Echo chambers vs opinion crossroads in news consumption on social media
P. 13–19.
Social media are often conceived as a mechanism of echo-chamber for- mation. In this paper we show that in the Russian context this effect is limited. Specifically, we show that audiences of media channels represented in the lead- ing Russian social network VK, as well as their activities, significantly overlap. The audience of the oppositional TV channel is connected with the mainstream media through acceptable mediators such as a neutral business channel. We show this with the data from the VK pages of twelve leading Russian media channels and seven millions users.
Keywords: social media
Bogush G., Kudinova O., Международное правосудие 2020 Т. 10 № 4 С. 59–76
*Реализация соц. сети Facebook запрещена на территории России по основаниям осуществления экстремистской деятельности.
International justice does not remain on the sidelines from the intensive development of social media: the data stored on the social media possesses great evidentiary value in international courts. The dispute over the disclosure of information by Facebook for use in the Gambia ...
Added: December 7, 2020
Balakina Y. V., Frolova N., , in: The Psychology and Dynamics Behind Social Media Interactions.: Hershey: IGI Global, 2020. Ch. 14 P. 343–367.
Incorporation of blended learning into educational process is complex and
challenging. The chapter aims to elucidate educators’ and students’ engagement
and attitude towards the use of computer-mediated communication and social net
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the issues that are controversial and slow down the use of ICT in teaching ...
Added: July 17, 2019
Hasan Berkcan Şimşek, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 2024 P. 1–20
This study examines the moral panic surrounding Arabic in Turkey, drawing on 18,343 comments from a popular online platform between 1999 and 2024 to reveal widespread perceptions of Arabic as a threat to linguistic unity. ...
Added: September 16, 2024
Shigina Y., Tourism Management 2015
Added: December 5, 2014
Rabchevskiy A., Ashikhmin E., Yasnitsky L., , in: Cyber-Physical Systems and Control II.: Springer, 2023. P. 535–544.
The problem of creating datasets for training and testing neural networks is described in the example of the task of social network management. A method of expert dataset synthesis based on experts’ knowledge of the subject area is proposed. The essence of the method lies in the fact that sets are generated randomly within the ...
Added: November 20, 2023
Molotov K., Khlevniuk D., Communist and Post-Communist Studies 2024
Stalin’s era in Soviet history is one of the darkest. Yet, despite numerous historical research, non-fiction and fiction, movies, and museum exhibitions exposing and discussing Stalin’s atrocities, a sizable portion of the Russian population is neutral at best and respectful at worst of Stalin’s leadership and personality. This paper examines the ‘dark side’ of Russian ...
Added: November 29, 2023
Moller C., Stoune M., Wien: The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, 2013.
The 2013 Social Media Guidebook explores the potential and the challenges of social media and the right to freedom of expression as new media develop. The autors address contemporary issues affecting journalism and media in general. For journalists, consultants, regulatory officials and undergraduate and graduate students. ...
Added: June 25, 2013
Kozhemyakin E., Orodvsky D., Полис. Политические исследования 2025 № 2 С. 157–166
This article analyzes the concept of digital public diplomacy, focuses on the importance of social media in the context of international relations. The study presents the results of an analysis of the definitions of the features of “digital public diplomacy” in the works of Russian and foreign scientists. The authors describe the evolution of digital ...
Added: February 20, 2025
Akhremenko A. S., Ilya Filippov, Yureskul E., , in: 2020 International Conference on Engineering Management of Communication and Technology (EMCTECH), 20-22 October 2020, Vienna, Austria.: IEEE, 2020. P. 1–7.
In this paper we present the results of computational experiments based on a novel agent-based communication model of Twitter activity. The model was designed specifically for analyzing the dynamics of communication between competing ideological positions, which sets the model apart from existing modelling literature. The model incorporates network structures into an agent-based framework; the nodes ...
Added: December 13, 2020
Gavrilov K. A., Толмач А. Д., В кн.: Социология и общество: глобальные вызовы и региональное развитие: Материалы IV Очередного Всероссийского социологического конгресса.: М.: РОС, 2012. С. 935–941.
We consider blogs not just as a kind of mass media resource, but as a source of collectively produced opinions that is of significant interest to the researcher. In particular, the question of the possibility of studying the everyday attribution of responsibility and blame in a situation of a terrorist attack by analyzing blog posts. ...
Added: March 10, 2013
Zykov S. V., Maeen S., , in: Procedia Computer Science. 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management, ITQM 2015Vol. Volume 55.: Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2015. P. 1174–1182.
This paper explains how people responding to our survey, which included users’ basic information, social status, experience with social networking and attitude towards social network-integrated e-health information systems. The survey findings show that social media users need special recommendation and guidance services—especially those people located in urban centers that have busy schedules. These people prefer ...
Added: November 17, 2015
Shulginov V., Mustafin R., Tillabaeva A., , in: Компьютерная лингвистика и интеллектуальные технологии: По материалам ежегодной международной конференции «Диалог». Выпуск 20Vol. 20.: Russian State University for the Humanitie, 2021. Ch. 61 P. 636–646.
