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  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Last week Caesars Entertainment group announced the schedule for the 2014 World Series of Poker. The 45th Annual World Series of Poker starts Tuesday, May 27th at Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.

    There will be 65 bracelets up for grabs and will feature a $10 million guaranteed grand prize to the winner in the Main Event. This is the second largest prize in the event’s history. The biggest prize was in 2006 when Jamie Gold took home a staggering $12 million prize in the Main Event.

    The entry fee is $10,000 for the 2014 WSOP and the Main Event will take place on July 5th.

    Prošle nedelje Caesars Entertainment grupa objavila je raspored za Svetsku seriju pokera 2014. 45. godišnja svetska serija pokera počinje u utorak, 27. maja u Rio Hotel & Casino u Las Vegasu.

    Biće na raspolaganju 65 narukvica, a za pobedniku na Main Eventu biće zagarantovana glavna nagrada od 10 miliona dolara. Ovo je druga najveća nagrada u istoriji ove manifestacije. Najveća nagrada je bila 2006. godine kada je Jamie Gold odneo kući neverovatnih 12 miliona dolara na Main Eventu.

    Kotizacija je $10,000 za 2014 VSOP, a glavni događaj će se održati 5. jula.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    Grand Sierra Resort & Casino in Reno, Nevada

    World Poker Challenge - Mini Series starts February 26th - March 2nd.  $7,500 in added money, and features an Ante Up poker cruise satellite offering five poker cruises.
    Grand Sierra Resort & Casino u Renu, Nevada

    Vorld Poker Challenge - Mini Series počinje 26. februara - 2. marta. 7,500 dolara dodatnog novca, i sadrži Ante Up poker krstarenje satelitom koji nudi pet poker krstarenja.
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    The Irish Open takes place 18th April - 21st April and is europe's oldest poker tournament.
    The Main Event is 2250 euro buy in and the estimated prizepool is 1 million euros.
    I have won a final seat to the mega satellite this sunday on paddy power to win one of 30 packages.
    I will be in Dublin for Easter anyway as booked ages ago but would be great to win a package smiley

    Irish Open se održava od 18. do 21. aprila i najstariji je evropski poker turnir.
    Glavni događaj je bui-in od 2250 evra, a procenjeni nagradni fond je 1 milion evra.
    Osvojio sam poslednje mesto na mega satelitu ove nedelje na paddi pover-u da bih osvojio jedan od 30 paketa.
    Ionako ću biti u Dablinu za Uskrs jer sam bio rezervisan davno, ali bilo bi sjajno da osvojim paket smiley

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    The Irish Open takes place 18th April - 21st April and is europe's oldest poker tournament.
    The Main Event is 2250 euro buy in and the estimated prizepool is 1 million euros.
    I have won a final seat to the mega satellite this sunday on paddy power to win one of 30 packages.
    I will be in Dublin for Easter anyway as booked ages ago but would be great to win a package smiley

    Good luck - I hope you make it.

    Irish Open se održava od 18. do 21. aprila i najstariji je evropski poker turnir.
    Glavni događaj je bui-in od 2250 evra, a procenjeni nagradni fond je 1 milion evra.
    Osvojio sam poslednje mesto na mega satelitu ove nedelje na paddi pover-u da bih osvojio jedan od 30 paketa.
    Ionako ću biti u Dablinu za Uskrs jer sam bio rezervisan davno, ali bilo bi sjajno da osvojim paket smiley

    Srećno - nadam se da ćeš uspeti.
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I was fortunate enough to have played in this tournament in 2002 and 2003.  It is truly a magical event for any poker player.  As well as all the famous poker players, there were lots of celebrates from TV, Movies, and Sports, I saw in those 2 memorable years.  It was very hard for me to stay focused on the game with so many famous people every where! 

    I did gain my focus and I managed to run deep enough in the tournament, both years, to win my entry fee back plus a little extra.  Not quite what I had dreamed of winning, but respectable just the same.  I’ve thought about playing again but, it takes an incredible amount of stamina coupled with patience and I doubt this old mare has still got it in her!

    However, Doyle Brunson aka Texas Dolly (poker pro) has proved age is only a number in playing poker, so I might give it a whirl.  We only get one time down this path of life, so ya never know!  wink

    Last week Caesars Entertainment group announced the schedule for the 2014 World Series of Poker. The 45th Annual World Series of Poker starts Tuesday, May 27th at Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.

