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  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    A mind always employed is always happy. This is the true secret, the grand recipe, for felicity. 

    This month we are honoring International Workers' Day!

    Post an iconic historical photo of International Workers' Day from around the world to qualify for the following PRIZES:

    1st - $100

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    • Must be 21 years or older to qualify.
    • Must be a member no later than April 9, 2020.
    • One post only per day.
    • One prize only per member. Once you win, you can no longer take part in the contest and post answers.
    • Prize money is in LCB chips and can only be used to purchase merchandise in our store.
    • LCB reserves the right to void the contest at any time.
    • Contest ends May 31, 2020. 

    Good luck!money

    Um koji je uvek zaposlen je uvek srećan. Ovo je prava tajna, veliki recept za sreću.

    Ovog meseca obeležavamo Međunarodni dan radnika!

    Postavite kultnu istorijsku fotografiju Međunarodnog dana radnika iz celog sveta da biste se kvalifikovali za sledeće NAGRADE :

    1. - 100 dolara

    2. - 75 dolara

    3. - 60 dolara

    4. - 50 dolara

    5. - 45 dolara

    6. - 40 dolara

    7. – 30 dolara

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    • Mora imati 21 godinu ili više da biste se kvalifikovali.
    • Mora biti član najkasnije do 9. aprila 2020.
    • Samo jedna objava dnevno.
    • Samo jedna nagrada po članu. Kada pobedite, više ne možete da učestvujete u takmičenju i postavljate odgovore.
    • Novčana nagrada je u LCB čipovima i može se koristiti samo za kupovinu robe u našoj prodavnici.
    • LCB zadržava pravo da poništi takmičenje u bilo kom trenutku.
    • Konkurs se završava 31. maja 2020.

    Srećno! money

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    The Haymarket Affair, the event that spawned the creation of International Workers day.



    Afera Haimarket, događaj koji je doveo do stvaranja Dana međunarodnog radnika.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Uprising of the 20,000. November 23, 1909

    Ustanak 20.000. 23. novembra 1909

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    One of the most iconic photos of American workers is not what it seems. But “Lunch atop a Skyscraper" has come to represent the country’s resilience, especially on Labor Day.

    Eleven pairs of shoes were dangling over the New York City skyline. It was September of 1932, as the Great Depression was reaching its height. Unemployment and uncertainty could be felt throughout the city and the entire country. But on West 49th Street, a pillar of hope was under construction: the art deco skyscraper that would come to be known as 30 Rockefeller Plaza.

    The ironworkers constructing its 70 floors were taking a break, sharing boxed lunches and cigarettes.
    They appeared to be completely unfazed by the location of this break: a narrow steel beam jutting out into the sky, hundreds of feet above the pavement.

    As one coveralled man helped another light his smoke, someone snapped a picture. The resulting photograph became one of the most iconic images in the world, an embodiment of the spirit of the American worker. It still hangs in pubs, classrooms and union offices across the nation. Construction workers frequently re-create the 87-year-old photo.

    And every Labor Day, it is shared across social media, in tribute to those whose perspiration and determination built this country.

    - From The Washington Post, Democracy Dies in Darkness


    Jedna od najpoznatijih fotografija američkih radnika nije ono što izgleda. Ali „Ručak na vrhu nebodera“ predstavlja otpornost zemlje, posebno na Praznik rada.

    Jedanaest pari cipela visilo je iznad horizonta Njujorka. Bio je septembar 1932, kada je Velika depresija dostizala vrhunac. Nezaposlenost i neizvesnost osetili su se širom grada i cele zemlje. Ali u Zapadnoj 49. ulici, stub nade je bio u izgradnji: art deco neboder koji će postati poznat kao 30 Rockefeller Plaza.

    Željezari koji su gradili njegovih 70 spratova pravili su pauzu, dijeleći ručkove u kutijama i cigarete.
    Činilo se da ih lokacija ovog loma potpuno ne zabrinjava: uska čelična greda koja viri u nebo, stotinama stopa iznad trotoara.

    Dok je jedan čovek u odelu pomagao drugom da zapali dim, neko je snimio sliku. Dobijena fotografija postala je jedna od najpoznatijih slika na svetu, oličenje duha američkog radnika. Još uvek visi u pabovima, učionicama i kancelarijama sindikata širom zemlje. Građevinski radnici često ponovo prave fotografiju staru 87 godina.

    I svakog Praznika rada, on se deli na društvenim medijima, u znak počasti onima čiji su znoj i odlučnost izgradili ovu zemlju.

    - Iz Vashington Posta, Demokratija umire u tami

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    The day is used to honour the contribution of working-class men and women across the globe. It is a public holiday in South Africa, which originated with the historical struggles of workers and trade unions. 

