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Framework For Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool

and Kindergarten

Tese apresentada por Leonel Caseiro Morgado à

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Informática,
sob a orientação da Professora Doutora Maria
Gabriel Bulas Cruz, Professora Associada do
Departamento de Educação e Psicologia da
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro e
do Doutor Kenneth M. Kahn, da empresa
Animated Programs, sediada em São Francisco,
Califórnia, E.U.A.
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

When I embarked on the journey of developing this thesis and its supporting research, I could
hardly imagine the effort and commitment it would require. It wouldn’t be easy, that much I was
fully aware, but only now I can I look back and realize the many obstacles, difficulties, frustrations,
and rocky roads it would imply. Fortunately, I can also now realize the many joys of discovery, of
achievement, of child-play, of making blunders and correcting them. And even though learning has
always been a pleasure for me, this thesis has also been a personal, intimate reminder of that.
The completion of this thesis is due to many people, who have supported me in countless
ways, both directly with the research and with this thesis, and indirectly in providing my with the
supportive environment and frame of mind to overcome the hardships and enjoy the satisfactions.
Obrigado, Prof. Bulas Cruz, por me ter expressado a sua confiança na minha capacidade para
avançar com este trabalho, antes ainda de eu próprio ter contemplado a possibilidade de o fazer.
Deu-me sempre todas as condições para poder continuar a trabalhar sistematicamente nesta obra,
mesmo perante outras prementes exigências profissionais e académicas que eu igualmente não
podia descurar. E obrigado também por me recordar regularmente da necessidade de concluir este
trabalho, mantendo-me em boa rota.
Thank you, Ken, for having been available from the very start to be my thesis advisor, always
ready to comment and counsel, always patient to analyze my ideas, no matter how far-fetched, and
scrutinize all of them in detail, pointing out issues and requiring my clear explanations and
demanding clear thought-out ideas. And all this with a terrific turnaround time! Thank you for all
the bug-sorting, the analysis of crash dumps and continual development of ToonTalk features.
Obrigado, Prof.ª Maria Gabriel, por me ter ajudado, um informático, a traçar uma rota através
do pensamento e prática na educação de infância, sempre pronta a aconselhar-me e a esclarecer-me,
a apoiar-me no relacionamento com educadores de infância, com os jardins-de-infância e com as
ideias educativas. Obrigado por me ter facultado o apoio do projecto ICEI e pela confiança,
encorajamento e apoio no desenvolvimento da minha actividade lectiva na Licenciatura em
Educação de Infância. E por sempre me centrar nas questões essenciais à investigação em curso,
ajudando-me a evitar questões menores nas quais facilmente eu me podia ter enleado.
Obrigado, Rosa, por constantemente partilhares comigo a tua paixão, inspiração, saber e
experiência em educação de infância, tanto com computadores como sem eles. E por partilhares o
caminho comigo durante todos estes anos, dando-me a insubstituível confiança no futuro.
Obrigado Zoé, por me teres dado imensas alegrias durante o meu último ano de trabalho nesta
tese, e por me lembrares constantemente, enquanto gatinhavas pela sala ou te atiravas à minha
cadeira, que precisava de concluir esta tese para te poder dar toda a devoção que mereces.
Obrigado mãe, obrigado pai, por sempre me terem dado não só o apoio para ir em frente,
como também por sempre deixarem incondicionalmente por minha conta a decisão sobre o meu
caminho. E por me terem desenvolvido o sentido da responsabilidade, do esforço e do empenho.
Thank you Yishay and Lennart, for your comments on the cookbook. Thank you Mikael, for
your comic-strip ideas. Thank you, Playground and WebLabs teams, for letting me share your
efforts for the continual development of ToonTalk and programming-based education, the latest
ToonTalk versions and bug fixes, and other technical support.
Por fim, obrigado educadoras, pelo acolhimento que sempre tiveram pela minha investigação,
obrigado profissionais do projecto ICEI, pelo empenho que cada um colocou; obrigado, meus
alunos de educação de infância, pelo contacto rico com as vossas perspectivas do mundo e pelos
vossos esforços no desenvolvimento de actividades educativas, em particular à Irina e à Liliana pelo
empenho em desenvolver a vossa actividade, thank you Frank Berthold, for your reports on N.
Por fim, um obrigado muitíssimo especial a vós, crianças que participastes com alegria!

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 1

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

This thesis aims to be a contribution to the integration of activities with computer
programming into preschool education contexts. It is based on experiences and observations of
children aged 3, 4, and 5 years olds programming computers, using an animated programming
language, ToonTalk, held between 2000 and 2004 in seven different settings, typically in weekly
session held over the course of several months in each year, involving approximately 150 children
and 10 educators, including early childhood teachers and computer-activities teachers.
Background information on the use of computers and computer programming with preschool
children are included, as well as an extensive survey on existing computer programming
environments for children. I also provide introductory information about the fields of computing
and programming, for the benefit of readers from outside the computing field; for the benefit of
readers external to the educational field, and introduction to preschool education is provided.
The research results are provided in various forms: sample activities for integration of specific
computer-science concepts into preschool education contexts; an analysis of hurdles faced by
preschool children in the process of programming, and suggestions of approaches to help overcome
them; an analysis of issues faced by educators in the process of using programming; and finally, a
framework for integration of computer-programming activities in preschool education contexts, to
assist preschool teachers and educators wishing to employ this resource.
Hopefully the insights from this thesis may prove also helpful for the computer scientist in
research on the field of human-computer interaction, particularly regarding the use of computers in
the development of cognition.

Esta tese pretende ser uma contribuição para o enquadramento das actividades de
programação de computadores no contexto da educação pré-escolar. Baseia-se em experiências e
observações de crianças de 3, 4 e 5 anos a programar computadores, utilizando uma linguagem de
programação animada: ToonTalk, realizadas entre 2000 e 2004, em sete ambientes de investigação
diferentes, essencialmente através de sessões semanais ao longo de vários meses de cada ano, que
envolveram cerca de 150 crianças e 10 educadores, incluindo educadores de infância e animadores
infantis de informática.
São apresentadas as áreas de utilização da informática e da programação de computadores
com crianças em idade pré-escolar, bem como um vasto levantamento dos sistemas actualmente
existentes para programação de computadores por crianças. Como apoio a leitores exteriores à área
da informática, forneço introduções aos campos das computação e da programação; como apoio aos
leitores exteriores ao campo da educação, forneço uma introdução à educação pré-escolar.
Os resultados da investigação são apresentados sob diversas formas: exemplos de actividades
para integração de conceitos específicos da informática em contextos de educação pré-escolar; uma
análise das dificuldades enfrentadas pelas crianças desta faixa etária no processo de programação, e
sugestões quanto a abordagens que apoiem a ultrapassagem dessas dificuldades; uma análise das
dificuldades enfrentadas pelos educadores no processo de uso da programação; e por fim, um
enquadramento da integração de actividades de programação de computadores em contextos de
educação pré-escolar, que visa servir de apoio aos educadores de infância e outros profissionais de
educação que pretendam utilizar este recurso.
Espero igualmente que as percepções e discernimentos incluídos nesta tese possam revelar-se
úteis aos cientistas informáticos, na investigação no campo da interacção humano-computador,
muito em particular relativamente à utilização de computadores para desenvolvimento da cognição.

2 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Short summary

Short summary
Having picked up this thesis, I assume the reader has already developed an interest, or at least
some curiosity, for the fields of research and practice of computer programming with young
children. My own engagement with this field came from my personal interests and motivations, and
these are inseparable from my personal history and background on the use of computers. Chapter 1
deals with my personal view of the three areas that meet in this thesis: teaching & learning,
computers & programming, and computer programming in education.
Before delving into the particulars of computer programming proper, I wish to share with the
reader some or my overall understanding of the field, its main issues, and its history and evolution,
and this is the purpose of Chapter 2. Those acquainted with the history and evolution of computers
and computer programming may wish to skip section 2.2, Brief history of computer programming;
for other readers, this section isn’t absolutely essential, but I hope it dispels potentially confusing
ideas of computers as calculators, by providing an enjoyable narrative pathway of how machines
developed for calculations transformed into machines for working with ideas. For all readers,
section 2.1, Body & Mind: hardware and software, aims to provide the perspective I employed
when discussing programming, and the background relationship I have considered when speaking
of software and hardware. In section 2.3, Computer programming in our society, I present instances
and uses of programming by people other than those whose job descriptions mentions
“programmer”, and even some cases which aren’t often regarded as programming at all. To
conclude this chapter, section 2.4, Computer programming in education, presents the major
approaches in the use of computers in the field of education, so that all readers can be acquainted
with the position of programming itself in this context.
The central issues of computer programming are the focus of Chapter 3. It presents to all
readers the two areas of programming employed in this thesis, which are not usually discussed in
the educational field. Section 3.2.1 presents the notions behind programming several actions to take
place concurrently, and section 3.2.2 may prove particularly interesting to computer scientists, for it
presents the field of constraint programming, which is not one of the most common computer
science topics. Section 3.3, Programming languages, should not be disregarded by education
professionals, for it addresses several central issues in the use of programming with children.
Particularly important in this section is the discussion on the relationship between abstract and
concrete concepts, in section 3.3.3. It also contains a lengthy survey of computer-programming
systems devised for children to use (section 3.3.4), and an extensive description of the language
ToonTalk, employed in the field work of this thesis, which is not found elsewhere in any single
document. This chapter also presents one of the first results of my research, in section 3.4, in the
guise of a “cookbook” of activities for preschools, each focused on a specific topic of computer
programming. Thus, these technical concepts of programming are not simply presented, but
exemplified in their applicability in preschool settings.
Chapter 4 includes a first section, introducing the field of preschool education and its
background; I hope that educators from other educational backgrounds benefit from this selection of
perspectives on the specific issues of theory and practice in preschool education, as should
computing professionals less acquainted with preschool education theory and practice. The second
section, Computers in preschool, provides the thought and background on the use of computers in
preschool, and computer programming in particular. Of particular importance as a theoretical
background is the presentation of the educational thought of Seymour Papert, in section 4.2.2.
The final chapters deal with the actual research description and the core results (apart from
section 3.4). Chapter 5 details the progress and settings of the research and data collecting,
including references to the appropriate annexes, where accounts, reports, and other raw data is
presented. In Chapter 6, I provide an analysis of the problems and difficulties faced by both
children and their teachers in the use of programming, as well as the results of different approaches
used against those problems and difficulties.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 3

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Lastly, Chapter 7 aims to support the immersive integration of computer-programming in the
typical contexts of preschool education. Initially, in sections 7.1 and 7.2, an overview on strategies
for including computer activities in general is provided, situating programming within this strategy.
Finally, section 7.3 presents several progressive approaches to the use of computer programming
with children aged 3, 4 and 5, in preschool education settings, with examples based on ToonTalk
but also explained in terms of other computer environments for children.
I hope to have provided not just an useful and informative read, but also a pleasant one.

4 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. Thesis overview.............................................................................................................................17
1.1. Of teaching and learning ........................................................................................................19
1.2. Of computers and programming.............................................................................................21
1.3. Of computer programming in education ................................................................................24
2. Computer Programming: conceptual foundations.........................................................................25
2.1. Body & Mind: hardware and software ...................................................................................27
2.2. Brief history of computer programming.................................................................................30
2.2.1. Historical overview.....................................................................................................30
2.2.2. The first programmable computer device...................................................................31
2.2.3. The electric and electronic programmable machines .................................................34
2.2.4. The appearance and evolution of computers ..............................................................40
2.2.5. The first programs ......................................................................................................42
2.2.6. Programming languages are developed......................................................................46
2.3. Computer programming in our society...................................................................................51
2.3.1. Pervasive programming ..............................................................................................51
2.3.2. End-user programming ...............................................................................................53
2.3.3. Advanced programming .............................................................................................58
2.4. Computer programming in education.....................................................................................64
2.4.1. Introductory remarks on computers & education .......................................................64
2.4.2. Framing computer use in education............................................................................64
2.4.3. Learning from computers ...........................................................................................66
2.4.4. Learning with computers ............................................................................................77
2.4.5. Learning about thinking, with computers...................................................................87
3. Introduction to computer programming ........................................................................................97
3.1. Aims of this chapter................................................................................................................99
3.2. Computer programming styles .............................................................................................101
3.2.1. Sequential vs. Concurrent programming ..................................................................101
3.2.2. What You Want vs. What To Do:
constraint programming vs. procedural programming .............................................114
3.3. Programming languages .......................................................................................................119
3.3.1. Perspectives in view of selection for preschool........................................................119
3.3.2. Textual vs. Visual programming ..............................................................................119
3.3.3. Visual programming for children: concrete vs. abstract...........................................128
3.3.4. Survey of programming languages for children .......................................................138
3.3.5. Animated programming and ToonTalk ....................................................................195
3.4. Cookbook of computer programming topics........................................................................218
3.4.1. Computability ...........................................................................................................219
3.4.2. Programming environment .......................................................................................221
3.4.3. Syntax .......................................................................................................................222
3.4.4. Declarations, expressions, and statements................................................................223
3.4.5. Conditional expressions............................................................................................225
3.4.6. Compound procedures..............................................................................................226
3.4.7. Parameter passing .....................................................................................................227
3.4.8. Type checking...........................................................................................................228
3.4.9. Higher-order procedures...........................................................................................229
3.4.10. Parallel/Concurrent execution ..................................................................................230
3.4.11. Parallel/Concurrent statements .................................................................................231
3.4.12. Message passing / Communication channels ...........................................................232
3.4.13. Speed independence .................................................................................................233
3.4.14. Synchronous/asynchronous communication ............................................................234
3.4.15. Recursion ..................................................................................................................235
Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 5
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
3.4.16. Guards and alternative commands ........................................................................... 236
3.4.17. Input guards.............................................................................................................. 237
3.4.18. Clients and servers ................................................................................................... 238
4. Introduction to preschool education and computers ................................................................... 239
4.1. Early childhood education philosophy(ies) ......................................................................... 241
4.1.1. Brief history of early childhood education............................................................... 241
4.1.2. Main current theories ............................................................................................... 250
4.1.3. Pedagogic models .................................................................................................... 265
4.2. Computers in preschool ....................................................................................................... 279
4.2.1. Non-programming use ............................................................................................. 279
4.2.2. Seymour Papert and constructionism....................................................................... 283
4.2.3. Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten......................................... 297
5. Exploratory activities on preschool computer programming...................................................... 317
5.1. Finding a suitable tool.......................................................................................................... 319
5.2. Finding a style for introducing programming...................................................................... 322
5.2.1. Focusing the research............................................................................................... 322
5.2.2. The initial session duration assumption ................................................................... 322
5.2.3. Preparations for acquisition of preliminary data and information ........................... 324
5.2.4. Preliminary data and information ............................................................................ 329
5.3. Outlook of the exploratory research activities ..................................................................... 333
5.3.1. Settings for the exploratory activities ...................................................................... 333
5.3.2. Setting 1 summary ................................................................................................... 334
5.3.3. Setting 2 summary ................................................................................................... 334
5.3.4. Setting 3 summary ................................................................................................... 335
5.3.5. Setting 4 ................................................................................................................... 335
5.3.6. Setting 5 ................................................................................................................... 337
5.3.7. Setting 6 ................................................................................................................... 337
5.3.8. Setting 7 ................................................................................................................... 338
6. Programming isn’t magic............................................................................................................ 339
6.1. Conceptual hurdles for children while programming .......................................................... 341
6.1.1. Of hurdles................................................................................................................. 341
6.1.2. Descriptions and strategies....................................................................................... 344
6.2. Lessons from Working with Kindergarten Teachers ........................................................... 351
7. Framework for computer programming in preschool ................................................................. 355
7.1. Guidelines for computer programming in preschool ........................................................... 357
7.2. Integrating the computer in off-computer activities ............................................................ 360
7.2.1. Overview.................................................................................................................. 360
7.2.2. Computer as a destination – “I drew that tail”!........................................................ 361
7.2.3. Computer as source – “The larder is well-stocked!” ............................................... 363
7.2.4. Mingled computer – “Who asked for bread!?” ........................................................ 364
7.2.5. Programming in context – “You’ve got it all, you can swim”................................. 366
7.3. Typology of approaches to the programming environment................................................. 368
7.3.1. Usage typology 1: space for self-expression............................................................ 368
7.3.2. Usage typology 2: sorting and organization ............................................................ 370
7.3.3. Usage typology 3: exploration of constructs and behaviors .................................... 373
7.3.4. Usage typology 4: instant programming = show how it is done.............................. 377
7.3.5. Usage typology 5: combining programs .................................................................. 379
8. Final remarks .............................................................................................................................. 381
9. References................................................................................................................................... 387
Annex I — A robot that writes “MARIA” ...................................................................................... 441
Annex II — E-mail exchanges ........................................................................................................ 445
Annex III — Reports detailing the sessions of May-June 2000...................................................... 457

6 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Table of Contents
Annex IV — Details of sessions conducted between February-June 2001 .....................................475
Annex V — Details of sessions conducted in Nov/2001-Feb/2002.................................................497
Annex VI — Documents used as guidance for the group of preschool computer-activity
teachers (translated into English) ................................................................................................503
Annex VII — Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by computer-activity
teachers in preschools..................................................................................................................513
Annex VIII — Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in
preschools ....................................................................................................................................543
Annex IX — Report on activities conducted by two second-year trainees of the Early
Childhood Education baccalaureate ............................................................................................649
Annex X — Logs of the activities conducted in a home setting in Medford, MA, USA ................677
Annex XI — Sample activity sheet for preschool teachers: Storage Levels ...................................685
Annex XII — Sample activity sheet for preschool teachers: communication channels (birds) ......691

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 7

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Table of AcronymsCases
a.k.a., also known as .......................................................................................................................... 54
AA, “As Árvores” preschool ........................................................................................................... 323
ACM, Association for Computing Machinery ................................................................................ 428
APEI, Associação de Profissionais de Educação de Infância.......................................................... 403
AR, “Araucária” preschool .............................................................................................................. 323
ARPANET, Advanced Research Projects Agency Network............................................................. 90
ASCC, Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator .......................................................................... 36
BASIC, Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code............................................................ 22
CAI, Computer-Aided Instruction ..................................................................................................... 65
CAL, Computer-Aided Learning....................................................................................................... 65
CBT, Computer-Based Training........................................................................................................ 65
CCC, Computer Curriculum Corporation.......................................................................................... 69
CD-ROM, Compact Disk – Read Only Memory .............................................................................. 65
EDVAC, Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer ........................................................... 40
ENIAC, Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer .................................................................. 30
FIFO, First-in, First-out ................................................................................................................... 202
FORTRAN, FORmula TRANslation/FORmula TRANslator........................................................... 48
GUI, Graphic User Interface.............................................................................................................. 23
HTML, HyperText Markup Language .............................................................................................. 53
IBM, International Business Machines Corporation ......................................................................... 36
ICEI, Informática em Contextos de Educação de Infância.............................................................. 335
IMSSS, Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences (Stanford University) ................ 69
ITS, Intelligent Tutoring Systems...................................................................................................... 75
K&P, Kelleher & Pausch, 2003....................................................................................................... 155
LabVIEW, Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench .............................................. 121
MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology .................................................................................... 92
MUD, Multi-User Dungeon............................................................................................................. 181
NAEYC, National Association for the Education of Young Children............................................ 279
PLATO, Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations................................................... 77
RAM, Random-Access Memory ....................................................................................................... 22
SPP, “São Pedro Parque” preschool ................................................................................................ 323
TEL, Technology-Enhanced Learning .............................................................................................. 77
TT, ToonTalk................................................................................................................................... 321
USA, United States of America......................................................................................................... 21
VAT, Visual AgenTalk.................................................................................................................... 179
VCR, VideoCassette Recorder .......................................................................................................... 21
VV.AA., Various Authors ................................................................................................................. 22

8 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Table of Figures

Table of Figures
Figure 1 – Sinclair Research ZX81 computer....................................................................................21
Figure 2 – Sinclair Research ZX Spectrum computer........................................................................22
Figure 3 – Charles Babbage, 1791-1871............................................................................................32
Figure 4 – Augusta Ada Byron King, 1815-1852 ..............................................................................32
Figure 5 – Konrad Zuse, 1910-1995 ..................................................................................................34
Figure 6 – George Stibitz, 1904-1995................................................................................................35
Figure 7 – Howard Aiken 1900-1973 ................................................................................................36
Figure 8 – John V. Atanassof 1903-1995...........................................................................................36
Figure 9 – Helmut Schreyer 1912-1984.............................................................................................36
Figure 10 – Colossus ..........................................................................................................................37
Figure 11 – Maxwell Herman Alexander Newman (1897-1984)
and Thomas H. Flowers (1905-1998) ........................................................................................37
Figure 12 – ENIAC ............................................................................................................................38
Figure 13 – John Mauchly & John P. Eckert (1907-1980) and (1919-1995).....................................38
Figure 14 – EDVAC...........................................................................................................................40
Figure 15 – Alan M. Turing 1912-1954.............................................................................................40
Figure 16 – János Neumann 1903-1957.............................................................................................41
Figure 17 – Preparing input and output for the Analytical Engine ....................................................42
Figure 18 – Analytical Engine program.............................................................................................42
Figure 19 – Reprogramming ENIAC .................................................................................................43
Figure 20 – Your Spectrum issue 12..................................................................................................45
Figure 21 – Mac Man playing screen.................................................................................................45
Figure 22 – Finding and replacing with regular expressions .............................................................54
Figure 23 – Defining e-mail rules ......................................................................................................54
Figure 24 – Word processor preferences (automatic text) .................................................................56
Figure 25 – AutoCAD manual entry ..................................................................................................58
Figure 26 – Macromedia Flash timeline control ................................................................................58
Figure 27 – Programming with ActionScript.....................................................................................59
Figure 28 – Computer-generated characters combined with live images ..........................................59
Figure 29 – Structure of a typical domotics system ...........................................................................60
Figure 30 – Roman Verostko, “Cyberflower V. 1, 2000”, pen plotted drawing................................61
Figure 31 – Plotter with an oriental brush installed ...........................................................................61
Figure 32 – Roman Verostko, “Lung Shan II”, pen+brush plotted....................................................61
Figure 33 – Robert H. Russ, “Whisper”, 3-D rendered algorithm .....................................................61
Figure 34 – Robots at work and painting in progress (30, 60, 120 and 240 minutes) .......................62
Figure 35 – EuroPreArt sample data-entry form and Web results.....................................................62
Figure 36 – Comparison of two tasks: with and without just-in-time programming .........................63
Figure 37 – Edward L. Thorndike 1874 – 1949.................................................................................66
Figure 38 – Pressey Teaching Machines............................................................................................67
Figure 39 – Burrhus Frederic Skinner, 1904 – 1990..........................................................................68
Figure 40 – Skinner’s teaching machine ............................................................................................68
Figure 41 – IBM 838 Inquiry Station for the IBM 650......................................................................69
Figure 42 – IBM 650 Console Unit....................................................................................................69
Figure 43 – Patrick Suppes 1922 –.....................................................................................................69
Figure 44 – Boxes of Civilization III .................................................................................................72
Figure 45 – Civilization III entry screen ............................................................................................72
Figure 46 – Civilization III’s first bit of information: initial situation and goals ..............................72
Figure 47 – Civilization III’s first directions: find a good site for the capital city ............................73
Figure 48 – Civilization III’s tutorial explanation of interface elements ...........................................73
Figure 49 – Civilization III’s sample screen with hyperlinked information ......................................74
Figure 50 – Civilization III’s suggestions and directions in mid-tutorial game.................................74
Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 9
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Figure 51 – Robert B. Davis, 1926-1997........................................................................................... 77
Figure 52 – Screen from an educational PLATO application, in the 1970s...................................... 77
Figure 53 – Screen from PLATO Learning’s “The Quaddle Family” .............................................. 78
Figure 54 – Screens from PLATO Learning’s “The Three Decoders” ............................................. 79
Figure 55 – Donald L. Bitzer............................................................................................................. 80
Figure 56 – PLATO IV station with touch-sensitive plasma display................................................ 80
Figure 57 – David Jonassen............................................................................................................... 82
Figure 58 – Thomas Kurtz & John Kemeny...................................................................................... 87
Figure 59 – Seymour Papert .............................................................................................................. 92
Figure 60 – One billiard ball............................................................................................................ 101
Figure 61 – Two billiard balls ......................................................................................................... 103
Figure 62 – Mitchel Resnick............................................................................................................ 105
Figure 63 – Edsger Wybe Dijkstra, 1930 – 2002 ............................................................................ 107
Figure 64 – Typical concurrent transformational program.............................................................. 111
Figure 65 – Typical concurrent reactive program ........................................................................... 111
Figure 66 – Colliding billiard balls.................................................................................................. 112
Figure 67 – Wrong result of collision.............................................................................................. 113
Figure 68 – Moving furniture involves goals and constraints ......................................................... 114
Figure 69 – Moving a table.............................................................................................................. 116
Figure 70 – Vijay A. Saraswat......................................................................................................... 116
Figure 71 – Sample flowchart specifying the program in Table 8 .................................................. 120
Figure 72 – Sample pictorial flowchart specifying the program in Table 8.................................... 122
Figure 73 – Programming in the PIP visual language ..................................................................... 124
Figure 74 – LabVIEW programming examples:
generating an array of random integers and using dataflow to determine execution order..... 125
Figure 75 – Pictorial Janus, execution example:
appending the lists “a b c” and “d e f” to produce “a b c d e f”............................................... 127
Figure 76 – Uriel Wilensky ............................................................................................................. 130
Figure 77 – Sample program in traditional textual syntax and in child-oriented syntax................. 137
Figure 78 – Children working at BBN with one of the first wireless turtle-robots (named
“Irving”) in the early 1970s ..................................................................................................... 143
Figure 79 – Turtle graphics.............................................................................................................. 144
Figure 80 – Alan Kay ...................................................................................................................... 146
Figure 81 – Etoys object properties ................................................................................................. 147
Figure 82 – Etoys script creation ..................................................................................................... 147
Figure 83 – Circular motion in Etoys .............................................................................................. 148
Figure 84 – Etoys: controlling a car with a steering wheel ............................................................. 148
Figure 85 – Etoys: partial property list and categories of properties............................................... 149
Figure 86 – David Canfield Smith & Allen Cypher ........................................................................ 151
Figure 87 – Defining a rule in Stagecast Creator (climbing on top of an ice block)....................... 152
Figure 88 – Conditional rule in Stagecast Creator........................................................................... 153
Figure 89 – Updating variables in Stagecast Creator ...................................................................... 153
Figure 90 – Analyzing which rules apply or don’t apply in Stagecast Creator............................... 153
Figure 91 – Testing a rule in Stagecast Creator............................................................................... 154
Figure 92 – Boxer program for finding phone numbers.................................................................. 156
Figure 93 – Boxer program: controlling graphical elements........................................................... 156
Figure 94 – Playground programming environment ....................................................................... 157
Figure 95 – Liveworld environment ................................................................................................ 157
Figure 96 – HANDS programming system ..................................................................................... 158
Figure 97 – Function Machines program......................................................................................... 159
Figure 98 – Show and Tell programming........................................................................................ 159
Figure 99 – PervoLogo opening screen and newer versions ........................................................... 160

10 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Table of Figures
Figure 100 – MicroWorlds JR environment and programming.......................................................160
Figure 101 – Programming a LEGO motor in LogoBlocks.............................................................161
Figure 102 – Gray brick, Programmable Brick, Lego RCX ............................................................161
Figure 103 – LogoBlocks programming environment (Spanish version)........................................161
Figure 104 – Lego Mindstorms RCX Code .....................................................................................162
Figure 105 – RoboLab: “Pilot” programs allow users to select options from pull down menus;
in this case it turns a motor and a light on for 8 seconds. ........................................................162
Figure 106 – RoboLab: “Investigator” programs, created by picking and wiring icons from a
palette; in this case, an RCX records in a variable the number of presses on a touch
sensor, and then sends the resulting value to another RCX .....................................................162
Figure 107 – Floresta Mágica programming and play environment ................................................163
Figure 108 – Floresta Mágica control stone “I am controlled by the mouse”, and condition and
action stones “when the counter is less than 1, I play a sound, I make all objects explode,
and I stop the game”.................................................................................................................163
Figure 109 – Floresta Mágica: scrolls belonging to an object .........................................................163
Figure 110 – Scratch environment and programming......................................................................164
Figure 111 – Selecting a colored event to broadcast and
responding to a blue event that was broadcasted .....................................................................164
Figure 112 – Thinkin’ Things Collection 3 – Half Time .................................................................165
Figure 113 – Leogo/Cleogo environment ........................................................................................165
Figure 114 – DRAPE environment ..................................................................................................166
Figure 115 – DRAPE program.........................................................................................................166
Figure 116 – Two members of the cast of My Make Believe Castle...............................................167
Figure 117 – A jester and its path ....................................................................................................167
Figure 118 – Concurrent Comics: programming the virus destruction............................................168
Figure 119 – Concurrent Comics – Playing the virus eater game....................................................168
Figure 120 – MediaStage: placing props..........................................................................................169
Figure 121 – MediaStage: defining character’s actions ...................................................................169
Figure 122 – Mulspren programming environment .........................................................................170
Figure 123 – Programming notations in Mulspren ..........................................................................170
Figure 124 – TORTIS button box diagram (composed by 4 special-purpose boxes)......................171
Figure 125 – TORTIS Slot Machine program for drawing a square and toot .................................171
Figure 126 – TORTIS Slot Machine, by Radia Perlman .................................................................171
Figure 127 – Children commanding a Roamer robot.......................................................................172
Figure 128 – Controls of the Valiant Roamer robot.........................................................................172
Figure 129 – AlgoBlock programming & screen.............................................................................172
Figure 130 – Logiblocs (“Spytech” kit) ...........................................................................................173
Figure 131 – AlgoCard software environment.................................................................................173
Figure 132 – AlgoCard tangible environment..................................................................................173
Figure 133 – Train set augmented with a Cricket programmable brick
to heed infrared beacon signs ...................................................................................................174
Figure 134 – LEGO’s Intelligent Locomotive .................................................................................174
Figure 135 – curlybots......................................................................................................................174
Figure 136 – curlybot with a pen attachment...................................................................................174
Figure 137 – Electronic Block family (sensor, logic and action blocks) .........................................175
Figure 138 – Remote control car with Electronic Blocks ................................................................175
Figure 139 – Programmable Bricks program (the side-cards contain parameters)..........................175
Figure 140 – AutoHAN cubes..........................................................................................................176
Figure 141 – Programmable Blocks implementation of Table 12 ...................................................176
Figure 142 – Physical “icons” (props) for programming.................................................................177
Figure 143 – Using a Physical Programming wand.........................................................................177
Figure 144 – System Blocks: simulation of positive feedback loop ................................................177

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Figure 145 – Four-year-old girl playing with System Blocks ......................................................... 177
Figure 146 – Topobo: programming a horse to walk ...................................................................... 178
Figure 147 – Eco-Pods display interface ......................................................................................... 178
Figure 148 – Eco-Pods (water, light, heat, wind) ............................................................................ 178
Figure 149 – AgentSheets rule definition........................................................................................ 179
Figure 150 – AgentSheets conditions and actions palettes.............................................................. 179
Figure 151 – ToonTalk environment ............................................................................................... 179
Figure 152 – Icicle programming environment ............................................................................... 180
Figure 153 – PetPark environment and selection of behaviors ....................................................... 182
Figure 154 – RobotWar ................................................................................................................... 183
Figure 155 – Rocky’s Boots ............................................................................................................ 183
Figure 156 – Robot Odyssey level................................................................................................... 184
Figure 157 – Robot Odyssey ........................................................................................................... 184
Figure 158 – Lemmings level in mid-play ...................................................................................... 184
Figure 159 – The Incredible Machine I & II cover art .................................................................... 185
Figure 160 – The Incredible Machine screenshot............................................................................ 185
Figure 161 – Widget Workshop ...................................................................................................... 186
Figure 162 – AlgoArena in game-play ............................................................................................ 186
Figure 163 – AlgoArena programming environment ...................................................................... 186
Figure 164 – MindRover gameplay ................................................................................................. 188
Figure 165 – MindRover programming environment ..................................................................... 188
Figure 166 – Games Designer editing screens ................................................................................ 189
Figure 167 – Games Designer cassette inlay and sample game ...................................................... 189
Figure 168 – Pinball Construction Set editing................................................................................. 190
Figure 169 – HURG – High-level User-friendly Real-time Games-designer ................................. 190
Figure 170 – HURG: defining sprite movement ............................................................................. 190
Figure 171 – Screenshot from a game created in HURG by Tony Samuels
for the “Your Spectrum” magazine ......................................................................................... 191
Figure 172 – HURG: defining behavior on object collisions .......................................................... 191
Figure 173 – Alternate Reality Kit environment ............................................................................. 191
Figure 174 – ARK Dragging to assign a parameter to a button ...................................................... 191
Figure 175 – Klik & Play level editor ............................................................................................. 192
Figure 176 – The Games Factory event editor ................................................................................ 192
Figure 177 – Game Maker environment.......................................................................................... 193
Figure 178 – 2D adventure game..................................................................................................... 194
Figure 179 – Point & Click DK environment:
object status, frames, image resource, action script................................................................. 194
Figure 180 – Ken Kahn.................................................................................................................... 195
Figure 181 – Snapshots from swapping two elements .................................................................... 198
Figure 182 – Comic strip: ToonTalk program for making a puppy turn around............................. 198
Figure 183 – Caption style used in Prince Valiant comics .............................................................. 198
Figure 184 – ToonTalk programming environment: programmer and toolbox outside.................. 199
Figure 185 – ToonTalk programming environment: programmer’s hand and toolbox contents .... 200
Figure 186 – Starting example for a sample robot .......................................................................... 208
Figure 187 – Dropping on a robot an array with the starting example............................................ 208
Figure 188 – Taught robot, thought bubble identifies constraints................................................... 209
Figure 189 – Generalizing constraints in ToonTalk: erasing and vacuuming................................. 209
Figure 190 – Arrays acceptable for the robot of Figure 189 ........................................................... 209
Figure 191 – Arrays unacceptable for the robot of Figure 189 ....................................................... 209
Figure 192 – ToonTalk robots after constraints failed to match ..................................................... 211
Figure 193 – First execution method:
dropping the working box on a robot and watching it work.................................................... 212

12 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Table of Figures
Figure 194 – Two robots connected through a bird-nest pair. .........................................................213
Figure 195 – Dispatching one robot, with a small figurine width, and six seconds later. ...............213
Figure 196 – Sending one number to the robot on the back of the figurine, using the bird.............214
Figure 197 – Flipping a container to access its contents and notebook of controls.........................214
Figure 198 – Matching shapes but not intentions. ...........................................................................219
Figure 199 – Picking the “A” or the nest? The wiggling animation provides the answer. ..............221
Figure 200 – The robot is picking «the fourth element», not «the “2”» nor «the last». ..................222
Figure 201 – In this city, children can tell which houses are “theirs”..............................................226
Figure 202 – Assembling “what is needed”, before teaching a robot ..............................................227
Figure 203 – Successive generalizations of the original types.........................................................228
Figure 204 – Launching a new house with a different robot ...........................................................229
Figure 205 – Assorted animating and stopped pictures. ..................................................................230
Figure 206 – Teaching a robot to create several houses, each with a different Euro coin...............231
Figure 207 – Sending a ball for the robot to return it.......................................................................232
Figure 208 – Different execution speeds: the bottom robot finished first, this time........................233
Figure 209 – Synchronous communications with a token (ball)......................................................234
Figure 210 – Feeding a rabbit ..........................................................................................................237
Figure 211 – Bird carrying a request: data + reply bird ...................................................................238
Figure 212 – Sorting requests...........................................................................................................238
Figure 213 – J. F. Oberlin 1740-1826 ..............................................................................................242
Figure 214 – Robert Owen 1771-1858.............................................................................................243
Figure 215 – Friedrich Fröbel 1782-1852 ........................................................................................245
Figure 216 – Fröbel’s Gifts (modern versions)................................................................................246
Figure 217 – Margaret McMillan, 1860-1931 .................................................................................246
Figure 218 – Maria Montessori 1870-1952......................................................................................247
Figure 219 – G. Stanley Hall 1844-1924 .........................................................................................250
Figure 220 – Arnold L. Gesell 1880-1961 .......................................................................................251
Figure 221 – John B. Watson 1878-1958.........................................................................................251
Figure 222 – Sigmund Freud 1856-1939 .........................................................................................252
Figure 223 – Erik Erikson 1902-1994..............................................................................................253
Figure 224 – Urie Bronfenbrenner 1917-.........................................................................................255
Figure 225 – Kurt Lewin 1890-1947................................................................................................255
Figure 226 – Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger...................................................................................256
Figure 227 – Jean Piaget 1896-1980 ................................................................................................257
Figure 228 – Lev Semjonowitsch Vygotsky 1896-1934..................................................................260
Figure 229 – Jerome Bruner 1915- ..................................................................................................262
Figure 230 – John Dewey 1859 - 1952 ............................................................................................266
Figure 231 – William Heard Kilpatrick 1871 - 1965 .......................................................................266
Figure 232 – Célestin Freinet 1896 - 1966.......................................................................................266
Figure 233 - Number of annual publications on the project method
in selected countries and regions, 1895-1982 ..........................................................................268
Figure 234 – David P. Weikart 1931 - 2003 ....................................................................................271
Figure 235 – Reggio Emilia location and Loris Malaguzzi (1920-1994) ........................................273
Figure 236 – Lunchroom, Diana school...........................................................................................274
Figure 237 – The “piazza”, Diana school ........................................................................................274
Figure 238 – MSM room journal .....................................................................................................277
Figure 239 – Seymour Papert...........................................................................................................283
Figure 240 – Radia Perlman.............................................................................................................299
Figure 241 – The TORTIS Button Box and its components............................................................299
Figure 242 – Rigoberto Correia’s keyboard adaption......................................................................303
Figure 243 – Redbridge SEMERC keyboard overlay......................................................................304
Figure 244 – System Blocks arrangement for a water flow example ..............................................311

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Figure 245- Computers at the preschools AA and SPP................................................................... 326
Figure 246- The exchanger robot .................................................................................................... 327
Figure 247- The exchanger robot generalized to different degrees ................................................. 327
Figure 248 – Sample Pascal code for exchanging two values......................................................... 328
Figure 249 – the A4 sheet for the robot’s thoughts
(with scotch tape) and the A5 sheets for the blue baskets ....................................................... 329
Figure 250 – Matching animal’s parts to an animal ........................................................................ 361
Figure 251 – Fruit cards and toy fruits, usable in preschool activities ............................................ 363
Figure 252 – Using the computer to keep status records
as starting or returning point for activities............................................................................... 363
Figure 253 – City with houses for three professionals (plus a "pictures" house)............................ 364
Figure 254 – Postwoman's items and uniform................................................................................. 364
Figure 255 – Set of requests in a house ........................................................................................... 365
Figure 256 – ToonTalk city with buildings for sports..................................................................... 366
Figure 257 – Inside the tennis court ................................................................................................ 366
Figure 258 – “Bird’s mass”, by J (boy, age 5), AA preschool, 2001 .............................................. 368
Figure 259 – “Painting”, by J (girl, age 3), SPP preschool, 2001 ................................................... 368
Figure 260 – “Flower garden”, by DU (boy, age 4), SPP preschool, 2001..................................... 368
Figure 261 – Personal composition on the wall, by J (girl, age 4), SPP preschool, 2001 ............... 368
Figure 262 – Environment customizations in Squeak Etoys and Stagecast Creator ....................... 369
Figure 263 – Roamer robot in disguise: flower seller, firewoman and chef ................................... 369
Figure 264 – List matching activity................................................................................................. 370
Figure 265 – List activity for organized record-keeping ................................................................. 370
Figure 266 – Organization by grouping elements visually.............................................................. 371
Figure 267 – Hierarchic-organization using notebooks................................................................... 371
Figure 268 – Moving a Stagecast Creator character
using the mouse, instead of programming rules ...................................................................... 372
Figure 269 – Bird cloning itself to deliver an ‘A’ into several nests............................................... 373
Figure 270 – ToonTalk behavior on the back of a picture, with two description alongside ........... 374
Figure 271 – The white square on the left picture,
and two combined behaviors on its backside .......................................................................... 374
Figure 272 – Stagecast Creator tutorial:
the child must copy monkeys so they get the bananas out of the way .................................... 375
Figure 273 – Dog chasing a cat, rule telling the dog to hide behind a bush, and the result ............ 375
Figure 274 – Remote control car with Electronic Blocks (identical to Figure 138)........................ 376
Figure 275 – Robots typed the children’s names many times (on the floor)................................... 377
Figure 276 – Sample text from the “Make your own Car” Squeak tutorial .................................... 378
Figure 277 – Final section of the “Making Your Own Rules” activity in the Stagecast tutorial .... 378
Figure 278 – R (boy, age 5) in his new house, where the robot placed its gift on the wall............. 379
Figure 279 – Robot giving to a bird the received ball, to send it back to the child......................... 380
Figure 280 – List of activities from the Stagecast Creator tutorial.................................................. 380
Figure 281 – Original situation (empty box) and
starting the process (giving the box to the robot) .................................................................... 444
Figure 282 – After the first (left) and second (right) iterations ....................................................... 444
Figure 283 – During the third iteration, “MARIA” is bammed on the previous contents;
result of the third iteration (center); and after 12 iterations (right).......................................... 444
Figure 284 – After many iterations (no need to wait, just stroll outside the house for two
seconds while the robot works at full speed), taking the name outside, making it tall, and
flying over it: the name extends over the sea! ......................................................................... 444

14 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Table of Figures

Table of tables
Table 1 – Machine programming in binary and hexadecimal............................................................44
Table 2 – Machine programming with assembler mnemonics ..........................................................46
Table 3 – User programming with word processing styles................................................................53
Table 4 – Sequential and concurrent approached: moving one ball ................................................102
Table 5 – Sequential and concurrent approached: moving two balls...............................................103
Table 6 – Concurrent programming: moving balls with communication ........................................109
Table 7 – Concurrency: synchronicity problems .............................................................................112
Table 8 – Impact of indenting in code readability ...........................................................................119
Table 9 – “Hello world!” code in Lisp and in Logo.........................................................................139
Table 10 – Turtle graphics subset of commands..............................................................................144
Table 11 – GRAIL code for defining a record type and a record,
assigning values, and displaying them on the screen ...............................................................157
Table 12 – Algorithm with motor behavior .....................................................................................176
Table 13 – Petting a dog called Rover, in three languages, including MOOSE ..............................181
Table 14 – Sample AlgoArena program (English-language version) ..............................................187
Table 15 – ToonTalk tools and their purpose ..................................................................................201
Table 16 – ToonTalk static primitives .............................................................................................203
Table 17 – ToonTalk main animated primitives ..............................................................................204
Table 18 – Main results in ToonTalk of using the “drop on” primitive...........................................208
Table 19 – Summary of constraint-matching rules in ToonTalk .....................................................211
Table 20 – Sample ToonTalk controls and sensors..........................................................................217
Table 21 – Main cognitive development theories and theorists.......................................................250
Table 22 – Erikson’s psychosocial stages ........................................................................................254
Table 23 – Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development ....................................................................258
Table 24 – Piaget's limitations of preoperational thought................................................................259
Table 25 - Levels of quality of ICT use in an early childhood education setting ............................281
Table 26 – Systems potentially usable by preschoolers, for which there is record of such use.......297
Table 27 – Summary on preschool-age use of systems for which there is scarce
(or unreliable) information .......................................................................................................298
Table 28 – Time occupation along the several sessions...................................................................323
Table 29 – First year research, detailed by preschool. .....................................................................324
Table 30 – Children identification and ages.....................................................................................325
Table 31 – Preschool rooms computer environments ......................................................................325
Table 32 – Result of issuing instructions in the wrong order...........................................................328
Table 33 – Research settings............................................................................................................333
Table 34 – Strategy devised for teaching robot programming.........................................................353

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 15

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1. Thesis overview

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 17

Thesis overview

1.1. Of teaching and learning

The nurturing and rearing of our children is one of mankind’s greatest tasks. It is so,
biologically, for the obvious reason that children carry the genes of our species (egotistically, our
own); but they also carry our history – our heritage. They are our link with immortality, just like we
are a link between our children and our ancestors.
While this can be said of any living organism (or in fact, with some literary or philosophic
license, of any entity1) our role of sentient species imbeds us with a particular relationship amongst
ourselves: we are teachers and learners (Freire, 1997, pp. 25-26). Each generation thus has a legacy
to hand over – teach – to the next. However, new knowledge is also generated – new learning takes
place – and the body of human knowledge increases.
The traditional way to interpret this flow of knowledge is to see teaching as transmission of
knowledge; and learning, as reception of that knowledge. Current learning theories dispute this
interpretation, most notably by noting that human beings build (“construct”) their own mental
representations of knowledge2, and also by constantly acquiring and memorizing new information3.
This traditional interpretation eventually led to the creation of educational systems – schools
(see section 4.1.1).
While in present-day schools we can find a large variety of teaching styles and educational
philosophies (see section 4.1), the overall idea of the school system is still to transmit (or at least
convey) specific knowledge and skills to students.
However, a notably different educational system exists, “within the system”, so to speak: I am
referring to Early Childhood Education (preschool and kindergarten). The educational system for
children aged 3, 4 and 5 (an historical evolution of preschool and kindergarten education is
presented in section 4.1.1).
In preschool and kindergarten, the major aim is not to convey specific information, but rather
to support the children’s personal and social development (Ministério da Educação, 1997): a
constant struggle to help each child achieve its highest potential. This powerful educational aim is
even seen as potentially benefiting older learners (Resnick, 1998).
Having decided to embark on a research that would involve educational settings, these
particular features of preschool education were much closer to my personal feelings, intuitions and
interests. I find particularly engaging the following:
• the openness of goals: in preschool, children and teachers are not faced with a set of
concepts that must absolutely be approached, often with somewhat pre-determined
pace and style;
• the openness of children: younger children are generally seen as being more open to
new concepts, tasks and learning; while the somewhat informal learning setting of
preschool (compared to elementary school) may very well be part of this general
impression, the children’s social and mental development are likely involved;
whatever the actual background of such intuitive feeling on my part, it meant for me
that I felt a greater, deeper connection between child and educator when working with
children in this age group (3-5 year olds);

Cf. “As the ancient mythmakers knew, we are the children equally of the sky and the Earth” (Sagan, 1983, p. 264).
This was first theorized by Jean Piaget (Spodek & Saracho, 1994, pp. 73-78; Fosnot, 1996) but is also part of the
educational theories of Paulo Freire (1997) and Leo Vygotsky (Oliveira, 1997; Papalia et al., 1999, p. 339). More
information is available in section 4.1.
The information-processing theory was initiated by George Miller (1956) and developed by several researchers, such
as Katherine Nelson (an excellent description of the information-processing approach to the development of cognition
can be found in Papalia et al., 1999, pp. 328-333). In this thesis, more information is presented in section 4.1.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 19

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• the feeling of freedom, of no ceiling: this is perhaps a consequence of the two
previous features; but it has nonetheless a distinct, broader impact on my motivation to
do research work in these educational settings: untethered by mandatory curricula and
formal, content-based evaluations, my research work could proceed with fewer
constraints in terms of time and content; I would be less tempted to “push” children, or
to back off from an experimental pathway: my research would benefit, I believed,
from a most precious commodity: time to mature.

20 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Thesis overview

1.2. Of computers and programming

I would be somewhat betraying this background description of my motivations for research if
I were to present computer programming as a purely technical skill I had eventually acquired,
omitting its profound significance in my life. I believe that much of my mental development,
thought patterns and styles – possibly even my worldview – may have been affected by it. I see
these impacts as having been immensely positive, and this provides me with perhaps my most
valuable asset for conducting research in a field, fighting frustration and hardships: a profound
conviction on its significance – finding myself wrong satisfies a personal need for understanding of
knowledge as great as finding renewed confidence and conviction.
This lengthy recollection of my personal early experiences with computer programming will
allow me to present a few ideas that frame my research.
My first contact with anything I can relate to computer programming came from a machine
seen even in popular culture as a bane to understanding: the videocassette recorder (VCR). My
father owned an electric appliances store in a small town, and sold VCRs. Part of the service
provided to the customers included delivery to their homes, installation, and an explanation of its
operation. Since this was an expensive piece of equipment, the more features that were presented
the better, so programming a recorder to start working at a given time was always part of these
“explanations”. At the time, many instruction manuals came without a Portuguese version, and this
simple fact was the initial cause of my connection with programming.
I had recently begun learning English in school, so my father asked me to try and figure out
how the VCRs worked, so that I could go with him to customers’ homes and explain it. For me, a
VCR was just another appliance, so I basically approached it naturally and learned the
programming style from the user manuals. Sometimes I would be presented with an old VCR
without any manual, and had to figure out its operation by trial, error, and inference from what I
already knew. I can’t recall my actual age at the time, but since I started learning English when I
was 9 years old, this was probably when I was 10 or 11.
My recollection of contact with videogames comes from about the same time, most notably
the old PONG-style home gaming machines (Wolf, 2003; Winter [1], 2004) that were connected to
television sets (Winter [2], 2004). And soon after, I came aware of the existence of computer
programming, when my brother and I received a game-playing system called Philips Videopac
G7000 – in the USA, it was marketed as Odyssey² (Cassidy, 2004). It was only intended for
gaming, but browsing the list of game cartridges there was one for programming (anon., 2004). It
announced the possibility of creating and running our own programs. I ended up never getting my
hands on that cartridge, but programming was becoming an enticing mystery.
The next crucial step was a brief
encounter (one-evening long) with a Sinclair
ZX81 computer (Barber, 2004) some customer
had ordered. He was going to pick it up the
following day, and my father asked if I could
learn whatever I could in a few hours, in case
the customer had any questions. This was too
great a challenge, and I didn’t make much out
of that computer time. But it did remain in my
memory as a mysterious, magical moment with
a completely new thing: the prompt, blinking,
displaying strange commands as I clicked the
keys (in the ZX81 editing environment, each Figure 1 – Sinclair Research ZX81 computer
key would display a full command). Within a
year or so, in a similar situation, my father did

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 21

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
more than put me in brief contact with a customer’s computer: when someone ordered a Zilog Z80-
based Sinclair ZX Spectrum (VV.AA., 2004) with 16KB RAM, he bought a ZX Spectrum with
48KB RAM and a few games and offered it to me.
Again, I started playing games – I had to
issue a programming language command to load
them from tape: Load "". But then my family
went to a book fair, where we bought two
computer-programming books: the Portuguese
versions of Programming your ZX Spectrum
(Hartnell, 1982) and Creating Adventure
Programs on Your Computer (Nelson, 1983).
Being able to make my own games was source of
motivation for learning how to program. I was
either 12 or 13 years old. And I can never forget
the excitement of having made my first program
– at the time, two simple commands to print a few
Figure 2 – Sinclair Research ZX Spectrum computer
blocks together, inked green, to display what I From:
called “a green house”. (enhanced)

From then on, through that ZX Spectrum computer, I ended up exploring several areas of
programming using the BASIC programming language. But the desire to understand how “real”
games where made even led me to a brief reading on the concept of assembly-language
programming, a few years later. I even resorted to an advanced computer-science concept
unknowingly – using overlays to run programs bigger than the available RAM.
In retrospect, I believe that I was lucky enough to benefit from a situation where three current
educational ideas were very much present. These are presented here in a simplistic view, but will be
explained in more detail and background later on.
The first idea is that the most significant moments of learning computer programming didn’t
involve structured “teaching” or structured “learning”: I was going on my own, driven mostly by
coming up with ideas about what would be “fun” to try, but also about how to assist me (my biggest
project in those years was creating a system for simplifying the tedious process of character creation
in role-playing games). Each achievement was felt as a tremendous success, each failure was either
a challenge to overcome or simply forgotten, since there was so much to explore4.
The second idea is that I didn’t manage to program a thing until I got hold of both a book
structuring the knowledge about programming AND a book making clear that pretty fast I could be
doing something worth my troubles: programming adventure games5.
The third idea is that my efforts weren’t disregarded as useless or serving as a mere method
of keeping me occupied or “studying”: from the very first moment, I was doing something useful,
my tasks were valued: I was helping my father do something he had trouble doing himself. Later
on, even if just to amuse me, each program had a purpose beyond mere “training”6.
These ideas permeate my research as background beliefs: learning needs an open
environment, where children can follow their ideas and interests, not just someone else’s; children
need some structure and support that helps them realize what they can achieve and how; children
take their actions seriously and adults should respect that (Santos, 1999), to the point of involving
them in activities that are useful and meaningful for all, not just for “training” or “practicing”.

“The best learning takes place when the learner takes charge” (Papert, 1980, p. 214).
“(…) an intellectual culture in which individual projects are encouraged and contact with powerful ideas is
facilitated” (Papert, 1999, p. XV).
“We believe in making learning worthwhile for use now and not only for banking to use later” (Papert, 1999, p. XVI).
22 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Thesis overview
But looking at these settings in my personal account, I can also point out that they couldn’t
have occurred much earlier in my life. And the reason for that isn’t a matter of intelligence or
cognition, but a very real barrier: I needed to know at least a bit of English to start, and that learning
only started in October of 1980, when I was 9 (almost 10). It is reasonable to say that if the
instructions of VCRs and the BASIC instruction set were available in Portuguese, I probably would
have been able to learn how to program earlier: numerous accounts and research of programming
with young children demonstrate that young children can program7.
Since that time, numerous barriers to computer use – and programming – have fallen:
programming can be done in a child’s mother tongue; computer use has been greatly simplified due
to new software and hardware interfaces (GUI, mice, etc.); the production of physical results has
been greatly simplified and enhanced (better and cheaper printing or robotics). A decisive moment
for initiating this research was when I realized that two such barriers had been broken.
The first such barrier is that programming can now be done entirely without writing or
reading of words. Several programming systems, described in chapter 3.3, allow the programmer
(and children) to issue commands and create programs by selection and organization of visual or
physical elements. The tearing down of this barrier meant that children could try to program before
they were able to comfortably read or write commands.
The second barrier is that programming can now be performed in connection with concrete
concepts and elements, most notably using techniques of programming by demonstration, which I
describe in section 2.3.2. The tearing down of this barrier means that children could try to program
early in their mental development.
The realization that this latter barrier had been at least partly overcome was a decisive
moment for me, leading to the initiation of this research: I grew curious to know whether very
young children could or could not start to program computers.

Papert’s books and papers contains numerous accounts, mostly of mid-elementary school age, between 9 and 12 years
old: e.g., fourth-graders (1993, pp. 68-69; id., ch. 6, “An Anthology of Learning Stories”, pp. 106-136); a fifth-grader
(1980, p. 100); a sixth-grader (id. p. 118). Reports for first graders are also available (e.g., Degelman et al., 1986), for
all years of elementary school (Papert, 1993, pp. 75-76), and even a few for children as young as four (Perlman, 1974).
More recently, the Playground project involved children aged 6 to 8 in programming activities in different programming
environments (Playground Project, 2001).

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1.3. Of computer programming in education

I have presented my motivations and background for conducting research in the field of
computer programming in preschool education. However, some extra background should, I believe,
be presented now, before entering the more information-rich chapters in this thesis.
When I started looking for previous research in this field, I became aware that previous
researchers, most remarkably Alan Kay (Kay, n.d.), Seymour Papert (Papert, 1980, 1993 & 1999;
Papert & Harel, 1991) and Andrea diSessa (diSessa, 2000), have built a corpus of knowledge
providing a broad and powerful idea: computer programming can be used as a new literacy
(diSessa, 2000: chapter 1, pp.1-28, “Computational Media and New Literacies – The Very Idea”), a
new tool allowing people to think and reason in novel ways8. As these researchers have remarked,
and as some non-science writers have imagined, this opens tremendous potential for change in our
society (e.g. Kuttner & Moore, 1943; Bork, 2000). In educational terms, it is not the programming
by itself that produces the change, but its use as part of a different way of learning – or even a
different way of facing life (Clements and Meredith, 1992; Papert, 1998, 1999).
And yet, while research work under this framework has been extensively conducted with
older children, accounts of programming with pre-literate children are scarce, as I’ll document in
the coming chapters. Also scarce are accounts of programming in the educational environment of
preschools and kindergartens (Clements, Nastasi & Swaminathan, 1993; Iglesias, 1999).
My goal for this research was thus to perform groundwork exploration of the possibilities and
hurdles involved in conducting computer-programming activities with 3, 4, and 5-year old children,
in the environment of preschools and kindergartens. I hope to have contributed to further build up
the knowledge in this field, so that children can benefit from this novel thinking tool early in their

“seeing ideas from computer science not only as instruments of explanation of how learning and thinking in fact do
work, but also as instruments of change that might alter, and possibly improve, the way people learn and think” (Papert,
1980, pp. 208-209)
24 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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2. Computer Programming: conceptual foundations

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 25

Computer Programming: conceptual foundations

2.1. Body & Mind: hardware and software

For the uninitiated, computer programming might seem an esoteric topic. It usually brings
echoes of technical wizardry, of complex mathematics and reasoning, and – an important
perspective for people involved in humanistic areas – of being a cold, machine-like activity, with
little or no human warmth.
Programming isn’t alone in this unwelcoming public image. Science, for instance, suffers
from the same social bias, and this image of low-popularity may indeed impact both children’s and
adults’ perception of their relevance.
« In both theory and practice, science in this century has been perceived
as a noble endeavor. Yet science has always been a bit outside society's
inner circle. The cultural center of Western civilization has pivoted around
the arts, with science orbiting at a safe distance. When we say "culture," we
think of books, music, or painting. (…) Popular opinion has held that our
era will be remembered for great art, such as jazz. Therefore, musicians are
esteemed. Novelists are hip. Film directors are cool. Scientists, on the other
hand, are ...nerds. »
(Kelly, 1998)9
And yet, many people can probably recall events where friends with technical computer
interests meet, often by chance, and frequently spark up “strange”, technically-oriented
conversations. By recalling how intense such conversations are – sometimes lasting for hours –
people may also recall having themselves said or heard statements such as “they only talk about
computers all the time”. Such passionate conversations don’t match the idea of computer use and
computer programming as cold, machine-oriented activities. Were they so, how could they engage
their practitioners in such committed conversation? The alternative is to consider a different
possibility: that programming also appeals to one’s emotional self, not just the analytical self. This
will be rendered clearer after I discuss the presence and use of programming in the current society,
in section 2.3.
Therefore, before discussing computer programming in more detailed fashion, its occurrence,
features and varieties, I propose an introductory look at the concept itself. What is computer
programming? To answer, I need to present and explain the computer itself, viewed as the
combination of “hardware” and “software”.
When thinking about general-purpose computers, it is very common to find people that
associate the ideas of computers and tools, to the point that saying “the computer is a tool” is
commonplace (Kay, 1993a). And yet, while one can definitely think of the computer as a tool, it is
not just any ordinary tool. It can be used as leverage to achieve a goal, such as composing a text or
performing a calculation – and in this sense it is similar to a hammer or a Swiss-army knife. But it
can be used on its own terms, as when one is playing a game, customizing the user environment or
trying out a computer-programming idea – and in this sense it is similar to a rock, a cloud, or an
idea: something with which one plays for delight, contemplation or inspiration. Possibly a better
word for it would be “instrument” – after all, one plays musical instruments, not musical tools. In
the remainder of this section, I still use the common idea “computer as a tool”, but the word “tool”,

On the lighter side, being “nerd” in current days has acquired some glamour. Kelly says, in this same essay: “Call it
nerd culture. For the last two decades, as technology supersaturated our cultural environment, the gravity of
technology simply became too hard to ignore. For this current generation of Nintendo kids, their technology is their
culture. When they reached the point (as every generation of youth does) of creating the current fads, the next funny
thing happened: Nerds became cool. Nerds now grace the cover of Time and Newsweek” (Kelly, 1998). A more recent
account of this new social status of the “nerdish” tastes is given by The Guardian’s newspaper headline after two highly
successful movies in the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy: “We are all nerds now” (Brooks, 2003, citing interviewee).

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here, should be interpreted in its most broad sense. After all, a musical instrument is a musician’s
I’ll consider a very simple tool: a wooden stick. Usage of such a tool is documented, for
instance, among apes: chimpanzees can insert a grass stem or a wooden stick in a termite’s mound,
wait a while and carefully remove it, in this way attaining a meal of termites (Estes, 1991). What
makes a tool out of the wooden stick? Chimpanzees don’t carve sticks (although they must select
them carefully and remove any leaves), so the sticks are just as nature-made as anything can be. It’s
the way in which they are used that turns the sticks into tools. This usage may be referred to as
“knowledge”, “method” or “following operating instructions”. But it isn’t a physical property of the
stick: it is intangible.
The computer is also based on physical, touchable materials. The most obvious are those
composing the external elements: metal and plastic cases, buttons, and lights. But the internal
materials are more important: the electronic circuits made of metal and semiconductors. All of these
are the tangible parts of the computer. They are usually called “hardware”.
However, by itself, hardware doesn’t allow us to accomplish much. Nothing appears on the
screen, no response occurs to our actions. Therefore, the only ways in which the computer could be
used as a tool, were it only composed of hardware, would be as a stand to reach higher, as a
counter-weight, and similar improvisational ends to which the physical computer can be put to use.
The intangible portion is what renders the computer a tool, in the sense it is more commonly
thought of. Consider the wooden stick again. It is easy to consider equivalent “methods” for a
computer, in terms of “usage knowledge”. It must be connected to electric power. There is a power
button to turn it on. There are keys on a keyboard that can be tapped. And one could assemble a
long list of such pieces of knowledge, but the most crucial parts would be missing: what is
supposed to happen when the human finger hits a key? When the mouse is moved? In fact, what is
supposed to happen when the computer is turned on? Something must render “real” non-physical
objects such as the mouse cursor, the menus, and the icons. Before a common word processor,
spreadsheet or even game can be used, its existence must somehow emerge from the physical parts.
By comparing the computer and the wooden stick as general tools, a central differing aspect is
that the computer has an intermediate layer, between the physical tool and the human knowledge of
its operation. The computer operates by executing instructions. When it is turned on, its circuits
feed the computer’s “brain” (the processor) with the instructions necessary to display some
information on the screen. Then the processor is instructed to activate storage devices, such as disk
drives, CD drives or flash memory drives, in search of further instructions. The execution of those
instructions presents to the human user a set of objects which can be used to “manipulate” the
computer further: the mouse cursor, the insertion prompt, menus, icons, and all the interface
elements most people are acquainted with. The same happens if the computer is interacting with
another machine, rather than a human: some interface device needs to be commanded and
These instructions and the constructs that they produce are called “software”. The concept of
software thus includes all the applications that humans employ to use the computer: word
processors, spreadsheets, games, presentation builders, databases, Web browsers, etc.
This viewpoint on the computer, as the combination of hardware and software, has been seen
as a metaphor for being as a combination of body and mind. We can see the hardware as the
computer “body” and software as the computer “mind”. This metaphor has been used extensively,
but perhaps a nice example of its appropriateness is its use in debate over the philosophical problem
known has “the mind-body problem” (Fodor, 1981; Dunhio, 1991; Harrison, 1992).
The computer-tool, therefore, is not a traditional tool, such as the wooden stick: its “mind”
(software) allows it to assume completely different functional forms, rendering it useful for distinct
tasks. Using a word processor, it is a writing tool; with a game, it’s an entertainment tool; using a
28 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
screen-painting program, it becomes a creativity tool or an illustration tool; and so on. Its greatest
power, seen as a tool, is precisely this ability: it can turn into a myriad of specific-purpose tools. It
is a tool without a purpose: a generic tool, which must metamorphose into a specific tool, in order to
be used. For this reason, it can more aptly be named a metatool.
« (…) [The] protean nature of the computer is such that it can act like a
machine or like a language to be shaped and exploited. It is a medium that
can dynamically simulate the details of any other medium, including media
that cannot exist physically. It is not a tool, although it can act like many
tools. It is the first metamedium, and as such it has degrees of freedom for
representation and expression never before encountered and as yet barely
investigated. Even more important, it is fun, and therefore intrinsically worth
doing. »
(Kay 1984)
In a broader sense, programming is the process by which the computer-tool is transformed
into another tool, which in turn can be used to achieve a specific goal10,11. Its understanding, be it
conscious or unconscious, is therefore crucial to being able to employ this machine effectively.

An interesting corollary of this idea is that a computer can be programmed to simulate the operation of another
computer, i.e., turning a general computer-tool into another general computer-tool. This is what occurs, for instance,
when implementing a programming language.
This definition is similar to Dijkstra’s “We can view the program as what turns the general-purpose computer into a
special-purpose symbol manipulator, and it does so without the need to change a single wire” (Dijkstra, 1989, p. 1401).

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2.2. Brief history of computer programming

2.2.1. Historical overview
Telling the history of computer programming is helpful in understanding the actual actions
and methods it employs today – and also in envisaging where it all may lead. Since this history
covers many years and elements, this overview aims to present its overall framing in this thesis, as a
support to the reader. The following sections expand these concepts.
This account of computer programming history aims to present the evolution of two ideas:
what is a computer and what is a programming language, the technical concept around which this
thesis revolves. This evolution, in a somewhat similar way to biological evolution, did not follow a
straight path, but was rather the result of many separate contributions by different individuals. Some
of these fed the inspiration of further developers, leading to newer evolutionary forms, and
eventually to modern-day computers; some other contributions simply represented evolutionary
paths that extinguished themselves, and which, being discovered later, have their relevance in
providing a picture of how different history might have turned.
Computers evolved from machines intended to support or replace the human process of
doing calculations. Initially, each tool or machine would seek to accomplish this by focusing on one
specific process of calculation (some simple, some complex): add numbers; compare values;
calculate the value of a polynomial; etc. As these machines grow more complex and powerful, the
aim of their developers starts to be the encompassing of more than one process of calculation, to try
and solve as many different calculation problems as possible. The history of this evolution is told in
sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3.
A crucial point is reached when the computer comes into existence as a machine capable of
following general procedures for calculation, rather than general calculations using a limited set of
procedures. This achievement was done both conceptually (in mathematical notation) and
physically (by building actual machines). This is accounted in chapters 2.2.4 and 2.2.5. Machines
with this ability are seen as the first computers, in the sense most currently used today.
In this thesis, a further crucial evolutionary point is considered. The computer machines
mentioned in the previous paragraph often achieved the goal of following general procedures by
reorganization of their physical elements. This means that they had provisions for being turned into
different machines by their human operators, for each procedure. (For instance, the ENIAC cabling
was re-wired in order for a new program to run.) In the evolutionary line that originated modern
computers, this crucial point was achieved when computers became able to store internally the
procedures they were to follow, interpreting them afterwards without need for human intervention.
This is explained in chapter 2.2.4.
Programming languages, like human languages, are sets of codes that can be combined
using specific grammars, in order to convey to a computer the procedures it is intended to follow.
Initially, computers were not so much “programmed” (in the current sense) as “set-up” or
configured: programming was basically the reorganization of the computing machine’s
components. As described for the evolution of computers, these machines eventually became able
to interpret sets of procedures and follow them without need for human intervention.
Free from being framed by the actual physical organization of machines, the methods for
setting the machines with procedures evolved, aiming to provide humans with easier and broader
ways to express their aims and intentions. In this way, programming languages were created, from
the very start as a means of expression and communication. The history of this evolution is told in
sections 2.2.5 and 2.2.6.

30 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
2.2.2. The first programmable computer device
Computer programming, as defined at the end of section 2.1, absolutely relies on the
computers’ ability to operate in diverse manners, i.e., to metamorphose into different tools. The
emergence of computers with this ability thus marks the birth of programming. In this sense, it may
seem odd to refer to the existence of non-programmable computers. This oddity is however
demystified by recalling that computers originated from the desire to achieve a simpler task:
automate tedious calculation or, more precisely, automate the execution of an algorithm
(Brookshear, 2003, pp. 2-9). The very verb “to compute” originated from the Latin computare,
which simply means “to calculate” (Cawley, 2004). In fact, originally the term “computer” was not
applied to machines but rather to humans whose task was to perform tedious calculations (Ceruzzi,
The origins of instruments to support calculations are usually traced as far back as the use of
primitive abaci, or counting boards, in the ancient world. The abacus, in various forms and under
various names, has been used worldwide, and is still used today (Brookshear, 2003, p. 5; Sadiku &
Obiozor, 1997; Williams, 1990, pp. 7-15).
However, physical aids to calculation did not start with the abacus: they are most likely to
have been in existence as long as mankind has been able to count. One can point out, for instance,
using one’s fingers, other parts of the body, or grouping small pebbles (Williams, 1990, p. 4,
“Counting”). The various number systems and other methods of representation of quantities
throughout the world are also physical aids for calculation (Williams, 1990, pp. 4-7). Throughout
history, various methods and instruments for improving the precision, speed, and ease of calculation
were devised, culminating in the widespread current-day desktop or handheld calculator (a detailed
history can be found in Williams, 1990, pp. 16-33).
These computing devices devoted to the execution of algorithms, both ancient and modern,
did not and do not possess the ability to metamorphose into different tools: they can’t be
programmed. For instance, the abacus allows its user to change the placement of beads in order to
store different values. But knowledge of how to use it remains entirely in the user’s mind: there are
no intermediate components – no software. And after learning how to use the abacus, a person can
only use it to perform the same kinds of tasks (arithmetic calculation): knowledge of how to use an
abacus does not allow the user to employ it for different purposes. Of course, a user can always
invent a novel way to use the abacus, just as someone can invent a novel way to use a wooden stick.
But that’s entirely new knowledge – it is not a metamorphosis achieved through the exclusive use of
existing usage knowledge.
So, in order to find the first examples of programming, a different branch must be followed on
this “evolutionary tree”. The metamorphosing ability depends on the existence of a software layer
in the calculation/computation instruments, as explained in section 2.1. In order for this layer to
emerge, it is necessary that the computation instrument does more than just reorganize information
present in the original numbers (data): the supplied data must be reinterpreted and converted,
originating new patterns and results, new information. This in turn implies that the instrument must
possess a mechanical nature, an internal functioning and operation separated from the entered data
and from the methods of entry and operation. Michael Williams (1990, p. 34) provides a very
specific starting point, for this branching in the evolutionary tree of computing:
“Though the various analog instruments were capable of performing a
great deal of useful arithmetic, the story of devices that ultimately led to fully
automatic computation really starts with the invention and development of
mechanical devices to perform the four standard arithmetic functions.”
He locates in the 17th century the first such mechanical machines for automation of
calculations, devised by Wilhelm Schickard (1592-1635), Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), and Gottfried
Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716). The principles demonstrated by these machines were further

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developed in the 19th century and early 20th century, most notably by Charles Xavier Thomas de
Colmar, in 1820, Frank S. Baldwin, in 1873, and Otto Steiger, in the early 1890s, eventually leading
to the large variety of mechanical calculation machines of the 20th century (Williams, 1990, pp. 34-
57), such as the mechanical cash registers that are still in our living memory.
All these machines were based on rotating gears or drums, for input of calculation data and
output of results (Williams, 1990, pp. 34-49). Again, like the abacus, they could not be
programmed, but rather only used to execute specific calculation algorithms.
However, yet another branch of this evolutionary tree
appeared in the 19th century: Charles Babbage (1792-1871)
invented a machine called the Difference Engine, and in 1822
produced a working demonstration model; in 1830 he produced an
improved design (Bromley, 1990). A major novel aspect in both
versions of the Difference Engine was that they “could be modified
to perform a variety of calculations” (Brookshear, 2003, p. 6). But
still, they were “only directly capable of handling polynomials”
(Bromley, 1990, p. 75); they were “not a (sic) general purpose
machines. They could process numbers entered into them only by
adding them in a particular sequence (Science Museum, 2004, par.
2), like the aforementioned machines of the 17th century.
Figure 3 – Charles Babbage,
These were Babbage’s first constructs, but he then invented a 1791-1871
machine, the Analytical Engine, whose basic plans laid formulated From:
by 1834 (Bromley, 1990, p. 76). This machine could accept e/figures/babbage.jpg
instructions in the form of holes in paper cards – a form of data input for machines which had been
invented by Joseph Jacquard in 1801, to determine the operation of a loom (Brookshear, 2003, p.7;
Bromley, 2003, p. 86). Had the Analytical Engine been built, it would have been the first
programmable computer (Science Museum, 2004, par. 2; Brookshear, 2003, p. 6).
« The sequence of operations ordered by the barrels included what today
we call "loops" and by alternate sequences dependent on arithmetic results
that arose during calculations (today known as "branching"). »
(Bromley, 1990, p.76)
In fact, programs were devised for it, even thought the machine
itself was never built: Augusta Ada Byron King, Countess of
Lovelace, under close guidance of Charles Babbage, included several
notes in her English translation of a document written in French
describing Babbage’s designs (Byron-King, 1843; Menabrea, 1842).
Those notes contained “examples of how the Analytical Engine could
be programmed to perform various tasks” (Brookshear, 2003, p. 6).
Augusta Ada Byron King (also known as Lady Lovelace or Ada
Lovelace) is for this reason often referred to as “the world’s first
programmer”. However, this happens not to be so, as is pointed out
by Bromley and others:
« All but one of the programs cited in her notes had Figure 4 – Augusta Ada Byron
been prepared by Babbage from three to seven years King, 1815-1852
earlier. The exception was prepared by Babbage for her, From:
although she did detect a “bug” in it. Not only is there no mage/ada_1838.jpg
evidence that Ada Lovelace ever prepared a program for
the Analytical Engine but her correspondence with Babbage shows that she
did not have the knowledge to do so. »
(Bromley, 1990, p. 88-89)
32 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
« Babbage, not Ada, wrote the first programs for his Analytical Engine,
although most were never published. »
(Kim & Toole, 1999, p. 76)
Irrespective of this authorship discussion, which is detailed by Green (2000), the programs
contained in her notes are the first known examples of computer programs. And it was her writing
that brought Babbage’s achievement to a wider audience.
« And whereas Babbage’s groundbreaking work formed the basis of
Ada’s notes and her thinking, her lucid writing revealed unique insight into
the significance and the many possibilities of the Analytical Engine. »
(id., ibid.)
I’ll look into the evolution of programming proper in section 2.2.5.

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2.2.3. The electric and electronic programmable machines

Babbage’s work was not completed nor pursued; thus, modern computers did not stem from
it, but rather from the evolution of the other aforementioned mechanical calculation machines of his
time. While in the early 19th century the only source of power for automating the operation of such
machines was the steam engine, that same century saw the development of electric engines. And the
knowledge and technology that led to the creation of the electric engine also made possible for
calculation machines to be made using electric circuits instead of “cams, pins, gears and levers”
(Ceruzzi, 1990, p. 200).
A major change brought by this replacement of mechanical elements by electric circuits was
that these are much easier (and flexible) to rearrange (Ceruzzi, 1990, p. 203):
« (…) a crucial advantage over mechanical systems, in that their circuits
could be flexibly arranged (and rearranged) far more easily. One could
arrange relays on a rack in rows and columns, and connect them with wires
according to what one wanted the circuit to do. One could further
reconfigure a relay system using a switchboard, with cables plugged into
various sockets by a human operator. »
This new feature was central in enabling an evolution of technology, eventually leading to the
creation of computers in a modern sense.
The bridge between mere calculators and computers was erected between the mid-1930s and
the mid-1940s. During these years, the work of several pioneers led to the creation of machines
where elements and features of modern computers were developed, coming all into place in 1945,
with the creation of a machine called the ENIAC, that made the final link between the primitive
specialized calculating machines and modern computer machinery (Ceruzzi, 1983, p. 8; Ceruzzi,
1990, p. 236). Six central pillars for that bridge were developed within those years.
The first such pillar is due to Konrad Zuse, from Germany.
Between 1935 and 1941, he developed three calculators, each a
step forward. The first, called the Z1, was still an entirely
mechanical calculator, where a few novel ideas where
implemented; he improved his designs to build a machine called
Z2, which already employed electric relays in its operation; and
then the Z3, the first computer in his series of machines that was
centered on electric circuits (Zuse, 1999). “A person entered
numbers and operations on a calculator-style keyboard, and
answers were displayed on small incandescent lamps” (Ceruzzi,
1990, p. 206). This machine represented a tremendous advance,
and several crucial technical developments were part of it (Zuse,
1999). The advances developed in these machines did not feed into
the development of modern computer architecture due to Zuse’s
isolation in Germany during World War II and the years that Figure 5 – Konrad Zuse, 1910-
followed it. The following quote provides a nice example of such 1995
« The most unusual feature was undoubtedly the mechanical binary cells
that made up the memory. The memory has 64 words with 32 bits (Z1 and
Z4). These devices were completely different from mechanisms in
contemporary cash registers or desk-top calculators. The elements could be
used not only for storage, but also for calculation, for example for address
coding. A relay memory would have required about 2500 relays, which
would have more than doubled the size and the weight of the Z4 computer. »
(Zuse, 1999, “Part 11: Some Conclusions”)
34 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
The operation of the machine was generic, since it depended on the actual instructions fed to
it. But these instructions only allowed for arithmetic-based and algebra-based computations, there
were no instructions that specifically would allow alternative paths to solve a problem:
« (…) the conditional branch instruction is missing. In his papers
between 1936 and 1945, Konrad Zuse described many scientific and
numerical problems he wanted to solve with his machines, but none of these
problems required the use of the conditional branch. »
(Zuse, 1999, “Part 4: The Z2 and Z3”)
Due to this limitation, Ceruzzi (1990, p. 205), considered it “perhaps the world's first general-
purpose, sequential calculator”. It was more than just that, as was shown in 1998 by a final, if
somewhat late recognition of the Z3’s potential, when Raul Rojas “formulated the proof that the Z3
was a truly universal computer in the sense of a Turing machine” (Zuse, 1999, “Part 4: The Z2 and
Z3”). (The concept of a Turing machine is presented at the end of section 2.2.4.) So, in fact, the
only element missing from the Z3 to render it an actual computer was the stored-program concept
(Zuse, 1999, “Part 10: Konrad Zuse and the Stored Program Computer”), as will be explained in
section 2.2.4. The same can be said of Konrad Zuse’s later machines, such as the Z4 (which already
incorporated a conditional branching instruction) and the Z5. But the Z3 marked Konrad Zuse's
major contribution for the development of computers.
The second pillar is represented by George Stibitz, from the
USA. In 1937, he built a fully electric device, using relays: it could
add two binary digits (Ceruzzi, 1990, p. 208). Working at the Bell
Labs, in 1939 Stibitz developed a device called the Complex
Number Computer, which could perform arithmetic operations on
complex numbers12, something that required the execution of
sequences of several arithmetic operations. Subsequent, more
flexible, machines were developed by Stibitz from 1943 onward,
the first of these being called the Model II (Ceruzzi, 1990, pp. 210-
« It mainly solved problems related to directing
antiaircraft fire, which it did by executing a sequence
of arithmetic operations that interpolated function Figure 6 – George Stibitz, 1904-
values supplied to the machine by paper tapes. Like the 1995
Complex Number Computer, it was a special-purpose
machine; however, its arithmetic sequence was not orge/StibitzGeorgeThm.jpg
Relay Calculators permanently wired but rather
supplied by a "formula tape" cemented into a loop. Different tapes therefore
allowed one to employ different methods of interpolation. The Model II
could not do much besides interpolation, (…) »
The following machines by Stibitz, called Model III (1944) and Model IV (1945) were a bit
more sophisticated, “having the ability not only to perform interpolation but also to evaluate (…)
ballistic equations describing the path of the target airplane and of the antiaircraft shell. (…) paper
tape directed which (…) functions the machine was to evaluate. Thus, the Models III and IV were
the first of the Bell Labs digital calculators to have some degree of general programmability,
although neither was a fully general-purpose calculator” (Ceruzzi, 1990, p. 211).

A “complex” is a construct of a pair of numbers: one of the numbers is called the “real” part of the complex; the other
is called the “imaginary” part. To write these numbers, usually the letter “i” (sometimes “j”) is used to indicate the
imaginary part. Thus a complex whose real part is 3 and whose imaginary part is 4 is written as 3+4%i (or simply 3+4i).
This construct is called a “complex number”, because if one considers i to be a number, whose value is − 1 , then all
arithmetic used for real numbers is also valid for “complex numbers” such as 3+4i.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 35

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Third pillar: Howard Aiken, from the USA. Aiken also sought
to improve the existing calculators of his time, to render them more
useful for scientific applications, particularly in order to enable them
to perform iterative resolutions (Ceruzzi, 1990, p. 213). His first plans
are from 1937, and were further developed between 1941 and 1942 in
cooperation with an IBM team led by James W. Bryce, in New York.
In 1943, this team ultimately designed and built the machine devised
by Aiken, which was called the ASCC (Automatic Sequence
Controlled Calculator), but later became known as the Harvard Mark
I (Ceruzzi, 1990, pp. 214-218). “Aiken's "Mark I" was the first large
computing device to be made public (in 1944), and as such its name is
Figure 7 – Howard Aiken
appropriate – it marks the beginning of the computer age, despite the 1900-1973
fact that it used mechanical components and a design that soon would From: http://virtualmuseum.dlib.vt.e
become obsolete” (Ceruzzi, 1983, p. 7). du/Images/howard_aiken.jpg

At the fourth pillar, one can place John V. Atanasoff, also

from the USA. The previous contributors I mentioned focused their
development both on earlier mechanical technology and the novel
electric circuits. Those electric circuits, however, were mainly
based around a type of electric component called “relay”, which
contained moving parts. Faster computations would require circuits
whose behavior was based only on electronic components.
According to himself, Atanasoff’s decision on this regard, which
was to do computations and data storage entirely in electronic
components, dates from 1937, although he only built the first
circuits in 1939 (Ceruzzi, 1990, p. 227). His machine was
developed between 1939 and 1942, and focused on the resolution
of linear systems of equations, but it was never refined beyond the Figure 8 – John V. Atanassof
point where occasional malfunctions would not occur (Ceruzzi, 1903-1995
1990, p. 230). Also, it was not possible to alter the sequence of t/Assets/Images/Atanassoff.jpg
operations that the machine went through (Ceruzzi, 1983, p. 111).
The fifth pillar is Helmut Schreyer, a colleague of Konrad
Zuse, in Germany. Zuse was developing his electrical calculators,
but Schreyer’s plans, like Atansoff’s, were to rely rather on
electronic components. His work on computing took place only
between 1941 and 1943, but unlike the contributors mentioned
previously, he focused on using the electronic components to
conduct logical operations13, rather than arithmetic ones (Ceruzzi,
1990, pp. 231-232).
The sixth and last pillar is called Colossus and is also
centered on logic operations. Colossus was the name of ten Figure 9 – Helmut Schreyer
machines designed and developed during World War II at From:
Bletchley Park , for the Department of Communications of the /time_line_22.jpg
British Foreign Office, to help British intelligence services in the
decoding of German messages. Max H. A. Newman was the proponent of a first design, called
Heath Robinson (after a British cartoon character). “Installed in June 1943, Heath Robinson was
unreliable and slow, and its high-speed paper tapes were continually breaking, but it proved the
worth of Newman's method” (Copeland, 2000).

Logical operations are conducted on logical values (typically, TRUE and FALSE) rather than on numerical values.
Schreyer’s initial circuit could perform AND, OR and NOT operations on three separate inputs.
A Victorian estate about fifty miles north of London (Ceruzzi, 1990, p. 232).
36 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
Alan Turing, a mathematician who was
also involved in the wartime code-breaking
effort of the British Foreign Office, and had
earlier written a fundamental paper with the
mathematical analysis of a general-purpose
computational machine (as I explain in
sections 2.2.5 and 2.2.6), suggested that
Newman contact another person working for
the Foreign Office, engineer Thomas
Flowers (Copeland, 2000). Flowers designed
“a fully electronic machine with a similar
function to Heath Robinson. [He] (…)
received little official encouragement (…)
Figure 10 – Colossus
but proceeded nonetheless, working From:
independently at the Post Office Research lp/Images/Colossus.gif
Station at Dollis Hill. Colossus I was installed at Bletchley Park on 8 December 1943” (id.). Its job
was to compare two paper tapes, one with an encrypted German message, and the other with a
previously-deducted mathematical supposition about what the encoding on that message might be.
This comparison would yield a “clue” about the exact code used on the encrypted message, and that
clue would lead to another tape and so forth, until the message was decoded (Ceruzzi, 1990, p. 233).
The main feature of the original Colossus was its operation at the speed of five thousand characters
per second, relying on electronic components for both calculation and also to read in data at high
speed, keeping synchronized the two different paper tape sources. A second version, built in 1944,
brought with it another important development, “consequent upon a key discovery by cryptanalysts
Donald Michie and Jack Good” (Copeland, 2000): it “contained circuits that could automatically
alter its own program sequence. If it sensed a potentially meaningful pattern, a circuit permitted it
to redirect its stepping through the internal table in such a way that would more quickly find a path
to a solution” (Ceruzzi, 1990, p. 234-235). The Colossus machines, however, despite all these
advances, could only deal with the specific problem of decoding encrypted messages, and only
messages encrypted in the style employed by the German military at the time of World War II.
They “did not perform ordinary arithmetic, nor (…) solve other logical problems not cast in the
same mold as those for which [they were] designed” (Ceruzzi, 1990, p. 235).

Figure 11 – Maxwell Herman Alexander Newman (1897-1984)

and Thomas H. Flowers (1905-1998)

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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
The technological developments mentioned in this section, and their associated conceptual
advances, put the bridge in place from old-style calculators to modern-day computers and
computing. But while each of these machines brought an important element, they remained separate
abilities. The first machine to put them together and thus considered as the last element, the link
between calculators and computers was the ENIAC computer, built in 1945 at the Moore School of
Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, under the efforts of John Mauchly and
John Presper Eckert (Ceruzzi, 1983, p. 107; Ceruzzi, 1990, p. 236). The name stands for Electronic
Numeric Integrator And Computer (Ceruzzi, 1983, p. 127).

Figure 12 – ENIAC

The ENIAC also brought forth some novel

ideas; it was not a mere contraption of all previous
developments15. The most important: it was
programmable. The sequence of operations of the
ENIAC could be altered by plugboards (Ceruzzi,
1983, p. 111), something the Colossus also
achieved, but in a limited way (and the Colossus
was under military secrecy at the time, thus the
ENIAC was developed independently). But perhaps
its greatest contribution was the fact that it worked,
thus being the first machine to prove publicly that
electronic devices could be used reliably for
computations (Ceruzzi, 1983, p. 111; Ceruzzi, 1990,
p. 236). Without using electronics, extremely high Figure 13 – John Mauchly & John P. Eckert
calculation speeds could not be achieved, and (1907-1980) and (1919-1995)
computers could not evolve from calculation aides
to the novel machines they became. upor.gif

In fact, it was even a step back in one aspect: it embraced a decimal notation for recording numbers internally, instead
of the much faster binary notation already developed by then and still in use today.
38 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
« Charles Babbage first conceived of the idea of an automatic digital
computer. John V. Atanasoff, together with Helmut Schreyer and perhaps
others [most notably Konrad Zuse], first conceived of an electronic digital
computer. John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, as leaders of a skilled team
at the Moore School, invented the first working electronic numeric digital
computer. »
(Ceruzzi, 1983, p. 111)
« It deserves its fame not for its electronic circuits, which several other
machines already had, nor for its architecture, which although ingenious
and full of promise was rejected by subsequent designers. One should rather
remember the ENIAC as the first electronic machine to consistently and
reliably solve numerical problems beyond the capability of human and in
many cases relay computers as well. »
(Ceruzzi, 1990, p. 236)
« It was not fully a " "general-purpose computer" – for example, it could
not solve large systems of linear equations as Atanasoff's machine was
designed to do. But its ability to be reconfigured to perform an almost
limitless sequence of steps, including iterative loops of operations, sets the
ENIAC apart (...), and places it astride the categories of "calculator" and
"computer." »
(Ceruzzi, 1990, p. 241)

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2.2.4. The appearance and evolution of computers

In spite of all the advances, all the machines mentioned in the previous section could not be
considered computers as described in section 2.1, able to metamorphose into different tools. They
still missed a final element. Those early machines would be supplied data to work with, and would
produce data in return (calculation results). But their operation was strictly dependent on their
physical organization. Even the ENIAC, which could be programmed by reorganization of cables
on plugboards, was not actually interpreting instructions: in fact, the unplugging and plugging of
cables meant that each time it was actually being physically dismantled and rewired into a different,
special-purpose, machine (Ceruzzi, 1983, p. 121).
A crucial evolution was thus the moment
from which machines could receive and operate on
programs as they would on data. Modern
computers do just that: when they execute an
instruction, they simply proceed to reorganize data,
by changing electric current and charge in
electronic devices. Computer software, as seen in
section 2.1, comes into existence from this very
organization of electric currents and charges in
circuits. But there is no physical change other than
that: the physical machine and its elements remain
always the same. This final element, defining the
first computers, is called the stored-program
concept (its history and a different perspective on
its relevance are presented in Ceruzzi, 1983, pp.
The first machine designed to possess this
ability was ENIAC’s successor, called EDVAC
(Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Figure 14 – EDVAC
Computer), whose design was complete in 1945 From:
(von Neumann, 1945). The EDVAC is also significant in the history of computing because it was
the machine where two concepts met, which would dictate the evolution of further computer
machines ever since: the mathematical analysis of Alan Turing and the technological computational
model (a.k.a. architecture) of John von Neumann.
Alan Turing had, nine years before the development of the
EDVAC, in 1936, performed the mathematical analysis behind the very
concept of computing, where he established the equivalence of data and
instructions (Turing, 1936). He didn’t use any machine for his analysis;
instead, he conceived a mathematical abstraction of one, what has seen
been known as a “Turing machine”. In this machine, there isn’t any
distinction between the instructions and the data: the machine simply
receives symbols, and internally reacts to them, regardless of whether
one sees those symbols as “instructions”, as “data”, or as any
combination of them.
Turing’s contributions, from the point of view of software and
programming languages in particular, are described in section 2.2.6. Figure 15 – Alan M.
From the hardware point of view, his “machine” was simply a long strip Turing
of paper, potentially infinite in size, where only one single space at a time From: http://aima.cs.berkeley.e
would be available for reading, writing, or erasing. This “Turing du/graphics/turing.jpg
machine” would also have the ability to move forward and backward
along the tape and place itself, internally, in one of a finite number of
40 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
states. The functioning of this machine was entirely determined by the combination of the symbol it
would read from the paper strip with the current state of the machine; this combination would result
in moving the tape to the left or right, write a new symbol to the tape, or erase a symbol (Mitchell,
2003, p. 14; Turing, 1936).
« Turing [provided] (…) for the first time a logical rigorous definition of
what it means to compute a solution to a problem by some definite process.
That definition had [to] be good enough to convince the mathematical
logicians, who were a skeptical lot, to begin with. It did not really have to
convince those who worked with computing machines: they went merrily on
with their computing, oblivious to the debate over the logical fundamentals.
But as stored-program electronic computers with enormous power and
speed appeared after the war, such a definition was needed. Turing's has
served that need ever since. »
(Ceruzzi, 1983, p. 136)
While Turing provided the mathematical proof for the feasibility of modern computers, his
actual impact on the technical development of the first computers with stored programs was
important but less influential on future designs. Turing was working during the Second World War
for the British Foreign Office, assisting in the code-breaking effort, but was not actively involved in
the Colossus project, beyond what I mentioned on p. 37 (Napper, 1999); he did participate in further
computing projects in Britain and in 1945, a few months after the original EDVAC report (von
Neumann, 1945), Turing wrote a “relatively complete specification of an electronic stored-program
general-purpose digital computer” (Copeland, 2000), with details on engineering, components, and
“specimen programs in machine code” (id.). A computer was being built according to his
specification, but he left the company in charge midway through the project. Afterwards, he was
involved in the development of other British computers, but these designs would eventually die out,
and therefore have not been a significant influence on modern computers (id.).
In modern computers, the technological model/architecture is
due to the Hungarian mathematician John von Neumann (b. János
Neumann). This was the architecture developed for and employed in
the EDVAC, and is still the major computer architecture in use today.
Basically, it consists of a processing unit, connected to a memory unit.
The processing unit collects one instruction from the memory at a
time, then collects any necessary data for that instruction, also from
the memory unit, and processes the data (von Neumann, 1945).
This architecture’s assumption on instructions being executed
one at a time created a bottleneck on processing power, which has
been dubbed “the von Neumann bottleneck” (Backus, 1978); it renders
difficult any attempt to distribute the workload by various processors, Figure 161903-1957
– János Neumann
working in concert, or to handle different workloads at the same time. From:
Several techniques have been developed since, to overcome some of aib/whoswho/john-von-neumann.gif
these limitations, but there has also been considerable effort on the proposal of novel computational
architectures (Gruau et al., 2004; Tosic, 2004). However, these have yet to reach adequate levels of
technical efficiency and reliability, as well as economical feasibility (Johnston et al., 2004).
Many computing projects took place after the EDVAC; valves where entirely replaced by
transistors, and these in turn by integrated circuits, allowing the full processing power of a computer
to be harbored in a chip – a microprocessor. These advances tremendously reduced the design,
manufacturing, and maintenance costs of computers. Originally hand-made in labs, by the mid-
1970s computers besting the computational power of the computer mastodons of the 1940s and
1950s were already being sold as do-it-yourself kits (Kopplin, 2002). “By the 1990s a university
student would typically own his own computer and have exclusive use of it in his dorm room” (id.).
Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 41
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2.2.5. The first programs

As mentioned at the end of section 2.2.1, the
first computer programs were devised for
Babbage’s Analytical Engine. Entering a program
in the Analytical Engine would consist of adequate
arrangement and placement, into columns of
operating discs, of punch-cards for operations and
storage of intermediate values16; thus, the
programming process would be a manual, paper-
based planning activity, taking place beforehand.
Keeping in mind that the overall goal was to Figure 17 – Preparing input and output for the
calculate a mathematical function, this planning Analytical Engine
From: Byron-King, 1843, Note B
had to be done in two phases. Firstly, the
mathematical expression to be calculated would have to be transformed into an arithmetic-based
procedure, using the actual means for transformation of values available in the Analytical Engine:
adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and storing intermediate results. Secondly, it would be
necessary to define the control methods for determining the actual operations to be made during the
calculation process, based on the intermediate results stored (Byron-King, 1843, Note A & Note B;
Bromley, 1990, pp. 87-89).
During the planning procedure, the programmer of the Analytical Engine would have to
consider several specific operating details, such as the actual storage location of values, for
instance. This would be done resorting to tables, representing features of the machine.

Figure 18 – Analytical Engine program

From: Byron-King, 1843, Note D

“(…) these columns are designated (…) the Variables. The origin of this appellation is, that the values on the
columns are destined to change, that is to vary, in every conceivable manner. (…) The columns are called Variables on
a ground wholly unconnected with the analytical distinction between constants and variables.” (Byron-King, 1843,
Note B).
42 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
For instance, in the table presented in Figure 17, on the previous page, the variables V1, V2,
and V3 have been loaded with the values 5, 7, and 98. The notes inside the squares below these
columns tell that these are values for the algebraic elements a, x, and n. Finally, the variable V4 is to
receive the result, and the notation tells us that the original elements are to be combined into the
expression axn. (The values in variable V4 could be referred to just as those in the other variables,
and thus employed in other calculations.)
The rest of the program would specify the sequence of operations to perform in order to
achieve the desired results. For instance, in the axn example there would have to be 6
multiplications (to produce 987), and a seventh multiplication (to multiply the previous result by 5,
the value of a). The tables necessary for this kind of elaborate specification could easily grow quite
large, and the programmer had to keep in mind the actual way in which the machine would interpret
the control cards, rather than just the mathematical notation, as is demonstrated by Figure 18, on p.
42, which presents the program for the calculation of the following two simple functions, x and y:
dn′ − d ′n d ′m − dm′
x= y=
mn′ − m′n mn′ − m′n
Since the actual instructions were not stored in variables or otherwise accessible to the
program execution itself, in effect this programming of the Analytical Engine was an advanced
planning methodology for what I referred to, in section 2.2.1, as the reorganization of the physical
elements of the computer. In other words, the control and variable cards were the last pieces of the
machine: programming was the planning of their proper placement, as if one would be, each time,
re-assembling a bit of the machine.
This style of programming, i.e., using some planning for determining the sequence of
operations to be conducted by the specific elements of the machine, was also a fundamental
consideration of the programming process of early computers such as the ENIAC (vd. p. 38):
« To reprogram the ENIAC you had to rearrange the patch cords that you
can observe on the left in the prior photo [(Figure 12, on p. 38)], and the
settings of 3000 switches that you can observe on the right. (…)
Circumference = 3.14 * diameter
To perform this computation on ENIAC you had to rearrange a large
number of patch cords and then locate three particular knobs on that vast
wall of knobs and set them to 3, 1, and 4. Reprogramming ENIAC involved a
hike. »
(Kopplin, 2002)

Figure 19 – Reprogramming ENIAC


This planning approach was only replaced by one more focused on requesting a machine to
conduct specific operations, without having to physically change, when computers were developed

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 43

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with the ability to accept instructions and interpret them, rather than be re-wired. The EDVAC, as
mentioned in section 2.2.4, was the first computer that employed this “stored-program” concept, its
instructions able to be read and interpreted without human intervention. Zuse’s Z3, Z4 and Z5 did
not store programs, but could read their instructions from tape, effectively achieving the same
purpose, albeit in slower fashion.
Since computers' memory – a condition that lasts up to present day – only stores numbers17,
the instructions themselves were also stored as numbers. So, entering instructions into memory
implied deciding which numbers to enter, in which memory address. This could be done by
different methods, depending on the actual machine, from setting hand-switches on and off (to
represent a 0 or a 1 and thus any number, in binary notation), to using punched cards.
This tedious process meant that to add two numbers, for instance, one representing the price,
and the other the shipping charge, this would involve:
1. copying one number from its location in memory to a machine register (say, register
number 5);
2. copying the other number from its location in memory to another machine register
(say, register number 6);
3. adding the contents of both registers and storing the result in yet another register (for
instance, register number 0);
4. copying the result in the third register to the location in memory where the calculation
result is to be stored.
Not only this is more complex than writing on paper “total=price+shipping charge”, but the
whole process had to be translated into numbers – usually in binary format. Brookshear (2003, p.
80) provides a sample translation of such a sequence of instruction into a machine, which I employ
here, just adding the translation of the instructions into binary format:
Instruction (binary) Instruction (hexadecimal) Meaning
Load register 5 with the bit pattern
1010101101100 156C
found in memory at address 6C.
Load register 6 with the bit pattern
1011001101101 166D found in the memory cell at
address 6D.
Add the contents of register 5 and
101000001010110 5056 register 6 and leave the result in
register 0.
Store the contents of register 0 in
11000001101110 306E
the memory cell at address 6E.
Table 1 – Machine programming in binary and hexadecimal
Each 1 or 0 would represent a hand-switch to be turned on or off; or a hole to be punched (or
drilled) in a card or not. Such method for entering code was obviously not only tedious but error-
prone, so frequently the initial code entered into a machine was to allow the operation of a more
human-adequate input device, such as a keyboard.
« Using the Z3 to solve a problem involved first of all writing out the
sequence of commands to perform arithmetic operations and send to or
retrieve data from storage. This sequence was then punched into a filmstrip,
using an eight-hole pattern. Once this code was prepared, initial values were
entered into the keyboard in floating-point, decimal form; the machine then

Alan Turing, in his theoretical analysis of 1937, didn’t restrict the symbols processed by computing machines to be
only numbers (Turing, 1937).
44 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
converted the numbers into binary, carried out the sequence, and displayed
the result on the lamps after reconverting it back to decimal notation. »
(Ceruzzi, 1990, p. 206).
One advantage of entering decimal numbers with a keyboard is that it's much less error-prone
to use decimal (or hexadecimal) notation than it is to enter long sequences of 0s and 1s.
Before moving on to the next section, I’d like to present a
personal note. My first contact with this reality was in September
1985, when I bought my first computing magazine, a British
magazine called Your Spectrum (Figure 20). At the end of it,
there was a program by Stuart Jamieson (Jamieson, 1985), for a
game called “Mac Man” (a Pac-Man18 clone, Figure 21). This
was the exciting presentation of the process of entering
hexadecimal instructions and data:
« Before giving you the details of the game (Only
hermits won't know what it's all about! Ed.), here's
how you get that code into your Speccy19. First type
in the machine code loader and SAVE it to tape. Next
type in the Hex loader program and RUN it. It'll
accept eight bytes at a time (without spaces) and then
ask for a checksum (which is given after the eight
Hex pairs). You'll then be asked to SAVE the code
after the short loader program. This done, reset the Figure 20 – Your Spectrum issue 12
Spectrum, rewind the tape to the beginning, enter From:
LOAD "" and press the Play button on your cassette nclair/magazines/YourSpectrum/Issue12/Y
machine. It's as easy as that! »
(Jamieson, 1985)
Piece of cake, indeed! I tried four times to enter the code
into my ZX Spectrum, each time carefully entering each number
– but still something would fail, and the program wouldn’t run!
And the magazine printing of code wasn't that perfect, so I
couldn’t be too sure I was reading the numbers right, and I
eventually gave up (on Mac Man, not on the Spectrum or on
machine code).
Figure 21 – Mac Man playing
Here’s a sample of the code to be entered in that “hex screen
loader” program. Thanks to the Internet, I now have access to it
without having to enter it all from printed matter! w4/pourri/mac_man.gif
26490 3E 07 32 48 5C 32 8D 5C =566 26570 68 75 21 28 68 01 0E 01 =414 26650 C9 01 20 00 09 06 20 7E =407
26498 32 8E 5C 32 8F 5C 32 90 =763 26578 C5 E5 C5 06 08 C5 CD 01 =1040 26658 17 77 2B 10 FA C9 20 4D =761
26506 5C AF D3 FE 21 00 40 11 =846 26586 68 C1 10 F9 C1 E1 7E 23 =1141 26666 41 43 4D 41 4E 20 57 52 =553
26514 01 40 36 00 01 00 18 ED =381 26594 E5 CD 36 69 E1 3E F7 DB =1346 26674 49 54 54 45 4E 20 42 59 =575
26522 B0 21 00 58 11 01 58 36 =457 26602 FE CB 47 28 10 3E BF DB =1056 26682 20 53 54 55 41 52 54 20 =547
26530 07 01 00 03 ED B0 CD C2 =823 26610 FE CB 47 28 08 C1 0B 78 =900 26690 4A 41 4D 49 45 53 4F 4E =598
26538 67 3E F7 DB FE CB 47 C8 =1359 26618 B1 20 D5 18 CD C1 C9 21 =1078 26698 20 7F 31 39 38 34 20 2E =451
26546 3E BF DB FE CB 47 CC 78 =1324 26626 1F 50 CD 0E 68 21 3F 50 =610 26706 20 47 55 49 44 45 20 4D =507
26554 69 06 C8 76 10 FD 18 CC =926 26634 CD 0E 68 C9 06 08 C5 E5 =964 26714 41 43 20 4D 41 4E 20 52 =498
26562 11 CD 76 0E EE 06 27 CD =842 26642 CD 1B 68 E1 24 C1 10 F6 =1052 26722 4F 55 4E 44 20 54 48 45 =567
(Jamieson, 1985, 5% of total code)

An excellent history and description of the original Pac Man game and its sequels can be found on the Web
(Robertson, 2002).
The name by which ZX Spectrum fans caringly referred to their computers.

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2.2.6. Programming languages are developed

A major limitation of early computer programming, as described in section 2.2.5, was its
rigidness: a sequence of instructions could be devised and entered into the machine, and was
executed – several times, if necessary – until the desired results were complete. This sequence could
not include optional methods of resolution, alternatives to account in mid-calculation for
unexpected data. As Ceruzzi points out, it’s easy to code a computer in order to evaluate an
expression like “x3 + 4x2 + 3 for successive values of x from 1 to 10 (…): the programmer simply
specifies the sequence of arithmetic for that formula and arranges to have it accept the successive
values of x as input” (Ceruzzi, 1983, p. 143).
This approach is fine for some problems, but not for others. For instance, what about if one
wants to compute an employee's weekly payroll check (id., ibid.)? The formula depends on whether
the employee worked overtime or not, whether such overtime work has been approved by the
appropriate manager, which in turn requires knowledge of who was the manager in charge at that
time and date, where such approval may be recorded, etc. In fact, it would be troublesome to come
up with a solution other than specifying a different formula for each and every situation. The
algebraic notation used in the formula above simply isn’t adequate to describe all the necessary tests
and decisions that must be taken.
This was recognized as early as 1945 by Konrad Zuse and independently in 1947 by John
Mauchly, “Thus is created a new set of operations which might be said to form a calculus of
instructions” (as cited by Ceruzzi, 1983, p. 143). Konrad Zuse did present a sketch of his ideas for
such a calculus in 1945, calling it “Plankalkül” (id., ibid.; Bauer & Wössner, 1972), which was
finished in 1946, but was not published until 1972 (Zuse, 1999, “Part 5: Konrad Zuse's Plankalkül
Programming Language”). The Plankalkül can be seen as the first example of what is now called a
programming language.
However, Plankalkül was never implemented. The first steps from ancient programming of
arithmetic formulas towards modern programming languages came from a different source: the
evolution of numerical stored-programs, as described at the end of section 2.2.5. It started with the
recognition that instead of using a table of numerical instructions and their meanings, such as the
one presented in that section (and partly included here, for convenience), programmers could
simply use a textual mnemonic, to assist them when planning the programs on paper. The following
table presents a sample list of mnemonics for the instructions from the previous section. They add
up two values stored in memory location and store the result in another memory location20
(Brookshear, 2003).
Explanation Mnemonic
Load register 5 with the bit
156C pattern found in memory at LD R5, Price
address 6C.
Load register 6 with the bit
166D pattern found in the memory LD R6, ShippingCharge
cell at address 6D.
Add the contents of register 5
5056 and register 6 and leave the ADD R0, R5 R6
result in register 0.
Store the contents of register
306E 0 in the memory cell at ST R0, TotalCost
address 6E.
Table 2 – Machine programming with assembler mnemonics

The programmer would note down the actual memory addresses represented by the textual labels.
46 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
« When these techniques were first introduced, programmers used such
notation when designing a program on paper and later translated it into
machine-language form. It was not long, however, before this translation
process was recognized as a procedure that could be performed by the
machine itself. Consequently, programs called assemblers were developed to
translate other programs written in mnemonic form into machine-compatible
form. (…) Mnemonic systems for representing programs were in turn
recognized as programming languages called assembly languages. »
(Brookshear, 2003)
These assembly languages were thus the first programming languages, but they possessed a
major limitation: they were completely tied to the hardware architecture of the machine where they
were intended to be run. One could not pick up an assembly-language program intended for a
hardware architecture and input it in an assembler program for another hardware. The next step in
the evolution of programming languages was the realization that the programmer could program
independently of the hardware architecture, at least for expressing simple ideas such as Price +
Shipping Charge = Total Cost.
As is often the case, the mathematical background supporting this process of automatic
conversion from human-readable form to machine-readable form had been developed much earlier.
And once more, the people that took this missing step did it independently. Heinz Rutishauser (who
worked with Konrad Zuse), recognized such need in his 1951 lecture “Automatische
Rechenplanfertigung bei programmgesteuerten Rechenmaschinen” (Bauer, 2002; Ceruzzi, 1983).
And Rutishauer was rediscovering a concept first formulated by Alan Turing in 1936. Before
general-purpose computing machines existed, Turing mathematically described and analyzed the
functioning of such a machine, and due to this achievement general computing machines are also
frequently referred to as “Turing machines”.
« It is possible to invent a single machine which can be used to compute
any computable sequence. If this machine U is supplied with a tape on the
beginning of which is written the S.D [(standard description)] of some
computing machine M, then U will compute the same sequence as M. In this
section I explain in outline the behaviour of the machine. The next section is
devoted to giving the complete table for M. »
(Turing, 1936, pp. 241-242)
Turing’s conception and its analysis are a mathematical proof of the possibility of
programming the resolution to a problem, not caring about the technological specification of the
machine where that resolution will be executed: it suffices that the resolution first feeds the actual
machine with the specification of the virtual machine it was conceived to run upon.
In other words, it means that instead of worrying about issues such as “in which electronic
register or memory address should I save the values I want to add” or “which electronic register or
memory address will receive the resulting values”, a programmer can think in terms such as
“TotalCost will receive the result of adding the values Price and ShippingCharge” – a considerable
advantage, allowing the programmer to focus more in the problem at hand, and less on the machine
that will execute the program intended to solve that problem.
In practice, this is not absolutely so, because real machines have physical limitations, while
Turing’s conception may not have21, and therefore a professional computer program, no matter how

“If a computing machine never writes down [on the tape] more than a finite number of symbols of the first kind, it will
be called circular. Otherwise it is said to be circle-free. (…) A sequence is said to be computable if it can be computed
by a circle-free machine. A number is computable if it differs by an integer from the number computed by a circle-free
machine” (Turing, 1936, p. 233).

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abstract, isn’t absolutely independent of the hardware it is running on: it must account for hardware
limitations or failures (mostly, how much memory is available, how fast the machine is, and
whether input and output devices are operating as expected). But to a great extent, such
considerations are remitted to a different concern area; programming becomes a translation into a
foreign language: a programming language. It ceases to be a matter of converting a problem into the
computing machine’s parts, devices and remaining paraphernalia.
Programming languages have thus since evolved from the initial assembly languages22, in
order to rise in abstraction from the physical properties of the machines they eventually run on,
trying to be closer to the programmer’s mind frame when dealing with a problem. But different
people think differently; and different problems often require different solving methods, or are
easier to understand and tackle under different perspectives. For this reason, the evolution of
programming languages was not one of sequential improvement and refinement, but rather a
biological-like evolution, branching from the machine languages of the physical machines to a
multitude of languages at various levels of abstraction and with different background philosophies
or paradigms.
While providing a full historical account of programming languages is beyond the scope of
this thesis, I believe a short review of their evolution and varieties will benefit the reader, by
providing a background of the most famous languages and programming models.
The first widely-used programming language the was Fortran, created between 1954 and 1957
“by an IBM team lead by John W. Backus” (VV.AA., 1998, ch. 1-1), which introduced expression
abstraction. This means that programmers performing arithmetic calculations could use their
familiar mathematical notation, rather than select and carefully order the specific machine-
instructions and determine from where in the machine the values should be retrieved or where the
results should be stored. The advantages of such a step, for instance, can be as clear has being able
to specify a multiplication, without having to worry whether the machine even had a multiplication
instruction at all (Burns & Davies, 1993, pp. 2-3)! This approach is known as the imperative
paradigm, since a program is composed, essentially, by “orders”, each following the previous one
in sequence, with the entire flow of execution controlled by various instructions23 (Baranauskas,
Several other languages were created following the imperative paradigm, trying to address
some of Fortran’s shortcomings, proposing novel developments and techniques, or simply inspired
by it. One is the extremely popular BASIC language (mentioned in section 87, p. 87), but
essentially, besides Fortran there are two other main branches to this family. One of these branches
originated in 1958 with the language IAL24, soon renamed Algol (Naur, Backus et al., 1960), which
improved data abstraction, allowing better data organization and processing; from this evolutionary
line were born famous and widespread languages such as Pascal25, C26, and Ada27, among others.
The other branch is represented by verbose languages, which attempt to be close in syntax and
readability to the English language, by avoiding the use of mathematical notations or similar
operators and using extra, redundant text (this approach has also been used by child-oriented
languages GRAIL and HANDS, described on pp. 157-158). These were focused on the processing
and retrieval of information such as business records, rather than numerical calculations. It is best

Which are still used today, but only when performance requirements or low-level hardware management concerns
require the programmer to think in hardware-specific terms.
These included instructions to “force” the execution to proceed from a specific point in the list of instructions, a
method which later was mostly abandoned (Dijkstra, 1968), and for organization of the flow in a structured form, such
as subprocedures (sets of commands with a specific purpose, that can be called upon to complete that purpose, before
proceeding) and cycles (repeating a set of instructions a number of times or subject to specific conditions).
International Algebraic Language (Perlis & Samelson, 1958).
Wirth, 1993.
Ritchie, 1993.
Gargaro, 1993.
48 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
known by the widely used language COBOL, created in 1959 (Sammet, 1978), which was inspired
by the language B-0 (later known as Flow-matic). This, in turn, was created in 1956 by Grace
Hopper (Gorn, 1957), culminating a development initiated in 1951 with the A-0 compiler, a project
that also produced a language released in 1957, under the name Math-matic (Sammet, 1972).
Another early verbose language was the APT language, developed in 1957 for use in industrial
machines with numerical controls (Ross, 1978). There have been many specialized languages for
machine control and information processing, most notably the current standard language for
database querying, SQL28.
A distinct approach was employed in the Lisp programming language, developed between
1956 and 1962 (McCarthy, 1979). This approach, known as the functional paradigm, is entirely
centered on the manipulation of functions, seen as expressions which receive parameters and
manipulate them, producing a result. This was in contrast with the approach used in Fortran, which
basically was a set of commands for manipulating stored values, rather than for organization of
code itself – those would later be introduced to imperative languages by the Algol branch,
mentioned in the previous paragraph. In a functional language, functions can be passed as
parameters to other functions, and in fact even values are seen as the results of functions that
provide always the same value: the entire language is composed by simple operators and a notations
for defining functions in terms of other functions and the basic operators (McCarthy, 1979). Many
technical contributions originated in functional languages and then were incorporated into
imperative languages, such as conditional execution29 (Graham, 2002).
Among several other languages based on the functional paradigm of Lisp, one finds Logo,
with a long history of educational programming use, which is described on pp. 139-146. Other
famous languages that follow this paradigm are ML30, Erlang31, and Haskell32. Yet, possibly the
most widely used functional languages are those of a specific type (one might almost call it a
subparadigm), called data-flow (Johnston et al., 2004, p. 9). These languages allow the
programmer to conceive the program as a graph, with data flowing between nodes, for processing.
The programmer defines those processing “nodes” for data, the actual processing methods and
syntaxes varying (inside a node, a pure data-flow language would only employ primitive
instructions such as arithmetic or comparison operations, but actual data-flow languages frequently
employ techniques from other programming paradigms33). It is also the programmer’s task to define
the connections between the various nodes, specifying how the data flows from one node to the
next; at each node, the computation waits until all data sources are available, and then its processing
takes place. Possibly the earliest such language was TDFL, from 1975 (id., p. 10), but their
popularity is due to the various data-flow visual programming languages developed since the 1980s.
Examples of such languages include LabVIEW (vd. Figure 74, on p. 125), its children-oriented
derivative RoboLab (p. 162), and the language used in the MindRover game (p. 188); but their
widespread use is due to the fact that this is also the paradigm employed in the programming of
business spreadsheets34 (Kay, 1984), such as Microsoft Excel (Microsoft, 2004a).
A radical departure from both the imperative and the functional paradigms is to program
without specifying any manipulation of data at all, neither by direct orders, nor by definition of
functions. Such a departure was originated by the Prolog language, created by Philippe Roussel and

Hoffman, 2001.
Determining a condition and from it determine whether a set of instructions should be executed – or which set, if
several sets are available.
Harper, 2005.
Armstrong, 1997.
Hudak & Fasel, 1992.
“Most dataflow architecture efforts being pursued today are a form of hybrid, although not all (…). (…) it seems that
dataflow languages are essentially functional languages with an imperative syntax” (Johnston et al., 2004, pp. 2, 10).
Even disregarding the fact that the data-processing instructions in spreadsheet cells are textual, one might still
consider these languages only halfway visual: the editing of nodes is visual, and sometimes their selection too, but the
arcs of the dataflow graph are not represented, being defined by way of textual references in the nodes’ code.

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Alain Colmerauer between 1970 and 1972 (Colmerauer & Roussel, 1996): it is called the logic
paradigm. Languages under this paradigm allow the programmer to specify logic statements,
asserting the validity of relationships between the data. Such a program can be read as a set of
declarations, but it can also be executed. The execution is not specified by the programmer, but
rather imposed by a pre-defined resolution model: for instance, from a given state the system can
choose one from a variety of other states for which all the logic statements are still valid (Shapiro,
1989). This approach to programming has been described in more detail in section 3.2.2, in the
context of a specific variety of logic programming languages relevant to this thesis (concurrent
constraint programming languages).
An important concept that is found across languages classified under any of the previous
paradigms is that of object-orientation (its presence across languages following diverse paradigms
might allow its classification as a meta-paradigm). The basic concept is that programming is done
focused on the behavior of objects communicating with each other, rather then a set of instructions
or functions doing transformations on data. These objects are “collections of operations that share a
state” (Wegner, 1990, p. 8), those operations determining how objects communicate with each other
(id., ibid.) – another, more usual way of putting it, albeit lacking some generality, is to say that an
object is a set of both some data and all the procedures necessary for its manipulation. The first
object-oriented language was Simula, developed between 1961 and 1964 at the Norwegian
Computing Center, in Oslo, Norway (Nygaard & Dahl, 1978). It was an inspiration for the
successful Smalltalk language, developed between 1971 and 1983 by Alan Kay (Kay, 1993b), from
which the child-programming language Squeak evolved (vd. p. 146).
Object-orientation provides several advantages to the development and maintenance of large
programs. Since an object includes both a group of data and the procedures for its manipulation, it’s
easier to make sure that the manipulation is consistent, and at least partly independent from the
object’s implementation details: the other objects only depend on the existence of the manipulation
procedures to communicate with an object, they can, to some degree, ignore the actual way in
which the internal data is stored, its internal structure, or even if it is actually stored somewhere or
calculated when requested. I say “to some degree” because often some of these details carry with
them specific assumptions that must be taken into account in the overall planning of a program.
Several languages under the imperative and functional paradigms have been adapted or
developed from the ground up to incorporate object-oriented features, such as the popular
evolutions of the C language, such as C++35, Java36, and C#37. Object-orientation has also been
incorporated in logic programming languages, such as Concurrent Prolog and Vulcan (Kahn et al.,

Stroustrup, 1993.
Chandra & Chandra, 2005.
50 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations

2.3. Computer programming in our society

2.3.1. Pervasive programming
From the previous sections, computer programming surfaces as it is more commonly seen: a
highly technical activity profoundly linked with the computing machines and their technical use.
But that is because the history of programming presented in section 2.2 provides just an historical
view of the technical evolution. As programming evolved, so did its role, impact and importance in
Nowadays, programming is no longer done only by highly-skilled people that understand the
machines’ internal behavior and organization. In fact, the evolution of computing machines and
programming languages and methods did increase the internal complexity of computer
programming – just as a person’s speech usually increases in complexity with age, as education and
experience increase. But it also allowed the creation of simplified forms of programming –
programming that can now be done with little regard for the technical specifications and circuit
features of the underlying machines.
« Setting an alarm clock is probably the most common form of
programming. »
(Shneidermann, 2001)
Shneidermann’s remark above is a good example: in a traditional mechanical alarm clock, one
would rotate a small pointer (the "alarm" pointer) to the position where the pointer for the hours
would eventually be when the alarm was to go off. Notice that this would only be the precise time
when one wished an exact hour, such as 7:00 or 8:00. For something like 7:15, one would place the
pointer more-or-less ¼ of the way between the markings for 7:00 and 8:00, because that’s were the
pointer for the hours would be at that time. In other words: the setting of the clock had to take in
mind its internal operation. If one now considers a modern digital alarm clock, there is no such
concern. The only required operation is the setting of the exact alarm time, in minutes and seconds,
and placing the alarm switch at the “buzzer” position: the user doesn’t have to worry about the
microchips’ timings, voltages, the signaling used in digital electronics, etc. (One now has to worry
about power failures, though.) So, the digital alarm clock is conceptually simpler. However, for
many people it’s more obvious to simply turn a wheel until a pointer reaches a position than to
coordinate three buttons: depressing the "Alarm" button and keeping it depressed, while pressing
the "Hours" and "Minutes" buttons, sometimes understanding that keeping these depressed may
result in faster change of values after a short while, etc. And that, after all this, a specific lever must
be set in a “ring” position, typically labeled “radio” or “buzzer”.
In this example there are moments of greater simplicity (setting the exact time, not caring
about the internal workings), but also moments of greater complexity, due to the increased ability to
specify a precise time and some automated behaviors. This is quite common: the simplicity – or
freedom – regarding machine-related concerns in turn allows programming to develop as a mental
construction, which has its own complexities.
The alarm clock is far from being the only programmable device in current usage: people
program a VCR to record a specific channel, at a specific time, for a specific duration; microwave
ovens and washing machines can have specific sets of behaviors (often called “programs”) available
for the user to employ, requiring an understanding of their behavior over time (although these are
not programmed by the user, which only needs to be aware of how the program sequence will
evolve), and some other parameters on these machines (such as power or water temperature) usually
affect the overall results. Temperature controls, in particular, are commonly programmed in the
guise of thermostats, in washing machines and refrigerators, for instance. Even bread toasters
require the selection of timing controls to adjust their mode of operation. One can even go beyond
technological devices to find other human activities similar to programming. For instance, a football

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coach plans specific tactics for free kicks and corner kicks, and explains them to the players. Each
player is expected to act in a predetermined fashion and react according to predefined rules. The
activity of the coach while planning the tactic can be seen as “programming” it; explaining it to the
players and practicing it can be seen as “coding” the program; and the use of the tactic in actual
gameplay is akin to seeing a program in execution.
Simple as they are, these examples prompt us to understand that programming permeates
society in several, almost camouflaged forms. But the most powerful forms of programming occur
in modern general-purpose computers, and – as was put forward in section 2.1 – this specific area is
the one approached by this thesis.
« (…) all computer users may now be regarded as programmers, whose
tools differ only in their usability for that purpose. »
« (...) almost all major software applications now include programming
languages. »
(Blackwell, 2002)
It’s the amount of programming that takes place in everyday life that often eludes users.
Generally, computer users are divided into two groups: end-users, people whose main concern is
the use of some application, without resorting to programming (or at least without being aware of
their use of programming techniques), and professional programmers, whose main professional
concern is the development of computer applications for themselves or other people (Blackwell,
2002). However, this typical division excludes many people that knowingly employ various forms
of computer programming, some more advanced than others, and yet whose main job is not
necessarily the creation of computer programs: people that use it in the course of their professions,
people that employ it as a means of expression, or simply as a hobby. For this reason, the varieties
of programming and programming techniques employed by end-users are presented in the following
section, and then section 2.3.3 is devoted to the presentation of some cases of usage of those
advanced forms of computer programming in modern society by people that are not typically seen
as professional programmers.

52 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Computer Programming: conceptual foundations

2.3.2. End-user programming

« End-user programming will be increasingly important in the future. No
matter how successful interface designers are, systems will still need to be
customized to the needs of particular users. »
(Bryson et al., 1996)
End-users, as defined in the previous section, usually do many tasks which can be considered
– and often are – as programming: “providing programmability is important to support end user
customization. Software supplied by vendors rarely does exactly what the customer requires, so
providing features that allow the typical user to change the software is quite desirable” (Myers,
Examples of such use are numerous. Allen Cypher (1993) sorts them in four categories:
Preferences, Scripting Languages, Macro Recorders and Programming by Demonstration. But I find
this list of categories somewhat limiting, so I’ll first present several examples that don’t quite fit in
Perhaps the most striking form of programming (used both by end-users and professionals), in
its widespread use, is represented by spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel (Microsoft,
2004a). Spreadsheet users regularly create formulas, which often depend on the results of other
formulas, and thus end up producing a specific application, to suit a specific purpose (Jones et al.,
Creating Web pages can also incorporate some degree of programming. I am not referring to
the most obvious case, when the page builder employs some programming language to define
interactive behavior; rather, I am considering the fact that a Web page will look different to
different viewers, or even to the same viewer in different instances (Blackwell, 2002). Several
situations can cause these changes, but the most obvious are the different sizes in the dimensions
(width and height) of the browser Window. In my personal experience working with professional
graphic designers, this fact was something that troubled them: the need to understand and consider
the dynamic behavior of a Web page, while still doing just graphic design, not HTML coding
(Bulas-Cruz et al., 1998; Bulas-Cruz et al., 1999).
Even on everyday activities such as word processing, programming can be found. Beyond the
most basic text-entry and text-formatting skills, one of the most helpful techniques people use in
word processing applications is the definition of paragraph and text styles (Daffron, 1999). By
saying that a selected paragraph should be considered, for instance “My Heading Style”, one can
later, at a different paragraph, simply select "My Heading Style” from the list of styles and
immediately have the new paragraph follow the graphic style of the original paragraph.
Programming is relevant because styles don’t limit themselves to acting as shortcuts for application
of graphic formatting: one can include rules such as “style for the following paragraph is”. This can
immensely speed up, for instance, the process of entering a bulleted list like this:
ƒ First element (away from the previous text) Style “Bullet list first line”
ƒ Middle element 1 (near other lines) Style “Bullet list body”
ƒ … Style “Bullet list body”
ƒ Middle element n Style “Bullet list body”
ƒ Last element (away from the following text) Style “Bullet list last line”
Table 3 – User programming with word processing styles
The user simply selects “Bullet list first line” as the desired style and starts typing. At the end
of the line, by pressing Enter, the user can proceed and type the text for the second bullet; however,
the style was automatically changed to “Bullet list body”, which has no distance between
paragraphs. After typing the text for all middle bullets, the user simply selects the style “Bullet list
last line” and writes the last line, which has some distance to the following, plain text paragraph. By

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pressing Enter, the user can simply continue typing away, since the text style was automatically
changed to “plain text” or “body text”, or whatever style the user decided would be more common
for that situation. (Myers, 1993, p. 499, makes a passing reference to styles in Microsoft Word as a
programming technique.)
Another important technique in word processing applications is the use of regular
expressions for searching and replacing. Consider this situation: one wants to replace, say, all
instances similar to “auto-correction”, “auto-summarizing”, et cetera, by “automatic correction”,
“automatic summarizing” and so on. In a large document, this can be a time-consuming task. But
experienced users know they can do this in one single command, by entering specific expressions in
the search and replace boxes of a dialog. For instance, in Microsoft Word (Microsoft, 2004b) this
replacement can be done by using this set-up:

Figure 22 – Finding and replacing with regular expressions

The expressions in Figure 22 mean:
Find what: beginning of word; either letter “a” or letter “A”; letters
“uto-”; any number of letters; end of word.
Replace with: either “a” or “A”, whatever was found; the letters
“utomatic” followed by a space and whatever was found after “uto-”.
Yet another case can be found in e-mail
filtering systems, either against junk mail (a.k.a.
“spam”) or for automatically organizing one’s
messages as they arrive; these systems need to be
tailored by the user, specifying rules and behaviors
(see Figure 23).
Considering now Cypher’s categories, I’ll
start with the creation of macros, which is
available in programs such as the word processor
Microsoft Word (Microsoft, 2004b). A macro is a
sequence of commands recorded by the user as
actions. Rather than learning some programming
language, the user will simply select a menu or
button command to “Start Macro Recording”, and
then act as intended. As Cypher (1993) puts it, «
these recorders are a basic implementation of
“Watch What I Do”. (…) All the user’s actions Figure 23 – Defining e-mail rules

54 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
are saved as a sequence, and the user can then invoke a “Redo” command to replay the entire
sequence. »
The complexity of macro use arises that it is highly dependent from the context conditions.
For instance, suppose you want to delete a long list of “>•” from an e-mail message, such as this
one (I used “•” to indicate a space, to render this explanation simpler):
>•Is everything fine with you?

If this message was very long, or if you needed to do this in several messages, you could
record the following actions, starting with the cursor as represented below by the vertical bar:
1. Start Macro Recording
2. Click the “Delete” key twice
3. Press the “↓” key.
|>•Is everything fine with you?

Typically, the user would now stop recording and assign this macro to a key such as “F8” or
to a toolbar button labeled “Remove >”. While time-consuming, it’s easier to click consecutively on
F8 or on a single button than it is to be moving the mouse and using a few keys for each line. (With
a little bit of actual programming language use, even this much trouble could be avoided.)
Now, suppose that for some reason the original message had more than a single space at the
start of each line:
>••Is everything fine with you?
>••I went to the game last night.

Using the previous macro in this message would result in:
•Is everything fine with you?
•I went to the game last night.

This happens because the recorded action was “press Delete twice”, and it was only by
coincidence that deleting two chars in the first message was the action that removed the prefixes.
An experienced user would have rather used “press-and-hold Ctrl and press →. Then press
Delete”. This would select all spaces from “>” to the beginning of the first word, therefore being
applicable to larger number of situations. While this is usually called “advanced use”, or something
for this effect, such care in specification of actions, considering possible future situations, is a
programming skill and activity.
Another of Cypher’s categories, preferences, is extremely common: most applications have
some kind of “options” or “preferences” section where users can customize the operation of the
application. However, these often include a certain degree of programming. One such example can
be found in modern word processing packages, where users can set a large number of options for
automated processing of text. For instance, a user can set “(c)” to display as “©”, besides many

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other settings that will have an impact – sometimes not so obvious – in the overall functioning of
the application (see Figure 24).

Figure 24 – Word processor preferences (automatic text)

Yet another relevant example of preferences is date formatting. In several applications, dates
are stored in an internal numerical format, and the user employs “formatting strings” to specify the
way in which a specific date is displayed or printed.
Examples include common spreadsheets, but also other programs such as the Scribe text
formatter. In these programs, when “specifying the way the date should be printed, the user can
supply an example in nearly any notation for the particular date March 8, 1952” (Myers, 1993).
The remaining two of Cypher’s categories, Programming by Demonstration and Scripting
Languages, are used both by end-users and by professional programmers.
One of those, however, is more common in the realm of end-user programming:
Programming by Demonstration. This has been called “macros on steroids” (Lieberman, 2001, p.
2). Macros, as I described above, are very dependent on starting conditions, and can only reproduce
the exact same behavior. However, as was then mentioned, when defining a macro the user is in
effect saying to the computer “watch what I do”. Programming by demonstration picks up from this
basic macro concept and adds the possibility of generalizing the actions of the user, rendering them
useful for a wider range of applications (id., ibid.).
Sometimes, this is done by empowering the user with a way to specify what information
he/she wants to generalize. This, in fact, is the approach used in ToonTalk, the programming
environment employed in the field work of this thesis (vd. section 3.3.5), and also in Stagecast
Creator, another programming environment for children (vd. section 3.3.4, pp. 151-155). Another
promising approach employs techniques from artificial intelligence, attempting to achieve some
level of automatic generalization of the user’s intentions. This approach hasn’t yet provided major
commercial results, but there’s an active community of researchers coming up with promising
prototypes and small systems (Cypher, 1993; Lieberman, 2001).
The final category, scripting languages, is even more spread-eagled between end-users,
advanced programmers, and professional programmers. Traditionally, these would be languages
that allowed users to automate some common tasks done with an application, i.e., provide a script of
actions for the computer to repeat – in other words, more or less like writing down the steps of a
macro, instead of using a “recording” procedure. However, in order to avoid the limitations of
56 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
macros, scripting languages typically provide several features that allow the person using them to
enlarge their range of uses, such as conditions, parameters, and cycles. For instance, in an operating
system text shell, such as the Unix shell or the command line prompt of Windows, an user can write
down in a text file a sequence of commands for the system to interpret and reproduce; but the user
can also add specific symbols and modifiers, so that when that text script is called up for execution,
the user can include parameters, or have it conduct different operations under different conditions
(e.g., process the contents of different text files, as long as they follow a common format).
From the point of view of a common user, such a scripting language has virtually the same
level of complexity as a full-fledged programming language. But from the point of view of an
experienced programmer, there is a clear simplification: the scripting language is focused on
changes to a specific environment, and possesses specific features or “hooks” to employ to that
environment, simplifying the entire process of programming. But the distinction is fuzzy: for
instance, the immensely popular game series Quake (Id Software, n.d.), where the player goes
around three-dimensional worlds shooting monsters or other players, includes a scripting language,
so that players can create new weapons and behaviors, effectively transforming the game. But the
scripting language of Quake is an adapted version of the professional C programming language,
called QuakeC (Hesprich, 1998) – not exactly what one would call a choice for typical end-users.
Possibly a relevant contribution to this view is that anecdotal reports surface from time to time in
Web forums, where players of various games with scripting capabilities mention having been
introduced to advanced computer programming precisely via their interest in modifying a game by
using its scripting language. In the scope of this thesis, such scripting languages are indeed
considered entry-points or simplifications to advanced programming.
One might say that scripting languages are not doing a spread-eagle between end-users and
advanced programmers, but rather being split between them in usage style: end-users using them
simply to write down scripts that work more or less like macros, advanced programmers writing
scripts using traditional programming techniques. This approach might yield an effective distinction
in the case of early textual or symbolic scripting languages. But as user interfaces developed, the
range of possibilities rendered available to users has similarly increased, allowing them to specify
interactive automated behavior in several ways. This evolution led to the appearance of a range of
applications that further blur this transition area between end-users and advanced programmers:
multimedia-authoring applications.
Such applications allow end-users to create various interactive mini-applications, such as
DVD menus, or interactive slideshows. Since the user is specifying the automation of behaviors in
the scope of a specific application, I elected to classify these as fitting within the range of scripting
environments. Taking Microsoft’s PowerPoint (Microsoft, 2005) as an example, an user can create
a slideshow presentation and specify if a slide should stay visible until the user clicks the mouse, or
rather be replaced after a certain time has elapsed. And in this latter case, whether the mouse-clicks
can be used to anticipate the replacement, or ignored. Further, the user can specify that an object in
the presentation reacts to user clicks, by moving, disappearing, blinking, making a sound, or other
possibilities (those actions can also occur when the mouse simply passes over the object). And these
mouse events can work as hyperlinks, moving the slideshow to a specific slide, in effect allowing
the creation of something that is more than just a slideshow.
Unlike other scripting languages, these capabilities are extremely simple to grasp and use,
particularly so in view of the large range of results one can produce. For instance, since 2002 I have
lectured an optional one-semester course, for first-year students of the Early Childhood Education
baccalaureate, at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (Vila Real, Portugal); students
without a technical background learn to take advantage of these capabilities. They have employed
them in the creation of children tales where children can determine the outcome by selecting
different options during the story; “explorable” stories, in which children can click on various
objects or characters to get a detailed look, before proceeding with the story; simple interactive
games, and even multimedia “zoos” and “farms”.
Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 57
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2.3.3. Advanced programming

As mentioned in section 2.3.1, many people knowingly employ computer programming, some
in a more advanced way than others, even though their main job description probably isn’t as
“programmers”: people that use it in the course of their professions, people that employ it as a
means of expression, or simply as a hobby. These people use specialized applications such as full-
fledged programming languages, scripting languages or other advanced programming methods. The
most obvious case of advanced programming, of course, is the programming that is done to create
commercial computer applications, for use by others – those people whose job description reads
A full survey of these uses is beyond the scope of this thesis, as is the exploration of the actual
job of “programmer”. This section simply aims to provide some examples, to assist the reader in
constructing a finer picture of the use of programming in modern society, particularly where it is
least expected; for instance, “some industrial robots are trained by moving the robot’s limbs
through the desired motions. The robots will repeat these motions later” (Myers, 1993). This is an
example of macro programming38 (a technique explained in the previous section) used in a
professional manner, where the complexity and care that the end result imposes cannot be
Taking the cue from this industrial Command Sequence
example, I look into the field of Command: SNAP
computer-aided design (CAD) tools, Specify snap spacing or
[ON/OFF/Aspect/Rotate/Style/Type] <10.0000>:
which are commonly used by mechanical
and civil engineers, but also by architects (…)
and other professional designers that need
to produce precise drawings efficiently. The "Aspect" option can be used to vary the horizontal and
Rather than simply use visual drawing vertical snap spacings independently.
techniques, CAD tools employed by these "Rotate" is used to set the snap grid to any angle.
professionals routinely involve issuing
textual commands, providing textual or You can also set the snap style to either Isometric or Standard
numerical parameters, to control the (the default) using the "Style" option. The Standard style is used
behavior of the program (Figure 25). for almost all drawing situations including detail drawings in
Orthographic Projection. The Isometric style is specifically to aid
These professionals are already invoking the creation of drawings in Isometric Projection (…).
commands from a library and providing
them with parameters, not just numerical The "Type" option allows you to set the snap type to either Grid
distances and angles but also operational (the default) or to Polar. The Polar option can be used in
modes; but they can also produce text conjunction with Polar Tracking so that Snap mode snaps along
polar tracking angles rather than to the grid.
files with several commands in sequence,
to expedite common design tasks – a case Figure 25 – AutoCAD manual entry
of programming by scripting.
At a more advanced level of graphics
programming, Web graphic designers
commonly need to program animated
behaviors and user interactions, to make a
Web site respond to the user’s mouse
movements and selections. Several tools
allow them to do this, the most common
being Macromedia’s Flash (Macromedia,
Figure 26 – Macromedia Flash timeline control
2004a). These tools include components From: Macromedia, 2004, p. 24

In this case, this classification is fuzzy; rather than reproducing the operator’s movements precisely, the robots can
use sensors to fine-tune of the original motions. Thus, one can state that the robot generalized of the original
instructions, and this would be a case of programming by demonstration, rather than macro programming.
58 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
typical of end-user multimedia-authoring To draw a shape:
programs, such as timeline controls 1. Use MovieClip.createEmptyMovieClip() to create an
(Figure 26). However, for full control of empty movie clip on the Stage. The new movie clip is a child
of an existing movie clip or of the main Timeline, as shown
the animations and user interactions, Web in the following example:
graphic designers need to use textual this.createEmptyMovieClip ("triangle_mc", 1);
scripting languages: for instance, in 2. Use the empty movie clip to call drawing methods. The
Macromedia Flash, the scripting language following example draws a triangle with 5-point magenta
lines and no fill:
is called ActionScript (Macromedia, with (triangle_mc) {
2004b), as shown in Figure 27. lineStyle (5, 0xff00ff, 100);
moveTo (200, 200);
Still in the area of graphics, many lineTo (300, 300);
modern movies routinely employ lineTo (100, 300);
lineTo (200, 200);
computer-programming techniques as part }
of their development. For instance, in
Figure 27 – Programming with ActionScript
Disney’s 1985 movie The Black Cauldron, From: Macromedia, 2004b, p. 217
“computers made inroads in the
manipulation of solid inanimate objects on the screen. The dimensions and volume of objects were
fed into a computer and their movement was generated by programming” (Magical Ears, n.d.). The
professional process of creating computer animations for movies frequently involves a combination
of use of specialized end-user animation tools and programming, to determine the specific rendering
of visual features, such as surface textures under different lighting, blurring to improve the illusion
of motion, and so on. Further, behaviors and movements for characters need to be modeled, and
while this can be achieved by several traditional techniques, involving multiple images to convey
the idea of motion, the use of procedural techniques is attaining large popularity.
« Current technology is not capable of
generating motion automatically for arbitrary
objects; nevertheless, algorithms for specific
types of motion can be built. These techniques are
called procedural methods because a computer
follows the steps in an algorithm to generate the
motion. Procedural methods have two main
advantages over keyframing techniques: they
make it easy to generate a family of similar
motions, and they can be used for systems that
would be too complex to animate by hand, such
as particle systems or flexible surfaces. »
(Hodgins et al., 1999, p. 6)
A particular use of these techniques is the control of
vast numbers of characters, where each computer-generated
figure must display a singular, individualized behavior. One
often-cited example are the crowd scenes in Walt Disney’s
“The Hunchback of Notre Dame” (e.g., Hodgins et al., 1999,
p. 7), or more recently the huge armies in the three “The Lord
of The Rings” movies of New Line Cinema (vd. Figure 28).
In this last case, in particular, the large numbers of
computer-generated figures in the armies were programmed
not only to display individual behavior, but also to respond to Figure 28 – Computer-generated
characters combined with live images
the behavior of other nearby figures – to such an extent that From:
sometimes complex group behaviors emerged: /extras/extras_sfx1.jpg

« (…) we put a level of machine intelligence

into each of the agents so they can act
Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 59
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
autonomously based on information they get -- sight and sound from the
environment around them. We had a lot of issues with directing them. It
turns out, when you create reasonably intelligent creatures, they do what
they want to do. »
(Labrie, 2002, Chief Technical Officer of the company developing the
special effects for the three movies)
Another example is the field of domotics, a.k.a. “house automation”, using computer-
controlled systems. When installing such systems, professional installers need to program the
computer controller with several standard behaviors39 according to the wishes of each household
member, usually based on various parameters such as timers and sensors; the customer can also
program several configurations himself or herself, e.g.: alarms to be issued over an Internet or
cellphone connection, programming hours for automated turning on or off of different behaviors.

Figure 29 – Structure of a typical domotics system

From:, p. 7

These can all be achieved using automatic configuration mechanisms, or pre-programmed

components, but installers (and users) also perform the programming themselves to fine-tune what
is usually an expensive system. For instance, in the documentation of one of the available inter-
operation standards for domotics mechanisms, one finds the following:
« The KNX Standard incorporates 3 different configuration modes :
The “S-mode” (System mode)
This configuration mechanism is meant for well trained installers to
realise sophisticated building control functions. All “S-mode” components
in an installation will be addressed by the common software tool (…) for
their planning, configuration and linking. With ETS each component can
exactly be programmed, according to the specified requirements. The “S-
mode” configuration has the highest degree of flexibility in functionality and
in communication links. (…) »
(Crijns, 2003)

Typical examples are: electrical appliance control (pre-heat oven on certain conditions, start dishwashing cycle at
specific hours), lighting control (on/off, intensity and mood), windows blinds and curtains, heating or cooling levels and
profiles, automated hi-fi or home cinema, and operation of garden sprinklers (Smarthome, 2005).
60 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
Artists are also exploring novel approaches to the creation of art, by integrating computer
programming – and even robotics – in their work. In particular, the field known as algorithmic art
(Verostko, 2004) has long taken advantage of the possibilities brought about by computer
programming in the production of art, its practitioners known as “algorists”.
« As computers became more accessible to artists in the 1970's and
1980's some artists began to experiment with algorithmic procedure. The
new technology offered them methods of working algorithmically that were
unavailable before the advent of computers. By the 1980's a number of these
artists were working with the pen plotter, a machine with a "drawing arm".
By the end of the 1980's algorists like Harold Cohen, Mark Wilson, Manfred
Mohr, Jean Pierre Hebert and this author had already achieved a mature
body of work. Each in their own way had invented algorithmic procedures
for generating their art. By doing so each created their own distinctive style.
Clearly style and algorithm were linked in a very important way. »
(Verostko, 2004)
At this level, the specific applications of programming are diversified. For instance, Some
artists use their algorithms to have computer plotters draw the result of their algorithms (Figure 30),
sometimes replacing the typical print heads of plotters by brushes or other artistic tools (Figure 31).

Figure 31 – Plotter with an oriental brush installed


Figure 30 – Roman Verostko, “Cyberflower V.

1, 2000”, pen plotted drawing Figure 32 – Roman Verostko, “Lung Shan II”, pen+brush
w.jpg From:

Among other varieties, artists have explored the use

of algorithms to render classical solid surfaces, fractal
surfaces and landscapes; they have developed genetic
pictures, “obtained through a succession of mutations of an
initial image” (Vassallo, n.d.), and generated abstract
scenes by combining algorithms and 3-D rendering
programs (id.); an example of this last variety is presented
on the right, in Figure 33.
Similar efforts have been done in the fields of music
(Harry, 1995), and plastic arts, in this latter case both at the
level of planning and of behaviors (e.g. DAM, n.d.). Figure 33 – Robert H. Russ, “Whisper”,
3-D rendered algorithm

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 61

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
One recent variety of this artistic exploration has been Leonel Moura’s programming of
robots to produce art, an approach entitled “Symbiotic Art” (Moura & Pereira, 2004). The robots
and the evolution of a painting are shown in Figure 34.

Figure 34 – Robots at work and painting in progress (30, 60, 120 and 240 minutes)
From: and

Conversely, some people have started to inquire on the artistic potential of programming
itself40, as a novel form of human endeavor, both from the perspective of an elaborate craft
(Fishwick, 2000; Hunt, 2001), and from that of an artistic form in its own right:
« (…) some programmers have adopted a literary approach to coding,
describing carefully crafted code as “beautiful,” “elegant,” “expressive,”
and “poetic”; writing and reading programs as literary texts; and even
producing hybrid artifacts that are at once poems and programs. »
(Black, 2002, p. v)
Returning to non-artistic examples, in various professional fields there are occasions when
some time-consuming task lends itself adequate for the use of small customized programs, or there
is an intention to provide computer-based support for its execution. Sometimes, however, people
that are not professional programmers take up the task
of programming. The circumstances leading to this can
be varied, but to point just two: there may be no budget
to hire the services of a professional programmer or
software-development company; or special subtleties of
the data to be processed may cause professional
programmers unacquainted with it to misunderstand
specifications, leading to the failure of the development
project, and such a frustrating experience may cause the
people involved to decide and program the software
In cases such as these, professionals from various
areas besides programming end up dusting off
programming skills learned in undergraduate course or
training sessions (or even deciding to outright learn
programming from scratch), in order to produce
themselves the necessary software. For instance, I once
came across a program for management of a surgery
waiting list, developed by the surgeon himself; and the
development of a large on-line European Prehistoric Art Figure 35 – EuroPreArt sample data-entry
Database, presented in Figure 35, has been conducted by form and Web results
From: and
one of its participant archaeologists (Arcà, 2002).
As a final comment under this arts theme, it’s interesting to note that Logo, the first computer programming language
for children (vd. p. 139), owed much of its success to a subset of commands designed to allow children to perform
drawings procedurally (vd. p. 144). Also in this thesis, the very first of my proposed usage typologies of computer
programming in preschool education involves its use as a space for self-expression (vd. section 7.3.1).
62 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
While the programming of complex and demanding applications by non-professionals can be
a bad option, likely to produce awkward contraptions suffering from well-known and easily-
avoidable programming pitfalls, the use of programming to automate small repetitive tasks as they
pose themselves – or even slightly before that, when one manages to anticipate them – can be a very
good option, leading to increased productivity, and has been called just-in-time programming:
« the goal of just-in-time programming is to allow users to profit from
their task-time algorithmic insights by programming. Instead of automating
with software that was carefully designed and implemented much earlier, the
user recognizes an algorithm and then creates the software to take
advantage of it just before it is needed, hence implementing it just in time. It
is worth emphasizing that the user's task could be from any domain (e.g.
graphic drawing, scientific visualization, word processing, etc.) and that the
algorithm to be implemented originates with the user. Obviously, a user
with more programming experience will be able to envision a more complex
algorithm than a novice user. »
(Potter, 1993)
Basically, programming just in time can be a good option when the time and effort invested in
the programming diminishes the overall time and effort spent on the entire task (Figure 36). Such a
decision is dependent on the programming skills of the individual, on the features of the
programming tools available, and on the level of programmatic access to the data (id.).

Figure 36 – Comparison of two tasks: with and without just-in-time programming

From: Potter, 1993 (version at

To conclude, I’d like to briefly mention a group of professionals who are, possibly, the ones
closest to professional programmers in their use of computer programming in their jobs. I am
referring to people whose jobs require them to use programming virtually on a daily basis,
employing programming skills identical to those of professional programmers: people who
constantly analyze novel situations, for which no adequate computational tool is (or can be)
available, other than a programming-based tool.
These professionals are found working in fields employing calculus, the creation and analysis
of simulations, or the creation and analysis of decision-making scenarios. Such fields include
engineering, biotechnology, financial analysis, mathematics, and scientific research, using
programming-based tools such as Mathematica (Wolfram Research, n.d.), ChemCAD
(Chemstations, n.d.), Simulink (The MathWorks, n.d.-1), and MATLAB (id.), among many others.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 63

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2.4. Computer programming in education

2.4.1. Introductory remarks on computers & education
Since this thesis focuses on preschool education, I won’t be presenting information on the use
of computers in high-school-level and college-level education, or professional training (although
many remarks are probably valid for all ages). Instead, this section is centered on the use of
computers in child education, i.e. preschool, elementary and primary education levels. These levels
concentrate most of the background research and field reports publicly available, and form the
overall historical scientific background. The information for all these levels is not discriminated
here, since the specific use of computers and computer programming at the preschool/kindergarten
level (3- to 5-year olds) is presented in detail in chapter 4.2, “Computers in preschool”.
This said, I would like to remark that when one mentions the use of computers – and
computer programming – in education, most listeners are thinking either about new subject matter
to teach and learn, computer-related, or about software and hardware tools to help the teaching of
traditional subjects (or both). This is to say, listeners usually think about how children can benefit
from this technology and use it.
However, this technology impacts far more than just the children’s experience: for its
potential impact to be fulfilled, one must consider not just the children’s point of view, but also the
teachers’ point of view. The most powerful uses of computers in education involve change, not just
on the part of the students, but also for the teachers.
« (…) [underlying theoretical] issues do not fall solely in one domain but
span across the traditional concerns of philosophers, psychologists,
educators, and computer scientists. In fact, the new computer educator
emerges as one with a foundation in each of these disciplines. »
(Solomon 1986, p. 1)

2.4.2. Framing computer use in education

The title of this section has an intentional double meaning. Here I’ll present an overview of
how computer have been used – and are still used – in educational settings. However, it should
become clear for the reader of this thesis that I personally stand along with the defenders of the
immense potential of computer use for the development of education. For this potential to be
realized, computers must be used in ways that are not in widespread use today, lest their impact
becomes negligible. Among resources on this subject, I point out Papert (1998), Jonassen (2000),
and diSessa (2000, ch. 9, “Stepping Back, Looking Forward”).
Several authors propose different classifications of the use of computers in education (Berg,
2003, p. 14; Hoić-Božić, 1997, ch. 3.1.1; Jonassen, 2000, pp. 3-9; Solomon, 1986, p. 8-13;
Solomon, 1996, pp. 6-8). The encompassing view I present here groups educational computer use in
four major models, which will be further explained in the coming sections:
ƒ Learning about computers
ƒ Learning from computers
ƒ Learning with computers
ƒ Learning about thinking, with computers
The first model, learning about computers, is the mere inclusion of the computer and its
features (hardware, software) as new subject matter for teaching and studying. While knowing
about a tool is useful to understand how to use it more efficiently, this approach is just aimed at
making children better computer users; no change in learning methods is taking place. In this
model, computer programming is learned for its own sake, since it’s part of the “computer science”
body of knowledge.
64 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
The second model, learning from computers, represents the kind of educational computer
uses that most people think of when the expression “educational software” is used, and it has also
been defined as using computers as “interactive textbooks” (Solomon, 1986, p. 8-10; Solomon,
1996, pp. 6-8). This model represents the use of information-rich software applications (CD-ROMs,
Web sites, etc.) and other information-based multimedia applications. It also includes Computer-
Aided Instruction (CAI), Computer-Aided Learning (CAL), and Computer-Based Training (CBT),
using rote learning and drill-and-practice applications, tutorials, and intelligent tutoring systems
(Hoić-Božić, 1997, ch. 3.1.1; Jonassen, 2000, pp. 4-7). Computer programming is scarcely used in
this model (if at all).
The third model, learning with computers, is based around using computers as learning
tools, just as one would use a sheet of paper, a pencil, paints, dry leaves, a microphone and a tape
recorder, whatever. It is associated with the modern shift from teaching by instructionalism (where
the teacher is the source providing all knowledge) to constructivist teaching (where the teacher acts
as partner and coordinator, facilitating the mental construction and development of knowledge by
the students). Another way of putting it is saying that the computer stops being a teacher and starts
to become a learning partner (Jonassen, 2000, p. 7). It also includes the use of simulations and
content-rich games, for children to explore, being thus introduced to new content in an interesting
way (Hoić-Božić, 1997, ch. 3.1.1). In this model, computer programming is one amongst several
ways in which computers can be used.
The fourth model, learning about thinking, with computers is similar to the third, but has a
central concern in helping learners improve their learning processes. Its name may be misleading,
for it seems to be less general than the previous models: it deals with “learning about thinking”
…with computers. “So,” one may ask, “is this model only suited to learn about thinking?” Indeed,
that is the case. But as Papert once put it:
You can't think about thinking, without thinking about thinking about
(Seymour Papert in Minsky, 1988, p. 6)
In other words, if one learns about thinking, one does so by reasoning over one’s own
thinking about specific subject matters. Those subject matters weren’t studied merely for their own
sake: in the process of study, the learner gains insights into his/her own mental processes while
working in that area. This, in turn, helps create powerful connections and personal approaches to
what one is studying. Computer programming is central to this fourth model, since it allows
children to teach the computer, and in doing so, by finding and correcting misinterpretations of their
teachings (“bugs”), they have to consider their own thinking processes.
« Learning from bugs and discussing teaching strategies to enhance what
the computer knows help children reflect on their own learning. »
(Solomon, 1996)

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 65

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2.4.3. Learning from computers

This model of computer use in education is the oldest, both in application and in theoretical
background. It is above all an extension to traditional educational methods, rather than a drastic
departure. For this reason, this section also presents a brief history of computer use for educational
purposes. But limited as it may seem now, this model did include serious innovation from the start
and is still the most prevalently used today.
The overall logic of this model can be seen from how the basic
ideas of using a machine to improve instruction were presented by
Edward Thorndike, in 1912:
« If, by a miracle of mechanical ingenuity, a book
could be so arranged that only to him who had done
what was directed on page one would page two become
visible, and so on, much that now requires personal
instruction could be managed by print. »
(Thorndike, 1912, p. 165, in McNeil, n.d.)
Thorndike acknowledged the advantages of teacher-based
instruction, which for him were above all the greater empathy and
customization made possible by human contact: he considered words
to be more enticing than “black marks seen” (Thorndike, 1912, p.
161, in McNeil, n.d.), i.e., book-based education. He also saw the
following teacher’s actions as an advantage of teacher-based Figure 37 – Edward L.
education against book-based education: practice activities, Thorndike
questions, explanations, directions, etc. But he applauded the 1874 – 1949
advantages of book-based study, since it “allows a student to think at From:
his own pace, get the facts over and over again as he needs, test ulty/wasserman/Glossary/skinner.jpg
himself point by point as he goes along, and make notes”
(Thorndike, 1912, p. 161, in McNeil, n.d.). However, he saw
limitations in the use of books that sound extremely valid today:
« [Textbooks] commonly give the results of reasoning, and perhaps
problems demanding reasoning, but they do not so manage the latter that the
pupil is at each stage helped just enough to lead him to help himself as much
as is economically possible...nor do they usually give work in deductive
thinking so arranged as to stimulate the pupil to make and test inferences
himself. »
(Thorndike, 1912, pp. 164-165, in McNeil, n.d.)
Thorndike proposed for books to include data, instructions on how to conduct experiments
and work out problems over those data, and questions about inferences that could be extracted. The
problem, according to him, was that students didn’t follow written instructions and tried to read
both the problems and their answers, rather than try to develop their own answers. It was to
overcome this that he proposed the creation of a machine to control the pace of study, as quoted
above, at the beginning of the current section.

