Novi Betsoft slotovi

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  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    The latest arrival in the Betsoft unique slot game collection is Arrival. Will the girl be saved from the brainy alien? Will you lose your mind as he controls your reels and laughs at you? There's only one way to find out.

    A full slot review has arrived here.

    Play the exciting bonus game. Max jackpot on Arrival is $5,000!

    Don't stop for a potty break, he'll rush you. He doesn't have all day earthlings.

    Let us know how you do.

    Good luck!

    Najnoviji dolazak u Betsoft jedinstvenu kolekciju slot igara je Arrival . Hoće li devojka biti spasena od pametnog vanzemaljca? Hoćete li izgubiti razum dok on kontroliše vaše kolute i smeje vam se? Postoji samo jedan način da saznate.

    Kompletna recenzija slota je stigla ovde .

    Igrajte uzbudljivu bonus igru. Maksimalni džekpot na dolasku je $5,000 !

    Ne zaustavljaj se na pauzi za kafu, požuriće te. On nema celodnevne zemljane.

    Javite nam kako ste.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Betsoft has released the newest edition to their 3D slot collection, Vikings Age!

    You can bet anywhere from $0.02 to $75. The max jackpot is $3,750. There's no Wilds in this slot game but it's replaced by Stacked Symbols, Free Spins and a Bonus Game.

    Check out the full review.

    Have you played it? It's really a funny slot game to play. The Viking woman flips her ponytails and cheers you on as you play and when you hit something good.

    Betsoft je objavio najnovije izdanje svoje kolekcije 3D slotova, Vikings Age !

    Možete se kladiti bilo gde od 0,02 do 75 dolara. Maksimalni džekpot je 3.750 dolara. U ovoj slot igri nema Vilds-a, ali su zamenjeni naslaganim simbolima, besplatnim okretajima i bonus igrom.

    Pogledajte kompletnu recenziju .

    Jeste li ga igrali? Zaista je smešna slot igra. Žena Viking okreće repove i bodri vas dok igrate i kada pogodite nešto dobro.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I do like some of the 3D slots.

    Thanks Froggy.


    Sviđaju mi se neki od 3D slotova.

    Hvala Froggi.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I've been playing it just to see what the Viking woman is gonna do next. There's an Arm Wrestling Bonus too lmaooooo

    Igrao sam ga samo da vidim šta će žena Viking sledeće uraditi. Tu je i bonus za rvanje ruku lmaooooo

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I've been playing it just to see what the Viking woman is gonna do next. There's an Arm Wrestling Bonus too lmaooooo

    Cool.  How sweet is that.  Sounds great Froggy. 


    Igrao sam ga samo da vidim šta će žena Viking sledeće uraditi. Tu je i bonus za rvanje ruku lmaooooo

    Hladan. Kako je to slatko. Zvuči odlično Froggi.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Betsoft has released the latest in 3D slots, Tycoons.

    Tycoons is a brand new 3D video slot from Betsoft with 5 reels and 30 pay lines. Sit at a poker table with some filthy rich characters.

    Tycoons features a Choose a Fortune bonus, Free Spins with a wild reel and a bonus game.

    I tried my hardest to get the bonus to share with you guys but it doesn't come easy. If anyone triggers it, please share a screen shot.

    You must predict which of the 4 Tycoons will win the poker hand. Good luck!

    Tycoons Slot Review

    Play Tycoons for free!

    Betsoft je objavio najnovije 3D slotove, Ticoons .

    Ticoons je potpuno novi 3D video slot kompanije Betsoft sa 5 kolutova i 30 isplatnih linija. Sedite za poker sto sa nekim prljavim bogatim likovima.

    Tajkuni imaju bonus Choose a Fortune, besplatne okrete sa divljim kolutom i bonus igru.

    Dao sam sve od sebe da dobijem bonus da podelim sa vama, ali to ne dolazi lako. Ako ga neko pokrene, podelite snimak ekrana.

    Morate predvideti koji od 4 tajkuna će osvojiti poker ruku. Srećno!

    Ticoons Slot Reviev

    Igrajte Ticoons besplatno!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Ooh I do like the sound of this slot Froggy particularly "Sit at a poker table with some filthy rich characters."

    Right up my alley!

    Thanks Froggy.


