The main task of the site evaluation report for nuclear installation concerning nuclear safety is the protection of the public and environment from the radiological consequences of radioactive releases in both cases of normal operation and accident conditions. The atmosphere is the most important pathway to be considered in the assessment of the environmental impact of radioactive materials released from nuclear facilities. The present study is a comprehensive investigation of environmental assessments for the dose calculation model resulting from routine operation NPPs of 1000 Mw (e). The procedure consists of different parts, beginning with the manipulation of collected meteorological data such as wind speed and direction, temperature, incoming solar radiation and utilizing a set of empirical formulae for evaluating night solar radiation emitted from the ground, and then evaluating hourly stability classes and joint frequency distribution of winds by developing code. The dilution factor was evaluated using computer code (XOQDOQ code). Finally, the radiation dose assessments resulting from the routine operation of NPPs were calculated. The processes are adapted with IAEA recommendations documents, safety guides, and ICRP recommendations. The results reveal that there is no detectable value that affects the people surrounding the site nor the environmental area concerning low population zone or exclusion area.
Keywords: Exclusion area; Low population zone; Radiological consequences; Routine operation of NPP.
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