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Molimo vas ili Registrujte se Objavite komentar.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I have just submitted a Latestcasinobonuses complaint about this, and the details are as follows:

    I registered with on 12/06/2018 and I made two £200.00 deposits the same day. I then placed a total of over 750 bets with over the next 6 weeks, and by 13/07/2018 I had ran my balance up to £21,137.74 and I had requested a withdrawal of my full balance, and I was asked for documents, all of which I sent to them, and then after sending them all of the required documents, they e-mailed me on 25/07/2018 saying they are closing my account and confiscating my winnings and only refunding my deposits, bringing my balance from £21,137.74 down to £400.00. This is the e-mail they sent to me:

    "Good Day. We are bringing to your notice that we made a decision to stop any collaboration with you (closing your gaming account) on the basis of General Terms and Conditions of the Bookmaker Company:
    Should the bettor commit fraud in respect to the bookmaker (such as the registration of multiple accounts, the use of automated betting software, arbitrage betting, if the betting account is not used for betting, the improper use of loyalty schemes, etc.), the bookmaker reserves the right to stop such fraudulent actions by:
    -bet cancellation;
    -closure of the customer’s account with the balance being refunded;
    -filing a claim to a law-enforcement agency.
    Effective as of 1 January 2011
    The decision was made after rigorous investigation of the case by The Security Department.
    We ask you not to create gaming accounts with The Company. Please, notice, that all the accounts created again in the system will be closed,bets will be annulled, deposited funds will be in hold and used on the expenses related with the investigation and blocking.
    Due to the fact that your actions have been recognized as flagrant violation of The T&Cs of our Company, the decision of stopping any cooperation with you was final and not subject to further appeal.
    All further questions concerning the case of blocking from your side will be ignored.
    You can withdraw the deposited sum only.”

    This is not on and it is completely and utterly unacceptable and needs to be resolved. I've not done anything mentioned in their vague copy and paste terms and conditions crap e-mail and I've e-mailed them subsequently asking exactly what they are trying to say I've done wrong and they haven't replied at all, which says it all really, I haven't done anything wrong and that's it, this is scam and fraud behaviour from and they need to pay me my winnings. I've not done anything wrong whatsoever, I simply won some money fairly and there is absolutely no reason, grounds or justification whatsoever for them to confiscate my winnings, so I've submitted a Latestcasinobonuses complaint and I advise anybody who is thinking of signing up with, just don't do it, and anybody who has already got an account with, try to withdraw any balance you have there immediately and never deposit or place a bet there ever again, as they are a fraud and a scam, it's as simple as that.

    Upravo sam podneo žalbu Latestcasinobonuses povodom ovoga, a detalji su sledeći:

    Registrovao sam se na 12/06/2018 i napravio sam dva depozita od 200,00 funti istog dana. Zatim sam stavio ukupno preko 750 opklada na u narednih 6 nedelja, a do 13.07.2018. povećao sam stanje na 21.137,74 funti i zatražio sam povlačenje svog punog bilansa, a od mene je zatraženo za dokumente, koje sam im sve poslao, a nakon što su im poslali svu traženu dokumentaciju, poslali su mi e-mail 25.07.2018. rekavši da mi zatvaraju račun i konfiskuju moj dobitak i samo vraćaju moje depozite, donoseći moj bilans sa £21,137.74 na £400.00. Ovo je e-mail koji su mi poslali:

    „Dobar dan. Obaveštavamo vas da smo doneli odluku da prekinemo bilo kakvu saradnju sa vama (zatvaramo vaš račun za igre) na osnovu Opštih uslova i odredbi kladioničarske kuće:
    Ukoliko kladioničar izvrši prevaru u odnosu na kladionicu (kao što je registracija više naloga, korišćenje softvera za automatsko klađenje, klađenje na arbitražu, ako se nalog za klađenje ne koristi za klađenje, nepravilna upotreba šema lojalnosti, itd.), kladionica zadržava pravo da zaustavi takve lažne radnje:
    -otkazivanje opklade;
    -zatvaranje računa kupca uz povraćaj sredstava;
    -podnošenje tužbe organu za sprovođenje zakona.
    Na snazi od 1. januara 2011
    Odluka je doneta nakon rigorozne istrage slučaja od strane Odeljenja bezbednosti.
    Molimo vas da ne otvarate naloge za igre u kompaniji The Compani. Napominjemo da će svi nalozi koji su ponovo kreirani u sistemu biti zatvoreni, opklade će biti poništene, deponovana sredstva će biti zadržana i iskorišćena za troškove vezane za istragu i blokadu.
    Zbog činjenice da su vaše radnje prepoznate kao flagrantno kršenje uslova i uslova naše kompanije, odluka o prekidu bilo kakve saradnje sa vama je konačna i nije podložna daljoj žalbi.
    Sva dalja pitanja u vezi sa slučajem blokiranja sa vaše strane biće zanemarena.
    Možete podići samo deponovani iznos.”

    Ovo nije uključeno i potpuno je i potpuno neprihvatljivo i treba da se reši. Nisam uradio ništa što je pomenuto u njihovoj nejasnoj e-poruci o uslovima i odredbama kopiranja i lepljenja i poslao sam im e-poštu naknadno pitajući šta tačno pokušavaju da kažu da sam pogrešio, a oni uopšte nisu odgovorili , što zaista sve govori, nisam uradio ništa loše i to je to, ovo je prevara i prevara od i oni moraju da mi isplate moj dobitak. Nisam uradio ništa loše, jednostavno sam pošteno osvojio nešto novca i nema apsolutno nikakvog razloga, osnova ili bilo kakvog opravdanja da mi oduzmu dobitak, tako da sam podneo žalbu Latestcasinobonuses i savetujem svima koji razmišljaju da potpišu sa, samo nemojte to da radite, a svako ko već ima nalog na, pokušajte da odmah povučete bilo koji saldo koji imate tamo i nikada više ne položite ili ne položite opkladu, jer su oni prevara i prevara, tako je jednostavno.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Omg! And I thought captain Jack casino was bad! All I got scammed out of was 500$.  Very sorry to hear your situation. If anyone can get you your winnings, it's LCB. I believe you when you say you did nothing wrong. Hope you get all that's owed to you. Good luck!

    OMB! I mislio sam da je kazino kapetan Jack loš! Sve što sam dobio je 500$. Veoma mi je žao što čujem vašu situaciju. Ako neko može da vam donese vaš dobitak, to je LCB. Verujem ti kada kažeš da nisi uradio ništa loše. Nadam se da ćeš dobiti sve što ti duguje. Srećno!

    1.1/ 5

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Have you had any previous issues with any of the bigger curacao licensed brands in the past? As I understand it 22bet was recently acquired and under new mgmt.

    Da li ste ranije imali problema sa nekim od većih licenciranih brendova Curacao u prošlosti? Koliko sam razumeo, 22bet je nedavno nabavljen i pod novim upravljanjem.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    TheAverageGuy wrote:

    Have you had any previous issues with any of the bigger curacao licensed brands in the past? As I understand it 22bet was recently acquired and under new mgmt.



    No not had any problems before. Who is it that you understand have recently acquired and now manage 22bet?

    TheAverageGui je napisao:

    Da li ste ranije imali problema sa nekim od većih licenciranih brendova Curacao u prošlosti? Koliko sam razumeo, 22bet je nedavno nabavljen i pod novim upravljanjem.

    Ne, nisam imao nikakvih problema ranije. Ko je to za koga razumete da je nedavno stekao i sada upravlja 22bet?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Can't rightly say as I'm not sure if it is a part of the whole or the entire behemoth, but follow the white rabbit down the bunny hole of license holders, parent companies and corporate umbrellas and you may find alice is 10 feet tall.

    Ne mogu s pravom da kažem jer nisam siguran da li je to deo celine ili ceo behemot, ali pratite belog zeca niz zečinu rupu vlasnika dozvola, matičnih kompanija i korporativnih kišobrana i možda ćete otkriti da je Alisa visoka 10 stopa visok.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Sorry to hear that. Please provide me with your casino username so we can get in touch with them and ask to look into your account. 

    Žao mi je što to čujem. Molimo vas da mi date svoje korisničko ime za kazino kako bismo mogli da stupimo u kontakt sa njima i zatražimo da pogledamo vaš nalog.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    MelissaN wrote:

    Sorry to hear that. Please provide me with your casino username so we can get in touch with them and ask to look into your account. 

    Sent by pm

    MelissaN je napisala:

    Žao mi je što to čujem. Molimo vas da mi date svoje korisničko ime za kazino kako bismo mogli da stupimo u kontakt sa njima i zatražimo da pogledamo vaš nalog.

    Poslano do pm

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I received your username. Thanks. The casino will be notified. Keep you posted. 

    Dobio sam tvoje korisničko ime. Hvala. Kazino će biti obavešten. Obaveštavamo vas.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hi *bothae*, thank you for letting me know that you have a problem. Let's solve it asap we will be in contact in with you here in next 24 hours. Many thanks for fair play. Besides be advised that Casino and Live-Casino is restricted for players based in UK, USA, Israel and Latvia well as sports and live-sports are forbidden in mentioned locations.

    Zdravo *bothae*, hvala ti što si me obavestio da imaš problem. Hajde da to rešimo što pre, bićemo u kontaktu sa vama ovde u naredna 24 sata. Puno hvala na fer igri. Pored toga, imajte na umu da su kazino i kazino uživo ograničeni za igrače sa sedištem u Velikoj Britaniji, SAD, Izraelu i Letoniji, kao i da su sportovi i sportovi uživo zabranjeni na pomenutim lokacijama.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Oh man, if some game are restricted as you mentioned above, your casino should blocked them or make them not visible for the restricted countries like other casinos. This is just a major disappointment and a major turn off as well.

