X-Ray Hex Tet
X-Ray Hex Tet
the blacksmiths, the flowers
Fred Moten, Brandon López, Gerald Cleaver
Soul Musings
Carman Moore
Spatial Data Management (Original Score)
Ulla E. Straus and John Andrew Wilhite
contradictions (plays lu xun, žižek, baudrillard and beckett)
yan jun
Blue Monday
Zara Joan Miller and Ute Kanngießer
The Hands of Grace
Ishmael Reed
Рясні дрова
Riasni Drova
Fred Moten / Brandon López / Gerald Cleaver
Blood Karaoke
James Krivchenia
Luke Martin and Morgan Evans-Weiler
Sydney Spann
Blanche Blanche Blanche
Theodor Adorno: Piano Works
Cop Tears
Personal Problems
Carman Moore
A Festival Play for the Consecration of a Stage
Permanent Six Flags
Reading Group New York, New York
Reading Group, record label started in New York in 2016.
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