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ED/ INDEXED IN: COPERNICUS, INDEX COPERNICUS IRAN, Directory Of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI), J-Gate, EBSCO, SCIRUS, Eyesourse,Electronic Journals Library (EZB), SSRN eLibrary, Global Impact Factor (GIF), Google Scholar, Research... more
Introduction: Age-related decreases in cognitive functions such as executive functions are a common phenomenon. Cognitive rehabilitation with two main approaches, compensation and remediation, is used to help elderlies coping with these... more
Background: Self-efficacy is a psychological source for helping patients adjust with breast cancer. The aim of the present review was to synthesize the studies on self-efficacy of women with breast cancer, to determine important factors... more
A cognitive architecture is presented for modelling some properties of sensorimotor learning in infants, namely the ability to accumulate adaptations and skills over multiple tasks in a manner which allows recombination and re-use of task... more