    Ooh, sviđa mi se zvuk ovog slot Froggi-ja posebno "Sedi za poker sto sa nekim prljavim bogatim likovima."

    Pravo u moju uličicu!

    Hvala Froggi.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Yep, I knew you'd like the theme blue. Blue, our very own poker tycoon  grin

    Da, znao sam da bi ti se dopala plava tema. Blue, naš sopstveni poker tajkun grin

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Yep, I knew you'd like the theme blue. Blue, our very own poker tycoon  grin

    LOL  not quite yet Froggy.  LMAO

    But a nice thought.


    Da, znao sam da bi ti se dopala plava tema. Blue, naš sopstveni poker tajkun grin

    LOL još nije sasvim Žabica. LMAO

    Ali lepa misao.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Betsoft is on a roll with another new slot game release, A Night in Paris. No, I'm not talking about that raunchy Paris Hilton video.

    A Night in Paris is a brand new 3D slot game from Betsoft with 5 reels and 30 pay lines.

    Help police officer, Jerome LaBaste, chase thieves throughout Paris. The symbols are things like croissants, the Eiffel Tower, doves, lovers, thieves and of course your loyal guard dog.

    A Night in Paris features the Caught in the Museum Bonus Game and the Chase Free Spins. 3 or more paintings will trigger the bonus game where it's time to catch the thief.

    A Night in Paris Slot Review

    Good luck!

    Betsoft je u toku sa još jednim novim izdanjem slot igre, A Night in Paris . Ne, ne govorim o onom raskalašnom videu Paris Hilton.

    Noć u Parizu je potpuno nova 3D slot igra kompanije Betsoft sa 5 kolutova i 30 isplatnih linija.

    Pomozite policajcu Jeromeu LaBasteu da juri lopove širom Pariza. Simboli su stvari kao što su kroasani, Ajfelova kula, golubovi, ljubavnici, lopovi i naravno vaš odani pas čuvar.

    Noć u Parizu sadrži bonus igru Caught in the Museum i besplatne okrete Chase. 3 ili više slika će pokrenuti bonus igru u kojoj je vreme da se uhvati lopov.

    A Night in Paris Slot Reviev


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I just love the look of this slot Froggy.  The 3D style graphics are brilliant.

    I think they are on a bit of a roll here.  Looking forward to the next one.


    Jednostavno volim izgled ovog slota Froggi. Grafika u 3D stilu je briljantna.

    Mislim da su ovde malo na putu. Radujem se sledećem.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    The latest from BetSoft, True Illusions, makes its magical debut.

    The magic trick and illusion themed slot game had 5 reels and 30 pay lines. If three stacked wilds take the center reel, they are locked in place and for a series of up to 7 spins.This came up often when I played. The payout can actually be very good on this.

    Keep in mind that these are not free spins. The Wild is simply locked in place.

    Three or more Magician symbols will trigger free spins. The symbols cascade onto the reels and winning combinations will disappear allowing the opportunity for more wins to fall into place. I didn't have any luck with the free spins. No winning combinations and this feature wasn't easy to get.

    There is a  bonus game available on True Illusions called "Pick a Card, Any Card!". Three or more Card symbols will launch a second screen. Choose a card, any card to reveal your instant bonus.

    Good luck!

    True Illusions Slot Review

    Najnovije iz BetSoft-a, True Illusions , ima svoj magični debi.

    Slot igra sa temom magičnih trikova i iluzija imala je 5 kolutova i 30 isplatnih linija. Ako tri naslagana džokera zauzmu središnji kotur, oni su zaključani na mestu i za seriju od do 7 okretaja. Ovo se često dešavalo kada sam igrao. Isplata u ovom slučaju može biti veoma dobra.

    Imajte na umu da ovo nisu besplatni okreti. Divljina je jednostavno zaključana na mestu.

    Tri ili više Mađioničarskih simbola će pokrenuti besplatne okrete. Simboli se spuštaju na bubnjeve i dobitne kombinacije će nestati, omogućavajući mogućnost za još dobitaka. Nisam imao sreće sa besplatnim okretima. Nema dobitnih kombinacija i ovu funkciju nije bilo lako dobiti.

    Postoji bonus igra dostupna na True Illusions pod nazivom „Pick a Card, Ani Card!“. Tri ili više simbola kartice će pokrenuti drugi ekran. Izaberite karticu, bilo koju karticu da biste otkrili svoj trenutni bonus.