    Dan se koristi u čast doprinosa muškaraca i žena iz radničke klase širom sveta. To je državni praznik u Južnoj Africi, koji je nastao istorijskim borbama radnika i sindikata.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    May 1 (April 18 Old Style) 1917

    1. maja (18. aprila po starom stilu) 1917

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Women employees at Tubular Alloy Steel Corp. gathered en masse to listen to wartime pep rally speech by Army Pvt. John Adams of Detroit who was wounded in action in Buna campaign.

    Žene zaposlene u Tubular Alloi Steel Corp. masovno su se okupile da slušaju ratni govor Armi Pvt. Džon Adams iz Detroita koji je ranjen u akciji u kampanji na Bunu.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Great photo thumbs_up

    Odlična fotografija thumbs_up

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    may day

    Prvi maj

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    labor day in mexico

    It is good to remember that this was not always the case. Labor Day is celebrated because before the rights of workers were not recognized, the conditions for workers were deplorable, people (including women and children) were forced to work hours of up to 18 hours, and wages were extremely low.

    In the year 1886 thousands of Chicago workers in the United States, tired of being exploited, decided to defend their labor rights and took to the streets to demand: An 8-hour workday, the right to strike, freedom of expression and association, as well as having a job and a fair salary. However, many of them died in the attempt.

    It was in 1913 that Labor Day was celebrated for the first time in Mexico, when 20 thousand workers marched and demanded that the government implement the eight-hour work day and in open defiance of Victoriano Huerta, President of Mexico

    In 1923, Álvaro Obregón, president of the country, was promulgated on May 1 as Labor Day in Mexico. However, Mexicans had to wait until 1925 for President Plutarco Elías Calles to officially establish the celebration.
    In Mexico, it was until the enactment of the Political Constitution that workers' rights were recognized and protected by law. Article 123 establishes some of these guarantees, among which are: the eight-hour workday, one day of rest for every six days of work, fair wages, the right to form associations and unions, among others. A Federal Labor Law was also made to regulate labor relations between workers and employers.

    Protest marches in Mexico
    On Labor Day there are several parades of workers, some organize protest marches, in which the working class and their unions take advantage of and express their disagreements with the authorities hoping that they will be heard and helped.

    Praznik rada u Meksiku

    Dobro je zapamtiti da to nije uvek bio slučaj. Praznik rada se slavi jer su pre nego što nisu priznata prava radnika, uslovi za radnike bili žalosni, ljudi (uključujući žene i decu) bili su primorani da rade do 18 sati, a plate su bile izuzetno niske.

    Godine 1886. hiljade radnika Čikaga u Sjedinjenim Državama, umorni od eksploatacije, odlučili su da brane svoja radnička prava i izašli su na ulice da zahtevaju: 8-časovni radni dan, pravo na štrajk, slobodu izražavanja i udruživanja, kao kao i da imaju posao i poštenu platu. Međutim, mnogi od njih su poginuli u pokušaju.

    U Meksiku je 1913. godine prvi put proslavljen Praznik rada, kada je 20 hiljada radnika marširalo i zahtevalo od vlade da primeni osmočasovni radni dan i otvoreno prkoseći Viktorijanu Uerti, predsedniku Meksika.

    Godine 1923., Alvaro Obregon, predsednik zemlje, proglašen je 1. maja kao Praznik rada u Meksiku. Međutim, Meksikanci su morali da čekaju do 1925. godine da predsednik Plutarko Elijas Kales zvanično uspostavi proslavu.
    U Meksiku su do donošenja političkog ustava radnička prava bila priznata i zaštićena zakonom. Članom 123. utvrđene su neke od ovih garancija, među kojima su: osmočasovni radni dan, jedan dan odmora za svakih šest dana rada, pravična zarada, pravo na osnivanje udruženja i sindikata, između ostalog. Urađen je i Savezni zakon o radu kojim se regulišu radni odnosi između radnika i poslodavaca.

    Protestni marševi u Meksiku
    Na Praznik rada održava se nekoliko parada radnika, neki organizuju protestne šetnje, u kojima radnička klasa i njeni sindikati iskorištavaju i izražavaju svoje neslaganje sa vlastima u nadi da će biti saslušani i pomoći.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    International workers day march in New York, 1909! All these people marching for peoples rights for decent income and basic human rights! Awesome! :-) 

    Marš Međunarodnog dana radnika u Njujorku, 1909! Svi ovi ljudi marširaju za prava naroda za pristojne prihode i osnovna ljudska prava! Sjajno! :-)

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Here is one from my home country

    May Day group at Rideau Hall, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 1898.