66 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
The first attempt to put Thorndike’s ideas to
practice occurred ten years later, in the early 1920s. An
educational psychology professor, Sidney Pressey (1888
– 1979), developed a testing machine (vd. Figure 38), to
help students practice and evaluate their knowledge
(McNeil, n.d.; McDonald et al., 2005). He wanted
teachers to focus on “inspirational and thought-
stimulating activities which are, presumably, the real
function of the teacher” (Pressey, 1926, p. 374, in
McNeil, n.d.). His machine “resembled a typewriter
carriage with a window that revealed a question”
(McNeil, n.d.). In order to answer, “(…) the student Figure 38 – Pressey Teaching Machines
refers to a numbered item in a multiple-choice test. He From:
or she presses the button corresponding to the first
choice of answer. If that is right, the device moves on to
the next item; if it is wrong, the error is tallied, and the student must continue to make choices until
the right response is made” (Skinner, 1968, ch. 3). Pressey continued to develop his teaching
machines until 1932, when the Great Depression caused the stalling of developments in educational
technology, which only resumed after World War II (McDonald et al., 2005).
However, even though the development of educational technology stalled in this period, it
was a time that saw the development of crucial ideas of information dissemination, which would
form part of modern educational technology and practice. They would only much later become
reality with the appearance of personal computer technology and the Internet. One such idea was H.
G. Wells’ concept of a world-wide, permanently updated encyclopedia in contact with all
knowledge-related institutions:
« Both the assembling and the distribution of knowledge in the world at
present are extremely ineffective, and thinkers (…) are beginning to realize
that the most hopeful line for the development of our racial intelligence lies
rather in the direction of creating a new world organ for the collection,
indexing, summarizing and release of knowledge (…). These innovators (…)
project a unified, if not a centralized, world organ to "pull the mind of the
world together", which will be not so much a rival to the universities, as a
supplementary and co-ordinating addition to their educational activities –
on a planetary scale. (…) The whole human memory can be, and probably in
a short time will be, made accessible to every individual. (…) It need not be
concentrated in any one single place. It need not be vulnerable as a human
head or a human heart is vulnerable. It can be reproduced exactly and fully,
in Peru, China, Iceland, Central Africa, or wherever else seems to afford an
insurance against danger and interruption. »
The other idea was Vannevar Bush’s conception of a machine and its operation, which would
help human beings navigate more easily the vast amounts of information produced in the world. In
doing so, he anticipated the use of computers as personal systems for management of information
(at a time when their sole purpose was doing calculations):
« Consider a future device for individual use, which is a sort of
mechanized private file and library. It needs a name, and to coin one at
random, “memex” will do. A memex is a device in which an individual
stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized
so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an
enlarged intimate supplement to his memory.

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It consists of a desk, and while it can presumably be operated from a
distance, it is primarily the piece of furniture at which he works. On the top
are slanting translucent screens, on which material can be projected for
convenient reading. There is a keyboard, and sets of buttons and levers.
Otherwise it looks like an ordinary desk. »
(Bush, 1945, p. 10)
Another important contribution by Vannevar Bush in the same article is more closely related
to education: he realized that reasoning based on one’s own memorized collection of facts was no
longer sufficient for tackling a society where the amounts of information are vast. A non-stated
consequence of this view, in educational terms, is that being able to search, evaluate, analyze and
judge information was no longer merely useful, but rather had become an absolutely crucial skill in
today’s world.
Presumably man's spirit should be elevated if he can better review his
shady past and analyze more completely and objectively his present
problems. He has built a civilization so complex that he needs to mechanize
his record more fully if he is to push his experiment to its logical conclusion
and not merely become bogged down part way there by overtaxing his
limited memory. His excursion may be more enjoyable if he can reacquire
the privilege of forgetting the manifold things he does not need to have
immediately at hand, with some assurance that he can find them again if
they prove important.
(Bush, 1945, p. 13)
After World War II, electronic computers had made their
debut (cf. section 2.2.4), and were soon adapted for educational
purposes. The first attempts to use computers to support learning
were strongly connected to the behaviorist theories, particularly the
theory of Operant Conditioning by B. F. Skinner (Kearsley, 2004).
This theory is centered on the consequences to one’s specific
actions. Rather than analyze the response elicited by a specific
stimulus, Skinner concentrated on the consequences of actions.
According to his daughter, while working with rats, he “discovered
that the rate with which the rat pressed the bar [near it] depended
not on any preceding stimulus (…) but on what followed the bar
presses. (…) this kind of behavior operated on the environment Figure 39 – Burrhus Frederic
Skinner, 1904 – 1990
and was controlled by its effects. Skinner named it operant From:
behavior. The process of arranging the contingencies of
reinforcement responsible for producing this new kind of behavior y/wasserman/Glossary/skinner.jpg
he called operant conditioning.” (Vargas, n.d.).
After developing his knowledge on the conditioning of animal
behavior, he realized that the actions of human teachers were actively
against the principles of operant conditioning: the amount of information
presented to the students would require large behavioral changes at one
single time, and the feedback provided to the students (evaluation of the
answers of students in tests) occurred a long time from the presentation
of the information (McDonald et al., 2005). From these observations, he
decided that operant conditioning could be used to improve teaching and
learning. Figure 40 – Skinner’s teaching

68 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
Skinner presented his ideas for better human learning in a
1954 article entitled “The Science of Learning and the Art of
Teaching” (Reiser, 2001, p. 59). In order to use behaviorist theory
in instruction, the behavior of each child had to be shaped
according to each of the child’s learning actions. The teacher
would have to prepare the correct sequence of small-sized pieces
of information, presented as problems, so that their correct
answering could be rewarded with positive stimuli to the child41.
But in a typical classroom of 20 to 30 pupils, there is little
chance of a teacher doing this. So Skinner devised a teaching
machine that would present problems for students to do (Figure Figure 41 – IBM 838 Inquiry
40). Such machines, the first of which was presented in March Station for the IBM 650
1954 at a University of Pittsburgh conference (NMAH-BC, 2002), From: http://www-
would provide information in small pieces and the feedback was
present immediately after each answer, thus allowing the
conditioning of the student. While this first machine was never
actually used in a classroom, other machines were developed,
both mechanical and using computers, and their use eventually
resulted in what came to be called the programmed instruction
movement (Vargas, n.d.). One of these first teaching machines
was based on a computer: the IBM 650 (Figure 41 and Figure 42),
“IBM's first commercial business computer” (Cruz, 2004).
« The IBM 650, a high-speed digital computer,
interfaced with a typewriter, was used as a teaching
machine. »
(McNeil, n.d.)
Figure 42 – IBM 650 Console Unit
Due to the huge price of the IBM 650, which had been From: http://www-
developed for business and scientific use, its educational use was
obviously not widespread. But it did mark the start of educational s/3403ph01.jpg
computer use.
These behaviorist beginnings originated a long line of
development of software programs for education, sharing the same
philosophical background. Such software is simple to program and
develop (Jonassen, 2000, p. 5), and even today many educational
materials for personal computers employ these principles at some
Historically, a major figure involved in the development of
such software was Patrick Suppes. In 1963, he and his colleagues at
the Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences
(IMSSS), at Stanford University, began a research project on the use
of computers in education, following behaviorist orientations. Four
years later, in 1967, they established the Computer Curriculum Figure 43 – Patrick Suppes
1922 –
Corporation (CCC)42, aimed at marketing and distributing From:

An example program of self-instruction for classroom use for instructors, following this method, is available on-line,
for Microsoft Windows personal computers, from the Web site of the B. F. Skinner Foundation, at this address:
CCC was purchased by Simon and Schuster Publishing, which then became part of Viacom and was then sold by
Viacom to Pearson plc (Viacom, 1998). Currently (July 2004), its know-how is part of Pearson’s division named
Pearson Digital Learning (

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educational material developed during the previous years, as well as creating new education
materials (Solomon, 1986, pp. 16-30; Solomon, 1996, p. 31).
In the early and mid-1960s, the use of what we now call multimedia, such as graphics, sound,
video, etc. was either not available on a computer screen or extremely costly. For this reason, the
first materials employed only text. A sample interaction with a student would consist of a question
such as (from Solomon, 1996, p. 32):
7 x 6 = _____
A correct answer would present the student with congratulations and a new exercise. A wrong
answer would provide different feedback, which in the original CCC materials would be something
The student would then be presented with the same exercise. Another wrong answer would
result in the presentation of the result, and “TRY AGAIN”. If the third attempt is also wrong, the
learner moves to a different exercise, probably at a lower skill level.
While the graphical and sound environments underwent a huge evolution since the late
1950s/early 1960s, the basic philosophy remains the same: divide knowledge is small-sized bits,
present them in a given sequence, and present questions to the student. If the student gets it right,
he/she will move on to further, possibly more complex, knowledge bits. If the student gets it wrong,
he/she will have to review or study previous knowledge bits and answer questions on them, until the
system moves on. More recent versions of software using this philosophy might present a graphic
scene and ask a student to select a missing object, or to put banknotes together to pay for a
purchase, rather than ask to multiply 7 x 6, with sound cheers or visual cues. (Examples with
screenshots can be found in Solomon, 1996, pp. 33-35 and 40-41.)
This category of applications, known as “drill-and-practice”, or “Computer-Aided
Instruction” (CAI) can produce measurable results, since it leads itself well to formal testing – in
fact, testing is crucial in its design. Therefore, its impact on students’ results in formal written
examinations can be assessed. From the start, a central idea to the use of CAI applications in
educational environments was the existence of a management system, in order for the
educator/teacher to review the student’s progress, which answers he/she got right or wrong, and so
on. That information would allow a teacher to focus the efforts towards a student in face of the
content areas where the student is showing lesser ease of progression. (As an example, the
principles of the management system behind CCC applications are analyzed by Solomon, 1986, pp-
It has been demonstrated that CAI use improves, at the very least, the test results of low-
scoring students:
« The CCC curriculum has its clearest success with students who perform
below their grade level according to their scores on standardized tests. (…)
Evaluative studies conducted between 1971 and 1977 indicate a pattern (…)
students show a grade place improvement of 1 to 1.5 at the end of their
experience in mathematics and about 0.6 year in reading or language arts. »
(Solomon, 1986, p. 25)
There is, however, some controversy regarding its impact beyond the specific set of skills
considered in the instructional content and its transfer or use in new knowledge areas:
« In 1982, an Educational Testing Service evaluation (…) found that
students made significant gains on their computational skills. The reading
and language arts materials did not reflect the same kind of increased

70 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
improvement in test scores. The test score did increase in the first year, but
in additional years there was no increase (and no decrease) in test scores. »
(Solomon, 1986, p. 25)
Criticisms to this method of computer-based education are usually based around the fact that
“behaviorist principles underlying drill and practice are unable to account for, let alone foster, the
complex thinking required for meaningful learning required to solve problems, transfer skills to
novel situations, construct original, ideas, and so on” (Jonassen, 2000, p. 5). Its defendants argue
that drill-and-practice fosters automaticity, and that for higher-order skills to be learned, the lower-
level skills must be done automatically (Jonassen, 2000, p. 5; Solomon, 1986, p. 26). I believe that
both arguments hold true: a certain level of drill and repetition is probably necessary for basic
knowledge to become so embedded that one can move on to using it in more complex tasks.
However, while drilling facilitates that embedding of knowledge, it’s harder to see how it can help
students transfer that knowledge to new situations and problems.
Drill-and-practice, however, isn't the only method of learning from computers in use today:
most computer users are bound to have experienced at least another common method, usually called
“tutorial”. A classical tutorial would present information, ask questions (often with answers in
multiple-choice style, to avoid language-interpretation problems). If the student gets it right, he/she
would be rewarded (as in drill-and-practice). Wrong answers would cause the path of instruction to
change, in order to provide remediation adapted to the error, and later the question that was wrongly
answered would be presented again (Jonassen, 2000, pp. 5-6).
A specific kind of tutorial is modernly found when the aim is training a human on the use of
some specific software application, or some situation that can be modeled or simulated in a
computer. For instance, many computer games are quite complex and include tutorials to assist the
user in learning to play them. These tutorials usually adopt a hands-on approach rather than a
question-and-answer approach, but the philosophy of progress one step at a time remains: the
program requests that the user performs some specific task, like entering text on a specific edit box,
clicking a button, or dragging an icon, and usually prevents “wrong” options. If the user tries to do
something that was not intended, the tutorial program will usually warn about the wrong choice,
and direct the user towards the proper course of action, sometimes with extra explanations. By
working along the tutorial, the user can learn how to distribute troops, manage resources, develop a
civilization, sustain a group of people, and negotiate ethically in intergalactic goods or whatever the
game play requires.
This level of interaction strikingly echoes Thorndike’s remark quoted at the beginning of this
section, wishing that “only to him who had done what was directed on page one would page two
become visible” (Thorndike, 1912, p. 165, in McNeil, n.d.). It is indeed a powerful technique, by
ensuring that the learner does in fact perform all intended actions and drills all bits of knowledge
seen as crucial. Its major limitation is that it cannot accommodate different learning needs: should
some learner like to explore a different area of knowledge halfway through the tutorial, should some
specific concept fail to be understood by learner, there is no option to further explore or test it: the
learner only solution is to proceed along the preset path. In other words, tutorials restrict the way in
which learners are supposed to construct their own meanings: they must accommodate someone
else’s interpretation of the world and facts.
« Students are not encouraged or even able to determine what is
important, reflect on and assess what they know, or construct any personal
meaning for what they study. What they too often acquire from tutorials is
inert knowledge because they are not applying it. »
(Jonassen, 2000, p. 6)

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However, modern computer games have further developed the tutorial concept, and the user
may indeed have a greater amount of liberty on the direction of learning and action. Currently, it’s
not unusual for a game tutorial to be actual game-play, with the tutorial system providing directions
and suggestions depending on the evolution of play. The following images are screenshots from the
tutorial of the game Civilization III (Figure 44), by Infogrames (Firaxis, n. d.). The tutorial for this
game is a nice example of how a player can benefit from actual small bits of advice and directions
while playing a real game.

Figure 44 – Boxes of Civilization III

Figure 45 – Civilization III entry screen
gamespage_box_civ3.jpg From:

Figure 45 presents the tutorial option highlighted amidst the options in the game entry screen.
After selecting it, the player initiates the game normally, being presented with just a small bit of
information, about the starting situation and goals (Figure 46).

Figure 46 – Civilization III’s first bit of information: initial situation and goals

72 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
Soon, however, the first directions arrive: the player must move the first unit (a “settler”)
towards a good site for the capital city. The game also provides advice on what is “a good site” and
on the game controls for moving the settler (Figure 47).

Figure 47 – Civilization III’s first directions: find a good site for the capital city
As the play progresses, the tutorial system will point to elements in the screen that the user
needs to use at that moment and provides explanations (Figure 48).

Figure 48 – Civilization III’s tutorial explanation of interface elements

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In all the referenced pictures, the tutorial text contains blue underlined text, which represents
hyperlinks to further, lengthier information. Figure 49 presents an example of an information menu
for the “[city] improvement” hyperlink in Figure 48. Each element can be clicked for specific

Figure 49 – Civilization III’s sample screen with hyperlinked information

The user can play as normal, without restrictions. As the play advances, the tutorial system
will present information seemingly related to the current situation and directions or
recommendation to the actions that should be taken (Figure 50). By “seemingly” I mean that their
sequence seldom varies: the player will first be told to build roads around the city, then to create a
mine in some square, and so on. It’s up to the player to decide whether to do it or not, but the
tutorial won’t react to that (a more strict, limited form of tutorial, common in many programs,
would prevent the user/player from advancing if he/she didn't act as the tutorial says).

Figure 50 – Civilization III’s suggestions and directions in mid-tutorial game.

74 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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If the user doesn’t read, think over or consider the piece of information that the tutorial
provides, nothing happens: the tutorial will simply provide the next bit of information later on. The
player can repeat the tutorial as often as he/she desires, and given the nature of the Civilization III
game, this will present completely new play situations. However, the sequence of suggestions
provided by the tutorial will be the same: as stated earlier, the goal of the tutorial is to map specific
content into the user. The game relies on its ability to be compelling in order for the player to get to
know it better and learn while playing, possibly returning later to the tutorial or reference materials
for information that makes sense in a specific situation or game strategy that he/she is attempting to
use. But by then, the tutorial isn't the driving force behind learning: its relevance was exhausted in
the early stages, providing small bits of knowledge.
There is a clear difference in learning styles, between the phase of tutorial use and the phase
of game-play. In both phases, the player is learning how to use the game, but undoubtedly it’s when
the tutorial is no longer being used that the most profound insights are being achieved. However,
it’s highly likely that such a level of play proficiency – and therefore, those insights – might not be
achieved by many players, where it not for the “training wheels”-style of support provided by the
tutorial. And yet, if game knowledge was analyzed in written tests, it’s likely that the major increase
in tested “knowledge” would be registered during the tutorial or immediately after its completion.
This is a clear example of the paradox and on-going debate between the supporters and critics of the
“Learning from computers” style of education. (And how, critically, both parties have a point.) The
style of learning that takes place during game play is discussed further in the following section,
2.4.4 – “Learning with computers”.
The combined ideas from the original CAI and tutorials led to a recent development in this
approach to computer-based instruction: intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). Basically, these
systems adapt the methods of CAI to the student also in terms of content, not just of pace.
Typically, these systems employ some level of Atrificial Intelligence techniques to determine which
content areas the student may be having trouble with, and provide individualized hints or other
textual support; some of these can also create student-specific problems and scenarios on the fly.
« (…) ITS goes beyond training simulations by answering user questions
and providing individualized guidance. Unlike other computer-based
training technologies, ITS systems assess each learner's actions within these
interactive environments and develop a model of their knowledge, skills, and
expertise. Based on the learner model, ITSs tailor instructional strategies, in
terms of both the content and style, and provide explanations, hints,
examples, demonstrations, and practice problems as needed. »
(Ong & Ramachandran, 2003, p. 2)
« An expert human tutor continuously adjusts the content and mode of
presentation based on the student’s recent responses and the tutor’s
instructional goals and prior knowledge of the student. Similarly, the
courseware presents the student with objectives at selected levels from a mix
of curriculum strands in a selected mode, be that a question, a tutorial, brief
feedback, or other forms of instruction. »
(Thrall & Tingey, 2003, p. 1)
As a final point, this section presented little comment on the teacher’s role during the
educational/learning process apart from the initial remarks regarding Thorndike’s views (on page
66). This is so because this style of computer use in education is designed to take place without
teacher intervention, other than overseer of children/students. The teacher’s role is considered to
take place before and after the computer activities, not during them (dispensing knowledge or
preparing its presentation, beforehand; evaluating the student's progress, afterwards). Teachers are

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seen as having to be freed from drilling activities (that computers take care of), to perform other,
more meaningful tasks, with the overall goal of conveying knowledge.
« Like most of his CCC products, the program wasn't heavy on teacher
interaction. "It was designed not to require a tutor," Suppes said. "They're
just for trouble-shooting"—that is, responding largely through e-mail.
Suppes (…) [is] simply trying to find a way around weak teachers, which he
seems to regard as education's Achilles heel. "There's a lot of bullshit about
teachers. Let's not think they're all beautiful flowers about to bloom. We'd all
like to be tutored by Aristotle. But that's not possible." »
(Oppenheimer, 2003)
Thus, the logic of this approach to computer use in education includes the notion that teachers
need not be actively involved while children are using the computers. Even in modern ITS systems,
this perspective hasn’t changed: when developed for use in classrooms, ITS systems also support
the classroom teacher, but only by providing him/her with managerial information about the
student’s progress. The teacher’s main role still takes place before or after computer-based training.
For instance, a recent research report on the use of one such system indicated its operation in the
following fashion: the teacher prepares the computerized tutor, which then takes over teaching; if
the student is requiring support, the teacher options are to either take over from the computer tutor
and ready the student to return to it, or stay put and let the computerized tutor continue.
« To maximize student learning the tutor and classroom teacher need to
work together. Therefore the tutor, as emulated by the courseware, should
adapt to the teacher’s goals for the class and for the individual student,
which is accomplished by the teacher’s adjustment of strategies for the
student within a course or across courses. In addition, the tutor should share
with the teacher information about the academic progress of the student,
which is accomplished through the courseware reporting system. Based on
this information, the teacher can decide when to give the student more
freedom or more structure; more direct instruction or more explorations;
more focus or more variety. Alternatively, the teacher can let the program
adjust to the student and make the decisions about what to do next. »
(Thrall & Tingey, 2003, p. 1)
This is consistent with the behaviorist background that cares above all for the observable
causes and reactions, not to what behaviorist theory sees as unobservable internal mental processes,
any discussion of which is therefore merely speculative. A consequence of this view is that teachers
are supposed to simply prepare and convey knowledge in a setting and fashion that follows the
behaviorist theory, and not delve in speculation over the educational developments taking place
inside the mind.
« Teachers are trained to instruct and not to educate. Professional
training in instruction is possible, but not in education, given the present
makeup of the teaching profession and the institutions that train them. »
(Suppes, 1995, summarizing the educational thoughts of Siegfried
Bernfeld with which he sympathizes)

76 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Computer Programming: conceptual foundations

2.4.4. Learning with computers

While the approach about computer-based learning described in
the previous section, “Learning from computers”, possesses the longer
history, it soon ceased to be the only one in existence. This section,
“Learning with computers”, presents a style of computer-based learning
which, in summary, sees computers as learning aids, to be integrated in
the learning-teaching process and provide support for learning (and
teaching), rather than become the source of knowledge and control of the
learning process. This different viewpoint on the role of computers in
education, in contrast with the previously presented behaviorist
viewpoint, is possibly associated with the modern tendency to use the Figure 51 – Robert B.
term Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL), instead of referring to Davis, 1926-1997
From: http://www.rbdil.gse.rutge
“computer-based” education.
The roots of this approach to computers lie in the work of Robert B. Davis, Professor of
Mathematics Education at Rutgers University, particularly the project for reform of school
mathematics initiated in 1956, called Madison Project. This project “underlies the elementary
school mathematics material implemented on the University of Illinois’ [PLATO43] computer
system in the 1970s” (Solomon, 1996, pp. 7 & 43), which I comment upon further ahead in this
One way to render clear the differences between these educational styles is not so much to
present the software (which, obviously, is often very different – but sometimes similar), but in
discussing how it is meant to be used. Skinner's (and Suppes') goal was to replace teachers, if not
completely, at least during computer time, by handing over the drilling to computers and freeing
teachers for other tasks: the computer was supposed to be used on its own. Davis, by contrast, sees
the teacher as an active element in the educational process, one that must embark on a creative
process with the children, “building on what children already know coupled with challenging
children to come up with solutions in new situations through the clever and consistent use of
manipulatives” (Solomon, 1996, p. 57). This, of course, also applies to computer time.

Figure 52 – Screen from an educational PLATO application, in the 1970s


Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations

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In short, it’s not so much a matter of describing the software tools, but rather how they can be
used as educational tools, rather than how they can make use of the child. But several concepts
introduced by Davis in this regard heavily influenced the development of educational software
application, two of which the Madison Project made extensive use of: the paradigm teaching
strategy and discovery learning.
Under the paradigm teaching strategy, “new ideas are introduced through carefully chosen
examples” (Solomon, 1986, p. 32). A teacher would seek to link new knowledge to a child’s
existing knowledge, effectively building upon it. An example would be to introduce the notion of
number fractions by linking it to the process of sharing a candy bar or jumping beans among
children, i.e., activities with which children are already acquainted (Solomon, 1986, pp. 32 & 37-
39). Software can be introduced in similar fashion, by proposing activities that make similar
connections. For instance, Figure 53 presents a screenshot of a modern program, descending from
the Davis’ ideas, where sums, divisions and fractions are presented in a kitchen setting: the child
will have to combine measures in order to adequately prepare the recipe.

Figure 53 – Screen from PLATO Learning’s “The Quaddle Family”

From the video at:

Under the discovery learning strategy, “a teacher might call attention to a problem, but the
task of inventing a method for dealing with the problem was left as the responsibility of the student”
(Solomon, 1996, p. 44, quoting Davis). Teachers support such discovery strategies by providing
hints and help. This approach aims at enforcing children’s use of mental reasoning over canned
methods, thus helping the child develop his/her own internal knowledge structure. The teacher
interaction provides help in this process, both during build-up and during correction of wrong
assumptions, when things don’t turn out right. For instance, Figure 54, on page 79, shows a
software program intended for this strategy: children explore concepts in a specific context (in this
case, an archaeology exploration where word decoding is necessary), and then must solve several
problems, with the possibility of trying several strategies.
The publisher’s promotional video gives a summary of activity content:
« This complete phonics program offers the opportunity to begin with
phonemic awareness activities, involving the blending, segmenting, rhyming
and isolation of sounds.
In comprehensive phonics activities, students participate in decoding
exercises, in which they study words to identify initial, final, and medial
consonant sounds, as well as long and short vowel sounds.
78 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
In the "word family" activities, students use word family patterns to build
their own interactive word walls, and then practice sorting words by word
families. »
(Plato Learning Inc., 2004)

Figure 54 – Screens from PLATO Learning’s

“The Three Decoders”
From the video at:

Obviously, Davis’ early software had the look of Figure 52, not the modern look of the
applications presented in Figure 53 and Figure 54, but the main educational ideas presented in the
previous paragraphs were already developed from the start.

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As an historical side-note, Davis initial software was developed
for a computer system known as PLATO (Programmed Logic for
Automated Teaching Operations), whose development was initiated
in 1961 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Donald
L. Bitzer and H. Gene Slottow. PLATO’s original aim was to be an
“automatic ‘teaching machine’ to teach students at various levels
how to use a high-speed computer (…) the five-ton ILLIAC I”
(Hutchinson, 2003). Through several evolutionary generations, the
development of the PLATO system led to the creation of several
revolutionary technologies, such as plasma displays for presentation
of graphics, and touch-sensitive screens (Figure 56), which simplified
child interaction. PLATO was usually used in network settings,
which led to other innovations, in the field of software. These Figure 55 – Donald L. Bitzer
included instant messaging, e-mail, emoticons and several other
collaboration features (Dear, 2004). A nice example of its impact on hotos/bitzer.jpg
the users and the overall computing environment is this remark to
The New York Times by Ray Ozzie, creator of the software called
Lotus Notes (that came to represent “teamware”):
« After graduation, I said to myself, "By hook or crook, I am going to
build software to recreate the interactive environment I'd used with Plato."
That thought led to the creation of Lotus Notes, which sits on nearly 100
million desktops, as well as everything else I've done. »
(Ozzie, 2002)
PLATO became a successful product
that was marketed by the company Control
Data, which in 1976 acquired the rights to the
PLATO name. The PLATO courseware was
sold to TRO Learning, Inc. in 1989, which in
2000 changed its name to PLATO Learning,
Inc., “to capitalize on the strength of the
PLATO brand name in the educational
software market” (Plato Learning Inc. n.d.).
The University of Illinois continued with the
development of computer-based education
programs, but since the PLATO name was no
longer available, the system eventually
became known as NovaNET, in 1988 (Dozen, Figure 56 – PLATO IV station with touch-sensitive
1998). Ironically, NovaNET is now marketed plasma display
by Pearson Digital Learning, which means
that the flagship examples of this and the
previous section found their way underneath
the same corporate umbrella.
Since the early PLATO days, this line of educational computer use saw the development of
other strategies and novelties, and is now a very active line of educational computer use.
One striking feature that is noticeable from the application screenshots in this section is that
they seem to be fun – i.e., they appear to be games, not educational products. That is all to be
expected: because indeed they are games. Currently, most educational computer software for
children blends the educational and entertainment components, which is a direct consequence of
Robert Davis’ paradigm teaching strategy, which employed children's everyday activities in
education. And of course, a large part of children’s everyday activities is child’s play. This breed of

80 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
software is called edutainment, “a place that asks children to enjoy what they are learning with a
combination of sound, animation, video, text, and images” (Druin, 1996, p. 64). It is also a growing
multimillion euro worldwide industry44.
This blend of entertainment and education means that this kind of software is used both inside
and outside the classroom, with and without teacher assistance or intervention. In fact, its prime
business target is usually the household, not the school. A consequence of this need for autonomous
use by children led to a steady evolution in user interface design and simplification. In 1996, while
describing a product called My First Encyclopedia, Allison Druin mentioned:
« It throws away the traditional interface of layered windows, pull-down
menus, and buttons in favor of a tree. (…) there is little text for preschoolers
to struggle with: instead, there are video kids that explain ideas and lead
activities. »
(Druin, 1996, p. 78)
In light of these changes, the modern version of learning with computers is done under two
perspectives: learning with computers autonomously, and learning with computers in schools
(or other teacher-supported learning environments). While this distinction in use is also present in
the previous model (“Learning from computers”), it is not so relevant, because the teacher
involvement during computer use is null or almost so.
While learning autonomously, it is crucial that computer software possesses good self-
learning features. The learner must be able to realize on his/her own how to use the software, and
must want to use it long enough for it to be effective. In a setting with teacher coaching, these self-
learning features of software are not so relevant, since the teacher or a student partner can introduce
the learner to the software application, and probably provide support and orientation during its use.
However, being easily learnable is also a useful feature for any software that is to be used in an
educational setting, lest the learner spends more time and effort learning how to use the software
than the benefits that result from it (Jonassen, 2000, pp.18-19).
There is an inherent reason for using the term "good self-learning features" in software for
autonomous use, and "being easily learnable" for software intended for teacher-assisted settings. In
this latter situation, the software is mostly a tool, which can be easy, hard or almost impossible to
understand without extra support (be it a teacher, a manual or a textbook); but for autonomous
learning, it is imperious that the software allows itself to be learned, while the user is actively
involved. Extra support is relevant only in order for the user to evolve faster or beyond certain
complexity barriers, not for initiating the use of the software. Games are a nice example: most
children start playing games right away, without reading manuals or instructions. Many games
provide manuals and tutorials, but when children (or adolescents, or adults) turn to them, it's usually
after already being interested in the game proper.
“One day I decided I wanted to help my child play Pajama Sam in No
Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside. (…) I decided to play through the
game by myself so I could “coach” my child as he played. (Now he charges
me a dollar any time I attempt to “coach” him when he is playing a video
game – he calls it “bossing him around” and “telling him what to do when
he can figure it out for himself.”) »
(Gee, 2003, pp. 4-5)

“Total videogame software and hardware sales in the United States reached $8.9 billion, versus $7.3 billion for
movie box-office receipts; $6.6 billion of the videogame receipts were from software sales, retail and online” (Poole,
2000, p. 6).

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James Paul Gee (2003, p. 6), called this “having good principles of learning built into its
design”, and games (be they edutainment or not), are excellent examples of this:
« So here we have something that is long, hard, and challenging.
However, you cannot play a game if you cannot learn it. If no one plays a
game, it does not sell, and the company that makes it goes broke. Of course,
designers could keep making the games shorter and simpler to facilitate
learning. That's often what schools do. But no, in this case, games designers
keep making the games longer and more challenging (...), and still manage
to get them learned. »
(Gee, 2003, p. 6)
Thus, as a result of both the early experiences of adapting learning to children’s activities, and
of product-development in the video and computer game market, there is nowadays this class of
edutainment and entertainment software that produces an active learning experience by itself, for a
huge variety of content, both concrete (“curriculum content”, so to speak) and meta-level (learning,
exploration and reasoning skills)45.
The other approach, learning with computers in schools46, has
evolved from Robert Davis’ approach to computer-based education,
with the teacher in a crucial role. Nowadays, this approach is
epitomized by the approach of considering computers as mindtools
(Jonassen, 2000). Its relevance comes from the fact that computers
can’t be very good at assessing children’s learning, other than using
tests; and also because autonomous applications, however successful
and learnable, may fail to connect with a specific child or a specific
situation. In fact, adequate autonomous-use software for a specific
purpose may not even exist. A teacher-based educational setting can
be adapted to the needs of a specific child.
Using computers as mindtools means using software tools to Figure 57 – David Jonassen
From: https://courses.worldcampus.p
“function as intellectual partners with the learner in order to engage
and facilitate critical thinking and higher order learning” (Jonassen, assen.jpg
2000, p. 9). What this means is that under this view computer
software is split into two distinct groups: productivity tools and mindtools. Using software as a
productivity tool means using it to simplify the production of some artifact, but not to radically
change the way it is created. Word processors, for instance, are a common example of a
productivity tool: they allow text to be deleted, reshaped, resized; warn on possible misspellings;
present a view of the text organization on the printed page; automate tedious tasks like creating a
table of contents, index or updating internal references. But for many – if not most – people it
doesn’t fundamentally change the way word is put to writing.
« (…) word processors have made all of us more efficient, effective, and
productive writers. What is questionable is whether (…) word processors
have made us better writers. (…) They certainly facilitate the process (…)
but they do not necessarily amplify that process. I am not convinced that
William Faulkner’s novels (…) would have been significantly enhanced had
Faulkner used a word processor rather than his manual Royal typewriter. »
(Jonassen, 2003, p. 16)

In his 2003 book, James Paul Gee goes on to deduce, analyze and present 36 “learning principles” that can be
extracted from video and computer games.
Some teachers employ videogames that aren’t labeled as edutainment in their classes. E.g., for a first-hand account
with college students see Amory et. al. (1999).
82 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
Of course, not all word-processing tasks are literary ones, and even for those this view is
perhaps too strict. For a regular writing task, by a regular writer, I find it likely that a simple feature
such as “search” can immensely improve a writer's product. Considering that any line of dialogue
by a character can be prefaced by something like “[Butler]”, for instance, means that a writer can in
a short time check all the character’s lines and more easily refine his/her manner of speaking, for
instance. Or find the places and circumstances where a specific adjective was used – something that
would require a prodigious memory for a traditional writer. This is but one example of how a
simple tool like a word processor can seriously impact the user’s process. But whether these
impacts are “radical” is debatable. Also, this observation doesn’t change the point that some tools,
such as word processors, are mainly devoted to improving and rendering easy the execution of some
By contrast, mindtools provide alternative ways of thinking. This is part a feature of the tools
itself, part a matter of the way it is used. So, an example is helpful to clarify what a mindtool is: a
spreadsheet, for instance, can be used both as a productivity tool and a mindtool (spreadsheets were
already mentioned in section “2.3.2 – End-user programming”).
In a spreadsheet, a user can enter numerical data in specific cells in a grid. Typically,
spreadsheets are used for accounting, allowing the automation of multiple calculations. The user
can enter, for instance, the prices of all products sold in a given circumstance, and get the resulting
sum in another cell; if there is a mistake in one of the entered numbers, it suffices to edit its cell and
the resulting sum is updated instantly. Quite often, this ability for effortlessly production of
calculation results is used also to support decision-making: instead of adding known values, for
instance, several different values can be entered in the same cell, to analyze the resulting impact in
the result.
When being used to automate calculations, a spreadsheet is a productivity tool: what it does
could also be done by hand (and had been done by hand for centuries). However, when used to
analyze the impact of different values, this implies a serious change: the user-accountant is no
longer just a calculator, but also a “hypothesis tester (playing ‘what if’ games)” (Jonassen, 2000, p.
But spreadsheets even go a step beyond, since most users have to construct their own
spreadsheet formulas. When a spreadsheet cell (for instance at column A, row 10) presents the sum
of all cells above it (column A, rows 1-9), that's because someone entered a summing formula in
that A10 cell (probably "=SUM(A1:A9)"). When such operations are commonplace, customized
accounting or decision-making applications are usually developed and sold, so that computer users
can benefit from this behavior, without having to know how to build such formulas. So people that
use spreadsheets, rather than specific accounting applications (or other numeric processing
applications) usually end up resorting to them for those tasks that bear some particularity, some
feature specific to the user's situation, for which there is no specific software application. This
means that spreadsheet users must enter their own formulas, to produce the desired calculation
results. To do so, they “engage a variety of mental processes (…) to use existing rules, generate
new rules describing relationships, and organize information (…). The emphasis in constructing a
spreadsheet is on identifying and describing those relationships in terms of higher order rules”
(Jonassen, pp. 87-88).
So, in short, using software as a mindtool involves using its abilities to attain a deeper
understanding of the matter being studied or worked upon. This requires teachers to prepare
activities that propel students to use the software in such a fashion, by analyzing content domains,
guiding study, and coaching the use of the software, by helping students plan, adapt existing models
of using the tool, creating and completing specifications, extrapolating and reflecting (Jonassen,
« Mindtools are knowledge representation tools that use computer
application programs such as databases, semantic networks (computer
Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 83
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concept maps), spreadsheets, expert systems, systems modeling tools,
microworlds, intentional information search engines, visualization tools,
multimedia publishing tools, live conversation environments, and computer
conferences to engage learners in critical thinking. (…) They can be used
across the school curricula to engage learners in thinking deeply about the
contents they are studying. »
(Jonassen, 2000, p. 19)
As a final note, it’s interesting to realize that there are several connections between what
Jonassen refers to as “mindtool” use and the instances of computer programming I presented in
section “2.3.2 – End-user programming”. In his 2000 book, he gives up on finding mindtool use for
word processors, leaving open only the possibility that his concept of a mindtool may be less
inclusive than his reader's. But I believe that style-definition activities for text, such as those
described in section 2.3.2 fall within Jonassen’s concept of a mindtool. And in fact several parts of
what he calls “mindtool” use could in fact be related to computer programming skills.
However, Jonassen objects to considering computer programming languages as mindtools
(his remark refers just to Logo, but his motives are applicable to other languages), because they fail
one of his rules for defining mindtools, which is that they should be easily learnable:
« Although Logo is a syntactically simple language, it still requires
several months of practice to develop skills sufficient for easily creating
microworlds. »
(Jonassen, 2000, p. 156)
As it happens, the creation of microworlds is not the goal of using a programming language in
education, although it is one of the methodologies for their use. There are more than a few uses of
computer programming that can be learned and applied effectively in well under 1 or 2 hours, so
this objection is debatable in face of Jonassen's own definition for the rule of being “easily
learnable”, which I transcribe here in its entirety, for the sake of debating it:
« The mental effort required to learn how to use the software should not
exceed the benefits of thinking that result from it. If weeks of effort are
required to learn software, the software becomes the object of learning, not
the ideas being studied. The syntax and method for using the software should
not be so formal and so difficult that it masks the mental goal of the system.
Software programs that are overly complicated to use are not good
Mindtools. The basic functionality of the software should be learnable in 1 to
2 hours. You may want students to think causally about information in a
knowledge domain, but if the system requires weeks of agonizing effort to
learn, the benefits of thinking that way will be outweighed by the effort to
learn the system. »
(Jonassen, 2003, pp. 18-19)
I propose analyzing reading and writing as mindtools, albeit not computer-based ones.
Jonassen indirectly acknowledges them as such when he categorizes language as a “cognitive
technology” (2003, p. 13), when discussing the attributes of mindtools. But you can’t master
reading or writing in 1 or 2 months, (for some children, not even in 1 or 2 years) let alone 1 or 2
hours. And for a few children, the words “agonizing effort” would certainly serve as an apt
description of their feelings as they struggle in school to learn how to read and write. So, are
reading and writing not mindtools, or at least bad mindtools? And are they being learned by their
own sake? Rather, they are being learned (from the point of view of the individual) to prevent
children to be limited in their adult lives by lack of literacy, with all assorted consequences
(personal, professional, social, etc.).

84 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
The classification of reading and writing as mindtools, providing alternative ways of thinking,
is supported by recent neurology research. Comparison studies conducted between literate and
illiterate adults revealed significant differences in “performance of specific tasks and, in some
cases, in the pattern of functional brain activation and in the volume of certain anatomic regions”
(Castro-Caldas, 2003). Recently, this was even further emphasized when research revealed that
adults that learned to read and write as children were faster and more accurate at performing tasks
not related to reading or writing, than adults that only learned to read and write as adults.
« Results concerning visual processing, cross-modal operations
(audiovisual and visuotactile), and interhemispheric crossing of information
are reported. Studies with magnetoencephalography, with positron emission
tomography, and with functional magnetic resonance provided evidence that
the absence of school attendance at the usual age constitutes a handicap for
the development of certain biological processes that serve behavioural
functioning. (…) the occipital lobe processed information more slowly in
cases that learned to read as adults compared to those that learned at the
usual age. »
(Castro-Caldas, 2004, abstract)
In my view, the definition of the “easy learning” rule was written specifically with the aim of
attempting to exclude computer programming, which was already being used in education for well
over a decade when Jonassen wrote his book on mindtools. The initial sentence, weighting effort
and benefits, would suffice as a perfectly reasonable and apt definition of “easily learnable”.
I believe that these concerns include somewhat of a bias on the part of Jonassen against
acquiring knowledge inherent to the computer domain, something that becomes apparent when he
states that “many more students are [nowadays] able to use computers without instruction”
(Jonassen, 2000, p. 8), in order to dismiss instruction about the operation of computers and their
software – something I strongly disagree, due to my experience as a teacher of computing to 18, 19
and 20 year old student teachers, if by “use computers” he means “use computers effectively.”
While many things about computers are indeed as unnecessary to modern living as learning to use a
quill or learning to hunt, it’s perhaps too much to demand that computer systems are as unobtrusive
as a TV set or toaster, particularly given their metatool characteristics, put forward in section 2.1 –
“Body & Mind: hardware and software”. In my view, there is no need to fear learning something
about computers while using them to learn something else. What’s more, while learning a computer
programming language can indeed be made troublesome and annoying, it can also be an exciting
and enthralling experience, that profoundly involves learners.
« Thinking back over the thousands of hours we’ve watched kids
programming in Logo, one things stands out: the fun that some have just
playing around, not always exploring or creating, but playing around with
things they’ve already made. All of us have experienced the contrast: the
painstaking care, say, to create a square, the exploration to find just the
right angles, the false starts. But then, when the square is spun round to
make a star, the atmosphere invariably changes, something else comes alive
and playfulness emerges the sheer fun of carelessly or rather, nonchalantly
playing around with the thing that's just been created.»
(Hoyles & Noss, 1999)
That this latter situation is not always the case in many people’s personal experience is
perhaps the motive for Jonassen’s lack of endorsement. Some historical background supporting this
is presented in the next section, 2.4.5.
The line of reasoning I used above for reading and writing could also be applied to most of
the curriculum content present in schools, so there is also some conflict regarding Jonassen’s

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emphasis on mindtools for learning and the content being learned, which to be consistent should be
selected as mindtools for living.
The exclusion of computer programming from Jonassen’s “mindtool” classification is one of
the reasons (but not the single one) it is presented it in this thesis as a separate model of educational
computer use: the use of computer programming, described in the next section, “Learning about
thinking, with computers”, has profound implications on what and how people learn, warranting its
own section. (At the end of which I'll come full circle back to this section.)

86 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Computer Programming: conceptual foundations

2.4.5. Learning about thinking, with computers

This fourth model of educational computer use has two main connections with the previous
one, “Learning with computers”:
ƒ the major aim of computer use is not dispensing information or knowledge to the
students, but rather being used to enhance the learning process, by allowing students
to explore or better connect to the subject of study47;
ƒ the learning process may involve a design and development process, i.e., a process of
construction of an actual product or artifact (not necessarily a physical one).
The main difference between these models is that in “Learning about thinking, with
computers”, the exploring of concepts is entirely centered on fostering opportunities for students to
realize how they think about the concepts in hand. This model picks on the motto that the best way
to learn a subject is to teach it, by proposing to solve a major problem with its implementation:
teach whom?
This model’s answer is “teach a computer”. That is, by teaching a computer how to do
something, the aim is that children not only learn about that something, but also about how the
computer thinks, and in the process, how they think themselves. This remark may sound puzzling to
some readers. After all, computer-style “thinking” is quite different from human-style thinking.
Under this educational model, this contrast is seen as extremely valuable. As I explain in section
4.1.2 (p. 259), young children (and even adults) are often egocentric, in the sense that they often fail
to realize or account for the existence of different viewpoints and manners of thinking other than
their own. “By providing a very concrete, down-to-earth model of a particular style of thinking,
work with the computer [by programming it] can make it easier to understand that there is such a
thing as a ‘style of thinking.’ ” (Papert, 1980, p. 27).
Another difference is that in this model the construction of an actual product or artifact goes
beyond the “may happen” level of the previous model: here, this construction is something that is
almost always involved in the learning process.
Historically, the use of computer programming in
education began in the late 1950s, mostly with
undergraduate engineering students; the approaches varied
between the use of machine-code or assembly languages
(vd. section 2.2.5), and the use of the first human-friendly
programming languages, such as Fortran (vd. section
2.2.6). By 1960, this was being seen as a matter of choice
between “computer-oriented or problem-oriented”
programming languages (Katz, 1960, p. 527). Already
then, the main goal of teaching programming was “(…) to
use computers better and more wisely by virtue of
understanding them first as general tools to be used in
reasoning through solutions of problems per se rather
than as devices to solve particular problems – because, if
the latter, the students (...) may not be able to generalize
the experience appropriately” (Alan Perlis, acc. to Katz,
1960, p. 522). But the first widespread language created
with educational (rather than mathematical) goals was
BASIC, developed in 1963/1964, by John Kemeny and Figure 58 – Thomas Kurtz & John
Kahn (n.d.), includes learning about thinking, the title of this section, as but one of several critical thinking skills that
can be learned through computer programming: problem decomposition, component composition, explicit
representation, abstraction and thinking about thinking.

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Thomas Kurtz, at Dartmouth College, in Hanover, New Hampshire, USA (Kemeny & Kurtz, 1984;
Hauben, 1995).
« Dartmouth acquired its first computer in 1959, a very small computer
called the LGP-30. Kemeny facilitated the use of the LGP-30 by
undergraduate students. The ingenuity and creativeness of some of the
students who had been given hands-on experience amazed the Dartmouth
faculty. Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz, also of the Dartmouth math department,
were thus encouraged to "set in motion the then revolutionary concept of
making computers as freely available to college students as library books."
(Portraits in Silicon, Robert Slater, Cambridge, 1987, p.22) The aim was to
make accessible to all students the wonderful research environment that
computers could provide. »
(Hauben, 1995)
This aim of Kemeny and Kurtz led to the development of a computer time-sharing system, so
that many students could have access to a computer. But that wouldn’t be enough: at the time,
computer programming methods and languages were highly abstract and dependent on the
operation of the hardware. Their desire to render computer programming accessible to large
numbers of people meant that simplification and generalization for several hardware platforms was
in order: programming needed to be usable by people for whom computers where not the main
focus of study or work. This led to the creation of the BASIC language.
« The design goals for BASIC included ease of learning for the beginner
or occasional programmer, hardware and operating system independence,
the ability to accommodate large programs written by expert users, and
sensible error messages in English. »
(Kemeny & Kurtz, 1984)
Fundamentally, BASIC became the first language of choice for using programming in
education due to fact that it was the first language aimed at non-professional programmers. It had a
syntax that aimed to resemble the English language, and also intended to run independently of
Being the first such language, however, was also a source of problems for the development of
BASIC. At the time, Kemeny and Kurtz didn’t produce a commercial-quality implementation of the
language, and although Dartmouth College had the copyright to BASIC, it was made available free
of charge (Hauben, 1995). Initially, the language and its base system were used in “campuses and
government and military situations” (Hauben, 1995). The spreading of the language occurred when
the first microcomputers appeared, but their limited hardware capabilities forced most versions of
BASIC to be technically simplified (which usually meant losing some sort of human usability).
Particularly successful was a subset of BASIC commands written in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul
Allen for the Altair computer. The explosive spread of the use of microcomputers during the
1980s48 meant that most people using a computer had access to some form of the BASIC language.
By the end of that decade, 10 to 12 million school children had learned BASIC (Hauben, 1995).

From 1982 to 2000, the percentage of USA households with personal computers grew from around 2% (U.S. Bureau
of the Census, 1988) to approximately 51%. This growth was faster in recent years than during the 1980s, when this
figure grew from 2% to 15%. However, that decade represents the first period of this explosive growth (General
Motors, 2003; U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1993). In schools, however, this growth is indeed remarkable in the 1980s: in
1981 only 18.2% of all public schools had microcomputers, but this value had already grown to 97% by 1989 (U.S.
Bureau of the Census, 1993).
Statistics for Portugal and the European Union:
ƒ Portuguese households with computer in 1995: 11%; in 2002: 28% (INE 2002).
ƒ European Union households with computer in 2000: 35% (INRA 2000).
88 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
All along, the BASIC language developed by Kemeny and Kurtz had evolved from its
primitive form, incorporating advanced computer science topics that were appearing in languages.
But since each computer manufacturer had its own version of BASIC, which as I referred above
was often limited due to hardware constraints or mere carelessness, the BASIC language that most
people used was but a pale image of this.
« So the BASIC in our family was a sophisticated language with a good
collection of structured constructs, sophisticated graphics, all the good
modularization tools, etc. What a far cry from what most of the rest of the
world had to use. (…) To give you an idea of how others had prostituted our
beautiful language (…) »
(Kemeny & Kurtz, 1984)
In fact, the BASIC that was used in schools throughout those years was some form or other of
the limited versions that Kemeny and Kurtz dismissed as “street BASIC”. And those forms of the
language clearly showed their origins from the mathematical and calculus worlds:
« BASIC was designed for a specific audience to replace FORTRAN. The
audience was to be calculus students, scientists, or engineers who needed to
compute complex series of calculations repeatedly. (…) What of the people
who do not understand the math and science algorithms? What of the people
who want to use the computer for nonnumeric programming?»
(Solomon, 1986, pp. 90-91)
In the quote above, Solomon was talking about the language versions commonly found and
used in microcomputers. It mattered little that BASIC was evolving steadily in Kemeny and Kurtz's
laboratories, incorporating features such as modularity and graphic commands: the language in
hand was not matched to the needs of millions of potential users (children, teachers, and parents) by
whom it was being used in homes and schools.
« Teachers are finding BASIC difficult to use with their students. (…)
One of the problems teachers have in teaching children to program is that
they emphasize learning the vocabulary and the grammar of a programming
language instead of emphasizing the process of exploring ideas. »
(Solomon, 1986, p. 92)
This account remarkably echoes Jonassen’s concerns regarding the time and effort involved in
learning a programming language, presented at the end of section 2.4.4. But Jonassen (2000, p. 156)
was referring to the Logo language, not to BASIC. The irony is that Logo, which I’ll present later in
this section, is a language that was developed and evolved with the specific aim of being used by
children, rather than non-professional (but adult) users. And yet one can find accounts regarding
Logo that bear a resemblance to Solomon’s remark above, albeit at a higher level of analysis.
« Young children and their teachers [using Logo] very soon hit a ceiling
of what is possible for them within reasonable time and expertise
constraints. (…) the set of tools and metaphors which are appropriate for
navigating around the interface level are not functional below that level – to
get below, one has to enter a new world of arcane (usually textual) difficulty
that is disconnected from most of the things which made introductory work
so engaging. One way round these problems has been the development of
microworlds. »
(Hoyles & Noss, 1999)
But this ironic situation is food for thought: as computers evolved, bringing programming to
end-users has been a recurrent effort on the part of several researchers, technicians and even

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hobbyists. I’ve frequently met people that found computer programming to be an incredibly
enjoyable mental activity, so much so that trying to teach programming (or “show how to
program”) to friends, colleagues and children was for those people so natural an impulse as to show
a favorite book, TV series, landscape, whatever. The following piece, from an e-mail I received, is a
clear example of this:
« (…) I spend the better part of every weekend playing with N, the child
who I'm introducing this to. I often have to take breaks though to do other
work because I'm a student and have my own programming projects besides.
Often when I'm programming he'll sit in my lap and "help" me. My intent is
to introduce him to toontalk49 (sic) starting this weekend by informing him
that I have a programming project that I have to work on. I will then spend
roughly 20 minutes "working" and introducing him to each of the main
elements of the system. For example on the first day I'll probably go through
the process of decorating my house, (…) »
(Berthold, 2004)
One must have in mind that programming languages intended for non-professional users
began with BASIC in 1964. That accounts for only 40 years of development in this technology. For
automobiles with internal combustion engines, 40 years of development means 1903 (Barach,
1999); for self-powered aircrafts, 1943 (USCFC, n.d.). Naturally, the modern pace of evolution is
faster than it was throughout human history, but even comparing this to the evolution of its sibling
fast-developing technology, computers, 40 years of development since Zuse’s Z1 means only 1981.
And automatic mobile phones services made their 40th anniversary in 1988 (Farley, 2005). But it’s
fair to notice that other technologies gained faster acceptance: electronic television sets turned 40 in
1967 (Bennett-Levy, 2001), already very popular50; and Internet’s predecessor, the ARPANET,
went on-line in 1969 (Hauben, 1997), only 36 years ago.
Programming a computer remains a task that requires effort and focus to be pursued beyond
simple initiation activities. I believe that this is but to be expected, since it is a task involving deep
reasoning; it is not a simple reproduction or adaptation of a mode of thinking most people
commonly use every day.
Computer programming is done with several kinds of programming languages, whose history
was presented in sections 2.2.5 and 2.2.6 (a technical framework and presentation is done in chapter
1). Their history parallels computers' history, in that a technology that was developed to facilitate
numerical calculations was put to the facilitation of everyday, non-numerical activities. In my
opinion, such evolution is nothing short of phenomenal, but cannot easily evade its strict numerical
and logical roots.
« When I first started to learn about programming (…) my idea of how it
should work was that it should be like teaching someone how to perform a
task. (…) Imagine my shock when I found out how most computer
programmers actually did their work. (...) There were these things called
"programming languages" that didn't have much to do with what you were
actually working on. (...) Wait a second, I thought, this approach to
programming couldn’t possibly work! I’m still trying to fix it. »
(Lieberman, 2001, p. 2)

A programming language described in section 3.3.5, which I employed for my field activities.
In 1970, in the USA, 95.3% of all households had at least one television set (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1988, p.
90 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
This imperfect match of tool and purpose51 has important consequences for the use of
programming languages in education: what programming languages are nowadays is certainly but a
glimpse of what they will become, not merely technically but also conceptually, i.e., in the type of
mind-frame that programming will require or allow. One of the first educational researchers on the
use of computer programming for educational purposes, Thomas Dwyer, once said:
« (…) it seems to me that attempting to innovate with supportive systems
that don’t begin to match the sophistication of the human learner should be
viewed as a betrayal, not a consequence, of a humanistic approach to
education. »
(Dwyer, 1971, p. 100)
There is thus nowadays still the need for the educator employing computer programming to
strive to adapt, change, and indeed recreate the programming tools being used, in order to maintain
the focus of each student’s reasoning on the reasoning itself52.
The computer’s educational role in this regard is to interpret the student’s reasoning expressed
through a program, exposing to the student the relativity of one's statements, but also one’s
misconceptions or unconsidered paths that are required to achieve the intended goal. Another way
to put it is that the computer can present to the student a reflection of his/her ideas, statements, and
activities. This reflection can thus be used by the student to gain insight on his/her idea, statement
or activity. A particular feature of this computer-based reasoning process is that the computer can
iterate one’s ideas thousands or millions of times, and help the student achieve a realization or
understanding of long-term or widespread impacts of an idea
In the previous paragraph, I presented just one educational role for computers, but used two
completely different formulations. And possibly other formulations could be made. These
formulations can also be seen as distinct viewpoints on computer use. And viewpoints usually
dictate the viewer’s style of action. The consequence is that the “imperfect match of tool and
purpose” I mentioned above is impacted by different human styles of approaching and using the
tool to achieve the purpose (the tool here being the use of programming languages). These two
complex relationships, tool↔purpose and tool↔style, drive the use and misuse of computer
programming as an educational model.

Regarding this tool↔purpose problem, a researcher referred to it as a gap, saying that “for novices, this gap is as
wide as the Grand Canyon” (Norman, 1986, as cited by Smith et al., 2001).
Alan Kay stated, in 1984: “The computer field has not yet had its Galileo or Newton, Bach or Beethoven,
Shakespeare or Molière. What it needs first is a William of Occam” (p. 43). I believe that this can also be said of
educational computing, but that, fortunately, both computers and educational computing have had a nice share of their
Pythagoras and Socrates.

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Among the pioneers of the educational use of computer
programming, one of the first to recognize this complex
relationship was Seymour Papert. Before devoting his
research interests towards the educational use of computers,
he worked in Geneva with Swiss epistemologist Jean Piaget53
(Logo Foundation, 2000). He also conducted research in
Artificial Intelligence, having founded the MIT Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory with Marvin Minsky, in 1964.
« In 1964 (…) the focus of my attention was on
children, on the nature of thinking, and on how
children become thinkers. I moved to MIT (…)
now my immediate concerns were with the
Figure 59 – Seymour Papert
problem of Artificial Intelligence: How to make From:
machines that think? » pert-Leggos.JPG

(Papert, 1980, p. 208)

While working at the MIT, Papert initially focused on the problem of adapting the tool to the
purpose. The purpose was not merely instructing or educating children, but rather a corollary of his
research path on thinking: “seeing ideas from computer science not only as instruments of
explanation of how learning and thinking in fact do work, but also as instruments of change that
might alter, and possibly improve, the way people learn and think” (Papert, 1980, pp. 208-209).
Instead of trying to use the programming languages available at the time, in 1966 and 1967
Papert designed a new programming language in collaboration with Wallace Feurzeig and Daniel
Bobrow, from Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc., called Logo54 (Feurzeig, 1984; Papert, 1980, p. 210;
Logo Foundation, 2000). Logo was then implemented by a team led by Feurzeig and Bobrow, at
that company55 (Feurzeig, 1984; Papert, 1980, p. 210).
« (…) designing a computer language that would be suitable for children.
This did not mean that it should be a “toy” language. On the contrary, I
wanted it to have the power of professional programming languages, but I
also wanted it to have easy entry routes for nonmathematical beginners. »
(Papert, 1980, p. 210)
A different summarizing remark is that he set to take the best ideas in computer science and
child-engineer them (Papert, 1977, in Kahn, 2001a).
« The name LOGO was chosen56 for the new language to suggest the fact
that it is primarily symbolic and only secondarily quantitative. »
(Papert, 1980, p. 210)

It is therefore little wonder that he followed on Piaget’s constructivist educational philosophy, presented in section
4.1.2. In his book Mindstorms, Papert states: “I left Geneva enormously inspired by Piaget’s image of the child,
particularly by his idea that children learn so much without being taught” (Papert, 1980, p. 215). But rather than being
a mere follower, he provided new insights and contributions, under the urge noticeable from the continuation of the
above quote; “But I was also enormously frustrated by how little he could tell us about how to create conditions for
more knowledge to be acquired by children through this marvelous process of ‘Piagetian learning’ ” (id., ibid.).
From the Ancient Greek word λόγος, meaning “word thought” (Kypros-Net, n.d.).
“The initial design of Logo came about through extensive discussions in 1966 between Seymour Papert, Dan Bobrow
and myself. Papert developed the overall functional specifications for the new language, and Bobrow made extensive
contributions to the design and did the first implementation. Subsequently, Richard Grant made substantial additions
and modifications to the design and implementation, assisted by Cynthia Solomon, Frank Frazier and Paul Wexelblat. I
gave Logo its name” (Feurzeig, 1984).
By Wallace Feurzeig (see footnote 55, on page 92).
92 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
Logo is contemporary of the use of computers in CAI (section 2.4.3) and of BASIC. Given
the limited graphical capabilities of computers in the 1960s, it was a language based on written
commands, like all other languages at the time. But its specific aim, right from the initial design
phase onwards, was to be used by children programmers. This meant that several of its key features
were planned, rather than being added as workarounds, in order to allow the programmer to focus
more on the idea of the program, and less on its written implementation (in computer-science terms,
to spend more time programming and less time coding).
« In many schools today, the phrase "computer-aided instruction" means
making the computer teach the child. One might say the computer is being
used to program the child. In my vision, the child programs the computer
and, in doing so, both acquires a sense of mastery over a piece of the most
modern and powerful technology and establishes an intimate contact with
some of the deepest ideas from science, from mathematics, and from the art
of intellectual model building. »
(Papert, 1980, p. 5)
Examples of such features are simplified syntax and semantics, well-designed error messages,
transparent definition of procedures and direct interpretation of code.
Since 1967 and throughout the 1970s, Papert was involved with children programming in
Logo, in different research-related educational environments57, in and out of school, with a few
young children, older children, and adults. Thanks to his previous interests in education and
thinking, this involvement of Papert consolidated his ideas on the educational significance of
computer programming, which first gained widespread dissemination thanks to his book
Mindstorms (1980).
In that book, Papert focused on his educational ideas, the philosophy behind the use of a
programming language such as Logo. I present his educational ideas in section 4.2.2 – “Seymour
Papert and constructionism”, but for the sake of clarity I’ll mention a few here. They include:
syntonic learning (Papert, 1980, p. 63) or learning in syntonicity with the learner, i.e. when
learning is related to the sense and knowledge of children about their own bodies (body-syntonic) or
consistent with children’s sense of themselves, their likes, dislikes, goals, and intentions (ego-
syntonic); procedural knowledge, or using programming as materials for thinking about and
talking about procedures – all kinds of procedures, not just computer procedures (Papert, 1980, p.
223); microworlds as “incubators for knowledge”, content environments limited so that their
principles can be simulated, experienced, and analyzed (Papert, 1980, ch. 5, pp. 120-134); and
debugging as a way to instill the notion that something that goes wrong is an opportunity “to study
what happened, to understand what went wrong, and, through understanding, to fix it” (Papert,
1980, p. 114).
In the late 1970s, the Logo audience started to grow, with the appearance of microcomputers:
until then, it had been confined to research sites and a few schools. Pilot projects launched in 1980
involved hundreds of children and extensive teacher training. Over the 1980s, Logo use increased
and newer versions by different producers were introduced (Logo Foundation, 2000).
During this period the Logo philosophy and programming language benefited from exposure
to large number of children and adult users, and Papert focused more on the problem of the different
styles of using the tool – the tool↔style problem.
Already in his 1980 book he had laid several thoughts regarding individual patterns and styles
of reasoning (e.g., Papert, 1980: ch. 1, “Computers and Computer Cultures”, pp. 19-37; styles for

Research sites were located in MIT (USA), Edinburgh (Scotland), and Tasmania (Australia) (Logo Foundation,

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learning “physical” and “intellectual” skills, pp. 104-105; programming with and without structure,
pp. 103-104). But at the time he hadn’t still fully developed these ideas58.
By 1990, however, he and Sherry Turkle published a paper on the conflicting styles of
programming preferred by different people (Turkle & Papert, 1990). In it, they contrasted the
formal, top-down approach to programming and problem-solving, with the informal, tinkering,
bottom-up style.
Turkle and Papert’s realization was that the culture of computerists, like the culture of
science, mathematics and education in general, favored the formal, top-down approach to problem-
solving: a problem would be divided into several smaller parts, and then each of those attacked
independently, creating a “procedure” that from then on would be a black-box, i.e., an atomic unit,
indivisible, to be used and whose internal functioning isn’t ever considered.
« Structured programmers usually do not feel comfortable with a
construct until it is thoroughly black-boxed, with both its inner workings and
all traces of perhaps messy process of its construction hidden from view. »
(Turkle & Papert, 1990, p. 140)
While this is a good and efficient approach to solving large problems, they contend that it is
not a universal method everyone can feel comfortable with. From the works of French
anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, they picked up the word “bricolage” to describe the contrasting
approach to the formal one (id., pp. 129, 135-143).
« Lévi-Strauss used the term “bricolage” to contrast the analytic
methodology of Western science with what he called a “science of the
concrete” in primitive societies. The bricoleurs he describes do not move
abstractly and hierarchically from axiom to theorem to corollary. Bricoleurs
construct theories by arranging and rearranging, by negotiating and
renegotiating with a set of well-known materials. »
(id., pp. 135-136)
In contrasting these styles of thinking as applied to programming, they point out that actual
practitioners of science commonly employ aspects of bricolage, which can put into question
whether it should be branded as inferior to formal thinking; and make analogies between bricolage
programmers and painters, cooks, sculptors, and writers that start writing without an outline. They
stand for the acceptance of this style of thinking, rather than decrying it as inferior: “Bricolage is a
way to organize work. It is not a stage in progression to a superior form” (id., p. 141).
These ideas became part of Papert’s educational philosophy, under concepts as the
proximality (or closeness) to the object of study, i.e., when the student places herself/himself in the
same place as that object, and demanding permissiveness, or have children be expected to work
hard, but with wide latitude in choice of project (Papert, 1993, p. 124). But its main consequence
was contributing to Papert’s global view that the current educational system used in schools cannot
be reformed. Rather he stands for the need to a complete redesign of how humans teach their
« (…) we imagine the emergence of a science of thought that would
recognize the concrete [rather than the formal] as its central object. »
(id., p. 155)
These ideas were already being somewhat expressed by Papert in 1980, under a general
unease with traditional schooling, e.g.:

Cf. Papert’s remarks in 1980 (p. 104) regarding approaches to structured programming and his view on the subject in
1990 (Turkle & Papert, 1990, pp. 138-140).
94 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Computer Programming: conceptual foundations
« These [Logo programming] experiments express a critique of
traditional school mathematics (which applies no less to the so-called new
math than to the old). A description of traditional school mathematics in
terms of the concepts we have developed in this essay would reveal it to be a
caricature of mathematics in its depersonalized, purely logical, "formal"
incarnation. Although we can document progress in the rhetoric of math
teachers (teachers of the new math are taught to speak in terms of
“understanding” and “discovery”), the problem remains because of what
they are teaching. »
(Papert, 1980, p. 205)
Papert’s educational ideas discussed here came into a global form under a new educational
philosophy with the name constructionism; this was first presented in 1991 (Papert & Harel,
1991). An attempt to synthesize it (albeit lacking the important ideas referred above) is to say that
the construction of personal knowledge is particularly supported when the learner is involved in
constructing personally meaningful artifacts (Papert, 1999). Constructionism is presented in section
4.2.2, “Seymour Papert and constructionism”.
For Papert, the consequence of this line of reasoning is that the current schooling system is
inadequate and can’t be reformed, but rather changed, radically:
« One could not move from a stagecoach to a jumbo jet by making a
series of small improvements. Is it possible to go from the school of
yesterday to the school of tomorrow by a series of incremental
improvements? (...) as long as schools confine the technology to simply
improving what they are doing rather than really changing the system,
nothing very significant will happen. »
(Papert, 1998)
Constructionism is also sometimes referred to, indirectly, as “the Logo philosophy”, but part
of this logic that I have been presenting is that the Logo programming language itself is just a
technology: a step in the right direction, but not a definitive achievement. The name Logo can thus
often be found meaning Papert’s educational ideas, representing an educational philosophy, not just
a programming language. The following quotes show just this, since the first is from 1982, nine
years before publication of the book “Constructionism” (Papert & Harel, 1991), and the second,
besides being from Papert himself, is from 1999, eight years from the publication of
« Logo is the name for a philosophy of « The Logo programming language is far
education and a continually evolving from all there is to it and in principle we
family of programming languages that could imagine using a different language,
aid in its realization. » but programming itself is a key element of
this [Logo] culture. »
(Abelson, 1982 acc. Logo Foundation,
2000) (Papert, 1999, p. xv)
Several modern alternatives to Logo were developed. They can and have been used under the
Logo philosophy, and are presented in sections 3.3.4 and 3.3.5. These include:
ƒ Stagecast Creator (formerly Cocoa, formerly KidSim), aimed at development of rule-based
animated simulations and games (a description of activities and an education-oriented
discussion is found in Lewis et al., 1997);
ƒ Squeak, an implementation of an object-oriented programming language, Smalltalk-80,
intended to be highly-portable, by including platform-independent support for color, sound,
and image processing; its community originated Squeak Etoys, “computer environments that
help people learn ideas by building and playing around with them” (Kay, n.d.);
Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 95
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ƒ ToonTalk, aimed at providing a new metaphor for describing programs, by using animated
cartoons: there is no “static” code: the entire program is an animation (its relation to the
Logo philosophy and culture is debated in Kahn, 2001a).
A final realization is that since a crucial point is the construction of artifacts, this is something
achievable not only in programming, but also in design of artifacts: “Constructionism theory
suggests a strong connection between design and learning: it asserts activities involving making,
building, or programming – in short, designing – provide a rich context for learning” (Kafai &
Resnick, 1996, “Introduction”). Each designed artifact exists outside the learner’s mind and must
pass the scrutiny of the physical, cultural, and further constraints of reality: it becomes
something that “can be shown, discussed examined, probed, and admired. It is out there” (Papert,
1993, p. 142). These realizations provide the connection between this section, “Learning about
thinking, with computers”, and the previous, “Learning with computers”. And thus, as promised
then, a full circle between them is complete.
« The argument (…) isn’t that (…) computer programming in general, is
unique in providing an environment for learning these thinking skills. (…)
But it is a very rich environment where these kinds of thinking skills are
“exercised” frequently in a natural context. »
(Kahn, n.d.)

96 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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3. Introduction to computer programming

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3.1. Aims of this chapter

While learning about other subject matters – or about thinking – using computer
programming (see sections 2.4.4 and 2.4.5), one certainly learns a lot about computer programming
itself. But what if one is the teacher using computer programming? The level of programming
expertise can rise very fast above a teacher’s programming competence. While this is an
opportunity for learning along with the students, the solutions to the problem may end up proving
too taxing for both the teacher and the students without resorting to expert help or extensive study
on programming techniques, rather than interesting ideas. As was already mentioned in section
« Young children and their teachers very soon hit a ceiling of what is
possible for them within reasonable time and expertise constraints. »
(Hoyles & Noss, 1999)
While this is in great part due to the tool↔purpose problem, mentioned in section 2.4.5,
solutions to which are still far from ideal, I believe that part of the problem also derives from the
teachers’ having little notion of the world of computer science: as I stated in section 2.4.4, there is
no need to fear learning something about computers while using them to learn something else. But I
believe that in most cases teachers that want to use programming lack supportive information,
providing an overview of the programming field.
By this I don’t mean that teachers should learn theoretical computer science. Rather, I see a
computer-using teacher as being able to benefit from some awareness of computer science topics,
much as a cook benefits from cookbooks, in order to include them in educational activities that
he/she is devising.
In a closer connection to educational practice, a teacher probably feels comfortable using a
large set of techniques and materials for developing learning projects and activities with the
students: writing, drawing, typing, gluing, painting, acting, role-playing, debating, scripting,
building physical models, making school newspapers, etc. I'd like teachers to feel as comfortable
using computer programming.
As an example, one can consider the case of a teacher wanting to introduce the subject of
olive oil production: it’s likely for the learning content to include the raw materials (olive trees,
olive oil), the methods of cultivation and harvesting, the operation of oil mills, and so on.
How can a teacher employ computer programming to achieve this? Without a cookbook
picture of the main topics in computer science, it’s likely that some previous-used programming
strategy will be employed. But what if neither teacher nor students manage to picture a path,
however hazy, for using one of those strategies in a learning activity?
In this chapter I present several topics from computer programming, along with suggestions
for their implementation in an animated programming language, ToonTalk (described in section
3.3.5). My goal is that these can be used just as many people use a cookbook, i.e., after opening the
fridge and the kitchen closets, one may pick up a cookbook and think: “let me see, what different
dish can I make now, I’ve got mushrooms, pepperoni, carrots, sweet corn and chicken… flip page,
flip, flip, flip… looks interesting, but no, maybe some other time… flip, flip, flip… perhaps… not
sure if I make this it will turn out right… well, I think I’ll give it a try.”
The point here is that I’m not advocating a teacher making sure he/she has used all these
concepts with his/her students. Rather, I recommend that a teacher places a checkmark on concepts
already included in activities performed with students, in some event, sometime, some year! When
preparing himself/herself for teaching, the notion that a new “recipe” still hasn’t been tried out may
just provide the insight that the planned educational content is requiring. Of course, some
educational styles may dispute the concept of planned content itself, but since this thesis aims at

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 99

Introduction to computer programming
providing a framework for usage of computer programming in preschool-education contexts, I
believe the current context of practice should not be ignored.
The initial sections of this chapter deal with presenting an overview of computer
programming in general, along with some background on programming languages for children. The
programming language and tool employed for the field work upon which this thesis is based,
ToonTalk, is also presented. The final section of the chapter presents the cookbook of computer
programming topics, their “translation” in terms of both ToonTalk constructs, and sample
educational activities in which they can be used.

100 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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3.2. Computer programming styles

3.2.1. Sequential vs. Concurrent programming
« Programming languages not only furnish us with a means of
expression, but they also constrain our thinking in certain ways, by imposing
on us a particular model of computation. »
(Burns & Davies, 1993, p. 1)
The above remark is something quickly realized when trying to teach programming skills to
non-programmers. For instance, how do programming learners decompose the intended goal or
problem? Do they see it as a sequence of steps, carefully planned one after the other, or as several
things happening at once? Before providing background information on the path to an answer, I
present here a hands-on situation, to clarify the question itself.
Let’s suppose the goal is to learn some physics or
mathematics, with the help of a billiard ball (Figure 60).
There is the need to put the ball in motion and, upon
collision against the side of the billiard table, make the ball
change direction, in order to make it resemble the behavior
of a real ball.
In a physics class, this would probably involve a
comparison of angles, in math it could be the same thing or
the method of updating coordinates, and so on. For the
present discussion, the underlying subject is irrelevant. The
point is: how do we make a static situation like the one
presented in the figure become animated?
One way would be to say: “move the white ball in the Figure 60 – One billiard ball
direction of the first part of arrow, and when it hits the side
of the table, change the direction of movement to that of
the second part of the arrow.”
In bold, I emphasized the main points of that sentence: an order (“move”), a condition
(“when”) and another order (“change”).
But since computers, deep in their hardware, only execute commands, this entire human
decision must be converted into computer orders. That shouldn’t be too much of a problem for what
is already an order, such as “move” or “change”, but what about “when”? How can a computer turn
“when” into a command? To help reason on this, I’ll resort to Papert’s notion of body-syntonicity59:
I’ll imagine myself as the ball receiving that “when” command.
There are two main approaches to perform this “when”60:
1st approach: “I’ll move a little bit, see if I’m touching the side of the table, move a bit more,
and I’ll keep doing these two things in turn until I reach the side of the table.
Then I’ll change my direction.”
2nd approach: “I’ll close my eyes and keep moving. Eventually my shiny surface will feel the
collision against the side of the table, and then I’ll change my direction.”

See sections 2.4.5 and 4.2.2.
Many other approaches could be imagined, that’s the beauty of programming: one can reason around a problem in
any desired way and try out hypotheses, to see how they work. But these approaches serve the purpose of rendering
clear the intended distinction in programming styles for the present section.

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Introduction to computer programming
My main point here is that, in the first approach, I (the ball) am doing it all, one bit at a time:
move/check/move/check/move/check… and eventually, change direction, and then again resume:
In the second approach, I (the ball’s “inner brain”) am only concerned about one thing:
making my ball-body move. I count on something else to let me know it's time to act differently (in
this case, my “ball surface”, but it could also be a contact sensor, a bumper-collision detector, etc.).
In terms of programming, these approaches represent the distinction between sequential
programming (1st approach) and concurrent programming (2nd approach): in sequential
programming, one’s reasoning is a neat (or sometimes not so neat) sequence of orders &
verifications; in concurrent programming, we’re conducting and orchestra of several separate things
that are occurring simultaneously61 (and that orchestra can produce both great music and musical
I’ll now present these approaches to the problem side-by-side:
Sequential approach Concurrent approach
1. Move forward a bit. Ball “brain” Ball “body” Ball “skin”
2. Am I colliding? If I’ll put the skin I’m just moving I’m just checking
not, go back to step looking for touch, forward until to see if I’m
1. If I am, change and the body someone tells me touching
direction of moving; then I’ll to stop or change something, and
movement and begin just be waiting for direction. then I’ll let the
it all again, from the skin to tell me brain know and
step 1. of a collision. At keep on checking.
that time, I'll tell
the body to
change direction.
Table 4 – Sequential and concurrent approached: moving one ball
Different readers will probably find one of these approaches simpler than the other; that’s the
whole point, and the reason why I initiated this section with that Burns & Davies’ quote. While in
all programming there is the freedom to elect how to solve a given problem, the features of the
programming language do constrain one’s style of reasoning. This section focuses on the presence
or absence of the concurrency feature.
Traditional programming languages were created under the sequential model; after all,
traditional computers execute one instruction at a time, sequentially, so when the concept of
programming languages itself was still fairly new, it would be hard to translate a language that was
concurrent into the proper sequence of instructions for the computer.
But there are times when the situation in hand requires some complexity in reasoning, in order
to be translated into a programming language that employs the sequential model.

Conceptually. In reality, the computer will be rapidly switching from task to task; but given enough computational
power, this can appear to be simultaneous. Only computer systems with more than one execution unit can really do
more than one thing at the same time, but that's at a different level, disconnected from this abstraction.
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To make clear in what situations that may happen,
I’ll consider the following case: on that billiard there were
two balls to be moved, instead of one (Figure 61).
The sequential approach runs into trouble, now,
because the two balls are supposed to be moving at the
same time. If I command them separately, the global result
won’t be simultaneous movement:
“Move the white ball in the direction of the first part
of its arrow, and when it hits the side of the table, change
the direction of movement to that of the second part of its
arrow. Move the red ball in the direction of the first part of
its arrow, and when it hits the side of the table, change the
direction of movement to that of the second part of its Figure 61 – Two billiard balls
This sequence of commands will only work out right if BOTH sentences are executed
simultaneously. Otherwise, if one is executed after the other, the white ball will complete its course,
and only then will the red ball start to move.
But in order to implement this using the sequential model, it's necessary to switch back and
forth between both balls, moving them a bit and checking to see if there is a collision or not. Such
code is much harder to program, complex, error-prone, and difficult to scale62.
Sequential approach Concurrent approach
1. Move white ball Red
White ball
forward a bit. ball
2. Is the white ball Ball “brain” Ball “body” Ball “skin” Same
colliding? If not, I’ll put the skin I’m just moving I’m just thing.
proceed with step 3. looking for forward until checking to see
If it is, change its touch, and the someone tells if I’m touching
direction of body moving; me to stop or something, and
movement and then I’ll just be change then I’ll let the
proceed with step 3. waiting for the direction. brain know and
3. Move the red ball skin to tell me keep on
forward a bit. of a collision. checking.
4. Is the red ball At that time, I'll
colliding? If not, tell the body to
begin it all again change
from step 1. If it is, direction.
change its direction
of movement and
begin it all again
from step 1.
Table 5 – Sequential and concurrent approached: moving two balls
As the example above shows, when the goal of programming is modeling separate “entities”,
which behave separately, it’s simpler to picture those entities separately in programming also, rather
than ensuing with this process of intercrossing their tasks.

One could consider the task of getting all 15 balls on the table, moving at the same time, just to have a better notion
of this complexity. In many cases, this complexity is overcome by using techniques such as iteration, in which the
problem is considered with 2 or 3 balls and code is written to cycle them performing the same procedures – doing this
requires some planning, but then it can be scaled quickly to 1,000,000 balls or more, if necessary.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 103

Introduction to computer programming
« Tom Kilburn and David Hoarth pioneered the use of interrupts to
simulate concurrent execution of several programs on the Atlas computer
(...). The early multiprogramming systems were programmed in assembly
language without any conceptual foundation. The slightest programming
mistake could make these systems behave in a completely erratic manner
that made program testing nearly impossible. By the end of the 1960s
multiprogrammed operating systems had become so huge and unreliable
that their designers spoke openly of a software crisis. »
(Hansen, 2001, p. 3)
« This sequential paradigm does not match the way the real world works:
people and animals act in parallel, objects interact in parallel. As a result,
many activities can not be modelled in a natural way with sequential
programming. The ideal solution is to use a concurrent or parallel
programming language (...) »
(Resnick, 1990)
Of course, sequential techniques were developed to simplify this process, usually by running
cycles of identical actions, building new levels of abstraction; and object-oriented programming
also contributed to such simplification. But it is always a complicated matter adding new behaviors:
a cue may have to be included, to move the balls; these may have to lose velocity as they go, so that
they eventually stop; they may have to collide between themselves while moving at different
speeds, so the reaction isn’t the same as bumping into the side of the table; etc. All these different
situations, even if they’re not planned in advance, can be included in the concurrent model as extra
pieces, like adding new bits to a toy house or castle, built with a construction set; one doesn’t have
to tear down the walls to include a chimney or modify the roof – of course, there are still problems,
both of sequence (the roof will have to go out in order to change a brick in the wall) and of
relationship between parts (one cannot add a meter-long cloud coming out of the chimney without
risking toppling the house!). But the point is that concurrent programming provides a nicer method
to describe entities that possess separate behaviors. ToonTalk, the language used in the field work
supporting this thesis (vd. section 3.3.5), is an example of a language designed for concurrency.
Computer scientists and engineers came across this situation quite early in computer history:
since computers are real objects, they are composed of several separate components that need to be
controlled nearly simultaneously – even if there is only one processor.
« The development of concurrent programming was originally motivated
by the desire to develop reliable operating systems. From the beginning (…)
it was recognized that principles of concurrent programming “have a
general utility that goes beyond operating systems” – they apply to any form
of parallel computing63. »
(Hansen, 2001, p. 4)
Even in cases when there are separate entities to command, however, it is not assured whether
concurrent programming is simpler for everyone to learn and use, or even for most people. Most
programming teachers (including myself) frequently encounter the programming students’
confusion when they first face the notion of concurrent programming. Is this a contradiction?

According to Hansen (2001), this quote is from himself: Hansen, Per Brinch (1971). An Outline of a Course on
Operating System Principles, in C. A. R. Hoare and R. H. Perrot, eds., 1972, “Operating Systems Techniques”,
Proceedings of a Seminar at Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, August-September 1971, 29-36, article 6,
Academic Press, New York, NY, USA.
104 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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Not necessarily. Usually, students are introduced to programming with the traditional,
sequential, programming. Going from their experience with it to concurrent programming involves
a change of thinking style, so it is little wonder that such change is not smooth, to say the least.
« It is possible that some students had trouble decomposing problems into
concurrent subtasks precisely because of their expertise in traditional
programming. »
(Resnick, 1990)
The above remark comes from a study on the relative
ease or difficulty of sequential vs. concurrent programming,
done by Mitchel Resnick (Figure 62), while developing a
version of the Logo programming language for children,
called MultiLogo.
In that paper, Resnick starts to address this theme by
noting previous research reports on novice programmers, who
while using traditional sequential languages, often assume
parallelism (another way of referring to concurrency) where
none exists. The natural question is thus whether such novices
wouldn’t have found concurrent programming more natural
and intuitive to learn.
However, in his research for that paper, Resnick worked
with children (4th and 5th graders) that had already one full
year of (sequential) Logo programming experience, so some
of his conjectures would need further research support, by
conducting activities on concurrent programming with Figure 62 – Mitchel Resnick
children that haven’t learned sequential programming From:
One particular case, however, was close to the desired
research situation of no previous contact with sequential
programming, and constitutes a promising indicator:
« I asked NL and FB65 to explain how they would coordinate a “real-life”
situation in which two people execute tasks simultaneously, and (at least
initially) they both stuck with their time-slicing approaches. (…) NL’s and
FB’s initial “solutions” to the real-life problems are an indication of just
how strong their sequential-thinking models are.
BW, who worked together with FB during FB's final session, (…) thought
a good student, had limited Logo programming skills and had never seen
MultiLogo. Nevertheless (or perhaps as a result), her instincts on agency
decomposition were quite good. (…) It is possible that BW’s lack of Logo
skills made it easier for her to embrace the new paradigm. BW would have
had great difficulty writing the program to implement her idea, but she
grasped the overall concept of concurrent programming very quickly. »
(Resnick, 1990)

This would be tricky to do in a language such as Logo, which is sequential at heart.
NL, FB and BW are initials of three children Mitchel Resnick worked with.

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Introduction to computer programming
Another promising indicator are his reports on children’s programming errors (bugs) due to
what Resnick calls “assumption of excessive parallelism” (id., ibid.). He further associates this to
previous research:
« Soloway et al.66 (…) found that 34% of the students in an introductory
Pascal course assumed a type of parallelism in the execution of a while
loop: they thought that the program continuously monitored the while test
condition as it executed the body of the loop (…). Similarly, Pea67 (…) found
that more than half of the students in one high-school BASIC course
expected if-then conditional statements to act as demons, executing
whenever the conditional predicate became true. »
(id., ibid.)
Such problems of assumption of concurrency are commonly reported. For instance, a 2003
summary of research on misconceptions of students about programming constructs includes
(focusing on high-school students):
« Loop Construction (…) Misconception D (…) The variables in the
while condition are continuously monitored. This interpretation is
consistent with English “while” as in “while the highway is two lanes,
continue north.”
Flow of Control Misconception A (…) Different lines of a program are
interpreted at the same time in parallel. The students incorrect believe what
will happen later in a program influences what happens earlier.
Misconception B (…) The students get (…) assignments for swapping the
values of two variables in the wrong order, probably due to a lack of regard
for the sequential nature [of the statements].
(Lam, 2003)
Regarding these common misconceptions, I can say that I was also one learner of
programming that initially thought that the if statement in BASIC was a permanent statement. I
don’t have the faintest idea of what I was trying to achieve in one of my first programs, but I clearly
remember the astonishment at it not working as intended and the explanation – and realization –
that there was a sequence of execution, that I wasn’t really speaking to the machine but just feeding
it a sequence of commands to be interpreted, one at a time, and forgotten. So much so that it's still
present in my memory, 20 years later. The program itself, I’ve long forgotten.
I will now address the ways by which concurrency can be achieved in a computer and
expressed in a programming language.
The first and simplest solution is to have more than a processor in the computer, i.e., more
than one component capable of executing orders. But that, while possible, would again drag the
programmer from caring about the problem to caring about the machine: what if there aren’t enough
processors to assign a concurrent task to each one, for instance? Should the number of concurrent
tasks be limited to the number of available processors? What if one of the processors fails? Should
the program need to be re-written, in order to run with a different number of processors? Under the

Soloway, E., J. Bonar, J. Greenspan, K. Ehrlich (1982). What Do Novices Know About Programming?, in “Directions
in Human-Computer Interactions”, edited by Ben Shneiderman and Albert Badre, ISBN 0893911445, Ablex Publishing
Company, Norwoord, NJ, USA.
Pea, Roy D. (1986). Language-independent conceptual ‘bugs’ in novice programming, in Journal of Educational
Computer Research, vol. 2 (1), pp. 25-36, ISSN 0735-6331, Baywood Publishing Company, Inc., Farmingdale, NY,
106 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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logic of programming languages increasing expressiveness and abstraction from the particularities
of the underlying hardware, concurrency in programming should be above all a method of
reasoning over a problem, and having to depart from that level to the hardware level would be a
step back in time and evolution.
An answer to this concern came from Edsger Dijkstra (Figure 63), who wrote:
« In the literature one sometimes finds a sharp distinction between
“concurrent programming” – more than one central processor operating on
the same job – and “multi-programming” – a single processor dividing its
time between different jobs. I have always felt this distinction was rather
artificial and therefore confusing. In both cases we have, macroscopically
speaking, a number of sequential processes that have to co-operate with
each other, and our discussions on this co-operation apply equally well to
“concurrent programming” as to “multi-programming” or any mixture of
the two. What in concurrent programming is spread out in space (e.q.
equipment) is in multi-programming spread out in time: the two present
themselves as different implementations of the same logical structure (…) »
(Dijkstra, 1965, “Concluding remarks”)
Thus, the point is that it doesn’t matter how many processors
are available in the computer running the program. If there are
enough to conduct separate operations, they can be used
concurrently. But if there aren’t enough processors, the ones
available – even if it is a single one – can simply move back and
forth between tasks, executing a little bit of each at a time, thus
providing an illusion of concurrency.
In that same paper, Dijkstra presented a full basis for what
became the most common style of concurrent programming, used by
millions of programmers worldwide. Most of the concepts employed
in concurrent programming were first presented in that paper.
The most important of those concepts is the notion of each
separately-executing task as an entity in itself. Dijkstra called such
Figure 63 – Edsger Wybe
tasks a process, but other names that are commonly used for this Dijkstra,
notion, under different programming paradigms are task68, thread69, 1930 – 2002
agent70, and actor71. For convenience, I will use the term “process” From:
throughout this section.
This notion of a program as a collection of separate processes has a direct consequence: if
they are separate, but something is to be achieved together, they must cooperate. This, in turn
implies that they need to communicate, but such communications are also independent (i.e.,
asynchronous): one of Dijkstra’s most important realizations in this regard is that since processes
are independent, conceptually each process is working alone within a single, private, virtual
computer. And so, since one virtual computer and its process compose an autonomous entity, there
is no way to assume relative speeds for execution of processes. This concept is known as speed
« (…) apart form the (rare) moments of explicit intercommunication, the
individual processes themselves are to be regarded as completely
E.g., in the Ada language (Burns & Davies, 1993, p. 160).
E.g., in the Java language (Brookshear, 2003, p. 252). Threads are often considered a special case: different lines of
execution inside a process, but such distinctions aren’t relevant for this discussion.
Agent-oriented programming (Shoham, 1993).
Actor-oriented programming (Hewitt, 1976; Agha & Hewitt, 1986).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 107

Introduction to computer programming
independent of each other. In particular, we disallow any assumption about
the relative speeds of the different processes. (Such an assumption (…)
could be regarded as implicit intercommunication.) »
(Dijkstra, 1965, “Loosely Connected Processes”)
To understand this concept better, I propose looking at the two billiard balls again, from
Figure 61. The concurrency could either be the model used is the proposed one with three processes
(“brain”, “body” and “skin”) or the sequential one for the single-ball case, only running as two
separate processes: one for the white ball, another for the red ball.
What the speed-independence concept means is that one cannot assume, for instance, that for
each nudge of the ball there will be a verification of collision; or that for each nudge of the white
ball there will be an identical nudge of the red ball. So, theoretically, the white ball could in fact be
moving without the red ball moving at all. But this isn’t necessarily a bad thing: the time-slicing
that takes places underneath must try to address all processes adequately72. So any discrepancies
will be a reflection either of the actual computer operation (other running software, hardware
behavior) or of differences between the processes conditions (for instance: if the program for a ball
stops working, for some reason, the other may keep moving).
« The consistent refusal to make any assumptions about the speed ratios
will at first sight appear to the reader as a mean trick to make things more
difficult than they already are. I feel, however, fully justified in my refusal.
First, we may have to cope with situations in which, indeed, very little is
known about the speeds. For instance [some parts may be dependant on the
human operator, others may be idle]. Secondly – and this is much more
important – when we think that we can rely upon certain speed rations we
shall discover that we have been “penny wise and pound foolish”. It is true
that certain mechanisms can be made simpler under the assumption of
speed-ratio restrictions. The verification, however, that such an assumption
is always justified is, in general, extremely tricky and the task to make, in a
reliable manner, a well-behaved structure out of many interlinked
components is seriously aggravated when such “analogue interferences”
have to be taken into account as well. »
(Dijkstra, 1965, ibid.)
If, for some reason, synchronization is necessary (for instance, to check for a collision after
every nudge of the ball, to avoid detection from occurring too late in the movement), then
communication must be used to ensure such behavior. In the two-ball example, this would mean
one of two things:
ƒ the ball body would ask for “permission” to move after each nudge, and such
permission would be granted only after the skin asserts that there hasn’t been a
ƒ a synchronizing mechanism, such as clock or another timing device, is checked by all
processes, to ensure that they all complete their collision-detection tasks before
moving another bit; and that they all complete their tiny moves before proceeding with

A concept known as fair scheduling; this won’t be addressed in this thesis for lack of relevance as a computer-science
concept for preschool.
This method of synchronization is technically known as a “barrier” (Tanenbaum, 2001, pp. 123-124).
108 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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This way of synchronization renders clearer the metaphor I employed earlier in this section,
about concurrent programming being more like conducting an orchestra. Another way to put it is
like managing people or refereeing a football74 match.
One should be aware, however, that in concurrent programming there is no need for a process
(or even the programmer) to act as an actual “conductor”, “manager” or “referee”. Rather, each
process can have its own, specific rules, and act in absolute independence. Metaphors for such
programs are ants harvesting food, water molecules forming clouds, bacteria reproducing, cars
moving in roads. To understand how such a program may generate a meaningful behavior, one must
keep in mind that these metaphors are themselves examples of self-organizing behaviors from rules
applied to independent particles/actors/processes. An entire scientific field is devoted to the analysis
of such kinds of self-organization, known as the analysis of cellular automata75.
Using communication, a concurrent program for the ball could resemble this:
Billiard ball
Ball “brain” Ball “body” Ball “skin”
1. "Hey, body, here’s a nudge-length
move ticket! Do it and let me know.”
No need to bother
2. Now I’ll wait for the move to
I’m waiting for a checking for
ticket, so that I collision unless the
3. “Hey, skin, can it let me know if
can move forward brain asks me to. (I
we're colliding?”
a bit. just hope nothing
4. If the skin says we’re colliding, I’ll
collides against us!)
change the direction before resuming
movement, from step 1.
Table 6 – Concurrent programming: moving balls with communication
Taking a hint from constructionist theory, I have included two contradicting elements in the
above example, to provide for further discussion now:
ƒ in the ball’s “brain” process, I’ve included sequence numbers, to emphasize its
internal sequential structure;
ƒ in the ball’s “skin” process, I’ve included another anthropomorphism – a worry – to
shed some doubt on the correctness of this particular programming model for a ball.
The sequential aspect of the brain process could easily have been included in the remaining
processes as well. It was included here to make the point that concurrent programming doesn’t
imply, necessarily, the total absence of sequential reasoning: after all, one frequently engages in
sequential reasoning. Rather, concurrent programming provides mechanisms to knowingly specify
concurrent behavior.

Soccer (not that the distinction matters, in this thesis).
The most well-known case is John Conway’s “Game of Life” (Callahan, 2000, presents a description, background
information and a playable applet), but this concept first emerged in 1949, in John von Neumann’s paper “Theory and
Organization of Complicated Automata” (in Burks, Arthur W., 1966, Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata, pp. 29-87,
University of Illinois Press, Urbana, IL, USA). A large recent (2002) volume in this field is Stephen Wolfram’s “A New
Kind of Science”, ISBN 1-57955-008-8, Wolfram Media, Champaign, IL, USA.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 109

Introduction to computer programming
The skin’s “doubt”, above, is meant as an example of how rich in opportunities for reasoning
over a problem the concurrent model is. I’ll provide a few here, which are intentionally self-
ƒ Considering that collisions occur only when it moves itself, this ball wouldn’t react
when it’s standing still and some other ball collides with it, perhaps after all the
previous model, which allows the skin to check for contact as often as possible, is
ƒ or perhaps this model is almost acceptable, just that it is the body that needs the tickets
to go ahead, the skin can be left to operate as previously (as often as possible);
ƒ but if all balls on the table are identical, perhaps this last dictatorial method (“you
move, stop and report; you check and report; you move... ”) works, since other balls
that can hit this ball will recognize the collision and respond accordingly;
ƒ however, if we're working on a physics model, then the ball that is standing still needs
to respond to collisions from other balls, too, so perhaps the dictatorial method isn't
suitable after all;
ƒ a completely different approach would be for balls to check for collision only when
moving, but “warn” other balls against whom they collide, so that they can take the
appropriate action, perhaps a global adequate behavior for billiards emerges from all
individual ball behaviors76.
Regarding the implementation of concurrency with actual programming languages, the main
distinction to be made is that some languages have been developed from the ground-up as
concurrent (e.g., ToonTalk, described in section 3.3.5), while others have had concurrency features
added to them (e.g., Logo, described in section 3.3.4, pp. 139-146).
To render clear the point for this distinction, I need to propose a look at languages regarding
their design goals, which can be seen related to the kind of system they were designed to tackle:
transformational vs. reactive system (Shapiro, 1989, p. 424). Languages and programs can thus be
considered transformational or reactive.
A transformational program is one thought of with a beginning and an end: its aim is to
produce a final result, for a given set of initial values or conditions. Conversely, a reactive program
is intended to maintain some interaction with its environment, and whether or not that includes
producing a “final” result is irrelevant (id., ibid.).
Looking at concurrency under this perspective, I will not consider the particular case of
sequential programs that are made concurrent just for optimization of performance, be it achieved
by sharing multiple processors, by dividing a problem into identical tasks (e.g., partial matrix
operations), or by other similar operations77. Rather, I am considering those programs that are
designed, from a reasoning point of view, as concurrent. These include programs that employ a
cooperation of distinct processes with specialized, distinct goals, and also programs that use
multiple interacting copies of identical processes – again, the emphasis is on programs that employ
reasoning in a concurrent way.
In my view, concurrency differences between transformational and reactive languages are felt
at the traditional levels of inter-process communication, and process synchronization, but also at
the level of program organization. This is not due to language features imposing a specific
Mitchel Resnick employed the language StarLogo (based on his concurrent MultiLogo), “designed for situations with
hundreds of thousands of objects acting in parallel” (Resnick, 1997, p. 46) to explore with children the emergence of
patterns and behaviors in several models, from huge numbers of concurrently-executing processes with simple rules.
Many were related to biology, but not all: one process per termite, one process per car in traffic, per tree in forest, etc.
Shapiro classifies such use of concurrency techniques as “parallel programming” (1989, ibid.), but others have used
this term differently (e.g. Resnick, 1997).
110 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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organization; rather they favor one over another. A programmer can use a transformational
language in a reactive way, and a reactive language in a transformational way, but it’s not always a
simple endeavor.
Transformational programming languages lend themselves to programs where central
processes command others (Figure 64).

Please do Here itit

this… is!is!



Figure 64 – Typical concurrent transformational program

Reactive programming languages, on the other hand, tend to distribute responsibilities, and
wait for events to attend to (Figure 65), and command is often decentralized.

I need to
Event know this…


I need
I needto to
know this…
this. Event

Figure 65 – Typical concurrent reactive program

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 111

Introduction to computer programming
Regarding the communication and synchronization between processes, both revolve around
three different needs:
ƒ data and commands from a process must be able to reach another;
ƒ some processes need coordinate the timing for execution of their actions with others78;
ƒ there are times when a process must not be interrupted, lest its work become
In order to render clear the importance of these topics, I’m going to return to the billiards
table, as a way to render these problems more concrete.
This time, the two balls will collide. Supposing the
subject matter being explored is Newtonian physics79, one
simple case would be to consider the balls’ mass to be
identical, with no attrition (i.e., velocity is constant), full
elasticity, and no diameter. This would thus be a matter of
combining velocities (Figure 66).
Assuming that each ball has one or several processes
controlling its behavior, when collision is detected, there is
the need for each ball to determine the velocity of the other
ball, to decide the new direction.
In such software-based simulations, usually velocities
are found as either global properties of the system (i.e., a
huge system library with the velocities of all balls) or as Figure 66 – Colliding billiard balls
local properties of each ball. This latter case is the one
which I’ll use here.
The white ball will have to do two separate actions: 1) get the red ball’s velocity; 2) combine
it with its own. The red ball will have to do the same thing. If all goes well, the balls will depart the
collision spot following the arrows presented in Figure 66.
But things could go quite wrong. Following the notion of speed independence, mentioned
previously, it isn’t possible to assume that each ball will do those two steps in nice order. Let one
assume this situation:
Time White ball Red ball
1 Detected collision Detects collision
2 Gets velocity of red ball
3 Updates own velocity
4 Gets velocity of white ball
5 Updates own velocity
6 Resumes movement Resumes movement
Table 7 – Concurrency: synchronicity problems

E.g. by specifying precedence, priority, and mutual exclusion (Hansen, 2001, p. 22) or coincidence (using the
methods referred in footnote 86, at the bottom of page 113).
This example was inspired by an actual event at London’s Institute of Education in 2002, when Yishay Mor, Gordon
Simpson and I were trying to create a simple high-school physics example using ToonTalk.
112 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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After those 6 time slots have elapsed, it’s fair to say
that the assignment of computer power was fair: the
processes in charge of each ball manage to run four times
each. However, due to speed independence, this situation
causes a strange behavior to occur (Figure 67).
It looks as if the white ball had crashed into the red!
The reason is that the velocity for the red ball (the red
arrow in the figure) was wrongly calculated. What
happened was this: during time-slots 1-3, the white ball did
everything it need to, including the update of its velocity.
So, when the red ball finally got a chance to get the white
ball’s velocity, in step 4, it was no longer the original
velocity, heading towards the red ball, but the new one, Figure 67 – Wrong result of collision
moving away from it!
So, in time-slot 4, from the perspective of the red ball, it didn’t collide head-on with the white
ball: it crashed on it from behind, going at a slightly higher speed. The result is thus two balls
moving in the same direction at identical speeds80.
A similar problem can occur if the red ball does everything before the white ball. In fact, the
collision will ONLY turn out fine if both balls read each other’s velocity before changing their own.
The problem exists because independent processes (the balls) must share states (in this case,
their velocities and the event of colliding). Getting information on a shared state and acting based
on it is a source of synchronization problems. In order to solve this and related problems,
concurrent systems offer synchronization methods, usually of the sorts presented in the list that
follows this paragraph. As can be seen from that list, the methods for solving the problem of
synchronization include methods used for solving the other mentioned problem: communication:
ƒ Lock-out methods: the access and manipulation of information about the shared state is
attributed to a single process, and others have to wait until the shared state becomes
free (typical examples from computer science are called semaphores81, condition
variables82 and monitors83).
ƒ Message-passing methods: rather than accessing a shared state, processes pass copies
of information among them, and are free to do whatever they desire with their copy of
the information84.
ƒ Remote invocation of methods: rather than accessing a shared state, processes provide
copies of information and request other processes to act on their behalf85.
ƒ Parallelize execution: if necessary, different parts of concurrent processes can be
forced to start coincidentally in time, and not to advance beyond a certain point until
all involved parts are complete86.
In section 3.4, I present a more complete description of several of these methods87, including
ToonTalk examples of their implementation and brief suggestions for educational use.

In some cases (such as ToonTalk programming), the behavior can be even stranger, because the balls can overlap a
bit by the time the collision is detected. If this overlap isn't undone, a new collision may be detected immediately after
the first, resulting in a reversal of movement!
(Dijkstra, 1965)
A method invented by Per Brinch Hansen in 1973, but its complete description (with several developments) was first
presented by Tony Hoare (1974).
A method introduced by Hansen (1969) and later expanded by Hoare (1978).
This technique is known as “remote procedure calls”, and was first introduced by Hansen (1978)
In computer-science terms, such techniques include parallel statements (Dijkstra, 1975), barriers (Tanenbaum, 2001,
pp. 123-124) and synchrons (Turbak, 1996).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 113

Introduction to computer programming

3.2.2. What You Want vs. What To Do: constraint programming vs.
procedural programming
Regarding this second part of the major topic “Computer programming styles”, I found the
opening quote of the previous section to be particularly fortunate by having employed the word
“constraint.” I’ll present it here again, to spare the reader the trouble of browsing back to page 101.
« Programming languages not only furnish us with a means of
expression, but they also constrain our thinking in certain ways, by imposing
on us a particular model of computation. »
(Burns & Davies, 1993, p. 1)
In that section (3.2.1), I presented one way in which this could occur, by contrasting
sequential programming against concurrent programming. In this section, I present another
distinction, by contrasting programming with constraints, around intended goals, against
programming with orders, focusing on specific goals. The term “procedural”, used in the title of
this section, thus represents its semantic sense; it is not a synonym for “functional programming”
(presented in section 2.2.6) as it is sometimes used.
For a programming language, being sequential or concurrent, as presented in the last section,
and being procedural or constraint-oriented, as is being presented in this section, aren’t necessarily
advantages or hindrances: it all depends on the purpose for which the language is intended, on the
context of its use – and also on the thinking style of the user (programmer). Programming with
constraints provides the ability to express one's reasoning in a way that is quite different from
traditional programming, and that, in itself, is a powerful thing.
« A significant motivation for programming language research is to find
clean abstractions and conceptual frameworks that enable us to understand
and reason about complex computational phenomena in a simple way. »
(Saraswat, 1993, p. xxxiii)
The metaphor I elected to use for this section
is the common task of moving furniture or other
objects through a doorway (Figure 68).
Expressing such a task in terms of traditional
programming models implies that the programming
process is focused on how the task is performed –
what to do. Specifically, one would seek to
determine the starting position of the object, its size
and format, the distance to the doorway, the size of Figure 68 – Moving furniture involves goals and
the doorway, etc. Then one would act upon those constraints
data, to achieve the goal of transposing the door.
Here’s a typical approach to the resolution of the problem:
ƒ assemble data on object and door dimensions and positions;
ƒ determine need for re-orientation;
ƒ perform necessary re-orientation;
ƒ go through the doorway;
ƒ determine need for re-orientation before setting down the object;
ƒ set it down.

Sections 3.4.10 – “Parallel/Concurrent execution”, 3.4.11 – “Parallel/Concurrent statements”, 3.4.12 – “Message
passing / Communication channels”, and 3.4.18 – “Clients and servers”.
114 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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These operations, of course, imply smaller problems, such as how to turn it around, how to
pick it up, drop it, etc. The overall goal of taking the object through the door is kept in mind, but it
isn’t the focus of the programming task.
Rather, in constraint programming, one focus on which and what limitations define the task
– that what is wanted. The programming process is focused on specifying the details of the problem,
as finely as possible, and by that process to define how it should be solved. Here’s a constraint
approach to the resolution of the problem by defining it more precisely:
ƒ the object’s starting position is88 on the outside; The object must
ƒ the object’s ending position is on the inside; move.
ƒ the object’s path must be through the doorway; The object must fit
ƒ the object must not be disassembled; the doorway.
ƒ the object area facing the doorway must be smaller
than the area of the doorway.
ƒ the width of the object are must be less than the The object may
width of the doorway; have to be rotated.
ƒ the height of the object must be less than the
height of the doorway;
ƒ the object must be laid down on its base; The object may
ƒ the base must be leveled with the floor; have to be rotated.
ƒ the object must not be dropped;

ƒ the place where to set down must be clear.
I propose that the reader compares his/her own thinking styles while reading the previous two
sequences. As one’s reasoning progresses along the sequences, the mindframe towards the overall
problem (carrying the object inside) is likely to be quite different. Things that are explicit in one
model become implicit in another; things that are the major concern in a model become less
relevant in another. The reason I am not rendering concrete these differences is because they’re
most likely to differ from person to person; but I expect some sort of contrast to be deep enough to
be clearly felt by most people.
One of the most important distinctions between these two models is the handling of data. In
procedural programming (the former sequence) data is collected, stored and processed, flowing
through the program, which is composed of operations to be performed on the stored data. By
contrast, in constraint programming (the latter sequence) the program flow involves a continuous
refinement of constraints, eventually leading to a conclusion: the data to which the constraints apply
is almost ignored in the sentences. In them, data seems almost “internal” to each constraint.
One can imagine these sentences being written and read, gaining a better conception of the
overall problem, without actually getting hold of actual data values; in other words, as if it were not
necessary to have the actual data values for the program execution to proceed.
This last remark derives from the fact that constraint languages are logic programming
languages (Shapiro, 1989), which are geared towards processing and combining information in
logic relationships, rather than towards processing data values (processing data becomes a simple
implementation of the logic structure attained through those languages). The class of constraint
languages is thus more fully addressed as constraint logic programming languages89.

On this and the following line, my usage of the verb “is” means to impose a constraint on the mentioned positions; it
is not a mere declaration.
There have also been attempts to introduce constraints in traditional programming, under the general name of
Constraint Imperative Programming: a summary of this was included in the PhD thesis of Michael Travers (1996, pp.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 115

Introduction to computer programming
To render clearer these somewhat cryptic
remarks, I'll resort to the following concrete case:
carrying a table into the house (Figure 69).
In a procedural programming language, the
new position of the table being moved could be
calculated by using a formula such as this:

This statement would be an order for the

computer to get the currently stored values of the Figure 69 – Moving a table
variables (or functions) “CurrentTablePosition” and “StepLength”, add them, and store
the result in the variable “NewTablePosition”90.
But in a constraint language, this does not represent an order; rather, it states a relationship
between these three variables, so that any of them can be computed from the others.
This means that if at a given moment the program issues the question:
Is the NewTablePosition beyond the door?
A procedural language will need the door position and the value of the variable
NewTablePosition91. With these values, a new “Yes” or “No” value is calculated, and that “Yes” or
“No” is used for proceeding with the program.
Instead, a constraint logic language does not need to know the values to proceed: rather, the
result of that question will be something like:
“The result of comparing the door position with
While this may seem an unnecessary complication, the
implications for computing are huge: while programs expressed in
procedural languages must stop at every step, until data are available
and processed, programs expressed in constraint languages can be
executed before the actual data are available, by performing this kind
of logical processing over the constraints and statements of the
program. When data are available, the elaborated constraint logic
statements can be rendered concrete, if so desired92. This, in turn,
opens up the potential of simplifying concurrent execution of
programs: as long as the actual data does not have to flow from one
part of the program to another for computation to ensue, but only the
constraints on the data, those program parts can be executed
Figure 70 – Vijay A. Saraswat
simultaneously (there are limitations, as I’ll mention shortly). This From:
realization, further explained at the end of this section, led to the state/saraswat.jpg
development of concurrent constraint programming, i.e. languages for concurrent programming
based on constraints93. The framework for such programming language was originally proposed by
Vijay Saraswat (Figure 70) in 1990 (Saraswat, 1993).

Another option would be to define NewTablePosition as a function, stating that when invocated, it would return the
sum of those same two values or functions. This, however, doesn’t change the overall issues mentioned in the text,
because the data values those functions deal with would still have to be calculated and manipulated.
If, as stated in footnote no. 90, NewTablePosition is a function, the same things happens: it is evaluated and the result
must be an actual value, such as “Yes” or “No”.
This process is known as instantiation of the logical variables.
ToonTalk, the programming language used in the field work supporting this thesis – and described in section 3.3.5 –
is one such language, albeit restricted in the kinds of constraints it supports.
116 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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The reader unacquainted with logic programming may question how computation can
advance, beyond a question such as the one presented, since it's highly likely that the next actions
depend on the answer. But often the logic reasoning of the program can be divided into two separate
lines of “reasoning”, so to speak, to analyze separately the consequences of a “yes” or a “no”; and
thus, the calculation can proceed, as long as the actions do not cause external consequences
(showing unintended images on the screen, erasing important files, setting off a nuclear bomb, etc.)
– and even in those cases, there is often the possibility of following through with the logic
reasoning, postponing actual actions that may result from such a reasoning.
Obviously, there are limitations to this line of action: in programs that are not supposed to
end, but rather to maintain a relationship with an external source (e.g., a human user), the number of
possible branches may be infinite94. And even on some programs with an expected termination, the
same may happen when performing a logical analysis instead of a numerical analysis, as illustrated
by the following citation95.
« A more conventional illustration is provided by the treatment of
arithmetic in logic programming languages, such as Prolog. (…) no one can
deny the necessity for operations to add and to multiply two variables, whose
value will be known only at runtime. This would mandate that the constraint-
solver also be able to solve systems of basic constraints of the form X+Y=Z
and X×Y=Z. This problem, however, is enormously complicated – and if the
variables X, Y and Z range over the integers, then it is undecidable, as a
result of the unsolvability of Hilbert’s Tenth Problem!96 »
(Saraswat, 1993, p. 26)
Summing it for the reader, this is the general point: the logic evaluation of a program cannot
compute in advance all possible resolutions paths to a problem (something hardly surprising, since
that would render it completely deterministic). But its combination with a view of programming as
a refinement of constraints allows for a much simplified and powerful specification of concurrent
To conclude, I’d like to briefly present a little more technical background and consequences
of these ideas from constraint logic programming and concurrent logic programming, as combined
by Saraswat into the framework of concurrent constraint programming, already mentioned above.
When dealing with decision problems such as the one presented before, constraints help the
process of logical deduction, by allowing the program to focus on constraints themselves, not on the
actual data or its eventual values.

Such programs, as presented in the previous section, are dubbed “reactive” programs, while programs that are
conceived to end, eventually, after completing some processing, are dubbed “transformational.”
In logic programming without constraints, this situation can also occur in situations where the number of alternatives
is finite: the number of logic variants may be so huge as to render unviable the scrutiny of all possible answers to each
decision – a problem known as “combinatorial explosion”. This problem is tackled by control methods present in those
languages – which also pose limits on concurrency.
For a presentation of Hilbert’s problems aimed at laypeople, including his tenth problem, I recommend the article by
Portuguese physicist and mathematician Jorge Buescu (2003, pp. 73-86). English-language sources suggested by Jorge
Buescu in that article include the book The Hilbert Challenge, by J. Gray & D. Rowe (Oxford University Press, Oxford,
UK, 2000), and the Web page by David Joyce from Clark University, at

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 117

Introduction to computer programming
For instance, supposing one wants to drop a table that is being carried, there could be a
specification that such could not occur from higher than 5 cm. Instead of analyzing, monitoring and
controlling several values for the height of the table, a constraint language could rather specify that:
A table-drop is valid...
... when the floor distance is less than 5 cm.
... when the floor space is clear.
... when the doorway has been transposed.
... when the table is being carried.
The program can thus work around the concept of drop height not as a specific height, but just
with this set of constraining information, which is built as the program progresses. This is a concept
dear to constraint programming, known as computation through approximation (Saraswat, 1993).
A direct consequence of this notion is that in concurrent constrain programming what is
stored are not the actual data values, but rather the combination of all constraints on the data, such
as the constraints above. This means that this model views constraints as being combined and
stored, instead of the data. The storage element97 of the computational system thus becomes itself
one large and complex constraint on the data being processed by the program. This is known as the
notion of store as constraint. The direct consequence is that the data is disregarded in favor of its
information content – a distinction similar to focusing on the value of money instead of its figures.
Since the storage element of the system is seen as a constraint on data, not as storing data, in
constraint languages it makes no sense to speak in terms of storing or retrieving data (or, in more
usual computer-science terms, write and read data). Rather, this programming style expects a
problem such as “Is the table to be dropped?” to be converted into questions asking
the constraints whether the consequence of dropping the table would be valid. (This “ask” operation
is the analog operation to traditional data-read or data-retrieval operations.)
In the same sense, rather than conduction operations on the data, to change it, as happens in
traditional procedural languages, the constraint programming style expects rather that programs
impose further constraints on the data, by adding such constraints to the storage, in effect telling it
about new constraints. (This “tell” operation is the analog to traditional data-write, data-store, and
data-edit operations.)
It is this focus on constraints that also immensely facilitates concurrency: since computation
is not changing a value, but rather refining it by application of constraints, “there is no reason to
assume that at most one agent is available to carry the computation forward. A host of agents may
simultaneously work on the problem. Even if all concern themselves with the same variable, it is
still possible for them to do useful work by contributing non-redundant pieces of information
constraining the variable” (Saraswat, 1993, pp. xxiv-xxv).
Finally, it should be noted that constraint programming isn’t simply a limited programming
model, restricted to specific kinds of programs; as I already mentioned on p. 115, it is a form of
logic programming, retaining the entire generality of logic programming. Just as in logic
programming, the programmer is focused on the processing and combining of information in logic
relationships, rather than on the processing of data values (which is the focus of functional
programming). But the logic programs process data values all the same: it’s just that processing data
becomes a simple implementation of the logic structure attained through the use of this kind of

I.e., the memory.
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3.3. Programming languages

3.3.1. Perspectives in view of selection for preschool
Programming languages aren’t exactly a rare item: I am not aware of any collection claiming
to be complete, but a nice approximation of that is Bill Kinnersley’s “The Language List”
(Kinnersley, 1991), a Web site which, at my last count, included 3118 languages, from *LISP98 to
With such an ample choice, selecting languages for research on programming in the context
of preschool education requires some sorting. This section 3.3 aims to provide clarification on three
sorting parameters later mentioned in section 5.1: written vs. visual programming; concrete vs.
abstract programming; and animated programming (as opposed to animating programs).

3.3.2. Textual vs. Visual programming

The relevance of this first division of programming languages is, I believe, clear enough in the
scope of this thesis: the vast majority of children aged 3, 4 or 5 don’t know how to read or write;
and many – I dare guess “most” – of those who do must work hard to identify words and letters.
This situation clearly requires that, in order to research programming concepts in general preschool
settings, one considers programming languages that do not depend on reading or writing of textual
information. Typically, programming languages that are not based on text are dubbed “visual
languages” – hence the name used in this section’s title. I will defer mentioning programming
languages and concepts that were developed with the specific aim of empowering children users,
until the coming sections 3.3.4 and 3.3.5.
Such deferring is necessary because visual languages are not seen as useful only for children
or other text-impaired individuals; rather, their origin and development is linked to the human skills
for image-processing and recognition of visual patterns. Those skills can more readily be put to use
when a language takes advantage of visual features. Hence, this section deals with a presentation of
general concepts of such languages, regardless of the assumed technical expertise or age of intended
That statement about putting to use human visual skills is a general one, which includes
traditional languages and methods. For instance, even if a language is entirely textual, visual cues
such as placement of words, line-splitting and indenting are commonly used to increase the
readability of its code by human programmers100 (vd. example in Table 8).
Code in the Pascal language without Code in the Pascal language with
indenting or splitting of lines indenting and splitting of lines
... ...
while (count < limit) do while (count < limit) do
begin test=getnewitem(); if begin
(test=TRUE) then inc(count); test:=GetNewItem();
end; if (test=TRUE) then
Table 8 – Impact of indenting in code readability

“A data-parallel extension of Common LISP for the Connection Machine” (Kinnersley, 1991, citing “The Essential
*LISP Manual”, TM Corp 1986).
An extensible language designed to develop compilers for the Ape100 parallel computers (Cabasino et al., 2001).
The textual language Python even acknowledges this in its syntax, by using indentation to specify grouping of
instructions, rather than using traditional pairs such as “begin end” (used in Pascal) or “{}” (used in C, C++, C# and

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 119

Introduction to computer programming
Other visual techniques are common in traditional programming, particularly in planning and
design. One common example, employed in the specification of programs, is the use of flowcharts.
For instance, the code used in Table 8 could be represented in the flowchart format101 of Figure 71.

Start (…)

Increase the

test=TRUE ?

Assign to “test”
the value of


End (…)

Figure 71 – Sample flowchart specifying the program in Table 8

Traditionally, flowcharts were used in the planning and design phase of software
programming projects, but the final coding took place with a textual language, into which the
flowchart was manually converted.
« In those days, the accepted method for writing a program was first to
manually draw a flow chart, in other words a diagram of the flow of control,
and then to translate that diagram (again manually) into lines of FORTRAN
(or other language) code. »
(Scrivener, 1994)
This manual conversion is no longer necessary in modern visual programming languages: the
full program can be expressed visually, without further manual conversions.
While the historical evolution of programming with textual instructions was presented in
sections 2.2.5 and 2.2.6, it was so as a necessary part of the general history of computer
programming. In this section I simply intend to make a presentation of visual computer
programming systems, not present a full historical view102.
Visual languages are often seen as providing an easier-to-use and easier-to-learn environment
for programming. However, research on the positive, negative or neutral impact of visual languages
in professional programming activities has been limited and contradictory (Whitley, 1996; Whitley
& Blackwell, 1997, pp. 3-4), although the most recent research tends to be positive (Johnston et al.,
2004, pp. 17-18).
In my view, an important insight into this matter was provided by a thorough survey on the
expectations of professionals from academy and industry, conducted by Kirsten Whitley and Alan
Blackwell (1997), regarding the impact of visual programming languages on programming in
general. In that study, academics often had “optimistic theories regarding the influence that new
According to Nickerson, Herman Goldstein claims to have created the fist flowchart for computers in 1947, while
working with John von Neumann (Nickerson, 1994, ch. 2, “The Origins of Visual Programming”).
For the reader with an interest in historical data on visual programming languages, I recommend the section “The
Origins of Visual Programming”, in the PhD dissertation of Jeffrey V. Nickerson (1994, ch. 2).
120 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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[visual] programming languages can exert on the mental processes of the programmer”, while
professional programmers tended to be focused on “potential improvements in productivity that
arise from straightforward usability issues, rather than from theories of cognition.” And within the
professional programmers surveyed, there was a strong distinction in views between a mixed group
of programmers visiting a trade show and another group, of programmers with experience in the
visual programming language LabVIEW (Figure 74, p. 125). The programmers with experience in
this visual language had significantly more favorable views regarding the usability and power of
visual languages in general than the sample of general programmers.
This paints a global pattern similar to the issue on concurrent vs. sequential programming
styles and their ease of use (vd. section 3.2.1). The cognitive impacts under the academic focus are
dependent on pre-existent cognitive strategies that people initiating visual programming may have,
in the programming domain; and the impact on productivity and usability, which is the focus of
current programmers, is certainly dependent on how visual languages adapt to the programmers’
current usage strategies (textual), rather than on any novel visual-specific global strategy. Indeed,
those researchers acknowledge this, by saying103:
« The professional programmers exhibit a preference for the tools that
they have had most experience of using. We recognize that this might
produce significant biases when programmers are questioned about the
value of their tools. These biases can even extend to significant skepticism
about the advantages of new techniques, whether or not the programmer
fully understands the technique being described. »
(Whitley & Blackwell, 1997, p. 22)
Under this line of reasoning, it is a promising indicator that programmers experienced in the
visual language LabVIEW had favorable views regarding its comparison with textual languages104.
But before presenting technical features of visual-programming, I propose a look at the notion
itself: visual computer-programming languages. Such languages, in order to deserve their name,
must possess features relevant to all naming words of their category:
ƒ they must, first of all, be programming languages, i.e. allow the expression of
meaning and content of programs (therefore, mere graphic visualizations of the
execution of programs, not of the programs themselves, are not considered105);
ƒ they must have been designed for computer-programming tasks (therefore, hand-
sign languages, flag languages and so forth are not included);
ƒ they must be visual, in the sense that they are not textual (this only excludes languages
that are exclusively based on written words for expressing the program logic – it does
not exclude those that employ text along with other visual content106).
« ‘‘Visual Programming’’ (VP) refers to any system that allows the user
to specify a program in a two (or more) dimensional fashion. Although this

In a more recent paper, they follow up on this line of reasoning, by stating “We propose that VPL research be partly
directed by methodical study of skilled users who are experts in the use of existing VPLs”, VPL meaning “visual
programming languages” (Whitley & Blackwell, 2001, p. 436).
The group of LabVIEW programmers in this study by Whitley & Blackwell had different levels of expertise
regarding textual programming languages, but the vast majority had a large experience: over 160 of those programmers
reported experience in programming categories “Medium projects”, “Big projects”, “Several years”, and “10 years+”,
for “General programming” (not “LabVIEW programming”), while only about 55 programmers indicated the categories
“Played around”, “Training course”, and “Small programs” (Whitley & Blackwell, 2001, p. 453).
“(…) it is more accurate to use the term Visual Programming for systems that allow the program to be created using
graphics, and Program Visualization for systems that use graphics only for illustrating programs after they have been
created” (Myers, 1989, p. 5).
“(…) products such as Visual Basic are not graphical languages because such products require that program logic
be typed in as text” (Whitley & Blackwell, 1997).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 121

Introduction to computer programming
is a very broad definition, conventional textual languages are not considered
two dimensional since the compilers or interpreters process them as long,
one-dimensional streams. Visual Programming does not include systems that
use conventional (linear) programming languages to define pictures, such
as, Sketchpad, CORE, PHIGS, Postscript, the Macintosh Toolbox, or X-11
Window Manager Toolkit. It also does not include drawing packages like
Apple Macintosh MacDraw, since these do not create ‘‘programs’’ (…). »
(Myers, 1989, p. 4)
By using these definitions (my own and Myers’) to analyze the examples in Table 8 and
Figure 71, it is clear that the mere usage of indentation does not turn a textual language into a visual
one107. The flowchart, however, represents a visual language, since it contains the entire logic of the
program, and while using text, its full meaning is not conveyed just by it: the symbols’ shapes
provide insight on the meaning of the textual information, and the connecting arrows allow the
reader to understand the sequence of instructions and their transitions (a.k.a. flow of control).
But the converse is also true: the non-textual information isn’t sufficient to convey the entire
logic of the program. In fact, each element in the flowchart matches an instruction in the textual
program, and the flowchart just provides a simpler way for the programmer to visualize the flow of

Figure 72 – Sample pictorial flowchart specifying the program in Table 8

Indentation as used in Python (footnote 100) can be seen as a sequence of space or tabulation symbols, inserted in
the sequence of the text. Therefore, it doesn’t alter the one-dimensional nature of the programs.
122 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
This might at first sight invalidate usage of such kind of diagrams as flowcharts in pre-literate
settings. However, the mere presence of the text is not an absolute limitation, since flowcharts can
be used resorting to pictorial information rather than textual one. Figure 72, on p. 122, presents a
pictorial version of the previous flowchart, constructed by simply employing clipart pictures. One
can easily imagine such a flowchart being constructed in physical fashion (paper, crayons ...) in a
preschool activity room, with the children themselves taking part in the drawing of the pictures and
their gluing to the flowchart symbols.
A flowchart like this can be used in preschool settings as an activity in the mathematic logical
domain. The starting point is represented by an athlete preparing to race, the finishing point is
represented by a checkered flag, the positive and negative results are represented by color-coded
smileys, and the remaining activities and decisions are represented by actual pictures depicting
actions and events.
An activity could take place with the physical version of this flowchart, along with an actual
bucket for fish, toy fish, toy fishing rods, and toy pond.
ƒ “Start!”
ƒ “Are there 4 fishes in the bucket?”
ƒ “No? Set the bait and lay the rod!”
ƒ “Did any fish bite?”
ƒ “One did? Put it in the bucket!”
ƒ “Check to see if there are 4 fish in the bucket.”
ƒ … (Eventually, there will be 4 fish in the bucket, and the flow ends at the checkered
This example is a way of turning a visual language based on text into a fully visual language.
I’m not presenting it as a proof of concept, but simply as a way to expose two problems and
limitations that occur in such a process: the pictures used are either metaphorical/hieroglyphic (i.e.
standing for a meaning or word, rather than for what they actually depict) or artistic (or
photographic) depictions of an actual activity or condition.
Metaphoric or hieroglyphic pictures, which in computer programs are usually called icons108,
should take in consideration the main concepts around the notion of metaphor, which will be
addressed in the next section (3.3.3, “Visual programming for children: concrete vs. abstract”, but
in a short note for the convenience of the reader I’d like to point out here that the interpretation of
metaphors and hieroglyphs is a convention, based on cultural norms and personal experience – and
can easily become as complex to read and use as a textual language (or even more complex).
However, the depictions of an activity or condition, while aiming to be as truthful as possible
to their intended meanings, can suffer from the same problem. For instance: the picture meaning to
represent a fisherman placing its catch in the bucket can be interpreted as taking a fish out of the
bucket instead109; or as scaling the fish just-captured; or even as eating it! But the major
technological consequence of basing a language on such depictions is that they cannot be
standardized, due to their open-ended nature: the number of depictable activities is virtually endless.
This renders unviable their interpretation by a computer.

The visual language Cantata calls them “glyphs” (Mosconi & Porta, 2000, p. 78).
The logic behind this can be, for instance, “I took one fish out, so I’ll return one fish to the pool.”

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 123

Introduction to computer programming
Some languages have partly avoided these problems, by using techniques of programming-
by-demonstration (vd. section 2.3.2), recording not the descriptions of the actions to be performed,
but the actions themselves. Two simple examples of such techniques are:
ƒ recording of initial state and final state (considering that transformation to be the
action – this is known as graphical re-write rules), and
ƒ the recording of a specific action script, as in a theatre play, movie of comic book.
Examples of programming tools using these methods are Stagecast Creator and ToonTalk,
respectively, which are presented in the coming sections (3.3.4 and 3.3.5).
Flowcharts are far from being a perfect example of visual languages, thought: I have
employed them so far merely for the sake of their familiarity. They allowed me to present the
general ideas above, without mixing them with the technical aspects of visual programming.
One down-to-earth limitation of flowcharts is that they “tend to get large and messy, as
decisions can have many branches. In order to work around this problem, extensions to flow charts
allow for charts to be terminated and then resumed on different pages [or screens, or using
scrolling]. Yet, since flow charts require loops to show return arrows, a program with many loops
requires return arrows that may span many pages [or screens, or require long scrolling or zooming
in order to be followed]” (Nickerson, 1994, ch. 2).
The advantage of flowcharts, however, comes from them being basically visual
representations of imperative languages, and therefore easily transformed into computer
instructions110. For this reason, several visual-programming systems were based around the
flowchart model111. But the existence of different programming models (as mentioned in section
2.2.6), such as functional, data-flow, and concurrent constrain logic programming, led to the
development of visual languages inspired on them112 (ToonTalk, presented in section 3.3.5, is a
visual language under the concurrent constraint paradigm, which was used in the field research for
this thesis).
One example of a language
under a different paradigm is
presented in Figure 73. It is a visual
programming language based on
functional programming, authored by
Georg Raeder in 1984, called PIP
(Programming in Pictures). In this
language, a “function is defined by
drawing a picture of the functions
input data, the functions output data
and the actions on the data”
(Nickerson, 1994).
But it was the dataflow
paradigm in particular that led to the
creation of many visual programming
languages, including the previously-
mentioned LabVIEW (Figure 74), one Figure 73 – Programming in the PIP visual language
of the most successful ones in From: From: Nickerson, 1994, fig. 2.61

It is interesting to note that these advantages are at the technical level of implementation, while the mentioned
disadvantages are at the human level of usability.
For example, Ephraim Glinert’s languages PICT, presented in 1985, and Blox, presented in 1986 (Nickerson, 1994,
section 2.6.1). The earliest example, involving graphical specification of procedures, is from 1966 (Sutherland, 1966).
In a survey of Visual Programming Languages, Brad Myers analyses no less than 37 different visual languages
(Myers, 1989).
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professional settings. This is partly due to dataflow programming being intrinsically related to a
graphic notation, since dataflow programs, being based on dataflow graphs113 can easily be
expressed graphically (vd. section 2.2.6), partly due to the advantage of having a graphical-inclined
notation that includes representations both of operations on data, and of the data itself.
In dataflow visual languages such as LabVIEW (Figure 74), data enters graphical items114,
representing program modules or procedures, where it is transformed; it then exits those items, in
this way flowing across the program.

Figure 74 – LabVIEW programming examples: generating an array of random integers and using dataflow to
determine execution order
From (respectively):

“The ‘machine’ language of programs designed to be run on dataflow hardware architectures is the dataflow graph.
Most textual dataflow languages were translated into these graphs in order to be scheduled on the dataflow machine”
(Johnston et al., 2004, p. 17).
In LabVIEW, which was designed for creation of software interfaces for hardware devices (mainly in the field of
real-time data acquisition) these items are called “virtual instruments”.

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Another feature of dataflow languages that also benefits from a visual representation is their
potential for achieving large amounts of parallelism at the instruction level.115 The visual editing of
programs in a visual dataflow language can contribute to the programmer’s identification of each
procedure as an independent item, which can be running at the same time as other items.
An important notion is that while the aforementioned visual languages are visual in design
and coding, when trying to analyze their execution (to detect and repair errors), most visual
languages are static languages. I.e., one can follow the flow of data or of control from element to
element, but there is nothing to take advantage of the human abilities for visual pattern recognition
of motion. “Programs describe dynamic patterns. [Most] Visual programming languages attempt to
encode descriptions of these dynamic processes with static pictures” (Kahn, 1996b, p.3). In this
aspect, static visual languages are identical to traditional textual languages. Also, they lack of
adequateness to express dynamic changes in the program itself: the creation of new objects, for
instance, is troublesome in dataflow languages116.
But some languages did include the notion of code animation, by which the code can run in a
visually animated fashion, therefore contributing to the programmer’s visual understanding of its
« (…) visual programming has failed to become wide-spread because it
isn’t radical enough. (…) Dynamic pictures, or animations, are a much
better fit [for describing dynamic processes]. »
(Kahn, 1996b, p. 3)
A pioneering language in this regard was Pictorial Janus (Kahn & Saraswat, 1990). This
language not only allows the fully graphical specification of a program, but also the animated,
dynamic visualization of its execution. As an example, Figure 75 presents the frames of the
animation of a program to append two lists117.
« We envision a user describing – preferably in a visual manner –
transformations, enhancements, and viewpoints on the infinite resolution
animation to produce a “documentary” that delivers the required
information. »
(Kahn & Saraswat, 1990, p. 12)
« A (…) program (…) will animate as (…) elements that grow, shrink,
move, and dissolve. The animation of an agent reduction shows a rule
expanding until it visually matches the agent contour. It then dissolves away
leaving behind the body of the rule. Links shrink as newly created agents
grow. »
(Kahn, 1996b, p. 6)

Since data is entirely transmitted from a procedure to the next, any procedure can start to be executed “as soon as its
operands become available” (Johnston et al., 2004, p. 3), without the need to wait for its turn in a specific execution
sequence. This situation is similar to what happens in concurrent constraint programming languages: agents wait until
there is enough information to proceed, and then apply their actions concurrently to the constraints (vd. section 3.2.2).
“(…) traditional dataflow systems have program graphs with a topology that is fixed at compile-time. Even in so-
called dynamic graph systems, “dynamic” refers to the dynamic creation of a subgraph instance (for example, a new
loop iteration or procedure call). The subgraph structure is still fixed” (Grimshaw, 1993, p. 7).
Unfortunately, animation frames like these are a poor substitute for the actual motion. This and other videos of
Pictorial Janus programs can be found at the Web site (retrieved on October 15th, 2004)
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The process is
repeated for the
remaining two

Figure 75 – Pictorial Janus, execution example: appending the lists “a b c” and “d e f” to produce “a b c d e f”
From: (animated movie)

In spite of all advances and improvements in visual languages, from flowcharts to visual
programs with animation of their execution, one problem is common to all the languages referenced
here (which are a fair representation of the genre). And that problem is that the usage and
interpretation of these languages, irrespective of the reader’s stance on their advantages and
disadvantages, remain highly complex for the average (non-technical) computer user.
« [In most visual programming systems] (…) formal diagrams are used to
encode programs and many people find formal diagrams difficult to
understand and construct. Venn diagrams, for example, are much simpler
than visual programs and while most readers of a [technical computer]
journal (…) find them very easy, one forgets how hard it is for most children
to learn them. »
(Kahn, 1996b, p. 7)
Due to this conceptual complexity, it’s necessary to analyze programming languages in a
different manner, not just in visual vs. textual, as was performed in this section. In order to be easily
learned and used by children, languages must overcome this formal complexity at the level of their
usage. This is the subject of the next section, 3.3.3.

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Introduction to computer programming

3.3.3. Visual programming for children: concrete vs. abstract

As put forward in the previous section, the mere fact of being visual doesn't by itself render a
programming language accessible to children. The visual syntax and visual formalisms can be as
complex and hard to grasp and use as the formal textual ones. A typical way to pose this problem is
by saying that those languages are abstract; by stating the problem in this fashion, a solution would
require the annulment of that abstractness – i.e., rending programming concrete, rather than
But this view is just a simplification of the problem statement, apparently “simplified” by
saying that rendering programming accessible is achieved by rendering it concrete. In fact, the
problem remains, but now in a different guise: when and how does programming cease to be
abstract and start to be concrete?
This view of opposition between abstract and concrete is quite prevalent in education
(although contradicted by recent theory and research, as I’ll explain further ahead in this section): it
is easily fitted within general “common sense”, and supported by the work of several influential
researchers on child development and children’s cognition. Among these, the most prevalent
educational theory that directly addressed this duality is the constructivist theory associated with the
philosophy of Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky and Jerome Bruner, although the concept is also part of
the earlier philosophy of Arnold Gesell, known as maturational theory (these theories are presented
in section 4.1, “Early childhood education philosophy(ies)”).
Under these theories, human cognitive development during childhood is a progression
towards the ability for higher-order thinking, seen as achieved when the child demonstrates the
ability to employ formal or abstract ideas. This progression is represented as a sequence of stages or
levels that children traverse, until they reach mature thought, seen as formal and abstract. Following
this logic, abstract thinking is also seen as superior to concrete thinking, which is regarded as a
mere phase in children’s cognitive development118.
These notions of separate abstract and concrete thinking styles, seen as superior and inferior
styles (or, in other words, seeing the concrete thinking style as a mere transitional style towards
abstract thinking), have important implications for the design of computer programming languages
for children.
The most crucial implication, in my view, is that if such notions were to be hold as true, then
programming based on concrete notions, rather than abstract notions, would be necessarily inferior,
limited in scope and reach. Programming languages based on the concrete would also not be as
expressive or powerful as those based on abstractions. And therefore, children programming and
programming languages aimed at children, by aiming to be concrete, would be hopelessly confined
to “toy language” status, nothing more than an entry point into programming, unsuitable to explore
the most powerful ideas, techniques and expressiveness allowed by an abstract programming
This limitation, in turn, would imply that the usage of concrete programming languages in
education could only carry very limited benefits, unless it was seen as a transitional step towards
abstract programming.
However, by pairing the ideas of abstract thinking separated from concrete thinking, and of
children progressing from concrete to abstract thinking, one can reach a realization conflicting with
real-word experience: children should then only be able to use “toy” tools (concrete tools) until they

This has been questioned in recent years, and an example was already mentioned in this thesis, in section 2.4.5 (p.
80), when I presented the ideas of Sherry Turkle and Seymour Papert. They urged for a reevaluation of the concrete
mode of thinking (which they called “bricolage”), and pointed out examples of its use by adults in non-trivial situations
(Turkle & Papert, 1990).
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become capable of using “real” tools (abstract tools)119. While the usage of toys and toying with
non-toys are common activities for children, they are far from being all that children do. A widely-
known situation that serves as a counter-example of that realization is that children are able to learn
how to play a “real” musical instrument while they are very young (2 or 3 years old), seemingly still
in the realm of concrete thinking, e.g. by using the Suzuki violin teaching method (Komlos,
1998)120. One may argue that a musical instrument is a real, physical object, and therefore concrete.
But by playing it, a child produces music – which is not physical: the sounds have a physical
impact, but its appreciation is at the cognitive and cultural level. This, too, could be dismissed by
saying that such a child is merely reproducing – aping – sounds that he/she heard, and therefore
acting on the concrete. This view of a child playing an instrument without a cognitive appreciation
of the music being played is for me hard to accept: it seems just one step short of branding the child
as unable to have emotions regarding the music being heard or played. But I am not presenting this
example as a proof or demonstration of my viewpoints. Rather, it is used to clarify to the reader my
point of apparent existence of inconsistencies on the view of strict separation between the concrete
and the abstract, which I expressed at the beginning of this paragraph as a “realization conflicting
with real-world experience”.
Indeed, both research and more recent cognitive theories provide support for a different view
on concrete thinking and its relationship with abstract thinking. It comes from three main areas: the
constructivist views on the processes of learning, the ecological systems theory dating from 1979,
by Urie Bronfenbrenner121 (both are presented in section 4.1.2), and particularly the work on
concrete mathematics done by Uriel Wilensky (1991 & 1993).
Under the ecological systems theory, the child is influenced by the entire environment where
he/she is embedded. “Environment”, here, means not just the physical and the social environment in
the child’s immediacy, but also events occurring in settings in which the person is not even present,
such as the ties between school and home, or the conditions of parental employment.
And the environment’s main influence upon a child is his/her interpretation of that
environment, rather than any “real” features of it. As a consequence, any attempt to understand a
child’s actions is superficial, if it is solely based on objective features of the environment: to
understand the child’s actions, there is the need to question the meaning of those features for the
child. This includes the impact of “real” objects and events on the child’s motivation, and also the
impact of “unreal” elements, such as those created by the child using his/her imagination, fantasies,
and conceptions (Spodek & Saracho, 1993, p. 78).
This theory implies that the notion of “concrete” goes beyond concepts such as being physical
or touchable: the child’s feelings and sensations towards the world, as well as interpretations of
events, imagined situations, etc., are very much “real” (concrete) for the child.
However, this ecological view is ignoring the cognitive processes at work in the child. The
discussion on the abstract and the concrete thus needs to connect it to the constructivist view of
cognition, particularly to the constructivist notions of accommodation and equilibration explained in
section 4.1.
Simply put, these notions explained by Piaget (1975) mean that when people experience novel
situations, they sometimes contradict one’s previous notions and understandings, rendering them
insufficient. This in turn unbalances one’s conceptions, and the way to balance them, reaching
cognitive equilibrium, is to accommodate the novel experience, by changing one’s own self,
constructing new notions.

Or use real tools in “toy” fashion.
A more radical point of view is that children learn about world and society in the real world and in the real society,
not in toy versions.
Now renamed as “bioecological system theory”.

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Pairing this conception with the implications brought by the theory of ecological systems on
the notion of “concrete”, as explained above, one reaches the idea that children’s cognitive
development by equilibration can occur both with physical and non-physical concepts, and these
two kinds of concepts are present both in abstract and in concrete situations.
But this reflection about the implications of Piaget’s and
Bronfenbrenner’s theories on the notions of abstraction and
concreteness was still, in itself, abstract to me, as I hope the reader is
by now finding this explanation so far. It was only when I became
aware of Wilensky’s view on the connection between concreteness,
abstraction and personal viewpoints that I found this matter to have
become concrete to me (Wilensky, 1991; id., 1993, pp. 52-71). And in
the same fashion, by now summarizing Wilensky’s thought, I hope to
give the reader a chance to have these explanations become concrete
at last.
Wilensky puts in question the intuitive physical notion of
concrete and abstract, by presenting examples of how even physical
objects such as snow, a pen or a chair can be, in fact, abstract, to Figure 76 – Uriel Wilensky
extend the duality of concrete vs. abstract into a continuum of
degrees of abstraction and concreteness. Concepts are thus not ople/UriWilensky2.jpg
simply “concrete” or “abstract”, but rather contain a certain degree of
« This particular pen that I am currently using, which is made by
Papermate, is black, has a cap roughly one sixth as long as the stem, which
has some chew marks on it, is much more concrete than just plain "pen" or
even "Papermate pen". These descriptions of my pen ascend in levels of
abstraction and can be further abstracted by making the move to "writing
implement" or "communication tool". »
(Wilensky, 1991)
Wilensky puts forward the notion of relativity of the concrete, based on a simple notion:
concreteness, under the example above for “pen”, “Papermate pen”, “writing implement” and
“communication tool”, can be seen as relative to the number of physical objects that a label refers
to, but this association between labels and objects is personal, dictated by one's worldview and
« (…) as was first noted by Quine122 (…), this is not the case: There are
a multitude of ways to slice up our world. Depending on what kind and how
many distinctions you make, your ontology can be entirely different. Objects
like snow which are particulars in one ontology can be generalizations in
another. Indeed for any concrete particular that we choose, there is a world
view from which this particular looks like a generalization. (…)
Thus it is entirely possible to imagine a visiting alien "seeing" what you
call this concrete chair as a random collection of variegated particles
designated by some strange abstract label. The alien might not even perceive
the area of space you call chair to be filled at all, or to be filled partially by
one object and partially by another. To make this alien more concrete, just
imagine for instance a virus's "eye"-view of say a wicker chair. »

Wilensky is referring to Willard Van Orman Quine’s 1960 work, “Word and Object” (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
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One doesn’t have to picture an entity as different as an alien of a virus to realize how much
culture and world-views can impact the experience of concreteness. The following quote from a
literary work by William Camus123 provides a clear example of this.
« It wasn’t hard to recognize the chief's tepee, entirely white, plainly
adorned with grey feathers. I rasped the door three times and entered.
We, the Sioux, considered that the palefaces carried with them a smell of
dead people; on their part, the white men stated that the Sioux smelled like a
blend of badger and rancid fat. I thought that this was due to the fact of
white men and redskins not having similar senses of smell. However, having
lived for so long amongst the whites, the first thing to impress me upon
reaching the Wichita was the odor that filled the air, entering the nostrils
and impregnating my entire body. Above all, you mustn’t think that it
smelled bad; the white man, not being able to distinguish the various odors,
smells everything at once and claims it to be uncomfortable. But a Sioux
olfaction can separate each effluvium. That characteristic smell was
composed of bison fat, horse manure, charred wood, animal sweat, old
leather and remains of animals, bones, furs, innards, rotting under the sun.
Each of these aromas wasn’t unpleasant by itself, but together, they were
surprising for the nose of a paleface. »
(Camus, 1968, ch. 3, p. 92; originally written in French, translated into
English from the Portuguese translation)
Previously in this section, from the ecological systems theory, I stated that non-physical ideas
can indeed be concrete (or, under Wilensky’s continuum view, more concrete than abstract), since
their impact on the reasoning of the child depends on the child’s own interpretation of the physical
and non-physical environment. Wilensky proposes a similar view, by following from the notion of
relative personal views on the concrete. He defines concreteness not as “a property of an object but
rather a property of a person's relationship to an object” (Wilensky, 1991). And from this, arrives
to the notion of concreteness as being a property of both physical and non-physical concepts.
« It is because children share a common set of sensing apparatus (…)
and a common set of experiences such as touching, grasping, banging,
ingesting (…), that children come as close as they do to "concretizing" the
same objects in the world.
The more connections we make between an object and other objects, the
more concrete it becomes for us. The richer the set of representations of the
object, the more ways we have of interacting with it, the more concrete it is
for us. Concreteness, then, is that property which measures the degree of our
relatedness to the object, (the richness of our representations, interactions,
connections with the object), how close we are to it, or (…) the quality of
our relationship with the object. »
But a most important realization by Wilensky is that this means that any concept can be
concrete or abstract to someone.

“William Camus was born in the Yukon territory, his mother French and his father Iroquois. He was raised ‘the
Indian way’ in Canada, where his father was a fur trader. He was a stock-car pilot in the USA (…), and later a
journalist and a defender of the Indian cause.” Translated from the French version (CIELJ, n.d.).

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Introduction to computer programming
« (…) any object/concept can be [/] become concrete for someone. The
pivotal point on which the determination of concreteness turns is not some
intensive examination of the object, but rather an examination of the modes
of interaction and the models which the person uses to understand the
object. This view will lead us to allow objects not mediated by the senses,
objects which are usually considered abstract – such as mathematical
objects – to be concrete; provided that we have multiple modes of
engagement with them and a sufficiently rich collection of models to
represent them. »
A final consequence of this is that, from the point of view of a person, most concepts start by
being abstract. As that person acquires more methods of interaction with a concept, that concept
becomes increasingly more concrete. Thus, the more advanced concepts for each person are
abstract, but not because of inherent “abstraction” characteristics: rather, they are abstract for a
person because that person still hasn’t rendered them concrete.
« It would thus appear again that the standard Piagetian view of stage124
is turned on its head. In the school setting, rather than moving from the
concrete to the formal, we often begin our understanding of new concepts
(just as we often do with new people) by having a formal introduction.
Gradually, as the relationship develops it becomes more intimate and
concrete. Outside of school, in the world, our nascent understanding of a
new concept, while not usually formal is often abstract because we haven't
yet constructed the connections that will concretize it. The reason we
mistakenly believed we were moving from the concrete to the abstract is that
the more advanced objects of knowledge (e.g., permutations, probabilities)
which children gain in the formal operations stage are not concretized by
most adults (…) they remain abstract and thus it seems as if the most
advanced knowledge we have is abstract. It follows that the actual process of
knowledge development moves from the abstract to the concrete. Only those
pieces of knowledge that we have not yet concretized remain abstract. »
Returning to computer programming, these ideas point to the notion that computer
programming can become concrete to the programmer if the programming system (and
environment, following the ecological system theory) provides many ways for the user to “connect”
with it.
These “ways to connect” can be seen as elements of the context of programming – or indeed,
of the context of human activities in general. Such elements are numerous: e.g., whether one is
working with general concepts or specific concepts; manipulating an example or a generic
placeholder; working mostly at the mental level or with some physical interaction; working with
sets or isolated elements; with novel things or familiar things; etc.
An important technique in this regard is the use of metaphors and analogies. Employing
metaphors and analogies, people can relate to novel areas and concepts by comparing them and
linking them with areas or concepts that are well-known and familiar. In this regard, these links are
not the property of any metaphor: they must be created by the person using the metaphor, either

Piaget’s stages are presented in section 4.1.2, p. 258.
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from scratch or adapting someone else’s metaphor125. Another way of putting it is that the links
between concepts are, themselves, the metaphor.
This may at first be seen as confusing if one only considers metaphors in their classical sense.
Traditionally, a metaphor was considered to be a mere stylistic technique in language, the usage of a
word outside its conventional meaning. For instance, the often-heard “the processor is the brain of
the computer” is a classical metaphor: since one considers brains to exist only within living
organisms, the usage of the word in that sentence intends to convey the idea that the processor
controls the computer like the brain controls the body.
But the modern view, known as contemporary theory of metaphor (Lakoff, 1992), sees
metaphor as a much more profound connection between elements than a mere elegant comparison.
Metaphor becomes a world-view, a mapping between different domains, to the point of sometimes
the person using it not even realizing that a metaphor is being used. In this sense, most human
thought is metaphorical.
« Metaphor is viewed more as a basic tool of cognition rather than a
special turn of language, and most concepts are generated by metaphors.
The exceptions are those concepts that are thought to be perceptual or
cognitive primitives, such as up or cat. Aside from these references to
concrete physical objects and experiences, metaphorical understanding is
the rule. »
(Travers, 1996, p. 31)
This is also the meaning I am using for the concept “metaphor”: a mapping between two
concepts, allowing one to be understood in terms of similarities with another. In this sense of
metaphor, simple sentences such as the above “the processor is the brain of the computer” are mere
results of the larger metaphor. This larger metaphor is known as a metaphoric model (Lakoff &
Johnson, 1980), or simply “metaphor”, and the isolated ideas that it creates, such as that sentence,
are considered to be mere metaphorical expressions (Lakoff, 1992).
Several examples of this perspective of metaphor as a world-view, or even a world-shaper, are
given by linguist George Lakoff and philosopher Mark Johnson, e.g. their example of the
metaphoric model “time is money”:
You're wasting my time. This gadget will save you hours. I don't have the
time to give you. How do you spend your time these days? That flat tire cost
me an hour. (…) Put aside some time for ping pong. Is that worth your
while? (…) He's living on borrowed time. (…) Thank you for your time. »
(Lakoff & Johnson, 1980)
But there is another side to this view: metaphors acting in this manner can also be thought of
explicitly, looking for new ways to understand the connected concepts. By doing this, a person is in
fact acquiring new perspectives on both subjects126, and even though all such comparisons are
limited in correctness, they provide further grasping points for the thinker. And as I’ve explained
above, this can help the thinker render those concepts less abstract and more concrete.

A notion that helps to explain the absence of meaningful results in experiments comparing programming systems
usability in the presence and absence of metaphors (Blackwell & Green, 1999).
Tony Veale calls this ability the “creativity of metaphor” (Veale, 1995, pp. 9-11). An example of such use is
provided on the next page, for the field of computer science. Other, similar efforts have been done in many areas,
including education and educational practices (e.g., Vasconcelos, 1990).

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Introduction to computer programming
« If Operating-System is like Religion
Then Customer-Satisfaction is like Sense-Of-Belonging
and Brand-Loyalty is like Religious-Faith
and Consumer is like Believer
and User-Base is like Congregation
and Windows-O/S is like Anglicanism
and Graphical-Window is like Stained-Glass-Window
and Graphical-Icon is like Religious-Icon
and Wimp127-Environment is like Cathedral
and Mac-O/S is like Catholicism
and Command-Line-Interface is like Protestant-Work-Ethic
and Ms-Dos is like Protestantism
and Graphical is like Baroque
and High-Level-Software is like Religious-Text
and Software-Command is like Moral-Directive
and Machine-Code-Instruction is like Cabalic-Message
and Hexadecimal is like Hermeneutic-Code »
(Veale, 1995, p. 11)
In computing, metaphors are extremely common, perhaps due to the fact that most elements
of computers are not visible. For instance, while the processor simply combines and transforms
electrical signals, humans refer to such actions as adding, subtracting or shifting values. This
interpretation carries the implicit metaphor of the processor as a person doing calculations on
numbers. And everyday cases are also common, in expressions such as “booting up” the computer,
or “shutting down the system”.
But the overall notion presented here is that metaphors, seen as models, are not simply
exceptional situations for clarifying a point: they are an essential element of each person’s
interpretation of the world. And although some thoughts are obviously metaphoric, in other cases
the underlying metaphors are not so clear-cut.
« Most people are not too surprised to discover that emotional concepts
like love and anger are understood metaphorically. What is more
interesting, and I think more exciting, is the realization that many of the most
basic concepts in our conceptual system are also normally comprehended
via metaphor—concepts like time, quantity, state, change, action, cause,
purpose, means, modality, and even the concept of a category. These are
concepts that enter normally into the grammars of languages, and if they are
indeed metaphorical in nature, then metaphor becomes central to grammar
(Lakoff, 1992, p. 212, as cited in Travers, 1996, p. 33)

Is in fact an acronym (WIMP) for “Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointing devices” or “Windows, Icons, Mouse, Pull-
down menus”. The pun is around the lines that “real users use a command-line, all other are wimps”.
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In the same vein, metaphors are central to computing. As common examples, one can see the
computer activity as a spatial movement (from Travers, 1996: “the process is blocked”; “the
machine went into a run state”), and memory is commonly seen as space (ibid.: “garbage
collection128”, “partition129”, “allocation130”, “compacting131”). These are examples of metaphors
that become so prevalent that one no longer thinks of them as metaphors. They are often referred as
“dead metaphors”, but while this classification is accepted in the classical sense, it is disputed when
one considers Lakoff’s concept of metaphor as a mapping of conceptual domains.
« The MEMORY IS SPACE metaphor might be considered dead since it is
extremely conventionalized, but it is still alive in Lakoff’s sense — the
mapping between domains is still present and can be generative of new
constructs, such as the slangy term “bit bucket” (the mythical space where
lost bits go) (…) »
(Travers, 1996, p. 33)
« When the wine reviewer of The Times contrives the metaphor "a
muscular vintage", she relies upon the reader to see it as an extension of that
established metaphor whereby wines possess body, and in doing so he
breathes new life into the metaphor (we actually conjure an image of the
wine as a well-biceped body). »
(Veale, 1995, p. 16)
For this reason, some authors proposed the renaming of this concept as “transparent
metaphors” (Travers, 1996) or “dormant metaphors” (Veale, 1995)132.
I don’t mean to ignore criticism of the concept of metaphoric thinking, particularly from the
field of formal science (including computer science). The famous computer scientist Edsger
Dijkstra made clear his position in 1989:
« By means of metaphors and analogies, we try to link the new to the old,
the novel to the familiar. Under sufficiently slow and gradual change, it
works reasonably well; in the case of a sharp discontinuity, however, the
method breaks down. (…) the metaphors become more misleading than
illuminating. This is the situation that is characteristic of the “radical”
novelty. Coping with radical novelty requires an orthogonal method. One
must consider one’s own past, the experiences collected, and the habits
formed in it as an unfortunate accident of history, and one has to approach
the radical novelty with a blank mind, consciously refusing to try to link
history with what is already familiar, because the familiar is hopelessly
inadequate. »
(Dijkstra, 1989, p. 1398)
In my view, this negative view on metaphor is completely consistent with the contents of this
section. It refers to the intentional use of metaphors as tools for understanding of novel concepts.
But as I explained above, human thought and language is laden with dead/transparent metaphors,
which have acquired so deeply the meaning to which they became associated in a new field, to the
point of not even being seen as metaphors. Another contribution to realize the quixotic nature of
attempt to entirely avoid metaphor can also be extracted from my previous presentation (at the
The process of freeing allocated memory locations that are no longer referenced by any variable.
A logical division of memory.
Assignment of a memory block to a program.
Moving allocated memory blocks in order to make them contiguous, maximizing the amount of contiguous free
Of course, the usage of “dead”, “transparent” or “dormant” implies a metaphoric view of the concepts of metaphor
as a living organism that can die, sleep and awake (dead, dormant) or as a lens affecting our vision (transparent).