    Čoveče, ako su neke igre ograničene kao što ste pomenuli gore, vaš kazino bi ih trebao blokirati ili učiniti da nisu vidljive za zemlje sa ograničenjem kao što su drugi kazina. Ovo je samo veliko razočarenje, a takođe i veliko skretanje.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    Mojo Jojo wrote:

    Oh man, if some game are restricted as you mentioned above, your casino should blocked them or make them not visible for the restricted countries like other casinos. This is just a major disappointment and a major turn off as well.

    Hey Mojo Jojo!

    Again thanks for a comment.

    1. First of all we are blocking access for players from mentioned locations, please have a look at attached screen.

    2. There are two or three major things to check when it goes about playing at any online gambling website from UK, USA, Israel or Latvia or any other location stated in terms and conditions, the thing that "no-one" reads it, makes a hassle later on for both "parties". Players can simply ask on chat or call support too to check before playing.

    3. There is no UKGC licensing so i think its obvious that Players from UK are not welcome, finding a way to go around country-block using vpn or tor will not give any positive outcome later on, especially when it goes about cashing out.

    4. Finally, we are always trying to solve all the issues in favour of player, so we will keep you updated about steps we took to close the complaint and will keep you all posted.

     usa blocked

    Mojo Jojo je napisao:

    Čoveče, ako su neke igre ograničene kao što ste pomenuli gore, vaš kazino bi ih trebao blokirati ili učiniti da nisu vidljive za zemlje sa ograničenjem kao što su drugi kazina. Ovo je samo veliko razočarenje, a takođe i veliko skretanje.

    Hej, Mojo Jojo!

    Još jednom hvala na komentaru.

    1. Pre svega blokiramo pristup igračima sa navedenih lokacija, pogledajte priloženi ekran.

    2. Postoje dve ili tri glavne stvari koje treba proveriti kada se radi o igranju na bilo kom veb sajtu za kockanje na mreži iz UK, SAD, Izraela ili Letonije ili bilo koje druge lokacije navedene u uslovima i odredbama, stvar koju „niko“ ne čita, pravi gnjavažu kasnije za obe "stranke". Igrači mogu jednostavno da pitaju u ćaskanju ili da pozovu podršku da provere pre nego što igraju.

    3. Ne postoji UKGC licenciranje, tako da mislim da je očigledno da igrači iz UK nisu dobrodošli, pronalaženje načina da se obiđe blok zemlje koristeći vpn ili tor neće dati nikakav pozitivan rezultat kasnije, posebno kada se radi o keširanju.

    4. Konačno, uvek pokušavamo da rešimo sve probleme u korist igrača, tako da ćemo vas obaveštavati o koracima koje smo preduzeli da bismo zatvorili žalbu i obaveštavaćemo vas o svemu.

    SAD blokiran

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Thank you for your reply, much appreciated it.

    The country block worked for USA but the United Kingdom still have access to the casino website and the country even listed in the country selection during the registration under the name England / Ireland which should not be there in the first place if your casino do not have UKGC license.

    If the restricted country is not in the list then the customer would know playing at your casino is not possible, there are plenty casinos out there who did this and it worked marvelously.

    Hvala vam na odgovoru, veoma cenim.

    Blok zemlje je radio za SAD, ali Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo i dalje ima pristup veb stranici kazina, a zemlja je čak navedena u izboru zemlje tokom registracije pod imenom Engleska/Irska koja uopšte ne bi trebalo da bude tamo ako vaš kazino nema UKGC licenca.

    Ako zabranjena zemlja nije na listi, klijent bi znao da igranje u vašem kazinu nije moguće, postoji mnogo kazina koji su to uradili i to je odlično funkcionisalo.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Also.. there has never been a single, solitary no deposit bonus credited to my account.

    This is near unforgivable. Bad form.


    Takođe.. nikada nije bilo ni jednog, usamljenog bonusa bez depozita na moj račun.

    Ovo je skoro neoprostivo. Loša forma.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    You said you will solve this in the next 24 hours, and it's now been well over 24 hours, so you now need to solve this immediately.

    Rekli ste da ćete ovo rešiti u naredna 24 sata, a sada je prošlo više od 24 sata, tako da sada morate da rešite ovo odmah.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    bothae wrote:

    You said you will solve this in the next 24 hours, and it's now been well over 24 hours, so you now need to solve this immediately.

    Yes, they did promise they would sort it out. We chatted with them today as well and they said they would get back to us. Still no reply on the forum. We're going to chat with them tomorrow again. Hopefully, we'll get the answer. 

    oboje je napisao:

    Rekli ste da ćete ovo rešiti u naredna 24 sata, a sada je prošlo više od 24 sata, tako da sada morate da rešite ovo odmah.

    Da, obećali su da će to rešiti. I danas smo razgovarali sa njima i rekli su da će nam se javiti. Još uvek nema odgovora na forumu. Sutra ćemo opet razgovarati sa njima. Nadamo se da ćemo dobiti odgovor.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Good Morning LCB members,

    My apologies for late reply, but I was digging in data-bases to confirm the whole situation.

    1. It turns out that player registered multiple accounts, breaching the rule of no multi-acc, that closes the case for me.

    2. bothae - you shout, stalk our affiliate partners who promote us? This is not the way to resolve complaint. You have the authorities to handle such cases. I can simply match your case to a player who gets no deposit bonus with fake-details and registering many accounts, then after winning trying to cash-out, I am sorry pal but this not how we work, maybe you can speak with players who managed to play fair and withdraw with us, to see how fast we pay. The withdrawal time takes max 15 minutes during the week.

    I would suggest to speak with Curacao licensing authority when you have doubts about Fairness.

    In this case I would suggest caution writing this BS everywhere because it turns out that you either have a problem with multiple-accounts not only here, or simply you have a big Gambling Problem and I suggest you discontinue playing and put yourself in self-barring either from betting and casino, take a break.

    Ps1. I hope our reply is satisfactory, If you want to hear more we will send LCB. admin a proof of abuse and breaching the rules.

    Have a nice day.

    Good Luck!

    Dobro jutro članovi LCB-a,

    Izvinjavam se zbog kasnog odgovora, ali sam kopao po bazama podataka da potvrdim celu situaciju.

    1. Ispostavilo se da je igrač registrovao više naloga, kršeći pravilo zabrane višestrukog računa, što za mene zatvara slučaj.

    2. bothae - vičete, vrebate naše affiliate partnere koji nas promovišu? Ovo nije način za rešavanje žalbe. Imate ovlašćenja da se bavite takvim slučajevima. Mogu jednostavno da uporedim vaš slučaj sa igračem koji dobija bonus bez depozita sa lažnim detaljima i registracijom mnogo naloga, a zatim nakon pobede pokušavajući da unovčim, žao mi je druže, ali ne radimo ovako, možda možete da razgovarate sa igračima koji uspeo da igra fer i da se povuče sa nama, da vidi koliko brzo plaćamo. Vreme povlačenja traje maksimalno 15 minuta tokom nedelje.

    Predlažem da razgovarate sa nadležnim organom za izdavanje dozvola za Curacao kada sumnjate u pravičnost.

    U ovom slučaju predlažem da budete oprezni da svuda pišete ovaj BS jer se ispostavilo da ili imate problem sa više naloga ne samo ovde, ili jednostavno imate veliki problem sa kockanjem i predlažem da prestanete da igrate i stavite se u samozabranu bilo od klađenja i kazina, odmorite se.

    Ps1. Nadam se da je naš odgovor zadovoljavajući, ako želite da čujete više poslaćemo LCB. admin dokaz o zloupotrebi i kršenju pravila.

    Želim vam prijatan dan.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Thank you for the clarification, I think it was a stupid thing to do to create multiple accounts at one casino when forbidden to do so. It's his own fault and the consequences are for him only. I would advise the complainer to seek help, it's fraud what you did.

    Now that has been said,

    I still think the casino should better their geo-block feature and remove the restricted countries from the registration form, not many people read t&c's especially newbies to online gambling. They are the victims of tricky terms and that's unfair.

    Hvala vam na pojašnjenju, mislim da je bilo glupo napraviti više naloga u jednom kazinu kada je to zabranjeno. Sam je kriv i posledice su samo za njega. Savetovao bih podnosiocu žalbe da potraži pomoć, to je prevara to što ste uradili.

    Sada je to rečeno,

    I dalje mislim da bi kazino trebalo da poboljša svoju funkciju geo-blokiranja i da ukloni ograničene zemlje iz obrasca za registraciju, malo ljudi čita t&c posebno početnike u kockanju na mreži. Oni su žrtve lukavih uslova i to je nepravedno.

    3.8/ 5

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    22betCasino wrote:

    Good Morning LCB members,

    My apologies for late reply, but I was digging in data-bases to confirm the whole situation.

    1. It turns out that player registered multiple accounts, breaching the rule of no multi-acc, that closes the case for me.

    2. bothae - you shout, stalk our affiliate partners who promote us? This is not the way to resolve complaint. You have the authorities to handle such cases. I can simply match your case to a player who gets no deposit bonus with fake-details and registering many accounts, then after winning trying to cash-out, I am sorry pal but this not how we work, maybe you can speak with players who managed to play fair and withdraw with us, to see how fast we pay. The withdrawal time takes max 15 minutes during the week.

    I would suggest to speak with Curacao licensing authority when you have doubts about Fairness.

    In this case I would suggest caution writing this BS everywhere because it turns out that you either have a problem with multiple-accounts not only here, or simply you have a big Gambling Problem and I suggest you discontinue playing and put yourself in self-barring either from betting and casino, take a break.

    Ps1. I hope our reply is satisfactory, If you want to hear more we will send LCB. admin a proof of abuse and breaching the rules.

    Have a nice day.

    Good Luck!