    Evo jednog iz moje domovine

    Prvomajska grupa u Rido Holu, Otava, Ontario, Kanada, maj 1898.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    a typical demonstration on May 1 in the USSR (in any republic and city) I went to them myself - I knowwink

    tipična demonstracija 1. maja u SSSR-u (u bilo kojoj republici i gradu) sam išao kod njih - znam wink

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Eight-hour day banner, Melbourne, 1856

    Melbourne’s building workers won the world’s first eight-hour day without a loss in pay in 1856.

    The eight-hour day movement or 40-hour week movement, also known as the short-time movement, was a social movement to regulate the length of a working day, preventing excesses and abuses.
    The eight-hour day movement forms part of the early history for the celebration of Labour Day, and May Day in many nations and cultures.

    Was Melbourne’s really the first eight-hour day?

    American workers didn’t begin a serious struggle for an eight-hour day until 1886. European workers only began to achieve an eight-hour day around the period of the 1917 Russian revolution, when European capitalism was under threat of being replaced with socialism.8 hour day banner

    Osmočasovni transparent, Melburn, 1856

    Građevinski radnici u Melburnu osvojili su prvi osmočasovni radni dan na svetu bez gubitka plate 1856.

    Osmočasovni radni dan ili pokret od 40 sati u nedelji, poznat i kao pokret kratkog radnog vremena, bio je društveni pokret koji je regulisao dužinu radnog dana, sprečavajući ekscese i zloupotrebe.
    Osmočasovni pokret čini deo rane istorije za proslavu praznika rada i Prvog maja u mnogim nacijama i kulturama.

    Da li je Melburn zaista bio prvi osmočasovni dan?

    Američki radnici nisu započeli ozbiljnu borbu za osmočasovni radni dan sve do 1886. Evropski radnici su počeli da ostvaruju osmočasovni radni dan tek oko perioda ruske revolucije 1917. godine, kada je evropski kapitalizam bio pod pretnjom da bude zamenjen socijalizmom. Baner od 8 sati dnevno

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    • Lewis Hine (1874–1940), a New York City schoolteacher and photographer, believed that a picture could tell a powerful story. He felt so strongly about the abuse of children as workers that he quit his teaching job and became an investigative photographer for the National Child Labor Committee. He was careful to document every photograph with precise facts and figures. To obtain captions for his pictures, he interviewed the children on some pretext and then scribbled his notes with his hand hidden inside his pocket.

      Hine believed that if people could see for themselves the abuses and injustice of child labor, they would demand laws to end those evils. By 1916, Congress passed the Keating-Owens Act that established the following child labor standards: a minimum age of 14 for workers in manufacturing and 16 for workers in mining; a maximum workday of 8 hours; prohibition of night work for workers under age 16; and a documentary proof of age. Unfortunately, this law was later ruled unconstitutional on the ground that congressional power to regulate interstate commerce did not extend to the conditions of labor. Effective action against child labor had to await the New Deal. Reformers, however, did succeed in forcing legislation at the state level banning child labor and setting maximum hours. By 1920 the number of child laborers was cut to nearly half of what it had been in 1910

    • Luis Hajn (1874–1940), njujorški školski učitelj i fotograf, verovao je da slika može da ispriča moćnu priču. Toliko je osećao zlostavljanje dece kao radnika da je napustio svoj profesorski posao i postao istraživački fotograf Nacionalnog komiteta za dečiji rad. Vodio je računa da svaku fotografiju dokumentuje preciznim činjenicama i brojkama. Da bi dobio natpise za svoje slike, intervjuisao je decu pod nekim izgovorom, a zatim je škrabao svoje beleške rukom skrivenom u džepu.

      Hajn je verovao da bi, kada bi ljudi mogli lično da se uvere u zloupotrebe i nepravdu dečijeg rada, zahtevali zakone za okončanje tog zla. Do 1916. Kongres je usvojio Keating-Ovensov zakon koji je uspostavio sledeće standarde dečijeg rada: minimalna starost od 14 godina za radnike u proizvodnji i 16 godina za radnike u rudarstvu; maksimalni radni dan od 8 sati; zabrana noćnog rada za radnike mlađe od 16 godina; i dokumentarni dokaz o starosti. Nažalost, ovaj zakon je kasnije proglašen neustavnim na osnovu toga što se ovlašćenje Kongresa da reguliše međudržavnu trgovinu nije proširilo na uslove rada. Efikasna akcija protiv dečijeg rada morala je da sačeka Nev Deal. Reformatori su, međutim, uspeli da nametnu zakone na državnom nivou koji zabranjuju dečiji rad i postave maksimalni broj sati. Do 1920. broj dece radnika smanjen je na skoro polovinu onoga što je bio 1910.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Since we are also looking for international photos, I would like to submit an iconic photo, which is also included in my grandfather's collection from his hometown.