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beginning of this section) of the current cognitive theories and their view on abstraction. The notion
of each individual constructing its own ontology or world-view implies that communication
between two individuals cannot be achieved without a conversion between their distinct ontologies.
Such a conversion only makes sense by incorporating the novel knowledge/information into the
current personal ontology – and thus acquiring a metaphoric property in this process.
« (…) formalism does not really offer an escape from metaphor, for two
separate reasons. First, even formal mathematics is riddled with
metaphorical terms and concepts, such as the notion of a function having a
slope (a physical metaphor) or being well-behaved (an animate metaphor).
Secondly, very few mathematicians would claim that the use of formal
methods exempts them from the need to use their imagination! »
(Travers, 1996, p. 37)
Overall, the importance of metaphor in the scope of this thesis derives from the contemporary
theory of metaphor under two points (id., p. 33):
ƒ “(…) some of our most fundamental concepts are structured metaphorically”,
ƒ “(…) it is possible (…) to gain a new viewpoint on these concepts by proposing alternate
Since this discussion on abstraction, concreteness, and metaphor is quite long, I now present a
brief consolidation of these ideas and their relation to programming languages:
ƒ no programming language is completely formal/abstract or concrete, but rather somewhere
in a continuum between these extremes, the exact placement depending on the relationship
between the programmer and the language;
ƒ consequently, the power of a programming language is not connected to hypothetical
abstraction or concreteness features, since these depend on the richness of connections
between the language and the programmer, not on the connections between the language and
the computing machines;
ƒ the creation of richness in connections between a language and the programmer is a
metaphorical process of mapping between the concepts embedded in the language and the
programmer’s concepts;
ƒ this metaphorical process is stimulated by properties of the language itself, designed for
specific groups of users, but also by the overall social and technical context and background
within which the language is introduced to the programmer and used by him/her.
Under this view, programming languages for children are NOT those that are “simpler”,
“smaller” or “less powerful”, but rather those that were designed to facilitate the metaphorical
mapping between programming concepts and typical world views of children. Being “simpler”,
“smaller” or “less powerful” can be important notions ruling some of these designs, but they aren’t
determinant or mandatory.
As an example, two pieces of code to achieve the same goal are presented on the next page.
The top one was written in C, the bottom is its ToonTalk133 equivalent. In both, a computational
process (the “parent”) is spawning another (the “child”): in the C example, the “fork” command is
used, in ToonTalk a loaded truck is sent off. The parent process then sends data to the child process
using a communication channel: in the C example, using a “pipe” construct; in ToonTalk, using a
bird/nest pair. The child-language isn’t in any way diminished in terms of expressive power or
potential for elaboration, but its concepts are closest to children’s typical worldviews.

ToonTalk is an animated programming language; its syntax is presented in section 3.3.5, but one should be aware
that this is only a “comic strip” of an interactive animation controlled by the programmer in a videogame-like manner
(this approach to presenting ToonTalk code is also presented in section 3.3.5, on p. 198).
136 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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int pipedescriptor[2]; char text[10]; char msg[10];
if ( fork() == 0 ) {
/* child process executes this */
read(pipedescriptor[0], text, 10); /* get from parent */
/* something...*/
else { /* parent process executes this */
memcpy(msg, “Hi there!”, 10);
write(pipedescriptor[1], msg, 10); /* send to child */

Start of procedure with “Hi there!” text. Pick up a nest. Drop it (egg hatches). A bird is born.

Pick up a truck. Using the magic wand… …make a clone. Put clone in truck.

Pick up an empty box. Put the nest in the box. Put nest in truck. The truck goes away.

Pick up the text. Give it to the bird. Bird takes it to its nest. The loyal bird returns!
Figure 77 – Sample program in traditional textual syntax and in child-oriented syntax134

ToonTalk syntax is presented in section 3.3.5. As with any translation, there are subtle differences. In this ToonTalk
code the child process will wait for the message and then will reproduce the parent’s behavior, spawning its own child
process and sending it the “Hi there!” message. Other ToonTalk alternatives for the spawning could be the use of a
library (in ToonTalk, a notebook) or passing the procedure as another entry parameter (simply by including it in the
original box alongside the “Hi there!” message). All these would unnecessarily complicate the equivalent C code.

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Introduction to computer programming

3.3.4. Survey of programming languages for children

Early programming languages (for adults) employed a metaphor that was almost transparent:
that of a person following a list of orders on paper. When programming in assembler languages (an
example was presented in section 2.2.6), this much would be rendered clear by instruction names
such as JMP (standing for “jump”), as if the computer had fingers that could jump from a line to
This metaphor evolved into one of communication or speech: expressing a program (or
plainly, programming) would be seen as an act of telling the computer what to do, and the program
would be a conversation between a person and a computer. For this reason, many attempts at
rendering programming easier for non-technical users (or novice technical users) were taken under
the light of simplifying this metaphorical conversation.
But while this conversational metaphor helps the conceptual mapping of part of the process of
programming, it ignores two other crucial areas: the execution of the program, in the sense of
relating a program’s behavior to its form136, and the programming environment, in the sense of
the tools and support through which the programmer expresses the program. Another area which I
address, later in this thesis, is the social environment of programming (vd. section 7.1). In this
survey, I will not use it as a distinctive feature, for usually it is not a feature simply of programming
languages themselves: the matter of how they are introduced and used is paramount in this regard.
Also, the traditional design of programming languages for children has focused on the relationship
between the child and the computer. Therefore, this survey section is conducted under the three
initial analysis categories: expressing a program, understanding the execution of the program, and
child-orientation of the programming environment.
Hypothesizing the impact of social aspects in programming language design is beyond the
scope of this thesis, and is a field lacking adequate research and development efforts. However, as
an example of possible outcomes of such research and development, I’d just like to point out here,
briefly, the case of programming environments aimed at facilitating simultaneous development of a
program by several users (a.k.a. “collaborative programming”). Examples of such environments and
languages137 are MOOSE-crossing (Bruckman, 1997), Cleogo (Cockburn & Bryant, 1998), and
collaborative computations on the floor (Fernaeus & Tholander, 2003). A recent contribution is
Mulspren, presented in the PhD dissertation of Timothy Wright, which also includes an analysis of
collaborative programming environments (Wright, 2004).
There are four programming languages for children whose impact warrants a detailed
description in this dissertation: ToonTalk (which was used in the field work supporting this
dissertation and is the subject of section 3.3.5), and Logo, Squeak Etoys, and Stagecast Creator, the
three of which I will now present in detail. The final part of this section presents a commented list
of other programming languages for children.

A non-metaphorical version of such “jump” instructions would be named something like CPC (for “change program
counter”). This, of course, if we ignore that the name “program counter” is itself a metaphor for the digital circuit of a
register holding the address of the currently-executing instruction (another common name for such registers is
“instruction pointer” – even more clearly metaphorical).
I.e. the instructions composing the program.
Programming with physical items, as described latter in this section, also provides an environment where
collaboration can easily be employed, by having more than one person manipulating the objects used for programming.
But in general, this possibility didn’t impact the design of these systems.
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The Logo language was the first to be designed specifically for children use. Previously, other
languages such as BASIC and COBOL aimed to simplify the programming process for non-
technical users, or “novice” programmers; but such users were thought of as young adults, rather
than children – even if many children ended up programming in BASIC, for instance.
Logo history and general design goals were presented in section 2.4.5, but not the child-aimed
features of the language. A major problem in doing it for a language almost 40 years old, of which
many versions were created, is deciding which features to consider, besides those available since
the first version. I decided to focus on the most traditional aspects of the Logo programming
environment, namely the original language features, available in the first version of Logo, and the
“turtle graphics” subset which was included a few years later. There are three reasons for this
choice to include turtle graphics here, while ignoring newer Logo-related developments: firstly, it
was a command subset of tremendous popularity, to the point of sometimes people mistakenly
assuming Logo is only about turtle graphics; secondly, turtle graphics have greatly impacted
Seymour Papert’s educational ideas138; and thirdly, the turtle graphics command set and
programming model have inspired and were employed in many other programming languages for
children, which are mentioned later in this section. By including Logo graphics here, under the
Logo heading, their merits are assigned to the appropriate language.
As I mentioned in section 2.4.5, from the very start the key features of Logo were planned to
allow the programmer to focus more on the idea of the program, and less on its written
implementation. In this sense, its first contribution was the simplification of the written expression
of programs. To achieve this, many typical syntax elements were abolished, and the language
keywords and commands chosen carefully to resemble the current English language, sounding less
technical (an approach that had also been pursued previously, although perhaps not so radically, in
other designs of programming languages for novices).
A way to understand this simplification more clearly is to compare Logo with Lisp, the
language upon which the design of Logo was based, rather than comparing it to a completely
different language. Table 9 presents the same command in Lisp and in Logo. It results in the
presentation of the text “Hello World” on the screen139.
Lisp Logo
(princ "Hello World!") print [Hello World!]
Table 9 – “Hello world!” code in Lisp and in Logo
The differences in this example are: the parentheses used in the Lisp code disappeared in the
Logo example (although they could have been used, if so the user wished); the quotes became
square brackets; and “princ” became “print”. What’s the logic behind these changes? The
resulting command does seem more readable as an English-language expression, apart from the
change between quotes and square brackets, but why wasn’t Lisp just as readable in the first place?

E.g. in the idea of body-syntonicity (as mentioned in section 2.4.5 and explained in section 4.2.2).
Presenting “Hello World!” on the screen is the most typical example provided by programming language textbooks
and manuals to introduce a language’s syntax to a new user. Several Web sites, such as, provide collections of “Hello World!” code in several

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The reason lies in the goals of each language. Lisp was developed as a language where several
mathematical ideas were explored140, and its general design aim was the encoding of fairly complex
logic relationships, in such a way that would simplify not the coding process but rather the
demonstration of its “correctness”.
« (…) this combination of ideas made an elegant mathematical system as
well as a practical programming language. Then mathematical neatness
became a goal and led to pruning some features from the core of the
language. This was partly motivated by esthetic reasons and partly by the
belief that it would be easier to devise techniques for proving programs
correct if the semantics were compact and without exceptions. »
(McCarthy, 1979, p. 2)
This is, for instance, the reason for the use of parentheses in the expression above: their
absence in that specific command, where they are redundant, would pose an exception. Logo
doesn’t require parentheses when the expression can be unequivocally evaluated without them. For
instance: to print the sum of 3 and 4, Logo accepts print sum 3 4, whereas Lisp would
require141 (princ (+ 3 4)). This use of parentheses, however, is also valid in Logo. This
way, potentially equivocal expressions can be clarified, if necessary.
The design goals of Lisp are also the reason for the odd-looking “princ” command for
outputting text to the screen. Why not simply “print”? Because that name is used for another
output function, which uses some extra formatting characters142. The output of text intended to be
read by humans is a special case, and thus remitted to the strange-looking “princ”, standing for
“print characters” (Adams, n.d.). In Logo, the presentation of text to humans is considered to be as
important in itself as the presentation of text to other language procedures. And the method
employed (and encouraged) to address procedures and language primitives that are similar but
provide different functionality is to use English-language words, rather than potentially odd
mnemonics (which can always be defined afterwards as abbreviations). So, if one wants to output
structured data, rather than present text to the user, an instruction named “show” is used. The same
functionality is achieved without resorting to odd-sounding words such as “princ”:
print [Hello World!]
Hello World!
show [Hello Word!]
[Hello World!]

“As a programming language, LISP is characterized by the following ideas: computing with symbolic expressions
rather than numbers, representation of symbolic expressions and other information by list structure in the memory of a
computer, representation of information in external media mostly by multi-level lists and sometimes by S-expressions, a
small set of selector and constructor operations expressed as functions, composition of functions as a tool for forming
more complex functions, the use of conditional expressions for getting branching into function definitions, the recursive
use of conditional expressions as a sufficient tool for building computable functions, the use of λ-expressions for
naming functions, the representation of LISP programs as LISP data, the conditional expression interpretation of
Boolean connectives, the LISP function eval that serves both as a formal definition of the language and as an
interpreter, and garbage collection as a means of handling the erasure problem” (McCarthy, 1979, pp. 1-2).
This usage of “+” before its operands is called prefix notation, and the notation used in traditional algebra, “3+4”, is
called infix notation. Being aimed at children, Logo accepts not just Lisp’s prefix notation (using “sum” instead of “+”,
to ensure its readability in current English) and the traditional infix, “3+4”. This is another child-oriented simplification
of Lisp, but not a simplification regarding other languages, since the infix notation is the most common in programming
languages in general.
The aim being to provide formatted expressions on output, to feed a function called “read”, which is used for input
of expressions.
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Another important example of simplification at this level is the method of defining a
procedure, by using the word “to”, which results in an English-language construction:
to sayHello
print [Hello!]
This allows the child to issue the just-defined procedure “sayHello” (immediately after, if so
desired), just by typing:
Completing the analysis of the example in Table 9, the usage of square brackets in it, instead
of quotes, seems to be counter-intuitive, since quotes are common sentence-delimiters in the written
English language. Logo uses square brackets because it views sentences as lists of words, and thus
requires sentences to be clearly expressed as lists – hence the square brackets, used as list
delimiters143. I am unaware of the actual motivation behind this use of brackets in the language
design, rather than using quotes, but I can point two advantages:
ƒ Since quotes are common in written English, there’s a high likelihood that a child will
need to issue a command to print a sentence such as «Marty said ‘Hello’». This poses
a problem, similar to the one I had while writing this paragraph: encapsulating quotes.
I resorted to using two different symbols, but in Logo this can be expressed directly,
as print [Marty said "Hello"]. Typically, programming languages use
special characters to overcame this limitation, which results in things like print
"Marty said \"Hello\". Obviously, Logo still faces this problem when
printing brackets; the advantage lies in brackets being less used in text than quotes.
ƒ Understanding that sentences can be viewed as lists of words is a powerful concept,
allowing a child to write programs that handle them as such. This means that imposing
from the start the view of a sentence as a list of words can be used to leverage more
advanced concepts.
This analysis of quotes allows me to bridge onto the topic of “simplification of syntax” not
being a clear requirement definition. I have no intention of questioning whether the option of using
brackets instead of quotes is advantageous or not, but rather of looking at it under my proposed
view of design of a language for children as providing a metaphoric model. In that sense, the
analysis of this option can be completely different depending on whether children are used to
reading or writing text employing quotes or not. In the likelihood that most children have
encountered quotes before, the option for brackets is a detachment from a previous context of using
text, and thus, questionable as a link to previous knowledge. But also commendable, for those
reasons I listed above, as a link to further knowledge. Other options could also be debated, e.g.:
« Logo is consistent and not overly error-prone, although some of the
syntax can cause confusion, for example the difference between "name and
:name (:name is used to access the value of name, while "name is used
to access the address). »
(McIver, 2001, p. 5-21)
Since the object of this thesis is not the specific analysis of Logo or textual programming, I do
not wish to probe these issues of textual-language syntax in further detail. A recent deep analysis at

Braces would have been another option, more closely linked with school math; speculating, there are two possible
explanation for using squares brackets instead: one is that braces {} are used in mathematics for unordered collections,
and lists are ordered; another is that many 1960s computer keyboards didn’t have braces.

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this level, and the specification of a textual programming language, GRAIL, which incorporates the
results of that analysis144, can be found in Linda McIver’s PhD dissertation (McIver, 2001).
Under another category of analysis, program execution, three of Logo's important features
were having well-designed error messages, direct interpretation of code and turtle graphics.
Regarding error messages, if a child, for instance, wrote a non-existent command or mistyped
an existing one, Logo provided a more helpful message145 than a typical opaque remark such as
“Syntax error”:
? pritn Hello World!
I don’t know how to pritn
Another example is when a child wants to update an array item and forgets to indicate the
index number. The message prompts the child to look at the command and detect which element is
missing, rather than just finding out “what’s wrong”. Another important feature of these messages is
that they point out the “particular procedure that complained” (Harvey, 1997, p. 16).
? setitem :mylist [6]
Not enough inputs to setitem146
These examples also demonstrate the feature I called “direct interpretation of code”. Being an
interpreted language was not a feature introduced by Logo, but a design choice, between the two
existing possibilities (interpreted languages and compiled languages). It was chosen over the
alternative, because it allows children to explore the language just by typing a command and hitting
the “Enter” key, thus providing an immediate association between a command and its result.
Before presenting turtle graphics, I want to present the final category of analysis: the
programming environment. In it, my attention goes to the transparent definition of procedures in
In most programming languages, one typically writes a procedure (such as the sayHello
example I presented earlier in this section) in some text file, or in some part of the text which also
contains the global program. While coding, the programmer must navigate the entire text,
containing the code of the main program and of all subprocedures. This is often helpful, especially
in computers with modern text editors, since an experienced programmer can navigate its program
at will, searching and analyzing each bit.
In the Logo environment, such a programming style is also possible, allowing the
development of large and complex programs147. However, for a novice or children initiating
programming, this also introduces the necessity to deal with the entire code, which can be a
complex task, because the text of code extends quite rapidly as one starts to make more and more
procedures. So, the Logo environment included this ability: a child can simply define a procedure
such as sayHello and it will be stored by the system; from that moment on, it can be included in
the program as any built-in command148.

E.g., in Logo, creating an array is achieved as:
make “mylist array 10
whereas in GRAIL, it is done as:
item mylist is array of 10 number
The error messages presented here were extracted from Berkeley Logo (distribution archives for several operating
systems are available for download at
The correctly-formed instruction could be, for instance, setitem 1 :mylist [6].
For instance, by using the instruction edit procedures.
This method of invoking procedures is also an advantage Logo got from Lisp. In some languages, a special
command had to be used to request the execution of a procedure; and in others, such a command did not exist and the
control flow had to jump around using goto commands, a technique that led to confusing and error-prone code, as
Edsger Dijkstra put forward in a classic paper (Dijkstra, 1968).
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This means that there is no need to navigate through the entire code for the program: one can
simply focus on the specific problem at hand. In order to analyze procedure definitions, during
debugging, Logo provides commands such as po (meaning “Print Out”), which shows the code of a
specific procedure, pops (“Print Out ProcedureS”), which shows the code for all procedures, and
edit, which allows the programmer to edit the specific procedure he/she is worrying about, rather
than navigating the entire code (this command also allows the programmer to edit several
procedures at the same time, if so desired). In this fashion, if some procedure is not producing the
intended result, it can be edited, tried out, and tucked away nicely.
The final element of Logo I will address is also the most famous one: turtle graphics. This is a
subset of Logo commands for producing graphics, based on a physical metaphor: the graphics are
drawn by commanding a virtual pointer, instructing it to move, and sometimes drawing lines. This
pointer is known as “turtle” (hence the name “turtle graphics”), because it originated as a way to
command an actual physical, turtle-shaped, moving toy149.

Figure 78 – Children working at BBN with one of the first wireless turtle-robots (named “Irving”) in the early
Picture and caption text from:, p. 17

« The first150 turtles were actual robots that rolled along the floor. They
got the name “turtle” because of the hard shells surrounding their delicate
electronic innards. A robot turtle has a pen in its belly, which it can push
down to the floor, or pull up inside itself. When the pen is down, the turtle
draws a trace of its motion along the floor. »
(Harvey, 1997, p. 180)

Created by Paul Wexelblat (according to a personal interview by Chakraborty et al., 1999, p. 17).
Brian Harvey is referring only to Logo turtles. The first “turtle” robots were actually built much earlier, between
1948 and 1949, by Grey Walter, but there is no connection between them and Logo (Holland, n.d.; Resnick &
Silverman, 1997).

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The movement options of the physical turtles formatted the command subset used in its
control. They can move forward and back, turn around an axis, and draw using a “pen” as described
in the previous citation from Harvey. This command set is comprised fundamentally by the
commands in Table 10.
Command Shortened Description
Makes the turtle advance 12 turtle-steps151 along the direction
forward 12 fd 12
it is facing.
Moves the turtle backwards 12 turtle-steps, along the direction
back 12 bk 12
it is facing.
Turns the turtle 12 degrees towards its own left (i.e. counter-
left 12 lt 12
Turns the turtle 12 degrees towards its own right (i.e.
right 12 rt 12
Lifts the “pen”, meaning that from this moment on the
penup pu
movement of the turtle will not produce a line on the screen.
Lowers the “pen”, meaning that from this moment on the
pendown pd
movement on the turtle will produce a line on the screen.
Table 10 – Turtle graphics subset of commands
« The crucial thing about the turtle, which distinguishes it from other
metaphors for computer graphics, is that the turtle is pointing in a particular
direction and can only move in that direction. (It can move forward or back,
like a car with reverse gear, but not sideways.) In order to draw in any other
direction, the turtle must turn so that it is facing in the new direction. (In this
respect it is unlike a car, which must turn and move at the same time.) »
(Harvey, 1997, p. 180)
The original turtle, with all its advantages of being tangible and visible, was a physical
artifact, which had to be manufactured and serviced, and could execute only a limited amount of
drawing instructions in a reasonable amount of time. A virtual representation would have no such
The first version of the virtual turtle was developed
by Hal Abelson (Chakraborty et al., 1999, p. 19), and the
virtual version has become the most well-known one.
Figure 79 presents a sample figure drawn with the
following sequence of commands.
right 30
forward 100
left 120
forward 100
left 120
forward 200
left 120
forward 200
Figure 79 – Turtle graphics

“Generally, one turtle step is the smallest line your computer can draw. This is slightly oversimplified, though,
because that smallest distance may be different in different directions. But the size of a turtle step does not depend on
the direction; it’s always the same distance for any given computer” (Harvey, 1997, p. 180)
144 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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The importance of turtle graphics comes from providing graphical results for programs.
Rather than programming just with words and numbers, children can see graphical representations
of their programs, and reason in a graphical way. They can look at the last line in Figure 79, for
instance, and try to estimate the distance between the turtle and the smaller triangle; they can
associate that distance with its numerical representation; they can try to make the turtle move to the
smaller triangle, to be sure whether it is exactly at the same height (vertical position) or not, and
from there reason on the nature of equilateral triangles.
While creating graphical shapes, the children can get involved in deep reasoning, using
regular programming techniques such as loops, variables, recursion and conditions. Instead of being
limited to textual results, turtle graphics allowed Logo activities to be visual. This provides a strong
metaphorical link to one’s experiences, providing a mapping to visual notions of closeness, farness,
rotation, etc.
A problem with turtle graphics, however, is that their simplicity allows educators to look at
them just as an appealing way to introduce children to programming, as an end in itself. As I
mention in sections 2.4.5 and 4.2.2, there are two main purposes for introducing programming in
education: a plain one is to help children control computers, not necessarily as programmers but as
users that understand notions of sequence, concurrency, control and decision; a more ambitious one,
as people that explore their own thinking while reasoning over a problem in the process of teaching
the computer how to perform intended actions. The simplicity and power of turtle graphics has thus
been a boon, by allowing a stronger link between children and problems, but also a hindrance, by
diverting people’s attention from the larger goals (Chakraborty et al., 1999).
« (…) intellectual play is the best reason for learning about computer
programming in the first place. This is true whether you are a kid
programming for the fun of it or an adult looking for a career change. The
most successful computer programmers aren’t the ones who approach
programming as a task they have to carry out in order to get their
paychecks. They’re the ones for whom programming is a joyful game. Just
as a baseball diamond is a good medium in which you can exercise your
body, the computer is a good medium in which you can exercise your mind.
That’s the real virtue of the computer in education, not anything about job
training or about arithmetic drill. »
(Harvey, 1997, p. 4)

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Introduction to computer programming
Squeak Etoys
The Squeak language is an implementation of the object-
oriented language Smalltalk, developed between 1971 and 1983 by
Alan Kay152 (Kay, 1993b). The initial development of Squeak took
place between 1995 and 1996 (Ingalls et al., 1997), and its aim is to
provide children an environment for exploration of mathematics and
science, through the construction of computer models of ideas –
Etoys153. Squeak Etoys is a programming environment for the Squeak
language, where children can program Etoys (Kay, n.d.), initially by
using graphical commands and then by expanding those with
mathematical expressions154,155. Etoys are also sometimes called
SqueakToys, due to trademark conflicts (Steinmetz, 2001)
« Etoys are “science and math” in the large. By this,
we mean that science is much more than “scientific
Figure 80 – Alan Kay
knowledge”—it is not only a collection of practices for From:
being able to find out things, but a way to gain some
sense of how accurate the findings are likely to be. 751_97_fall/projects/intelliphone/ima
Mathematics is one of science’s most important practices.
Here I take the larger meaning of mathematics as the art
and skill of being able to reason—that is, to be able to
take representations in a language and to show how they
are related to other representations in a language. »
(Kay, n.d.)
The object-orientation of Smalltalk (and thus of Squeak) means that every element in a
program is an object, an entity that encapsulates data and methods to manipulate those data. There
are two main motivations for such an object-oriented design: the first is to allow the programmer to
focus on the interaction between objects, simplifying the management of data manipulation across
different parts of the program; the second is to simplify the expansion of a program, by duplicating
identical objects.
« Programming in procedural languages often requires elaborate
combinations of procedures, and the complexity of getting such constructs to
work increases exponentially with the length of the program. (…) Kay opted
for a building block approach of layered design, built around the notions of
encapsulation and inheritance. Smalltalk was the programming language
which finally emerged. »
(Kreutzer, 1998)

Squeak is based on the “release version” of Smalltalk, called Smalltalk-80.
Longer versions of Etoys that “string several ideas together to help the learner produce a deeper and more
concerted project” are called SimStories (Kay, n.d.). A linked concept is that of narratives that incorporate active
(programmed) media constructions, in order to both explain and exhibit ideas. These narratives are called “active
essays” (anon., n.d.-1).
If one so desires, the environment also allows direct editing and creation of textual Smalltalk code, thus allowing an
advanced programmer to use the full power of Smalltalk.
“The Disney Squeak team developed the infrastructure and ideas for Squeak-based learning environments. Alan Kay
originated many of the general concepts and project ideas, and these have been realized and implemented brilliantly by
Scott Wallace, John Maloney, Ted Kaehler, and Dan Ingalls. Kim Rose has organized experiments in classrooms and
sought the system improvements needed to make them feasible. BJ Conn and Kathleen Brewer have designed projects
specifically for children, and their work has helped the programmers to improve the system. Meanwhile, Mark Guzdial
at Georgia Tech has been using Squeak with adult learners.” (Steinmetz, 2001).
146 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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The Squeak Etoys method of expressing a program is
to allow children to work on objects drawn by them:
resizing, rotation, etc. While doing so, they can see
numerical and textual “properties” for the object. For
instance, Figure 81 presents a hand-drawn car surrounded by
its set of controls, common to all objects. One of those
controls is “heading”, and since the car in the picture has
been slightly rotated to the left, its value is now -2.
While the car is rotated, this value is updated in real-
time; and if the numerical value is changed directly, the car Figure 81 – Etoys object properties
also rotates in real-time, accordingly. For young children, From:
“the textual form of these properties doesn’t look as exciting
as the iconic car that can be directly manipulated (…). But,
the symbols can make the car do things!” (Squeakland, n.d.).
The educational rationale behind this is to build on the educational ideas developed in the
Logo culture and turn the computer programming environment into a place following the
educational ideas of Maria Montessori (presented in this thesis in section 4.1.1).
« Maria Montessori (…) saw how to let children exercise their wants and
still get them to learn what we think they need. Her great idea starts with the
observation that children are driven to learn their immediate environment
and culture through play (…). She realized that what children want is not
always the same as what they need — especially in 20th century Western
culture. (…) Her genius was to devise a special environment and artifacts
that look like toys to children — catering to their wants — but with beautiful
side effects that help them learn what we adults think they need. »
(Kay, n.d.)
The children can move the car directly, but the numerical properties allow them to connect
their actions to notions such as negative numbers (for turning counter-clockwise; positive number
turn clockwise), and other mathematical ideas.
In order to move beyond mere editing of properties,
the child can use some properties that define behaviors
(those with an exclamation point in Figure 81 and Figure
82). The commonly-used Squeak example of programming
the driving of a car renders this clear: by clicking the
exclamation point for the property “forward by 5”, the
car moves forward 5 points. Such behaviors can be dragged
together to the desktop, to create a script. In Figure 82, the
script reads:
Red Car script1 Figure 82 – Etoys script creation
Red Car forward by 5
Red Car turn by 5

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 147

Introduction to computer programming
By clicking the clock icon (pointed by the arrow in the
figure), the script starts running, i.e. the car advances 5
points and then rotates 5 degrees to the right, over and over
again, as the “clock” ticks. The resulting motion pattern is a
circle. This can be better visualized by changing the property
“penDown” to “true” (the primitives used in this example
are identical to Logo's commands for drawing with Turtle
graphics). Figure 83 presents the resulting circle (the car
keeps moving in circles as long as the script clock is
Figure 83 – Circular motion in Etoys
This example also serves as a presentation of From:
important features of the Squeak Etoys environment in terms
of the understanding of the execution of the program: the
program can be edited as it is running. For instance, a child
can change the amount of turn from 5 to some other number,
and immediately see the resulting behavior in the car’s path.
The pen can be turned on or off, or erased, without having to
stop the program, edit the script, and run the program again.
Any object can have several scripts, running concurrently, and these can be turned on, turned
off or be subjected to some condition (e.g., the mouse button being depressed), independent of one
another, while the program is running. This allows a child to more simply understand the impact of
each script change – and of each script – in the behavior of the overall program.
In terms of the child-orientation of the programming
environment, Squeak Etoys has several advantages and a few
drawbacks. An advantage is the already-presented feature of
allowing the objects’ properties to be combined graphically,
simplifying tasks such as the assignment of values from
different sources. This can even be used between different
objects: for instance, in Figure 84 the car is no longer turning
by a fixed value such as “5”, but rather by the value of the
“heading” property of another object – the steering wheel.
A child can do this assignment of variables among objects
by dragging the Steer’s “heading” property to the place Figure 84 – Etoys: controlling a car with
a steering wheel
where the “5” laid, in the car’s script. From:
Another important feature of the programming mages/turn_by_steer.gif
environment is the built-in ability to allow different
programmers to cooperate in real-time over the same
program. The Squeak system includes a registry where
children “who have already done projects can sign up to be mentors and colleagues” (Squeakland,
n.d.). By communicating with other children that have worked on similar projects, a programmer
can ask for help and advice, and those can include actual remote manipulation of the local Squeak
objects and their properties and scripts.
Finally, Squeak includes a simple graphic editor, integrated in the programming environment
itself. In this way, a child can quickly generate a picture object for programming with it, keeping
his/her focus on the programming environment. There is no need to specify which areas of a picture

148 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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drawn elsewhere are to be transparent, or going through any
procedure for import, or for locating files in the disk
Regarding drawbacks, while Squeak itself is a
powerful general programming language, the Squeak Etoys
environment focused on allowing the programming of
specific math and science activities, rather than on providing
a complete metaphor for mapping the entire Squeak
programming model. As a consequence, the Squeak Etoys
environment does not allow a programmer to progress
smoothly to more advanced programming techniques.
« A current “drawback” in the Squeak etoys
is that they were an experiment aimed at a
particular age group -- 9 to 12 year olds -- for
particular purposes -- about 50 etoys in math
and science. The good news is that, in this range,
they really work extremely well, and are learned
by virtually all children and adults who try them.
That was the experiment. The downside is that
there is not a lot of extension in the current
system, and it gets awkward for older children
and experts. »
(Kay, 2003a)
Another drawback is that the number of properties
available for each object is possibly daunting, and its
navigation can be troublesome, lest one invests considerable
time in its exploration – or has constant access to a mentor,
expert or reference guide. The problem with large sets of
properties is that people only have two ways of solving a
novel problem on their own, when well-known object
properties provide no apparent solution: either have an
insight from the overall knowledge of properties or browse
them all in search of one that triggers such an insight. While
an appreciation of this as overly complicated or acceptably
simple is highly subjective, the main point is that acquiring
such insights is likely to be harder when the programmer has
to navigate dozens of different properties. The possibility of
losing focus on a specific problem is, in my view, quite high.
Figure 85 presents an example of this drawback: a
partial list of the properties for a Squeak Etoys object, which
spreads from top to bottom of a maximized Squeak Etoys
window in my system157. The properties grouped under 4 Figure 85 – Etoys: partial property list
categories are visible, and as can be seen from the and categories of properties
superimposed list of categories, many others are available. A

Information organization in a disk drive is an important computer skill; adults and children should be able to
navigate efficiently in their computer’s file systems. However, being able to work without little knowledge and skills in
this area means that children can start programming and rendering computers useful without having to acquire file
navigation as a prerequisite.
Windows XP at 1152 by 864 pixels, of which 64 rows are used by the taskbar.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 149

Introduction to computer programming
similar observation could be made (and has been made158) regarding the “halo” of options available
for each object, visible in Figure 81, which is composed of no less than 12 icons. But since these
icons are all in plain view at all times, and balloon help is provided, this is more a matter of balance
between the effort expected of novice users and the convenience for experienced users.
« (…) you can set a preference to have the halo of handles come up on
mouseover: many teachers use this, some don't. There is balloon help on
most things in the interface that is delayed one second so it doesn't get in the
way of those who have become more expert. IOW159, there are things you
can do to deal with these problems. E.g. most of the many hundreds of
children we've had experience with don't have any problems here, so I think
it's more a style of approach that is affecting things. »
(Kay, 2003b)
In noting these drawbacks, I am merely centering on issues related to the design and
conception of the programming environment, not on its implementation, which can always be
improved. It is interesting to note that the issue I mentioned above regarding navigation among
objects’ properties could be similarly raised regarding the need to know or browse lists of textual
commands in a typical language such as Logo. Similarly, the scripting process can be found simple
by some users and complex by others. The overall dilemma is mentioned by Squeak’s creator Alan
Kay in a 2003 e-mail message:
« Neither the current Squeak syntax nor the Logo syntaxes are ideal for
children and other end users. We really should be thinking about what
improvements in UI should be made to help them. Andreas Raab has pointed
out that the syntax of a programming language is actually part of its user
interface -- and I think this is a really important observation. If we look at
the difficulties of having children understand (say) parameter passing in
Logo, we should be thinking about how it should look. »
(Kay, 2003a)
In reading this, one should bear in mind that a major contribution of Logo was its
simplification of syntax; the important acknowledgment is that typical textual and visual syntaxes
for general programming languages are still far from being ideal for end users. Radical departures
from these typical syntaxes are thus important possibilities to consider, moving on in the path to
powerful end-user and children programming. ToonTalk, described in section 3.3.5 and used in the
field work supporting this thesis, is an example of such a radical departure, by immersing the
programmer in the virtual world of a computer game.
« I'd like to urge that people consider radical alternatives to textual
syntaxes. Syntaxes based upon diagrams or pictures have had limited
success either because they weren't very general or, despite being visual,
they were too abstract and difficult for children and other end users. But
there are alternatives to text (even with tiles) and to pictures. My ToonTalk
( is an example. The equivalent of a Squeak method in
ToonTalk are the actions you train a robot to take in a game-like animated
world. Syntax isn't a good way to think about such things. What is the syntax
of showing someone how to tie a knot for example? »
(Kahn, 2003)

E.g., « My first impulse would not be to alt-left click an object to pull up a halo and then click the blue eyeball to pull
up one object's viewer at a time. Every time I explain this process, people just look at me or ask “And who came up with
THAT?” » (Basu, 2003).
Commonly-used Internet lingo acronym for “in other words”.
150 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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Stagecast Creator
This programming system was developed by
David Canfield Smith and Allen Cypher, mainly
between 1990 and 1997. Originally, at Apple Computer
Inc., it was called KidSim (Smith et. al., 1994), and then
renamed Cocoa (Smith et al., 1996). It is now a
commercial product of Stagecast Software, Inc., under
the name Stagecast Creator (Smith et al., 2001).
Smith & Cypher believe textual programming to Figure 86 – David Canfield Smith & Allen
be inappropriate for use by people without an interest in Cypher
the actual technical aspects of computer programming From:
itself, and thus Stagecast Creator was developed as a ture.jpg and
visual programming language, at least in its core
programming method160.
« Our first insight was that language itself is the problem and that any
textual computer language represents an inherent barrier to user
understanding. Learning a new language is difficult for most people.
Consider the years of study required to learn a foreign language (…). A
programming language is an artificial language that deals with the arcane
world of algorithms and data structures. We concluded that no conventional
programming language would ever be widely accepted by end users. »
(Smith et. al., 2001, p. 9)
Following this reasoning, the emphasis of Stagecast Creator is on the simplification of
expressing the program. Smith & Cypher attempt to “abolish” syntax, at least in terms of its
conscientious perception by the users, by basing programming on visual rewrite rules, i.e.,
specifying graphical beginning and ending situations, rather than the actions that are to be
performed by the language itself. In this sense, there is a connection between Stagecast Creator and
the idea of constraint programming, with its pre- and post-conditions. Figure 87, on page 152,
presents an example of rule-definition in Stagecast Creator.
« It’s no good allowing users to create a program easily and then require
them to learn a difficult syntactic language to view and modify it (…). (…)
Creator does in fact have a syntax – the lists of tests and actions in a rule –
but people can create programs for a long time without even being aware of
this syntax. »
(Smith et al., 2001, p. 10)

Parts of Stagecast Creator, such as conditions and usage of variables, require some textual syntax, as is mentioned
further ahead in this section.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 151

Introduction to computer programming

Stagecast Creator environment, after placing the iceman in the initial situation

Using the “rule” tool on the desired

element (the iceman).

The user selects the area for definition of the rule, by dragging161 its handles. The rule
definition becomes visible on a new window, on the right.

By dragging the iceman to the top of the ice block, the rule is defined. This can be
done in either the main window or the rule window. The definition becomes complete
after clicking on the button labeled “close” (with the green checkmark)
Figure 87 – Defining a rule in Stagecast Creator (climbing on top of an ice block)
Screenshots from the tutorial available at

As the image shows, Stagecast Creator uses a grid structure for defining rules. This has the advantage of simplifying
the specification of starting conditions, since all elements must be located at well-defined positions. However, this also
means that when using this visual technique “all motion is stepwise and movement at any angle other than to one of the
squares surrounding the current position is impossible. Similarly changing the visible representation of a character
happens abruptly” (Sheehan, 2004).
152 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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The user must understand this graphical syntax in
two situations:
ƒ in order to change the ordering of the rules
(Stagecast applies the rules in sequence for
each element, not concurrently, so the
order of their execution may need to be re-
arranged, in order to attain the desired
ƒ in order to include conditions not
represented in the graphical environment
(for instance, a mouse-click, a key-click, or
a variable value).
As an example, Figure 88 presents a conditional
rule: the bat will move up one empty square, but only if
the user clicks on it with the mouse cursor. The symbol
to the right of “is clicked on” means “bottom square of Figure 88 – Conditional rule in
Stagecast Creator
the two squares of the rule”.
Textual syntax is also required when
variables have to be used. For instance, Figure
89 is part of a Stagecast tutorial and explains
how to add an action to a character to change
the value of a variable. In this case, the
magical power “zoom” is being assigned to
the variable “Magical Power”, when the
magician moves over a magical potion.
While all these features are relative to
the expression of the program, Stagecast
Creator also includes some features useful for
understanding the program’s execution. When
a program is not behaving as the programmer
intended, it can be paused, and the rules for Figure 89 – Updating variables in Stagecast Creator
each element inspected.
This inspection is performed at two levels: a global view
of the element’s rules (Figure 90), and a test analysis of an
individual rule (Figure 91). For instance, in the global list of
rules for the iceman (presented in Figure 90), the red “light”
near each rule report that it cannot be fired. (And a green light
would report a rule that can indeed be fired.)
By double-clicking on the specific rule that the
programmer intended to have executed, the Stagecast Creator
can test the rule and show the program which parts are valid or
In Figure 91, the rule defined in Figure 87 is being tested
in a different situation: the iceman is facing a pile of two ice
blocks, instead of just one. Figure 90 – Analyzing which rules
apply or don’t apply in Stagecast

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 153

Introduction to computer programming
By testing the rule, Stagecast Creator
shows the programmer that the problem
lies in the top-rightmost square, which
should be empty but isn't (it's occupied by
an ice block).
Regarding the child-orientation of the
programming environment, one important
feature of Stagecast Creator is its strong
connection between the expressed program
and the running program. All programming
takes place alongside the area (called
“stage”) where the program will be
running. And the basic actions of
programming can be performed in the
same fashion either on the stage or on the
Figure 91 – Testing a rule in Stagecast Creator
rule-definition window. For instance, the
dragging of the iceman presented in Figure 87 can be performed on the stage or in the rule-
definition window, and the resulting program will be the same. There is thus a smooth transition
between the execution area and the rule-definition area. A similar situation occurs in Squeak Etoys,
where some graphical properties can be changed either in the picture object or in the property box
(as explained in p. 147); however, these are different representations162. In Stagecast, the
representations in the rule-definition window and in the stage are identical.
This smooth transition is a major advantage when solving programming errors – bugs.
Stagecast allows the stage to be paused, and the rules to be inspected regarding the current state of
execution of the program. This is a classical debugging environment and technique: interruption of
the program execution in order for variables and other elements of the program’s running state to be
analyzed. Since the rule-definition area is the same as the programming area, there is not a
noticeably separate “debugging environment” to be learned, with associated concepts of tracing and
stepping. Rather, the place were a rules was defined is also the place where it is analyzed, using the
methods just described above.
A smaller feature of Stagecast Creator is that it also allows children to draw, in the
programming environment itself, the “characters” they want to program, like the Squeak Etoys
environment. As mentioned in footnote 156, (p. 149), this allows greater focus in the programming
task, diminishing the switching back and forth between the programming environment and a
graphical editor, and simplifying file-management problems.
Stagecast Creator is quite adequate and efficient for developing various kinds of simulations,
games, and other programs. However, its visual rules are not a general-purpose programming
approach. For several situations, such as number or text processing, one needs to resort to more
traditional programming styles, such as the one presented in Figure 89. This limitation also applies
to some fairly common visual behaviors, such as programming an alien spaceship to fly in circles,
making a ball rebound in a realistic manner, or describe how a monster should chase a player not in
its immediate vicinity163.

As pointed out in that section, the developers of Squeak Etoys see this difference of representations as an advantage,
a way to make a smooth transition not between programming and debugging activities but between graphical and
numerical representations.
During the IEEE 2001 Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC'01), in Stresa,
Italy, I inquired Allen Cypher about this latter problem (I was wondering if one might program ultra-fast, invisible
“scout sprites” to locate objects), and he mentioned Stagecast was considering implementing a “radar” tool.
154 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Other child-oriented programming systems and languages

In May of 2003, Caitlin Kelleher and Randy Pausch presented a large survey of programming
environments and languages for novice programmers (Kelleher & Pausch, 2003, henceforth
“K&P”). It included both children-oriented programming and programming for inexperienced
adults, and was the basis for the list of systems I present in this section. However, from that survey I
have selected only programming environments and languages that are either aimed specifically for
children, or that possess important child-related features.
K&P organize the systems under taxonomy of purposes and goals, rather than taxonomy of
actual technical aspects or features. Such an approach to taxonomy is necessarily subjective. Since
this section aims to provide an overview of the field of programming for children, I elected to
employ subjectivity in a different fashion: the systems are simply grouped to convey an overall look
to the reader:
ƒ Simplified-syntax textual programming languages
ƒ Programming with sequences of icons
ƒ Programming inspired by Logo’s Turtle Talk
ƒ Programming of social interactions
ƒ Programming with physical objects
ƒ Graphical programming by demonstration
ƒ Games that include programming activities
ƒ Game editors and game-creation systems
Several languages and environments were developed since that survey was conducted
(Concurrent Comics, Eco-Pods, MediaStage, Mulspren, PervoLogo/MicroWorlds JR, Physical
Programming, Point & Click Development Kit, Scratch, System Blocks, Tangible Programmable
Blocks, Topobo), and some were omitted there, but I believe them to be useful in this overview of
the genre (AlgoCard, FASTR, Function Machines, Game Maker, Games Designer, Icicle, HURG,
Lemmings, Logiblocs, Multimedia Fusion, RCX Code, RoboLab, RobotWar, TEACH, The Game
Factory). In this section, I include these extra systems, as well as information and figures about
systems mentioned by K&P that are most representative of each of the above groups.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 155

Introduction to computer programming
These programming languages aim to simplify the process of expressing or understanding
textual programs, usually by simplifying the syntax or by providing support for associating the
textual program with its execution.
Smalltalk (1971)
(Kay, 1993b)
Smalltalk was an early attempt at redesigning the way computers were programmed. At the
time, other languages intended for novices, such as Logo and BASIC, focused on the adaptation of
traditional programming, which was generally devised for mathematical calculations. Rather,
Smalltalk was designed with the concept that normal, non-technical users could use personal
handheld computers164 themselves: “millions of potential users meant that the user interface would
have to become a learning environment (…) needs for large scope, reduction in complexity, and
end-user literacy would require that data and control structures be done away with in favor of a
more biological scheme of protected universal cells interacting only through messages that could
mimic any desired behavior” (Kay, 1993b). This eventually led to a language where the concept of
object-orientation was first implemented, something that is nowadays common in many professional
programming languages such as C++, Java, and Smalltalk-80.
Smalltalk originated Squeak and Squeak Etoys, presented in section 3.3.4, from p. 146
Boxer (1986)
(diSessa & Abelson, 1986)
Boxer is an effort by Andrea
diSessa under the general aim of
rendering available to normal users “the
possibilities of the computer screen itself
as an expressive medium” (diSessa &
Abelson, 1986, p. 859).Under diSessa’s
view, that aim means that users should be
able to program the computational
medium in an easy way: for example, if a
user wanted to produce an optics book in
this medium, “all elements of the book, Figure 92 – Boxer program for finding phone numbers
beyond simply entering the text, would be From: diSessa & Abelson, 1986, p. 863
created through some sort of
programming” (id., p. 860).
In Boxer, everything on the screen
is inside a rectangular region called a
“box”, and boxes can be placed inside
other boxes, for organization of the code
as its complexity increases165. Boxes can
contain code, graphics, or text, and make
reference or use the contents of other

Figure 93 – Boxer program: controlling graphical elements

From: diSessa & Abelson, 1986, p. 865

At the time, names for this idealization of Alan Kay included “KiddiKomp” and “Dynabook”.
This technique inspired, for instance, the programming environment LiveWorld, also mentioned in this section
(Travers, 1994b). There is also a similarity with the ToonTalk method of placing code behind pictures and then
organize it in different levels by placing those pictures behind others (vd. section 3.3.5, from p. 195 onward).
156 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Playground (1989) & Liveworld (1994)
(Fenton & Beck, 1989; Travers, 1994a; Travers, 1994b)
Playground is a system in which
children create graphical objects and assign
behaviors to them. This assignment is done by
using a textual scripting language, designed to
be similar to the English language. According
to K&P, it is very easy to create and interact
with graphical elements in Playground, but
it’s much more difficult to interact with the
attributes of each object.
Liveworld is an evolution of the
concepts developed in Playground: it employs
a graphical interface for the rules and
attributes of each object, aimed at diminishing
the problem of accessing attributes and Figure 94 – Playground programming environment
managing rules. From: Fenton & Beck, 1989, p. 124)

Liveworld has another important

distinction, in that it employs Lisp166 as the
programming language for the scripts
(extended with some primitives for message-
passing and accessing attributes).

Figure 95 – Liveworld environment

GRAIL (2001)
(McIver, 2001)
This is a textual programming system based type student has
around the hypothesis that the complexity of field name is text
programming is greatly due to the complexity of the field id is number
textual syntax and awkward grammatical end student
constructs. GRAIL attempts to have an “obvious”
syntax and maintain a close relationship with the item myStudent is student
meaning of each command as a word in the English
language. GRAIL programs are at first glance very myStudent’s name ← “Linda”
similar to languages such as Logo or Pascal, but myStudent’s id ← 12345678
contain many small differences. An example was
already mentioned in footnote 144, in page 142; write “Name: ”,myStudent’s
another, lengthier example is presented at the right name, “ID: ” ,myStudent’s id
(from McIver, 2001, appendix B). Table 11 – GRAIL code for defining a record type
and a record, assigning values, and displaying them
on the screen

Already mentioned in the section describing the Logo language, on page 139.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 157

Introduction to computer programming
HANDS (2002)
(Pane, 2002)
This is a system developed as part
of John Pane’s PhD dissertation, aimed at
programming by 10-year old children. Its
development was based on research
knowledge from the fields of human-
computer interaction and difficulties met
by beginner programmers.
“HANDS provides queries and
aggregate operations to match the way
non-programmers express problem
solutions, and includes domain-specific
features to facilitate the creation of
interactive animations and simulations”
(Pane, 2002, p. 3). Figure 96 – HANDS programming system

The actual metaphor used is that of From: Pane, 2001

a deck of cards being handled by « Open Handy’s Thought Bubble. Use the New
character named Handy the Dog (Figure button to make a new rule. Type when anything
96, top left). The back of each card happens for the event. This way Handy will do the
displays a picture of the object to which it
action all the time when anything happens on the game
relates; the front contains data. board. We know we want Handy to figure out the
The programs are represented by CardWithLeast nectar of all flowers.
laying cards on the table in the We would like him to put the answer into the back
programming environment, and adding property of the leastFlower card. To do this, we
textual properties to them. will ask him to:
By using a natural-language textual set leastFlower’s back to
syntax, similar to GRAIL (mentioned in CardWithLeast nectar of all flowers
this section, on p. 157), the programmer Put that inside your new rule. The rule should
“tells” Handy the Dog about rules that look like this:
govern the objects represented by the
cards laid on the table. when anything happens
set leastFlower’s back to
CardWithLeast nectar of all
end when
Press Check, to make sure the new rule is
correct. If it is, close Handy’s Thought Bubble. »
(Pane, 2002, Appendix G, p. 11)

158 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
These programming environments and languages try to be more accessible to children by
employing graphic entities (icons) instead of textual ones. These icons are typically from a
standardized set, but in some systems (Show and Tell, for instance), the children can define a new
graphical symbol/icon for a program part he/she defined.
PLAY (1986)
(Tanimoto & Runyan, 1986, according to Kelleher & Pausch, 2003)
“Play is a system designed to allow preliterate children to create graphical plays using an
iconic language. Stories consist of a linear sequence of actions that is displayed at the top of the
screen, above the story’s stage, as a sequence of icons similar to a comic strip. The character, what
the character should do, and one additional piece of information, typically a direction to move, all
selected from menus, specify each action in the story. (…) Play does not allow children to use more
complicated control structures such as loops and conditionals or define procedures” (Kelleher &
Pausch, 2003).
Function Machines (1988)
(Feurzeig, 1996; id., 1999)
This visual programming language
was developed with the specific aim of
being used for mathematics education.
Functions, algorithms and models
are all conceptualized as “machines”,
represented as icons resembling puzzle
pieces, with “input hoppers” and “output
spouts” (Figure 97). These machines can
be connected among themselves or
contain other machines.
The program in Figure 97 prints the
sequence for the rule “n/2 if even, 3n+1 if
odd” for a given number (the machine
named “Type Line” prints the value it
receives in an output window). The
function machines “n/2 or 3n+1” does
exactly that, and its contents are defined Figure 97 – Function Machines program
in terms of internal machines, as seen in From: Feurzeig, 1999, p. 44
the window at the bottom of that figure.
Show and Tell (1990)
(Kimura et al., 1990)
This is a language based on
dataflow graphs, using visual
representations were arbitrary images can
be used as function names (in Figure 98,
the images are handwritten names). A
program is a series of connected boxes
(empty boxes represent variables). Some
boxes represent operations for conducting
arithmetic, input and output, etc.
Children can program by drawing
icons for procedures and using boxes to Figure 98 – Show and Tell programming
define the operation of those procedures. From:

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 159

Introduction to computer programming
PervoLogo (1995) / MicroWorlds JR (2004)
(Soprunov, 1996; INT, 2005; LCSI, 2004)
MicroWorlds is a popular version of
the Logo language presented earlier on
pp. 139-146. In 1995, the Russian institute
INT developed a version called
PervoLogo (ПервоЛого), specifically
“for the pre-school and initial school
education (4 years and older)” (INT,
2005). Having evolved across three
versions, it was released in English in
2004 as MicroWorlds JR (LCSI, 2004).
It focuses on the control of Logo
turtles, of which there can be various, at
the same time, with different shapes (in
Figure 100, three are visible: two bird-
shaped “turtles” and a ship-shaped
Children can open an icon list for
each turtle and drag and drop icons into
them, in a fashion similar to Magic Forest
(vd. Figure 88).
“[Children] control the turtle with Figure 99 – PervoLogo opening screen and newer versions
iconic commands that tell the turtle to From:
move, pivot, pause, put its pen down or
pick it up, change and stamp its shape,
play music, and much more” (LCSI, 2004,
p. 3).

Figure 100 – MicroWorlds JR environment and programming

160 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
LogoBlocks (1996)
(Begel, 1996)
“LogoBlocks is a graphical programming
language intended for use with the
Programmable Brick167 developed at the
Epistemology and Learning Group in the MIT
Media Lab. The Programmable Brick is a small
handheld computer that can control up to four
motors and can read values from six sensors.
Children can make LEGO creations like cars
and robots, attach motors and sensors to them,
and program the Programmable Brick to
actuate and control their creation.” (Begel, Figure 101 – Programming a LEGO motor in
1996, p. 6). LogoBlocks can also be used to LogoBlocks
control LEGO’s RCX blocks (Figure 101 and From: Walters & Beaver, 2004, p. 5
Figure 102).
The language originally designed for
control of these Programmable Bricks was a
version of Logo, called BrickLogo. Previously,
a prototype language called Youngster, based
around a similar approach had also been
developed (Studer et al., 1995). LogoBlocks is
a visual version of BrickLogo, and its
programming environment is the one presented
in Figure 103.
The left-side shape palette represents
commands that can be dragged to the Figure 102 – Gray brick, Programmable Brick, Lego
programming area. Some represent primitives From: McNerney, 2000, p. 28
of the language; others represent motors,
sensors or numbers.
The code in Figure 103 includes a start
sign (“inicio”), an “always” loop (“siempre”),
if-then-else conditions (“si-entonces-no”), two
blocks for reading sensors, comparisons with
fixed numbers, and blocks for controlling
motors a and b.

Figure 103 – LogoBlocks programming environment

(Spanish version)168

The Programmable Brick project led to the development of the LEGO company’s RCX Mindstorms brick
(, and to a more recent MIT project
called Cricket (
“inicio” is “start”; “siempre” is “always”; “si entonces sino” is “if then else”.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 161

Introduction to computer programming
RCX Code / Lego Mindstorms (1998)
(LEGO, n.d.-1)
This is a language based on
LogoBlocks (p. 161). It is supplied with
Lego's Mindstorms construction kits,
which incorporate RCX bricks
(mentioned in the LogoBlocks entry in
this section and presented in Figure 102).
“(…) an RCX Code program
consists of a collection of one-
dimensional instruction ‘stacks’ made up
of brick-like icons. Each ‘brick’ is a
complete program statement (…)” Figure 104 – Lego Mindstorms RCX Code
(McNerney, 2000, p. 25). From: McNerney, 2000, p. 26
RoboLab (1998)
(Erwin et al., 1999; Cejka, 2004)
RoboLab is an alternative language
to program LEGO’s RCX bricks. It is
based on the LabVIEW visual language,
with the goal of being “an educational
software for programmable robotics and
data acquisition applications” (Cejka,
RoboLab's basic principle is that all
programming can be done by constructing
a diagram, nothing else. That is, “the user
builds up a continuous thread of
commands that defines the program”
(Erwin et al., 1999, p. 7).
Figure 105 – RoboLab: “Pilot” programs allow users to select
In order for the language to be options from pull down menus; in this case it turns a motor
usable and useful from preschool levels to and a light on for 8 seconds.
college levels, RoboLab has different From: Portsmore et al., 2001, p. 3
programming levels, with increasing
complexity (id., ibid.), as shown in Figure
105 and Figure 106.

Figure 106 – RoboLab: “Investigator” programs, created by

picking and wiring icons from a palette; in this case, an RCX
records in a variable the number of presses on a touch sensor,
and then sends the resulting value to another RCX
From: Portsmore et al., 2001, pp. 4

162 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Magic Forest / Floresta Mágica (2000)
(Correia & Andrade, 2001)
Floresta Mágica is a programming
environment and language developed at
the Portuguese firm Cnotinfor, for the
European project Playground169. The main
developers were Tiago Correia and Dave
Pratt170 It is better known internationally
by its English-language version, Magic
Forest, commercialized by the UK firm
Logotron (Figure 107).
Its main aim is allowing children to
change the programming of the games
that are supplied with the product, or
produce entirely new games.
Children program by combining
Figure 107 – Floresta Mágica programming and play
icons in the form of “stones” inside environment
“scrolls/papyrus” (Figure 109). A scroll
From: Correia & Andrade, 2001
belongs to one object, and the stones
therefore affect the behavior of that
object. There are blue, brown and beige
stones, representing control, conditions
and actions, respectively (Figure 108).
The environment is the same for
programming and playing: a control lever Figure 108 – Floresta Mágica control stone “I am controlled
in the center of a “dashboard” bar, at the by the mouse”, and condition and action stones “when the
bottom of the screen (visible in Figure counter is less than 1, I play a sound, I make all objects
107), allows the user to turn the programs explode, and I stop the game”
“on” (to play) and “off” (to program). From: Correia & Andrade, 2001

Floresta Mágica also includes a

method of communication between
objects, which could be described as
“broadcasting” messages. One of the
action stones lets an object send a colored
“envelope” without specifying the
destination. All objects receive that
message, and each can define its own
processing rules for it, employing a
condition stone with an envelope of the
same color. When no valid rule exists, the
received message is simply ignored.

Figure 109 – Floresta Mágica: scrolls belonging to an object

From: Correia & Andrade, 2001

Several other people collaborated in management, design, and technical advice, including Secundino Correia,
Manuela Andrade, Peter Tomcsány, Ivan Kalas, and Andrej Blaho (Correia & Andrade, 2001).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 163

Introduction to computer programming
Scratch (2004)
(Feinberg, 2004; Maloney et al., 2004)
Scratch is an adaptation of the
Squeak programming language, presented
earlier on pp. 146-151. It is presented as a
toolkit aimed at simplifying the
introduction to the use of programming.
The programming style of Scratch
blends Squeak’s drag-and-drop style of
linking attributes (vd. Figure 82, on p.
147) with a graphical combination of
statements evocative of LogoBlocks (p.
Scratch includes a method of
communication between processes that is
Figure 110 – Scratch environment and programming
similar to the one in Floresta Mágica (vd.
p. 163). A process can “broadcast”
colored messages, letting other processes
decide whether they want to acknowledge
messages of a given color or not, instead
of explicitely specifying which processes
should receive each message (Figure
Figure 111 – Selecting a colored event to broadcast and
responding to a blue event that was broadcasted
From: Feinberg, 2004, p. 27

164 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
These systems focus on providing settings for using Logo’s commands for controlling the
screen turtle (forward, back, left, right, pen up, pen down, as explained in p. 144), even if they
usually provide a few extra possibilities and features. In general, they provide a small taste of
programming, or serve as entry points to the main concepts, by allowing children to focus on this
small set of programming commands.
FASTR (1974) and TEACH (1975)
(Goldenberg, 1974; Solomon & Papert, 1975)
These systems provided “one-finger” versions of Logo's TurtleTalk commands, composed by
single alpha-numeric commands. FASTR, written in Logo, “scanned for characters typed to the
keyboard. When certain ones were typed -- F, B, R, L, and a small number of others -- the turtle
responded immediately, with default distances and angles built in. The program also kept a
*record* of these moves, so that the young programmer could undo a move (…), replay the set of
moves (…), and even name a procedure (after having executed all the moves)” (Goldenberg, 2005).
In the quite similar TEACH, “numbers are used to set default values” and “the system remembers
the steps of a procedure” (Maulsby & Turransky, 1993).
Thinkin’ Things Collection 3 – Half Time (1995)
(Edmark Corporation, 1995, according to Kelleher & Pausch, 2003)
“Thinkin’ Things Collection 3” is
an educational software product with
different activities, one of which is “Half
Time”. Its announced aim is “building
programming skills” (Riverdeep, n.d.).
The child must control the motion
of up to 30 characters in a half-time show
using commands identical to Logo’s
TurtleTalk, as can be seen in Figure 112,
below the football field. There is also one
control statement, the counted loop.

Figure 112 – Thinkin’ Things Collection 3 – Half Time

From: Kelleher & Pausch, 2003, p. 15
Leogo and Cleogo (1997)
(Cockburn & Bryant, 1997; id., 1998)
Leogo is a version of Logo that
provides three different programming
paradigms for the user to express
programs or watch the results: “direct
manipulation” (programming by
demonstration); “iconic” (clicking buttons
and dragging sliders) and “normal text-
based language” (Logo).
Any interface action is
simultaneously displayed across all three
paradigms, in this way providing more
than one way for the child programmer to
interpret his/her actions.
Cleogo is a collaborative
programming version of Leogo. Figure 113 – Leogo/Cleogo environment
From: Cockburn & Bryant, 1998, p. 4

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 165

Introduction to computer programming
Drape – DRAwing Programming Environment (1999)
(Overmars, n. d.)
This system (Figure 114) aims to
introduce children to programming by
providing a graphical environment for
exploration of commands similar to
TurtleTalk. “There are commands that
draw lines and shapes, commands that
move to a particular position, commands
that set properties, like color, line width
and size, and control commands, e.g. to
repeat commands, to call procedures, and
to test for mouse buttons” (Overmars,
Each picture represents a command,
and a program is represented by a
sequence of pictures. The example in
Figure 115 sets the pen color to blue, Figure 114 – DRAPE environment
draws a circle, moves to the right, draws From: Kelleher & Pausch, 2003, p. 17
another circle, moves to the right again,
and draws a third circle.
Figure 115 – DRAPE program

166 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
These systems focus on the use programming techniques, such as event-driven activities and
conditions, to control the interaction between characters: people, horses, dragons, etc. The range of
uses for these systems can vary from a simple introduction of the power of expression achievable
with programming techniques, to more advanced programming constructs such as loops and the
planning and design of multi-object interactions.
My Make Believe Castle (1995) / My Make Believe Treasure Isle (1997)
(Bearden & Martin, 1998)
In this system , children can drag
characters into several parts of a castle
(entryway, bedroom, dungeon, etc.) and
bring them to life using rules to specify
actions and emotions such as jumping,
dancing, getting angry, etc. The characters
are among the traditional cast for castle-
based fantasy stories: princess, dragon,
jester, horse, etc. (Figure 116 presents the
My Make Believe Castle setting and two
Even though text can be found,
explaining a rule as it is programmed, it is
only used for comments, and not Figure 116 – Two members of the cast of My Make Believe
necessary for programming. This is part Castle
of the features rendering it suitable for From:
pre-literate children (the manufacturer
recommends ages 4-7).
In Figure 117, the blue line shows
the jester’s path. Over it is a ballet slipper
and a banana peel. The jester is
programmed to dance when passing over
the ballet slipper, and slip over the banana
peel (TERC, 1999).

Figure 117 – A jester and its path


I am referring to My Make Believe Castle. The “treasure isle” system is an identical one, only in the setting of an
island, rather than a castle.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 167

Introduction to computer programming
Concurrent Comics (2003)
(Kindborg, 2003)
This is a programming tool
developed as part of Mikael Kindborg’s
PhD research. It employs a comic-strip
metaphor, the overall aim being to use
programming to “represent the behaviour
of concurrently acting characters, rather
than actions in a linear story” (Kindborg,
2003, p. 119).
The programming takes place using
before-and-after rules, an approach
similar to that used in Stagecast Creator
(p. 151). Given the metaphor of comic-
strips, Concurrent Comics employ voice
balloons for textual output of social
agents, frame labels for program Figure 118 – Concurrent Comics: programming the virus
information, “ghost images” to denote destruction
constant motion, and “moods” to denote
From: Kindborg, 2003, p. 152
changes in agent state.
The prototype tools developed by
Mikael Kindborg employ two windows,
one for programming (Figure 118 – a
balloon pointer is visible on the left) and
another for viewing the execution of
programs (Figure 119). In these figures, a
“medical doctor” is programmed to
destroy “virus” it comes across. Live
viruses could also have been rendered
“virus corpses”, for instance.

Figure 119 – Concurrent Comics – Playing the virus eater

From: Kindborg, 2003, p. 151

168 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Tableaux / MediaStage (2003)
(Immersive Education Limited, 2004)
MediaStage is a commercial
educational tool for storyboarding (it was
called Tableaux while it was only a
research project172).
Its main idea is to “use technology
that is normally used to create typical, 3D
viewpoint ‘shoot’em-up’ games for
education [, so that learners can] create
their own interactive visions” (Burton-
Wilcock et al., 2003). It employs modern
techniques such as “built-in real physics
of objects, movement through 3D space,
and the ability to animate virtual actors”
(id.). Figure 120 – MediaStage: placing props

Children can direct a theatre play or From:

TV show, by defining script lines for each
“actor”, setting camera events, and so on.
But more powerful interactions can be
programmed: for instance, actors “can be
made to react to their surroundings”
(Cole, 2004), and facial and body
expressions for feelings and emotions can
be predefined, to express gestures and
“behavior ([actors] can be aggressive or
confused, for example)” (id.).

Figure 121 – MediaStage: defining character’s actions


At the NESTA Futurelab, Bristol, UK (

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 169

Introduction to computer programming
Mulspren – MUltiple Language Simulation PRogramming ENvironment (2004)
(Wright, 2004)
Mulspren is a language environment
that aims to promote cooperative
programming, i.e. having more than one
person working on one program. It also
provides two different notations, called
“conventional-style” and “English-like”,
to cater for styles of programming of
different users. Just as in Squeak Etoys,
changes performed in one notation
immediately impact the program
representation in the other notation
(Figure 123).

Figure 122 – Mulspren programming environment

From: Wright, 2004, p. 95

Users program with Mulspren by building 2D visual simulations, a common approach to

programming for children, used in several other languages described in this dissertation. The
programming area can contain several agents, which interact with each other; children program
what is to happen when agents interact. According to Wright (2004, p. 96), “children want to specify
the direction and speed that an agent is moving in, where the agent is, and what it looks like. These
requirements make the domain of programming visual simulations fit well with object–orientated
event–driven programming paradigms”. Figure 122 shows rules for interaction and a list of mouse-
related events (on the top-right pane).

Figure 123 – Programming notations in Mulspren

From: Wright, 2004, p. 102

170 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
These programming languages and systems allow children to move physical objects to express
programs, rather than type commands or manipulate pictures in a computer. In some cases, the final
result of the programming must be watched on a computer screen, but in other instances, the results
are available externally.
TORTIS (1976)
(Perlman, 1974; Perlman, 1976)
“TORTIS […] is a system of special
terminals together with software”
(Perlman, 1976), which aims to allow
“preschool children to communicate with
and program the [Logo] turtle” (Perlman,
1974, p. 2). It was “designed so that only
a few new concepts are introduced at a
time but more can be added when the
Figure 124 – TORTIS button box diagram (composed by 4
child becomes familiar with what he has” special-purpose boxes)
(id., ibid.).
From: Perlman, 1976, p. 9
There are two kinds of terminals:
Button Boxes had buttons for typical
TurtleTalk commands (such as
“forwards” and “right”), for parameters,
and for control (buttons “start
remembering”, “do it”, etc.); the Slot
Machine is a set of several rectangular
Plexiglas rows, each representing a
procedure, “with slots in the top for the
user to place cards” (id., p. 4), each card
representing a command. Figure 125 – TORTIS Slot Machine program for drawing a
square and toot
From: Perlman, 1976, p. 19

Figure 126 – TORTIS Slot Machine, by Radia Perlman

From: McNerney, 2003, p. 328

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 171

Introduction to computer programming
Valiant Roamer (1989)
(Valiant Technology, n.d.-1)
The Valiant Roamer is an autonomous
and programmable robot (i.e., it does not
require a computer connection to be
programmed or to execute a program).
Children enter programs by clicking keys
directly on the robot’s “body” (Figure 127),
within a control panel (Figure 128).
Commands are entered sequentially
and the green “GO” key orders their
execution. The available commands are
mostly from Logo’s TurtleTalk, but there is
also a command key for playing musical
notes and keys for definition of procedures Figure 127 – Children commanding a Roamer robot
and defining repetition of issued commands. From:
Sensors and actuators can also be
linked to the robot, and replaceable “shells”
can be customized, and several designs
created, for better integration of the robot
and programming activities to diverse
educational settings (e.g., João-Monteiro et
al., 2003, and Valiant Technology, n.d.-2).

Figure 128 – Controls of the Valiant Roamer robot

AlgoBlock (1993)
(Suzuki & Kato, 1993; id., 1995)
This system is composed by a set of physical
blocks (Figure 129) that can be connected together,
forming a program. This program can be linked to a
computer, to watch its execution. Each block
represents a Logo-like command in the AlgoBlock
language. Children can follow a program’s
execution by noticing lamps lighting up on the
blocks as their instructions are executed.
The most striking feature of the AlgoBlock
system is its tangible nature173 (the expression
“tangible programming” is often attributed to the
authors of this system, Suzuki & Kato). Two other
novel features that arise as a consequence are:
programs can be edited while they are executing (by
removing and attaching blocks); and the execution
can be traced by children, by noticing on which
blocks lights turn on, indicating that the block’s Figure 129 – AlgoBlock programming & screen
command is being executed. From: Kato et al., 1998, p. 144

This was also a feature of the TORTIS slot machine (p. 171), 17 years earlier.
172 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Logiblocs (1996)
(Logiblocs, n.d.)
These are building blocks with logical functions,
sensors (inputs), and actuators (outputs), which can be
connected to produce several constructions with varying
degrees of complexity. “From traffic lights to space
stations, from cars to computers, everything in today's
high-tech world is controlled in the same way as
Logiblocs. Inside each Logibloc is a printed circuit
board and every block is colour-coded to describe its
function. By plugging together Logiblocs in different
combinations you can create circuits and virtually write
your own simple program to build your own new Figure 130 – Logiblocs (“Spytech” kit)
inventions” (Logiblocs, n.d.).
Logiblocs are sold as special-purpose kits, but the
blocks can be applied to a large number of projects
involving design skills and problem-solving skills.
AlgoCard (1997)
(Yamashita et al., 1997; Yamashita, n.d.)
AlgoCard is a system based on
AlgoBlock, which replaces blocks with
“AlgoBlock is a substantial
programming language, but because each
block consist[s] of electrical circuits, the
system lacks flexibility (…). AlgoCard
replaces blocks with cards. A computer
recognizes cards and interpret[s] them as
a program” (Yamashita, n.d.). Figure 131 – AlgoCard software environment
There are two elements to the From:
AlgoCard system: a software environment
presents the position of the cards used to
express the program and the
corresponding program (Figure 131).
The cards themselves are tangible,
placed on a table with a grid, and
recognized by means of a computer-vision
system (Figure 132).

Figure 132 – AlgoCard tangible environment

From: http://jun.cyber.rcast.u-

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 173

Introduction to computer programming
Tangible Programming with Trains (1998)
(Martin et al., 1999)
This system was based around a
train set, which included several active
toys to influence the behavior of the train.
The goal was for children to explore “pre-
programming concepts – causality,
interaction, logic, and emergence”
(Martin et al., 1999, as cited by K&P).
According to McNerney (2003, p.
331), the research and development by Figure 133 – Train set augmented with a Cricket
Martin et al. led to commercial products programmable brick to heed infrared beacon signs
by several toy companies, such as From: McNerney, 2000, p. 34
LEGO’s Intelli-train products.
“Place the special Code Bricks
along the track to make the train stop,
change direction, or blow its horn. Want
to change the train's speed? Put in a
different engineer and watch it go!”
(LEGO, n.d.-2) Figure 134 – LEGO’s Intelligent Locomotive
The age group suggested by this From:
company for its train sets with
programmable features is “3+”.
Curlybot (1999)
(Frei et al., 2000)
“(…) curlybot is an autonomous
two-wheeled vehicle with embedded
electronics that can record how it has
been moved on any flat surface and then
play back that motion accurately and
repeatedly” (Frei et al., 2000, p. 129).
More than being a simple physical
macro recorder, however, the curlybot can Figure 135 – curlybots
be used with sensors, to produce From: Frei et al., 2000, p. 129
conditional behavior.
There is also the possibility of
recording primitives, so that a child can
record a circle, a box, or a line, and then
use them as procedures. There is even the
possibility of using a desktop computer to
combine different “gestures” done with
the curlybot into a program with a more
traditional look, and then send that
program to the curlybot for execution.

Figure 136 – curlybot with a pen attachment

From: Frei et al., 2000, p. 130

174 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Electronic Blocks (2000)
(Wyeth & Purchase, 2000; Wyeth & Wyeth, 2001)
Electronic Blocks are “blocks with
electronic circuits inside them. By placing
Electronic Blocks on top of one another
young children build ‘computer
programs’ – each stack of Electronic
Blocks is capable of a different function”
(Wyeth & Wyeth, 2001). Programs
performed by children aged between four Figure 137 – Electronic Block family (sensor, logic and action
and six include remote control cars and blocks)
lights that flash responding to clapping. From: Wyeth & Wyeth, 2001

Figure 137 show the existing

electronic blocks: the three on the left are
sensor blocks (back to front: hearing,
touch and seeing); the four central ones
are logic blocks (back to front: delay, and
– the double block, not, toggle); the three
right ones are action blocks (back to front:
light, movement and sound).
Figure 138 – Remote control car with Electronic Blocks
From: Wyeth & Wyeth, 2001

Those are Lego Duplo Primo™ blocks with electronics inside, and can be stacked just as any
ordinary Lego block. Figure 138 show a sample program: on the left, the touch sensor block is on
top of the light action block, which therefore produces light whenever the sensor is touched. On the
right, the movement action block has a seeing sensor block on top, which therefore moves whenever
the sensor detects enough light. By placing the first set of blocks (remote control) near the second
set (car), the car will move whenever the child put her/his hand in contact with the touch sensor. The
logic blocks could also have been used. For instance, if the “not” block was placed between the
seeing sensor and the movement block, the car would move whenever there was NOT enough light
reaching the seeing sensor.
Tangible Programming Bricks (2000)
(McNerney, 2000)
“Tangible Programming Bricks are
physical building blocks for constructing
simple programs” (McNerney, 2000, p. 2).
They were developed with the overall aim of
allowing people without programming
experience to control “everyday objects, from
toy cars to kitchen appliances” (id., ibid.).
Each brick has the electronics to behave
in a specific manner, and can receive
“parameter cards”. For instance, Figure 139
show bricks to control the behavior of an
oven, in a more detailed way than is normally
possible: defrost (the number of minutes is
not visible in the picture), then repeat 4 times: Figure 139 – Programmable Bricks program (the side-
cards contain parameters)
cook for forty minutes, and let it stand for 10
minutes. From: McNerney, 2000, p. 15

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 175

Introduction to computer programming
AutoHAN/Media Cubes (2001)
(Blackwell & Hague, 2001)
This system aims to allow end-users
to program appliances by using a
language called Media Cubes. This
language is based on associating specific
cubes to specific appliances, and using
them to specify intended behavior.
At their simplest, the cubes act as
single-button remote controls, but they
can be composed together to create
Figure 140 – AutoHAN cubes
programs (for instance, to start the coffee
pot when the alarm clock goes off in the From: Blackwell & Hague, 2001, p. 155
Tangible Programmable Blocks (2002)
(Mukherjee et al., 2002)
This system aims to provide a
mapping in the physical world of Start
traditional algorithms from sequential ↓
programming. Run motor clockwise
The basic idea is that each line in a ↓
sequential program becomes a brick that Wait 5 seconds for
can be connected to the following brick in next task
sequence, and the resulting program result ↓
connected to actuators (e.g., motors) with Run motor
the proper connections. Programs with anticlockwise
conditional control flow can be integrated ↓
in the model resorting to bricks with left, Wait 10 seconds for
right, front and back connections, instead next task
of just the top and bottom connections Table 12 – Algorithm with
presented in Figure 141. motor behavior
Figure 141 – From: Mukherjee et al., 2002, p. 2
Programmable Blocks
implementation of Table 12
From: Mukherjee et al., 2002, p.

176 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Physical Programming (2002)
(Montemayor et al., 2002; Montemayor et al., 2004)
These authors envision physical rooms
which interact with the people inside them,
called StoryRooms. “One might enter a
room, press buttons, pull strings, or step on
a rock, to hear music, watch a movie clip, or
even feel the wind blow from a fan.”
(Montemayor et al. 2004).
Physical programming is a research
project that aims to give children the power
to participate in the creation of such Figure 142 – Physical “icons” (props) for programming
interactive rooms, by using physical props. From:
It is defined as “the generation of physical
interaction instructions by the physical
manipulation of computationally augmented
(or aware) objects in a ubiquitous
computing environment” (id.).
The physical props can be used, for
instance, to define conditions such as
“touched”, and the actions to be performed
when those conditions are met.
Figure 143 – Using a Physical Programming wand
From: Montemayor et al., 2004, p. 18
System Blocks (2003)
(Zuckerman & Resnick, 2003)
This programming system was developed
to allow children to explore concepts from
system dynamics, such as feedback loops, time
delays, levels, and rates. Children link together
blocks with predefined behavior and in doing
so produce systems, or programs, with distinct
Available blocks include a sender
(produces “1” when clicked), an accumulator
(that updates its value by adding or subtracting Figure 144 – System Blocks: simulation of positive
its inputs), a delay (which holds its input for a feedback loop
number of seconds, before outputting it), a From: Zuckerman & Resnick, 2003, p. 2
converter (which outputs “1” whenever it
receives any value at its inputs), and a MIDI-
producing block (that plays a MIDI musical
note associated with its input value).
Figure 144 presents an arrangement of
these blocks that includes a positive feedback
loop, producing a linear growth in MIDI notes

Figure 145 – Four-year-old girl playing with System

From: id., p. 1

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 177

Introduction to computer programming
Topobo (2004)
(Raffle et al., 2004)
Topobo is a 3D constructive assembly system that
can record and playback physical motion. A child can
assemble several components, both static and motorized.
The resulting constructions often resemble animals or
skeletons (vd. Figure 146). These can be animated by
“pushing, pulling, and twisting them” (Raffle et al.,
2004), and the child can watch as the system plays back
those motions.
The resulting behavior can be more complex than
mere reproduction of the recorded motions, because one
active element can be designated “queen” and linked to
other active components, which then mimic whatever
motions was “taught” to the “queen” element.

Figure 146 – Topobo: programming a horse to

From: Raffle et al., 2004, p. 648

Eco-Pods (2005)
(Kikin-Gil, 2005)
Eco-Pods are a programming system aimed at
children aged between 4 and 6 years, which shares its
mains goals with System Blocks (p. 177); namely, to
“help children learn systems thinking” (Kikin-Gil, 2005,
p. 1), defined as “a holistic way of looking at the world
(…) as an assemblage of interrelated components
comprising a unified whole. The relationship of
elements in the system facilitates the flow of data,
matter or energy between them” (id., p. 4). The concepts
whose learning the system aims to facilitate include
“feedback loop, interconnectedness and change over
Figure 147 – Eco-Pods display interface
time” (id., p. 19).
From: Kikin-Gil, 2005, p. 42
In this system, children can indirectly influence
the growth of a flower (Figure 147), by controlling the
environment elements: wind, rain, light, heat. This
control is done by acting (blowing, shaking, spinning,
rubbing) upon tangible control elements, the Eco-Pods
(Figure 148).
According to the researcher involved in the design
and development of the Eco-Pods, “children understood
cause and effect, interconnectedness and change over Figure 148 – Eco-Pods (water, light, heat,
time” (id., p. 50).
From: Kikin-Gil, 2005, p. 42

178 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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These systems employ techniques of programming by demonstration (a concept described in
section 2.3.2). Programming is conducted by performing activities in a virtual world
AgentSheets / Visual AgenTalk (1993)
(Repenning & Perrone, 2001)
“AgentSheets is an agent-based
simulation-authoring tool that lets a wide
range of end users (from children to
professionals) create their own interactive
simulations and games” (AgentSheets,
2002, p. 5). The agents are objects
programmable by end-users. They can
“react to mouse clicks and keyboard
input, move around, change their
appearance, play MIDI music and videos,
speak, read Web pages, send email, and
compute formulae” (id., ibid.). The name
of the programming language used for in
AgentSheets is Visual AgenTalk (VAT). Figure 149 – AgentSheets rule definition
From: AgentSheets, 2002, p. 17.
VAT is similar to the method of
rule-definition used in Stagecast Creator
(vd. 3.3.4, on p. 151). However, its
palettes of conditions and actions make
more options available than in Stagecast

Figure 150 – AgentSheets conditions and actions palettes

From: AgentSheets, 2002, p. 15
ToonTalk (1995)
(Kahn, 1995)
ToonTalk is an animated programming language and a
2.5D174 programming environment: the code itself is
animated, like an animation cartoon. Figure 151 shows the
programmer’s hand holding a bird, while the help system
(the Martian) provides information in a speech balloon.
This language was employed in the field work
supporting this thesis, and is described in detail in section
Figure 151 – ToonTalk environment

In ToonTalk, one can drop some objects on top of others, and also re-order the resulting stack, achieving different
results. The programmer is therefore working with more complexity than just 2 plain dimensions, because the stacking
order affects visible results. But it is not a fully 3D environment, because one cannot really produce 3-D objects, just
stacks that remain two-dimensional stacks of 2-D objects (i.e., the stacks themselves have no height, either visibly or
interpreted from effects produced by sideway contact with other objects). This use of 2D objects whose design gives the
viewer the illusion of working in 3D is commonly referred to as “2.5D”.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 179

Introduction to computer programming
Icicle (2002)
(Sheehan, 2004)
Icicle is a programming system inspired by Stagecast
Creator (vd. section 3.3.4, p. 151), but without the
restrictions of an underlying grid. In Icicle, “objects, or
performers, can be placed anywhere in an Icicle world with
any orientation and size and they change smoothly from one
shape to another by morphing” (Sheehan, 2004, p. 147).
Icicle includes further technical improvements, such as
a “continuous model of parallelism” (id., ibid.), regarding
the execution of rules (Figure 152 shows the rules for
moving a train along a track). By allowing rules to be Figure 152 – Icicle programming
executed in parallel, rather than one at a time in sequence, environment
several problems in game-programming are simplified. From: Sheehan, 2004, p. 147

180 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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The main distinctive feature of these systems is their emphasis on peer programming. A child
can use them to perform programming in an environment where that programming is visible to other
children, who can be reached to request help, advice or comments in general. While several other
systems include networking capabilities (e.g., Squeak and ToonTalk), the systems included here
have networking as their main feature.
MOOSE Crossing / MOOSE (1997)
(Bruckman, 1997)
This is a text-based virtual world MUSE
(a.k.a. MUD175), which can be constructed @va Rover=$PET ROVER:@pemit You pet
by children together, “making new places, Rover.; @emit Rover wags his
objects, and creatures (…) [such as] baby tail.
penguins that respond differently to five
kinds of food, fortune tellers who predict MOO
the future, and the place at the end of the
rainbow—answer a riddle, and you get @verb Rover:pet this none none
the pot of gold” (Bruckman, 1997, p. 3). @program Rover:pet
In order to do these things, children must player:tell("You pet Rover.");
use the system’s language, called this.location:announce_all("Rover
MOOSE. wags his tail.");
MOOSE is a textual language that
follows the path of simplifying the syntax, MOOSE
like other languages already described in
this section. In the case of MOOSE, the on pet this
starting point for the simplification was tell player "You pet Rover."
the set of already-existing languages for emote "wags his tail."
programming virtual worlds, such as end
Table 13 – Petting a dog called Rover, in three languages,
MUSE and MOO. including MOOSE

Multi-User Dungeon. The name comes from the early use of the concept of text-based virtual worlds: a hosting
place, where several people could play fantasy adventure games together. The original fantasy adventure games usually
took place inside dungeons, hence the name.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 181

Introduction to computer programming
Pet Park / YoYo (1998)
(DeBonte, 1998)
Pet Park builds on the ideas of MOOSE Crossing, by using a two-dimensional graphical
world, instead of a textual one. The main goal is the creation of new “pets”, with specific behaviors.
“The vision of Pet Park is a kind of graphical MOOSE Crossing where kids can design and
build things in a graphical virtual world (…) the focus of Pet Park is on building the virtual world
by programming animated behaviors for creatures and other objects in the world.”
(DeBonte, 1998)
While the environment is graphical, and therefore creating a new pet with new behaviors
requires inclusion of graphics, the language used for programming is also textual, a script language
called YoYo. The instructions can request for specific animations to be displayed or sounds played.
“ (…) using a property to store whether or
not Grover is in a dancing mood, (…) Grover's
dance script might look like this:
if [wantToDance = "yes"]
repeat 3 [jump]
say "Sorry, I'm not in a
dancing mood right now."
Building blocks might also include sounds
along with the animation.”
(DeBonte, 1998)

Figure 153 – PetPark environment and selection of


182 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
These systems were not necessarily designed as programming systems or programming
environments. Rather they are games, some with educational intent, some entirely devoted to
entertainment, where programming – or at least programming skills – is a central activity in
RobotWar (1981)
(Warner, 1981; Home of the Underdogs, n.d.)
This was a game written by Silas
Warner for MUSE Software in 1981, for
Apple II computers.
Users must design and program
robots to fight in an arena (Figure 154),
using a language similar to BASIC to
control several registers. These had names
such as AIM, SHOT, and DAMAGE. The
following code is an example from the
manual (Warner, 1981, p. 36): a routine to
determine if the robot has spotted another.
LOOK Figure 154 – RobotWar
Rocky’s Boots (1982), Robot Odyssey (1984)
(Robinett, n.d.; Foote, n.d.)
These two games shared the idea that
programming techniques from logic circuits had to
be employed for the player to progress from level to
level. They were co-authored by Leslie Grimm (the
other authors were Mike Wallace, for Robot
Odyssey, and Warren Robinett, for Rocky’s Boots).
In Rocky’s Boots, children could design
“simple digital logic circuits, using a joystick to
move around circuit symbols on the screen and plug
them together. The circuit components were AND
gates, OR gates, NOT gates, and flip-flops” Figure 155 – Rocky’s Boots
(Robinnet, n.d.). From:

Robot Odyssey built up from this idea: in

each level, the player must program the behavior of
one or several robots (in Figure 156, the there are
two: a blue and a white). This programming was
achieved by connecting together several circuit
symbols and sensors inside the robots (Figure 157).

Just like for game-editing software, this is a large genre. For a starting point reference, I suggest http://www.find-
This is the name of a user-written procedure for shooting. It is not a reference to the SHOT register, mentioned

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 183

Introduction to computer programming

Figure 157 – Robot Odyssey

Figure 156 – Robot Odyssey level From:
Lemmings (1991)
(Meyer, 2004)
In this game, originally published by
Psygnosis178, lemmings are small creatures
that plunge into each game level from a top
trapdoor (Figure 158) and start walking until
they fall or bump into a wall, turning
The player has no direct control over
the path of each and every walking
lemming, so his/her task is to assign specific
tasks to a few of those lemmings, in this
way programming a path for the remaining
ones to follow.
Eventually, the lemmings will reach
the level exit in enough numbers. The
available tasks include digging, building Figure 158 – Lemmings level in mid-play
ladders, exploding, blocking a passage,
parachuting, etc.

In the level of Figure 158, for example, the blocking task must be assigned to lemmings
placed at specific spots in the platforms, so that the remaining lemmings only fall small heights.
This prevents them from splatting on the lower floor, so that they can reach the exit in enough
numbers. In the figure, the leftmost and rightmost lemmings have already been assigned the
blocking task.

Now part of Sony Entertainment.
184 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
The Incredible Machine (1993) / The Incredible Machine 2 (1994) /
The Incredible Machine 3 (1995) / Return of the Incredible Machine: Contraptions (2000) /
The Incredible Machine: Even More Contraptions (2001)
(Reyes, 2000)
These games were inspired by a
kind of comic gag common in several
animated features: one event causes
another, and another, and another, in a
hilarious sequence179. Another inspiration
source derived from the absurdly-
connected machines known as Rube
Goldberg inventions180.
In these games each level has a
specific goal, and provides several objects
that the user must place and combine, so Figure 159 – The Incredible Machine I & II cover art
that the resulting contraption produces the
intended result.
For instance, in Figure 160, the goal
is for all three guns to fire. For this,
several objects have already been
positioned. The bowling ball, upon
rolling, will hit the punching glove
(containing a spring). This will tilt a
bucket tied to a rope. Upon falling, the
bucket will pull the rope, which in turn
will pull the trigger of the first gun. The
shot will blow the balloon, and the iron
weight tied to it will fall. The bucket that
was falling will also hit one end of the
seesaw, whose other end is tied to the
trigger of a second gun. In this figure, the
player is currently positioning the second
gun, and still has to come up with a Figure 160 – The Incredible Machine screenshot
solution for firing the third gun. From:

Examples include Warner Brother’s Road Runner & Coyote cartoons, Hanna-Barbera's Tom & Jerry cartoons, and
more recently the 1988 movie “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”, which opens with a tribute to this kind of gag.
“While most machines work to make difficult tasks simple, his inventions made simple tasks amazingly complex.
Dozens of arms, wheels, gears, handles, cups, and rods were put in motion by balls, canary cages, pails, boots,
bathtubs, paddles, and live animals for simple tasks like squeezing an orange for juice or closing a window in case it
should start to rain before one gets home” (Rube Goldberg Inc., n.d.).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 185

Introduction to computer programming
Widget Workshop (1995)
(Cunningham, 1997)
This game combined ideas from the
other games already presented in this
section, particularly the series of “The
Incredible Machine” games. But its goal
was “to turn science from a dull, boring,
too hard subject into a fun, magical
environment by looking at it from a mad
scientist's point of view” (Cunningham,
The game focused more on building
contraptions using actual laboratory tools
and equipment, rather than just cartoon-
style gags.
Figure 161 – Widget Workshop
AlgoArena (1995)
(Kato & Ide, 1995)
“AlgoArena is a simulation of Sumo,
the traditional Japanese form of
wrestling. Learners are supposed to
program the actions of their own
wrestlers with a LOGO-based
programming language (Table 14) so as
to defeat other wrestlers” (Suzuki & Kato,
2002, p. 280).
A particular important feature of
AlgoArena is that it was created to Figure 162 – AlgoArena in game-play
facilitate cooperative learning through From: Suzuki & Kato, 2002, p. 281
programming: the player programs a
wrestler to “engage in bouts with
opponents programmed by other learners
or by the teacher” (id., ibid.). After
programmed bouts have taken place,
“learners are supposed to analyze the
results and incorporate solutions into
their own programs” (id., ibid.).

Figure 163 – AlgoArena programming environment

From: Suzuki & Kato, 2002, p. 282

186 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
REPEAT (30) [move_forward Defense]

TO Defense
IFELSE (:_his_hand = 2)[disturb_hishand][
IFELSE (:_my-posture <= 2) [bend_forward][
IFELSE (:_my-posture =4) [bend_back][
IFELSE (:_my-posture= <=2) [move_forward][Offense]

TO Offense
IFELSE (:_his_hand = 2) [disturb_hishand][
IFELSE (:his_posture =4) [slap_down][
IFELSE (:_my-hand =2) [throw][
IFELSE (:distance= 1) [grasp_mawashi][push_foward]
Table 14 – Sample AlgoArena program (English-language version)
From: Suzuki & Kato, 2002, p. 286

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 187

Introduction to computer programming
Mindrover (2002)
(CogniToy, n.d.)
MindRover is classified by its
maker, CogniToy, as a “3D
strategy/programming game” (CogniToy,
n.d.). The player is a researcher on
Europa, a moon of Jupiter. In order to
play the game it is necessary to program
mobile robots, called “rovers”, to “race
around the hallways, battle it out with
mini lasers and rocket launchers, and find
their way through mazes” (id.).
Programming takes place in
graphical manner, by wiring rover
components together and setting
properties (Figure 165). Figure 164 – MindRover gameplay

Figure 165 – MindRover programming environment


188 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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These programming systems are application-specific. They allow children of different ages to
edit game-operation parameters, the results varying from producing games with similar operation
but different context (edited graphs, maps, organization), to entirely new games. Since there are
many such editors181, here I present only a few examples of the genre from historical and modern
Games Designer / Games Maker182 (1983)
(Shaw, 1985)
Games Designer was a 1983 program for the
ZX Spectrum, written by John Hollis, which allowed
the users to edit parameters that determined the
operational aspects of 8 included games, all of the
“shoot’em up” variety (Figure 167). As Figure 166
shows, users could program the movement pattern for
the “invaders”, but also other elements such as the
looks of the sprites, the sounds for the events or the
sequence of “attack waves”.

Figure 167 – Games Designer cassette inlay and

sample game
Figure 166 – Games Designer editing screens From (cassette inlay):

For instance, browsing for game-design tools at provides no less than 214 different
titles, which don’t even include tools developed in Europe, such as Game Designer and HURG, presented in this
section. Tools for creating entirely new games, however, are only 10.
Released in the UK in 1983, under two different names: “Games Designer”, edited by Quicksilva, and “Games
Maker”, edited by St. Michael. The only difference is the loading screen, otherwise the software is the same (after
loading, “Games Maker” clearly displays the title “Games Designer”).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 189

Introduction to computer programming
Pinball Construction Set (1983)
(Cassidy, 2002)
The Pinball Construction Set was a 1983
program developed by Bill Budge for the Apple II
and Atari 800 computers (it was launched in the same
year as the Game Designer for the ZX Spectrum),
which allowed users to create and play entirely new
pinball games. It included a graphics editor and sets
of parts for placement on the table, and the user could
define the assignment of points and bonuses, and
physics effects such as gravity and elasticity.
Figure 168 – Pinball Construction Set editing
The Pinball Construction Set and Games
Designer were pioneers in the genre of game editors.
HURG (1984)
(Shaw, 1985)
HURG (for “High-level User-friendly Real-
time Games-designer”), was a 1984 program for the
ZX Spectrum computer, written by William Tang,
which allowed users to create level-based games of
several genres, not just one (Games Designer only
allowed for creation of “shoot’em up” games, Pinball
Construction Set was only usable for creating pinball
Users could draw characters and screens (or
load externally-drawn screens) and define game-
playing parameters using just a joystick, through
graphical schemas such as the one presented in Figure 169 – HURG – High-level User-friendly
Figure 172 (for defining the behavior of sprites upon Real-time Games-designer
From: inclair/games-
collision: “no go”, “eat”, “crash”, “go”). Rotating info/h/
counters allowed number-entry with the joystick.
Events and conditions could be defined for
updating of variables such as score or energy levels,
control the behavior of elements such as “shots”,
specify events for the appearance or disappearance of
objects, set the presence or absence of “gravity”, and
many other elements defining game-play.
HURG's variety of configuration and
programming options allowed it to produce entirely
new games, not just variations of existing ones. Much
of its influence was lost with the demise of the ZX Figure 170 – HURG: defining sprite movement
Spectrum computer. From:

190 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Figure 171 – Screenshot from a game created in HURG by Figure 172 – HURG: defining behavior on
Tony Samuels for the “Your Spectrum” magazine object collisions
From: From:
ARK: Alternate Reality Kit (1986)
(Smith, 1986)
The Alternate Reality Kit does not fit
exactly within this category (game-creation
systems), since its aim is to create interactive
simulations, not just games (a goal it shares
with Stagecast Creator, presented in p. 151). I
have opted to include it here nonetheless, since
this is more of a distinction in aim, rather than
in actual programming features, which are
similar to other products in this genre.
“ARK is built upon a physical-world
metaphor: all objects have an image, a
position, a velocity, and can experience forces.
Users manipulate objects with a mouse-
operated "hand" which enables them to carry Figure 173 – Alternate Reality Kit environment
and throw objects, to press buttons, and to From: Smith, 1986. p. 62
operate sliders” (Smith, 1986, p. 61).
ARK included several innovative ideas.
One was conceiving the metaphor of a virtual
world, with a hand to grasp objects, and
dragging command buttons to assign behaviors
to pictures – these are techniques also used in
ToonTalk (section 3.3.5, p. 195). Another was
the idea of dragging parameters to buttons,
which is similar to what is now used in Squeak
Etoys (p. 146).

Figure 174 – ARK Dragging to assign a parameter to a

From Smith, 1986. p. 63

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 191

Introduction to computer programming
Klik & Play (1994), Clik & Create (1996),
The Games Factory (1996), Multimedia Fusion (1998)
(Lionet & Lamoureux, 1996)
Klik & Play was the first “modern” generic
game-making tool (i.e., for Windows-based PCs). It
was developed by François Lionet and Yves
Lamoureux, and was published in 1994 by Europress
Software Ltd, in the UK. These two developed then
created more advanced versions of this tool, first at
Corel Corporation (Clik & Create), then at their own
company, Clickteam (The Games Factory and
Multimedia Fusion183). Figure 175 – Klik & Play level editor
These systems allow the user to develop a game
working in different editors and settings: a storyboard s/images/KlikandPlay.gif
editor allows management of “levels” and their
transitions; a level editor is available to edit each
specific level of a game, defining graphics, animating
them, and setting their properties; an event editor
allows the definition of all events in the game, e.g.
“What happens when the alien collides with the
spaceship? What happens when your hero eats the
hot porridge?” (Lionet & Lamoureux, 1996, p. 11),
based on the state of variables and objects. There is
also a tool for pre-debugging, to help the user detect
undefined likely events, called “Step Through
Figure 176 – The Games Factory event editor
From: (Lionet & Lamoureux, 1996, p. 23)

Multimedia Fusion is aimed at adolescents and adults, rather than children.
192 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Game Maker (1999)
(Overmars, 2004)
Game Maker is a modern game editor, developed by Mark Overmars. Like HURG or Klik &
Play, it can be used to create entirely new games. Users can define sprites, objects, rooms, events
and actions, employing features common in modern windowed environments, such as menus, tree
structures for organization, tabbed dialogs, and drag-and-drop elements.
« You can import and create images, sprites (animated images) and
sounds and use them. You easily define the objects in your game and indicate
their behavior. And you can define appealing rooms with scrolling
backgrounds in which the game take place. »
(Overmars, 2004, p. 6).
A particular feature of Game Maker is that it includes its own textual programming language,
GML, similar to the professional programming language C. This feature is not child-oriented, but
advanced users can have full control of the game-making interface: scripts in GML can be assigned
to game elements, to finely define behaviors and events.
Game Maker has an interesting track record in terms of educational use, including technology
summer camps and elementary schools, but also high schools and universities. The official site
includes a page with teaching materials, an introduction for children aged 11-13, and other reference
material, at

Figure 177 – Game Maker environment


Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 193

Introduction to computer programming
Point & Click Development Kit (2004)
(Maas, 2004)
This programming environment is quite recent,
and is presented here in representation of a long
tradition of game editors devoted to the production of
adventure games. This particular environment is
devoted to the genre of 2D graphic adventure games
(Figure 178).
Users can define several positions and states for
each object, and define events and actions using a
simple scripting language. Following techniques
from adventure creation, the player actions are
anticipated and the programming involves producing Figure 178 – 2D adventure game
responses to specific actions, such as “Use key with
Small action games are also creatable, using the interaction between graphical objects. For
instance, Point & Click Development Kit is shipped with an action-game example: trying to hit as
many rats as possible with a hammer (Figure 179).

Figure 179 – Point & Click DK environment: object status, frames, image resource, action script

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3.3.5. Animated programming and ToonTalk

As mentioned previously, the programming language ToonTalk was used to conduct the field
work supporting this thesis (the reasoning for this choice is presented in section 5.1). This language
embodies several concepts discussed in the previous sections of this chapter: concurrent
programming (3.2.1), constraint programming (3.2.2), visual programming (3.3.2) and child-
oriented features (3.3.3).
But ToonTalk (Kahn, 1995; 1996a) is also the language which
implemented a novel idea in visual programming: animated
programming. That is, using animation to express the code of a
program, thus going one step beyond static visual programming. This
is an original idea of Kenneth M. Kahn (Figure 180), who designed
and developed ToonTalk as a proof-of-concept and commercial
implementation of it. To the best of my knowledge and that of its
creator184, ToonTalk was the first language to employ this concept
and is still the only known case (except for a few special cases in the
physical world, as I’ll mention shortly). Therefore, the presentation of Figure 180 – Ken Kahn
the concept of animated programming, in the following paragraphs, is From: http://www.digicon-
intertwined with the description and presentation of ToonTalk.

Being a novel concept, it helps to state what animated programming isn’t: it is not the
programming of animated characters or plays by means of static code; it is not the animation of the
execution of static code; it is not the usage of animated icons or objects in place of traditional static
Animated programming is the usage of animation to express the code itself. In order to help
picture this concept, one can think of a programmer saying “watch what I do” and of a system that
records and interprets the visual (animated) actions of the programmer. This is just a simplification,
for complete expression of code must also include methods for other programming constructs, such
as specifying conditions and generalizing the actions of the programmer.
« The fundamental idea behind ToonTalk is that source code is animated.
(ToonTalk is so named because one is "talking" in (car)toons.) This does not
mean that we take a visual programming language and replace some static
icons by animated icons. It means that animation is the means of
communicating to both humans and computers the entire meaning of a
program. »
(Kahn, 1995, p. 5)
In this regard, one can think of cases of “animated programming” in the physical world: for
instance, when a shooting a movie or rehearsing a play. Sometimes a director explains his/her
intentions to an actor by performing actual body movements, gestures, facial expressions, etc. In
this sense, there is “animated programming” of the actor’s performance. By considering the
physical world, a few of the systems described in section 3.3.4, under the category “Programming
with physical objects” (p. 128), can also be considered instances of animated programming, at least
partially. Specifically, the main feature of programming the Curlybot (p. 174) is reproducing
physical motion; and programming in Topobo (p. 178) is entirely done by moving the
programmable pieces185.

“It seems that no one has ever tried to do this. (And when we figured out how to, we applied for a patent of the
invention.)” (Kahn, 1995, p. 7).
In these cases, the “execution” of the program by the actor or robot is also an animation – an interpretation of the
animation provided by the director/programmer. A generic animated programming system needs to go beyond mere
cases of “animation to program animation”.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 195

Introduction to computer programming
However, programming a human actor, a Curlybot or a Topobo object all fall short of being
general-purpose animated programming. For instance, while demonstrating something to an actor, a
director often needs to resort to spoken speech to explain details that cannot be easily conveyed by
movements of the human body or facial expressions186; the Curlybot needs to resort to non-
animated programming for constructs such as conditions and procedures; and Topobo programming
is limited to the specification of motion for its programmable elements.
Furthermore, physical programming systems such as these are also limited in terms of
resources (space occupied, availability of enough programmable elements, and cost of such
elements). The specification or execution of a program may require 100 actors, or 100 curlybots, for
instance – a complex implementation situation.
A virtual animated programming language, i.e. one based within a personal computer, not
requiring physical props, can be limited only in the same ways as other programming languages
(computability, processor performance, available memory and hard disk space, etc.).
ToonTalk is such a language, with the added benefit of being a powerful system, not just a
“toy” system. It was based upon concurrent constraint programming languages, and programs
written in languages such as “Flat Guarded Horn Clauses, FCP, Parlog, Strand, and PCN can be
straight forwardly constructed in ToonTalk” (Kahn, 1995, p. 4). “Conversely, ToonTalk programs
(…) can be translated to textual equivalents in these languages” (id., ibid.).
“We chose concurrent constraint programming as the underlying
foundation of ToonTalk (...). One reason is that over ten years of use at
many research centers has demonstrated that there is no risk that the
language will be inadequate for building a wide variety of large programs.
The languages are small yet very powerful.”
(Kahn, 1995, p. 4)
“ToonTalk was built to be both very easy to learn and to be a very
powerful and flexible programming tool. (...) Kids can pretend to help in the
garden with toy shovels and rakes, but if they really want to do gardening
they should have real tools that have been adapted to their special
(id., p. 3)
But why would someone wish to program with animation? Several usability benefits are
expected from employing animation, the most important one being the expectations that animation
can help the users/programmers better understand the transitions between visual elements in visual
programming languages. Another expected benefit is that animation can help provide better
metaphors, and consequently better mappings between programming concepts and those of users.
“(...) in order for a static picture to represent the dynamic behavior of a
program, it needs to rely upon a rich set of encodings. Control and data flow
need to be encoded in abstract diagrams. Abstract diagrams are arguably
easier for people to deal with than symbolic formalisms, but they are still
very difficult. Why not take the next step from visual programming
languages and begin to use dynamic images, i.e., animation, to depict the
dynamic processes of a program?”
(Kahn, 1995, p. 5)

In Sweden, Jakob Tholander and Ylva Fernaeus have conducted programming activities with children, without a
computer, in a setting similar to this “movie director” situation (Fernaeus & Tholander, 2003). Each children would be
assigned (or define) a small program by a combination of body motion, spoken explanation and written notes. Just like
in the “movie director” example, part of this programming is animated, but not its entirety.
196 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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Given the novelty of the field itself, there is no available research on usage of animated
programming, by controlled comparison with static programming, to support or disprove these
expectations, but informal anecdotal evidence, favorable to them, is mounting up (e.g., Playground
Project, 2001). However, research regarding the impact of animation on users’ understanding of
visual information, albeit limited, provides positive indications:
“If a task requires a subject to know something about objects’ spatial
position, and the viewpoint is changed, then animating that change in
viewpoint appears to help users. (...) This has direct implications for many
applications that present linear data – including word processors,
spreadsheets, and Web browsers.”
(Bederson & Boltman187, 1998)
Before proceeding with the description of specific features of ToonTalk, I need to address two
problems with the implementation and description of animated programs. The creation of
animation by the user/programmer and providing a static description of the programs (for
instances such as their presentation on printed matter).
The creation of animation is a basic problem for any animated programming language: since
the source code itself is animated, the user must be able to produce the required animations. But
producing animations is often a complicated task in itself188. The solution provided by ToonTalk is
to make the programming environment resemble a video game, where the user controls and
manipulate game elements while programming.
“(...) constructing animation is generally difficult and time-consuming.
Good animation authoring tools help but it is still much more difficult to
animate an action than to describe it symbolically. Luckily, there is one sort
of computer animation that is trivial for a user to produce – video game
animation. Even small children have no troubles producing a range of
sophisticated animations when playing games like Mario Brothers. While the
range is, of course, very limited relative to a general animation authoring
tool, video game style animation is fine for the purposes of communicating
programs to computers.”
(Kahn, 1995, p. 5)

This paper also contains a nice summary of studies on how animation affects user performance.
To the point that there are programming languages specifically targeting the creation of animations, such as SAM
(Geiger et al., 1998) or Alice (Conway, 1997).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 197

Introduction to computer programming
Even considering that the animation is that of a traditional
video game, the other aforementioned problem remains: animated
code, be it ToonTalk code, filmed gestures or some other situation, is
troublesome to describe in a static medium such as this written
document. Sometimes a simple screenshot will suffice, but not
Circumventions for this have been used, and throughout this
document I will employ an approach already used by Ken Kahn
(1995) and Mikael Kindborg (2003): capturing pieces of the action
as still frames and arranging them in comic-book style.
Ken Kahn calls these pieces “snapshots” (vd. Figure 181), and
Mikael Kindborg (vd. Figure 182) refers to a set of them as a “comic

Figure 182 – Comic strip: ToonTalk program for making a puppy turn
From: Kindborg, 2003, p. 107

In some circumstances, however, the lack of motion in these

images may pose doubts to the reader. In those cases, my personal
contribution to the problem is to add textual comments below each
frame (a full example is available in Annex I, on p. 441), a technique
almost as old as comics themselves (a classic example is presented in
Figure 183). These comments will convey to the reader some of the
information unavailable due to lack of motion.

Figure 181 – Snapshots from

swapping two elements
From: Khan, 1995, p. 6

Figure 183 – Caption style used in Prince Valiant comics


Ensuing with the description of ToonTalk and animated programming, it is necessary to say
that ToonTalk is not just a programming language, but also a programming environment where that
language is used to create programs. For this reason, I’ll employ the analysis categories already
used in section 3.3.4 for other programming languages and environments: expressing a program,
understanding the execution of the program, and child-orientation of the programming environment.
198 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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In ToonTalk, the most striking feature associated with the latter category is the emphasis on
providing a global metaphor for conducting programming activities. As much as possible, all the
programming activities take place in a video-game world resembling a city. The user (programmer)
controls a “doll” or “figurine”, seen as his/her programming “persona” or “avatar” (Figure 184).
Controlling that programmer doll, in video-game fashion, the user can enter and leave houses,
where computations are taking place, observe and debug ongoing computations, and create new
computations using objects representing tools and primitives, stored inside a legged, trailing,
toolbox. Since the city can grow large, a helicopter is provided, to allow a bird’s-eye view and
simplify navigation in the city (the toolbox and the helicopter are visible in Figure 184).

Figure 184 – ToonTalk programming environment: programmer and toolbox outside

The programming takes place within this global metaphor. By clicking the mouse the
programmer “kneels” on the floor of a house, to program or debug. This makes the toolbox open,
displaying the programming primitives: numbers, letters, and objects to use for performing
comparisons, process189 spawning, process termination, etc. The metaphor is maintained because
now the mouse movements still control the programmer’s persona, visible as a hand and an arm
(i.e., not just a cursor shaped as a floating hand). Figure 185 presents this hand, the open toolbox on
the floor, and several tools and primitives.

The term “process” is used here just for the sake of simplicity in this short description. “Agent”, “actor” or “object"
could also have been used.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 199

Introduction to computer programming

Figure 185 – ToonTalk programming environment: programmer’s hand and toolbox contents
By “tools”, I am referring to elements whose only purpose is to allow the programmer to
manipulate the environment and the visual elements used in programming: producing copies,
zooming in and out, deleting (vacuuming), erasing (creating a generic version of an element),
saving to disk, etc. They are extensions to the programmer’s persona. All other ToonTalk elements
are primitives. In this taxonomy, the programmer’s hand and the programmer’s persona aren’t
classified at all (neither as tools nor as primitives); they are meant to be seen as extensions to the
human programmer’s own body and mind. One should have in mind that since tools are extensions
to the persona, a different “programmer” might not need them to achieve the same purpose: for
instance, if the programmer persona was a winged dragon, rather than a human, there would be no
need for an helicopter to fly around, nor for a vacuum cleaner to get rid of things (albeit charring
things down to the ground might not be a good idea should one need them later)190. In this sense,
the elements which I classify as ToonTalk tools are the ones presented in Table 15.
All elements in ToonTalk are “cartoons”, even the tools. In line with the language and
environment metaphor, they possess animations. Table 15, which details the tools, presents
examples of such animations.

An alternative computer science perspective could be to disregard the existence of tools altogether, since all their
purposes are potentically replaceable by a programmer persona. As I describe further ahead in this section, the syntax of
ToonTalk is not dependent on the tools themselves but on the static primitives (which can be seen as values) and actions
upon them, which I call "animated primitives” (and can also be seen as operations). Conceivably, any animated
primitive can be replaced by a completely different one, as long as its effect and applicability remain identical, and the
language would still be ToonTalk, even if the overall appearance changed a lot: " The ToonTalk world resembles a
twentieth century city. There are helicopters, trucks, houses, streets, bike pumps, toolboxes, hand-held vacuums, boxes,
and robots. Wildlife is limited to birds and their nests. This is just one of many consistent themes that could underlie a
programming system like ToonTalk. A space theme with shuttle craft, teleporters and the like would work as well. So
would a medieval magical theme or an Alice in Wonderland theme" (Kahn, 1995).
200 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Visual (when not used) Visual (in use) Modes of operation191 Location
Dusty the Vacuum
S – Suck up element Inside Tooly the
R – Reverse (spit out)
Pops out when the
E – Erase surface programmer kneels.
Landed on city streets.
Flying Can be summoned with
the “F1” or “H” keys.
Maggie the Magic Wand
C – Copy element
Inside Tooly the
S – Copy itself Toolbox.
Pops out when the
O – Copy original programmer kneels.
picture of an element
Marty the Martian
Shows up whenever
Providing help with the programmer is
text balloons inside a house.
Providing help with Can be sent away or
audible speech summoned with the F1
Pumpy the Bike Pump
B – Make big
L – Make little
W – Make wide Inside Tooly the
N – Make narrow
T – Make tall Pops out when the
S – Make short programmer kneels.

G – Make “good”
Tooly the Toolbox
Trails behind the
Following the programmer when
programmer he/she is walking or
standing up.
Open on the floor or When the programmer
in hand kneels, Tooly opens
Table 15 – ToonTalk tools and their purpose

The modes represented by letter buttons are presented as they appear in the US English version, but are found
localized in other language versions of ToonTalk.
In ToonTalk, this means each object’s default size.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 201

Introduction to computer programming
The remaining visual elements in ToonTalk are primitives, but they do not constitute the
entire set of primitives. As expected in an animated language, several primitives are animated
actions, not just visual elements. They give the programmer the power to express a program in
ToonTalk. Table 16 lists the static primitives and Table 17 the main animated primitives available
in ToonTalk.
Primitive Visual representation Purpose

Bird Message194 sending.

Termination of a set of programming

Bomb elements (see row on “house”) or of a
container (see row “container”).
Holding a set of programming elements,
running concurrently with access to
common properties such as “distance
See rows on “Image”, “Text
Container from the left side”, “speed to the right”,
pad”, and “Number pad”.
“collision state”, or even other
primitives. All images, text pads and
number pads are containers195.

Cubby box Organization of elements in arrays.

Holding a set of independent

programming elements. In
computer-science terms, it can be seen as
an object, a process, an actor, etc.

Image Representation of graphical data.

Identical to the static primitive Template for instantiation of a static

Infinite stack
used in its creation. primitive.

Message reception. FIFO196 container of

received messages

Most of these primitives are not visually “static”, they possess animations. The term “static” is used because those
animations serve no specific programming purpose, and are employed solely for aesthetic or metaphoric reasons.
In the ToonTalk software environment, a message can be one of the square-shaped static primitives or a scale, but a
broader view of just the ToonTalk language, not its current environment, could envision it as being any static primitive.
This is the current status of the ToonTalk language and environment, which does not possess an actual specification
document. Envisioning such a specification, one could consider all static primitives as containers, and the current
ToonTalk software simply as a language implementation were only some of those containers are usable as such.
First-In, First-Out.
202 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Organization of elements in
collections197 of templates.

Representation of numerical values

(static data or otherwise), as numerical
Number pad constants, variable values, or arithmetic
See also the row on “container”.

Representation of a sequence of
operations (i.e., a procedure).

Representation of constraints on the

Robot thought bubble
operation of the robot.

Representation of the result of

Scale comparisons (static to specify a result,
animated to specify indetermination).

Multimedia pads Representation of audio (both sound data

(sound pad, force- and text-to-speech) or multimedia effects
feedback pad) (currently, only joystick force-feedback).
Representation of alphanumerical strings
Text pad (static data or otherwise). See also the
row on “container”.

Spawning of new sets of programming

elements (see table row on the primitive
“house”). Container for primitives
related to spawning.

Table 16 – ToonTalk static primitives

The term “collection”, used here, aims to convey a distinction between notebooks and arrays (which are represented
by cubby boxes). While ToonTalk collections are ordered (i.e., notebooks have page numbers), just like arrays, they are
distinguishable from ToonTalk arrays in several aspects. Firstly, they are indexed: in a notebook, a program can directly
access an element, using a value that only becomes defined at runtime (either by page number or textual content of odd-
numbered pages); cubby box arrays must be manipulated or iterated. Secondly, notebooks do not have a defined size:
they hold a finite set of elements, but the only way to specify a number of “empty” cells/pages is to have a non-empty
cell after them in numerical page order. Thirdly, notebooks are not divisible: there is no primitive to split the contents of
one notebook over two notebooks, whereas with cubby boxes one can readily do that operation.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 203

Introduction to computer programming
Primitive Animation snapshots Purpose

Repositioning of static
– OR –
removal from a
Grabbing and
container or array
– OR –
instantiation of a static
primitive from a

Combination of static
The actual operation
depends on the nature of
Dropping on
the primitives being
Not all combinations are

Elimination of a static

Generalization of a
static primitive.
Not applicable to all
static primitives.
Recovery of a static
primitive that was
recently vacuumed
– OR –
recovery of a defined
state from a recently
generalized static

Magic wand Duplication of a static

copy primitive.

Creation of a duplicate
Magic wand
with a defined state,
copy of
from a generalized

Access to its contents,

Flipping a for addition, removal,
container commenting, and

Table 17 – ToonTalk main animated primitives

204 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
The tables in the last few pages presented detailed lists of ToonTalk environment tools and
language primitives, but they still fall short of providing an actual picture of its programming. A
crucial element is the behavior of the “dropping on” primitive, included in Table 17. As I stated
there, “the actual operation depends on the nature of the primitives being combined”. In the visual
example included in that table, for instance, a number pad for “1” was dropped on another “1”, and
the result was that they were added, thus resulting in a number pad for “2”.
However, for other primitives, the result can be quite different: for instance, dropping an array
on a robot without constraints results in the initiation of the programming of the operations of that
robot. (This particular case is a basic building block of ToonTalk programming.) Yet other
combinations of primitives produce results such as sending a message, spawning a process, or
defining a template. For this reason, the following table details the results of the combination of
different static primitives, by dropping one on top of another.
Involved Result description
Visual combination Visual result

Number pad Result of the arithmetic

on operation198.
number pad Default operator is “+”.

The array is split in two: the first

n elements in one (n is the value
of the number pad) and the
number pad
remaining elements in another.
Number pad with the number of
items in the array (number of cubby
erased number
Text pad
on Concatenation of text strings.
text pad

Number pad
on The letter index is increased.
text pad

Number pad Alphanumeric representation of

on the numerical value in the number
erased199 text pad pad.

ToonTalk arithmetic supports arbitrarily large numbers, exact fractions, and irrational (approximate) numbers. It
provides some interesting solutions for displaying numbers with tens of thousands of digits, or even with an infinite
number of digits (Kahn, 2004). For instance, the rational number 120/19, above, is displayed with an ever-shrinking
sequence of digits. If the programmer enlarges the size of the number pad, more digits become visible.
I.e., a generalized text pad.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 205

Introduction to computer programming

Image, number
The dropped-on image or pad
pad or text pad
becomes an independent part of
the bottom image.
Image The bottom image acquires the
on visual looks of the dropped-on
erased image image.

Static primitive
Placement of the dropped-on
primitive inside the cubby box.
cubby box

Cubby box
on side of Concatenation of the two arrays.
cubby box
Text pad
Text converted into an array with a
single-letter pad in each hole.
erased cubby box
Number pad The erased box becomes an array
on with as many empty boxes as the
erased cubby box dropped-on number.
Notebook The notebook templates are
on instantiated. Each element is placed
erased cubby box in sequence in the resulting array.
The erased box becomes an array
Robot team with as many holes as there were
on team members.
erased cubby box The robot team is split, and each
member is placed into a hole.

200 The bird drops201 the static

Static primitive
primitive (and copies of it, if
necessary) on all its associated

Static primitive203
Placement of the dropped-on
primitive inside the nest.
empty nest

In the current implementation of ToonTalk, only rectangle-shaped static primitives and scales can be used (see
footnote 194, on page 202).
I.e., the animated primitive “drop on” results in another animated “drop on” primitive.
If there is more than one nest associated with a given bird, then the static primitive is duplicated (copied), and each
nest receives a copy. A different perspective on this could be that the static primitive is turned into a template upon
being dropped on a bird, and from that template several instances are created, one for each nest.
As mentioned in footnotes 194 (page 202) and 200 (page 206), in the current implementation of ToonTalk only
rectangular static primitives and scales can be used.
206 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Static primitive,
Placement of the dropped-on
carried by bird
primitive inside the nest, below204
existing contents.
non-empty nest
The two nests are joined. Birds
associated with either nest
become associated with the
empty nest
resulting nest.
Static primitive
Placement of the static primitive
inside the container.
flipped container
Change of setting to the robot’s
thought bubble; until exit from this
Array setting, all actions (animated
on primitives) are recorded as that
untaught robot robot’s sequence of operations. The
status of the dropped-on array is
recorded as that robot’s constrains.
The robot’s constraints are
compared to the dropped-on box.
If they match, the robot executes its
sequence of operations repeatedly,
taught robot
until the constraints cease to be
on Assignment of new constraints to
thought balloon of the robot’s sequence of operations.
taught robot
Retraining. The setting changes to
the robot’s thought bubble, where
Array on taught the robot replays its sequence of
robot whose operations, either until the end or
thought balloon until the programmer interrupts it,
has been by moving the mouse. Any
vacuumed subsequent actions are recorded
following the replayed ones.
(Unreplayed actions are discarded.)
Robot team. From the viewpoint of
all other primitives, a team is a
Robot single robot.
on Within the team, if a dropped-on
robot array fails to meet the constraints of
a team member, the array is passed
on to the next team member in line.

The picture in the “visual result” column was edited for the benefit of printed clarity. In ToonTalk, the presence of
items “behind” the first is not visible until the first one is removed.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 207

Introduction to computer programming

Robot AND array

Spawning. A new house is created.
The truck drops off the robot there
and drops the array on the robot.
(in any order)

Static primitive
The static primitive becomes a
template, stored in that page of
empty page of a
the notebook.
Number pad
The notebook opens on the page
matching the dropped-on number.
base of notebook

Text pad The notebook opens on the left

on page whose textual contents
base of notebook match the dropped-on text.

Array The array elements are converted

on into templates, one in each page
erased notebook of the resulting notebook.
Table 18 – Main results in ToonTalk of using the “drop on” primitive
Examples of programs performed using the primitives and combinations just presented can be
found in Figure 181, on p. 198 (the “exchange” program by Ken Kahn), in Annex I, on p. 441 (the
“Writes Maria” program, by a 4-year old girl named Maria), and in Figure 77, on p. 137 (a program
to spawn a child-process and send it a message). An example using two robots that communicate
amongst them is presented further ahead in this section, on Figure 194 (page 213).
In summary, a ToonTalk program is built by programming robots. This programming is
achieved by executing a sequence of actions such as in this example, for exchanging two numbers:
1. Create an array with a starting example: elements that define the robot’s constraints
(Figure 186).

Figure 186 – Starting example for a sample robot

2. Drop that array on an untaught robot (Figure 187).

Figure 187 – Dropping on a robot an array with the starting example.

3. Upon entering the robot’s thought bubble, use the mouse to control the robot, and
perform the desired set of actions on the constraints (see Figure 181 on page 198).
4. The result is a robot with a set of constraints on its operation (Figure 188).

208 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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Figure 188 – Taught robot, thought bubble identifies constraints.

5. The constraints of this robot can be generalized205, allowing it to work on any numbers
or even any other array contents. This is achieved by erasing the number pads
(meaning “any number”) or vacuuming them (the empty-hole constraint means “any
content”), as can be seen in Figure 189.

Figure 189 – Generalizing constraints in ToonTalk: erasing and vacuuming

Such robots can be activated by dropping on them an array with which to work. For instance,
a robot such as the one in Figure 189, with generalized constraints, will accept any of the arrays in
Figure 190, but not the arrays in Figure 191.

Figure 190 – Arrays acceptable for the robot of Figure 189

Figure 191 – Arrays unacceptable for the robot of Figure 189

In Figure 190, all the arrays have a number on the first hole, matching the first-hole constraint
of the robot in Figure 189 (“any number”). The contents of the second hole don’t matter, because
there isn’t any constraint on the contents of it.
In Figure 191, the first and second arrays don't have numbers in the first hole, and so don't
match the first-hole constraint. The third array does have a number in the first hole, but the box is a
three-hole box, and the robot's thought bubble constraint on box size specifies a two-hole box.
Table 19 presents a summary of these matching rules. A point to note in matching is that labels,
comments, and names are never considered. In ToonTalk, all these are simply provided for the
convenience of the programmer (or anyone curious about what the program does), and do not
constitute programming elements (i.e., one cannot lookup a bird named “Lolly”, a box labeled “X”,
nor a notebook labeled “Samples”).

If the robot constraints are not generalized, then it will only act on an identical array, which renders the programming
little more than macro recording (in the presented example, the robot will swap “11” with “22”, but not “22” with “11”,
nor any other combination of numbers). The generalization of constraints is how “any program can be created by
working with examples” (Kahn, 2001b).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 209

Introduction to computer programming
Constraint in thought bubble Valid matches (in boxes handed to robot)
An empty nest is not
checked to see if it
matches; rather, the
Any constraint but empty nests. checking is suspended
until an object arrives in
the nest, and that object
is then checked.

Empty nest Empty nest.

Pads which present the

same exact values (the
contents on the back are
Ungeneralized pads not checked). Numerical
(text, number, sound) formats do not affect the
matching (i.e., 1.5
matches 1.5, 1½ and
Same-type pads
Generalized pads
regardless of appearance
(erased pads)
or contents on the back.
Images whose base
pictures are identical,
regardless of width and
Ungeneralized images
height (the contents on
the back are not

Any image, regardless of

Generalized images
the appearance or
(erased images)
contents on the back.

Boxes with the same

Empty boxes number of holes
(regardless of contents).
Boxes with the same
number of holes, where
Boxes with contents
the matching applied to
each hole is valid.
Boxes with the same
number of holes, where
Mixed boxes (some
the matching applied to
holes filled, some
each hole is valid (any
content is valid for the
empty holes).
Boxes with any number
Generalized boxes
of holes, regardless of
(erased boxes)

210 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Scales in the same state

(balanced, left-tilting,
right-tilting, or

Any robot team whose

first members are copies
of the same robots, in
the same sequence,
regardless206 of their
Robot or robot team names, constraints, or
secondary members of
the team. (Robots and
teams can be erased to
match any other robot or

Respectively, any bird,

Birds, bombs, or bomb or notebook
notebooks (notebook contents and
state are not matched).

Any truck, regardless of

Empty trucks
Trucks whose cargo
Trucks with cargo
Table 19 – Summary of constraint-matching rules in ToonTalk
ToonTalk provides visual cues to help the programmer detect these constraint problems.
When a constraint is not fulfilled, the robot stops and that failing constraint is highlighted in red
(Figure 192).

Figure 192 – ToonTalk robots after constraints failed to match

These visual cues are one of the features of the ToonTalk system that help the programmer
understand the program execution. But perhaps the most important feature on this regard is the
possibility of observing the execution of a program at various speeds and levels of complexity, as
I’ll now explain to conclude this section.

In this row, the rightmost cell shows two sample matching teams. Firstly, a team that is identical to the constraint.
Secondly, a team where several changes occurred, but that still matches the constraint: a new robot was added to the
team, but since it is located behind the first two, it is not considered for matching purposes; and the constraint of the
second robot was changed, but the robot itself is the same.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 211

Introduction to computer programming
After programming a robot, there are four different ways to make it execute its sequence of
operation. These provide for different program requirements, but also contribute to help the
programmer understand the execution of the program. They are:
1. Put the robot on the floor and directly drop on the robot the box for it to work with.
2. Put in a truck both the robot and the box with which it will work (the truck will do the
dropping-on, inside a new house).
3. Put the robot on the back of a picture and directly drop on the robot the box for it to
work with. The robot will start working when the picture is flipped over.
4. In any of the three previous methods, replace some of part of the box contents by
nests; the robot will only start working when static primitives are eventually dropped
on those nests.
The first method, presented in Figure 193, is a typical test (or debugging) situation. Upon
being given a box matching its constraints, a robot will proceed with the execution of its sequence
of operations, under the gaze of the programmer, at a speed identical to that used by the
programmer to perform the same actions (albeit without pauses).
This method allows one to finely observe the behavior of a robot with a specific array, to
determine whether its actions are the intended ones. However, since the execution proceeds at
human pace and with the robots in view, it is usually not suited to most execution situations. But
this not a real limitation, because the programmer persona can get up, and leave the house where the
robots are working. By doing so, the robots will execute at full speed. Therefore this method can be
suitable for all situations in which the visual presence of the robots does not place a problem. The
programmer can let the computation proceed at full speed inside the houses, and simply enter a
house to see the robots working in detail. There are two levels of detail and execution speed for
such observations: while the persona is kneeling, the robots execute with full detail, at a speed
similar to that of a human programmer; when the persona is standing up, the detail level is reduced
and the execution speed is increased.

Figure 193 – First execution method: dropping the working box on a robot and watching it work.
The second method means that the moment the truck departs, the computation is running, but
not under the eye of the programmer. This is an adequate situation in several cases. For instance, if
one already debugged the program reasonably well and simply wants it to execute and terminate
autonomously; or if one wants it to run continuously and simply observe the computation results
indirectly, as messages being delivered to a container or some other remote effect (changes to
images in view for example).
The third method is similar to the second, in that the robots will be executing at full speed,
and the programmer can only observe indirect effects. Its difference lies in practical issues. For
instance, if one wants to inspect all robots manipulating an image’s properties, it is easier to find

212 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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them stored behind that image, rather than having to determine which houses hold them, amidst
many others. Also, sets of robots working behind pictures can be placed as a group behind yet other
pictures, or stored together in a notebook, along with their assigned boxes. This simplifies the
combination and reuse of different programs. Finally, a new set of robots can be activated rapidly,
by simply creating a copy of a picture with robots behind (by copying an existing picture or by
instantiating a template), rather than having to spawn a new house for each robot in a group.
The fourth method, as stated in its description above, is a modification to the three previous
methods. It is in fact the technique employed in ToonTalk programming to connect robots: sending
message through birds. In Figure 194, for instance, the robot on the right is working, but doing
nothing: it is waiting until something arrives in the nest, for then to check it against its constraints
(it has to be a number). The nest belongs to the bird on the left207. The left-side robot, called “Adds
1”, has been taught to increase its left-side number by 1 and drop a copy of the result on the bird.
The bird will take it to the nest in the right-side robot, which will then proceed208.

Figure 194 – Two robots connected through a bird-nest pair.

An example can clarify the way in which this technique may also be used to help the
programmer understand the behavior of a program. The robot on the right accumulates the received
values in the hole labeled “sum”. Supposing that the number it holds is not just any number, but a
control for a picture’s width, then running this robot on the back of a picture (while the other, in
another house, provides numbers), will simply make it grow large very fast (Figure 195), because
the left-side robot will provide new numbers quickly and the right-side will update the picture at an
identical speed.

Figure 195 – Dispatching one robot, with a small figurine width, and six seconds later.
Should the programmer find this behavior odd, he/she may want to inspect the impact of the
width-changing robot. But waiting for its animation to unroll for each received number may be
tedious. Using the bird and nest can be helpful. The robot can stay behind the image, working on its
width, and the programmer can hand new numbers to the bird directly, watching the resulting effect
on the picture width, rather than having to wait for the animation of the robot (Figure 196).

As mentioned before, the name of the bird and the label on the nest take no part in this whatsoever: the connection of
the bird with the nest is an intrinsic (and immutable) property of both.
This pair of robots produces the following results: on the left, at each iteration the number will increase by one, so
the number will be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...; on the right, the number dropped on the nest is added to the value already in the hole
labeled “sum”, which will be “0, 1, 3, 6, 10, …”, i.e. the result of 0+1+2+3+4+…

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 213

Introduction to computer programming

Figure 196 – Sending one number to the robot on the back of the figurine, using the bird.
The manipulation of controls for a picture, as mentioned here, is perhaps easier to understand
if detailed a bit further. The “controls” themselves are regular primitives (text pads, number pads,
boxes, images) that present special behaviors. This is how ToonTalk links itself to the state of the
programming system. Terminology-wise, these primitives with special behaviors are only called
“controls” when they provide access to the state of an internal ToonTalk container element (a
picture, for instance); they are called “sensors” instead, if they provide access to the state of the
computer system or the overall ToonTalk programming environment (mouse position, pressed keys,
looks of the current ToonTalk house209, etc.).
The sensors can be found in the “Sensors” notebook, within ToonTalk’s main notebook. The
controls, being specific to a container, can be found in the back of each container, which can be
accessed in several ways, while the container is being held: pressing “F” for “flip”210; holding down
a shift key and left-clicking the mouse; and, if the user activates the appropriate program
customization option, right-clicking the mouse. Figure 198 present the resulting animation, with a
picture container being flipped to reveal its contents (in this case, it’s empty) and the notebook of
controls flying out of it.

Figure 197 – Flipping a container to access its contents and notebook of controls.
Repeating the flip operation returns the container to its original state, and the notebook of
controls returns to its back.
Table 20 presents an assortment of sample controls and sensors, selected for the purpose of
presenting the varieties of this kind of elements. It should be noted that sensors and controls
commonly present some animated cue, in order to render them distinct from regular, static-looking
objects. Pads have a “light marquee” outline, and picture controls flash regularly, for example.

There is a possible inconsistency in this distinction in that some sensors, such as the looks of the current house, are in
fact local to a ToonTalk element.
Localized versions of ToonTalk employ different keys. For instance, the European Portuguese version uses “V”
since the word is “Virar”.
214 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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Readable /
Image and name Description Possible values
Distance from the left side of the containing
image or viewport211, measured from the
center. Writing to it (dropping a number pad Rational
on top or editing with the keyboard) changes numbers.
the horizontal position of the picture.

Width of the picture, relative to the containing Positive rational

image or viewport. numbers.

Index of the image

providing the current
looks of the picture (a
ToonTalk picture can
integers, from 0
be a sequence of R+W
to the number of
images). For synthetic
internal images.
pictures, and text and
number pads, it controls
the foreground color.
Shows whether an image is “colliding” with
another ToonTalk element212 (i.e., if some
part of it occupies the same coordinates as
another element). Can be changed to make
them “uncollide”, which causes the picture
to move slightly aside, to end the collision.
If a picture is colliding with another, this Any
control acts like a surveillance camera and picture.
shows that other picture. Dusty can be used to
vacuum it from the control and spit it, so that a
program can access that other picture’s
contents and controls.
Determines whether a picture is fully
visible, invisible or partly transparent213.
The programmer can change the current R+W
value by pointing to or holding the sensor
and pressing the “+” and “-” keys.

When a picture is on the floor, rather than on top of another, ToonTalk coordinates are relative to the area visible to
the programmer, from 0 (leftmost side) to 1000 (rightmost side), and 0 (bottommost side) to 1000 (topmost side).
Images placed outside of the currently visible area have coordinates that are either negative or greater than 1000.
The “collision” and “no collision” pictures are animated icons, displaying a ball hitting or missing a wall,
If the format of the original picture file does not support transparency, ToonTalk uses black as the “transparent
color” for this sensor.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 215

Introduction to computer programming

Shows whether a picture is being held by the

hand of the programmer’s persona or not.

Front of picture

Provides access to the appearance of the

picture/pad, which can be edited as any
picture/pad (erased, things can be dropped R+W
Back of picture
on it, etc.). It can also be flipped to provide
access to the contents of the back.

Shows which
subpictures are part of
Array of
this picture. Dusty can
be used to access these R
pictures, number
subpictures and
pads, text pads.
manipulate their
contents or controls.
Image and name Description Possible values

Displays the current

horizontal speed of the R Integer numbers.
computer system's mouse.

Indicates whether the right button of the

computer system’s mouse was just clicked R
or not.

A text pad
indicating the
Indicates the key that was most recently
R letter.
pressed on the computer system’s keyboard.

Any integer
The value of this sensor is constantly
R number between
changing, in pseudo-random manner.
0 and 999.

216 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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Presents, as a picture, the current contents of
Any ToonTalk
the MS Windows system clipboard. Dusty
static primitive
can be used to vacuum it and spit, in order to
R+W (contents from
access these contents. ToonTalk elements
other programs
can also be dropped on it, to copy them to
are converted).
the clipboard.

The programmer can drop a filename or

URL on this sensor, which will respond by
R+W Any sound pad.
producing a sound pad with the sound found
in the matching location.

Determines whether the hand of the

ToonTalk programmer’s persona214 is R+W
visible on-screen or not.

Table 20 – Sample ToonTalk controls and sensors

If the persona is standing up, this affects the entire persona; if the programmer's persona is flying in the helicopter,
this affects the entire helicopter.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 217

Introduction to computer programming

3.4. Cookbook of computer programming topics

Computer programming is a vast area, and while using it to learn other subject matters, be
they mathematics, social science, biology, language – or whatever – one undoubtedly also learns
about computer programming itself. But this haphazard learning of computer programming, not a
conscious focus of either the learner or the teacher/educator, is often limited in scope. Frequently,
both students and teachers end up using and re-using the same limited set of programming
techniques, and going beyond them requires deep personal involvement, in terms of both time and
mental effort. As a consequence of this, teachers and students quite often end up unable to take
intended paths of study using computer programming (Hoyles & Noss, 1999).
In my view, the ideal situation would be to have a computer programming consultant
available to teachers/learners. Should a teacher/learner come across a situation where his/her
programming skills were insufficient, the consultant could suggest an adequate new programming
technique or approach. This way, even the learning of programming would occur with a specific
goal, embedded in the overall educational goals, not just for its own sake. This bears some
similarities with the approach used in preschools of the Italian city of Reggio Emilia, where art
educators, not just teachers, are involved in the educational activities (New, 2000), as described in
section 4.1.3, p. 273.
For most educational settings, this ideal situation is not an available option, either now or in
the near future. This section therefore aims to provide some help to teachers and learners using
computer programming on their own. It is a list of various programming techniques, their
translation in ToonTalk terms, and ideas for educational activities – i.e., uses beyond learning
programming. They may, however, include activities to learn about computers in general:
computers being an important part of everyday living, learning about them fits within a content area
for preschool education commonly known as “knowledge of the world” (Ministério da Educação,
I’ve called it “cookbook”, because that’s how I see its usefulness. As explained in detail in
section 3.1, a teacher should not feel the obligation to try all these techniques. Rather, my intention
is that this resource allows teachers to try out a new computer programming concept in the context
of everyday educational activities. Most people that read cookbooks don’t feel pressed to cook all
the recipes in them. One browses cookbooks in search of dishes that one may “feel like” trying at a
given occasion, either because they appeal to one’s tastes or suit the ingredients (or time) available.
By trying a new “programming dish” from time to time, or at least being aware of the number
of “dishes” that he/she still didn’t “cook”, a teacher/learner may use this section to advance
programming knowledge with hands-on uses beyond programming itself: “making learning worth
while for use now and not only for banking to use later” (Papert, 1999, p. xvi).

218 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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3.4.1. Computability
Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
Not all conceivable functions can be At times, the computer may seem to be a
implemented with a computer. Some are “magical” object. Obviously, it is not such a
mathematic impossibilities215, others can only thing, but a technological object. Children can
complete in a time longer than the life of the learn about inherent limitations in computation,
universe (Mitchell, 2003, ch. 2), or require more realizing that the computer is just a machine,
storage space than the number of particles in the with real-world limitations.
Activity guidelines
By involving children in the design and planning of activities that employ the computer,
opportunities are likely to arise for addressing the matter of what a computer can, and cannot
achieve. But this is a tricky matter, particularly for preschool teachers or any educator without a
strong computer science background. There is the serious risk of confusion between what a given
computer cannot do, for lack of resources, and no computer at all can do. In the physical-world
field, preschool teachers risk electing to state that computers cannot do something like, for instance,
turn on and off the lights – while, in fact, they can, with adequate interfacing materials. Even things
like deciding if a person is “pretty” or not are not safe to address: they include a large degree of
subjectivity, but also a large degree of measurable real-world phenomena, such as facial
proportions, symmetry, etc.
One option for educators to avoid this problem is to focus computer limitations entirely on the
field of human cognition: a computer can’t answer questions such as “am I a good person?”, “do I
mean well?” etc.
As an example, the following events took place in December 2004, while one of my college
students, from studies in Early Childhood Education, set out to program an activity where children
would have to match generic geometrical shapes to those composing a picture. For instance, in
Figure 198 the arms are rectangles, so green rectangles from the left should be dropped on top of
each arm. Halfway through, she was troubled that children might want to drop a circle on the clown
body, but by accident drop it on the head instead, and since both shapes are circles, a match would
occur. She had partially worked around the situation by using circles of different colors, but still,
there were times when that solution wouldn’t suffice (identical shapes for the left and right hands or
arms, for instance). As things stood, dropping a shape on an unintended place might cause positive
feedback, something she didn’t intend to happen.

Figure 198 – Matching shapes but not intentions.

Like the well-known example known as the “halting theorem”: creating a function to determine whether any given
program will terminate or not (Mitchell, 2003, pp. 14-15).
It can be argued that this limitation (storage space) is not independent of the previous one (execution time), because
in order to use a storage location, a computer system must also access it. However, in common computer systems,
storage space must be allocated before being accessed, and the complexity of the execution of an allocation operation is
often independent of the actual amount of storage being allocated. Therefore, one can imagine a situation where the
execution would take place in a viable amount of time, but the storage requirements are a physical impossibility.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 219

Introduction to computer programming
But she had a situation ripe with opportunities to address the matter of what a computer can
and cannot do. Rather than trying to create a play environment where children couldn’t find
anything odd at all, she should instead focus on the learning opportunity that such an event
(dropping a shape on an unintended place and getting odd congratulations) would pose for a
preschool-age child.
I said217, “Look, this is in fact OK as it is. There is a good chance a child may tell you
something like «teacher, I did it wrong and the stupid computer said I was right».”
She replied, “But that’s exactly my problem, how can I get out of such a situation?” She was a
reasonably experienced computer user, but wanted to ignore the non-magical nature of the computer
operation: she would have it working flawlessly, not bothering with its behavior. The shapes and
colors mattered, little else.
“That’s a great situation”, I said, “because the computer didn’t fail or behave mysteriously. It
behaved exactly as it should.” Then I proceeded, “You can ask the child why she thinks the
computer is wrong, and together realize that indeed, both the body and the head of the clown are
circles.” But this shouldn’t stay at that, I continued, because “you and the child should be able to
reach a point where she will realize that she thought the computer was wrong because it didn’t
interpret her intentions. This is the crucial element: realizing that computer will only interpret what
she does, not what she means to do.”

The following dialogue is presented from my personal recall. It was not recorded or accurately transcribed in any
way, and as such only reflects the content of the dialogue, not the actual exchange of words that took place.
220 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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3.4.2. Programming environment

Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
Programming takes place in an actual In order for a child to employ a
computer system, usually using pre-existing programming language, he/she must be able to
programs. Every such system and program has use and navigate a programming environment
particular features and requirements, which the for that language. But the environment features
programmer must be at least cursory aware of. vary tremendously among computer systems and
programming languages, and therefore actual
A notion of particular importance is that
activities focusing on the programming
the elements of programming (subprograms,
environment are likewise diverse, specific to
variables, etc.) are stored somewhere. In order to
each environment and language.
develop a program, the programmer must be
able to access them once stored.
Activity guidelines
One can consider that even just playing around or tinkering with the features of the
programming environment can be useful, in that it can allow a child to gain familiarity with it.
However, my programming sessions with children led me to believe that it can also be cause for
frustration and annoyance, if a child feels a lack of control, a lack of the ability to actually decide
what to do and follow up on that decision.
This means that it is important to ensure that the
playing and twiddling with the environment is sufficiently
supported, in order to provide the child with the leverage to
conduct ever more capable actions. Such support can be
provided by means of specific advice, but also by setting
larger goals or objectives.
An example (ToonTalk environment), is drawing the
child’s attention to the wiggling: when the hand of the
programmer’s persona points to an object, it wiggles. That
provides a cue: clicking the mouse will pick up THAT
object (vd. Figure 199). The same occurs while dropping: if
something is wiggling, the drop will be on top of what is
wiggling, not on top of something else or on the floor. Figure 199 – Picking the “A” or the nest?
Drawing the child’s attention to that wiggling cue, straight The wiggling animation provides the
from the beginning, can be crucial for that child’s enjoyment answer.
of the programming environment.
In general, rather than keep the focus of programming activities just on the program itself, and
ignore the programming environment features altogether, most activities for children can make
heavy use of those – and even have some goals for discovery and exploration of such features.
For instance, ToonTalk programming activities can approach a “city” as an actual city, a place
of building, decoration, destruction, and change. Rather than being just metaphors for programming
constructs, all environment elements can often be used as virtual analogs to their real-world
counterparts. Houses can be decorated; they can even be transformed into something not resembling
a house at all, by changing the looks of the wall and roof! Birds can be used as “pets” or “dolls”, not
just as communication channels. And robots sending a ball to each other, or back to the child, are
not just “transmitting an image”, but rather “playing ball”, with each other or with the programmer.
Many programming examples presented in chapter 1 address features of the programming
environment, and particularly so in the two first sections of that chapter, 7.1 and 7.3.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 221

Introduction to computer programming
3.4.3. Syntax
Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
Programming languages, as all others, are A child may be able to use the
not a random assortment of symbols. They must programming environment (section 3.4.2, p.
be used in proper form, within specific rules of 221), but in order to construct a program, he/she
grammar and usage – the language's syntax. must be able to use the syntax employed in that
Under a formal computer science point of view, language. In ToonTalk, to connect two boxes
the syntax of a program is its code (Mitchell, together218, for instance, one must be dropped on
2003, p. 48). Specifically, it is the “various kinds either the left or right-side of another; any other
of expressions (each with its associated combination will result in dropping a box inside
evaluation rule)” that compose the code of the or alongside the other (ToonTalk’s syntax was
program (Abelson et al., 1996, p. 11). presented in section 3.3.5).
Activity guidelines
In a virtual animated world such as the ToonTalk programming environment, there would
seem to be little difference between mastering the environment itself and mastering the language’s
syntax, since the borderline between syntax and environment seems to be tenuous. But even a little
experience in ToonTalk shows that it is no so. Seemingly “strange” limitations are revealed: joining
boxes, as mentioned above, can only be done by left or right sides, not by the top or bottom; birds
only take rectangular objects and scales; robots only accept boxes; etc. Seemingly “strange” events
occur: if one drops a picture on top of another, the dropped picture is clipped at the borders of the
bottom one. Why shouldn’t they both be visible on the floor? And while flipping a notebook, when
does one reach its end? (I once witnessed a child flipping pages endlessly, trying to find “the end”
of the notebook.) The reason these distinctions exist is the same: syntax. They came to be in order
to limit potential problems and allow a richer expression of complex ideas. But they pose a
challenge for educational use with young children: most of them have apparently no reason to be: if
a bird can carry a box with a truck, why can’t it carry just the truck?
These “rules of the game” can be hard to grasp in purely “that’s how it is” form. But
educational activities should make an effort to bring metaphoric, everyday logic to these rules. For
instance, stating that “robots like to tidy up everything, keeping everything nicely stored in boxes”,
provide a reason for them to accept only boxes. That boxes piled up high can fall and cause injury
may be a reason for ToonTalk not allowing them to be linked on the top or bottom; and pictures get
clipped at the bottom picture’s edge because that’s where the paper sheet ends, and ToonTalk
wouldn’t want the floor all cluttered with paper snippets. Syntax, however, doesn’t end there. At a
more elaborate level, it dictates more subtle results. For instance, when teaching a robot, one must
learn that two onlookers of the same box may not see the same thing: in Figure 200, under the
ToonTalk syntax, one is teaching the robot to pick up the fourth element, not the last one nor the
one containing the value “2”. Understanding syntax at this level (which can also be seen as the
meeting of syntax and semantics, not just a pure syntax issue) can also be useful, in general
educational terms, precisely because it provides a window into the notion of how different people
can interpret the same thing differently: “The robot thought you meant fourth.”

Figure 200 – The robot is picking «the fourth element», not «the “2”» nor «the last».

Taking a box out of ToonTalk’s toolbox (a.k.a. Tooly) creates an array. Connecting boxes is ToonTalk’s syntax for
creating larger arrays or joining arrays. A box inside another represents an array within a cell.
222 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

3.4.4. Declarations, expressions, and statements

Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
These are a programming language’s Children can realize that what is often
“parts of speech” (Mitchell, 2003, p. 25), as simply referred to as “doing” may imply
nouns, verbs and adjectives are in human different things: entirely mental processes
languages: declarations create new identifiable (observing, evaluating, deciding), thinking
elements; expressions can be evaluated to about actions (thinking about doing), and also
determine their value; and statements explicitly actually acting upon something (doing). And
change the state of the system (id., ibid.). therefore, that explaining to the computer “how
to do”, implies realizing that part of what is to
In ToonTalk, declarations are the creation
be done is not visible, but happens nonetheless
of something from a template219 or by
and needs to be thought of; and that “thing to
copying220; an expression is any group of
primitives, and a statement is an action upon a do” is a separate idea, to be equated with “do to
thing”, as further mentioned in the coming
Activity guidelines
Activities can be organized so as to allow children to realize these different parts of “doing”.
In child-play, for instance, a child can be a “referee”, “judge” or “evaluator”, and another can be the
“keeper of secret gestures”, “instructor” or “law agent”. Upon being given a rule, the referee must
decide whether it holds or not; if it does, the keeper can show what is to be done, just using gestures
– in fact, the keeper may have to reason and decide what the gestures will have to be. Finally, a
third child would use the keeper’s gestures to actually do what the referee allowed.
In such a game, there is no mandatory need to use the computer, but also no reason not to.
The referee can use ToonTalk scales to evaluate the relative size of two numbers, for instance; the
keeper’s gestures can also be the teaching of a ToonTalk robot or the drawing of a picture; and the
subject of those gestures can be the computer or its software.
However, computer programming provides a play setting with important differences: rules are
not easily bent; actions are not readily “adapted” to what they should have been; and results either
occur or not, depending on what was acted upon.
The evaluation of expressions by robots determines whether they act or not (or, in a robot
team, which robot will act). There is however a remarkable difference between executing actions
and performing an evaluation: the former is visible, for all to see that it is happening; the latter is
not visible221 at all, one can only deduce that it happens. Educational activities can involve a degree
of attention, inquiry, and even debate regarding the behavior of robots, when they work or don’t.
For instance, a robot taught to write “MARIA” and give that text to a bird, starting just with a
box with a bird, will work over and over again, sending an endless sequence of “MARIA” texts.
However, if a robot is taught starting with the letter “M”, completing it to read “MARIA” and

In my ToonTalk ontology, a template is an infinite stack from which one can pick up newly-created objects. Infinite
stacks are commonly found in notebooks and in Tooly the Toolbox, but the programmer can also create them using a
keyboard shortcut.
ToonTalk provides three methods for copying: using Maggie the Magic Wand to copy; dropping the object to be
copied on a bird linked to several nests; and clipboard copy using keyboard shortcuts.
In more general terms, one could however imagine a version of ToonTalk were the matching of a robot’s thought
bubble becomes visible: for instance, a robot could go to each hole in turn and use scales or some other method to
explicitly compare the contents of the box with its thought bubble. However, such approaches cannot ultimately render
everything visible as unequivocal events for a human to interpret. The broader concept is that the entire meaning
perceived in communication involving human beings cannot be determined solely by the elements of syntax that
compose that communication; the meaning of an expression employed in human communication depends on
interpretation – semantics – and context – pragmatics (for a summary of these concepts, vd. Brown, 2001).

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Introduction to computer programming
giving it to the bird, then it will only work once.
Also, when teaching a robot one has the opportunity to realize that showing the robot what to
do is not the same as doing it with the robot. This becomes apparent from a common situation with
novice ToonTalk programmers – both children and adults – which often are puzzled that after
teaching a robot, it stays quiet, the job left undone (because one must hand it a box to work with).
This situation is also an opportunity to think about what it means to “do to”.
Yet another common situation constitutes an opportunity for realizing the difference between
acting upon existing things, and just imagining/conceiving an action. When a person is teaching
another, such differences are often simply assumed, rather than considered explicitly. For instance,
one child might pick up two pebbles and swap them, at the same time saying “this is how you swap
things” and leave the generalization of pebble-swapping to thing-swapping for the person that is
watching. In ToonTalk, I’ve witnessed even adult novices trying to teach a robot about “swapping
two objects” by giving the robot an empty box, teaching it to create another box with two holes,
placing an object in each, and swapping their places. In doing so, the actions are indeed being done,
but nothing can come out of this. The way out implies the realization that actions are only
meaningful when applied to something, and that this application must be considered explicitly.

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3.4.5. Conditional expressions

Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
Conditionals are expressions whose value The use of conditional expressions is
depends on the evaluation of conditions, associated with activities dealing with definition
formally called “predicates” (Abelson et al., and assessment of rules. The two styles of
1996, p. 19). The typical example is: conditional expressions on the left translate into
If <predicate> <consequent> <alternative> child-play with simple rules or tabular lists of
rules. But other forms can also be considered,
This evaluates to consequent, if the particularly by recalling conditional expressions
predicate is true, otherwise to alternative. employed in the human languages (and in fact,
There can also be more than one predicate, such also in various programming languages, with
as in the common case expression: several subtle differences), which take into
case { predicate1 consequent1 account notions of time and repetition: while,
predicate2 consequent2 when, and until, for instance.
else alternative } Whatever the conditional form, its use
This evaluates to consequent1 if the implies not only the definition of the condition
first predicate is true; if not, it evaluates to (“the rule”), but also: – what is to occur when it
consequent2, and so forth. If all predicates holds; – what (if anything) is to occur in other
are false, then it evaluates to alternative, cases; – and what cases should be considered.
here associated with the typical keyword else.
Activity guidelines
As was also the case in section 3.4.4, activities including this theme can be organized without
using computer programming or even computers at all. What computer programming imposes is
that the rules must be stated in a strict manner, within the boundaries of the programming language
syntax. This usually implies thinking over the rule in detailed manner, lest it is meaningless.
In ToonTalk, the automatic evaluation of conditions only occurs for the constraints
determining whether a robot runs or not. However, children can start to explore rules and the way to
express them, without having to program a robot. Such activities are focusing on the expression and
evaluation of rules (by the children themselves) rather than on expressing actions for their
As an example222, one can consider a house functioning as a hardware store or sports shop.
Other houses could be decorated as a swimming pool, a stadium, a tennis club, etc. – these could
have “access rules”, stating the necessary equipment: for instance, the tennis club could require a
tennis racket, a tennis ball, white shorts/skirt, white shirt and white sneakers. A child playing the
role of club caretaker could define and state such access rules, by assembling a poster with pictures
of the necessary equipment and posting it on the wall. Another child, wanting to enter the club
would look at the poster, and go to the sports shop to get the necessary equipment, putting it inside
ToonTalk boxes. Upon returning to the tennis club with some equipment, the child-caretaker could
be summoned to check if the rule was fulfilled, and if so, the consequence might even be some
occurrence in the physical world, outside of ToonTalk.
Activities focusing on conditionals can be summed up as: the computer is used to state rules
and check them; children, not the computer, are the evaluators; results can be defined and
performed off the computer. This way, quite complex activities can be devised, involving various
kinds of conditionals, and children focus on how to express conditions and perform their evaluation.
Using consequences external to computer programming has the advantage that they can be
defined at will: children don’t have to acquire the skills to program them as a prerequisite.

This example was built around a “pair matching” game designed by two of my college students.

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3.4.6. Compound procedures

Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
Combining of operations into a more As mentioned above (section 3.4.4), “thing
complex, compound operation, which “can be to do” is different from “do to thing”. The
given a name and then referred to as a unit” development of the notion of “thing to do” as a
(Abelson et al., 1996, p. 12). separate entity is also associated with the ideas
The internal operations can be performed of that “thing” being a collection of smaller
on static arguments, or on arguments provided to “things to do”, and the whole set having a name.
the procedure as a unit, called “parameters” (id., Being able to define a set of actions as an
ibid.). identifiable procedure is connected to a helpful
ability in trying to understand/or solve a
problem: problem decomposition (being able
to divide a problem in smaller sub-problems).
Activity guidelines
Children can define and use procedures, without a computer, through simple games or other
activities where the procedures and their names are such as “when I clap, we all touch our ears and
touch our hips; when I stamp we all spin around and sing the merry tune; …”
However, beyond simple defining or executing such procedures, a further step is achieved by
starting with a problem, goal, or action and proceeding by dividing it into smaller problems and
actions, identifying them as isolated pieces, by naming, branding, or some other identification
method, such as “the left one”, “the right one”, “the second one”, “the one with birds”, etc.
For instance, in ToonTalk, it’s easy to build new houses (one simply loads a truck with a
robot and a box). But if two children build houses together, it’s hard to tell which house was built
by whom. But children can also easily put their name on the roof of a house (pick up the roof
sensor, write their name with letter blocks and drop the name on the roof sensor). By teaching a
robot how to put a child’s name on the roof of a house, and sending that robot in the truck to build a
new house, the new house will have the child’s name (Figure 201). This robot can be identified in
various ways, such as “that one”, “the one on page 20”, “the one called M”, “the one near the door”,
etc. This usage of a robot to put one’s name on the roof serves a purpose (“whose house is that?”)
but also requires understanding that the actions taught to that robot will take place as a block, and
being able to refer to them as such.