    True Illusions slot pregled

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Looks like a lot of fun.  The dealer looks a bit shady though laugh_out_loud


    Izgleda jako zabavno. Prodavac ipak izgleda pomalo sumnjivo laugh_out_loud


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Oh wow!
    What a cool, fun looking game especially the sexy hot magician! wink

    Oh vov!
    Kakva kul, zabavna igra, posebno seksi zgodni mađioničar! wink

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    The dealer looks a bit shady though laugh_out_loud

    He does look sinister doesn't he.

    He claps when you have a decent win. The animation for the locked wild is very cute. The magician locks up his blonde assistant and plunges swords into the box only reveal that she has disappeared. Ooooooooh! Aaaaaaaah!

    Prodavac ipak izgleda pomalo sumnjivo laugh_out_loud

    On izgleda zlokobno, zar ne.

    On plješće kada imate pristojnu pobedu. Animacija za zaključanu divljinu je veoma slatka. Mađioničar zaključava svoju plavu pomoćnicu i zabija mačeve u kutiju samo otkriva da je ona nestala. Ooooooooh! Aaaaaaaah!
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Ooooooooh! Aaaaaaaah! indeed Froggy.  Sounds like great fun.


    Ooooooooh! Aaaaaaaah! zaista Froggi. Zvuči kao odlična zabava.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Bellisima! The latest slot game from BetSoft is Mamma Mia.

    Visit Salvatore's restaurant where the food is fantastic or shall I say fantastico! Spin away as a food critic decides if this chef has what it takes.

    The WILD LOCKING mechanism is a brand new feature allowing players to lock wild icons in place for a chance at bigger wins! Choose from 3 silver trays to reveal a prize. 3 pizzas on the reels will launch a series of free spins.

    The full review will be posted shortly.

    Mama Mia Slot Review

    Good luck and enjoy!

    Bellisima! Najnovija slot igra kompanije BetSoft je Mamma Mia .

    Posetite Salvatoreov restoran gde je hrana fantastična ili da kažem fantastično! Okrenite se dok kritičar hrane odlučuje da li ovaj kuvar ima ono što je potrebno.

    Mehanizam VILD LOCKING je potpuno nova funkcija koja omogućava igračima da zaključaju divlje ikone na mestu za šansu za veće pobede! Izaberite neku od 3 srebrne tacne da biste otkrili nagradu. 3 pice na kolutima pokrenuće seriju besplatnih okretaja.

    Kompletna recenzija će biti objavljena uskoro.

    Mama Mia slot pregled

    Srećno i uživajte!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Frankly, "Mamma Mia" is one of the best Betsoft Slots3 releases so far. It is absolutely adorable, and those locked wilds are sooooooo tempting! I played it for fun first, to see how it all works, and I loved the feature, because you really need to think through where you want to place and lock a wild in order to get the best out of it. smiley

    Iskreno, "Mamma Mia" je jedno od najboljih Betsoft Slots3 izdanja do sada. To je apsolutno divno, a te zaključane divljine su takooooo primamljive! Prvo sam je igrao iz zabave, da vidim kako sve funkcioniše, i svidela mi se ova funkcija, jer zaista treba da razmislite gde želite da postavite i zaključate divljinu da biste izvukli najbolje od toga. smiley

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    BetSoft has released Ned and his Friends. This game is hilarious. Ned has some special friends. They are mice and they sing doo wop.

    There is a free spins bonus where they sing "Nice One", Good Job", "Big Win". Another bonus offered begins with a woman fainting at the sight of these little cuties. It requires players to choose a soloist. They will sing and rack up the coins all before the lady passed out on the floor wakes up.

    It's a blast to play. Let me know what you think.

    Good luck!

    BetSoft je pustio Neda i njegove prijatelje . Ova igra je urnebesna. Ned ima neke posebne prijatelje. Oni su miševi i pevaju doo vop.

    Postoji bonus besplatnih okretaja gde pevaju „Nice One“, Good Job“, „Big Vin“. Još jedan ponuđeni bonus počinje tako što se žena onesvesti pri pogledu na ove male slatkice. Zahteva od igrača da izaberu solistu. Oni će pevati i skupite novčiće sve pre nego što se dama onesvestila na podu probudi.

