzimaju 30.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I sent it a couple days ago. I received a blank email in response. I forwarded it to u.


    Poslao sam ga pre par dana. Dobio sam prazan e-mail kao odgovor. Prosledio sam vam ga.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello Crazyej,

    We will contact the casino rep again and refer to your posts here, hopefully, we'll get an update soon. Keep you updated on this thread. 

    Zdravo Craziej ,

    Ponovo ćemo kontaktirati predstavnika kazina i pogledati vaše postove ovde, nadamo se da ćemo uskoro dobiti ažuriranje. Obaveštavajte vas o ovoj temi.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hi, As the player's verification process could not be completed, the withdrawal was denied. Please ask the player to request the withdrawal once again and then submit the documents at banking@katsassist.com and please mention support@katsassist.com in cc.

    Zdravo, Pošto proces verifikacije igrača nije mogao da se završi, povlačenje je odbijeno. Zamolite igrača da još jednom zatraži povlačenje, a zatim podnese dokumente na banking@katsassist.com i navede support@katsassist.com u cc.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    How many times do I have to do that? 

    Koliko puta to moram da uradim?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I just did that when u asked Me to last week. What is wrong with your system that you guys can't figure this out. I even emailed you personally the way u asked Mr to every step of the way. Ok. I'm going to do this again. 

    Upravo sam to uradio kada si me zamolio prošle nedelje. Šta nije u redu sa vašim sistemom da vi ovo ne možete da shvatite. Čak sam vam lično poslao e-poštu na način na koji ste tražili od gospodina na svakom koraku. Ok. Uradiću ovo ponovo.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello kats_nfcaffiliates,

    The player already sent documents to the mentioned emails, why were they rejected?

    If something is wrong with the provided documents please inform the player. 

    Zdravo kats_nfcaffiliates ,

    Igrač je već poslao dokumente na pomenute mejlove, zašto su odbijeni?

    Ako nešto nije u redu sa dostavljenim dokumentima, obavestite igrača.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    So when I request this I'm supposed to wait for an email from banking asking for my kyc correct? Or just send it after I put in the request? Bc u have said both things in the past. And BTW if I waited the last time for that email I would still be waiting bc it still hasn't come. 

    Dakle, kada ovo zatražim, trebalo bi da sačekam e-poštu iz banke u kojoj se traži da je moj kic tačan? Ili ga samo pošaljite nakon što unesem zahtev? Bc ste rekli obe stvari u prošlosti. I BTV da sam poslednji put čekao taj mejl, i dalje bih čekao jer još uvek nije stigao.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Request filled out. I'm posting it here. There's nothing private on here I'm worried about. And can someone plz clarify when I'm supposed to send the kyc. Now or after they ask for it? And what of they don't ask for it? How long do I wait? 

    Zahtev popunjen. Objavljujem ga ovde. Ovde nema ničeg privatnog zbog čega bih se brinuo. I može li neko da razjasni kada treba da pošaljem kic. Sada ili nakon što to zatraže? A šta od toga da to ne traže? Koliko dugo da čekam?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski


    As I checked, player's withdrawal was rejected as the verification process wasn't completed. Player is requested to create another withdrawal request and then submit the documents required for withdrawal.


    Kako sam proverio, povlačenje igrača je odbijeno jer proces verifikacije nije završen. Od igrača se traži da kreira još jedan zahtev za povlačenje i zatim podnese dokumente potrebne za povlačenje.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    You are kidding right Mr Casino Affiliate? The post that is directly above yours. Could you plz read it and respond plz Sir. 

    Šalite se zar ne Mr Casino Affiliate? Post koji je direktno iznad vašeg. Možete li molim vas da ga pročitate i odgovorite molim vas gospodine.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello Crazyej,

    As the representative stated above, please submit the documents again to banking@katsassist.com and mention support@katsassist.com in the cc.

    Notify us here once done. Thank you. 

    Zdravo Craziej ,

    Kao što je predstavnik gore naveo, molimo vas da ponovo dostavite dokumente na banking@katsassist.com i navedite support@katsassist.com u cc.

    Obavestite nas ovde kada završite. Hvala vam.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    When do I submit the Kyc? Now? You're online I need to know this answer bc it appears as tho it's cause to deny the process if I don't wait and attach it to the kyc request email from banking. 

    Kada da predam Kic? Sada? Vi ste na mreži. Moram da znam ovaj odgovor jer se čini da je to razlog da odbijem proces ako ne sačekam i ne priložim ga e-poruci kic zahteva od banke.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Ok ty  I apologize but if you look at his past emails he has said to wait but I'll go ahead. 