    So now you resort to complete and utter downright out and out lieing through your teeth.

    I have never had or used any other account with The only account I have ever had or used with is the account we are talking about where I won this £20,737.74.

    I've never registered with you or anybody else for a no deposit bonus with fake details, that again is a complete lie.

    I don't have a problem with multiple accounts whatsoever. I've never had or used multiple accounts with any gambling website ever in my life, and I don't have any gambling problem whatsoever, you are simply talking a load of rubbish.

    No this reply isn't satisfactory, every single thing that you are saying is a bunch of out and out lies. LCB needs to go back to to get this resolved, as they are talking complete lies. The simple facts of the matter are that I have only ever had and used one account with, and that is the account I won the £20,737.74 on fair and square, so I need to be paid my winnings in full.

    22betCasino je napisao:

    Dobro jutro članovi LCB-a,

    Izvinjavam se zbog kasnog odgovora, ali sam kopao po bazama podataka da potvrdim celu situaciju.

    1. Ispostavilo se da je igrač registrovao više naloga, kršeći pravilo zabrane višestrukog računa, što za mene zatvara slučaj.

    2. bothae - vičete, vrebate naše affiliate partnere koji nas promovišu? Ovo nije način za rešavanje žalbe. Imate ovlašćenja da se bavite takvim slučajevima. Mogu jednostavno da uporedim vaš slučaj sa igračem koji dobija bonus bez depozita sa lažnim detaljima i registracijom mnogo naloga, a zatim nakon pobede pokušavajući da unovčim, žao mi je druže, ali ne radimo ovako, možda možete da razgovarate sa igračima koji uspeo da igra fer i da se povuče sa nama, da vidi koliko brzo plaćamo. Vreme povlačenja traje maksimalno 15 minuta tokom nedelje.

    Predlažem da razgovarate sa autoritetom za izdavanje dozvola za Curacao kada sumnjate u pravičnost.

    U ovom slučaju predlažem da budete oprezni da svuda pišete ovaj BS jer se ispostavilo da ili imate problem sa više naloga ne samo ovde, ili jednostavno imate veliki problem sa kockanjem i predlažem da prestanete da igrate i stavite se u samozabranu bilo od klađenja i kazina, odmorite se.

    Ps1. Nadam se da je naš odgovor zadovoljavajući, ako želite da čujete više poslaćemo LCB. admin dokaz o zloupotrebi i kršenju pravila.

    Želim vam prijatan dan.


    Dakle, sada pribegavate potpunom i potpunom potpunom laganju kroz zube.

    Nikada nisam imao niti koristio bilo koji drugi nalog na Jedini račun koji sam ikada imao ili koristio kod je račun o kome govorimo gde sam osvojio ovih £20,737.74.

    Nikada se nisam registrovao kod vas ili bilo koga drugog za bonus bez depozita sa lažnim podacima, to je opet potpuna laž.

    Nemam nikakav problem sa više naloga. Nikada u životu nisam imao niti koristio više naloga sa bilo kojom veb-stranicom za kockanje, i nemam nikakav problem sa kockanjem, vi jednostavno pričate gomile gluposti.

    Ne, ovaj odgovor nije zadovoljavajući, svaka stvar koju govorite je gomila laži. LCB mora da se vrati na da bi ovo rešio, jer govore potpune laži. Jednostavne činjenice su da sam ikada imao i koristio samo jedan nalog na, a to je račun na kojem sam osvojio £20,737,74 pošteno i pošteno, tako da mi treba da bude isplaćen moj dobitak u celosti.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    @bothae - is there any chance you're sharing your internet with other people? Also the casino probably need a solid proof to back up their claim regarding multiple accounts made by you. If the casino indeed lied about you having multiple accounts, there's no excuse and they deserve a place in the blacklist. It is a huge amount you've won. Unfortunately I have seen too many casinos declining payouts and accusing players of having multiple accounts (happened to me once) but this goes vice versa, players are capable to do anything to get that big amount of money, I'm not saying you are but let them bring the proof of their claim.

    @bothae - postoji li šansa da svoj internet delite sa drugim ljudima? Takođe, kazinu je verovatno potreban čvrst dokaz da potkrepi svoju tvrdnju u vezi sa više naloga koje ste napravili. Ako je kazino zaista lagao da imate više naloga, nema izgovora i oni zaslužuju mesto na crnoj listi. To je ogroman iznos koji ste osvojili. Nažalost, video sam previše kazina kako odbijaju isplate i optužuju igrače da imaju više naloga (meni se jednom desilo), ali ovo ide obrnuto, igrači su sposobni da urade sve da bi dobili toliku sumu novca, ne kažem da jeste, ali neka donesu dokaz svoje tvrdnje.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    Mojo Jojo wrote:

    @bothae - is there any chance you're sharing your internet with other people?


    Mojo Jojo je napisao:

    @bothae - postoji li šansa da svoj internet delite sa drugim ljudima?


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    22betCasino wrote:

    Mojo Jojo wrote:

    Oh man, if some game are restricted as you mentioned above, your casino should blocked them or make them not visible for the restricted countries like other casinos. This is just a major disappointment and a major turn off as well.

    Hey Mojo Jojo!

    Again thanks for a comment.

    1. First of all we are blocking access for players from mentioned locations, please have a look at attached screen.

    2. There are two or three major things to check when it goes about playing at any online gambling website from UK, USA, Israel or Latvia or any other location stated in terms and conditions, the thing that "no-one" reads it, makes a hassle later on for both "parties". Players can simply ask on chat or call support too to check before playing.

    Have you seen this in your Terms and Coniditions? Go to section 2 item 48 in your T&C's and it is in SMALL print

    Users from the following countries will not be allowed to register on our website: United Kingdom, USA, Belarus, Latvia, Cyprus, China, France, Israel. This list is updated regularly. If your country is included, you will be notified accordingly.


    You could just as easily have said UK, US, Belarus, Latvia, Cyprus, China, France and Israel but apparently customers should read the 34 terms in your T&C's with all subsections for every Term before signing up. The weird part about the 2nd term, item 48, is the fine print is right under this:

    The following territories are restricted for NetEnt games: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Australia, Cambodia, Ecuador, Guyana, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Lao, Myanmar, Namibia, Nicaragua, North Korea, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sudan, Syria, Taiwan, Uganda, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Romania, Spain, United States of America and The United Kingdom.
    In addition to the above games Guns & Roses, Jimi Hendrix & Motörhead are not permitted in the following countries:
    Australia, Azerbaijan, China, India, Malaysia, Qatar, Russia, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine.
    Universal Monsters (Frankenstein, the Bride of Frankenstein, Dracula, The Mummy, The Wolf Man, Creature from the Black Lagoon and The Invisible Man) and Scarface can only be played in the following countries:
    Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Croatia, Macedonia, Turkey, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Sweden.


    22betCasino je napisao:

    Mojo Jojo je napisao:

    Čoveče, ako su neke igre ograničene kao što ste gore pomenuli, vaš kazino bi ih trebao blokirati ili učiniti da nisu vidljive za zemlje sa ograničenjem kao što su drugi kazina. Ovo je samo veliko razočarenje, a takođe i veliko skretanje.

    Hej, Mojo Jojo!

    Još jednom hvala na komentaru.

    1. Pre svega blokiramo pristup igračima sa navedenih lokacija, pogledajte priloženi ekran.

    2. Postoje dve ili tri glavne stvari koje treba proveriti kada se radi o igranju na bilo kom veb sajtu za kockanje na mreži iz UK, SAD, Izraela ili Letonije ili bilo koje druge lokacije navedene u uslovima i odredbama, stvar koju „niko“ ne čita, pravi gnjavažu kasnije za obe "stranke". Igrači mogu jednostavno pitati u ćaskanju ili pozvati podršku da bi proverili pre nego što igraju.

    Da li ste videli ovo u svojim uslovima i odredbama? Idite na odeljak 2, stavka 48 u vašim Uslovima i uslovima i to je MALIM ŠTAMPOM

    Korisnicima iz sledećih zemalja neće biti dozvoljeno da se registruju na našoj veb stranici: Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, SAD, Belorusija, Letonija, Kipar, Kina, Francuska, Izrael. Ova lista se redovno ažurira. Ako je vaša zemlja uključena, bićete obavešteni o tome.

    Mogli ste isto tako lako da kažete UK, SAD, Belorusija, Letonija, Kipar, Kina, Francuska i Izrael, ali očigledno bi kupci trebalo da pročitaju 34 uslova u vašim Uslovima i uslovima sa svim pododeljcima za svaki Uslov pre nego što se prijave. Čudan deo u vezi sa 2. pojmom, stavka 48, je sitna slova ispod ovoga:

    Sledeće teritorije su ograničene za NetEnt igre: Avganistan, Albanija, Alžir, Angola, Australija, Kambodža, Ekvador, Gvajana, Hong Kong, Indonezija, Iran, Irak, Izrael, Kuvajt, Laos, Mjanmar, Namibija, Nikaragva, Severna Koreja, Pakistan , Panama, Papua Nova Gvineja, Filipini, Singapur, Južna Koreja, Sudan, Sirija, Tajvan, Uganda, Jemen, Zimbabve, Belgija, Bugarska, Kanada, Danska, Estonija, Francuska, Italija, Meksiko, Portugal, Rumunija, Španija, Sjedinjene Američke Države Amerike i Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva.
    Pored navedenih igara Guns & Roses, Jimi Hendrik & Motorhead nisu dozvoljeni u sledećim zemljama:
    Australija, Azerbejdžan, Kina, Indija, Malezija, Katar, Rusija, Tajland, Tunis, Turska i Ukrajina.
    Univerzalna čudovišta (Frankenštajn, Frankenštajnova nevesta, Drakula, Mumija, Čovek vuk, Stvorenje iz Crne lagune i Nevidljivi čovek) i Lice sa ožiljkom mogu se igrati samo u sledećim zemljama:
    Andora, Jermenija, Azerbejdžan, Belorusija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Brazil, Gruzija, Island, Lihtenštajn, Moldavija, Monako, Crna Gora, Norveška, Rusija, San Marino, Srbija, Švajcarska, Ukrajina, Hrvatska, Makedonija, Turska, Austrija, Bugarska, Kipar , Češka Republika, Finska, Nemačka, Grčka, Mađarska, Irska, Letonija, Litvanija, Luksemburg, Malta, Holandija, Peru, Poljska, Slovačka, Slovenija i Švedska.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Thank you for your very helpful input Kyle0030, much appreciate it.