Figure 201 – In this city, children can tell which houses are “theirs”.

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3.4.7. Parameter passing

Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
The operations in compound procedures The distinction between “to do a thing”,
(vd. section 3.4.6) can be applied to specific and “to do to a thing” is completed with the
static arguments. However, general arguments realization that “to do a thing” can be done to
can be assigned to a procedure (i.e., arguments different things. For instance, “turn left” can be
available for all the operations within the applied to the top of a jar or to a door knob, with
procedure); these are called the procedure’s different consequences.
“parameters” (Abelson et al., 1996, p. 12). This comprises two cognitive steps:
When elements/values are assigned as deciding what is needed to perform a procedure,
arguments to a procedure, that assignment is i.e., what will constitute the object(s) of the
called “parameter passing”, since one considers procedure; and realizing that such object(s) can
that the parameters are being handed over to the be different from what was originally planned
procedure’s operations. (generalization).
Activity guidelines
In programming (but also in non-programming activities), rather than define a procedure by
focusing the activity just on “what to do”, one can also focus it on “what is needed”.
As an example, one can consider the case mentioned in the previous section where a robot
would have to be taught how to put a name on the roof of the house. Instead of teaching a robot to
pick up text pads, write “João”, go to the notebook, pick up the roof sensor, and drop the name
“João” on the notebook, one could conceive a robot that would place on the roof any name it was
given. But there is a large cognitive leap from teaching a robot how to do a specific thing (write
“João” and put it on the roof) to teaching it about “receiving” parameters.
That leap can be eased by presenting the activity in a different manner: “what do you want to
do?”; “– to put my name on the roof.”; “what do you need?”; “– I need my name and the roof”. This
approach provides a motive for the existence of parameters even in the simplest cases.

Figure 202 – Assembling “what is needed”, before teaching a robot

The use of generalization, in ToonTalk, is achieved by removing detail about the parameters
from the robot’s thought bubble, as described in section 3.3.5 (Figure 189, p. 209). The experience
from working with preschool/kindergarten children (described in section 5.2) points to the
possibility of presenting this by producing several similar robots (for instance, one to write “João”,
another to write “Maria”, another to write “Miguel”, etc.) and present generalization to the children
as a matter of making the robots less “picky”.

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Introduction to computer programming

3.4.8. Type checking

Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
A type is “a collection of computational Types are a genre of hierarchical
entities that share some common property” classification: number “1” is also “a number”;
(Mitchell, 2003, p. 129). In computer the picture of a ball is also “a picture”, and both
programming, entities have a type, such as are “an object”. In this sense, matching a value to
“integer number”, “floating-point number”, its type is a hierarchical matching of patterns.
“list”, “atom”, “number between 1 and 10”, etc. Activities which acknowledge types can be
Entities must be used consistently with approached from the point of view of
their types. The programming languages may or type-definition (which in ToonTalk is done by
may not enforce this, but inconsistent use of generalization of strict values), or from the
types usually results in program errors. ToonTalk opposing point of view of type-matching.
enforces types, and wrong matching of types,
when detected, causes the program to stop or
Activity guidelines
As mentioned in section 3.3.5 (Figure 189, p. 209), robots are generalized by “erasing” or
“vacuuming” the constraints in their thought bubbles. Vacuuming is the simplest yet more general
approach: by vacuuming a constraint it no longer restricts anything; erasing is more complex, in that
only some bit of information is generalized. Figure 203 presents an example of this.

Figure 203 – Successive generalizations of the original types.

From the left, the robots demand: a two-hole box with a picture of a ball and a number pad with
the number 1; a two-hole box with a picture and a number pad with the number 1; a two-hole box
with anything (or nothing) in the left hole, and a number pad in the other hole; a two-hole box with
anything (or nothing) in either hole; a box with any number of holes, regardless of their contents.
As mentioned in the previous section, the activities I conducted with children aged 4 and 5
years old (described in section 5.2) point to the feasibility of presenting generalization techniques to
children at this age level, by producing several similar robots, under the same goal, and present
generalization to the children as a matter of making the robots less “picky”.
Pictures also provide nice possibilities for more complex type-matching activities. However,
since ToonTalk has no provision for conducting such complex picture-matching at the level of the
robot constraints, such activities have to be conducted with the support of specific user programs.
Examples imagined and developed by my college students and myself include: recycling
containers that will accept only “paper”, “glass”, etc.; farm animals that enlarge if fed with adequate
feed; a child picture that fattens when fed with candy and grows taller and stronger when fed with
healthy food; etc.

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3.4.9. Higher-order procedures

Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
A procedure (or function) is considered The definition of procedures (vd. section
first-order when it works directly on arguments 3.4.6) requires one level of detachment from the
which are not functions and higher-order when it actual operations being performed on objects. By
combines the operation of other procedures or using procedures from within other procedures it
functions (Abelson, 1996, pp. 56-60; Mitchell, is necessary to go further another detachment,
2003, pp. 34-35). one where sub-procedures are used not to attain
immediate results, but in view of their expected
This is associated with a problem-solving
technique that is often useful, albeit not readily
for all thinking styles (as put forward by Sherry
Turkle and Seymour Papert, in 1990): black-
boxing, the thinking about the general reactions
and impact of a small problem or solution, not
bothering with its internal implementation.
Activity guidelines
In ToonTalk, there are two different cases of usage of higher-order functions: when a robot
launches other robots, and when several “picture behaviors” are placed behind another picture, to
produce a more complex behavior. The latter usage was extensively developed and used with 6-8
year-old children in the European project Playground (Playground Project, 2001).
The former usage was successfully attempted in the field work supporting this thesis (vd.
section 5.2), by combining robots programmed by the children themselves, and used in progression
(i.e., children programmed and used one robot at a time, I did not attempt to suggest to them the
programming of several robots at once, without individual uses for each).
For instance, children programmed robots to put their name on the roof of a new house, as
mentioned in section 3.4.7. They had previously programmed and used robots to build new houses.
A welcomed suggestion of mine was “if you teach the house-builder to make houses sending your
name-writer, you’ll manage to fill the cities with houses bearing your name, to tell them apart.”
Since the name-writing robot was stored in the notebook, this usage of a robot from within a
robot was achieved by simply teaching the house-builder to get the robot for new houses from its
location in the notebook, rather than using a new, untaught robot from the toolbox223 (Figure 204).

Figure 204 – Launching a new house with a different robot

This occurred in a programming session at the early stages of the field work; it violates the preferred programming
style developed subsequently.

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Introduction to computer programming

3.4.10. Parallel/Concurrent execution

Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
Several programs, a.k.a. “processes”, can A problem or goal doesn’t have to be
be executed seemingly at the same time. analyzed as a sequence of steps. Rather, just like
The programming style and background several children can cooperate, working
for this concurrent/parallel model was presented concurrently towards a common goal, different
parts of a problem can be considered
in section 3.2.1.
Activity guidelines
Activities for children can consider the existence of multiple parallel events or actions in
view. For instance, while a child conducts his/her activities, robots programmed by other children
can be visible running; or various automated objects can be used at the same time, rather than
planning for only one to work at a time. And, although ToonTalk doesn’t currently support it224, in
a multi-user programming environment the actions of other programmers can cause changes to
occur as one child navigates through his/her programming environment.
Another option is to consider that the parallel events or actions are taking place away from
view. For instance, ToonTalk houses can be customized as farm buildings, such as a stable, a
pigsty, etc. Various children can tend the animals in different houses; collect fruits, harvest fields,
In a multi-user environment, the changes would be concurrent; in the current single-user
ToonTalk environment, changes take place sequentially. However, since the amount of consecutive
time that preschool aged children dedicate to computer activities is fairly limited (more on this in
section 5.2), every time a child plays in this “shared farm” it seems as if various events are taking
place concurrently.
A particular event that occurred with a 3½ year-old girl, during my 2004 field work, helps
shed some light on these statements. She played with several automated images, whose animations
could be turned on and off, using the space bar and the “.” key (Figure 205 – the top-right and
bottom-left pictures are turned off, the others are in motion). One week later, she resumed her
ToonTalk play, from the same point. After ToonTalk launched, displaying some of those images
working as she left them, she immediately exclaimed in surprise: “they’re still working!?!"

Figure 205 – Assorted animating and stopped pictures.

ToonTalk users at several computers can communicate by sharing birds, and this can be used to produce objects that
change according to remote operations. However, this method offers some amount of complexity and is not as general
has having access to a truly multi-user programming environment, such as MOOSE Crossing (p. 172) or Pet Park (p.
230 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

3.4.11. Parallel/Concurrent statements

Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
A parallel statement225 is composed of Parallel/concurrent execution can be
several other statements, which are launched initiated as in section 3.4.10, by starting one
simultaneously, when the parallel statement is action at a time. But a child can also launch
launched. The parallel statement ends when all several parallel actions (or cause them to occur)
sub-statements also end (Hoare, 1971). simultaneously.
Activity guidelines
In ToonTalk, there are three kinds of situations where this technique can be involved in
activities for children:
1. Teaching a robot to launch several trucks with other robots.
As described in section 3.4.9, “Higher-order procedures”, a child can teach a robot to
use another robot. If, however, the robot is taught to use several robots, then the actions of
all those robots will all be launched as a consequence of a single action. Considering the
example about roof-naming, used in that section, the child could teach the robot with a box
of pictures, instead of names, and use this technique to produce several houses at once, each
with a different picture on the roof (an example with Euro coins is presented in Figure 206).
2. Copying a bird’s nest to cause delivery of data to more than one location at once.
A bird/nest pair (vd. section 3.4.12) can be used for communication of data. If the nest
is copied, then the bird multiplies itself to deliver copies of data to different locations. This
can be used to cause instructions or parcels, food, etc. to appear simultaneously at different
locations (which, in the scope of the preschool activity, can imply immediate consequences).
As an example, a Santa Claus role-play activity could include the delivery of
“Christmas gifts” to several houses, by placing copies of the nest of Santa’s bird in each
3. Playing in a setting with various automated elements.
An educator can program several elements to respond to the same external change. For
instance, sheep can be programmed to avoid a shepherd dog, and children can explore the
consequences of that behavior on several sheep at the same time, by moving the dog.

Figure 206 – Teaching a robot to create several houses, each with a different Euro coin.

The concept of “statement” was presented in section 3.4.4.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 231

Introduction to computer programming

3.4.12. Message passing / Communication channels

Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
“(…) parallel processes must be able to Message-sending can be used to exchange
cooperate in the sense that they can activate one information, as technically described on the left.
another and exchange information” (Hansen, Exchanges of information are common in
1969, p. 158). “Two parallel processes can childhood activities, involving mathematics or
cooperate by sending messages to each other” social relationships.
(id., p. 162). Messages sent to a process are However, in a metaphorical world such as
queued, usually on the rule of “first-come,
ToonTalk, this can also be used to perform a less
first-served”. obvious variant, namely the transportation of
Messages can also be passed between one objects between locations.
process and several others, in what is called a In ToonTalk, message communication is
multicast, or 1-to-N communication. If a process
achieved by using birds, which act in a way
receives messages from several processes in the similar to carrier pigeons (see rows about birds,
same queue, it is called a concentration, or N-to- in Table 18, on page 208). A bird can be used to
1 communication. Finally, if both situations are
carry an object to its nest, but nests can be joined
combined, it is called multipoint or N-to-N together, so that several birds share the same
communication (Diot, 1994).
nest (N-to-1 communication). Nests can also be
copied, so that a bird delivers several copies of
an object at the same time, one in each copy of
the nest (1-to-N communication).
Activity guidelines
All activities that make use of birds to carry things involve message passing. At the simplest
level, this can be something as simple as offering gifts: two children playing in the same ToonTalk
session, each with his/her own bird and nest. By exchanging nests, the children can use the birds to
send “gifts” to each other (such an activity was performed with children aged 4 and 5, during the
field activities described in section 5.2). This can initially occur in plain sight (all birds and nests in
view), but made more complex, by having a different house for each children.
This technique could be used in various ways: a postman that can use the birds to deliver
letters and parcels; a baker that can use birds to deliver bread and cakes, as well as receive orders (a
complex activity based on this is described in section 7.3.3).
If the nests are in robots’ boxes, the arrival of an object carried by a bird can allow robots to
perform as they were taught. This could be used to create reactions to the arrival of messages (such
as playing sounds, placing images on the wall, etc.), but also to respond. If the receiving robots have
a bird, and the sender has another bird, the robot can “reply” to the message (Figure 207). This has
been used, for instance, to make two robots “toss a ball around”, but also by a 3-year old to “play
ball” with a robot that would send it back (these cases can be found in sections 7.3.4 and 7.3.5).

Figure 207 – Sending a ball for the robot to return it.

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3.4.13. Speed independence

Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
Nothing can be assumed regarding the Part of the construction of procedural
speed of execution of concurrent processes. knowledge (Papert, 1980, p. 223) can include
Identical processes do not ensure identical run reflections on how the speed at which different
speeds. procedures are executed may or may not impact
“(…) processes (…) are to be regarded as the equivalence of the procedures themselves.
Particularly, two procedures are identical, even
completely independent of each other. In
if they are executed at different speeds (e.g.,
particular, we disallow any assumption about
the relative speeds of the different processes” opening a door: hardly will it ever be done at the
same speed, even if by the same person).
(Dijkstra, 1965, p. 74).
Activity guidelines
In ToonTalk, a task being performed in different houses (or in the same house, by different
robots) isn’t necessarily run at the same pace. Activities that can make use of this notion include all
where one has to analyze the sequence of results from robots. For instance, suppose two robots are
working in a “store” (a customized house): one can respond to requests by providing products,
another can respond by providing paper-wrapping for them. If both robots respond to the same bird
or event, one cannot be sure of what will arrive first, the product or the wrapping.
In Figure 208, a group of boxes is delivered (using a bird) to two robots at the same time.
However, as that figure shows, one of the robots finishes noticeably first. But doing this several
times produces different “winners”: the same procedure is executed at different speeds.
Another way of working with this is by taking advantage of time differences due to elements
involved in the task: for instance, adding to a large number is slower than adding to a small number;
joining two large pictures is slower than joining two small ones; adding a box to a small array is
faster than adding it to a large array, etc. (although these differences may be too small to notice
individually, they can add up and produce visible biases). A different approach to help children
realize that a procedure can be executed at different speeds is to employ the different speeds of
execution of a task by the same robot: slow when working in plain sight, faster when working while
the programmer is standing up, fastest when working out of sight (behind a picture or in a different
A secondary line of action involves the impact of “irrelevant” actions: for instance, dropping
and picking up again a box while doing a procedure wastes time, but doesn’t change the outcome.
However, it can change the speed. For instance, in order to teach a robot to write the name
“MARIA”, one might teach the robot to pick up a pad for each letter and join all the pads together
(such a robot is presented in Annex II, p. 441). But one could also teach the robot to pick a single
pad and type “MARIA” at once using the keyboard, and this second approach would be faster,
although producing the same result.

Figure 208 – Different execution speeds: the bottom robot finished first, this time.

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3.4.14. Synchronous/asynchronous communication

Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
Communication (vd. section 3.4.12), can As everyday examples of this distinction,
be synchronous or asynchronous. The first one can consider a child talking to another;
variety includes all cases where, a process, say communication is synchronous, because if the
“A”, only sends a message if the receiver, say second child isn’t listening, the first cannot
“B”, is ready to receive it – “there is no speak. If, however, the first child sends a letter
automatic buffering: in general, an input or or an e-mail instead of talking (or phones and
output command is delayed until the other gets an answering machine), communication is
process is ready with the corresponding output asynchronous, because this first child can
or input. Such delay is invisible to the delayed proceed with sending more letters/e-mails or
process” (Hoare, 1978, p. 415). If a phoning the answering machine several times,
communication channel doesn’t fulfill this whether or not the second child is ready to
requirement, then communication is said to be receive the letters/e-mails or listens to the
asynchronous. messages in the answering machine.
Synchronicity can be achieved either by In activities involving communication, the
forceful control of the processes by the system actions of sending and receiving can be
(id., ibid.) or by requiring communication to be analyzed, to decide if the sender can send
preceded by the exchange of “tokens” (Garg, something or not, without first checking to see if
1988). the receiver is ready. In such cases, the usage of
tokens (physical or virtual) may be a helpful
Activity guidelines
ToonTalk provides means for communication, in the form of birds. However, birds are
asynchronous, because one can always give more than one message to a bird: it will simply pile
them all up in its nest, whether or not those messages are being received by “someone”. However,
synchronous communication can be achieved using birds, by exchanging tokens.
For instance, considering the ball-playing robot of section 3.4.12 (Figure 207), it is not
sending several balls: it is sending its only ball; in order to continue, it must receive it back. In this
case, the ball functions as a token for enabling communication. Figure 209 shows an expansion of
this to work with two robots: notice that the birds and nests are “crossed”: the left-side robot has
nest A and bird B, and the right-side robot has nest B and bird A.

Figure 209 – Synchronous communications with a token (ball)

Synchronicity may be required due to specificities of the activity. For instance, suppose a
child is at a “supermarket” (a customized house) and sends products to another house, using birds.
If those products include ice cream, yogurt, or frozen products, it is necessary for a robot at that
house to be ready to store them in the refrigerator, lest they get ruined. In such a situation, there is a
motive for caring about synchronicity between sending and receiving: it is imposed by the context.

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3.4.15. Recursion
Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
Recursion can be understood as a The use of recursion is associated with the
definition that is, at least partly, defined in terms ability to recognize, use, and define patterns and
of itself: “In general (…) the routine for a models: “(…) contemporary thought views
recursive function uses itself as a subroutine” learning as a person's ability to construct new
(McCarthy, 1960, p. 193). A common example knowledge based upon what they already know
of recursion is the definition of the mathematical or believe to be true (…); in short, the ability to
factorial function (n!) as: perform model-based reasoning based upon
n! = {if n=0, result = 1; else, result = n × (n-1)! } reflection (actually 'recursion'), and
metacognition” (Reilly, 2002, my emphasis).
Recursion can also be employed in speech,
The use of recursion in preschool and
as in “to clean a house, starting from the main
kindergarten is initiated with the description and
door, you clean the rooms you can reach
application of simple patterns: “In the lower
through the inner doors, and finally the entry
hall itself; to clean those other rooms, you do grades, students can describe patterns like 2, 4,
the same: clean yet other rooms you can reach 6, 8, ... by focusing on how a term is obtained
through room doors, before cleaning each room from the previous number—in this example, by
itself”. Expressions such as “and so on”, or adding 2. This is the beginning of recursive
“over and over again” are commonly employed thinking” (NCTM, 2000, ch. 3, p. 38).
in such uses of recursion. But for these age groups, it is also
In fact, recursion has been tied to the important to employ recursion in non-numerical
ability of the limited-element set of human ways. A well-known example is this imaginary
languages to generate an infinite number of program, Logo-like (Muller, 1998, p. 341):
sentences, by being essential to grammar: TO GET.THROUGH.LIFE
« It seems clear that we must regard
linguistic competence as (…) a system
constituted by rules that interact to determine
Disregarding the use of text, an analysis of
the form and intrinsic meaning of a potentially
actions using recursion, such as this, is at a
infinite number of sentences. (…) Such a system
complexity level usable at the preschool level.
– a generative grammar – (…) defines a
language (…) as “a recursively generated In ToonTalk, a robot can receive a copy of
system, where the laws of generation are fixed itself in its box (or get a copy of itself from the
and invariant, but the scope and the specific main notebook, or use ToonTalk’s magic wand
manner in which they are applied remain to copy itself). A recursive operation is done by
entirely unspecified.” » sending one or more such copies in a truck (a
recursive spawning, in this case).
(Chomsky, 1968, my emphasis)
Activity guidelines
During my field activities, recursion was not a key topic, and therefore I cannot provide
elaborate field-based examples, just the following simple field-based proposals. In these cases,
recursion was employed, albeit not pursued, to create new houses. When teaching a robot how to
build houses, it must put another robot in a truck (Figure 204 and Figure 206). Recursion is
employed if that robot is a copy of the current robot. This means that the new robot is also a house-
builder. The resulting program behavior depends on what the actual robots do, besides building
houses. For instance:
ƒ if the robots only build houses at each turn, this method is faster at “filling up” the
city, because at each turn there are more robots building houses at the same time;
ƒ if each robot builds a house and blows up a bomb, the result will be a “moving house”.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 235

Introduction to computer programming

3.4.16. Guards and alternative commands

Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
A command may have generic guards, The definition of alternative commands
determining its execution: the command is provides a setting similar to that of conditional
executed “only if and when the execution of its expressions, which were mentioned in section
guard does not fail” (Hoare, 1978, p. 422). 3.4.5. However, guards provide a way to reason
But a guarded command may do more about a problem from a different perspective.
than simply run or block: it can include Using guards, the focus is on what
alternatives for when a guard fails. alternative actions can or must be considered,
“An alternative command specifies and the conditions regulating each. Rather than
analyzing a condition and considering what to
execution of exactly one of its constituent
guarded commands. (…) if all guards fail, the do for each possible value, one must consider
what possible courses of action are required, and
alternative command fails. Otherwise, an
226 under what conditions each should be executed.
arbitrary one with successfully executable
guard is selected and executed” (id., ibid.).
Activity guidelines
In ToonTalk, guards may be seen as the robot’s thought bubble constraints (vd. section 3.4.8),
and alternatives can be seen has the members of a robot team. Thus, activities using only simple
guards match those mentioned in sections 3.4.7, “Parameter passing”, and 3.4.8, “Type checking”.
Defining alternatives in ToonTalk by creating a robot team involves:
ƒ deciding which actions need to be performed (a robot for each);
ƒ deciding under what conditions they need to be performed;
ƒ deciding the priority (i.e., the desired sequence) for checking those conditions.
At the simplest level, such an activity is identical to a case expression (vd. section 3.4.5).
For instance, a robot may know how to put “DAVID” on the roof of a house, when given a “D”;
and another may know how to do the same thing with “JULIAN”, when given a “J”. By dropping
one on another, the resulting team is able to respond to both “D” and “J” – the result of teamwork.
A further level involves having a generalized robot227 that doesn’t care about the letter: it
simply puts it on the house roof. By dropping this robot on the previous team, one can now provide
“D” to get “DAVID”, “J” to get “JULIAN”, and any other letter228 will end up on the roof (this is
equivalent to the use of the keyword else, mentioned in section 3.4.5).
Finally, the highest level of complexity is achievable if one has more than one generalization
in play. This can occur when there are several holes in a box, and robots care about some holes, but
not about others. But even the previous example can provide a case of this. If one wants the robots
to try and put pictures, letters, and numbers on the roof, but nothing else, one needs three
generalized robots: one that cares about any letter pad (erased letter pad in its thought bubble); one
that cares about any number (erased number pad); and one that cares about any image (erased
image). In this case, their sequence is not important, as long as they are behind the “DAVID” and
“JULIAN” robots, but in other cases, the ordering could provide interesting cases to analyze and
reason on why different orderings produce different results.

Here, Tony Hoare is referring to a generic concurrent-programming system. But he does acknowledge that
arbitrariness is not absolutely crucial to the use of alternatives: “An implementation should take advantage of its
freedom of selection to ensure efficient execution and good response” (Hoare, 1978, p. 422). ToonTalk’s option is to
prioritize all alternatives (order of robots in a team).
By erasing the letter pad in its thought bubble (“any letter”) or vacuuming it (“anything”).
If the generalization was done by vacuuming the letter pad from the robot’s thought bubble, the robot will in fact
attempt to put any object on the roof, although only letters, numbers, and pictures work.
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3.4.17. Input guards

Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
This particular kind of guard provides a Using an input guard implies that children
way to support synchronized communication need to define two actions (robots), and link them
between processes. “A guarded command with an together (using birds). To do so, they must be
input guard is selected for execution only if and able to keep in mind the actual actions of both
when the source named in the input command is robots, and devise a plan for flow of information:
ready to execute the corresponding output “this one will give this to the bird, which will take
command” (Hoare, 1978, p. 415). it to that one, which will do X.” In other words,
In ToonTalk, input guards can be seen as children must go beyond thinking about
nests in the box given to a robot. The robot communication, and start thinking about the
simply waits until something arrives on a nest, necessity of coordinating communications.
and only then will it compare the constraints with This can also be used for including
the contents (see if the guard holds) and proceed conservationism (existence and operation of
with execution. objects that are no longer in sight) in activities:
one of the robots can be working in a house (or in
another corner of the current house), out of sight.
Activity guidelines
The simplest level occurs when a robot is simply waiting for something to arrive in its nest, and
the sender is the child herself (i.e., the child, not another robot, gives the missing object to the bird).
This level is represented in examples such as those mentioned in the section on communication,
3.4.12. Other simples examples, not requiring the robot to communicate back, are:
ƒ a robot that vacuums the contents of its box; if one places a nest in that box, from then
on, the robot only works when something reaches the nest;
ƒ an “interior decorator” robot (also used with a nest in its box), which places on the room
wall any picture it gets.
At a more complex level, a robot sends an object to another, which then acts upon receival. An
example of this is provided in section 3.4.14: a robot sending a ball to another robot, which then
replies by sending the ball back. This example, once working, could be changed by moving one robot
away from the visible area, or even to another house. And yet, the two robots would still be able to
“play ball”. But there is no need for a robot to respond: for instance, a robot working in a warehouse
could be dispatching Christmas decorations for robots in other houses; those robots, upon receiving
them, could put them on the roofs. By traveling around in the helicopters, the child could see which
houses had robots working in them that had already received the lights, and which houses either had
no robot there to put the lights on the roof or had not received them.
Conversely, a robot may be at
work, dispatching feed to rabbits, being
bred in another house (decorated as a
rabbit hutch). That feed would be
accumulating, even if the nest where it
is arriving is placed behind the picture
of a rabbit. But a robot could be taught
how to vacuum that feed, as if the
rabbit had “eaten it” (see Figure 210).
Better still, that robot could do
something after vacuuming the feed,
such as playing a munching sound, or
making the rabbit fatter! Figure 210 – Feeding a rabbit

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 237

Introduction to computer programming
3.4.18. Clients and servers
Computer programming concept Preschool education connection
An important concurrent programming When modeling real-world interactions
style involves the use of client/server with a computer program, one finds multiple
relationships between processes. “Some server opportunities for employing the client/server
processes render a service to some client model (shopping and parcel deliveries, for
processes. A client can request that a service be instance).
performed by sending a message to one of these A child programming a client process to
servers. A server repeatedly receives a request make requests does not require knowledge of
for service from a client, performs that service,how they will be answered. She just needs to
and (if necessary) returns a completion message worry about what are the answers that may
to that client” (Andrews & Schneider, 1983, p. arrive (and in fact, whether they do at all or not).
This requires the child to reason over the
In ToonTalk, client and server processes expected behavior of non-local, non-present
can communicate using birds. These can be entities (since the server process usually operates
fixed at the time of programming (i.e., a server out of sight).
always responds to the same clients) or passed
Also, there is ample space for activities
along from the client to the server at program related to memory use. For instance, what if an
runtime, for dynamic client/server interaction answer does not arrive? The child must
(Figure 211). remember that a request was done earlier, and
that an answer is missing. What if it does arrive?
She needs to focus and associate the answer with
the request made earlier, and be able to check if
the answer matches what was intended in the
request (besides memory, this is also an
Figure 211 – Bird carrying a request: data + reply bird opportunity for using record-keeping).

Activity guidelines
A crucial aspect of such activities is how to identify the client making a request, and the
server to whom the request is being made. In preschool settings, this can be made with text
(capitalized names), but the most versatile solutions would be the use of pictures and/or sounds. For
instance, Figure 212 displays several “requests”, in the form of ToonTalk boxes. In the rightmost
hole of each, a picture identifies the “requester”, represented by his/her “hat” (nurse, nurse, baker,
and postman). These could also be sounds for the child to play, achieving the same effect.
Another aspect is how to identify the request. Again, the use of pictures and sounds provides
more flexibility, rather than depending solely on text or numbers (yet, these can also be used). For
instance, in the same figure, the top request comes from the nurse, and it consists of a parcel (first
hole) and a postage stamp (second hole). The text in the third hole simply restates it in written form.
Numbers could be used to represent how many
boxes and stamps are being requested, so that the stamp
picture could stand for as many stamps as desired.
A child can execute “server” actions, responding to
requests, or program a robot to respond, or to produce the
answer. The answers can be delivered to the requesters
manually, but the requests can also include a reply bird,
as shown in Figure 211 (there can be an extra hole in the
request box, for this reply bird, but it can also be behind
one of the pictures). Using such “reply birds”, server
robots or children can answer requests from clients not
Figure 212 – Sorting requests
known beforehand.

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4. Introduction to preschool education and computers

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4.1. Early childhood education philosophy(ies)

4.1.1. Brief history of early childhood education
The current educational practice with young children (less than 6 years old) is strongly based
on educational and pedagogical research, particularly that focusing on children’s cognitive,
physical, and social development, as is further described in the coming sections. Section 4.1.2 is
devoted to presenting the major basic theories that currently impact the practice and research in the
education of young children, and section 4.1.3 presents some of the major pedagogic models based
on those theories, which provide the guidelines for the actual practice in the field.
This current status of the practice is however a relatively novel situation regarding young
children’s education. Raising and educating children has been a task of humankind from our very
onset, and although there are no written records prior to the civilizations of antiquity, much can be
gleamed by anthropological research among modern-day practices of indigenous peoples
throughout the world (e.g., Briggs, 1998, details the high level of complexity and involvement in
the emotional and ethical education of Inuit children aged between 2 and 4, through what might be
considered a Socratic questioning method229). And formal education for older children (aged 6, 7
and up) at schools and/or with specialized tutors has existed since antiquity, in developed societies
such as those in early China (Monroe, 1907; Cartier, n.d.), Egypt (Brunner, 1981), Greece & Rome
(Monroe, 1907; Pietri, 1981; Lascarides & Hinitz, 2000; Mota & Cruz, 2001; Mota, 2003), India
(Monroe, 1907; Misra, n.d.), Japan (Shoji, n.d.), and Mesopotamia (Lucas, n.d.). But although some
of these civilizations recognized young children (with less than 6 or 7 years of age) as an age-group
with remarkably distinct characteristics from those slightly older230, before the mid-XVIII century
there were no formal educational institutions devoted to them.
« In antiquity the family was the center of the child’s early education.
Education proper (…) did not begin until the child was seven and was sent
to school. Until then, he was “brought up” at home by women, primarily by
his mother, and in well-to-do families also by his “nanny.” »
(Lascarides & Hinitz, 2000, p. 3, referring to education in Ancient
Although schools and educational philosophy underwent numerous changes and
developments since antiquity, for the most part the education of younger children remained true to
this description.
Departure from this status quo came gradually, as a result of changes in the goals and views
of civilization on the education of older children. It evolved in focus from being a simple matter of
providing children with fundamental skills for the practice of a profession or adequate social
conduct, until modern times, when it became an endeavor focused on the development of the
« (…) the conscience of the child as distinctive and different from an
adult was not generally a common concept until the XVII century. (…) The
child would quickly pass from the period of childhood to that of adulthood.
The high rates of infant mortality, along with the short life expectancy of
adults, were undoubtedly to blame for this prompt integration of the child in
the world of adults. (...) »
(Santomé, 1991, p.10, translated from the Portuguese version)

A description of the Socratic Method can be found in Windelband, 1919.
E.g., the Spartan culture acknowledged development stages and considered years from birth to 7 as those prior to
formal education (Lascarides & Hinitz, 2000, p. 5); and Hippocrates “divided man’s life into seven stages” (id., p. 8),
the first of which was “infant (birth to seven years)” (id., ibid.).

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Introduction to preschool education and computers
This state of affairs began to change in the XVII century, due to the social changes brought
upon by the Industrial Revolution. Child labor was widespread, but the operation of mills and other
industries by adults was not compatible with the presence of children requiring the care and
attention of their mothers. Also during this epoch, the new philosophical ideas of the Enlightenment
started to take ground, although their impact on general educational practice was slow and mostly
felt only much later, well into the XIX century (Abbagnano & Visalberghi, 1959, vol. III, p. 492).
« It is from the XVIII century onward that slowly, alongside the first signs
of the Industrial Revolution and the increase in mortal age, that it will be
sought to separate children from adults, something that will be evaluated for
scientific and ethical reasons a posteriori. Philosophers start to support the
idea of an innocent childhood, whose corruption had to be avoided, and due
to that requiring special education and protection. »
(Santomé, 1991, p.11, translated from the Portuguese version)
This change in the role of children in society and the in role of their education eventually led
to widespread schooling, rather than just for a fringe of the population; school gradually ceased to
be a professional academy, and started evolving into a service to the benefit of all citizens.
« [In the XVIII century] there was no public measure in England, either
national or local, regarding elementary education. It was the care of some
parish schools, sometimes; in other cases women without any specific
training would welcome in their homes, for a fee, some of the neighborhood
children (Dame Schools); in yet other instances, finally, middle schools
would organize small preparatory schools. Beyond this, for the poor, some
pious societies emerge, with philanthropic and religious edification goals,
whose schools and Sunday courses function as charity, with scant
dissemination and effectiveness. In France, the situation is certainly not
better. »
(Abbagnano & Visalberghi, 1959, vol. III, p. 489)
Young children would also be taken care of in institutions such as those mentioned above.
Sometimes, it would also happen for children aged three, four, or five to attend classes with older
children. For example, during the XVII and XVIII centuries, in the Puritan schools of the English
colonies in North America, “very young children were sometimes enrolled in grammar schools, for
they were seen as able of high levels of intellectual achievement. They often learned to read by the
age of three or four, and started to be taught Latin by the age of five or six231” (Spodek & Saracho,
1993, p. 43).
It is from this context that the case of the “Knitting School” emerges.
It was founded in 1769 by the French priest Johann Friedrich Oberlin232, in
Ban-de-la-Roche (Alsace, France), commonly referenced (e.g., Gomes,
1977, p. 14; Spodek & Brown, 1993, pp. 15-16) as the first institution with
an educational program specifically designed for young children. As young
as 2, children would gather round a “teacher” that would instruct them while
she knitted. Unlike other schools at the time, which focused on older
children, Oberlin’s school included games, handicrafts, and the learning of
History and Nature, which was done verbally, but used images for support. Figure 213 – J. F.
Similar schools opened in five nearby villages before Oberlin’s death 1740-1826
in 1826, but this methodology was never adopted elsewhere. “The French From:
Retroversion into English of the Portuguese translation.
“Johann Friedrich was his recorded name at birth. The French refer to him as Jean Frédéric and anglicized, his
name often appears as John Frederick” (Oberlin, 2004). Note: Alsace had only become part of France in 1648.
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Revolution and the anticlerical attitude of the emerging nation were probably some of the reasons
for this lack of influence” (Spodek & Brown, 1993, p. 16).
The schools of Oberlin nevertheless mark a turning point in the history of early childhood
education. Until then, the education of young children was essentially done within the family and
other informal environments. Oberlin’s schools represent the beginning of a different historical
period in early childhood education, characterized by the attendance of extrafamilial preschools.
Overviewing the history of early childhood education, one can divide it in several distinct
periods that overlap in actual field practice, but nevertheless provide a picture of its evolution:
1. Early history, prior to the first extrafamilial preschools.
2. Enrolling of young children in schools and/or other extrafamilial institutions.
3. Early preschools and kindergartens, created with philosophical and social concerns233.
4. Creation of widespread public preschools, and their evolution until modern day,
strongly influenced by developmental psychology and other scientific research.
The first two items of this overview, on which I have so far elaborated, constitute the
background of modern culture and view on young children. But the two latter items provide the link
between the first efforts and modern-day education of young children.
Oberlin’s schools were the first link in this chain, but one without
widespread influence, as mentioned above.
It was by the town of New Lanark, in Scotland, that appeared
the first example of a formal institution for early childhood education
which reached wide impact and adoption. It was created by the Welsh
entrepreneur Robert Owen: a school for the children of the workers of
the spinning mill he managed at that town (Spodek & Saracho, 1993,
pp. 44-45; Gordon, 1994; Beatty, 1998, pp. 6-7; Donnachie, 2003).
Owen was a social reformist, who explicitly wanted to improve social
conditions for workers and achieve the re-ordering of human society.
Following his views, presented in a series of essays with the telling Figure 214 – Robert Owen
title “A New View of Society” (Owen, 1812), he created the Institute 1771-1858
for the Formation of Character, where children younger than 10 would From:
be educated during the day, and older children and adults would attend
night classes.
« (…) Any general character, from the best to the worst, from the most
ignorant to the most enlightened, may be given to any community, even to
the world at large, by the application of proper means (…) every day will
make it more and more evident that the character of man is, without a single
exception, always formed for him; (…) an education for the untaught and
illtaught becomes of the first importance to the welfare of society. (…)
children (…) will afford all the opportunity that can be desired to create,
cultivate, and establish, those habits and sentiments which tend to the
welfare of the individual and of the community. »
(Owen, 1812)
The ground floor of the Institute was devoted to the infant school, which opened in 1816
(Gordon, 1994, p. 5), with separate rooms for children aged 1 to 3 and 4 to 6 (Donnachie, 2003).
The education of such young children was at the core of Owen’s principles, as can be seen from the
quote that follows.

Including Oberlin’s innovative Knitting School.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 243

Introduction to preschool education and computers
« It must be evident to those who have been in the practice of observing
children with attention, that much of good or evil is taught to or acquired by
a child at a very early period of its life; that much of temper or disposition is
correctly or incorrectly formed before he attains his second year and that
many durable impressions are made at the termination of the first twelve or
even six months of his existence. The children, therefore, of the uninstructed
and ill-instructed, suffer material injury in the formation of their characters
during these and the subsequent years of childhood and of youth.
It was to prevent, or as much as possible to counteract, these primary
evils, to which the poor and working classes are exposed when infants, that
the area became part of the New Institution.
Into this playground the children are to be received as soon as they can
freely walk alone; to be superintended by persons instructed to take charge
of them. »
(id., ibid.)
The infant school of Owen was based on the principle of play, rather than formal lessons.
Another notion that permeated the learning in all age groups, was that “everything was made
relevant for the children, that they should understand what they were learning and why, and that
they should enjoy what they were doing” (Donnachie, 2003). His concerns with the preservation
and/or improvement of humankind’s nature are in line with the philosophers of the Enlightenment,
such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau. His emphasis in the educational use of observation, experience, and
direct contact, were most likely inspired in the educational practice and writings of the Swiss
educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi234, whom Owen visited in his school in Switzerland (Gordon,
1994, p. 7). But “probably the answer to the origins of Owen’s educational thought is (…) that he
owed very little to others, arriving at largely similar conclusions with other pioneers by a different
road based on his own experience and peculiar philosophy of character” (id., ibid.).
Owen’s model gained quite a large degree of success and dissemination. For example,
between 1815 and 1825 his Institution in New Lanark received “20,000 odd visitors” (Donnachie,
2003) from several parts of Europe. Schools inspired in his model were created in the UK, the USA,
France, and other parts of the world. Ultimately, however, Owen’s educational philosophy
influencing the methods of the infant school was not based on any developmental theory; his
antireligious views and the strong link between his schools and social reform, in the form of
cooperative communities, following his belief that “cooperative socialism would simply displace
capitalism by example and by education” (Gordon, 1994, p. 12), along with his political
involvement in trade unionism led to government backlash in the UK. In the USA, the infant school
movement was also short-lived, due to a combination of several factors, such as “the attitudes of the
public schools system towards the education of young children” (Spodek & Brown, 1993, pp. 16-
17) and “the radical activities of Bronson Alcott’s infant school235” (id., ibid.). But although the
infant schools of Owenish inspiration didn't directly evolve into modern-day preschools in the
English-speaking world, “Owen’s message that training and education must be viewed as intimately
connected, is echoed in many educational systems today” (Gordon, 1994, p. 13). In France,

Pestalozzi (1746-1827) developed an educational method and ideas that anticipated much of modern pedagogy, such
as the fundamental value of knowledge based on experience, experimentation, and direct contact with objects; the need
to ensure that each child finds meaningfulness what is learned; and the use of self-expression as a way to achieve a
deeper intuition of the world. But although he gave great importance to the education of young children, he believed
that such education should most adequately be done at home, in the family, rather than in extrafamilial institutions
(Abbagnano & Visalberghi, 1959, pp. 589-603).
Alcott was an American educator who attracted controversy towards his teaching after publishing a book called
“Conversations with Children on the Gospels”, with chapters such as “Conjugal Relations” and “Gestation”. The book
“attracted unfavorable attention from Calvinist clergymen and some journalists. (...) The public did not forget the
controversy (...)” (Crouch, 1991).
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however, several private initiatives were created after the British model of Owen and his followers,
and were called salle d’asile. These flourished and were gradually taken over by the state. In 1848,
a French Law recognized them already as “establishments for public instruction”, and called them
écoles maternelles, although this name would only become commonplace in 1881 (Gomes, 1977,
pp. 15-16). Today, France’s preschools are still known as “maternal schools” (Ambassade de
France au Brésil, 2002).
The second major historical root of modern preschools appeared
roughly 20 years after the opening of Owen’s Infant School in New
Lanark. In 1837, the German educationalist Friedrich Wilhelm
August Fröbel created in the city of Blankenburg (Thuringia,
Germany) an educational institution for young children, his
Kleinkinderpflegeanstalt (“institute for infant care”), a name that, at
the time, was commonly used in Germany for such institutions. But
given that his views on the education of young children were quite
different, three years later he renamed it as Kindergarten (“children
garden”), a name that attempted to summarize those ideas: as plants in
a garden, in harmony with nature and under the care of experienced
gardeners, so should children be raised (Gomes, 1977, p. 17). His
methods and views had a strong and widespread influence in the Figure 215 – Friedrich Fröbel
Western world. 1782-1852
From: http://www.froebelverein-
« We grant space and time to young plants and animals
because we know that, in accordance with the laws that
live in them, they will develop properly and grow well; young animals and
plants are given rest, and arbitrary interference with their growth is
avoided, because it is known that the opposite practice would disturb their
pure unfolding and sound development »
(Fröbel, 1826)
Fröbel had studied the pedagogy of Pestalozzi. Like Robert Owen, he visited Pestalozzi’s own
school in Switzerland but his contact with Pestalozzi was much longer than a mere visit (1805 and
1808-1810). During his early career, between 1816 and 1835, Fröbel founded and run several
schools and an orphanage, before his interests turned to the education of early childhood, influenced
by the philosophical ideas of Jan Ámos Komenský236 (id., ibid.).
Underlying the pedagogy of Fröbel is the conviction of a profound “unity of reality”: a
profound convergence between physical reality, the human self, and divinity (Abbagnano &
Visalberghi, 1959, vol. III, pp. 609-610). But the modern-day relevance of Fröbel lies in the
methods he devised and sought use in connection with this conviction, rather than in his
philosophical ideas themselves. For Fröbel did not just use the teachings of Pestalozzi, but had
several crucial pedagogic intuitions, which together with his philosophical thinking provided the
base for his then-revolutionary methods.

Czech philosopher (1572-1670) better known by the Latin name of Comenius, whose didactic works put forward the
notion of a “pansophic” system of education: “universal by its very nature (…) intended for all men, irrespective of
social or economic position, religion, race or nationality. It must be extended to all peoples, however ’underdeveloped’,
as we say today, they may be (Piaget, 1957, p. 10). This included the notion of education regardless of age. Comenius
recognized four different stages in education (infancy – from birth to age 6, childhood, adolescence, and youth), but
“grasps the fact that the same forms of knowledge are necessary at each of the different levels, because they correspond
to permanent needs; and that the difference between these levels lies mainly in the way in which the forms of knowledge
are re-outlined or restated (id., p. 4). Even young children should thus learn in all knowledge areas. Details of his ideas
in this regard were presented in his 1633 work, Informatorium Školy Mateřski, “The School of Infancy” (Komenský,

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 245

Introduction to preschool education and computers
The first crucial idea was that in order to fulfill his view of unity with reality, children should
be assisted in their development, rather than molded or formed; and that such development
implied the educator’s concern with three areas (Santomé, 1991, p. 17): creation (by promoting
activities), perception (by promoting sensibility), and reflection (by promoting cognition).
A second crucial insight was on how to avoid the danger of imposing a model on the child:
this could be achieved by recognizing the value of child-play in the development of a connection
between the child and the world. In his words, “in this stage of life, playing is the purest and most
spiritual of the products of man; and at the same time, the model and image of all human life, of the
intimate, secret, natural life of man and all things. It thus generates joy, freedom, satisfaction, inner
and outer rest, peace with the Universe. In it reside the sources of all good, and from it they pour”
(Fröbel, as cited by Abbagnano & Visalberghi, 1959, vol. III, p. 612, translated from the Portuguese
The third crucial insight was that the
development of activities could be enhanced by
giving the child access to specially-crafted
educational materials, that is, he was the first
to realize the need for items with the single
purpose of being didactic materials, and took
the task of design and test them. These were
called “gifts” (Figure 216), for they were not
mere haphazard concoctions, but rather strongly
connected with the metaphysical principles Figure 216 – Fröbel’s Gifts (modern versions)
underlying his philosophy (Santomé, 1991, p. Composed from images at:
In summary, the central impact of Fröbel in current-day pedagogical practice is this relevance
given to helping each child develop by means of spurring her personal interests, and doing so with a
strong emphasis on the manipulation of objects and on the development of activities, rather than by
imposing knowledge and facts. His widespread influence is both due to his own efforts in training
other adults to use his methods, and to the efforts of enthusiasts such as Bertha von Marenholtz-
Bülow, who through conferences, travels, correspondence, and books helps spread Fröbel's methods
and ideas throughout the Western world (Gomes, 1977, p. 18; Smith, M., 1997).
Many educators followed on Fröbel’s stead, with varying impact
and relevance. Of those, one that is mentioned most often is Margaret
McMillan, from Scotland. Her work and thought, prevalent in the
foundation of the “nursery school” movement, exerted a strong
influence in the development of early childhood education,
particularly with its central notion of nurturing the child, not just foster
her instruction (Vasconcelos, 1993, p. 6). In what regards this thesis,
however, only some of the ideas and contributions of Margaret
McMillan are relevant, although being but a small part of her action
and thought. Those are: the usage of educational materials (wooden
building blocks she called “bricks”) without predetermined goals,
allowing children to fully “employ their creative energy” (id., p. 7),
something which was similar to Fröbel’s philosophy, but not similar at
all to his recommendations for use of the “gifts”, which included
specific activities; and the recommendation that educators should be
prepared to expect and anticipate a nice learning moment, and Figure 217 – Margaret
McMillan, 1860-1931
continuously experiment with the preschool curriculum and place From:http://www.electricscotland.c
before the child progressive levels of effort (id., p. 8). This was an om/history/women/images/MargMc
anticipation of the current concept of “scaffolding”, proposed later by M.jpg
Vygotsky (vd. section 4.1.2, p. 260).
246 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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But Margaret McMillan also marks the final of the 3rd phase of
the evolution of preschool evolution, as presented in p. 243. The
early 20th century is the beginning of novel educational endeavors,
inspired by scientific studies of pedagogy.
The foremost educator in this early period of scientific
influence was Maria Montessori, from Italy. She was a
neuropathologist, who during her practice with mentally handicapped
children at a psychiatric clinic acquired an interest for their
education. She applied methods, concepts, and materials inspired in
the work of other physicians, such as Pereira237, Itard238, and
Séguin239 (Abbagnano & Visalberghi, 1959, vol. IV, p. 851; Röhrs, Figure 218 – Maria Montessori
1994; Vasconcelos et al., 1995). This interest developed into a care From: http://www.awo-
for the education of children in general, realizing that what had
proved so fruitful for mentally-impaired children aged 8 to 10 might _coburg/bilder/k63.jpg
provide “precious occasions for free sensory-intellectual organization to a normal children aged 4
or 5” (Abbagnano & Visalberghi, 1959, vol. IV, p. 851). She had the opportunity to put these
concepts in practice in 1907, when “she became involved in the modernization of a Roman slum
quarter (…) by assuming responsibility for the education of the children. Her answer (…) was the
establishment of a Children’s House (Casa Dei Bambini), in which the children were to learn about
the world and develop the ability to plan their own lives” (Röhrs, 1994).
As one would expect, of course, the scientific influence was not the single base of
Montessori's pedagogy. It also embraces notions that already existed, such as Fröbel’s vision of the
education of young children as a support to their personal development, and his notions of self-
activity as an essential part of one’s learning (Spodek & Saracho, 1993, p. 51).
« Pedagogy must be guided as in the past, by the ideas which some
philosophers and philanthropists formed of it, by some individual inspired by
piety, sympathy or charity. Pedagogy must follow the guidance of
psychology, by the psychology which, applied to education, should at once
be given a distinct name: Psycho-pedagogy. »
(Montessori, 1955)
« Although Maria Montessori based her work on scientific principles, she
nevertheless considered childhood to be a continuation of the act of
creation. This combination of approaches is the truly fascinating aspect of
her work: on the one hand she practised precise experiment and observation
in the spirit of science, yet at the same time she regarded faith, hope and

Jacobo Rodríguez Pereira (1715-1780), was a Spanish expert in the oral education of the deaf, working in Paris, who
recognized the crucial role of embracing sensory input within the learning process (Plann, 1997, pp. 73-77; Röhrs,
Jean Itard (1775-1838), was a French doctor that specialized on diseases of the ear, as Chief Physician at the
National Institution for Deaf-Mutes in Paris (Plucker, 2003). He is better known for his educational work with “the
child known as ‘The Wild Boy of Aveyron’ (...) and he is recognized today as one of the founding fathers of special
education” (id., ibid.). This boy was a child seemingly aged eleven or twelve, found naked and living alone in the
woods of southern France, modernly believed to have been mentally retarded or autistic; Itard thought otherwise and
developed an educational strategy to educate him, relying heavily on sensory-training and stimulation (id., ibid.). His
efforts had limited success, but he was “the first physician to declare that an enriched environment could compensate
for developmental delays caused by heredity or previous deprivation” (id., ibid.).
Edouard Séguin (1812-1880) was a student of Jean Itard (vd. footnote 238, above). He “claimed that he could
change idiots by educating them and, more fundamentally, that idiots could benefit from the effort (…). Once idiots
showed that they could learn, they became worth understanding, and they became worth changing” (Noll & Trent Jr.,
2004, p. 2). His approach used muscular exercises to induce a change in behavior, a method he described as
physiological education (id., ibid.).

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Introduction to preschool education and computers
trust to be the most effective means of teaching children independence and
self-confidence. »
(Röhrs, 1994)
The essence of her contribution, however, departs from Fröbel's views. The most crucial
aspect is the emphasis given in her educational methods to sensory aspects, not just cognitive or
social aspects. Traditionally, in philosophical views of education, the child’s increased awareness
and interpretation of the senses, as well as the development of the child's interactions with the
physical world, were but a consequence of the cognitive and personal development. Montessori’s
scientific orientation involved experimenting, observing, and recording events and conditions that
were external to the child, and as mentioned above, her previous experience involved the use of
sensory-based techniques in the education of the mentally-impaired.
Therefore, the role of educational materials in her methods is not to convey specific notions of
knowledge, but rather to serve as foci for the child’s interests and energy, by which means the child
reaches her own conclusions, directed by the teacher, rather than instructed (Vasconcelos et al.,
1995). This view of the role of educational materials is somewhat shared with that of Margaret
McMillan, already mentioned on p. 246. But while McMillan’s wooden blocks were seen as a
means for self-expression, Montessori’s materials were meant for exploration and discovery.
She experimented and tested various items, such as button frames, solids of various shapes, wooden
letters and numbers, sets of wool balls with various graduations of color for sorting, etc.
(Abbagnano & Visalberghi, 1959, vol. IV, p. 852).
In summary, under the views of Montessori education the child develops herself, by contact
with individual and social experiences, and learns from their consequences. The teacher’s role is
seen as one of directing the child’s activities, and educational materials are to be carefully studied
and planned in order to promote a rich exploration and discovery of concepts which, in the end, are
effectively developed by the own child. These ideas already contained an embryo of the theories
that other scientists and philosophers would develop, and eventually be known as constructivism
(vd. section 4.1.2).
« Scientific observation then has established that (…) education is a
natural process spontaneously carried out by the human individual, and is
acquired not by listening to words but by experiment upon the environment.
The task of the teacher becomes that of preparing a series of motives of
cultural activity, spread over a specially prepared environment, and then
refraining from obtrusive interference. Human teachers can only help the
great work that is being done, as servants help the master. Doing so, they
will be witnesses to the unfolding of the human soul and to the rising of a
New Man who will not be the victim of events, but will have the clarity of
vision to direct and shape the future of human society. »
(Montessori, 1946)
Montessori and other science-based educators of her time also mark the beginning of
“modern” early-childhood education. Alongside the development of educational methods and
theories, the period summarized in this section, from Oberlin to Montessori, was also the scene of
an ever-increasing spread of the education of young children outside the home environment.
Preschool education eventually ceased to be a privilege of some well-to-do families, or a
requirement of a profession, gradually acquiring its current status: a service provided to the
population in general. This reach-out process took place at different times across the world,
throughout the 20th century; and in some regions or countries much must be done in order to render
preschool education available to most children. But throughout the developed world, preschool
became part of the regular schooling of most children (Spodek & Saracho, 1993, p. 57; Beatty,

248 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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This is not to say that the development of new pedagogy has ceased or diminished since
Montessori. On the contrary, since then there has been an immense increase in the number of people
involved in research, philosophy, and thought regarding the theme of early childhood education.
But not all “modern” developments possess the same historical relevance, or indeed adequate
background relevance regarding this thesis. For this reason, the next section presents a selection of
theories of education representing the major and more relevant driving ideas behind current
educational practice.

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4.1.2. Main current theories

The development of children is the core concern of various modern theories, but these are not
evenly balanced regarding the various development areas: cognitive, linguistic, physical, emotional,
and social (Spodek & Saracho, 1993, pp. 79-80). Within the scope of this thesis, the main area of
interest is cognitive development, and with a lesser degree social development240. The following
table presents the main theories under this light (after Spodek & Saracho, 1993, pp. 66-78; Smith,
1999; and Wegerif, 2002), indicating their most influential theorists.
Behaviorist Constructivist Maturational Participatory Psychodynamic
Watson, Thorndike, Piaget. Vygotsky, Stanley Hall,
Bronfenbrenner Lave, Wenger Freud, Erikson
Skinner Bruner, Papert Arnold Gesell
Table 21 – Main cognitive development theories and theorists
Modern pedagogy for early childhood education is also still somewhat based on the pioneers
mentioned in the previous section, with the actual degree of influence varying among national
educational systems and particular educational approaches of each school and teacher. But the
major driving forces behind current practice are these more recent approaches based on the
scientific research of child development, listed in Table 21, above.
However, the contributions to educational practices in early childhood education are not
evenly distributed among those theories. Mostly, their contributions have only marginally impacted
common everyday practice, albeit some had significant impact in the past. Currently, the major
influence comes from the set of theories known as constructivism, whose description occupies the
main part of this section. I therefore first provide just a brief overview of those other modern
theories possessing some relevance regarding this thesis, and their impact on the practice of early
childhood education. Then I’ll conclude this section with the description of constructivism.
In overview, a central difference between these several theories lies in how they approach and
balance two major influences on the child’s cognitive development: heredity and environment, i.e.
internal influences and external influences. Two early theories (behaviorist and maturational)
focused on just one of these influences, and had a large impact on the practice of the first decades of
the 20th century. The remaining theories adopted less extreme approaches to these perspectives,
their influence proving more lasting.
Under the maturational theory, whose major theorists were the
American thinkers and researchers G. Stanley Hall and Arnold Gesell,
the internal influences were seen as predominant: genes constituted
the major influence on children’s development, and the environment
played but a lesser part. It was established by G. Stanley Hall, a
pioneer researcher that combined psychology and education,
developing a child-centered approach to education (Stanley Hall,
1901). Stanley Hall’s ideas had themselves been inspired by early
research on genetic evolution, including the flawed and fraud-tainted
idea (popular at the time and remaining so for many years) that the
development of embryos recapitulated the evolution of species.
According to Hall, the human mind would similarly evolve over Figure 219 – G. Stanley Hall
various stages, and any attempt to change this course of events would 1844-1924
be counter-productive (Spodek & Saracho, 1993, pp. 66-67; Grezlik,
1999). sycweb/history/hall.jpg

Social development is partly in the scope of this thesis due to concerns of contextual integration presented in section
6.2 and chapter 1 regarding teacher intervention.
250 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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Gesell built on Hall’s ideas by conducting research in a more
systematic manner, with careful and duly study of children. His
research resulted in the creation of the Gesell Development
Schedules, a set of stages grouping physical, language, personal and
social developments and traits, aimed at children between four weeks
and six years of age. Under the basic philosophy of Stanley Hall and
Gesell, the role of education is to support or avoid obstructing
children’s natural development process, and children should be
assessed to evaluate their level of readiness. The teacher should avoid
presenting a child with a specific theme before the child is ready to Figure 220 – Arnold L. Gesell
approach it (Spodek & Saracho, 1993, pp. 67-68). “There is an inner 1880-1961
timetable which determines the child’s rate of development. Trying to From:
teach activities ahead of that timetable will at best result in only
minor, temporary growth” (Gesell Institute, 2004).
The maturational theory was highly influential during the first decades of the 20th century, but
eventually gave way to constructivist approaches to education in most educational institutions. Its
dismissal of attempts to better a child’s development was criticized for causing self-fulfilling
prophecies, since it may cause parents or teachers to give up on a child by considering his/her future
to be predetermined by genetics and therefore being little point in intervening (Meisels, 1988).
Current early childhood education programs assume that while some children do indeed achieve the
learning expectations without requiring specific intervention, other children require the specific
support and intervention of educators: many children have access routinely to formal and informal
experiences that provide success in learning, but others may not have access to such experiences or
suffer from developmental deficiencies or delays limiting their abilities to relate to them (Spodek &
Saracho, 1993, p. 68).The contributions of the maturational theory that are still relevant in common
modern-day practice are its emphasis on an educational process centered on the needs of the child,
rather than on the needs of teaching, and the concept of progressive child development –
progressive not just in its amount, but also in its nature and qualities.
Another early theory was behaviorism, whose basic tenets have
already been mentioned in section 2.4.3. It mirrors the aforementioned
maturational theory, in that it sees the environment as the main source
of influence on human development, disregarding internal influences.
The ideas of behaviorism developed from classical psychological
research on conditioning, namely classical conditioning principles
derived from the well-known Pavlov’s experiments241.
From those principles, American theorists John Watson (Figure
221, on the right) and Edward Thorndike (Figure 37, p. 66) coined the
term behaviorism and made the first efforts to apply the principles of
conditioning to human learning. Figure 221 – John B. Watson
They focused on controlling the environment to influence the From: http://www.psychologie.uni
learning and development of each individual, and researched various E11/Bilder_1-1/Watson.jpg

“The work that made Pavlov a household name in psychology actually began as a study in digestion. He was looking
at the digestive process in dogs, especially the interaction between salivation and the action of the stomach. He realized
they were closely linked by reflexes in the autonomic nervous system. Without salivation, the stomach didn't get the
message to start digesting. Pavlov wanted to see if external stimuli could affect this process, so he rang a metronome at
the same time he gave the experimental dogs food. After a while, the dogs – which before only salivated when they saw
and ate their food – would begin to salivate when the metronome sounded, even if no food were present. In 1903
Pavlov published his results calling this a ‘conditioned reflex,’ different from an innate reflex, such as yanking a hand
back from a flame, in that it had to be learned. Pavlov called this learning process (...) ‘conditioning.’ He also found
that the conditioned reflex will be repressed if the stimulus proves ‘wrong’ too often. If the metronome sounds
repeatedly and no food appears, eventually the dog stops salivating at the sound” (PBS, 1998).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 251

Introduction to preschool education and computers
perspectives on the learning impact of applying stimuli and providing responses to the subject’s
behavior (Spodek & Saracho, 1993, p. 69).
The central figure of behaviorism was however another American, Burrhus F. Skinner (Figure
39, p. 68), who developed the concept of Operant Conditioning (Kearsley, 2004). As described in
section 2.4.3 (p. 68), Skinner discovered that the subject of conditioning wasn’t merely a passive
receptor of stimuli and target of responses. In his research, he found out that rats would press a bar
more often not in response to a stimulus, but in anticipation of the consequence of pressing the bar
(more food, for instance). This realization meant that the subject of conditioning did in fact behaved
in a way that “operated on the environment and was controlled by its effects” (Vargas, n.d.), thus
Skinner named this Operant Behavior. The conditioning that accounted for this and arranged the
“contingencies of reinforcement responsible for producing this new kind of behavior” (id., ibid.)
was thus named Operant Conditioning. Under Skinner’s views on the application of these concepts
to humans, since each person’s actual internal mental processes cannot be witnessed, they must be
ignored, any discussion of them being seen as merely speculative. As a consequence, teachers
should only strive to prepare adequate responses to the learner’s behavior, providing rewards for
positive behavior (‘positive reinforcement’), and not build models of student’s methods for concept
acquisition. An alternative method would be to remove from the environment some pre-existing
negative stimulus (‘positive reinforcement’). He did not believe in providing unpleasant results as
an effective way to better learning (Spodek & Saracho, 1993, p. 70).
With an impact record similar to maturational theory, the main influence of behaviorism on
early childhood educational practice also occurred in the early decades of the 20th century, until
constructivism eventually assumed a preponderant status in driving the practice. The current
influence of behaviorism is at the level of the attention that is given to the keen observation of
children’s behavior in the context of each child’s educational environment, regarding the stimuli
and responses that are present. But in general, early childhood teachers' intervention is no longer
based on the planning and preparation of stimuli and responses (id., p. 71).
These two early theories and constructivism, which is described later, provided encompassing
approaches to early childhood education in the light of global cognitive development. In contrast,
the remaining theories from Table 21 have contributed with perspectives on different aspects of
child development, rather than over its entirety. In this light, they all remain influential sources of
the current practice in early childhood education.
The earlier of these remaining theories is the psychodynamic
theory. Rather than focusing on cognitive development, it deals with
factors affecting the development of personality. Its relevance for this
thesis is therefore at the level of its contributions regarding the role and
intervention of the early childhood teacher.
The psychodynamic theory of child development is based on the
concepts of psychoanalysis, seen as the observation that “individuals are
often unaware of many of the factors that determine their emotions and
behavior,” and that these “unconscious factors may create unhappiness,
sometimes in the form of recognizable symptoms and at other times as
troubling personality traits, difficulties in work or in love relationships, or
disturbances in mood and self-esteem” (APA, n.d.).
Figure 222 – Sigmund
The concepts of psychoanalysis were originally developed by the Freud
Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud, who worked mainly with adult 1856-1939
patients, but devoted particular attention to their memories of childhood From:
events. He strongly emphasized the role of early childhood in the
development of personality. His insights dealt the with the concept of different development stages,
which he called Psychosexual Stages of Development, during which children focus their attention
on different sources of stimulation and pleasure, their personality developing in the process. Freud’s
252 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
ideas on child development exerted a strong influence on childhood psychology and childhood
education (Spodek & Saracho, 1993, pp. 71-72).
Freud’s original focus on the individual self as the source of
development influences was expanded by other thinkers and
researchers, to encompass cultural influences. Among these, the
German researcher Erik Erikson was highly influential in the practice of
early childhood education: his focus of research included the
development of children themselves, rather just the influence of
childhood development on adult psychological traits. He replaced
Freud’s psychosexual stages of development with different set of
stages, focusing on several interrelated “crises” that individuals face
while interacting with the environment and society, their resolution
impacting the psychological development of the child, adolescent, and
Figure 223 – Erik Erikson
adult (Erikson, 1959, p. 128; Spodek & Saracho, 1993, p. 72). 1902-1994
From: http://rcswww.urz.tu-
The ideas and research of Freud and Erikson remain influential
regarding the importance of childhood experiences in the development
of the personality of the individual. In the scope of this thesis, the most important consequence of
their thoughts is that both support an active, intervening role for early childhood education
professionals, although the roles proposed by both differ. Freud’s view holds that teachers should
create a healthy environment where children can express their feelings, but Erikson’s views are
more relevant to this thesis: he held that teachers should coach children so that they develop skills
that strengthen their egos, helping them avoid the negative sides of each psychosocial stage, a
relation which Erikson referred to as the criteria of relative psychosocial health vs. ill-health, as
presented in Table 22 (on the next page) within the double-bordered cells (Erikson, 1959, pp. 128-
In Table 22, adolescence is presented as the axis of personality, although in it Erikson devotes
much more attention to the childhood stages than to the evolution of adult life or even the evolution
of adolescence itself. The age group of preschoolers is identified with its 2nd and 3rd stages, which
Erikson situated respectively between the 2nd and 3rd years of age, and between the 4th and 5th years
of age (id., p. 155).
Erikson sees the second stage as a phase when the most delicate balance is between personal
autonomy and feelings of shame (which he considers a consequence of internal doubts); and the
third stage as a crucial phase of balance between personal initiatives (fantasy and play) and guilt. A
negative balance in either stage would impact adolescence (under the criterions in the fifth row and
fifth column), and from there, the entire adult life of the individual (id., ibid.).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 253

Introduction to preschool education and computers

I vs.
Infancy Premature Self-

II Autonomy Bipolarity
Early vs. vs.
Childhood Shame, Doubt Autism

III vs.
Play Age (Oedipal)
Industry Identification
IV vs.
School Age Inferiority Identity

Leadership Ideological
Time Self-certainty Role Anticipation of Identity Sexual Identity
Polarization Polarization
V Perspective vs. Experimentation Achievement vs. vs.
vs. vs.
Adolescence vs. Identity vs. vs. Identity Bisexual
Authority Diffusion of
Time Diffusion Consciousness Negative Identity Work Paralysis Diffusion Diffusion
Diffusion Ideals

Solidarity Intimacy
VI vs. vs.
Young Adult Social Isolation Isolation

VII vs.
Adulthood Self-

VIII vs.
Mature Age Disgust,

Table 22 – Erikson’s psychosocial stages

From: Erikson, 1959, p. 129

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A more recent theory impacting the practice in early childhood
education is the ecological systems theory, originally proposed by the
Russian-born researcher Urie Bronfenbrenner (Spodek & Saracho,
1993, p. 78).
This theory focuses on the environmental influences on child
development, but significantly expanded the concept of “environment,”
as I will soon explain. It sees development as “a lasting change in the
way in which a person perceives and deals with his environment”
(Bronfenbrenner, 1979, p. 5). A key element in this statement is the
emphasis it places on the personal perception of the environment,
rather than on any possible “objective” features of it – a concept based
in the early work of Polish theorist Kurt Lewin, as expressed in the
quote below. I have already analyzed these views, in the context of the
relationship between abstractness and concreteness, in section 3.3.3. Figure 224 – Urie
“Essentially (...) the phenomenological concept of 1917-
environment that is at the base of this theory derives its From:
structure and logic principles from the ideas of Kurt Lewin
(...). Lewin takes the stand that the environment that is most
relevant to the scientific understanding of behavior and
development is not reality as it exists in the so-called
objective world, but how it appears in the person’s mind; in
other words, he focuses on the way in which the
environment is perceived by human beings that interact
within it and with it.”
(Bronfenbrenner, 1979, p. 19)
But from this early notion Bronfenbrenner expanded the aspects
and reach of what constitutes relevant reality in this regard. His notion
of “environment” goes beyond the current and historical immediacy of
a child and his/her behavior, which under the ecological systems theory
are simply the environmental microsystem. His notion of environment
includes the relationships between several such microsystems where the Figure 225 – Kurt Lewin
child is actively participating (e.g., child’s home, school, friend’s From:
homes), and these form the environmental mesosystem. Further, and
most significantly, he expanded the notion of environment into settings EWIN.JPG
where the child is not an active participant and isn’t, has not been, and possibly won’t even ever
present, but where nonetheless “events take place that affect, or are affected, by what is happening”
(Bronfenbrenner, 1979, p. 21) in the places where one can find the developing child – and these
settings form the environmental exosystem. Finally, he also takes in account the relevance of global
influences on all the previous environmental systems, such as cultures and subcultures, and their
relationships in society, what he calls “consistencies in the form and content of lower-order systems
(...), that exist or might exist, at the level of subculture or culture as a whole, along with any belief
system of ideology underlying those consistencies” (id., ibid., my emphasis) – and he refers to these
consistencies as the environmental macrosystem.
The main impact of these views on educational practice in early childhood has not been at the
curriculum level, but rather at the level of social policy (Spodek & Saracho, 1993, p. 78). This was
consequential from Bronfenbrenner’s novel perspective on what constitutes an environmental
impact on development, by including exosystem and macrosystem settings: “(...) an ecological
approach to the study of human development requires a reorientation of the conventional view of
the proper relation between science and public policy. (...) what is required is not merely a
complementary relation between these two domains but their functional integration” (id., p. 9).

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The most recent of the theories mentioned in Table
21 deals with participatory learning, which takes on
learning under the perspective of social participation in a
group. The main contribution for this perspective on
human learning came from the work of American social
anthropologist Jean Lave and Swiss researcher Etienne
Wenger. They have developed the concept of
communities of practice and its role in the process of
learning (Smith, 2003):
« Being alive as human beings means that Figure 226 – Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger
we are constantly engaged in the pursuit of
enterprises of all kinds, from ensuring our
physical survival to seeking the most lofty G_photo.jpg
pleasures. As we define these enterprises and engage in their pursuit
together, we interact with each other and with the world, and we tune our
relations with each other and with the world accordingly. In other words, we
learn. Over time, this collective learning results in practices that reflect both
the pursuit of our enterprises and the attendant social relations. These
practices are thus the property of a kind of community created over time by
the sustained pursuit of a shared enterprise. It makes sense, therefore, to call
these kinds of communities “communities of practice.” »
(Wenger, 1998)
Lave and Wenger do not approach learning as the acquisition of knowledge, but rather as a
process through which people gradually involve themselves with communities that possess some
internal structure. As people engage in social relations, and get formally or informally more
involved in communities of practice, they start by being on the periphery of such communities. As
learning develops, people are able to participate more full in the life of such communities, and
gradually move to the center of the communities, going from newcomers to old-timers, from
apprenticeship to mastery (Smith, 2003).
« Asserting that it is learning that gives rise to communities of practice is
saying that learning is a source of social structure. But the kind of structure
that this refers to is not an object in itself, which can be separated from the
process that gives rise to it. Rather it is an emergent structure (...). Indeed,
practice is (...) produced by its members through the negotiation of meaning.
The negotiation of meaning is an open process, with the constant potential
for including new elements. It is also a recovery process, with the constant
potential for continuing, rediscovering or reproducing the old in the new. »
(Wenger, 1998)
The ideas of Lave and Wenger have received a significant level of attention from education
professionals, associations, and policy-makers, mostly at the level of teacher training and
professional development (e.g., Buysse et al., 2003; New Zealand Ministry of Education, 2005).
However, their relevance to the subject matter of this thesis derives from successful efforts in the
application of these concepts with school children. These efforts provided important notions,
namely that schools “must prioritize instruction that builds on children's interests in a collaborative
way” (Smith, 2003), of “intimate connection between knowledge and activity” (id., ibid.), and of
the need for learning activities that are “planned by children as well as adults, and where parents
and teachers not only foster children's learning but also learn from their own involvement with
children” (Rogoff et al., 2001, as cited by Smith, 2003). These notions are quite similar to several
aspects of Seymour Papert’s constructionism (presented in section 4.2.2), and are also linked to the
integration of activities in preschools, discussed in section 7.2.
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The theories previously presented in this section fell under two different categories: the first
two presented (maturational and behaviorist) were, for several decades, major influences on the
whole early childhood educational practice. The others (psychodynamic, ecological systems, and
participatory) have contributed to current practice in specific issues, but have not been fundamental
influences in the overall practice.
Currently, as mentioned in the opening paragraphs of this section, the set of theories
collectively known as constructivism provide the most important influence on the educational
practice at the preschool level.
« The constructivist theories of Piaget (1971, [1974]), Bruner (1966,
1973), and Vygotsky (1978) permeate early childhood education. »
(Skeele & Stefankiewicz, 2002)
The basic idea of constructivist theories is that human beings learn by developing personal
interpretations from both external events and of their personal knowledge, and not by
accumulating specific, person-independent information. Consequently, “knowledge” is seen not
as specific concepts with autonomous existence, but rather as a set of personal constructions,
resulting from the multiplicity of different interactions a person experiences through life and that
same person’s interpretation of those experiences and previously-developed knowledge.
Constructivism thus provides a balanced approach between the influences on child
development mentioned on p. 250 as internal influences and external influences (heredity and
environment). Development is seen as the consequence of external influences, as in behaviorist
theory, but such developmental consequences are not objective properties of the external
influences themselves; rather, they result from internal, personal interpretations and
constructions of each person in face of the external influences. As in the maturational theory, in
constructivism this internal basis for development is seen as dependent on biological features of the
human brain, but unlike maturationism those features are not seen as predetermining human
development. Instead, constructivism sees the biological features as providers of open-ended
functionality: the brain is seen as a system that rules interactions, determining the processes
but not the outcomes, the processes themselves subject to change, creation, and destruction.
Although modern constructionist educational practice derives
various influences from the many researchers that embraced these
notions, the central contributions were made by Swiss biologist and
educational researcher Jean Piaget (Figure 227), who established the
fundamental notions above, and explored the mental processes
involved in them (Papalia et al., 1999). According to Piaget, the
personal construction of knowledge takes place as a process of
adaptation to the environment, which he called cognitive
equilibration (Piaget, 1975), as I explain below.
Piaget considered that all the events and circumstances of
human life are seen by each individual in the light of his/her own
existing conceptions and knowledge; the resulting views are then
incorporated into mental constructs (personal memories and
knowledge, for instance). In other words, the personal experiences are Figure 227 – Jean Piaget
interpreted differently by each individual, and these interpretations are 1896-1980
– using Piaget’s terminology – assimilated into the pre-existing From:
notions of the individual. Each assimilation, to a greater or lesser
degree, unbalances personal concepts, by contradicting them or
rendering them insufficient. To correct this unbalance, aiming towards equilibrium, the human mind
then needs to change its internal constructs, and Piaget called accommodation to this mirror

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The full process of balance between assimilation and accommodation thus constitutes the
Piagetian concept of equilibration I mentioned earlier. This full process must be understood not as
one of progression between static states of equilibrium, but as a continual interactive process:
humans are continuously adapting new information and experiences, and accommodating to them,
but also behaving in accordance to this process, therefore continuously impacting the information
and experiences that generate future assimilations and accommodations (Fosnot, 1996, p. 30).
« (...) all behavior is adaptive and (...) adaptation is always some form of
equilibrium (stable or unstable) between assimilation and accommodation
(...) »
(Piaget, 1962)
These concepts were the consequence of a fundamental change brought by Piaget to the field
of child-development research: his concern with and focus on children’s internal mental
processes, rather than the observable external influences and behaviors.
During his long research career, Piaget researched many finer aspects of children’s mental
processes, while developing the global processes described above. In doing so, he established a
popular set of stages describing the cognitive development of children, presented in Table 23.
However, these stages have in recent years fell under criticism, in light of new research. Foremost
among this criticism are, according to Papalia et al. (1999): the stages’ focus on “average” children,
not accounting for individual differences; some underestimation of the abilities of babies and young
children; the strict demarcation provided by the stages, rather than a progressive, continual
evolution; and its universal, single progression towards formal thinking.
“Studies initiated in the late 1960s suggest that children’s cognitive
processes are closely linked with specific contents (what they’re thinking
about), as well as the context of a problem and the kind of information and
reasoning that is seen as important in a given culture (...).”
(Papalia et al., 1999, p. 32)
This last bit of criticism, in particular, is quite relevant to this thesis. Mainly, regarding the
recent views on the concepts of “concrete” and “abstract”, and the valuation of other thinking styles
besides formal thinking (vd. Turkle & Papert, 1990), as I discussed in section 3.3.3. The impact of
context is also relevant in light of the discussion I provide in sections 7.1 & 7.2.
Age Stage Features
Children develop schemes based on sensory
Birth – 1½ or 2 years Sensory-Motor
information and bodily movements.
Development of language and other symbolic
2 – 7 years Preoperational representations. Intuitive thought is neither
systematic nor sustained.
Use of logic processes, but applying only one
7 – 11 years Concrete Operations form of classification at a time; logic thought
requires physical objects or concrete events.
Logic reasoning, formulation and testing of
11 years onward Formal Operations
hypotheses, abstract thinking.
Table 23 – Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development
From: Spodek & Saracho, 1993, p. 75

This criticism notwithstanding, Piaget's stages of Table 23 are still relevant if seen as
providing a global overview of the evolution of specific thinking abilities, rather than a strict
evolutionary map. Piaget himself may have seen them as more flexible than some of the above
criticism assumes (Papert, 1999b). Also, they’re useful as a background for understanding finer
Piagetian concepts.

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Among those finer concepts, the most obviously relevant for this thesis are the limitations to
thought that Piaget associated with the Preoperational stage, since the age group in which he
identified them (2 – 7 years) is almost entirely associated with preschool children (2½ to 6 years).
These limitations to thought are summarized in Table 24.
Limitation Description Example
John cries when his father gives him a
The child focuses on a single aspect
biscuit broken in half. Since each half
Centration of the situation, disregarding any
is smaller than the full biscuit, John
thinks he’s getting less.
John doesn't realize that both halves
The child is unable to realize that an
Irreversibility of the biscuit can be joined to make a
operation or action can be reversed.
full biscuit.
In a conservation242 task, John fails to
The child is unable to realize the realize that the shape transformation
Static thinking
meaning of state transformations of a liquid (from a glass to another)
doesn’t change the quantity.
The child doesn’t employ either “I had ill thoughts about my brother.
Transductive deduction or induction; going instead My brother got ill. So, I made him get
reasoning from one particular aspect to another, ill.” Or: “I misbehaved, so mum and
seeing a cause where there is none. dad divorced.”
Mary picks up a game and tells her
The child assumes that everyone mum, “This is your favorite.” She’s
thinks like he/she does. assuming that her mother likes the
game as much as she does.
Animistic The child sees life in inanimate Mary thinks the clouds are alive
thinking objects. because they’re moving.
Inability to
distinguish The child mistakes appearances for John thinks that a sponge made to
appearances reality. look like a rock is indeed a rock.
from reality
Table 24 – Piaget's limitations of preoperational thought
From: Papalia et al., 1999, p. 313

In section 6.1, as a result of the field work supporting this thesis, I present several hurdles that
preschool children face when trying to program computers. Those hurdles are presented in light of
existing research on human difficulties in computer programming. However, a different avenue of
research can be envisaged: trying to establish associations243 between Piaget’s limitations, presented
in Table 24, and my hurdles of section 6.1.
Among the above limitations, one is relevant to the overall panorama of this thesis, and that is
the aspect of egocentrism, as I will now explain. As is mentioned in Table 24, one should note that
in Piagetian terminology, this does not refer to the psychological condition of obsession with
oneself, but to the lack of ability to engage in what he calls intellectual co-operation, which
requires one to recognize the existence of different viewpoints and ways of thinking:
« (...) the only valid meaning of egocentrism: the lack of decentering, of
the ability to shift mental perspective, in social relationships as well as in
A particular variety of Piagetian cognitive tasks, where one feature (such as length or volume) is kept while other
features change, and children’s perceptions of the transformation are analyzed.
Some of these associations may seem almost obvious, but specific research is needed to establish associations that go
beyond speculation. For instance, my second hurdle is “Children may expect human-like interpretation of their
intentions and autonomy in its execution by the computer.” This may seem like an instance of animistic thinking,
but it seems feasible to suggest that egocentrism is also playing a non-negligible role. The actual roles of such
limitations can only be elucidated by conducting further research.

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others. Moreover, I think that it is precisely co-operation with others (on the
cognitive plane) that teaches us to speak “according” to others and not
simply from our own point of view. »
(Piaget, 1962)
That Piaget identified this limitation as common in children’s reasoning in the preschool age
is relevant to the subject matter of this thesis in light of a particular requirement of computer
programming: in order to understand how to teach a computer, the child programmer must realize
how the computer will understand his/her commands. Such a requirement thus directly confronts
Piaget’s egocentric limitation of thought, and this idea is central to the educational philosophy of
Seymour Papert, described in section 4.2.2 (it has also been mentioned earlier in section 2.4.5).
Any modern description of constructivism cannot be complete without reference to two other
major research contributions: those from Russian psychologist Lev Semjonowitsch Vygotsky and
American researcher Jerome Bruner.
The contributions of Vygotsky, in particular, have been gaining
widespread acceptance and are becoming a major influence on
educational practice (Spodek & Saracho, 1993, p. 76). Foremost
reasons for this are the attention he devoted to the intertwined
relationship of the development of thought and language (Vygotsky,
1934), and above all, the way his perspective complements Piaget’s
thinking. Piaget acknowledged the importance of social factors in
child development, but focused on the internal processes ruling the
child’s development of thought. In contrast, Vygotsky’s approach to
the development of thought focused on the influence of social factors,
a constant concern in educational settings.
The development of Vygotsky’s research and thought took
place soon after the initial phases of Piaget’s research. However, his
premature death, the fact that his work was published in the 1930s but
only in Russian, and that it fell out of favor of the political leadership Figure 228 – Lev
of the Soviet Union until the 1960s, when the first English language Semjonowitsch Vygotsky
translations were published, all mean that his contributions to the field From:
of child development must be seen both in light of the posterior
development of Piaget’s constructivist ideas and in the context of the otsky/images/1934.jpg
time of their original writing – a sometimes contradicting effort, since his educational thought
contains both ideas that can be seen as behaviorist and as constructivist, even though this latter view
is predominant (Rheta DeVries, 2000). Piaget himself states:
« It is not without sadness that an author discovers, twenty-five years
after its publication, the work of a colleague who has died in the meantime,
when that work contains so many points of immediate interest to him which
should have been discussed personally and in detail. (...) concerning
Vygotsky’s sympathetic and yet critical position with respect to my work, I
was never able to read his writings or to meet him in person, and in reading
his book today, I regret this profoundly, for we could have come to an
understanding on a number of points. (...) on certain points I find myself
more in agreement with Vygotsky than I would have been in 1934, while on
other points I believe I now have better arguments for answering him. »
(Piaget, 1962)
A central concept to Vygotsky’s thinking is that of mediation. By considering the behaviorist
relationship between stimuli and responses, Vygotsky realized that this relationship could be direct
(when a response associated with a stimulus without interference) or mediated. In this latter case,
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the response cannot be interpreted solely in face of stimuli, since other interferences (the mediation)
can be also a small or major part of it. For instance, when one’s hand approaches a flame, a direct
response might be drawing it back upon feeling a burning pain, and this would constitute a direct
relationship between a stimulus and a response. But one might also draw back the hand upon the
simple sensation of heat, by interference of the memory of burning, or even without any sensation
of heat at all, if another person provides a warning about the possibility of burning. Both these cases
represent instances of mediated relationships between a stimulus and a response (Oliveira, 1997, pp.
This concept of mediation provided a basis to Vygotsky’s thinking, in that the human
relationship with the world evolves from being essentially direct, to being essentially mediated. In
his psychological research, he also studied the importance of symbolic elements in this mediation,
both in terms of physical symbolic items and abstract mental processes, the latter developing into
ever more complex mediation processes that are internal to the individual.
Thus, following a different path, Vygotsky did converge with Piaget’s fundamental views of a
relationship between the individual and the world as a continuous process of construction of
“internal signs, that is, mental representations to replace real-world objects” (id., p. 35), which
gradually become the main mediations in that individual’s relationship with the world. In this
regard, Vygotsky particularly focused on the impact of language. Under his conception, when
learning to speak, a child’s development of meaning for a word is not developed in isolation, but
rather as a result of the child’s participation in her social group and culture244. It is this relationship
with fellow humans that Vygotsky sees as fundamental in the cognitive development of each human
« As an individual only exists as a social being, as a member of some
social group within whose context he follows the road of his historical
development, the composition of his personality and the structure of his
behaviour turn out to be a quantity which is dependent on social evolution
and whose main aspects are determined by the latter. »
(Vygotsky, 1930)
A corollary of these views was the concept of learning seen as processes internal to the human
mind that enable the individual both to participate in the cultural development of knowledge and in
the internalization of its current cultural state – a concept shared by Bruner, as is mentioned further
ahead in this section. The research and thought of Vygotsky on this matter involved the realization
that children cannot equally internalize all concepts or notions to which they’re exposed while
participating in society: in some cases, the social intervention has no impact; in other cases, the
child can partly employ the concepts, when provided with support by another person; and in yet
other cases, the child can employ the concepts and notions in an autonomous manner.
Vygotsky concluded that somehow a child must be in a state of readiness in order to benefit
from the social contacts he or she experiences – a notion with some echoes of the maturational
theory, presented on p. 250. But this concept of readiness, under Vygotsky’s research and thought,
is fundamentally different from maturational theory. Instead of seeing each child as the
maturationists did (developing autonomously, following a preset trajectory), Vygotsky considered
social interactions to be absolutely crucial to the child’s development – the intervention of other
people is the major source of development, more important than any internal preset conditions.
His thought and research on education and cognitive development can be summed in the
following manner: at any given time, a child is at an undetermined actual development level. This
level represents the psychological functions of that particular child which are found to be fairly well
developed and consolidated. Knowledge and concepts that can be fitted within the mental
This concept was further explored by Alexander Luria and Jerome Bruner, as is mentioned further ahead in this
section; but it is also a central idea to participatory theory, which was described in p. 256.

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framework provided by these functions can therefore be internalized and employed by the child
fairly quickly, autonomously. At the same time, the child has initiated the development of several
other psychological processes, still undergoing adequate development. Knowledge and concepts
that require these processes cannot be autonomously internalized by the child, but this early level of
development may be sufficient if the child is provided with the assistance of an adult or a slightly
more advanced peer. Vygotsky called this set of almost-consolidated concepts as the zone of
proximal development, since it comprises the functions nearest to those already internalized245.
Finally, knowledge and concepts requiring psychological functions whose development has not yet
been started in the child cannot be internalized, no matter the level of support provided.
This line of reasoning has profound consequences regarding the role of education and
educators. One is that since the zone of proximal development is the result of the child’s life course,
it is quite different and individualized, because each child will have a different set of almost-ready
mental constructs – depending on each child’s personal history and culture.
But another consequence it that since the child’s immediate cognitive development is
occurring in the child’s zone of proximal development, the most effective role for education and the
educator is that of intervention in this zone, aiming at advancements that would not take place
spontaneously. Thus, according to Vygotsky, “the only good education (...) is that which acts in
anticipation of development” (Oliveira, 1997, p. 62); that is, education leads to development,
instead of accompanying it (Spodek & Saracho, 1993, p. 77). This aforementioned intervention of
educators in the zone of proximal development is known, under Vygotsky’s terminology, as
scaffolding: providing children with the cognitive support they need to complete the development
of already-initiated mental processes (id., ibid.).
Both Piaget and Vygotsky provided significant advances to scientific knowledge and thought
on the cognitive development of children, but their contributions to the application of their ideas on
educational practice were quite limited.
Several researchers dedicated their attention to the implications
of constructivist theory on educational practice; possibly the most
influential of these was the American psychologist Jerome Bruner, as
I mention further ahead. But Bruner also provided significant
contributions to the constructivist foundations of Piaget and
Vygotsky, having been in close contact with the ideas of both246.
Among these contributions, two are particularly relevant in an overall
perspective of constructivism, for they build from the concepts of
Piaget and Vygotsky. I am referring to his concern with the
developmental role of mentalism (Morejón & Sierra, 1998; Bruner,
2002; Lock, 2003), and more recently with his interest on the
processes behind the cultural aspects or learning (Bruner, 1996;
Smith, 2002).
« (...) Bruner managed (...) to demonstrate how Figure 229 – Jerome Bruner
unobservable, mental processes could be empirically 1915-
investigated. The essential point (...) was that ‘learning’
could occur without any accompanying observable
behaviour. That it was possible to do something
‘mentally’ rather than by pure trial-and-error behaviour. »
(Smith, 2002)
The combination of the actual development level with the zone of proximal development would be the theoretical
maximum level of psychological achievement within the child's reach at a given moment, and was therefore named by
Vygotsky as the child’s potential development level.
Bruner corresponded with Piaget and – extensively – with one of the main collaborators and followers of Vygotsky,
Alexander Luria (Bruner, 2002).
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In other words, Bruner devoted attention to the particular learning that occurs as a result of
personal introspection and reflection, but also without a conscious effort from the part of the
learner. This theme that was not entirely absent from the work of Piaget and Vygotsky, but
definitely secondary to their concerns about external experiences and interactions. For instance, he
gave particular attention to the mental aspects of learning by categorization: from the contact with
external information, humans can categorize it and structure it, drawing inferences and personal
meaning. In a common example, someone who has never seen a parrot is likely to hypothesize that
it is a bird, based on common features of known birds. (Bruner, 1957; Bruner, 1960; Smith, 2002).
He famously referred to these mental processes as “going beyond the information given” (Bruner,
His research efforts under this overall concern for the mental component of learning were
many and varied, including topics such as the cognitive strategies employed by learners (Morejón &
Sierra, 1998), the often-cited247 internal representations of knowledge (Spodek & Saracho, 1993, p.
77; Lock, 2003) and the role of structure in learning (Bruner, 1960; Smith, 2002).
« (...) learning that is produced by (...) transfer of principles, is dependent
upon mastery of the structure of the subject matter (...). That is to say, in
order for a person to be able to recognize the applicability or inapplicability
of an idea to a new situation and to broaden his learning thereby, he must
have clearly in mind the general nature of the phenomenon with which he is
dealing. »
(Bruner, 1960, p. 18)
From these concerns with the mental process of learning, Bruner moved on to researching
their implications to educational practice248, as can already be gleamed from the above citation. In
fact, in that same text, Bruner explicitly refers to it by saying:
« It is simple enough to proclaim, of course, that school curricula and
methods of teaching should be geared to the teaching of fundamental ideas
(...). But as one makes such a statement a host of problems arise, many of
which can be solved with the aid of considerable more research. »
(id., ibid.)
His research on educational practice covered many topics, among which the aforementioned
importance of structure in the subject matter; a novel perspective regarding readiness in learning,
by which he recommended avoiding the postponing of subjects for fear of them being too difficult:
“We begin with the hypothesis that any subject can be taught effectively in some intellectually
honest form to any child at any stage of development” (id., p. 33), and a proposed conciliation of
these two concepts, by proposing a spiral curriculum – one where the same basic ideas are
revisited often, repeatedly, continuously building upon them until their formality is fully grasped.
These concepts are quite relevant for the present thesis, since I offer strategies for using, at the
preschool level, what would commonly be seen as advanced concepts in computer programming, if
properly adapted. E.g., concurrency (section 3.2.1), constraint programming (section 3.2.2), and the
various computer science and computer-programming concepts presented in the “cookbook” of
section 3.4, which as stated there is not presented as a set of strict recipes of formulas, but rather as
a dip allowing preschool students to taste several concepts of computer science and programming.

Part of Bruner’s thought on knowledge representations was his proposed model of systems of representation: active
representation, by means of acts and manipulations; iconic representation, by means of images used in referral to
specific information; and symbolic representations, by using language or other symbols to represent information and
meaning (Spodek & Saracho, 1993, p. 77).
The issue of applying theoretical principles in educational practice is presented in section 4.1.3, and is also discussed
in the scope of the educational use of computer programming in sections 2.4.5 and 4.2.2.

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Further, Bruner explored the importance of the combined role of intuition and analytical
thinking, and the need to find personal motives for learning249, rather than external motives such
as grades or later competitive advantage in life (Smith, 2002).
As I mentioned above, on p. 262, more recently Bruner has devoted his research efforts to the
cultural aspects of learning, a concern which had been originally proposed by Vygotsky. Bruner has
explored the negotiation of meaning in culture, the processes by which people not just convey
meaning but negotiate it and develop it, in a way that one can see meaning as residing in the culture
itself, rather than inside any particular individual’s mind:
« [It is an] evolutionary fact that mind could not exist save for culture.
For the evolution of the hominid mind is linked to the development of a way
of life where “reality” is represented by a symbolism shared by members of
a cultural community in which a technical-social way of life is both
organized and construed in terms of that symbolism. This symbolic mode is
not only shared by a community, but conserved, elaborated, and passed on
to succeeding generations who, by virtue of this transmission, continue to
maintain the culture’s identity and way of life. Culture in this sense is
superorganic. But it shapes the minds of individuals as well. Its individual
expression inheres in meaning making, assigning meanings to things in
different settings on particular occasions. (...) Culture, then, though itself
man-made, both forms and makes possible the workings of a distinctively
human mind. On this view, learning and thinking are always situated in a
cultural setting and always dependent upon the utilization of cultural
resources. Even individual variation in the nature and use of mind can be
attributed to the varied opportunities that different cultural settings provide,
though these are not the only source of variation in mental functioning. »
(Bruner, 1996, pp. 3-4)
This concern is addressed in section 6.2 and chapter 1, which deal with the involvement of
preschool teachers in the use of computer-programming with children aged between 3 and 5. While
not considering a full cultural approach to the use of programming, those parts of the thesis provide
a link to the embedding of programming in an important subculture of children’s lives: school itself.
« (...) school is an entry into the culture and not just a preparation for it
(...) »
(id., p. 39)

A concept one also finds in Seymour Papert’s educational ideas, when he calls for personally meaningful, e.g., "ego-
syntonic" learning projects (vd. sections 2.4.5 and 4.2.2).
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4.1.3. Pedagogic models

The previous section presented an overview of the main educational theories impacting the
current practice in early childhood education. But little information was then provided on how that
impact takes place. Cognitive development theories inspire and support the practice, but the latter's
success implies that many other complex requirements must be met, beyond cognitive development.
And the implementation in practice of the theoretical concepts of cognitive development is in itself
a complex research problem. This much was acknowledged and researched by Bruner, as
mentioned at the end of the previous section, albeit not specifically for the preschool level.
The view on what issues are most relevant in putting theory to practice is in itself a
contentious problem (not the least because it must be all-encompassing), and one that every
professional educator faces. Educational systems thus typically develop “pedagogic models”, a.k.a.
“curriculum models.” These are “comprehensive educational systems” (Formosinho, 2001, p. 109)
that aim to be a supportive framework for educators, providing a link between educational theory
and educational practice.
Being encompassing is in itself a mammoth task, one that no single educational theory has
explored. Professional educators do not teach average children but individuals; they cannot focus
solely on cognitive development, on social development, or psychological traits. Fundamentally,
even if a specific educational issue has not been extensively researched, a professional educator
cannot simply avoid facing it or postpone it until there is solid research ground: the children, the
family, the issues are all varied and present themselves daily.
As a consequence, curriculum models combine scientific knowledge, heuristic knowledge,
and philosophic principles, providing guidelines for assessment, teacher intervention, and both
general and specific everyday details (id., ibid.).
« Whereas in the scope of theory the greater educational purposes and
their consequent goals are defined (at the level of the teaching-learning
process), in the scope of practice one details guidelines for the various
dimensions of the educational context. The physical environment, in what
concerns space and materials; time organization within a daily routine and
its everyday flow; the various levels of socio-educational interaction; work
and play that are developed in this context (...). »
(Formosinho, 2001, p. 109)
It is interesting to note that this was the case of the various historical educational models
presented in section 4.1.1. They were created prior to the development of significant scientific
research on the development of children, and regardless of their philosophical underpinnings, they
all had to maintain a constant concern for practical issues, which were mostly absent during the
discussion of theory in section 4.1.2 (with the notable exception of Jerome Bruner, as mentioned).
Besides Bruner, several education thinkers, philosophers and practitioners delved on the
specific issues of educational practice. Amongst these, one particular researcher and thinker has
devoted considerable effort in bridging the abreast fields of educational theory and practice building
from an approach based on computer programming. I am referring to Seymour Papert, whose
thought is presented250 in section 4.2.2: “Seymour Papert and constructionism” (p. 283).
However, Papert hasn’t specifically considered the age group of very young children, or the
preschool education context. The present section thus provides some relevant background at this
level, presenting some early thinkers that devoted their attention to the issues of educational
practice, their insights still relevant in today’s practice in early childhood education, and their
thinking also echoed in Papert’s views. Then, to complete the presentation of the modern

Some highlights and a summary of Papert’s educational thought were already presented in section 2.4.5.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 265

Introduction to preschool education and computers
educational process in preschools, I conclude this section by
presenting some modern pedagogic models, providing a broader view
of the field.
It’s interesting to note that the central ideas are recurrent in the
pedagogic thought of these philosophers and educators, from the
earliest, the American philosopher John Dewey (Figure 230, on the
right), to the most recent of the three, French teacher Célestin Freinet
(Figure 232, on p. 266) – obviously, with some distinctions, as I’ll
discuss below. The misinterpretation of their educational proposals
has also been common, in disregard of the actual educational practice
they all performed to render context to their thinking (e.g., for
comments regarding common criticism to John Dewey’s philosophy,
vd. Westbrook, 1993, pp. 10-11).
The first such recurrent theme is the relevance given to Figure 230 – John Dewey
children’s education by means of creative activities, which should 1859 - 1952
be integrated in the overall context of the society in which children From:
live. Already in 1897 John Dewey had said (my emphasis): ople/d/pics/dewey-john.jpg
« I believe that the only way to make the child
conscious of his social heritage is to enable him to
perform those fundamental types of activity which makes
civilization what it is. I believe, therefore, in the so-called
expressive or constructive activities as the center of
correlation. I believe that this gives the standard for the
place of cooking, sewing, manual training, etc., in the
school. I believe that they are not special studies which
are to be introduced over and above a lot of others in the
way of relaxation or relief, or as additional
accomplishments. I believe rather that they represent, as
types, fundamental forms of social activity; and that it is
possible and desirable that the child's introduction into
Figure 231 – William Heard
the more formal subjects of the curriculum be through Kilpatrick
the medium of these activities. » 1871 - 1965
(John Dewey, 1897, Article III) enters/coce/photoGallery/images/Kil
Dewey and the other thinkers presented here did not see such
activities as an alternative curriculum for education. Rather, as I have
emphasized in the above quote, creative activities are a medium for
children to explore and comprehend formal subjects.
Soon after, the American philosopher William Kilpatrick
(Figure 231, on the right), one of Dewey’s students, proposed a
pedagogic method that shared these views, and is now quite popular:
the project method. Simply put, this method proposes that children
set up to do specific, focused projects, during which various subjects
can be approached, explored, and studied (Beyer, 1997). But rather
than a mere pedagogic trick, Kipatrick saw this as a crucial strategy to
provide purpose in learning, eliciting interest and effort, as I’ll soon
mention. Figure 232 – Célestin Freinet
Later, during the 1920s and 1930s, Célestin Freinet also 1896 - 1966
embraced similar proposals. He would take his classes of primary ages/Freinet.jpg
school children out of the school “in search of life in the rich

266 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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environment of the nearby countryside and among the rural crafts still practised [in the region
where his school was located]” (Legrand, 1993, p. 3). From these trips, back in the school, he
conducted what would nowadays be seen as regular follow-up activities: discuss impressions, write
them down, correct the texts, and improve them.
Besides reading and writing, similar approaches would be taken for arithmetic, science,
history, geography, and art. The source of inspiration could be a trip, as I mentioned, but also the
recreation of typical activities from the children’s society. Freinet called this approach as making
subjects “come to life” (id., p. 6). For instance, “measuring of length, volume, weight, problems
arising in the feeding or rabbits and poultry, the purchase of seeds, the sale of field and garden
crops” (id., ibid.) – not as fictitious situations, which might be useful, but as actual problems arising
from activities in the school garden of farmyard. This is strikingly similar to the much early
educational experiment of John Dewey’s laboratory school, where the “youngest children in the
school, who were 4 and 5 years old, engaged in activities familiar to them from their homes and
neighbourhoods: cooking, sewing and carpentry. The 6-year-olds built a farm out of blocks, planted
wheat and cotton, and processed and transported their crop to market. The 7-year-olds studied
prehistoric life in caves of their own devising while their 8-year-old neighbours focused their
attention on the work of the sea-faring Phoenicians, on Robinson Crusoe and adventurers, like
Marco Polo, Magellan and Columbus” (Westbrook, 1993, p. 6).
Another recurrent theme is that of the necessity of changes in the institutional framework
as a prerequisite for application of these methods. Among these three thinkers, Freinet moved
the farthest along this effort. He proposed specific adaptations to the physical environment of
schools, either for building them from scratch or adapting “existing premises” (Legrand, 1993, p. 7).
He detailed the specific organization of the educational space in separate indoor workshops, plus a
school garden and school farmyard. Being mostly a practitioner, he also detailed many other aspects
of his educational practice, in order for other teachers to be able to start employing his ideas as fast
as possible. In order to reach the educators at large and also the widest possible public, he organized
a teacher’s co-operative, the Coopérative de l’enseignement laïc (Secular Education Co-operative),
for “production of teaching materials and the publication of works on education” (id., p. 2).
To Freinet’s credit, his political efforts have outlived him: currently, several dozen national
institutions exist throughout the world, devoted to the promotion of Freinet’s pedagogy (FIMEM,
n.d.). The efforts of John Dewey haven’t met a similar fate. In 1904, Dewey lost a power struggle
for the control of his laboratory school and was never to have another. During his academic career,
he realized that changes to education could not be achieved solely from within school, but rather in
a broad political approach of society. He collaborated with educational reform efforts in several
countries, besides his home USA. However, his efforts were mostly ineffective:
« Dewey’s [proposed] ‘way out of educational confusion’ (...) posed too
great a threat to traditional methods and subject-matter. At the same time,
its social implications were too radical for advocates of scientific efficiency,
and not radical enough for some proponents of social reconstruction. (...)
Thus, (...) ‘his intellectual stature, his international reputation and his many
honours notwithstanding, Dewey did not have enough of a true following in
the world of educational practice to make his impact felt’ (...) »
(Westbrook, 1993, p. 10)
Similarly, Kilpatrick’s impact had no major lasting consequence at the institutional level; but
his project method, which is only an instrumental part of his philosophy, did eventually acquire
significant popularity worldwide (Knoll, 1997), as can be deduced from the chart in Figure 233.
Currently, his contributions are not felt at this institutional level, but “Kilpatrick’s personal love for
teaching and the depth and popularity of his ideas concerning educational matters continue to be
worth pondering” (Beyer, 1997, p. 9).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 267

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Figure 233 - Number of annual publications on the project method

in selected countries and regions251, 1895-1982
(Knoll, 1997)

Lastly, three other concerns are quite similar between the three approaches of these educators.
These are the preoccupation with the usage of democratic principles in education, which these
thinkers linked to the importance of developing the learners’ motivation, by basing education on
each individual’s interests.
« Individuals, Dewey argued, achieved self-realization by utilizing their
peculiar talents to contribute to the well-being of their community, and
hence the critical task of education in a democratic society was to help
children develop the character, the habits and virtues, that would enable
them to achieve self-realization. (...) Dewey argued that in order for a school
to foster social spirit and develop democratic character in children, it had to
be organized as a co-operative community. In order to educate for
democracy the school had to become ‘an institution in which the child is, for
the time, to live — to be a member of a community life in which he feels that
he participates, and to which he contributes’ (Dewey, 1895, p. 224). »
(Westbrook, 1993, p. 5)
As the above quote indicates, Dewey saw the self-realization of children as achievable by
allowing them to participate in the development of the educational process. This must be seen in the
light of traditional schooling, where children would be ordered to open a book on a given page and
all children were to read the same text. But Dewey also meant it in a more profound way than
simply providing individual attention to each student, as can be seen by his “co-operative
community” concept, mentioned at the end of the above citation. This can be mistaken for an
entirely children-centric perspective, but that is not entirely so; Dewey believed that the teacher had
an essential role in promoting and developing this participation:
« I believe that the child should be stimulated and controlled in his work
through the life of the community. I believe that under existing conditions far
too much of the stimulus and control proceeds from the teacher, because of
“EUR” represents Netherlands, Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland, and Norway.
268 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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neglect of the idea of the school as a form of social life. I believe that the
teacher's place and work in the school is to be interpreted from this same
basis. The teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form
certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to
select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in
properly responding to these influences. I believe that the discipline of the
school should proceed from the life of the school as a whole and not
directly from the teacher. I believe that the teacher's business is simply to
determine on the basis of larger experience and riper wisdom, how the
discipline of life shall come to the child. »
(Dewey, 1897)
One should notice that, even though in the above text Dewey employs words such as “simply”
to address the role of the teacher, this role as described by him is nonetheless nothing short of
essential. But his description of change in teacher's roles from a quasi-military starting position may
be misleading, potentially allowing an interpretation of his thought as one of lack of self-discipline
and permissiveness. But discipline is a constant care of Dewey; it’s simply that it is a discipline of a
democratic nature, where all must contribute and every contribution is valued.
Kilpatrick followed much in Dewey’s stead, believing that by adopting democratic principles,
a community – even the school community – “encourages its members to become participants in
civic discussions that require concerted, collaborative actions in the name of social justice and
structural change. (...) children are people who are, and ought to be, actively engaged in attempts
to understand and become more skilful in the world in which they live” (Beyer, 1997, p. 11). The
reasoning behind his project method requires each project to be agreed upon between teacher and
student: the crucial point is that “there be some dominating purpose—which of course may not be
observable—in which students wholeheartedly participate” (id., p. 8). This way, according to
Kilpatrick, there is an unification between student's interests and their actions, in the course of
project development: having an inner “want” or desire leads to the creation of an “aim” or “goal”,
which people effort themselves to achieve. There should therefore be an educational effort to create
interest, leading to effort, leading again to interest, a “life process” Kilpatrick calls the “true unit of
study”, “the organism-in-active-interaction-with-the-environment” (Kilpatrick, 1951, p. 14).
Freinet’s educational ideas were not specifically addressing the teaching of democracy, but in
effect lead to the same principles: “The lack of genuine communication effectively condemns
working-class pupils to intellectual banishment from a universe of language that is totally alien to
them. This results in under-achievement and dropping out, and in particular accounts for the anti-
democratic manner in which schools operate. Here too Freinet was a pioneer, to the extent that his
ideas on language teaching called for genuine communication, i.e. for personal expression and a
sympathetic ear” (Legrand, 1993, p. 11). This attention to children was also present in Freinet’s
attention to the personal drives and motivations as essential to learning:
« (...) for him the essence of his techniques is ‘experimental trial and
error’. Schools, of course, are there for learning, but the learning process is
something that cannot be imposed from outside (...). The essential input must
come from the learner himself or herself. The urge to know is aroused by the
obstacles encountered, by gaps in the evidence, by failure to understand and
by searching for what will make understanding possible. To be effective, this
search must be spontaneous, actuated by the internal need of the sector, and
there will inevitably be mistakes along the way. It is by feeling their way, by
trying first one approach then another, that the child and the adult achieve
real learning »
(Legrand, 1993, pp. 9-10)

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All the themes presented so far, which are common to the three thinkers presented in this
section, fall within a similarly shared global educational purpose: that of enabling children with
mind skills that enable them to more easily adapt to unforeseen future requirements. Dewey,
for instance, expressed it in the following manner:
« With the advent of democracy and modern industrial conditions, it is
impossible to foretell definitely just what civilization will be twenty years
from now. Hence it is impossible to prepare the child for any precise set of
conditions. To prepare him for the future life means to give him command
of himself; it means so to train him that he will have the full and ready use
of all his capacities; that his eye and ear and hand may be tools ready to
command, that his judgement may be capable of grasping the conditions
under which it has to work, and the executive forces be trained to act
economically and efficiently. It is impossible to read this sort of adjustment
save as constant regard is had to the individual's own powers, tastes, and
interests (...). »
(Dewey, 1897, my emphasis)
Or, in the context of Freinet practice: “(…) what is essential in the New Education252 is the
desire, not of novelty, but of progress, of constant adaptation to a world in accelerated evolution
(…)” (Gal, 1966, p. 61).
Kilpatrick, in this regard, was particularly concerned with ability for teachers and students to
be able to participate in a democratic society, judging different points of view. Students should not
just be able to perform as they were taught, and teachers should be able to reason over their own
actions and constantly refine a set of personal philosophical principles to help them drive their
practice, in constant improvement of personal realization of the consequences of their actions,
“beliefs and assumptions, ideals and convictions” (Beyer, 1997, p. 10).
« Democracy wishes all the people to be both able and willing to judge
wisely for themselves and for the common good as to the policies to be
approved; it will accordingly seek a type of education to build responsible,
thinking, public-spirited citizenship in all its people. »
(Kilpatrick, 1951, p. 5)
I will now ensue with the descriptions of three actual pedagogic models, all based on the
overall goal of supporting child development, under the constructivist theory, albeit from different

Freinet’s pedagogic approach is usually categorized as part of the French “New Education” tradition (Gal, 1966, p.
37), along with Maria Montessori, who was mentioned in p. 247. This citation was translated from the Portuguese
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This model is strongly based on the child development principles of
Jean Piaget (vd. p. 257). It evolved from a 1962 preschool project by
American psychologist David Weikart (experienced in the education of
children with special educational needs), at the Ypsilanti school district, in
Michigan, USA (Formosinho, 1998, p. 56). This preschool project, known
as the Ypsilanti Perry Pre-School Project (id., ibid.), eventually led to the
development of what became known as the High/Scope curriculum, in 1970
(id., p. 59; Epstein, 2003; High/Scope Educational Research Foundation,
2005). From these origins, the High/Scope model evolved into its current
From its theoretical background in Piaget theory, the High/Scope
Figure 234 – David P.
model applies it in practice through the activity-based learning style, in the Weikart
Dewey and Kilpatrick tradition (vd. p. 266). Specifically, it focuses on 1931 - 2003
providing each child with “key experiences” for his/her cognitive From:
development, as is described below.
Space and materials
The entire educational environment (e.g., the physical organization of the preschool room)
must be “carefully chosen and arranged to promote active learning” (Epstein, 2003). The children
should have access to several different spaces and materials, and be able to find, use, and return
them independently (id., ibid.). This is achieved by having distinct activity areas within a room, to
allow diversity of curricular approaches, for instance: home area, constructions area, library area,
etc. These do not follow a strict model, but are instead supposed to be organized several times in the
course of the day-to-day educational events. For instance, a trip to the local post office may result in
children wanting to create a post office area (Formosinho, 1998, pp. 68-69).
A specific feature of this model is a set of 58 “key experiences”. These are “social,
intellectual, and physical experiences (...) organized into ten categories that comprise social
development (initiative and social relations), visual and performing arts (creative representation,
movement, and music), reading (language and literacy), and math and science (number,
classification, seriation253, space, and time)” (Epstein, 2003). These experiences are a constant
reference for the High/Scope teachers in setting up the environment and planning, and are also the
basis of a Child Observation Record, which is the main assessment tool of the model (Formosinho,
1998, p. 60; Epstein, 2003).
Time management
The daily structure of the High/Scope model is based on a “plan-do-review” sequence
(Epstein, 2003). The activities themselves are not pre-structured (dependent on the contributions of
adults), but they are also not totally random or totally improvised (dependent on children’s bursts of
energy). The High/Scope model aims to combine both situations, through the plan-do-review
sequence. So, the adult must in his/her activity plan beforehand, right from the organization of the
educational environment itself, from the anticipation of likely events and the thinking through of
how time must be managed, proceeding from this planning to its execution with the children and to
its review. The time management aim of the High/Scope model is that children are aware of an
underlying structure that provides confidence by being known and predictable. It is to be flexible
when needed, but not random, so that a child knows what to expect (Formosinho, 1998, pp. 70-72).

“Seriation” is the ability to arrange things in a logical progression. For instance, putting the smaller objects in front
of the larger ones, creating a row with the objects in order from the oldest to the newst, etc.

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Children also follow the “plan-do-review” sequence, by making plans, carrying them out, and
finally reflecting upon the results:
« (...) the plan-do-review sequence supports actions initiated by the pre-
schooler. Adults encourage children to plan – to express their intentions – by
asking, for example, ‘What do you think you will do with all those blocks?’
Children then carry out their intentions, or plans; and this do stage may last
a few minutes or more than an hour. Dramatic play involving several
children, ‘cooking’ to ‘feed’ fellow playmates, or creating shell structures
and patterns are the types of things that occur during the do stage. After
each work period, adults encourage children to review their experiences.
The children may talk about what they did or express themselves in drawing
or in ‘writing’. In so doing, children begin to exercise memory skills and
develop insight about their experiences. »
(Weikart, 2000)
Adult intervention
In the High/Scope model, the adult intervention closely follows from Piaget’s views,
particularly as seen in opposition to maturational and behaviorism theories (vd. section 4.1.2).
Under this view, each child is developing from his/her own world experiences, assimilating them,
finding contradictions and seeking balance. So it follows that the role of adults is one of creating
situations to challenge the child’s current thought, creating conflicts in his/her understanding
(Formosinho, 1998, p. 73). The child’s personal commitment to achieving solutions for such
conflicts is the driving force of development (as seen above, the environment itself, planned by the
adult, is also meant to allow children to experience different learning situations).
Adults must also, therefore, provide encouragement, independence and creativity in children’s
approaches to the various situations that arise, assisting children in the resolution of cognitive
conflicts (Epstein, 2003).

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Reggio Emilia
This model takes its name after the city
of Reggio Emilia, in Northern Italy (Figure
235), where it developed. Its origins,
documented by journalist and teacher Loris
Malaguzzi, lie in the joint creation by several
citizens254 of a young children school, six days
after the end in Europe of the Second World
War, in the Spring of 1945, in the small
village of Villa Cella, near the city of Reggio
Emilia (Malaguzzi, 1998). Several similar
schools were created, and for several years the
various teachers strove to make the citizen’s
efforts worthwhile. Eventually, in 1963, these
Figure 235 – Reggio Emilia location and
previous efforts led to the creation of Loris Malaguzzi (1920-1994)
municipality-supported schools. Photo from: Spaggiari & Rinaldi, 2000, p. 212

« We were now involved in a serious endeavor. (...) We received the first

expert group of teachers from the parent-run schools. Responsibilities were
clear in our minds; many eyes, not all friendly, were watching us. We had to
make as few errors as possible; we had to find our cultural identity quickly,
make ourselves known, and win trust and respect. I remember that, after a
few months, the need to make ourselves known became so strong that we
planned a most successful activity. Once a week we would transport the
school to town. Literally, we would pack ourselves, the children, and our
tools into a truck and we would teach school and show exhibits in the open
air, in the square, in public parks, or under the colonnade of the municipal
theater. The children were happy. The people saw; they were surprised and
they asked questions. »
(Malaguzzi, 1998)
Since these beginnings, the Reggio Emilia model has been developing, from the efforts of the
various teachers involved, within this strong background linkage with the local society. Several
philosophical and scientific influences have been integrated into the model, such as those of Dewey
and Freinet (presented earlier in this section), Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson and Bronfenbrenner
(presented in section 4.1.2), Montessori (presented in section 4.1.1), and others, upon debate and
exchange of ideas with Italian, French, and Swiss early childhood educational professionals (Lino,
1998, p. 97; Malaguzzi, 1998).
Regarding Piaget’s influence, the teachers behind this model back his fundamental view of
children actively developing their concepts of the world, and using a teaching style that provides
each child with learning opportunities. But they did not support some of Piaget’s views, such as his
separation of cognitive, affective, and moral development; the little attention he devoted to

“I found women intent upon salvaging and washing pieces of brick. The people had gotten together and had decided
that the money to begin the construction would come from the sale of an abandoned war tank, a few trucks, and some
horses left behind by the retreating Germans. ‘The rest will come,’ they said to me. ‘I am a teacher,’ I said. ‘Good,’
they said, ‘If that is true, come work with us.’ It all seemed unbelievable: the idea, the school, the inventory consisting
of a tank, a few trucks, and horses. They explained everything to me: ‘We will build the school on our own, working at
night and on Sundays. The land has been donated by a farmer; the bricks and beams will be salvaged from bombed
houses; the sand will come from the river; the work will be volunteered by all of us.’ ‘And the money to run the school?’
A moment of embarrassment and then they said, ‘We will find it.’ Women, men, young people - all farmers and workers,
all special people who had survived a hundred war horrors – they were all dead serious. Within 8 months, the school
and our friendship had set down roots” (Malaguzzi, 1998).

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memorization and social interactions, and the little importance he gave to the role of adults, among
other criticism. Social and cultural relationships are central to the Reggio Emilia model (id., p. 98).
Space and materials
The educational space is meant to reflect the ideas,
values, attitudes and cultural background of all the people
that use it. This organization is used so as to allow
children to communicate, cooperate, and share activities
and ideas, building their conceptions of the world, and is
to be thought-out by all participants in the educational
process: teachers, supporting personnel, parents, and
The typical organization of a Reggio Emilia
preschool comprises three activity rooms for children
each with their own mini-workshop. The three activity
rooms share a common central space (the piazza), a
school workshop, a library with computers, an archive, a
lunchroom, and several restrooms. All these common
spaces (including the restrooms) are used for common
activities involving the school’s children and adults (Lino,
1998, p. 107).
Within the activity rooms themselves, one finds a
division into different activity areas, an organization
similar to the one previously described in the High/Scope Figure 236 – Lunchroom, Diana school
model. The archive is used to store mail, news, and From: Spaggiari & Rinaldi, 2000, p. 44
documentation on children’s works and experiences,
available whenever necessary. The library with computers is also similarly available for research by
children. But the most distinctive space element of the Reggio Emilia model is the school
workshop. This is not a technical workshop, but an artist’s workshop, and has a permanent staff
member, a specialized art educator (New, 2000), with specific training in the use and exploitation of
artistic techniques.
The central common space – the
piazza – is used how one would expect, to
welcome parents and visitors, and is a
foremost place for children to display their
work; but it is also used for shared
activities. For instance, materials for
making disguises, kaleidoscopes, etc. – are
all kept in the piazza. Regular shared
activities, such as holding a bi-weekly
marketplace, stalls and all, also take place
there (Lino, 1998, p. 108 & 111). Another
element of crucial relevance to the model
is the exterior playground space. The Figure 237 – The “piazza”, Diana school
activities in the Reggio Emilia model From: Spaggiari & Rinaldi, 2000, p. 45

typically involve many children in a common project, often requiring enough space for the
development of large structures, e.g., an enormous dinosaur (id., p. 109).
Children use traditional educational materials, as one would expect, but the contact with
various forms of personal artistic expression is central to the model’s activities. Art is not the focus
of the schools, one must realize. It is extensively used in order to empower children with many
different forms of expression – expressive languages – allowing them to work upon a theme or

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concept from different perspectives, and therefore to develop and increase their understanding of it.
That is, children are encouraged to represent one same idea in various forms, such as felt pens,
pencils, gouache painting, water painting, clay modeling, wood, cardboard and paper constructions,
etc. (Lino, 1998, p. 102). It is at this level that the support of the art educator becomes crucial:
he/she helps children understand the various techniques, but also to develop their critical
appreciation of their work. The other teachers also benefit from the knowledgeable assistance of the
art educator. The productions are debated together with all children, they’re photographed, what
children say is transcribed, and all the resulting information is shared with all children in the school,
all adults working in the school, and with parents and families (id., ibid.).
Time management
The Reggio Emilia model does not have a structural time pattern. The common element is that
early in the morning (at about 9 AM), once all children have entered the preschool (they start to
arrive by 8 AM), there is a planning meeting at each activity room, between the children of that
room and both their teachers. At these meetings, children will elect to start specific projects,
develop existing projects or conduct other activities (Lino, 1998, p. 112).
During the day, the children are organized into several groups, each group devoted to some
specific project or activity, under the support of adults (mostly, the teachers and art educator;
sometimes, parents are involved, and also other school professionals – the cook, for instance).
Throughout the day, children can experience various kinds of interactions, in several areas,
and using a diversified range of materials. Several times in the day, before and after any work (in
groups or alone), children and adults gather (sometimes all the children at the same time), to talk,
share discoveries, difficulties, and problems, and plan activities (id., pp. 112-113).
Adult intervention
At each preschool room, two teachers are involved, in close cooperation with the art educator
based at the school workshop. As mentioned at the end of the “space and materials” section, above,
the art educator cooperates with the children and the teachers, helping them to better use and
understand the expressive possibilities given by each artistic form and medium.
The teacher’s role is described as “listening first” – a listening pedagogy (Lino, 1998, p. 101).
Behind this simple idea are many others: to listen to someone requires attention to what is being
said. By listening, the speaker is legitimized; he/she is no longer anonymous. Being listened to also
changes the speaker (id., ibid.). From this listening, coupled with observations, documentation, and
reflection with other adults, the teachers in each room “serve as resources and guides to the
children” (Edwards, 2002), organizing the children's efforts under common focus points, i.e.
projects that involve various children and adults (Lino, 1998, p. 122-126).
But that is not all: by collecting documentation, the teachers are also doing it not only for their
own assessment, but they are also doing it as a documentation service to the children. The children's
works, documented by their teachers, are a basis from which to establish a dialogue with parents
and relatives. From this dialogue, further contact between parents and the school is established,
under the organization of the teachers. This can involve common meetings of parents, but also labor
sessions to improve the school, by building furniture or collecting material for the children to use,
and workshops to introduce parents to the expressive techniques employed with children.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 275

Introduction to preschool education and computers

Portuguese Modern School Movement

The pedagogy of Célestin Freinet, presented at the beginning of this section (alongside
Dewey’s and Kilpatrick’s), was supported and promoted by a teachers co-operative. This promotion
effort eventually led to the worldwide creation of similar teachers associations, for national
promotion of Freinet’s “Modern School” pedagogy in their countries (for an up-to-date list, see
FIMEM, n.d.). Being co-operative efforts, developing through the contributions of their members,
these national associations possess a specific development history, albeit maintaing the core ideas
originally proposed by Freinet. The evolution of Portuguese Modern School Movement, since its
creation in 1966, has led it to integrate educational ideas of Vygotsky and Bruner (vd. section 4.1.2,
pp. 260-262). It thus has moved from a central focus on each child’s personal experimentation in
various situations, towards an education more focused on social and cultural interactions, with peer
and adult support (Niza, 1998, p. 139).
In this model, children are not grouped by age, so as to ensure that each grouping of children
may possess as much cultural and personal variation as possible. In Freinet’s stead, children are to
freely express their views and the school should valor their life experiences, opinions and ideas.
From children’s interactions with ideas, materials, documentation, or other people, moments of
doubt and questioning will inevitably arise, and these are to be used as the source for children’s
research projects. Such projects, found at the heart of Kilpatrick’s pedagogy (as described earlier in
this section), are also at the heart of the pedagogy of the Portuguese Modern School Movement (id.,
p. 146).
Space and materials
Each school room is divided into workshops, under Freinet’s original division (Legrand,
1993): library & documentation area; writing & reproduction workshop; sciences & experiments
lab; carpentry & construction space; plastic arts workshop; toys, games & make-believe space; a
shared multifunctional space for collective enterprises. In schools that do not possess a lunchroom,
or where it is not accessible to children, the school room also has an area for food culture & food
education. Unlike the High/Scope model (p. 271), whose internal room spaces are flexible,
constructed and dismantled in the course of educational activities, the room division in the Modern
School model is predetermined and permanent (Niza, 1998, pp. 146-147). However, in contrast to
this rigidity of the model, as it is described by Sérgio Niza, who is one of its main Portuguese
proponents, the actual field practice of preschool teachers is in effect flexible (e.g., Vasconcelos,
1997, pp. 94-99; Teixeira et al., in press).
In these workshops, children employ the materials one would expect in preschools, with some
exceptions. In the Modern School model, the educational spaces aim to be as close as possible to
the original, inspirational social spaces. In all workshops (except in the toys, games & make-believe
space), authentic materials are used – real wood in the carpentry space, a real computer plus printer
(or a typewriter) in the writing & reproduction workshop, etc. A consequence of this view is that
miniatures are seen as infantilizing and avoided; each area “should reproduce (...) a study or
workshop, in everything resembling the organizational environments of adult society” (id., p. 148).
The walls of the preschool room are continuously employed as a place for displaying the
products of children’s efforts. One of the walls is also used for posting up registration tables, in
support of children’s planning, management, and assessment of the educational activities in which
they took part.
Time management
Under the Portuguese Modern School Movement model, the time organization is quite
detailed. For each day, the morning is devoted to children’s efforts, supported by their teacher, on
the tasks or activities they selected, and the afternoon is devoted to group-wide sessions of
information or cultural activity, led by guests, children, or the teacher.

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A regular day would thus follow this pattern: 1) Welcoming; 2) Council planning; 3)
Activities and projects; 4) Break; 5) Presentations of learning; 6) Lunch; 7) Recreational activities
(songs, traditional games, etc.); 8) Collective cultural activity; 9) Overall assessment in council.
Weekly, there is a half-day for field trips, usually Wednesdays (Niza, 1998, pp. 150-151).
In this organization, one can see a
global pattern similar to High/Scope’s plan-
do-review sequence, but here it is organized
at global level of the day’s time, not within
each specific task. There are specific
guidelines for each part of the day, detailing
which documents should be used, what
children should record in registration tables,
and so on (again, as previously stated above
for space and materials, the actual field
practice is flexible).
The 8th section of the day, “Collective
cultural activity” also has a week-long
schedule. On Monday, it is the “tale time”,
when the teacher and the children read a
tale, and discuss it; on Tuesday, parents or
other people come to talk about things that
happen in their lives; on Wednesday, the
recall and discussion of the morning’s field Figure 238 – MSM room journal
Photo by Margarida Teixeira, school year 2004-2005, Parada de
trip; on Thursday, the time is open to the Cunhos preschool, Vila Real, Portugal
children's initiatives (compose mail,
complete a journal, theatre play, etc.).
On Friday, there is a special council meeting (also during the 8th time section), during which
the teacher reads the columns of the room’s journal (vd. Figure 238):
« Briefly, but solemnly, negative judgments are discussed (giving all
implicated a chance to speak): positions are clarified, while avoiding the
violence of a trial. People involved in positive judgments are applauded.
One becomes aware of significant accomplishments, and suggestions are
oriented, regarding commitments to be taken and actions to be scheduled on
the following Monday or in another short-time occasion. »
(Niza, 1998, p. 153)
Adult intervention
The teacher's actions and planning regarding the children’s learning should be supported on
the methods that each scientific or cultural field developed throughout history (id., p. 139). But
rather than focus on isolated individual accomplishments, teachers should continuously develop the
exchange of information and realizations among children.
« (...) teachers supporting this preschool education system come forward
as promoters of the participated organization; stimulators of cooperation;
civic and moral animators of democratic training; active auditors to provoke
freedom of expression and a critical attitude. They maintain and stimulate
the autonomy and responsibility of each learner (...) »
(Niza, 1998, p. 155)
Other adults, such as relatives, neighbors and local organizations are seen by the preschool as
sources of knowledge and training. This view must be shared by those adults, and it is also the
teacher’s and the school’s task to make them aware of their roles, by inviting them to participate in
Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 277
Introduction to preschool education and computers
specific sessions. These can be a gathering at the school, a personal visit to the school, a field trip,
requests for documents to be employed by the children as part of their research, etc. The families
and the community are also expected to participate in the school's organization, and to cooperate in
this mediator role of the school (id., pp. 155-156).

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4.2. Computers in preschool

4.2.1. Non-programming use
« What we as early childhood educators are presently doing most often
with computers is what research and NAEYC guidelines say we should be
doing least often. »
(Clements, 1994, p. 33, as cited by Haugland, 2000)
In the above quote, Douglas Clements is referring to “most often” uses of computer in early
childhood education; but actual field surveys on common practices tend to focus on the formal255
levels of education, for children aged 6 or older (e.g., Office of Technology Assessment, 1995).
« In most of the countries researched on, the studies have been limited to
ICT256 indicators used in the primary and secondary level. »
(UNESCO, 2003)
At the level of preschool education, field surveys documenting common uses of computers
are rare. For instance, a literature review of the field, conducted in 2002, reported, regarding the UK
(although a similar remark could have been made about other countries257):
“Although observations in pre-school playrooms suggest that a computer
is commonly available for use during free play (...) a search for survey
evidence about the provision of computers or programmable toys in pre-
school settings in Scotland (or elsewhere in the UK) revealed no statistical
evidence about current usage or playroom availability”
(Plowman & Stephen, 2003, expanded version)
Since then, however, some survey efforts on the use of ICT in preschools took place, albeit
mostly focusing on the availability of hardware and software, rather than on educational practices
(Kinderet258, 2002b; Specht et al., 2002; Leung, 2003; Lynch & Warner, 2004). Recently, in
November 2004, another review study reported “a current surge in research and writing on the use
of ICT in early childhood education” (Bolstad, 2004), the results of this surge being grouped in the
following categories: “(1) ‘effects’ research; (2) investigations of children’s behaviour and
interactions around computers; (3) research into children’s experiences of ICT in early childhood
education settings and at home; (4) research about practitioners’ professional learning in, or
through, ICT; and (5) case studies or exemplars of innovative use of ICT in early childhood
education settings” (id., ibid.). It is telling that these categories don’t include surveys on common
uses of ICT – or even just computers – in preschool education settings. Assorted case studies,
obviously, don’t provide a picture on how common or representative is each case. Fortunately, two
welcome contributions to the field have taken place: a nationwide survey on actual use of
computers, conducted by the New Zealand Council For Educational Research, with the cooperation
of “242 early childhood managers or co-ordinators, and 402 early childhood teachers” (id., p. 62);
and a pre-intervention survey on 117 preschool settings in six countries259, as part of the research
program KidSmart on the improvement of ICT use at this educational level (Siraj-Blatchford &
Siraj-Blatchford, 2004).

I.e., “elementary”, “primary”, “basic”, the actual nomenclature varying accross national educational systems.
“Information and Communication Technology”, which includes computers, but also several other types of
equipment, such as digital cameras, cellphones, etc.
Recently, the researchers involved in a project to establish the educational impact of teacher training on preschoolers'
learning mentioned how that project provided “hitherto unavailable data and inferences about preschoolers' cognitive,
social and technological capabilities within a technology-enhanced environment” (Swaminathan et al., 2005).
This survey study encompasses settings in Bulgaria, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the UK.
France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and UK.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 279

Introduction to preschool education and computers
Thus, one is left with a patchy picture of the use of ICT in the practice, discerned from:
ƒ the few localized surveys mentioned above (Kinderet, 2002b; Specht et al., 2002;
Leung, 2003; Lynch & Warner, 2004; Siraj-Blatchford & Siraj-Blatchford, 2004;
Bolstad, 2004);
ƒ general evaluations and situated research (“effects” research), provided by various
professionals and researchers (e.g., Clements, 1994, 1999a; Haugland, 2000; Klein et
al., 2000; Plowman & Stephen, 2003; Clements & Sarama, 2003; Paz, 2004);
ƒ the numerous case studies, examples, and proposals for preschool computer activities
found in the World Wide Web and traditional publications (e.g., Davis & Shade, 1994;
Pierce, 1994; Druin, 1996, pp. 77-81; Segers & Verhoeven, 2002; Gimbert & Cristol,
2003; Kent NGfL, n.d.; KidSmart, n.d.);
ƒ the practice recommendations provided by public bodies and professional associations
(e.g., NAEYC, 1996; NETS, 1999; Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2003a);
ƒ research studies regarding the subject matter included in professional training courses
for early childhood teachers (Kinderet, 2002a; Coutinho, 2005; Swaminathan et al.,
ƒ my personal contact with preschool teachers and computer-activity teachers for
preschools (Morgado et al., 2003b; Cruz et al., in press).
I find this patchy overall picture to be well summarized by the following statements
(originally made to describe the state of the practice in Sweden, in 2004/2005):
« (...) it is more common for the children to have learned how to handle
the functions of a computer at home than in pre-school. In pre-school, the
children use computers in other activities, that is, to do things, to play and to
let time pass. It is extremely unusual for teachers to use ICT as a
pedagogical challenge. (...) The ICT are not integrated in other pre-school
activities unless the teacher has participated in special projects arranged by
for example ITiS260. Pre-school teachers who have participated in
competence development program (...) are the ones that, to some extent, use
the computers in a pedagogical sense. More common is for these teachers to
use ICT for documentation of various themes and/or to document children’s
learning process as well as for the children’s own enjoyment. In those cases,
a digital camera is used to take photos to be printed out through the
computer or stored as digital documentation. Teachers who have not
participated in competence development programs use ICT mostly to relieve
the pressure and for the children to have something to do – to devote the
children’s time. These teachers are more or less just circling around helping
the children with various functions and technical support – if they can! »
(Kinderet, 2002a, p. 40)
In other words, the typical computer use in practice, in preschool contexts, is far from
achieving the recommendations published by various public bodies, such as those mentioned above,
which were based on case studies and specific research on the potential benefits and challenges of
computer use in early childhood education.
I therefore based my understanding of current non-programming uses of computers in
preschool settings on these main reference sources: recommendations from public bodies (NAEYC,
1996; Ministério da Educação, 1997; NETS, 1999; NCTM, 2000; Learning and Teaching Scotland,
2003a; New Zealand Ministry of Education, 2005), analyses of the lectured contents of ICT courses
in early childhood education curricula (Kinderet, 2002a; Coutinho, 2005) and research articles and

“IT i skolan”, a Swedish national action program for ICT use in Schools, which ran from 1999 to 2002 (ITiS, 2003).
280 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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reviews (Clements, 1999a; Haugland, 2000; Clements & Sarama, 2002, 2003; Plowman & Stephen,
2003; Paz, 2004; Bostad, 2004; Plowman & Stephen, 2005). A central research-based concept in all
these sources is that “simply providing ICT equipment to schools or teachers will not necessarily
make a difference; what makes the difference is the way in which this equipment and other
resources are used” (Bostad, 2004, p. 4). That is, technology should be “integrated into the regular
learning environment and used as one of many options to support children’s learning” (NAEYC,
1996, p. 2).
Table 25 summarizes the evolution and development of the field and provides a framework
for situating the various educational practices on the use of computers (and ICT in general).
Scaffolding of
Physical and technical
Role of children and adults children’s
Only one computer is
available for children to use,
at the teacher’s discretion.
Children seldom use the computer, Teachers stop
Only a few software programs
nor do teachers encourage its use. engaging themselves
A low level of are available, the software is
Teachers often take a controlling once children are
quality unconnected with the current
(“isolation”) and instructing role, partly to self-sufficient and
classroom themes and topics.
ensure that all children have equal have learned basic
The child operating the
opportunities to use the computer. ICT skills.
computer has his or her back
to the other children and is
not involved in their activities.
Sitting together in front of a
computer, children help each other,
negotiate turn-taking, collaborate,
and tutor each other. Children
The computer is relocated communicate, discuss strategies,
The computer is still
into a more central position solve problems, and have fun
not an integrated
among other classroom together while they use games and
part of other
activities. educational programs.
activities in the
Computers and other ICT Children develop different strategies
preschool. Its uses
A good level of equipment (such as digital while learning to handle the
can be described as
quality cameras) are available for computer and/or different programs.
(“integration”) learning by doing
children to use. They ask friends, experiment, guess,
various activities on
A range of software programs move the mouse aimlessly, use help
the computer,
is available, including functions, and explore by themselves
compared to
pedagogical programs, or with friends.
learning through the
creativity/multimedia Teachers encourage children to
programs, and games. send email, use the Internet for
information, and write or illustrate,
or lay down soundtracks and
narration for their own stories on
the computer.
Children use computers and Children explore new topics, are Teachers interact
ICT equipment throughout the creative in their search for with and guide the
day as a multifunctional tool information, ask questions, and children. They
that is integrated with other express their reflections and feeling. create possibilities
A high level of
activities and themes. Practitioners and children use in which ICT can be
(“immersion”) Children learn through the computers to document children’s used to support
computer and from each other activities, make labels and signs as children in
while using a variety of needed, and send messages. developing new
programs or creating their Parents can access information experiences and to
own. while in the setting. expand their world.
Table 25 - Levels of quality of ICT use in an early childhood education setting
From: Bostad, 2004, p. 41

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 281

Introduction to preschool education and computers
Even though this table does mention the use of ICT, not just computer, the examples it
provides are focused on the use of computers within the preschool classroom. But children are
immersed in human society, not just the classroom; and as described in section 4.1.3, modern
preschool education models put considerable importance into children’s relationship with the
overall society. Under this perspective, the recent explosion in the use of the computer as a
communication medium holds great potential for preschool education. It can improve children’s and
teachers’ contact with places, organizations, and people located far from the preschool room, and
even allow for better coordination of activities between various teachers261 and various preschools.
In section 7.2, I provide a hands-on technical perspective on the matter of immersion of the
computer in the daily practice of preschools, in the form of a four-step guide, including the use of
computer programming in this manner.

The use of computers in this fashion, with teachers, has been frequently associated with the notion of “communities
of practice” of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger (vd. section 4.1.2, p. 256).
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4.2.2. Seymour Papert and constructionism

So far in this chapter, I have provided an historical background on the development of
preschool and kindergarten education (4.1.1), and the theoretical background behind current
practice at these levels (4.1.2). I have also presented several influential examples of how reflection
and practice have been employed to create and develop actual everyday pedagogic environments in
preschool education (4.1.3). Finally, in the previous section (4.2.1), I addressed the current situation
on the use of computers (but not computer programming) in preschools and kindergartens.
I will now at last address the use of computer programming proper, in preschool and
kindergarten. The next section (4.2.3) presents the background on the use and research about
computer programming involving children aged 3, 4 or 5 years old. And the following chapters (1,
1, and 1) present my field work on this matter and results deriving from it.
The present section is therefore at an
apex in this thesis. The presentation of the
computational and educational backgrounds
is almost complete, and the presentation of
the field work is about to begin. For this
reason, this section builds on the previous
ones by being concerned with the
theoretical support for the use of computer
programming in education, a theme already
approached in section 2.4.5, albeit then
merely in the scope of an overview to the
field of computer-use in education (not just
computer programming). For contextual
reasons, that section only provided an
historical overview and the major highlights
of this theme, which this section provides in Figure 239 – Seymour Papert
From: Papert, 1999, p. iv (edited)
more detail. Its central intellectual
underpinnings are inextricably connected to the work and thought of the South African
mathematician, computer scientist and epistemologist Seymour Papert (Figure 239) – hence the
section’s title.
As described in section 2.4.5, Papert worked with Jean Piaget in Geneva, Switzerland, who
immensely inspired him262, centering his interests on children’s cognitive processes (and while still
in Geneva he started to get interested in the impact of computer cultures in psychologist’s methods
for thinking about thinking263). His computer science work at MIT’s Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory further involved him with researchers and developers in various fields: creating thinking
machines, understanding human cognition, developing programming languages, and educational
computing. A crucial development within all this personal background and efforts was the
development of the Logo programming language264 (as described in section 2.4.5, pp. 92-93), and
from then on a lifelong contact and embracement of the issues involving computer programming by
children and its cognitive potential. This lifework has produced several of the most crucial insights
on the role of computer programming in cognition and education.
What is the distinctive nature of Papert’s educational contributions? From a summarized point
of view, Papert sees himself as a follower of constructivist theory (described in section 4.1.2),
which is the prevalent influence behind most modern pedagogic models of preschool and
kindergarten. His educational thought has therefore plenty in common with previous thinkers,

Vd. footnote 53, on p. 92. Piaget’s educational thought is presented in section 4.1.2, p. 257.
Papert, 1980, p. 23.
The Logo language is described at length in section 3.3.4, pp. 139-146.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 283

Introduction to preschool education and computers
particularly those mentioned in section 4.1.3 (Dewey, Kilpatrick, and Freinet)265. Papert’s
contributions to general educational theory (which I’ll describe shortly), are therefore not absolutely
new, but rather novel developments, building on earlier ideas.
To say this is not to diminish Papert’s contributions in any way, quite the contrary; it’s just
that in my view, his absolutely visionary contribution was the idea that computer programming, if
wisely used, had the potential to radically change the thinking style of humankind, in a way
comparable to the invention of writing:
“[computer programming is] a means that can, in principle, be used by
educators to support the development of new ways of thinking and
(Papert, 1980, p. xiv, emphasis from the original)
Before pursuing this discussion, I may add that proposing that a medium of expression can
significantly impact the development of ways of thinking and learning is, in itself, not new: as I
described in section 4.1.2, Vygotsky and his colleagues (and many researchers since) have explored
the role of language on the development of the human mind and cognition – to which recent
neurology research on the mental development of seriously-neglected children provides support
(Perry & Pollard, 1997; Perry, 2001, 2002); also from neurology research one finds evidence of the
impact of reading and writing on the development of mental processes, as I described on p. 85.
The basis for an assertion as strong as the development of new ways of thinking and learning
came from Papert’s realization that computer programming could allow one to establish
different, richer relationships with knowledge, by fostering awareness of one’s own learning
processes (Papert, 1980, p. 177).
This claim comes from the way in which programming provides people with a lens and
language to view novel concepts and communicate them. When using programming, a person is
not just creating something, but defining a process for creating. Beyond communication with
others by means of opinions, goals, events, accomplishments, and other static notions, the
individual experienced in computer programming is thus empowered with a means to consider the
very processes for doing, analyze them, discuss them, and describe them.
« Although the work at the computer is usually private it increases the
children’s desire for interaction. These children want to get together with
others engaged in similar activities because they have a lot to talk about.
And what they have to say is not limited to talking about their product:
LOGO is designed to make it easy to tell about the process of making them.
By building LOGO in such a way that structured thinking becomes
powerful thinking, we convey a cognitive style, one aspect of which is to
facilitate talking about the process of thinking. »
(Papert, 1980, p. 180)
It’s perhaps difficult to appreciate the significance and actual content of these statements,
without having experienced, first-hand, the mental processes behind computer programming. For
instance, after learning how to read, one can no longer look at words without reading them; the
urban environment and cultures speak to the reader with a torrent of information unlike any
experience that a non-reader can have in a similar location. Words cease to be abstract visual
patterns, requiring conscientious decoding when necessary, to become part of a reader’s
worldview266. A similar argument has been presented earlier in this thesis, regarding the worldview-
As described in section 4.1.3, Kilpatrick, for instance, mentioned that children should be “actively engaged in
attempts to understand and become more skilful in the world in which they live” and “wholeheartedly” participating in
the “life process” of learning (Beyer, 1997, p. 7, 11, & 14).
Literate adults can experience a partly preliterate worldview by traveling to a place with a different alphabet.
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shaping effect of metaphors and culture (vd. section 3.3.3, particularly pp. 130-131). It is to such an
extent that Papert places the potential of computer programming.
Obviously, people can communicate about what they do, but they do not necessarily have the
vocabulary to be proficient at it. In fact, one doesn’t have to look beyond everyday events to realize
how often people struggle with the simple interpretation of procedures, be they the instructions for
assembling a traveling bed, following driving instructions to reach a location, and many other
common situations. And I am just referring to cases of following prespecificed procedures, not
about specifying them or analyzing them.
« (…) our [popular] culture is relatively poor in models of systematic
procedures. Until recently there was not even a name in popular language
for programming, let alone for the ideas needed to do so successfully. There
is no word for “nested loops” (…). Indeed, there are no words for the
powerful ideas computerists refer to as “bug” and “debugging.” »
(Papert, 1980, p. 22)
Papert was not alone in realizing this association between programming and the existence of a
vocabulary of ideas to interpret processes and doing: as I mentioned at the beginning of this section,
he was already interested in such methods while still in Geneva, working with Piaget. For instance,
in 1970 his then MIT colleague Marvin Minsky said:
« Before computation, the community of ideas about the nature of thought
was too feeble to support an effective theory of learning and development.
(…) Now we have a flood of such ideas, well defined and implemented, for
thinking about thinking; only a fraction are represented in traditional
Symbol table Pure procedure
Time-sharing Function-call
Functional argument Memory protection
Dispatch table Error message
Data type Hash coding
Microprogram Format matching
Interpreter Garbage collection
List structure Look-ahead
Diagnostic program Executive program
These are just a few ideas from general systems programming and
debugging; we have said nothing about the many more specifically relevant
concepts in languages or in artificial intelligence or in computer hardware
or other advanced areas. All these serve today as tools of a curious and
intricate craft, programming. »
(Minsky, 1970, my emphasis)
This technical terminology itself is not the important part of this discussion. Some of it may
end up finding its way into the language of a wider group than just professional software
developers, but probably most of it will not. The point goes beyond the actual names that happen to
be used at a given time: what matters is that their very nature as named entities reflects the reality
that such concepts have an autonomous, identifiable existence in the minds of programmers.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 285

Introduction to preschool education and computers
I have personally experienced the benefits of contacting – and being able to interpret – a
teacher with a rich perception on the fine nature of processes and the ability to explain them.
Around the time of my 19th birthday, I started learning to play a traditional musical instrument, the
Portuguese guitar – which is quite unique in its playing technique. I clearly remember practicing in
the annex of a garage where a group of experienced players would be rehearsing, while I was
practicing repetitive exercises for 2 or 3 hours in a row. After some sessions, I started to practice the
reproduction of specific musical pieces, repeating them in detail, note by note. For several years, I
immensely benefited from the close contact with my original teacher, not just through the help,
advice, and insights he provided during his sessions with me, but also by being amidst his musical
work with other experienced practitioners, both players and singers: I was in contact with their
appreciations of the minute details and problems posed by each piece, by each particular approach
or interpretation. My musical appreciation of the Fado de Coimbra genre expanded accordingly.
However, my own technical skills as a player evolved slowly. I would struggle over a particular
section or exercise because it wasn’t “good” or “too muddled”, or suffering from some other
similarly fuzzy problem. I would try again, and again, and my teacher would tirelessly and duly
point inadequate approaches, patiently draw my attention to errors or deficiencies, encourage my
achievements and making sure I realized them.
Eventually, after about 3 years of hard work, I had become an acceptable player, able to
perform for an audience, shamelessly, and rehearsing regularly with my own group of traditional
players and singers. Wanting to improve my guitar-playing skills, sometime around my 4th year of
experience as a Portuguese guitar player, I enrolled in private sessions with one young master
player, who by coincidence shared with me a background as a college student of Electric
Engineering. But the crucial difference in his approach to teaching was the way in which he devoted
attention to the explanation and analysis of the minute details of the process of playing. He made
me look into the precise shape of the fingernails used for plucking the strings, and on the precise
movement and placement of the plucking fingers. He explained the various manners in how these
interrelated factors impacted the process of plucking strings and their vibration, and therefore, the
resulting purity of the sound. For my left hand, the one running the guitar scale, he showed me how
the selection of any given finger for pressing a string at a specific point through a piece might allow
me to easily press the next note, or otherwise be an hindrance, considering the movements I would
have to make before and afterward; and overall, how I should consider the minute aspects of the
process of playing Portuguese guitar.
I had to make a serious effort to become aware of finger and arm motions which had already
become second nature, in order to realize exactly what was happening, and change my habits. But
the results were – from my point of view – phenomenal: after a mere 6 weeks, I was managing to
extract a sound from my guitar of a purity beyond anything I had previously accomplished, and my
entire playing style was much more fluid and free. Not only that, my hearing had also changed.
Now I had a much keener understanding of the relationship between what I was doing and the
various resulting components of the sound I produced. A sound was no longer just “bad”, “good”,
“edgy”, or any of the other imprecise ways I had to interpret it; now I was aware of exactly how it
was also the result of the specific way in which I was acting. I don’t know many of this teacher’s
students, so I am unaware if other student’s views were in any way similar to my own, regarding
this awareness of the focus his teaching style had on the process of playing. But it was a powerful
personal experience.
With this example, I am also making a connection to one of the examples Papert usually
employs in his written works to convey these ideas: a process-based analysis of cascade juggling
(Papert, 1980, p. 105-112). With that example, Papert explained his ideas on this matter of
processes, by developing a Logo-like programming procedure for understanding cascade juggling.
But he also used it to exemplify another of his ideas: once you are developing a process for doing
something – or for interpreting something, that process invariably has errors. Or, in programming
terms, bugs.

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As I mentioned earlier, while programming a computer, one’s reasoning is centered on
achieving an adequate description of one’s intentions. Acquiring awareness and proficiency
regarding the very notion of processes and their description cannot be separated from an essential
activity: identifying and correcting errors – debugging.
« A child (…) lives in a world in which everything is only partially
understood: well enough, perhaps, but never completely. »
(Papert, 1980, p. 116-117)
« (…) when you learn to program a computer you almost never get it
right the first time. Learning to be a master programmer is learning to
become highly skilled at isolating and correcting “bugs” (…). The question
to ask about the program is not whether it is right or wrong, but if it fixable.
If this way of looking at intellectual products were generalized to how the
larger culture thinks about knowledge and its acquisition, we all might be
less intimidated by our fears of “being wrong.” »
(Papert, 1980, p. 23)
Papert acknowledged that this was not something that would instantly be recognized by a
would-be programmer; in fact, accomplishing this change in perspective, from being “right” or
“wrong” into being constantly on a continuum of improvement, requires considerable personal
effort, and also the social and cultural support to make that effort happen.
« Children often develop a “resistance” to debugging (…). I have seen
this in many children’s first session in a LOGO environment. The child plans
to make the Turtle draw a certain figure (…). It doesn’t work. Instead of
being debugged, it is erased. Sometimes the whole project is abandoned.
Sometimes the child tries again and again and again with admirable
persistence but always starting from scratch in an apparent attempt to do the
thing "correctly" in one shot. The child might fail or might succeed in
making the computer draw the picture. But this child has not yet succeeded
in acquiring the strategy of debugging. »
(id., pp. 113-114)
Papert relates this resistance to the ethics of school and culture overall: “what we see as a
good program with a small bug, the child sees as ‘wrong’, ‘bad’, ‘a mistake.’ School teaches that
errors are bad; the last thing one wants is to pore over them, dwell on them, or think about them ”
(id., p. 114). He explains that while a child might be perfectly happy to take advantage of the
computer’s ability to erase all traces of a mistake, the educational philosophy of computer
programming demands a different attitude. Errors are beneficial because by their analysis, one gains
a better understanding of the entire process and can correct the problem, instead of trying to achieve
something out of tireless repetition.
This points to the need of careful consideration regarding the way in which programming
environments are used, in order for actual debugging to occur. Children’s attempts to reproduce
typical non-programming drilling behavior while programming is a reminder to the importance of
social and cultural structures in the adequate development of children's cognition. As I mention in
the next section, for instance, regarding Radia Perlman’s Button Box element of the TORTIS
system, one of her concerns was whether it prevented children from debugging, since there was no
way to edit a procedure, rather than erase it and write it again. A similar concern can be made
regarding ToonTalk, the system I employed for my field research (vd. section 3.3.5). While
ToonTalk does have an editing mechanism, called time-travel, this mechanism is quite limited, in
that it simply allows a robot to reproduce its programmed actions up to a point, and then let the

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child take over and remake the rest of the procedure – even if the error was simply that the robot
was picking up the wrong element, all the rest remaining the same.
These concerns are sensible and pose a challenge to the educator using computer
programming. As an answer, I propose two parallel ideas: modularity and the overall educational
support and environment provided to the programmer. By modularity, I am referring to the
circumstance of a program being, typically, a combination of many interacting parts. In ToonTalk,
for instance, a program usually involves having various robots or picture behaviors, each producing
its own effects. This modularity can serve as much of an entry-point into debugging as the ability to
edit a single procedure. In fact, it can promote it, since a robot or picture behavior is visually an
independent element, not just another row of textual code, and this can therefore promote the
interpretation of problems as individual issues, instead of considering the code to be entirely wrong.
At the level of educational support available for the programmer, this is something that Papert
had already advocated. Rather than have a child erase and redo small programs continuously, or
accept it as a central strategy, an educator can provide both tolerance for errors, and be a source of
inquiry and interest in the source of errors. Even if the quickest or more comfortable way to correct
a ToonTalk robot or Button Box procedure is to remake them, the point is that they should be
scrutinized to determine the actual problem, rather than simply erased without a second thought.
« Some people who observe the children’s growing tolerance for their
“errors” attribute the change of attitude to the LOGO teachers who are
matter-of-fact and uncritical in the presence of programs the child sees as
“wrong.” I think that there is something more fundamental going on. In the
LOGO environment, children learn that the teacher too is a learner, and that
everyone learns from mistakes. »
(id., p. 114)
These two ideas, processes and debugging, are best seen together. It’s hard to understand a
large, complex system, whose features don’t match one’s expectations – be that system a technical
construct or a mental construct. To correct a system, i.e., to debug it, having the mental skills to
interpret it in terms of its internal processes (either real or assumed) greatly simplifies a person’s
task. As I described in section 2.4.5, on p. 94, for some people this may mean the decomposition of
a system into small, manageable bits; for others, it may best be done by “tinkering”, experimenting
with changes to the system. But in both cases, the complex entity being perceived as a system, as
the result or ongoing evolution of a process – and programming contribute to the creation of
personal models of this perception (Turkle & Papert, 1990).
Picking up on my personal guitar-playing example, I can provide a nice instance of this use of
debugging. While developing one of my personal compositions, I was stuck on a particular phrase
which invariably I only managed to “hiccup through”, i.e., play without the fluidity I intended. The
ongoing work on understanding the process of playing the guitar scale led me to present this
problem to my teacher, whose approach was a clear moment of debugging. By electing to play the
notes prior to the phrase with a set arrangement of fingers, I was putting myself in a situation where
I would have to make a huge jump across the scale with my index finger to press the appropriate
locations. So, by placing the index finger on that specific location, one could back-trace across the
phrase and determine which other selection of fingers could simplify the task of the index finger at
that moment. From then on, it was just a matter of practicing, and without much effort the
correction to the procedure was complete.
These ideas are not necessarily dependent on the existence of computers and computer
programming. Thinking about procedures and debugging them can and has been done without
resorting to any of these technologies. But when programming a computer, they become explicit
ideas: rather than having a half-sketched idea of a procedure, one must actually think it over

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entirely. Bugs must be found, interpreted, and explicitly corrected, not just bypassed or resolved
without considering their nature.
« It is obviously not necessary to work with computers in order to acquire
good strategies for learning. Surely “debugging” strategies were developed
by successful learners long before computers existed. But thinking about
learning by analogy with developing a program is a powerful and accessible
way to get started on becoming more articulate about one’s debugging
strategies and more deliberate about improving them. »
(Papert, 1980, p. 23)
These are the basic ideas from which Papert developed his educational thought. Ideas of
procedural knowledge and deliberate debugging in the end became just part of a wider intellectual
panorama, for which there is currently a name: constructionism (Papert & Harel, 1991).
« Constructionism, my personal reconstruction of constructivism, has as
its main feature the fact that it looks more closely than other educational
‘-isms’ at the idea of mental construction. It attaches special importance to
the role of constructions in the world as a support for those in the head,
thereby becoming less of a purely mentalist doctrine. It also takes the idea of
constructing in the head more seriously by recognizing more than one kind
of construction (some of them as far removed from simple building as
cultivating a garden), and by asking questions about the methods and
materials used. How can one become an expert at constructing knowledge?
What skills are required? And are these skills the same for different kinds of
knowledge? The name mathetics gives such questions the recognition
needed to be taken seriously. »
(Papert, 1993, p. 143, emphasis in the original)
A first remark on this presentation given by Papert himself of the field of constructionism is
the absence in it of any mention of computers or computer programming. They remains crucial, as
I’ll explain shortly, but in constructionism the computational means “that can, in principle, be used
by educators to support the development of new ways of thinking and learning” (Papert, 1980, p.
xiv) have entirely taken their role as means, submitted to the goal: the development of new ways of
thinking and learning. Learning, in particular, has become the central concern of Papert, as attested
by the fact that he coined a name for the art of learning – mathetics267.
The above abstract description allows one to easily overlook the significance of Papert’s
ideas. And Papert himself has argued268 against attempts to start a debate on constructionism by
providing a definition of it. Instead, he usually provides just an entry-point idea for the entire
concept, and then provides ample materials from which the reader can build his or her own
representations of the concept:
« Constructionism – the N word as opposed to the V word – shares
constructivism's connotation of learning as “building knowledge structures”
irrespective of the circumstances of the learning. »
(Papert & Harel, 1991)

Formed from the greek root mathe (µαθη), “to learn” (Papert, 1980). One way to see it is to consider that mathetics
is to learning what pedagogy is to teaching.
“If one eschews pipeline models of transmitting knowledge in talking among ourselves as well as in theorizing about
classrooms, then one must expect that I will not be able to tell you my idea of constructionism. Doing so is bound to
trivialize it. Instead, I must confine myself to engage you in experiences (including verbal ones) liable to encourage
your own personal construction of something in some sense like it. Only in this way will there be something rich enough
in your mind to be worth talking about” (Papert & Harel, 1991).