    Ok, izvinjavam se, ali ako pogledate njegove prošle mejlove, rekao je da sačeka, ali ja ću nastaviti.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Unbelievable. Kats sent me an email that is just dumbfounding in it's absolute disregarding of the truth. WIDELY DOCUMENTED TRUTH. I'm going to post the emails and the screen shots of all the emails I have sent them since April 9th.  With exactly what they say wasn't sent to them. The first one is of the most resent denial. The second one is my email last month submitting again what he says I didn't submitnon time. 3rd one is the first denial saying I didn't respond with my lys document.the fourth one is me sending it in April a month b4 this email. And I have no less thaxn 10 or 15 different times that I sent it in and their response was always a blank email. A blank one.  I kid u not. The response was a blank email every time. Like 15 of them saying absolutely nothing. I'm going to add one more email so I  an add two more images.  

    Neverovatno. Kats mi je poslala e-poštu koja je zaprepašćujuća jer apsolutno ne poštuje istinu. ŠIROKO DOKUMENTOVANA ISTINA. Postaviću mejlove i snimke ekrana svih mejlova koje sam im poslao od 9. aprila. Sa tačno onim što kažu da im nije poslato. Prvi je od najneverovatnijeg poricanja. Drugi je moj imejl prošlog meseca koji ponovo šalje ono što kaže da nisam podneo u vreme. Treći je prvi demanti koji kaže da nisam odgovorio sa svojim lis dokumentom. Četvrti je da ga šaljem u aprilu meseca b4 ovog mejla. I ja imam ništa manje od 10 ili 15 različitih puta kada sam ga slao i njihov odgovor je uvek bio prazan e-mail. Prazan. Ne šalim te. Odgovor je svaki put bio prazan email. Kao da njih 15 ne govore apsolutno ništa. Dodaću još jednu e-poštu pa ću dodati još dve slike.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello Crazyej,

    We understand your frustration with this situation. We contacted the rep again to check your case and we'll update you as soon as we hear back. 

    Zdravo Craziej ,

    Razumemo vašu frustraciju ovom situacijom. Ponovo smo kontaktirali predstavnika da proverimo vaš slučaj i obavestićemo vas čim dobijemo odgovor.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski


    As discussed over 1 to 1 messages on LCB. Since your withdrawal request was rejected, please request it once again and then submit the documents. I'd also request you to please connect with us over  live chat or call so that we can add a $100 freechip to your account for the inconvenience caused.


    Kao što je diskutovano u 1 do 1 porukama na LCB-u. Pošto je vaš zahtev za povlačenje odbijen, zatražite ga još jednom, a zatim dostavite dokumente. Takođe bih vas zamolio da se povežete sa nama putem ćaskanja uživo ili poziva kako bismo mogli da dodamo besplatni čip od 100 USD na vaš nalog za nastale neprijatnosti.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    You have to be kidding right? Do u ever read the responses of the complaints or just the responses by LCB staff? Bc if u did u would see the copies of the emails u keep telling me to send. I have sent those documents. I have sent them TWICE at least directly as a result of your posts here telling me to and forwarded them to tough_nut who has acknowledged that fact and you want to offer me a $100 chip? U wouldn't pay if I won with it! Are you so out of touch with the reality of this situation that you would slap me in the face with this ridiculous offer? Do u not realize that it's not about the money owed to me but about the false business practices perpetrated by Kats Casino and their banking staff? The lies and the total lack of concern for clients like myself and what we bring to the table? Noone who reads this feed will ever trust you guys or anyone affiliated with you. I guarantee it. I have done everything asked of me by all of u. EVERYTIME YOU HAVE ASKED. I am in compliance with YOUR KYC demands yet you fail to do the right thing over and over. I don't want your worthless chip at this point. What I want is for you to do your job and verify my document. 