    I mentioned their flaws a few times before but never got a reaction to that and now I see there are more disadvantage terms about this one. If you want to play here, reading their terms is mandatory but I wont waste my time playing here. If I want to read, I’ll read a book. Avoid alert

    Hvala vam na veoma korisnom unosu Kile0030, veoma cenim to.

    Spomenuo sam njihove mane nekoliko puta ranije, ali nikada nisam dobio reakciju na to, a sada vidim da ima više izraza koji su lošiji u vezi sa ovim. Ako želite da igrate ovde, čitanje njihovih uslova je obavezno, ali neću gubiti vreme igrajući ovde. Ako želim da čitam, pročitaću knjigu. Izbegavajte uzbunu

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hi bothae,

    Upon reviewing their T&C, we found the list of restricted countries, in small letters though. The UK is not allowed to play at the casino so it is your own responsibility to read terms carefully. @Kyle0030 - copied their terms in a post above. Unfortunately, there's nothing further we can do for you about this since it is stated in the casino t&c. We advised the casino to implement a country blocker so that players from restricted countries can't register. Regarding multiple accounts, we requested the evidence but since you breached their terms we can't do anything to help you. 

    If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can always file a complaint to Curacao, their regulatory body. We're going to close this case. 

    zdravo oboje,

    Nakon pregleda njihovih uslova i uslova, pronašli smo listu zabranjenih zemalja, ali malim slovima. Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu nije dozvoljeno da igra u kazinu, tako da je vaša odgovornost da pažljivo pročitate uslove. @Kile0030 - kopirao je njihove uslove u postu iznad. Nažalost, ne možemo ništa više da uradimo za vas u vezi sa ovim pošto je to navedeno u uslovima kazina. Savetovali smo kazino da implementira blokator zemlje tako da igrači iz ograničenih zemalja ne mogu da se registruju. Što se tiče više naloga, tražili smo dokaze, ali pošto ste prekršili njihove uslove, ne možemo ništa da učinimo da vam pomognemo.

    Ako niste zadovoljni ishodom, uvek možete da podnesete žalbu Curacaou, njihovom regulatornom telu. Zatvorićemo ovaj slučaj.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Personally I think they are kinda sneaky with their tricky terms. No country block, small prints terms. That aside, they really trying not to pay the OP with various reasons, multiple accounts and country restriction. Newbies do not read terms and therefore they are easy target for this casino. I don't like all. There are many casinos with awful bonus terms but they did show the terms clearly in the email for example. This casino is far from good.

    Lično mislim da su pomalo podmukli sa svojim lukavim uslovima. Bez bloka zemlje, izrazi sitnim slovima. To na stranu, oni se zaista trude da ne plate OP iz raznih razloga, višestrukih naloga i ograničenja zemlje. Novajlije ne čitaju uslove i stoga su laka meta za ovaj kazino. Ne sviđaju mi se...uopšte. Postoji mnogo kazina sa užasnim uslovima bonusa, ali su, na primer, jasno pokazali uslove u e-poruci. Ovaj kazino je daleko od dobrog.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I do agree with you, but as I mentioned in my previous post we brought all of this to their attention and asked them to revise the terms, make them more clear. However, It is players' obligation to read t&c before they play no matter they are newbies or not. We tried to reach the casino and get the answers, we are still waiting for the evidence on multiple accounts but when one point in terms is broken there's really nothing we can do. 

    Slažem se sa vama, ali kao što sam pomenuo u svom prethodnom postu, skrenuli smo im pažnju na sve ovo i zamolili ih da revidiraju uslove, da ih učine jasnijim. Međutim, obaveza je igrača da pročitaju odredbe i uslove pre nego što igraju, bez obzira da li su početnici ili ne. Pokušali smo da dođemo do kazina i dobijemo odgovore, još uvek čekamo dokaze o više naloga, ali kada se jedna tačka pokvari, zaista ništa ne možemo da uradimo.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    MelissaN wrote:

    Hi bothae,

    Upon reviewing their T&C, we found the list of restricted countries, in small letters though. The UK is not allowed to play at the casino so it is your own responsibility to read terms carefully. @Kyle0030 - copied their terms in a post above. Unfortunately, there's nothing further we can do for you about this since it is stated in the casino t&c. We advised the casino to implement a country blocker so that players from restricted countries can't register. Regarding multiple accounts, we requested the evidence but since you breached their terms we can't do anything to help you. 

    If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can always file a complaint to Curacao, their regulatory body. We're going to close this case. 

    No this is not acceptable. Firstly, have said multiple accounts is the reason they are trying to confiscate my money, not because I'm in the UK, but let's deal with me being in the UK firstly:

    I accessed their site in England with no VPN or anything required, England was on the country of residence list on their registration page which I selected, GBP was on their account currency list which I selected, I put in all of my correct address details for my English address where I live, name and everything I put in the registration was correct, my registration was accepted with no problem and they knew from the second I registered with them that I'm a UK customer, I deposited with EcoPayz which have available in GBP currency which is a currency that only UK customers use, the deposits went through with no problem, I bet with them for about 6 weeks, and in that time they accepted my registration, they accepted deposits from me, they accepted over 750 bets from me, they settled all of my bets and added my winnings to my account, I had to contact them on a few occasions by live chat and e-mail to sort out a couple of minor issues which they sorted out fine and didn't say anything about not accepting customers in England, when they requested all documents from me they knew I am in England as I put all of those details in when I registered but they still asked me for all documents, and through every single one of these steps they knew at every step from the second I registered that I am an English resident, and they said nothing about not accepting UK customers.

    If they don't accept UK customers, then they need to have geo-blocked their website, which even now is still fully accessible from the UK, not have had every country in the UK, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on their country of residence list and which are still there right now, not have had GBP as a currency option and have GBP currency available for EcoPayz transactions which is all still available now, with only UK customers that would use GBP currency and they need to have said from the second that I registered that they didn't accept UK customers, but they did absolutely not one bit of that.

    If they didn't want to accept UK customers, then they should have geo-blocked the UK from accessing their website at all, not had England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on the country of residence list on their registration page, not had GBP on the currency list on their registration page, not had GBP available for EcoPayz and pointed out as soon as I registered that they don't accept UK customers, but they did absolutely none of that, in fact rather than putting the sufficient things in place to stop UK customers from betting with them if that's what they wanted to do, they actually actively went out of their way to attract UK customers even further by allowing UK to access their site, having GBP as a currency option and having EcoPayz transactions available in GBP currency, features which would only attract UK customers and nobody else whatsoever. took absolutely no measures to stop me as a UK customer from betting with them if that's what they wanted to do and actually went out of their way to actively attract UK customers and allowed me to register, deposit, bet over 750 times and contact them on various occasions all across a 6 week period without saying anything.

    If they want to put in the measures I've detailed going forward to stop UK customers betting with them if that's what they want to do, then that's fine, but those measures aren't in place now and weren't in place when I was betting with and they even actively went out of their way to attract UK customers by allowing UK access to their site, GBP as a currency option and EcoPayz transactions in GBP currency, so I won this money fair and square.

    MelissaN je napisala:

    zdravo oboje,

    Nakon pregleda njihovih uslova i uslova, pronašli smo listu zabranjenih zemalja, ali malim slovima. Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu nije dozvoljeno da igra u kazinu, tako da je vaša odgovornost da pažljivo pročitate uslove. @Kile0030 - kopirao je njihove uslove u postu iznad. Nažalost, ne možemo ništa više da uradimo za vas u vezi sa ovim jer je navedeno u uslovima kazina. Savetovali smo kazino da implementira blokator zemlje tako da igrači iz ograničenih zemalja ne mogu da se registruju. Što se tiče više naloga, tražili smo dokaze, ali pošto ste prekršili njihove uslove, ne možemo ništa da učinimo da vam pomognemo.

    Ako niste zadovoljni ishodom, uvek možete da podnesete žalbu Curacaou, njihovom regulatornom telu. Zatvorićemo ovaj slučaj.

    Ne, ovo nije prihvatljivo. Prvo, je rekao da je više naloga razlog zašto pokušavaju da konfiskuju moj novac, ne zato što sam u UK, ali hajde da se prvo pozabavimo time što sam u UK:

    Pristupio sam njihovom sajtu u Engleskoj bez VPN-a ili bilo čega drugog, Engleska je bila na listi zemlje prebivališta na njihovoj stranici za registraciju koju sam odabrao, GBP je bila na listi valuta njihovog naloga koju sam izabrao, uneo sam sve svoje tačne podatke o adresi za moja engleska adresa na kojoj živim, ime i sve što sam uneo u registraciju je bilo tačno, moja registracija je prihvaćena bez problema i oni su od trenutka kada sam se registrovao kod njih znali da sam kupac iz UK, uplatio sam na EcoPaiz koji 22Bet. com su dostupni u GBP valuti koja je valuta koju koriste samo korisnici iz UK, depoziti su prošli bez problema, kladio sam se sa njima oko 6 nedelja, i za to vreme su prihvatili moju registraciju, prihvatili su depozite od mene, prihvatili su preko 750 opklada od mene, izmirili su sve moje opklade i dodali moj dobitak na moj račun, morao sam da ih kontaktiram u nekoliko navrata putem ćaskanja uživo i e-pošte kako bih rešio par manjih problema koje su dobro rešili i nije rekao ništa o neprihvatanju kupaca u Engleskoj, kada su tražili sve dokumente od mene znali su da sam u Engleskoj jer sam sve te detalje uneo kada sam se registrovao, ali su i dalje tražili od mene sve dokumente, i kroz svaki od ovih koraka znali su na svakom koraku od trenutka kada sam se registrovao da sam stanovnik Engleske, a nisu rekli ništa o neprihvatanju klijenata iz UK.