This article studies the characteristics of implicit and explicit types of aggression in the comments of a Russian social network with the means of machine learning. As it is hypothesized that expression of aggression depends on local norms, the dataset contains the comments collected from a single social media community. These comments were divided into ...
Added: November 17, 2021
Gambarato R., Davydov S. G., Коммуникации. Медиа. Дизайн 2016 № 1 С. 147–150
Over the 19–20th of October 2015 at Belo Horizonto (Brazil) a cooperated seminar took place that included the Faculty of Communications, media and design (National Research University Higher School of Economics) and Federal University of Minas Gerais: “Major sport events in digital media”. The seminar continued the event “Russia-Brazil Major Sport Events: Social Communication in ...
Added: October 20, 2016
Arkhangelskaya I., Архангельская А. С., Вестник Нижегородского университета им. Н.И. Лобачевского 2013 № 4(2) С. 186–190
The article considers social networks as operating platforms for communication between businesses and their target audiences. The main activities in social networks aimed at promotion of commercial entities, their goods, and services are analyzed. ...
Added: August 18, 2016
Pashakhin S., The Russian Journal of Communication 2021 Vol. 13 No. 3 P. 305–324
New media introduce mechanics in the news consumption and deliberation of public agenda capable of disrupting the democratic process’s normative assumptions (echo chambers, filter bubbles). However, most research has been concerned with cases from Western Europe and the US. In this paper, we examine the fragmentation of the Russian public sphere online. We build on ...
Added: October 27, 2021
Dagaev D., Lamberova N., Sobolev A. et al., / Series ISSN 0265-8003 "Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper Series". 2013. No. 9787.
There has been a wide-spread belief that elections with a wide franchise following removal of an oppressive dictator lead to establishment of a government that is not vulnerable to mass protest. At the same time, most of the post-World War II non-constitutional exits of recently-installed autocratic leaders were caused by elite coups, rather than popular ...
Added: December 18, 2013
Bodrunova S., Litvinenko A., Gavra D. et al., International Review of Management and Marketing 2015 Vol. 5 No. 1S P. 97–104
According to a number of scholars, Twitter possesses big potential to become a “crossroads of discourses” due to its openness, de-hierarchization, and spontaneity (Miller, 2010; Shirky, 2008). At the same time, substantial criticism has risen towards political and deliberative efficacy of Twitter (Fuchs, 2014). The authors aim at analyzing the features of the Twitter-based agenda ...
Added: October 24, 2016
Gabrielova E., Каспийский регион: политика, экономика, культура 2013 № 2 (35) С. 301–310
This article investigates technologies of media coverage of election campaign in the USA in 2012 in order to discover new tactics and their effect on political contest of the candidates. With the help of comparative analysis of previously implemented technologies and empirical generalization of the data, received during investigation of survey results, the study aims ...
Added: September 1, 2013
Davydov S. G., Лебедев П. А., Социологический журнал 2015 № 3 С. 129–143
В статье отражены результаты исследований упоминаний в русскоязычных социальных медиа «второй (после выборов Президента РФ в 2012 г.) волны» участия московских социальных активистов в качестве наблюдателей за ходом голосования на выборах мэра Москвы в сентябре 2013 г. Выборку исследования, сформированную с помощью информационной системы Wobot, составили 3777 публикаций на 127 сайтах. Анализируется динамика обсуждения рассматриваемой ...
Added: October 9, 2015
Sawyer P., Center for Analysis of the Radical Right 2021
On January 6th, hundreds of Stop the Steal protesters, who believe in the Big Lie that the election was “stolen” due to massive voter fraud, led an insurrection on the US Capitol building, seeking to do harm to US lawmakers and overturn the November 2020 election results. A lesser known, yet just as harmful, event ...
Added: December 16, 2021
Davydov Sergey Gennadyevich, Davydova M. A., Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media 2013 № 10 С. 47–64
This essay examnes the changing role of the amateur critic, the film fan who expends great effort to offer routine critiques of viewed films. It analyses 455 user generated texts from sites Afisha.ru and Kinopoisk.ru about the Russian movie Vysotskii. Thank God I’m Alive (2011). Six types of ordinary cinema reviews are described and discussed. Using a ...
Added: January 23, 2014
Dokuka S., Gradoselskaya G., / Series Social Science Research Network "Social Science Research Network". 2014.
Online social networking sites are considered as one of the most influential facilitator of many recent social movements. In this paper we investigate both the dynamics of friendship interactions and the structure of communication in protest-related community. We find that offline actions play insignificant role for the dynamics of the structure of a relatively stable ...
Added: August 5, 2014
Kachkayeva A., В кн.: Путеводитель по социальным медиа - 2013.: Вена: The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, 2013. С. 73–80.
Added: June 25, 2013
Dzyaloshinsky I. M., Pilgun M. A., The Russian Journal of Communication 2015 Vol. 7
This article examines patterns of social media usage by Russian companies. For the purposes of analysis we investigated twenty-five companies, that steadily occupy the top positions in the Russian companies rating of the Russian Agency "Expert RA" and twenty-five companies from the last lines of the rating. In addition, in 2014, a number of interviews ...
Added: October 7, 2014