    There will be 65 bracelets up for grabs and will feature a $10 million guaranteed grand prize to the winner in the Main Event. This is the second largest prize in the event’s history. The biggest prize was in 2006 when Jamie Gold took home a staggering $12 million prize in the Main Event.

    The entry fee is $10,000 for the 2014 WSOP and the Main Event will take place on July 5th.

    Imao sam sreću da sam igrao na ovom turniru 2002. i 2003. To je zaista magičan događaj za svakog poker igrača. Kao i svi poznati poker igrači, bilo je mnogo slavlja sa TV-a, filmova i sporta, koje sam video u te 2 nezaboravne godine. Bilo mi je veoma teško da ostanem fokusiran na igru sa toliko poznatih ljudi svuda!

    Dobio sam fokus i uspeo sam da prođem dovoljno duboko na turniru, obe godine, da vratim svoju startninu plus malo više. Ne baš ono o čemu sam sanjao da pobedim, ali ipak respektabilan. Razmišljao sam da ponovo igram, ali, potrebna je neverovatna količina izdržljivosti u kombinaciji sa strpljenjem i sumnjam da ova stara kobila još uvek ima to u sebi!

    Međutim, Doile Brunson aka Teksas Doli (poker profesionalac) je dokazao da su godine samo broj u igranju pokera, tako da bih mogao da se pozabavim. Samo jednom idemo ovim životnim putem, tako da se nikad ne zna! wink

    Prošle nedelje grupa Caesars Entertainment objavila je raspored za Svetsku seriju pokera 2014. 45. godišnja svetska serija pokera počinje u utorak, 27. maja u Rio Hotel & Casino u Las Vegasu.

    Biće na raspolaganju 65 narukvica, a za pobedniku na Main Eventu biće zagarantovana glavna nagrada od 10 miliona dolara. Ovo je druga najveća nagrada u istoriji ove manifestacije. Najveća nagrada je bila 2006. godine kada je Jamie Gold odneo kući neverovatnih 12 miliona dolara na Main Eventu.

    Kotizacija je $10,000 za 2014 VSOP, a glavni događaj će se održati 5. jula.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hi pokergranni,

    What a wonderful experience for you.  Did you pay your own entry fee?  I can't imagine playing in a tournament like that.  I would be so nervous my hands would be visibly shaking.  And yes it would be very hard to concentrate.

    I know that entry fees are very high for these types of tournaments.  Just curious how you got to enter the tourney.


    Zdravo pokergranni,

    Kakvo divno iskustvo za vas. Da li ste sami platili startninu? Ne mogu da zamislim da igram na takvom turniru. Bio bih toliko nervozan da bi mi se ruke vidno tresle. I da, bilo bi veoma teško koncentrisati se.

    Znam da su startnine veoma visoke za ovakve vrste turnira. Samo sam radoznao kako ste uspeli da uđete na turnir.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    That is very exciting pokergranni! And getting that far into the tourney to get your entry fee back plus some extra not to mention the high it had to give you to compete against the pros and hold your own!

    Big congrats to you! Like Medtran i think i would be as nervous as cat in a room full of rockers!

    To je veoma uzbudljiv pokergranni! I otići tako daleko u turnir da biste vratili svoju startninu plus nešto dodatnog, a da ne pominjemo visoku vrednost koju je morao da vam pruži da biste se takmičili sa profesionalcima i držali svoje!

    Velike čestitke! Kao i Medtran, mislim da bih bio nervozan kao mačka u sobi punoj rokera!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hi pokergranni,

    What a wonderful experience for you.  Did you pay your own entry fee?  I can't imagine playing in a tournament like that.  I would be so nervous my hands would be visibly shaking.  And yes it would be very hard to concentrate.


    Yes, the entry fees can be high and a lot of that depends on which game event you buy in at.  You can win a seat at a lot of the online poker sites, that is if you’re not a U.S. player.  Back when I played, we lived in the Las Vegas area and several of the casinos host poker tournaments in which the top prize was a seat at the WSOP.  So a few people got their entries that way, but its a very hard row to hoe going that route.

    And, yes, I paid my own entry fees, well actually I had a sponsor.......My husband!  A lady can't get much luckier than that now can she?

    I know that entry fees are very high for these types of tournaments.  Just curious how you got to enter the tourney.


    Zdravo pokergranni,

    Kakvo divno iskustvo za vas. Da li ste sami platili startninu? Ne mogu da zamislim da igram na takvom turniru. Bio bih toliko nervozan da bi mi se ruke vidno tresle. I da, bilo bi veoma teško koncentrisati se.