    Ako ne prihvate klijente iz UK, onda moraju da geoblokiraju svoju veb stranicu, koja je čak i sada u potpunosti dostupna iz Velike Britanije, a ne imaju sve zemlje u UK, Engleskoj, Škotskoj, Velsu i Severnoj Irskoj. spisak zemlje prebivališta i koji su još uvek tu, nisu imali GBP kao opciju valute i imaju GBP valutu dostupnu za EcoPaiz transakcije, što je sve još uvek dostupno sada, sa samo klijentima iz UK koji bi koristili GBP valutu i moraju da kažu od drugog trenutka kada sam registrovao da ne prihvataju kupce iz UK, ali apsolutno nisu uradili ništa od toga.

    Ako nisu hteli da prihvate klijente iz UK, trebalo je da geografski blokiraju UK da uopšte pristupa njihovoj veb stranici, da nemaju Englesku, Škotsku, Vels i Severnu Irsku na listi zemalja prebivališta na njihovoj stranici za registraciju, da nemaju GBP na listi valuta na njihovoj stranici za registraciju, nije imao GBP dostupan za EcoPaiz i istakao je čim sam se registrovao da ne prihvataju kupce iz UK, ali nisu uradili apsolutno ništa od toga, u stvari umesto da su stavili dovoljno stvari u mesto da spreče klijente iz UK da se klade sa njima ako je to ono što su želeli da urade, oni su se zapravo aktivno trudili da privuku klijente iz UK još više dozvoljavajući UK da pristupe njihovoj veb lokaciji, imaju GBP kao opciju valute i imaju EcoPaiz transakcije dostupne u GBP valuti, karakteristike koje bi privukle samo kupce iz UK i nikog drugog. nije preduzeo apsolutno nikakve mere da me spreči kao klijenta iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva da se kladim sa njima ako je to ono što su želeli da urade i zapravo su se potrudili da aktivno privuku klijente iz UK i dozvolili mi da se registrujem, deponujem, kladim preko 750 puta i kontaktirajte ih u raznim prilikama tokom perioda od 6 nedelja, a da ništa ne kažete.

    Ako žele da uvedu mere koje sam detaljno opisao kako bi sprečili klijente u Velikoj Britaniji da se klade sa njima ako je to ono što žele da urade, onda je to u redu, ali te mere sada nisu na snazi i nisu bile na snazi kada sam se kladio sa i čak su se aktivno trudili da privuku klijente iz UK tako što su dozvolili UK pristup njihovom sajtu, GBP kao valutnu opciju i EcoPaiz transakcije u GBP valuti, tako da sam osvojio ovaj novac pošteno i pošteno.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    So me being a UK customer cannot be held against me and used as any reason not to pay me with all of what I have detailed in the previous post, and LCB can't close the complaint because of that either with what I've detailed in the previous post, and in any case it isn't even being used as a reason by to confiscate my winnings anyway, multiple accounts is the reason they are using, so LCB needs to keep this complaint open and get back onto the topic at hand which is trying to confiscate my money because of multiple accounts, so LCB needs to get whatever "evidence" has for me using multiple accounts, as that's the reason is using to try and stop paying me, so I need to see any "evidence" has for this false accusation and allegation now, so, let's see the "evidence" now.

    Dakle, ja kao klijent iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva ne može se smatrati protiv mene i koristiti kao bilo koji razlog da mi ne platite sa svim onim što sam naveo u prethodnom postu, a LCB ne može da zaključi žalbu zbog toga ni sa onim što sam detaljno naveo u prethodnom postu, a u svakom slučaju, ga čak ni ne koristi kao razlog da konfiskuje moj dobitak, već višestruki računi su razlog zašto koriste, tako da LCB mora da zadrži ovu žalbu otvorenom i da se vrati na tema koja je pri ruci a to je da pokušava da konfiskuje moj novac zbog više naloga, tako da LCB treba da dobije bilo koji "dokaz" koji ima za mene da koristim više naloga, jer je to razlog što koristi da pokuša da prestanite da mi plaćate, tako da moram da vidim sve "dokaze" koje ima za ovu lažnu optužbu i tvrdnju sada, pa, hajde da sada vidimo "dokaze".

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    MelissaN wrote:

    I do agree with you, but as I mentioned in my previous post we brought all of this to their attention and asked them to revise the terms, make them more clear. However, It is players' obligation to read t&c before they play no matter they are newbies or not. We tried to reach the casino and get the answers, we are still waiting for the evidence on multiple accounts but when one point in terms is broken there's really nothing we can do. 

    I have seen this kinds of casino before, I'm strongly believe they do this on purpose and that's cheating in my book. Restricted countries should not show in registration form in the first place despite of their lacking of country block. The way I see it, they accept deposits from restricted countries, if the players lose the casino got the money and if the players win the casino won't pay because it was in their terms. Unfortunately no matter what Bothae says or does, he won't get paid because the casino claimed he had multiple accounts and if not he still won't get paid because UK is restricted from playing and they have their terms to back up this claim. This is a lost cause and I really feel sad for Bothae and it just makes me feel angry how the casino operates, unfair and crooked!

    MelissaN je napisala:

    Slažem se sa vama, ali kao što sam pomenuo u svom prethodnom postu, skrenuli smo im pažnju na sve ovo i zamolili ih da revidiraju uslove, da ih učine jasnijim. Međutim, obaveza je igrača da pročitaju odredbe i uslove pre nego što igraju, bez obzira da li su početnici ili ne. Pokušali smo da dođemo do kazina i dobijemo odgovore, još uvek čekamo dokaze o više naloga, ali kada se jedna tačka pokvari, zaista ništa ne možemo da uradimo.

    Već sam video ovakve kazina, čvrsto verujem da to rade namerno i to je varanje u mojoj knjizi. Ograničene zemlje ne bi trebalo da se prikazuju u obrascu za registraciju, uprkos tome što nemaju blok zemlje. Kako ja to vidim, oni prihvataju depozite iz ograničenih zemalja, ako igrači izgube kazino dobija novac i ako igrači dobiju kazino neće platiti jer je to bilo po njihovim uslovima. Nažalost, bez obzira šta Bothae kaže ili uradi, on neće biti plaćen jer je kazino tvrdio da ima više naloga, a ako ne, i dalje neće biti plaćen jer je UK ograničeno da igra i oni imaju svoje uslove da potkrepe ovu tvrdnju. Ovo je izgubljen slučaj i stvarno sam tužan zbog Bothea i samo me ljuti kako kazino radi, nepravedno i krivo!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    .Complaint reopend until we receive evidence of multiple accounts.

    Regarding the UK and other country restrictions , both player and casino share responsiblity here IMHO.

    It is up to each and every player to read T&Cs and do their due dilligence. But it is also up to casino to do everything in their power to prevent registration from restricted locations ( GEO block is pretty simple feature to install and common thing these days).

    Also registration form must NOT include restricted countries, otherwize can be misleading and lead to these type of issues.

    .Žalba se ponovo otvara dok ne dobijemo dokaze o više naloga.

    Što se tiče ograničenja u Velikoj Britaniji i drugim zemljama, i igrač i kazino dele odgovornost ovde IMHO.

    Na svakom igraču je da pročita uslove i uslove i izvrši dužnu pažnju. Ali takođe je na kazinu da učini sve što je u njihovoj moći da spreči registraciju sa ograničenih lokacija (GEO blok je prilično jednostavna karakteristika za instaliranje i uobičajena stvar ovih dana).

    Takođe, formular za registraciju NE sme da sadrži zemlje sa ograničenjem, inače može da dovede u zabludu i da dovede do ove vrste problema.

    3.2/ 5

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Where is with the "evidence" of multiple accounts then? are making a false accusation and allegation against me, that I completely refute, so I need to be provided with any "evidence" they have to back up what they are saying so I can prove that I'm telling the truth and get this resolved and get my winnings, so I need to see the "evidence" immediately.

    Gde je onda sa "dokazima" više naloga? iznosi lažne optužbe i optužbe protiv mene, koje ja u potpunosti opovrgavam, tako da mi treba dati svaki "dokaz" koji oni imaju da potkrepe ono što govore kako bih mogao dokazati da govorim istinu i reši ovo i dobije moj dobitak, tako da moram odmah da vidim "dokaze".

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    zuga wrote:

    .Complaint reopend until we receive evidence of multiple accounts.

    Regarding the UK and other country restrictions , both player and casino share responsiblity here IMHO.

    It is up to each and every player to read T&Cs and do their due dilligence. But it is also up to casino to do everything in their power to prevent registration from restricted locations ( GEO block is pretty simple feature to install and common thing these days).

    Also registration form must NOT include restricted countries, otherwize can be misleading and lead to these type of issues.

    I totally agree with you on this one. When comes to paying large sums some casino will use the multiple accounts excuses to void winnings. What to say that a casino won't manipulate the data to show that it was multiple accounts when it actually wasn't?

    I think if a person wins with his/her monies without any bonus. Multiple accounts or not. That casino should pay. If you accept a bet then you must pay a bet.  

    zuga je napisao:

    .Žalba se ponovo otvara dok ne dobijemo dokaze o više naloga.