    Here is a picture from May 1st, 1979 from Oulu, Finland, where thousands of people gathered together for the common cause of workers' rights. In the upper right corner you can spot the white-and-blue flag of Finland

    Pošto tražimo i međunarodne fotografije, želeo bih da dostavim jednu kultnu fotografiju, koja je takođe uvrštena u kolekciju mog dede iz njegovog rodnog grada.

    Evo slike od 1. maja 1979. godine iz Oulua u Finskoj, gde se hiljade ljudi okupilo za zajedničku stvar za radnička prava. U gornjem desnom uglu možete uočiti belo-plavu zastavu Finske

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Not only were they fighting to be racially equal, they were fighting for all workers everywhere!  Thank heavens for their tenaciousness and plain old fashion guts!  We wouldn't be much without these people!  Thank-you!

    Ne samo da su se borili da budu rasno jednaki, oni su se borili za sve radnike svuda! Hvala nebesima na njihovoj upornosti i običnoj staromodnoj hrabrosti! Ne bismo bili mnogo bez ovih ljudi! Hvala vam!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    INTERNATIONAL WORKERS' DAY 125th Anniversary 

    Over 500 people march from the  Cathedral to the Minnesota State Capitol for International Workers' Day. The Marchers united from around the world with demands to stop the attacks on Immigrants, Workers and Unions that were coming from the State Legislature.

    On May 1, 2011, the date was marked as the 125th Anniversary of the 1886 Workers Movement, demanding an 8 hour workday after the endorsement. Since then, May 1st has been honored Around the World as International Workers' Day.


    Wishing for Good Health and Safety of All!


    DAN MEĐUNARODNOG RADNIKA 125. godišnjica

    Preko 500 ljudi maršira od Katedrale do Kapitola države Minesote povodom Dana međunarodnog radnika. Maršeri su se ujedinili iz celog sveta sa zahtevima da zaustave napade na imigrante, radnike i sindikate koji su dolazili iz državnog zakonodavstva.

    Dana 1. maja 2011. godine, datum je obeležen kao 125. godišnjica Radničkog pokreta 1886, zahtevajući radni dan od 8 sati nakon odobrenja. Od tada se 1. maj širom sveta obeležava kao Međunarodni dan radnika.


    Svima želimo dobro zdravlje i sigurnost!

    2Late4Me angel

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Budapest, Hungary, May 1st 1919.

    Budimpešta, Mađarska, 1. maj 1919.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    SFRJ 1954

    SFRJ 1954. godine

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Labor Day meeting in Union Square, in rain, New York, May 1st 1909

    Sastanak povodom praznika rada na Union skveru, po kiši, Njujork, 1. maj 1909

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Another Workers' Day image from Finland, this time it's from the 1940's and from Tampere:

    Još jedna slika za Dan radnika iz Finske, ovoga puta iz 1940-ih i iz Tamperea:

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    I detest when people use any type of platform to promote their own agenda's!  This is an example of how a holiday intended to honor all labor workers has taken a back-seat to this groups selfish and completely irrelevant demonstration.  Immigration is not the focus on this day!  This display is shameful to say the very least!  This needs to STOP!

    Mrzim kada ljudi koriste bilo koju vrstu platforme da promovišu svoje ciljeve! Ovo je primer kako je praznik namenjen svim radničkim radnicima ostao u pozadini ove sebične i potpuno irelevantne demonstracije grupe. Imigracija nije u fokusu ovog dana! Ovaj prikaz je u najmanju ruku sramotan! Ovo treba da stane!

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    May Day New York 1910

    Prvi maj Njujork 1910

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    May Day festivities at National Park Seminary in Maryland, 1907.Library of Congress

    Prvomajske svečanosti u Bogosloviji Nacionalnog parka u Merilendu, 1907. Kongresna biblioteka

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    International Workers' Day  ( Wiesbaden, Germany - May 1, 1995 )

     Speakers and participants at Tag der Arbeit rally (International Workers' Day) in the city center of Wiesbaden - holding up banners and flags. 
    Međunarodni dan radnika (Vizbaden, Nemačka - 1. maj 1995.)

    Govornici i učesnici skupa Tag der Arbeit ( Međunarodni dan radnika ) u centru grada Visbadena - drže transparente i zastave .
  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    International  workers  day

    Here you go. 