    Mora da se šališ, zar ne? Da li ste ikada pročitali odgovore na žalbe ili samo odgovore osoblja LCB-a? Bc da jeste, videli biste kopije e-poruka koje mi stalno govorite da pošaljem. Poslao sam te dokumente. Poslao sam ih DVA PUTA barem direktno kao rezultat vaših objava ovde koje ste mi rekli i prosledio ih tough_nut-u koji je priznao tu činjenicu i želite da mi ponudite čip od 100 dolara? Ne biste platili da sam pobedio sa njim! Da li ste toliko van dodira sa realnošću ove situacije da biste me ošamarili ovom smešnom ponudom? Zar ne shvatate da se ne radi o novcu koji mi duguje, već o lažnoj poslovnoj praksi koju vrše Kats Casino i njihovo bankarsko osoblje? Laži i potpuni nedostatak brige za klijente poput mene i šta donosimo na sto? Niko ko čita ovaj feed nikada neće verovati vama ili bilo kome ko je povezan sa vama. Garantujem. Uradio sam sve što ste svi od mene tražili. SVAKI KAD STE PITALI. Ja sam u skladu sa VAŠIM KIC zahtevima, ali vi ne uspevate da uradite pravu stvar iznova i iznova. Ne želim tvoj bezvredni čip u ovom trenutku. Ono što želim je da uradite svoj posao i potvrdite moj dokument.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    This is to the LCB Staff. From the end of May til now he has been saying the same thing and I have posted the withdrawal request here  the emails sent with the documents here  and the lack of communication on the part of Kats Casino here. Three of these posts in this thread are showing me submitting my AT&t bill and every time Kats Casino ignoring it until eventually they say I never submitted it therefore my withdrawal request is denied. I even forwarded those emails to LCB ALONG with Mr.Casino affiliate. So why are you guys allowing him to go unchallenged on this? 

    Ovo je za LCB osoblje. Od kraja maja do sada on govori istu stvar i ovde sam postavio zahtev za povlačenje, mejlove poslate sa dokumentima ovde i nedostatak komunikacije od strane Kats kazina ovde. Tri od ovih postova u ovoj temi pokazuju da podnosim svoj AT&t račun i svaki put kada ga Kats Casino ignoriše dok na kraju ne kažu da ga nikada nisam poslao, stoga je moj zahtev za povlačenje odbijen. Čak sam prosledio te mejlove LCB-u ZAJEDNO sa Mr.Casino podružnicom. Pa zašto mu vi dozvoljavate da se ne ospori u ovome?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello Crazyej,

    We contacted the representative again and requested that someone from their team contact you directly to resolve this issue. We understand your frustration, and we have notified the representative that we received the empty emails you forwarded. We hope they will sort this out soon. 

    Zdravo Craziej ,

    Ponovo smo kontaktirali predstavnika i zatražili da vas neko iz njihovog tima direktno kontaktira kako bismo rešili ovaj problem. Razumemo vašu frustraciju i obavestili smo predstavnika da smo primili prazne e-poruke koje ste prosledili. Nadamo se da će to uskoro rešiti.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski


    Player has used a non deposit sign up bonus. To protect ourselves and the players, any individual that uses a free non deposit bonus must pass stricter KYC measures for the payout. These measures are in place to curb fraud. Thanks for understanding.

    As per the update from the banking team, we have received the documents from the player. The banking team has sent an email asking for player's preferred payout mode details. Please reply to that email with the same.
    I have also informed the same to the player in 1 to 1 messages.



    Igrač je koristio bonus za registraciju bez depozita. Da bismo zaštitili sebe i igrače, svaki pojedinac koji koristi besplatan bonus bez depozita mora proći strože KIC mere za isplatu. Ove mere su na snazi za suzbijanje prevara. Hvala na razumevanju.

    Prema ažuriranju bankarskog tima, dobili smo dokumente od igrača. Bankarski tim je poslao e-poštu tražeći detalje o željenom načinu isplate za igrača. Odgovorite na taj imejl istim.
    Isto sam obavestio i igrača u 1 prema 1 porukama.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    @kats_nfcaffiliates Thank you for the update.

    Crazyej Please let us know once your withdrawal has been completed.

    @ kats_nfcaffiliates Hvala vam na ažuriranju.

    @ Craziej Obavestite nas kada završite sa povlačenjem.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Worthless chips and really bad casino app.  I'm staying away.

    Bezvredni žetoni i zaista loša kazino aplikacija. Držim se podalje.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    Crazyej wrote:

    You have to be kidding right? Do u ever read the responses of the complaints or just the responses by LCB staff? Bc if u did u would see the copies of the emails u keep telling me to send. I have sent those documents. I have sent them TWICE at least directly as a result of your posts here telling me to and forwarded them to tough_nut who has acknowledged that fact and you want to offer me a $100 chip? U wouldn't pay if I won with it! Are you so out of touch with the reality of this situation that you would slap me in the face with this ridiculous offer? Do u not realize that it's not about the money owed to me but about the false business practices perpetrated by Kats Casino and their banking staff? The lies and the total lack of concern for clients like myself and what we bring to the table? Noone who reads this feed will ever trust you guys or anyone affiliated with you. I guarantee it. I have done everything asked of me by all of u. EVERYTIME YOU HAVE ASKED. I am in compliance with YOUR KYC demands yet you fail to do the right thing over and over. I don't want your worthless chip at this point. What I want is for you to do your job and verify my document. 