    Da, startnine mogu biti visoke i mnogo toga zavisi od toga na kojoj igrici učestvujete. Možete osvojiti mesto na mnogim online poker sajtovima, to jest ako niste igrač iz SAD. Kada sam ja igrao, živeli smo u oblasti Las Vegasa i nekoliko kazina je domaćin poker turnira u kojima je glavna nagrada bila mesto na VSOP-u. Tako da je nekoliko ljudi dobilo svoje prijave na taj način, ali je veoma teško ići tim putem.

    I, da, sama sam platila startnine, pa zapravo sam imala sponzora.......Mog muža! Dama sada ne može imati više sreće od toga, zar ne?

    Znam da su startnine veoma visoke za ovakve vrste turnira. Samo sam radoznao kako ste uspeli da uđete na turnir.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Horseshoe Casino Council Bluffs Poker schedule:

    2014 Horseshoe Poker Classic - August 18th - August 24th

    $250 No-Limit Hold'em Aug 20 2 days buy-in $250
    $200 No-Limit Hold'em Bounty Aug 21 1 day buy-in $200
    $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em Aug 23 2 days buy-in $1,000
    $200 Omaha 8/OB Aug 24 1 day buy-in $200

    Horseshoe Tunica

    2014 PPC Horseshoe Tunica

    $120 No-Limit Hold'em Aug 20 1 day buy-in $100 + $20
    $120 No-Limit Hold'em Seniors (SPT) Aug 21 1 day buy-in $100 + $20
    $125 No-Limit Hold'em Bounty  Aug 21 1 day buy-in $105 + $20
    $350 No-Limit Hold'em $50K Guarantee Aug 22 3 days buy-in $325 + $25
    $120 No-Limit Hold'em Aug 24 1 day buy-in $100 + $20
    $130 No-Limit Hold'em Ladies (LIPS) Aug 24 1 day buy-in $100 + $30

    Beau Rivage Resort Casino

    2014 Gulf Coast Poker Championship

    $345 No-Limit Hold'em $300K Guarantee Aug 22 3 days buy-in $300 + $45
    $345 Limit Omaha 8/OB Aug 23 1 day buy-in $300 + $45
    $125 No-Limit Hold'em Aug 24 1 day buy-in $100 + $25
    $235 No-Limit Hold'em Ladies Aug 24 1 day buy-in $200 + $35
    $235 No-Limit Hold'em Aug 25 1 day buy-in $200 + $35
    $235 Stud 8/OB Aug 25 1 day buy-in $200 + $35
    $235 No-Limit Hold'em Seniors Aug 26 1 day buy-in $200 + $35
    $405 No-Limit Hold'em Six Max Bounty Aug 26 1 day buy-in $360 + $45

    $235 No-Limit Hold'em Aug 27 1 day buy-in $200 + $35
    $235 Pot-Limit Omaha 8/OB Aug 27 1 day buy-in $200 + $35
    $230 H.O.R.S.E. Aug 28 1 day buy-in $200 + $30
    $345 No-Limit Hold'em Aug 28 1 day buy-in $300 + $45
    $1,600 No-Limit Hold'em $300K Guarantee  Aug 29 4 days buy-in $1,500 + $100
    $125 No-Limit Hold'em Aug 31 1 day buy-in $100 + $25

    Crown Casino - Melbourne

    ANZPT 6 - Melbourne

    $200 No-Limit Hold'em Aug 20 1 day buy-in $188
    $200 No-Limit Hold'em Aug 21 4 days buy-in $188
    $300 No-Limit Hold'em Teams Aug 24 1 day buy-in $281
    $400 Pot-Limit Omaha Aug 24 1 day buy-in $375
    $400 No-Limit Hold'em Aug 25 1 day buy-in $375
    $300 Seven Game Mix - Aug 26 1 day buy-in $281
    $400 No-Limit Hold'em Bounty Aug 26 1 day buy-in $375
    $550 No-Limit Hold'em Six Max Aug 27 1 day buy-in $516
    $1,100 No-Limit Hold'em Six Max Aug 28 1 day buy-in $1,032
    $400 No-Limit Hold'em Bounty Aug 28 1 day buy-in $375
    $2,200 No-Limit Hold'em Aug 29 4 days buy-in  $2,063

    Dreams Casino Chile

    2014 LPS - Chile

    $1,100 No-Limit Hold'em Aug 21 4 days buy-in $1,000 + $100

    Horseshoe Casino Council Bluffs Poker raspored:

    2014 Horseshoe Poker Classic - 18. avgust - 24. avgust

    $250 No-Limit Hold'em 20. avgust 2 dana bui-in $250
    $200 No-Limit Hold'em Bounti 21. avgust 1 dan bui-in $200
    $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em 23. avgust 2 dana bui-in $1,000
    $200 Omaha 8/OB 24. avgust 1 dan bui-in $200

    Horseshoe Tunica

    2014 PPC Horseshoe Tunica

    $120 No-Limit Hold'em 20. avgust 1 dan bui-in $100 + $20
    $120 No-Limit Hold'em Seniors (SPT) 21. avgust 1 dan bui-in $100 + $20
    $125 No-Limit Hold'em Bounti 21. avgust 1 dan bui-in $105 + $20
    $350 No-Limit Hold'em $50K Garancija 22. avgust 3 dana bui-in $325 + $25
    $120 No-Limit Hold'em 24. avgust 1 dan bui-in $100 + $20
    $130 No-Limit Hold'em Ladies (LIPS) 24. avgust 1 dan bui-in $100 + $30

    Beau Rivage Resort kazino

    Prvenstvo u pokeru na obali Meksičkog zaliva 2014

    $345 No-Limit Hold'em $300K Garancija 22. avgust 3 dana bui-in $300 + $45
    $345 Limit Omaha 8/OB 23. avgust 1 dan bui-in $300 + $45
    $125 No-Limit Hold'em 24. avgust 1 dan bui-in $100 + $25
    $235 No-Limit Hold'em Dame 24. avgust 1 dan bui-in $200 + $35
    $235 No-Limit Hold'em 25. avgust 1 dan bui-in $200 + $35
    $235 Stud 8/OB 25. avgust 1 dan bui-in $200 + $35
    $235 No-Limit Hold'em Seniors 26. avgust 1 dan bui-in $200 + $35
    $405 No-Limit Hold'em Sik Mak Bounti 26. avgust 1 dan bui-in $360 + $45

    $235 No-Limit Hold'em 27. avgust 1 dan bui-in $200 + $35
    $235 Pot-Limit Omaha 8/OB 27. avgust 1 dan bui-in $200 + $35
    $230 KONJ 28. avgust 1 dan bui-in $200 + $30
    $345 No-Limit Hold'em 28. avgust 1 dan bui-in $300 + $45
    $1,600 No-Limit Hold'em $300K Garancija 29. avgust 4 dana bui-in $1,500 + $100
    $125 No-Limit Hold'em 31. avgust 1 dan bui-in $100 + $25

    Crovn Casino - Melburn

    ANZPT 6 - Melburn

    $200 No-Limit Hold'em 20. avgust 1 dan bui-in $188
    $200 No-Limit Hold'em 21. avgust 4 dana bui-in $188
    $300 No-Limit Hold'em timovi 24. avgust 1 dan bui-in $281
    $400 Pot-Limit Omaha 24. avgust 1 dan bui-in $375
    $400 No-Limit Hold'em 25. avgust 1 dan bui-in $375
    $300 Seven Game Mik - 26. avgust 1 dan bui-in $281
    $400 No-Limit Hold'em Bounti 26. avgust 1 dan bui-in $375
    $550 No-Limit Hold'em Sik Mak 27. avgust 1 dan bui-in $516
    $1,100 No-Limit Hold'em Sik Mak 28. avgust 1 dan bui-in $1,032
    $400 No-Limit Hold'em Bounti 28. avgust 1 dan bui-in $375
    $2,200 No-Limit Hold'em 29. avgust 4 dana bui-in $2,063

    Dreams Casino Čile

    2014 LPS - Čile

    $1,100 No-Limit Hold'em 21. avgust 4 dana bui-in $1,000 + $100

    0.4/ 5

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    Venetian Hotel & Casino Las Vegas

    The Sands Poker Room - New Year's Extravaganza

    Starting December 26th, 2014 - January 4th, 2015 with $300,000 In House Backed Guarantees!

    Venetian Hotel & Casino Las Vegas

    The Sands Poker Room - Novogodišnja ekstravaganca

    Počevši od 26. decembra 2014. do 4. januara 2015. sa garancijama od 300.000 USD!