    Međunarodni dan radnika


  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Police face off with Workers Day/May Day protesters in Downtown Montreal (2015)

    (Photo Credits: Camil Tang)

    Policija se suočila sa demonstrantima za Dan radnika/Prvi maj u centru Montreala (2015)

    (Foto: Camil Tang)

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Hello, just curios what year this photo was taken?

    Zdravo, samo me zanima koje godine je snimljena ova fotografija?

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    St.Petersburg Russia, May 1st, 1901, workers chant "down with the monarchy"

    Sankt Peterburg, Rusija, 1. maj 1901, radnici skandiraju "dole monarhiju"

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski


    Another popular tradition of May Day involves the maypole. While the exact origins of the maypole remain unknown, the annual traditions surrounding it can be traced back to medieval times, and some are still celebrated today.

    Villagers would enter the woods to find a maypole that was set up for the day in small towns (or sometimes permanently in larger cities). The day’s festivities involved merriment, as people would dance around the pole clad with colorful streamers and ribbons.

    Historians believe the first maypole dance originated as part of a fertility ritual, where the pole symbolized male fertility and baskets and wreaths symbolized female fertility.

    The maypole never really took root in America, where May Day celebrations were discouraged by the Puritans. But other forms of celebrations did find their way to the New World.

    During the 19th and 20th centuries, May Basket Day was celebrated across the country, where baskets were created with flowers, candies and other treats and hung on the doors of friends, neighbors and loved ones on May 1.

    What does May Day have to do with the international distress call, "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday"? Nothing, as it turns out. The code was invented in 1923 by an airport radio officer in London. Challenged to come up with a word that would be easily understood by pilots and ground staff in case of an emergency, Frederick Mockford coined the word "mayday" because it sounded like "m'aider," a shortened version of the French term for " come and help me."


    The connection between May Day and labor rights began in the United States. During the 19th century, at the height of the Industrial Revolution, thousands of men, women and children were dying every year from poor working conditions and long hours.

    In an attempt to end these inhumane conditions, the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions (which would later become the American Federation of Labor, or AFL) held a convention in Chicago in 1884. The FOTLU proclaimed “eight hours shall constitute a legal day’s labor from and after May 1, 1886.”

    The following year the Knights of Labor—then America’s largest labor organization—backed the proclamation as both groups encouraged workers to strike and demonstrate.

    On May 1, 1886, more than 300,000 workers (40,000 in Chicago alone) from 13,000 business walked out of their jobs across the country. In the following days, more workers joined and the number of strikers grew to almost 100,000.


    Još jedna popularna tradicija Prvog maja uključuje majski stub. Iako je tačno poreklo majskog stuba nepoznato, godišnje tradicije koje ga okružuju mogu se pratiti do srednjeg veka, a neke se i danas slave.

    Seljani bi ulazili u šumu da bi pronašli majski stub koji je bio postavljen za dan u malim gradovima (ili ponekad trajno u većim gradovima). Današnje svečanosti uključivale su veselje, dok bi ljudi plesali oko stuba prekriveni šarenim trakama i trakama.

    Istoričari veruju da je prvi ples sa majskom motkom nastao kao deo rituala plodnosti, gde je motka simbolizovala mušku plodnost, a korpe i venci žensku plodnost.

    Majski stub nikada nije zaživeo u Americi, gde su puritanci obeshrabrivali proslave Prvog maja. Ali drugi oblici proslava su našli put do Novog sveta.

    Tokom 19. i 20. veka širom zemlje se obeležavao Dan majske korpe, gde su se stvarale korpe sa cvećem, bombonima i drugim poslasticama i 1. maja kačile na vrata prijatelja, komšija i najmilijih.

    Kakve veze ima Prvi maj sa međunarodnim pozivom u pomoć "Maidai, Maidai, Maidai"? Ništa, kako se ispostavilo. Šifru je 1923. godine izmislio aerodromski radio službenik u Londonu. Izazvan da smisli reč koju bi piloti i zemaljsko osoblje lako razumeli u slučaju nužde, Frederik Mokford je skovao reč „maidai“ jer je zvučala kao „m'aider“, skraćena verzija francuskog izraza za „ dođi i pomozi mi“.


    Veza između Prvog maja i radnih prava počela je u Sjedinjenim Državama. Tokom 19. veka, na vrhuncu industrijske revolucije, hiljade muškaraca, žena i dece umiralo je svake godine od loših uslova rada i dugog radnog vremena.

