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RG Plus Services

Get more out of your responsible gambling investment.

RG Plus services are available globally, across all lines of business including sports and race betting, online betting and gambling, lottery retail and venue-based operations like casinos, pubs, and clubs.

RG Plus – Solutions that work for you

Program Review/Evaluation

Strengthen your operational confidence with tangible recommendations for improvements based on your program strengths and best-practice standards. Measurable benchmarks based on real evidence help inform your program development and demonstrate program impact.

Strategy Development

Get a tailored responsible gambling program strategy with clear and achievable recommendations based on scientific evidence, operational realities and regulatory requirements that consider your gaming and cultural environment and unique cultural nuances.

RG Turnkey Training

A suite of training solutions that are customizable to the specific needs of your organization and requirements of your jurisdiction. Whether you’re offering new products in a mature market, or in need of fresh and dynamic training solutions to engage staff, our streamlined approach will help your business demonstrate leadership and innovation in RG.

Read About Our RG Turnkey Training


Address specific responsible gambling-related concerns, issues or gaps in your existing program with tailored research protocols, data collection and analysis, followed by a customized evidence-informed solution.

Public Health Consultations

We collaborate with community stakeholders to discuss their needs and concerns, and to inform the development of guided research and practical responsible gambling solutions. During these consultations, our experts work with key community partners to ensure communities receive support and guidance in developing, or strengthening, harm minimization tools and strategies tailored to their communities’ needs. Using a people-first approach, we combine academic best practices with years of practical experience in programming and prevention education.

What’s the ROI on responsible gambling?

Whether or not responsible gambling contributes to revenues depends on the veracity and authenticity of the program. Not all responsible gambling programs are created equal. If an organization implements a robust program that is based on evidence-informed responsible gambling standards and designed to meet the needs of the industry’s customers and their employees, it can contribute to the bottom line. If the responsible gambling program is not standards based, integrated throughout the organization, or communicated as a priority from upper management, it will struggle to have an effective impact on the bottom line.

Human resource studies conducted within the gambling industry, found that employees have higher satisfaction rates, greater engagement and are more likely to stay with companies that authentically deliver responsible gambling policies and practices. In short, they walk the talk.

The same is true for customers. Customers are more loyal to an organization when they see that the company is truly interested in their welfare. Access to player information centres, supportive and knowledgeable employees, and information about responsible gambling and support services, give customers increased confidence. They trust that the organization respects and cares about delivering a positive, entertainment experience.

Get in touch with RGC

If you have questions or general comments, you can call, email or send us a message.

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Read RG Plus Case Studies

Find out how RG Plus solves problems for gambling operators worldwide.

Read our Case Studies

About the Responsible Gambling Council

The Responsible Gambling Council (RGC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting safer gambling by influencing positive change and advancing responsible gambling standards in Canada and around the world.

About RGC

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