    Well said, don't waste your time with these guys. I will not be playing there for another second.

    Craziej je napisao:

    Mora da se šališ zar ne? Da li ste ikada pročitali odgovore na žalbe ili samo odgovore osoblja LCB-a? Bc da jeste, videli biste kopije e-poruka koje mi stalno govorite da pošaljem. Poslao sam te dokumente. Poslao sam ih DVA PUTA barem direktno kao rezultat vaših objava ovde koje ste mi rekli i prosledio ih tough_nut-u koji je priznao tu činjenicu i želite da mi ponudite čip od 100 dolara? Ne biste platili da sam pobedio sa njim! Da li ste toliko van dodira sa realnošću ove situacije da biste mi ošamarili lice ovom smešnom ponudom? Zar ne shvatate da se ne radi o novcu koji mi duguje, već o lažnoj poslovnoj praksi koju vrše Kats Casino i njihovo bankarsko osoblje? Laži i potpuni nedostatak brige za klijente poput mene i šta donosimo na sto? Niko ko čita ovaj feed nikada neće verovati vama ili bilo kome ko je povezan sa vama. Garantujem. Uradio sam sve što ste svi od mene tražili. SVAKI KAD STE PITALI. Ja sam u skladu sa VAŠIM KIC zahtevima, ali vi ne uspevate da uradite pravu stvar iznova i iznova. Ne želim tvoj bezvredni čip u ovom trenutku. Ono što želim je da uradite svoj posao i potvrdite moj dokument.

    Dobro rečeno, ne gubi vreme sa ovim momcima. Neću igrati tamo ni sekund.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I was notified by the manager in an email today that they are going to process my payment. To send him my btc address etc. He said 7 to 10 business days! Lol. Idc. Like I said it wasn't about the money at this point it was about everything else. I'll believe it when I see it tho. 

    Danas me je menadžer obavestio e-poštom da će obraditi moju uplatu. Da mu pošaljem moju btc adresu itd. Rekao je 7 do 10 radnih dana! Lol. Idc. Kao što sam rekao, u ovom trenutku se nije radilo o novcu, već o svemu drugom. Verovaću kad vidim.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    And I sent them at 11 this morning. To the email address that I believe belongs to u if u are the manager. Anyway it was the email address they asked me to send it to. And I forwarded it to tough_nut right afterwards. THANK YOU TOUGH_NUT. YOU DID IT!! 

    I poslao sam ih jutros u 11. Na adresu e-pošte za koju verujem da vam pripada ako ste menadžer. U svakom slučaju, to je bila adresa e-pošte na koju su tražili da je pošaljem. I odmah sam ga prosledio tough_nut-u. HVALA VAM TOUGH_NUT. USPEO SI!!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I'm having a similar experience with these guys My KYC was verified on the 13th and withdrawal was said to be approved and would show in 7 to 10 business days if I replied to the processor with the Bitcoin address username email information which I promptly did. Since then I've had nothing but trouble getting any kind of updates as I waited the seven business days and double checked with the processors and all of that and that I waited for the weekend to clear and I've had emails and since Monday and now I'm on two 13 business days since KYC was confirmed and was told that my withdrawal will be processed and just get the runaround now from live chat support phone support and any subsequent email supportive requested. 

    Imam slično iskustvo sa ovim momcima. Moj KIC je verifikovan 13. i rečeno je da je povlačenje odobreno i da će se prikazati za 7 do 10 radnih dana ako odgovorim procesoru sa informacijama o korisničkom imenu za Bitcoin adresu, što sam odmah i učinio . Od tada nisam imao ništa osim problema sa dobijanjem bilo kakvih ažuriranja jer sam čekao sedam radnih dana i još jednom proverio procesore i sve to i da sam čekao da se vikend prođe i da sam dobio mejlove i od ponedeljka i sada sam na dva 13 radna dana otkako je KIC potvrđen i rečeno mi je da će moje povlačenje biti obrađeno i da ću sada dobiti zaokruženje od telefonske podrške za ćaskanje uživo i bilo koje naknadne podrške putem e-pošte.

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