    U pokušaju da okonča ove nehumane uslove, Federacija organizovanih trgovačkih i radničkih sindikata (koja će kasnije postati Američka federacija rada, ili AFL) održala je konvenciju u Čikagu 1884. FOTLU je proglasio „osam sati će predstavljati zakonski dan rada od i posle 1. maja 1886.“

    Sledeće godine Vitezovi rada — tada najveća radnička organizacija u Americi — podržali su proklamaciju pošto su obe grupe ohrabrivale radnike da štrajkuju i demonstriraju.

    1. maja 1886. više od 300.000 radnika (40.000 samo u Čikagu) iz 13.000 preduzeća napustilo je svoja radna mesta širom zemlje. Narednih dana pridružilo se još radnika i broj štrajkača je porastao na skoro 100.000.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    What working life looked like for kids on the first Labor Day
    Lewis Hine’s photography helped end child labor“Breaker boys working in Ewen Breaker of Pennsylvania Coal Co. Location: South Pittston, Pennsylvania.”

    The American labor movement was in full swing by the time Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1896. Support for the eight-hour workday was growing and unions were gaining political clout. Yet hiring children was still an easy choice for employers. Youngsters worked for a fraction of what their parents earned and were less likely to strike. Between 1890 and 1910, the number of American kids pulling wages jumped from 1.5 to 2 million.

    It was around this time that documentary photographer Lewis Hine began investigating the lives of working children. Using a series of disguises—fire inspector and bible salesman among them—Hine photographed working conditions in coal mines, cotton mills, fisheries, and on city streets, where he encountered kids employed as “newsies” and “bootblacks”.

    Many then considered work good for kids, provided it developed useful skills, and wasn’t overly exploitative. Immigrant families, in particular, relied on the income earned by children. But Hine’s images and detailed reporting exposed widespread abuse. His work inspired congressional legislation that would begin combatting a system that had little regard for children’s health or safety. By 1920, child labor had begun to decline.

    Kako je izgledao radni vek dece na prvi Praznik rada
    Fotografija Luisa Hajna pomogla je da se okonča rad dece „Breaker bois rade u Even Breaker of Pennsilvania Coal Co. Lokacija: South Pittston, Pennsilvania.“

    Američki radnički pokret bio je u punom zamahu u vreme kada je Praznik rada postao savezni praznik 1896. Podrška osmočasovnom radnom danu je rasla, a sindikati su dobijali politički uticaj. Ipak, zapošljavanje dece je i dalje bio lak izbor za poslodavce. Mladi su radili za delić onoga što su zarađivali njihovi roditelji i bila je manja verovatnoća da će štrajkovati. Između 1890. i 1910. godine, broj američke dece koja primaju plate skočio je sa 1,5 na 2 miliona.

    Otprilike u to vreme je dokumentarni fotograf Luis Hajn počeo da istražuje živote dece koja rade. Koristeći seriju maski – među njima i vatrogasni inspektor i prodavac biblije – Hajn je fotografisao uslove rada u rudnicima uglja, fabrikama pamuka, ribarstvu i na gradskim ulicama, gde je sretao decu zaposlenu kao „novinari” i „crnači čizama”.

    Mnogi su tada smatrali da je posao dobar za decu, pod uslovom da razvija korisne veštine i da nije preterano iskorišćavajući. Imigrantske porodice su se posebno oslanjale na prihode dece. Ali Hajnove slike i detaljno izveštavanje razotkrili su široko rasprostranjenu zloupotrebu. Njegov rad je inspirisao kongresno zakonodavstvo koje je počelo da se bori protiv sistema koji je imao malo obzira na zdravlje ili bezbednost dece. Do 1920. dečiji rad je počeo da opada.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski
    terjzim wrote:

    Hello, just curios what year this photo was taken?

    You meant that question for me,  right? Sorry, I'm not 100% sure but if you are asking me the photo i shared of the protest in Montreal was taken in 2015.

    terjzim je napisao:

    Zdravo, samo me zanima koje godine je snimljena ova fotografija?

    Mislio si to pitanje za mene, zar ne? Izvinite, nisam 100% siguran, ali ako me pitate, fotografija koju sam podelio sa protesta u Montrealu je snimljena 2015.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Marx, Engels, and Lenin look on in Poland May Day Crowd in Katowice, Poland; May 1, 1960

    Marks, Engels i Lenjin gledaju u Poljskoj Prvomajska gužva u Katovicama, Poljska; 1. maja 1960. godine

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    1909 Norway

    1909 Norveška

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    MayDay National Rally, May 1st 2016 South Africa

    Nacionalni reli MaiDai, 1. maj 2016. Južna Afrika

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    South Africa workers in a rally north of Durban

    The first recorded celebration of May Day in South Africa is reported by Ray Alexander to have taken place in 1895 which was organised by the Johannesburg District Trades Council. The next occasion was the visit of British labour and socialist leader Tom Mann, who came to South Africa in 1910. Mann, like Kier Hardie before him, criticized the South African Labour Party (SALP) for its neglect of African workers, and urged the white labour movement to begin to think seriously of organising among African workers. His visit inspired a mood of international worker solidarity and culminated in a mass May Day procession in which all sections of the labour movement participated.

