Visceral and somatic pain serve as protective mechanisms against external threats. Accumulated evidence has confirmed that the paraventricular hypothalamus (PVH) plays an important role in the perception of visceral and somatic pain, whereas the exact neural pathways and molecules distinguishing them remain unclear. Here, we report distinct neuronal ensembles within the PVH dedicated to processing visceral and somatic pain signals. An essential discovery is the distinct expression of P2X3R and VIPR2 in visceral and somatic pain-activated PVH neuronal ensembles. Furthermore, visceral pain- and somatic pain-responsive PVH neuronal ensembles project to specific downstream regions, the ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus (LSV) and the caudal part of the zona incerta (ZIC), respectively. These findings unveil that the PVH acts as a pain sorting center that distinctly processes visceral and somatic pain, identifying potential molecular targets for specific pain processing and providing a new framework for comprehending how the brain processes nociceptive information.
Keywords: caudal part of zona incerta; paraventricular hypothalamus; somatic pain; ventral part of lateral septal; visceral pain.
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