    Pravo je igrati. Javite mi šta mislite.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    How cute is that!  I love the sound of this slot Froggy and "SweetPea" is adorable.  I'm gonna have to find it and play it.

    If like me, anyone is not sure which casinos are Betsoft, click here.  


    Kako je to slatko! Volim zvuk ovog slota Froggi i "SveetPea" je divan. Moraću da ga pronađem i odigram.

    Ako kao ja, neko nije siguran koja su kazina Betsoft, kliknite ovde .


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    BetSoft's Madder Scientist has hit the market!

    It's the sequel to the Mad Scientist. As usual, this new game from BetSoft is so much fun to play and it has great features.

    After each spin, players have the option to re-spin any of the reels. It'll cost you but it's handy when you have two bonus symbols and re-spin for the third.

    Three carrot symbols launch the bonus game. Mix a concoction to test on a carrot and win credits. Three beaker symbols start the "Click Me" feature. Choose a beaker to win free spins and coins. Keep making selections until you are told to "Collect". 3 switch symbols anywhere on the reels start the "Wilds Switches". One of the reels randomly turns wild for a set number of spins.

    Enjoy! As always, let us know what you think.

    BetSoftov Madder Scientist je izašao na tržište!

    To je nastavak Ludi naučnik. Kao i obično, ova nova igra iz BetSoft-a je tako zabavna za igranje i ima odlične karakteristike.

    Nakon svakog okretanja, igrači imaju mogućnost da ponovo zavrte bilo koji od kotura. To će vas koštati, ali je zgodno kada imate dva bonus simbola i ponovo okrenete treći.

    Tri simbola šargarepe pokreću bonus igru. Pomešajte mešavinu da biste testirali na šargarepi i osvojili kredite. Tri simbola čaše pokreću funkciju „Klikni me“. Izaberite čašu da biste osvojili besplatne okrete i novčiće. Nastavite sa odabirom dok vam se ne kaže da „Sakupite“. 3 simbola prekidača bilo gde na kolutima pokreću „Vilds Svitches“. Jedan od kolutova nasumično postaje divlji za određeni broj okretaja.

    Uživati! Kao i uvek, javite nam šta mislite.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    damn i wish i could play these. I need to plan a trip overseas.

    Prokletstvo, voleo bih da mogu da igram ovo. Moram da isplaniram putovanje u inostranstvo.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I find this slot overall very entertaining. Very nice and lively graphics too and abundance of features in which the respin feature i find most interesting since its pretty much unique and it tends to compensate for the lack of base game wild. It should be used with caution though because it costs and on occaison it can cost you more than a symbol combination you are trying to create pays.

    Smatram da je ovaj slot generalno veoma zabavan. Veoma lepa i živahna grafika i obilje funkcija u kojima je funkcija respin-a najzanimljivija jer je prilično jedinstvena i teži da kompenzuje nedostatak divlje osnovne igre. Međutim, treba ga koristiti sa oprezom jer košta i povremeno vas može koštati više od kombinacije simbola koju pokušavate da kreirate.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    BetSoft has a brand new slot game on the market called Lost.

    Very few people would be brave and bold enough to seek out the world's LOST treasures except one man.... Dr. Dakota Bones!

    Join Dr. Bones and his trusty assistant Farooq as they travel deep into the desert in search of the almighty pharaoh Ah-Amdad's treasure chamber! Seek out timeless riches with him in this exciting Slots3 game.

    Lost Slot Review

    BetSoft ima potpuno novu slot igru na tržištu pod nazivom Lost .

    Vrlo malo ljudi bi bilo dovoljno hrabro i smelo da potraže svetsko IZGUBLJENO blago osim jednog čoveka... Dr. Dakota Bones!

    Pridružite se dr Bounsu i njegovom pouzdanom pomoćniku Faruku dok putuju duboko u pustinju u potrazi za blagom svemoćnog faraona Ah-Amdada! Potražite bezvremensko bogatstvo sa njim u ovoj uzbudljivoj igri Slots3.

    Pregled izgubljenog slota

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I tried Lost, and I find it to be one of those top-notch Betsoft games - especially the re-spins with increasing multipliers, those can bring massive prizes and they keep you tied to the computer screen for hours! Besides, its graphics are great and I enjoyed every second of the game (even though I'm one of those people who are sick and tired of Egypt-themed slots cheesy ).