    Radnici Južne Afrike na mitingu severno od Durbana

    Rej Aleksander izveštava da je prva zabeležena proslava Prvog maja u Južnoj Africi održana 1895. godine u organizaciji Okružnog trgovinskog saveta Johanesburga. Sledeća prilika je bila poseta britanskog radničkog i socijalističkog lidera Toma Mana, koji je došao u Južnu Afriku 1910. Man je, kao i Kier Hardie pre njega, kritikovao Južnoafričku radničku partiju (SALP) zbog zanemarivanja afričkih radnika i pozvao beli radnički pokret da počne ozbiljno da razmišlja o organizovanju među afričkim radnicima. Njegova poseta je inspirisala raspoloženje međunarodne radničke solidarnosti i kulminirala je masovnom prvomajskom povorkom u kojoj su učestvovali svi delovi radničkog pokreta.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    The sign for the UAW (United Auto Workers).  

    My Great Uncle was one of the UAW sit-down protestors in 1936 and 1937.  My Grandmother told me it was extremely hard for my Uncle and his family during these years.  Their home was not mortgaged but, they did have to live without any utilities, mainly heat.  This was extremely difficult because the winters in Michigan are bitterly wet and cold.  They also sometimes had to depend on others for food; yet they offered their home for shelter for other sit-downer's family members.

    This sit-down protest forced the Auto Manufacturers to reach an agreement with the Union and therefore ended the strike.  Decent working conditions and fair hourly wages were finally negotiated for all auto workers.  My Grandmother also told me, due to the agreement that was reached, my Uncle was finally able to take a vacation from work.  An employee vacation was not allowed prior to the agreement and any worker taking extra time off from work was fired. 

    Way To Go Uncle Roy! 

    You and your fellow workers sacrifices opened the doors for other workers everywhere to protest for change. 


    Znak za UAV (United Auto Vorkers).

    Moj pra-ujak je bio jedan od sedećih demonstranata UAV-a 1936. i 1937. Moja baka mi je rekla da je mom ujaku i njegovoj porodici bilo izuzetno teško tokom ovih godina. Njihov dom nije bio pod hipotekom, ali su morali da žive bez ikakvih komunalija, uglavnom grejanja. Ovo je bilo izuzetno teško jer su zime u Mičigenu gorko vlažne i hladne. Takođe su ponekad morali da zavise od drugih za hranu; ipak su ponudili svoj dom za utočište za druge članove porodice onih koji sede.

    Ovaj sedeći protest primorao je proizvođače automobila da postignu dogovor sa Sindikatom i time prekinuo štrajk. Konačno su dogovoreni pristojni uslovi rada i poštene plate po satu za sve automobilske radnike. I baka mi je rekla, da je zbog postignutog dogovora moj ujak konačno mogao da uzme odmor sa posla. Odmor zaposlenima nije bio dozvoljen pre dogovora, a svaki radnik koji je uzimao dodatni odmor sa posla je otpušten.

    Bravo ujka Roj!

    Žrtvovanje vas i vaših kolega radnika otvorilo je vrata drugim radnicima svuda da protestuju za promene.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    First May Day celebration of the Ottoman period in Skopje, North Macedonia 1909.

    Proslava prvog maja otomanskog perioda u Skoplju, Severna Makedonija 1909.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Suffragettes, Labor Day, 1913

    Sufražetkinje, Praznik rada, 1913

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    May Day Mayheim, 1931


    May 1 is known as a celebration of spring, May Day, and also Labour Day. It is considered a global holiday that commemorates the working class and organized labor around the world.

    Each year, people across the globe commemorate Labour Day, also known as International Workers’ Day, with large-scale political protests paywall organized by socialist groups and labor unions. In many countries, May Day is an official public holiday, and workers have the day off.

    Though it’s celebrated internationally, the holiday originated as Labor Day in the United States and has its roots in the rise of trade unions in 19th century Chicago, their hard-fought battle for workers’ rights, and the fight for the eight-hour workday.


    Prvomajski Mejhajm, 1931


    Prvi maj je poznat kao proslava proleća, Prvog maja, a takođe i praznika rada. Smatra se globalnim praznikom koji obeležava sećanje na radničku klasu i organizovani rad širom sveta.