    2.9/ 5

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    June 2015 Poker Schedule:

    Where: Casino San Remo - 2015 Gioco Digitale WPT National San Remo
    When: June 12, 2015 - June 15, 2015

    Where: Splendid Casino Royale - 2015 WPT National Montenegro Summerfest
    When: June 13, 2015 - June 21, 2015

    Where: Casino Marbella - 2015 Pokerstars Marbella Festival
    When: June 15, 2015 - June 21, 2015

    Where: Genting Club Queen Square - 2015 Genting Poker Series Mini - Liverpool
    When: June 18, 2015 - June 21, 2015

    Where: Grosvenor G Casino -  2015 GUKPT -
    When: June 21, 2015 - June 28, 2015

    Where: Rivers Casino - 2015 Three Rivers Poker Challenge II
    When: June 21, 2015 - June 28, 2015

    Where: SugarHouse Casino - 2015 Sugarhouse Summer Poker Showdown
    When: June 25, 2015 - June 29, 2015

    Where: The M Resort Casino Spa - 2015 Hollywood Poker Open Championship
    When: June 26, 2015 - June 28, 2015

    Where: Aria Resort & Casino - 2015 Super High Roller Bowl
    When: June 27, 2015 - July 4, 2015
    Poker raspored za jun 2015:

    Gde: Kazino San Remo - 2015 Gioco Digitale VPT National San Remo
    Kada: 12.06.2015 - 15.06.2015

    Gde: Splendid Casino Roiale - 2015 VPT National Montenegro Summerfest
    Kada: 13.06.2015 - 21.06.2015

    Gde: Kazino Marbelja - 2015 Pokerstars Marbella Festival
    Kada: 15.06.2015 - 21.06.2015

    Gde: Genting Club Kueen Skuare - 2015 Genting Poker Series Mini - Liverpool
    Kada: 18.06.2015 - 21.06.2015

    Gde: Grosvenor G Casino - 2015 GUKPT -
    Kada: 21.06.2015 - 28.06.2015

    Gde: Rivers Casino - 2015 Three Rivers Poker Challenge II
    Kada: 21.06.2015 - 28.06.2015

    Gde: SugarHouse kazino - Sugarhouse Summer Poker Shovdovn 2015
    Kada: 25.06.2015 - 29.06.2015

    Gde: The M Resort Casino Spa - 2015 Hollivood Poker Open Championship
    Kada: 26.06.2015 - 28.06.2015

    Gde: Aria Resort & Casino - Super High Roller Bovl 2015
    Kada: 27. jun 2015 - 4. jul 2015

    2.5/ 5

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    July 2015 Live Poker Schedule

    Ocean's Eleven Casino - Oceanside Ca - $240 No Limit Hold'em - July 4th

    Hollywood Park Casino - Inglewood Ca - $230 No Limit Hold'em $25K GTD- July 5th

    Foxwoods Resort Casino - Mashantucket, CT -  2015 Independence Day Weekend Series -  Multiple tournaments and buy-ins starting at $60 to $300

    Normandie Casino - Gardena, CA - 2015 4th of July Poker Tournament - $85 - No Limit Hold'em

    Isle Casino - Pompano Beach, FL - Florida State Poker Championship - July 6th - July 28th - Multiple Tournaments and buy-ins starting at $70 - $1,500

    Tampa Bay Downs -The Silks Poker Room - Tampa, FL - Tampa Downs Summer Series - July 8th to July 12th -  Multipe Tournaments and buy-in starting at $105 to $315

    Bellagio Hotel Casino - Las Vegas, NV - Bellagio Cup XI - 2 tournaments - buy-ins $10,000 on July 10th and $2,000 on July 13th.

    Raspored pokera uživo za jul 2015

    Ocean's Eleven Casino - Oceanside Ca - $240 No Limit Hold'em - 4. jul

    Hollivood Park Casino - Inglevood Ca - $230 No Limit Hold'em $25K GTD - 5. jul

    Fokvoods Resort Casino - Mashantucket, CT - 2015. serijala vikenda za Dan nezavisnosti - Više turnira i bui-ina počevši od 60 do 300 dolara

    Normandie Casino - Gardena, Kalifornija - 4. jul turnir u pokeru 2015. - $85 - Hold'em bez ograničenja

    Isle Casino - Pompano Beach, FL - Državno prvenstvo u pokeru Floride - 6. jul - 28. jul - Više turnira i bui-ina počevši od $70 - $1,500

    Tampa Bai Dovns - The Silks Poker Room - Tampa, FL - Tampa Dovns Summer Series - 8. jul - 12. jul - Multipe turniri i bui-in počevši od $105 do $315