    Isprobao sam Lost, i smatram da je to jedna od onih vrhunskih Betsoft igara - posebno ponovna okretanja sa sve većim množiteljima, oni mogu doneti ogromne nagrade i drže vas vezane za ekran računara satima! Osim toga, njegova grafika je odlična i uživao sam u svakoj sekundi igre (iako sam jedan od onih ljudi koji su umorni od slotova na temu Egipta cheesy ).

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Ah, yet another betsoft's 3D slot with hilarious animations cheesy

    Plenty of multipliers, medium variance, 2 bonus features and a very solid payout... a very good and amusing slot indeed Cat.

    Ah, još jedan Betsoftov 3D slot sa urnebesnim animacijama cheesy

    Dosta množitelja, srednja varijansa, 2 bonus funkcije i veoma solidna isplata... veoma dobar i zabavan slot zaista Cat.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I tried Lost today. It's very exciting. The features are amazing. It must take so much work to put that many features into one slot game. BetSoft has definitely getting better and better with each new release. I love the sound effects. It sounds like the reels are made of stone. The center reel re-spin occurs each time you hit a winning combo and continues as long as another winning combo is created including a multiplier up to 5x. Good stuff.

    Danas sam probao Lost. To je vrlo uzbudljivo. Karakteristike su neverovatne. Mora biti potrebno toliko truda da bi se stavilo toliko funkcija u jednu slot igru. BetSoft definitivno postaje sve bolji i bolji sa svakim novim izdanjem. Volim zvučne efekte. Zvuči kao da su koluti napravljeni od kamena. Ponovno okretanje središnjeg koluta se dešava svaki put kada pogodite dobitnu kombinaciju i nastavlja se sve dok se kreira još jedna dobitna kombinacija uključujući množitelj do 5k. Dobra stvar.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    BetSoft has been giving us some unique and amazing slot games lately. They are honoring the folks that love a classic slot with this one.

    Magic Lines is a 3 reel/5 line classic slot game. The max jackpot is $800 and BetSoft did have a little trick up their sleeve when they added a few special features.

    Check out the full review.

    Good luck!

    Magic Line Slot Review

    BetSoft nam je u poslednje vreme dao neke jedinstvene i neverovatne slot igre. Ovim odaju počast ljudima koji vole klasični slot.

    Magic Lines je klasična slot igra sa 3 bubnja/5 linija. Maksimalni džekpot je 800 dolara i BetSoft je imao mali trik u rukavu kada je dodao nekoliko posebnih funkcija.

    Pogledajte kompletnu recenziju.


    Magic Line Slot pregled

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I needed quite a time to understand how this slot function and why the hell are all pays 20x line bet, but it seems there is much more to this slot than it appears on the first few spins.

    Wins on reels does not happen that often but when it does it triggers a bonus features which is actually a reflex test rather than test of luck. If you win you keep your reel wining and than real fun starts, because another bonus feature is triggered (and this one if i figured it corectly can be retrigered unlimited times)

    All in all, quite amusing i must say.

    Trebalo mi je dosta vremena da shvatim kako ovaj slot funkcioniše i zašto, dođavola, svi plaćaju opkladu na liniju 20k, ali izgleda da u ovom slotu ima mnogo više nego što se čini na prvih nekoliko okretaja.

    Pobede na kolutima se ne dešavaju tako često, ali kada se dogode, aktiviraju bonus karakteristike koje su zapravo test refleksa, a ne test sreće. Ako pobedite, nastavljate da pobeđujete na kolutu i onda počinje prava zabava, jer se pokreće još jedna bonus funkcija (a ova, ako sam shvatio da je ispravno, može se ponovo pokrenuti neograničeno puta)

    Sve u svemu, prilično zabavno moram reći.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I love their games, they are fun. I tried  A Night in Paris and I enjoyed it and had a good laugh. Very entertaining! 

    Volim njihove igre, zabavne su. Probao sam Noć u Parizu i uživao sam i dobro se nasmejao. Veoma zabavno!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Yep, A Night in Paris is one of my favorites, too! Especially the clumsy thief, he's totally adorable!