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« (…) the construction that takes place “in the head” often happens
especially felicitously when it is supported by construction of a more public
sort “in the world” – a sand castle or a cake, a Lego house or a
corporation, a computer program, a poem, or a theory of the universe. Part
of what I mean by “in the world” is that the product can be shown,
discussed examined, probed, and admired. It is out there. »
(Papert, 1993, p. 142)
To follow up from this entry-point, I’m returning to my personal example of learning to play
the Portuguese guitar. One cannot learn to play an instrument without actually creating several
“products” with a real-world existence: sounds, notes, and hopefully, music.
In my history as a learner of guitar-playing, I’ve been lucky to benefit from those two teachers
who, from different approaches, allowed me to develop crucial elements for my development in
powerful ways. First, by allowing my technical skills to develop in a context of deep contact with
the emotional significance of musical interpretation and the concrete notion of how much small
details could impact that overall significance and conveyed emotions. Second, by allowing me to
acquire a concrete notion of the process of playing and of the impact of my physical motions on the
physical production of sound and music.
However, I can also easily imagine an alternative, fictional history, with all these elements
absent. In this fictional story, I was shown specific drills to practice over and over, until the result
was acceptable. When presenting the result, or drilling before a teacher, in this fictional story the
teacher would correct the positioning of my hands during the drill, point out the wrongness in the
movement of my fingers, telling me to slow down or to accelerate, or keep repeating the word
“again” until I managed to improve or the teaching session was over.
A horror story? Perhaps. The truth is, I have often been in such situations. In fact, it is quite
easy to find players (and even singers – ok, perhaps especially singers) who take it upon themselves
to provide this kind of instructions. Or even stricter ones, such as “the way you are doing it is
wrong. Do it this way.” Perhaps I should have listened, after all these were as direct a suggestion as
I could get, but I usually couldn’t bring myself up to do it – even if I made a brief attempt at
following such suggestions, the usual result was an overall discomfort that distasted my playing and
irritated me. Given the amount of personal effort required to improve one’s playing style, this
distaste and irritation meant that I would invariably end up falling back to my usual style and take
different routes for my development.
Oddly enough, I have also been in such situations out of my own accord. Possibly the person
from whom I’ve most often have heard “again” over and over endlessly while practicing a piece
was myself. Other situations where this would happen were while rehearsing with my colleagues.
It’s something most players can relate to: a group of players deciding to stick with a musical piece –
sometimes to just a small musical phrase – until most of the group is fully satisfied or completely
There are several ideas from constructionism involved in this situation. But a baseline idea
has to do with the meaning associated to the word “concrete” as I employed it four paragraphs ago.
In traditional terms, all the experiences described in this example would have been considered
“concrete”: the guitar, being physical and the object of playing, is always present; all sound is
produced by physical strings, and their motion is the direct consequence of my tactile and physical
contact with the strings. The sounds reach my ears and those of anyone else present.
In the terminology and theoretical background of constructionism, this is not the approach to
take to the meaning of “concrete”; rather, as I have described in section 3.3.3, pp. 128-132, a
concept is abstract or concrete to a person not from any physical features of it, but from the nature
of that person’s mental relationship with that concept, regardless of whether such concept has any
physical features or is a purely mental construction (Wilensky, 1991).
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Seeing the above guitar-playing example under this light, a mechanical effort to induce a
particular behavior from a finger can be entirely abstract when it is detached from any particular
goals or context, other than “this is the right way”. And it can also be entirely concrete when one
recognizes it as the next step in one’s path, as the necessary route to reach the intended goal. To put
in more plain terms, in one case, highly abstract, I’m trying to reposition my playing hands, and
fight the overall discomfort at the unusual playing situation, with the resulting sound getting worse
and resisting the unavoidable feel of uncertainty while doing it. (“Someone told me it was the right
way; is it really?”) In another case, highly concrete, I have constructed my understanding of the
purpose (or at least the high feasibility) of the novel approach. My hands may be uncomfortable, but
I no longer am just listening to the sound getting worse: now I know what to look for in the sound. I
know it may be sounding worse overall, but I can begin to notice those specific changes I was
aiming at, I can drill my hands a bit more but the “worse” sound is something I can look and
interpret in a rich way, almost as if I could tell the strokes of a painter instead of just the color
patches. I can even imagine how a particular feature, sensation or texture might be further
developed. I may end up discovering I was wrong after all, but it is no longer a slot-machine
betting, all-or-nothing situation: I am not simply mindlessly repeating over and over the same
motions, until they smooth out or become entirely my own. It is a much more interactive process, a
process of discovery and change. Each repetition is not just another attempt, it becomes a novel
experiment. And yet, for the unaware viewer, I would probably be seen as doing the exact same
thing: drilling.
This creation of such personal relations to knowledge is central to constructivism. It is not
simply “learning by doing” – although certainly doing is central to it. Papert originally referred to
this in 1980 resorting to the concept of syntonic learning.
« (…) a fundamental mathetic principle: Make sense of what you want to
learn. (…) syntonic learning (…) is borrowed from clinical psychology
(…). Sometimes the term is used with qualifiers that refer to the kind of
syntonicity. For example, (…) body syntonic (…) is firmly related to
children’s sense and knowledge about their own bodies. (…) ego syntonic
(…) is coherent with children’s sense of themselves as people with
intentions, goals, desires, likes, and dislikes. »
(Papert, 1980, p. 63)
It’s easy to see how guitar-playing was body syntonic. My body had to be involved! But the
ego-syntonicity was a major part. I wanted to learn how to play the guitar. That inner want was
driving my efforts, my attention. And while my second teacher provided the awareness for the
minute details of the technical process of playing the guitar, it was due to the efforts of my first
teacher that my own efforts were not solely concerned with the technical development of guitar-
playing. I learned to value each minute detail of an interpretation in terms of its emotional content
and impact. For instance, a musical piece which bears sadness can be immensely transformed if one
can bring some “emotional spice” to this plain feeling. That sadness can include various shades or
flavors of hope; of disbelief; of acceptance or rejection of fate; of inner struggle, or submission. All
these can turn the interpretation of a musical piece from a plain, “flat”, reproduction of notes into a
memorable moment. By being in an environment where such self-reflection was emphasized, I
developed a better, more concrete understanding of the complex nature of human emotions. But I
also learned to value the interpretations where those subtleties could be found. This meant that
instead of simply accepting decent recordings as a reference for a given musical piece, I sought and
absorbed as many different varieties and versions as I could, even if only available in low-quality
tape recordings under layers of noise and hiss, eager to appreciate those musicians that could best
put their emotions onto sound. In the process, not only did I end up learning a lot of history about
the development of the musical genre itself, but I also started to be aware of a deluge of sociological
information, due to the sources of inspiration for the musical themes: unexpected references to
faraway regions, contrasts and evolution in poetical style. My first attempts at using a computer to
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define a musical score and register and record music came about in connection with the wish to
save my personal compositions. And I also got in contact with mechanical aspects connected to the
behavior of metal strings under tension and various types of wood – which I didn’t pursue further.
The above description, if successful, should render clear the learning power – or, in Papertian
terms, mathetic power – of rendering learning concrete by emphasizing the multiple personal
connections with the learning domains. Papert advocates that teaching strategies poll this power,
rather than fight it. This is ideological and programmatic content of constructivism:
« Constructionism (…) does not call in question the value of instruction
as such. That would be silly (…). The constructionist attitude to teaching is
not at all dismissive because it is minimalist – the goal is to teach in such a
way as to produce the most learning for the least teaching. Of course, this
cannot be achieved simply by reducing the quantity of teaching while leaving
everything else unchanged. »
(Papert, 1993, p. 139)
Papert compared such powerful learning examples with research from various areas. As I
explained in section 2.4.5, p. 94, one source was the works on “primitive” societies by French
anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, from where he picked up the word “bricolage” to describe a
learning approach in contrast to the formal one (Turkle & Papert, 1990, pp. 129, 135-143):
“Bricoleurs construct theories by arranging and rearranging, by negotiating and renegotiating with
a set of well-known materials” (id., p. 136). Another was the research of Piaget on similar cognitive
strategies in young children:
« Essentially, Piaget made the same observation as Lévi-Strauss, except
that where the anthropologist had looked at la pensée sauvage in distant
societies, Piaget looked at la pensée sauvage close to home, in children.
What they both saw was thinking that differed from “our” norms and yet had
a degree of inner coherence that forbade dismissing it as simply erroneous.
(Papert, 1993, p. 151)
Another source of insight for Papert were the research efforts and personal accounts on the
thinking styles used by “sophisticated thinkers”, such as professional scientists – including Nobel
prize winners.
« [Piaget and Lévi-Strauss] failed to recognize that the concrete thinking
they had discovered was not confined to the underdeveloped – neither to
Lévi-Strauss’s “undeveloped” societies nor to Piaget’s not yet “developed”
children. Children do it, people in the Pacific and African villages do it, and
so do the most sophisticated people in Paris or Geneva. (…) features of
what [they] identify as “concrete” are present at the core of important and
sophisticated intellectual enterprises (…) »
(id., ibid.)
Thus one can better interpret the ideas underlying Papert’s constructionism, neatly
encompassed by this sentence:
« Rather than pushing children to think like adults, we might do better to
remember that they are great learners and to try harder to be more like
them. While formal thinking may be able to do much that is beyond the scope
of concrete methods, the concrete processes have their own power. »
(id., p. 155)

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One should bear in mind that Papert doesn’t intend to provide any argument detrimental of
the power of abstract thinking. Rather, his arguments are detrimental to the over reliance on abstract
thinking, ignoring the learning power of concrete thinking.
« I am a mathematician and know firsthand the marvels of abstract
reasoning. I know its pleasures as well as its power. I also know how
stultifying it can be if it is used indiscriminately. Our intellectual culture has
traditionally been so dominated by the identification of good thinking with
abstract thinking that the achievement of balance requires constantly being
on the lookout for insidious forms of abstractness that may not be recognized
as such by those who use them. »
(id., p. 146)
As a very short example illustrating this last remark, I’ll use another personal event: in my
undergraduate studies, during a lecture on digital and analog communications, I was despairing to
grasp what in my mind was the “actual” meaning of the lecturer’s formulaic exposition. For the
benefit of the reader, I may add that, at the time, I already had a very decent understanding of both
the formulaic transformations involved and of the kind of effects an electric or radiofrequency
signal underwent when subjected to power, phase, and frequency transformations. So I asked the
lecturer more or less along these lines: “look, I have no problem following the mathematical
transformations of this entire reasoning, from one equation to the next. But if this is describing
changes in the signal, what are those changes? How is the signal itself being affected, between the
original signal and the final one?” His reply was the least helpful: “I don’t understand your
question. Everything is there. Everything is there” (and he simply pointed at the formulaic
transformations). Clearly, I now know I needed to understand which few transformations were
merely formulaic, to proceed in the mathematical analysis of the process, and which were both
formulaic transformations but also identifiable changes and impacts to the physical signal.
It must be underscored, however, that although already defended in more simplistic terms by
Dewey and others, as I described in section 4.1.3, approaches based on concrete experiences have
serious limitations, regarding the amount and complexity of ideas that it can incorporate. Ideas from
mathematics and physics, for instance, need more than just an interest in strings, guitar wood, and
tuning to develop beyond a starting point. And here, again a major contribution of Papert was his
realization that this limitation can be tremendously changed by using computers and computer
« None of this absolutely requires computers. What we see in experiences
(…) is how the computer simply, but very significantly, enlarges the range of
opportunities to engage as ‘bricoleur’ or ‘bricoleuse’ in activities with
scientific and mathematical content. »
(id., p. 145)
Papert worked with various researchers, developing ways of using programming and other
educational techniques in this fashion. One important technique, whose development started prior to
the development of the concept of constructionism itself, was his notion of microworlds. He calls
these “incubators for knowledge” (Papert, 1980, p. 120). They serve as a technique allowing a
concrete approach to knowledge, overcoming two existing obstacles for such an approach. The first
of those obstacles arises from the structure of knowledge: the problem posed in many fields by

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prerequisites269. The other is found in each individual; as Papert calls it, “finding a context for the
construction of ‘wrong’ (or, rather, ‘transitional’) theories” (id., p. 132).
In the first case, a microworld structures knowledge, allowing a student to interact within a
specific context, acquiring a concrete grasp of its inter-relationships directly. Giving Papert’s own
example, a student can use a microworld to explore Newtonian “perpetual motion”, a concept with
students, most likely, have never contacted.
« In the absence of direct and physical experiences of Newtonian motion,
the schools are forced to give the student indirect and highly mathematical
experiences of Newtonian objects. Their movement is learned by
manipulating equations rather than by manipulating the objects themselves.
(…) The simplest way in which our computer microworld might help is by
putting students in a simulated world where they have direct access to
Newtonian motion. This can be done when they are young. Instead of making
students wait for equations, it can motivate and facilitate their acquisition of
equational skills by providing an intuitively well understood context for their
use. »
(Papert, 1980, pp. 123-124)
To overcome the second obstacle, a microworld – or more likely, a series of microworlds –
can let a child employ some form of computer programming to specify behaviors and rules in that
world. In this manner, assumptions can be made and tested, to determine their applicability. As they
reveal deficiencies, they can be refined. For instance, resuming Papert’s example based on
Newtonian motion, he proposes using Logo’s TurtleTalk (vd. p. 144) to reinterpret Newton’s laws
of motion based on Logo command’s impact on the Logo turtle – replacing Newtonian forces with a
combination of Logo’s FORWARD and RIGHT commands.
« 1. Every Turtle remains in its state of rest until compelled by a TURTLE
COMMAND to change that state.
2. a. The input to the command FORWARD is equal to the Turtle’s
change in the POSITION part of its state.
b. The input to the command RIGHT TURN is equal to the Turtle’s
change of the HEADING part of its state.
(…) How can students who know Turtle geometry (and thus recognize its
restatement in Turtle laws of motion) now look at Newton’s laws? They are
in a position to formulate in a qualitative and intuitive form the substance of
Newton’s first two laws by comparing them with something they already
know. They know about states and state-change operators. »
(Papert, 1980, p. 127)
The point is not that such a translation into turtle commands of Newton’s laws should be
studied; that would be a complete subversion of Papert’s ideas. Such a translation presents a new
concept in a familiar-looking way, but it needs to be explored, and tested for validity, by using the
Papert put it this way: “Someone who wanted to learn about aerodynamics might lose interest upon seeing the set of
prerequisites including mechanics and hydrodynamics that follow an exciting course description in a college catalogue.
If one wants to learn Shakespeare, one finds no list of prerequisites. (…) The route into Shakespeare is no less complex,
but its essential constitutive elements are part of our general culture: it is assumed that many people will be able to
learn them informally” (Papert, 1980, p. 123). Perhaps. I contrast it to this informal account by a Portuguese
mathematician in search of a novel to read on a vacation: “(…) I confessed to a friend my ignorance of North-American
literature. He was in Philadelphia, completing a doctoral thesis contrasting Poe and Mailer; he seemed to me the right
person to recommend a novel. He answered me that contemporary North-American literature was a world in itself. That
if I wanted to get to know a little, even if just a little, I would have to start by Henry James and Edith Wharton, read
them again, and again. After a few years and a lot of Faulkner, I might be able to proceed…” (Crato, 2005).
294 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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actual commands involved (and ‘explored’ means that children should try to determine their
internal validity and consistency by making different attempts on their own, instead of aping a test
procedure provided by their teacher).
From this microworld, Papert proposes the design of more microworlds, “in which the laws of
motion move towards a closer approximation of the Newtonian situation. To do this, we create a
class of microworlds that differs in the properties that constitute the state of the Turtle and in the
operators that change these states” (id., pp. 127-128). For instance, defining turtles that have not
only a position, but a velocity, and defining a “setvelocity” command to change it, and defining
turtles with acceleration. Finally, to approach Newton’s third law of motion, dealing with
interactions, by having various turtles which can communicate, with commands for exchanging
speeds. Such a series of microworlds could also be expanded to cover relativistic motions, as well
as fantasy laws of motion, to explore their similarity and distinctions.
All these examples and elements of Papert’s thought require a deep and intentional
involvement of the student. While he constantly refers to the freedom to experiment, to follow and
develop projects that are syntonic with the student, there is also the underlying concept that students
must work very hard to learn. Papert calls this concept as being demanding permissiveness:
children are expected to “work hard on a project (…) but (…) given very wide latitude in choosing
the project” (Papert, 1993, p. 124). He considers these two factors absolutely essential:
« Many teachers strive to bring into their traditional classes something
very like the teaching attitude [of permissiveness] (…). But the
permissiveness is deceptive, even if the intentions are good, when the
demand is for children to fit into the straightjacket of the traditional
curriculum, especially in subjects like math and science where the elbow
room for personal appropriation is so narrow. »
(id., ibid.)
That is, the culmination of Papert’s educational ideas goes beyond the educational use of
computers and computer programming, beyond the changes to teaching style, it strikes at the
standard concept of a curriculum, and eventually Papert assumed a stand of a necessity to replace
standard schooling, as mentioned in section 2.4.5. However, I won’t pursue this part of his
educational thought, since preschool and kindergarten education are themselves typically devoid of
a curriculum (Ministério da Educação, 1997). Suffice to say that in a move similar to Dewey’s
creation of a Laboratory School (vd. section 4.1.3), Papert has recently been involved in the
development of an educational institution to explore the development of his ideas in this regard,
called “The Constructionist Learning Environment”; an inspiring and promising research report on
the results of this institution has recently been published (Stager, 2005).
« The Constructionist Learning Environment’s emphasis on building,
crafting, making and doing gave life to the theory of constructionism.
Although there had been several previous educational projects built upon
Papert’s theory, principally by Papert and his students, the CLL represented
the first learning environment built entirely from the ground-up to support
constructionism. The project at the Maine Youth Center also represents the
most recent experiments in school reform led by Seymour Papert. The
independence from any existing school structure, both physically and
philosophically, also adds to the significance of the CLL. »
(Stager, 2005)
Throughout this section, I have presented Papert’s educational thought, which although
mainly concerned with the levels of formal education, shares many insights and views with modern
preschool and kindergarten education. However, as discussed in section 4.2.1 and further presented
in the following section, not only is the use of the computer at these educational levels extremely

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 295

Introduction to preschool education and computers
limited, and research on the methods for using programming, particularly regarding Papert’s
inspiring ideas, has not been conducted in depth. This thesis attempts to be a step towards a change
in this state of affairs. And why should I, a computer scientist, hope to provide a meaningful
contribution to this? I believe I can now answer, by offering a quote from Marvin Minsky, one of
Papert’s colleagues at the Artificial Intelligence Lab of the MIT:
« The computer scientist thus has a responsibility to education. (…) He
knows how to debug programs; he must tell the educators how to help the
children to debug their own problem-solving processes. He knows how
procedures depend on their data structures; he can tell educators how to
prepare children for new ideas. He knows why it is bad to use double-
purpose tricks that haunt one later in debugging and enlarging programs.
(…) The computer scientists are the ones who must study such matters,
because they are the proprietors of the concept of procedure, the secret that
educators have so long been seeking. »
(Minsky, 1970)

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4.2.3. Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

A review of the survey of child-usable programming languages and systems on section 3.3.4
allows one to identify several systems which seem to be at least potentially suited for simple tests
with preschool-aged children. However, by surveying documentation on the research or use of
computer programming with children aged 3, 4 or 5, I managed to find only the following major
bodies of information:
ƒ many studies and reports on the use of Logo and Logo-related systems;
ƒ a few studies associated with other programming systems for children, including my
own efforts detailed in this thesis (on chapters 1, 1, and 1, and on section 3.4);
ƒ some “suitability” trials performed by companies or researchers involved in the
process of developing new programming systems for children;
ƒ some personal comments from teachers, parents, as well as childhood recollections.
This lack of information on possible attempts to use the many of the systems form section
3.3.4 is quite disappointing. Table 26, below, provides a list of all such systems:
Programming system Creation year Described on page
Pinball Construction Set 1983 190
AlgoBlock 1993 172
The Incredible Machine 1993 185
Thinkin’ Things Collection 3 – Half Time 1995 165
Logiblocs 1996 173
AlgoCard 1997 173
Drape – DRAwing Programming Environment 1999 166
AutoHAN/Media Cubes 2001 176
Concurrent Comics 2003 168
Table 26 – Systems potentially usable by preschoolers, for which there is record of such use
Two different cases are found within these systems, however:-
ƒ some are still just research prototypes or proof-of-concept systems, and for these I find
it likely that no actual trials with preschool-aged children took place (I am referring to
AlgoCard, Drape, AutoHAN/MediaCubes, and Concurrent Comics);
ƒ of the remaining systems, particularly those which benefited from large commercial
exposure (e.g., The Incredible Machine, Logiblocs), it is likely that several
undocumented cases occurred.
I have reached these assumptions from analyzing the cases presented in Table 27, on the
following page. These are programming systems, several of them commercially released, for which
there is only scarce (and often unreliable) documentation available, regarding their use with
preschoolers. (Some of these systems are extensively documented regarding their use by older
children, e.g., Stagecast Creator and Squeak Etoys.)
For some of the systems mentioned in that table that are still undergoing research and
development, the available documentation point towards the research focus having been older
children, with no preschoolers included in research or development trials, or only included
informally (Eco-Pods, Icicle, Magic Forest). In the remaining cases, there are on-line spurious
comments, photographs, or user testimonies from non-research settings. At least for some of the
commercial products (e.g., the LEGO products), it is plausible to assume that private documentation
may exist regarding marketing research or user testing, but I have had no contact with any such
documents, nor did I came across any indication of their existence.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 297

Introduction to preschool education and computers
Programming Creation Described
year on page References Summaries
VV.AA., Two participants in a Web forum reported playing
Lemmings 1991 184
2005 Lemmings successfully since the ages of 4 and 5.
Little has been done with preschoolers in Squeak, due
Kay, 2005
to UI design options for older children (Kay, 2005).
Squeak Etoys 1996 146 Rose, 2005
Some efforts took place in Chicago’s Columbia
Stowe, 2005
College, in 2004 (Rose, 2005; Stowe, 2005).
A parent reports that when his son was 4 and 5 he
Stagecast Nyquist,
1997 151 managed to make characters move on the screen and
Creator 2005
follow the Stagecast Creator tutorial.
The mass-market product resulting from the original
research project was LEGO’s Intelli-train series. In its
LEGO, Web pages, LEGO targets these products for the age
n.d.- 2 group “3+” (LEGO, n.d.-2).
1998 174 However, even though LEGO blocks and products are
with Trains /
Hamilton, quite popular worldwide, a Web search only retrieved
2004 a page with photographs documenting the use of
Intelli-trains in a single kindergarten (Hamilton,
Frei and his colleagues report that the development of
curlybot was “aimed at children in their early stages
of development – ages four and up” (p. 129). They
provide limited information on testing with children,
Frei et al., though: the only reference to young children, after
Curlybot 1999 174
2000 some short testing, is: “We hoped to see trends in play
between the different age groups, however the only
conclusive results we found were that children under
the age of four generally could not meaningfully
interact with curlybot” (p. 134).
Cnotinfor, Cnotinfor, the main company behind the development
2005 of this product, markets it for children aged 4 and up
Magic Forest 2000 163 (Cnotinfor, 2005), but only informal trials were
Correia, conducted with children younger than 6 years
2005 (Correia, 2005).
In this article, one year prior to the paper describing
Icicle (Sheehan, 2004), the researcher-developer is
Icicle 2002 180 focusing his attention on children aged 7 and up.
Since Icicle includes written captions in its rules, I
assume that this focus hasn’t been enlarged.
LCSI markets MicroWorlds JR as being for “pre-
readers” or “Pre-K” (LCSI, 2004). I have been unable
LCSI, 2004
PervoLogo / to find documentation on actual usage, but on the
MicroWorlds 2004 160 MicroWorlds Web forum a teacher reported “My
JR older students have seen the younger students use
cartoon characters, robots, etc. and they want to use
them also” (Hansell, 2005) – no age is given.
According to the developer of this system, the target
Kikin-Gil, age groups was children aged between 4 and 6.
Eco-Pods 2005 178
2005 However, the age of all children involved in user
testing was 6, except for two (age 5 and age 7).
Table 27 – Summary on preschool-age use of systems for which there is scarce (or unreliable) information

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These scattered pieces of information, although lacking scientific reliability, provide a patchy
social and cultural background of undocumented attempts to use programming tools with very
young children, even if just at the level of trial-and-error or wishful attempts.
But for a history of more rigorous research, development, and
user-testing of computer programming with children aged 3, 4, or 5, one
must turn towards the remaining systems (starting with the oldest
reported cases): Logo (and derivations: TORTIS, FASTR/TEACH,
Valiant Roamer, LEGO Mindstorms products); My Make Believe
series; Physical Programming; Electronic Blocks; Topobo; and System
Blocks. All these systems were presented in section 3.3.4.
The most notable pioneer on the use of computer programming
with very young children was Radia Perlman (Figure 240). Between
1974 and 1976, she developed a set of tangible elements allowing the
programming of a physical turtle robot, inspired on Logo’s TurtleTalk,
creating the TORTIS system (Perlman, 1974), described on p. 171. Her Figure 240 – Radia Perlman
specific goal was “to overcome the typing hurdle, and make many of the From:
advantages provided by the learning of full computer languages
accessible to children as young as three or
four years” (Perlman, 1976, p. 4).
Perlman tested the first component
of her system, the Button Box (Figure
241), with “around 25 children aged 3 to
5” (id., p. 14), and she describes the initial
sessions with several of these children,
including the youngest, at age 3½
(Perlman, 1974).
Perlman was a pioneer on several
accounts. At the software level, her
approach to the use of Logo based on one-
touch commands overcame the most
obvious barrier to the use of programming
in this age groups, by avoiding the typing
of full textual commands – an approach
that was also being used, at more or less
the same time, by Paul Goldenberg, in his
FASTR system (Goldenberg, 1974), and
Cynthia Solomon, in her TEACH system
(Solomon & Papert, 1975); both were
however traditionally based on a keyboard
(Goldenberg, 2005; Hildreth, 1975).
At the hardware level, Perlman’s
Button Box was a precursor to the modern
command board of the Valiant Roamer
turtle robot (vd. Figure 128, p. 172). And
her Slot Machine shares some insights
with the later AlgoBlock system
(described on p. 172), such as the ability to
program by sequencing physical objects
and the use of lights to indicate the card in
Figure 241 – The TORTIS Button Box and its components
execution (Perlman, 1976, p. 17). From: Perlman, 1976, pp. 9-12

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 299

Introduction to preschool education and computers
But in my view, her most remarkable pioneering contribution was the way in which she paid
close attention to the way in which children actually used the system, not just the technical
issues or problems. For instance, she describes parent’s and sibling’s behavior during the
programming sessions, the settings where programming is taking place (office, nursery school), and
the reactions, behavior, expressiveness and comments of the children while programming (Perlman,
1974; 1976; 2005). She also pondered over the cognitive difficulties behind some aspects of
programming and tried to overcome them.
Some of what she calls “interesting things” (Perlman, 1976, p. 14) are quite similar to some
of the programming hurdles I describe and organize further ahead in section 6.1. Specifically, my
first hurdle is “Children can easily get weary from unforeseen system behavior or difficulties” (p.
344); Perlman’s 1st and 2nd “interesting things” were similar early observations:
« 1) Once a child is confused by something he gets very discouraged and
says, “that is too hard for me” or “I’m not smart enough for that”, Both of
which are certainly attitudes we do not want to cause, so it is important not
to give the child new buttons before he is ready.
2) Some children require constant interaction and suggestions about
further things to try or else they start doing one thing over and over and get
bored. »
(Perlman, 1976, p. 14)
My fifth hurdle in section 6.1 is “Children find it hard to consider the possibility of being
wrong and not knowing it” (p. 350); Perlman reported a similar problem:
« If when drawing the picture they had, for instance, made the turtle turn
the wrong way at first and then corrected, or stopped to make the turtle toot
several times, they were surprised that the turtle did the same thing when
drawing a picture the second time. »
(id., p. 15)
However, she differs from me in her interpretation of this problem. My programming sessions
with children led me to my conclusion on the issue residing at the very heart of the notion of
“wrongness”, as I describe on p. 350. Perlman, however, considered this to mean that children
“thought the picture was the procedure as opposed to the set of commands the turtle executed while
remembering” (id., ibid.). I believe this interpretation to be a helpful insight – an alternative,
parallel perspective to my fifth hurdle (if one takes it under a more general formulation, such as “the
result is the procedure”, rather than “the picture is the procedure”).
Another pioneering stance of Perlman was her concern with providing children with a visible
track to the progress of a program’s execution. As the Button Box buttons were pressed and the
turtle robot moved, the program’s instructions were presented on a computer screen. According to
her reports, though, children didn’t manage to associate the screen commands with the movements
of the turtle (Perlman, 1976, pp. 15-16; Perlman, 2005). To address this problem, she built the
second component of the TORTIS system, the Slot Machine (Figure 126, p. 171), made of several
Plexiglas rows, “with slots in the top for the user to place cards” (Perlman, 1974, p. 4), which
represented the turtle commands. The reasoning behind it was enabling children to be physically
involved in the process of specifying a sequence of commands, which hopefully would contribute to
overcome the problem, as she saw it, of mistaking the resulting picture for the program. This
conception didn’t prove fruitful, though; in her own words, “initially there is so much that the child
has to do to get the turtle to execute a command (find a card, put it in a position, and push a button)
that it is sometimes difficult for them to understand that each card stands for some specific
command” (Perlman, 1976, p. 26).

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At this level, ToonTalk is quite helpful, since children can act directly upon the objects, doing
the actions they intend to do; i.e., it is more immediate. Perlman provided suggestions regarding
system improvements or novel systems, precisely with the goal of achieving this immediacy in
response to programming. For instance, she suggested the use of the Slot Machine to produce tunes,
with a command card for each note, and a number argument specifying the duration of that note;
she also suggested turning indicator lights into pushbuttons to allow children to cause the
immediate execution of a specific instruction within a program, simplifying debugging (id., ibid.).
Incidentally, this concern with immediacy is also connected to what was recently expressed by Erez
Kikin-Gil while developing the Eco-Pods system (described on p. 178): “the outputs, whether light
or other sensorial stimuli, should not be subtle as the environment ‘noise’, such as distracting light,
sound or movement, tend to dominate it” (Kikin-Gil, 2005, p. 23).
Perlman was already expressing her concern about the way in which programming systems
such as her Button Box, which are based on the reproduction of hidden-away procedures, lack a
proper editing procedure (programs for her Slot Machine were easy to edit, simply re-ordering the
cards). This is also mostly valid regarding ToonTalk270. The problem with this condition, in light of
Seymour Papert’s ideas, described in section 4.2.2, is that “without the ability of easy editing the
child does not learn the healthy concept that there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ [in learning through
programming], and that any procedure can be fixed to do what they want, and even a working
procedure can always be improved” (Perlman, 1976, p. 15). Conversely, she also acknowledges that
“adding editing commands before the child has mastered the four memory buttons271 would
overwhelm the child with too many new concepts” (id., ibid.). While agreeing in principle with these
observations, I consider this issue to be more of a question of the style in which children’s
programming activities are conducted – as I have argued in section 4.2.2.
Finally, I believe Perlman was basically right in the set of goals for further research that she
laid down in 1976, and within which my research pretty much falls. However, I have gone beyond
these goals, by having also involved the educational context and the preschool teachers in my
« (…) there is a whole area of research involving working with children
with the system, finding difficulties they encounter, and (…) inventing new
ways to present the concepts they find difficult (…) »
(Perlman, 1976, p. 29)
Regarding the involvement of teachers in programming, little was done at the preschool level,
but there were pioneer efforts at the elementary level, followed by many others since. Soon after the
development of Logo, Seymour Papert provided support in the form of a list of specific suggestions
of educational activities using programming (Papert & Solomon, 1971) – an approach I am also
following in the cookbook of section 3.4. And at the same time as Perlman was developing her
system, Ellen Hildreth published a paper supporting the efforts of teachers of the first and second
elementary grades. In that paper, one of the approaches she took was also used by me when
working with preschool computer-activity teachers (vd. Annex VI): finding adequate terminology to
address programming issues with young children (Hildreth, 1975, pp. 6-10).
After the 1974-1976 pioneer work of Radia Perlman, in 1980 Seymour Papert stated “I have
seen hundreds of elementary school children learn very easily to program, and evidence is
accumulating to indicate that much younger children could do so as well” (Papert, 1980, p. 13).
Sadly, he does not provide more information on that evidence, although it certainly included
Perlman’s work, seeing that it was taking place at MIT’s AI Lab, of which Papert was co-director.

ToonTalk’s limited editing option of using time-travelling only addresses these problems partially, since children can
re-route the course of actions of a robot, but not actually edit it; however, as I mention in section 4.2.2, ToonTalk does
have editing possibilities in terms of the distributed nature of its programs and the mechanism of behaviors (vd. p. 374).
In a more general sense, before the child masters the immediate-response programming system.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 301

Introduction to preschool education and computers
Since the creation of Logo, a large body of research has been developed on the use of
computer programming by children, but mostly centered on children of formal school age, i.e. 6
years old or more (Clements & Nastasi, 1999). Research focusing on the use of computer
programming with younger children is less common, as can be seen by analyzing current review
studies (Clements, 1999b; Clements & Sarama, 2003; Gillespie, 2004).
Thus, below I present an historical review of reports on the use of computer programming
with children aged 3, 4, or 5. Afterwards, I provide of personal overview.
In 1978, a study found that “four- and five-year-old children had great difficulty both in
learning to program a turtle and in transferring what they had learned” (Gregg, 1978, acc. Mayer
et al., 1986).
In 1983, three five-year-olds, using Logo, “determined the correct length for the bottom line
of their drawing by adding the lengths of the three horizontal lines that they had constructed at the
top of a tower: 20 + 30 + 20 = 70” (Clements, 1983, acc. Clements, 1999c). One other study
attempted to establish predictor variables for the ability to program, but was inconclusive (one
experiment in Canada, with 26 kindergarten children, another in France, with 16 kindergarten
children). Children were “taught to program with the LOGO Turtle using a simplified form of
LOGO” (Munro-Mavrias, 1983), but this consisted only of “a 30-minute computer literacy
demonstration and two 20-minute sessions of unstructured exploration with the four LOGO
commands for the procedures” (id., ibid.) Post-testing involved requiring children to draw
geometric shapes with the Logo turtle (id., ibid.) and attempting to match the results with the
candidate predictor variables.
In 1984, there was a report that regarding language use, 3- and 4-year-old children verbalized
significantly more about their Logo computer pictures than about their hand-drawn works (Warash,
1984, acc. Coniam, 1992, and Clements & Sarama, 2003).
In 1985, research noted that working with Logo in a narrative context increases
kindergarteners’ readiness scores on visual discrimination, visual motor skills, and visual memory
(Reimer, 1985, acc. Clements, 1999b). In other research, a preschooler abstracted novel ideas from
his Logo experience, such as “the discovery that reversing the turtle's orientation and moving it
backward had the same effect as merely moving it forward” (Tan, 1985, acc. Clements, 1999c). In
this same year, another researcher examined five-year-old children's activity choices in an early
childhood classroom setting “designed to foster interactive microcomputer activities” (Schwartz,
1985). However, there were serious negative assumptions underlaying this study, for it “was
hypothesized that engaging and sustaining the children's active involvement with interactive
computer experiences would be very difficult, due to their limited academic skills. Further, it was
expected that 5-year-olds would not develop even the simplest programming skills” (id., ibid.).
Schwartz concluded that “some 5-year-old children will choose interactive microcomputer
activities, but none will develop programming skills in even the simplest form, although directly
taught at timely moments” (id., ibid.).
In 1986, there where two contradictory similar experiments. In one (Degelman, Free, et al.,
1986), the intention was to detect whether five-year-olds exposed to 15 minutes per school day of a
single-keystroke version of Logo, during 5 weeks, fared better at rule-learning problems than a
control group. They found that the Logo group had a significantly higher proportion of correct rule
identification responses on the two problems that were administered to all children. In the other
experiment (Degelman, Brokaw, et al., 1986), 44 kindergarteners were split in three groups: a Logo
group, a non-programming graphics-control group, and a comparison group. For 8 weeks, children
had 15 minutes individual instruction twice a week; after the 8 weeks, they were tested on measures
of rule-learning and creativity, but no significant measures were detected, although the number of
errors was smaller in the computer-experience groups.

302 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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Other studies conducted in 1986 focused on children’s interactions while programming,
concluding that that “as preschoolers become more competent in working with Logo, they become
more self-directed and rely more on peers and less on teachers, forcing a shift from teacher to peer
mediation” (Miller & Emihovich, 1986, acc. Clements et al., 1993), and that this motion towards
peer-mediated problem-solving may be necessary for achievement gains to occur, in view of
detected effects of peer interaction on retention levels of preschool children (Perlmutter et al.,
1989272). Also reported were the case studies of two kindergarteners working in a public school
computer lab and two preschoolers using computers in a university-based computer classroom. The
analysis of the case studies focused upon what the kindergarteners and preschoolers said and did
while computing, finding that “for the kindergarten children, LOGO facilitated collaborative
behavior and enhanced the expression of social and language skills. For the preschoolers, LOGO
encouraged highly focused task-related behavior, but did not invite collaborative learning” (Strand,
In 1987, again the work with Logo in a narrative approach was taken, this time concluding
that it enhanced language-impaired preschool students’ perceptual-language skills (Lehrer &
deBernard, 1987, acc. Clements, 1999b).
In 1988, a study on the use of Logo to learn geometry was initiated involving children in
grades K-6. A total of 644 children were used in control groups, subject to the regular geometry
curriculum and 12 were involved in geometry activities using Logo (Clements, 1999b); “students in
grades K-1 used a single-key version of Logo, students in grades 2-4 used TEACH, and students in
grades 5-6 used an enhanced version of regular Logo” (Battista & Clements, 1991). In conclusion,
“Logo students performed better over all. They demonstrated flexible consideration of multiple
properties of geometric shapes that may help lay the groundwork for hierarchical classification”
(Clements, 1999b). This study involved a large variety of ages, but five-year-old were indeed
involved. E.g.:
« (…) an episode with a kindergarten student illustrates another natural
role that imagery plays in geometric problem solving. John is asked to use
Logo to draw an open path that has three bends in it. He draws a “box” in
which the beginning and ending points do not touch. He explains that he
“just thought of all the paths we made. One of the paths had the right
number.” John visually reviews solutions to similar problems, analyzing
each to see if it meets the constraints for the new problem. »
(Battista & Clements, 1991)
Between 1988 and 1990, a Portuguese teacher working at a Pre-K to Grade 3 school
conducted Logo programming activities with 52 children aged between 4 and 6 (Correia, 1990). He
started by having the children role-play the Logo turtle without using the computer. Then, Logo
commands were issued to either a floor turtle or a screen turtle, with the teacher serving as
computer operator to enter the children’s instructions. In order to allow children to use Logo on
their own, he adapted a keyboard (Figure 242), so that children could use it iconically, with single

Figure 242 – Rigoberto Correia’s keyboard adaption

From: Correia, 1990, p. 15

This research was conducted in 1986, as reported by Clements et al., 1993.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 303

Introduction to preschool education and computers
1988 was also the year in which the government of Costa Rica launched its “Computers in
Elementary Education” program, which “reached over 140,000 pre-school273 and elementary
school children a year” (Fonseca, 1999, p. 6). This program was based on a Logo version called
LogoWriter (id., p. 8); it “broke away from the international standard model by focusing on very
young children first, and for cognitive rather than computer literacy or computer-assisted
instruction purposes” (id., p. 6). It is also mentioned again further ahead, in the para. for 1998.
By 1989, there was enough public interest
on programming with pre-literate children for the
SEMERC274 at Redbridge, UK, to develop a Logo-
programming overlay for overlay keyboards275
(Peixoto & Carvalho, 1990, p. 26).
In this same year, a Portuguese researcher
published the results of a year-long study of
cognitive impacts on 10 five-year-old children
within two preschool rooms. Compared with a
control group, the study detected a moderate
increase in several domains, including time-
structuring and mental visualizations (Miranda,
1989). However, some of the major cognitive
aspects of the process of programming were not Figure 243From:– Redbridge SEMERC keyboard overlay
Peixoto & Carvalho, 1990, p. 26
included: “procedure, bug-debugging, recursion
and naming notions were not tested directly, since it was impossible to attain, in the course of the
research period, elements for their evaluation” (Miranda, 1990).
In 1990, a manual was published, designed for kindergarten and grade 1 of elementary school,
aiming to “integrate the teaching and learning of mathematical and computer concepts and skills”
(Cauthen, 1990). It contained 41 lessons, which were primarily based on LOGO (id.).
In 1991, a study involved 17 four-year-old and 79 five-year-old children from the suburbs of
Buffalo, New York, USA (Weaver, 1991). It explored differences between a floor turtle and an on-
screen turtle, in terms of geometric concepts, learning efficiency, and children preference; it also
compared children that used Logo with other children, focusing on perspective-taking ability and
amount of geometry concepts learned. The research sessions were based on previous geometry-
oriented Logo research (Battista & Clements, 1991), with “two to three computer sessions per week
for about 6 weeks” (Weaver, 1991). The study found no significant differences regarding the two
kinds of turtles, and the geometry tests did not reveal differences between students who used Logo
and those who didn’t, although geometry scores improved overall (id., ibid.).
In 1992, a graduation paper associated with the field traineeship of a Preschool Educational
Baccalaureate was presented at the University of Costa Rica, on the use of Logo with preschool
children (Garro276, 1992).
It had been previously suggested by observational research with older children that Logo
drawing helped students create more elaborate pictures than those that they could create by hand,
One year later, in 1989, a graduation paper by five authors was presented at the University of Costa Rica, regarding
the use of computers with preschool children aged between 5½ and 6½; it's only available in a Costa Rican library, so I
have had no access to its contents; but it’s likely to include LogoWriter use (Ramirez et al., 1989).
The SEMERC (Special Education Micro Electronics Resource Centres) were UK government units for software
development and training, but only the Manchester SEMERC survived the termination of UK government funding in
1989 (Granada Learning, 2005).
An overlay keyboard is a flat surface of touch-sensitive cells. The surface is programmed in order to assign specific
keyboard functions to pressure within specific areas, and then covered with a paper overlay identifying those areas. As
can be seen in Figure 243, this particular overlay was developed by the SEMERC at Redbridge.
As for the paper mentioned in footnote 273, this document is only available in a Costa Rican library, and I have had
no access to its contents.
304 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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and that new ideas from computational media were transferred to artwork on paper (Vaidya &
McKeeby, 1984, acc. Clements, 1999b). Also in 1992, researchers looked into the relation between
Logo programming and creativity at young ages, verifying that “children as young as three years
(…) show signs of developmental progression in the areas of drawing and geometry during such
computer use” (Clements & Nastasi, 1992, acc. Clements, 1999b).
By 1993, one can deduce from these scattered pieces of research and usage reports that many
undocumented cases of computer programming activities with preschoolers were taking place,
based upon TurtleTalk, the subset of Logo commands that allow control of the Logo turtle (vd.
Table 10 on p. 144). In this year, Seymour Papert reported the case of a kindergarten girl that
discovered the meaning of zero, by playing with a Logo program “that allowed objects on the
screen to be designed and set in motion. (…) The speed of an object was controlled by typing a
number (…)” (Papert, 1993, p. 126). The child got very excited when she realized that when speed
was zero, the object stopped – which meant that moving at speed zero is the same as stopped (id.,
In 1994, Logo was shown to increase preschoolers’ “self-efficacy and internal locus of
control” (Bernhard & Siegel, 1994, acc. Clements & Sarama, 2003).
In 1995, the Russian Institute for New Technology-INT jointly developed with the Canadian
company LCSI (INT, 2005), an iconic version of Microworlds, aimed at children between the ages
of 4 and 8, called PervoLogo, which was described on p. 160. Three Russian researchers presented
it to an English-speaking audience two years later, but with no details on actual use by children277
(Alexandrov et al., 1997).
In 1996, an informal review of the system My Make Believe Castle (described on p. 167)
reports on preschool children’s interaction with the product, stating that a four-year-old “loved
making his characters turn around and move in the opposite direction, climb up or down a ladder,
dance, and jump (…)[,] liked recording his own voice for each of the characters (…) [and] click on
an anthill and helping the ants find their way through the maze” (Velgos, 1996).
Also in 1997, a study covering three preschool rooms, with 12 to 15 children and two teachers
in each room, evaluated the use of Logo word worlds278 with pre-readers (Hopper & Lawler, 1997).
It reported that “children showed definite growth in letter and word knowledge” (id., ibid.).
There was also a report on the successful use of the Logo version called MicroWorlds by 5-
year-old children in a Reggio Emilia infant school279, to construct “multimedia messages”
(Chioccariello, 1997). Regarding the use of programming, the report provides information pointing
to the focus on the planning aspects of programming: “the Microworld interface is very intuitive
and consonant with the children's expectation of naming an action and assigning it to an actor that
executes it when clicked. This was effectively exploited by the children to add sound recordings,
melodies and animations to their scenes.” (id.). To overcome the limitations of textual
programming, children would plan the movements to be coded on paper, using arrows to represent
the commands to issue, and would also name on paper the various procedures, which were then
typed into the computer by the teacher.
In this same year, a paper provided teacher strategies for teaching Logo itself, disregarding
integration in other contexts, but starting from off-computer approaches and planning (Turcsányi-
Szabó, 1997). It reportedly was the result of accumulated experience over 13 years (i.e., since

A book was published in Russian, on the use of PervoLogo in teaching (Soprunov, 1996), but I have no information
regarding its contents.
“Logo Word Worlds are computer-based learning environments, or microworlds, for inductive learning of language.
Children create and manipulate computer animated objects on the display screen by using words of a natural language.
(…) The main goal of the Purdue-Headstart-Apple Project was to explore the impact of computer experience with logo
based Word Worlds on pre-readers” (Hopper, 2001).
The Reggio Emilia pedagogic model is presented in section 4.1.3, pp. 273-276.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 305

Introduction to preschool education and computers
1983/84), working with children aged 5 and 6. Although this approach is not in line with the
traditional philosophy on the educational use of Logo, described in section 4.2.2, this paper
included valuable remarks about patterns of usage by kindergarten children: it mentioned that they
usually do not stick to preset plans, not even their own, and have a tendency of going back to trial-
and-error strategies. Seeing as the main goal behind this paper is the learning of Logo techniques,
these patterns of usage are seen as something to be avoided, and Turcsányi-Szabó provides
interesting suggestions for teachers, such as “diverting egocentric thinking” (id., ibid.). In passing,
she provides accounts of children this young re-using procedures, both their own and written by
others, and mentions benefits to reading and writing from children’s contact with Logo, attributing
these to awareness of syntactical restrictions (due to the need to type commands precisely), “feeling
of writing as a composition in space: letters appearing form left to right, words divided by space,
lines continuing under each other” (id., ibid.), immediacy of seeing what is typed, and the drilling
effect of retyping words as “evoking interest in the meaning and function of words” (id., ibid.).
Also in 1997, one finds a first research report on the use of the Valiant Roamer (p. 172),
which analyses its impact on the problem-solving strategies of six children aged 4 and 5, after a six-
week period of programming experience (Macchiusi, 1997). All children “clearly demonstrated
patterns of typical non-strategic behaviours. Although the children generally exhibited these
nonstrategic behaviours, towards the later part of the post-robotic period some of their behaviours
reflected strategic patterns” (id., p. 27), but the study did include considerable focus on the kinds of
interactions taking place between the children and the teacher, to conclude that “teacher scaffolding
is an important requirement to assist young children in the development of effective problem-
solving strategies and metacognitive skills” and “noticeable differences in student’s choice of
learning strategy are visible only after some quality time and input by the teacher” (id., p. 28).
An influencial position statement, by the MIT Media Lab, was also made public in 1997,
pointing to the importante of developing novel interfaces enabling a better communication between
very young children and computers:
« The channels of communications between children and computers have
been extremely limited: keystrokes and mouse clicks in one direction, text
and graphics in the other. By enabling computers to understand and produce
gestures and other forms of nonverbal communication, we will enrich the
nature of the interaction between children and computers. By the same
token, computers that understand verbal and nonverbal communication can
open up computing to a broader range of ages and cultural traditions
(including non-literate people). That is, children who cannot (yet) type, can
certainly gesture in the direction of their computer, and understand the
speech and gesture that the computer returns. »
(Negroponte et al., 1997, my emphasis)
By 1998 there was an increase in the level of use of the Valiant Roamer robot with preschool
children, as demonstrated by two documents: a book edited by the company behind the robot, with
activity suggestions specifically for its use with preschoolers (Hudson, 1998); and a paper detailing
the use of the Valiant Roamer in two child care centers, one in Helsinki, Finland, another in
Willimantic, Connecticut, USA (Wright, 1998). These works provide many suggestions and reports
about the integration of the Valiant Roamer robot into the preschool curriculum and context.
In this same year, the government of Costa Rica initiated the second phase of its Computers in
Elementary Education program, already mentioned in this list regarding its launch in 1988. In this
second phase, it reaches “225,000 [K-6] children a year – i.e., 30 percent of the country’s total
elementary school population” (Fonseca, 1999, p. 6). This second phase of program was based on a
Logo version called MicroWorlds, replacing the original version, LogoWriter (id., p. 8). Accounts
from other Latin American countries have also surfaced. In Venezuela, for instance, a Logo

306 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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adaptation for preschoolers, called Facilito280, was being used with children aged 4 & 5 for basic
turtle commands (Estevez, 1998); a similar adaptation, called DIB, was being used in Argentina
(Bergagna, 1998); the father of a 3-year-old Argentinian child with Down syndrome was
successfully using a personal adaptation of Logo (Felice, 1998).
Also in 1998, a large study involving over 100 teachers from kindergarten to third grade
elementary was conducted on the use of the system My Make Believe Castle (described on p. 167).
Unfortunately, while the authors provide many accounts and learning insights involved in the use of
this system, they do not provide any information on how many of the children involved were in
kindergarten, and the few cases that do mention the current school stage of children are all from the
elementary grades (Bearden & Martin, 1998).
In 1999, a mother presented simple games, quite ordinary, which she created for use by her
three-year old daughter, and documented the difficulties her child was experienced while attempting
to control the computer. It is interesting to follow the progression of the sequence of programs, as
the mother describes the control problems and evolution that the child was experiencing: identifying
letters on the keyboard, finding the mouse cursor, clicking on a picture, dragging and dropping. The
three-year old child wasn’t just a passive user: she was involved in the development281 of the
games, suggesting new pictures, new sounds, and other program properties (Tomcsányiová, 1999).
Still in 1999, following the 1998 launch of the LEGO Mindstorms series and various software
packages for its use (vd. pp. 161-162), reports emerged regarding the participation of preschoolers
in the programming projects using Mindstorms products, even though giving little or no details on
actual programming methods:
« Kindergartners have used LabVIEW and the LEGO bricks to build their
town and automated a bus to stop at each house. »
(Erwin et al., 1999, p. 1)
« (…) to teach kindergartners about forces (including the concept of
friction), we brought a few RCX bricks and a computer into a classroom.
(…) After showing them once how to work the (…) program, they had no
problem making their cars move in all directions and speeds. (…) We
worked more closely with a few kindergartners, who quickly learned how to
do diagram programming. One kindergartner made a little robotic car that
would follow you around if you sped up, so would it. He simply had the light
indicator brick controlling the speed of the motors, when the sensor no
longer read the reflection off of the person, the car would go faster. In
general, the kindergartners had little difficulty programming (the earliest we
have worked with is 3-year-olds). The panel programming quickly taught
them how to think logically and the basics of programming structure. Armed
with this, they have little difficulty moving into the diagram programming
environment. Interestingly, however, the younger students seem much more
interested in the physical construction rather than the programming. If the
program basically works, that is good enough. »
(id., pp. 8-9)
« The RCX Code uses a drag-and-drop interface, and is easy to use and
understand. (My 4-year-old wonder boy Isaac can use it without any

“(…) in my case, at the preschool level (children from age 4) until the first grade (6-7 years) they work with a Logo
util called Facilito (designed by the Educational Computing Center of IBM in Venezuela)” (Estevez, 1998, translated
from the Spanish original).
The involvement of older children in the design and development process of technological projects was being
approached in the same year at the academic level (Druin, 1999a, 1999b).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 307

Introduction to preschool education and computers
problem, and only needs help thinking through the steps of the programs he
tries to write.) »
(Wilcox, 1999)
In 2000, following the development the StoryRooms system, aimed at children aged between
7 and 11, for the creation of physical interactive storytelling environments (Alborzi et al., 2000), a
research effort was initiated with the aim of allowing kindergartners to program interactions with
the physical environment by manipulation of physical objects (Montemayor, 2001), an effort which
would eventually lead to the Physical Programming system, mentioned further ahead in this section
(see also p. 177).
Also in 2000, there was a report on an observation of 26 children aged between 4 and 5 years
using the Valiant Roamer for the first time, basically consisting on the discovery of how the
“forward” command key made it move and how this movement depended on the numbers provided
(Piper, 2000).
Between 2000 and 2001, children aged between 4 and 6 were involved in a research project
which started from LEGO pieces and RCX bricks (vd. Figure 102) and developed novel
construction pieces and software to support the programming by children of behaviors for those
pieces. This project, “CAB – Construction kit made of Atoms and Bits”, provided significant
contributions at the level of curricular integration of physical construction projects and
programming, but its final reports doesn’t provide much information on the specific issues
regarding the programming process by young children (Askildsen et al., 2001).
In the Logo field, in 2001 were published the results of a major evaluation of a Logo-based
geometry curriculum (Clements & Battista, 2001), which included 1,624 students from kindergarten
to the 6th grade and their teachers; it employed “a wide assortment of research techniques, pre and
post paper-and-pencil testing, interviews, classroom observations, and case studies” (Clements &
Sarama, 2003). The summary of these results is:
« Across grades K-6, Logo students scored significantly higher than
control students on a general geometry achievement test, making about
double the gains of the control groups. These are especially significant
because the test was paper-and-pencil, not allowing access to the computer
environments in which the experimental group had learned and because the
curriculum is a relatively short intervention, lasting only six weeks. Other
assessments confirmed these results, and indicated that Logo was a
particularly felicitous environment for learning mathematics, reasoning, and
problem solving. »
(Clements & Sarama, 2003).
These results were presented in support of the argument that “Logo, used thoughtfully, can
provide an additional evocative context for young children’s explorations of mathematical ideas”
(id., emphasis in the original), and that teachers play an essential role in this regard: “children often
do not appreciate the mathematics in Logo work unless someone helps them see the work
mathematically. Effective teachers raise questions about ‘surprises’ or conflicts between children’s
intuitions and computer feedback to promote reflection. They pose challenges and tasks designed to
make the mathematical ideas explicit for children. They help children build bridges between the
Logo experience and their regular mathematics work” (id.).
Also in the Logo field, in 2001 two Russian researchers presented a novel version of
PervoLogo (vd. p. 160), whose first version I have mentioned previously (see the paragraph about
1995, in this section). Still, no information was provided regarding trials with children (Ganichev &
Supronov, 2001).

308 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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In this year still, two researchers provided some reflections linking the various issues behind
developmentally-appropriate educational practice with the usage of Logo programming by children
aged between three and six years (Gillespie & Beisser, 2001).
2001 was also the year when the Electronic Blocks systems (p. 175) was presented, along
with a study on its use with 28 children aged between four and six years, at an on-campus university
preschool. For this study, children “on average played with the blocks between two and three times
during the six days of evaluation” (Wyeth & Wyeth, 2001). Accounts include children’s
preferences, misconceptions, and time devoted to the task. An interesting report involves the
difficulties children found grasping the relationship between the “invisible signals passed between
blocks and the behaviours of the logic elements” (id., ibid.), and how the use of interacting block
structures helped them overcome this difficulty. The researchers also include accounts of frustration
problems, albeit few, and report on instances of debugging and reuse of “code fragments” (id.,
In 2002, Douglas Clements published a thorough review of various issues on the use of
computers in early childhood, including programming topics. Reasoning over previous research, he
hypothesized: “Several studies have reported that Logo experience significantly increases in both
preschool and primary grade children’s ability to monitor their comprehension and problem-
solving processes; that is, to ‘realize when you don’t understand’ (…). This may reflect the
prevalence of ‘debugging’ in Logo programming” (Clements, 2002).
Also in this year one finds the description of an approach to the introduction of robotics and
robot programming in early childhood classrooms (Bers et al., 2002), using RoboLab (p. 162),
which provides useful methods for technology integration on the part of early childhood teachers.
However, in the provided examples the preschool children did not program: instead the teachers
developed activities where these children got to use technology in an active manner, but not
programming or robotic construction itself. The approach strongly involves children in many
technical issues, but reveals a bias against the abilities of preschoolers:
« Although they did design the environment for the caterpillar, they did
not experience the technical building or programming. These children were
only three years old. (…) The scale of the LEGOs was too small, and thus
required a great deal of fine motor ability, which many four-year-olds have
not yet mastered. Due to their young age, it wasn’t developmentally-
appropriate to engage or expect children to participate in the whole design
process of the crane, as their student-teacher did. (…) [Five-year old]
children were not engaged in either the engineering design of the wheel, or
the programming of its movement. However, they were in charge of
controlling the contraption and deciding the chronological order of the
stages of a tadpoles’ life cycle by operating the wheel and its motion. »
(Bers et al., 2002)
Still in 2002 were presented the results of the effort launched in 2001 to allow kindergartners
to program interactions with the physical environment by manipulation of physical objects
(Montemayor, 2001), now named “Physical Programming” (Montemayor et al., 2002; see also p.
177). Working with 11 kindergartners, aged between 4 and 6 years, the researchers developed a
system that does away with a computer screen entirely and relies entirely on the use of physical
sensors and actuators, which the researchers called “physical icons” (id.). From video-recorded
data, these researchers provide information on children’s activity patterns and roles. And also this
interesting observation:
« (…) [the children’s] main difficulty was in understanding the difference
between programming and participation in an already created story. At this
young age, children’s most common form of storytelling is improvisational

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 309

Introduction to preschool education and computers
storytelling (…) where children freely move in and out of storytelling and
“storylistening”. We now believe this may be our biggest challenge in
supporting children with physical programming. Is there a way to naturally
move between programming and participating282? The magic wand may be
only part of the solution. »
(Montemayor et al., 2002)
2003 saw the appearance of several reports on programming in the preschool age group, by
using physical materials, as I mention below. Two superficial accounts by teachers also surfaced, on
having used Logo with preschoolers in the previous years, in Argentina (anon., 2003).
Regarding the Electronic Blocks system, which had been presented in 2001 (see above in this
section, but also on p. 175), a new paper published in 2003 presented the design criteria behind its
development (Wyeth & Purchase, 2003), and provided descriptions of the usage of Electronic
Blocks by a three-year-old and a five-year-old (id.). It also contains more detailed information on
the research sessions mentioned in the 2001 paper (Wyeth & Wyeth, 2001).
A new tangible-programming system was presented in 2003, called Topobo (vd. p. 178).
During its development phase, the researchers had the goal of rendering it usable by children as
young as five (Raffle & Garcia, 2003). A small bit of information is provided regarding a single
two-hours kindergarten trial (id.).
For the LEGO Mindstorms products, during this year some informal documents hint at a
social and cultural background where these products are sometimes used with preschool or
kindergarten aged children: the announcement of a public talk at a university demonstrating the use
of RoboLab (vd. p. 162) with children from age 5 onward (Rogers, 2003); and the Web page of a
kindergarten, which presents photographs and descrptions of the robotics projects done with
children for the schoolyear 2003-2004, including RoboLab programming, but with no details on
what were the actual activities performed by the children (Belcher, 2003).
Similar information is found regarding the Valiant Roamer system (p. 172), from two
different countries, hinting also at some level of use in preschool environments: a Portuguese paper
which I co-authored documents some of its uses in several preschools in the region of Vila Real,
Portugal (João-Monteiro et al., 2003); and some photographs providing evidence of its use in a
preschool room in Kansas, USA (Witherspoon, 2003). In the field of Logo programming, I found a
similar piece of information: at least until July 2nd, 2004, links to several Logo projects done by
four-year-olds and five-year-olds were available on a Web page; these links no longer function
(Richardson, n.d.).
In 2004, an article described three studies on computer programming that followed children in
a kindergarten classroom and a preschool activity room. The kindergarten was accompanied for 2
years, with children divided into two groups (4 children + 5 children), using MicroWorlds Logo and
Lego-Logo; the preschool was accompanied for a year, with 13 children involved, without specific
groupings, since all children were using MicroWords Logo (however, the data for this classroom is
mostly based on 5 children: one 3-year-old, two 4-year-olds, and two 5-year-olds). In the
kindergarten, there were 2 or 3 one-hour sessions per week, year-round; in the preschool, the
computer was used as any other activity center283. “All children had the opportunity to use Logo
multiple times per week as part of their regular classroom curriculum (…). Data were collected
(…) during the time that children were engaged in Lego-Logo activities to show frequencies and
proportion of time that children spent interacting with Logo in various ways, as well as various
social configurations during children’s interaction with MicroWorlds and Lego-Logo” (Gillespie,

During my field work with ToonTalk programming, which I discuss in chapters 1 and 1 of this thesis, I have
witnessed children “forgetting” they were teaching a robot and started playing with it; this observation by Montemayor
and his colleagues may offer another perspective on this issue.
Vd. section 4.1.3, particularly the parts on the High/Scope model, for a description of activity centers.
310 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
2004). The studies were centered on social interactions, rather than on actual programming
developments and issues. The article tells how much time children spent constructing, role-playing,
etc. and whether they were doing it alone, with a peer, an adult, or a combination of peers and
adults. The researchers were satisfied with the level of involvement of children with programming
in the kindergarten, where specific sessions were conducted, but not with the level of involvement
achieved in the preschool, since only 5 of the 13 children there got involved (id.).
At the level of robotics programming, in 2004 more LEGO Mindstorms user stories surfaced,
such as an account of a four-year-old having learned how to program a LEGO robot (Rice, 2004).
In Australia, a trial project regarding the use of the Valiant Roamer robot in preschool and
primary school settings was initiated, planned to proceed until 2006, “to establish a developmental
scope and sequence across sectors, common language and underlying skill and concept
development required” (Marsham, 2004).
More information was also published about the Topobo system, which had been created in the
previous year, as mentioned above. Based on the research conducted in 2003, some activities and
ideas were outlined, inspired by Froebel’s kindergarten gifts284 (Raffle, 2004, pp. 74-83).
Researchers have also conducted classroom studies with 25 kindergartners, aged between 5 and 6
years (Raffle et al., 2004), but only for three hours, having focused their research on older children.
However, they did report that all the children involved in the research associated the Topobo
models with “with their ‘familiar knowledge’ about animals and machines” (id.); but their
kindergarten-related information is limited to this: “Kindergartners generally programmed only one
(…) [model]. Some kindergartners puzzled over cause and effect with the programming and
playback, while others understood the interface and playfully experimented with creations and
storytelling” (id.).
Still in 2004, some user
studies for System Blocks (vd. p.
177) were presented, including 5
preschool students (Zuckerman,
2004, pp. 86-91), with ages between
3 ½ to 4 ½ years old (id., p. 86). The
researcher conducted only one
session with each child, lasting
between 15 to 30 minutes. The
sessions were based around
mapping real-world cases such as
water flow (Figure 244) or eating Figure 244 – System Blocks arrangement for a water flow example
From: Zuckerman et al., 2005
cookies onto a system with an input,
an accumulator and an output, probing the child's understanding of system dynamics often. “Out of
the five children, three could analogize the moving lights to water, and two could not. (…) The
three children that could analogize moved on to the cookies example. (…) The 4-year-olds
successfully simulated the model while describing with joy how they bake the cookies and other kids
eat the cookies” (Zuckerman et al., 2005).
So now, in 2005, what information can be extracted from all this history of computer
programming with preschool-aged children, overall?
Not much.
There has been a large evolution of the variety of tools and systems at the disposal of
educators, but research on educational practice at the preschool level has not seen similar progress.

The description of these gifts can be found in section 4.1.1.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 311

Introduction to preschool education and computers
The text-based roots of computer programming were the first and foremost obstacle to the
usage of programming by preschoolers. Nevertheless, this obstacle was also the first to be tackled,
as described earlier in this section: from an hardware perspective, as early as 1974-1976, by Radia
Perlman’s TORTIS system, which provided a tangible, non-textual way to program; from a
software perspective, at about the same time, by Paul Goldenberg’s FASTR system and Cynthia
Solomon’s TEACH system, which allowed programming to be made using single-keystrokes, thus
helping overcome the need to type words.
Since then, developments aimed at helping preschoolers overcome this obstacle were few,
until the late 1990s, when various iconic-based or robotics-based programming systems started to
emerge, such as My Make Believe Castle, PervoLogo, RoboLab, or the Valiant Roamer. The 2000s
have been the stage for the development of more iconic-based systems and several tangible
programming systems that allow children to employ various programming techniques without
resorting to textual cues, such as Electronic Blocks, Physical Programming, or Topobo.
However, the information available regarding children’s use of these new systems is
extremely limited. Usually, the documentation reports children’s “successful” use of the systems, or
describe how children managed to complete some specific activity. And in the few exceptions
containing details of the process of programming, such as the data on System Blocks, the reports are
based on extremely limited interactions between preschoolers and the researchers developing the
systems, who tipically focus on the interaction with older children and approach preschoolers as
little more than an extra trial.
Due to this state of affairs, the main corpus of information on computer programming with
preschoolers is the set of Logo-based studies conducted since the mid-1970s. This corpus was
limited in scope, because the Logo environments, until recently, were constrained in the options
available for preschoolers to conduct programming activities. TurtleTalk command subset, for
producing turtle graphics (vd. Figure 79, on p. 144), as virtually the only simple way for children to
enter programming commands and receive feedback, in a non-textual manner.
And this corpus os Logo-based research is not entirely focused on preschoolers; for instance,
the largest studies (Battista & Clements, 1991; Clements & Battista, 2001), included children from
kindergarten (aged 5) to the 6th elementary grade (aged 11). While considering kindergarteners and
their special needs, these studies were necessarily focused on issues prevalent throughout schooling.
The results of such studies have provided quite relevant knowledge, particularly on the quality
of students’ domain of the subject matter that was studied with the support of Logo (geometry, in
the case of the two studies mentioned in the last paragaph). Possibly the most important overall
contribution from this corpus of research, is the support it rendered to Seymour Papert’s insight in
seeing the potential of programming to support the development of new forms of learning and
thinking, by demonstrating its effectiveness when “used thoughtfully” by teachers (Clements &
Sarama, 2003).
Beyond these results, however, the applicability of these findings to typical environments of
preschools and kindergartens is limited. These environments, as can be gathered from the sample
pedagogic models presented in section 4.1.3, are structurally different from formal schooling. There
is a lack of specific research on programming with preschool children, looking at children aged 3, 4
and those that have just turned 5, rather than just those who are almost 6 and about to enroll in
elementary school.
At this age level, one finds studies that analysed specific issues, but little information on the
overall issue of conducting programming with preschoolers has been provided since Radia
Perlman’s efforts of 1974-1976. Besides the focus on children aged 5-almost-6, the research efforts
with preschoolers often suffered from what Seymour Papert called “technocentric questions”
(Papert, 1980, p. xiv): researching the impact of Logo programming on children as if it were an
independent variable, rather than looking at how Logo programming was used and at who,

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specifically, Logo programming was being used with. Several of the research efforts presented in
this section simply describe the programming that took place, without looking into the educational
processes that are taking place or the educational settings.
« Although a venerable body of research on the use of Logo in early
childhood environments, including preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade
classrooms, has developed since the mid-1980s, none of these studies
describes the continuous classroom involvement of young children in Logo-
rich environments that Papert envisioned. »
(Gillespie, 2004)
Depending how one interprets the word “continuous”, as used by Gillespie in the above
citation, “None”, may not be the right description; “virtually all” might be more adequate. Indeed
there are no studies of continuous classroom involvement of Logo, if one considers “continuous” to
mean year-long. But if one interprets “continuous” as the systematic usage of programming
integrated into everyday educational activities, not being simply an extra activity, some cases were
mentioned above, in the history of previous efforts (Chioccariello, 1997; Askildsen et al., 2001).
But indeed virtually all previous efforts fall within Gillespie’s judgment. I see them as attempts to
assess potential impacts of the exposure of children to computer programming, as if it were an
environment chemical, rather than a cognitive instrument (e.g., Munro-Mavrias, 1983; Schwartz,
1985; Degelman, Free, et al., 1986; Degelman, Brokaw, et al., 1986; Weaver, 1991). As was
mentioned before, regarding mathematics: “children often do not appreciate the mathematics in
Logo work unless someone helps them see the work mathematically” (Clements & Sarama, 2003),
i.e., the learning processes should be at the center of research, not Logo.
« [Programming] does not in itself produce good learning any more than
paint produces good art. »
(Papert, 1980, p. xiv)
More significant have been the descriptive studies, which look into the educational processes
and settings besides Logo. These have provided insights on the potential nature of programming
hurdles, on possible instruments to their resolution, and on the age-appropriateness of programming
activities at young ages (Warash, 1984; Reimer, 1985; Tan, 1985; Miller & Emihovich, 1986;
Perlmutter et al., 1989; Correia, 1990; Chioccariello, 1997; Macchiusi, 1997; Wyeth & Wyeth,
2001; Montemayor et al., 2002; Gillespie, 2004).
Still, these contributions have provided only fragments of information on the specific
technical and cognitive features involving the use of programming by preschoolers. I believe part of
the reason for this may lie in an inadequate framing of the programming activity by the research so
far, particularly in the common classifications of programming as an “open-ended” activity or a
“problem-solving” activity. These are just two examples of such classification:
« It appears that the effect of mediation is greater when children are
using Logo as compared to Games software. One possible explanation for
this finding could be related to the fact that Logo is an ‘open’ program
presenting problems of a visual spatial nature thus ‘inviting’ spatial
mediation (...) and consequently having a more significant effect on
children's vocabulary and visual spatial reasoning. »
(Klein et al., 2000)
« (…) even compared to other problem-solving, open-ended computer
environments, Logo environments engendered a high-level type of conflict
resolution involving coordination of divergent perspectives. »
(Clements & Nastasi, 1999)

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 313

Introduction to preschool education and computers
I do not wish to dispute the validity of these comments, per se. In fact, I have chosen to quote
them here precisely because I found them in respectable, quality research papers. But by classifying
programming environments as “open-ended” environments or “problem-solving” environments,
these researchers are also risking diverting the focus of their readers’ reasoning over the data. For
instance, a reader whose background lies essentially in the field of educational practice may decide
(if lacking programming experience285) to consider programming activities as any other open-ended
or problem-solving activity he/she is familiar with, in terms of planning and assumptions.
If one considers the kinds of activities educators traditionally think of when speaking of
“open-endedness”, regardless of age, typical cases might be the assemblage of construction blocks
without imposing a plan, role-playing with some script leeway, developing a civilization in a
computer game like Civilization III (vd. p. 72; Squire, 2004), or even using a computer simulation
game, such as The Sims (Maqsood, 2001). As for “problem-solving”, the name itself prompts an
idea of an immediate target or purpose, an hurdle that one faces and must overcome286.
Indeed programming can be used for these purposes, and in these ways. But these
classifications fail to appreciate the main distinctive features of the activity of programming. To
clarify my position, I’ll approach each of them in turn.
First, regarding open-endedness: by framing an activity within this classification, one is
indeed focusing on issues quite relevant to the process of programming. There is a need for
creativity; there is a need for purpose, for the ability to avoid getting lost, be it a global plan, or a
momentary interest that one elects to follow, a need for design abilities. For a teacher, there is the
need to be able to anticipate potential outcomes or difficulties, to suggest possible paths of
development for the activity. In terms of collaboration between learners, as Clements & Nastasi put
it in the quote above, there is a need of “coordination of divergent perspectives”. And many other
similar concerns could be listed.
But when using programming in an open-ended activity, other issues are quite relevant.
Rather than consider the path to take, and simply maneuver along it, programming requires the
awareness of how the maneuvering decisions are going to be made, before or while maneuvering
takes place. I am not referring to sorting out a technical issue or discovering a technique – the major
issue is the need to ponder on the process of doing. On the strategies for doing, on the information
required by those strategies; here, I am not just referring to information that is required by itself or
by any possible ultimate goal, but also to that information which becomes required to define and
follow up with very process of doing. All these thinking issues and techniques are being disregarded
when one dangerously elects to classify programming as an “open-ended” activity.
What about problem-solving? Isn’t programming a problem-solving activity? Indeed it is. The
same way programming is an open-ended activity.
The above thinking issues involved in programming can indeed be seen as part of a problem-
solving process. I mentioned “maneuvering” – towards a destination, certainly. I mentioned
“strategies” – towards a goal, certainly. I mentioned “doing” – to accomplish something, no doubt.
Butwhy should those destinations, goals, or accomplishments be restricted to the ones
determined before programming takes place? In an honest discussion, the participants are not only
trying to present their viewpoints, but learning from each other and facing the contradictions or gaps
in their arguments – and the outcome isn’t predetermined. Papert put this beautifully when he spoke

In section 4.2.2, p. 284, I addressed the way in which the lack of programming experience may render difficult the
perception of its significance and features.
Here, I’m addressing the typical, narrowly-interpreted way to understand “problem-solving”. But “problem-solving”
can also be understood in a broader, albeit less common, sense: the development of personal approaches and strategies
to deal with the unknown and overcome difficulties. I have no qualm whatsoever with the concept of “problem-solving”
under this perspective.
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of “new ways of thinking and learning” (Papert, 1980, p. xiv) – instead of new ways of solving
By classifying programming as a “problem-solving” activity, one is disregarding the
requirement imposed by programming to develop strategies to think, to develop strategies to
interpret. Indeed, when “problem-solving” one is considering strategies to approach and solve a
problem, but not to approach the unknown.
In the research supporting this thesis, my concern has been the encompassing of programming
by children, the way to empower them with it, rather than giving them a driver’s license for it. As
was put in 1960 by the pionners of the educational use of computers, at a time when such use would
necessarily involve programming (vd. p. 87), “to use computers better and more wisely by virtue of
understanding them first as general tools to be used in reasoning through solutions of problems per
se rather than as devices to solve particular problems” (Alan Perlis, acc. to Katz, 1960, p. 522).
In view of this concern, I didn’t want my ToonTalk-based research to be just another piece of
limited-scope information on “successfulness of programming by children”, as those provided by
studies devoted to programming systems other than Logo, as I mentioned on p. 312. I wanted to
provide more in-depth data, gathered from larger numbers of children and settings, over longer time
periods than just a few brief sessions with limited numbers of children. And to avoid restricting the
applicability of the field information to children with some command of general reading or writing,
I avoided activities based on any kind of reading or writing beyond the children’s own first names.
Further, in view of the integration of computer use in the context of preschool rooms, I worked with
children aged 3, 4 and 5 years old, rather than just those aged 5 or older, to attain a broader view of
the issues involving computer use in preschool education settings. And finally, also in the scope of
attaining this broader view, I combined research efforts over different settings: in and out of
preschool rooms; working with several children at a time, with just a pair of children at a time, and
with only one children at a time; directly conducting activities with children myself, but also just
providing guidance to educators, to gain insights on the applicability of my research and ideas by
others. My efforts under these directions are described in chapter 1.
In terms of data-gathering and results focus, most research done on preschoolers, since Radia
Perlman’s early efforts took place, was technocentric, mainly concerned with immediate impacts of
the existence of programming than with the actual processes that should guide its use; I wanted my
research to pick up on Perlman’s focus on the processes of using programming, and evolve from
this starting point, by combining the directions pointed by the few later studies that focused on the
educational processes and settings besides programming itself (which I have summarized on p.
313). For this reason, my research contributions are presented in four different parts: section 3.4
contains examples of usage of programming techniques to develop other learning objectives;
section 6.1 provides a structured view on the hurdles faced by preschoolers in the mental process of
programming; section 6.2 provides some insights on issues facing the educational use of
programming by preschool teachers; and chapter 1 provides a framework to help preschool teachers
integrate or embed programming activities and systems in everyday educational settings.

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5. Exploratory activities on preschool computer programming

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5.1. Finding a suitable tool

When considering conducting computer-programming activities with preschoolers, their
limited ability to conceptualize rules and abstractions (vd. section 4.1.2, on Piaget’s developmental
stages) may be seen, from a broader perspective, as the main issue at stake. However, perhaps the
most obvious hurdle regarding the introduction of computer programming concepts in preschool is
the absence of basic reading and writing skills. Although this is a purely technical computing
hurdle, and icons or logography-based writing can be envisaged as means of expression for the
“programmer’s” intentions, it seemed to me that in order to better reach to some conclusions I
needed a way to allow children to better express their desires.
Using drawing boards as a way to design programs (having a computer educator translate
children’s drawings into programming, i.e., being a “human compiler”), and resorting to physical,
theatre-like plays287, were possible starting points. But I don’t think such approaches would be
entirely adequate, since they would not give children the same level of control over a computer-
programming system. The theatre plays would require an educator or child to act as “judge”, rather
than the computer (which however would be in itself a valuable educational activity, programming
or not); and both the “theatre” method and the “human compiler” method would introduce a human-
level of interpretation of the children’s intentions, rather than have each child deal directly with the
behavior originating from the computer-interpretation of her commands.
Other possible starting points would be tangible programming systems, or even developing
new graphical programming tools, devising them in order to suit my research needs. Both options
would require the commitment of significant financial amounts, compared to an approach entirely
based on pre-existing software, without custom-developed elements or physical props. Further, pre-
existing software can readily be replaced in case the principles behind its design prove flawed or
inadequate in mid-research; in contrast, developing graphical programming tools to a level where
they are mature enough for field testing can take years. This flexibility in research would be forfeit
should I opt to develop customized software or use tangible programming systems. Thus, following
a principle of risk-minimization, my starting point involved the identification of software-only, pre-
existing, programming systems for children, potentially usable by preschoolers.
Luckily, as can be gathered from sections 3.3.4 and 4.2.3, I was not alone in this desire to
bridge the gap between children and computers. And albeit works dealing with preschool children
and programming are fairly limited, as mentioned in section 4.2.3, some of the methods and tools
being used with older children seemed suitable enough for the initial phases of my research.
Among the various available software-based programming tools, two in particular drew my
attention: Stagecast Creator (described in pp. 151-155), and ToonTalk (described in section 3.3.5).
Both systems allow the expression of complex programs without any need for mathematical
expressions, reading of text or interpretation of sets of icons. A striking difference, however, exists:
in ToonTalk, the programmer is immersed in a virtual world (a virtual city), and programs by
performing live actions with an “avatar”, moving around, picking up objects, and using virtual tools
such as a vacuum cleaner (vd. section 3.3.5). In Stagecast Creator, the programmer is not part of the
environment; rather all takes place in a more traditional interface, a dashboard-like environment
(vd. Figure 87-Figure 91, pp. 152-154).
As was discussed in section 3.3.3, p. 136, programming languages for children are “those that
were designed to facilitate the metaphorical mapping between programming concepts and typical
world views of children”. A crucial element in this metaphorical mapping is the user interface itself:
« Ideally, a visual language for novices should completely integrate the
programming paradigm and the user interface metaphor. »
(Blackwell & Green, 1999)
Recent research in this direction was branded as “embodied programming” (Tholander & Fernaeus, 2003; id., 2004).

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Exploratory activities on preschool computer programming
ToonTalk’s approach of immersing the programmer in a virtual world, with strong
metaphorical connections to our own world288, presents a much stronger starting point for children,
under these concepts, than the dashboard metaphor Stagecast Creator, meaning that from the very
start, ToonTalk seemed to me to be the most adequate tool for the target age group (3-5).
Besides this general concepts-based evaluation, a set of other concerns, of more practical
nature, also tipped the scale in favor of ToonTalk (Morgado et al., 2001): -
ƒ it employs larger control elements, likely providing easier control for children which
are still developing mouse-control skills;
ƒ it seemed to be more easily configurable (by developing objects and behaviors within
ToonTalk itself) than Stagecast Creator; this could allow me to program situations and
elements as required, therefore lessening the risk of having to change the
programming environment to suit the research requirements;
ƒ it requires the use of only three mouse skills: moving, clicking and dragging, against
the more full array required by Stagecast, which also employs click and hold, and right
ƒ several of its functions could be reached by pressing single keyboard keys, which
could allow me, if necessary, to employ keyboard overlays or conceptual keyboards.
On the negative side, even though I personally liked ToonTalk’s overall graphical aesthetics,
my opinion was not shared by several people: in an informal inquiry of 4-5 preschool teachers and
educators, responses varied between “I think it looks awful and strange” and “I think it’s very nice,
but children won’t like it”. And yet, ToonTalk seemed to be successful with children only slightly
older than preschoolers, as I could gather from the contact I had with a then ongoing EU research
project that employed the programming languages ToonTalk and Logo (Playground Project, 2001).
This contradicting information was cause for concern: it was important for children to find the
programming environment visually appealing: “The issue of beauty and aesthetics in the design of
interactive learning environments is one that should be taken seriously (...), especially in
environments designed for children” (Sedighian & Sedhigian, 1997). This contradiction meant that
selecting ToonTalk involved the risk that children might not enjoy its appearance, which in turn
might involve changing software environments, should this occur289.
At this level, in the informal inquiries I found no objections regarding Stagecast Creator and
its aesthetics. But in my view, its main strength is the way it allows a child to devise a story and
specify simple behavior rules in a simple fashion. Eventually, however, the need in Stagecast
Creator to devise rules for all circumstances that might arise, and the overall look of the application
(which, albeit simple, I feared might prove too complicated for widespread usage by preschool
children), contributed for my option to use ToonTalk.
Although I am not aware of any research that directly compares the use of the interfaces of
ToonTalk and Stagecast Creator, much less with children in my target age group, there has been
limited comparative research between ToonTalk and another programming system, called Squeak
Etoys (vd. p. 146), with fourth-grade Swedish students. The level of control required by this latter
system, in terms of fine-motion skills, and its reliance on the interpretation of static symbols, bear

This became quite evident in my experience during the research sessions. In those sessions, children often managed
to employ, using ToonTalk, concepts and intentions which they often cannot communicate to the adult researcher or
educator. It also often the case that one realizes that the children are mentally dealing with concepts which they cannot
easily tackle due to insufficient coordination of their gestures, in terms of interface control. Similar experiences have
also been reported by other researchers, e.g., “[Children’s] suggestions indicate that they do not master the language
necessary to only communicate verbally with the interviewer regarding issues of programming. However, through the
concrete properties of the programming environment (“in there”) they may refer to program elements through pointing
and short references without knowing a specific terminology” (Tholander, 2002).
Fortunately, as is mentioned in section 5.2.1, the children responded more than favorably to ToonTalk’s
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enough similarities with the interface distinctions between ToonTalk and Stagecast Creator, for me
to deem this research relevant regarding a selection between the two. It thus can be seen as a late
endorsement of my decision in 2000 (it was only published two years later):
« (...) the children had more difficulties when programming with Squeak
than with TT290. (...) It seemed that pictures and animations were easier to
understand than tiles with text. (...) Perhaps TT and Squeak are designed for
partly different users? »
(Eljaala, 2002, p. 79)
Finally, ToonTalk and Stagecast Creator aren’t completely language independent. For
instance, ToonTalk employs a talking “Martian” as a help system; also, some behaviors of its
controls are language-dependent (the button that makes the bike pump enlarge or shrink objects, for
instance, has command letters on it). And several elements on the Stagecast Creator environment
are also language-dependent. Having these language-dependent elements in English would be yet
another hurdle for Portuguese-speaking children. This also tipped the scales towards ToonTalk,
whose European Portuguese version was launched in May 2000.


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Exploratory activities on preschool computer programming

5.2. Finding a style for introducing programming

5.2.1. Focusing the research
As I stated in section 1.3, the objective of my research was the “exploration of the
possibilities and hurdles involved in conducting computer-programming activities with 3, 4, and 5-
year old children, in the environment of preschools and kindergartens” (p. 24). In order to progress
towards this objective, I needed to decide what I wanted to record and analyze.
One option, perhaps the one that would most likely result in elements available for immediate
comparison and straightforward analysis, would be to bind the situation, deciding on a set of
hypotheses and from those establish firsthand the relevant elements to record, disregarding any
others. But this line of action was not viable under my research goals: it would require the existence
of an interpretation model or theory against which such hypotheses could be set (Alves-Mazzotti &
Gewandsznajder, 1998; Figueiredo, 2003). Under my general goal of exploring unknown elements
(possibilities and hurdles), I had to abandon this option.
Therefore, I based my research on qualitative data, namely, observations and records (Quivy
& Campenhoudt, 1995; Estrela & Ferreira, 2001). These, I decided, would bridge the nature of
children’s and their preschool educator’s interactions with programming.
To do so, I would start by concentrating my attention on children, on their interaction with the
programming system and programming concepts. Rather than just analyze how children overcome
difficulties of tackling predefined activities, I would rather try to support the development of their
programming activities, either directly or by manipulating the overall context of programming
activities, and observe the development of their relationship with the programming system and the
various concepts involved in programming. For this purpose, I could resort to specific activities, but
not impose them for the sake of quantitative data: it would be more important to keep supporting
the human relationship with programming and learn from its development.
« (...) when any device user says he or she is programming, we should not
question whether this activity is “genuine” programming, but instead
analyse the user’s experience in order to develop a more generic
understanding of programming activity. »
(Blackwell, 2002)
Afterwards, I would concentrate on preschool teachers, under the same light, albeit in partly
different circumstances: not just as programmers, but as people involved in supporting the
development of programming by the children.
Overall, the method of investigation will therefore be one of action research (Silva, 1996), “a
cyclic or spiral process which alternates between action and critical reflection and, in the later
cycles, continuously refining methods, data and interpretation in the light of the understanding
developed in the earlier cycles” (Dick, 1999).

5.2.2. The initial session duration assumption

An initial issue regarding the planning of programming sessions was their duration.
Regardless of whether sessions should be short and focused, or longer, with more time for children
to try out things and explore, in order to plan ahead or at least reason over goals and methods, I
needed to know what time-span was viable, with children this young. A very short duration would
mean that sessions would have to be more focused, whereas a longer duration would allow more
room to explore, to ponder, to get acquainted with the media, and also, “time to think, to dream, to
gaze, to get a new idea and try it and drop it or persist, time to talk, to see other people's work and
their reaction to yours” (Papert & Harel, 1991).

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According to the personal experience of my wife, Rosa Cristóvão Morgado, a pre-school
computer-activities teacher, and of one of my thesis advisors, Maria Gabriel Bulas Cruz, regarding
computer activities with children aged 3 to 5, the expectable duration would be anywhere from 10
to 20 minutes. Their experience was that children would start to get bored, should computing
activities take longer. However, programming in ToonTalk bears many similarities to playing a
multimedia game, more so than to traditional educational computer activities. And this was an
indication that perhaps children might enjoy longer sessions. “Children, almost universally, will
spend longer uninterrupted sessions at the computer than they will in other non-computer activities.
This is especially true with lively, animated multimedia titles” (Early Connections, n.d.).
In May 2000, just after the release of the European Portuguese version of ToonTalk, three
preschools in Vila Real (Portugal) agreed to cooperate in my research: “As Árvores” (AA), “S.
Pedro Parque” (SPP), and “Araucária” (AR). In each, two children were selected by the teachers,
for weekly ToonTalk sessions, which lasted until the end of June, in that same year.
I intended to try out the session-duration assumption by conducting 10-minute sessions in
SPP, 15-minute sessions in AR and 20-minute sessions in AA.
However, from the very first session, the assumption that sessions needed to be short proved
to be wrong: children loved the ToonTalk environment and didn’t feel bored at all! In fact, I felt
more time was required for adequately exploring the children’s ideas and let them practice
ToonTalk skills. Table 28 details the evolution of time occupation.
Session Date Start time End time Duration
S. PEDRO PARQUE (planned duration: 10 min.) Average duration: 19 min.
1 May 2nd, 2000 11h42 12h03 19 min.
2 May 23rd, 2000 11h37 11h58 21 min.
3 June 5th, 2000 11h43 12h00 17 min.
4 June 8th, 2000 14h23 14h45 23 min.
5 June 12th, 2000 11h50 12h00 10 min.
6 June 15th, 2000 11h35 12h00 25 min.
ARAUCÁRIA (planned duration: 15 min.) Average duration: 34 min.
1 May 30 , 2000 11h00 11h17 17 min.
2 June 15th, 2000 10h30 11h15 45 min.
3 June 20th, 2000 10h45 11h25 40 min.
AS ÁRVORES (planned duration: 20 min.) Average duration: 28 min.
1 June 9th, 2000 15h20 15h50 30 min.
2 June 16th, 2000 10h45 11h20 35 min.
3 June 19th, 2000 10h30 10h50 20 min.
Table 28 – Time occupation along the several sessions
As one can see, the 10, 15, and 20-minute groups turned, almost immediately, into 20, 30, and
35 minute groups. And the 40-minute and longer sessions made me realize that actual 45 minute to
1 hour sessions were most likely viable. (This formed, in fact, the basic assumption for the sessions
that took place during the following year’s research.) It is worth mentioning that session 5 in SPP
was shorter than usual due to hardware problems and session 3 in AA was abbreviated, due to the
rehearsal of the end-of-year play. Counting out these sessions, the average duration rises to 21 and
33 minutes, respectively.

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Exploratory activities on preschool computer programming
5.2.3. Preparations for acquisition of preliminary data and information

Initial issues: intervention approach and children’s ability for generalization

In 2000, the research started only in May, as detailed in the previous section. Given the small
number of sessions that could be performed before summer holidays ensued, I decided to center the
research on two main issues: -
ƒ the children’s ability to use ToonTalk’s method for generalization291, given generic
concerns about preschool children’s limited abstraction skills;
ƒ the results yielded by a using a directed approach for my personal intervention, against
a coached approach.
Regarding the first of these issues, generalization, two different approaches were used: one on
SPP, another one on AR. Therefore, my approach to intervention, in the role of researcher, was
identical in both of these preschools (directed approach). In the third preschool, AA, the coached
intervention approach was used.
Creating a situation
Generalization demonstrating, and -
where it was useful.
Researcher intervention Directing Directing Coaching
Table 29 – First year research, detailed by preschool.
At the time, I was considering the first issue to be important for further, more complex
experiments with ToonTalk, under the reasoning that the children’s inability to use ToonTalk’s
method of generalization would severely compromise any options of rule programming for generic
circumstances. The choice of researcher intervention as a second issue was aimed at helping me
decide how I should proceed with the sessions on the following year. Of course, this implies a basic
assumption: rather than let the children use the programming environment on their own, and simply
observe and record what might occur, I would be personally involved, supporting their experience.
This decision was based on existing research with preschool-aged children and computers,
demonstrating the advantages of an adult-mediated learning experience (vd. section 4.2.1). E.g.:
« (...) findings demonstrate that adult mediation to children using
computers enhanced the children’s abstract reasoning, analogical and
reflective thinking. »
(Klein et al., 2000)
In the directed approach, I would propose activities to the children, and then would try to
assist them, to the point of conducting them on how to achieve the proposed activities, if necessary
(providing explanations or doing demonstrations, for instance). In the coached approach, I would
let children choose whatever they wanted to do, and simply help them achieve their goals. This
could involve explanations and demonstrations, but also mere hints. And obviously, most help
would have to be improvised on the spot, meaning that I would often have to reason over a problem
alongside the children, a methodology recommended under Papert’s educational philosophy (vd.
section 4.2.2).
An important note is that the trial of using two different approaches was not performed to
define which approach would be “better” or “more adequate”. Rather, my intention under the
overall research focus described in section 5.2.1 was to build a personally-meaningful relationship
with both methods, by assessing the feasibility and results of each, in the context of my personal
educational abilities. This way, in the coming years I would have a better grasp and anticipation of
my performance and conduct, and would be able to intervene in a more effective manner. The

Erasing or vacuuming contents of robot’s thought bubble (vd. section 3.3.5, particularly Figure 189, p. 209).
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option to try out specifically these two distinct approaches was an attempt to build my own style –
build up my personal understanding – by reconciling in my personal practice the two major
recommendations from the existing research literature. The first can be summed up as: “if (...) high-
interest software is used, teachers need to offer plenty of instruction, monitoring and guidance for
children” (Early Connections, n.d.); as for the second, it is rather that “The teacher is no longer the
holder and disseminator of knowledge, but rather a questioner, guide and risk-taker willing to
explore, experiment, and incorporate technology into their learning environment” (id., ibid.).
In the course of the following years, I eventually came to adopt an approach of intervention
that was mainly under the coached style (vd. section 5.3), and these initial trials enabled me to do so
with greater confidence and insight, blending both styles according to each particular context and
each child.
The detailed reports I wrote after each of the sessions of Table 28 are presented (translated
into English) in Annex IV, on p. 475.

The children, their pairing, and the preschool rooms computer environment
To ensure the children’s privacy, I will refer to them by their first name initials (Table 30).
SPP Z (boy) and O (boy) 5 and 4
AR M1 (boy) and R (boy) 4 and 5
AA J (boy), M2 (girl) and S (girl) 4, 4 and 5
Table 30 – Children identification and ages
The selection of children was another variable that was influenced by the short time available
to conduct research before the end of the school year. Specifically, I asked the preschool teachers to
select children that had previous experience with computers (freehand drawing, using CD-ROMs,
etc.), so that I could focus as much as possible on programming issues, rather than other initiation
problems. Regarding children’s prior achievements, for these initial sessions I made no particular
specifications, which was perhaps an error: in general, the preschool teachers selected children that
they saw as intellectually above average. The only exception was the incidental inclusion of S, in
the AA preschool. This was fortunate, for the way she overcame her original shyness to devote time
to ToonTalk when she got a chance was an event that contributed a great deal to my confidence and
reassured me that I was on the right track (the circumstances of all this are detailed in Annex IV, on
p. 475).
The computer environments in the preschool rooms of SPP and AA were fairly similar, as
detailed in Table 31. The AR preschool was the only one with a separate computer room, isolated
from the main preschool activities room.
Preschool Computer environment
Windows 98 computer on a table, by the windows, amidst the preschool room.
SPP Usually turned off, but children could use it on call, by requesting permission from
the teacher (Figure 245, right-side photograph).
About four computers with Windows 98 were located in a separate room, adjoining
the gym, which in turn was connected to both the preschool room and the elementary
school (under the same building). Children were not allowed in the computer room
without supervision.
Windows 98 computer on a table, by the windows, amidst the preschool room.
Usually turned off, but children could use it on call, by requesting permission from
AA the teacher. The table was too high for comfortable use with the preschool chairs,
meaning that children would use it while standing up, a situation since corrected
(Figure 245, left-side photograph).
Table 31 – Preschool rooms computer environments

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 325

Exploratory activities on preschool computer programming

Figure 245- Computers at the preschools AA and SPP

My option was to work with the children in pairs, rather than one at a time. The reason for
this was the desire to introduce a level of social and partner interaction in the computer activity. In
doing so, I hoped, firstly, for my research activities to contribute as examples to the preschool
teachers of integration of the computer activities, rather than examples of group alienation of the
children operating the computer. Secondly, I wanted children to enjoy the benefits of reasoning
together over problems and situations, rather than face problems alone and thus get “stuck” more
often and eventually quit. And thirdly, the conversations between the paired children as they work
together often yield important data. Research has shown that at least with adult programmers,
working side-by-side at one computer is beneficial to the end-result of programming: “This method
[of pair programming] has been demonstrated to improve productivity and the quality of software
products” (Williams & Kessler, 2000). Its success also strongly requires that both programming
partners conduct in a socially-responsible manner, by respecting each other, cooperating, and
lessening their egos (id., ibid.) – all skills that are quintessential to the social-development
component of preschool education. Children-related educational literature is also fertile in reporting
the advantages of using the computer in a social manner:
« In order for children to reap the benefits of social interaction at the
computer, the teacher or adult in charge must design the setting to allow
children to interact at the computer. This covers everything from having
enough room around the computer for at least two children to making sure
that equitable access is afforded all kids. »
(Early Connections, n.d.)

Activity for the directed sessions: the exchanger robot

Directed sessions were based upon a simple activity: programming an “image-swapping”
robot, i.e., one that would take two images and then exchanges their places (Figure 246).
This can be achieved by placing two boxes in the ground, so that they are combined into a
two-hole box; different images are then placed on each hole (in the sessions, I used a tree and a
flower). Upon giving this box to a robot, one floats into its thought bubble, commanding the robot
with the mouse. The robot then is made to pick the flower and drop it outside the box. Then, it is
made to pick up the tree and drop in the hole previously occupied by the flower. One concludes the
robot’s programming by making it pick up the flower and place it in the hole previously occupied
by the flower.

326 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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Before swapping After swapping

Figure 246- The exchanger robot
This robot can then be generalized by setting ToonTalk’s vacuum cleaner tool to “Clean”
status, under which it “erases” the surface of images on its thought bubble, leaving only a generic,
blank picture. Figure 247 show such a robot (the left one): it will accept a two-hole box with any
pictures in the holes. But it will only take pictures: it won’t accept number pads, text pads, scales,
bombs, or any other ToonTalk elements.
However, there is a simpler and more powerful generalization method (vd. section 3.3.5). By
setting the cleaner to “Vacuum” status, one can vacuum the entire images from the thought bubble,
which also generalizes the robot. The right-side robot in Figure 247 is the result of such a
generalization. The difference between the two robots in that figure is that this right-side robot will
take any two ToonTalk elements, not just pictures. It will take pictures and swap them, but it will
also take number pads, birds, trucks, etc.

Figure 247- The exchanger robot generalized to different degrees

I elected to try the vacuuming approach with the children, since it is visually simpler to
execute and interpret, while still allowing me to evaluate the feasibility of employing

Initiation of the directed sessions

I went over the initial ToonTalk environment with the children: identifying the helicopter as
such, and training its controls; controlling the hand with the mouse and noticing that it made the
object under its pointing finger wiggle; identifying robots as such and learning that the cloud near
the robot’s head is a thought bubble, displaying the robot’s thoughts. (The full reports of these
sessions are presented in Annex IV, p. 475.)
Instead of exploring the use of the environment tools (vacuum cleaner, bike pump, and magic
wand), the children were led straight into robot programming, learning the required skills along the
way. For instance, box manipulation was practiced, but in the context of immediate use, right
afterwards, to provide parameters to a robot. By-activities (getting pictures from the Images
notebook, shrinking the tree), were conducted either by me, in the presence of the children, or by
the children themselves.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 327

Exploratory activities on preschool computer programming
In the very first session, I demonstrated how to program the Exchanger robot described in p.
326, which during the course of the following sessions was replicated by the children.
This is the full list of actions that were done entirely by the children, while they replicated the
first session’s robot-programming demonstration. Of these, the only action they didn’t execute
entirely by themselves was picking up the Images notebook from within the main notebook:
ƒ Pick up and drop a robot, then pick up and drop a box.
ƒ Pick up another box and drop it over the side border of the first one.
ƒ Seek a tree in the Images notebook, and pick it up.
ƒ Set the pump button on “P” (for “pequeno” = “small”) and shrink the tree292.
ƒ Place the tree in a hole, within the two-hole box.
ƒ Seek a flower in the Images notebook, pick it up and place it in the box.
ƒ Hand the two-hole box to the robot.
ƒ Perform the image swapping, in the robot’s thoughts.
These actions are quite similar to the ones performed by the robot of Figure 181, on p. 198,
while swapping two numbers.
One should note that in a var left_hole, right_hole, temp:string;
traditional computer programming left_hole := “tree”;
language, such exchanges cannot right_hole := “flower”;
be done without resorting to a ...
special abstraction technique. In {The following code swaps the contents of
traditional languages, there is no the two holes}
“floor” on which to “drop” items ...
that are being swapped, so the temp := left_hole;
programmer needs to specifically left_hole := right_hole;
create a place for temporary right_hole := temp;
storage of the values while the ...
swap takes place. Figure 248 – Sample Pascal code for exchanging two values
For instance, Figure 248 shows how such an exchange would typically be done in the Pascal
language. The programmer needs to store the contents of the left hole in a temporary variable,
temp. Afterwards, the contents of the left hole can be destroyed, by storing in it the contents of the
right hole. Finally, the previous contents of the left hole, stored in temp, can be stored in the right
Table 32 shows what can happen if the programmer mixes-up this sequence (in this table, by
making right_hole := temp before left_hole := right_hole): the resulting
program will be accepted by the computer and executed, without reporting any errors. However,
instead of swaping the values, it makes both holes have the original value of the left one. Often,
such errors can lead to erratic behavior whose origin is troublesome to detect (one needs to slowly
navigate along the code, checking the values of all variables, until the source of the error is found).
Right code Result Wrong code Result
left_hole := “tree”; left_hole left_hole := “tree”; left_hole
right_hole := “flower”; “flower” right_hole := “flower”; “tree”
temp := left_hole; temp := left_hole;
left_hole := right_hole; right_hole right_hole := temp; right_hole
right_hole := temp; “tree” left_hole := right_hole; “tree”
Table 32 – Result of issuing instructions in the wrong order

This is not fundamentally necessary to accomplish the exchange of pictures, it is rather a practical necessity: with a
large tree, one can't see where it is being dropped, and sometimes it ends on the flower picture or in the wrong hole.
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5.2.4. Preliminary data and information

Directed sessions, generalization trials (approach 1: explanation/demonstration)

In the SPP preschool, after programming the exchanger robot, the children tried it out. They
saw that it would only work with the tree and flower in the right positions. Then I explained to them
that cleaning the images from the thought bubble would prevent the robot from being so picky, and
demonstrated the method.
This approach yielded no effective results whatsoever: the children only got confused.
Therefore, I let them simply play around with the ToonTalk elements (trucks, bombs), rather than
attempt pushing the concept through.
On the following session, a theatre-play approach was used for presenting the explanation,
using the following physical material as stage props: two square baskets, similar in color and size to
the ToonTalk boxes; an A4/Letter sheet of paper on which I drew a thought bubble with a ToonTalk
box (Figure 249, left-side image); two paper squares, one with a tree, another with a flower,
attached to the thought bubble’s box with scotch tape (Figure 249, left-side image); two empty A5
sheets of paper (half of a A4 sheet); six markers: 2 black, 2 yellow and 2 green.

Figure 249 – the A4 sheet for the robot’s thoughts (with scotch tape) and the A5 sheets for the blue baskets
The robot’s generic behavior was demonstrated to the children again, who were completely
puzzled over it. I then had them initiate the “robot” theatre play. The children used the markers to
draw a flower on the blank A5 sheets, while I drew a tree (Figure 249, right-side image). One child
would play the robot, holding the A4 sheet with the thought bubble over his head; the other would
fill the plastic baskets with the A5 sheets with the pictures and hand them to the “robot”. This way,
the child playing the robot would have to check his “thoughts” content before proceeding, which I
hoped would help clarify the robot’s behavior.
Only one issue was detected: the child presenting the baskets would have a different
perspective of left/right than the robot-playing child! I overcome this problem by acting as “in-
between” trader, turning the baskets around; this would ensure that both children had the same
left/right perspective.
All worked smoothly: they would check the thought-bubble sheet, and the robot would only
exchange the pictures when they matched. However, when I pulled off the taped pictures from the
thought-bubble sheet, leaving only the drawing of an empty box, a curious behavior ensued: the
robot-player started to exchange the images continuously, without looking at the thought bubble to
check their applicability!
While this would indeed be the actual behavior of a ToonTalk robot under those
circumstances, the child’s lack of understanding of what was going on, just previously, makes me
doubt that he was interpreting the contents of the thought bubble as rules for the robot. In my view,
he was just mimicking the apparent robot behavior. Clearly then the concept of “entry parameters”
or conditions, while clear for concrete examples, was completely disregarded for the abstract case
of generalization: The children were not interpreting the behavior of the robot as the result of
rules, but only in terms of its observed behavior.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 329

Exploratory activities on preschool computer programming
I thus deemed this line of inquiry as unlikely to produce successful results, in terms of
children’s understanding of their involvement in the programming process. I find it plausible that
these children would eventually understand the concept, if they practiced it sufficiently while I
provided adequate support. But to me, this didn’t seem likely provide an approach usable in
preschool education in an integrated, immersive way, under the guidelines described in Table 25, on
p. 281. Therefore, I decided that I would no longer follow it in my upcoming research.
However, anyone wishing to further probe this abandoned line of inquiry might want to
consider the following further experiments about generalization. Supposing that the flower-tree
exchange was to occur within a 3-hole box like [flower | tree | truck], instead of a two-hole box, and
that the generalized version of that 3-hole box, after vacuuming, was [ | | truck], would the
children, under these circumstances, check the thought-bubble while playing the robot game? The
reasoning for conducting such an experiment would be that in such a case, the robot-playing child
should only proceed with the truck in place. Would he/she if a truck was still there even though this
robot doesn’t use it for anything? One might also wish to probe further with a similar situation,
using a mutable element (for instance, a radio-controlled car that might be driven away, or a small
PDA computer displaying a changeable image) instead of a static, paper-drawn truck. Would the
children check the presence of that element, since they probably could be made aware that paper
doesn’t disappear or change, but the mutable element might?

Directed sessions, generalization trials (approach 2: usefulness)

At the AR preschool, whose sessions started after I had already completed two at the SPP
preschool, I wanted to use a different approach. As shown in Table 29, on p. 324, this came to be
what I called the “usefulness” approach. The idea for this approach came when a child expressed
his wish to make a robot exchange a truck with a bomb, after having already programmed a robot to
exchange a tree with a flower (the report giving the full description of the session where this
occurred is presented in Annex IV). I then decided to try and have children program robots to
exchange flowers and trees, and then robots to exchange trucks and bombs, to see if I could
leverage from these and present generalization as a time-saving and effort-saving technique.
After conducting the sessions using this approach, I observed that the programming of robots
with distinct entry parameters allowed children to more easily understand the
robot-programming concept.
But it also allowed me to present, in a clear manner, the case of both robots, in fact, doing the
same thing, except being too picky. The vacuuming method of generalization was then presented
simply as a time-saver and effort-saver, allowing me and the children to avoid the pickiness of the
My expectations were for this approach to yield more success than the one used at the SPP
preschool, but the actual level of success surprised me: children saw this as obvious, as a
perfectly natural way to do things. Even though the experiment ground was extremely limited,
due to time constraints (only 3 sessions), this nice result, with two children (a 4-year old and a
5-year old), raised my expectations regarding the possibility of larger-scale use of ToonTalk for
definition of rules involving generalization.
However, in the following years I ended up not following up on the concept of generalization.
While conducting further sessions in the following years, I acquired an increased small-grained
awareness of more basic hurdles and problems regarding the use of programming with young
children, both on part of the children and on part of early-childhood teachers. Under the priorities
described in section 5.2.1, I then decided that I should further focus my research on acquiring
knowledge regarding those basic hurdles and possible techniques to tackle them, rather than explore
this more advanced issue of using generalization in programming. Nonetheless, I believe that the
provided data establish the feasibility of researching the use of generalization in programming, with
children younger than 6, by employing the “usefulness” approach.

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Coached sessions (initiation and developments)
In the coached sessions, which took place in the AA preschool, the children could decide what
they wanted to do, and only sporadic suggestions were presented. As a result, a much larger focus
on the interface tools occurred, due not the least from them being some of the most visible elements
in ToonTalk. Birds and nests were also prime attention targets, likely because they provide highly
animated, amusing activities on the screen. In the initial session, the children freely explored these
basic activities.
In the second session, I introduced the concept of robot programming. One of their options
was to propose programs related with the tool manipulation activities they had done previously: J
wanted to make a robot to vacuum up the room. Since this cannot be implemented in ToonTalk, I
responded to the challenge by suggesting to him the programming of a robot for vacuuming box
contents. This eventually became a robot specialized on the vacuuming of boxes with nests. On her
part, S decided that she also wanted to make a box-vacuuming robot; only hers would be
specialized on vacuuming up bombs from boxes.
In contrast, the child M2 wanted to make a tree-chopping robot! Although I could simulate
this quite easily, using small pictures to crop a larger tree picture, J had unintentionally limited
access to the Images notebook293, so M2 ended up using, as an alternative activity, my unoriginal
improvised suggestion of an exchanger robot, like the one used in the directed sessions (at least it
involved a tree).
These two initial sessions were the only coached sessions I managed to conduct entirely,
because the third and last one coincided with the rehearsal day for the end-of-year party. However,
on this last, very short session, I still discovered that S, while not being too active in the previous
sessions (J and M2 more or less took over control of the mouse), had enjoyed playing around with
ToonTalk to the point of not leaving it to eat cakes and refreshments along with the other two
children. Instead, as soon as the other two children left the computer, she took advantage of the
opportunity to be on her own and started creating birds, moving objects around, enlarging and
reducing them… Playing, plainly.
The main advantage of this coached approach, it seemed, was the greater control it gave
children over the manipulation of ToonTalk’s objects and tools, resulting in an overall greater ease
of operation. However, the robot-programming experiments were very simple, and therefore mostly
inconclusive. It was encouraging for me, however, that even a child that apparently was displaying
little interest, like S, would prefer playing with ToonTalk over cakes and refreshments. It was also
very encouraging that the two more active children, J and M2, would be very excited while at the
same time very focused on ToonTalk. Therefore, I decided that this coached approach seemed
promising enough for further, more lengthy experiments to be conducted over the following

Directed sessions: other developments and information

On both preschools where directed sessions were conducted, SPP and AR, the robot
programming and generalization trials were done on the initial two or three sessions. Therefore, I
tried to collect further information on children’s reactions to the several ToonTalk elements. I then
introduced them to birds and nests, to check out their responses. Since these children had already
been introduced to robot programming, bird use was combined with robot programming, to achieve
more dynamic (and hopefully, enticing) results.
As expected, birds were a success: children loved playing with them, given the rapid response
and animation.

As described in Annex I.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 331

Exploratory activities on preschool computer programming
On the AR preschool, where a single robot-and-bird session was conducted, M programmed a
robot that would send boxes of robots, endlessly, into a bird’s nest. And, most strikingly, he had
the intuition that by copying a nest, its bird could carry things to both copies. This was a
surprising and most encouraging result.
On the SPP preschool, I had the opportunity to conduct three sessions with birds. On the first
one, I simply went over the bird use as carriers. Their behavior was explored (or should I say “tried
out”) by the children, by handing different objects on them. Birds were also used to clean up the
room, carrying stuff into their nests.
For the following two sessions, only Z was available, and therefore he benefited from having
more time available on his own, as well as from my undivided attention. On the second session with
birds (only 10 minutes long, due to hardware problems), I introduced Z to the concept of working
with nests placed in a robot’s box (entry parameters). On the third session, I told Z that he could use
an exchanger robot, similar to the one he had programmed previously, and combine it with birds. So
he programmed a robot that would pick a flower from a box and give it to a bird in another box.
This allowed me to suggest to Z that he could place the bird’s nest (now with a flower on top) in the
box hole where a flower was expected. And Z quickly realized, as I confirmed by questioning him,
that this would allow the robot to keep juggling the flower endlessly.
Finally, I suggested that he could create a second robot, which he did (copying it with the
magic wand) and then cross the parameters between them – therefore creating the effect of two
robots sending a flower to each other.
Although I had to perform this last, more complicated procedure myself, he was following it
with keen interest – not like the previous puzzling situation of generalization at all. This final,
briefly appreciated result also encouraged me to pursue ToonTalk activities with young children,
with some favorable expectations regarding the degree of complexity they might achieve on a larger
number of ToonTalk sessions, spread throughout a school year.

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5.3. Outlook of the exploratory research activities

5.3.1. Settings for the exploratory activities
As I described in section 5.2.3, field research activities were initiated in May 2000, upon the
release of the European Portuguese version of ToonTalk. Since then, there were 7 major settings for
these activities, detailed in Table 33, below.
Groups of Subjects
Setting Period Description
(Age | Gender)
May/2000 Inside the preschool room, two children (5M, 4M), (4M, 5M),
to Jun/2000 at a time, initial trials. (4M, 4F, 5F). Total: 7
Outside the preschool room, 6 children (4F 3F), (3F), (5F 4F
(in pairs) at a time. The pairings would be 5M 5M 5F 5M), (4M
Feb/2001 to
2 informal (i.e., the children would form 4F 5F 5F 4M 4M),
the pairs themselves). The groups with 3- (5M 5M 4M 4F 4F
year olds were conducted separately. 5M). Total: 21
Identical to setting 1, but benefiting from
Nov/2001 (4F 4M), (4F 5M),
3 acquired experience. Interrupted due to
to Feb/2002 (4M 4M). Total: 6.
lack of time to perform the sessions.
6 computer-activities teachers received
Number of children
specific training and conducted ToonTalk
involved in each
Oct/2002 to activities in one preschool room each,
4 preschool:
Mar/2003 once per week. There was a weekly
19, 11, 14, 21, 22, 12.
meeting for coordination and
Total: 99
development of new activities.
Feb/2004 to Inside the preschool room, one child at a 3M, 3M, 3F, 3F.
Jun/2004 time, exclusively 3-year olds Total: 4
Inside the preschool room, activities Large group:
conducted by 2 trainees of the 2nd-year 10 boys, 7 girls
degree in Early Childhood Education,
Jan/2004 to
6 without researcher supervision, (either Small group:
on-site or off-site), during the entire 2 boys, 2 girls
period. Children divided into a larger
group and a smaller group. Total: 21
At a home in Medford, MA, USA, a five-
year old boy attended ToonTalk sessions
conducted by an adult from his family.
Jul/2004 to 5M
7 I had no direct contact with either the boy
Aug/2004 Total: 1
or the adult, other than information
provided before and after the sessions, by
TOTAL: 159 children
Table 33 – Research settings
On most settings, my intention was that 5-year olds and 4-year olds were not to be segregated
into specific groups, but rather work together in pairs. However, in setting 6 some instances of age
groupings did occur. And in setting 4 they were in fact recommended, since I wanted to minimize
the risk of teachers letting the 5-year-olds do almost everything, out of a desire to “show results”.
As for the 3-year olds, altough some exceptions to this occured in setting 4, typically they were not
paired with older children: when they took part in the activities, they were paired among themselves
or worked alone.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 333

Exploratory activities on preschool computer programming
5.3.2. Setting 1 summary
Due to the short time before summer holidays ensued, the initial trials were set around
specific themes that I could use as a basis for preparing the research in following year. This setting
was detailed in section 5.2. In summary:-
ƒ Session durations from 20 to 40 minutes are viable, possibly even longer ones.
ƒ Generalization in programming was achieved, employing a “usefulness” approach.
ƒ Two approaches to teacher/researcher intervention were assayed:-
o Directed: children were suggested activities, and then tried to achieve them,
following the teacher’s (or researcher’s) hints. The teacher/researcher would
query the children, debate their interpretation of events and help them decide what
to try out.
o Coached: children decided what they wanted to do; only sporadic suggestions
were presented. This was also the general rule for teacher/researcher intervention
on queries and discussions.
ƒ Activities in the coached sessions were simpler, but children achieved greater
autonomous control over the programming environment: moving objects, resizing,
erasing, etc.

5.3.3. Setting 2 summary

Children came in groups of 6 to a University room, set aside for this purpose; they would play
in pairs, in 1-hour sessions (actual computer use time would vary, but the usual duration was around
40 minutes). The activities were conducted in mixed groups of ages and genders. Three of the
children were 3-year olds, and those were in two separate groups.
With all groups of children aged 4 and 5, the coached approach from the previous year
(setting 1) was used, for the reasons explained in section 5.2.4. I would frequently provide
suggestions on new paths to explore, or even propose activities, but always with the agreement of
the children. Regarding the children aged 3, given that my trials in the previous year had been with
older children, the directed approach was used, thus reproducing the trials that had been conducted
with children aged 4 and 5. The general description of these sessions is provided in Annex V.
At the cooperating preschools, a meeting was held with the parents of all enrolled children,
and no selection was performed: the children that took part were all whose parents came to the
meeting and expressed their willingness to have them participate.
With 3-year olds, major aspects were:-
ƒ all children managed to program an “exchange” procedure (ToonTalk robot) as early
as the second session, following hints and suggestions; at least one child programmed
several different robots;
ƒ children made reference to ToonTalk knowledge from previous sessions and used it
(e.g.: the notion of “tidying up” things before giving them to robots, or that turning
pictures around turned off their behavior);
ƒ children managed to get oriented in the ToonTalk environment, and enjoyed using it;
ƒ there seemed to be a noticeable gap between what 3-year olds could understand and
their limited ability to make use of it due to mouse-control woes.
These observations, albeit limited, were combined with the reports of teachers involved in
setting 4. Together, they provided the basic insights behind the sessions focused on 3-year olds, in
setting 5. The major contribution of this setting came from the sessions with 4-year and 5-year olds:
the establishment of specific hurdles facing children’s comprehension of programming. These
hurdles are presented in section 6.1.

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5.3.4. Setting 3 summary
These sessions were performed in the fashion of Setting 1, but always using the coached
approach. The focus was using the experience from Setting 2 sessions on children without previous
ToonTalk experience. Only very few sessions took place, because other pressing professional
demands on my part were making it impossible to continue, as can be deduced by the lack of
enough adequate records of these sessions. Even so, they served to further consolidate the acquired
experience, and to try out some novel approaches, such as project development over several
Children were selected by the preschool teacher, on the basis of being the ones more likely to
attend regularly (i.e., maximizing the chances that they would be present at the preschool at the
session schedule). It was emphasized to the teacher that she should not simply pick the “brightest”
children, something to which she agreed.
An interesting fact, however, stands out: some of the children on the same preschool had
taken part on Setting 2 sessions at the University, the year before; ToonTalk was installed on the
preschool computer, but its use was scarce, if at all (and without any adult assistance whatsoever),
because the teacher did not know how to use ToonTalk. And yet, several children came to me and
could correctly explain the sequence of actions used to build a house, as well as mention other
aspects of the game. This was a demonstration that children had understood the process, because
not only could they reproduce it, but they could explain it to other children that hadn’t used
ToonTalk before. But it also shows that they had enjoyed the sessions, because there was a fair
amount of enthusiasm: children wanted to try out what their colleagues had explained, even though
they had not been selected by the preschool teacher.

5.3.5. Setting 4
Six preschool computer-activities teachers, involved in the ICEI294 project, received ToonTalk
training, before setting to use it on one preschool room per week each. All children on these rooms
took part. In the first session, the teachers let the children get acquainted with the environment.
Then three different approaches were suggested to the teachers295: -
1. “Straight into programming”. Or “programming as the basic activity”. At the second
or third session the latest, robot-programming activities would be suggested, and other
manipulation activities (enlarging, vacuuming, etc.) would only be practiced as
2. “Automated behaviors”. Or “programming as an extension based on automated
behaviors”. Children would explore environments based on cause-effect elements, like
joining a truck, a box and a robot to build a house; playing with automated sensors;
giving objects to carrier pigeons that carry them to their nests; combining properties
and see the resulting behavior of objects.
3. “Acquaintance first”. Or “programming as a development of generic activities”.
Children would gain basic control over the programming environment, enlarging and
shrinking objects, copying them, customizing the looks of the environment, and using
it as a place for conducting usual kindergarten activities: pattern matching, knowledge
of professions, of animals, of cookery, etc. Programming would only be introduced
afterwards, integrated in the environment.

ICEI, “Informática em Contextos de Educação de Infância” (Computers in Early Childhood Education Contexts) was
a subproject of a larger Digital Cities & Regions project, “Trás-os-Montes Digital.” Several computer-activities teachers
would spend each day of the week at a different preschool room, conducting computer activities with all the children in
that room. They would return once a week to each preschool room, for the duration of the school year, and also provide
computer training for the preschool teachers, in some evening training sessions (Cruz et al., in press).
Mostly, results from these approaches were inconclusive, because approaches 1 and 2 proved more demanding than
expected in terms of teacher preparation, training, and time required by the teachers for activity design and set-up.

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Exploratory activities on preschool computer programming
As the sessions went on, the reporting process was tuned (explaining to teachers what
information was relevant), and weekly meetings have helped me identify several issues: -
ƒ Teachers themselves came across some of problems also faced by children
(programming without a purpose, controlling tools, etc.);
ƒ Teachers actions tended to shift towards their beliefs (“The 3-year olds are too young,
I haven’t used it with them”; “They are too young to program, I just did mouse-
control”), persistence and examples were needed to keep them on track, and even so
most did not;
ƒ Teachers would often see ToonTalk itself as the goal, hands-on examples were
required to show them how to fit ToonTalk into the existing kindergarten themes and
activities, and maintain research goals.
Initially, the idea was for teachers to conduct ToonTalk sessions throughout the school year
and provide weekly reports on their progress. However, after a few months, it had become obvious
that in most cases the teachers were not feeling comfortable enough with their ToonTalk activities,
and rather than expand them they would stick to tried examples, such as house-builder robots and
swappy robots. Children were also not benefiting from further pursuing ToonTalk activities in these
conditions, since from the point of view of some of the children, the activities in ToonTalk seemed
pointless (this is accounted in the annexes VII & VIII).
Under these conditions, it was agreed with the teachers that they could shift their focus
towards other computing activities, not focusing entirely in ToonTalk. As a consequence, although
the computer-activities teachers and the preschool teachers reported that children still used
ToonTalk from time to time, in most cases the teachers stopped supporting the development of
children’s activities in ToonTalk altogether.
There were two notable exceptions, however:
ƒ in the Mondrões preschool, there was no further robot programming, but the
computer-activities teacher started developing the theme “professions” and this led to
the customization by the children of a ToonTalk city, where each house would match
one of the professions that were being explored in that preschool. This exploration
included much more besides ToonTalk itself: cardboard boxes had been turned into
houses, for instance, and a floor turtle had received role-playing “shells” in order for
children to program its movements from house to house;
ƒ in the São Pedro Parque preschool, the teacher was enjoying the children’s progress in
ToonTalk, the large number of tiny or not-so-tiny achievements they were making in
each session, and above all the eagerness demonstrated by most chldren to use
ToonTalk. So she kept developing programming activities, albeit never moving on
from the examples and basic robot suggestions I provided (house-builders, house-
decorators, house-blowers, box-cleaners, etc.). But she was able to feel confident
enough to experiment and introduce into the ToonTalk activities elements from other
activities taking place in the preschool, something she had done from the start in terms
of freehand drawing, but not otherwise. This was a different kind of thematic
integration into the preschool context.
These exceptions were most valuable and allowed me to realize first-hand the importance of
providing teachers with hands-on examples of how to integrate ToonTalk in the preschool context,
and that the very basic blocks of programming itself needed to be mastered, in order for teacher to
be able to move beyond basic sample programming and on to taking advantage of the children’s
interests. These insights and lessons are discussed in section 6.2.

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5.3.6. Setting 5
In the previous settings, my experience with 3-year old programmers had been very limited.
My only direct information sources were the few sessions with two 3-year olds in setting 2, who
both had previous computer experience (albeit not ToonTalk experience) and some summarized
reports from the teachers in setting 4. I decided that I needed to further improve my contact and
experience with 3-year olds, and so this setting was entirely focused on this. The sessions took place
in the Mondrões preschool, because the teacher there had previously worked with my wife and
welcomed the opportunity to have me conduct that research there. It is a small preschool, and the
sessions were conducted individually with all the 3-year olds, which were just 4 children.
For four months, I experienced first-hand the issues, problems, and achievements of these
three-year olds in programming: the amazement of a girl upon seeing that the “toys” that she had
left “on” in the ToonTalk session, were, in her words, “still working!?!”; the difficulty in achieving
(with their hands controlling the mouse) the execution of an intention they had clear in their minds;
the joy and amazement at seeing that a programmed robot did send back the ball it was given; the
extremely fast switching of mind focus between different goals, objectives, and points of interest.
All in all, these sessions provided little data that was significantly different. But they did help me
refine my reflections and interpretations of the data I had so far collected. They also allowed me to
experience how the issues described in section 6.1 presented themselves in three-year olds,
something I had only glimpsed until then.

5.3.7. Setting 6
After a one-semester course on computer use in preschool, which included the development
of a ToonTalk activity for preschoolers, two second-year students from the baccalaureate in Early
Childhood Education at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal, embraced my
suggestion to try out their planned activity in the following semester. It would be part of one of their
traineeships, which was rendered possible because their allocated traineeship preschool for the
semester had already been developing, since the start of the school year, a larger project (Teixeira et
al., in press), under which several activities were already being conducted, matching their planned
activity (“professions”). This was the preschool room at Parada de Cunhos, where there is a
computer which is usually turned on and accessible to children throughout the day. Having been
their teacher in the previous semester, I had provided thorough advice, support and guidance during
the development of their activity plan. Before they initiated the actual sessions with children, I
provided them with some extra pointers, but let them conduct the sessions on their own, with no
further contact. I did provide very occasional phone counselling on technical ToonTalk issues, but I
have provided no extra support or guidance on educational issues or on how to conduct the sessions.
The students, named Irina Brandão and Liliana Miguéis296, divided the children into two groups.
With the larger group, their aim was simply to explore ToonTalk generically; but with a smaller
group of 4 children they intended to try out their planned activity. They proposed it to the children
(as mentioned above, under a more encompassing project).
Overall, it was a huge success. The larger group enjoyed ToonTalk but didn’t develop any
particular novel situations. But the smaller group demonstrated that there is a large potential in a
focused, context-integrated approach. The children started exploring the possibilities opened up by
the world they had developed. The various professions exchanged items, using ToonTalk birds:
cakes, flowers, pine trees for planting, etc.; children would come accross situations where a parcel
was wrongly delivered, and would interpret the situation and decide on how to correct it. They set
up and used 12 communication channels (birds), used them, and explored in a rich setting how
different professions would require products and services from one another.
The final report from these activities, complete297 with pictures, is provided in Annex IX.

Another student, Mónica Pereira, also took part in the planning, but did not participate in these sessions.
The report included a CD-R with pictures, ToonTalk cities, and crash dump files, which is not provided in this thesis.

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Exploratory activities on preschool computer programming
5.3.8. Setting 7
At a home in Medford, MA, USA, a five-year old boy, N, attended ToonTalk sessions over
three weekends, conducted by an adult facilitator from his family (F Berthold). I had previously
provided this adult with suggestions on how to introduce ToonTalk and use it with N. The full
reports of these sessions are provided in Annex X.
The adult followed the approach of demonstrating to N how to do a particular thing, by doing
it himself, and then letting N do either a personal version to complement it, or do part of the main
From initial customization activities, they moved on to robot programming using pictures and
then numbers, since N was already familiarized with digits. The adult soon wanted to show N the
potential of computer programming, and the sessions became even further oriented around this
master-apprentice organization, with N watching as the adult developed a program, but being
involved in the discussion and even doing small pieces of the larger program.
Altough it is doubtful that N would have been able to develop these programs on his own, he
managed to follow the reasoning behind the development of the complex programs, discuss
approaches to use, participated in planning decisions, and overall felt involved and followed along
in a process that was always a little ahead of his own abilities, but never too much.
« I'm particularly excited by the fact that this is the first time that N has
taken a creative interest in what we're doing it. It suggests that he's both
become sufficiently comfortable with the medium to imagine what it can do
and remained sufficiently interested to want to impliment it. »
(F. Berthold, August 7th, 2004, after showing N how to program a robot)

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6. Programming isn’t magic

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6.1. Conceptual hurdles for children while programming

6.1.1. Of hurdles
A common theme throughout the literature is that, at least for adults and adolescents,
“programming, even at a simple level, is a difficult activity to learn” (Bonar & Soloway, 1983).
Echoes of this reach the children programming community, as mentioned in sections 2.4.4, 3.1, and
3.4, when both children and teachers find themselves constrained by what their limited time and
expertise allows (Hoyles & Noss, 1999). But there are fundamental differences in goals between
teaching programming at a professional level, to college students or adolescents, and simply being
able to use it for educational purposes other than programming itself, as is the overall goal with
children and their teachers. Children and teachers don’t need to control all aspects and details of
programming. Rather, they need to be able to take advantage of it, and much as possible, avoid
getting constrained.
With this in mind, in section 3.4 I presented several programming techniques and computer
science topics, and provided examples of how they could be adapted to a preschool education
setting. The purpose, in that section, was to allow educators to try and use different concepts, thus
enriching their portfolio of “programming recipes” and, hopefully, achieve a richer development of
both the educator’s and their children’s programming skills.
Those adaptations were partly inspired by actual activities conducted with preschool children,
partly devised so as to be feasible for such children. This notion of feasibility was a consequence of
the experience acquired in the programming sessions conducted with preschool children and
preschool teachers, described in chapter 1. Further details on the possibilities of adaptation and
integration of computer programming in preschool education settings are provided in chapter 1.
An important element contributing to these efforts is the awareness of specific difficulties that
preschoolers (and their teachers) face when trying to employ computer programming techniques.
This awareness was also a result of the aforementioned sessions, and is the subject of the present
One advantage that came from having conducted coached-style sessions in the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th
research settings (vd. sections 5.3.3, 5.3.4, and 5.3.6), rather than directed sessions with
predetermined activities, was the occurrence of a larger set of unexpected circumstances to
overcome, which provided a richer field of observation and interaction for harvesting awareness of
children’s difficulties, from my personal perspective as a person with a technical programming
The hurdles presented herewith are a novelty in that they are associated with specific cases of
programming sessions with children aged 3, 4, and 5, over several years and settings, and thus are
the result of reflection and ponderation over a greater set of observations than previous research of
programming with preschoolers (vd. section 4.2.3).
Usually, studies on the technical difficulties of people learning to program focus on “novice
programmers”, who are, typically, college students or sometimes high-school students (e.g.,
Dijkstra, 1989; Holmboe et al., 2001; Jenkins, 2002). Such studies consider, and rightly so, that
children are not learning programming to become professional programmers. As a consequence, the
analysis of the technical difficulties children find while programming is scarce, mostly based on the
intuitions developed by several researchers (e.g., Papert, 1980; Cypher, 1993; diSessa, 2000;
McIver, 2000) and on multiple isolated accounts. In 1990, for instance, Mitchell Resnick pointed
out several classes of bugs in concurrent programming by children: problem-decomposition bugs298,
synchronization bugs299, and object-oriented bugs300 (Resnick, 1990). Such isolated accounts often

Difficulty in decomposing larger problems into subtasks.
Misunderstanding of the implications, temporal or otherwise, of concurrently-executing subtasks.

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present general programming difficulties of children mingled with specific environment-related
issues. E.g., in 1997, an analysis of the children’s understanding of the programming system
KidSim (a precursor of Stagecast Creator, vd. section 3.3.4, p. 151), mentions that children “must
figure out how to map the desired behaviors onto the KidSim language capabilities” (Rader et al.,
1997) and also that they must “consider how to distribute behaviors among the various pieces to
achieve a global program operation that matches the science concept or phenomenon of interest”
(id., ibid.), both of which are sensible global issues in programming. But that study then goes on to
focus on four system-specific issues: interpretation of before-after diagrams, ordering of the rules
provided by those diagrams, matching of pictures in the diagrams, and the interaction of objects
represented in the diagrams (id., ibid.).
Even regarding the above-mentioned most often researched “novice programmers”, the
existing knowledge is fragmentary and still requiring consolidation. For instance, the Psychology of
Programming Interest Group currently considers that although “certain issues regarding the
psychology of programming have recurred in workshop presentations and papers over the years,
they often appear to be addressed without continuity” (PPIG, 2004). Nevertheless, some of those
recurring issues may provide a helpful background for the interpretation of the hurdles presented in
this chapter.
One particular notion is that sources of bugs can be divided into construct-based problems,
i.e. misconceptions regarding the constructs in a programming-language, and plan-composition
problems, consisting in difficulties to break down a program into elements and combining them
towards the desired result. This last group has been shown to constitute the major source of bugs in
novice programming by adults (Spohrer & Soloway, 1986).
Another notion is that the problems can be seen from the perspective of the human interaction
with the skill of programming, rather than from its technical features. This duality was already
somewhat present in the division presented in the previous paragraph, but has been more closely
under scrutiny since. And in terms of human interaction, important factors can be divided into
cognitive factors, such as the learning styles and learning motivation of each individual, and
interaction factors, such as the facts that programming is an activity involving multiple skills and
multiple processes; and that learning how to program requires the simultaneous devotion to learning
novel skill areas and to precision-intensive learning, since the slightest error can lead to a complete
failure of a program, among others (Jenkins, 2002).
Under this scenario, an attempt at consolidation of the theoretical background of
programming difficulties is beyond the scope of this thesis. Therefore, I opted to present the hurdles
simply by using an ad hoc taxonomy, its aim being merely to present the information to the reader
in more convenient fashion. When applicable, the intercrossing factors mentioned in the two
previous paragraphs are presented in association with each hurdle, along its description, in section
Overall, children found it easy to personally engage with the ToonTalk environment. All but
one of the children involved in this research enjoyed using ToonTalk, sometimes to the point of
demanding their parents to purchase it or telling other children all about it in minute detail. And as
can be seen from the details of sessions provided in Annex V, the child that didn’t enjoy it was a
very specific case regarding personal motivation: she considered ToonTalk not to be “serious”
enough, i.e., too playful. I believe it is a fair assumption that activities specifically geared towards
this motivational background of that child would also have resulted in an enjoyable experience for
her. This strong engagement of children with ToonTalk in general is contrasted with a more
skeptical attitude of adults, particularly adults with a background in the preschool education field,
who in general dismiss it as something that children won’t enjoy.

Confusion regarding the properties of specific objects and the relations between different objects.
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Although beyond the scope of the current research, it would be interesting for psychological
and sociological studies to be conducted in order to determine factors influencing both this strong
engagement by children, and this common skepticism by preschool education professionals.
But it must also be said that, throughout the sessions, it would not be uncommon for a child to
lose motivation or became disappointed, when specific circumstances or events would cause
him/her to lose the notion of what could be done, or of what was happening. This is the first hurdle I
chose to present, but rather than just consider it and other hurdles in isolation, it must be kept in
mind that the hurdles can occur in sequence or coincidence, and thus are not just hurdles, but causal
factors that mutually influence each other.
I chose to name these problems as “hurdles,” because I see them as obstacles to one’s
personal progression and development, rather than a payload one has to carry while programming.
And I believe that the now-common habit of labeling difficulties as “challenges” or “opportunities”
would be justly applicable to them.
In hindsight, a major distinction between the interaction factors mentioned previously in this
section and the presented hurdles is that the hurdles often lie at the level of general personal
development, and are not simply technical programming issues or issues of learning difficulty.
Perhaps such a condition should have been expected, given that preschool children are still in the
first stages of their personal development. Thus, planning towards paths to help children overcome
these difficulties can and should involve broader approaches to the development of children’s
cognition, social interaction, and self-attitude. In terms of programming activities, in the next
section I have provided the context in which these general hurdles may appear.
With all these general ideas taken into considerations, as much as possible, I have formulated
the hurdles in a language-independent way, so as to allow them to be more readily mapped and
converted by researchers willing to conduct similar research with other programming environments,
or wishing to explore programming from other perspectives. Such research avenues have already
contributed and may further contribute to better establish the general underlying hurdles behind
programming by preschool children.
1. Children can easily get weary from unforeseen system behavior or difficulties.
2. Children may expect human-like interpretation of their intentions and autonomy
in its execution by the computer.
3. It can happen that during programming (seen as “teaching”, “showing”, or
“explaining”) children combine actual events and actions with fantasies.
4. The concept of sequencing activities can be confusing.
5. Children find it hard to consider the possibility of being wrong and not knowing

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6.1.2. Descriptions and strategies

Children can easily get weary from unforeseen system behavior or difficulties
Spohrer & Soloway (1986) classification: construct-based & plan-composition
Cognitive: motivation
Jenkins (2002) classification:
Interaction: interest & pace
The immediate consequence of this is that children lose interest or dismiss potentially
interesting paths of exploration. They may return to strategies and activities they feel comfortable
with, until they no longer satisfy them, at which time they may give up on programming entirely.
Such circumstances can be originated by multiple causes, from the complex to the trivial. For
instance, when a ToonTalk picture is unintentionally dropped on another, they are bammed together
and the child is momentarily abducted from her intended path of action. She may be able to vacuum
the dropped-on picture and resume. Or she may not. Or find the situation awkward and abandon it.
Should the child come across system bugs and errors, they may also contribute to this, as may
disruptive actions by other children.
One must be aware that these difficulties are often located mainly at the physical level (i.e.,
fine motricity control), not at the cognitive level. It was not uncommon for children seemingly
unable to execute complex procedures in ToonTalk to be able to “coach” or even “teach” other
children, more skilled on the use of the mouse, to perform beyond what themselves had managed to
Another, more subtle version of this problem occurs when a child find himself/herself in an
uncomfortable cognitive situation. For instance, it’s fairly easy for something to distract children
from general goals. For instance, when a child interrupts a programming activity to perform other
required tasks elsewhere, such as drawing in Windows Paint, that same child may end up forgetting
what was the purpose of the drawing after returning to ToonTalk; or he/she may remember the
purpose of the drawing, but not the current state of affairs in the context of the activity being
It was fairly normal for children, in such circumstances, to change course and objectives
entirely. The most likely outcome is that further detours from their plans occur, and eventually the
children will find themselves amongst a mess of unfinished ideas and elements.
Teachers and educators must therefore pay particular attention to the setting and development
of goals by/for children. But one must be aware that it can happen for a child to abandon a goal
simply because he/she came across a new focus of interest, not because he/she lost track of previous
ideas and/or status. This, in itself, is not an occurrence of this hurdle.
An approach that helps in this regard is the contextual integration of programming activities
within the general context of activities taking place in the preschool room (Morgado et al., 2005),
which provides mutually-reinforcing contextual support (vd. sections 6.2 and 7.1).

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Children may expect human-like interpretation of their intentions and autonomy

in its execution by the computer
Spohrer & Soloway (1986) classification: construct-based & plan-composition
Cognitive: learning styles
Jenkins (2002) classification:
Interaction: educational novelty
Hastily, this problem might be classified as a matter of emotional or personal immaturity of
preschool children. But this is not so: it is a fundamental problem in computer programming, which
has previously been found also on adolescent and adult novice programmers:
« A major finding is that the students attribute to the computer the
reasoning power of an average person. »
(Sleeman et al., 1986)
« Pea (1986) observed that a substantial proportion of college students
assumed that there is a hidden mind somewhere in computer programs. »
(Kaasbøll, 1999)
This problem reveals itself in various forms: the most obvious one would be the appearance
of semantics problems, due to lack of consideration by children to the possibility of different
interpretations of their actions, as picking up the contents of the fourth hole in a four-hole box as
discussed in section 3.4.3: is it the fourth hole, or the last hole?
But there are other, more subtle instances of this, like when children expect a ToonTalk robot
to “get to work” immediately after being taught, without giving it a box to work on. One must recall
that in ToonTalk children are teaching robots with the actual items they will be working with, and
so it might be assumed that the “natural” behavior for robots would be to pick up the box used in its
training and start working.
Another instance is when children teach a robot and don’t expect any further results; rather,
they had simply been enjoying the interaction provided by the interactive programming process,
during which they had been in a powerful role, which can be described as “teacher” or “leader”.
They were showing their intentions to a captive audience (the robot).
Yet another example occurs when children see a robot repeating the redundant mistakes they
made while programming it (like dropping a box on the wrong place and picking it up again).
Typically, children will be puzzled by this. Not only would they expect a robot to dismiss these
redundant actions, but sometimes they would even forget about having performed such deviations
from the intended path at all.
To tackle this problem, the teacher or educator needs to be observant regarding all events
taking place during the programming activities, avoiding the temptation to dismiss attempts of
humanizing the computer as ordinary. The overall idea behind this keen procedure is to detect
specific instances of this hurdle, and react according to the specific instances and circumstances.
Below, I provide a sample of specific instances of this hurdle, and suggestions on how to
approach it.
The programming itself may easily be perceived by the child as the whole point of the activity, rather
than a path towards an objective
This is a common situation in which the child shows a ToonTalk robot how to do a certain set
of actions, but then is perfectly content with that, not bothering to actually use the robot that he/she
programmed. It is as if the child was playing the role of teacher, leader, football coach, priest, ruler,
celebrity, or simply enjoying the powerful role of showing someone else how to do something –
that someone else being the ToonTalk robot (a captive audience, as I mentioned above). During the
research sessions, children did enjoy programming robots and some would indeed “try it out” and
see if the robots worked. But it often this problem would surface.

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It was found that the children would keep focused more easily, avoiding this problem, by
having previously established with them a goal that would only be achievable by using a robot
(obviously, a goal to their liking or choosing). For instance, playing many sounds at once, or
building houses fast enough to fill up the city before they had to abandon the computer.
The initiation of the programming process may not be understood as an example or starting
situation, but as an “interrupt” or “switch”, like turning on a toy
In other words, the child may not perceive the start of the programming process (in ToonTalk,
giving a box to a robot) as such, but rather as a mandatory process that he/she needs to complete to
move on towards what he/she intended.
The consequence of this is that by acting in this manner, it is common for children to lack the
association between preset conditions and intended actions. But this is an essential element in
programming, regardless of whether a programming language is transformational or reactive (vd.
section 3.2.1, p. 111): to build a program, for each subpart the programmer must associate a cause
with its intended consequence. It doesn’t matter for the present discussion whether the cause is a
request, an event, a function call, or the asking of constraints, nor whether the consequence is the
execution of code, a simple acknowledgment, an operation over arguments, or the telling of
constraints. Other ways of putting this are: lack of association between an activity, its pre-
conditions and its post-conditions; lack of consideration for “before” and “after” state; or even, in
more traditional technical jargon, disassociation between input and output.
In ToonTalk terms, this means that the robot’s box will not be seen as a container for acting
upon (or at least, it won’t be absolutely clear). During the research sessions, quite often a child
would start teaching a robot by giving it an empty box (thus, using it like an “on” switch for the
robot), and then “teach” with objects taken from the tool box or notebook, but involving contextual
information that at execution time would only be available if provided explicitly.
For instance, a child teaching a robot how to put a picture on the wall might teach it by
making it access the pictures notebook or the main notebook, and using a picture from there. Upon
running it, the same picture will be put on the wall and the child is left with no way to change the
robot’s behavior301. Furthermore, it would have the consequence of running without end.
A useful technique, in this regard, is to lead children into reasoning over what is necessary to
achieve a task, before initiating the programming of that task. This technique as been useful even
with adult novice programmers, and is detailed in section 6.2.
Most children find it hard to grasp the “end of program” concept
This problem is visible when a child completes the actions required by a specific program or
subprogram and continues to use the programming environment, unaware that his/her actions are
still being incorporated into the program.
In ToonTalk, this occurs when, after teaching a robot all its necessary actions, children
proceed by playing around with the toolbox objects, regardless of the fact that they are moving
them with the robot’s hands, not the programmer’s, and that there is still a cloud background
visible, instead of the floor backgroud. One can imagine equivalent problems in other programming
environments, but I am not aware of detailed research regarding this situation. For instance, in a
traditional text environment such as Logo (p. 139), a child might forget to close a function or
procedure; in a visual environment such as Stagecast Creator (p. 151), a child might decide to keep
on using the programming elements without closing the rule-creation dialogue.
To overcome this problem, during the research sessions adult intervention at the right moment
(when the programming activities had just been completed) was found to be crucial to make
children realize the importance of “telling the robot that the lesson is over.”

In this particular example, it could indeed be changed by editing the notebooks; but the conscious use of that
technique assumes an ability to employ a plan-composition skill more complex than the one being addressed.
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Children expect subprograms to run without being set up
In other words, children often create a small subprogram, but expect the computer or the
subprogram itself to “know” when to run and on which items.
To put it in ToonTalk terms, children expect robots to start working the moment they are
taught, by using the same box that was used to teach them. Children would forget or find
unacceptable that they had to give the robots a starting box.
However, an important factor to consider is that this may be a consequence of programming
based on small sets of actions, which have an immediate and “obvious” application. During the
research sessions, children wouldn’t make this kind of assumption for robots intended to be used in
a specific situation, such as, “when it reaches the new house”, or “when the picture is turned
Therefore, I believe a useful approach to tackle this problem is to introduce in the planning
phase, before the actual programming actions, elements that cannot be included in the program
itself, such as a schedule, a location, or an external event. Or, in more formal terms: to plan and
develop a context that imposes such conditions on the execution of an activity.

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It can happen that during programming children combine actual events and
actions with fantasies
Spohrer & Soloway (1986) classification: construct-based
Cognitive: learning styles
Jenkins (2002) classification:
Interaction: educational novelty
While this situation may seem to be easy to detect, that is not necessarily so. A child may
create a program that seemingly does nothing, or that appears to be composed of random commands
or actions, and such situations provide a clue to the occurrence of this hurdle. However, it can be
masked in minute details and expectations, undetectable unless one probes the child's understanding
and intentions.
For instance, in ToonTalk a child may teach a robot how to pick a box, then drop it, pick up a
picture, move around, put the picture back, put something else in the box, put objects on the ground
and combine some pictures, numbers and text with Bammer. And then, if that child is asked to
describe the robot’s actions, the description can be revealed as an imagined story or a mixture of the
actual actions and fantastic interpretations of them; or even include imagined, invisible events that
are supposed to be occurring between actions. In the particular case of ToonTalk, since
programming is an interactive activity between the child and a robot-persona, this may be seen as
being analogous to doll-playing or figurine-playing with the robots and other programming
elements, instead of programming.
Regarding the detection of more subtle occurrences of this hurdle, it may be wise to inquire
from time to time, asking children to describe the behavior or purpose of a specific subprogram.
As for dealing with it, the research sessions provide little help, for they had not been planned
in a way as to facilitate the detection of this. And the mere absence of this hurdle cannot serve as an
indication that it was avoided: it might as well have passed unnoticed. However, there were specific
circumstances in which children did describe the actual events taking place, and those may be seen
as indications of potential paths for tackling this; and at least one case where a child maintained her
interpretations in the fictional realm, which can provide an indication of what may not work. Also,
one must recall that programs are constructions with an actual existence, and thus must pass what
Seymour Papert called the “test of reality” (Papert, 1999, p. xii): they’re only complete and
successful if they work; “if they don’t work they are a challenge to understand why and to
overcome the obstacles. They can be shown, shared and discussed with other people” (id., ibid.).
Among the specific circumstances that occurred in the research settings, particularly valuable
were situations in which a child would describe the behavior of another child’s robot, as long as it
was simple enough to allow this analysis, and would flatly said that it wasn’t doing the necessary
actions. Asking other children to provide advice was also helpful. Finally, also valuable was the
lack of success of the attempt to make a child realize the situation by asking her to describe the
robot’s actions to the other children, using a comic-strip version of the robot: the child stuck with a
fictional interpretation of the depicted actions, and although the other children soon ignored her
strange story, she nevertheless attempted to tell them the “story of her robot”, never recognizing
that there was no actual story to tell from what was there.

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The concept of sequencing activities can be confusing

Spohrer & Soloway (1986) classification: plan-composition
Cognitive: learning styles & motivation
Jenkins (2002) classification:
Interaction: multiple processes & pace
Programming, even in an animated virtual world, often requires planning in advance, or at
least being able to mentally keep track of series of events and consequences. But young children
can easily get mixed-up in both situations. When planning in advance, they may forget parts of the
plan, or lose the overall notion of what is being planned. When reacting to ongoing events and
results, it is also frequent for them to miss the link between an event and its consequences, or vice-
versa. The complexity level that each child achieves depends on himself/herself, but also on many
circumstances, such as context, mood, and familiarity to the subject.
This is something that must be carefully considered when planning programming activities for
children: requiring them to follow a strict plan or series of events may be counter-productive. They
may be unable to devise a plan to its conclusion, hindering their motivation to develop it. And they
may find themselves subject to various events which they haven’t had the opportunity to interpret,
which in turn places them in the first hurdle that was described in this section.
Understandably, in the research sessions, children have performed better when the required
planning and events involved interactions they were already familiar with, and where just a few
elements required careful thought and concentration at a time, rather than having at each step a
series of novel events requiring them to regain their balance and bearings. Also, seeing as this
particular hurdle is close to Papert’s concept of procedural knowledge (vd. section 4.2.2), and
therefore closely associated to the development of new thinking strategies, one should make sure
the children realize their efforts will eventually work.
An important approach to this hurdle is therefore the careful consideration of an overall
context or metaphor which children can use to map their knowledge and worldviews, in each
specific activity. This can be done as mentioned for the first hurdle, by contextual integration of
programming in the context of other preschool room activities (Morgado et al., 2005).

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Framework for computer programming in preschool

Children find it hard to consider the possibility of being wrong and not knowing it
Spohrer & Soloway (1986) classification: plan-composition
Cognitive: learning styles
Jenkins (2002) classification:
Interaction: educational novelty
It is common knowledge among programmers that hardly any program can be found to be free
of errors. A fundamental skill in the process of programming is precisely the ability to review a
program’s execution, structure and overall operation, and correct any errors that are detected – the
process commonly referred to as “debugging.”
« Debugging is a central part of computer programming. Programs
seldom work when first coded. Many superficial syntactic errors are easy to
find (...). But a substantial number of bugs require concentrated problem
solving. Though various debugging strategies and tricks are often taught in
programming classes, much of the skill of debugging is learned through the
experience of writing programs and getting them to run. »
(Gugerty & Olson, 1986)
Most studies of how children – even preschool children – and novices in general learn
debugging assume that the correction of errors is a natural necessity, and that the main problem is
the acquisition of better overall understanding of the operation of programs:
« (...) young children debugging their Electronic Block stacks were
limited by a lack of understanding about the nature of interactions between
blocks. Older children successfully debugged code stacks, as their obviously
deeper understanding of the blocks allowed them to alter structures to
produce the behaviours they desired. »
(Wyeth & Purchase, 2002)
« (...) the primary reason for the experts’ superiority was the ease with
which they understood what the program does and is supposed to do. (...)
Novices (...) did not have sufficient programming knowledge to focus in on
good hypotheses. »
(Gugerty & Olson, 1986)
However, in the course of the research sessions with preschoolers, I became convinced that
there is a more fundamental issue to address, regarding young children. And that is the very notion
that it is possible to explain something in the wrong way, but without knowing that it is wrong.
During the sessions, while programming ToonTalk robots, most children assumed that a robot
learned exactly what they meant to teach him. They would not consider either the possibility of
having made a mistake or that their actions may very well have unintended consequences. This was
gathered from the fact that often children would not welcome suggestions for “testing” or “trying
out” their robots. I sometimes urged them to test the robots nonetheless, before actually using them
in the intended situation. But in general, children would do so without much enthusiasm, and the
mere suggestion of “testing” usually left children puzzled about the purpose of such testing.
I have not been able to overcome this problem: when robots had an immediate application,
“testing” would occur naturally, since testing and execution would be identical. I can only point out
to research literature on older novice programmers, which recommends that learners of
programming “enhance their debugging skills by completing carefully planned debugging
activities” (Chmiel & Loui, 2004). I therefore propose taking advantage of any opportunities where
preschoolers programs can behave unexpectedly, and help them confront this situation.

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6.2. Lessons from Working with Kindergarten Teachers

« The kind of intensive monitoring of a programming activity, are quite
demanding for a facilitator. Firstly, it requires detailed skills of the
programming environment, which one cannot always expect a teacher to
have. Secondly, and perhaps more important, it requires an active
participation of the construction process of the children. The facilitators
have to be co-constructors together with the children. It would be difficult to
step in and give children adequate support. This would probably be difficult
to manage in school situations. »
(Tholander, draft, 2002)
The above opening quote presents an overview of the complexity of the task standing before
the computer-activities teachers that took part in the research sessions of the fourth research setting.
However, would this still apply to activities conducted with preschoolers? After all, most of the
activities that I had previously developed with preschoolers, in two initial research settings, were
extremely simple. So perhaps those “detailed skills of the programming environment” as Tholander
calls them, above, would no longer be necessary; and the common educational approach of
preschool teachers already involves active participation in the construction process of children,
which could further contribute to simplify the use of computer programming.
As the sessions302 under the fourth research setting revealed, and section 5.3.5 summarized,
these assumptions were not correct. In terms of programming skills, the teachers came across some
of the problems that the children were also facing; and regarding the active participation of teachers,
quite often they ceased to act as such: they were in an uncomfortable situation, and most fell back
on instructing children on the few samples I had provided while introducing them to ToonTalk.
Finally, possibly also due to the same situation of discomfort, teachers started over-relying on
personal assumptions on the performance of children, often failing to conduct keen observation of
the children, as they would normally do. This much is visible from their reports, where often
contradictory statements are made in the same sentence, regarding observations and evaluations, as
pointed out in the sessions overview presented in Annex VII.
It is all the more telling that some care was taken to avoid simply sending off the teachers,
totally unprepared, to conduct novel activities, a common equivocal situation:
« Too frequently, new and complex expectations are downloaded onto
classroom teachers without a realistic consideration of the resources
available to teachers to achieve these expectations. Often, there is an
assumption that technology itself is the panacea, and so, little consideration
is given to preparing teachers to use the technology effectively and in
support of their own teaching and learning goals. »
(CSTA, 2003, p. 11, footnote no. 2)
Rather, due attention as given to the launch and development of ToonTalk programming
activities by the teachers. Although positive results were scarce, that was not the starting
expectation; given the positive indications of children abilities, in the previous research settings, my
estimation was that there was a nice potential for development of interesting activities, since the
sessions were to occur throughout the school year, and be conducted by people accustomed with
performing computer activities in preschool settings.