    Bellagio Hotel Casino - Las Vegas, NV - Bellagio Cup KSI - 2 turnira - bui-ins $10,000 10. jula i $2,000 13. jula.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I have been to foxwoods that place is awesome, nmy hubbiyi and I went there for our anniversary one year and I still dream of going back there it is right smack in the middle of the mountains realliy nice place parking lot is so big you have to take shuttles to casino ty rose

    Bio sam u Foksvudsu, to mesto je odlično, moj hubbiii i ja smo otišli tamo na našu godišnjicu jedne godine i još uvek sanjam da se vratim tamo, tačno je usred planina, zaista lepo mesto, parking je toliko velik da morate uzmite šatlove do kazina ti rose

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Sounds like a beautiful landscape. I think the view to the overall appeal and ambiance! I have not been there.........yet.........wink!

    Zvuči kao prelep pejzaž. Mislim da je pogled na ukupnu privlačnost i ambijent! Nisam bio tamo.........još.........migni!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    Wynn Las Vegas Fall Classic Poker 2015

    $1,500/100 No Limit Hold’em

    Starts - October 23–26, 2015
    Prize Pool - $300,000 Guarantee

    Level - Ante Small Blind - Big Blind

    1 - 50 100
    2 - 75 150
    3 - 100 200
    4 -  25 100 200
    5 - 25 150 300
    6 - 50 200 400

    1 Hour 15 minute Break 6:30–7:45 p.m.

    7 -  50 250 500
    8 - 75 300 600
    9 -  100 400 800
    10 - 100 500 1,000
    11 - 200 600 1,200
    12 - 200 800 1,600
    13 - 300 1,000 2,000
    14 - 400 1,200 2,400
    15 - 500 1,500 3,000
    16 - 500 2,000 4,000
    17 - 500 2,500 5,000
    18 - 1,000 3,000 6,000
    19 - 1,000 4,000 8,000
    20 - 1,000 5,000 10,000
    21 - 2,000 6,000 12,000
    22 -  2,000 8,000 16,000
    23 - 3,000 10,000 20,000
    24 - 4,000 12,000 24,000
    25 - 5,000 15,000 30,000
    26 - 5,000 20,000 40,000
    27 - 5,000 25,000 50,000
    28 - 10,000 30,000 60,000
    29 - 10,000 40,000 80,000
    30 - 10,000 50,000 100,000


    Cercle Clichy-Montmarte is the home for the PMU.fr WPT National Paris festival. Players from France and nearby countries will participate from November 20-30.

    The festival features the Fantastic 4 which includes:

    €290 buy-in Warm up with a €50,000 guarantee
    €2,200 buy-in High Roller
    €500,000 guaranteed WPT National Paris Main Event
    €400 buy-in PMU.fr Carte Blanche side event.

    Plus the festival will offer players an extra eight side events games like the Super Bounty, pot-limit Omaha, Super 6-Max, and a Big Stack event.

    The special event of this Festival is the €500,000 guaranteed, €1,200 buy-in Main Event.  It begins at 10 am on November 26. Day 1B starts at 8 pm, next day will feature Day 1C and Day 1D at 10 am and 8 pm respectively.
    Vinn Las Vegas Fall Classic Poker 2015

    $1,500/100 No Limit Hold'em

    Početak - 23–26.10.2015
    Nagradni fond - $300,000 Garancija

    Nivo - Ante Small Blind - Big Blind

    1 - 50 100
    2 - 75 150
    3 - 100 200
    4 - 25 100 200
    5 - 25 150 300
    6 - 50 200 400

    1 sat 15 minuta Pauza 18:30–19:45

    7 - 50 250 500
    8 - 75 300 600
    9 - 100 400 800
    10 - 100 500 1.000
    11 - 200 600 1.200
    12 - 200 800 1.600
    13 - 300 1.000 2.000
    14 - 400 1.200 2.400
    15 - 500 1.500 3.000
    16 - 500 2.000 4.000
    17 - 500 2.500 5.000
    18 - 1.000 3.000 6.000
    19 - 1.000 4.000 8.000
    20 - 1.000 5.000 10.000
    21 - 2.000 6.000 12.000
    22 - 2.000 8.000 16.000
    23 - 3.000 10.000 20.000
    24 - 4.000 12.000 24.000
    25 - 5.000 15.000 30.000
    26 - 5.000 20.000 40.000
    27 - 5.000 25.000 50.000
    28 - 10.000 30.000 60.000
    29 - 10.000 40.000 80.000
    30 - 10.000 50.000 100.000


    Cercle Clichi-Montmarte je dom PMU.fr VPT nacionalnog pariskog festivala. Igrači iz Francuske i okolnih zemalja učestvovaće od 20. do 30. novembra.