    Btw, I also tried the new game, Magic Lines, and it's really got an interesting twist to it, compared to regular classic slots. The only thing I do mind about this game is that, at least when I played it, there was no paytable, so it took me some time to figure out what I should do when all the arrows start blinking. Hopefully, they'll iron this out soon!

    Da, Noć u Parizu je takođe jedna od mojih omiljenih! Naročito nespretni lopov, potpuno je divan!

    Btv, probao sam i novu igru, Magic Lines, i zaista ima zanimljiv preokret u poređenju sa redovnim klasičnim slotovima. Jedino što mi smeta u ovoj igrici je da, barem kada sam je igrao, nije bilo tabele isplate, pa mi je trebalo neko vreme da shvatim šta da radim kada sve strelice počnu da trepću. Nadamo se da će to uskoro ispeglati!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    No pay table huh? That's odd. I avoid looking anyway for some reason. Always try to figure it out as I go. I guess I like to be surprised.  laugh_out_loud

    Nema platne tabele, a? To je čudno. Ionako izbegavam da tražim iz nekog razloga. Uvek pokušavaj da to shvatiš dok idem. Valjda volim da budem iznenađen. laugh_out_loud

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    They really did a poor job with paytable and help for Magic Lines and i must agree with CatFace, its such a pitty for a slot that really has something fresh to offer.

    When you see it first, you can only wonder why the hell there is no explanation for anything there, the only way to figure out the slot is to win something and than try out the features in fun mode (basicaly to see what happens).

    Im not quite sure how many ppl will have the nerves for trying it out and figuring instead of simply reading the paytable. I can tell that slot certainly deserves to be played.

    Zaista su loše uradili posao sa tabelom isplata i pomoći za Magic Lines i moram da se složim sa CatFace-om, šteta za slot koji zaista ima nešto sveže da ponudi.

    Kada ga vidite prvi, možete se samo zapitati zašto, dođavola, nema objašnjenja za bilo šta, jedini način da otkrijete slot je da nešto osvojite, a zatim isprobate funkcije u zabavnom režimu (u suštini da vidite šta se dešava).

    Nisam baš siguran koliko će osoba imati živaca da isprobaju i smisle umesto da jednostavno čitaju tabelu isplata. Mogu reći da taj slot svakako zaslužuje da bude odigran.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Another fun theme among the Betsoft Slots3 series and packed with bonuses as usual, Black Gold has gone live.

    Bonus features are the Nighttime Free Spins, Drilling for Oil Click Me and Higher or Lower Bonus Round.

    I found it very difficult to get any of the bonus features but I'll keep tryin'. Anyway, a great consolation prize was the music and comments from Ol' Bill.

    Good luck!

    Još jedna zabavna tema među Betsoft Slots3 serijom i prepuna bonusa kao i obično, Black Gold je objavljeno.

    Bonus karakteristike su noćni besplatni okreti, bušenje za naftu Click Me i veći ili niži bonus krug.

    Bilo mi je veoma teško da dobijem bilo koju od bonus funkcija, ali nastaviću da pokušavam. U svakom slučaju, velika utešna nagrada bila je muzika i komentari Ol' Billa.


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Omg, i had such a hilarious time trying out this slot cheesy Very cool theme and music.

    Sadly pays are quite average, and what i dont like as much is that as full of features as slot is, every feture requires you to have 3 of appropriate symbols. They pay nothing but raise the variance from medium to very high, thus greatly lowering your hit chance. I can deffinitly sense the lack of wild.

    Omg, imao sam tako urnebesno vreme isprobavajući ovaj slot cheesy Veoma kul tema i muzika.

    Nažalost, plate su prilično prosečne, a ono što mi se ne sviđa je da, koliko god da je slot pun funkcija, svaka funkcija zahteva da imate 3 odgovarajuća simbola. Oni ne plaćaju ništa osim što podižu varijansu sa srednje na veoma visoku, čime značajno smanjuju vašu šansu za pogodak. Definitivno mogu da osetim nedostatak divljine.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I haven't hit anything major either drtheolen. I was hoping for more but at least my balance stayed pretty even. I enjoyed playing this slot but the idea is to win right? I'd love to see someone have a big win. Maybe a screen full of Ol' Bill symbols.  thumbs_up

    Nisam udario ništa veće ni drtheolen. Nadao sam se više, ali bar je moj balans ostao prilično ujednačen. Uživao sam igrajući ovaj slot, ali ideja je da pobedim, zar ne? Voleo bih da vidim da neko ima veliku pobedu. Možda ekran pun simbola starog računa. thumbs_up

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I also tried it... and I liked it very much but I agree with you guys. In the end, even when you hit some special feature you get back to zero and you keep your balance even. And the lack of wild is very easy to notice. If you don't get any of the features it feels like nothing is happening.