Annex I provides an overview of these sessions, and Annex I contains all the reports provided by the computer-
activities teachers. Another contribution to my personal construction of these concepts was my experience as lecturer of
the course “Informática no Ensino” (“Computers in Education”), part of the curriculum for the bacallaureate in Early
Childhood Education at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (since 2001).

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The soundness of the original approach used with the computer-activities teachers can be
evaluated by comparing it with recommended key conditions and approaches to help teachers grow
and change in educational settings:
« 1) Teachers need regular time together (...) 2) (...) it’s important that
teacher change efforts be collaborative, social experiences (...) 3) (...)
significant change needs leadership from the top, even while the support
itself emphasizes teachers’ decision-making and initiative (...) 4) (...) we
need to support and strengthen teachers’ latent professionalism (...) 5) (...)
the introduction of new classroom strategies is most effectively initiatied by
inservice programs using concrete experiential activities, rather than
starting with educational philosophy or research data. (...) 6) After
experiencing new classroom strategies, teachers need to reflect, to analyse,
to compare – to build knowledge and theoretical understanding. »
(Zemelman et al., 1995)
The teachers conducting activities in setting 4 (section 5.3.5, p. 335) were computer-activities
teachers for preschools (profile: computer training + education degree or specific training). Each
provided computer-activities support at 4 or 5 preschool rooms per week and worked directly with
about 100 children, on average (each teacher used ToonTalk only in one of its assigned preschools).
Furthermore, they provided computer training for regular teachers based at those preschool rooms.
One can see how the various conditions and approaches enumerated in the above citation
were met in the preparation and development of the fourth research setting:
1. There was a weekly meeting between all teachers, to discuss the week developments,
lay foundations for the coming weeks, and plan joint actions.
2. The computer-activities teachers were not working alone in their allocated preschools:
at each, the main teacher was typically present and the project hiring the activities-
teachers had specified as a directive that these main teachers should gradually become
autonomous in the use of computer resources in their educational practice (Cruz et al.,
in the press).
3. The participation of the teachers in the ToonTalk sessions was originally proposed by
their project manager, but the teachers were given freedom to adapt and determine the
course of their practice, and encouraged to adapt the ToonTalk sessions as they would
in their usual computer-activities practice.
4. From the start, although I had some ideas that I wished to try out, I left clear to the
teachers that they would be entirely responsible for the educational orientation and
development of the sessions. I would not impose personal educational perspectives,
and trusted each of them to provide the educational know-how bestowed by their
training and experience.
5. Rather than provide educational philosophy303 or hard research data, the training
sessions conducted prior to the development of activities were focused on allowing
teachers to explore the ToonTalk environment and try out specific sample activities304,
which had previously been done by children.
6. Each teacher conducted only a single ToonTalk session per week; this meant that the
teachers would reach weekly meeting (where progress was reported, issues discussed,

As sessions took place, I would sometimes during the weekly meetings leverage teachers’ accounts as context to
broaden their understanding, including some theoretical background.
These were based on children's achievements during the first and second research settings. For example, decorating
houses, building houses, organizing objects on the floor, composing pictures, playing hide-and-seek and exchanging
gifts with birds, and programming robots to perform these various activities, as well as others such as swapping the
contents of boxes or passing a ball around using birds.
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and further actions debated) with an interval of a few days between it and the previous
and coming sessions.
And these short descriptions don’t cover the entire spectrum of support provided. Specific
documents were laid down for guidance, setting forth the data recording style and elements,
explaining the approach styles mentioned in section 5.3.5, emphasizing the importance of
maintaining a given approach, providing examples of activities for each approach style, explaining
the issues put forth in section 6.1, establishing terminology, and providing some ready-made logical
explanations for children’s anticipated questions. (Example: “Why must we stop teaching the robot
by pressing ESC?” – “Because it’s flying, while in the Robot School in the Clouds. If we don’t tell
it to come down, by pressing ESC, all the stuff will fall and on the ground and get broken.”) These
documents are presented in Annex II, on p. 445.
Yet, as I already mentioned in this section, encouraging results were scarce. And this
constituted the most important outcome of the fourth research setting: the awareness that it was not
that the general conditions had not been met (although indeed with plenty of room for
improvement), or that the general approach to teachers had been laid on wrong educational
principles. Rather, as mentioned at the opening of this section, the problem laid on wrong starting
assumptions on the particular nature and features of computer-programming activities with
preschool children and preschool teachers.
Quickly I found out that computer teachers involved in programming were facing some of the
hurdles I had previously found with children. For instance, the very first time they taught a robot –
they did it with an empty box! In other cases, they would be happy to see the children “teaching the
robot”, without caring about what was being taught to the robot, or with what purpose. (In both
cases, instances of the second hurdle mentioned in section 6.1.)
Therefore, a specific strategy was proposed for presenting robot programming (Morgado et
al., 2003a), following the general sequence of activities that compose the classical definition of
programming (Blackwell, 2002): defining requirements; perform a specification; “design the
technical features”; perform the coding; and “anticipate and account for departures from the
intended behaviour (debugging)” (id., ibid.):
Step Challenge question Intended consequence
1 What do you want to do? Setting a purpose. (defining requirements).
Define needed objects and assemble them in a box.
2nd What do you need?
(perform a specification).
Execution of actions upon the objects.
3rd How do you do it?
(design the technical features).
Can you teach a robot Demonstrate to robot a specific set of actions.
that? (perform the coding).
(a) Did it learn properly? Emphasize the need to test programmed actions.
If the robot wasn’t properly programmed, or if it
5th Debugging.
(b) What went wrong? doesn’t connect to other objects as expected, discuss
the reasons and possible solutions.
Table 34 – Strategy devised for teaching robot programming
The teachers found this set of question helped them see programming in a clearer way, but by
the time I developed it, they didn’t manage to try and evaluate its impact and usefulness with
Another problem the teachers faced was that they found ToonTalk and programming to be so
different from what they were used to do, that their activities would end up closed within ToonTalk
and its environment, disconnected from everyday preschool activities, to the point of sometimes
there being no sense of purpose for the activities, beyond ToonTalk itself. In one case, for instance,
a teacher was conducting activities with birds and nests, having been told that she could focus,

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Framework for computer programming in preschool
computer-wise, on different combinations of birds and nests: 1 bird to 1 nest, several birds to 1 nest,
1 bird to several nests, and several birds to several nests. This she did, but only by discussing with
children expected behaviour for these situations and trying them together with the children, to see
what would happen. And what had been the ongoing project at the preschool, that week? Ethnic
groups. Simply by providing as a suggestion, in the meeting of the following week, that different
houses could have been customized to represent different countries/continents, that birds could have
be used to send letters to children living in those countries, and that this arrangement could be have
used for a “1-to-many”, “many-to-1” activity made her feel much more comfortable and able to
provide further suggestions on her own.
One late result of the weekly meetings, was the conjoint realization that teachers would
welcome some quick reference cards on computer-based educational topics, in order to help them
build their activities around those topics. I.e., one for birds, which could include the example I have
just mentioned; another for robot-programming, presenting the strategy of Table 34; another for
working with ToonTalk sensors, mentioning the need to focus on preparing different consequences
to the same actions, so that children can be encouraged to analyse the impact of the sensor; and so
The consideration of these particular observations eventually led me to create the “cookbook”
of computer-programming topics, which was presented in section 3.4, and to focus on reasoning
over the research results and their presentation so as to help preschool teachers integrate the
computer-programming activites in their educational practice and contexts (vd. chapter 1).
The two latest research settings (described in sections 5.3.7 and 5.3.8) were already conducted
under the influence of these considerations, and provided positive indications regarding their
feasibility and effectiveness. For this reason, the guidelines presented in chapter 1 represent my
reflections resulting from these two sets of data: the issues described here (and in the previous
section, regarding the children themselves), and the results of my initial attempts to overcome them,
in settings305 6 and 7.

Besides the brief descriptions in sections 5.3.7 and 5.3.8, further information is provided in Annex I (final report on
the activities conducted in setting 6) and in Annex I (full logs detailing the activities conducted in setting 7).
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7. Framework for computer programming in preschool

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7.1. Guidelines for computer programming in preschool

In chapter 1, I presented the research conclusions under two categories – children and their
teachers. It would perhaps be expectable to provide guidelines similarly divided, in two matching
categories. So why haven’t I done that? Why did I combine the guidelines into a single integrated
Basically, my decision came as a direct consequence of reasoning over the first of the hurdles
presented in section 6.1.1: “Children can easily get weary from unforeseen system behavior or
difficulties.” I have no qualms about letting children explore a programming environment by
themselves. And indeed for some children involved in the research settings this turned out just fine:
they learned by themselves and from each other, and in the process developed a strong personal
relationship with the products of their exploration. But for most children, this was not the case:
some couldn’t manage to control the system, and discarded it; others would embrace it, but just
repeating over and over similar patterns. And even those children that broadly explored it on their
own had huge gaps in their understanding; gaps preventing them from reaching more complex
patterns of use of programming – or even from doing programming altogether. Case in point, the
four-year old AX, from group 10 of the sessions conducted at the SPP preschool during the fourth
research setting.
AX’s brother had learned ToonTalk programming during the sessions I conducted in the
second research setting, and he had then shown AX how to play. However, one year later, when AX
was taking part in ToonTalk sessions conducted by a computer-activities teacher, his programming
skills suffered from contradictions and lack of design306: “As sessions progressed, the teacher
noticed that although AX understood the need to compose an entry box for the robot, he had the
tendency to give it an empty box, since he got used to the fact that this would take him into the
robot’s thoughts. The teacher also reported some confusion between his actions and the robot’s
actions, when playing in the thought bubble, but his answers to queries show otherwise. But yet
another teacher comment is that AX forgets to exit the robot’s thoughts, and this may provide a clue
to solving these contradictions.”
It is therefore the first precept of these guidelines that preschool teachers must be deeply
involved in the programming activities conducted by children, lest most children fail to climb
the various cognitive steps involved in the craft of programming and forfeit any benefits. This much
is a common recommendation in existing research literature, as the following citation sums up:
« The third and present phase [in the teaching and learning of
programming] suggests more direct instruction and mediation by a teacher
rather than the discovery methods of instruction. Littlefield, Delclos, Lever,
Clayton, Bransford, and Franks (1990) reported that “mastery of the
programming language has not been achieved when LOGO has been taught
in a discovery-oriented environment” and “if mastery is not achieved, the
discovery and transfer of general thinking skills as a result of learning
LOGO cannot occur” (...). More researchers (Lehrer, Guckenberg, &
Sancilio, 1988; Clements, 1990) are noting that if the techniques of
programming are to be learned, they must be taught and if they are taught in
a mediated way, then transfer to problem-solving skills can occur. »
(Kushan, 1994, p. 249)
But teachers can be of little help beyond simple manipulative assistance, if they are
themselves groping to achieve some understanding of the whole process. As was mentioned in

This quote is part of the overview of these sessions, provided in Annex VII, and the full reports are provided in
Annex VIII.

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Framework for computer programming in preschool
2004, in recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education for states, districts and
individual schools, on the effective use of technology to enhance learning:
« Ensure that every teacher knows how to use data to personalize
instruction. This is marked by the ability to interpret data to understand
student progress and challenges, drive daily decisions and design
instructional interventions to customize instruction for every student’s
unique needs. »
(USDE, 2004, p. 41)
This recommendation can be combined with the information provided in section 6.2,
regarding the difficulties found in teacher intervention in a computer-programming environment.
The result of that combination would be a recommendation along these paraphrased lines: each
teacher should know how to use computer programming well enough to be able to personalize
instruction; this is marked by the ability to interpret computer programming to understand
children’s progress and challenges, drive daily decisions and design instructional interventions to
customize instruction for every child’s unique needs.
This thesis has already provided some contributions towards these ends. Section 6.1 has
provided several insights from practice on particular hurdles that preschool children face when
embracing an animated, virtual programming environment – helping understand children’s
challenges. Section 3.4 has provided a cookbook approach to computer science topics – helping
teachers better understand children’s progress.
It might sound like a reasonable expectation that the enhanced understanding brought forth by
both of these contributions, by itself, will help teachers “drive daily decisions” and “design
instructional interventions to customize instruction for every child’s unique needs.” But one of the
realizations provided by the research settings with preschool teachers is how hard it is for them to
achieve these ends, just by relying on information on computer programming; how often samples
and examples end up being used for their own sake, the teachers insufficiently comfortable with
computer programming to use them as inspiration for these higher-level ends.
The present chapter thus presents this lacking contribution to the use of computer
programming in preschool settings. It focuses on providing teachers with a design structure. In other
words, it provides a framework to help teachers plan activities, customizing them to suit the context
of a particular child, preschool room, activity, or educational theme/project.
In this framework, the key idea is integration. It relies on the assumption that teachers have a
latent professionalism that can be tapped, if it is adequately supported and strengthened, as
mentioned in section 6.2.
This assumption is supported by the developments registered in research settings 4, 6, and 7
(vd. sections 5.3.5, 5.3.7, and 5.3.8). During the weekly meetings of research setting 4, most
teachers didn’t realize the potential educational value of computer programming, even after
undertaking training sessions, even after seeing first-hand how most children relished their activities
in ToonTalk. They only managed to realize this potential when, during the meetings, I provided
examples of how the activities of the previous week might have been integrated in the overall
events and goals of their specific preschool and children.
And the two teachers that did conduct ToonTalk sessions until the end of the school year were
those that had managed to integrate their ToonTalk activities in this manner, at least partly. And I
say “partly”, because these instances of integration were seriously lacking: as described in section
5.3.5 and in Annex VII, in the Mondrões preschool a “city of professions” was created, customizing
the environment, but no programs or programming constructs were used; in the São Pedro Parque
preschool, children's drawings and images from other events in the preschool were used, but beyond

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that, the activities were those provided as samples, such as teaching a robot to re-order the contents
of a box (only now the box had pictures from a tale, for instance).
In settings 6 and 7, however, the trainees from the early childhood baccallaureate and the
adult facilitator managed to achieve a much stronger involvement of chldren, and provide richer
educational situations, after receiving my support, in the form of tentative versions of the ideas
described in this framework.
This key idea of integration is also supported by existing research, which recommends that the
computer is integrated in other activities, with broader scope, rather than simply used to duplicate
current educational methods or worse, be used just as a reward or an electronic baby-sitter (Davis &
Shade, 1994; Clements & Sarama, 2002; Tsantis, Bewick & Thouvenelle, 2003).
« (...) computer activities yield the best results when coupled with suitable
off-computer activities. For example, children who were exposed to
developmental software alone showed gains in intelligence, nonverbal skills,
long-term memory, and manual dexterity. Those who also worked with off-
computer activities gained in all these areas and improved their scores in
verbal, problem-solving, and conceptual skills. »
(Clements & Sarama, 2002, p. 342, my emphasis)
To integrate computer-programming, my overall guideline is to use the programming
environment and programming constructs, making them crucial to non-computer activities,
rather than being a simple add-on. To clarify this idea, in the following sections I present it under
two separate concepts.
Firstly, in section 7.2, my contribution is a four-step guide to the general integration of
computer use in the daily practice of preschools. Before integration of programming is achieved, the
teachers must be able to integrate plainer computer use in their daily practice. The last step in this
guide is an explanation of how computer programming may be employed in the previous three
Secondly, in section 7.3, I typify the activities that can be performed in a virtual, animated
computer-programming environment, each type providing a progressively more complex
exploitation of features.

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Framework for computer programming in preschool

7.2. Integrating the computer in off-computer activities

7.2.1. Overview
As mentioned in section 7.1, here I present a four-step evolution, progressing in the amount of
integration of computer use in educational activities. These steps are presented resorting to small
examples that illustrate them, and with each example, comments specify the actual integration and
contextualization idea it aims to cover.
However, these steps are not intended as successive steps for the development of activities.
Rather, they are simply steps in this presentation of ideas to the reader. I have not researched
potential impact in following/not following these steps when planning the development of activities.
The four steps described in the following subsections are, regarding the use of the computer in
preschool settings:
1. As a destination: it is the final setting of the activity, which originated outside the
2. As a source: it is a source of pieces to be used in an activity that takes place off the
3. Mingled: it is both a starting point and an end, but neither the sole starting point nor
the sole end.
4. Automated: a place where programming is developed to automate or accomplish a
task developed with one of the three previous steps in mind.
To present these steps, I’ll use examples from an important set of typical preschool activities:
that of world-knowledge activities (Ministério da Educação, 1997, pp. 79-85). Their aim is to draw
the child’s attention to particular features of the world, such as the names employed to identify
colours, the distinction between geometrical shapes, the composing parts of an animal, the features
of each season, the origin of each kind of food, etc.
Besides the particular knowledge content of each activity, these activities’ strong ties with
real-world phenomena render them particularly rich in opportunities for learning. For instance,
knowing where milk comes from obviously involves finding out what a cow is, how it is milked,
and so on; but it can also involve notions such as the size of a cow and comparing it to the
preschool room, and estimating how many cows would fit there; it can involve the exploration of
how the milk goes from the cow to the supermarket shelves, and involve social elements such as
transactions, buying, selling, advertising; it can involve playing a child-theatre piece or a
playground game about herding cows, which will include significant physical activity; and it can
include making cow puppets or drawings, with associated skills of representation and fine control.
The use of preschool educational activities in this manner is often within the scope of design
projects. In such projects, students design and create artefacts (either alone or in a group), which
can then be shared and discussed with others, or enjoyed as a final piece. Such artefacts can be
physical items such as a flower garden, or a doll-house (or even a doll-igloo). But they can also be
immaterial items, such as a story, a theatre play, or a virtual computer game or environment. The
educational value of such design projects has been achieving growing recognition (e.g., Harel,
1991; Papert, 1993; Kafai, 1995), and is fundamentally connected to the constructionist principles
presented in section 4.2.2.

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7.2.2. Computer as a destination – “I drew that tail”!

Figure 250 – Matching animal’s parts to an animal

Figure 250 shows a simple image-matching game. The four circled images on the left are
animal parts (top to bottom: hoof, beak, horn, pigtail). One of them belongs to the bird on the right.
Typically, this activity might be developed in preschool when the overall context of activities
is one of “animals are made of parts” – hopefully, in this way the child player would be more prone
to focus on the concept.
But rather than being mere players, children can be involved in the complete design of such as
In the above figure, its composing drawings are amateurish, and this aims to represent an
important feature: the bird and other animals are meant to be drawn307 by children. These images
could then be used by the preschool room teacher to build the image-matching activity, using any
program usable for building interactive activities, such as Microsoft’s PowerPoint or Animated
Programs’ ToonTalk. The teacher can also cut pieces from each animal picture and use those pieces
and the original pictures to develop the matching game. With this simple feature, the children when
drawing are not just ending their activity there: they are contributing to a game to be developed by
the teacher, which they will then play afterwards.
But besides the images themselves, other features of such a game cannot be presented in an
image such as Figure 250. There is no need to confine children’s participation to the drawing of
pictures. They could (and I personally believe they should) be involved in the entire design process.
In this example, children’s involvement in design could be achieved through some or by all of
these actions:
ƒ defining the game’s rules – what is right, what is wrong;
ƒ define the game structure - what size is the animal, how many pictures to match, what
sizes, what shapes, locations of pictures, etc.;
ƒ define the content organization – any animal goes? or only birds? can extict animals
be included? what about plants?

They may also be phtographs of real animals, taken or selected by children; or photographs of physical clay pieces or
other products of child play; or even, scanned pictures of cartoon animals, as long as the children are involved in their
selection and production.

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ƒ define responses – what should happen when the player fails? what about when the
player gets it right?
ƒ produce content and assign tasks – what are the actual images to be used? where are
they coming from (drawn, live photograph, scanned image, objects
made+photographed,...)? who takes part in producing these images?
ƒ produce auxiliary items – where do “right” and “wrong” sounds or messages come
from (recorded, written, etc.)? what should these messages say? are they appropriate?
This entire potential can be explored further, if the teacher develops this activity within a
computer programming environment that is age-suitable, for then children can be involved in the
production of behavior and responses themselves, as described further ahead in section 7.2.5.
The idea being presented here is: if the computer is the final setting of the activity, then
that activity can originate outside the computer beforehand (animal parts identification with
pets, toy animals, etc.), and in the computer itself it can involve pre-activities (drawing, in this case)
aimed at bridging those original off-computer activities with the final intended computer activity.

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7.2.3. Computer as source – “The larder is well-stocked!”

The converse of the example in the previous section occurs when the final activity takes place
off the computer, rather than at the computer. Such as example is when the result of a computer
activity determines something in the real world. Perhaps the simplest example is when the
preschool teacher or a preschool child acts as referee or judge to confirm the eligibility of the
computer activity (but, as described in section 7.2.5, all or part of this judging can be programmed
by the children and/or the preschool teacher, depending on the level of complexity of the rules).
For instance, suppose that in Figure 250, instead of a bird and animal parts, there was the dark
silhouette of a fruit and several fruit pictures as matching options.
Getting a proper match could also mean that the child was entitled to receive a real fruit (or a
toy one, or a fruit card, vd. Figure 251), and stock it in a “larder” in the preschool room. That, in
turn, could be an activity involved in a broader context, such as the benefits of keeping a larder
stocked during winter, when one lives far from drugstores or supermarkets, or depending on roads
that may become temporarily blocked by snow or landslides.

Figure 251 – Fruit cards and toy fruits, usable in preschool activities
From: and

The idea being presented here is: in the context of an activity that was planned to take
place off the computer, the computer may be integrated, by turning it as a source of pieces to
be used off the computer.
Other examples of uses in this
fashion include using the computer as a
tool for recording the status of an
activity, as is shown in Figure 252
(using it in the same way as a paper
table posted on the wall, children can
check those records to determine their
current status later on), and using the
computer to communicate by e-mail
with another organization (and then
wait for an answer to arrive).

Figure 252 – Using the computer to keep status records as

starting or returning point for activities

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7.2.4. Mingled computer – “Who asked for bread!?”

The combination of the two previous ideas is that the computer can be both the destination of
off-computer activities and a source of materials for off-computer activities. But this means that the
computer can be entirely involved in an activity, rather than being an “extra” part of it.

Figure 253 – City with houses for three professionals (plus a "pictures" house)
Figure 253 and the other figures in this section are from an activity developed308 in the
ToonTalk programming environment, based on the concept of interchanging services among
professionals (this was part of research setting 6, described in section 5.3.7). The example presented
in this section is based on this activity, but extends it in various ways, and this extended version is
presented in full description in Annex XII. It is intended for use in a preschool room where the
overall theme/project “professions” is already being developed. The mailwoman needs bread from
the baker, who needs shots from the nurse, who needs letters and bread...
Children can develop many activities under the
context of that general theme/project, and in that process
assemble several pictures associated with professions. For
this example, I’ll consider the professions of mailwoman,
baker and nurse. The pictures can be uniforms and items
such as stamps, pastry, bread, etc.
Some of the assembled pictures (originating in Web
sites, books, children’s drawings, etc.) can then taken into
the ToonTalk environment, available for the children to use,
along with other pictures brought in by the teacher (Figure
254). Each group of children, having been acquainted with a
specific professional’s “tools of the trade”, can use the Figure 254 – Postwoman's items and
pictures to decorate a house for that professional (this was uniform
also done in the Mondrões preschool, during research
setting 4, vd. section 5.3.5).
So far, nothing renders this activity different from the previous examples. But this decoration
is just the activity preparation; the actual activity kernel takes place afterwards.
In the course of the preschool day, in another (off-computer) activity, the need may arise (or
be created by the teacher) for a specific product – say, a cake from a baker. The child that needs that
cake can go to the computer, enter the ToonTalk environment and enter the baker’s house. There,
that child can leave a request for a cake. This can take several forms: the number “1”, the text
“cake” and the name of the requesting child; or a picture of a cake and the photograph of the

The sample activity described in this section was inspired in a much simpler version of it, developed between
November 2003 and February 2004 by three second-year college students under the supervision of Leonel Morgado
(Irina Brandão, Liliana Miguéis and Mónica Pereira, course “Computers in Teaching”, Early Childhood Education
baccalaureate, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal), and further developed and assayed with four
children during a traineeship, as described in section 5.3.7.
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requesting child; or the picture of a cake and an object representing the profession role-played by
the requesting child!
For instance, in Figure 255 several requests have
been found at a house: top to bottom, there is a request for
a parcel and a stamp from the nurse (identified by the
nurse’s cap); a request for a cookie, also from the nurse; a
textual request for band-aid from the baker; and a request
for a medicine shot from the postwoman. Clearly, some of
these requests must be in the wrong house, since no
professional can deal with them all (unless some child
was role-playing a services contractor!).
These seemingly “wrong” requests pose a nice
learning opportunity. Supposing this is the nurse’s house,
Figure 255 – Set of requests in a house
the two bottom requests can be satisfied, but the others
shouldn’t be here, but rather taken to the appropriate houses (postwoman’s and baker’s). This can
be used to start a preschool-wide debate on the organization of requests within a house. Should
one’s own requests be kept alongside requests from other people? Should one keep a “record” (i.e.,
a copy) of the sent requests, and if so, should that copy by stored alongside external requests?
But what if this was another professional’s house (a truck driver’s house, for instance)? This
child could call the child that placed an inadequate request there, and together decide how to solve
the problem. However, the teacher could also take part, by prompting the child to decide how a
wrong request should be handled. Should it be ignored? Should it be returned to the sender? Should
the sender (the real child, a preschool colleague) be called so that he/she could learn about the
mistake? Should the request be helpfully forwarded to the proper professional? And if so, should a
note about the mistake be sent to the child who made it?
Getting back to the original request in this example, there was the need for a cake. A child
would compose such a request, and place it in the baker’s house. Other requests would also have
been made during the school day. Sometime during the school day, the child playing the baker will
go to the ToonTalk environment and find that there is a request for a cake. That cake can be
delivered to the house of the child requesting it, who later will find it has been delivered.
Having been fulfilled the request for a cake, the teacher can be notified, and this can lead to
another off-computer activity. For instance, a toy cake, a cake card, cake token or something to that
effect can be handed to the child, for continuing with the activity that originated the request for that
But there may not be the necessity for a physical cake token at all! The consequence of
delivering the cake in the ToonTalk environment may be that a check mark is painted in a
classroom “today’s To Do list”; or that beans of toy money needs to be exchanged to “pay” the
baker for that “virtual” cake!
The overall idea is: a computer environment can be used not a starting point or ending
point of a specific activity, but simply as yet another educational play setting in a preschool
activity room, completely integrated in the context of other, off-computer activities taking
place there. Actions off the computer can require a computer action to be complete, and a computer
result can lead to off-computer consequences.

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7.2.5. Programming in context – “You’ve got it all, you can swim”

Environments like the ones presented in the previous examples provide a nice context for
using programming skills and constructs, or even full programs.
In fact, the planning of the activity described in the example of section 7.2.4 already included
the use of the computer construct known as “communication channels” (vd. section 3.4.12):
ToonTalk’s carrier pigeons would be used by children to render easier the sending of requests and
the delivery of items. But rather than build up on one of the previous examples, I opted to present
these ideas in yet another different setting.
The example309 for this section is centred on sports activities and the necessary equipment.
For instance, to swim one needs a bathing suit or shorts and a cap, to play tennis one needs a racket,
tennis shoes and tennis equipment, etc.
Overall, there are many similarities between this setting and the one about professions in the
previous example: instead of houses, one now finds buildings for sports; but each child or group of
children is in charge of exploring several notions revolving around the kinds of sports taking place
in that building, what equipment is necessary, etc.

Figure 256 – ToonTalk city with buildings for sports

There is, however, a crucial difference: children don’t live in the sports facilities. Rather,
there can also be more houses in the city, where the children “live”. And in those houses310, pictures
for the equipment used in several sports can be made available.
Now one can suppose that for some reason induced by an
off-computer activity, a child needs to use a sports facility,
such as the tennis court, for instance. That child goes to “her”
house and must assemble all the necessary equipment for
playing tennis. Taking that equipment into the tennis court
(Figure 257), the child in charge of the court must check if all
the required equipment is there.
But since checking for the equipment is but a matter of
comparing pictures, those could be standardized (i.e., same
racket picture for all children) and easily compared. So rather Figure 257 – Inside the tennis court

This example was inspired on a ToonTalk activity developed under my counseling, between October 2004 and
January 2005, by two second-year students from the course “Computers in Teaching”, Early Childhood Education
baccalaureate, at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal (Maria Fernanda Figueiredo M. Silva and
Susana Maria Alves Faria).
In Figure 256, the students adopted a different approach: to have a central “bazaar” usable by all children. However,
if children don’t have their own place to customize or use as a base for activities, the development of activities is
seriously limited, because each child lacks adequate control over the events of at least some part of the virtual city.
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than having the child-court-caretaker to be there whenever another child wants to “play tennis”, that
child-caretaker can be suggested (or come up with the idea) of making a ToonTalk program (or
several) to do the necessary comparisons311!
This setting places children in a situation where there is a nice motivation for the development
of the interactive, animated cartoon-stories of ToonTalk programs. The programs can be as simple
as asking, using a pre-recorded sound, “Did you bring your racket?” The child wanting to play
tennis presents his/her racket and if the comparison succeeds, then a pre-recorded sound can state
“you can play.”
After playing tennis, the child can proceed with whatever was required by the activity that
originated the tennis session (for instance, recording on paper that one tennis session was performed
during a specific weekday).
Another way to conduct these activities is for the robot-caretakers to provide an “entry ticket”
or some other token when a child presents the suitable equipment, and such tokens can then be
presented to the preschool teacher or child acting as referee, or even printed, and used to access
some other off-computer activity.
The overall idea is that within an integrated activity there are often opportunities for
including programming embedded in a larger context. Not just for a purpose, but for a
purpose within a context. Programming in such conditions becomes a tool for automation of the
environment – an empowering concept.

Currently, ToonTalk provides no primitive operation to check for the presence of an item within a list without
iterating it. This prevents a generic “matching” robot from being programmed by virtually any preschoolers. However,
the problem is simplified by instating the rule that the robot’s thought bubble is not to be ignored, i.e., children should
present the sports equipment in the exact same order it is asked. This is far from being a perfect solution, but is it a
usable solution nonetheless.

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7.3. Typology of approaches to the programming environment

7.3.1. Usage typology 1: space for self-expression
To perform computer-programming activities in a visual environment, one of the very first
problems faced by young children is their difficulty in controlling the mouse (Strommen, 1994;
Hourcade et al., 2004). To this, one must add the necessity of getting to know and exploring an
unknown environment, where activities get ever more complex.
In the various research sessions, many children managed to develop from the very start
activities with quite some level of complexity. However, in almost all cases these activities involved
the constant support of an adult, due to the children’s difficulty on manipulating and controlling the
on-screen objects. Given than one wishes children to become gradually autonomous regarding the
use of the programming environment, such a constant physical support is not desirable.
For this reason, a simple approach to programming can start by focusing on activities where
children explore the programming environment and acquire some control over it. Specifically,
children can handle the pre-existing programming environment objects, aiming to create “useful”
results (in the sense of “personally-meaningful”, e.g. ego-syntonic – vd. section 4.2.2).
In a virtual, animated programming environment such as ToonTalk, these results can be mere
playfulness or preliminary environment customizations (e.g., Figure 258, Figure 259, and Figure
260). But they can also involve the manipulation of images produced by children outside of
ToonTalk, taken by adults (or the children themselves) into the programming environment, where
they are simply yet another object (Figure 261).

Figure 258 – “Bird’s mass”, by J (boy, age 5), AA Figure 259 – “Painting”, by J (girl, age 3), SPP
preschool, 2001 preschool, 2001

Figure 260 – “Flower garden”, by DU (boy, age 4), Figure 261 – Personal composition on the wall, by J
SPP preschool, 2001 (girl, age 4), SPP preschool, 2001

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In other visual programming environments, which don’t possess a virtual animated
environment, this approach can also be used, at the very least by composing scenes and using the
environment customization tools to produce meaningful scenarios or pictures ( “meaningful”, both
as artistic creations or customizations, and as a graphical preparation and planning of more complex
activities). A particular noteworthy case is Squeak Etoys (vd. section 3.3.4, p. 146), whose first
children-aimed tutorial in the Web site Squeakland concerns the use of Squeak’s Painting Palette to
let children draw freely (anon., n.d.-2); these drawing tools can similarly be used to produce a
meaningul scenario. A typical example is the car example from another Squeak Etoys tutorial,
visible in Figure 81 (p. 147, reproduced below), which is already a preparation for another activity.
Another example is Stagecast Creator (vd. section 3.3.4, p. 151) where a children might draw
or assemble the necessary pictures to compose a programming scenario, such as the starting picture
of the iceman scenario, presented in Figure 87 (p. 152, reproduced below for the convenience of the

Figure 262 – Environment customizations in Squeak Etoys and Stagecast Creator

From: vd. references of Figure 81 and Figure 87

In a tangible programming system such as the Valiant Roamer (p. 172), this can involve
extremely personal customizations, involving physical items and actions. For instance, in research
setting 4 (described in section 5.3.5) the computer-activities teacher at the Mondrões preschool let
children customize ToonTalk, creating a “city of professions.” This was a larger school-wide
project, under which conducted many activities, some of them with a Roamer robot. Before those
activities were initiated, however, children participated in the construction of cardboard houses, one
for each professional, and they customized “turtle shell” for the Roamer robot, for the robot to
“role-play” each profession (Figure 263).

Figure 263 – Roamer robot in disguise: flower seller, firewoman and chef
From312: João-Monteiro et al., 2003

These photographs, made public by João-Monteiro et al. (2003) as generic customization examples, were actually
devised by the computer-activities teacher, RC, at the Mondrões preschool, as described in this sections’ text, and
customized by the children there, under the project “city of professions”.

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7.3.2. Usage typology 2: sorting and organization

This is seen as a second level of complexity, in terms of activity planning. The basic idea is
that it builds on the first usage typology (section 7.3) by integrating a few programming concepts
and skills.
Primary elements of this, as was often the case during the research sessions, are activities
involving data-organization skills. And these can range from ordinary thematic organization (e.g.,
which images will be on the left side of the floor, and on the right side of the floor; which will be
placed inside a house and which will be placed outside the house, etc.), to more complex and
elaborate cases.
Central topics, for this typology, are:
ƒ list manipulation;
ƒ grouping;
ƒ hierarchic organization.
In ToonTalk, one way of performing list (or vector) manipulation is by linking boxes (vd.
section 3.3.5), forming a list, vector, or tuple, as shown in Figure 264. In this unordered example
from the São Pedro Parque preschool, under research setting 4 (vd. section 5.3.5), the topmost box
formed a list of items which had to be matched by the children below313. Other versions of the
activity, however, could include ordering. For instance, in placing inside the boxes images depicting
a specific moment in the Peter Pan story, as was done in the research setting involving computer-
activity teachers.

Figure 264 – List matching activity

Yet another way to use lists is to keep organized records. For instance, in Figure 265, from
research setting 3 (vd. section 5.3.4), shows a list box containing a hole for each ingredient required
to make soup (previously, all children had been working this theme within a project in the preschool
room). Two children involved in the ToonTalk sessions were going to teach a robot how to make
soup. But in order to do that, they had to draw the ingredients, and this list was used to keep the
drawings they had already made (in this case, the carrot and the water drawings were ready).

Figure 265 – List activity for organized record-keeping

After performing this activity, some children, following a suggestion from the computer-activities teacher, taught a
robot how to perform the matching for this particular case (not for any general case).
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Another activity on the theme of sorting and organization is grouping. This can be achived
visually, simply by bringing order to a disorganized set of elements. For instance, in Figure 266, on
the left picture there are many scattered objects. Using the hand of ToonTalk’s interface314, children
can bring order to this, separating the pictures into thematic groups. On the right-side picture of the
same figure, for example, the objects were aggregated into “animals”, “fruits”, and “farm tools.”
This example is from the sample315 activity presented in Annex XI.

Figure 266 – Organization by grouping elements visually

Such grouping provide an entry point for the last example of sorting and organization:
hierarchic organization. In ToonTalk, this can be achieved with lists, by placing “lists within lists”,
i.e., placing a box inside the hole of another. However, for the sake of providing a larger variety of
examples, I’ll present it using the other storage metaphor of ToonTalk: notebooks316.
Hierarchic-organization allows the organization of Figure 266 to be stored with more space-
efficiency (and in a easy-to-iterate format). Each picture is placed inside a matching notebook (in
this example, one for animals, another for fruits, and yet another for farm tools). Then those
notebooks can themselves be stored inside another notebook, which will hold the entire activity, as
shown in Figure 267.

Figure 267 – Hierarchic-organization using notebooks

This organization can still increase in complexity, by increasing the total number of storage
levels. For instance, animals can be divided into mammals, insects, etc., with a notebook for each
kind of animal, inside a general “animals” notebooks.
In other programming systems, matching approaches to data organization can be devised, but
only if they allow direct manipulation of the data, without resorting to commands.

The background picture of a tree is covering the entire ToonTalk viewport.
This example was inspired on a ToonTalk activity developed under my counseling, between October 2003 and
January 2004, by three second-year students from the course “Computers in Teaching”, Early Childhood Education
baccalaureate, at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal (Elisabete Gonçalves, Ercília Carocha, and
Sónia Carvalho).
ToonTalk notebooks can be used for list manipulation activities, by placing an element on each page.

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In Stagecast Creator, for instance, this approach would amount to letting the child
programmer manipulate the elements, rehearsing them or trying them out (as illustrated in Figure
275), without actually being involved in establishing rules.

Figure 268 – Moving a Stagecast Creator character using the mouse, instead of programming rules
In many programming systems and environments, however, this approach does not stand out
clearly. On some cases, such as some implementations of Logo (p. 139), the manipulation of data is
done by issuing system commands or some other method of program specification, in which case
one is employing the usage typology no. 4 (vd. section 7.3.4). On other cases, such as Squeak Etoys
(p. 146) and some tangible-programming systems such as Electronic Blocks (p. 175), the
manipulation of data implies changes in other environment elements, in which case one is
employing the usage typology no. 3 (vd. section 7.3.3).
But often tangible programming systems allow for this style of “data manipulation” in a sense
similar to the Stagecast Creator example, above. When the elements of a tangible-programming
system are themselves programmable, as in the case of the Valiant Roamer (p. 172), the children
can reproduce the intended movements and actions of those elements, in fact “rehearsing” the
intended results of programming. But this rehearsal can be done even before children are aware of
the available commands, or only aware of their limitations (e.g., “the Roamer cannot jump”), and
this is why I have chosen to consider such activities as part of this typology.

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7.3.3. Usage typology 3: exploration of constructs and behaviors

Intertwined or built upon the second typology (section 7.3.2) one can develop a different kind
of activity, which is framed under this third typology. And that is the exploration of automated
behaviors possessed by some of the objects in the programming environment. For instance, in
ToonTalk, when a bird receives any rectangular object, it takes that object into its nest.
In the course of such activities, the child is involved in the analysis of cause-effect
relationships. The aim, within the scope of developing programming skills, is to lead the child into
knowing ways to employ and combine these behaviors of objects, in order to achieve more complex
goals. In short: develop plan-composition skills (vd. section 6.1.1).
Object behaviors can go from the extremely simple to the extremely complex. In ToonTalk,
the aforementioned events that occur when giving an object to a bird are an example of a simple
behavior. But what if the child has previously copied the bird's nest? In this case, the bird will clone
itself, in order to take a copy of the object she was given into each nest (Figure 269).

Figure 269 – Bird cloning itself to deliver an ‘A’ into several nests.
There are many ways to use this bird behavior. For example:
ƒ to create, rapidly317, a large number of copies of several objects;
ƒ to conduct activities involving the distribution of objects by several different
Other readily employable activities in ToonTalk are house-building (by combining a truck, a
robot, and a box) and house demolition (by using a bomb inside a house), both of which (as
reported in the various research sessions) were a widespread success among children (vd. section
5.3). Yet another ToonTalk activity in this fashion is comparing numbers with scales (to interpret
the resulting tilting of the scales).
One particular kind of ToonTalk activities also falls under this typology, albeit not being
usable with most children in preschool settings, due to its current reliance on text and numbers319:
flipping an image (vd. Figure 197, p. 214), taking out some of its controls, such as “Width”, and
observe how the change in the control’s values reflect changes in the image, and vice-versa. A

Without programming a robot to copy nests, the child will have to create the copies of the nest by hand using the
magic wand, but this only needs to be done once. Say a child copies a nest four times, getting five nests in all. From
then on, whenever she needs 5 copies of any object, she just has to hand that object to the bird associated with those
nests, to get 5 identical objects.
A sample activity using this concept was summarized in section 7.2.4, and is fully described in Annex I.
It might be possible to place graphical behaviors on the back of a picture to act as controls, but a nicer approach
would be if ToonTalk allowed the creation of libraries of pictures whose control notebooks had been edited to replace
numerical and textual controls by graphical versions.

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similar approach (which is also similarly limited in its use by preschoolers) is found, for instance, in
Squeak Etoys: in this system, when a childs acts upon an environment object (such as one of her
drawings) she can observe the changes in the various properties of that object, such as the
“Heading” value, as described and illustrated in section 3.3.4, p. 147.
ToonTalk also allows for a more complex approach, which was not explored during the
research sessions. This would involve the combination of images with behaviors on their backs,
such as those developed by the Playground project (Playground, 2001; Noss et al., 2002) – an
example is presented in Figure 270.

Figure 270 – ToonTalk behavior on the back of a picture, with two description alongside
From: Noss et al., 2002

As mentioned in section 3.3.5 (on p. 214), ToonTalk images are containers, which can be
flipped around to place or remove contents from their back sides. These contents can also be
subprograms, performing all sorts of activities and reacting to events affecting the images, which
become “images with behaviors” that can be combined by simply dropping them on the back of
each other. For instance, in Figure 271 the white square acquires vertical movement automatically,
because a “I start moving up” behavior was dropped on its back. And it will bounce off the two
smaller violet rectangles, because of the other behavior dropped on its back, “I bounce off things
when I hit them moving up and down.”

Figure 271 – The white square on the left picture, and two combined behaviors on its backside
From: Noss et al., 2002

In other programming systems, the approach presented in this typology is used by providing
the children with programming elements that interact with other programming elements, responding
to them or making them react.

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Stagecast Creator, for instance, includes a tutorial which employs this style for starting-level
activities in their systems: in the first section of the tutorial, children are expected to help a caveman
character called Bungee find a Healing Root to cure someone in his village. To do so, the children
have to interact with the environment while Bungee runs automatically. Children drag obstables out
of the way, reposition Bungee, click on some objects to activate their special behaviors320, in some
cases use arrow keys to control Bungee, copy environment objects to build ramps, and so on. One
of these situations is shown below in Figure 272: at this point in the first stage of the tutorial,
children need to copy the available monkey twice; the monkeys possess a behavior that makes them
move along the long tree branch with their tails and grab the bananas below, so that Bungee can
move along.

Figure 272 – Stagecast Creator tutorial: the child must copy monkeys so they get the bananas out of the way
Another Stagecast Creator example is provided in Figure 273: the cat runs and the dog chases
it. However, there is a rule (presented in the middle) that when the dog passes nearby a bush, it
hides behind the bush. Children may try out the behavior of the dog, cat, and bush, and try out
several combinations and settings, perhaps even coming up with a storyline, or “planting” more
bushes to help the cat escape.

Figure 273 – Dog chasing a cat, rule telling the dog to hide behind a bush, and the result

In the Stagecast Creator tutorial, at a certain point Bungee’s path is blocked by a gigantic beehive, which when
clicked upon lifts off and lets the bees out (Bungee then runs underneath it).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 375

Framework for computer programming in preschool
This overall approach is also easy to picture with tangible programming systems involving
interacting objects. One clear case is the Electronic Blocks sytem (vd. p. 175). An example is shown
in Figure 138, on p. 175 (reproduced below, for the convenience of the reader). As I described on
that page: “on the left, the touch sensor block is on top of the light action block, which therefore
produces light whenever the sensor is touched. On the right, the movement action block has a
seeing sensor block on top, which therefore moves whenever the sensor detects enough light. By
placing the first set of blocks (remote control) near the second set (car), the car will move whenever
the child put her/his hand in contact with the touch sensor.”

Figure 274 – Remote control car with Electronic Blocks (identical to Figure 138)
From: Wyeth & Wyeth, 2001

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7.3.4. Usage typology 4: instant programming = show how it is done

This level encompasses activities where all commands can have a direct, immediate
consequence. In traditional text-based languages such as Logo (vd. p. 139), this would consist in
issuing commands to the interpreter for immediate execution, or defining a single procedure or
function and use it by itself, without further combination with other such subprograms.
In ToonTalk, the basic programming concept, detailed in section 3.3.5, is that this basic
elements of programming are done by demonstrating to a robot how to follow the steps required to
perform the intended action, starting from an initial set of values (a sample program is provided in
Annex I, p. 441).
When involved in educational activities developed under this typology, children face the need
to reason over the general sequence of activities that compose the classical definition of
programming (Blackwell, 2002): defining requirements; perform a specification; design the
technical features; perform the coding; and “anticipate and account for departures from the
intended behaviour (debugging)” (id., ibid.). I am not referring to a complex program of various
interacting elements; rather, I am referring to the programming of a single procedure (in ToonTalk,
a single robot).
For instance, in Figure 275 two girls had shown their robots how to type their names321,
following the style presented in Annex I (starting with an empty box, pick up a text pad, write the
name and drop the name in the box). However, since there were no starting elements in the boxes of
their robots to constrain the robots’ operation, they kept on writing their names, over and over
again. The “final” result pleased the children, but was also an opportunity to reason, by analyzing
why this happened in this manner, in order to experiment with how to avoid it (or, in cases such as
this, where the result is pleasant, how to make use of it).

Figure 275 – Robots typed the children’s names many times (on the floor).
Even adults find it difficult to reason under these parameters. This much is a recurrent theme
in programming literature (vd. chapter 1), but I also had the opportunity to construct my personal
first-hand knowledge and notions in several contexts, as described in section 6.2. One specific
support item, developed as a conceptual support for both adults and children, was an inquiry-based
strategy of facing the programming process (Morgado et al., 2003a), presented in section 6.2 (Table
34, p. 353).
This typology maps onto virtually any other programming system, since it represents the
typical entry point found on presentations of the syntax of most programming systems. Notable
exceptions are Stagecast Creator and Squeak Etoys, whose tutorials propose simpler entry points, as

This took place in a session during the second research setting, summarized in Annex I and detailed in Annex I.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 377

Framework for computer programming in preschool
described in sections 7.3.1 and 7.3.3. Even these two systems,
however, provide minimal exposure to those other entry points, and
soon322 move on to examples that fall under this typology.
For instance, Figure 276 on the right, shows part of the third
Squeak tutorial at the Squeakland site (anon., n.d.-2). In this
tutorial, the child is invited to draw a car (this part of the tutorial
fall under the first typology) and then try out one of its default
scripts; finally, under the section “Make A Script”, the child is
invited to create a new script, rather than try out a pre-made one.
Similarly, Figure 277 shows a final section of the second
Stagecast Creator tutorial, where the child is invited to make a rule
determining how to make an alien move to the right.

Figure 276 – Sample text from the

“Make your own Car” Squeak
Figure 277 – Final section of the “Making Your Own Rules” activity in the tutorial
Stagecast tutorial From:
In the field of tangible-programming systems, examples of /projects/etoys/
usage of this methodology are common. For instance, Valiant
Technology Ltd., the company responsible for the Valiant Roamer
(p. 172), published an “Activity Book” where right from the start
children are encouraged to try out issuing commands and checking
out their results (Valiant Technology, 2004).

In the Stagecast Creator Tutorial, this is the second activity; in the list of Squeak Etoys tutorials at the Squeakland
site (anon., n.d.-2), these activities are part of the third tutorial.
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7.3.5. Usage typology 5: combining programs

This latter phase of activities represents the combination of simpler programming constructs,
thus being virtually expanded to encompass all the complex activities commonly associated with
the idea of programming.
At the level of preschool children, the entry event into this typology is when children start to
combine several subprograms, creating chains of actions or behaviors. This can be seen as an
application of two different concepts, presented earlier in the Cookbook of Computer Programming
Topics (section 3.4): compound procedures (section 3.4.6) and high-order functions (section
3.4.9); respectively, the referral to various operations as a single unit, and the combination of the
operation of various procedures or functions.
As described in those sections, in ToonTalk this is done either by combining the results of a
behavior with another (or with a robot), or by chaining several robots (i.e., program robots counting
on the actions of other robots, by communicating with birds, being integrated in teams, or using
some other form of coordination). Another method, which was not described in those sections, is to
join pictures with specific behaviors, combining them to produce a more complex behavior or what
might be considered traditionally as a “full program.”
When describing the third typology, in section 7.3.3, the nature of such pictures with
behaviors was explained (Figure 271 shows a picture with two behaviors on its back, and the
caption describes the result), resorting to some behaviors developed by the Playground project
(Playground Project, 2001). In the course of the Playground project, children aged between 6 to 8
combined behaviors such as “I blow up when I touch something”, and “I follow the arrow keys”, to
create game characters and develop and modify computer games (e.g., Noss et al., 2002; Tholander
et al., 2002). At the preschool level, the children successfully understood the concept of robots
working behind pictures, during the sessions of the second research setting (summaries and
highlights in Annex VII, full reports in Annex VIII). This pointed towards the feasibility of
employing Playground behaviors with preschool children, but my research did not explore this path
further. Instead, my research approached the more finely grained case of chaining robots together.
During the research sessions, two methods of coordination were experienced.
The most frequently witnessed
coordination mechanism was the launch of a
separate process (loading a truck with a robot).
Typically, a child would teach a robot how to
place her name on the roof, or a picture on a
room wall, and then she would launch a truck
and load it with that robot. This way, two events
are coordinated. First, the truck launches a new
process (build a new house). Second, the robot
is put to work inside that process/house, placing
the child’s name on the roof or the child’s
picture on the room wall.
A further evolution of this mechanism
was witnessed, by employing another robot, to
launch the trucks in place of the child. For Figure 278 – R (boy, age 5) in his new house, where the
instance, Figure 278 shows the result of one robot placed its gift on the wall
such activity: having programmed a robot to place a “gift” on the room wall, the child R
programmed a different robot, to build houses (something he had prior experience doing). Finally,
he combined these two robots, therefore managing to have a robot creating houses which
automatically display “gifts” on the wall, as result of the operation of the robots sent into the new
houses. Putting names one the roof instead, children realized whose robot made which house.

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Framework for computer programming in preschool
The other witnessed coordination method was
the use of birds. This method was actually the first one
to be tried out, as soon as the first research setting
(summarized in section 5.3.2, detailed in Annex III).
Both in that research setting and in later settings,
a common activity would be for children to employ
birds to send a ball to a robot. The robot would then
reply by sending the ball back through another bird (as
shown in Figure 279). This approach was successfuly
employed with children aged four and five, and even
with a three-year old child in the fifth research setting
(section 5.3.6).
Regarding other programming systems besides
ToonTalk, this situation regarding this typology is Figure 279 – Robot giving to a bird the received
identical to the fourth one, described in section 7.3.4. ball, to send it back to the child
Back then, I said: “This typology maps onto virtually
any other programming system, since it represents the typical entry point found on presentations of
the syntax of most programming systems.”
The only difference is that, obviously, this fifth typology is not the typical entry point, as was
the case in the fourth typology. Nonetheless, it remains a common approach to programming, the
variety being only in how soon the different systems propose that children get involved in
combining procedures or functions. For instance, in Stagecast Creator, the tutorial presents the
combination of independent “rules” as the third activity, and their combination, by organizing their
order of priority, as the fourth activity, as shown in Figure 280. In Squeak Etoys, the third tutorial
already incorporates activities in this level, since it ends by showing how to program two pictures –
a car and a steering wheel – to act in concert (this was already described in section 3.3.4, p. 148).

Figure 280 – List of activities from the Stagecast Creator tutorial

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8. Final remarks

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I welcome the reader to this final chapter in my thesis – hopefully, a read that may have
proved so far not only informative, but also pleasant. Through it, the reader was presented with a
cookbook of sample activities for preschoolers, each employing a different computer programming
topic, which I hope educators can now find more edible (section 3.4). Then, after the presentation of
the field activities (chapter 5), the reader further progressed along my analysis of children’s hurdles
and issues faced by their teachers – and some approaches to assist on both accounts (chapter 6).
Finally, the reader has found in the previous chapter my framing of computer programming
activities in view of planning or devising their integration in the everyday activities of preschools.
‘What now?’, other researchers may ask;
‘What can I do on Monday?’, early childhood teachers may ask.
Too often research has sought impacts or effects of computer-use as if it were an environment
chemical, rather than an instrument. And an instrument can have its specific features, but a central
issue is its use. How can computer programming be used in learning environments? There is the
need for research to build at the very least a half-baked, half-acceptable answer. In my view, both
researchers and practitioners must strive to come to this answer, each in his or her particular way.
The question itself has been amply debated and answered, but mostly at two extremes of its
scope. At one end, there has been an adequate provision of ‘big ideas’, such as the philosophic
analysis of its potential on learning; at the other end, there are various examples of programming
projects developed with or by young children (and in this thesis I have also provided a few), albeit
usually lacking adequate integration with other on-going activities in preschools. It is across this
mid-ground of everyday integration within preschool practice that there is simply too little
information. There has been ample debate on obstacles poised by current educational and
organizational practices in formal schooling levels, but these settings bear little resemblance with
the educative environment and practice at the preschool level. Even the experience and know-how
developing at the Constructionist Learning Environment (Stager, 2005) is on older, literate students.
For researchers wishing specific targets, further in this chapter I will provide some topics,
questions, and hypotheses that popped up during my field research and later reflections, and may
serve as inspiration for further research. But first, I want to address the concerns of teachers.
On that mid-ground I mentioned above, dealing with actual field practices for education
professionals should be, I feel, one of the most important lines of applied research. There is the need
for the development of something in the line of a curriculum model for the immersion of computer
programming in common practice. Thus, I would answer to the teachers that the problem isn’t about
Monday or Tuesday – it’s quite easy to come up with two or three scattered programming-based
activities. Ask me rather, ‘how can I use this from September to July, without confining it to a
specific time or a specific weekday?’ Better still, ask me ‘How can I use this in the same way I use
ink, paint, wood, glue, sand, and stone? Mind-ink, mindpaint, mindwood, mindsand, mindstone?’
I believe to have partly contributed to building the answer, but still much applied research is
required. And not just that which can be done within the confines of an educational laboratory or
independent weekly sessions, such as my own. It is also necessary for research based on the trial
and development of detailed models of practice, of detailed accounts over a long time period, so
that teachers can build a personal relation between the large ideas, the accounts of others, and their
own practice. Such contributions call for research on the teacher’s practice in the field, possibly
both from the teachers’ own perspective as teachers-researchers, and from researchers not
simultaneously acting as teachers.
This concern has been in the back of my mind throughout my research for this thesis. Even
while focused on some other detail or on a different set of issues, I have always been concerned on
how they might be used by people on the field, not just myself. Hence, I would like to
disappropriate my framework: I’d like it to be seen as a frame-for-work, and frame-in-work, for
people to turn it into their own.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 383

Final remarks
As an example of a specific issue to which teachers’ own research contribution would be
central, one can consider the attention-span of teachers to each children. Teachers need to deal with
more than a few children at a time, so the level of autonomy that children can have in the use of
programming is an essential issue to tackle. In view of the cognitive development and effort
involved, this is not something likely to ever be immediate or entirely intuitive, so preschool
teachers need to know how to build it up without resorting to long sessions entirely devoted to a
single child or pair of children. This is something that shouldn’t be addressed just at the level of
software or hardware design – even though much more can certainly be done at this level.
From their part, computer scientists, at the preschool level, have mainly been involved in
research on technology development. But there is a need for more educational observations and
interactions from these professionals. A background issue with educators using computer
programming is a common personal misinterpretation of its core features and significance; and until
such time as programming becomes a common feature of most individuals’ educational
development, I don’t think it likely that such a background will change. By cooperating with
education professionals, the particular perspective of researchers from a technical background can
provide the educational researchers with new insights.
I sometimes imagine an approach similar to that of Reggio Emilia schools, but where children
and teachers benefit not just from the support of an art educator, but also from that of a computerist,
someone with an awareness for the potential of technology on the development of thinking, not just
its fireworks. I don’t know if or how this might work. After all, there is the danger that instead of
having the computerist assist the development of efforts by the children and their teachers, he/she
creates a separate line of activity – in effect subverting the whole purpose of his/her existence. The
same might happen if teachers decide to assign computer-use to the computerist, instead of putting
the computerist’s know-how to everyone’s use. It could also happen that political decision-takers or
educational managers decide that a computerist can be anyone, from any background, if provided
with a little “add-on” training on the use of computers and programming. I fear this would be
disastrously foolish: the background is the key.
Technology, of course, must also evolve, not just the educational practice. I believe the
development of ToonTalk was a breakthrough in the course of children’s programming. Beyond all
its particular features and technical developments, one essential aspect is that in its environment
children are not just programming something else, they can actually be part of the program. They
can interact with a program while it is running, they can manipulate objects in which various
programs are working, and to which various other programs may respond.
Furthermore, children are not part of the program in an abstract way, they are moving around
within a common environment: a city with houses, boxes, birds, trucks. And most significantly,
they discover that there are a few objects in that city that would tipically be off-limits, such as the
helicopter, and bombs. In fact, for young children even something as simple as a rooftops is usually
off-limits, as is walking around a city alone. There is a sense of freedom in this city, and a sense of
empowerment of the child user. No other language had before rendered this possibility so real.
These aspects can be further developed. ToonTalk’s objects and environment have been
developed in service of programming, and the most advanced examples of ToonTalk programming
are programmed pictures – not programmed houses, trucks, birds, roofs or roads. An exciting
development would be the inversion of these priorities, putting programming at the service of the
environment, while retaining its power. Prior to ToonTalk, this sort of advanced-scripting approach
would likely be deemed unviable in a children-oriented language. But ToonTalk has raised the
possibility of a pathway between concrete manipulation of elements in a virtual world, their
specialized programming, and general-purpose programming.
As a child, before I knew how to program, I dreamed of a virtual world. Not a world
resembling reality, but more like outer space, somewhat of a “inner space” to reality, in which I
might fly around in a special suit, placing cubes, balls, translucent tubes and wobbly gelly shapes
384 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
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together – and in doing so, programming the operation of computer-game elements. Since then,
ToonTalk is the closest I’ve ever been to such a dream.
And so finally, for the researchers that reached this point while still wishing for more specific
new research objectives, here are my suggestions:
1. The hurdles described in section 6.1.2 were developed from the events on ToonTalk
sessions. What changes would the use of other programming languages and
environments suggest to them?
2. How much can children achieve, in terms of complexity of their programming, over
the course of their entire preschooling (3 years), with the support of a researcher or
computer-activities teacher, using programming once a week? And using
programming several times per week, integrating it with the on-going events at the
3. Starting from the framework provided in this thesis, there is a need for the
development of large numbers of case studies and activity trials, to refine it or
ultimately replace it.
4. Children’s use of abstraction using ToonTalk has been promising. Specific research
can be done regarding the strategies for its development and understanding, beyond
my “usefulness” approach. These could include small focused experiments, like the
one suggested in section 5.2.4, on p. 330.
5. My research was based on common traits of children between the ages of 3 and 5.
There is a need for research that looks into age and gender differences.
6. There are certainly connections between Piaget’s limitations of preoperational thought
and the hurdles I identified. Some of these seem almost obvious (vd. footnote 243, on
p. 259), but only fine-tuned research can support such assumptions, disprove them, or
shed some light on their interactions.
7. When I initiated the research activities of setting 4, with computer-activities teachers
(vd. p. 335), I had proposed three different approaches to introduce programming to
children, which were subsequently abandoned. But as I mentioned in chapter 7, my
framework aims to assist the teachers in designing, planning, and customizing
programming activities – it is not a hierarchical way to introduce children to
programming. Research can revisit my original three approaches and also develop and
try out others.
8. Why do most adults in the educational area, when shown ToonTalk, think it will not
be successful with young children? As I said in section 6.1.1: “it would be interesting
for psychological and sociological studies to be conducted in order to determine
factors influencing both this strong engagement by children, and this common
skepticism by preschool education professionals.”
9. Do freedom and empowerment, as I mentioned earlier in this chapter, really play a role
in children’s enjoyment of ToonTalk? What are the features of that role?
10. Certainly, many more strategies can be devised to help children overcome the various
hurdles, but it’s definitely critical to research ways to overcome the one named
“Children find it hard to consider the possibility of being wrong and not knowing it”.
11. The cookbook activities can provide interesting case studies, at various levels: their
actual feasibility, the main difficulties faced by children in developing them, and the
issues teachers came across in their course, as well as the strategies employed.
12. Are teachers (or trainee teachers) more effective in developing their planning skills if
they progress by devising activities in the sequence of complexity presented in section
7.2.1, in some other sequence, or is this not a relevant factor?

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 385

Final remarks
13. The training and management approach style of weekly meetings with computer-
activities teachers, as in research setting 4, might itself be a focus of research, by
comparing the events at such meetings with the evolution of the activities conducted
autonomously by those teachers at the preschools. I am referring not only to working
methods, but also (indeed, mainly) to teachers’ refinement of their understanding of
the bigger ideas behind the use of computer programming.
14. The use by preschool children of ToonTalk behaviors, such those developed by the
Playground project (vd. p. 374), seems feasible, and an interesting area of research.
15. Another potentially important area of research is that dealing with the adaptation of
programming terminology to children, as shown in Annex VI. Such an approach has
also been mentioned in other research papers (Hildreth, 1975, pp. 6-10), but it would
be useful to understand more about the actual benefits of such terminology
adaptations, as well has knowledge about successful and failed terms.
16. The relative sizing of elements is an issue that could be scrutinized by research.
Enlarging objects in ToonTalk or other computer environments may possible simplify
their identification and selection by children. But wouldn’t the consequent reduction in
available free screen area complicate matters? What about the events of unintended
collisions, unintended dropping of objects into boxes or notebooks, or other
interactions between large elements? There is need for analysis of children’s
interactions with screen objects of various sizes, at different resolutions and different
dimensions of monitors.

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Web page at the Hirose & Hirota Laboratory, RCAST, Department of Information Systems &
Intelligent Cooperative Systems, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Retrieved on October 6th,
2004, from
Yamashita, Jun; Kuzuoka, Hideaki; Suzuki, Hideyuki; Kato, Hiroshi (1997). Development of
AlgoCard for CSCL Environment, in “IPSJ SIGNotes GroupWare No. 23”, Information Processing
Society of Japan, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Abstract available on-line, retrieved on October 6th,
2004, from
438 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Zemelman, Steven; Daniels, Harvey; Hyde, Arthur (1995). Teachers as Learners: What Helps
Teachers Grow?, in “Best Practice”, no. 9, Fall 1995, IFS International, Bedford, UK. Referenced
from the on-line version, retrieved from on January 27th,
2004. This article is an adaptation from Zemelman, Steven; Daniels, Harvey; Hyde, Arthur (1993),
“Best Practice: New Standards for Teaching and Learning in America’s Schools”, ISBN
0435087886, Heinemann, Portsmouth, NH, USA.
Zuckerman, Oren (2004). System Blocks: Learning about Systems Concepts through Hands-
on Modeling and Simulation, Master’s thesis, School of Architecture & Planning, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. Referenced from the on-line version, retrieved
from on August 2nd,
Zuckerman, Oren; Arida, Saeed; Resnick, Mitchel (2005). Extending Tangible Interfaces for
Education: Digital Montessori-inspired Manipulatives, in “Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference
on Human factors in computing systems”, ISBN 1-58113-998-5, pp. 859-868, ACM Press, New
York, NY, USA. Referenced from the on-line version, retrieved on August 2nd, 2005, from
Zuckerman, Oren; Resnick, Mitchel (2003). A physical interface for system dynamics
simulation, in “CHI '03 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems”, ISBN 1-
58113-637-4, pp. 810-811, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA. Referenced from the on-line version
at, retrieved on October 4th, 2004.
Zuse, Horst (v. 1999). The Life and Work of Konrad Zuse, Everyday Practical Electronics
Online, electronic article, retrieved from on May 20th,

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Annex I

A robot that writes “MARIA”

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Maria, March 29th, 2001 – Robot "Writes Maria”

The robot starts with an empty

Goes to the letters stack.

Picks up a letter. Erases the letter. Writes "M".

Writes "A". Writes "R". Writes "I".

Writes "A". Puts the text in its box.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 443

Annex I – A robot that writes “MARIA”

Robot “Writes Maria” in execution (various iterations)

Since the starting constraint is an empty box, which in ToonTalk means “a box regardless of
its contents”, the robot won’t stop after dropping “MARIA” in the box. It's constraint is still valid,
so it will run again, and again, indefinitely. The following pictures provide a sample of the result. I
enlarged the width of the box, to make it visible here. In ToonTalk, one might simply pick up the
contents of the box directly, to inspect them, or resize the box as needed, while the robot runs.

Figure 281 – Original situation (empty box) and starting the process (giving the box to the robot)

Figure 282 – After the first (left) and second (right) iterations

Figure 283 – During the third iteration, “MARIA” is bammed on the previous contents; result of the third
iteration (center); and after 12 iterations (right)

Figure 284 – After many iterations (no need to wait, just stroll outside the house for two seconds while the robot
works at full speed), taking the name outside, making it tall, and flying over it: the name extends over the sea!

444 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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Annex II

E-mail exchanges

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E-mail exchange with Radia Perlman

From: Radia Perlman
Sent: quinta-feira, 26 de Maio de 2005 19:14
To: Leonel Morgado
Subject: Re: RE: Computer Programming in Preschool

I don't remember the ages of the children, unless I specified it in the paper
that you have (I haven't looked at the paper recently, so I don't remember
what's in it).

And yes, you have permission to forward or include the email.



From: Leonel Morgado

Date: Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:09 am
Subject: RE: Computer Programming in Preschool


Thanks for this personal account! These are the kind of remarks and
observations that are true gold for what I'm doing, because they provide actual
insights on how things were happening at the time, and how it went. I can find
several parallels between what happened to you and several of my initial
programming sessions in ToonTalk.

My PhD is in computer science, but I am not developing any new software or

hardware: plenty of that already, the way I see it, but not enough reflection on
how to employ concepts from computer science at the preschool level. The problem
isn't just kids: teachers don't realize how computer science can be involved at
all, and computer scientists don't often realize how kids so young can get
involved. So, I'm trying to bridge both worlds.

You might be interested in a draft paper I wrote, with examples of how to

use computer science in preschool activities. It is available here (comments are
welcome!), but it's a bit large (6 MB):

I just had a few more questions:

1. Did you also worked with children aged 3, or only with 4- and 5-
year olds?
2. Can I include your mail(s) in my thesis, as an Appendix?
3. If not, can I forward them to my advisor, Ken Kahn?




Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 447

Annex II – E-mail exchanges
From: Radia Perlman
Sent: quinta-feira, 26 de Maio de 2005 18:22
To: Leonel Morgado
Subject: Re: Computer Programming in Preschool

I'm so glad you're interested! Unfortunately, that work was a long time
ago, and I was more into building the system rather than rigorously studying how
well students learned with it. And although the design was nice, I also built
the hardware, and I am not good at that, so it was very expensive and fragile.
Today I'm sure someone could rebuild the whole thing a lot better, and then have
more studies with students.

Is your PhD in psychology or computer science?

My recollection, from the relatively small trials we did on the equipment, was
that 3-5 year olds understood the basic button box (the direct commands) with no
problem. They were relatively uninterested in the numbers (it wasn't that
exciting to be able to say "5 forward" instead of hitting "forward" 5 times).
And they were pretty baffled by the programming buttons.
They did manage to use them to fill the screen with the icons for the commands,
but they were ignoring the turtle when they did that. They'd hit "start
remembering", then hit lots of commands, in particular the light and horn
because those icons were really pretty, and then hit "forget it" and then start
again, all the time ignoring the turtle. And when people tried to get them to
understand the concept of a program, the teacher would say "ignore the
screen...teach the turtle to draw a square...hit start have it
draw a square".
They could do this, but when they hit "do it", they were confused if the turtle
turned the wrong way (because that's how they'd hit the commands when they
taught the turtle to draw a square). THey thought the picture the turtle drew
was the program, rather than the sequence of commands.
So that's why I did the slot machine, because physically picking up a "command"
and putting it into the "procedure" seemed like they'd have to understand it.

The slot machine was quite successful with older kids if I remember correctly (7
and up), but didn't interest the 3-5 year olds too much. But there was also not
very much use of the slot machine, because it was so fragile it was often
broken...if it was jiggled the cards wouldn't line up and the machine would read
the wrong commands. And shortly after building the slot machine, I wound up
leaving grad school, and nobody else really picked up on the research.

So maybe you will start where I left off! Good luck, and feel free to keep in


Research.Sun.Com Feedback wrote:

>Reply-To: Leonel Morgado

> I am a PhD student in Portugal, working with a language called ToonTalk
>( The focus of my research is the use of computer programming
>in preschools and kindergartens, under the coordination and advice of Ken Kahn.
> Your work with the TORTIS system was an important mark, and I'd
>like to know more about your work with children aged 3 to 5. I found
>two of your papers on the subject: TORTIS (1974) and Using computer
>technology to provide a creative learning environment for preschool
>children (1976). Any information would be greatly appreciated.
>Kind regards,
>Leonel Morgado

448 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

E-mail exchange with Tiago Correia

I called one of the developers of the “Magic Forest” product, Tiago Correia, on his cellphone,
inquiring on what he knew about trials with children aged 4 or 5. This e-mail is his follow up.
Floresta Mágica Reports
Data: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 16:30:39 +0100
De: Tiago Correia[+]
Para: 'Leonel Morgado'[+]


Estiver a conversar com o Secundino e com a Manuela e os testes documentados

forma feitos apenas com crianças dos 6-8 anos. Com as crianças mais novas foram
feitos testes informais e não ficaram documentados que é uma pena. No entanto na
página do projecto Playground, donde surgiu então a Floresta Mágica (no projecto
chama-se Pathways), estão lá vários relatórios. Seguem em anexo um link para os
relatórios finais. Os que te podem interessar são os WP4 e WP6. Mas talvez os
outros também te interessem.

Qualquer coisa, manda um e-mail.


Tiago Correia

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 449

Annex II – E-mail exchanges

E-mail exchange with Paul Goldenberg

From: Paul Goldenberg
To: <>
Subject: Re: FASTR system - 1970s
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 00:00:24 -0400

Hi Leonel,

I am that Paul, and tried to find some old document that described the FASTR
system, but it's a long time ago and I could find nothing.

A few of us were looking for ways to make programming accessible for

non-readers (or limited typers). FASTR was a single-key, immediate response
system. Written in Logo, a program scanned for characters typed to the
keyboard. When certain ones were typed -- F, B, R, L, and a small number of
others -- the turtle responded immediately, with default distances and
angles built in. The program also kept a *record* of these moves, so that
the young programmer could undo a move (delete key), replay the set of moves
(I've forgotten how), and even name a procedure (after having executed all
the moves). The list of captured commands was "simplified" by the Logo
program that was recording them all, so that if a student did, for example,
FFLRRRRFFRRRFFRRRFF, the captured program would combine all the "like"
commands that were adjacent to each other, and be FD 100, RT 90, FD 100, RT
90, FD 100, RT 90, FD 100. I forgot how I had had the child designate a
name for the program and assign it some key on the keyboard. We were, at
the time, assuming that the virtue of having readable programs in "real"
Logo was that kids, after experimenting, *would* look at these programs at
some later time. I also built several trap-doors in to the system to allow
the teacher to change the default values so that, for example, R could stand
for RT 90 instead of RT 30, and so that we could assign different keys
(which would then have stickers placed on them to identify them) for kids
who were no accurate enough in their coordination to, for example, press F
without also pressing R by accident.

Radia Perlman was also inventing systems, one involving rearrangeable cards.
These days, we'd probably use cards with bar-codes on them, but she used
some other technology. Those didn't try capturing the programs in any
child-readable form.

If there's more I can help with, please let me know. Good luck with your
research. I'd be very curious to know more about what you are looking at,
and what you're finding.


On 7/30/05 1:30 PM, "" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am researching the use of computer programming in preschool settings, at the
> UTAD University, in Portugal (
> As I was reading a Logo memo from 1975, I saw them mention that a Paul
> Goldenberg had developed a simplified programming system for children, called
> FASTR. I am writing to you hoping that you're the same Paul Goldenberg.
> If so, would you have the opportunity to provide me with some info on that
> FASTR system? For instance, any papers you might have written, or photos... If
> nothing else, perhaps your recollections in an e-mail?
> Sincerely,
> Leonel Morgado

450 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

E-mail exchange with John R. Nyquist

From: John R. Nyquist
To: leonel.morgado

Date: Aug 4, 2005 6:37 PM

Subject: Stagecast Creator and preschoolers

Hi Leonel,

Your post was passed along to me by Fiedelia Kuang. I have used Stagecast
Creator with my boy when he was 4 and 5 (he's now six). He was able to make
characters move around the screen using the keyboard, he was able to work
through the tutorials (with occasional help), but his favorite part I think was
editing the images. He was a big KidPix user at the same time (and earlier).
Most of the time, we'd work/play together on Stagecast.

Who are you doing it for? I'm interested in seeing the results of your research.
I used to create educational applications in Macromedia Director (years ago). I
have also written on how to program in Lingo and taught how to program in Java.
I've had an interest in how people (young and old) learn to program, perhaps
because I learned as an adult.

John R. Nyquist

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 451

Annex II – E-mail exchanges

E-mail Exchange with Kim Rose

From: Kim Rose
To: Leonel Morgado,
Date: Aug 4, 2005 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Squeakland] Squeak Etoys and preschoolers

Hello Leonel,
There was work done last year at Columbia College's (Chicago) Early Childhood
Education dept. directed by Carol Ann Stowe and Val Scarlatta -- I've copied
them here. They designed an Etoy interface appropriate for this age child.
They will present this work at SqueakFest at Columbia just next week -- I don't
know where you are located, but you should try to come!
Anyways...I hope Carol Ann and Val will respond to you directly.

At 5:31 PM +0100 8/3/05, Leonel Morgado wrote:

> I'm interested on computer programming experiences with children
>aged 3, 4 and 5.
> I was unable to find documented cases of Etoys use in this age
>group, but expect that there should be at least a few user stories.
> If anyone has reports, photos, or even just recollections of
>such cases, I would love to hear about them!
>Leonel Morgado

452 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

E-mail Exchange with Carol Ann Stowe

From: Stowe, Carol Ann
To: Kim Rose, Leonel Morgado
Date: Aug 5, 2005 5:38 PM
Subject: RE: [Squeakland] Squeak Etoys and preschoolers


The most exciting work took place at the University of Chicago Laboratory School
in my daughter Elspeth Stowe-Grant's classroom. She and Val worked together so
that her 4 year old class could use Squeak in their study of Matisse. We have
hours of video that I am going to analyze for patterns, but Val made some very
interesting modifications of Squeak to make it 4 year old friendly. She isolated
and enlarged the tiles needed for the project at hand.

We are working on our presentation for Sqeakfest and a book documenting the
process. We have been working in two other classrooms too - a kindergarten and a
first grade (the next 2 levels here in the States). We will send things along
when they are ready.

Carol Ann

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 453

Annex II – E-mail exchanges

E-mail Exchange with Alan Kay

From: Alan Kay
To: Leonel Morgado
Date: Aug 4, 2005 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Squeakland] Squeak Etoys and preschoolers

Hi Leonel --

I'm not sure that the PARC internal reports are easy to find -- that was 33
years ago ...

However, I think the best thing is to press on and do a new set of experiments
with fresh thoughts.

Also, check out the kindergartens in Reggio Emilia, Italy. They have done some
very neat things with 3,4,5 year olds, and with LOGO, etc. I will be visiting
there in Sept to see the latest stuff.



At 11:36 AM 8/4/2005, Leonel Morgado wrote:

>Hi Alan,
> Thanks for this information! A few minutes before e-mailing the
>Squeak list, I had also sent you a personal e-mail, so don't be amazed
>when you come across it.
> I am quite aware of Radia's work, but when I exchanged e-mails
>with her she didn't mention any duplication of the Button Box or of
>the Slot Machine. So, any info on those paralell experiments would be
> Kim has already e-mailed me about that group that has prepared an
>adequate Etoys interface for this age group, but I would love to get
>in touch with that grad student you mention.
>On 8/4/05, Alan Kay wrote:
> > Hi Leonel --
> >
> > We have done little in this age group with Etoys.
> >
> > The UI should be changed for this age children in a number of important
> > ways (some of this was in the original Etoys design but didn't get
> > implemented).
> >
> > You are probably aware of Radia Perlman's work in the 70s at MIT with a
> > "button box LOGO"? This was pretty interesting, and we duplicated her
> > equipment and did many parallel experiments. I have heard recently about
> > very young children and Etoys (some of them will be at SqueakFest next
> > week) but I don't know the details. Kim Rose might. We also have a grad
> > student working with us who is interested in this age group.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Alan
> > At 09:31 AM 8/3/2005, Leonel Morgado wrote:
> > >Hi,
> > >
> > > I'm interested on computer programming experiences with children

454 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
> > >aged 3, 4 and 5.
> > > I was unable to find documented cases of Etoys use in this age
> > >group, but expect that there should be at least a few user stories.
> > >
> > > If anyone has reports, photos, or even just recollections of
> > >such cases, I would love to hear about them!
> > >
> > >Inté,
> > >
> > >Leonel Morgado

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 455

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Annex III

Reports detailing the sessions of May-June 2000

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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

São Pedro Parque preschool

Date Monday, May 2nd 2000
Participants Z (boy, 5 years) and O (boy, 4 years).
Starting time 11h42
End time 12h03
While they were sitting in front of the monitor, which was already turned on, they began by mentioning that
neither of them had a computer. Z said that a cousin of his had one; O told me he had none, but that he was going to ask
his parents to buy one for him.
I told them that we were going to play a game in which we could do lots of things – even make games.
They immediately noticed the ToonTalk icon on the desktop, referring to it with the sentence “Look, a frog!”
I said, “It looks like one – it’s green: actually, it’s a Martian.”
I asked if they knew how to start a program and they said they did; therefore, I asked them to move the mouse
over to the icon.
Z at once got the mouse and started moving it, but his movements weren’t precise enough (the icon had a normal
size, on an 800x600 resolution screen), and so I put my hand over his, helped him to move the mouse and performed a
double-click with my finger over his.
Afterwards, we released the mouse, which I held (while saying “allow me”), and then I said "Let’s play, then.”
As I was saying this, I clicked the “Brincar” (play) button.
Upon the login dialog, I said, “I’m going to write your names” and I wrote "Z and O". Z said "but my real name
isn’t Z." [I was writing a shortened form of his real name, which started with a J, not a Z]. I replied: "yeah, you’re right.
I’ll write «J», then.” But he said: "It’s P."
I said: "Oh! But I shouldn’t write «J P and O» here, it’s too long323 a thing."
(As I was saying “long”, I moved my hands apart – Orlando’s gaze drifted, staring at the hand farthest away.)
Afterwards, I explained that we were going to control a little boy, which could have long hair, a hat or be bald. I
asked them what they proffered. Z wanted one with a hat, and O wanted one with long hair. Then I told them that the
solution for this would be to make a draw.
I fetched two pieces of colored chalk: O picked up the blue one, Z got the orange one.
I mixed them behind my back, and then showed a closed fist (with the back up). Then I told them “I scrambled
the contents of my hands behind my back – the chalk here will decide who chooses.” I then asked them to hit my hand –
when I opened it, the orange chalk was within. This meant that Z would have the right to choose, and I confirmed if he
wanted a boy with a hat.
When the chopper showed up, I asked them if they knew what it was – they both correctly identified it as a
chopper, and also the town houses.
I explained (and showed them) that the left mouse button would make the chopper go up, and the right one
would make it go down. And also that by moving the mouse we could move the chopper. While doing this, I took the
opportunity to leave the chopper at a comfortably high altitude, to avoid it from landing accidentally.
O was the first to move it, even though that when I told him to move the mouse he didn’t understand
immediately. But I placed my hand over his, just to clarify.
O’s hand is too small for the mouse, making it hard to control. But he managed to make the chopper rise and
descend. Then, with my hand over his, we controlled the movement of the chopper.
Z was much more at ease, managing to control the chopper very well. I asked Z to make it land, and he
performed this action. He did hesitate a bit when the perspective changed, but I told him to go on, and the chopper
I then made the figurine move, we confirmed that it had a hat, and I explained that we controlled the figure with
the mouse. And also that the green thing following it was our toolbox, Tooly.

I wanted that later either they or their teacher could easily enter the saved play situation. I feared that by having a
long username this might not work out properly.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 459

Annex III – Reports detailing the sessions of May-June 2000
I made the figurine go into a house; Marty the Martian showed up, but the text balloon was covering almost the
entire screen area. I let Marty speak for a while. When they heard the reference to the F1 key, they asked me which one
it was. At this moment, I took advantage of what the Martian was saying (that the F1 key would make him appear and
disappear) to demonstrate its operation.
I made the Martian go away, while explaining that it was there to help us, but that since I was with them, I could
do that, and we could do without having the Martian with us.
Following my instructions, O clicked the mouse making the figurine kneel. On seeing the open toolbox, Z
immediately said it contained a letter, and O mentioned that it had the letter A inside.
I explained that we were seeing the figurine’s hand; both of them tried to move it. We checked that when the
finger was placed over anything (the letter A, the nest) that object would start moving, and that when we removed the
hand, it would stand still again.
I pointed to one of the gaps in Tooly and said that it contained robots with which we were going to work. "Like
Rosa’s?” they asked324. "No," I answered, "these have arms and legs." And I showed them a robot.
I asked if they knew what "this" was, while pointing at the thought bubble. They said they did. "What is it then?”
I asked. They told me it was a cloud. I said that it did resemble one; that the little balls that came from the robot’s head
were there because in the cloud were the robot’s thoughts.
“Can you tell me what’s he thinking of?” I asked.
“Snow,” said Z.
“Yeah,” I said, “but there’s nothing else there.”
I then showed them a box. Then I picked up another, and let them move them. Z immediately tried to place one
besides another. I took the opportunity to say that he could place the second one slightly over the edge of the first one,
which he did, and the mouse with the hammer came up to join them.
Orlando, from then on, started calling it “the man with the hammer.”
Then we all moved the box a bit, so that they could realize that it was now a single box.
I then picked up the images notebook, from which I took out a tree and a flower.
I placed each in one of the box’s holes.
I then explained that we wanted to teach the robot how to swap things that were in the box: to move the flower to
one side and the tree to the other side.
The first time I tried to do it, the size of the tree, within the thought bubble, caused a few headaches: I
accidentally dropped it over the flower while swapping them, and they got linked.
To sort this problem, I apologized and told them that I had made a mistake. And I also told them I was going to
do everything again.
Therefore, I left the thought bubble and vacuumed the robot. I picked up another. Removed the tree from the box
and made it smaller, using the pump. While I was doing this, they said (regarding the pump) "That’s the P for Pai325”.
"Yes," I answered, but it is here because it is also the P for Pequeno (“small”). Are you noticing that the tree is now
small? This way it’s easier to move it."
Afterwards, with the small tree in the box, Z gave the box to the robot. Inside the thought bubble, I showed them
that the mouse was now controlling the robot – which they tested. I removed the flower, and changed the tree to the
hole where the flower was. Then, I placed the flower in the other hole, and explained that I was swapping places
between the tree and the flower.
Leaving the robot’s thought bubble, I showed them that the box they had was identical to the one on the robot’s
thought bubble.
Then Z gave the box to the robot, and we stayed still, watching the robot perform as it had been taught. Then we
watched it raise its arms, unable to proceed.
I draw their attention to the raising arms detail, and told them to compare the box with the robot’s thoughts.
I asked O: "What’s the difference?” to what he answered "It’s the other way around."

Rosa, my wife, was the person that performed computer sessions weekly on the preschool. She also used a physical
robot regularly – a Valiant Roamer (vd. p. 172).
“Father”, in Portuguese.
460 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Then, together with O, we placed the flower and the tree in the right position. He handed the box to the robot,
which again managed to swap its contents.
We were crossing the 12 o’clock morning closing time, so I ended up the session. Z knew that we would
continue on Thursday. I let them know that for the next session we were going to teach the robot to swap the images not
caring about their position.
I asked them if they had enjoyed it – well, at least they hadn’t even hinted at being fed up – and they both said
yes while nodding.
Date Tuesday, May 23rd 2000
Participants Z (boy, 5 years) and O (boy, 4 years).
Starting time 11h37
End time 11h58
I arrived as everybody was finishing a small morning snack – today it had started a little bit later than usual.
O immediately said “Now?” showing surprise.
I waited until they were finished, but turned on the computer while I was waiting (but left the monitor off).
Windows’ starting tune drew all attentions. From his table position, O started looking at the computer. Since the image
didn’t show up, he started to grow impatient, even though he was still eating, and started saying “Well?".
Both Z and O were eager to start, and the moment he did, Z immediately moved the mouse to the ToonTalk icon.
This time, I merely held the mouse in place, after he had moved it, so that it wouldn’t budge while he double-clicked.
We talked about the last session, and I was able to confirm that they both remembered what we had addressed.
O landed the chopper; Z went into the house and made Marty go away.
Since we hadn’t saved the robot, we had to program (“make”) it again. I let them do it on their own, from start to
finish, providing only spoken assistance from time to time. Z performed the programming movements, but O was
encouraging him to do them faster ("Come on, pick up the tree!").
The only action I did perform was picking up the book with images from within the larger one.
Full list of actions performed:
ƒ Pick up and drop a robot.
ƒ Pick up and drop a box.
ƒ Pick up another box and drop it over the border of the first one.
ƒ Seek a tree in the images book.
ƒ Take it from the book.
ƒ Set the pump on the "P" for "pequeno" (“small”) and shrink the tree.
(O turned the pump on.)
ƒ Place the tree in a hole, in the double box.
ƒ O went seeking a flower in the book, took it out and placed it in the box.
ƒ The box was handed to the robot.
ƒ I called to their attention the fact that the robot wasn’t thinking about anything.
ƒ Inside the robot’s thoughts, Z performed the image-swapping.
ƒ I pressed Esc, explaining that it allowed us to leave the robot’s thoughts.
ƒ We tested the robot.
We talked about how annoying it would be if we had to do this all over again next week; and how it would be
convenient to save the robot in a book.
Throughout this conversation, O said: "Next week, Santa Claus will be coming326", and this sparked a discussion,
because Z picked up on this by saying "Santa Claus doesn’t exist", which was something O didn’t agree with.
They asked for my opinion, which I evaded by replying “Well, as far as I’m concerned, it sure would be nice for
him to exist.” I focused their attention by saying "Well, we are drifting away. The computer is what we’re dealing with,
Then, following my instructions, Z looked for an empty page on the book, and we placed the robot there.

In May? Could this have been due to their ideas about “snow” in the robot’s thought cloud?

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 461

Annex III – Reports detailing the sessions of May-June 2000
Placing my hand over O’s, which was hanging on to the mouse, I picked up the letter blocks and wrote "Trocas"
(“Swappy”), to name the robot. They seemed puzzled about the word, when written, even though it seemed natural
enough when I had spoken it.
Confirming, by placing questions and listening to their explanations, that they had understood the necessity to
make the box and the robot thought match (they went as far as stating "This way it’s no good, because in here [thought
bubble] there’s a tree and here [box] there’s a tree; in here [thought bubble] is a flower and here [box] is another, but
they are swapped."
I then explained that if we emptied the box contents from the robot’s thoughts, it would always do the swapping,
without worrying about whether the tree and the flower were on the right places or not.
This confused them, so I showed what I meant, by emptying the boxes in the thought bubble with the vacuum
cleaner. Then Z handed the box to the robot, which started doing swaps repeatedly.
Although with some difficulty, Z managed to grab the robot to make it stop.
They were clearly puzzled by this behavior. And the other objects, such as the bomb and the truck, were starting
to draw their attention, distracting them. I told them that we could use them at the end of the session.
I tried to explain the generalization that had been achieved by emptying the boxes, but with no success. Even
placing a tree and a flower over the robot’s thoughts and then moving them aside with the hand, as I was doing the
explanation, was to no avail. However, close to the end an expression on Z’s face left me confident regarding the
possibility of putting this concept through.
To fulfill my promise, we ended up the session by launching a truck with a Swappy robot and a box with a tree
and a flower. And then we activated a bomb.
Before I could do Esc, Z went into the house that the truck built, where the robot was. I concluded the session by
reminding them that I would return on Monday.
Date Monday, June 5th 2000
Participants Z (boy, 5 years) and O (boy, 4 years).
Starting time 11h43
End time 12h00
Before beginning the session, I booted the computer and arranged on the floor of the preschool the following
physical material: two light-blue square plastic baskets, whose proportions were similar to the ToonTalk boxes; an A4
sheet of paper on which I drew a thought bubble with a ToonTalk box; two paper squares, one with a tree, another with
a flower, attached to the thought bubble’s box with scotch tape; two empty A5 sheets of paper (half of a A4 sheet); six
markers: 2 black, 2 yellow and 2 green (the drawings are shown in Figure 249, on p. 329).
This time, it was O’s turn to choose what the figurine would look like – he chose a bald one. We went through
the previous actions: Z showed lots of ease on moving the chopper – so at ease that he got lost in the city, and I had to
suggest him to rise high enough so that he could see where the houses were.
We fetched the Swappy robot – at first they told me it was in the toolbox, but after I replied “no, that’s where we
keep robots that we haven’t taught yet. Where is the robot we taught?” they immediately remembered that it was in the
They browsed the notebook, picked up the robot and dropped it. Afterwards, with no difficulty whatsoever, they
built a two-hole box. I then fetched a tree and a flower from the images notebook, and they both used them to try out the
robot’s operation. Without major hurdles, we repeated the experiments of handing the robot a box with a tree and a
flower, both with right positions and with swapped positions. At this moment, O realized that all the other kids had gone
to play in the yard, and wanted to join them. I told him that right now we were all three there, together, and so he should
stay. "If you get up and only Z remains here, he will learn more than you will. Is that what you want to do?", but he got
up anyway and started to go out "to see the other kids". I then said, with a calm tone, "go then, but then I will be a bit
crossed with you, for I would have liked you to stay here." He then came back, and made no more motion to leave.
I then said "do you both remember what was puzzling you the last day?" – They couldn’t manage to remember. I
then went through the several bits again: they remembered the vacuum part. So, I vacuumed the contents of the boxes in
the robot’s thought bubble. We confirmed that when the boxes were empty, the robot would swap the tree and the
flower incessantly, no matter the position of the contents.
Just like in the previous session, this behavior puzzled them.
To avoid imposing the concept, by repeating it too much, I initiated the prepared experiment: "Let’s play robot!
Who wants to be the robot?" – They both did, so we decided by taking a draw with chalk, just like we had done
previously. Z got lucky again, so he was the first to play the robot.
They both got very amused and excited with the play.

462 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
I began by drawing a tree in on of the A5 sheets, while O was drawing a flower on another.
Then, O (following my instructions) placed each of the sheets of paper in a different basket. Their positions
weren’t matching the robot’s (Z’s) “thoughts”.
Z assumed they were in the right position, because he was seeing the baskets from the opposite side: from his
point of view, they were in the right position!
I handled this issue by placing myself in the midst of the handing process: I was receiving the boxes from O and
delivering them to Z, by exchanging them on the process – this would ensure that they both shared the same point of
Z understood the process quite well. When I took the pictures from the robot’s thought, Z immediately started to
swap the images continuously. But he hadn’t realized that he should look at the though bubble, in order to check
whether after a swap operation the status was valid or not: he simply had retained that when the boxes were empty the
robot would be swapping without stopping.
After a few swaps, and just like grabbing a robot to stop him, I picked up Z, by grabbing him under his arms, and
"dropped" him a bit to the side. While doing so, I said "I’m going to grab the robot to make it stop." They loved this!
Now, with O playing the robot, I was careful to place both Z and the robot on the same side of the baskets, to
avoid the problem of mixing left and right sides. O didn’t realize at first whether he could or could not swap the
contents of the baskets, but I kept reminding him to "look at the robot’s thoughts ", and this way he managed it.
Performing the no-images situation, he first thought that he couldn’t do the swap – because the thought and the
baskets didn’t match – but did it when Z encouraged him and I told him so. He did it, but I’m pretty sure he didn’t grasp
the concept (I decided to let him perform the movement anyway, so that he didn’t feel his performance to be
Z then immediately grabbed him and lifted him, in order to "stop the robot." And there they were, quite amused,
grabbing each other.
In order to conclude, we went to the computer again, and repeated the process.
In seeing that I couldn’t go very far on this line of action, I opted to change the subject; I then announced that for
the next session we would learn how to handle birds – and to leave them a little bit eager, I let them pick up a nest and
drop it, so that they could see a bird.
Date Thursday, July 8th, 2000
Participants Z (boy, 5 years) and O (boy, 4 years).
Starting time 14h23
End time 14h45
This session took place in the afternoon, because in the morning the children had been visiting the firemen
They were very interested in having the session, because they both took their chairs to the computer, the moment
I arrived, and Z turned on the monitor. When the system booted up, Z immediately launched ToonTalk. This time, I
didn’t press the “Play” button – I told Z to do it.
I could see that O was following quite well, because he mentioned, upon seeing the selection dialog, and without
my intervention, that he wanted the bald figure.
Throughout the entire session, Z took the initiative, and led the operations. Once in a while, I spurred O into
acting, which he did, but it was very hard for him, due to the small size of his hand. However, Z used all opportunities
to pick up the mouse and lead all operations.
However, O wouldn’t fall behind or get annoyed: he would let Z handle everything, and then would assume a
command stance: “pick up that”, “I want to hand the truck to the bird”, “come on, into the nest”, etc. I believe that they
can cooperate really, really well, because neither of them “closes” himself inside a shell, they both communicate and act
Z landed the chopper, after a small tour, and entered a house. O took the figure outside the house, but brought it
back in, and made it kneel following my instructions – he still has difficulties due to his small hand. On this session, as I
had arranged with them on Monday, I introduced them to the birds.
Z placed a nest on the ground, from which a bird popped out. I then explained that we can give square things to
the birds, and they will take them to their nests. So Z picked up a box and gave it to the bird. This way we confirmed
this behavior. Afterwards, by following O’s instructions, we tried with a truck: it didn’t work (it didn’t have a square
shape). So that they could better see the bird scratching its head, I shrunk the truck with the pump – and just like it had
happened on the previous times that we had used it, Z and O started saying “it’s the P for Pai (“father”), for Pata
(“female duck”)”... This time, they were quite inventive regarding words beginning with P.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 463

Annex III – Reports detailing the sessions of May-June 2000
The truck was again given – this time smaller – to the bird. And this time we could clearly see the bird scratching
its head, which was similar to the arm-raising of robots. I noted this to them.
O then wanted to try with the scales. He did it, and to my amazement it worked327! I then told them that they
could give to the birds square objects or “drawings”, but I knew I had to delve deeper on this explanation, later.
At this time, an issue I worked with them, quite a bit, was the fact that the birds always place what they are given
under whatever they already have in the nest! A box, and then a pair of scales, had been given to the bird, and we
confirmed that these were indeed under the box. This experiment was repeated, with some combinations of box and
scales, which I used to ask from time to time “And this time, if we hand it the scales, will they be placed over or
underneath?” Even though they haven’t memorized this, I believe (from the promptness of their replies) that they
understood the basic idea.
Z wanted to give the bird a nest. It didn’t work, but the egg on the nest hatched and we now had two birds.
Taking advantage of this situation, we started giving different things to each bird, in order to realize that a bird always
takes to his nest what we hand it.
Once, we were on the top left of the screen and brought the birds far down, away from the nests. Then, I told Z
to fetch an image from the book – “A pretty one,” he said – and I helped him select the book, reminding him that the “-“
(minus) key is used to flip back through the pages (I knew that at the end of the notebook was where one would find the
cutest pictures).
Z chose one of the hands. Since this was too big, we picked up the pump to make it smaller.
Then, accidentally, Z picked up the magic wand. But still I told him what it was. The word “magic” aroused
interest and admiration. I made the figurine drop it, and pointed the hand to the “C”, asking Z: “Do you know what
letter this is?” – “Yes I do,” said Z, “it’s the C for Cláudia!” I said his answer was indeed right and told him it was also
the “C” for “Copiar” (“copy”). And I also told him that the wand could make copies of anything. Although this seemed
a fairly common statement to me, the thing is they loved it! They said at once: “Oh...! Cool!” with quite some
And so we started a session of box copying and side-by-side placement. Z wanted, in his words, to “glue” two
boxes, like he did in the previous session, but since he placed one over the other (not over the border), the second box
got into the first. But what mattered was copying, so we kept on and copied the hand that Z had taken out of the
Then, O said that we could have gone to the book to pick up another hand, because the book was still open on
the right page.
“That’s true,” I said, “but that would be a big hand, and the one we have here is already small.”
He didn’t agree, so I said “In that case, let’s make an experiment: get a hand from the book.”
He fetched one, and immediately realized it was too big. “See? From the book you always get them big, we have
to shrink them out here afterwards,” I said.
In the meantime, I realized that this session was getting quite long, so I suggested that we should use the birds to
tidy up everything: by giving the objects to a bird, it would carry them to its nest. There was always a waiting period for
the bird to return, because it had to place what we gave it underneath whatever was in the nest (and the nest was quite
high, far away out of sight).
Almost everything was handed by Z to a bird, but O did hand at least one of the scales.
It then occurred to me that we could use both birds to tidy up faster, making each one carry things to their nest. Z
loved the idea, and he executed it: this was their first experience with parallel tasks.
Now that the house was tidy, I had some difficulty ending the session, because they wanted to go on: O wanted
to put a robot and a bomb on board a truck. It didn’t work at first – you can’t put a bomb directly on a truck. In the
meantime, Z picked up and dropped a bomb and tried to activate it with the space bar, without holding it. I explained
that he had to be holding the bomb for the space bar to work. So he did, and the house explosion was the end of the
session – not before (without any instruction or suggestion from me) they had placed the figurine inside the chopper and
lifted off – just like we had done in the previous session.

I had read the instructions on how only images and pads, all square-shaped things, would work with birds, and had
checked that bombs and trucks and the like wouldn’t work, but I hadn’t extensively tried out every single available
464 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Date Monday, June 12th, 2000
Participants Z (boy, 5 years)
Starting time 11h50
End time 12h00
I started by setting up the computer that meanwhile had been taken to the University computer centre for repairs
– it still refused to boot, so I opened it up and sorted the problem out – a disk cable that was way too stretched was the
problem, so I changed its position a bit, so that no random disk or CD-ROM problems would arise. The only tools
available for this job were a screwdriver that was way too large and some pliers. All this meant that I ended up with
little time for the actual session.
O was not present, anyway; so I opted to simply let Z play around a little in ToonTalk, in order for him not to get
much more practice than O.
Z is now almost autonomous: his only difficulty is performing the double-click to activate the program. From
then on, he clicks the play button, chooses one of the figurine buttons and navigates quite well within ToonTalk.
Since we had been saving ToonTalk’s state from session to session, the moment we entered a house we found
the Swappy robot working, swapping on and on.
I asked Z to stop it by holding it. Then, using the vacuum, we cleaned up the house.
We worked solely this behavior: essaying the placement of a nest in a box and giving the box to the robot.
Z picked up a box, but chose to copy it with the wand, instead of picking up another one. After building a two-
hole box, I told him "we can also use the wand on the robot’s thoughts", and showed him what I meant, by copying a
tree and a flower.
Then, we placed the tree on a hole and the nest on another, and handed the box to the robot.
At first, Z thought that the robot was rejecting it, because the left arm was raised. But I called his attention to the
fact that it hadn’t dropped the box.
I said: "It’s waiting to find out what will the bird take to the nest. Try giving it a flower."
"Is the flower a drawing?" – asked Z (he remembered the rule I had instituted in a previous session, saying that
we can only give square things and drawings to the birds – well, I can’t be sure he remembered it all, but at least he did
remember the “drawings” bit).
Since I said it was, he gave the flower to the bird and we watched as the robot performed the swapping. I
concluded the session, explaining that for the next one, we would set robots exchanging things among them, using birds
for assistance.
Date Thursday, June 15th, 2000
Participants Z (boy, 5 years)
Starting time 11h35
End time 12h00
O, again, wasn’t attending the preschool. Therefore, I moved on with Z, on the theme of combining the use of
robots and birds. We started by going over the working of the Swappy robot, after we had placed a nest in one of the
In order to get the result I wanted, we had to start from scratch, and therefore I asked Z to clean up the working
area, which he did with the vacuum.
I then proposed that Z should make a robot that would receive a flower in a box and a bird in another, and give
the flower to the bird!
He did as instructed, with a trick he had devised before: he picked up and dropped a box; but instead of repeating
the procedure, he used the wand to create a copy.
Programming the robot was easy; it was a simple matter of picking the flower and giving it to the bird.
The robot was tested, without further complication.
I then suggested that we picked up another nest – which Z did. Then, I instructed him to place the nest where the
flower was: “What if we now gave the flower to the bird from the new nest, what will happen?” Says Z: “It will take the
flower to his nest.” “And then, Z?” – I asked. He replied: “The robot will give the flower to this bird, which will take it
to that nest.”
We tried it, and it worked just as Z had described it.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 465

Annex III – Reports detailing the sessions of May-June 2000
We were almost finishing the session, so I proposed that we should get another robot, just like this one – Z
copied it with the wand – and we set the robots with crossed birds and nests; i.e., each robot would have a bird and the
nest from the bird on the other robot.
Then, to test this team of robots, we placed a flower in each nest – and right away the robots started to trade
flowers among them, by passing them from bird to bird.
Z loved it, and we called the preschool teacher to watch. Z was enjoying what he had built, and managed to
explain what was going on.

466 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Araucária preschool
Date Monday, May 30th 2000
Participants M (boy, 4 years).
Starting time 11h00
End time 11h17
The preschool educator, Edite, told me that only M was available for the session, because the other kids that
should be present hadn’t come (they had participated on a tour the previous day, which arrived quite late – they
probably were sleeping a few more hours today, she said).
I had already turned the computer on and installed ToonTalk.
I asked M if he knew who I was – he said no, shyly.
He was very shy throughout the entire session, particularly regarding conversation, but never hesitated when it
came to use the mouse.
“But you do know Rosa, the computer teacher,” I asked. He said he did, so I explained (to make him feel more
comfortable): “I’m Leonel, Rosa’s boyfriend.” I carried on: “I’m here to show you a game, in order to see whether you
like to play with it or not.”
I also explained that two other boys, R and L, were supposed to be at this session. He told me that they would
only arrive in the afternoon.
I told him that was all right, because we would all be present next week. But for today, it would be just us.
I showed him the ToonTalk icon. “Do you know how to start a program?” I asked. “No,” he said. “OK then.
Take the mouse pointer over the program icon” – this he did. “Now you’ve got to press the button twice.” He was too
slow for the action to be interpreted as a double-click. “You got to do it faster,” I said. The second time round, he
managed to do it.
Upon the ToonTalk starting window, I said: “This is where we’re going to play. I’ll press a button, to let it know
we want to play.”
I explained to him that we could choose the style of figure we wanted to play with: long hair, with a hat or bald.
He pointed to the “Com chapéu” (with a hat) button.
I asked him if he knew what “this” was, as I pointed to the helicopter on the screen. He correctly identified it as
being a chopper. I then asked “what about that, down below?” – “Those are houses,” he replied.
I encouraged him to move the mouse, and he showed no difficulty controlling the chopper. After explaining what
the buttons were for (go up or down), he also controlled the chopper easily using these movements.
Since he was quite at ease, I told him to land near the houses. First time around, the perspective fooled him, and
he almost landed a street down too far away, but following my indications he went up again and finally landed on the
right street.
He moved the figurine and Tooly, without any difficulty, and following a suggestion of mine, entered the first
I then explained him that the Martian was there to help us when play alone. But that since now I was there, the
Martian wasn’t required, and I was going to send him away.
After I pressed the F1 button, he moved the mouse at will, quite at ease: he even picked up the word “Imagens”
(images) from the notebook. I therefore told him to pick up a box, without any further delay. My intention was to make
him build a two-hole box, but before I could say anything he picked up a letter block.
Well, since he was holding a letter, I told him to drop it in the box. I must say that it was not necessary to tell
him that the mouse buttons were used to get objects – he immediately assumed it (notice that he had originally taken the
initiative of picking up the word “imagens”). I merely told him that the mouse buttons were also used to drop things.
After placing the letter in the box, he was idling, not knowing what to do. Then I told him to pick up a box,
which we did together, my hand over his. And then we picked another box. Always keeping my hand over his, I
explained that I was going to join both boxes, by dropping one on top of the other. The mouse with the hammer came
along – since the boxes were next to the top of the screen, there was enough time for him to observe the mouse.
I noticed that the initial enthusiasm was being replaced by some frustration, because he had no idea of what to
do. I then explained that what we could do on this game was playing by training robots, teaching them.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 467

Annex III – Reports detailing the sessions of May-June 2000
I picked up a robot and showed it to him: this refreshed his interest.
Then, I quickly picked up the flower and tree images, and placed one on each side of the robot. I put forward that
we could train the robot to exchange the positions of these images.
I then told him to put the flower in one of the holes of the box and the tree in the other. Although the tree was in
full size (huge, compared with the box), the fact that the box was near the top of the screen made it easy to place the tree
in the left hole of the box.
“Can you figure how to teach the robot?” I asked. “No”, he replied. I said: “We give him the box and then we
teach him how to handle it.”
I then handed the box to the robot and we watched as everything went into the robot’s thought bubble.
Inside the robot’s thoughts, I told M to move the robot, by using the mouse, and to make it swap the places of the
tree and flower. A small detail: he removed the tree, then the flower, and then placed them on their final positions – he
didn’t place the flower directly on the tree’s vacant spot.
“There,” I said, “now the robot knows how to make the tree and the flower swap positions.” We left the thought
bubble, and I told M to hand the box to the robot. We then watched as the robot performed as it had been taught. When
it stopped, I placed the swapped box next to the thought bubble, and asked: “Why did it stop swapping?” He correctly
identified the problem in that the positions of the tree and flower didn’t match what the robot expected. Then we
corrected this, placing them in the desired position, and he again handed the box to the robot, this time without my hand
to guide him. We had some problems, because the box got associated with the one that had the letter “A”, which was
near the robot. Therefore I had to split the resulting box. But then we managed to correctly hand the box to the robot.
He was quite amused now, so I asked him what he would like to teach the robot to do. Seeing as he was not sure,
I told him we could try and swap other things – and immediately he chose the truck and the bomb.
“Let’s train another robot, then,” I said. I picked another robot, but he couldn’t remember how to start the
training. “Well, we have to make a box that can hold the truck and the bomb.” This he did. Then he went and picked
another robot. However, this one was accidentally laid over the box that had the truck inside, and therefore ended on the
truck. In an instant, the truck image was gone. I thought a process had been triggered, so I said: “Look, we dropped it on
the truck and it went away. Let’s get another truck.” But we couldn’t get the truck into the box, and I realized that the
previous truck and robot would probably still be inside it, although invisible due to some environment bug. By picking
up the apparently empty space with the hand, this was confirmed: a truck was being held, the robot on top of it
“shooting” straight to the top of the screen, out of sight. I dropped the truck on the box and the robot returned. I picked
up the truck again and all events occurred in the exact same way.
I decided to vacuum the truck and told M that we had to use the other truck he had picked up. This he did, but all
this confusion had been too much for him, something I confirmed, because he nodded when I asked, “you’re fed up,
right?” Therefore, I told him we would stop for today. But a mere 3 seconds later, he was again interested in ToonTalk,
and therefore I took the opportunity to train the robot for swapping trucks and bombs, which we tested.
I did this, because by having lots of robots, each one able to swap a specific pair of objects, the usefulness of
generic robots could become more obvious. And this was something I intended to try on the following sessions –
inspired by the ToonTalk tutorial/examples.
M didn’t want to stop, but it was convenient to do so, in order to avoid over-extending the session, and therefore
I suggested that we could simply finish by cleaning up the workspace with the vacuum cleaner. He then picked it up,
pressed the space bar (after I told him that it turned the vacuum cleaner on and off), and vacuumed up everything, in a
joyful manner. He even started vacuuming truck after truck from the toolbox, until I told him that there were too many
trucks there, and that we would never be able to vacuum them all.
Once the workspace was clean, I finished the session. We agreed that next week he would be able to teach R and
L how to program robots.
I asked him what he had enjoyed the most, and he said “Everything.”
I then took him to the main room, and exchanged a few impressions with the educator (it was then that I found
out that M, in spite of his size, had turned 4 just two months before).
Date Thursday, June 15th 2000
Participants M (boy, 4 years), R (boy, 5 years).
Starting time 10h30
End time 11h15
R hadn’t been at the previous session. So, for this session, he was the one choosing the figurine style (bald) and
was the first operator. He correctly identified the chopper, but not the houses. However, when I told him that what he
was seeing were houses (roofs of houses), this statement was perfectly acceptable to him.

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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
R landed the chopper quite easily, and immediately entered a house.
Overall, the mouse at this preschool is, I believe, the most adequate of the ones found in the three preschools328,
because it has a left button that is large, but not huge, and a smaller right button – this allows us to use separate
functions per button if necessary (when flying the chopper, for instance), but prevents accidental clicks.
I asked M to explain what kind of task we could perform – he was a bit confused, but small hints allowed him to
move on. We started by getting hold of a robot. I explained that in the bubble were the robot’s thoughts – i.e., what was
inside the robot’s mind/head.
I also explained that M had already learned how to teach a robot to swap a tree and a flower.
So, R (following my indications as well as M’s) grabbed a box, and then placed another one over it, resulting in
a double box.
I opened the images notebook on the page containing the tree, and then R picked up the tree. Since this was too
big, I told them (M hadn’t seen this yet) that we could shrink the tree, with the “air-removing pump”. “It bears the G for
Grande” (big), I said, “but you’ve got to press that button until you get the P for Pequeno” (little), I added. “Press on.”
The letters cycled, until “P” showed up, and then I said, “That’s the one! P for Pequeno.” Then R grabbed the pump and
shrunk the tree.
Then he placed the tree in the box, and we proceeded to pick up the flower.
The teaching of the robot went on without issues – R understood very quickly the instructions he was getting and
had no problem executing them with the mouse.
We tested the robot, and confirmed that it did work. Seeing that the robot stopped after performing the swap, I
asked them if they could figure out why it had stopped. The answer was not given right away, but when I placed the box
near the robot’s thoughts, they answered immediately. The problem had been identified.
M was eager to use ToonTalk, and therefore he was the one that now programmed a robot to swap the tree with
the flower starting from the positions they had after the original swap. We also tested this robot.
Now that we had two robots, we tried giving the box to one of them (which would swap the contents), then to the
other robot, and so on.
I then asked, “They are, in fact, doing the same task, isn’t it? They are simply too picky, right?” There was an
overall consensus on this. “What we should do is teach a robot to not care about the position of the flower and the tree!”
I said. Then I asked: “Do have any idea about how we could do this?” The answer was: “No.”. So I said: “We simply
vacuum the tree and the flower from the robot’s mind! This way, he still knows how to swap, but no longer checks to
see if the tree and the flower are in the right positions.”
We performed this procedure – although they were the ones turning the vacuum on and off, I was careful to tell
them to turn it off right away329, in order to vacuum only the tree and the flower, not the box.
This worked, as we expected. I was indeed surprised that, unlike what had happened in the São Pedro Parque
preschool, this procedure raised no confusion or doubt; they reacted as if it was something obvious.
While I was finishing this session, I told them that, on the next one, we were going to work with birds – and as
an appetizer, we performed the simple experiment of handing a box to a bird, to see that it carried it to its nest.
Then, I finished the session.
Date Tuesday, June 20th 2000
Participants M (boy, 4 years), R (boy, 5 years).
Starting time 10h45
End time 11h25
After I arrived, the moment M and R were called, they darted off into the computer room. And another kid who
hadn’t been appointed by the educator wanted to go, too.
We turned on the computer and M said, immediately: “R will start.”
R started ToonTalk, following M’s indication, quite easily. He chose the bald figure again, and the session was
I asked if they now knew how birds worked. They said they did. “And what do birds do, then?” I asked. “They
take things to their nests,” they answered.

In 2000: Araucária, As Árvores, São Pedro Parque.
In the current version of ToonTalk, pressing the space bar only makes the vacuum cleaner work once. But at the
time, it would stay on until the user pressed the space bar again to turn it off (or dropped it).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 469

Annex III – Reports detailing the sessions of May-June 2000
“OK, then you already know how to work with birds and robots,” I said.
"What can robots do?” I asked.
"They swap things!” R said.
"Yes, but they can do lots of other things!” I said.
"Can you come up with something else for us to teach the robots?” I asked.
They couldn’t imagine anything, but did decide they wanted to use the pump to enlarge things. I took this cue
and suggested that we could teach a robot how to enlarge things.
R initiated the programming: for starters, I reminded them that we needed a box with something in it. He then
picked up a box. Then M fetched the images book and picked a chopper from it. R placed the chopper inside the box. I
suggested that the robot could enlarge the chopper and give it to a bird. So, they picked up a bird, joined another box to
the one they had, and placed the bird inside. Then they gave this double box to the robot.
R taught the robot by taking the chopper from the box, enlarging it a bit, taking the bird from the box and giving
the chopper to the bird. Then he placed the bird back in the box. When we tested this robot, it didn’t work: when it
started pumping up the chopper, this action yielded no effect330, and the robot kept pumping, never moving on.
I then said that the problem could be the chopper, and that we should try with something else. I was merely
considering that perhaps the problem was the fact the chopper was an animated image.
I asked: "can you remember what we can do so that the robot isn’t so picky?" R said at once that we could
achieve that by erasing the chopper from the robot’s mind. M was a bit lost by now, focusing on the images book,
looking for a tree. He found it and laid it on an empty space in the floor. Then he vacuumed the chopper and placed the
tree in the box. And then he handed the box to the robot.
"Why didn’t he accept it, M?" – Before he could answer, R said: "Because the box is different. There [he pointed
to the robot’s thought bubble] is a bird and a chopper, but here [he pointed to the robot’s box] is a bird and a tree."
"And how can we make the robot less picky?" They answered at once, together (although R showed more
confidence), saying that we had to erase the chopper from the robot’s mind, which M did. But even with a tree instead
of a chopper, it still didn’t work.
We then erased the robot, and following my indications M, without help from R, programmed a robot that would
take a box with a bird and a robot, would place the robot within a box and give it to the bird, and then would place the
bird back in place. Then, by his own initiative, he decided to pick a new robot and place it on the empty box hole.
Since this was a chance to produce continuous action, I told him to pick up the bird’s nest and take it far away, in
one of the corners of the house. Returning to where the robot was, we started it. As expected, it started functioning
continuously, sending boxes of robots into the bird’s nest.
As we watched this process, with the bald figure up, M left the house for a moment. Of course, this moment was
enough for the nest to get lots and lots of robots. I then tried to explain them the difference in quickness between robots
working when we watch them or not, but this proved impossible, for they were completely distracted, particularly M. I
still managed to show them the huge number of boxed with robots that we had in the nest, but M was already
vacuuming things up, laying birds and robots on the floor, and so on.
I then said it was time to conclude the session. In the meantime, I explained to them how the wand worked, and
this proved a success. They started copying all sorts of things – the pump, the vacuum, etc.
A curious thing was: while copying the bird’s nest, R asked "Will the bird take the boxes to both nests, this
way?" – I was not about to lose this opportunity, so I spurred him so that he would try it, and he did try – the moment
the box was handed to the “producer” robot, the bird was perfectly visible splitting in two to perform the double
From then on, I merely tried to find out what they wanted to do – they both wanted to pick up letters and write
their names, and also handle numbers (so I showed them that the hammer mouse could be used to add up numbers). I
showed them that the vacuum could be used to spit things, not just vacuum them, and then they told me they wanted to
experiment with the other letter on the vacuum control ("L", for “Limpar” – erase).
They were quite entertained, doing copies with the wand, vacuuming, spitting, etc. When I had the chance, at a
quieter moment, I then really finished the session.

This would have worked in the current ToonTalk version. At the time, robot’s couldn’t be programmed to enlarge or
shrink objects, something I wasn’t aware of.
470 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

As Árvores preschool
Date Friday, June 9th 2000
Participants J (boy, 4 years), M (girl, 4 years), S (girl, 5 years).
Starting time 15h20
End time 15h50
The preschool educator, Gina (with whom I had spoken previously regarding the sessions), was not present when
I arrived at the preschool room. I set up the computer, and called J and M, in order to introduce myself and explain that
we were going to play with a new game, and that I intended to see whether they liked the game or not. They told me
they already knew about that, and they also told me that “our parents were told about it, and they told us we were going
to do something on the computer, both of us and also S”. Well, since Gina in fact had mentioned in passing the
possibility of including other children in this activity, besides J and M, I assumed this information to be correct and
therefore called S and we started the session. Later on, I found out that what the children had told me was not correct.
Due to limited space near the computer, and to the height of the table, chairs were not practical. So, I used the
solution employed in the computer literacy sessions that take place weekly on this preschool: to do everything standing,
without chairs. In order to avoid being at a much higher level than the children, I sat on a table, by the computer.
The mouse on this computer only has two buttons, which cover a mouse area much larger than the one occupied
by the buttons on the mice of the other preschools331. Therefore, children have an easier time pressing them.
This even turned out to be a bit counterproductive: upon seeing ToonTalk, the children (except S) wanted to use
the mouse, to the point of placing their hands on it simultaneously, which resulted on almost random mouse clicks.
Initially, we drafted who would choose the figurine style, using three distinct color pens: each child picked up
one, I scrambled them and dropped them on the ground; the furthest to the left was deemed the winning one.
The chopper was identified as such by M and J, but not by S. All of them, one at a time, had the chance to move
it, and make it go up as well as down. The perspective used raised some difficulties on selection of landing place: they
were always landing on the street above the houses, being tricked by the perspective.
After several consecutive "kneelings" of the figurine on the street, which I always cancelled with the Esc key, we
managed to enter a house. At this moment, they were starting to exchange control more often – Maria was ruling, most
of the time. They were all quite excited, and (or so it seemed to me) without enough focus for any explanation about the
method of robot programming. Therefore, I decided that indeed the best thing would be for us to simply explore the
overall functioning of the software.
So, I started by getting the ball from the images notebook, and showed them how to use the pump to make it big.
In order to simplify operation, the keyboard was shoved to a side and laid vertically, so that the letters would not draw
attention, but the Esc key and the space bar would still be easily accessible.
They immediately started using the pump to make a robot big, very big (until the screen could only present its
legs), and also a very big pair of scales.
Afterwards, I taught them how to use the vacuum to clean up everything.
Without giving me a moment to breathe, they picked up a nest, and I took the opportunity to explain to them how
birds worked. We tried giving all sorts of objects to the bird and watched as it took them to its nest. We created another
bird and this allowed the children to confirm that each bird carries objects to its own nest. A bird was then taken to
another house, in order to make clear that distance from the nest is no obstacle to a bird’s operation. From this point on,
the children started creating bird after bird... We already had 7 or 8 on the screen!
The children were very entertained, but half an hour had elapsed already, so I decided to end the session. They
all told me they had enjoyed it a lot, and I scheduled another session, on the following week, and said that on that
session they would learn how to teach robots.

São Pedro Parque and Araucária.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 471

Annex III – Reports detailing the sessions of May-June 2000
Date Friday, June 16th 2000
Participants J (boy, 4 years), M (girl, 4 years), S (girl, 5 years).
Starting time 10h45
End time 11h20
There is a serious hindrance to ToonTalk operation on this preschool: no sound effects, due to an operating
system problem!
I started by asking if they remembered what we had done last week. Unsurprisingly, they all remembered having
created lots of birds on the last session. I then said that today, as I had promised on the last session, they would learn
how to teach robots.
J was the first to pick up the mouse. I would let them choose what they wanted to achieve.
I then asked J: “What would you like to teach this robot?” “To clean up everything”, he replied – in fact, the
screen was quite crammed, from the last session.
“In that case”, I suggested, “we can start by teaching it to vacuum. In order to teach it, you have to hand it a box
with something for it to vacuum.”
J did exactly this, giving to the robot a box with a nest.
Inside the robot’s thoughts, I told J that he could get hold of the vacuum in order to vacuum the nest. This he did,
but started by vacuuming the toolbox! Then, besides vacuuming the nest, he also vacuumed the box that he had handed
to the robot.
After this was done, I pressed Esc to leave the robot’s thoughts, but ToonTalk crashed.
After rebooting the computer, we repeated this operation, taking care to vacuum only the nest, this time. The
robot had been taught, then tested, and worked perfectly – great!
I then asked J to put the robot in the notebook – he did it immediately, without giving me the chance to choose a
page! He stored it on page 2, on top of the picture book, which resulted332 in preventing me from accessing it!
As these events developed, and also afterwards, there was a striking difference on S’s behavior regarding the
previous session: this time, she was taking active part on all tasks, taking initiatives. For instance, she said that the hand
should be moved higher, towards the desired objects; suggesting how things should be done, and even going as far as
saying “I want to try it too.” What a difference regarding the previous session, on which she hadn’t said a word!
Now M, what would she choose to do? “I want to make a robot to cut trees.” I silently reckoned that there was
the possibility of playing with pictures of different size, combining them (dropping the smaller on top of the trees) in
order to simulate a tree being cut. But how would I get hold of a tree picture? J, by saving his robot on top of the images
notebook, had prevented all access to it333!
Since getting hold of a tree wasn’t possible at the time, I put forward that we could make the robot play a sound.
I picked up the sounds notebook and started reading the names of the sounds. M told me she wanted the “magic” sound,
so I picked up “Magia” – this was when I found out that while synthesized speech worked, the sound effects didn’t.
As a last attempt, I suggested that we could teach a robot how to change the positions of a truck with a pair of
scales – M agreed, fortunately, and we proceeded with this task, without major surprises.
Having two robots ready, M and J darted off to the playground, so fast I didn’t had the time to call them back for
any final chat, but S stayed – she then took her place by the computer. I asked her what would she like to do, and she let
me know that she wanted to make a robot that would vacuum bombs. I helped her achieve this, and then we both tested
the robot operation.
Since M and J were already absent, I was able to conclude the session.

This environment bug has since been corrected.
I knew I could repair this by copying and pasting an images notebook from another user, but that would ruin the flow
of the activity.
472 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Date Monday, June 19th 2000
Participants J (boy, 4 years), M (girl, 4 years), S (girl, 5 years).
Starting time 10h30
End time 10h50
This session didn’t actually took place as intended, because all the kids were practicing for the several plays and
games that would take place during the end-of-year party to be held on that afternoon.
We did initiate the session, but there were already cakes and refreshments available, and all the kids were too
excited to actually be able to focus on ToonTalk.
But I still managed to take these notes:
• I imported a bunny picture, because M wanted to play with a rabbit picture on ToonTalk. After importing the
picture, by dropping the filename on the appropriate sensor, I taught them how to use the wand, but this ended up
copying the sensor, not its contents. Given the situation, I had no opportunity to find out how to overcome this334, and
so I decided to let them go rehearse the plays and eat cake with all the other children.
• S, even though I already had dismissed them, decided to stay, in order to play with ToonTalk a bit. She mainly
picked up nests to create birds, and moved several toolbox objects around, using the pump to enlarge and reduce them –
I concluded the session after letting her play around in this manner a bit.

Only later did I learn that one needs to vacuum and spit the contents of the sensor, not copy them.

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Annex IV

Details of sessions conducted between February-June 2001

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The children
During these sessions, the children were divided into 5 different groups. In each group, all the
children took part in computer activities simultaneously, in pairs.
A pair of three-year olds. The sessions took place at a specific university room (setting 2, below).
One of the parents would take the children to that room, but wouldn’t be present during the
sessions. From the fourth session onwards, the preschool decided to replace 3-year old R with 4-
year old P, as detailed further ahead in this annex.
These children were selected by the preschool teacher at the SPP preschool.
C (girl, 3 years); R (girl, 3 years); P (girl, 4 years)

Six children aged mostly 5 (there was a 4-year old, and a girl who had just turned 6).
A specific room was set up for the sessions, in the University (setting 1, below).
Children were brought in by their parents, who weren’t be present during the sessions.
The children were paired, although the pairings were changed informally, depending on the
activities taking place.
These children came from the AA preschool. Those marked with an * were those involved in
ToonTalk sessions, the previous year.
J* (boy, 5 years); M* (girl, 5 years); S* (girl, 6 years);
L (girl, 4 years); G (boy, 5 years); R (boy, 5 years)

Six children of mixed age (4-year olds and 5-year olds). These sessions also took place in setting 1,
under conditions identical to group 2, above.
The children came from the SPP preschool. None of the children involved in the sessions the
previous year was able to attend.
A (girl, 5 years); B (boy, 4 years); D (boy, 4 years);
J (girl, 5 years); M (girl, 4 years); R (boy, 4 years).

Six children of mixed age (4-year olds and 5-year olds). These sessions also took place in setting 1,
under conditions identical to groups 2 and 3, above.
The children came from the SPP preschool. None of the children involved in the sessions the
previous year were able to attend.
A (boy, 5 years); AA (girl, 4 years); DA (boy, 4 years);
DU (boy, 5 years); H (boy, 5 years); J (girl, 4 years);

A single three-year old. Some of the sessions took place at a specific university room (setting 3,
below), while other took place in setting 1, usually before the sessions with the older children.
The child’s mother would take her to that room, and the child would be sitting on her mother’s lap
while using the computer.
This child came from SPP preschool.
J (girl, 3 years).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 477

Annex IV – Details of sessions conducted between February-June 2001

The environment
There were three basic settings, described below.
Setting 1:
A main room was prepared for the large groups (in the list above, groups 2, 3, and 4). This
had a direct access from the parking lot, a few tables and chairs, and three 15” CRT monitors. The
computers used were a combination of laptops and desktops, but the laptops were equipped with
regular mice. Instead of using the laptop screens, these computers were connected to the CRT
monitors, for better visualization from wide angles.
Setting 2:
This was a meeting room in the engineering building, at the university. It was used by group
1, from the list above. There was no direct access from the parking lot, but a parent would bring the
children to the entrance of the building, from where the researcher would lead the children to this
room. A laptop computer was used, equipped with a regular mouse.
Setting 3:
ToonTalk was installed on a desktop computer, at a University office also used for assessment
of computer-support required by citizens with special needs. This was used in some of the sessions
with the child in group 5, for the convenience of her mother, a teaching assistant whose office was
located in the same building. There was direct access from the parking lot, although this was not
relevant to the case, for the child would often already be inside the building, at her mother’s office.

Group 1
Session 1 (February 12th, 2001):
Only C attended. Initially, she practiced the manipulation of ToonTalk elements, including
the tools and images from the notebook. She wanted to make a house with a garden, which was
achieved using three built-in ToonTalk images: a house façade, a colored rectangle and a flower
(figure on the right).
Session 2 (February 19th, 2001):
Both C and R attended. They expressed their desire to work with “trees, fruits, and girls”, took out these pictures
from the notebook, and proceeded by combining and moving images around. Then I suggested that pictures might be
organized in boxes, and from this they practiced putting things inside boxes and taking them out, and joining boxes.
The two children frequently need my support to handle the
mouse. Usually I need to help them place their hands on the mouse
properly, so that they can move it and click at the same time.
Following my instructions, Rita executed the robot-programming
procedure for exchanging a tree and a flower. Then she did the same for
another robot, to exchange a girl and a ball (C helped her completing
this one).
The robots were tested and afterwards I placed them side by side
near the boxes, which I intentionally mismatched (figure on the
right335). Both girls were able to correctly identify to which robot each
box belonged.
Session 3 (March 5th, 2001):
Only C attended. Due to computer problems (constant crashes for lack of disk space), I ended up only
performing freehand drawing on MSPaint with C, so that she should practice mouse skills.
Session 4 (March 26th, 2001):
The preschool teacher decided to replace R, and the 4-year old P was sent instead. The girls arrived late;
therefore, this session was only 30 minutes long, instead of the usual 40 to 50 minutes.

In this and subsequent figures, occurrences of the children’s names have been grayed out with a diagonal pattern
( ).
478 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
I suggested for C to show P how to use the bike pump. C
identified it, but no longer remembered how it was used. However,
she now managed to use the mouse and ToonTalk without major
difficulties, selecting and picking up what she intended. After C
played around with the bike pump and the ToonTalk objects for a
while, P practiced using the pump to enlarge and shrink nests.
They practiced the use of the magic wand for copying.
C referred to the smaller birds as “baby birds”.
The session ended after both girls tried giving the letter A to a
bird, and seeing it multiply to deliver it to all the copies of its nest
(figure on the right).
Session 5 (April 2nd, 2001):
Both C and P attended. I tried to leverage their use of boxes, birds, and magic wand, by proposing the
programming of a robot that would “make birds”. I demonstrated this: the robot would take a bird, copy it, and give the
copy to the original bird, so it would be taken to the nest. The children were not able to understand this at all.
Session 6 (June 4th, 2001):
Both C and P attended. Since there was a two-month gap between sessions, I asked them if they remembered
which game we were playing. They said they didn’t remember. However, upon launching ToonTalk, C said she did
remember it after all.
C practiced the control of the helicopter, with some difficulty: the top-down perspective fooled her and she often
landed away from the houses, but P was able to keep prompting her to correct the movement, and was able to point the
direction of the houses, even thought neither could see them at low altitude.
I explained how to “send away” or “call back” the Martian using the F1 key. Oddly, C didn’t immediately
associate the behavior with the keyboard key, and tried to push the paper keyboard overlay where the Martin was
drawn, just above the F1 key.
They could not understand the text-to-speech engine at regular volume, but they did understand the speech at
high volume, and ensued by repeating/responding to the Martian’s speech: “Good morning/Good morning”, “See
you/See you”. C liked this and spent a few minutes sending the Martian away and calling him back, but P was soon fed
up and asked her to stop.
They both vehemently wanted to make nests, so we proceeded along that line of action. P also wanted to build
houses with a truck – something which I hadn’t shown any of them before, so this idea must have been passed down
from the other children at the preschool, 12 of which did that kind of activity, in other groups.
They proceeded by playing around with the bird’s behavior, giving them objects and figuring out where they
were being taken, what kinds of objects birds carry, etc. After building houses using trucks, I proposed a game and we
took a bird’s nest to a different house, to try and see if the bird would be able to find its nest, still. After confirming
delivery (which they found “great”), I ended the session.

Group 2
NOTE: Three children in this group had prior ToonTalk experience, albeit very limited (3 sessions), in the
previous year.
Session 1 (February 14th, 2001):
For this session, I had the assistance of Rosa Cristóvão.
The children picked up and dropped a large number of ToonTalk objects and controlled the figurine, without
major difficulties. Among the lesser ones: confusion about the different functions of the mouse buttons, while
controlling the helicopter, and needlessly pressing of the mouse buttons while moving the figurine, causing many
unwanted “kneelings”.
For helping J, M, and S remember their prior ToonTalk experience, I suggested that they might want to teach the
robots how to play. J & R gave an empty box to a robot, and my suggestion was for the robot to create trucks (i.e., place
a truck in the empty box). I then suggested that they taught another robot how to vacuum trucks, which J did without
any problems.
Then J wanted to teach another robot – but he couldn’t decide on what to teach it. So I suggested that they
postponed the teaching of the third robot and put the first two to play, instead.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 479

Annex IV – Details of sessions conducted between February-June 2001
S had programmed a robot with no instructions – it simply kept
there, floating around.
L & G wanted to draw, but S & M wanted to program. M wanted
to create “1000 birds.” So she set up to pick them from the toolbox. I tried
suggesting that she used a robot, that would create the 1000 birds by
joining boxes and placing birds, but my suggestion wasn’t welcomed. So I
taught M how to use the magic wand and... What a whole lot of birds!
I suggested a different approach to teaching a robot for making
birds: I showed them how to make a robot that, starting with a bird, would
give it boxes with birds inside. This suggestion was grasped, unlike the previous one, but the result didn’t convince the
children: in ToonTalk a pile inside a nest looks just like a single element. So, although they could try and explore the
size of it, it doesn’t stand out, visually, as an enormous pile.
Meanwhile, L & G had each drawn a house in MSPaint (see the figure, above; L’s on the left, G’s on the right). J
had been intensely experimenting with the ToonTalk environment: he had shrunken the pump, created another one,
enlarged the vacuum cleaner, narrowed it, and shrunken the toolbox until it became invisible.
Session 2 (February 21st, 2001):
For this session, I had the assistance of Rosa Cristóvão.
Due to several technical problems, for the most part of the session
children were playing without computers, while the technical problems
were being sorted out. Afterwards, children were thirsty and I had to go
fetch them some water while Rosa helped them use the computers at will:
S, J, and R wanted to use ToonTalk, L didn’t want to use the computers out
of being tired, and M & G simply wanted to draw freehand.
J created a large set of birds on the floor (initially by picking them
from the toolbox, but then, by his own initiative, by using the wand). I
believe he was making an “army”, but S said it looked like a mass and J
adopted that description from then on (see the figure on the right).
S declared her intention to teach a robot how to make birds. When asked “what do we need” she said “a box”.
Her strategy to make birds involved making the robot pick up nests from the toolbox and dropping them inside the
robot's box. I suggested that she could teach the robot to join new boxes to the original one, to store the extra nests and
she did this without difficulty.
Session 3 (March 7th, 2001):
For this session, I had the assistance of Fernando Lemos.
S proceeded with her desire to teach robots. But if she has a specific
goal during the teaching of the robot, it is not perceivable from her actions
(i.e.: starting with a girl’s picture, drop a 1 on top of an A, put the resulting
B on top of the girl’s picture, hold and drop it several times, pickup any
words from the main notebook, such as “Images” and “Sensors” and drop
them on the girl picture, etc.). (Note: see the report from session 8, further
ahead, where one can see her recounting the actions of one of her robots
from a comic-strip version.) S expressed no desire whatsoever to “test” what
she had taught the robot, to the point of vacuuming the contents of its
thought bubble.
M & L, with the support of Fernando Lemos, went through the basic
process of acquaintance with the system: landing the helicopter, picking up
and dropping objects, vacuuming them, spitting, etc.
J was deeply involved in doing huge number of copies of elements.
G wanted to make freehand drawings, which he couldn’t, since the
computers were being used for other purposes, as described above. He
explored the closed-lid notebooks and found that they were showing the
same image presented on the CRT monitors, which interested him. S got
involved in this too, and both enlisted R to try out different things: R would move the ToonTalk figurine very, very
quickly, and G and S were trying to confirm whether the image was still the same in both screens. They were telling R
to kneel the figurine, to move the hand... soon all children were watching this discovery.
At the end of the session, while the other children played without using the computers, J and L, each went to a
computer to make freehand drawings (above, on the right side: topmost from J, bottommost from L).

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Session 4 (March 29th, 2001):
Not all children attended this session, but those who did were involved
in programming robots. I suggested teaching robots to write their names,
something that happened in slightly different ways.
M programmed the robot shown in the comic strip of Annex I (p. 441),
which picks the letter A, deletes it, types her name and drops the pad in the
R did it similarly, but was initially confused by the “A” in the pad
taken from the toolbox, so his robot was also taught to vacuum up an extra
pad he had dropped on the floor, in the process.
L used M’s strategy also, but demonstrated less control and decision:
she would drop the element she was working with after each step, and would
have to pick it up again.
J & G did a different activity: they created a box with a bird and a ball, which I told to save in the first page of
their notebook. J used this box to teach a robot how to give the ball to the bird. I suggested that G taught a robot to pick
up that box from the notebook, which he did: he taught a robot how to pick up that box from the notebook and turn an
empty box into a two-hole box with those contents. I then showed them that their robots could work as a team, with G’s
robot preparing a box for J’s (see the figure above on the right).
Session 5 (April 5th, 2001):
No programming in this session. But I had printed on paper their
robots from the previous session and posted them on the wall, and they are
eager to admire them.
J discovered how to duplicate the wand, and started repeating the
process. Then he decided to enlarge a vacuum cleaner until it filled up the
screen, and I successfully asked him to show L how to use ToonTalk
items, since she was very focused on his work.
S started combining lots of images, but imagining much more than
what they actually represented. She monopolizes her computer, saying she
wants to “show something”, “make something”, but really never getting to
a point where her work conveys any meaning to anyone but herself (see
figure on the right).
I tried to focus S and her partner for the session, M, by proposing that they could set
out to combine shaped in ToonTalk to make a picture. They suggested a butterfly and I tried
showing how to use the balls to make wings. But they had a very hard time trying to control
the resizing tools properly336, and the fact that ToonTalk allows no repositioning after two
pictures get bammed also complicates matters, but the butterfly did end up being made (see
the figure on the right). I also showed them how to use the “-" and “+” keys to select the color
of the underlying rectangle. J also tried to make a composition, by combining a tree picture
with flower pictures. G tried to do the same, but got completely confused in the process,
because he picked up J’s tree and dropped it on another accidentally, then dropped the set on
a notebook, and that notebook on another notebook, etc.
For the remainder of the session, S opened a text editor and started to
type out randomly, just for the fun of it. M wanted to do the same, with such
vehemence, and so they both kept typing in the editor (see the figure on the
right for a sample).
A recurrent theme is that they keep trying to find the “end of the
notebook”, no matter whether I tell them that there is no end to the
notebooks or not. Before I know it, they often have reached page 130, or
even 240.

At the time, ToonTalk required that children would press the space bar once to start a tool and once more to stop it.
For these young children, this made it too hard to control the process.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 481

Annex IV – Details of sessions conducted between February-June 2001
Session 6 (April 18th, 2001):
Only M, J, and R attended. Given G’s problems with notebooks in the previous
session, I decided to let them practice a bit the concept of using notebooks to store things.
My suggestion and welcomed, and this practice took out most of the session (see the figure
on the right, with a notebook created by each child).
Session 7 (May 3rd, 2001):
R did not attend. This session was not successful. I had offered to show them how to “make pictures move”. But
G, who from the very first session had a habit of bothering his colleagues, kept harassing all the other children,
disrupting their activities. They all got quite fed up with the entire situation and lost all desire to use the computers. To
top it all, a bullfinch flew in through the window and they got scared, so I had to make it fly out, which wasn't all that
easy. I tried to program some robots myself, to see if they would regain interest upon seeing my robots working, but to
no avail.
Session 8 (May 10th, 2001):
G and M did not attend.
L wanted to pick up a bomb and expand it, expand it more, and more, and more. So I coached their efforts, to
have R hand a bomb to L, who pumped it until it was large, and finally R set it off to blow.
Since the house was gone, I proposed teaching them how to build new houses, which R found interesting. But L
was more into making copies and playing around with items.
Suddenly, she dropped a box on a robot and upon entering its thought bubble I asked “look, we are now teaching
a robot, but that wasn’t what you intended to do, was it?” She replied: “Yes it was. I want to teach it how to write my
name.” She managed to do this, but as it was often the case after they taught robots, afterwards she couldn't care less
whether the robot really did manage to write her name or not.
Afterwards, I could follow up with R and show him how to build a house and
go into it to confirm that the robot's “gift” (i.e., the contents of the box used to build a
new house) had indeed been taken into the new house (J also took part). Taking my
hints, R taught a robot how to put the contents of his box on the room wall, and used
this robot to make new house. Then I coached him into going into those new houses,
to confirm that the “gifts” given to the robots were really on the walls (see the figure
on the right).
S would have nothing with programming today: she wanted to
make a freehand drawing: a butterfly. After she completed it, I gave
her a paper comic I had produced with snapshots from the robot she
had programmed in session 3, and she really wanted to tell the robot
“story” to the other children – who couldn’t care less (see the
photograph on the right). 4 times she tried to assemble the others in a
small entry hall, with my help, to listen to her story. It had little to do
with the actual robot actions depicted in the comic. Rather, she seemed
to be making it up as she went, and the story made no sense to the
other children, who obviously weren’t interested in listening.
Session 9 (May 24th, 2001):
G didn’t attend. Only one computer was available, the others
had been locked up.
I showed them a new thing: the sounds notebook. Although I assured them that they could turn the sounds on
while they were holding them, all children insisted on dropping them (take them out of the notebook) and only turn
them on afterwards.
S exhibited a now-common pattern: she flipped the notebook until she reached the last sounds, listened to them
and proceeded to create many copies of the notebook, to have many things with which to tell a story.
I showed to J and R how to put a sound behind a picture, and J realized it wouldn’t
play by itself. Then explained that they would have to teach a robot a put it behind the
picture, for it to play the sound. J did most of the experimenting, and then instructed R on
how to do this, without much trouble: soon there was a helicopter making a lot of noise.
It was finally M and L’s turn, and they learned that by flipping the helicopter
programmed by J and R, they could make the sound stop. Then they set up to do the same
thing (play a sound) with a flower. M was doing most of the things, with L on her lap! But L
would take over control from time to time. The figure on the right shows the helicopter
(which is making a lot of noise) and the flipped flower, with the sound-playing robot behind.

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M and L had taught the robot to play the sound 5 times, but they were surprised that the sound would keep
playing over and over. I tried explaining that the robot would still find the sound in the box after playing it 5 times, and
would repeat it again, over, and over, but I don’t think they managed to understand this. Lastly, they unflipped the
helicopter and found it very funny for both sounds to get mingled, so they called all the other children to listen.
Session 10 (May 31st, 2001):
G and S did not attend.
L practiced the manipulation the ToonTalk elements. During the various sessions, she has been the one with the
least opportunities for using the system on her own, and needs more time to become comfortable in terms of overall
control. She seemed to be attempting to build a house, but not really sure of how to proceed, so I helped her. Mid-way
through the process, I realized that she was often pressing the middle mouse button (with no effect) and this was
confusing her. She also was eager to reproduce whatever M was doing, in another computer.
M, albeit demonstrating a nice level of overall control, still has some basic problems. Specifically, she
sometimes presses the mouse button and the space bar together when operating a tool, resulting in that the tool is
dropped instead of turned on; but it works when the purpose is stopping the tool, because either dropping it or pressing
the space bar do the trick. Also, she also gets confused often between the operating mode letters of the tools. I assume
that lack of specific practice, tool-oriented, led to these confusions.
M drew a bird and, together with L, started to program a robot to play the bird sound. Regarding the rule that
“robots must receive everything in boxes”, she asked: “why not in the toolbox, then?” (“That box is too big,” I said.)
They did not complete this because of the high room temperature: by now they were too tired.
I did not provide much guidance for J and R during the session. They were
involved in composing an arrangement of various pictures, and using a large
rectangle as background. J couldn't remember how to find a rectangle (“paper
sheet”), but my verbal instructions sufficed: he no longer required for me to
demonstrate or point to anything in the environment. J in particular is demonstrating
a great ease of orientation and control, as can be gathered by his choice of images
and their placement (see the figure on the right). He also managed to store the
composition in his notebook, without any help from me.

Group 3
Session 1 (February 14th, 2001):
All children performed, with only slight differences, the same initial
sequence: land, select a house, go in, kneel, scatter objects on the floor, and
vacuum them. They also did a few freehand drawings (on the right is presented A’s
drawing, she called it “a spider’s web”).
B & D were thrilled about traveling around with the helicopter and
controlling the figurine. The change in perspective when kneeling and getting up
was also enjoyed by them, and they spent a fair amount of time doing these things.
Together, A & M taught a robot how to vacuum bombs, which I generalized afterwards. I suggested that they
might now teach a few more robots any way they liked, but when I came back to see the result, they had only scattered
birds and numbers, and a few boxes (and boxes inside of boxes). But at that moment A taught a robot how to vacuum
the contents of a box that, inside, had another box with a nest.
I’ve shown R & J how to program a robot to vacuum a bomb. Then I challenged them to teach a robot how to
vacuum trucks. R managed to progress and do it eventually, as J watched. But in the end, R couldn’t find out how to
make the robot work, but J did: she pointed R to the right box.
For the remainder of the session, I let them all explore the environment at will.
Session 2 (February 21st, 2001):
J did not attend.
Initially, all children did freehand drawings in these sessions (on the
right is presented R’s drawing). Upon starting to use ToonTalk, they all
demonstrated the ability to notice the wiggling cue provided by the system to
show which object is the "target" of operation.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 483

Annex IV – Details of sessions conducted between February-June 2001
M still needs to get more used to controlling the mouse: she mistakes directions (up/down with left/right) and has
a tendency of pulling suddenly the mouse towards her to drop objects, instead of clicking the buttons.
A was demonstrating a great ease in controlling the system, so all children were gathered round her computer, as
I proposed a “funny” activity to her: to program a juggling robot (see figure
on the right). Basically, the robot would pick a ball and give it to a bird, but
the bird’s nest would be located under the ball, so the bird would replace the
ball in the original position and this behavior would continue endlessly.
A had no difficulty whatsoever in programming the robot. And she
tested it with ease, also. I told her to place the nest in the robot’s ball hole,
which she did, and there it was: a robot “juggling” with a ball.
After this demonstration, the children were allowed to do whatever
pleased them in ToonTalk: R was laying boxes on the floor and filling them
up with trucks. D was traveling around with the helicopter or exploring by
foot with the figurine, M was enjoying the sense of control by shaking the
programmer’s hand continuously.
D also learned how to browse the notebooks, and overall they enjoyed vacuuming things, and even spitting them,
either by clicking the appropriate letter on the keyboard or clicking the tool button, but the keyboard method was easier
for them.
Session 3 (February 28th, 2001):
Only A, J, and B attended. Rosa Cristóvão assisted me in part of this session.
B wanted to play on his own at a computer. A and J could have done
likewise, but they chose to share a computer. B only wanted to make freehand
drawings, A & J wanted to play in ToonTalk. B was not that familiar with the
Windows Paint program, so I gave him a short briefing on the paint tools and
color tools and left him alone while we drew, but I had to help him out from
time to time.
A & J really wanted to see the Bammer mouse, so they starting
dropping numbers on one another, to see it come and bam them together. They
were also trying to guess the resulting number. I suggested they might try the same thing with boxes. Initially, they
dropped a box inside another; but when I told them that they had to drop the boxes' sides together, they required no
more help: J did the first combination and A followed; pretty soon they had created a very long box. Then they wanted
to make a second row, but since this isn’t possible in ToonTalk, they created another long box.
Then A & J, while I helped B, made four copies of the pump and were trying to put them inside the boxes, to no
avail, since ToonTalk doesn't allow this. I explained that boxes only hold “toys” and “drawings”, and they went on
storing objects and pictures inside them.
B wanted to play with them at the same computer. I didn’t think the three of them together would work out, so I
set up a ToonTalk session for him and tried spur him into achieving the same things at his own computer. After entering
a house, he also started bamming numbers (and letters) together, and then went on using boxes.
B then held a robot and tried to give it the “A” letter. I explained that robots can only take things inside boxes.
So he picked up a box, placed the A inside and gave it to the robot. I asked what he wanted
to teach the robot: “to take out the A and put a bomb there.” “OK,” I said, “take the A out,
then”. As I’d seen previously with other children, he tried using the robot’s moving arm,
instead of the extended arm. After I explained the problem, he managed to teach the robot
as he wanted (the figure on the right shows his robot as it is about to drop a bomb in the
box), but in the end was fed up with the situation. However, I easily managed to persuade
him to try out the robot, and when he did he was most amused when he confirmed that his
robot had been “well taught”. Following my indications, he saved the robot in his notebook
and showed it to A & J, proudly. A & J clearly understood the situation, to the point of
hurrying up B while he demonstrated the robot: “come on, give it the box”.
Although they enjoyed seeing this, A & J didn’t seem interested in teaching robots
themselves. B joined them – he really wanted to be with them at the same computer, but this proved unmanageable: B
was disrupting the nice cooperation between A & J.
Rosa Cristóvão arrived at the room, and while B showed her the robot he had done, A & M resumed their play:
they wanted to fly in the helicopter and “lose the helicopter”. So they flew away from all houses, landed, and then
walked far away from the helicopter. Then they wanted to return to the houses “without the helicopter”, but they
weren’t able to, so I showed them they could summon the helicopter by pressing H.

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When they were content with flying and walking around, they welcomed the idea of decorating a room wall, and
this went on fairly nicely, they even used the pump to resize the images to their liking. They checked on the wall the
result of the decoration work done on the sensor, and then also did decoration on the roof. For checking they had to fly
out, and the confirmation delighted them.
Meanwhile, B was doing freehand drawings with Rosa’s assistance, because he preferred it over ToonTalk play.
One of these drawings is presented above, on the right.
Session 4 (March 7th, 2001):
B was the first to arrive. Alone, he landed the helicopter and went into a house, and said he
wanted to teach a robot, so he gave it a box. Then he programmed this robot to fill the box with a
bomb (see the figure on the right).
However, when the remaining children arrived, B could never again focus on ToonTalk
activities. I paired him with M, but it didn’t work out: they both wanted to make drawings, but they
were unable to help each other.
D & R spent most of the session manipulating the various objects and exploring the
A & J were again bamming numbers together. I suggested that they could teach a
robot to write their names, after receiving the initial letter of each name. Following my
verbal instructions, while I assisted the remaining children, they each placed their
initials inside boxes and joined boxes. Then I told them to show the robot how to write
their names, and when they finished I spurred them into testing it. It was a great joy for
us all when, while I was helping out R, they started shouting “it worked, it worked!” The
figure on the right show their robot has it is about to complete the programming.
After about half an hour without specific support, A & J were getting fed up, and
so they left ToonTalk and started making freehand drawings.
Session 5 (March 28th, 2001):
Rosa Cristóvão assisted me during this session.
J & M were moving on without major troubles (“we want to play with Bammer the mouse”), so I spent most of
the session assisting the pairing of B & D, while Rosa did the same for R & A.
Initially, B & D were enjoying themselves in exploration and bamming. For instance, they created the string
“AAA” and B went carefully to each A, and dropped the number “1” to get “BBB”.
B still remembered his “bomb-making” robot from the previous week, and started to demonstrate it to D. While
he was doing this, I suggested that after putting the bomb in the empty box he could join another box to the initial one,
so the robot could make many bombs. And then this happened:
ƒ he was both trying to join boxes laterally and vertically, no matter how much I told him that from above
it wouldn't work; this information that I was providing only made him place them even more carefully
together, even though Bammer wouldn’t show up;
ƒ after placing the first two bombs inside boxes, he didn’t stop: we kept placing more, and more boxes
and bombs side-by-side, because he “wanted more”; he couldn’t realize that the robot would later repeat
his efforts and produce as many bombs as he might want;
ƒ after exiting the robot’s thought, which he did only after I insisted, he wasn't keen on trying out the
robot by giving it a box ("again?", he said with a clear dislike in his tone).
My interpretation is that B thought that the box was the trigger for the programming process, not the absence of
pictures on the robot's thought bubble. This is a clear indication of the importance of actions regarding interpretation,
over visual conditions.
J & M learned how to browse the main notebook and the subnotebooks to find pictures. They also enjoyed
discovering that the + and - keys changed the rectangle's color, and used this to make a combination of rectangles of
different colors. However, they are at a loss regarding the reason why some images “disappear” when Bammer joins
them together (i.e., when two transparent corners are superimposed).
R wanted to write his name, so I suggested he taught a robot how to write his name. Rosa was
helping D do the same thing, but since they started with an empty box, the robot would write D's
name over and over, which he found very amusing and B immediately wanted to reproduce that. I
and Rosa took this cue and all the children programmed robots to write their names (the figure on the
right shows D’s robot writing his name).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 485

Annex IV – Details of sessions conducted between February-June 2001
Session 6 (April 4th, 2001):
I kept no written account of this session. However, I did save several robots and a screen shot.
The children have again played with their name-writing robots (see them all lined up below).

R programmed a robot that would take two birds with a scale between them, and then would replace the right-
side bird with a truck. D started making houses, lots and lots of houses, manually, and then taught a robot how to build
The figures below present R’s robot and the result of both D’s work and his robot’s work.

Session 7 (April 18th, 2001):

A did not attend.
They all chose to make houses, including D. But D, who had already done that, last week, was in fact keener of
trying out the bomb: he was making tall trucks, narrow trucks...
J built several houses easily. M build two, but didn’t enjoy it and decided to dance in the middle of the room
(herself, not the figurine) instead. R & B were not getting together very smoothly but houses were being built,
I explained to J, R, and B, that if they taught a robot how to build houses, it
would make many houses for them, very fast: they wouldn't have to build them all
one by one. They tried this out, and enjoyed this immensely (M watched it, liked the
result, but didn’t feel like trying it). For instance, when his parents picked him up, R
came back to the room within a couple of minutes, to continue making houses (his
parents were right behind him to fetch him); B took the utmost care to ask me to
please save his houses. The figure on the right depicts his result: a ToonTalk city full
of houses (the other children achieved identical results).
Session 8 (May 2nd, 2001):
D and B did not attend.
They wanted to build houses, by programming a robot. Since A had missed last week’s session, this was a
novelty for her. She started by building houses manually.
R’s robot, while building houses, picked up a bomb and tucked it away again, and R was very puzzled about this.
It took some effort until he remembered that he had indeed picked up and dropped a bomb while teaching the robot. But
neither he nor his computer pair, M, could understand why it would be necessary to teach a different robot, in order for
it not to pick up the bomb.
Unlike what had happened in most sessions, M was very interested in using
ToonTalk, but due to lack of practice, at a very basic level: playing around with
numbers, letters, etc.
J & A, following my indications, programmed a house-building robot. While it
worked, A kept watching, as it developed the city. An interesting note is that they did
this robot in two attempts. Initially, their robot would use the entry box to make a new
house. But this robot would only build one house, because after that one it wouldn’t
have access to more boxes. So they learned that they had to use a new box each time,
in order to develop the entire city (the figure on the right shows their first robot).