    Festival predstavlja Fantastic 4 koji uključuje:

    €290 bui-in Zagrejte se sa garancijom od €50,000
    $2,200 bui-in High Roller
    €500,000 zagarantovano VPT National Paris Main Event
    €400 bui-in PMU.fr Carte Blanche prateći događaj.

    Osim toga, festival će ponuditi igračima dodatnih osam igara sa pratećim događajima kao što su Super Bounti, pot-limit Omaha, Super 6-Mak i Big Stack događaj.

    Specijalni događaj ovog Festivala je €500,000 zagarantovanih, €1,200 bui-in Main Event. Počinje u 10 časova 26. novembra. Dan 1B počinje u 20 časova, a sledećeg dana će biti dan 1C i Dan 1D u 10 i 20 časova.

    2.9/ 5

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    WSOP 2016 Schedule

    Choctaw Casino Resort – Oklahoma – Jan 7 thru 16
    Casino de Marrakech – Morocco – Jan 16 thru 24
    Horseshoe Tunica – Mississippi – Jan 21 thru Feb 1
    Palm Beach Kennel Club – Florida – Feb 4 thru 15
    Bally’s Las Vegas – Nevada – Feb 25 thru Mar 7
    Tbilisi Sports Palace – Georgia – Mar 3 thru 9
    Bicycle Casino Los Angeles – Califorina – Mar 19 thru 30
    Horseshoe Baltimore – Maryland – Mar 24 thru Apr 4
    Horseshoe Council Bluffs – Iowa – Mar 31 thru Apr 11
    Harrah’s Cherokee – North Carolina – Apr 14 thru 25
    Harrah’s New Orleans – Louisiana – May 12 thru 23
    Raspored VSOP 2016

    Choctav Casino Resort – Oklahoma – od 7. do 16. januara
    Kazino Marakeš – Maroko – od 16. do 24. januara
    Horseshoe Tunica – Misisipi – 21. januar – 1. februar
    Kinološki klub Palm Bič – Florida – od 4. do 15. februara
    Balli's Las Vegas – Nevada – od 25. februara do 7. marta
    Palata sportova u Tbilisiju – Gruzija – od 3. do 9. marta
    Biciklistički kazino Los Anđeles – Kalifornija – od 19. do 30. marta
    Horseshoe Baltimore – Merilend – od 24. marta do 4. aprila
    Horseshoe Council Bluffs – Ajova – od 31. marta do 11. aprila
    Harrah's Cherokee – Severna Karolina – od 14. do 25. aprila
    Harrah's Nju Orleans – Luizijana – od 12. do 23. maja
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    December 2016 Live Poker Schedule 

    Casio at Arundel Mills – PPC Champions – Nov 30 to Dec 4 – Hanover, MD

    Cactus Pete’s - HoHo Hold’em – Nov 30 to Dec 4 – Jackpot, NV

    Seminole Hard Rock – Tampa Winter Open – Dec 1 to Dec 18 – Tampa, FL

    Golden Gates Casino -Colorado Poker Championship – Dec 1 to Dec 21 – Black Hawk, CO

    Hollywood Casino – Ohio Poker Championship 2016 -Dec 1 to Dec 11 – Columbus, OH

    Bicycle Casino – 2016 -2017 WSOP Circuit Bicycle 1 -Dec 1 to Dec 20, Bell Gardens, CA

    Harrah’s Philadelphia – Harrah’s Diamond lll - Dec 1 to Dec 11 – Chester, PA

    Foxwoods Casino – Mega Stack Challenge – Dec 2 to Dec 12 – Mashantucket, CT

    Borgata Hotel Casino – 2016 Bar Poker Open – Dec 2 to Dec 5 – Atlantic City, NJ

    Stars Casino – Stellar $40K Guarantee -Dec 2 to Dec 11 – Tracy, CA

    Canterbury Park – MSPT December 2016 – Dec 2 to Dec 11

    Pala Casino – S.G. NLH Challenge – Dec 3 – Pala, CA

    Stones Gambling Hall - 2016 Western Senior Poke Series – Dec 4 – Citrus Heights, CA

    Isle Casino Pompano Park – Isle Beast Events – Dec 5 to Dec 18 – Pompano Beach, FL