    Probao sam i ja... i jako mi se dopalo, ali slažem se sa vama. Na kraju, čak i kada pogodite neku posebnu funkciju, vraćate se na nulu i održavate ravnotežu ravnomerno. A nedostatak divljači je vrlo lako primetiti. Ako ne dobijete nijednu od funkcija, čini se da se ništa ne dešava.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Markotik i get that felling with all there slots, looks great but payouts are really bad, and with people posting big win screenshots on difference forums tell me if u ever seen a huge hit on this software cause i never seen a single win screenshots from this software.

    Markotik dobijam taj pad sa svim slotovima, izgleda odlično, ali isplate su zaista loše, a ljudi koji objavljuju snimke ekrana velikih pobeda na forumima razlika recite mi da li ste ikada videli veliki hit na ovom softveru jer nikada nisam video nijedan snimak ekrana za pobedu sa ovog softver.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Yes, I play them mostly because of the graphics and really funny animations but I guess that's what they rely on.

    Da, igram ih uglavnom zbog grafike i zaista smešnih animacija, ali pretpostavljam da se na to oslanjaju.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Well it seems you cant have it all. If it is full of features, than you have ton of symbols thus exponentialy higher variance, or you have medium variance but a dull slot. It seems that NetEnt is closer to ideal than anyone else lately.

    Pays are small, but it wouldnt be such a big deal if there was a wild (than hit chance would be much higher). Im sure that 100% of gamblers will always put their money on somethings that pays good, rather than something graphicaly teasing but low on pays. I hope people at Betsoft will realize that in the end.

    Pa izgleda da ne možete imati sve. Ako je pun funkcija, onda imate tonu simbola, što znači eksponencijalno veću varijansu, ili imate srednju varijansu, ali dosadan slot. Čini se da je NetEnt bliži idealu nego bilo ko drugi u poslednje vreme.

    Plate su male, ali to ne bi bila tako velika stvar da postoji divljina (šansa za pogodak bi bila mnogo veća). Siguran sam da će 100% kockara uvek stavljati svoj novac na nešto što se dobro isplati, a ne na nešto što grafički zadirkuje, ali se malo isplati. Nadam se da će ljudi u Betsoftu to na kraju shvatiti.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    So, to sum it up, this slot is mostly like a cost-effective sort of entertainment? I mean, it's fun, and it won't cost you much, but don't expect to win big?

    Dakle, da sumiramo, ovaj slot je uglavnom kao isplativa vrsta zabave? Mislim, zabavno je i neće vas mnogo koštati, ali ne očekujte veliku pobedu?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    It sure seems that way and that's a good way to put it Cat.

    Sigurno izgleda tako i to je dobar način da se to kaže Cat.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    To explain simpler and more precise, jackpot itself is not big but not bad either, i would say average. But my main concern is high variance due to too many symbols and no wilds, hiting often and long playtimes on this slot are not to be expected, and that is ok for slots with 10.000x line bet or more, not with 2000x

    Da objasnim jednostavnije i preciznije, sam džekpot nije veliki ali nije ni loš, rekao bih prosečan. Ali moja glavna briga je velika varijacija zbog previše simbola i bez džokera, često udaranje i dugo vremena igranja na ovom slotu se ne očekuju, a to je u redu za slotove sa ulogom od 10.000k linija ili više, a ne sa 2000k

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    Slots Angels is also live from Betsoft

    Slots Angels is loaded with features such as Party Free Spins Mode, Darts Click Me, Reel Respin, Biker Race Bonus Round and a Progressive Jackpot. This slot game has the sense of humor that we've seen in some of the other releases.

    These bikers take slots seriously. I can relate  LOL

    Slots Angels je takođe uživo sa Betsoft-a

    Slots Angels je pun funkcija kao što su Parti Free Spins Mode, Pikado klikni me, Reel Respin, Biker Race Bonus Round i Progressive Jackpot. Ova slot igra ima smisao za humor koji smo videli u nekim drugim izdanjima.