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Session 9 (May 9th, 2001):
The children offered me a bouquet of clover flowers.
To my surprise, the moment I turned on the computers, all children immediately double-clicked the ToonTalk
icon successfully - something that had been troublesome up to last week. B even said “twice, fast”.
While I assisted D & M, some difficulties were being experienced by R & B. ToonTalk was always exiting. In
fact, B was taking advantage of every opportunity to press Esc until ToonTalk exited; and this was something that
bothered R. And this, in turn, made B press Esc more often...
D was making houses. I suggested that he taught a robot how to decorate the wall, to send in the trucks: that way,
the new houses would have the walls painted instantly. He got excited about the idea. I coached him verbally while
assisting B and watching how A & J were doing (they were copying trucks to build many houses, fast).
D finally got his robot ready, and protested that it hadn’t painted the wall. I asked him to check the robot’s
thoughts, to see what it needed. He gave it the necessary box: a box with a bomb. But he
decided to get up to watch it work, and ToonTalk got excruciatingly slow, slower, and
finally crashed, therefore I could not show him the result of sending that robot in a truck.
The problem was that he taught the robot to put a copy of a bomb on the wall, instead of
the original bomb (see the figure on the right). And so, ToonTalk was dealing with more
and more pictures in each cycle.
Meanwhile, I had been coordinating R and B, who were combining objects, and
scaling them, but they didn't manage to cooperate very well. Finally, they decided they
would make freehand drawings in separate computers.
Session 10 (May 16th, 2001):
Only A & D attended.
I announced that I was going to show them how to put robots to work behind pictures. Each child chose a picture
from the notebook (A chose a house, D chose a flower).
I asked if they could teach a robot how to turn a bomb on, to blow everything up. They said they could, and it
was true: each programmed one such robot.
I showed them how to place their robots on the back of the pictures, using D’s flower as an example. But when it
was turned, D said “that thing is not the flower”. This made me explain that the flower was just a drawing on a paper
sheet, and that we were watching the back of that sheet.
When I unflipped the flower, without giving the robot a box, nothing happened, but this didn't surprise them. So
I asked D to give that robot a box. After unflipping, nothing happened. After dropping the unflipped flower, nothing
happened. I was surprised with this behavior, myself.
Why would that be, I asked them? Why wasn’t the robot working?
They said that the bomb that was given wasn’t the robot’s bomb. The problem wasn’t in the robot, they thought:
it was something with the bomb. I tried this again after the session ended, and this time the robot worked. It must have
been some transitory bug.
They programmed a new robot, which would pick a bomb from the toolbox instead of using the one received in
its main box. This time, it worked, but the children were expecting the flower to disappear after it was dropped, not
when it was flipped.
After this, D decided to pursue a different path of activity. Unsurprisingly, he started lining up trucks to build
houses. So I asked “what if the robot that we send to the new houses is that one which sets off a bomb?” The reply came
from A: “The houses would blow up.” So was started the programming of “Explodes”, the house-blowing robot. I also
suggested that in the current house they could place a robot building houses for “Explodes” to blow up, which was
similar to what they had done in the previous session. This one was programmed by A, whose only difficulty, and not a
big one at that, was finding “Explodes” in the notebook.
However, before A put to work the “makes houses” robot, D programmed his own robot, albeit sending a non-
taught robot to the new houses.
Both children were excited, because they could feel that “many things were going to happen.” They would say
“let’s go outside to watch, hurry, hurry.” And so, as they went outside, there were lots of houses, but only some of them
were blowing up. A said: “those are the ones made by my robot.”
From this point onward, D wanted to make new houses to go there and blow them up. He didn’t want the use the
“Explodes” robot several times, though – he wanted to blow them up himself.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 487

Annex IV – Details of sessions conducted between February-June 2001
Session 11 (May 23rd, 2001):
B didn’t attend.
Right from the start, A told J that she should build houses. And that, first of all, she – J – had to teach a robot
how to build houses. While other computers were booting, I spurred J to go inside a new house and look around. There
it was, the robot she had sent there. “Why wasn’t it doing something?” I asked. I provided the answer: because we
hadn’t taught it anything. So I proceeded with my inquiry. “What if we taught a robot how to blow up houses, and then
sent him to a new house?” And J replied: “It would blow up the house.”
And so, J programmed a robot to blow up houses, and A programmed another, to build
houses, using J’s robot from the notebook (shown on the right figure337). However, A’s robot
was quite unusual: it built two houses in each cycle. The first house was built by sending J’s
robot and a new box; but the second house was built giving J’s robots the entry box for A's.
Therefore, it had a bug: it only ever did two houses, no more.
I hadn’t watched A program this robot, so I asked, unaware of the problem: “It only
makes two houses and then stop, why should that be?” And it was A that immediately answered: “Oh! It is because we
used its own box, so now it has none.” There was such a tone of “obvious” to this answer, that it amazed me. So J and A
started teaching a new robot, that wouldn’t use its own box, while I helped R, D, and M. When I returned, J&A’s robot
did lots of things, because they had run into trouble: they had picked up the wrong notebook, then they had dropped it
and moved it aside to find J’s robot. While J&A’s robot did this, A said: “yeah, it now does all these silly things we
have been doing.” But anyway, it worked, so they left the house and took off in the helicopter, to see the houses
exploding. Upon seeing this, I congratulated them, and A said: “well, it’s easy...”
Another interesting note: A said, “How can we get up and leave the toy box there?” I replied that we can’t do
that, it always trails behind us. So she said, “but won’t the robot stop then, if this box goes away?” This is a most
insightful observation: if a robot stops for lack of its blue box, why doesn't it stop for lack of the toolbox where it gets
the trucks?
As for R, I helped him out because he was confused: pressing too many times Esc, kneeling on the lawn too
often, etc. Following my instructions, he did a house, but said, “no, I want to build houses faster”. So I told him that if
he taught robot, that robot would make houses very fast. He managed to program it easily. But he did ask: what should
he put in the truck first, the box or the robot? I told him it was all the same, but that he might start by the robot that was
going to live in the new house, and then place the box, as a gift for the robot to take into the new house. He was
satisfied with this replied, and then started blowing up the houses his robot was making.
Meanwhile, M was together with D, making simpler things: identifying the letters in her name on the keyboard,
for instance. She is much less at ease with computers than the other children, she needed a special attention. She and D
were trying to make houses, and had placed everything needed on the ground, but it wouldn't work because they were
working on the lawn - they didn't remember that it would only work if done inside a house. D knew there was a shortcut
key for the wand, because he asked me which one it was. And I could see some objects whose surface had been erased,
so they had been using the vacuum cleaner also.
D couldn’t remember how to make houses that exploded, but when talking about it, he demonstrated that he had
grasped the concepts, the general process. Therefore, in order to do something different, I asked him: what would
happen to a drawing if we placed a bomb-setting robot behind it? “It would explode,” he said. But then I added an extra
complexity. “But we wouldn’t want it to blow right away,” I said. I continued: “What if we gave the robot a box, and
then used a bird to take a bomb into that nest?” He replied with a question: “would the drawing explode, by then?”
“Yes,” I said. “Do you want to do this?” He nodded, and was excited with the prospect.
I helped him out along the way. The first task would be preparing the box for
the robot. He picked up a box. I asked him to get a bird and to put the nest in the box.
“Now we need to give the bird a bomb. Since it doesn't take bombs, we need to put it
inside a box, beforehand.” He did this. Then came the tricky bit. “Let’s give this box
to the robot, then,” I said. He was puzzled: “This one?!?” He clearly couldn’t see the
connection. But he did so, and then, while teaching the robot, set the bomb off.
The following bits were simple. He chose a picture (a boy walking) and
placed the robot on the back. I told him not to give the bomb immediately, so it didn’t
blow up at once. But he hadn't grasped the nest connection, so I had to tell him what to do next.
However, once he unflipped the drawing and I spurred him into giving the bird a box with a bomb, he saw the
bird fly into the back of the picture, the picture vanish, and bird returning. And he said, at once: “the robot blew up the
picture," he said. Clearly, he had understood the global process, the global idea, but not each specific internal step. The
figure on the right shows his robot, with its box by its side, the flipped picture, and the bird near the bomb-in-a-box.

The notebook name doesn’t match the programmers’ because they had used the last user’s login.
488 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Group 4
Session 1 (February 15th, 2001):
The usual initiation activities were used: landing the helicopter, entering a house, taking objects from the
toolbox, vacuuming them.
Right from the start, two children wanted to make freehand drawings. But
they agreed about playing in ToonTalk first, and drawing freehand later (one of
the resulting drawings is shown on the right). But given this situation, I suggested
that all children could now decorate the ToonTalk house they were in. Since this
was the first session, I placed the room sensor on the floor, as well has the images
notebook. Thus they could place elements on the sensor and then get up to check
the overall result on the actual wall.
Afterwards, while A, DU, H, and J did some freehand drawings, AA and
DA started playing with ToonTalk’s helicopter, flying around and exploring on foot with the figurine. When they
entered a house, I suggested to AA that she could teach a robot how to paint the wall. I told her to give the robot a
picture of her own (two overlaid house images), and then, inside the robot's thought bubble I fetched the room sensor
for her. She placed the image on it, and then we left the thought bubble. She and DA then tested this robot with different
Session 2 (March 1st, 2001):
Due to other, unexpected pressing professional matters, this session lasted only 15 minutes. These were used to
let the children practice the ToonTalk environment overall, manipulating the objects and tools as much as possible.
Session 3 (March 8th, 2001):
Fernando Lemos assisted me during this session.
I suggested, as a general theme for the session, for all children to make things
bigger or smaller, thus practicing the use of the pump. I also intended to suggest
tucking the resulting objects in a box.
Led by Fernando Lemos, H and DA played proficiently, creating differently-
sized bombs. Afterwards, they used boxes, and decided that it was funny to be able
to have a very large box, and set out to build one with 13-holes, with many different
objects (see the figure on the right).
DU and AA were trying to monopolize their computers; this was somewhat
of a complication. They managed to use the pump effectively, although still needing a bit more practice. J also
demonstrated having enough control, but lacking willingness, which is understandable.
A was repeatedly taking out object from the toolbox and putting them back in,
and seemingly enjoying himself doing it.
As the session neared its end, AA wanted to draw a garden, but there wasn’t
enough time to do it in Windows Paint, so I suggested that she planted a garden of
flowers in ToonTalk and used this suggestion to allow her to practice the change in
color and size of a rectangle, and change the color of flowers. The resulting garden is
shown here on the right.
Session 4 (March 29th, 2001):
There are programs and screen shots of this session, but no descriptive
document. The children must have chatted in the preschool with the children from
group 3, who by this time had already benefited from 5 full sessions, because they are
exhibiting a very advanced control of ToonTalk elements and even programming

A & DU used the magic wand to create many trucks and boxes. So, following my suggestion and instructions,
DU made a robot that would place a truck inside an empty box and A made another that would vacuum a truck from a
box with one. I then suggested that they could join these two robots in a team of their own (see the figure on the right,
above). However, this team wouldn’t work because of the way ToonTalk interprets constraints: the empty-box
constraint means “anything or nothing”, rather than “empty box”. Therefore, when the box already has a truck inside,
the team leader tries to put another truck in it, rather than hand it over to the next robot in line338.

Even if the team order was inverted, it still wouldn't work, because ToonTalk would make the robot holding the
empty box wait until something is put in it, rather than pass it over to the next robot in the line.

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Annex IV – Details of sessions conducted between February-June 2001
H managed to program 4 robots in all during this session: one to write his name, another to build houses, another
that would vacuum helicopters from its box, and yet another (shown working in the figure below) that, if given a box
with a truck, loads the truck with pictures of houses.

On their part, J and AA each programmed a robot to write their name. Since their robots had no starting
constraints (i.e., they were taught starting with an empty box), the names would be repeated over and over again,
quickly extending along the room floor, something they found quite amusing (as shown in the figure, below).

Session 5 (May 3rd, 2001):

H and DA did not attend. Compared with the last session, this one was frustrating, probably due to a one-month
gap between sessions.
I showed them their robots from the last session. J keeps insisting on wanting to
make drawings, rather than play in ToonTalk. This time, I only managed to have her enjoy
the selection of paper color and objects to compose a picture, no more than that. Her
drawing is shown here, on the right.
A and DU, each alone at a computer, seemed to have regressed. They found it hard
to land near the houses, and only managed to manipulate objects, doing nothing more
complex than that. I tried showing A how to flip a ball and change its position control to impact the ball’s position, but
this didn’t catch his attention.
Session 6 (May 10th, 2001):
Only J and DU attended.
Today I found out that DU, although he regularly manipulated
ToonTalk, hadn’t grasped basic manipulation concepts which had been used in
the previous sessions:
ƒ he hadn’t realized the importance of the wiggling cue;
ƒ he hadn't realized that the space bar turned the tools on & off;
ƒ he didn’t now how to flip the notebook pages.
Following his own goal, he set out to compose a garden. I helped him
achieve this, but mainly tried to let him practice the control of ToonTalk as
much as possible. Then I instructed him on how to put his composition on the
wall (see the figure on the right).

490 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
J was constantly requesting support while I was with DU. She still
wants to make drawings, but now has another area of interest: writing.
She can’t really write, but pretending to write is enough to satisfy her. So
I showed her how to write text in ToonTalk, and have a large white
rectangle as paper sheet for the text, but she quickly grew tired of this.
However, upon seeing DU’s garden, she decided that it would be a nice
thing to do. Since she still wanted to make a drawing, I decided to let her
draw in Windows Paint, and then use her drawing to decorate a
ToonTalk house, to try and spur some extra interest on her about the
programming environment. The resulting house is presented in the
picture on the right. Note: after making the drawing, she said that
“without help, these are the only kinds of drawings I can make.” But she
didn’t really care about decorating the house, I’m pretty sure she did it just to please me. What she did find interesting
was when she saw the ToonTalk sensor “Left Mouse Button clicked”, something she experimented with for a while. As
for the decoration, she only found it amusing when she went outside to check the looks of the house and finally realized
the consequence of her decoration. That did amuse her!
Today, I discussed these events with her mother, who reported that J was “serious about everything; she
complains with me about the preschool teacher, because she makes them play and ‘school isn’t for playing, it is for
working’; she conveys any messages when the auxiliary staff forgets about them; at home, she prefers to ‘work’ in the
neighbor’s farm, helping out with the potatoes, picking eggs... serious stuff, instead of regular child play, which she
abandons; when role-playing with other children, she’s never the daughter or baby: she always plays the role of
Session 7 (May 24th, 2001):
Only A, AA, and J took part.
This session failed. I thought that presenting sounds would spur their interest, but this didn’t work out.
J only cares about drawing and writing. She doesn’t care about ToonTalk the least.
AA enjoyment varies a lot. Today, she didn’t want to do anything, yet in the previous sessions she mostly
enjoyed herself. I asked why she was saying she didn’t like this: “because it’s hard”, she said.
When I showed them the sounds, AA and J tried them a bit, but J wasn’t the least interested and AA followed
her stead.
Since A was using his computer alone, today, I realized how much more support he needed. He was at a stage
where simply dragging the mouse and seeing the figure move excited him. He doesn’t realize that he can grab things
when they wiggle, keeps clicking outside the desired object, and inches closer and closer, clicking, but without ever,
ever putting the figurine’s hand on top of the object. When I help him, dragging the mouse so that the screen hand is
over the object, he says “this is it! this is it!” and gets terribly excited about being able to grab something.
AA and J were combining pictures, while I was devoting my attention to A. We were absolutely interested in
everything, but his background is completely different from that of the other children. When I mentioned teaching the
robot he held the mouse in his and asked “and what is the robot? is this it?”
J had chosen as her “picture” not a colorful one, but rather a plain geometrical shape (a circle). And she wanted a
plain white sheet to place the circle. I told her about changing the color of the black rectangle, but she didn't want to
have nothing to do with that. It was hard to convince her to try and change the color. Once she got convinced, she
changed the color of the black rectangle effortlessly and then placed the circle on top – with absolute precision! And
then, also easily, she enlarged the resulting picture to almost fill up the screen, but not quite – exactly the size she
wanted. And that was all she wanted to do.
As for AA, only at the very end, after J’s actions, did she expressed her interest in creating a garden and make it
almost as large as the screen. She started making it and I could verify that she had the skill to use the pump properly,
but there was not enough time to complete this.
Session 8 (May 31st, 2001):
H and DA did not attend.
During this week, the preschool teacher was able to explain to J that these sessions were not plain child play, but
serious stuff. This was enough to change her perspective entirely. Now she was devoting herself to any tasks involving
J and AA started composing a picture. J wanted to do it based on diagonal lines, and knew pretty well what she
wanted to achieve, but her lack of effort on the previous sessions meant that she hadn’t enough tool-manipulation skills
to enlarge and shrink the diagonal lines with the precision she intended. Turning tools on and off was trivial for her, but

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 491

Annex IV – Details of sessions conducted between February-June 2001
she often failed to point them at the proper object, for lack of focus. I showed them birds, but they didn’t care about
their operation – they just wanted to create as many as possible.
At the end of the session, I realized that there were a huge number of
gigantic robots on the floor (see the picture on the right). All of them had
nonsensical text for names. This was most likely J, who must have realized that
she could type away at will after enlarging the robots enough. The picture below,
on the right, shows a sample of this.
A is still unable to control ToonTalk well enough to achieve his intentions.
As for DU, he’s a bit better, but still clicks the mouse buttons without being
necessary, and has difficulties getting hold of the objects. Even with sounds, A and
DU enjoyed trying them out but lacked the necessary hand coordination to browse
the notebook, pick sounds, play them, etc.
I decided to try a last situation: I programmed a bird picture to play the
sound “Yaw” whenever it collided with something. And asked them to try and test
it. To do so, A chose a house picture and they dragged my bird towards it, to check
out the sound. But they kept clicking the mouse needlessly, meaning that often the
bird picture would be dropped on the house picture and bammed in it.
Finally, I show AA and J that the sound was produced by a robot on the
back of the picture. They didn’t really understand it, or at least were unable to
explain it. But, for the very first time, J got really, truly, involved. Not to the point
of trying to reproduce it, but she was really looking at the situations, considering it
– pondering it. AA was interested, but seemed more puzzled than anything else.

Group 5
Session 1 (March 29th, 2001):
This session was devoted to providing J with enough latitude for exploring the environment: landing the
helicopter, walking with the figurine, entering a house, grabbing objects and dropping them, and the combination of
letters and numbers with Bammer the mouse.
Session 2 (April 5th, 2001):
J still remembered how to use the helicopter, and make it rise and descend. During this session, I noticed that she
has developed a technique for using a regular-sized mouse: she holds it by the bottom (the end nearer to her), until the
cursor is positioned. Then, she releases the mouse, lifts her hand and goes up towards the buttons, to click them. So,
throughout the session I would hold the mouse while she did this, to make sure her clicks would occur exactly where
she positioned the mouse, and not elsewhere.
Following my indications, J grabbed the main notebook and took out the images notebook. I showed her how to
use the notebook, and she browsed until she found an image she liked (the roof of the pink house), laid the notebook on
the floor, took out the image and laid it on the floor also. From then on, she started combining other pictures with this
one, in any way that she desired. While doing this, she also practiced the use of the resizing pump. An interesting point
is that while looking for it, she called it “hose”, and indeed I usually recommend that children use the pump by
“pointing the hose to the picture.”
When her composition was complete, she got the picture frame from the notebook, resized the frame and her
composition suitably, and set it all together. It was “her painting.” It
should be noted that one of her father’s hobbies is painting. So, I took
out the room sensor from the sensors notebooks and laid it on the floor,
for her to hang her painting on the wall. After resizing the framed
picture adequately, she got the figure up to check out how it looked on
the wall (see the figure on the right).
Another interesting aspect is that before the end of the session
she still exited the house with the figurine and strolled around the
ToonTalk city a bit. While doing this, she referred to the house where
she had been as “my house”, and said about the other houses: “those are
not my house”, which shows that she was perfectly capable of knowing
where she was, in the ToonTalk world.

492 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 3 (May 3rd, 2001):
A month had elapsed since the previous session, so I let her recall a bit how to move around in ToonTalk. I
showed her, in the notebook, the framed composition she had done before. And told her that, since this was a new city,
with new houses, the picture wasn’t on the wall, and I suggested she put it there.
However, she didn’t want to put the entire framed composition, just the composition itself. This was a nice
moment to introduce the use of the vacuum cleaner, both for vacuuming and for spitting out objects. Regarding the use
of the room sensor, she searched it herself, following my suggestion, in the sensors notebook, until she found the
She took the boxed sensor out, and then the sensor itself from its box, and laid it on the floor, and finally she set
her composition on top of the wall. Then, she asked: “how can we put the wall in place?” I explained her that what she
had there wasn’t the real wall, but rather a make-believe, magic wall, that would take care of sending stuff to the actual
wall. I also pointed to the sensor stack in the sensor notebook, to show her that her composition was also visible there.
And so, she got the figurine up, to check out the result on the wall.
I then suggested we might play with the robots. She agreed, but made
notice that afterwards she also wanted to play with all the other toys.
As for the robot, I suggested she gave the robot her first name initial, and
then teach the robot how to write her name. She liked this idea, and proceeded to
execute it. The name was written by having the robot pick the letters, one by one,
from the toolbox, editing them, and joining them all in the robot’s box (as shown
in the right-side picture).
The session ended soon afterwards, because she then wanted to play with
the bomb. So I led her towards saving the robot in the notebook, and soon after
she set a bomb off, and the session was over, but I promised her that I'd teach her
how to make houses in the following week, to make up for the bomb.

Session 4 (May 10th, 2001):

There were only 20 minutes available for this session. She had perfect recollection of my promise to teach her
how to make houses. So, that was the theme for this session.
I introduced the method to her in the following manner:
ƒ The trucks have inside construction workers, to build houses (“Can you see them inside, there, by the
steering wheel?”)
ƒ But the workers are waiting for a robot, who is going to live in the new house (as I said this, she placed
a robot in truck).
ƒ It’s only that the robot wants to receive a gift, to take it with “him” into the new house (and as always, it
only accepts well-tidied gifts, inside boxes).
After she completed the process, we went into the new house, to check that the robot was there, as well as the
gift. I pointed out that it hadn’t done anything with the gift, and the reason was: because the robot hadn’t been taught
how to do anything.
I suggested she might teach it how to put its gifts on the wall, and she liked this. Therefore, she handed the gift to
the robot, and following my indications went to the sensors notebook, and sought the room sensor (it was buried deep
inside, and this annoyed her a bit). She completed the process of laying the robot's gift on the room sensor, and I told
her to leave the robot’s thoughts.
I then asked her if she thought the robot had put the gift on the wall. “No,” was the sharp answer. I was startled,
but nevertheless asked her to get the figurine up and check – and obviously, there was nothing on the wall.
I then proposed her sending the robot to a new house, with the gift, so that it could put the gift on the wall as it
got there. And she managed to do all of this, with little or no advice at all.
Using the helicopter to see all the houses, she correctly identified the original houses, by moving the helicopter
over each one at a time as she spoke, and she also identified the first house she had built. She was a bit unsure about the
house she had just built, because it was in a different block. But once I reassured her that it was indeed the house she
had built, this was no longer a doubt for her. So she landed and entered it without any problems, saw the gift on the wall
and loved it!
I then let her play a bit in ToonTalk with the help of her mother, without any goals, while I readied the
computers for session with the older children, which was about to start. She basically did compositions of pictures.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 493

Annex IV – Details of sessions conducted between February-June 2001
Session 5 (May 24th, 2001):
Two weeks had elapsed, and neither J not her mother remembered how to make the figurine kneel. They started
playing before I arrived, and they were trying to make the figurine kneel using the keyboard, and pressing Esc,
continuously, until the program exited... until eventually they realized it was simply a matter of clicking a mouse button.
Afterwards, J started making another picture composition: a rectangle with a ball inside. After I arrived, I mentioned
that she might want to explore ToonTalk’s sounds, which she did, gladly. I must say I am amazed at her coordination,
because she always checks carefully which object is wiggling, before trying to click the mouse to pick it up, and is also
very careful not to drop any pictures while anything is wiggling below, unless she means to combine them.
She was already perfectly able to turn the sounds on, so I suggested she placed a sound behind a picture, after
showing her how to flip the picture. Unflipping it, no sound was heard, and I explained her that it was just as it should
be, since she wasn't holding the sound with the hand to turn it on. So I inquired her, on how could we look at the picture
and still turn the sound on. “Could we teach someone how to turn the sound on for us?” I asked. She got the idea, but
wasn’t sure of how to achieve it. So I asked, “Who can we teach, around here?” “The robot?” she replied, a bit
uncertain. That was it, the way to start programming a robot.
Without any problem whatsoever, she flipped the picture, to give to the robot the
sound that was behind it. It wouldn’t accept it, and I had to remind her that the robots
only take things in boxes. With this cue, she placed the sound in a box, gave it to the
robot, and inside the thought bubble took out the sound and played it. I told her to teach
the robot to put the sound back in the box and exit the teaching by pressing Esc.
We tried out the robot, and she was very amused watching it play the sound.
Grabbing the robot to stop it was a bit harder, because since she released the mouse to
click the buttons, in the meantime the robot moved away from the cursor. But we did it
together: as she moved the mouse, I clicked one of the buttons.
From there, all was simple: she placed the robot behind the picture, gave it the
box, unflipped the picture, and there it was, a sound-playing image! The figure on the
right, above, shows all the pieces. Then, to check her understanding, I asked: “and now, how can you stop the robot?”
She had not doubts: at once, she flipped the image, to pick up the robot. Even her mother was surprised, because the
solution hadn’t occurred to her.
Session 6 (May 31st, 2001):
Today, we started by using the birds. J tried giving the bird first a number, and then a letter, and correctly
realized that it was carrying them to its nest. We then tried hiding the nest in another house, and confirmed that
nevertheless, the bird could always find its nest. She tried this out by giving her own name for the bird to carry.
I then suggested hiding the nest behind a drawing. While she did it, I realized not just her easiness in
manipulating objects, but also her simplicity in linear decision-making: to catch a robot, for instance, she takes a
notebook out of the way, puts it aside, and gets the robot. Another example: to get a nest, she takes out its items, and
gets it; then, she takes it to another house, returns to the original house, gives something to the bird, goes once more
until the house where she put the nest, checks to see if the bird delivered it – and all with minimal hints from me,
without doubts.
She demands to make things herself (“Mom, I know how to do it!”), and is perfectly capable of deciding when
she wants to turn a tool on or off. To make her drawing, she used a rectangle with a paddle on top. Then she dropped a
picture of the Martian on top, but since it was too big, the head was off sight. No problem. She took out the Martian,
enlarged the rectangle, and placed the Martian again.
After completing her “drawing”, she no longer remembered about the original goal of hiding the nest behind it.
But when I reminded her, she no longer wanted to do that: she wanted to hide it inside other houses.
So she went into another house, but I thought of suggesting her a different experience: copying the nest. She had
never used the wand, so I had to teach her now, but she learned easily. After making two copies, she placed them neatly,
one above, another below the original nest.
So I said, “Now you probably got the bird all mixed up! How’s it going to know which nest is the right one?”
She found this interesting and fetched the scales to test it, seeing then in amusement how it divided itself in three to
deliver copies of the scales to all the nests.
Finally, she wanted to try it out with a different bird, so she took one from the toolbox. I spurred her into testing
the new bird, to make sure she realized which bird was the original one, which was the new one. Then I asked, pointing
at the original bird, “will this one take things to all nests, or only to its own?” She focused, pondered this a while, and
said “I think it will take things only to those nests” (she pointed at the three nests that belonged to the bird).
A final comment from J: she didn’t want Tooly the Toolbox to open whenever she kneeled. Firstly, because tools
should be kept tucked up nicely. Secondly, because by popping out they sometimes cover things she wanted to use.

494 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 7 (June 7th, 2001):
I reminded her of what was done in the two previous sessions: teach a robot how to play sounds and hide nests
from birds.
J started by exploring the sounds notebook. Today, I told her that she could return to the first page of the
notebooks by pressing 1, instead of pressing “-” all the way back, and she immediately started to use this new
After taking out several sounds, she wanted to make them all play at the same time. I suggested teaching a robot
how to play one, and then using several robots at the same time to play all sounds.
In programming, she seemed a bit confused about the starting point. Twice she tried dropping the robot on the
sound, not the other way around. But I reminded her about how robots liked things inside boxes, and this was enough to
sort out the problem. She programmed in the same way: taking the sound out of the box, and only then playing it. She
also didn’t remember how to exit the robot’s thoughts, and further ahead forgot about the Esc key, again. But she did
remember that she had to leave the robot’s thoughts to complete the programming.
Upon exiting the programming thought bubble, she seemed to be upset because the robot wasn’t immediately
doing what she had taught him, and started spinning around in her chair. She lost interest, and only regained it when I
reminded her that we needed several robots in order to play several sounds at the same time. But now she wasn't
focused. She would give the robot its box, but in a detached manner. Her attention only came back when her robot
started playing the sound.
Then she brought the robot down towards the other sounds on the floor. She tried giving it “a very small sound”,
but it wouldn’t work. I pointed out that the robot only wanted to receive the sound we had taught it. My original plan
was for her to program a few robots, for playing different sounds, and then introduce generalization in a “useful”
manner, a strategy which had provided nice results in the previous year. But in the present context, I thought it would be
too bothersome for her to program more sound-playing robot. So, I tried explaining her about the difference between
“vacuuming” and “erasing” in the real world, by using the mouse pad: vacuuming would be to swallow it; erase would
be to clean it. From this I told her to try and erase the sound on the robot’s thought bubble, and she did it and handed it
another sound, but her interest on the matter was definitively lost: she said, “I want to go into another house.”
In the new house, she said, “can I do whatever I please?” I
said she could, so she placed a nest and a truck on the floor. Then she
said “that other sound was from this truck, right?” Then she tried to
put the truck in the nest, which can’t be done. So she said, “But if I
gave the truck to a bird, it will take the truck to the nest, right?” I
replied: “Yes, but don’t forget that birds need to get the truck inside a
box.” Then she started to copy many birds, as shown in the figure on
the right. I challenged her to copy many at each time, by copying a
box with many holes, and she said she didn’t know how to make one.
I offered to teach her, but no, she wanted to copy the birds directly.
Then she wanted to make nests for all the birds, and I reminded her
that those birds were sharing the same nest. But she didn’t seem all
convinced, so I told her to try it out with something. She selected
some pictures and started to give one to each bird, joyfully. In the end, she was quite concerned whether she had given
pictures to all the birds, or missed any. I pointed out one she had missed, and of course she gave it a picture as well.
Throughout the session, J continued to try out lots of things, such as tidying up the robot into the nest, putting
things into boxes, and even, under my recommendation, teaching a robot to vacuum the contents of the box. Then she
also wanted to explore other houses, and made a curious reference, in the helicopter, while pointing to a house: “Is this
the one that has other houses?” I have interpreted this as meaning she remembered having programmed there a robot to
make houses, in a previous session.

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Annex V

Details of sessions conducted in Nov/2001-Feb/2002

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The children
During these sessions, the children were divided into 3 different groups. In each session, only
one group was present.
The girl J, aged four, who was the 3-year old in group 5 of the previous year (vd. Annex V). This
group had a single session, in setting 2 (see below). Afterwards, J started having session in her
preschool room, along with a colleague, and so became part of Group 2, below.
J (girl, 4 years)

A pair of four-year olds. The sessions took place in their preschool room (setting 1, below). The
other children in that preschool would be conducting their own activities at the same time, in that
One of these, J, was the 3-year old in group 5 of the previous year (vd. Annex V). The other child
was selected by the preschool teacher at the SPP preschool.
J (girl, 4 years); C (boy, 4 years)

The environment
All but the first of the sessions took place in setting 1, described below.
Setting 1:
Within the preschool room, at the SPP preschool, a Windows 98 computer was available,
nearby a window. There was no physical separation between the computer space and the other
activity areas of that room. The computer had a 15” CRT monitor and regular-sized mouse and
keyboard. It was usually turned off, but children could request permission from the educator to turn
it on and use it at any moment.
Setting 2:
Identical to setting 3 in Annex V.

Group 1
Session 1 (November 7th, 2001):
Duration: 30 minutes.
J didn’t remember some things very well, since our last session in June. According to her mother, she used
ToonTalk at home since then, but only 3 times. She didn’t remember how to make the helicopter go up and down, but
had no problem once I reminded her of the mouse buttons. She didn’t even get confused with the top-down perspective.
She easily strolled into a house, but pressed Esc to kneel, so I had to remind her that the mouse buttons did that.
I decided that it was better to ask her what she remembered about ToonTalk. She replied that she didn’t
remember how the trucks were used to build houses. So I explained the process to her again, this time using the version
of the robot's box being its luggage. She then made a new house, and went out. Seeing the other houses, she asked if
any of them was the new house. I said, “no, these are the original houses. How many houses were there, initially?” She
answered: “three.” So I said we should go looking for the new one. This we did, walking to the right, and confirming
that the robot was inside the new house.
I asked if she wanted to decorate the wall, like last year. She wanted to, but couldn’t remember how. So we went
over that process again, and she placed a bird picture and a ball on the wall. She got up to check the result, satisfied.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 499

Annex V – Details of sessions conducted in Nov/2001-Feb/2002
Then she asked about the purpose of the wand. “To copy things,” I said. I spurred her into trying, and soon we
had three vacuum cleaners. Then she decided to use the pump, and asked “what letter is that one?” “G,” I said
(grande=big). She asked: “Where is the P?” (pequeno=small). She held the pump and tried to identify the P on the
keyboard, but couldn't, so I told her which key it was. She made a small vacuum cleaner. Then she set the pump on
enlarging, and created a gigantic vacuum cleaner, and got scared, thinking it would grow large enough to swallow her.
She dropped the pump and seeing the growth stop placed a hand on her chest and sighed in relief.
She then asked about the use of the number pads. “We can put them on things, and also use them for counting,” I
said. Following my lead, she tried dropping a 1 on top of another, and enjoyed the appearance of Bammer. Then she
placed the resulting 2 on the wall, on top of the ball.
Then she decided to try out the letter pads. She dropped an A on top of another. Then she wanted to know where
to find the sounds! She was remembering everything, but piece by piece. And so she played a sound.
Finally, she vacuumed everything, to leave the house well tidied up, and the session ended.

Group 2
Session 1 (November 13th, 2001):
No written record was kept for this session, but my recollection and the stored files allow me to present the main
J & C built a new house. J already knew how to do it, and C, although he had never used ToonTalk before, could
describe the procedure in detail. According to the preschool teacher, the children from this preschool who took part in
the session, the previous year, had described their activities several times, and this was how C learned about the process.
So C was the one using the mouse, to practice.
Then, I wanted to develop a long-term activity, and discussed this with them, in terms of what should we do in
ToonTalk during the year. They said they’d like to make soup, likely because that was a topic being addressed in the
preschool, that week.
So we started by making a list of all the soup ingredients, and created a box with a hole for each. Then both J and
C drew one of those in Windows Paint, and I imported their drawings into ToonTalk, for storage in the box of
ingredients. (See the figure, below: from the left, it says Carrot, Onion, Potato, Water, Leek, and Olive Oil).

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Session 2 (November 20th, 2001):
No written record was kept for this session, but my recollection and the stored files allow me to present the main
Proceeding with the “soup” theme, J and C have drawn two more ingredients, this time by hand: leek and potato
(left and right figures below, respectively).

In ToonTalk, we went over the procedure for making soup: for starters, the carrot had to be placed on the water,
so they first did that, to see the result, and then a robot was taught to do the same thing. I must say I need to consider
how to employ robots for a large number of pictures, since in the common situation any change in order will render the
robots useless. A different strategy must be devised.
Overall, it was interesting to see that the children could be kept focused on a specific project, with ToonTalk
sessions separated by one week.
Session 3 (November 27th, 2001):
No written record was kept for this session.

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Annex VI

Documents used as guidance for the group of preschool
computer-activity teachers (translated into English)

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ToonTalk & the ICEI project – Guidelines

There is the intention to conduct computer-programming activities with children aged from 3
to 5, based on the language ToonTalk.
These activities aim to collect information on possible results from distinct approaches, within
an environment that children are familiar with (preschool), under supported and guided use (by the
ICEI professional), in a regular and continued way (one weekly session per child, from September
2002 to June 2003).

Basic structure
The following are the basic assumptions of the entire action.
ƒ The activites are to be performed involving all children in each preschool room.
ƒ Each activity is performed with pairings of children of the same age (two 3-year-olds,
two 4-year-olds, or two 5-year-olds); exceptionally, there may be groups of 3 children
or a child may be alone.
ƒ In each session (understood as an activity undertook by a pair of children) will yield a
detailed report of its development, containing:
o predefined objectives;
o session start time;
o session end time;
o session development and outcomes, regarding learning;
o created programs, created objects, and other elements that were actually produced
(including illustrative screenshots);
o general comments.
ƒ The activities are programmed and developed under a global strategic orientation,
regarding the approach to programming concepts, as is described further ahead.
ƒ Computer programming is the main learning theme; other themes should be
coordinated around this, complementing it.

Approach strategies
Three different strategies were selected, to approach computer-programming as a learning
1. Programming as the basic activity
2. Programming as an extension based on automated behaviors
3. Programming as a development of generic activities

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 505

Annex VI – Documents used as guidance for the group of preschool computer-activity teachers

Description of the strategies

1. Programming as the basic activity
It is assumed that before starting programming activities, there is a minimal acquaintance to
the ToonTalk environment. The programming of robots starts during the second session, or
during the third session at the latest.
The activities should always be based on the programming (“teaching”) of a robot or of a
robot team, rather than on the complexity of the environment that is being created. The
theme under exploration and development is robot behavior, the attention devoted to it (or
not) by the children, and specific programming skills: setting of goals before programming,
comparing results with the initial goals, feel the need to test the robots that one is
programming, etc.
The development of general ToonTalk skills is performed alongside programming, on a “as
needed” basis.

2. Programming as an extension based on automated behaviors

After a minimal acquaintance with the ToonTalk environment, one should initiate
experimentation-based activities, focused on objects with self-behaviors: birds that carry
rectangular objects to their nests; trucks that build a house when they are loaded with a robot
and a box; and also objects with programmed behaviors, which can be combined in order to
produce complex behaviors.
The programming activities are based on building up from the automated behaviors, in order
to simplify them, make them faster, or improve them. For instance, after building houses,
one can teach a robot how to do it. After realizing that by placing a name on the roof sensor
the name shows up on the roof, a robot can be taught to do that, so that when it is used in the
creation of a new house, the roof of the new house displays the name; etc.
This strategy assumes that overall there will be more building up of the environment than on
the first strategy. But still, this shouldn’t replace programming as the main goal. The
development of general ToonTalk skills is performed alongside the programming, on a “as
needed” basis.

3. Programming as a development of generic activities

This strategy assumes the continuous development of complex environments, rich in
context, before any programming is done.
Before performing programming, each child should learn how to master the tools of
ToonTalk, the combination of images, boxes, letters and numbers, and how to get around in
the city. These activities are to be conducted without resorting to any programming (e.g.,
creating a flower garden, setting a puppet theatre, filling up weather-recording tables, etc.).
The overall expectation is around “common” computer activities for preschool children.
Programming would be an extension: after creating a garden, why not teach a robot how to
plant more flowers, for instance.

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Observations on modifying a strategy

Since there is the intention of analysing results from the adoption of each strategy, comparing
it with the others (and also by itself), it’s very important that a strategy is kept throughout the school
However, should it be become obvious, in situ, that a strategy is inadequate, it can be
changed, in view of the specific needs put in evidence by each child. However, it is essential to
avoid that such changes turn the preset strategy in any of the other two being assessed. Even if a
strategy appears not be producing significant advancements, one should remember that:
ƒ the aim is not only to assess how regularly and easily learning progresses come by, but
also to assess the global results during a somewhat long time lapse (a school year).
In fact, nothing tells us that a strategy that appears to be better, at given stage, will not face
significant obstacles later, which some other strategy – previsouly seeming less adequate – can then
overcome with greater ease.

Sample activities for each strategy

1. Programming as the basic activity
The “Swappy” robot
This is a robot to which one gives a box with two holes, each holding an image. Then the
robot is taught how to exchange them. This can lead to activities with different images,
perceiving the image between the robot’s box and its thought bubble, and the generalization
(abstraction) of the swapping activity.
The robot that plays with the bird
A robot is taught with a two-hole box, one holding a bird, the other holding a picture (a ball,
for instance). The robot learns how to give the picture to the bird, who then takes it to its
nest. This can lead to placing the nest in the second hole of the box, under the picture, so
that the robot and the bird keep on playing.
The robots that play ball
This is an application of the second robot, above: by copying it, and fetching another bird,
one can put in a box the nest from the bird that is in the other box, so that the birds pass the
ball along from one robot to the other.
Our name written many times
This is about teaching a robot to write our name, starting with some sort of signal. But once
generalized, it starts to write continuously: JoséJoséJoséJosé. It allows for various
complexity levels, with different demands of abstracting and prediction. For instance, in
order for the name repetitions to appear below each other, one must press ENTER to change
line, after typing each “José”.)

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 507

Annex VI – Documents used as guidance for the group of preschool computer-activity teachers

2. Programming as an extension based on automated behaviors

Building houses
This involves learning the automated behavior of trucks (by loading it with a robot and a
box, it goes away and builds a new house). The child should confirm that it worked, by
going out to see where the new house was built, he/she should try building more houses, etc.
Specific features can be explored, such as: the new house is identical to the one from where
the truck came; new houses appear near the house where the truck came from, not at
random; if the robot loaded on the truck was previously taught, it will do what it was taught
when it reaches the new house; what kind of strategy allows for faster house-building, etc.
The robot that builds houses
Instead of having the child build houses, he/she teaches a robot how to do it. He/she can
then compete with the robot, to see who makes houses faster; he/she can learn that a robot
works faster when the programmer's figure is standing up, and even faster when it isn’t even
inside the robot’s house; and that there can be two robots working in different houses, so
that new houses are built with different roofs, etc.
Birds that carry gifts
This involves the discovery of the birds’ ability to carry to their nests any rectangular object
they are given, wherever the nest is. Suggestions: experimenting with the nest somewhere
else on the room floor; inside another house; hidden behind a picture; etc. There can also be
activities where each child “owns” a bird and they exchange gifts among them.
Houses with our name on them
This is the usage of the roof sensors to place the children’s names on the roof (or other
decorations). It can have the practical benefit of allowing a child to identify to whom each
house “belongs”. By teaching a robot how to place a name on the roof, this can be combined
with the house-building activity, so that the new houses display the name of their “owner.”

3. Programming as a development of generic activities

Tidy up the room
After scattering many “toys” around the room floor, the boxes are joined together, in order
to organize (tidy up) those toys. This can be combined with the vacuum cleaner, to vacuum
unwanted things or to spit whaterver was vacuumed by accident.
Big/small, wide/narrow, tall/low
Training on the control of the air pump, associated with the development of the skill to
identify dimensions and contraries.
Birds mass/picnic/army – crowds
Training on using the magic wand to create copies, producing in this fashion a large number
of identical objects – which are then set in thematic context determined by the child.
The flower garden and the gardener robot
This can start as the third activity, above, but over a green rectangle of the image of a
garden, rather than on the room floor or outside. Afterwards, a robot can be taught how to
plant flowers (these must have a random movement behavior, otherwise they will be
overlaid one on top of each other).

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A painting for the outer wall
In this activity, the child combines images on a picture frame, creating a painting in the
process (this involved training of dimensions, vacuuming and spitting, and ordering – the
latter drawings are laid on top of the former). The complexity can be increased, taking
advantage of the fact than when two images are overlaid, the resulting image is the size of
the bottom one; the top picture is truncated to fit.
This can be expanded with a robot to place the picture on the wall; using it with a truck, the
robot will place the picture on the wall of the new house.

Essential ToonTalk manipulation skills

Setting aside for now the programming skills, just using ToonTalk itself requires the
development of specific skills:
ƒ when pointing at an object, it wiggles and changes its color: that’s the object one will
pick up, or the one on top of which we’ll drop what we’re holdingm should the mouse
button be pressed;
ƒ the space bar turns on the vacuum cleaner and the air pump, which remain in operation
until turned off339; this action must be coordinated intentionally, with the movement of
the hand, so as to avoide vacuuming the wrong object (the same goes about spitting on
the right place, enlarging, shrinking, etc.);
ƒ robots only work inside houses (suggestion: “to avoid losing their toys outside”);
ƒ any work that children want to keep must be placed on an empty page of the main
ƒ the entire city can be saved (associated to ToonTalk’s login name), by pressing the
“Guardar tudo” button, when exiting ToonTalk;
ƒ all drawings are rectangular (as can be seen by “erasing” then, which shows the empty
paper sheet used to draw it);
ƒ birds are nice, tidy pets, they only carry rectangular stuff, including drawings and toys
stored in boxes;
ƒ robots are even tidier than birds: they only play when one gives them toys inside a

Children-adapted terminology
Original ToonTalk terminology Adapted terminology
Toolbox Toy box
Tools (Dusty, Pumpy, Magic Wand) Tools
To program To teach
Image Drawing
[X] (room, roof, etc.) sensor make-believe [X], magical [X]

This was the actual behavior of ToonTalk at the time this document was written. Now, ToonTalk turns the tools off
automatically (vd. section 3.3.5).

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 509

Annex VI – Documents used as guidance for the group of preschool computer-activity teachers

Children-adapted explanation
Abstraction by erasing the robot’s thoughts
This concept was found to be employable, by adopting an approch of usefulness for the child.
Specifically, by programming several different robots that do the same things, only with different
thought bubbles (exchanges tree with flower; exchanges truck with bomb; exchanges boy with
helicopter, etc.), these can be labeled as “picky”, and the child can be shown that if we erase the
drawings from the thoughts, they no longer care about the differences.
Fuller and more diverse approaches have not been developed yet: perception that one doesn’t
have to erase everything, just what needs to be generalized; difference between erasing the box
contents and the box itself; etc.

Why does the truck build a house with a robot and a box?
So far, the adopted explanation has been:
“This is a construction-site truck; it will only build a house if it has a robot to live in it. And
the robot only allows the truck to leave when it has its lugagge – the box.”

Why do birds only carry drawings, numbers, letters or boxes?

“Because they are very tidy.” This explanation can certainly be improved upon.

Why do robot only take things that are inside boxes?

“Because they are even tidier than the birds.” This explanation can also be improved upon,
but it is more consistent than the one used for birds.

Why does a robot stop if we vacuum its box?

Since it is very tidy, it won’t do anything without its box, because afterwards it would have to
leave everything scattered on the floor.

Why must we press the Esc key to stop teaching a robot?

Because it is flying in the clouds, at robot school. If we don’t tell it to come down, with the
Esc key, all the stuff is going to fall on the ground and get ruined.

510 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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Session reports – 2002/2003

Preschool name Room identification
Jane Doe John Doe Starting time: 10h00 End time: 10h23
Predefined objectives:

Session development and general outcomes:

List of attached records (files):


Jane Doe John Doe Starting time: 10h00 End time: 10h23
Predefined objectives:

Session development and general outcomes:

List of attached records (files):


Jane Doe John Doe Starting time: 10h00 End time: 10h23
Predefined objectives:

Session development and general outcomes:

List of attached records (files):


Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 511

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Annex VII

Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by
computer-activity teachers in preschools

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Mateus preschool
Computer-activities teacher profile
Name initials FL
Age 21
Education Bachelor in Early Childhood Education
Professional He had been a computer-activities teacher at 5 preschools, in the two previous years.
experience That had been his first full-time job, and was also his current job.
Computing skills His degree included a course on basic computing.
Had been a regular computer user for several years.
Received regular training and guidance on computer use in preschool contexts, within
the ICEI project.
ToonTalk training Attended two training sessions on the use of the environment tools and basic

The children
19 children: 8 girls, 11 boys; 2 three-year olds, 11 four-year olds, 6 five-year olds.
Group Child 1 (Age, Gender) Child 2 (Age, Gender)
1 PL 4 Girl LF 4 Boy
2 PR 4 Boy JPM 4 Boy
3 AR 4 Girl RJ 4 Boy
4 L 4 Boy MT 4 Girl
5 AA 5 Girl AC 4 Girl
6 MA 5 Boy M 4 Boy
7 IX 4 Girl LE 5 Boy
8 FG 5 Boy
9 AF 5 Boy T 5 Girl
10 R 3 Girl JPF 3 Boy

Sessions table
Group Session Date Start End Time Group Session Date Start End Time
1 1 28-Out-2002 10:45 11:10 0:25 4 1 28-Out-2002 10:20 10:40 0:20
1 2 11-Nov-2002 9:40 10:06 0:26 4 2 4-Nov-2002 10:05 10:26 0:21
1 3 18-Nov-2002 10:15 10:37 0:22 4 3 11-Nov-2002 10:40 10:55 0:15
1 4 25-Nov-2002 9:35 10:01 0:26 4 4 18-Nov-2002 10:40 11:10 0:30
2 1 28-Out-2002 10:30 10:55 0:25 4 5 2-Dez-2002
2 2 4-Nov-2002 11:24 11:49 0:25 4 6 9-Dez-2002
2 3 11-Nov-2002 4 7 16-Dez-2002
2 4 18-Nov-2002 9:40 10:02 0:22 5 1 28-Out-2002 9:40 10:13 0:33
2 5 25-Nov-2002 10:10 10:30 0:20 5 2 4-Nov-2002 10:30 10:53 0:23
2 6 9-Dez-2002 5 3 11-Nov-2002 9:45 10:28 0:43
2 7 16-Dez-2002 5 4 18-Nov-2002 10:40 11:00 0:20
3 1 28-Out-2002 11:10 11:30 0:20 5 5 25-Nov-2002 14:10 14:36 0:26
3 2 4-Nov-2002 9:40 10:05 0:25 5 6a* 2-Dez-2002 9:40 10:00 0:20
3 3 11-Nov-2002 10:10 10:35 0:25 5 6b* 2-Dex-2002
3 4 18-Nov-2002 10:06 10:35 0:29 5 7a* 9-Dez-2002
3 5 25-Nov-2002 9:35 10:05 0:30 5 7b* 9-Dez-2002
3 6 2-Dez-2002 10:07 10:31 0:24 5 8a* 16-Dez-2002
3 7 9-Dez-2002 5 8b* 16-Dez-2002
3 8 16-Dez-2002 (*The children were paired by the teacher, due to absentees.)

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 515

Annex VII – Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers
Group Session Date Start End Time Group Session Date Start End Time
6 1 28-Out-2002 9:55 10:24 0:29 8 1 28-Out-2002 11:00 11:18 0:18
6 2 4-Nov-2002 10:55 11:22 0:27 8 2 4-Nov-2002 11:45 12:15 0:30
6 3 11-Nov-2002 10:30 10:57 0:27 8 3 11-Nov-2002 11:30 12:07 0:37
6 4 18-Nov-2002 11:15 11:35 0:20 8 4 18-Nov-2002 9:40 10:12 0:32
6 5 25-Nov-2002 14:10 14:36 0:26 8 5 2-Dez-2002 10:05 10:25 0:20
6 6 2-Dez-2002 9:40 10:00 0:20 8 6 9-Dez-2002 15:11 15:39 0:28
6 7 9-Dez-2002 8 7 16-Dez-2002
6 8 16-Dez-2002 9 1 25-Nov-2002 14:40 15:06 0:26
7 1 28-Out-2002 11:25 11:55 0:30 9 2 9-Dez-2002
7 2 4-Nov-2002 11:24 11:49 0:25 9 3 16-Dez-2002
7 3 11-Nov-2002 10 1 28-Out-2002 11:00 11:18 0:18
7 4 18-Nov-2002 10 2 4-Nov-2002 11:45 12:15 0:30
7 5 25-Nov-2002 15:11 15:39 0:28 10 3 11-Nov-2002 11:30 12:07 0:37
7 6 9-Dez-2002 15:11 15:39 0:28 10 4 18-Nov-2002 9:40 10:12 0:32
7 7 16-Dez-2002 10 5 25-Nov-2002 10:40 11:08 0:28
10 6 2-Dez-2002 11:25 11:55 0:30

General introduction – all groups

This teacher paired the children in ad hoc fashion, and changed groupings from time to time. This is reported in
the full reports of Annex VIII: whenever a session was conducted with a child from group X and another from group Y,
its report is provided only once, in group X, and a note is included mentioning that the session matches another session
in group Y. Conversely, in group Y a note is included referring the reader to the appropriate session in the reports for
group X.
Although the sessions were conducted throughout the year, after a few months the teacher shifted his focus to
different computer activities and used ToonTalk only sporadically. He provided no reports of these further events.

Sessions overview – Group 1

In all the four sessions, the children were having trouble navigating and controlling the ToonTalk environment.
The teacher presented robot-programming during the third sessions, but he wasn’t sure himself of what programming
was, or how it was connected with goals and results. In the fourth session, the children inquired why were they playing
only one game.

Highlights – Group 1
“(...) LF had some difficulty grabbing objects and vacuuming. This was due to the fact
that he had not assimilated the “rule” that in order to grab any object or vacuum, he must
first see whether the desired object is moving, as I transmitted to him and exemplified.”
(FL, session 1, my emphasis)
“(...) PL only taught the robot how to take objects from the toolbox. I can remember
neither how one exits the thought, nor how to make the test to check if the robot learned
(FL, session 4, my emphasis)

Sessions overview – Group 2

One of the children (JPM) has experienced some difficulties controlling ToonTalk, which the teacher neglected.
Possibly due to that, that child did not enjoy the game right from the start, although he later managed to acquire the
necessary degree of control. However, the other child (PR) did manage to acquire a nice level of control quickly and
enjoyed the game.
PR learned how to program an exchanger robot well enough to be eager to show the method to the other child,
which he did, successfully.
JPM felt some frustration due to the lack of variety in the computer activities.

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Highlights – Group 2
« (...) I don’t think these difficulties matter much, since they have more to do with his
hand dexterity than with game features. (...) JPM (...) didn’t like the game. »
(FL, session 1, my emphasis)
« JPM asked, at the start, for what reason were we always playing the same game. »
(FL, session 3)
« (...) taught the robot how to swap the places of objects and place them again in their
proper positions. Afterwards, he took out scales from the toolbox, to know when the robot
ends its task (this placement of the scales was done following my indications). »
(FL, session 4)
« PR has been teaching JPM what he had learned [about robot programming] in the
previous session. He had no major difficulties demonstrating how to do it. JPM didn’t
understand very well all the swapping that was done by PR, but with my explanation he
managed to perform the activity without major difficulties. »
(FL, session 7, my emphasis)

Sessions overview – Group 3

During the introduction to the ToonTalk environment, the teacher reports are mainly focusing on whether
children are managing to deal with the environment or remember how to work with it. The details on specific elements
used by the children, and how, are scarce.
In the first programming opportunity, the teacher didn’t build up from what children were doing. They were
delighted building houses but the teacher suggested the programming of an exchanger robot. But in the following
sessions the children programmed several different robots and eventually their interests were met.
Most of the robots programmed by these children had no connection with specific goals; they were simply
showing the robot how to do something for the sake of showing. And in most sessions children would combine their
interests (building houses, combining boxes, giving things to birds) with the teacher’s interests (programming robots
with no specific purpose).
The teacher insisted on doing the ToonTalk sessions as scheduled, even though the children have at least once
expressed their lack of interest in participating either in ToonTalk or in the planned activity.

Highlights – Group 3
« AR had barely sat down and started playing right away, making more and more
houses, without help. (...) After she had built several houses, I suggested that she swapped
objects inside the boxes, a task she performed without difficulties. Then I explained to her
that the robot could do the same thing, and that all she had to do was teach it. (...) RJ
wanted nothing but building houses and blowing them up; I couldn’t drive him to perform
the same tasks as AR. »
(FL, session 3, my emphasis)
« Both children said they didn’t want to work in ToonTalk, at the start of the activity.
(FL, session 6, his emphasis)
« RJ didn’t want to do the proposed activity. Although I have tried to drive him towards
my plan, I couldn’t manage to persuade him away from his will to blow up houses in order
to see the construction workers rebuilding them afterwards. »
(FL, session 7)

Sessions overview – Group 4

The two children had a large difference in mouse skills, with MT being much more experienced than L. MT was
very keen on exploring her control of the environment, rather than programming robots.
The teacher was keener on following his planned course, rather than adapting it. His programming examples
were also to reproduce the children’s activity, rather than enhance it or provide useful results for the children.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 517

Annex VII – Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers
Highlights – Group 4
« (...) MT (...) managed, right away, to perform with quite some skill the route with the
chopper and also all the other tasks that she faced (...) L felt many difficulties from the start,
for he mixed up the keys several times (...) not once did L grab the chosen object (...) and
this was cause for some discomfort. »
(FL, session 1)
« She, in spite of my spurring, didn’t want to program the robot. I programmed one to
make copies, since this was what she had been doing, but even so she didn’t want to try. For
the next session I’ll have to “force” her into programming. (...) For the next session I’ll
start with L making programs, to try and see if this way, I can influence MT, and avoid L
from being influenced by her. »
(FL, session 4)

Sessions overview – Group 5

The two children had quite different fine motricity levels, with AA controlling the mouse easily and AC
experiencing lots of difficulties.
The teacher took advantage of an incidental entry into a thought bubble to explain the teaching process, but
demonstrated a program without goals (just giving the robot’s box to a new bird). Unlike with other children, however,
the programs in this group followed the interest expressed by the children.
The teacher has shown interest in understanding the motivations and ideas of children (for instance, see the
highlight below regarding session 6a).
The child that was demonstrating major difficulties in control, when paired with L, from group 4, surprised the
teacher by assisting L, explaining to him what to do, although incapable of executing the actions herself.

Highlights – Group 5
« (...) I asked her if she still remembered the way to teach a robot how to work and why
not teach it to build houses. She took my challenge and gave the robot a box with a truck (I
asked her the reason for being a truck and not something else, to check if she was already
reasoning that we need a truck to build houses; however, it was a random choice, which
means that she had no such intention). »
(FL, session 6a, my emphasis)
« (...) Then he exited the thought and tested the robot. (This entire task was performed
by L following the indications of AC.)
AC was merely working on the street, placing several objects on the ground, and simply
carrying them from one place to another. This surprised me a lot, because she had been
constantly helping out L. »
(FL, session 6b, my emphasis)

Sessions overview – Group 6

Both children had an adequate level of mouse-control skills, but the younger (M) adapted faster to the
manipulation of the ToonTalk environment.
The teacher demonstrates quite a different approach: instead of pushing forward a plan, he’s expressing care for
the children’s interests (for instance, see the highlight below regarding session 3).
Mostly, the robots have no purpose: for instance, starting with a box with the letter “A”, a robot picks up a box,
puts a truck inside and then vacuums the box with the truck – and this is described by the teacher as “taught a robot how
to vacuum trucks.” The teacher doesn’t seem to notice that it is useless to create a truck and vacuum it immediately

Highlights – Group 6
« (...) MA had the same problems of the previous session, although a bit less
pronounced. M surprised me in a positive way; it was just a matter of reminding how to
perform the various tasks, for him to start working on his own, not caring for anyone else. »
(FL, session 2)

518 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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« (...) although I tried to have him do something different, I didn’t manage to, because I
don’t want to force him to make something that he doesn’t feel like at the moment, for if I
did so I might be endangering his entire performance and future interest in the game. »
(FL, session 3)

Sessions overview – Group 7

This group was based on the five-year old LE, since the four-year old IX only participated in a couple of initial
sessions. LE controlled the mouse and the ToonTalk environment easily, I needed more time to get acquainted.
There is an “out of the blue” report of LE programming house-building and house-blowing reports, which leads
me to consider that either the teacher was now very used to the concept or LE had seen or chatted with other children
regarding this possibility.
The teacher reveals a desire to “show some service”, as evidenced by the highlight below, about session 6.

Highlights – Group 7
« FG didn’t want to perform the task on the room floor, and so found it a bit harder to
do it in the robot’s thought. However, with some help from me, of verbal nature, he
managed to unswap what LE had done. (...) Had the activity been performed first by this
child, I certainly would have had many more difficulties in fulfilling it, that’s why I put
him to do it after LE. »
(FL, session 6, my emphasis)

Sessions overview – Group 8

This is was a somewhat unexpected group, since it was composed of a five-year old (FG) and a three-year old
(JPF). However, as was then seen in the first sessions, the three-year old managed a fast adaptation to the ToonTalk
environment, compared to the five-year old FG.
The three-year old did a program in the fourth session, imitating FG, but in the following sessions he surpassed
the five-year old FG. FG slowly developed his skills in the ToonTalk environment and programming, but the teacher
didn’t build up from his desire to blow up houses.

Highlights – Group 8
« The easiness demonstrated by JPF when performing the tasks is in fact something that
surprised me, given that this child presents some difficulties in executing drawings on Paint
and in playing computer games. »
(FL, session 2, my emphasis)
« In another house, JPF entered the robot’s thoughts, picked up a bomb and made it
blow up. He tested the robot and enjoyed seeing it blow up the house. JPF had no major
difficulties programming the robot, very few times I had to intervene to warn him of this
matter or the other. »
(FL, session 4)

Sessions overview – Group 9

Due to several absences, this group started the sessions several weeks after the remaining children. However, the
children demonstrated being familiar with the operation of the environment, probably due to the fact that the computer
is located within the main preschool activities room, rather than in isolation.
The teacher had poor expectations of AF, due to general cognitive problems in other preschool activities, but his
initial performance in ToonTalk gave no indications of that, only in more complex actions was AF showing difficulties.
The teacher is again demonstrating greater attention to special details in the children’s involvement with the
process of programming, as shown by the third highlight, below.

Highlights – Group 9
« In the case of AF, I was already expecting his performance to fall short (he is a child
with special educational needs, even though he’s not declared as such). »
(FL, session 2)

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 519

Annex VII – Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers
« AF, contrary to my expectations, managed to fly and land the chopper, entered the
house and started taking objects out of the toolbox and placing them on the house floor.
This was entirely done without my teaching, not even a verbal explanation. I think that the
fact that ToonTalk was installed in the PC at the activities room was a preponderant factor
for this child having achieved, in the first session he attended, such a nice result. »
(FL, session 1)
« T (...) managed, almost without any help from me, to reach the end of the activity. The
most important thing, for me, was the fact of T having understood why the images need to
unswapped, during the activity. »
(FL, session 3)

Sessions overview – Group 10

This group of three-year olds was another odd assembly, because JPF had shown some skill in four sessions
already (group 8) when he was paired with another three-year old, R, who had no previous ToonTalk experience. In her
first session (this group’s fifth), she simply watched JPF.
The teacher didn’t demonstrate any particular interest in developing R’s perspectives of computer use, as shown
by the highlight below.

Highlights – Group 10
« She experienced some difficulties, namely while taking objects out of the toolbox,
because to take out an object, she would take another instead. I didn't want to move on too
much with R, since she’s hardly ever present, and when she is she doesn’t want to come to
the computers. »
(FL, session 6, my emphasis)

520 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Mondrões preschool
Computer-activities teacher profile
Name initials RC
Age 25
Education Professional training as Animator in Computing for Children.
Second-year undergraduate student of Early Childhood Education.
Professional Had previously worked two years as teacher/animator at a private computer-activities
experience school for children, and also as a computer training teacher for adults. Afterwards,
she had been working for three years as a computer-activities teacher at 5 preschools.
Computing skills Power user (able to conduct computer training sessions).
Able to customize and employ several programs in non-standard, programmatic ways
(e.g., game development using MS PowerPoint).
Provided training and guidance on computer use in preschool contexts, for the ICEI
ToonTalk training Attended two training sessions on the use of the environment tools and basic
programming and had previous superficial contact with it.

The children
11 children: 4 girls, 7 boys; 1 three-year old, 4 four-year olds, 6 five-year olds.
Group Child 1 (Age, Gender) Child 2 (Age, Gender)
1 L 5 Boy R 4 Girl
2 RA 5 Boy S 3 Girl
3 D 4 Boy M 4 Boy
4 T 5 Boy RF 4 Boy
5 SI 5 Girl SM 5 Boy
6 P 5 Girl

Sessions table
Group Session Date Start End Time Group Session Date Start End Time
1 1 9-Out-2002 1 4 1 9-Out-2002 4
1 2 16-Out-2002 9:00 9:50 1 4 2 16-Out-2002 11:10 11:25 4
1 3 23-Out-2002 1 4 3 23-Out-2002 4
1 4 30-Out-2005 9:15 9:45 1 4 4 30-Out-2005 10:50 11:20 4
2 1 9-Out-2002 2 5 1 9-Out-2002 5
2 2 16-Out-2002 10:30 10:45 2 5 2 16-Out-2002 9:55 10:15 5
2 3 23-Out-2002 2 5 3 23-Out-2002 5
2 4 30-Out-2005 9:45 10:15 2 5 4 30-Out-2005 11:20 11:45 5
3 1 9-Out-2002 3 6 1 9-Out-2002 6
3 2 16-Out-2002 10:45 11:05 3 6 2 16-Out-2002 11:25 11:45 6
3 3 23-Out-2002 3 6 3 23-Out-2002 6
3 4 30-Out-2005 10:15 10:45 3

General introduction – all groups

For pairing the children, this teacher took in consideration not only their age, but also their previous experience
with computers, since at least two children had used a computer regularly in the preschool during the previous two
years. In the first session, all children tried out ToonTalk individually, major topics being the identification of the
environment and basic navigation skills.
This teacher stopped providing reports on ToonTalk sessions after a few months, but she continued to use
ToonTalk, albeit not with programming intent. She focused in ToonTalk activities where the environment was
extensively customized by the children, in the context of extra-computer activities taking place in the preschool.
Specifically, she started developing a “city of professions”, each child customizing a ToonTalk house to match a
specific profession. This included making freehand drawings in Paint and bringing them into the ToonTalk
environment, but also building actual cardboard houses in the preschool, and even programming a physical floor turtle
robot to move from one house to another, under several roles (policeperson, gardener, etc.) in the context of different

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 521

Annex VII – Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers
Sessions overview – Group 1
The teacher took great care in allowing the children to acquire mouse-control over the environment, and also
inquired the children on what they knew how to do, rather than just observe.
There is some indication of low teacher expectations, as shown by the slightly contradictory statement in the first
highlight below, and also in the last session, when R showed pride in the houses she built, which surprised the teacher.
None of these children programmed robots, during the four sessions.

Highlights – Group 1
« What can be asserted is that at this moment (3rd session) R can manipulate the mouse.
When I asked her if she still remembered how houses were built, R quickly explained it to
me and then did it. Whenever she built a house, she would get the figurine up, left the house,
and took off in the helicopter to see it. »
(RC, session 3)
« R took off in the helicopter and showed the houses to L... (I was surprised by this
attitude of R.) L then wanted to do the same thing. »
(RC, session 4)

Sessions overview – Group 2

Both children present some difficulties in the control of the mouse, and the teacher has shown care, planning
other computer activities to help her develop those skills.
The children enjoyed building houses and R even taught S how to do it and helped her. None of these children
programmed robots.

Highlights – Group 2
« R built houses with my assistance (he has some trouble using the mouse). Then he told
me he didn’t want [to play] anymore. »
(RC, session 3)
« R is now perfectly capable of building houses and has been teaching S, who had no
idea of how to do it (he helped her, placing his hand on top of hers). (...) R still has some
trouble to fully control the mouse, but he’s managing it. »
(RC, session 4)

Sessions overview – Group 3

These children found it difficult to control the mouse. But they managed to build houses in the third session, and
teach a robot how to do it by the fourth session (a continuous house builder). They were surprised the large effects of
their robot.

Highlights – Group 3
« D and M managed to build houses, and wanted to count them. After they did, I showed
them how they could build a city. Both D and M managed to teach the robot, and went out
into the street and up with the helicopter to see the development. They were very surprised
with what they had done. I did notice that M was more surprised than did D. »
(RC, session 4)

Sessions overview – Group 4

The teacher provided some insight on her presentation of the house-building activity: she drew the child’s
attention to the fact that trucks move a little when dropped, and suggested trying out several things on its back to see if
it moves again. When the child went out after the truck, she suggested using the helicopter to look for it, to see if the
child would notice that the truck was nowhere to be seen, but that there was a new house available (with the robot and
box inside).
They both managed to build robots to fill up a city, and enjoyed it. T asked to do it all over again, while D

522 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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Highlights – Group 4
«T explained to R how to build a house, and at the same time built one. »
(RC, session 3)
«When T was in the helicopter, he started trying to go to the sea, but he couldn’t go
there. I told him that it was a bit complicated, since that sea was very deep and the game
wouldn’t let him go there, to avoid the danger of him falling into the water. »
(RC, session 3)

Sessions overview – Group 5

These two children were very skilled in controlling the mouse and had no trouble building houses and exploding
them. The teacher presented suggestions but let them enjoy the counting activities they had spontaneously started while
building houses. After having programmed a city builder robot, the children were a bit puzzled regarding the connection
between the robot’s operation and what had previously been done inside the thought bubble. The teacher employed a
metaphorical explanation that she thinks was satisfactory for children.

Highlights – Group 5
«I tried suggestion that they developed a city, but none of them took the least notice,
what they wanted was to build houses and count them in frenzy.
SM:”Do you want me to take a bomb out?”
SI: “Yes. Tuck it up, it can blow up!!!”
And in this manner they proceeded with building houses and counting them. »
(RC, session 3)
«They were both perplexed with how fast the construction workers built houses. They
have shown difficulty in understanding the robot’s thought:
SM – I’m a bit mixed up!?
SI – I am, too.
At this moment I explained them that when we want to do something, we must think
about what we want to do, and so the robot also had to think... Since robots don’t think by
themselves, one has to go into their thoughts to teach them. I think they were convinced. »
(RC, Session 4)

Sessions overview – Group 6

Unlike the other children, who mostly started by building houses, P started by giving objects to birds, for them to
take into their nests. She did build houses, but according to her teacher, she didn’t associate the new houses with what
she had done previously. However, the teacher had been mistaken, because in the following session, although P said
that she didn’t know what birds do, she then had the remarkable conversation with the teacher, presented below as the
first highlight. As the conversation shows, P had perfectly understood the process, she just didn’t want to bother saying
“yes” to the teacher. After this conversation, she continued by building houses and giving things to birds, intertwining
both tasks effortlessly.

Highlights – Group 6
« She told me that [in the previous session] we had been building houses, and when I
asked her what birds did, she told me she didn’t know. Therefore, I decided to modify the
session’s goals, to do house-building. And I told her that we would be building houses. To
my amazement, this was P’s construction sequence: 1) took out a truck and a robot, placed
the robot on the truck; 2) took out a nest and started giving things to the bird....
RC – P, how does one build a house?
P – With a truck, a robot, and a box.
RC – And why did you take out a nest?
P – I felt like giving things to the bird for it to carry to the nest. »
(RC, Session 4)

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 523

Annex VII – Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers

Parada de Cunhos preschool

Computer-activities teacher profile
Name initials CF
Age 23
Education Bachelor in Teaching of Biology & Geology
Professional This was her first job: computer-activities teacher at 3 preschools. She was also
experience teaching at a highschool, for the first time.
Computing skills Her degree included a course on applied computing and another on educational
She received regular training and guidance on computer use in preschool contexts,
within the ICEI project.
ToonTalk training Attended two training sessions on the use of the environment tools and basic

The children
14 children: 5 girls, 9 boys; 5 three-year olds, 6 four-year olds, 3 five-year olds.
Group Child 1 (Age, Gender) Child 2 (Age, Gender)
1 B 3 Boy
2 D 4 Boy
3 R 4 Boy G 4 Boy
4 M 4 Boy DI 3 Boy
5 F 4 Boy
6 MA 5 Boy
7 MR 3 Girl C 3 Girl
8 A 5 Boy
9 AN 3 Girl
10 CR 4 Girl
11 CA 5 Girl

Sessions table
Group Session Date Start End Time Group Session Date Start End Time
1 1 25-Out-2002 9:45 9:55 1 8 2 4-Nov-2002 10:14 11:05 8
2 1 25-Out-2002 9:57 10:14 2 8 3 15-Nov-2002 8
2 2 29-Nov-2005 15:51 15:54 2 8 4 22-Nov-2002 10:00 10:25 8
3 1 25-Out-2002 10:16 10:31 3 8 5 29-Nov-2005 11:34 11:55 8
3 2 4-Nov-2002 11:46 12:05 3 9 1 25-Out-2002 15:10 15:16 9
4 1 25-Out-2002 10:33 10:55 4 10 1 25-Out-2002 11:14 11:40 10
5 1 25-Out-2002 10:57 11:05 5 10 2 4-Nov-2002 10:10 10:42 10
6 1 29-Nov-2005 14:15 14:55 6 10 3 15-Nov-2002 10
7 1 25-Out-2002 11:47 12:05 7 10 4 22-Nov-2002 10:31 11:12 10
7 2 4-Nov-2002 14:37 15:07 7 11 1 4-Nov-2002 15:08 15:25 11
7 4 22-Nov-2002 11:18 11:41 7 11 2 22-Nov-2002 14:17 14:31 11
8 1 25-Out-2002 14:20 15:05 8 11 3 29-Nov-2005 14:56 15:49 11

General introduction – all groups

This teacher was not experienced in dealing with preschool children, and felt uncomfortable using ToonTalk, but
since she was juggling these sessions with teaching at a highschool in another county, there was little opportunity to
provide her with more ToonTalk training. The ToonTalk sessions in this preschool were interrupted after a few months,
but the computer is kept on throughout the day, and children can use it at any time.
Another issue was that many of these children were often absent from preschool, either for full days or part of a
day. As a result, the computer-activities teacher was often forced to conduct single-child sessions. Also, some children
would be missing preschool in the weekday scheduled for computer activities, sometimes several weeks in a row. For
this reason, I present a summary of the first session, which for several chilren was the only recorded session, and then
only per-group summaries for groups with whom further sessions were recorded.

524 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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Overview of the groups with a single recorded session
For most children, the single recorded session was the teacher’s first, on October 25th, 2002. In three cases, the
children experienced significant levels of difficulty in mouse skills: controlling the mouse movements was hard, as was
clicking the mouse buttons only for a specific purpose, rather than haphazardly. In these cases, the teacher provided
very short sessions, possibly daunted by the situation (group 1: 10 minutes; group 5: 8 minutes; group 9: 6 minutes). In
these sessions, children simply landed the helicopter, entered a house, kneeled, picked up a few objects and dropped
them, invariably failing to associate the wiggling with the focus of mouse clicks. This was also the case with the child
M in group 4. It should be noted that the teacher attributed the difficulty of one child to her age (2¾ years) rather than to
its lack of experience and practice in use of the mouse. This should be contrasted with the child AX, from the São Pedro
Parque preschool, who demonstrated great mouse control, in spite of having quite a similar age.
The child DI in group 4 presented a higher level of mouse control, and the teacher unsuccessfully tried to show
him how to build houses and blow them up.
One month later, the single recorded session for group 6 took place, with the child M. For this session, the
teacher is keen to report how the child is using the program “without help”, discovering the uses of the mouse buttons,
and noticing the wiggling cues. He started questioning the teacher about the purpose of the various tools, and tried them
out, and demonstrated great ease navigating around the ToonTalk environment, getting the figurine up to seek out stuff
that was out of sight, entering and leaving houses, etc. – the session only ended when the teacher asked him to please
allow another colleague to use the computer.
I believe that to this difference in results contributed both the greater experience of the teacher (both in
conducting session with preschool children and with ToonTalk) and the fact that the child MA had the opportunity of a
full month in contact with his colleagues who had already been using ToonTalk.

Highlights of the groups with a single recorded session

« I helped him to get up, but since he’s constantly clicking, [the figurine] is constantly
kneeling. »
(CF, Session 1, Group 1)
« M landed fast and kneeled without intending to. I helped him grab a few objects, but
he didn’t want try out further. »
(CF, Session 1, Group 4)
« I helped [DI] grab objects and taught [him] how to build houses. [He] wanted to
repeat [what I did], but he no longer remembered which objects he needed. »
(CF, Session 1, Group 4)
« F finds it very difficult to control the mouse, and since he’s constantly clicking, he
can’t grab what he wants. »
(CF, Session 1, Group 5)
« AN can’t manipulate the mouse, given her age (2 years). (...) Since she can’t use the
mouse or click, she didn’t want to play »
(CF, Session 1, Group 9, my emphasis)
« Clicking without help, [MA] found out how to land and lift off. He landed unassisted
and in a single mouse-click, kneeled. He identified the hand and started taking objects from
the tool box. Unaided, he found out that by pointing an object shakes, and that’s the one
grabbed by the hand. »
(CF, Session 1, Group 6, my emphasis)

Sessions overview – Group 2

This child only had two short sessions, where he practiced the basic use of the environment.

Highlights – Group 2
« He didn’t want to play anymore; instead he wanted to see what the mouse was made
of. »
(CF, Session 1)

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 525

Annex VII – Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers
Sessions overview – Group 3
In two sessions, R & G practiced the manipulation of objects and the building of houses but were frustrated with
their mouse-control difficulties.

Highlights – Group 3
« [R] kept on taking out many objects from the box and wanted to build many. I got
muddled with all the objects scattered around and wasn’t too successufl in building houses.
I helped him with my hand. He didn’t want to play any more. »
(CF, Session 2)

Sessions overview – Group 7

These two children also have many difficulties in mouse control, and feel a bit frustrated about it.

Highlights – Group 7
« MR and C are not capable of using the mouse, i.e., they are constantly moving it in a
disoriented way. »
(CF, Session 2)

Sessions overview – Group 8

Unlike most of the other children, A has a nice level of mouse-control skills, and the difference this made in his
appreciation of ToonTalk was visible. Regarding the programming of robots, the teacher pressed him on a programming
suggestion unrelated to his current line of activity (he had been building houses) and he didn’t react well (see the second
highlight, below). The teacher insisted on this line of programming for three (!) more sessions, but A didn’t really
understand the process or cared about it. And he basically moved on exploring areas of ToonTalk which the teacher
wasn’t suggesting. The teacher kept on trying to push the idea of programming an exchanger robot, until eventually she
gave up and, finally, proposed a programming activity connected to the house-building which, by then, was no longer
the main focus of attention of A.

Highlights – Group 8
« I taught him how to build houses, and he wanted to try out. He was also successful and
wanted to be the rest of the time building houses and checking the final result. »
(CF, Session 1)
« When he took out the robot, I suggested teaching it how to swap objects and showed
him how to do it. I repeated it several times and asked him to do it on his own. But he didn’t
want to. »
(CF, Session 2)
« Without any guidance, he entered a house, kneeled and took out the notebook of
drawings. He asked me how it was browsed. I explained him and showed him how to do it.
He enjoyed seeing the drawings and took the one showing the toolbox. He wanted to take
out many identical pictures and overlay them. I asked if he still remembered how to teach a
robot about swapping objects. He said, “oh, I don’t want to do that. I’d rather make
houses.” I then asked if he would prefer teaching the robot how to build houses. I preferred
making a drawing. »
(CF, Session 5)

Sessions overview – Group 10

The child CR demonstrates some ease in manipulation of the environment, and already knew how to build
houses in the first session (which took place in the afternoon of the first day). It is interesting that when she strayed
away from the houses, the teacher couldn’t remember how to call the helicopter and they both had to restart the
This child inquired about the purpose of the robot, but after explaining it, the teacher suggested the exchanger
robot, unconnected with CR’s current activities. Bur CR did kept on inquiring about other elements and the teacher used
this to develop other activities (for instance, see the second highlight, below).

526 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
The teacher insisted on the exchanger idea over two more sessions, and CR eventually did it, but lacking interest
and focus. However, CR did understand it well enough to be puzzled when she saw her robot repeat not only the
intended actions but also her errors (see the third highlight, below).

Highlights – Group 10
« CR landed well, and wanted to enter a house but kept moving the mouse for too long
and lost track of the site. Since she couldn’t find the houses, she wanted to get back into the
chopper. But she had also lost track of it. We had to exit Toon[Talk] without saving and re-
enter. She landed, entered a house and wanted to blow it up. Then she built a new one, all
this without my help. »
(CF, Session 2)
« She asked if the girl had no friends. I taught her how to browse the notebook and take
out the drawing of a friend. She did it on her own. »
(CF, Session 2)
« Outside its thought, the robot repeated everything, including the “errors” and CR
said: “This robot does confusing things!” »
(CF, Session 4)

Sessions overview – Group 11

This girl is often absent from the preschool, so she started using ToonTalk 15 days after the other children. But
although she was five years old, she was much less at ease with the computer than usual, as shown by the first highlight,
below. She did understood what was on the screen, but her limited motion control frustrated her (for an example
covering both these statements, see the second highlight below). By the third session she was barely managing to
manipulate the objects and move about the environment, and only with lots of help from the teacher. But she was eager
to do different things and expressed what she wanted to achieve (see the third highlight, below), and even tried out
different approaches with the help of the teacher.

Highlights – Group 11
« I let her at will to do whatever she wanted to with the mouse, and the result was that
she tried to grab the objects by taking her other hand to the monitor. »
(CF, Session 1)
« CA no longer remembered the purpose of the mouse buttons. She found out by clicking
randomly. However, she was no longer able to land the chopper. In an act of irritation, she
moved the mouse vary fast and the chopper landed. »
(CF, Session 3)
« On foot, she saw that there were toys still not tucked in the toolbox and she wanted to
tuck them in, even while standing up. I explained that one needs to bend down to get the toys
and she tried out with one toy in the activities room [(outside the computer)]. She tried
several times to kneel [in ToonTalk], but was always doing it away from the floor location
of the toys. I helped her. »
(CF, Session 3)

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 527

Annex VII – Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers

São Pedro Parque preschool

Computer-activities teacher profile
Name initials PF
Age 23
Education Bachelor in Sociology
Professional Her first job had been as a computer-activities teacher at 5 preschools, in the previous
experience year. This was also her current job.
Computing skills Self-trained regular computer user.
She received regular training and guidance on computer use in preschool contexts,
within the ICEI project.
ToonTalk training Attended two training sessions on the use of the environment tools and basic

The children
21 children: 13 girls, 8 boys; 6 three-year olds, 8 four-year olds, 7 five-year olds.
Group Child 1 (Age, Gender) Child 2 (Age, Gender)
1 A 3 Girl D 3 Boy
2 M 3 Girl R 3 Girl
3 MN 3 Girl J 3 Boy
4 IN 4 Girl C 4 Girl
5 L 4 Boy MA 4 Girl
6 U 5 Girl CA 5 Girl
7 CR 4 Boy JG 4 Girl
8 IM 5 Girl S 5 Boy
9 AM 5 Girl V 5 Boy
10 AX 4 Boy G 4 Boy
11 AL 5 Girl

Sessions table
Group Session Date Start End Time Group Session Date Start End Time
1 1 10-Out-2002 9:08 9:28 0:20 3 5 7-Nov-2002 9:50 10:18 0:28
1 2 15-Out-2002 9:56 10:19 0:23 3 6 5-Dez-2002 11:05 11:34 0:29
1 3 24-Out-2002 14:10 14:29 0:19 3 7 4-Fev-2003 11:00 11:26 0:26
1 4 29-Out-2002 10:11 10:41 0:30 3 8 18-Fev-2003 10:25 10:43 0:18
1 5 5-Nov-2002 9:15 9:45 0:30 3 9 11-Mar-2003 15:30 15:54 0:24
1 6 5-Dez-2002 14:37 14:57 0:20 3 10 27-Mar-2003 10:28 11:00 0:32
1 7 23-Jan-2003 9:20 9:40 0:20 3 11 20-Mai-2003 14:55 15:20 0:25
1 8 4-Fev-2003 10:25 10:45 0:20 3 12 3-Jun-2003 11:00 11:30 0:30
1 9 13-Fev-2003 10:45 11:10 0:25 4 1 10-Out-2002 10:05 10:22 0:17
1 10 11-Mar-2003 15:05 15:28 0:23 4 2 15-Out-2002 10:22 10:50 0:28
1 11 27-Mar-2003 10:15 10:26 0:11 4 3 24-Out-2002 10:00 10:24 0:24
1 12 22-Mai-2003 10:18 10:37 0:19 4 4 31-Out-2002 9:45 10:15 0:30
1 13 5-Jun-2003 9:20 9:50 0:30 4 5 7-Nov-2002 9:15 9:46 0:31
2 1 10-Out-2002 0:30 0:46 0:16 4 6 5-Dez-2002 10:12 10:38 0:26
2 2 15-Out-2002 9:20 9:53 0:33 4 7 23-Jan-2003 9:45 10:00 0:15
2 3 24-Out-2002 11:35 11:58 0:23 4 8 4-Fev-2003 14:03 14:20 0:17
2 4 31-Out-2002 9:10 9:36 0:26 4 9 13-Fev-2003 9:45 10:06 0:21
2 5 7-Nov-2002 9:20 10:40 1:20 4 10 18-Mar-2003 10:47 11:05 0:18
2 6 5-Dez-2002 10:40 11:02 0:22 4 11 27-Mar-2003 9:40 10:14 0:34
2 7 23-Jan-2003 11:00 11:20 0:20 4 12 22-Mai-2003 9:14 9:44 0:30
2 8 4-Fev-2003 9:15 9:40 0:25 4 13 3-Jun-2003 14:05 14:35 0:30
2 9 13-Fev-2003 9:10 9:44 0:34 5 1 10-Out-2002 10:25 10:45 0:20
2 10 18-Mar-2003 10:20 10:45 0:25 5 2 17-Out-2002 11:15 11:40 0:25
2 11 27-Mar-2003 11:15 11:36 0:21 5 3 24-Out-2002 11:00 11:35 0:35
2 12 20-Mai-2003 14:15 14:40 0:25 5 4 29-Out-2002 15:30 16:00 0:30
2 13 5-Jun-2003 11:10 11:46 0:36 5 5 5-Nov-2002 10:48 11:15 0:27
3 1a 10-Out-2002 9:48 10:03 0:15 5 6 5-Dez-2002 15:32 15:56 0:24
3 1b 10-Out-2002 15:06 15:30 0:24 5 7 4-Fev-2003 15:07 15:30 0:23
3 2 17-Out-2002 14:15 14:46 0:31 5 8 18-Fev-2003 10:45 11:07 0:22
3 3 24-Out-2002 14:35 15:00 0:25 5 9 18-Mar-2003 15:10 15:40 0:30
3 4 31-Out-2002 10:27 10:50 0:23 5 10 1-Abr-2003 14:32 14:46 0:14

528 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Group Session Date Start End Time Group Session Date Start End Time
5 11 22-Mai-2003 9:46 10:06 0:20 8 12 19-Mai-2003 14:40 15:10 0:30
5 12 5-Jun-2003 10:30 11:00 0:30 8 13 3-Jun-2003 10:35 10:55 0:20
6 1 10-Out-2002 11:40 12:04 0:24 9 1 10-Out-2002 14:50 15:05 0:15
6 2 15-Out-2002 11:00 11:36 0:36 9 2 15-Out-2002 14:45 15:15 0:30
6 3 24-Out-2002 15:03 15:25 0:22 9 3 24-Out-2002 15:30 15:52 0:22
6 4 29-Out-2002 9:25 10:08 0:43 9 4 29-Out-2002 14:42 15:12 0:30
6 5 5-Nov-2002 9:50 10:15 0:25 9 5 7-Nov-2002 11:34 11:59 0:25
6 6 5-Dez-2002 9:49 10:10 0:21 9 6 5-Dez-2002 14:58 15:10 0:12
6 7 4-Fev-2003 11:30 11:45 0:15 9 7 4-Fev-2003 9:50 10:20 0:30
6 8 18-Fev-2003 9:20 9:48 0:28 9 8 13-Fev-2003 10:10 10:42 0:32
6 9 18-Mar-2003 9:10 9:35 0:25 9 9 18-Mar-2003 11:40 12:03 0:23
6 10 1-Abr-2003 11:38 11:58 0:20 9 10 1-Abr-2003 14:12 14:30 0:18
6 11 20-Mai-2003 15:25 15:49 0:24 9 11 19-Mai-2003 15:12 15:35 0:23
6 12 3-Jun-2003 9:30 10:07 0:37 9 12 5-Jun-2003 15:02 15:22 0:20
7 1 10-Out-2002 10:58 11:19 0:21 10 1a 15-Out-2002 11:40 12:02 0:22
7 2 17-Out-2002 9:41 10:03 0:22 10 1b 15-Out-2002 14:04 14:25 0:21
7 3 24-Out-2002 15:54 16:08 0:14 10 2 24-Out-2002 10:30 10:45 0:15
7 4 31-Out-2002 11:30 12:00 0:30 10 3 29-Out-2002 10:51 11:26 0:35
7 5 7-Nov-2002 10:44 11:10 0:26 10 4 5-Nov-2002 10:17 10:45 0:28
7 6 3-Dez-2002 11:26 11:53 0:27 10 5 5-Dez-2002 9:20 9:47 0:27
7 7 4-Fev-2003 11:48 12:00 0:12 10 6 23-Jan-2003 10:30 10:40 0:10
7 8 18-Fev-2003 11:10 11:34 0:24 10 7 4-Fev-2003 14:42 15:05 0:23
7 9 18-Mar-2003 11:40 12:04 0:24 10 8 18-Fev-2003 10:00 10:20 0:20
7 10 1-Abr-2003 13:48 14:10 0:22 10 9 18-Mar-2003 14:06 14:41 0:35
7 11 22-Mai-2003 11:20 11:35 0:15 10 10 25-Mar-2003 15:23 15:45 0:22
7 12 5-Jun-2003 9:52 10:16 0:24 10 11 19-Mai-2003 15:37 16:02 0:25
8 1 10-Out-2002 14:25 14:48 0:23 10 12 5-Jun-2003 14:35 15:00 0:25
8 2 17-Out-2002 15:20 15:52 0:32 11 1 31-Out-2002 14:07 14:34 0:27
8 3 24-Out-2002 9:10 9:51 0:41 11 2 5-Nov-2002 11:40 12:02 0:22
8 4 29-Out-2002 14:06 14:40 0:34 11 3 5-Dez-2002 15:12 15:28 0:16
8 5 7-Nov-2002 14:15 14:46 0:31 11 4 4-Fev-2003 15:31 15:46 0:15
8 6 5-Dez-2002 14:10 14:35 0:25 11 5 18-Mar-2003 15:42 15:57 0:15
8 7 23-Jan-2003 10:09 10:28 0:19 11 6 25-Mar-2003 14:55 15:17 0:22
8 8 4-Fev-2003 14:22 14:40 0:18 11 7 20-Mai-2003 15:25 15:49 0:24
8 9 13-Fev-2003 15:40 16:00 0:20 11 8 3-Jun-2003 10:10 10:30 0:20
8 10 18-Mar-2003 11:05 11:34 0:29
8 11 1-Abr-2003 14:16 14:45 0:29

General introduction – all groups

This teacher conducted ToonTalk sessions until June and provided reports on them for the full year, not just for
the first few months. She combined the ToonTalk activities with freehand drawing activities in Paint and other kinds of
activities, aiming to improve children’s mouse-using skills and provide some variety in computer use. She also included
some elements of extra-computer activities in the ToonTalk activities, as for example the ordering of pictures from the
Peter Pan story that had been used earlier in the preschool.

Session overview – Group 1

Since these were 3-year olds, the teacher went at a very careful pace, allowing them to get acquainted with the
environment and with the control of the mouse. She avoided keeping them longer than necessary in the ToonTalk
environment, providing it just as long as it kept them interested. She also made sure children were understanding verbal
concepts such as “swap”, by letting them practice it in boxes and images, before moving on to programming.
In programming, A managed to understand the concept of swapping, but in the generalization she only
understood the visible effect of “swapping always”, not the “swapping because of no constraint”. For D, the whole
concept of teaching how to swap was too abstract for his comfort.

Highlights – Group 1
« If I don’t say anything, D stays “stunned” looking at the ToonTalk environment and
playing with the mouse. Today he played with the mouse by making moise as if it was a toy
car. »
(PF, Session 6)
« D didn’t know how to explain the swap or what it was. I opted for the comparison box.
D identified the identical images, but couldn’t understand the swap. He managed to make
the swap, but only to place identical images below the matching ones.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 529

Annex VII – Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers
PF – “What is the swap, A?
A – “To swap is to pass!... over to the other side”. A did the swap skillfully. »
(PF, Session 7)
« A said “To swap is exchanging money. He did the swap well.”
She wouldn’t leave the robot’s thoughts.
PF – When you give it the box, what does he do?
A – He swapped.
PF – And why?
A – Because he’s done. »
(PF, Session 11)

Session overview – Group 2

These children started out with no acquaintance with computers, to the point of shouting at the figurine,
expecting it to react. The teacher tried to help them develop some autonomy regarding mouse control, helping them
move about, pick up things and drop them. Some adequate level of control started to be visible by session 6 (see the
second highlight, below). By session 8, they were already making houses and training the act of swapping things, albeit
still requiring some assistance. However, even with enhanced control, sometimes children still forget that they’re in
control (see highlight from session 11, below). They put on the walls personally-meaningful images (see the third
hihglight, below), and noticed several oddities about the environment (for instance, the doors of the houses never close
when one’s inside).

Highlights – Group 2
« As for the figurine, she tried commanding it by speaking to it: “go to the airplane,
shucks!” »
(PF, Session 1)
« They’re both more calm while working, and stopped clicking aimlessly. They realized
that they need to turn the vacuum cleaner off in order for it to stop making noise. »
(PF, Session 6)
« M – Drop the box, hand. It’s taking it for ever to drop the box, PF!
(she’s not realizing that she’s the one controlling the hand).
R – The tree has eyes.
M – To see well.
R – I don’t like trees with eyes. »
(PF, Session 11)
« R sought in the notebook. She constructed meaningful settings to decorate the wall.
One of them was a boy, a plane, and an explosion. She said: “the boy is going to see it
blowing up”. »
(PF, Session 13)

Session overview – Group 3

These children, although of similiar age, have very distinct levels of computer expertise. J is very accustomed to
using the mouse and computer games, while MN had never used a computer before, and found most events entertaining,
laughing about almost anything, even trivial events such as page being printed.
J easily grasped how to use the magic wand and other environment tools, such as the vacuum cleaner (although
sometimes trying to drag each item instead of picking and dropping – possibly since that’s a common technique in CD-
ROM titles). MN requires support, since she often clicks the mouse by accident, but perhaps from seeing J she is
presenting a faster development than the other groups of three-year olds (groups 1 & 2), in terms of understanding (for
instance, realizing she needs to turn the vacuum cleaner on & off), and in terms of motion control (she is able to control
the mouse after seven sessions).

530 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
By session 7, J managed to swap two things and teach a robot how to do it, albeit without associating the entry
box with the one were the swap show take place; he made a new box instead. In further sessions, he is quite capable of
expressing the operation of the robot and understanding matching problesm (see the last highlight, below).

Highlights – Group 3
« While playing with the helicopter, he asked: “Is it crazy?” I answered: “no, you’re the
one moving it, aren’t you?”
J: Yes. »
(PF, Session 4)
« I explained them that in order to have identical boxes we had to place the images in
the same order. J explained: “yeah... bird/bird, mouse/mouse, yellow flower/yellow flower,
pink flower/pink flower,tree/tree...” »
(PF, Session 9)
« MN is at will picking and dropping objects in ToonTalk. This was a victory! »
(PF, Session 10)
« When leaving the robot’s thought, J asks: “Shall I give it this box?” – As he points to
the starting box.
PF – Why does it stop?
J – Because he’s finished doing this.
J says that he taught “Hugo” how to swap the places of things. J tried giving a box with
several holes to the robot. Then he realized that he only had taught it with two holes, and
therefore it wouldn’t work out this way. »
(PF, Session 10)

Session overview – Group 4

These children had no trouble controlling the environment objects, and so after some acquaintance sessions, the
teacher intended to introduce robot programming in the fourth session. However, some difficulties in environment
navigation and use of tools delayed this until session 8. Instead, they explored the building of houses and their
In programming, the teacher seems to have gotten so acquainted with the process, to the point of assuming the
children aren’t “testing the robot”, right in the first programming session. She didn’t consider the possibility of the
simple concept of “using the robot” being still amiss. However, children realized in this first programming session the
need for contents in the box (see the second highlight, below). However, in the following session the teacher things they
still aren’t ready.

Highlights – Group 4
« They don’t leave the robot’s thoughts. They say:“I think it learned!”. They don’t check
to see if the robot learned what they taught it. »
(PF, Session 8)
« I asked why was it that the robot stopped after doing what they had taught it. C’s
answer was: “The box is empty.” »
(PF, Session 8)
« I didn’t move on with robot programming, because in terms of reasoning I don’t think
IN and C are ready; perhaps within a couple of sessions. »
(PF, Session 9 – cf. the two previous highlights)

Session overview – Group 5

This group started by exploring several tools and behaviors, such as the vacuum cleaner and the bomb. For the
first sessions, they devoted a lot of time to freehand drawing in Paint, but then they resumed the exploration by using
the house sensors.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 531

Annex VII – Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers
In robot programming, they understood several elements of the process (for example, see the third highlight,
below). But the teacher was not confident in their cognitive abilities, as is demonstrated by the last highlight, below. In
that highlight, there are two problems. Firstly, there is a contradiction in saying that the children notices that two walls
are identical and is not achieving abstraction. Secondly, the child obviously feels he doesn’t need to check the roof,
because he’s sure about the operation of the small “make-believe” roof. But the teacher is mistaking this as “confusion”
on the part of the child.

Highlights – Group 5
« L, after blowing up each house, would lift off to check that there one less house [in the
city]. »
(PF, Session 1)
« MA required assistance to find the sensor notebook. Then, she managed to find the
wall and decorate it, which gave her great joy, upon seeing on the wall the Santa Claus she
had drawn. MA always lifts the figurine to check out what she did. »
(PF, Session 6)
« I asked MA what swapping is. She said: “it’s putting one here and another there” –
she pointed as she explained.
PF – What is the robot thinking?
MA: It’s thinking that it’s going to do the game again.
I explained that it only does the game if we give it an identical box.
PF – Why did it stop?
MA: Because it’s thinking about another box.
Then MA tried swapping the objects and tested the robot again. »
(PF, Session 10)
« L noticed that the wall is identical to the one in the notebook. The abstraction is still
not being achieved. Only when I tell them can they understand that they need to use a
“make-believe” wall. (Session 11)
L finds everything complicated. He won’t check whether the name is on the roof, he says
that “it’s on the small one, therefore it is.” (Session 12) »
(PF, Sessions 11 & 12; the contradictions in the teacher’s reasoning have been

Session overview – Group 6

One of the children in this group already knew how to use a house-builder robot, and used it in the first session.
The teacher attributed this to the fact that children have free access to the computer, unaided. I may add that it also due
to the fact that several children from this preschool have learned how to program a house-builder robot, in the sessions
of the previous year. This is all the more significant because CA hadn’t much experience with ToonTalk: in the second
session, she didn’t know how to get the figure to stand up. Both CA and the other child, U, demonstrated being skilled
in the use of the mouse.
Along the first 7 sessions, the teacher assisted CA and U in the development of several customizations and
environment activities, realizing that they had several basic difficulties, such as mixing the pump’s configuration keys
and the space bar, to turn it on and off; or locating a room sensor within a notebook. She also reports, in session 7, that
they didn’t understand “well” how to teach a robot, but provides no details of this.
In the 8th session, however, CA knew that to teach a robot she needed to go to the robot’s thoughts, and then
taught a robot how to put a picture on a frame, albeit not testing nor using it afterwards. U also demonstrated that she
understood the process, as is shown in the 3rd and 4th highlights, below, albeit mixing part of what she recalled with her
imagination. But she also twice expressed her desire to have more variety in computer use; she was fed up of playing
almost only with ToonTalk (which hints that she wasn’t using the computer besides the sessions with the computer-
activities teacher).

532 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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Highlights – Group 6
« CA already knew how to use the "builder" robot, because ToonTalk is installed in the
preschool computer and the children usually explore it freely, unassisted. – Session 1
CA didn’t know how to get the figurine to stand up. – Session 2 »
(PF, Sessions 1 & 2)
« CA moves around with no need for my indications. She found the frame and set the
drawing. To teach the robot, CA knew how to reach the thoughts “We must go up to the
robot’s thought.” She learned how to teach it, but she didn’t test to see if it learned. »
(PF, Session 8)
« I told them that a truck and a box were required. I also explained that they needed a
robot to be the builder. (...) I had to tell them, when they finished teaching the robot, that in
order to see if it had learned, we had to give it a box identical to the one in its thoughts.
They didn’t use the original box.
PF – Why did it stop?
U – Because it already build the house, and the box is empty.
I had to remind U to give a box with the required items to teach the robot. U wasn’t
going to use the original box. »
(PF, Session 9)
« U remembered using the magic wand in the thought bubble. I asked why the magic
wand was being used. CA answered that it was in order for the robot to “do always the
same”. When testing the robot, CA doesn’t use the original box.
I asked why was it that the robot they taught wasn’t stopping. U answered that they had
taught it some magic tricks. »
(PF, Session 10)

Session overview – Group 7

In this group, JG was the three-year old child J, from the ToonTalk research sessions the previous year. She now
also played in ToonTalk at her home computer. Both JG and CR knew how to teach a robot to build houses, and that
was precisely CR’s initial activity, in the very first session. They demonstrated great ease in using the environment and
its tools. Besides J and CR’s ease in using the environment, and even in programming, they both get great joy in each
further achievement, such as placing their names on the roof, and setting birds inside houses to “label” them without
things on the roof. They also wanted to customize the helicopter, which isn’t currently possible. CR was not as
experienced as J, but managed to follow along in most situations, albeit showing some confusion from time to time in
programming, as evidenced by the fourth highlight, below.

Highlights – Group 7
« CR made a robot to build houses. Then he made 3 more. They already know how to get
up and sit down without any difficulty.
CR: “I’m going to make many houses.”
JG used the magic wand: “ah! Got it! More trucks!”
They used the bomb/grenade. I told them: “Are we going to blow up all the houses?”
Them: “Yes, because some build themselves afterwards!”
They took drawings out of the notebook and stored them in boxes. When picking the
spaceship, J said: “We must make this smaller!” And she fetched the air pump. J did a “box
of stuff” and saved it in her notebook. »
(PF, Session 1)
« PF – “If we join the boxes...”
CR – “I know, I know!... The mouse comes and joins them!” »
(PF, Session 3)

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 533

Annex VII – Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers
« JG learned right away how to put her name on the roof. Upon seing the result, she
started stomping her feet in joy and said: “I’m making another one!” »
(PF, Session 4)
« PF – How do I program the robot?
JG – I go to the thoughts.
PF – To know if the robot learned how do I do?
JG: I leave the robot’s thought.
JG employs the original box to test the robot. Since they had copied the box, they asked
if they should wait for the robot to “do always the same”. I explained that they could stop
the robot.
CR couldn’t remember how to get to the robot’s thoughts. He then taught the robot how
to build a house, since he didn’t manage to teach it the swapping game. After he had left the
robot’s thoughts, I asked CR: What is the robot thinking?
CR: It’s thinking about doing what I taught it. »
(PF, Session 9)
« I started by asking what would be necessary to teach the robot how to place the
drawing on the wall.
JG – I need the drawing and the wall.
We placed both things in the box, to teach the robot. JG taught without my assistance. »
(PF, Session 11)

Session overview – Group 8

There was a huge skill difference between the two children in this group. S already knew how to make a “builder
robot”, while for IM the first session was also her first contact with a mouse. The teacher also reports that IM has
“educational needs”. This situation is reflected in the teacher’s goals for the second session (first highlight, below).
This resulted in slow exploration of ToonTalk details with IM, under the support of S, for several sessions. S
would explore small bits of ToonTalk. For instance, he noticed the behavior of birds in the third session. IM was
responding well to this support (see the second highlight, below).
In robot programming, S managed to program a robot to decorate the house and understood the benefit of it as
“being faster” than placing thing on the house himself. IM experienced several difficulties but in session 10 did refer
that the robot stops because its box is empty. And in the following session she managed to explain in adequate detail
what is happening (third highlight, below).
In session 12, the teacher realized that IM wanted to leave the computer because she wasn’t understanding what
was being requested of her, and by letting her play freely, IM only stopped playing after doing several other activites by
her own initiative.
Throughout the sessions, S was constantly demontrating ease of use on ToonTalk, but the time devoted to IM
meant that he didn’t receive as much support for progress as he might have had in a more balanced group.

Highlights – Group 8
« Predetermined objectives:
to develop concentration – w/ IM;
to develop his relationship with co-workers – w/ S. »
(PF, Session 2)
« IM said she had to be at the computer: “I must work very much, in order to learn.” IM
likes to work, and to experiment, and tries to make things on her own. I had to her to “let
me” assist her, because she was saying “I can’t do it”, but was avoiding help. »
(PF, Session 4)

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« IM – It’s doing the same because I taught it how to do. – and she continues the
explanation, at my request – It stopped because it wanted to stop. Because it only swaps the
way I taught it. »
(PF, Session 11)
« When ordering more houses to be built, S has no problems in using the magic wand to
make many trucks and boxes. To teach the [name-on-the-roof] robot, S said he had to make
“the same thing.”. And he taught the robot correctly. To test it, he gave the robot the box he
had originally prepared, but he didn’t go out to check if the name was indeed on the roof. »
(PF, Session 13)

Session overview – Group 9

The five-year old AM had never played with a computer, so she required activities to train her mouse skills. V
was more experienced, and the teacher wanted him to be a strong support for AM. It should be noted that AM by the 3rd
session still didn’t manage to identify the houses as such in the top-down view.
V had little trouble using the mouse, but overly fantasized the ToonTalk environment (e.g., the second highlight,
below). As for AM, the teacher constantly reports that she is “distracted”. However, the teacher also reports her as
focused when there is a purpose for an activity, beyond ToonTalk itself (see the third highlight below for an example).
As for robot programming, V programmed a roof-naming robot in session 7 and a wall-decorating robot in
session 8. In session 9 he was already demonstrating a nice understanding of the process (see the fourth highlight,
below), but his over-fantasizing of the environment was constatly getting in the way of a more effective use of
ToonTalk. AM didn’t manage to understand the process of programming (see for instance the fifth highlight, below).

Highlights – Group 9
« She made 2 twin birds, which she named “the bird brothers”, and then I helped her
save a box with them in her notebook. »
(PF, Session 1)
« As soon as V entered the ToonTalk house, he said, “I’m going to blow up the house.”
However, he forgot that in order to blow up the house he had to hold the bomb in the
figurine’s hand.
PF – “What can we do to find out whose is each house?”
V – “We can give money to the man and stay there!”
I explained that also in drawings the name allows us to know who made them. »
(PF, Session 4)
« Today, AM was very distracted, she only focused when I told her that we could make
gifts (with the boxes) for her to offer. »
(PF, Session 6, when Christmas was nearing)
« PF – Why did it stop?
Instead of answering, V filled up the box again, matching the stuff the robot had in its
head. »
(PF, Session 9)
« PF – Why did it stop, AM?
AM – I don’t know. »
(PF, Session 10)

Session overview – Group 10

AX is the younger brother of D, who took part in the sessions of the previous year. He reportedly used ToonTalk
in the preschool, without adult supervision, since he was 2 ½ years old. During these sessions, he turned 4. In the very
first session, he demonstrated to the teacher how to program a robot to build houses (see the first highlight below). G
was also acquainted with ToonTalk, and also knew how to make a house-builder robot, but demonstrated less at ease
with the vacuum cleaner and magic wand (see the second highlight, below). Although AX didn’t demonstrate any

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 535

Annex VII – Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers
difficulty using these tools, he did become surprised when he learned how to use the enlarging tool, in session 4. AX
did have a somewhat confusing way of interpreting his programs, but managed to catch the implications of what he was
told quite quickly, and even simplified the teacher’s descriptions (regarding these situations, see the third highlight,
below). Both AX and G cooperated with ease, even proposing to each other to employ birds to carry things around.
As sessions progressed, the teacher noticed that although AX understood the need to compose an entry box for
the robot, he had the tendency to give it an empty box, since he got used to the fact that this would take him into the
robot’s thoughts. The teacher also reported some confusion between his actions and the robot’s actions, when playing in
the thought bubble, but his answers to queries show otherwise. But yet another teacher comment is that AX forgets to
exit the robot’s thoughts, and this may provide a clue to solving these contradictions (see the fourth highlight, below).
G missed several sessions, and didn’t get as much assisted practice as AX. And programming for him never
reached the point of becoming a “natural” activity, as it is for AX, who programmed robots for most of the tasks he
usually did, such as decorating a house, branding a roof, etc. AX even taught G how to teach robot (see the fifth
highlight, below).

Highlights – Group 10
« The city that AX has since the school year 2001/2002 is filled with many houses. On
his own, he went to the robot’s memory.
PF – “What are you doing, AX?”
AX – “I’m teaching the robot how to make houses. Look at this...” »
(PF, Session 1a)
« Back into ToonTalk, he [G] made a builder robot (he already knew how to). (...) As for
the vacuum cleaner and the wand, he still experiences some difficulties in understanding
that he must hold them in the hand in order to use them. »
(PF, Session 1b)
« PF – What uses can the boxes have?
AX – “To put things in.”
Eu – “Then, if this is our travelling case, what will you put inside?”
AX – “I’ll take with me a robot, a truck, a bomb, a number, a truck, and scales. There:
it’s done.”
He entered the robot’s thoughts: “I’m going to teach the robot how to explode the
PF – What are you teaching to it, anyway?
AX: How to make houses.
AX: the birdies carry the things to the nest, so their little children can eat.
I explained to AX that if he gives an empty box to the robot, what he may teach him it’ll
do always in sequence.
AX: it’ll keep on doing it, is it? »
(PF, Session 2)
« In the robot’s thoughts, AX doesn’t realize that he’s now controlling the robot, and
continues to act as himself340. (...) AX forgets to exit from the robot’s thoughts. (...) PF: And
if the box gets empty, what happens?; AX: “It won’t have anything to work with.” »
(PF, Session 9)
« AX taught G how to make a swap and how to teach the robot. AX told G to give the
box to the robot’s hands, to see if it learned. G still forgets to give the box to the robot to
teach it. Inside the robot’s thoughts, G remembered to use the magic wand, but he doesn’t
leave the thoughts. »
(PF, Session 10)

I.e., as if he was still controlling the programmer figurine.
536 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session overview – Group 11
This girl started taking part in the ToonTalk session two weeks after the other children. She demonstrated ease in
doing the basic actions, and even some complex actions such as building houses and putting pictures on the roof (see
the first highlight, below).
In programming, she was showed consideration for the necessary items, and demonstrated ease in programming
(see the second highlight, below). She was also very keen on noticing that the robot was using the vacuum cleaner,
when she hadn’t taught it to do that, and on the reddening of a mismatched image (see the third highlight, below).

Highlights – Group 11
« She likes to build houses and exits, so that, in the helicopter, can see the houses she
built: “Look at the houses I sent to be made,” she said while pointing.
Without any instructions from me, she wanted to put her name on the roof. She only
asked how to change pages in the notebook. »
(PF, Session 2)
« To teach the robot how to make houses, AL thought she just needed a box and a truck,
because she already had a robot (the one being taught). She mentioned having to exit the
robot’s thoughts. She doesn’t use the original box, but learned to copy the box, so that the
robot doesn’t stop. AL –“We have to teach things, and to avoid stopping, we must teach it to
make tricks with the magic wand.” »
(PF, Session 5)
« AL: Why does the tree turn red?
PF – Because it has already used the tree341.
AL taught the robot again and remembered to give it the box to see if it had learned. She
says that she didn’t teach it to vacuum, but it does vacuum342. »
(PF, Session 6)

This remark by the teacher is actually quite confusing, or even plain wrong. The tree had turned red because the
swap had been made and in the tree’s position there was now a different image.
She’s probably right. ToonTalk robots automatically vacuum any objects left on the floor at the end of a cycle.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 537

Annex VII – Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers

São Vicente de Paula preschool

Computer-activities teacher profile
Name initials G
Age 28
Education Bachelor in Forestry Engineering
Professional Her first job had been as a computer-activities teacher at 5 preschools, in the previous
experience year. This was also her current job.
Computing skills Experienced computer user, having attended both an Office course and two courses
on Computer-Aided Design.
She received regular training and guidance on computer use in preschool contexts,
within the ICEI project.
ToonTalk training Attended two training sessions on the use of the environment tools and basic

The children
22 children: 14 girls, 8 boys; 0 three-year olds, 12 four-year olds, 10 five-year olds.
Group Child 1 (Age, Gender) Child 2 (Age, Gender)
1 IT 5 Girl ACS 4 Girl
2 F 5 Boy M 5 Boy
3 IF 4 Girl MG 4 Girl
4 AT 4 Girl CP 4 Girl
5 FM 4 Boy D 4 Boy
6 FS 5 Boy C 5 Girl
7 FL 4 Boy DI 4 Boy
8 B 5 Girl CA 5 Girl
9 BB 5 Girl L 5 Boy
10 J 5 Girl MA 4 Girl
11 A 4 Girl AC 4 Girl

Sessions table
Group Session Date Start End Time Group Session Date Start End Time
1 1 28-Out-2002 14:30 14:50 0:20 7 1 29-Out-2002 10:10 10:30 0:20
1 2 5-Nov-2002 9:40 10:00 0:20 7 2a 4-Nov-2002 14:41 15:00 0:19
2 1 28-Out-2002 14:50 15:10 0:20 7 2b 4-Nov-2002 15:20 15:40 0:20
2 2 5-Nov-2002 10:00 10:20 0:20 8 1 29-Out-2002 10:30 10:50 0:20
3 1 28-Out-2002 15:15 15:40 0:25 8 2 5-Nov-2002 9:20 9:40 0:20
3 2a 4-Nov-2002 14:41 15:00 0:19 9 1 29-Out-2002 10:55 11:20 0:25
3 2b 4-Nov-2002 15:00 15:20 0:20 9 2a 4-Nov-2002 15:40 16:00 0:20
4 1 28-Out-2002 15:40 16:00 0:20 9 2b 5-Nov-2002 10:40 11:00 0:20
5 1 29-Out-2002 9:30 9:50 0:20 10 1 29-Out-2002 11:20 11:40 0:20
5 2a 4-Nov-2002 14:15 14:40 0:25 10 2a 4-Nov-2002 15:00 15:20 0:20
5 2b 5-Nov-2002 10:40 11:00 0:20 10 2b 5-Nov-2002 9:40 10:00 0:20
6 1 29-Out-2002 9:50 10:10 0:20 11 1 29-Out-2002 11:40 12:00 0:20
6 2a 4-Nov-2002 15:20 15:40 0:20 11 2a 4-Nov-2002 14:15 14:40 0:25
6 2b 4-Nov-2002 15:40 16:00 0:20 11 2b 5-Nov-2002 11:20 11:45 0:25

Sessions overview – all groups

This teacher didn’t provide reports for the first sessions, and only two reports in total. She didn’t use static
grouping, but rather joined the children in a random manner for each session. Therefore, my label of “groups”,
regarding the reports presented in Appendix VIII, is merely for the convenience of the reader, in light of the approach
used by the other teachers. The approach she used for the sessions was quite different from what had been intended: she
had predetermined goals for each session, to be achieved by all children. If the children were unable to reach them on
their own, the teacher would “help” them, to the point of demonstrating the actions herself, if necessary.
These sessions weren’t helpful for the most part. But they did provide some data: some children, which had not
enough mouse control to perform some activities on their own, had sometimes understood the processes well enought to
help out their colleagues; and children had a variety of guesses for how a bird would behave when its nest was copied,
but the concept of taking things to its nest wasn’t questioned even in such a case (except for a pair of children who

538 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
thought the bird would die if its nest was copied). And how easily a professional (albeit one with little early-childhooh
education training) fell into the option of being too rigid in an environment where perhaps she wasn’t comfortable.

Highlights – all groups

« A problem I found was that to start up the robot, one must give it a blue box; but the
one that was on the room floor is always placed behind the robot’s thoughts, and it’s hard
for the girls to find it to give it to the robot. »
(G, Group 1, Session 1)
« Then what will the bird do, if I copied the nests? (...) they said it would place the
objects in all the nests. »
(G, Group 2, Session 2)
« MG said, after making the copy, that the bird would take the object only to one nest,
because she only had one birdie. »
(G, Group 3, Session 2b)
« FS thought that the bird would always place the object in a single nest. »
(G, Group 6, Session 2)
« DI’s answer to the question [about a bird and several nests]: “I’ll see”, and he had to
give an object to the bird, to see what it would do. »
(G, Group 7, Session 1)
« B helped CA in the steps where she was doing it wrong. »
(G, Group 8, Session 2)
« AC doesn’t speak much; I had to do everything on her behalf. She doesn’t want to stay
at the computer for long. »
(G, Group 11, Session 2b)

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 539

Annex VII – Summaries and highlights from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers

Senhora da Pena preschool

Computer-activities teacher profile
Name initials MF
Age 37
Education Bachelor in Early Childhood Education
Professional She was a Preschool teacher for 5 years (1993-1998), but then interrupted her
experience educational career and was a secretary at the Ministry of Justice for four years.
In this year, she resumed her educational career as preschool computer-activities
teacher at 5 preschools.
Computing skills Her degree included a course on basic computing.
Received regular training and guidance on computer use in preschool contexts, within
the ICEI project.
ToonTalk training Attended two training sessions on the use of the environment tools and basic

The children
12 children: 6 girls, 6 boys; 4 three-year olds, 4 four-year olds, 4 five-year olds.
Group Child 1 (Age, Gender) Child 2 (Age, Gender)
1 JO 4 Boy F 3 Boy
2 A 4 Girl L 4 Boy
3 JG 3 Boy C 3 Girl
4 P 5 Boy FI 5 Girl
5 JA 5 Girl CA 5 Girl
6 E 4 Boy S 3 Girl

Sessions table
Group Session Date Start End Time Group Session Date Start End Time
1 1 17-Out-2002 14:15 15:45 1:30 4 1 21-Out-2002 9:45 10:15 0:30
2 1 10-Out-2002 10:00 10:30 0:30 4 2 10-Fev-2003 15:00 15:30 0:30
2 2 17-Out-2002 14:15 15:45 1:30 5 1 21-Out-2002 11:15 11:45 0:30
2 3 28-Nov-2002 14:45 15:30 0:45 5 2 13-Jan-2003 11:30 12:00 0:30
2 4 13-Jan-2003 10:45 11:15 0:30 6 1 21-Out-2002 11:45 12:00 0:15
2 5 10-Fev-2003 14:15 14:45 0:30 6 2 28-Nov-2002 11:00 11:45 0:45
3 1 18-Out-2002 10:00 10:45 0:45 6 3 13-Jan-2003 14:30 15:00 0:30
3 2 21-Out-2002 10:20 11:10 0:50 6 4 10-Fev-2003 10:30 11:15 0:45
3 3 28-Nov-2002 9:45 10:00 0:15 7 1 28-Nov-2002 10:05 11:00 0:55
3 4 28-Nov-2002 15:30 15:45 0:15
3 5 13-Jan-2003 10:00 10:30 0:30

Sessions overview – all groups

This teacher opted to let children explore the environment at will, and explained small bits of it to the children,
as necessary, but her reports don’t detail this support. However, one can notice that children are acquiring a high degree
of control over the environment, and are able to use ToonTalk’s elements for their own purposes.
But the sessions didn’t progress from this. The teacher did not explore programming constructs with the
children. It is almost as if she was content with the children’s ease and delight in the use of the environment for their
purposes, per se. There are hints of trying to blend the ToonTalk activities with the activities taking place in the
preschool room, but this was mostly at the level of the children’s make-believe playfulness in ToonTalk, rather than
actual development of activities. For instance, the only time one sees reports of images entering or exiting ToonTalk in
this process are the placement of the children’s photographs inside ToonTalk and the selection of ToonTalk pictures for
the children’s coat hangers in the preschool room. But these few instances did show how powerful they can be to
connect a child to the virtual environment.
These sessions did provide insights on how powerful a virtual environment can be to allow children to employ
their imagination and expressive abilities, and how they can create strong emotional ties with it. But the sessions also
provided the insight of how it is possible for a trained early childhood teacher to leave the environment use at that,
being content with having it as a sort of virtual doll house, not taking advantage of any complex constructs.
The highlights, in the following page, provide several examples of these comments.

540 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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Highlights – all groups
« Children still haven’t explored the game completely; therefore it is still hard to devise
a strategy for specific activity-goals. »
(MF, Group 1, Session 2, my emphasis)
« JO said that the air pump was a gas-station pump. F would like for the image dolls to
leave the truck and play with him. »
(MF, Group 1, Session 3)
« With the birds, they wanted to duplicate them and the nests, and hand numbers to the
birds so they could learn how to count – there was a mess, but they had fun. Each bird was
a boy, so there would have to be many birds. »
(MF, Group 1, Session 5, my emphasis; there were no counting programs before or after
this event, nor events of birds carrying objects)
« L wanted to move the vacuum cleaner around and called it a fat fish, “I’m going to
take it for a walk.” »
(MF, Group 2, Session 2)
« A took out boxes, nests, and robots. She likes to see the birds getting out of the nests,
and then she makes “pretend” games, as if she was playing with dolls on the floor. She talks
with herself and to the “dolls” – the bird and the robot – giving them orders. Every once in
a while, she rides the helicopter to go shopping. »
(MF, Group 2, Session 3)
« They placed two scales on the room floor. After they both played, L said that those
were for flour and for olive oil, that his granny had one just like them. (...) These are very
small children, and yet they have appropriated the game, and brought many of their
livelihoods into the small screen, as if they were part of it in a make-believe world. »
(MF, Group 2, Session 4; my emphasis)
« He loves blowing up houses (his father is an explosives technician in construction
sites, and he did mentioning doing as his father does). He took out a robot and worked on
the thoughts with boxes. »
(MF, Group 4, Session 1, my emphasis; the teacher is failing to see the need for a
purpose, in order for this “work on the thoughts” to be meaningful.)
« After the activity [of placing their picture on a frame], P wanted to build houses so he
could then blow them up to open space for a road to France. »
(MF, Group 4, Session 2; again, this interest of the child has not been explored)
« JA and CA took out a nest from the box; the bird hatched and with the magic wand
they copied several nests. Then they went to the notebook and brought a flower to give to the
bird, which unfolded into several birds, to place the flower in the copied nests. They did this
several times, with different objects. »
(MF, Group 5, Session 4; there was no follow up activity with birds)
« E and S like to experiment with all the objects in the toolbox. The trucks are their
favorite. And E is already able to place boxes, robots, and objects on the trucks, to build
many houses, “for when I return from Switzerland.” »
(MF, Group 5, Session 1)

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 541

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Annex VIII

Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity
teachers in preschools

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 543

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Mateus preschool
Group 1
Session 1
Início: 10h 45m Fim: 11h10m
PL (age 4) /LF (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios: Introdução ao TOON TALK (breve apresentação do ambiente do Toon Talk).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Esta primeira actividade consistiu emas criança, de forma livre explorarem o ambiente do Toon Talk. Pilotarem
o Helicóptero, faze-lo aterrar junto às casas, entrarem com o boneco na casa e explorarem as diferentes ferramentas que
se encontramao seu dispor. O LF conseguiu “pilotar” o Heli até pousar junto às casas, conseguiu também, embora com
alguma dificuldade entrar na casa. Já dentro desta e, com a caixa de ferramentas ao seu dispor, o LF teve algumas
dificuldades em agarrar objectos e a aspirar. Esta dificuldade deveu-se ao facto de ele não ter assimilado a “regra” de
que para se agarrar algum objecto ou aspirar, tem de primeiro ver se o objecto pretendido está a mexer, como lhe foi por
mim transmitido e exemplificado.
A PL sentiu algumas dificuldades em fazer descer o heli, pois confundiu por diversas vezes as teclas
(descer/subir), teve ainda dificuldades em o colocar junto às casa e em concretizar a aterragem propriamente dita, pois
como o heli se apresentava ao mesmo nível das casas, ela pensava que este já se encontrava em terra.
Após ter efectuado a aterragem, ela saiu com o boneco e tentou chegar à casa. Esta foi mais uma tarefa de difícil
concretização, uma vez que, por diversas vezes, ela fez, sem ser sua intenção, sentar o boneco.
Quando entrou, tive de a ajudar para que ela conseguisse agarrar os objectos e experimentar trabalhar com
alguns deles.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O LF identificou de imediato o heli e disse que as casas eram o aeroporto.
Session 2
Início: 09h 40m Fim: 10h06m
PL (age 4) /LF (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios: Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Esta terceira sessão consistiu na realização de trocas de objectos nas caixas, e se possível, na programação do
robô para efectuar essas mesmas trocas.
Assim, e passando à caracterização do desempenho das duas crianças que compõem este grupo, tenho a referir
que a PL sentiu muitas dificuldades durante o desenrolar desta actividade. Para ela fazer o percurso desde a saída do
helicóptero até à casa com o boneco foi de facto bastante complicado, pois foram várias as vezes em que fez o boneco
sentar sem o querer. Já dentro da casa, mais propriamente no chão desta, a Patrícia não conseguiu, de forma satisfatória,
realizar as tarefas mais simples tais como: agarrar, aspirar, trocar objectos, dado que aquando da realização de qualquer
uma destas tarefas, ela nunca conseguiu obter o que pretendia.
Em Relação ao desempenho do LF, posso dizer que foi idêntico ao da Patrícia. As dificuldades sentidas foram
exactamente as mesmas, não havendo por isso nada a acrescentar.
Resta-me apenas referir que não avancei para a troca de caixas e por sua vez, para a programação do robô, pelo
simples facto de não considerar conveniente introduzir novas tarefas, sem que estas estejam presentes nas crianças.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 545

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 3
Início: 10h 15m Fim: 10h 37m
PL (age 4) /LF (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios: Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
A quarta sessão consiste em realizar algumas tarefas como o aspirar e o colocar e trocar objectos do interior das
caixas e posteriormente programar o robô para trocar ou aspirar os conteúdos das caixas. No entanto, irão ser as
crianças a escolher o que querem ensinar ao robô (aspirar, copiar, trocar), uma vez que já tiveram a oportunidade de
realizar este tipo de tarefas.
Assim, e passando à descrição do desenrolar da sessão realizada com o grupo nº 1, posso referir que tanto a PL
como o LF, e embora tenham sentido algumas dificuldades na realização da actividade, conseguiram, com o meu
auxílio, concretizar a programação do robô. A PL ensinou o robô a aspirar um camião da caixa e ainda a fazer cópias de
uma caixa. Na primeira ela retirou uma caixa e um camião da mala de ferramentas e colocou o ultimo no interior da
caixa. Em seguida, ela agarrou no aspirador e aspirou o camião do interior da caixa (as duas primeiras vezes que ela
realizou esta tarefa, não conseguiu aspirar somente o camião, ela aspirou a caixa na totalidade da primeira vez, e da
segunda aspirou o camião, mas esqueceu-se de desligar o aspirador e a caixa também foi aspirada. Após ter
experimentado no chão da casa, a patrícia deu a caixa ao robô e programou-o para fazer o que ela esteve a treinar. As
copias das caixas ela já as fez no pensamento do robô. A caixa utilizada para entrar no pensamento do robô foi a
mesma, por sua opção.
O LF só ensinou o robô a aspirar. Ele realizou primeiro no chão da casa e só depois entrou no pensamento do
robô para o ensinar. A caixa era individual e continha um camião. As dificuldades sentidas pelo LF foram as mesmas
que a patrícia sentiu, ou seja, não foi a programação do robô que lhe causou problemas, mas sim a tarefa de aspirar.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

As dificuldades sentidas por estas crianças, não se prendem tanto com a programação do robô propriamente dita,
mas sim com a realização de tarefas como o aspirar, o agarrar, o copiar o objecto certo.
Session 4
Início: 09h 35m Fim: 10h 01m
PL (age 4) /LF (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios: Avaliar o desempenho da criança
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
A PL sentiu dificuldades em fazer pousar o heli e em se deslocar para a casa sem fazer sentar o boneco no chão
da rua. Sentiu ainda dificuldades em agarrar objectos, bem como em dar a caixa ao robô para entrar no seu pensamento.
Já dentro do pensamento, a PL ensinou somente o robô a retirar objectos da mala de ferramentas. Não se lembro como
se fazia para sair do pensamento, nem como fazer o teste para verificar se o robô aprendeu algo. Assim, todo o
desenrolar da actividade foi feito com um constante auxílio dado por mim.
O LF retirou alguns objectos da mala de ferramentas (camião, caixas, letras, números e um ninho) e, limitou-se a
deslocá-los de um lado para o outro. Não fez portanto, programação do robô, o que não quer dizer que não o saiba fazer,
mas, e por sua própria vontade, não avançou para a programação.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O LF perguntou porque razão jogamos sempre o mesmo jogo.

Group 2
Session 1
Início: 10h 30m Fim: 10h55m
PR (age 4) / JPM (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios: Introdução ao TOON TALK (breve apresentação do ambiente do Toon Talk).

546 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

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Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O JPM, embora o tivesse tentado, não conseguiu parar o heli junto das casas, tendo por isso optado por trabalhar
com o boneco no exterior. Comas diversas ferramentas, ele teve algumas dificuldades em as manusear, no entanto, não
me parece que sejam dificuldades de grande importância, dado que elas se prendem mais com a sua destreza manual e
não com as características do jogo. Quando se levantou, após ter estado a trabalhar livremente, ele não conseguiu
encontrar o heli, tendo sido eu a chamar o mesmo através do teclado.
O PR, embora tivesse tido dificuldades em aterrar juntos às casas, acabou por concretizar o seu objectivo. Andou
bem com o boneco até ao momento em que quis entrar em casa. Aí teve bastantes dificuldades em levar o boneco a
abrir a porta, não tendo conseguido concretizar tal tarefa. Assim, o PR, trabalhou com a sua caixa de ferramentas no
No que se refere ao manuseamento dos diversos objectos, ele sentiu muitas dificuldades em tirar partido dos
mesmos, nomeadamente do aspirador, da bomba.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Ambas as crianças identificaram o heli como sendo um avião.
O JPM teve distraído após ter realizado a sua tarefa.
A mesma criança não gostou do jogo.
Session 2
Change in group composition due to absentees. This session matches Session 2 in group 7.
Início: 11h 24m Fim: 11h 49m
PR (age 4) / LE (age 5)
Objectivos Prévios:
Identificar e trabalhar com algumas ferramentas do TOONTALK.
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O LE não teve dificuldade alguma em realizar esta actividade. Não necessitou de nenhum tipo de ajuda, eu só lhe
dei algumas dicas para ele fazer este ou aquele tipo de tarefa, como o aspirar objectos do interior das caixas, copiar
objectos, rebentar com as casas, etc.
O PR, sentiu mais dificuldades, nomeadamente no agarrar, aspirar e copiar, pois esqueceu-se frequentemente de
que o objecto com que quer trabalhar tem de estarem movimento.
As dificuldades sentidas por esta criança prendem-se com o facto de esta não conseguir permanecer muito tempo
concentrada no que está a realizar.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 3
Início: Fim:
PR (age 4) / JPM (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Neste grupo faltou um elemento, o PR, por essa razão faço apenas referência ao JPM.
O JPM conseguiu fazer a troca de objectos dentro das caixas com bastante facilidade, ele retirou duas caixas da
mala de ferramentas, tirou um camião e uma bomba da mesma e colocou esses objectos em cada um dos
compartimentos da caixa, e digo caixa porque embora ele tivesse tirado duas ele juntou a segunda à primeira, o que
origina, como sabemos, uma só caixa com dois compartimentos. Depois trocou de um lado para o outro o camião e a
bomba, sem grandes dificuldades. De seguida, e após ele ter realizado esta tarefa por diversas vezes, sugeri que o JPM

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
ensinasse ao robô a fazer o que ele tinha estado a fazer. Então, e após ter explicado e exemplificado, que temos de entrar
no pensamento do robô, que está na sua cabeça, e ensina-lo a realizar a troca de objectos nas caixas, o JPM consegui
com alguma, mas pouca ajuda minha, ensinar o robô a trabalhar sozinho.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O JPM perguntou ao início, qual a razão pela qual se joga sempre o mesmo jogo.
Session 4
Início: 09h 40m Fim: 10h 2m
PR (age 4) / JPM (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O PR após ter navegado com o helicóptero, ele pousou-o e dirigiu-se para casa. Dentro da casa ele, com a minha
indicação, começou por tirar duas caixas da mala de ferramentas, um camião e uma bomba. Colocou esses mesmos
objectos nas caixas e esteve a trocá-los de posição. Depois, pegou nessa mesma caixa e deu-a ao robô, tendo assim
entrado no pensamento deste. Aí ele ensinou o robô a trocar os objectos de sítio e a volta-los a colocar na posição
correcta. Em seguida retirou uma balança da mala de ferramentas para saber quando é que o robô termina a sua tarefa.
(a colocação da balança foi feita por minha indicação). Terminado o ensinamento, o PR saiu do pensamento do robô e
foi verificar se o robô estava ou não a trabalhar como ele o ensinara. No fim resolveu que tinha de rebentar com as casas
e foi o que ele fez, com bastante contentamento.
O JPM teve grandes dificuldades em navegar e pousar o helicóptero, principalmente em pousar junto às casas.
Tive de colocar a minha mão sobre a dele, para que este conseguisse pousar junto às casas. Já dentro da casa, o JPM
quis somente rebentar com as casas. Ele rebentou com uma, saiu da casa entrou no heli e foi ver o resultado, rebentou
com a outra e fez o mesmo, quando só faltava uma casa para rebentar decidiu que não queria mais jogar.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O JPM perguntou ao início da sessão anterior o porquê de estarmos sempre com o mesmo jogo. Este
aborrecimento poderá estar a influenciar o seu desempenho e o seu interesse nas sessões do Toon Talk.
Session 5
Início: 10h10m Fim: 10h30m
PR (age 4) / JPM (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Nesta sessão de toon talk, o PR e o JPM quiseram trabalhar em conjunto no toon talk. Durante toda a sessão
estas duas crianças estiveram a trabalhar em sintonia ajudando-se mutuamente. Teria sido bom que ambas tivessem
optado por ensinar o robô a trabalhar, no entanto não o fizeram, pois optaram por fazer cópias de camiões, balanças e
caixas, bem como em aspirar os mesmos. Quando se cansaram de fazer cópias e de aspirar, resolveram rebentar com as
casas, o que lhes deu um grande gozo.
Apesar de não terem avançado muito, penso que esta sessão correu bem, pelo facto de ter possibilitado um
desempenho totalmente feito em conjunto por estas duas crianças, durante o qual eu pude observar a perfeita sintonia
existente entre estas duas crianças.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 6
Início: Fim:
PR (age 4) / JPM (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Fazer corresponder a imagem da folha com a localização dos bonecos (carro, peão).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O PR, após eu ter explicado a actividade e o que queria com ela, começou logo por dar a caixa com os
respectivos objectos ao robô e ensinou-o a trocar os lugares. Pegou no objecto do lado direito e colocou-o no chão e
depois pegou no outro e colocou-o no espaço deixado vago pelo anterior, tendo de seguida colocado o primeiro objecto
no local vazio.
Saiu do pensamento do robô e veio ver o resultado. De seguida, como o seu companheiro faltou, ele desfez a
troca novamente através do robô. Ele percebeu o que estava a fazer e o porquê de o fazer.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O JPM faltou.
Session 7
Início: 00 h00m Fim: 00h00m
PR (age 4) / JPM (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Fazer corresponder a imagem da folha com a localização dos bonecos (carro, peão).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O PR esteve a ensinar ao JPM o que aprendeu na sessão anterior. Não teve grandes dificuldades em demonstrar
como se fazia. O JPM não entendeu muito bem todas aquelas trocas que o PR realizou, mas com a minha explicação ele
conseguiu realizar a actividade sem grandes dificuldades. No entanto, e como o PR quis explicar ao JPM como se fazia,
eu não lhes expliquei como copiar as imagens para o ToonTalk, tendo optado por o fazer antes do PR começar a sua
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 3
Session 1
Início: 11h10m Fim: 11h30m
AR (age 4) / RJ (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Introdução ao TOON TALK (breve apresentação do ambiente do Toon Talk).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
A AR sentiu bastantes dificuldades em realizar todas as tarefas do jogo, desde o pilotar até ao agarrar dos
objectos. Esta criança, por diversas vezes trocou os comandos de pilotagem do heli, o que lhe dificultou a sua
aterragem, não conseguiu passear com o boneco, pois estava constantemente a sentá-lo sem querer. Após conseguir
entrar na casa escolhida (a que estava à sua frente), ela brincou com o aspirador, com a bomba, tirou objectos da caixa
de ferramentas, mas sempre com bastantes dificuldades, tendo tido, durante toda a sessão, uma grande ajuda minha.
No que diz respeito ao RJ, as anotações por mim tomadas são as mesmas que tirei para a criança anterior. As
dificuldades sentidas por este menino, foram as mesmas sentidas pela AR.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 2
Início: 09h40m Fim: 10h05m
AR (age 4) / RJ (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Identificar e trabalhar com algumas ferramentas do TOONTALK.
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Ambas as crianças mostraram que ainda se recordavam do que se tinha estado a fazer na sessão anterior.
Sentiram as mesmas dificuldades que haviam já sentido na semana passada, no entanto, essas não foram notadas com
tanta intensidade, nomeadamente no que se refere ao RJ, fruto da atenção com que esta criança esteve na realização da
sessão anterior.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O RJ esteve sempre interessado no desenrolar do “trabalho” da AR, tendo ajudado esta aquando da construção
de casas. A AR queria construir casas mas, esqueceu-se que tinha de colocar uma caixa no camião. O RJ, desde logo,
alertou a sua colega para esta falha, e explicou a solução.
Session 3
Início: 10h10m Fim: 10h35m
AR (age 4) / RJ (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
A AR mal se sentou começou logo a jogar, fazer casas e mais casas sem ajuda. Ela começou a colocar nos
camiões caixas e robôs e eu perguntei se ela sabia o que estava a fazer, tendo ela respondido que estava a construir
casas. Após ter construído varias casas, sugeri que ela trocasse objectos dentro das caixas, tarefa que ela realizou sem
grande dificuldade. Em seguida expliquei-lhe que o robô também podia fazer o mesmo e que para isso bastava ensina-
lo. Então ela perguntou como se fazia e eu expliquei. Após esta minha explicação, a AR deitou “mãos ao trabalho” e
programou o robô sem que para isso eu tivesse que a estar constantemente a ajudar.
O RJ só quis fazer casas e rebentar com as mesmas, não consegui levá-lo a realizar as tarefas que a AR realizou.
No entanto, e de acordo com o desempenho do RJ no tipo de tarefa que realizou, penso que não irá ter grandes
dificuldades em programar o robô.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 4
Início: 10h06m Fim: 10h35m
AR (age 4)/ RJ (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
A AR tentou, assim que aterrou o helicóptero, programar o robô por três vezes consecutivas. Eu esperei para ver
se ela dava conta do porquê de não conseguir realizar tal tarefa, no entanto tive de intervir para lhe explicar que não se
consegue programar o robô no chão da rua. Assim, ela entrou na casa com alguma dificuldade, pois não conseguia
acertar com a porta, e de imediato retirou um robô da caixa de ferramentas, duas caixas vazias que encheu uma com o
nº1 e a outra com a letra A, juntou as duas e o rato fez a colagem das mesmas. Depois ela deu ao robô as respectivas
caixas, ou melhor a caixa com dois compartimentos e programou o robô a aspirar o conteúdo da caixa. Saiu e veio testar
o robô. Após verificar o seu funcionamento, ela programou outro robô a aspirar de uma caixa um camião. Esta segunda
programação foi inteiramente feita por ela sem o meu auxílio.

550 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Quanto ao RJ, ele programou o robô a retirar da mala uma caixa vazia, uma letra A e a colocar essa letra na
caixa. Depois levou o robô a aspirar a letra.
Esta criança não quis estar muito tempo no jogo, pelo que se realizou esta tarefa.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A AR quando teve de dar a caixa ao robô para entrar no seu pensamento, ela utilizou a caixa inicial, ao contrário
das outras crianças, que vão sempre buscar uma nova caixa à mala de ferramentas.
Session 5
Início: 09h35m Fim: 10h05m
AR (age 4) / RJ (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
A AR ensinou o robô a copiar caixas com o nº 1 e a aspirar as mesmas. Para entrar no pensamento, a AR deu ao
robô uma caixa com a letra A. Em seguida entrou no pensamento e retirou uma caixa vazia e um caixa de nº da mala de
ferramentas, colocou a última dentro da primeira e agarrou na varinha mágica e fez 3 cópias. Em seguida pegou no
aspirador e aspirou-as. Ao aspirar, a AR esqueceu-se de parar o aspirador, no entanto conseguiu aspirar só o pretendido,
pois não existia mais nada, no seu caminho, que pudesse ser aspirado acidentalmente.
Após ter testado o robô, dando-lhe uma caixa igual à que o robô tinha no seu pensamento, caixa essa que voltou
a retirar da mala de ferramentas, a AR construiu casas, retirando um camião, uma caixa e um robô da mala de
O RJ, esteve a ensinar um robô a construir casas, e outro a destruir uma casa. Para isso, ele deu ao robô uma
caixa com uma balança e já dentro do pensamento, retirou um camião, uma caixa e um robô da mala de ferramentas e
programou um robô a construir casas. Veio testar esse mesmo robô, teste esse que não conseguiu realizar à primeira
porque deu uma caixa com um robô e não a caixa que estava no pensamento do robô. No entanto, após eu ter explicado
e lembrado, ele conseguiu fazer o teste.
No segundo robô, o RJ deu uma caixa com um camião, entrou no pensamento e retirou uma bomba da mala de
ferramentas e rebentou com o pensamento. Realizou o teste sem cometer o erro anterior.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 6
Início: 10h07m Fim: 10h31m
AR (age 4) / RJ (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Avaliar o desempenho da criança.
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
A AR começou por construir várias casas, depois retirou duas caixas da mala de ferramentas e colou-as. No
buraco do lado esquerdo colocou a letra A e no buraco do lado direito o nº 1. Agarrou essa mesma caixa e deu-a ao
robô. Entrou no pensamento, retirou um ninho da mala de ferramentas, pousou-o, retirou mais alguns objectos e, desses
objectos deu alguns ao pássaro. Depois quis sair do pensamento, mas não se recordava como fazer. Esperei um pouco
para ver se ela se lembrava, mas conseguiu sair com o auxílio do RJ que se aprontou a ajudar a sua colega. Quando veio
testar o robô, também não se conseguiu lembra como se fazia. Para conseguir realizar essa tarefa eu tive de lhe explicar
os procedimentos que devia tomar. No entanto, esperei que ela se conseguisse lembrar e/ou que o RJ a apoiasse. Para
acabar rebentou com algumas casas.
O RJ começou por construir casas, em seguida retirou uma caixa e o nº 1 da mala de ferramentas, colocou o
último dentro da primeira e agarrou a caixa e colocou-a nas mãos do robô (teve dificuldade em agarrar na caixa por
completo, isto é, ao tentar agarrar a caixa ele agarrou o nº.). Já no pensamento, ensinou o robô a retirar alguns objectos

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
da mala de ferramentas. Quando saiu do pensamento o RJ não testou o robô, tive de ser eu a perguntar-lhe se o robô
trabalhava bem ou não. Só ai é que ele se lembrou de testar o robô. No entanto não conseguiu fazer o teste sem a minha
ajuda, pois não se recordava como o fazer. Tive de lhe explicar novamente como proceder para testar o robô. Depois
saiu da casa, entrou no helí e terminou a sua prestação.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Ambas as crianças disseram que não queriam trabalhar no Toon Talk, aquando do início da actividade.
Session 7
Início: Fim:
AR (age 4) / RJ (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Fazer corresponder a imagem da folha com a localização dos bonecos (carro, peão).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O RJ não quis fazer a actividade proposta. Embora eu tivesse tentado encaminha-lo para o que tinha planeado,
não consegui persuadi-lo da sua vontade de rebentar com as casas para depois ver os trabalhadores a reconstrui-las.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A AR faltou
Session 8
Início: Fim:
AR (age 4) / RJ (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Fazer corresponder a imagem da folha com a localização dos bonecos (carro, peão).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O RJ conseguiu realizar a troca no chão da casa, mas não conseguiu ensinar o robô, embora eu tenha
exemplificado várias vezes. Ele entrou no pensamento do robô com a caixa mas depois ele fez a troca e muitas mais
coisa, como o copiar, o aspirar, enfim fez de tudo sem se aperceber de que tudo o que fazia o robô também iria fazer. O
resultado, como é evidente foi uma tremenda “salgalhada” sem princípio nem meio nem fim.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A AR faltou.

Group 4
Session 1
Início: 10h20m Fim: 10h40m
L (age 4) / MT (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Introdução ao TOON TALK (breve apresentação do ambiente do Toon Talk).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Neste grupo de duas crianças, a que se destacou mais, pela positiva, foi a MT, pois ela conseguiu, desde logo,
realizar com alguma destreza, o percurso com o heli e também todas as outras tarefas que se lhe apresentaram pela
frente, como foi o caso de entrar em casa, fazer sentar o boneco, tirar objectos da caixa de ferramentas, e trabalhar com
alguns dos instrumentos tais como, o aspirador e a varinha mágica.

552 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
O L sentiu bastantes dificuldades desde o início, pois trocou por diversas vezes as teclas para fazer descer/subir o
heli, não conseguiu realizar o percurso (do heli até ao interior da casa) com o boneco, uma vez que estava
constantemente a clicar e consequentemente o boneco sentava-se, no interior da casa e já com a caixa de ferramentas ao
seu dispor não conseguiu agarrar nos objectos por si escolhidos (nem por uma vez o L agarrou o objecto escolhido) e
tira-los para fora da caixa, aspirou sempre o que queria e o que não queria, o que lhe provocou algum transtorno.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 2
Início: 10h05m Fim: 10h26m
L (age 4) / MT (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Identificar e trabalhar com algumas ferramentas do TOONTALK.
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
A MT conseguiu lembrar-se do que aprendeu na 1ª sessão, o que originou a que neste dia, ela tenha trabalhado
facilmente com as ferramentas do TOON TALK (aspirador, varinha mágica e bomba de encher). Esta criança fez descer
o heli, entrou em casa, e fez sentar o boneco sem praticamente ter pedido ajuda. Para trabalhar com as diversas
ferramentas a MT precisou de alguma ajuda, nomeadamente para encher alguns objectos tirados da caixa de
ferramentas, uma vez que, esta tarefa não tinha ainda sido explorada pela criança. Em tudo o resto, a MT esteve sempre
com alguma à vontade e compenetrada no que fazia.
O L teve muitas dificuldades em realizar esta sessão. Não se lembrou do que tinha aprendido, e mesmo com a
minha ajuda para o fazer recordar, ele não conseguiu trabalhar com as diferentes funcionalidades do jogo. Continua a
trocar o botão que leva o heli no sentido descendente com o que o leva no sentido ascendente, dificultando assim a sua
pilotagem. Para tirar um objecto da caixa de ferramentas, recolhe dois ou três diferentes dos escolhidos e só depois, com
bastante insistência minha para que estivesse com atenção ao movimento do objecto, é que ele conseguiu tirar o
escolhido. No que respeita a aspirar e a fazer copias as dificuldades prenderam-se com o mesmo facto, ou seja, a criança
não dá atenção ao movimento do objecto escolhido.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A MT ajudou o L durante o tempo em que este esteve a realizar a actividade, contudo esta sessão foi
interrompida pelo facto de a MT se ter fartado de estar na sala e ter dito que queria vir embora. O L perante a atitude da
Teresa foi de “arrasto” com ela.
Session 3
Início: 10h40m Fim: 10h55m
L (age 4) / MT (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
A terceira sessão realizada por este grupo, não se desenrolou como estava à espera pois, a MT só quis encher e
esvaziar objectos com a bomba de encher, no entanto conseguiu realizar esta tarefa com bastante facilidade.
O L esteve constantemente a construir e a destruir casas, e embora estivesse a faze-lo com muita satisfação, ele
não conseguiu permanecer muito tempo no computador.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A MT quando tentou encher os objectos pela primeira vez, utilizou a bomba de destruição, mas após eu ter
explicado qual a diferença entre uma e outra, ela não trocou mais as bombas .

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 4
Início: 10h40m Fim: 110h10m
L (age 4) / MT (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Mais uma vez a MT não fez programação do robô. Ela esteve somente a fazer cópias de camiões e de balanças,
embora o tivesse feito por bastante tempo. Ela, apesar do meu incentivo, não quis programar o robô. Eu programei-o
para fazer cópias, pois era o que ela estava a fazer, e nem assim ela quis tentar. Na próxima sessão terei de a “forçar” a
entrar na programação.
O L fez a mesma coisa que a MT. Não sei se foi por ter visto a sua colega a fazer a actividade, ou se também não
o quis por vontade própria. No entanto penso que foi por influência. Na próxima sessão vou começar com o L a fazer a
programação, para tentar desta forma, influenciar a MT, e evitar que ele não seja influenciado por ela.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 5
Início: 00h00m Fim: 00h0m
L (age 4) / AC (age 4) – this matches session 6b of group 5.
Objectivos Prévios:
Avaliar o desempenho da criança.
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O L começou por retirar objectos ao acaso da mala de ferramentas e a desloca-los de um lado para o outro.
Depois, com a indicação da AC, ele deu uma caixa ao robô e entrou no pensamento. Aí ensinou o robô a retirar uma
caixa da mala de ferramentas, um camião, que colocou dentro da caixa e um ninho. Depois saiu do pensamento e testou
o robô. (toda a tarefa foi realizada pelo L com a indicação da AC).
A AC esteve somente a trabalhar no chão (da rua), retirando para o mesmo diversos objectos, tendo-se limitado a
transportá-los de um lado para o outro. Este facto supeendeu-me bastante, pois ela esteve constantemente a ajudar o L.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 6
Início: 00h00m Fim: 00h0m
L (age 4) / AC (age 4) – this matches session 7b of group 5.
Objectivos Prévios:
Fazer corresponder a imagem da folha com a localização dos bonecos (carro, peão).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O L fez a troca dos sinais no chão da casa e posteriormente ensinou o robô a realizar a mesma tarefa. No chão da
casa ele retirou os dois sinais da caixa e colocou-os no chão. Depois pegou no que estava no lado esquerdo e colocou-o
no lado direito e o que estava no lado direito colocou-o no lado esquerdo, tendo depois desfeito essa troca para dar a
caixa ao robô. Dentro do pensamento do robô ele realizou a tarefa com uma pequena diferença. Retirou-o o sinal do
lado esquerdo e colocou-o no chão e depois pegou no do lado direito e colocou-o logo no lado esquerdo da caixa. Em
seguida pegou no outro sinal e colocou-o no respectivo lugar. Entretanto ele ia desfazer o que havia feito, pois foi o que
fez no chão da casa. Então tive de lhe explicar porque razão ele tinha desfeito a troca no chão da casa. Ele compreendeu
a razão, e o objectivo da actividade.

554 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
A AC colocou objectos nas caixas, retirou esses objectos para colocar outros, aspirou, copiou, e para finalizar
rebentou com a casa.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 7
Início: 00h00m Fim: 00h0m
L (age 4) / AC (age 4) – this matches session 8b of group 5.
Objectivos Prévios:
Fazer corresponder a imagem da folha com a localização dos bonecos (carro, peão).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O L realizou a tarefa de imediato no pensamento do robô sem grandes dificuldades. No entanto, ao contrário de
algumas crianças, este não conseguiu copiar sozinho os sinais e o camião.
A AC fez a actividade com o meu auxílio. Ela fez as trocas no chão da casa, ensinou o robô a destrocar o que o L
tinha trocado, mas sempre com a minha ajuda, pois não se lembrava sequer de como se fazia para entrar no pensamento
do robô.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 5
Session 1
Início: 09h40m Fim: 10h13m
AA (age 5) / AC (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Introdução ao TOON TALK (breve apresentação do ambiente do Toon Talk).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Ambas as crianças conseguiram identificar o heli, mas não identificaram as casas como tal, quando vistas de
A AA teve dificuldades em se aperceber se o heli tinha ou não pousado, pois para ela este já estaria no chão
desde o momento em que se encontra ao mesmo nível das casas e, embora eu tenha feito referência e alertado para o
facto de o heli só se encontrar pousado quando não se encontrasse com as pás em movimento e com o motor silenciado,
ela continuou a ter dificuldades em se aperceber se de facto o heli se encontrava ou não parado. Por esta razão eu insisti
na navegação para que a AA se apercebesse de tal facto.
No que diz respeito ao agarrar de objectos, a AA não teve grandes dificuldades em entender que para realizar tal
tarefa, necessitava de ver o objecto pretendido a abanar. No entanto, e como gostou de retirar objectos da caixa e de os
colocar no chão, a certa altura eram tantos em tão pouco espaço, que a levou a sentir bastantes dificuldades para os
agarrar, como é evidente.
Em relação ao outro membro do grupo, a AC, posso referir que esta sentiu muitas dificuldades em todo o tipo de
tarefa que fez, na navegação, no deslocamento do boneco, no agarrar, no aspirar.... Penso no entanto que as dificuldades
se devem só à não compreensão das “regras” do jogo, mas também ao seu menor desenvolvimento, ao nível da
motricidade fina, pois tem bastantes dificuldades em trabalhar com o rato.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 555

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 2
Início: 10h30m Fim: 10h53m
AA (age 5) / AC (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Identificar e trabalhar com algumas ferramentas do TOONTALK.
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
A AA já trabalhou de forma satisfatória no jogo. Ela conseguiu navegar sem dificuldade com o heli, entrar na
casa e brincar com algumas ferramentas como o aspirador e a varinha mágica.
Sem querer, a AA entrou no pensamento do robô, o que a assustou um bocado, pois ficou um pouco confusa por
não entender onde se encontrava. Eu expliquei o que se estava a passar e demonstrei como programar o robô para dar
uma caixa ao pássaro. Ela gostou do que aprendeu a fazer, não tendo tido grande dificuldade em realizar esta tarefa após
a minha explicação.
A AC, continua a ter bastantes dificuldades na realização de qualquer tipo de tarefa. Não consegue aterrar com o
heli, não consegue agarrar os objectos pretendidos, não interiorizou que para aspirar tem de permanecer com o aspirador
na mão, embora eu tivesse explicado e exemplificado, por diversas vezes, como fazer para realizar tal tarefa.
Dadas as dificuldades sentidas por esta criança, e apesar de ela ter visto a exemplificação que fiz com a AA para
a programação do robô, eu achei por bem, não tentar avançar com a AC, por razões obvias.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 3
Início: 09h45m Fim: 10h28m
AA (age 5) / AC (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
A AA começou por tirar alguns objectos da mala de ferramentas, letras, números e caixas.
Ela colocou uma caixa com o nº 2 e tentou colocar uma letra nessa mesma caixa. Não deu resultado. Eu
expliquei o porquê de não dar para fazer isso e ela em seguida tirou uma caixa vazia e colocou a letra A e depois
colocou mais duas vezes a mesma letra. Em seguida copiou, com a varinha mágica essa caixa e aspirou tudo. Em
seguida, expliquei como se poderia fazer para ensinar o robô a trabalhar sozinho. Ela gostou da ideia, e após a minha
explicação ela começou logo a trabalhar. Então deu uma caixa vazia ao robô, entrou no pensamento e ensinou o robô a
tirar uma caixa da mala de ferramentas, retirar um camião e coloca-lo lá dentro, depois tirou outra caixa e colocou
dentro desta uma balança e trocou os conteúdos das caixas. Saiu do pensamento e veio ver o robô a trabalhar. Quando
deu a caixa vazia ao robô este começou a trabalhar, no entanto apareceu uma mensagem emitida pelo marciano de que o
robô havia perdido o rasto a muita coisa e que ele não esperava trabalhar com tanta coisa. No entanto, e apesar do erro,
a AA conseguiu ver o robô a trabalhar.
A AC começou também por retirar objectos da mala de ferramentas e a coloca-los dentro de caixas, depois
aspirou tudo o que havia retirado e colocado no chão da casa e pegou numa caixa vazia e deu-a ao robô. Entrou no
pensamento deste e programou-o não para fazer trocas, porque ela não o quis, mas sim para o ensinar a aspirar. Então
ensinou o robô a aspirar uma letra, um nº e um camião. Saiu do pensamento e veio ver o robô a trabalhar.
Por fim a AA decidiu aspirar a casa toda e sair.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Session 4
Início: 10h 40m Fim: 11h00m
AA (age 5) / AC (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios: Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô

556 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
A AA quis ensinar o robô a fazer casas. Eu expliquei-lhe que era muito parecido ao que ela tinha feito na sessão
anterior, só mudava dentro do pensamento do robô, no qual ela tinha de retirar um robô, uma caixa e um camião da
mala de ferramentas, e em seguida colocar a caixa vazia no camião e agarrar o robô e introduzi-lo na caixa. A
explicação dada por mim foi somente oral, ou seja, eu não exemplifiquei.
A AA conseguiu realizar esta tarefa com alguma facilidade, embora demorasse algum tempo para a concluir,
uma vez que ela parava para pensar no que eu tinha dito. Como se pode adivinhar, a cidade ficou repleta de casas.
Por fim, quis rebentar com algumas (muitas) casas, tendo parado somente quando se cansou.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A AC faltou.
Session 5
Início: 14h 10m Fim: 14h36m
MA (age 5) / AA (age 5) – this matches session 5 in group 6.
Objectivos Prévios:
Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O MA a primeira coisa que fez foi rebentar com a casa (já não se lembrava como se fazia). Posteriormente
entrou noutra casa e foi ensinar o robô. Ele já não sabia qual era o robô. Eu disse-lhe qual era o robô e ele deu uma
caixa vazia e entrou no pensamento. No pensamento, o MA confundiu a mão que o robô mexe com a mão que lhe
permite agarrar os objectos. Após ter entendido qual a mão que agarra (através da minha explicação), tirou duas caixas
vazias da mala de ferramentas e colocou em cada uma delas dois camiões, tendo de seguida trocado os respectivos
lugares. Saiu do pensamento do robô, verificou se o robô trabalhava ou não, e em seguida rebentou com a casa.
O MA realizou esta actividade praticamente sem o meu auxílio.
A AA deu ao robô uma caixa com a letra A e já no pensamento ela agarrou na letra e escreveu o seu nome (com
a minha ajuda). Depois retirou três caixas da mala de ferramentas e colocou o seu nome, noutra colocou o nº um e na
última a letra A. Posteriormente trocou o nome com o nº e veio verificar o resultado. No fim rebentou com a casa.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 6a
Início: 09h40m Fim: 10h00m
MA (age 5) / AA (age 5)
Objectivos Prévios:
Avaliar o desempenho da criança.
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
A AA mal entrou na casa quis rebentar com a mesma. Como já vem sendo hábito este tipo de acção, eu
perguntei-lhe se ela ainda se lembrava como se ensina o robô a trabalhar e porque não ensina-lo a construir casas. Ela
aceitou o meu desafio e deu ao robô uma caixa com um camião (eu perguntei o porquê de ser um camião e não outra
coisa qualquer para verificar se ela já estava a pensar que para se construir casas precisamos de um camião, no entanto
foi uma escolha ao acaso ou seja não tinha essa intenção). Já dentro do pensamento, ela retirou um camião, uma caixa
(que colocou prontamente no camião) e um robô que colocou dentro da caixa transportada pelo camião. Verificou se o
robô construiu alguma casa, facto de que se apercebeu de imediato, pois estavam na mesma 3 casas, quando só
deveriam existir duas pois tinha já rebentado com uma. Para finalizar, e como não podia deixar de ser, a AA rebentou
com todas as casas que existiam.
O MA seguiu exactamente os mesmos passos da AA, rebentou com uma casa, foi programar o robô para
construir casa, a única diferença foi ter dado ao robô uma caixa com uma letra para entrar no seu pensamento. No

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 557

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
entanto quando veio verificar se o robô trabalhava ou não, o MA não consegui lembrar-se de como se fazia para testar o
mesmo. Tive de lhe dizer como se fazia, ou melhor, lembrar, pois ele já sabia faze-lo.
No fim o MA não rebentou com a casa, ele preferiu pilotar o heli por algum tempo.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 6b
Início: 00h00m Fim: 00h0m
L (age 4) / AC (age 4) – this matches session 5 of group 4.
Session 7a
Início: 00h00m Fim: 0h00m – this matches session 7 of group 6.
MA (age 5) / AA (age 5)
Objectivos Prévios:
Fazer corresponder a imagem da folha com a localização dos bonecos (carro, peão).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Ambas as crianças realizaram a tarefa “manualmente”, numa primeira fase, e depois ensinaram o robô a fazer a
mesma correspondência.
A primeira criança a trabalhar foi o MA. Este teve de ensinar o robô a trocar o objecto do compartimento da
direita para o compartimento da esquerda, de modo a colocar o sinal dos peões mais perto do boneco que está na folha.
Conseguiu, embora com alguma dificuldade, pois não se recordava como ensinar o robô.
A AA não conseguiu realizar a tarefa de forma autónoma. Fui eu quem praticamente fez a actividade, pois
embora ela tivesse estado atenta, não conseguiu lembrar-se da maior parte das acções para que pudesse realizar a dita
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Session 7b
Início: 00h00m Fim: 00h0m
L (age 4) / AC (age 4) – this matches session 6 of group 4.
Session 8a
Início: 00h00m Fim: 0h00m – this matches session 8 of group 6.
MA (age 5) / AA (age 5)
Objectivos Prévios:
Fazer corresponder a imagem da folha com a localização dos bonecos (carro, peão).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Ambas as crianças conseguiram realizar a tarefa, embora com alguma dificuldade, nomeadamente a AA. No
entanto esta teve uma prestação bastante mais positiva do que na sessão anterior. A actividade foi idêntica a anterior,
mas desta vez, foram as crianças a copiar os bonecos (sinais; camião) para o ToonTalk.
A ordem da realização da actividade foi a mesma da sessão anterior, para que assim, a AA, que teve muitas
dificuldades da última vez, observasse com atenção para que a sua prestação melhorasse.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Session 8b
Início: 00h00m Fim: 00h0m
L (age 4) / AC (age 4) – this matches session 7 of group 4.