    Svake godine ljudi širom sveta obeležavaju Dan rada, poznat i kao Međunarodni dan radnika, uz velike političke proteste koje organizuju socijalističke grupe i radnički sindikati. U mnogim zemljama Prvi maj je zvanični državni praznik, a radnici imaju slobodan dan.

    Iako se slavi međunarodno, praznik je nastao kao Praznik rada u Sjedinjenim Državama i ima svoje korene u usponu sindikata u Čikagu u 19. veku, njihovoj teškoj borbi za prava radnika i borbi za osmočasovni radni dan.

    2Late4Me angel

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    May Day is Día del Trabajo in Cuba and the day is used today to celebrate the Socialist government and and the Cuban Revolution.

    May Day Parade, Cuba; May 1, 1940

    Prvi maj je Dia del Trabajo na Kubi i dan se danas koristi za proslavu socijalističke vlade i Kubanske revolucije.

    Prvomajska parada, Kuba; 1. maja 1940. godine

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    Socialists in Union Square, New York City, May 1st 1912

    Socijalisti na Union skveru, Njujork, 1. maj 1912

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    1 may 1937

     40,000 young athletes from the republics of the USSR, on Red Square in Moscow.

    1. maja 1937

    40.000 mladih sportista iz republika SSSR-a, na Crvenom trgu u Moskvi.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    May Day 1959, Moscow.

    Workers Marching in the Red Square with political leaders watching from Lenin’s mausoleum.

    Prvi maj 1959, Moskva.

    Radnici marširaju na Crvenom trgu sa političkim liderima koji posmatraju iz Lenjinovog mauzoleja.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    People gathering for 1st of May celebrations in Helsinki, 2018

    Ljudi se okupljaju za proslavu 1. maja u Helsinkiju, 2018

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    May Day Rally, Singapore, 1963

    Prvomajski miting, Singapur, 1963

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    1986 May Day demonstration of workers in Kiev after the accident at the Chernobyl. 
    People were not warned of the danger.

    1986. Prvomajske demonstracije radnika u Kijevu nakon nesreće u Černobilju.
    Ljudi nisu upozoreni na opasnost.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski

    The crowd photo depicts "Svátek práce", or May Day in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1959

    Fotografija gomile prikazuje "Praznik rada", ili Prvi maj u Pragu, Čehoslovačka, 1959.

  • Original engleski Prevod srpski


    While most Americans view Labor Day as the last long weekend of the summer and another day off work, the history behind the holiday was actually a result of one of the most intense and violent struggles for workers’ rights.

    In 1894, during a time of severe economic and social unrest, thousands of workers at the Pullman Palace Car Company went on strike to protest the way George Pullman, founder and president of the Pullman Palace Car Company, treated his workers.  Pullman was one of the wealthiest men in the Chicago area, and subjected his workers to high rents and low pay in the company town he had built for them near the factory.  His actions forced many of his workers into debt and poverty.  When his workers rebelled and went on strike with the support of Eugene Debs and the American Railway Union, Pullman gained the support of President Grover Cleveland, who ordered federal troops to intervene—leading to a bloody confrontation and the deaths of more than 30 Pullman workers. 

    Soon afterwards and amid growing criticism to the brutal response to the striking workers, President Cleveland established Labor Day as a national holiday in an effort to appease organized labor.


    Dok većina Amerikanaca na Praznik rada gleda kao na poslednji dugi vikend leta i još jedan slobodan dan na poslu, istorija iza praznika je zapravo rezultat jedne od najintenzivnijih i najnasilnijih borbi za radnička prava.

    Godine 1894, u vreme teških ekonomskih i socijalnih nemira, hiljade radnika u Pulman Palas Car Compani stupilo je u štrajk u znak protesta zbog načina na koji se Džordž Pulman, osnivač i predsednik kompanije Pulman Palas, ophodio prema svojim radnicima. Pulman je bio jedan od najbogatijih ljudi u oblasti Čikaga i podvrgavao je svoje radnike visokim rentama i niskim plaćama u gradu kompanije koji je za njih izgradio u blizini fabrike. Njegovi postupci naterali su mnoge njegove radnike u dugove i siromaštvo. Kada su se njegovi radnici pobunili i stupili u štrajk uz podršku Judžina Debsa i Američke železničke unije, Pulman je dobio podršku predsednika Grovera Klivlenda, koji je naredio saveznim trupama da intervenišu – što je dovelo do krvave konfrontacije i smrti više od 30 radnika Pullmana. .

    Ubrzo nakon toga, usred sve veće kritike na račun brutalnog odgovora radnicima u štrajku, predsednik Klivlend je ustanovio Praznik rada kao nacionalni praznik u nastojanju da smiri organizovani rad.

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