    Ovi biciklisti ozbiljno shvataju slotove. Mogu povezati LOL

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I think its one of the most complete releases from betsoft so far. It has everything, multiplier, free spins, click me bonus, progressive jackpot. And of course recognizable betsoft humor in a large dose.

    I especialy liked the respin feature that works in conjuction with multiplier, gives a lot potential to ths game.

    Mislim da je to jedno od najkompletnijih izdanja betsofta do sada. Ima sve, množitelj, besplatne okrete, klikni mi bonus, progresivni džekpot. I naravno prepoznatljiv betsoft humor u velikoj dozi.

    Posebno mi se dopala funkcija respin koja radi u kombinaciji sa množiteljem, daje veliki potencijal ovoj igri.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Guys, for once I can say that the music here (at least to me) is the focus of the game - even though its graphics make a statement, as in all Betsoft releases, it's the music that makes the theme complete and authentic! Btw, I had some really nice payouts thanks to the respin-multiplier feature, I hit that 5x multiplier a couple of times in half an hour that I played it.

    Momci, bar jednom mogu da kažem da je muzika ovde (barem meni) fokus igre - iako njena grafika daje izjavu, kao iu svim Betsoft izdanjima, muzika je ta koja čini temu potpunom i autentičnom! Btv, imao sam zaista lepe isplate zahvaljujući respin-multiplier funkciji, pogodio sam taj 5k množilac par puta za pola sata dok sam ga igrao.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    The slot is great and music is certainly quite important part of it but that drum beat at the end of every reel spin is out of any rhythm. laugh_out_loud  But the reel re-spin is a great idea, I don't have to wait for a bonus round or free spins to earn something. It kept my balance up just by getting 3x multiplier in the middle reel.

    Slot je odličan i muzika je svakako prilično važan deo toga, ali taj udarac bubnja na kraju svakog okretanja koluta je van bilo kakvog ritma. laugh_out_loud Ali ponovno okretanje koluta je odlična ideja, ne moram da čekam bonus rundu ili besplatne okrete da bih nešto zaradio. Održao je moju ravnotežu samo tako što sam dobio 3k množilac u srednjem kolutu.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Yeah, its absolutely the sound and music that is a final touch in making these slots most hilarious in the market. Cant wait to see what will they come up with next cheesy

    Da, apsolutno je zvuk i muzika ono što je poslednji dodir u stvaranju ovih slotova najsmešnijim na tržištu. Jedva čekam da vidim šta će sledeće smisliti cheesy

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Betsoft has a new arrival for this month. The newest slot game is The Exterminator.

    Alvin Goodman is The Exterminator in this 30-line slot game. A wild raccoon has been making his life difficult. Can you help Alvin catch him?

    This slot game comes with several bonus features such as Sticky Win, Wild Reel, Free Spins, bonus game and a Double Up feature.

    Good luck!

    Betsoft's "Under the Sea" slot game is also scheduled for release in May. We will give you more info soon.

    Betsoft ima novi dolazak za ovaj mesec. Najnovija slot igra je The Ekterminator .

    Alvin Goodman je The Ekterminator u ovoj slot igri od 30 linija. Divlji rakun mu otežava život. Možete li pomoći Alvinu da ga uhvati?

    Ova slot igra dolazi sa nekoliko bonus funkcija kao što su Sticki Vin, Vild Reel, Free Spins, bonus igra i funkcija Double Up.


    Betsoft-ova slot igra "Under the Sea" takođe je zakazana za izdavanje u maju. Uskoro ćemo vam dati više informacija.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    One of the most feature unique betsoft slots i played so far. And hilarious as usual cheesy

    4th reel is a wild reel, i did not find much use of it in my play, but sticky win proved to be quite an amazing and rewarding feature. Bonus game is a lot of fun too.

    For betsoft fans, definitly a game worth checking out.

    Jedan od jedinstvenih betsoft slotova koje sam igrao do sada. I urnebesno kao i obično cheesy

    4. kolut je divlji kolut, nisam našao mnogo koristi od njega u svojoj igri, ali lepljivi dobitak se pokazao kao prilično neverovatna i vredna karakteristika. Bonus igra je takođe veoma zabavna.

    Za fanove betsofta, definitivno igra koju vredi pogledati.

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