    Što se tiče ograničenja u Velikoj Britaniji i drugim zemljama, i igrač i kazino dele odgovornost ovde IMHO.

    Na svakom igraču je da pročita uslove i uslove i izvrši dužnu pažnju. Ali takođe je na kazinu da učini sve što je u njihovoj moći da spreči registraciju sa ograničenih lokacija (GEO blok je prilično jednostavna karakteristika za instaliranje i uobičajena stvar ovih dana).

    Takođe, formular za registraciju NE sme da sadrži zemlje sa ograničenjem, inače može da dovede u zabludu i da dovede do ove vrste problema.

    Potpuno se slažem sa tobom po ovom pitanju. Kada dođe do plaćanja velikih iznosa, neki kazino će koristiti izgovore za više naloga da ponište dobitke. Šta reći da kazino neće manipulisati podacima kako bi pokazao da je to bilo više naloga, a zapravo nije?

    Mislim da ako osoba pobedi sa svojim novcem bez ikakvog bonusa. Više naloga ili ne. Taj kazino treba da plati. Ako prihvatite opkladu, morate platiti opkladu.

    3.2/ 5

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    Bitspender wrote:

    zuga wrote:

    .Complaint reopend until we receive evidence of multiple accounts.

    Regarding the UK and other country restrictions , both player and casino share responsiblity here IMHO.

    It is up to each and every player to read T&Cs and do their due dilligence. But it is also up to casino to do everything in their power to prevent registration from restricted locations ( GEO block is pretty simple feature to install and common thing these days).

    Also registration form must NOT include restricted countries, otherwize can be misleading and lead to these type of issues.

    I totally agree with you on this one. When comes to paying large sums some casino will use the multiple accounts excuses to void winnings. What to say that a casino won't manipulate the data to show that it was multiple accounts when it actually wasn't?

    I think if a person wins with his/her monies without any bonus. Multiple accounts or not. That casino should pay. If you accept a bet then you must pay a bet.  

    And all you need to know is that they only "found" this "multiple account" only when I requested a withdrawal. So for 6 weeks when I was depositing, betting and not withdrawing, no mention of a multiple account, but when I wanted to withdraw my £21,137.74 balance from my account, suddenly they found a multiple account where when I was depositing, betting and not withdrawing there was no mention of a multiple account. Coincidence that they only found a multiple account when I requested a withdrawal of my £21,137.74 balance when there was no mention whatsoever of it before? No chance.

    And even though are the one making the accusations and allegations, I'm the one being totally open and wanting a public discussion on a forum to resolve this and demanding to see all the "evidence", and are the ones being evasive, which clearly shows who's in the right here. I don't have any multiple accounts, I won this money with my only account with them and I won it fair and square, so I need to be paid.

    And were trying to say that I'm some no deposit bonus freak, when on the account where I won this money I didn't take a no deposit bonus and didn't even take a deposit bonus, which shows you they're talking nonsense. I didn't bet with a bonus, I bet with my own money and I won money from bets with my own money, and I need to be paid.

    So LCB, where's the evidence from then? I'm being falsely accused of something I haven't done so I need to see the "evidence", and if can't produce sufficient evidence, which they can't because I haven't used multiple accounts, then they need to pay me my money immediately. So what's the update LCB?

    Bitspender je napisao:

    zuga je napisao:

    .Žalba se ponovo otvara dok ne dobijemo dokaze o više naloga.

    Što se tiče ograničenja u Velikoj Britaniji i drugim zemljama, i igrač i kazino dele odgovornost ovde IMHO.

    Na svakom igraču je da pročita uslove i uslove i izvrši dužnu pažnju. Ali takođe je na kazinu da učini sve što je u njihovoj moći da spreči registraciju sa ograničenih lokacija (GEO blok je prilično jednostavna karakteristika za instaliranje i uobičajena stvar ovih dana).

    Takođe, formular za registraciju NE sme da sadrži zemlje sa ograničenjem, inače može da zavara i dovede do ove vrste problema.

    Potpuno se slažem sa tobom po ovom pitanju. Kada dođe do plaćanja velikih iznosa, neki kazino će koristiti izgovore za više naloga da ponište dobitke. Šta reći da kazino neće manipulisati podacima kako bi pokazao da je to bilo više naloga, a zapravo nije?

    Mislim da ako osoba pobedi sa svojim novcem bez ikakvog bonusa. Više naloga ili ne. Taj kazino treba da plati. Ako prihvatite opkladu, morate platiti opkladu.

    I sve što treba da znate je da su „pronašli“ ovaj „višestruki nalog“ tek kada sam zatražio povlačenje. Dakle, tokom 6 nedelja kada sam deponovao, kladio se i nisam povlačio, nema pomena o višestrukim računima, ali kada sam želeo da povučem svoj saldo od 21.137,74 funti sa svog računa, odjednom su pronašli višestruki račun gde sam deponovao, kladio se i ne povlačenja nije bilo reči o višestrukom računu. Koincidencija da su pronašli višestruki račun samo kada sam zatražio povlačenje svog salda od 21.137,74 funti, a ranije o tome nije bilo reči? Nema šanse.

    I iako je taj koji iznosi optužbe i optužbe, ja sam taj koji je potpuno otvoren i želim javnu diskusiju na forumu da se ovo reši i zahtevam da vidi sve "dokaze", a su oni su izbegavajući, što jasno pokazuje ko je ovde u pravu. Nemam više naloga, ovaj novac sam osvojio sa svojim jedinim računom kod njih i dobio sam ga pošteno i pošteno, tako da treba da budem plaćen.

    A je pokušavao da kaže da sam ja neki čudak za bonus bez depozita, kada na računu na kojem sam osvojio ovaj novac nisam uzeo bonus bez depozita, a nisam čak ni uzeo bonus na depozit, što vam pokazuje da pričam gluposti. Nisam se kladio sa bonusom, kladio sam se svojim novcem i dobio sam novac od opklada svojim novcem, a treba mi platiti.

    Dakle, LCB, gde su onda dokazi sa Lažno sam optužen za nešto što nisam uradio pa moram da vidim "dokaze", a ako ne može da pruži dovoljno dokaza, što ne može jer nisam koristio više naloga, onda moraju odmah da mi plate moj novac. Dakle, šta je ažuriranje LCB-a?

    3.2/ 5

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Account check only happens when a withdrawal is requested, this is a standard procedure. Deposits are always welcome, fake account or not. This is why I always verify my account first before playing. When your account is verified, the casino is accepting you as player of their casino. There were a few casinos that said they only check my documents if I had requested a withdrawal, do not fall for this. Just say no documents check no deposit, they will check your docs guaranteed! has not posted anything since their last statement and I don't think they will either if I must be honest. No reply about GEO-block and whatnot. This is not a behaviour of a pro. Trust is a fragile thing, if you break it, it never will be the same again.

    Provera naloga se dešava samo kada se zahteva povlačenje, ovo je standardna procedura. Depoziti su uvek dobrodošli, lažni račun ili ne. Zbog toga uvek prvo verifikujem svoj nalog pre igranja. Kada je vaš nalog verifikovan, kazino vas prihvata kao igrača svog kazina. Bilo je nekoliko kazina koji su rekli da proveravaju moje dokumente samo ako sam zatražio povlačenje, nemojte nasedati na ovo. Samo recite bez provere dokumenata bez depozita, oni će vam garantovano proveriti dokumente! nije objavio ništa od njihove poslednje izjave, a mislim da neće ni, ako moram da budem iskren. Nema odgovora o GEO-bloku i čemu nečemu. Ovo nije ponašanje profesionalca. Poverenje je krhka stvar, ako ga prekršite, nikada više neće biti isto.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    We requested the evidence from the casino and still waiting for them to send it over. They promised they'd revise their t&c and add the country blocker so we'll see if they are going to do what they've promised. We'll keep you all posted. 

    Zatražili smo dokaze od kazina i još uvek čekamo da nam ih pošalju. Obećali su da će revidirati svoj T&C i dodati bloker zemlje pa ćemo videti da li će uraditi ono što su obećali. Obaveštavaćemo vas sve.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    MelissaN wrote:

    We requested the evidence from the casino and still waiting for them to send it over. They promised they'd revise their t&c and add the country blocker so we'll see if they are going to do what they've promised. We'll keep you all posted. 

    It's been well over 2 days since they made the false accusation and allegation and that they said they will provide the "evidence", and well over 2 days is more than enough time to show everything, 2 minutes is more than enough if they actually had any "evidence" in the first place, especially as that post was after they said they had "looked into everything", so it's obvious they don't have any evidence for what they are saying, they are just trying to get out of paying me my money that I won fair and square, it's as simple as that, so LCB needs to go back to to get this resolved and get my money paid as this has gone on too long, it has now been over 2 months that I've been without the money that I should already have been paid and in that over 2 months, I've not been shown one shred of evidence showing any justification for them confiscating my winnings, and that's because there isn't any, because I've only got one account and I fairly won this money and there is no reason for it not to be paid to me. So LCB needs to go back to now today to get this resolved once and for all and for my winnings to be paid to me.

    MelissaN je napisala:

    Zatražili smo dokaze od kazina i još uvek čekamo da nam ih pošalju. Obećali su da će revidirati svoj T&C i dodati bloker zemlje pa ćemo videti da li će uraditi ono što su obećali. Obaveštavaćemo vas sve.