    Naples-Fort Myers Poker Room – Holiday Poker Series – Dec 5 – Dec 11 – Bonita Springs, FL

    Parx Casino – Big Staxx XIX – Dec 5 to Dec 19 – Bensalem, PA

    Venetian Casino – December Weekend Extravaganza 2016 – Dec 7 to Dec 11 – Las Vegas, NV

    Hollywood Casino Toledo - Artic Blast Poker Challenge – Dec 8 to Dec 18, Toledo, Ohio

    Deerfoot Inn & Casino - Ho Ho Hold’em Poker Tournament – Dec 10 to Dec 11 – Calgary, AB

    Running Aces Harness Park – Aces Signature Series Cold Hard Cash – Dec 14 – Dec 18 – Forest Lake, MN

    Montego Bay Casino – Poker Challenge – Dec 14 to Dec 18 - West Wendover, NV

    Isle Casino - Pompano Park December $75,000 Guaranteed – Dec 14 to Dec 18 – Pompano Beach, FL

    Venetian Casino - New Year’s Eve Extravaganza – Dec 22 to Jan 8 – Las Vegas, NV

    Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood – Fun in the Sun Poker Open – Dec 26 to Dec 30 – Ft Lauderdale, FL

    Coushatta Casino – Poker Winter Classic 2016 – Dec 27 to Dec 30 – Kinder, LA

    Raspored pokera uživo za decembar 2016

    Casio u Arundel Mills – PPC šampioni – od 30. novembra do 4. decembra – Hanover, MD

    Cactus Pete's – HoHo Hold'em – 30. novembar – 4. decembar – Džekpot, NV

    Seminole Hard Rock – Tampa Vinter Open – od 1. decembra do 18. decembra – Tampa, FL

    Golden Gates Casino – Colorado Poker Championship – od 1. decembra do 21. decembra – Black Havk, CO

    Holivud kazino – Ohajo Poker Championship 2016 – 1. decembar do 11. decembar – Kolumbus, Ohajo

    Bicicle Casino – 2016-2017 VSOP Circuit Bicicle 1 – 1. decembar do 20. decembar, Bell Gardens, Kalifornija

    Harrah's Philadelphia – Harrah's Diamond III – od 1. decembra do 11. decembra – Čester, Pensilvanija

    Fokvoods Casino – Mega Stack Challenge – od 2. decembra do 12. decembra – Mashantucket, CT

    Borgata Hotel Casino – 2016 Bar Poker Open – od 2. do 5. decembra – Atlantik Siti, NJ

    Stars Casino – Stellar $40.000 garancija – od 2. decembra do 11. decembra – Trejsi, Kalifornija

    Kenterberi Park – MSPT decembar 2016 – 2. decembar do 11. decembar

    Pala Casino – SG NLH Challenge – 3. decembar – Pala, Kalifornija

    Kockarska dvorana Stones – 2016 Vestern Senior Poke Series – 4. decembar – Citrus Heights, Kalifornija

    Isle Casino Pompano Park – Događaji Isle Beast – od 5. decembra do 18. decembra – Pompano Beach, FL

    Poker soba Napulj-Fort Majers – praznična poker serija – 5. decembar – 11. decembar – Bonita Springs, FL

    Park kazino – Big Stakk KSIKS – od 5. decembra do 19. decembra – Bensalem, Pensilvanija

    Venetian Casino – Decembarska ekstravaganca vikenda 2016 – od 7. decembra do 11. decembra – Las Vegas, NV

    Hollivood Casino Toledo – Artic Blast Poker Challenge – 8. do 18. decembra, Toledo, Ohajo

    Deerfoot Inn & Casino – Ho Ho Hold'em Poker turnir – od 10. do 11. decembra – Kalgari, AB

    Running Aces Harness Park – Aces Signature Series Cold Hard Cash – 14. decembar – 18. decembar – Forest Lake, MN

    Montego Bai Casino – Poker Challenge – 14. decembar do 18. decembar – Vest Vendover, NV

    Isle Casino – Pompano Park Decembar Garantovano 75.000 dolara – od 14. decembra do 18. decembra – Pompano Beach, FL

    Venetian Casino – Novogodišnja ekstravaganca – od 22. decembra do 8. januara – Las Vegas, NV

    Seminole Hard Rock Hollivood – Fun in the Sun Poker Open – od 26. do 30. decembra – Ft Loderdejl, FL

    Coushatta Casino – Poker Vinter Classic 2016 – od 27. decembra do 30. decembra – Kinder, LA

    0/ 5

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