No matter how old you are, comic books always have been there to take you away from our world and into this whole other universe where everything is way more fun. You can always let yourself get lost in the book as if you’re part of the story too. That’s how real it feels. Of course, it wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for the iconic letters of comic fonts. However, that works the same in other scenarios too. They just know how to keep you interested long enough to deliver the perfect message. If that’s what you need for your project, don’t miss this collection of Resource Boy.
From zero to hero on the comic font category in 4 steps:
- Step 1: What do comic fonts have to contribute to the appearance of your writing? Even if you haven’t always been a fan of this genre, still it’s impossible to have against those lovely characters of the comic alphabet. After all, they’re meant to entertain, and they’re pretty good at it too with their colorful letters. It’s just funny how there’s no such thing as a conventional font style in their design. Instead, there are all types of exaggerated letterforms as far as you can see, perfect for sticking out. If you think the comic book fonts at least stick with the same equal size for all the letters in the same word, you’re wrong again! Each letter is completely free to grow or shrink compared to the next or previous one, or even change position vertically. But don’t worry, that’s not going to mess up the overall harmony of the typography. Ironically, it feels so right even when each letter is angled differently. The disproportion seems to play such a significant role in highlighting your text. In fact, these fonts couldn’t be this loud if it wasn’t for their thick and bold strokes. That's what you get when you write something in a bunch of round cartoonish elements, sheer attention. Now imagine adding splatters, explosions, and 3D shadows to this combination. That’ll be something no one can ever say no to.
- Step 2: How do they change the audience's view about your message? As long as one can remember, comic fonts were always popular and they will forever stay that way, mostly because they’re wrapped around a nice nostalgic aura. Considering that humorous tone, it’s hard to imagine them ever losing their touch. It’s not just how familiar they are, but how well you can relate to them too. As a result, they have always managed to be alluring enough to invite you to this new world where your imagination runs free. It’s just easy for them to create a fantasy theme. You may know the comic letters for their cuteness, but their energy is also going to make anything sound more exciting. But first, you need to befriend your audience before you can make them laugh, or even smile. Therefore, that playful approach is there to strengthen the comedy in your lettering.
- Step 3: Can comic font be useful in other types of design too? Obviously! That kind of public pull comes in handy when designing everything, even your social media content. So if you’re only seeking a comic font when there’s a comic book to design, you’re actually missing out on a lot of opportunities. What about all the magazines, stickers, games, and movies that you can create with them? Get your words customized with these gorgeous fonts and your typography will be amusing to both kids and adults.
- Step 4: Why shouldn’t you miss the rest of Resource Boy’s offers? Here you can find a lot more than just the world’s best comic fonts. So make sure to check out our wonderful pop art fonts, manga fonts, and superhero fonts, and prepare to be blown out of your mind.