    Prošlo je više od 2 dana od kada su izneli lažnu optužbu i navod i da su rekli da će obezbediti "dokaze", a više od 2 dana je više nego dovoljno vremena da se sve pokaže, 2 minuta je više nego dovoljno ako su zaista imali bilo kakvih "dokaza" na prvom mestu, pogotovo što je taj post bio nakon što su rekli da su "sve pregledali", tako da je očigledno da nemaju nikakve dokaze za ono što govore, samo pokušavaju da se izvuku iz plaćanja moj novac koji sam osvojio pošteno i pošteno, tako je jednostavno, tako da LCB mora da se vrati na da bi ovo rešio i da bi mi novac bio isplaćen jer je ovo trajalo predugo, sada je prošlo više od 2 meseca da sam bio bez novca koji mi je već trebao biti isplaćen i za to više od 2 meseca mi nije pokazan ni trunke dokaza koji bi pokazao opravdanje da mi oduzmu dobitak, i to zato što ga nema, jer imam samo jedan račun i pošteno sam dobio ovaj novac i nema razloga da mi se ne isplati. Dakle, LCB mora da se vrati na danas da bi ovo rešio jednom zauvek i da bi mi moj dobitak bio isplaćen.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I understand your frustration and impatience, bothae. Since the evidence does not depend on us but the casino, we all need to be patient and wait for them to get back to us. We are in communication with them every single day in order to speed up the process, but as I said we have to wait until we get the evidence. So please be patient and we'll address you as soon as we have the evidence and the casino's feedback. 

    Thanks for the understanding. 

    Razumem vašu frustraciju i nestrpljenje, oboje. Pošto dokazi ne zavise od nas već od kazina, svi treba da budemo strpljivi i sačekamo da nam se vrate. Mi smo u komunikaciji sa njima svaki dan da bismo ubrzali proces, ali kao što sam rekao moramo da sačekamo dok ne dobijemo dokaze. Zato budite strpljivi i mi ćemo vam se obratiti čim budemo imali dokaze i povratne informacije kazina.

    Hvala na razumevanju.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    It doesn't matter how often LCB contacted, if the casino doesn't reply there's nothing you can do but to wait. This casino is notorious for their lack of communication, poor support ( probably because their help inbox is overloaded ).

    Nije važno koliko često je LCB kontaktirao, ako kazino ne odgovori, ništa ne možete učiniti osim da sačekate. Ovaj kazino je poznat po nedostatku komunikacije, lošoj podršci (verovatno zato što im je prijemno sanduče za pomoć preopterećeno).

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    @bothae you need to cool the way down!

    Its the weekend and casino Reps usually are off.

    Now what you need to understand is this casino ( or any other ) is under NO obligation to provide us with anything. Nor LCB is in any obligation to mediate. We choose to for the betterment of the gambling space and in order to protect player interests, where those interests might be in jeopardy. We also do not charge for our service , so do not shoot the messenger whos trying to help. And our records as  players 'advocate' speak for itself.

    We provide platform where players can post their issues and we give our best to get things done. 

    Since we are not a regulatory body, nor claim to be one, this means again no casino is obligated to cooperate with us  ( they can simply refer you to their licensor / regulatory body if you are not satisfied with the outcome) However, obviously it is in their and everyone's best interest to communicate about these matters. So we need to give credit to all the Reps that are actively participating in this and other discussions.

    Whether there is evidence of multiple accounts or not, is yet to be determined. Once and if we get all the supporting evidence we will update this topic.

    These things can take time to communicate so until then please refrain from making any further comments, as you are not helping your case. 

    LCB Co-CEO

    @bothae moraš da ohladiš put dole!

    Vikend je i predstavnici kazina obično nisu.

    Ono što sada treba da razumete je da ovaj kazino (ili bilo koji drugi) nema NIKAKVU obavezu da nam pruži bilo šta. Ni LCB nije u obavezi da posreduje. Odlučujemo se za poboljšanje prostora za kockanje i kako bismo zaštitili interese igrača, tamo gde bi ti interesi mogli biti ugroženi. Takođe ne naplaćujemo našu uslugu, tako da nemojte pucati na glasnika koji pokušava da pomogne. A naši rekordi 'zagovaranja' igrača govore sami za sebe.

    Pružamo platformu na kojoj igrači mogu da objavljuju svoje probleme i dajemo sve od sebe da stvari urade.

    Pošto mi nismo regulatorno telo, niti tvrdimo da smo to, to opet znači da nijedan kazino nije u obavezi da sarađuje sa nama (mogu vas jednostavno uputiti svom davaocu licence / regulatornom telu ako niste zadovoljni ishodom) Međutim, očigledno je da je u njihovom i svačijem najboljem interesu da komuniciraju o ovim stvarima. Zato moramo odati priznanje svim predstavnicima koji aktivno učestvuju u ovoj i drugim diskusijama.

    Da li postoje dokazi o višestrukim računima ili ne, tek treba da se utvrdi. Jednom i ako dobijemo sve prateće dokaze, ažuriraćemo ovu temu.

    Komunikacija o ovim stvarima može potrajati, pa vas do tada uzdržite od daljih komentara, jer ne pomažete vašem slučaju.

    LCB Co-CEO

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I understand his frustration, people become impatience if things do not work as they should be, or worse for not having the control over them. It is hard to stay calm when you're frustrated and lets be honest, we all have been there, it is a large amount we're talking about. It is indeed not only the player to blame of this issue for not reading the terms regarding UK restriction but the casino as well, as a company you should get your things well organized and not half baked, you are the bigger aspect here.

    Razumem njegovu frustraciju, ljudi postaju nestrpljivi ako stvari ne funkcionišu kako treba, ili još gore ako nemaju kontrolu nad njima. Teško je ostati miran kada si frustriran i budimo iskreni, svi smo bili tamo, to je velika količina o kojoj govorimo. Zaista nije samo igrač kriv za ovo pitanje što nije pročitao uslove u vezi sa ograničenjem u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, već i kazino, jer kao kompanija treba da dobro organizujete svoje stvari, a ne napola ispečene, vi ste ovde veći aspekt.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    zuga wrote:

    @bothae you need to cool the way down!

    Its the weekend and casino Reps usually are off.

    Now what you need to understand is this casino ( or any other ) is under NO obligation to provide us with anything. Nor LCB is in any obligation to mediate. We choose to for the betterment of the gambling space and in order to protect player interests, where those interests might be in jeopardy. We also do not charge for our service , so do not shoot the messenger whos trying to help. And our records as  players 'advocate' speak for itself.

    We provide platform where players can post their issues and we give our best to get things done. 

    Since we are not a regulatory body, nor claim to be one, this means again no casino is obligated to cooperate with us  ( they can simply refer you to their licensor / regulatory body if you are not satisfied with the outcome) However, obviously it is in their and everyone's best interest to communicate about these matters. So we need to give credit to all the Reps that are actively participating in this and other discussions.

    Whether there is evidence of multiple accounts or not, is yet to be determined. Once and if we get all the supporting evidence we will update this topic.

    These things can take time to communicate so until then please refrain from making any further comments, as you are not helping your case. 

    LCB Co-CEO

    I don't need to cool down at all, I'm very calm and composed and I've been extremely patient especially given that this complaint has been going on for over a week and this whole thing has been going on for over 2 months and I've been falsely accused and that I still haven't got my winnings that I'm entitled to yet.

    I am not "shooting the messenger" at all, I'm only saying that you are providing a complaints service, and a gambling site is saying they've "looked into everything" and will show all "evidence", and that over 2 days later they haven't shown anything, so you as a complaints service as standard should then be going back to the gambling site after that length of time asking what's going on and where the evidence is and saying that if there's evidence, then show it now, and if there isn't, then pay the player immediately, that's all I'm saying, and that should be a standard procedure for a complaints service.

    So it's now over 4 days since said they would provide all of the "evidence", which is even longer than the 2 days before and is an even more unreasonable length of time for to not have provided the "evidence", so let's face it, if had any "evidence", they would have shown it in the last more than 4 days already, so what's the update LCB?

    zuga je napisao:

    @bothae moraš da ohladiš put dole!

    Vikend je i predstavnici kazina obično nisu.

    Ono što sada treba da razumete je da ovaj kazino (ili bilo koji drugi) nema NIKAKVU obavezu da nam pruži bilo šta. Ni LCB nije u obavezi da posreduje. Odlučujemo se za poboljšanje prostora za kockanje i kako bismo zaštitili interese igrača, tamo gde bi ti interesi mogli biti ugroženi. Takođe ne naplaćujemo našu uslugu, tako da nemojte pucati na glasnika koji pokušava da pomogne. A naši rekordi 'zagovaranja' igrača govore sami za sebe.

    Pružamo platformu na kojoj igrači mogu da objavljuju svoje probleme i dajemo sve od sebe da stvari urade.

    Pošto mi nismo regulatorno telo, niti tvrdimo da smo to, to opet znači da nijedan kazino nije u obavezi da sarađuje sa nama (mogu vas jednostavno uputiti svom davaocu licence / regulatornom telu ako niste zadovoljni ishodom) Međutim, očigledno je da je u njihovom i svačijem najboljem interesu da komuniciraju o ovim stvarima. Zato moramo odati priznanje svim predstavnicima koji aktivno učestvuju u ovoj i drugim diskusijama.

    Da li postoje dokazi o višestrukim računima ili ne, tek treba da se utvrdi. Jednom i ako dobijemo sve prateće dokaze, ažuriraćemo ovu temu.

    Komunikacija o ovim stvarima može potrajati, pa vas do tada uzdržite od daljih komentara, jer ne pomažete vašem slučaju.

    LCB Co-CEO

    Uopšte ne treba da se hladim, veoma sam miran i staložen i bio sam izuzetno strpljiv, posebno s obzirom da ova pritužba traje više od nedelju dana i da cela ova stvar traje više od 2 meseca i ja sam lažno optužen i da još uvek nisam dobio svoj dobitak na koji imam pravo.

    Uopšte ne "pucam u glasnika", samo kažem da vi pružate uslugu reklamacija, a sajt za kockanje kaže da su "sve pregledali" i da će pokazati sve "dokaze", i to preko 2 dana kasnije nisu ništa pokazali, tako da bi vi kao služba za žalbe po standardu trebalo da se vratite na sajt za kockanje nakon tog perioda da pitate šta se dešava i gde su dokazi i kažete da ako postoje dokazi, onda ih pokažite sad, a ako nema, onda odmah plati plejeru, to je sve što govorim, i to bi trebalo da bude standardna procedura za uslugu reklamacija.

    Dakle, prošlo je više od 4 dana od kada je rekao da će obezbediti sve „dokaze“, koji su čak i duži nego prethodna 2 dana i što je još nerazumniji vremenski period da nije obezbedio „dokaze ", da se razumemo, da je imao ikakav "dokaz", oni bi ga već pokazali u poslednja više od 4 dana, pa šta je ažuriranje LCB?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Don't hold your breath on this one because there's a great chance the casino won't keep us informed regarding your matter, sorry for being a Debby Downer on this case but I've read a lot of bad reviews regarding 22bet. I really hope the casino rep will clarify this issue the next time their rep is online. Fingers crossed.

    Ne zadržavajte dah na ovome jer postoji velika šansa da nas kazino neće obavestiti o vašoj stvari, izvinite što sam Debbi Dovner u ovom slučaju, ali pročitao sam dosta loših kritika u vezi sa 22bet. Zaista se nadam da će predstavnik kazina razjasniti ovo pitanje sledeći put kada njihov predstavnik bude na mreži. Držati palčeve.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    bothae wrote:

    I don't need to cool down at all, I'm very calm and composed and I've been extremely patient

    you are very ungrateful if you ask me thumbs_down

    oboje je napisao:

    Uopšte ne treba da se hladim, veoma sam miran i staložen i bio sam izuzetno strpljiv

    veoma si nezahvalan ako mene pitaš thumbs_down

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    If Bothae is not satified with the services of LCB, he is more than welcome to file a complaint directly from their license holder himself which is in this case Antillephone, one of the worst if you ask me and I doubt they will be more helpful. You can send thousands of emails, if the casino do not respond, there's nothing much you can do than to wait till they respond and that's it. No point of arguing about this as long they're unresponsive. For now, I'd advise to steer clear from this casino.

    Ako Bothae nije zadovoljan uslugama LCB-a, više je nego dobrodošao da podnese žalbu direktno od samog vlasnika licence, što je u ovom slučaju Antilephone, jedan od najgorih ako mene pitate i sumnjam da će biti od veće pomoći. Možete da pošaljete hiljade mejlova, ako kazino ne odgovori, ne možete ništa da uradite nego da sačekate dok ne odgovore i to je to. Nema smisla raspravljati o ovome sve dok ne reaguju. Za sada bih savetovao da se klonite ovog kazina.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I'm not "ungrateful" or "not satisfied" with LCB, all I'm asking for is an update on the situation and for them to chase up every day or two that aren't sorting this out to finally get a resolution on this, as would be standard procedure for a complaints service, so what's the update please LCB?

    Nisam "nezahvalan" ili "nisam zadovoljan" sa LCB-om, sve što tražim je ažuriranje situacije i da svaki dan ili dva jure da ovo ne reši da konačno dobijemo rešenje o ovome, kao što bi bila standardna procedura za službu za žalbe, pa šta je ažuriranje, molim LCB?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    bothae wrote:

    I'm not "ungrateful" or "not satisfied" with LCB, all I'm asking for is an update on the situation and for them to chase up every day or two that aren't sorting this out to finally get a resolution on this, as would be standard procedure for a complaints service, so what's the update please LCB?

    As we already explained in our posts, the update doesn't depend on us but on the casino. We told you we'd update you as soon as we get any feedback from them. We also informed you that we are working on your case and we're in communication with the casino on daily basis. We ask you to be a little bit more patient we'll keep you updated. 

    oboje je napisao:

    Nisam "nezahvalan" ili "nisam zadovoljan" sa LCB-om, sve što tražim je ažuriranje situacije i da svaki dan ili dva jure da ovo ne reši da konačno dobijemo rešenje o ovome, kao što bi bila standardna procedura za službu za žalbe, pa šta je ažuriranje, molim LCB?

    Kao što smo već objasnili u našim objavama, ažuriranje ne zavisi od nas već od kazina. Rekli smo vam da ćemo vas obavestiti čim dobijemo povratne informacije od njih. Takođe smo vas obavestili da radimo na vašem slučaju i da smo u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji sa kazinom. Molimo vas da budete još malo strpljivi, a mi ćemo vas obaveštavati.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    bothae wrote:

    I'm not "ungrateful" or "not satisfied" with LCB, all I'm asking for is an update on the situation and for them to chase up every day or two that aren't sorting this out to finally get a resolution on this, as would be standard procedure for a complaints service, so what's the update please LCB?

    Believe me, LCB is doing their best to solve this issue and as soon as the casino provide them more information regarding this issue you will be informed asap, it is no use to chase up the casino if they are unresponsive. Like Zuga mentioned before, the casino is has no obligation to provide the proof to LCB. Sorry  but you really have to wait and how long that depends on the casino.

    oboje je napisao:

    Nisam "nezahvalan" ili "nisam zadovoljan" sa LCB-om, sve što tražim je ažuriranje situacije i da svaki dan ili dva jure da ovo ne reši da konačno dobijemo rešenje o ovome, kao što bi bila standardna procedura za službu za žalbe, pa šta je ažuriranje, molim LCB?

    Verujte mi, LCB daje sve od sebe da reši ovaj problem i čim im kazino pruži više informacija u vezi sa ovim problemom, bićete obavešteni što pre, nema svrhe juriti kazino ako ne reaguje. Kao što je Zuga ranije pomenuo, kazino nema obavezu da pruži dokaz LCB-u. Izvinite, ali zaista morate da sačekate, a koliko dugo to zavisi od kazina.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    This is getting ridiculous now. It is now over 8 days since said the following: "If you want to hear more we will send LCB. admin a proof of abuse and breaching the rules."

    More than 8 days later, and still nothing from It's plainly clear that have no evidence for what they are saying, otherwise they would have shown it in the last more than 8 days, and I'm willing to provide any evidence required to show I'm telling the truth.

    So there's me who has been fully open on a public forum and will show any evidence required to show I'm telling the truth that I've not had multiple accounts, and there's that are evasive, have not posted on the forum for over 8 days and they haven't shown the evidence they said they had and that they said they would show over 8 days ago. It's clear who's in the right here, and I know it's me in the right anyway without all this runaround as I know I haven't used multiple accounts whatsoever, so this needs to be resolved and I need to be paid my winnings that I'm entitled to.

    So LCB, are responding to you, and if so, what are they saying, and what's the update?

    Ovo sada postaje smešno. Prošlo je više od 8 dana od kada je rekao sledeće: "Ako želite da čujete više poslaćemo LCB. admin-u dokaz o zloupotrebi i kršenju pravila."

    Više od 8 dana kasnije, a još uvek ništa od Jasno je da nema dokaza za ono što govore, inače bi to pokazali u poslednjih više od 8 dana, a ja sam spreman da pružim sve potrebne dokaze da pokažem da govorim istinu.

    Dakle, tu sam ja koji sam bio potpuno otvoren na javnom forumu i pokazaću sve dokaze koji su potrebni da pokažem da govorim istinu da nisam imao više naloga, a tu su i koji izbegavaju, nisu objavljeni na forumu više od 8 dana i nisu pokazali dokaze za koje su rekli da imaju i za koje su rekli da će ih pokazati pre više od 8 dana. Jasno je ko je ovde u pravu, a ja znam da sam ja u pravu ionako bez ovog zaostajanja jer znam da nisam koristio više naloga, tako da ovo treba da se reši i da mi se isplati moj dobitak koji sam m pravo na.

    Dakle, LCB, da li vam odgovara, i ako jeste, šta kažu i šta je novo?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hi bothae,

    Yes, it's been a week now and we still have nothing. We sent them reminders and still nothing. We emailed them again today and urge them to send us the evidence asap. Let's see if they are going to get back to us with the evidence. 

    zdravo oboje,

    Da, prošlo je nedelju dana i još uvek nemamo ništa. Poslali smo im podsetnike i još ništa. Danas smo im ponovo poslali e-poštu i pozivamo ih da nam pošalju dokaze što pre. Da vidimo da li će nam se vratiti sa dokazima.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Another week has passed, and I've heard nothing from LCB. I can see that the 22Bet rep is active on this forum pretty much every day since they last posted 2 weeks ago, so they are lurking, but not posting, and I also private messaged the 22Bet rep and they haven't responded to that, so 22Bet rep, you need to man up and stop cowering in the corner and you need to face the music and get this resolved. Any update LCB?

    Prošla je još jedna nedelja, a nisam čuo ništa od LCB-a. Vidim da je predstavnik 22Bet aktivan na ovom forumu skoro svaki dan od kada su poslednji put objavili pre 2 nedelje, tako da vrebaju, ali ne objavljuju, a takođe sam poslao privatnu poruku predstavniku 22Bet i oni nisu odgovorili na to, tako da 22Bet rep, morate da se podignete i prestanete da se savijate u uglu i morate da se suočite sa muzikom i da ovo rešite. Ima li ažuriranja LCB-a?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hi bothae,

    We chatted with the casino and remind them today again. They promised they'd address you on the forum and post their final decision about this case any minute. 

    zdravo oboje,

    Razgovarali smo sa kazinom i podsetili ih danas ponovo. Obećali su da će vam se obratiti na forumu i objaviti konačnu odluku o ovom slučaju svakog trenutka.

Brzi odgovor

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