558 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Group 6
Session 1
Início: 09h55m Fim: 10h24m
MA (age 5) / M (4 anos)
Objectivos Prévios:
Introdução ao TOON TALK (breve apresentação do ambiente do Toon Talk).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Ambas as crianças identificaram o heli e as casas.
O MA teve algumas dificuldades em fazer deslocar o heli, de forma a que este aterrasse perto das casas. Após eu
lhe explicar como o fazer, ele seguiu as minhas instruções e conseguiu começar a pousar o heli junto às casas. No
entanto, o MA voltou a sentir algumas dificuldades em aterrar, uma vez que para ele bastava que o heli se encontrasse
ao mesmo nível das casas. Após o ter deixado tentar, por diversas vezes, chegar à conclusão de que o heli para aterrar
tem de ter as pás paradas e não se pode ouvir o barulho do seu motor trabalhar, e dado que não o conseguiu fazer por si,
expliquei e exemplifiquei a forma de o fazer, a partir daí, o MA conseguiu por duas vezes realizar a aterragem.
Dentro da casa não sentiu grandes dificuldades em agarrar objectos, aspirar e em fazer inúmeras cópias de
camiões. Após ter posto a casa numa confusão total, cheia de camiões e de outros objectos espalhados pelo chão, o MA
sentiu grandes dificuldades em agarrar o que quer que fosse.
O M teve menos dificuldades em descer junto às casas e em aterrar com o heli, fruto talvez da atenção com que
estava aquando da minha explicação.
Sentiu bastantes dificuldades para entrar em casa, foi constante o sentar e o levantar do boneco, durante o
percurso compreendido entre o heli e a casa, a aspirar e a fazer cópias, pelo facto de trocar as teclas destas funções.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 2
Início: 10h55m Fim: 11h22m
MA (age 5) / M (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Identificar e trabalhar com algumas ferramentas do TOONTALK.
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O MA sentiu dificuldades em agarrar objectos, não conseguiu interiorizar que para tal feito, tem de ter o objecto
escolhido a mexer, teve também alguns problemas ao aspirar, foram várias as tentativas para aspirar, no entanto ele
fazia-o sempre com o aspirador no chão, mesmo após eu ter explicado como se tem de proceder. Para além destas
dificuldades, o MA teve os mesmos problemas da sessão anterior, embora de forma mais aligeirada.
O M surpreendeu-me pela positiva. Foi só lembrar como se faziam as diversas tarefas, para que ele começasse a
trabalhar sozinho sem ligar a ninguém. Conseguiu aspirar objectos retirados da caixa de ferramentas, fazer cópias, e
explodir com as casas, o que para ele foi deveras divertido.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 3
Início: 10h30m Fim: 10h57m
MA (age 5) / M (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O MA, após ter entrado na casa só se interessou em construir e destruir casas, tendo somente interrompido esta
“destruição maciça” para, numa das casas, retirar alguns objectos e aspirá-los. Em seguida rebentou com a casa. Não
quis fazer mais nada, embora eu tivesse tentado levá-lo a fazer algo de diferente, não o consegui, pois não quero obrigá-
lo a fazer algo que no momento não lhe apetece, pois se o fizesse poderia estar a por em risco todo o seu desempenho e
interesse pelo jogo no futuro.
O M, já não se lembrava de quase nada do que havia aprendido na sessão anterior. Como tal, e dado que mesmo
após eu o ter lembrado de como se faziam certas e determinadas tarefas, o M continuou a sentir algumas dificuldades na
sua realização. Assim sendo optei por deixar o M a aspirar, copiar, retirar objectos da mala de ferramentas, para que
deste modo, continue o seu processo de habituamento ao ambiente do Toon Talk.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Foi muito estranho para mim o desempenho do M, não por ele se ter esquecido de como realizar esta ou aquela
tarefa, mas sim a dificuldade sentida após o ter lembrado de como se fazia. Espero porém que seja fruto de um mau dia,
pois na sessão anterior o M surpreendeu-me pela positiva.
Session 4
Início: 11h15m Fim: 11h35m
MA (age 5) / M (age 4)
Objectivos Prévios:
Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O MA, retirou uma caixa da mala de ferramentas, uma letra e colocou esta última na caixa. Pegou na caixa e
deu-a ao robô para entrar no pensamento. Já lá dentro, ele ensinou o robô a aspirar objectos do interior das caixas. Para
tal, retirou um camião e uma caixa, introduziu o primeiro dentro desta e aspirou-o. Veio ver o robô a trabalhar, mas
esqueceu-se de dar uma caixa idêntica à do pensamento do robô. Eu alertei o Miguel para este facto e ele conseguiu ver
o trabalho do robô.
Depois, ensinou o robô a aspirar uma bomba da caixa. Tanto na primeira como na segunda programação, tive de
auxiliar a criança, pois ele sentiu algumas dificuldades, nomeadamente, no agarrar nos objectos, entrar no pensamento e
agarrar objectos com o robô. No entanto, essa minha ajuda foi menor na segunda programação.
O M, e embora eu lhe tenha explicado e exemplificado como se programa o robô, não se mostrou interessado em
realizar tal tarefa. Fez somente algumas cópias de objectos e rebentou com muitas casas.
Fiz uma programação do robô com ele, após este ter estado a brincar livremente no jogo, para ver se o conseguia
levar a interessar-se mas não consegui, pois logo que acabamos de programar ele quis ir embora.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 5
Início: 14h 10m Fim: 14h36m
MA (age 5) / AA (age 5) – this matches session 5 of group 5.
Session 6

Session 7
Início: 00h00m Fim: 0h00m – this matches session 7a of group 5.
MA (age 5) / AA (age 5)
Session 8
Início: 00h00m Fim: 0h00m – this matches session 8a of group 5.
MA (age 5) / AA (age 5)

560 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Group 7
Session 1
Início: 11h25m Fim: 11h55m
IX (age 4) / LE (age 5)
Objectivos Prévios:
Introdução ao TOON TALK (breve apresentação do ambiente do Toon Talk).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Logo de início, sem eu dizer nada, ambas as crianças identificaram o heli e as casas.
O LE conseguiu com alguma facilidade navegar com o heli e aterrar junto às casas. No interior das mesmas ele
tirou facilmente os objectos pretendidos e colocou-os no chão da casa onde posteriormente os aspirou e copiou.
Ele colocou dentro de uma caixa a letra A e em seguida colocou mais letras A em cima da primeira. Aí eu sugeri
que colocasse o n.º 1 em cima da letra e de imediato ele notou na alteração que surgiu, ou seja a letra A passou a letra B.
Notei que esta criança tem alguma facilidade em trabalhar com o programa.
A IX teve algumas dificuldades em fazer subir e descer o heli, devido ao facto de se enganar constantemente nas
teclas do rato. Em relação ao interior da casa, a I teve alguns problemas em interiorizar as “regras” para recolher, aspirar
e copiar objectos. Para sair de casa ela fez várias tentativas, uma vez que não conseguia dar com a porta.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 2
Change in group composition due to absentees. This session matches Session 2 in group 2.
Início: 11h 24m Fim: 11h 49m
PR (age 4)/LE (age 5)
Objectivos Prévios:
Identificar e trabalhar com algumas ferramentas do TOONTALK.
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O LE não teve dificuldade alguma em realizar esta actividade. Não necessitou de nenhum tipo de ajuda, eu só lhe
dei algumas dicas para ele fazer este ou aquele tipo de tarefa, como o aspirar objectos do interior das caixas, copiar
objectos, rebentar com as casas, etc.
O PR, sentiu mais dificuldades, nomeadamente no agarrar, aspirar e copiar, pois esqueceu-se frequentemente de
que o objecto com que quer trabalhar tem de estarem movimento.
As dificuldades sentidas por esta criança prendem-se com o facto de esta não conseguir permanecer muito tempo
concentrada no que está a realizar.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 3
No records.
Session 4
No records.
Session 5
Início: 15h11m Fim: 15h39m
IX (age 4) / LE (age 5)
Objectivos Prévios: Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O LE ensinou o robô a construir casas. Ele deu uma caixa com um ninho ao robô, entrou no pensamento e
agarrou numa caixa, depois agarrou num camião, pousou-o colocou nele a caixa, agarrou um robô e colocou-o na caixa
transportada pelo camião. Em seguida veio verificar se o robô aprendeu ou não a construir casas. Após ter verificado o
robô, o LE quis ensinar outro robô a destruir casas. Então, deu uma caixa com uma bomba ao robô e entrou no
pensamento, agarrou numa bomba e fez explodir a mesma. Saiu do pensamento do robô, deu a mesma caixa ao robô
que tinha que tinha usado para entrar no seu pensamento, e foi verificar se o robô rebentou com alguma casa. Como só
rebentou com uma, ele fez questão de ir rebentar com algumas outras casas.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A IX faltou.
Session 6
Início: 15h11m Fim: 15h39m
FG (age 5) / LE (age 5) – this matches session session 7 of group 8.
Objectivos Prévios:
Fazer corresponder a imagem da folha com a localização dos bonecos (carro, peão).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O LE realizou a tarefa sem grandes dificuldades. Ele fez as trocas no chão da casa, e depois deu as caixas (na
posição inicial) ao robô, entrou no seu pensamento e ensinou-o a realizar a troca de forma a que o sinal do lado
esquerdo fosse colocado no lado direito de forma a que este fica-se mais perto da imagem colocada na folha. O
objectivo da actividade foi bem compreendido por esta criança.
O FG não quis realizar a tarefa no chão da casa, tendo por isso tido mais dificuldade em a realizar logo no
pensamento do robô. No entanto com alguma ajuda minha, ajuda essa verbal, ele conseguiu destrocar o que o LE havia
feito. O objectivo da actividade foi também por ele percebido. Se a actividade tivesse sido realizada primeiramente por
esta criança, certamente teria tido muitas mais dificuldades em a concretizar, por essa razão o coloquei a fazer após o
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 7
Início: Fim:
FG (age 5) / LE (age 5) – this matches session 8 of group 8.
Objectivos Prévios:
Fazer corresponder a imagem da folha com a localização dos bonecos (carro, peão).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O LE foi novamente ao primeiro a “trabalhar”. Nesta sessão expliquei como se fazia para se copiar os bonecos
para o ToonTalk. Embora não conseguisse fazê-lo de imediato, o LE à terceira tentativa copiou os desenhos e foi ele
que fez o cenário para a actividade. Após estar tudo no lugar ele fez a troca dos objectos no chão da casa e
posteriormente deu as caixas na posição inicial (porque eu o alertei para tal facto) e ensinou o robô. A actividade foi
realizada com sucesso, apesar de o facto de ter de copiar os desenhos o ter confundido um pouco no início.
O FG teve mais dificuldade em concretizar a actividade, facto esse que está certamente relacionado com a falta
de atenção durante a prestação do LE e também a falta de vontade de a realizar, pois a sua vontade era rebentar com as
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


562 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Group 8
Session 1
Início: 11h00m Fim: 11h18m
FG (age 5) / JPF (age 3) – this matches session 1 of group 10.
Objectivos Prévios:
Introdução ao TOON TALK (breve apresentação do ambiente do Toon Talk).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Em relação à identificação do heli e das casas, ambas as crianças disseram que era um helicóptero, no entanto,
no que respeita às casas o JPF disse que eram malas e o FG disse que eram três tijolos. Quando se aproximaram delas
deram conta que de facto se tinham enganado.
O FG navegou tanto com o helicóptero como com o boneco com alguma facilidade. Dentro da casa ele brincou
com a caixa de ferramentas, da qual tirou algumas caixas, camiões e balanças, para posteriormente aspirar. Esta criança
não teve curiosidade em trabalhar com as outras ferramentas, apesar de eu ter tentado incentivar para que o fizesse. Por
último, resta-me referir que o FG esteve pouco tempo no computador, por sua vontade.
O JPF teve bastantes dificuldades realizar as diversas tarefas, nomeadamente na recolha de objectos da caixa de
ferramentas, no aspirar e no copiar. Também esta criança permaneceu pouco tempo no computador. Penso que este
facto se deve à hora a que eles foram por mim chamados, pois coincide com altura do recreio, no qual eles andam nos
baloiços, nos escorregas, etc.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 2
Início: 11h45m Fim: 12h15m
FG (age 5) / JPF (age 3) – this matches session 2 of group 10.
Objectivos Prévios:
Identificar e trabalhar com algumas ferramentas do TOON TALK.
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Nesta sessão o JPF conseguiu, após eu o ter lembrado, realizar as tarefas com bastante facilidade. Ele recolheu,
aspirou e copiou objectos com bastante à vontade, o único problema foi a quantidade de objectos que ele tirou para o
chão da casa que a transformou num “campo de batalha”. No fim ele quis explodir as casas, tarefa que lhe deu um
enorme gozo e que repetiu vezes sem conta.
O FG teve mais dificuldades. Ele não se conseguia lembrar de nada do que tinha feito na sessão anterior, e após
eu o ter relembrado, continuou a sentir dificuldades em realizar algumas das tarefas, nomeadamente o recolher objectos,
aspirar e o copiar.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
A facilidade demonstrada pelo JPF na realização das tarefas é de facto algo que me surpreendeu, dado que esta
criança tem algumas dificuldades em realizar desenhos no Paint e jogos no computador.
Session 3
Início: 11h30m Fim: 12h07m
FG (5 anos) / JPF (3 anos) – this matches session 3 of group 10.
Objectivos Prévios: Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O FG entrou na casa e tirou alguns objectos que em seguida aspirou. Posteriormente, voltou a tirar alguns
objectos da mala de ferramentas e fez cópias com a varinha mágica. Após ele ter realizado algumas tarefas que já tinha
realizado na sessão anterior, eu disse-lhe que poderíamos ensinar o robot a trabalhar sozinho. Ele mostrou-se
interessado e então expliquei e exemplifiquei como se faz para que ele tentasse programar o robot.

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Foi o que ele fez. Pegou numa caixa, a essa juntou outra e colocou numa um camião e noutra uma balança. Em
seguida pegou nessa mesma caixa e deu-a ao robot. Desta forma entrou no pensamento e ensinou o robot a aspirar os
objectos inseridos nas caixas. Em seguida o robot retirou um camião e uma balança da mala de ferramentas e colocou-
os com a mesma disposição nas caixas. O FG saiu do pensamento do robot e testou-o para verificar se o robot aprendeu
o que ele lhe ensinou.
O FG teve algumas dificuldades em programar o robot, dificuldades essas que foram ultrapassadas com a minha
O JPF esteve todo o tempo a observar o desenrolar da actividade realizada pelo FG, o que lhe facilitou um pouco
a sua aprendizagem.
Esta criança quis logo ensinar o robot. Pegou numa caixa colocou um camião pegou noutra caixa e colocou uma
letra. Em seguida juntou as duas caixas e deu-as ao robot. Já dentro do pensamento, ensinou o robot a aspirar o
conteúdo das caixas e a colocar novamente os objectos nas mesmas. Após ter programado o robot, o JPF verificou se o
robot tinha ou não aprendido tudo o que lhe foi ensinado. Após ter feito a verificação, o JPF quis rebentar com a casa.
O JPF conseguiu realizar esta tarefa, embora tivesse sentido algumas dificuldades, no entanto essas dificuldades
foram menores que as sentidas pelo FG.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 4
Início: 09h40m Fim: 10h12m
FG (age 5) / JPF (age 3) – this matches session 4 of group 10.
Objectivos Prévios:
Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O FG sentiu grandes dificuldades na realização da tarefa. Não conseguiu entrar na casa à primeira vez, confundiu
a tecla F1 com a tecla Esc quando quis fazer desaparecer o marciano e não se lembrou de como se faz para sentar o
Quando entrou na casa, foi logo buscar uma bomba e rebentou com a mesma. Na outra casa, ele já foi para a
programação do robô. Retirou uma caixa e uma letra da mala de ferramentas e colocou a letra no interior da caixa. Em
seguida aspirou a letra. Após ter treinado cá fora ele deu uma caixa com a letra A ao robô e programou o robô a aspirar
de uma caixa a letra A. Teve muitas dificuldades em programar o robô, e como tal estive constantemente a apoiá-lo.
Depois programou outro robô a aspirar um camião, mas teve na mesma grandes dificuldades. Essas dificuldades
também se fizeram sentir aquando da parte de testagem do robô, pois das duas vezes ele cometeu o mesmo engano, não
tendo dado uma caixa idêntica à que o robô tinha no pensamento.
O JPF entrou no pensamento do robô e ensinou-o a aspirar de uma caixa um nº, em seguida testou o robô tendo
depois rebentado com a casa.
Já noutra casa o JPF entrou no pensamento do robô e pegou numa bomba e fê-la rebentar. Testou o robô e gostou
de o ver a rebentar com a casa.
O JPF não teve grandes dificuldades em programar o robô, poucas foram as vezes que tive de intervir Para o
alertar para este ou aquele aspecto.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 5
Início: 10h05m Fim: 10h25m
FG (5 anos)
Objectivos Prévios: Avaliar o desempenho da criança.

564 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O FG entrou na casa e esteve a aspirar alguns objectos por ele retirados da mala de ferramentas. Depois, por
minha influência, programou um robô a aspirar objectos. Ele deu uma caixa com um camião ao robô, para entrar no seu
pensamento, e já dentro deste, retirou um camião, um ninho e uma balança e aspirou tudo. Em seguida veio verificar o
robô. Deu uma caixa com uma balança ao robô e este não funcionou. Ele não conseguiu decifrar o problema, então tive
de o levar a descobrir o problema. Perguntei se ainda se lembrava o que é que o robô tinha no seu pensamento e, aí ele
lembrou-se que o robô pede sempre o que quer para poder trabalhar. Então, deu a caixa certa e o robô funcionou.
Para terminar, o FG andou a rebentar casas e pilotou um pouco o heli.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 6
Início: 15h11m Fim: 15h39m
FG (age 5) / LE (age 5) – this matches session session 6 of group 7.
Session 7
Início: Fim:
FG (age 5) / LE (age 5) – this matches session 7 of group 7.

Group 9
Session 1
Início: 14h40m Fim: 15h06m
AF (age 5) / T (age 5)
Objectivos Prévios:
Introdução ao TOON TALK (breve apresentação do ambiente do Toon Talk)/ Trocar caixas/objectos no seu
interior/programar o Robô.
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
A T entrou na casa e retirou alguns objectos e fez cópias dos mesmos. Em seguida aspirou o chão da casa e deu
ao robô uma caixa com uma balança. (Teve algumas dificuldades em agarrar objectos e em trabalhar com a varinha
mágica e com o aspirador, nomeadamente para os fazer funcionar, pois esquecia-se que os tem de ter na mão para eles
trabalharem). No pensamento ela ensinou o robô a fazer cópias de camiões, retirou um camião, agarrou na varinha
mágica e fez 3 cópias seguidas. Em seguida testou o robô e rebentou com a casa.
O AF, ao contrário do que esperava, conseguiu pilotar e fazer aterrar o helí, entrou na casa e começou a retirar
objectos da mala de ferramentas e a colocá-los no chão da casa. Tudo isto foi feito sem eu lhe ter ensinado nada nem
sequer lhe disse como se fazia. Penso que o facto do ToonTalk estar instalado no PC da sala de actividades foi um
factor preponderante para que esta criança tenha conseguido, na primeira sessão a que está presente, obter tão bom
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
A actividade desenvolvida com o AF teve como objectivo inicial, “introduzir a criança” no ambiente do toon
talk, no entanto esta criança demonstrou ter já um conhecimento deste programa, facto pelo qual eu permiti que esta
avançasse até onde avançou sem restrições da minha parte, uma vez que quando me preparava para começar a explicar
o ambiente de trabalho, já ela estava a pilotar o helí, tendo eu optado por ver até onde ela chegava.
Session 2
Início: 00h00m Fim: 00h00m
AF (age 5) / T (age 5)
Objectivos Prévios:
Fazer corresponder a imagem da folha com a localização dos bonecos (carro, peão).

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
Tanto o AF como a T não conseguiram realizar a tarefa proposta. No caso do AF, eu já esperava que a sua
prestação não fosse a melhor (é uma criança com necessidades educativas especiais, embora não esteja declarado como
tal). Desde o momento em que percebi que ele não conseguiria, mudei a actividade, uma vez que ele tem vindo a
melhorar nas actividades anteriores. Assim esteve a trabalhar com as diversas ferramentas (aspirador, varinha mágica,
bomba) e a ensinar o robô a realizar tarefas como copiar, ou retirar um objecto da caixa. Foram sempre tarefas que
englobassem uma só acção do robô para que a criança percebesse o que lhe estava a ensinar.
A T fez também o mesmo género de actividade. No entanto ela levou para o pensamento do robô uma caixa com
dois compartimentos para trocar os objectos nela inseridos. Acabou por fazer mais ou menos a actividade programada,
sem que fosse objectivo fazer a correspondência dos objectos da caixa com a folha, pois ela não se mostrou interessada
em a realizar dessa forma, embora eu, disfarçadamente a tenha tentado “empurrar para a actividade programada”.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 3
Início: 00h00m Fim: 00h00m
AF (age 5) / T (age 5)
Objectivos Prévios:
Fazer corresponder a imagem da folha com a localização dos bonecos (carro, peão).
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O AF, com bastante dificuldade, realizou a actividade programada. Primeiro fez a troca dos objectos
“manualmente”, e aí correu tudo bem, depois ensinou o robô a trocar da mesma forma esses objectos de acordo com a
imagem que estava na folha (note-se que a actividade proposta para esta criança foi a actividade proposta para a sessão
anterior a qual ele não conseguiu realizar), aqui tive de lhe explicar mais uma vez o objectivo da troca dos sinais e
ajudá-lo a realizar essa mesma troca. Penso que ele não percebeu o objectivo da actividade, embora tivesse dito que
A T realizou a mesma actividade, mas conseguiu, praticamente sem a minha ajuda, chegar ao fim da actividade.
O mais importante para mim foi o facto da T ter entendido o porquê de destrocar a localização das imagens, durante a
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 10
Session 1
Início: 11h00m Fim: 11h18m
FG (age 5) / JPF (age 3) – this matches session 1 of group 8.
Session 2
Início: 11h45m Fim: 12h15m
FG (age 5) / JPF (age 3) – this matches session 2 of group 8.
Session 3
Início: 11h30m Fim: 12h07m
FG (age 5) / JPF (age 3) – this matches session 3 of group 8.
Session 4
Início: 09h40m Fim: 10h12m
FG (age 5) / JPF (age 3) – this matches session 4 of group 8.

566 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 5
Início: 10h40m Fim: 11h08m
R (age 3) / JPF (age 3)
Objectivos Prévios:
Trocar caixas/objectos no seu interior/programar o Robô.
Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:
O JPF deu uma caixa com um nº ao robô, entrou no pensamento. Aí ele retirou uma caixa e um camião da mala
de ferramentas, colocou o camião no interior da caixa o camião e pegou no aspirador e aspirou a o camião da caixa.
Saiu do pensamento e testou o robô. Depois de ter visto o resultado, foi buscar outro robô, deu-lhe uma caixa com uma
bomba, e já no interior do pensamento retirou uma bomba da mala de ferramentas e acionou-a.
A R esteve presente, no entanto não quis trabalhar no Toon Talk.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A R nunca esteve presente nas sessões anteriores do Toon Talk. As restantes sessões do JPF estão no anterior
grupo ao qual pertencia.
Session 6
Início: 11h25m Fim: 11h55m
R (age 3) / JPF (age 3)
Objectivos Prévios:

Desenrolar e Resultados Gerais:

O JPF começou logo por entrar no pensamento do robô, dando uma caixa com um camião ao robô. Depois
ensinou-o a aspirar objectos que foram previamente retirados da mala de ferramentas. Depois agarrou num ninho, e por
fim pegou numa bomba e accionou-a. Fora do pensamento ele fez logo explodir a casa sem sequer ter testado o robô
Posteriormente o JPF andou a construir e a destruir casas.
A R esteve a pilotar o heli e dentro da casa esteve a agarrar alguns objectos.
Sentiu algumas dificuldades, nomeadamente a retirar os objectos da mala de ferramentas, pois para tirar um
determinado objecto, ela tirava outro. Não quis avançar muito com a R, uma vez que ela nunca está presente, ou quando
está não quer vir para os computadores.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 567

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools

Mondrões preschool
First session, all groups:
Esta sessão serviu para apresentar o TT às crianças, assim como alguns conceitos base da sua funcionalidade:
1. Formar grupos de pares (A formação destes grupos tiveram como critério a sua idade e os anos de
projecto (ICEI), existe 1 par que já é o 3º ano que trabalha com o computador);
2. Começámos por escrever os nomes de cada par, depois escolhemos qual a aparência do boneco
do jogo; já no jogo perguntei (o que é aquilo ali em baixo?) ao início fixaram os olhos e não
deram resposta, mas assim que (com a minha ajuda) começámos a descer as sugestões variaram
entre casas (para a maioria) no entanto houve uma criança que achava que a casa do meio era
uma pá, no entanto o seu colega disse logo que não, “aquilo são casas”; houve também outra que
rapidamente disse que estava num helicóptero e que aquilo era fogo. Quando lhes perguntei como
se chamava o transporte, todos disseram que era um helicóptero.
3. Quando aterrámos saímos do helicóptero, e eu sugeri que tentassem sozinhos, prontamente o
fizeram, no entanto os que estão pela 1ª vez no jardim não conseguiram fazer sem a minha ajuda.
4. Voltaram a aterrar e entrámos na casa, depois tentaram tirar coisas da caixa (os que estão pela 1ª
vez não conseguiram fazer sozinhos);
5. Expliquei como se levantavam e depois como tinham tanta coisa no chão falei que teríamos de
limpar. Nesse momento começámos a trabalhar com o aspirador.
6. Saímos da casa e fomos para o helicóptero e depois terminámos.
Todas as crianças experimentaram individualmente.

General session goals (common to all groups)

Session 2
ƒ Identificar o transporte;
ƒ Subir e descer no helicóptero
ƒ Entrar na casa;
ƒ Tirar objectos da caixa;
ƒ Aspirar;
ƒ Voltar a entrar no helicóptero.
Session 3
ƒ Descer o helicóptero;
ƒ Sair e entrar na casa;
ƒ Abaixar;
ƒ Tirar objectos da caixa;
ƒ O que estivemos a fazer da última vez?
o Construir casas.
Session 4
ƒ Descer o helicóptero;
ƒ Sair e entrar na casa;
ƒ Abaixar;
ƒ Tirar objectos da caixa;
ƒ O que estivemos a fazer da última vez?
o Construir casas. Identificar de quem é a casa.
ƒ Ensinar um Robô a construir uma cidade.

568 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Group 1
Session 2
GRUPO: (1) L + R
TEMPO: 9h00 às 9h50
OBJECTIVO: Conseguir fazer o que está proposto nos objectivos gerais
ACTIVIDADE: O L conseguiu: aterrar; entrar na casa e tirar algumas coisas da caixa, no entanto precisou de
ajuda para aspirar. A R necessitou de ajuda para o cumprimento dos objectivos gerais.
Session 3
GRUPO: (1) L + R
Nº DE SESSÃO: 3ª sessão
ƒ Descer o helicóptero;
ƒ Sair e entrar na casa;
ƒ Abaixar;
ƒ Tirar objectos da caixa;
ƒ Construir casas;
ƒ Identificar a quem pertence cada casa (colocando um objecto à sua escolha dentro da caixa)
O L faltou.
Não conseguiu descer o helicóptero sem ajuda, depois de uma explicação conseguiu fazer sozinha. Entrou
sozinha na casa e conseguiu baixar o boneco.
Retira objectos da caixa sem grande dificuldade. O que se pode concluir é que neste momento (3ª sessão) a R
consegue manipular o rato.
Quando lhe perguntei se ainda se recordava como se construíam casas a R rapidamente me explicou e depois
executou. Sempre que construía uma casa, levantava o boneco, saía e subia no helicóptero para as ver. Com a minha
sugestão entrou nas casas que construía e verificava que estava lá dentro o Robô e a caixa que lhe era dada (com o
objecto que ela tinha escolhido)
Session 4
GRUPO: (1) L + R
TEMPO: 9h15 às 9h45
Nº DE SESSÃO: 4ª sessão
ƒ Descer o helicóptero;
ƒ Sair e entrar na casa;
ƒ Abaixar;
ƒ Tirar objectos da caixa;
ƒ O que estive-mos a fazer da ultima vez?
o Construir casas. Identificar de quem é a casa.
O L tem um controlo de rato muito bom. Na construção da casa foi a R que apontava no ecrã o que tinha de tirar
da caixa. Depois já conseguiu fazer sem ajuda.
A R conseguiu fazer tudo sem ajuda, no entanto às vezes tem dificuldade em tirar objectos da caixa, mas esforça-
se por fazer sozinha.
A R subiu no helicóptero e mostrou ao L as casas... (fiquei surpreendida com a atitude da R)
O L também quis fazer o mesmo.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 569

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Group 2
Session 2
GRUPO: (2) RA + S
TEMPO: 10h30 às 10h45
OBJECTIVO: Conseguir fazer o que está proposto nos objectivos gerais
ACTIVIDADE: A S precisou de ajuda para o cumprimento dos objectivos gerais (foi o RA que a ajudou, apesar
das dificuldades que tem).
Estiveram a tirar objectos da caixa.
O RA apresentou mais dificuldades quando foi a vez dele. (necessitou da minha ajuda)
Session 3
GRUPO: (2) RA + S
Nº DE SESSÃO: 3ª sessão
ƒ Descer o helicóptero;
ƒ Sair e entrar na casa;
ƒ Abaixar;
ƒ Tirar objectos da caixa;
ƒ Construir casas.
ƒ Identificar a quem pertence cada casa (colocando um objecto à sua escolha dentro da caixa).
A S é uma criança que apesar de ter 3 anos, os seus períodos de concentração que ainda são muito reduzidos. Em
relação à motricidade fina ainda está muito pouco desenvolvida. Nesta primeira fase a S irá ter um acompanhamento
com actividades do ICEI.
O R esteve a ajudar a S a construir uma casa (ao que a S comentou “Olha o camião foi à Vila”).
O R esteve a construir casas com alguma ajuda minha (tem dificuldade na manipulação do rato). Depois disse-
me que não queria mais.
Session 4
GRUPO: (2) R + S
TEMPO: 9h45 às 10h15
Nº DE SESSÃO: 4ª sessão
ƒ Descer o helicóptero;
ƒ Sair e entrar na casa;
ƒ Abaixar;
ƒ Tirar objectos da caixa;
ƒ O que estivemos a fazer da ultima vez?
o Construir casas. Identificar de quem é a casa.
O R está perfeitamente capaz de construir casas e esteve a ensinar a S, que não sabia fazer (ajudou-a, colocando
a sua mão sobre a dela).
A S mantém-se sempre desatenta dificultando a ajuda do R.
O R ainda tem alguma dificuldade em controlar o rato na totalidade, mas vai conseguindo.
A tentativa de ajudar a S foi repetida, mas em vão.

570 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Group 3
Session 2
GRUPO: (3) D + M
TEMPO: 10h45 às 11h05
OBJECTIVO: Conseguir fazer o que está proposto nos objectivos gerais
O D apresentou dificuldades em todo o cumprimento dos objectivos gerais. O M está mais autónomo, atingiu os
objectivos gerais.
Tem dificuldade em sair e andar com boneco.
Session 3
GRUPO: (3) D + M
Nº DE SESSÃO: 3ª sessão
ƒ Descer o helicóptero;
ƒ Sair e entrar na casa;
ƒ Abaixar;
ƒ Tirar objectos da caixa;
ƒ Construir casas.
O D e o M ainda têm alguma dificuldade na manipulação do rato, o que se nota no tirar objectos da caixa e no
sair da casa com o boneco.
No entanto os dois construíram casas e subiram no helicóptero para as ver.
Não se mostraram interessado em continuar.
Session 4
GRUPO: (3) D + M
TEMPO: 10h15 às 10h45
Nº DE SESSÃO: 4ª sessão
ƒ Descer o helicóptero;
ƒ Sair e entrar na casa;
ƒ Abaixar;
ƒ Tirar objectos da caixa;
ƒ O que estive-mos a fazer da ultima vez?
o Construir casas. Identificar de quem é a casa.
ƒ ensinar um Robô a construir uma cidade.
O D e o M conseguiram construir casas, e quiseram contá-las.
Depois mostrei como se poderia construir uma cidade.
Quer o D, quer o M, conseguiram ensinar o robô, saindo para a rua e subindo no helicóptero para ver a
Mostraram-se muito surpreendidos com o que tinham feito. Reparei que o M ficou mais surpreso do que o D.

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Group 4
Session 2
GRUPO: (4) T + RF
TEMPO: 11h10 às 11h25
OBJECTIVO: Conseguir fazer o que está proposto nos objectivos gerais;
Construir casas
O RF faltou. A actividade foi realizada individualmente.
O T está autónomo conseguiu realizar os objectivos gerais.
Construir casa (quando tiramos um camião, ele anda um bocadinho; quando colocamos alguma coisa sobre ele, o
camião volta a andar mais um bocado) então sugeri que ele experimentasse os objectos da caixa ou 2 objectos para ver
se ele andava mais (com algumas sugestões minhas colocou uma caixa e um robô); depois fomos ver para onde teria ido
o camião, como não o encontrava subiu no helicóptero (minha sugestão) e lá estava outra casa, aterrou e foi ver se
estava lá o robô. Fez outra casa colocando na caixa uma letra e depois subiu no helicóptero para ver, desceu e entrou na
casa para saber se estava lá o robô que tinha colocado no camião. Quis explorar toda a ilha, então entrou no helicóptero
e aterrou muito longa das casas, queria encontrar o mar.
Session 3
GRUPO: (4) T + RF
Nº DE SESSÃO: 3ª sessão
ƒ Descer o helicóptero;
ƒ Sair e entrar na casa;
ƒ Abaixar;
ƒ Tirar objectos da caixa;
ƒ Construir casas;
ƒ Consolidar a construção de casas;
ƒ Identificar a quem pertence a casa;
ƒ Ensinar o Robô a fazê-las;
ƒ Guardar no caderno, com o nome.
O T explicou ao R como se construía uma casa, em simultâneo construiu uma casa. O R quando tentou fazer a
casa mostrou muita dificuldade em manusear o rato, então sugeri que o T o ajudasse. O T quando estava no helicóptero
começou a querer ir ao mar então tentou, mas não conseguiu, eu disse-lhe que era um pouco complicado, pois aquele
mar era muito fundo e que para o menino não cair na água o jogo não deixava ir para o mar.
Session 4
GRUPO: (4) T + RF
TEMPO: 10h50 às 11h20
Nº DE SESSÃO: 4ª sessão
ƒ Descer o helicóptero;
ƒ Sair e entrar na casa;
ƒ Abaixar;
ƒ Tirar objectos da caixa;
ƒ O que estive-mos a fazer da ultima vez?
o Construir casas. Identificar de quem é a casa.
ƒ ensinar um Robô a construir uma cidade.

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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
O T voltou a mostrar ao R como se fazia uma casa. Em seguida o R fez sem dificuldade.
Exemplifiquei e expliquei como se poderia construir uma cidade e cada um fez o mesmo, divertiram-se muito
com o ver a construir as casas.
O T quis novamente ir até ao mar, mas como não conseguia entrar na água acabou por se lembrar da minha
explicação e até disse “Pois é não se pode ir nadar, porque este mar é muito fundo. No entanto continuou a explorar as
casas e quando levantou voo viu que a ilha estava repleta de casas. Pediu-me para repetir a construção.
O D quis ficar só a ver o que o T fazia.

Group 5
Session 2
GRUPO: (5) SI + SM
TEMPO: 9h55 às 10h15
OBJECTIVO: Conseguir fazer o que está proposto nos objectivos gerais;
Construir casas
ACTIVIDADE: No ecrã apontaram para o ícone do TT: e o SM clicou e entrou. Os dois estão autónomos
conseguiram realizar os objectivos gerais. Construíram casas o procedimento utilizado foi igual ao utilizado com o T. A
SI percebeu logo que o camião com o robô e uma caixa construia casas “O Robo fez a casa!!!” (SI)
Session 3
GRUPO: (5) SI + SM
Nº DE SESSÃO: 3ª sessão
ƒ Descer o helicóptero;
ƒ Sair e entrar na casa;
ƒ Abaixar;
ƒ Tirar objectos da caixa;
ƒ Construir casas.
ƒ Ensinar o Robô a fazê-las;
ƒ Guardar no caderno, com o nome.
Os dois recordavam-se de tudo o que tínhamos feito na última sessão (construir casas) e começaram a fazê-lo ora
um ora o outro (quando não estavam com o rato davam sugestões ao que estava a fazer).
Toda a sessão foi passada em: tira camião, mete robô, mete caixa, levanta, saí da casa sobe no helicóptero e
conta as casas.
Tentei sugerir em construir uma cidade, mas nenhum me ligou, queriam era construir casas e conta-las
SM: ”Queres que tire uma bomba?”
SI: “Sim.”
SI: “arruma a bomba que pode explodir!!!”
Continuaram a construir casas e a contá-las.

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 4
GRUPO: (5) SI + SM
TEMPO: 11h20 às 11h45
Nº DE SESSÃO: 4ª sessão
ƒ Descer o helicóptero;
ƒ Sair e entrar na casa;
ƒ Abaixar;
ƒ Tirar objectos da caixa;
ƒ O que estive-mos a fazer da ultima vez?
o Construir casas. Identificar de quem é a casa.
ƒ ensinar um Robô a construir uma cidade.
Cada um construiu uma casa.
Eu comecei por explicar e exemplificar como se poderia construir uma cidade, ensinando o robô.
O SM executou e esteve dentro do helicóptero a ver construir.
A SI fez o mesmo.
Ambos se mostraram perplexos com a rapidez com que os trabalhadores construíam as casas.
Mostraram dificuldade em compreender o pensamento do robô:
SM - estou um bocadinho baralhado!?
SI - eu também.
Neste momento expliquei-lhes que quando queremos fazer alguma coisa temos de pensar no que queremos fazer,
por isso o robô também tinha de pensar...
Como os robôs não pensam sozinhos é preciso ir ao pensamento para lhes ensinar.
Acho que ficaram convencidos.

Group 6
Session 2
GRUPO: (6) P
TEMPO: 11h25 às 11h45
OBJECTIVO: Conseguir fazer o que está proposto nos objectivos gerais;
Construir casas
Muito autónoma, realizou tudo o que estava proposto nos objectivos gerais. Tirou várias coisas da caixa, no
entanto aos pássaros deu objectos para eles levarem para o ninho.
Construiu 3 casas, mas teve alguma dificuldade em perceber que as construía, apesar de numa das caixas ter
colocado um objecto à sua escolha (minha sugestão)

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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 3
GRUPO: (6) P
Nº DE SESSÃO: 3ª sessão
ƒ Descer o helicóptero;
ƒ Sair e entrar na casa;
ƒ Abaixar;
ƒ Tirar objectos da caixa;
ƒ Explorar os pássaros.
Descobri que a P consegue ler.... (Eu quero esta com cabelo, apontando com o cursor no botão que dizia com
Disse-me que tínhamos estado a construir casas e quando lhe perguntei o que faziam os pássaros respondeu-me
que não sabia.
Então resolvi modificar os objectivos da sessão para a construção de casas.
E disse-lhe então vamos construir casas.
Para meu espanto a sucessão de construção da Patrícia foi:
1. tirou um camião;
2. colocou o robô no camião;
3. tirou um ninho e começou a dar coisas ao pássaro....
4. RC343 - como se constrói uma casa?
5. P – com um camião um robô e uma caixa.
6. RC – e porque tiraste um ninho?
7. P – apeteceu-me dar coisas ao pássaro apara ele levar para o ninho.
Deixei a P continuar a fazer o que queria.
1. tira camião;
2. coloca o robô no camião;
3. tira ninho;
4. tira uma caixa e coloca-a no chão;
5. coloca o pássaro na caixa;
6. dá objectos ao pássaro;
7. muda o pássaro de sitio e volta a dar-lhe objectos;
8. coloca uma caixa no camião;
9. repete
10. tira camião
11. coloca-lhe um robô;
12. tira ninho;
13. brinca com o pássaro (dá objectos ao pássaro)
14. coloca caixa no camião;
15. repetiu...
Passado algum tempo disse-me que queria ir contar as casas...
E foi.
Deixei a P explorar à sua vontade. Fiquei pasma com a sua capacidade de abstracção e concentração.

The teacher.

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools

Parada de Cunhos preschool

Groups with a single recorded session
Group 1
Data: 2002/10/25 Início: 9h 45m
Término: 19h 55m
Nome: B
ƒ descer/levantar helicóptero;
ƒ ajoelhar-se/levantar-se;
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O B pousou rapidamente. Ajoelhou-se sozinho e conseguiu agarrar alguns objectos, espontaneamente, isto é,
sem se aperceber o que estava a agarrar e sem se aperceber que o objecto pisca ao apontar. Não consegue controlar o
rato (mão), e acabou por perder a caixa dos brinquedos. Ajudei a levantar mas visto estar constantemente a clicar, está
constantemente a ajoelhar-se.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 4
Data: 2002/10/25 Início: 10h 33m
Término: 10h 55m
Nome: M / DI
ƒ ajoelhar-se/levantar-se;
ƒ levantar/pousar helicóptero;
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos;
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O M pousou rápido e ajoelhou-se sem intenção de o fazer.
Ajudei a agarrar alguns objectos, mas não quis experimentar mais.
O DI quis entrar no helicóptero, levantar e pousar de novo. Entrou dentro da casa, já sabe que clicando ajoelha-
se. Ajudei a agarrar objectos e ensinei a construir casas. Quis repetir mas já não se lembrava do quais objectos eram
necessários. Voltei a repetir mas sozinho não conseguiu fazer.
Ensinei também a rebentar as casas. Quis fazer sozinho mas também não conseguiu.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O DI experimentou construir casas e rebentá-las, contudo, não foi um objectivo proposto mas que se

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Group 5
Data: 2002/10/25 Início: 10h 57m
Término: 11h 5m
Nome: F
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos;
ƒ copiar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O F já sabe pousar e voltar a entrar no helicóptero. Como está sempre a clicar, está sempre a ajoelhar-se. Sabe
levantar-se mas logo a seguir volta a ajoelhar-se. Sem se aperceber de que o objecto pisca quando se aponta, agarrou
alguns e largou. Tentei ensinar a copiar objectos mas não quis repetir.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O F tem muita dificuldade em controlar o rato e como está constantemente a clicar, não consegue agarrar o que
Group 6
Data: 2002/11/29 Início: 14h 15m
Término: 14h 55m
Nome: MA Idade: 5 anos
ƒ descer/levantar helicóptero;
ƒ ajoelhar-se/levantar-se;
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O MA identificou só o heli.
Clicando sem ajuda, descobriu como pousava e levantava.
Pousou sem ajuda e num acto de clicar com o rato, ajoelhou-se. Identificou a mão e começou a tirar objectos da
caixa das ferramentas. Sem ajuda, descobriu que ao apontar o objecto treme e é aquele que a mão agarra. Tirou os
objectos todos e experimentou várias vezes o agarrar/largar os objectos.
Sugeri que voltasse a arrumar os objectos para “arrumar a casa”. Como não conseguia arrumar as letras, porque
já tinha várias juntas ensinei a aspirar. Quis experimentar. Perguntou o que fazia a bomba de dar ar. Mostrei e também
experimentou. Perguntou o que fazia a varinha mágica. Mostrei e experimentou muitas vezes, copiando muitas bombas
de dar ar.
Perguntei se era capaz de tirar caixas azuis e arrumar alguns objectos dentro.
Como tirou muitas caixas, acabou por perder a localização de algumas delas. Pôs-se a pé para as procurar melhor
e tudo isto sem ajuda. Quis mexer muito tempo com o rato e acabou por perder de vez a sua localização. Ajudei a
encontrá-las. Ajoelhou-se e colocou os objectos tirados, dentro de casa caixa.
Perguntei se conseguia entrar no heli. Fê-lo bem.
Perguntou o que havia dentro das casas. Sugeri que visse ele próprio.
Pousou, entrou e apercebeu-se de que a cor do chão era diferente. Pediu para que a menina subisse ao andar de
cima. Expliquei que a casa ainda não tinha escadas mas que mais tarde iríamos fazer umas.
Tive que pedir para dar o lugar ao colega.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Observações: Foi a 1ª vez que o MA jogou no Toon.

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Group 9
Data: 2002/10/25 Início: 15h 10m
Término: 15h 16m
Nome: AN
ƒ ajoelhar-se/levantar-se;
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A AN não consegue manusear o rato, atendendo à idade que tem (2 anos).
Ajudei a clicar, baixando/levantando o heli.
Como não consegue manusear o rato nem clicar não quis jogar.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 2
Session 1
Data: 2002/10/25 Início: 9h 57m
Término: 10h 14m
Nome: D
ƒ descer/levantar helicóptero;
ƒ ajoelhar-se/levantar-se;
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Ajudei o D a pousar o helicóptero. Como está sempre a clicar, ajoelhou-se logo. Ajudei a levantar-se.
Moveu muito rápido o rato e perdeu a caixa dos brinquedos. Soube levantar-se e ajudei a procurá-la.
Não quis jogar mais porque preferiu ver como é feito o rato.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 2
Data: 2002/11/29 Início: 15h 51m
Término: 15h 54m
Nome: D Idade: 4 anos
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Pedi para tirar objectos da caixa das ferramentas.

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Tirou alguns mas com dificuldade, porque agarra objectos não pretendidos.
Pedi para tirar caixas azuis e arrumar lá dentro alguns objectos à escolha. Tirou as caixas mas não quis jogar
mais (porque estava na hora de arrumar).
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O D ainda não se apercebe muito bem que ao apontar o objecto treme. É capaz de agarrar melhor os objectos que
são maiores (letra, número, caixa azul, camião).

Group 3
Session 1
Data: 2002/10/25 Início: 10h 16m
Término: 10h 31m
Nome: R / G
ƒ ajoelhar-se/levantar-se;
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos;
ƒ aumentar/diminuir objectos;
ƒ copiar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O R pousou perto das casas. Saiu do helicóptero e entrou dentro das casas. Sabe ajoelhar-se sozinho e consegue
levantar-se sem ajuda. Mostrei como se aumenta/diminui objectos, mas não quis experimentar. Ensinei a copiar
objectos e experimentou uma vez e preferiu andar de helicóptero, para cima e para baixo.
O G pousou, entrou numa casa e sem se aperceber ajoelhou-se e tirou alguns objectos da caixa. Conseguiu
agarrar alguns objectos, mas não se apercebeu que ao apontar o objecto pisca. Não quis jogar mais.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Pedi ao R para dar o lugar ao colega. O G não quis jogar mais.
Session 2
Data: 2002/11/04 Início: 11h 46m
Término: 12h 05m
Nome: R / G
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos;
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O R pediu para construir casas porque tinha visto o A (grupo 8) a construir.
Ensinei mas teve dificuldades em agarrar os objectos pretendidos. Ainda não se apercebe do piscar do objecto
apontado e acaba por agarrar objectos não desejados. Foi tirando muitos objectos da caixa e quis construir muitas casas.
Atrapalhou-se com a quantidade de objectos e não foi muito bem sucedido da construção. Ajudei com a minha mão.
Não quis jogar mais. O G pediu para entrar no heli mas já não sabia como levantar o menino. Relembrei a tecla.
Também não era capaz de manusear o rato para entrar no heli. Ajudei a entrar no heli e sem querer voltou a pousar. Sem
querer entrou em casa e voltou a sair. Não quis jogar mais.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Group 7
Session 1
Data: 2002/10/25 Início: 11h 47m
Término: 12h 5m
Nome: MR / C
ƒ ajoelhar-se/levantar-se;
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos;
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A MR pousou rápido mas sem ser perto das casas. Não consegue manusear o rato e por isso tem muita
dificuldade em agarrar objectos.
Ensinei a copiar objectos mas não consegui que fizesse sozinha.
Não quis continuar a jogar.
A C ajudei a entrar no heli., ajudei a pousar. Mexeu muito tempo o rato e perdeu o local do heli. Tivemos que
sair do Toon sem gravar e voltar a entrar.
Tem também muita dificuldade em clicar e mexer o rato ao mesmo tempo.
Ajudei a ajoelhar-se e a levantar-se. Ainda não consegue agarrar objectos sem ajuda.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Perdeu por várias vezes o local do heli e das casas.
Session 2
Data: 2002/11/04 Início: 14h 37m
Término: 15h 07m
Nome: MR / C

ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A C não sabe pousar. Ajudei e num clicar constante ajoelhou-se. Pediu para levantar uma vez que já não se
lembrava. Como está sempre a mexer com o rato, perdeu o local do heli. Ajudei a encontrar porque pediu para entrar no
heli. Ajudei e sem se aperceber do que fazia pousou perto das casas. Voltou a perder o local por estar sempre a mexer
com o rato. Desapontada não quis jogar mais.
Tive que sair do Toon porque não conseguimos encontrar o heli.
A MR pousou, ajoelhou-se, voltou a levantar-se e quis entrar novamente no heli mas tal como a colega já não o
encontrava. Ajudei. Preferiu estar sempre a pousar, sair do heli, e voltar a entrar. Sugeri ajoelhar e tirar alguns objectos,
mas não fui bem sucedida.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
A MR e a C não são capazes de manusear o rato, isto é, estão constantemente a mexer com ele de maneira

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Session 3
Data: 2002/11/22 Início: 11h 18m
Término: 11h 41m
Nome: MR Idade: 3 anos
ƒ pousar o heli perto das casas;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos;
ƒ tirar objectos da caixa das ferramentas e colocá-los em caixas.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A MR começou logo a clicar com o botão de pousar mas sem estar com atenção onde pousava.
Ajudei a pousar perto delas, entrou na casa e deixei-a explorar. Tirou alguns objectos e propus-lhe para arrumar
aqueles objectos nas caixas azuis. Teve alguma dificuldade em arrumá-los cada um na sua caixa, porque estas estavam
perto umas das outras. Separei as caixas e já foi mais bem sucedida. Quis experimentar a colocar um objecto em cima
de outro na mesma caixa mas não resultou.
A MR ainda tem alguma dificuldade em agarrar o objecto pretendido, porque não repara no tremer do objecto.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 8
Session 1
Data: 2002/10/25 Início: 14h 20m
Término: 15h 5m
Nome: A
ƒ ajoelhar-se/levantar-se;
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos;
ƒ tirar caixas da caixa dos brinquedos;
ƒ construir casas;
ƒ aspirar/cuspir objectos;
ƒ copiar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O A já pousa sem ajuda e perto das casas. Ajoelha-se sem ajuda e já tira objectos da caixa. Ensinei a
aspirar/cuspir objectos. Experimentou sozinho e foi bem sucedido.
Ensinei a construir casas e quis experimentar. Também foi bem sucedido e quis ficar o resto de tempo a construir
casas e a verificar o resultado final (entrar no heli. E ver as casas construídas).
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O A tem ainda alguma dificuldade em se aperceber de que o objecto pisca ao apontar. Não ensinei a copiar
objectos por vontade da criança, que preferiu construir casas.

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 2
Data: 2002/11/04 Início: 10h 14m
Término: 11h 05m
Nome: A
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ ensinar o robô a trocar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O A quis descer o heli mas já não sabia como se fazia (clicava sempre no botão da direita).
Pousou em cima das casas (muitas) que já tinha construído na sessão anterior.
Entrou e já não sabia ajoelhar-se. Quis construir mais casas e entrar no heli para ver o resultado. Voltou a pousar,
entrou numa casa e quis tirar os objectos da caixa. Quando tirou o robô sugeri ensiná-lo a trocar objectos e mostrei
como se fazia. Repeti várias vezes e pedi para fazer sozinho. Não quis. Pediu ajuda para arrumar todos os objectos e
como teve dificuldades em arrumar o pássaro pediu para o ajudar a aspirar. Tirou muitos (5) camiões da caixa para
construir muitas casas. Contudo, teve dificuldades ao colocar cada caixa no respectivo camião, atendendo à
proximidade deles (a caixa era colocada dentro de outra caixa noutro camião). Fiz-lhe notar o piscar dos objectos, mas
mesmo assim tive que ajudar com a minha mão. Quis ir de heli para poder contar quantas casas tinha feito. Não as
conseguiu contar porque eram muitas.
Pousou novamente e quis construir uma no local onde pousou (jardim). Expliquei que só se pode construir casas
quando estiver dentro de uma
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 3
This session is mentioned in the record of session 4, but no record of it was kept.
Session 4
Data: 2002/11/22 Início: 10h
Término: 10h 25m
Nome: A Idade: 5 anos
ƒ ensinar o robô a trocar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O A pousou o heli perto das casas.
Perguntei se ainda se lembrava do que tinha feito na semana passada. Como já não se lembrava relembrei que
ensinámos o robô a trocar objectos. Perguntei se ainda se lembrava como se fazia e respondeu que sim. Pedi então para
me mostrar e disse-lhe que me ía ensinar como se fazia. Embaraçou-se dizendo que já não se lembrava. Sugeri que lhe
repetisse os procedimentos. A sugestão não foi bem recebida e preferiu construir casas. Construiu uma casa e depois de
a construir, começou por iniciativa própria a tirar duas caixas. Perguntei o que ia fazer e respondeu que ía ensinar o robô
na troca dos objectos. Contudo, não avançou mais porque não se lembrava. Ajudei com a minha mão e fizemos. Quando
saímos do pensamento do robô, não o quis testar e quis ver a casa que tinha construído.
Voltou a descer e quis explodir as casas. Insisti para que visse o que andava a fazer no robô dentro de casa.
Entrou nas casas uma de cada vez e explodiu-as. Quis entrar no heli para ver que já não havia casas. Depois de entrar no
heli e levantar disse desolado: oh fizeram-nas outra vez… Resolveu pousar e entrar numa casa. Ajoelhou-se e folheou o
caderno dos desenhos. Tirou o heli a voar e quis colocar ao lado o heli a pousar mas colocou-o tão perto que este quase
desapareceu ao ser martelado pelo rato. Expliquei que não poderia por tão perto porque pode haver um acidente. Não
quis jogar mais.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

582 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 5
Data: 2002/11/29 Início: 11h 34m
Término: 11h 55m
Nome: A Idade: 5 anos
ƒ ensinar o robô a trocar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O A pousou o heli perto das casas.
Sem ser orientado, entrou numa casa, ajoelhou-se e tirou o caderno dos desenhos. Pediu como se folheava.
Expliquei e mostrei como se fazia. Gostou de ver os desenhos e tirou o da caixa das ferramentas. Quis tirar muitos
desenhos iguais e colocá-los sobrepostos.
Perguntei se ainda se lembrava como se ensinava o robô a trocar objectos. Disse: “oh não quero fazer isso. Quero
antes fazer casas.” Perguntei se então preferia ensinar o robô a construir casas. Preferiu fazer um desenho.
Propus que fizesse um desenho à escolha e depois podíamos colocá-lo na casa onde estava.
Concordou e fez um desenho no Paint (casa e árvore). Copiei-o para o Toon.
Viu o resultado mas pediu para sair (estava na hora de arrumar para sair).
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 10
Session 1
Data: 2002/10/25 Início: 11h 14m
Término: 11h 40m
Nome: CR
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ aumentar/diminuir objectos;
ƒ construir casas;
ƒ rebentar casas;
ƒ copiar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A CR pousou perto das casas. Entrou, ajoelhou-se. Já agarra bem os objectos mas tem alguma dificuldade em
aperceber-se que piscam ao apontar.
Ensinei a copiar e experimentou sozinha com sucesso. Ensinei a rebentá-las e experimentou uma vez. Preferiu
construir muitas casas.
Ensinei a folhear o caderno e procurar objectos para colocar dentro das caixas. Preferiu continuar a construir
casas. Sempre que construía algumas casas, levantava no heli, para ver o resultado final.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Manuseia bem o rato.
A CR já sabe construir casas sem ajuda e agarra bem nos objectos.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 583

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 2
Data: 2002/11/04 Início: 10h 10m
Término: 10h 42m
Nome: CR
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ ensinar o robô a trocar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A CR pousou bem, quis entrar dentro de uma casa mas como mexeu muito tempo o rato perdeu o local. Como
não encontrava o local das casas quis entrar no heli. Mas também perdeu o local. Tivemos que sair do Toon sem gravar
e entrar outra vez. Pousou, entrou dentro de uma casa e quis rebentá-la. De seguida construiu uma nova e isto tudo sem
qualquer ajuda.
Quis aumentar o aspirador mas não sabia como. Ajudei.
Perguntou o que fazia o robô e daqui sugeri ensiná-lo a trocar objectos. Mostrei como se fazia e pedi para repetir
mas não foi capaz sozinha. Voltei a fazer com a mão dela mas não quis fazer sozinha. Preferiu construir casas e de
seguida rebentá-las.
Perguntou se podia desenhar uma casa. Fizemos no Paint, e tentei copiar mas não resultou.
Perguntou se a menina não tinha amigos. Ensinei a folhear o caderno e tirar o desenho de um amigo. Fez
Voltei a sugerir ensinar o robô mas não fui bem sucedida. Preferiu construir casas e rebentar.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenho de uma casa no Paint.

Session 3
This session is mentioned in the record of session 4, but no record of it was kept.
Session 4
Data: 2002/11/22 Início: 10h 31m
Término: 11h 12m
Nome: Carina Idade: 4 anos
ƒ ensinar o robô a trocar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A Carina pousou perto das casas e perguntei se ainda se lembrava o que tinha feito na semana passada. Disse que
sim e quis fazer sozinha mas já não se lembrava. Relembrei e começou por fazer sozinha, fora do pensamento do robô,
indo buscar desenhos ao caderno (árvore e heli). Já no pensamento do robô, foi buscar desenhos diferentes (pessoa tonta
e flor). Deixei fazer para no fim lhe explicar o sucedido. Expliquei que o temos que colocar os mesmos objectos para
que o robô os reconheça, senão não sabe o que fazer.
Já não sabia como se saía do pensamento do robô. Relembrei.
Fora do pensamento, o robô repetiu tudo, inclusive “erros” e disse a Carina: “Este robô faz coisas confusas!”
Não quis repetir, por causa da confusão e esta foi a sua justificação. Preferiu folhear o caderno dos desenhos e
tirar alguns desenhos, colocando-os em caixas. Teve um pouco de dificuldade em colocar os desenhos cada um na sua
caixa, devido à proximidade destas. Assim, alguns dos desenhos ficavam sobrepostos e ficavam “cortados”.
Pediu para sair.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


584 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Group 11
Session 1
Data: 2002/11/04 Início: 15h 8m
Término: 15h 25m
Nome: CA
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Praticamente foi hoje a 1ª sessão para a CA. Mostrei como pousava e levantava o heli. Contudo, como não
consegue manusear o rato foi uma tarefa muito difícil controlar os seus movimentos.
Deixei-a à vontade para fazer o que quisesse com o rato e o resultado foi o querer agarrar os objectos com a
outra mão no monitor.
Com a minha mão a segurar ajoelhou-se e não conseguiu agarrar os objectos, visto estar sempre desatenta.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A CA tem muitas dificuldades em se concentrar e está sempre distraída. Não consegue manusear o rato, isto é,
clicar e arrastar ao mesmo tempo e não consegue mexê-lo devagar. Na maior parte das vezes ajuda com a outra mão
para o segurar o que acaba por não resultar muito bem. Tento ajudar mas é preciso fazer muita pressão na sua mão para
mexer o rato devagar.
Falta muitas vezes.
Session 2
Data: 2002/11/22 Início: 14h 17m
Término: 14h 31m
Nome: CA Idade: 5 anos
ƒ pousar o heli perto das casas;
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos;
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Para a CA esta foi a segunda sessão do Toon.
Como é uma criança com muitos problemas de concentração as dificuldades ainda se agravam mais.
Ajudei a pousar o heli e pedi para clicar à vontade com o botão que desejasse para ver o resultado. Distrai-se
facilmente acabando por não escutar o que lhe é dito.
Ajudei a pousar e pediu como se entrava novamente para o heli.
Mostrei como se fazia, mas sozinha já não foi capaz.
Ajudei com a minha mão. Quis entrar em casa mas como tem muitas dificuldades em manusear o rato não foi
capaz sozinha, isto é, sem ajuda manual.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A CA esteve ainda mais distraída porque as crianças de Gravelos lhes fizeram uma visita.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 585

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 3
Data: 2002/11/29 Início: 14h 56m
Término: 15h 49m
Nome: CA Idade: 5 anos
ƒ pousar o heli perto das casas;
ƒ notar que ao apontar o objecto treme;
ƒ agarrar/largar objectos;
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A CA já não se lembrava o que faziam os botões do rato.
Descobriu clicando à sorte. Contudo, já não conseguia pousar o heli.
Num acto de irritação, mexeu muito rápido o rato e o heli pousou.
Clicou e ajoelhou-se logo. Pedi para tirar alguns objectos da caixa das ferramentas. Com muita dificuldade
conseguiu, após várias tentativas, agarrar alguns e colocá-los fora.
Pedi para tirar caixas azuis e colocar lá dentro alguns objectos. Fez devagar e algumas vezes agarrou os objectos
que não queria.
Expliquei que só pode agarrar o objecto quando ele tremer.
Pedi novamente para tirar os objectos das caixas e colocá-los outra vez, na caixa das ferramentas.
Quis arrumar os passarinhos mas não conseguia. Mostrei como se aspiravam.
Pedi para se levantar mas já não sabia como. Relembrei.
Quis ajoelhar-se e levantar-se muitas vezes.
De pé, viu que haviam brinquedos por arrumar na caixa das ferramentas e quis arrumá--los mesmo de pé.
Expliquei que era preciso baixar-se para conseguir pegar nos brinquedos e experimentou com um brinquedo na
sala de actividades.
Tentou várias vezes ajoelhar-se mas ajoelhava-se longe do local onde estavam os brinquedos. Ajudei.
Perguntou o que tinha o caderno. Mostrei-lhe o caderno dos desenhos e ensinei a folhear. Gostou de ver os
desenhos e quis tirar alguns. Perguntei qual menina queria. Disse: “Não quero a doida porque não sabe o que faz. Quero
a boa!”
Tirou vários desenhos.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A CA ainda tem algumas dificuldades em aperceber-se que os objectos ao apontar tremem.
Distrai-se facilmente e falta muitas vezes.

586 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

São Pedro Parque preschool

Group 1
Session 1
Nome1 A (3 anos)
Nome2 D (3 anos)
Hora inicial 9h08 Hora final 9h28
Objectivos prévios
Identificar ambiente do ToonTalk.
“Apresentação” do rato. Identificar sons e objectos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Ambos identificaram o helicóptero e as casas. O D aprendeu rápido a “sentar e levantar”, repetindo a operação
diversas vezes. O D e a A estiveram atentos durante toda a sessão.
A A também repetiu o “sentar/levantar” diversas vezes.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
O D é muito calado mas quando cativado aprende facilmente.
A A tem uma grande energia, é muito divertida e gosta de experimentar todos os espaços do infantário.

Session 2
Nome1 A (3 anos)
Nome2 D (3 anos)
Hora inicial 9h56 Hora final 10h19
Objectivos prévios
Rever ambiente do ToonTalk. Aperfeiçoar a motricidade fina. Explorar e conhecer os comandos do Paint.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A A já consegue dirigir os movimentos e sentar-se.
A A quis experimentar muitas cores do Paint.
O D consegue sentar e levantar o boneco sem dificuldades. Sentou e levantou o boneco diversas vezes, dentro e fora
da casa.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenhos do Paint.
Exploraram as cores.
Às 10h13 o Daniel perdeu a concentração.

Session 3
Nome1 A (3 anos)
Nome2 D (3 anos)
Hora inicial 14h10 Hora final 14h29
Objectivos prévios
Ambientar-se ao ToonTalk. Desenvolver motricidade fina. Trabalhar as cores.
Noções: “vazia vs. cheia”; “dentro vs. fora”.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A A está a desenvolver rapidamente a capacidade de movimentação com o rato. Conseguiu perceber que agora é a
mão dela que controla a mão do ToonTalk.
Confunde o Esc (levantar) e o clic de sentar.
Gosta de mexer muito com o rato a ver o helicóptero mexer-se.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Caixa de coisas no caderno do ToonTalk. Desenho do Paint.
A A tem especial interesse por letras. Pede sempre para escrever o nome. O mesmo se passa em outras actividades, por
exemplo a desenhar manualmente faz muitas aproximações a letras.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 587

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 4
Nome1 A–3
Nome2 D–3
Hora inicial 10:11 Hora final 10:41
Objectivos prévios
Fazer o desenho de abóboras no Paint, a pedido da educadora, porque estão a trabalhar sobre abóboras. Trabalhar as
cores. Aprender o que é necessário para fazer casas no ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O D gosta de ver o desenho sair na impressora: “vai sair, vai sair!”.
Para a A ainda é difícil controlar o traço no Paint.
Para aterrar, no ToonTalk a A ainda não consegue fazê-lo à primeira. Mas quando lhe disse “levanta com o outro
botão” ela foi logo carregar em “Esc”, lembrando-se do “levantar o boneco”.
As 1ªs vezes que a A se sentou, o D carregou em “Esc” para ver o boneco levantar-se.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenhos no Paint – Abóboras.
Por problemas com a instalação do ToonTalk ainda não pude trabalhar com os desenhos do Paint no ToonTalk.
Ao D parece não fartar o “sentar e levantar” o boneco e fazer casas: “outra vez! Outro camião, outra casa e outro

Session 5
Nome1 A–3
Nome2 D–3
Hora inicial 9:15 Hora final 9:45
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar o controlo “liga/desliga” com o “space”.
Tirar coisas da caixa para aspirar.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A A não identifica as casas. O D apontou-lhe as casas. A A já controla os movimentos do rato. A A não quer a ajuda
do D para trabalhar com o ToonTalk.
O D continua a querer ver o boneco a levantar-se continuamente. A A disse que queria pôr uma flor no telhado, “como
a AL... e uma bola”. A A já consegue tirar coisas da caixa e pousar no chão sem ajuda, mas não consegue trabalhar o
rato e o “space” juntos. Carrega no rato, tentando “ligar/desligar”.
O D não consegue controlar o movimento da mão.
Nota: parece-me que o “som” poderá ajudá-los muito a trabalhar.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A A presta muita atenção ao trabalho desenvolvido também com os colegas.
Por vezes a A pega no rato e levanta-o, querendo ver isso no ecrã.
O D fica fascinado a trabalhar, embora precise constantemente de ajuda.

Session 6
Nome1 A–3
Nome2 D–3
Hora inicial 14h37 Hora final 14h57
Objectivos prévios
Usar desenho do Paint para decorar a casa ToonTalk. Usar caixas com coisas dentro como se fossem prendas para
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A voar a A ainda não vão sozinha ter a uma casa. O D explicou-lhe onde estão as casas.
A A pega bem nos objectos mas não encontra o caderno dos sensores nem percebe que é nele que tem que procurar a
“parede faz-de-conta”.
O D também ainda não tem autonomia para usar cadernos.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenhos do Paint e cidade ToonTalk.
Se eu não disser nada, o D fica “espantado” a olhar para o ambiente ToonTalk e brinca com o rato. Hoje brincou com
o rato a fazer ruído como se fosse um carrinho de brincar.

588 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 7
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 23-01-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: foi actividade livre para aferir conhecimentos do toontalk
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: conseguiu sentar- se e começou a tirar coisas da caixa. Com ajuda
conseguiu colocar uma foto numa moldura mas não conseguiu encontrar a moldura. A A começou a largar números em
cima de outros. Perguntei-lhe o que estava a acontecer. Depois de ver mais algumas vezes, concluiu: “saiu outro
Session 8
IDADE: 3 anos
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: fazer caixa das trocas. Perceber a troca e conseguir fazer a troca.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a A já consegue controlar bem os movimentos. Percebeu/ sabe o
que é a troca, fazendo o exercício com destreza e ajudando o D a perceber a troca.
O D conseguiu estar concentrado mas não percebeu logo o valor da troca. Depois de repetir algumas vezes
persistiram dúvidas. O D ainda precisa de ajuda para manipular o rato.
OBSERVAÇÕES: trabalhando com animais o D fica muito concentrado, nem que seja só o passarinho.
Session 9
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 13- 02- 03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: trocas de imagens nas caixas, usando os desenhos feitos no paint alusivos à visita à
azenha de Guiães.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o D não sabia explicar a troca, nem o que era. Optei pela caixa de
comparação. O D identificou as imagens iguais mas não percebeu a troca. Conseguiu fazer a troca mas para colocar as
imagens iguais umas por baixo das outras.
Eu- “O que é a troca, A?
A - “ trocar é passar!... para o outro lado”. A A fez a troca com destreza. Depois perguntou se queria decorar a
parede do quarto. Obtive um entusiasmado: “SIIMM!!”
OBSERVAÇÕES: a A esteve a colocar o nome e desenho na parede pois já percebe e faz bem a troca.
Trabalhamos com música, o que me tem revelado maiores níveis de concentração.
Session 10
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 11-03-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: Objectivo de sessão já enunciado

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 589

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: O D, para não variar, gosta de sentar e levantar o boneco
Quando apontei para onde queria que ele levasse o boneco, colocou o dedo no ecrã a tentar levar o boneco.
Depois desatou a andar à roda com o boneco.
O D ainda não é autónomo a pegar em objectos do toontalk.
Não conseguiu deduzir os objectivos da actividade sem que lhos explicasse; ou seja, não começou a colocar as
imagens na mesma sequência. Depois de alguma insistência acabou por perceber os objectivos da sessão mas precisa de
ajuda na sua concretização.
A A coloca as imagens sem dificuldade nas caixas mas também teve dificuldade em perceber os objectivos do
jogo, não colocando as imagens na sequência certa.
Session 11
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 27-03-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: trabalhar a noção de troca
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a A disse “A troca é trocar dinheiro. Fez bem a troca. Não saía do
pensamento do robô.
Eu- Quando lhe dás a caixa o que é que ele faz?
A – Trocou.
Eu- E porquê?
A- Porque já acabou.
Disse-lhe que para o robô não parar de trocar, qualquer coisa, tínhamos de lhe limpar a caixa pois assim ele
trocaria o que quer que fosse. A A deu- lhe caixas com outras coisas e percebeu que ele continuava a trocar.
OBSERVAÇÕES: o D chegou só ao fim da manhã.
Session 12
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 22- 05-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: construir com eles a caixa do que vão precisar para decorar a entrada com o nome e a
parede com um desenho.
Desenho/ Parede/ Nome/ Entrada
Usar a caixa para os objectivos enunciados.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o D já identifica bem as casas mas não aterrou em frente a
nenhuma. O D faz o boneco sentar - se muitas vezes, mesmo quando não o quer fazer, mas sabe bem como o levantar.
Ao olhar a caixa o seu gosto por animais é notório: “olha um ovinho!”.
Não tem abstracção para a actividade proposta e a A falou da caixa de trocas e quis fazer uma. Colocou, na caixa
dupla, uma parede e um pássaro. Ao enganar - se, reparou que o que deu ao pássaro ele levou para o ninho.

590 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 13
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 05- 06-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar nome no telhado. Construir casas. Fazer caixa de troca.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a A não pousou numa casa. O D fez logo -ESC- e disse “não é
assim!”. Depois a A teve dificuldades em entrar na casa e pediu ajuda. Já não se lembravam do que é preciso para fazer
uma casa. Mas a A já tem destreza para agarrar os objectos que quer agarrar.
O D percebeu que o robô tem de levar a mala para poder ir embora. O D já trabalha sozinho, precisando apenas
de algumas indicações. Já dominam a troca, o que foi conseguido por sessões anteriores, culminando em êxito nesta.
OBSERVAÇÕES: não colocaram nome no telhado pois ainda não têm a abstracção necessária.

Group 2
Session 1
Nome1 M (3 anos)
Nome2 R (3 anos)
Hora inicial 9h30 Hora final 9h46
Objectivos prévios
Apresentação do “rato”.
Promover a comunicação, sobretudo para a Rita que é bastante inibida.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A R desatou a rir ao ver o boneco de apresentação e ao ouvir o som inicial “Tóim!!”.
Não identificaram o helicóptero. Só depois de lhe dizer que voava é que disseram que era um avião. Também não
identificaram as casas. A R gostou de andar a voar com o “avião”. Quanto ao boneco, tentou dar-lhe ordens falando
com ele: “vai prò avião, fogo!”. As duas repetiram ordens.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

São duas boas comunicadoras quando juntas. A R é mais inibida no dia-a-dia do jardim.
Após 15 minutos começaram a ficar distraídas.

Session 2
Nome1 M (3 anos)
Nome2 R (3 anos)
Hora inicial 9h20 Hora final 9h53
Objectivos prévios
Relembrar os comandos do ToonTalk. Explorar o ambiente do ToonTalk e os comandos do Paint.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A R já conseguiu baixar o avião e gosta de brincar com o rato, movimentando o avião e o boneco.
Depois de entrar em casa a intenção é fazer “Pause” (aprender a interromper o jogo). Conseguiram perceber que foram
fazer um desenho para guardar no caderno do ToonTalk.
Quiseram desenhar as suas caras.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenhos do Paint.
Depois de fazerem o desenho, levantaram o boneco, após voltarem ao ToonTalk. Voltei a explicar, tal como na 1ª
sessão, que o boneco, acabada a brincadeira, volta para o helicóptero e vai embora.

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 3
Nome1 R (3 anos)
Nome2 M (3 anos)
Hora inicial 11h35 Hora final 11h58
Objectivos prévios
Desenvolver capacidade de trabalhar o rato.
Noção de “fora vs. dentro”; “cheia vs. vazia”.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Já não se lembravam de como aterrar. A R sentou-se no jardim. Depois de entrar em casa a R quis andar com o
boneco: “posso mexer um bocadinho?"
Quando queria tirar uma caixa sem ajuda, não mexia a mão e, como tal disse: “olha, não sai!!!” A R não consegue
arrastar objectos mas já sabe clicar.
Quando íamos a sair eu disse: agora vamos levantar o helicóptero. M: “não é! é o avião! Esqueceste-te?”
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Caixas de coisas no caderno do ToonTalk. Desenhos do Paint.
A R fala com o computador como se este lhe obedecesse.

Session 4
Nome1 R–3
Nome2 M–3
Hora inicial 9:10 Hora final 9:36
Objectivos prévios
Identificação de cores e formas. Desenvolver a motricidade fina.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A R e a M ainda têm muitas dificuldades em levar o rato para onde quer.
M: Depois vamos fazer desenho! Sim?
A M e a R perceberam bem o jogo e identificaram bem a sequência. Contudo, ainda não têm qualquer autonomia no
ambiente ToonTalk; isto é, precisam de ajuda para pegar e largar objectos e para fazer movimentos com a mão e com
o helicóptero.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Caixa com objectos, no caderno ToonTalk.
Preparei o ambiente com uma caixa com quatro objectos diferentes que guardamos no caderno. No chão estavam
dispersos objectos iguais. Quis que construíssem uma caixa para colocar na mesma ordem os objectos dispersos.
A R e a M dispersam-se facilmente.

Session 5
Nome1 R–3
Nome2 M–3
Hora inicial 9:20 Hora final 10:40
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar o controlo do rato. Iniciar a exploração do aspirador.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A R explica à M como mexer o avião e pergunta “onde estão as casas?” e responde apontando: “estão ali” (apontou os
A M já consegue tirar coisas da caixa de ferramentas mas não os coloca fora da caixa.
M: “a mão nã via o que está ali!”
(Mostrando que tem necessidade de ver o boneco.)
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A R e a M ainda estão a explorar o controlo do rato.
Não explorámos o aspirador, pois a R e a M ainda não têm qualquer controlo com o rato. Pediram para fazer um
desenho, fomos ao Paint, desenhar – não conseguem desenhar, ou mesmo fazer riscos, sem ajuda.

592 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 6
Nome1 R–3
Nome2 M–3
Hora inicial 10h40 Hora final 11h02
Objectivos prévios
Usar o aspirador para aspirar as imagens de Natal. Guardar as imagens de Natal no caderno.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A M ainda não controla bem os movimentos do avião, não olhando para ver se aterra perto de uma casa.
A M conseguiu perceber o barulho do aspirador e até disse: “A minha tia também tem um aspirador!”.
A R também precisa de ajuda para aspirar, pois ainda não entendeu que tem de apontar para o que quer aspirar.
Expliquei-lhe como se faz.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Cidade ToonTalk.
Ambas estão mais calmas a trabalhar, não clicando sem objectivo.
Aperceberam-se de ter que desligar o aspirador para ele não ficar a fazer barulho.

Session 7
IDADE: 3 anos
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: foi actividade livre para aferir conhecimentos do toontalk
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a R precisa de ajda para executar tarefas no Toontalk. Consegue
tirar objectos da caixa de ferramentas. Perguntou: “Não vamos pôr nome?”. Sendo assim, optamos por colocar a foto
numa caixa azul, para podermos escrever o nome em baixo e também para ser mais fácil para a R, pois não teve de
procurar a moldura do caderno.
Session 8
IDADE: 3 anos
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: fazer uma caixa com duas coisas diferentes para poder trocar
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a R conseguiu aterrar e entrar na casa sozinha.
A R fez uma caixa com um camião e um Robot. Conseguiu perceber como fazer e o que é a troca. Precisou de
ajuda para perceber que os objectos tremem antes de podermos segurar neles.
A M também conseguiu perceber a troca mas pediu ajuda para trocar os objectos pois ainda tem dificuldade em
manipular o rato.
OBSERVAÇÕES: a capacidade de concentração e destreza da M e da R tem evoluído positivamente.
Session 9
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 13- 02- 03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: fazer duas caixas para fazer a “troca”
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a M precisou que lhe indicasse como se sentar e como caminhar
sem se sentar. Já consegue ir buscar as caixas mas pergunta se deve clicar e onde, para fazer as coisas.

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Quando levamos o desenho para o toontalk não sabia como reduzi – lo, já tinha esquecido.
“Como é a troca?”- expliquei que era mudar de lugar as coisas.
A R ainda tem muita dificuldade em segurar o que quer, diz: “ Não consigo”. Contudo, percebeu melhor a troca.
OBSERVAÇÕES: optei por criar uma caixa de comparação, explicando, assim, como trocar cria algo diferente
do que temos de início. Assim, a M conseguiu perceber o que era “trocar”.
Session 10
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 18-03-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: A R sobrevoa a cidade sem se cansar.
Depois, já perto do jogo, repete “eu não consigo, eu não consigo!”. Expliquei-lhe que não pode ser preguiçosa
nem dizer que não consegue antes de experimentar. É que a R diz o mesmo noutras actividades propostas pois tem
medo de falhar. Acabou por conseguir perceber o jogo e realizá-lo com ajuda apenas nas indicações de movimentação.
Percebeu a igualdade e sequência. A M nem precisou de explicações pois esteve atenta ao trabalho da R. Fez o jogo sem
dificuldades. Ao colocar a árvore em cima da flor disse: “a flor roubou a árvore.
Eu: porque colocaste primeiro o passarinho?
M: Porque está do lado esquerdo.
Superou da dificuldade de largar coisas umas em cima das outras.
Session 11
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 27-03-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: aprender a trocar dois objectos/coisas em caixas
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a destreza da M evoluiu muito.
M – Larga a caixa, mão. Ela nunca mais larga a caixa, PF! – não percebe que é ela a manipular a mão.
R – A árvore tem olhos.
M – É para ver bem.
R – Não gosto de árvores com olhos.
Eu - O que é trocar?
M – Trocar é pôr no outro lado.
A R ainda tem dificuldade em pegar e largar objectos do toontalk.
Eu – O que é que este Robô está a pensar?
M – Não sei.
Propus dar um nome ao Robô. Ficou “Sol”. Elas ficaram animadas. Deram a caixa ao Sol.
Eu - Onde estamos?
M – Ensinamos – lhes a fazer o jogo.
Eu – O que aconteceu?
M – A flor tem duas cores.

594 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 12
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 20- 05-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar a imagem do peixe na parede, dando uma caixa dupla com: parede, desenho.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: vimos que já havia casas com nome. A M identificou o nome da
casa “AX” e “G”.
Elas construíram também uma caixa dupla para meter a parede e o desenho. Usaram a bomba de ar.
A M conseguiu fazer a caixa dupla sem ajuda. A R precisa de indicações.
Ambas já escrevem bem os próprios nomes.
Session 13
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 05- 06-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: dar -lhes uma caixa com o desenho e parede para ver se conseguem trabalhar
sozinhas. Fazer uma caixa sobre a troca.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: tornou se mais fácil perceberem que podem decorar a parede
tendo -lhes dado a caixa já com as coisas necessárias.
R –E a porta não se fecha?
A R procura no caderno. Construiu cenários com sentido ao decorar a parede. Um deles era um menino, um
avião e uma explosão. Disse: “o menino vai ver a explodir”.
Trabalharam com a bomba de ar porque havia coisas que cobriam as outras, assim, exploraram tamanhos.
Já usam a tecla de atalho para chamar a bomba.
Ao pôr mais coisas a R testou sempre a ver como ficava. A M não vê como está a ficar. Conseguiram fazer a
troca embora às vezes larguem imagens por cima de outras.

Group 3
Session 1a
Nome1 MN (3 anos)
Hora inicial 9h48 Hora final 10h03
Objectivos prévios
Desenvolver/promover a comunicação. Apresentação do ambiente do ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A MN estava muito calada. Brinquei com ela dizendo-lhe que “o gato lhe tinha comido a língua”. Ela mostrou a
pontinha da língua para provar que sabe falar.
Não consegui perceber se identificou o helicóptero pois, após alguma insistência continuou a não responder.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Mesmo noutros espaços da sala de jardim a MN está sempre muito quieta e calada.

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 1b
Nome1 J (3 anos)
Hora inicial 15h06 Hora final 15h30
Objectivos prévios
Identificar o ambiente do ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Identificou o avião mas não identificou as casas.
Como me apercebi que o João tem facilidade em manejar o rato, ensinei-lhe o robô construtor.
J: “Agora quero fazer mais”.
Fez muitas casas e depois de levantar voo e ver o resultado quis fazer ainda mais. Ensinei-lhe a usar a varinha mágica.
Usou-a sem dificuldades.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Foi o 1º contacto que o J teve com o ToonTalk.

Session 2
Nome1 MN (3 anos)
Nome2 J (3 anos)
Hora inicial 14h15 Hora final 14h46
Objectivos prévios
Desenvolver a capacidade de comunicação com a MN. Trabalhar/explorar ferramentas do Paint (como um auxiliar do
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A MN identificou o avião. Já se lembrava do “sentar e levantar” pelo que o faz várias vezes, rindo-se. Como é muito
pequena tem dificuldades em agarrar o rato. No Paint fez alguns riscos. Gosta de clicar de forma contínua como que
gostando do "clic" que ouve.
Começou a falar muito. Riu-se, disse coisas que foi descobrindo: “olha o passarinho” (e apontava). Ao imprimir os
desenhos do Paint riu-se, revelando que o computador é uma experiência nova para ela.
O J usou a varinha mágica para fazer muitos passarinhos. Esteve também a trabalhar “liga/desliga” com o aspirador.
Interiorizou a ideia de desligar o aspirador após aspirar um determinado objecto.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenhos do Paint.

Session 3
Nome1 J (3 anos)
Nome2 MN (3 anos)
Hora inicial 14h35 Hora final 15h00
Objectivos prévios
Desenvolver motricidade fina.
Trabalhar a comunicação com a MN.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A MN começou a repetir palavras das frases que eu dizia ao João.
Ao ver a impressora a funcionar a MN começou a chamar-me e a dizer excitada: “olha, olha, olha mais...”
Ao iniciar o ToonTalk começou: “olha, olha!” Quando disse ao João para largar o camião no chão ele largou o rato. A
MN ao dar conta do movimento com o rato: “olha, fixe!!”
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Garagem de camiões no caderno do ToonTalk.
Expliquei que também nós temos que levar as coisas a onde as queremos arrumar. Exemplifiquei com uma caneta.
A MN fez riscos no Paint. Achou graça aos riscos e disse que já não sabia o que levou (ingredientes) a tarte de maçã.
A MN carrega no rato muitas vezes, sem perceber para quê.

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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Session 4
Nome1 J–3
Nome2 MN – 3
Hora inicial 10:27 Hora final 10:50
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar a igualdade e identificação dentro do ambiente do ToonTalk.
Desenvolver a motricidade fina, em especial com a MN.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A MN fica entusiasmada ao ver o desenho a sair na impressora: “A minha, a minha! Olha! ...Tira!! É minha.”
O J perguntou: “A árvore fala?”. A árvore era uma das imagens guardadas em caixa.
A MN consegue mexer o boneco a andar e ir para o helicóptero. O J gosta de explorar o espaço ToonTalk. Perguntou
se o boneco entra sozinho no helicóptero. Expliquei que era ele que o fazia entrar.
Ao brincar com o helicóptero perguntou: “Ele está doido?” Respondi: “não és tu que o mexes, não és?”
J: Sim.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenho de uma abóbora – Paint. Caixas de objectos – no caderno do ToonTalk.
O J começou por desenhar uma abóbora no Pain.
A MN ainda não consegue segurar bem o rato.
O J diz “Vou brincar!” quando movimenta o boneco em círculos pela casa (interior).
J: “Quero fazer magia!” Deposi de me ver usar a varinha mágica.

Session 5
Nome1 J–3
Nome2 MN – 3
Hora inicial 9:50 Hora final 10:18
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar o controlo do aspirador e perceber a importância de manter o espaço limpo.
MN – Trabalhar o controlo com o rato.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
No jardim, o J: “opss! Sentei-me!... Onde levanto?” O J conseguiu perceber o “liga/desliga” do aspirador, mas tem
tendência a usar apenas a mão direita para trabalhar. Consegue, sem referência, aspirar objecto por objecto, desligando
ao fim de cada objecto. A MN gosta de ver o “avião” rodar e clica com muita frequência. A MN quis brincar no
jardim. Embora não controle o rato, a MN conseguiu perceber que tem que ligar e desligar o aspirador.

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A MN continua a ter muitas dificuldades em segurar o rato e em clicar apenas para a execução de actividades
O J mal se sentou disse: “Eu quero o do helicóptero!”
Quando largou o aspirador sem querer a MN disse: olha, fugiu!

Session 6
Nome1 J–3
Nome2 MN – 3
Hora inicial 11h05 Hora final 11h34
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar a varinha mágica e o aspirador para fazer mais imagens de Natal e para as aspirar. Guardar imagens no
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O J consegue usar bem a varinha mágica e o aspirador, sabe que tem que ligar e desligar.
A MN clica sem saber bem para quê. Ainda não controla os movimentos com o rato de acordo com os objectivos.
Acha muita graça ao passarinho que sai do ninho.
A MN conseguiu perceber que tem que ligar e desligar o aspitrador, mas precisa de ajuda a coordenar os movimentos.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Cidade ToonTalk e dsenho do Paint sobre o Natal
A MN e o J trabalham bem juntos. O João já tem alguma autonomia no ToonTalk, que a MN não tem.

Session 7
IDADE: 3 anos
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: fazer caixa das trocas. Perceber a troca e conseguir fazer a troca.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o J construiu a caixa das trocas sem ajuda e fez facilmente a troca.
Avançamos para programação do robot a fazer troca. O J facilmente aprendeu a programar o robot, fazendo-o, depois,
sem ajuda. Não se apercebeu que fica uma caixa igual à do pensamento e fez outra.
A MN percebeu a troca e conseguiu fazê- la sozinha.
OBSERVAÇÕES: a MN já consegue perceber e manipular os movimentos com o rato.
Session 8
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 18- 02- 03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: trocar imagens
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a MN já consegue fazer uma caixa dupla e colocar lá as imagens.
A MN não conseguiu fazer a troca logo de início. Por vezes coloca imagens em cima de outras pois não tem,
ainda, a noção do tempo certo para largar as imagens onde quer.
A nível de destreza a MN já não precisa de ajuda. Já percebe como segurar as coisas.
Depois de algumas explicações, a MN acabou por conseguir fazer a troca.
OBSERVAÇÕES: o J faltou.

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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 9
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 11-03-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: para segurar os objectos o J teve tendência a arrastá-los, tal como
se faz em outros jogos de CD-ROM.
Realizou a actividade sem lhe explicar os objectivos.
Eu- Porque é que as caixas estão iguais, João?
J - Porque assim ficavam giras.
Expliquei-lhes que para termos as caixas iguais tínhamos de colocar as imagens pela mesma ordem. O J
explicou: “pois... passarinho/passarinho, rato/rato, flor amarela/flor amarela, flor rosa/ flor rosa, árvore/ árvore...”.
A MN é autónoma a trabalhar mas custou- lhe perceber como criar duas caixas iguais.
O simples facto de haver imagens iguais parece satisfazê-los quanto à igualdade de caixas.
A MN por vezes coloca imagens sobre outras pois ainda não controla a movimentação em ambiente
OBSERVAÇÕES: Deixei o J brincar um pouco livremente. Fez casas, usando a varinha mágica para copiar
camiões já com caixas.
Session 10
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 27-03-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: trabalhar a troca e as competências no programa
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a MN está à - vontade a pegar e largar objectos no toontalk. Foi
uma vitória!
O que é que o robô está a pensar? O que é o pensamento, J?
J - É aqui. - disse apontando para o pensamento do robô.
Eu - O que o ensinaste a fazer?
J - A trocar as coisas.
A MN não percebe a caixa no pensamento. Tenta pegar na caixa.
O J ao sair do pensamento do robô pergunta: “Dou - lhe esta caixa?” – disse apontando a caixa inicial.
Eu - Porque pára?
J – Porque já acabou de fazer isto.
O J diz que ensinou o “Hugo” a trocar as coisas de lugar. O J tentou dar uma caixa com vários buracos ao robô.
Depois percebeu que só o ensinara com dois buracos e, como tal, assim não iria resultar.

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Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 11
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 20- 05-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o J desloca – se muito bem. A MN está muito faladora. Vai
dizendo os nomes do que é preciso ao J.
Fizeram muitas casas, para dar uma para cada menino.
Eu – porque é preciso isso para as casas?
J – porque tem que se ir até à casa com o carro. A caixa serve para o robô se sentar e o robô serve para fazer a
casa. O J queria pôr o desenho directamente na parede. A MN precisa de indicações para se movimentar.
OBSERVAÇÕES: para a MN construí com ela uma caixa tripla: parede, casa, desenho.
Foi uma grande conquista a MN já se movimentar sozinha no toontalk.
Session 12
IDADE: 3 anos
DATA: 03- 06-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: MN – colocar imagem na parede e fazer uma caixa dupla para trabalhar a troca; J –
colocar nome no telhado e programar o robô para fazer o mesmo
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a MN não fala muito e por isso não percebo se ela entende o que
faz. Quanto a juntar caixas ela já o faz percebendo o que está a fazer.
A MN já conseguiu perceber a troca, embora não explique, mas aponta e diz “olha, olha, olha!”. Já tem
autonomia na manipulação. O J depois de pôr o nome no telhado pediu para pôr o desenho na parede.
A ensinar o robô o J ficou um pouco confuso. Depois o J foi “dar um passeio”; ou seja, andou com o boneco pela
zona verde.
A fazer casas o J usa a varinha mágica com destreza.

Group 4
Session 1
Nome1 IN (4 anos)
Nome2 C (4 anos)
Hora inicial 10h05 Hora final 10h22
Objectivos prévios
Identificar ambiente do ToonTalk.
Apresentação da caixa de ferramentas.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A IN: “É um avião”. A C identificou as casas.
Tiveram facilidade em sentar e levantar.
Depois de lhes apresentar a caixa de ferramentas a IN quis tirar coisas da caixa e pousar no chão.
A C também quis tirar coisas da caixa.
A IN, por minha sugestão, usou o aspirador para limpar o chão.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
A IN tornou-se uma criança muito comunicativa, isto é, comparativamente ao ano lectivo 2001/2002 em que a IN
raramente se exprimia verbalmente.

600 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 2
Nome1 IN (4 anos)
Nome2 C (4 anos)
Hora inicial 10h22 Hora final 10h50
Objectivos prévios
Explorar cores e ferramentas do Paint. Pegar e largar objectos do ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A IN já controla um pouco melhor os movimentos do rato. No Paint consegue escolher bem as cores e tem a noção do
“traço” no Paint. Quis desenhar uma casa. Quando começou a desenhar disse: "afinal é um barco". Depois quis
desenhar o mar.
Quando disse “levantar o boneco” ela levantou-se.
A C não tem dificuldades em sentar e levantar. Quis desenhar uma casa, pediu-me ajuda.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenhos do Paint.

Session 3
Nome1 IN (4 anos)
Nome2 C (4 anos)
Hora inicial 10h00 Hora final 10h24
Objectivos prévios
Desenvolver motricidade fina no Paint. Noções de "vazias" vs. "cheias".
ToonTalk – noções de “dentro” e “fora”. Manipular a mão no ambiente ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A IN já não se lembrava de como levantar e aterrar. Andou um pouco perdida. Aterrou diversas vezes fora do espaço
das casas. Precisou de ajuda para ir até às casas. Já consegue (IN) tirar e juntar caixas com destreza.
A C trabalha bem com a IN. A C ainda tem dificuldade em tirar coisas da caixa de ferramentas.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenhos do Paint de registo da “tarte de maçã”.
IN – Mexer ingredientes
C – Leite para juntar

A IN chamou a atenção da C para não se distrair: “C olha pràqui.” A C distraiu-se algumas vezes, prestando atenção
ao que a educadora estava a dizer.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 601

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools

Session 4
Nome1 IN – 4
Nome2 C–4
Hora inicial 9:45 Hora final 10:15
Objectivos prévios
Aprender a fazer o robô construtor de casas e testar a construção de casas.
Trabalhar com a bomba de ar.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A C começou por fazer uma caixa igual à que lhe preparei com objectos. A C já domina bem os movimentos no
ambiente ToonTalk.
Disse que o robô tem que levar a mala de viagem para ir para a nova casa. A C e a IN aprenderam a fazer casas novas
e a ver se, de facto, existiam mais casas na cidade ToonTalk.
C: “O camião é para pôr as malas.”
A IN ainda carrega/clica muitas vezes.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Caixa de objectos no caderno ToonTalk. Casas na cidade.
A C e a IN cada vez que se chama a atenção ou surgem temas de maior ênfase que a educadora refere, perdem a
Fizeram também o desenho de uma abóbora no Paint, a pedido da educadora, até porque estão a trabalhar abóboras no
“dia das bruxas”.

Session 5
Nome1 IN – 4
Nome2 C–4
Hora inicial 9:15 Hora final 9:46
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar o controlo do aspirador, com o objectivo de estabelecermos um paralelismo entre a arrumação da sala de
jardim e da sala/quarto do ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A IN ainda tem alguma dificuldade em conseguir entrar em casa. Senta-se algumas vezes sem a intenção de o fazer.
A IN andou a aspirar o quarto mas custou um pouco a perceber que tinha de se sentar perto do “lixo” para o aspirar.
Não desliga o aspirador sem a lembrar.
A C também tem tendência a manter o aspirador ligado.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Ao fim de 25 minutos a C comelou a ficar irrequieta na cadeira.

Session 6
Nome1 I – 4 anos
Nome2 C – 4 anos
Hora inicial 10h12 Hora final 10h38
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar imagens de Natal para usar a bomba de ar e guardar imagens no caderno.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A C é muito distraída. Não consegue usar o caderno de sensores sem ajuda. Ao trabalhar a bomba de ar não se lembra
de desligar a bomba.
A IN não consegue mudar as funções da bomba de ar.
A IN já não se recorda de como levantar o boneco.
A IN experimentou dar uma caixa a um passarinho e deu conta que ele “voou”, mas não referiu que ele levou a caixa
para o ninho.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Cidade ToonTalk e desenhos (do Paint) de Natal.
A C pediu para se levantar antes da Iolanda terminar a actividade no ToonTalk.

602 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 7
IDADE: 4 anos
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar o nome no telhado
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a C começou por mandar fazer uma casa nova, pois na cidade não
havia mais casas sem nome no telhado. Tive de a ajudar. Depois voltou a fazer outra casa para colocar o nome.
Não teve dificuldades em fazer uma casa nova. Para escrever o nome no telhado queria fazê-lo directamente em
cima do telhado.
Session 8
IDADE: 4 anos
DATA: 13- 02- 03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar desenho na parede e ensinar o robot a fazer o mesmo
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: tive de ajudar a IN a encontrar o sensor de parede, apesar de ter
simplificado o caderno de sensores.
O que fizemos/ precisamos para colocar o desenho na parede? Responderam: “cesta”… depois começaram a
falar do desenho mas não fizeram referência à parede.
Para ensinar o robot não dizem que precisam de um robot, mas foram buscar um.
Não saem do pensamento do robot. Dizem: “ acho que aprendeu!”. Não verificam se o robot aprendeu o que lhe
OBSERVAÇÕES: no pensamento do robot: “ estamos nas nuvens”- C
Perguntei porque é que o Robot parou depois de fazer o que lhe ensinaram. A resposta da C foi: “ a caixa está
A IN não se lembra de como levantar o boneco.
Session 9
IDADE: 4 anos
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar o nome no telhado
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a C começou por mandar fazer uma casa nova, pois na cidade não
havia mais casas sem nome no telhado. Tive de a ajudar. Depois voltou a fazer outra casa para colocar o nome.
Não teve dificuldades em fazer uma casa nova. Para escrever o nome no telhado queria fazê-lo directamente em
cima do telhado.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 603

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 10
IDADE: 4 anos
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: 1º perceber e conseguir explicar o objectivo do jogo proposto.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a IN aterrou no jardim. Já não se lembra como levantar o boneco.
Eu -Para que será este jogo?
IN -não sei.
Tive de lhes explicar. A C também começou por aterrar no jardim, mas disse que se tinha enganado.
OBSERVAÇÕES: Não avancei com programação do robô pois a nível de raciocínio a IN e a C ainda não me
parece estarem preparadas, talvez daqui a duas sessões.
Session 11
IDADE: 4 anos
DATA: 27-03-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: Trocar a flor e a árvore de lugar e ensinar o robô.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a C deu a caixa para ensinar o robô. Só não se lembrava de sair do
pensamento do robô. Depois de sair diz: temos duas caixas PF!
Não ia testar se o robô sabia o que lhe ensinou. Ao dar ao robô uma caixa com a árvore e a flor e uma outra parte
vazia, a C julgou ser igual.
A IN quando ensinou o robô disse: Já está. Fomos aspirar o pensamento para o robô trocar sempre. Aceitaram
mas não percebem.

Session 12
IDADE: 4 anos
DATA: 22- 05-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a C precisou rever alguns comandos: levantar, sentar, bomba de
Também já não se recordava como escrever o nome. Para colocar o nome na entrada de casa já conseguiu
apontar que tinha de usar o caderno.
Não ia verificar se o nome estava mesmo na entrada.
A IN esteve a recordar como fazer casas o que já estava meio esquecido!
A IN não conseguiu explicar como pôr o nome na entrada de casa. Depois de pôr o nome não foi verificar. A C
vai explicando.

604 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 13
IDADE: 4 anos
DATA: 03- 06-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar o nome no telhado. Perceber o que é preciso para colocar o nome no telhado,
colocando as coisas numa caixa.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a C disse o que era preciso para pôr o nome no telhado. Depois
resolvemos decorar a casa.
Reparou que o nome ficou enorme, ocupando 3 casas, o que eu calculo ter –se devido ao facto de ter colocado o
nome sem tirar o telhado da caixa.
Expliquei e ela percebeu que tem que tirar o telhado da caixa para ver bem onde coloca o nome.
Experimentaram os três sensores da casa: telhado, parede e entrada.
A IN já sabe colocar o nome no telhado sem grandes dificuldades.
A IN confunde – se um bocado com os cadernos e parece –me que a ideia de colocar no “sensor pequeno” para
aparecer no grande é confusa.

Group 5
Session 1
Nome1 L (4 anos)
Nome2 MA (4 anos)
Hora inicial 10h25 Hora final 10h45
Objectivos prévios
Explorar o ambiente do ToonTalk.
Noção de “tirar objectos para fora da caixa de ferramentas”.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A MA disse “É um avião”. Identificaram as casas.
A MA gostou especialmente dos ninhos, por causa dos passarinhos: “Oh PF, já tirei muitos!”, disse com um sorriso
após já ter tirado muitos ninhos da caixa de ferramentas. Depois usou o aspirador, por sugestão minha.
Ao descobrirem a bomba/granada quiseram rebentar mais casas. Ao repararem que rebentando todas elas eram
reconstruídas, quiseram rebentar mais casas.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
O L após rebentar cada casa levantava voo para verificar que havia menos uma casa.

Session 2
Nome1 L (4 anos)
Nome2 MA (4 anos)
Hora inicial 11h15 Hora final 11h40
Objectivos prévios
Explorar ferramentas do ToonTalk e do Paint.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A MA vai perguntando onde tem de carregar mas já controla bem os movimentos com o rato e reconhece os objectos
da caixa de ferramentas do ToonTalk.
No Paint já consegue traçar linhas, com precisão, com o pincel.
Desenhou uma casa, uma flor e uma árvore. Pediu a minha ajuda para desenhar a árvore, o resto de desenho executou
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenho do Paint.
O L faltou.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 605

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 3
Nome1 L (4 anos)
Nome2 MA (4 anos)
Hora inicial 11h00 Hora final 11h35
Objectivos prévios
Desenvolver a motricidade fina.
Noções: “dentro vs. fora”; “vazia vs. cheia”, utilizando as caixas do ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A MA perguntou se era no rato que se carregava para baixar. Sentou-se fora de casa. O L carregou Esc para a MA
entrar em casa e então se sentar.
A MA riu e bateu palmas ao ver um passarinho sair do ninho.
O L percebeu bem as noções “vazia” e “cheia” e já consegue tirar e pôr objectos na caixa.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Caixas com coisas no caderno ToonTalk.
MA – desenho da vestimenta de desfile de festa das tartes
11h15 – distraíram-se porque os colegas estavam a jogar o jogo das cadeiras e a fazer de gatos, em grande alvoroço.

Session 4
Nome1 MA – 4
Nome2 L–4
Hora inicial 15:30 Hora final 16.00
Objectivos prévios
Explorar as ferramentas do Paint com o L. Trabalhar o tema “As abóboras do dia das Bruxas”.
Trabalhei a bomba de ar do ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
No Paint o L já consegue dominar melhor o traço. Desenhou uma abóbora perguntando: “Está a ficar bem?” Eu – sim,
muito gira.
O L já sabe utilizar bem o rato para levantar e aterrar no ToonTalk. Consegue aterrar e entrar nas casas. Com a bomba
de ar ainda têm dificuldade em apontar a bomba e ligar e desligar, ao mesmo tempo.
A MA trabalhou com uma flor. O L também. Ambos têm dificuldades em usar as duas mãos ao mesmo tempo.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Antes de começar o L disse: vamos para o jogo do avião!

Session 5
Nome1 MA – 4
Nome2 L–4
Hora inicial 10:48 Hora final 11:15
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar o controlo com a barra de espaços. Aspirar para manter o espaço limpo.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A MA gosta de experimentar o helicóptero mas não aterra perto das casas a não ser que lhe digam para o fazer.
A ver o passarinho sair do ovo ambos se riem. Depois quiseram ver muitos pássaros a sair do ovo.
Depois de tirarem coisas da caixa levantaram o boneco. Eu – “como está o chão?” MA – “Está desarrumado.” L –
“Está sujo.”
O L tem tendência a carregar muitas vezes no rato.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O L perguntou: “Porque não vais buscar a coisinha cresce e abaixa, cresce e abaixa”, referindo-se à bomba de ar.
A MA chegou a cabeça ao ecrã e disse: “Ai, não se ouve nada.”
Para ir para outra casa, o L foi “a pé”, acabou por se perder.

606 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 6
Nome1 MA – 4
Nome2 L–4
Hora inicial 15h32 Hora final 15h56
Objectivos prévios
Perceber que tal como “estamos” a decorar a sala de jardim com coisas sobre o Natal, podemos decorar uma casa do
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A MA precisou de ajuda para encontrar o caderno de sensores. Depois, conseguiu encontrar a parede e decorá-la, o
que lhe deu grande alegria, ao ver o Pai Natal que desenhou na parede. A MA levanta sempre o boneco para verificar o
que fez.
Foi preciso lembrar o L para verificar o que faz.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenho do Paint e cidade ToonTalk.
Quiseram pôr uma árvore em frente da casa. Queriam uma árvore de Natal, mas como nas imagens só encontraram
uma “árvore diferente”, optaram por usá-la.

Session 7
IDADE: 4 anos
DATA: 4-02-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar o nome no telhado
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a MA precisa de indicações, não se lembrando como levanta o
boneco. O L ajudou.
Na 2ª tentativa a MA voltou a precisar de ajuda. Para a MA as letras para o nome estão no teclado directamente,
sem se lembrar de ir buscar as letras da caixa do toontalk.
OBSERVAÇÕES: a MA faz perguntas do género: “ carrego aqui?”. Ou diz: “não sei...”, muitas vezes por
preguiça e alguma insegurança.
Session 8
IDADE: 4 anos
DATA: 18- 02- 03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar desenho na parede e ensinar o robot a fazer o mesmo.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: depois de repetir à MA como se coloca o desenho na parede, a
MA não confirma se o desenho, de facto, está na parede grande.
Para levantar o boneco foi o L que a ajudou.
O L teve dificuldade em encontrar a parede para colocar o desenho, apesar de ter o caderno simplificado. Mas
sabia colocar o desenho. Antes de entrar em casa disse: “ vou espreitar à janela! Está aí alguém?”. Fez de conta que
OBSERVAÇÕES: a MA faz o sorriso de quem só faz quando lhe dão a certeza de estar a fazer bem.
Não ensinaram o robot pois ainda há muitas dúvidas relativamente a fazê-lo por eles próprios.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 607

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 9
IDADE: 4 anos
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: O L chamou avestruz ao pássaro.
A MA percebeu a intenção do jogo embora não se exprima bem ao tentar explicar ao colega.
Explicou a igualdade dizendo: “mete –se ali para ficar por baixo”.
O L não percebeu a lógica do jogo, só depois de lhe explicar várias vezes é que conseguiu perceber. Mesmo
assim, precisou que a MA o ajudasse.
A nível de destreza manual consegue trabalhar bem.
Para o L o jogo continuou a referir- se às noções de vazia e cheia e não a caixas que sejam iguais.

Session 10
IDADE: 4 anos
DATA: 1-04-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: perguntei à MA o que é a troca. Disse: é pôr aqui um e ali outro. -
explicou apontando.
Eu – O que é que o robô está a pensar?
Resp.: A pensar que vai fazer outra vez o jogo.
Expliquei que ele só faz o jogo se lhe dermos uma caixa igual.
Eu - Porque parou?
Resp.: porque está a pensar noutra caixa.
Depois a MA experimentou trocar os objectos e voltou a testar o robô.
Session 11
IDADE: 4 anos
DATA: 22- 05-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o L sugeriu pegar no desenho e carregar no Space.
O L deu conta que a parede é igual à do caderno. A abstracção ainda não é feita. Só com indicação eles
conseguem perceber que têm de usar uma parede “faz de conta”. A MA sabe que para pôr o desenho numa parede
precisa de uma parede mas mesmo com o caderno simplificado não a identificou. Depois esperei sem dizer nada, ela fez
sozinha. Diz que vê que o desenho fica na parede porque está na pequena. Para pôr o nome a MA disse que precisava
das letras. Não verifica se o nome fica na entrada da casa.
608 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 12
IDADE: 4 anos
DATA: 05- 06-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar nome no telhado. Perceber o que é preciso para colocar o nome no telhado,
colocando as coisas numa caixa.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: Para o L é tudo complicado. Não vai verificar se o nome está no
telhado pois diz que “está no pequeno, por isso está”.
Depois desarrumou montes de coisas e começou a experimentar pegar em tudo. Tive de lhe dizer para aspirar as
coisas e trabalhar com calma. Não sabe escrever o nome.
A MA já da indicações ao L de como fazer as coisas bem. Para escrever o nome só precisou que lhe apagasse o –
A – para escrever.
Ao fazer a caixa com o que é preciso para pôr o nome no telhado largou o nome com o telhado ainda dentro da
Esquece como levantar o boneco e não verifica se o nome fica mesmo no telhado.
OBSERVAÇÕES: o L estava excitado porque tinham chegado à sala pintainhos que o S trouxe.

Group 6
Session 1
Nome1 U (5 anos)
Nome2 CA (5 anos)
Hora inicial 11h40 Hora final 12h04
Objectivos prévios
Identificar ambiente do ToonTalk.
Usar ferramentas. Noção de “dentro” vs. “fora", associada à ideia de “arrumar”.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Não tiveram dificuldades em aprender a sentar e levantar.
Tiraram coisas da caixa de ferramentas e guardaram em caixas (que juntaram). Depois experimentaram tirar e tornar a
Brincaram com o robô construtor, usando também a varinha mágica para construir casas mais rapidamente. Depois,
por sugestão minha, limparam o chão com o aspirador.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
A CA já sabia usar o robô "construtor" pois o ToonTalk está instalado no computador da sala e as crianças costumam
explorá-lo livremente, sem acompanhamento.

Session 2
Nome1 CA (5 anos)
Nome2 U (5 anos)
Hora inicial 11h00 Hora final 11h36
Objectivos prévios
Ver até que ponto a U e a CA estão autónomas no Paint. Explorar ambiente do ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A U e a CA conseguiram descer com o helicóptero e manejar o boneco sem quaisquer dificuldades.
A U quis desenhar uma casa, uma árvore e uma menina.
Desenharam sem qualquer ajuda.
A CA não sabia como levantar o boneco.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenhos no Pain.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 609

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 3
Nome1 CA (5 anos)
Nome2 U (5 anos)
Hora inicial 15h03 Hora final 15:25
Objectivos prévios
Noções “dentro vs. fora”, “vazia vs. cheia”.
Explorar ferramentas do ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
No Paint ambas revelam já dominar com alguma destreza os movimentos do rato. A CA já sabe levantar, sentar e
movimentar o boneco sem dificuldades, embora às vezes peça ajuda. A U também já sabe usar o rato. Não se lembra
muito bem dos comandos para levantar voo, aterrar e mesmo levantar. Questionam-me quando têm dúvidas.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenhos do Paint. Caixas no caderno do ToonTalk.
Gostam de trabalhar juntas e o que uma faz a outra quer fazer também.

Session 4
Nome1 U -5
Nome2 CA – 5
Hora inicial 9:25 Hora final 10:08
Objectivos prévios
Prepararem o jogo para os meninos mais novos utilizar a bomba de ar.
Usar varinha mágica para fazer cópias.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A U e a CA estão muito distraídas. Começaram a prestar mais atenção ao relembrarem os desenhos feitos no Paint.
CA – “Eram 4 maçãs.” No ToonTalk, a U para aterrar esteve cheia de “cuidados” para aterrar nas casas. A CA
explicava: “para subir é no outro botão”. A CA perguntou se usava Esca para ajoelhar.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenhos do Paint de 24-10-2002. Jogo no caderno ToonTalk.
Fases definidas da realização da tarte, pela U e CA:
1 – Ingredientes – ‘O que precisamos... a farinha... e mais”
2 – Juntar farinha, açúcar, ovos e canela.
3 – “Mexemos tudo.”
4 – “Untamos a forma com manteiga.”
5 – “Deitamos a mistura da bacia na forma.”
6 – “Pusémos a maçá, aos bocadinhos.”
7 – Foi ao forno.
8 – “Ficou pronta para comer.”

Session 5
Nome1 U–5
Nome2 CA – 5
Hora inicial 9:50 Hora final 10:15
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar o controlo “liga/desliga”. A importância de mantermos os espaços arrumados e organizados. Aspirar e
bomba de ar.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Quiseram escrever o nome.
A CA controla bem o “levantar/sentar”. Como de costume, interroga-me sobre a boa execução de tarefas. Optei por
lhe propor que descubra, ela mostrou já sabe, por exemplo “como se senta” (que foi uma das questões que levantou. A
CA controla bem o “ligar/desligar” com o space.
Com a bomba de ar conseguiu perceber que o G é igual a “grande” e o P = a “pequeno”. Com a bomba de ar ainda
confundem a localização da tecla para “ligar/desligar”.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A CA descobriu que deve aspirar para que não fique “lixo” no chão.
A U ainda confunde um pouco o botão esquerdo do rato com o “space”.
A CA explicou à U onde se carrega para o helicóptero levantar.

610 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 6
Nome1 U–5
Nome2 CA – 5
Hora inicial 9h49 Hora final 10h10
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar imagens de Natal para decoração.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Ao ver o desenho, a CA quis guardá-lo no caderno. Não consegue procurar o telhado sem ajuda.
A U também precisa de ajuda para encontrar a parede e trabalhar o caderno de sensores.
Depois colocou a imagem do Pai Natal frente à casa, para parecer que estava a entrar em casa, mas precisou de ajuda
mais uma vez, para encontrar o sensor da casa.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Cidade ToonTalk e desenhos de Natal.
A U perguntou porque é que estamos sempre com o ToonTalk.

Session 7
IDADE: 5 anos
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar o nome no telhado e ensinar o robot a fazer o mesmo
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a U e a CA conseguiram colocar os seus nomes em telhados
facilmente. A U ainda confunde alguns comandos do toontalk, como por exemplo, “ como se sentar”.
A CA e a U funcionam mesmo como uma equipa, ajudando- se mutuamente.
Ainda não entenderam bem como se ensina o robot. Não tiveram a iniciativa de testar o que lhe ensinaram.
OBSERVAÇÕES: a U e a CA ficaram agitadas quando se aperceberam que estavam a ser observadas por um
grupo de pessoas que veio ver o nosso trabalho.
Session 8
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 18- 02- 03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar desenho na moldura e ensinar o robot a fazer o mesmo.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a U precisa de indicações da CA. Para colocar o desenho mais
pequeno, a CA diz logo: “vai buscar a bomba”.
A U já não sabe como colocar desenhos na parede.
A CA já se movimenta sem ser necessário dar-lhe indicações. Encontrou a moldura e colocou o desenho.
Para ensinar o robot, a CA sabia ir ao pensamento “temos de ir ao pensamento do robot.” Aprendeu a ensiná- lo
mas não verifica se ele aprendeu.
OBSERVAÇÕES: a CA disse que a mão que aparece no toontalk parece a mão de um macaco.
A U não ensinou o robot.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 611

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 9
IDADE: 5 anos
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a CA e a U exlicaram: “pôr igualzinho”.
Para fazer o robô construtor:
CA –Tenho de ir ao pensamento.
Disse que era preciso um camião e uma caixa. Expliquei que também precisavam de um robô para ser o
Para verificar a CA disse que ia “lá fora”.
Tive de lhes dizer, quando ensinaram o robô que para verse ele aprendeu tínhamos de lhe dar uma caixa igual à
do pensamento dele.
Não usaram a caixa inicial.
Eu -Porque é ele parou?
U – Porque já fez a casa e a caixa está vazia.
A U precisou que a lembrasse de dar uma caixa com o necessário para ensinar o robô. A U não ia usar a caixa
Para guardar coisas no caderno sabiam que tinham de passar as páginas no mais.

Session 10
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 1- 04-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: perguntei o que era a troca. Responderam: é chegar ali e trocar a
árvore e a flor.
A U lembrava- se de usar a varinha mágica no pensamento. Perguntei porque estava a usar a varinha mágica. A
CA respondeu que era para o robô fazer sempre igual.
A CA ao testar o robô não usa a caixa inicial.
Perguntei porque é que o robô que ensinaram não parava. A U respondeu que lhe tinha ensinado truques de
Por já estarmos na Primavera estivemos ainda a decorar a entrada da casa com flores, o que as estimulou.

612 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 11
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 20- 05-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a AL já não se recordava como decorar a parede.
Estiveram a pôr o nome na casa.
A CA relembrou a AL onde levantava o boneco.
A CA ao guardar o que fez no caderno quis colocar de um lado o que fez e do outro o nome, como costumamos
A AL e a CA conseguiram perceber a actividade.
OBSERVAÇÕES: como a U está para a Ucrânia, a CA fez com a AL
Session 12
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 03- 06-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a CA disse logo que precisava de letras para fazer o nome. Ficou
confusa quando pensou em pôr o nome no telhado e foi à rua. Depois expliquei que pomos sempre no pequeno para
aparecer no grande. Fez sem ajuda e disse: agora vamos ver se resultou.
CA – “Para ensinar o robô preciso de uma caixa para pôr lá dentro o que preciso.”
A U perguntou quando íamos trabalhar só outros jogos, que está cansada do toontalk.
A U gosta de mandar construir casas.
Tornou – se mais fácil para a U criar caixa com as coisas para ensinar o robô.

Group 7
Session 1
Nome1 CR (4 anos)
Nome2 JG (4 anos)
Hora inicial 10h58 Hora final 11h19
Objectivos prévios
Aferir a destreza adquirida no ano 2001/2002 em termos de motricidade fina e de capacidade de explorar um jogo.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Identificaram o helicóptero e as casas.
O CR fez um robô para construção de casas. Depois fez mais 3.
Já sabem levantar/sentar sem dificuldades. CR: “Vou fazer muitas casas.”
A JG usou a varinha mágica: “ah! Já sei! Mais camiões!”
Usaram a bomba/granada. Eu disse-lhes: “vamos rebentar as casas todas?” Eles: “sim, porque depois algumas fazem-
Tiraram desenhos do caderno e arrumaram em caixas. Ao pegar no foguetão a J disse: “Temos de pôr isto mais
pequeno!” E foi buscar a bomba de ar. A J fez uma “caixa de coisas” e guardou no caderno dela.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
J – “caixa de coisas” no caderno.
A J já sabe usar/brincar com o ToonTalk sem dificuldades, até porque tem o jogo em casa. Sem qualquer referência
usou F1 para mandar o marciano embora.
O CR também já sabia fazer o robô “construtor”.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 613

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 2
Nome1 CR (4 anos)
Nome2 JG (4 anos)
Hora inicial 9h41 Hora final 10h03
Objectivos prévios
Aferir os conhecimentos da J no ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A J não teve quaisquer dificuldades em aterrar, entrar na casa e pegar no caderno.
No Paint trabalha com destreza as diferentes ferramentas. Inclusive sabe usar bem as formas geométricas.
Fez o desenho de uma menina, identificando cabeça, tronco e membros. Apenas teve dificuldade em desenhar mãos,
dizendo que estava a desenhar “esquisito, só com 3 dedos”. Depois acrescentou 2 dedos.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenho do Paint.
O CR faltou.

Session 3
Nome1 CR (4 anos)
Nome2 JG (4 anos)
Hora inicial 15h54 Hora final 16h08
Objectivos prévios
Explorar o ambiente do ToonTalk. Noções “dentro vs. fora”, ”vazia vs. cheia”.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O CR já conhece os comandos básicos do ToonTalk para voar, sentar, levantar.
Eu – “Se juntarmos caixas...”
CR – “Eu sei, eu sei!... O rato vem e junta!”
Percebeu bem as noções “dentro e fora” da caixa, “vazia e cheia”.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Caixa no caderno do ToonTalk: “caixa truca”.
A JG faltou.
O CR não fez o desenho no Paint por falta de tempo.

Session 4
Nome1 CR – 5
Nome2 JG – 5
Hora inicial 11:30 Hora final 12:00
Objectivos prévios
Colocar nome nos telhados das casas.
Ensinar o robô a fazer robôs construtores de casas.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Ambos já sabem fazer o robô construtor de casas sem dificuldade.
Eu: “O que é que podemos fazer para sabermos de quem são as casa?”
JG – “As minhas são as cor-de-rosa.”
Eu: “E que tal pormos o nome no telhado?”
Eles – “Boa!”
A JG aprendeu à 1ª a pôr o nome no telhado. Ao ver o resultado começou a bater os pés de alegria e disse: “vou faer
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Cidade com nomes nos telhados.
Não tivémos tempo de ensinar o robô a fazer robôs construtores de casas.
O CR também aprendeu com facilidade mas tem alguma ansiedade o que lhe dificulta a execução das tarefas.

614 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 5
Nome1 CR – 5
Nome2 JG – 5
Hora inicial 10:44 Hora final 11:10
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar o controlo do aspirador.
Trabalhar a arrumação da casa.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A JG mal entrou em casa começou a trabalhar o caderno, para fazer decoração do telhado.
Quando a JG ao aspirar limpou o nome que pôs no telhado, queixou-se ao sair, por não ver o nome. O CR: “então, tu
engoliste-o! Engoliste-o com o teu nariz!”.
O CR sentou-se uma vez no jardim, a JG comentou: “Oh CR, sentaste-te no jardim, que tu saibas!!”.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O CR está a trabalhar muito bem com a JG. Quando o CR pegou no aspirador, alterou a sua função. Ao cuspir disse a
JG: “O CR fez o aspirador a cuspir, que nojo!!”.
Querem decorar o avião!!

Session 6
Nome1 JG – 5
Nome2 CR – 5
Hora inicial 11h26 Hora final 11h53
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar imagens do Natal para decoração de casas no ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A JG achou melhor reduzir o desenho para o pôr na parede. Depois resolvemos fazer uma casa que levasse com um
ninho e experimentou dar um desenho ao pássaro.
Perguntou como sabia qual era a casa nova. Expliquei que seria a que estava a mais – que a situação inicial. Depois
decorámos o telhado para podermos identificar a casa.
O CR também conseguiu perceber que o passarinho leva tudo para o ninho e decorou o telhado com o desenho de
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Cidade ToonTalk, com os passarinhos com os nomes.
Desenhos de Natal – Paint.
A intenção é que na próxima semana possamos trocar prendas.
A JG quiz pôr um passarinho a viver na casa, para saber que era a casa dela. Depois disse: “Mas se eu pusesse o
passarinho maior, sabia melhor que era a minha casa!”

Session 7
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 4-02-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar o nome no telhado. Ensinar o robot a colocar o nome no telhado.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a JG tem muito à- vontade no toontalk. A JG, após ter escrito o
nome no telhado, assume isso como um dado e não vai verificar.
Ao ensinar o robot a colocar o nome no telhado também não verifica se ele aprendeu o que lhe ensinou.
Expliquei-lhe que eu também só sei que ela sabe algo que lhe ensinei se a vir a fazê-lo.
OBSERVAÇÕES: a JG diz: “ Eu já sei tudo”. Só depois de lhe mostrar que pode ainda haver coisas que não
sabe é que ela dá conta que ainda há muito a aprender e “inventar”.
O CR faltou.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 615

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 8
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 18- 02- 03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar desenho na moldura e ensinar o robot a fazer o mesmo.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: Eu - “ O que precisas para pôr o desenho mais pequeno?”
CR - “ Do gato.”
Eu -“ Como vais pôr o desenho na parede?”
CR -“Pegar nele e levantar -me!”
Depois de colocar o desenho no sensor de parede não se levanta para verificar.
Ia sair da casa com tudo desarrumado. Quando entrou no pensamento do robot perguntei -lhe onde estávamos,
ele respondeu: “ no céu”.
Perguntei- lhe o que era preciso para ensinar o robot a construir casas. A resposta foi: “duma caixa, de um
camião e de um robot”.
Session 9
IDADE: 5 anos
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: objectivo geral já referido
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: quando perguntei qual seria o objectivo do jogo a JG disse: “É
para pôr em baixo as figuras que estão em cima.”
Ambos fizeram o jogo sem dificuldade, como tal, avançamos para a programação do robô.
Eu -Como é que programo robô?
JG – Vou para o pensamento.
Eu – Para saber se o robô aprendeu, como faço?
R: Saio do pensamento do robô.
A JG usa a caixa inicial para testar o robô.
Como copiaram a caixa, perguntaram se tinham de esperar que o robô fizesse sempre igual. Expliquei que
podem parar o robô.
O CR não se lembrava como ir para o pensamento do robô.
O CR ensinou o robot a construir uma casa pois não conseguiu ensinar o jogo ao robô.
Depois de sair do pensamento do robô perguntei ao CR: O que é que o robô está a pensar?
R: Tá a pensar fazer o que lhe ensinei.

616 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 10
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 1- 04-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: Explicar a troca. Ensinar o robô a fazer a troca e ensiná – lo de forma a não parar.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: O CR ficou atrapalhado, de vez em quando, com o rato e desatou a
O que esta a pensar o robô?
CR – Está a pensar fazer o que lhe ensinei.
O CR consegue ensinar bem o robô mas não se recorda como sair do pensamento.
Rebentou a casa ao ver o rapaz zonzo e disse que ele tinha um mosquito à volta da cabeça. Quando rebentou as
casas, indo à última disse: Esta é a que se monta?
Eu – Como é isso?
CR – Os homens vêm e fazem –nas.
Session 11
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 22- 05-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a JG tem uma capacidade de abstracção muito desenvolvida.
Também é bom não esquecer que ela tem acesso ao programa em casa!
Quase se esquecia de verificar se o nome fica mesmo na entrada ou o desenho na parede. Acabou por dizer:
tenho de ir ver”.
Já sabe que para levar um objecto no bolso tem de o segurar.
Avançamos para a programação do robô.
Comecei por questionar o que seria necessário para ensinar o robô a colocar o desenho na parede.
JG – Preciso do desenho e da parede.
Pusemos as duas coisas na caixa para ensinar o robô. A JG ensinou – o sem a minha ajuda.
Identificou: “o pensamento do robô é aquela parte branca”.
Depois disse que já estava cansada e pediu para parar.
Session 12
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 05- 06-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar o nome no telhado e programar o robô para fazer o mesmo

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 617

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o facto de lhes ter dado o caderno de sensores simplificado
facilitou a tarefa e a JG não precisou de quaisquer indicações.
Eu –E agora?
JG – Agora vou ver se ficou.
Antes de ir ver se de facto tinha colocado o nome no telhado guardou o que fez no caderno.
A JG já sabe como ensinar o robô mas ia dar -lhe o telhado directamente. Depois lembrou –se como fazer, que
tinha de lhe dar a caixa com as coisas. Identifica o robô do pensamento: agora vou fazer eu e depois é que faz ele.
Usou a caixa inicial para testar o que ensinou ao robô. Não ia verificar se o nome ficou no telhado pois, como ele
faz o que ela lhe ensinou, acreditou estar tudo em ordem.
O CR tem um ritmo mais moroso mas também atingiu os objectivos propostos. Contudo, não vai verificar se o
nome fica no telhado.
O CR atrapalha –se um pouco com a movimentação do rato. Não sai do pensamento do robô sem que eu o
lembre. Verifica se o robô aprendeu o que lhe ensinou, mas também não vai verificar se o nome ficou no telhado.

Group 8
Session 1
Nome1 IM (5 anos)
Nome2 S (5 anos)
Hora inicial 14h25 Hora final 14h48
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar a capacidade de concentração com a IM. O S poderá aprender a ser mais paciente, uma vez que é bastante
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Identificaram o “avião”.
O S já sabe fazer o “robô construtor”. Os dois fizeram muitas casas e foram vê-las.
A IM usou o rato pela 1ª vez pelo que, precisou da minha ajuda para coordenar movimentos.
14h42-Os colegas foram para os cantos e a IM quis ir para a casinha: “Não quero jogar mais, quero a casinha”.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
A IM tem necessidades educativas. Esteve a trabalhar concentrada mas com o alvoroço repentino dos colegas (porque
a educadora mandou) perdeu a concentração.
O S quis continuar para trabalhar com o aspirador e rebentar uma casa.

Session 2
Nome1 IM (5 anos)
Nome2 S (5 anos)
Hora inicial 15h20 Hora final 15h52
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar a concentração – com a IM.
Trabalhar o relacionamento em trabalho com o S.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O S entrou bem no jogo e conseguiu segurar bem o caderno.
Também sabe utilizar as ferramentas do Paint.
A IM gostou de desenhar no Paint. Ajudei-a, pois foi o 1º contacto que teve com o Paint e, como tal, de início estava
“Assustada” por não conseguir. A IM gosta de ouvir os sons do ToonTalk. Ficou a virar páginas do caderno para ouvir
o som. Treinou o pegar e largar coisas. Quanto ao desenho no Paint, a satisfação foi notória. Já de volta ao ToonTalk
disse: “O meu desenho está giro!”
15h49 - A IM perdeu a concentração pois a educadora mandou arrumar, aos outros meninos.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O S tem já algumas mudanças no relacionamento, uma vez que tem que ser paciente e procurar ajudar a IM e não
recriminá-la, ou seja, aceitar a diferença.

618 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 3
Nome1 S (5 anos)
Nome2 IM (5 anos)
Hora inicial 9h10 Hora final 9h51
Objectivos prévios
Colocar o boneco dentro de casa sentado. Compor caixas e colocar coisas dentro. Tirar e voltar a colocar. Noções
“dentro” e “fora”.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A IM pousou o helicóptero sem estar preocupada se estava a pousar nas casas. Consegue mover bem o boneco.
Chamou vela à bomba: “parecia que era uma vela!”
9h40 – A IM começou a ficar impaciente.
9h41 – “Não quero mais, estou cansada.”
Eu – “E um desenho?”
Resposta: “Está bem, só um desenho.”
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Registo da tarde de maçã.
S – 1ª etapa (ingredientes)
(Paint.) IM – 2ª etapa (juntar ingredientes)
O S se o deixarem fica indefinidamente no “contador”!!
O S já experimentou dar coisas aos passarinhos e viu que eles as levam para os ninhos: “levam os números”.

Session 4
Nome1 IM – 5
Nome2 S–5
Hora inicial 14:06 Hora final 14:40
Objectivos prévios
Deixar explorar o ToonTalk para encontrar interesses. Trabalhar a concentração e motricidade fina com a IM.
Aprender a colocar nomes no telhado.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
“Vamos aprender a saber quais são as casas do S e as da IM?” IM (animada): “Vamos, tá bem!”.
O S perguntou o que era as luzes que dão do lado da “casa”/telhado. Respondi que eram as luzes que saiem da casa.
O S aprendeu a pôr o nome no telhado e sai da casa e levanta vôo para verificar o nome no telhado.
A IM mostrou muito interesse em trabalhar. (A IM manipula os objectos da caixa de ferramentas.)
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Cidade com nomes, S e IM.
A IM disse que tinha de estar no computador: “Tenho de trabalhar muito para aprender.”
A IM gosta de trabalhar, experimentar e tentar fazer as coisas sozinha. Tive de lhe “pedir” para a ajudar porque ela
dizia “não consigo” mas evitava ajuda.

Session 5
Nome1 IM – 5
Nome2 S–5
Hora inicial 14:15 Hora final 14:46
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar o controlo do aspirador englobando a noção de “limpeza”.
Trabalhar a concentração com a IM.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O S “desarrumou” a casa, depois levantou-se para ver o quanto desarrumou. Depois esteve a aspirar. Não tem
quaisquer dificuldades e gosta de estar no computador o tempo inteiro (se pudesse!).
A IM evita que eu a ajude. De vez em quando fala com o boneco: “vai, entra!”.
A IM não associa o “limpa-o-pó” com um aspirador.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Cidade ToonTalk.
O S gosta de explorar. Aprendeu a decorar a casa por for, pois queria fazer um jardim.
No computador, a IM é muito observadora. Esteve muito calma, sossegada e interessada em trabalhar.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 619

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 6
Nome1 IM – 5
Nome2 S–5
Hora inicial 14h10 Hora final 14h35
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar imagens de Natal para decoração na cidade ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O S consegue utilizar bem os sensores mas tem dificuldade em encontrar o caderno de sensores. Também não
consegue alterar as funções do aspirador e da bomba de ar. Depois de fazer a actividade de decoração, o S quis fazer
casas e para isso, livremente, utilizou sem dificuldade a varinha mágica. A IM ao folhear o caderno distrai-se com o
som e não olha para procurar a parede. Conseguiu usar a varinha mágica.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Cidade ToonTalk.
As decorações feitas nas casas do ToonTalk vêm de encontro à decoração que está a ser feita na sala de jardim.

Session 7
NOME: Stefano
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 23-01-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: realizar uma cidade em que as casas tivessem as fotos das crianças
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o Stefano visualiza facilmente as fotos que deseja. No Toontalk
tive de lhe explicar o que é uma moldura. Depois conseguiu colocar a foto na moldura sem ajuda e conseguiu encontrar
a parede/ sensor. Teve ajuda para encontrar o caderno de sensores.
Session 8
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 13- 02- 03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar desenhos da visita à azenha na parede
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o S fez a actividade sem dificuldade. Lembrou - se de como
ensinar o robot, dando uma caixa dupla comas coisas necessárias ao robot. A IM conseguiu colocar o desenho na parede
com dicas que o colega lhe foi dando. Não trabalhou a programação do robot pois ainda lhe é muito confusa a
OBSERVAÇÕES: a IM já tinha a mãe à espera mas quis ficar no computador a acabar a actividade.
Session 9
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 4-02-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar o nome no telhado.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o S, depois de ensinar o robot, lembrou-se de usar a caixa que
criara para ser mais rápido. A IM conseguiu pôr o nome no telhado. Para programar o robot precisou de ajuda. Não se
referiu a verificar o que ensinara ao robot.
OBSERVAÇÕES: a IM ficou sorridente por ir “ter uma casa”.

620 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 10
IDADE: 5 anos
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: foi a IM que explicou a finalidade do jogo. Disse: é para pôr igual.
Dando a caixa ao robô o S disse: vai para o pensamento. Foi ao pensamento e lá ensinou a fazer a casa e
começou a brincar com a caixa no pensamento.
A IM disse que o robô, quando faz o que lhe ensinamos, pára porque a caixa fica vazia.
A IM também não saia do pensamento do robô. O S ajuda a IM. Para voltar a fazer outra caixa igual para o robô
trabalhar a IM ia usar o próprio robô que ensinara.
OBSERVAÇÕES: A IM sobre o jogo de sequência disse: “este jogo está muito giro”.
Session 11
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 1- 04-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: trabalhar a troca
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o S explicou a troca dizendo: é pôr a árvore onde estava a flor e a
flor onde estava a árvore.
Ao ensinarem o robô a IM não o testa, diz “tá ensinado”.
O S não sai do pensamento do robô.
O S, para além de lhe ensinar a troca, ensinou o robô a folhear o caderno.
O S e a IM estiveram a aprender a copiar a caixa para que o robô não pare.
IM - Faz igual porque o ensinei a fazer. – e continua a explicar a meu pedido – Parou porque queria parar.
Porque só troca como lhe ensinei.
O S ao ver a árvore ficar vermelha diz: está a arder!
A IM esteve a treinar o uso da varinha mágica para fazer mais flores.
O S esteve a decorar a casa com flores. Tive de o ajudar a encontrar o caderno de imagens.
OBSERVAÇÕES: só acabou a sessão a 1 de Abril.
Session 12
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 19- 05-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a IM não aterrou junto à casa. O S lembrou para ir para casa.
A IM procurou pôr o desenho directamente na parede.
O S disse – lhe para ir ao livro buscar a “parede faz de conta”.
A IM não percebe a parede faz de conta, apesar de eu ter simplificado o caderno. Deixei a IM explorar
livremente o toontalk porque a IM estava a dizer que já queria sair do computador. Notei que isso se devia ao facto de
não perceber o que lhe foi pedido.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 621

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
A IM fez uma caixa com três coisas: um camião, um ninho e o número 2. disse que era para dar ao robô. Depois
não chegou a da - la ao robô e quis pôr o nome dela na casa.
A IM esteve a aspirar a casa. Ás 15h a IM pediu se podia ir embora. O S continuou. Relembraram como usar a
bomba de ar e como pôr o nome. O S até já sabe usar a tecla para começar a escrever o nome.
Session 13
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 03- 06-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: para a IM - colocar o nome no telhado; para o S – colocar o nome no telhado e
ensinar o robô a fazer o mesmo.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a IM faz as coisas muito atrapalhadamente. Às vezes faz muito
bem mas não explica o porque de o ter feito. A IM não tira o telhado da caixa e mete o nome directamente no telhado.
Já sabe levantar o boneco sem precisar que lhe indique onde carregar. Ao mandar fazer mais casas, o S não tem
quaisquer problemas em usar a varinha mágica para fazer muitos camiões e caixas. Para ensinar o robô o S disse que
tinha de fazer igual. Ensinou bem o robô. Deu a caixa construída inicialmente para testar o robô, mas não verificou se o
nome ficou no telhado.

Group 9
Session 1
Nome1 AM (5 anos)
Hora inicial 14h50 Hora final 15h05
Objectivos prévios
Apresentação e contacto com o “rato”. Explorar e conhecer o ambiente do ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Identificar o avião.
Eu: “Por baixo do avião está o quê, AM?”
AM: “Riscos...”
Não teve dificuldade em aprender a sentar e levantar. Fez 2 pássaros gémeos a que deu o nome “os manos pássaros”,
depois ajudei-a a guardar a caixa com os dois pássaros no caderno.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Caderno – caixa com os “manos pássaros”
A AM brincou pela 1ª vez no computador. É irmã gémea da IM mas quis separá-las pois a AM, noutros espaços, vive
as “frustrações” que a irmã não sente! Fica envergonhada com as “não realizações da irmã”. Como tal, achei que seria
benéfico trabalharem separadas.

Session 2
Nome1 AM (5 anos)
Nome2 V (5 anos)
Hora inicial 14h45 Hora final 15h15
Objectivos prévios
Explorar caixa do ToonTalk. Colocar o V como forte colaborador da AM.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Não tem dificuldades a sentar o boneco. O V desenhou uma cara de homem. Depois apagou a cara e fez um barco com
uns salva-vidas e peixinhos no mar. Quando quisemos sair do ToonTalk disse-lhe “Vamos levantar?” e o V levantou-
se da cadeira. A AM precisou de ajuda no Paint, pois ainda não domina os movimentos com o rato. Foi a 1ª vez que a
AM trabalhou no Paint.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenhos do Paint.
Como foi a 1ª vez que a AM desenhou no Paint, ajudei-a para evitar a “frustração”.
No ToonTalk ainda tem dificuldade em manipular o rato e usar ferramentas, não conseguindo fazê-lo sozinha.

622 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 3
Nome1 AM
Nome2 V
Hora inicial 15h30 Hora final 15h52
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar as ferramentas do ToonTalk com a AM, principalmente as noções básicas; isto é, sentar, levantar, pegar e
largar objectos. Noções “dentro e fora”, “cheia e vazia”.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O V é exigente consigo mesmo. Quando não consegue fazer as coisas como esperava diz sempre: “Oh, enganei-me” e
quer repetir.
A AM gosta de brincar com o avião. Não tem noções de “levantar/aterrar”.
Não identifica as casas.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenhos do Paint.
V – caixa no caderno do ToonTalk
O V está a melhorar a sua capacidade de expressar.

Session 4
Nome1 AM
Nome2 V
Hora inicial 14:42 Hora final 15:12
Objectivos prévios
Desenvolver a capacidade de desenho no Paint, com a AM.
Aprender a colocar o nome nos telhados da cidade ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O V mal entrou na casa do ToonTalk: “Vou rebentar a casa”. Contudo, esqueceu-se que para rebentar a casa tinha de
segurar a bomba na mão.
Eu “O que podemos fazer para saber de quem são as casas?” V – “Podemos dar dinheiro ao senhor e ficamos lá!”
Expliquei que também nos desenhos é o nome que nos permite saber quem os fez.
A AM só consegue pôr o nome no telhado com ajuda.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenhos sobre as abóboras – no Paint. Cidade ToonTalk.
O V hoje está um bocado impaciente, concentrou-se quando descobriu como pôr o nome no telhado. Disse que queria
pôr o nome numa “casa de férias”:

Session 5
Nome1 AM – 5
Nome2 V-5
Hora inicial 11:34 Hora final 11:59
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar o controlo do aspirador, abordando a importância de mantermos o nosso espaço limpo.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O V consegue trabalhar bem com as duas mãos e consegue usar bem o aspirador, contudo por vezes altera as funções
do aspirador sem querer.
Começou a usa a varinha: “Paula, queres ver uma coisa?” – e copiou aspiradores.
A AM trabalhou o tirar coisas da caixa de ferramentas mas teve dificuldades. Percebeu a utilidade do aspirador,
embora não o saiba, ainda, usar sozinha.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Cidade ToonTalk com nomes nos telhados.
A AM e o V estão com níveis de trabalho muito diferentes. A AM ainda não controla os movimentos da mão do

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 623

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 6
Nome1 AM – 5
Nome2 V–5
Hora inicial 14h58 Hora final 15h10
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar imagens de Natal para decoração da casa ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A AM não aterrou perto das casas. Tive de identificar as casas para que a AM as visse.
Não consegue encontrar o caderno de sensores nem a parede, ou o telhado, sem ajuda.
Gostou de criar prendas com as caixinhas, o que fez sem dificuldade.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Cidade ToonTalk.
O V faltou.
Hoje a AM esteve muito distraída, só se concentrou quando lhe disse para fazermos prendas (com as caixas) para ela

Session 7
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 4-02-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar o nome no telhado. Ensinar o robot a colocar o nome no telhado.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o V concentra- se mais quando é a AM a mexer no rato pois gosta
de explicar à colega.
O V controla o boneco e o rato mas é um pouco trapalhão, o que faz com que, por vezes, clique sem ser
Eu- “Porque é que o robot pára?”
V- “ Porque está vazia, a caixa”.
A AM não aterra numa casa. A AM só trabalhou o nome no telhado e precisou de ajuda pois estava muito
OBSERVAÇÕES: a AM esteve muito desconcentrada. A educadora estava a falar das ganchas e a mostrá-las e a
AM não parava de olhar para ela.
Session 8
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 13- 02- 03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar o desenho na parede e ensinar o robot a fazer o mesmo
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: Eu- “o que precisamos para colocar o desenho na parede?”
V- “ vou buscar a fita cola e colo”.
O V não saiu do pensamento do robot sem que lhe lembrasse. Depois, a fazer sozinho, o V ia ensinar o robot fora
do pensamento, mas já saiu do pensamento do robot.
A AM não programou o robot pois, como de costume, estava muito distraída e, como tal, esteve a trabalhar
colocando ela o desenho na parede.
OBSERVAÇÕES: a AM não sabe como levantar o boneco.
O V, trocando com a AM para trabalhar ela com o rato, também se distraiu.

624 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 9
IDADE: 5 anos
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: O V ia colocar os objectos iguais uns sobre os outros. A AM tem
evoluído a nível de controlar movimentos e perceber como se seguram as coisas no toontalk. A AM já não se lembrava
como fazer casas. Disse que usava a bomba (de rebentar).
O V disse que íamos para o pensamento do robô.
A AM não ia sair do pensamento do robô.
Perguntei o que tinha o robô no pensamento.
V -“Fazer uma casa”.
Eu –Porque parou, AM?
R: A caixa está vazia.
O V usou a caixa inicial. Da 1ª vez ensinou o robô a aspirar.
Antes de verificar se ensinou o robot o V rebentou a casa. Voltou a ensina –lo.
Eu –Porque parou?
Em vez de responder, o V voltou a encher a caixa com as coisas que o robô tinha na cabeça.
OBSERVAÇÕES: o V tem andado muito distraído, só se concentra quando está ele a trabalhar.
Session 10
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 1- 04-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: trabalhar a troca
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: tive de ajudar a AM a sair do pensamento do Robô.
A AM quis fazer outra caixa dupla para arrumar coisas.
A AM demorou a ensinar o Robô. Mesmo na 2ª tentativa a AM construiu outra caixa para testar se o Robô sabia
o que lhe ensinou.
Eu – Porque parou, AM?
AM – Não sei.
A AM esteve a desenvolver o uso da varinha mágica. Confunde - se e pra copiar clica no rato.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 625

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 11
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 19- 05-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a AM teve dificuldade em perceber como colocar o desenho na
parede faz de conta. Pôr o nome à frente da casa já foi mais fácil mas não me pareceu perceber. O V relembra o que é
preciso para fazer a casa: camião, caixa e robô.
O V sabe usar o caderno dos sensores embora inicialmente o confundisse com o caderno de imagens.
Session 12
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 05- 06-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar o nome no telhado e programar o robô para fazer o mesmo
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o V confunde–se muito. Para pôr o nome no telhado ia ao telhado
A AM também precisa de instruções para atingir os objectivos propostos.
Para a AM tornou –se mais fácil construindo uma caixa dupla com o necessário: telhado e nome. Mesmo assim a
AM distrai –se facilmente e pergunta porque tem de repetir o que ainda não conseguiu fazer. Expliquei que era para
aprender a fazer sem ajuda.
OBSERVAÇÕES: O V tem andado irrequieto, mesmo no decorrer do resto das actividades na sala de jardim. Ás
vezes fica apático.
Não avancei na programação do robô pois ambos revelaram falta de interesse e distracção. O calor também
complica qualquer fim de ano!

Group 10
Session 1a
Nome1 AX (3 anos)
Hora inicial 11h40 Hora final 12h02
Objectivos prévios
Aferir coisas que o AX já faz no ToonTalk quase que “naturalmente”.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A cidade que o AX tem já desde o ano 2001/2002 está com muitas casas.
Sozinho, foi para a memória do robô.
Eu – “Que estás a fazer, AX?”
AX – “Estou a ensinar o robô a fazer casas. Olha pra isto...”
Contudo, não verificava se o robô de facto fazia o que ele lhe ensinou.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenho do Paint.
No Paint quis apagar o 1º desenho que fez e fazer de novo.

626 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 1b
Nome1 G
Hora inicial 14h04 Hora final 14h25
Objectivos prévios
Explorar e conhecer o ambiente do ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Foi a 1ª sessão acompanhada do G. Treinou “sentar/levantar”, andou a voar com o helicóptero.
Aliás, quando clicámos para entrar no jogo disse: "É o jogo do helicóptero..."
No Paint quis desenhar uma casa.
De volta ao ToonTalk fez o robô construtor (já sabia fazer). Explorou o aspirador e a varinha mágica.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Com o aspirador e a varinha ainda tem alguma dificuldade em perceber que tem que tê-los na mão para os poder usar.

Session 2
Nome1 AX (3 anos)
Nome2 G (4 anos)
Hora inicial 10h30 Hora final 10h45
Objectivos prévios
Noções: “vazio” vs. “cheio” e “dentro” vs. “fora”.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Na construção de caixas
Eu - Para que é que podem servir as caixas?
AX – “Pra meter coisas.”
Eu – “Então se isto for a nossa mala de viagem, o que é que lhe vais pôr dentro?”
AX – “Vou levar um robô, um camião, uma bomba, um número, um camião e uma balança. Já está.”
Entrou para o pensamento do robô: “vou ensinar o robô a explodir a caixa...”
Eu – Afinal o que é que lhe estás a ensinar?
AX: A fazer casas.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenho do Paint e caixa de "coisas para viagem" no caderno do ToonTalk.
AX: os passarinhos levam as coisas para o ninho para os filhotes comerem.
Estive a explicar ao AX que se der uma caixa vazia ao robô o que lhe ensinar ele vai fazer sempre seguido.
AX: fica sempre a fazer, é?
Depois expliquei-lhe como se deve ensinar o robô.

Session 3
Nome1 AX - 4
Hora inicial 10:51 Hora final 11:26
Objectivos prévios
Programar o robô para colocar o nome no telhado.
Começou por aprender a colocar o nome no telhado.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Não se lembrava de usar a caixa que fica feita. Ia fazer outro robô, fazendo outra caixa.
Ficou sorridente ao ver o nome dele no telhado, quis fazer mais.
“Tem os números verdes!”, não era o sensor certo que ele tinha fixado. Mas na 2ª tentativa fez direito. Já se levantou
para verificar se o nome estava no telhado.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Robô que põe nome no telhado – no caderno do ToonTalk.
“Vou fazer o nome nas casas todas”.
Virou-se para os colegas: “Estas casas todas vão ser minhas.”
Já queria decorar a casa.
O AX, se o deixarem, fica a trabalhar no computador indefinidamente.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 627

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 4
Nome1 AX – 4
Nome2 G–4
Hora inicial 10:17 Hora final 10:45
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar o controlo com o “space”. A importância de mantermos os espaços do jardim de infância limpos e
Aspirador, bomba de ar.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O espaço de uma casa já tinha muitas coisas no chão. Perguntei ao AX se deixávamos as coisas assim, ele entendeu
que devia arrumar.
“Oh G, estou a comer isto!”
O AX já controla muito bem o “aspirar”. Por vezes carrega sem querer no botão esquerdo do rato, alterando as funções
do aspirador e depois queixa-se “Oh PF, isto não vai!”
O AX quis ir visitar a casa dele, explicando ao G que o nome está no telhado. O G também controla bem os
movimentos com o rato.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Quando usou a bomba de ar, o AX soltou uma grande exclamação: “O robô está a encher!”
Ao chegar à casa “AX”, o AX já disse: “ah, tenho muitas coisas para aspirar!”
O AX propôs ao G dar coisas ao passarinho. Perguntei-lhe porquê. AX: “Ele põe no ninho.”

Session 5
Nome1 AX – 4
Nome2 G–4
Hora inicial 9h20 Hora final 9h47
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar imagens de Natal para decorar a casa ToonTalk.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O AX entra no ToonTalk e começa a brincar a tirar coisas da caixa e a aspirar. Tem o cuidado de ligar e desligar o
Depois fomos buscar o desenho de Natal do AX. Ele quis guardar o desenho no caderno. Ao tentar pôr o desenho mais
pequeno, teve dificuldade porque não soube alterar as funções da bomba de ar. Fez camiões pequenos para tentar
procurar ver se conseguia construir casas pequeninas.
O G teve de rever alguns comandos “básicos”, pois tem faltado a sessões do ToonTalk.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Cidade ToonTalk.
O AX gosta de ajudar o G, explicando-lhe o que tem de fazer.
Ao dizer para levantar o boneco, o G levantou o boneco que tinha na mão.

Session 6
IDADE: 4 anos
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: realizar uma cidade em que as casas tivessem as fotos das crianças
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o AX sabe como reduzir a foto e procurar em cadernos sem ajuda.
Só precisa que lhe indiquem quais os cadernos certos a usar.

628 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 7
IDADE: 4 anos
DATA: 18- 02- 03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar desenho na parede e ensinar o robot a fazer o mesmo.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o AX já encontra o caderno simplificado de sensores. Perguntou
porque é que não dá para entrar pela janela. Expliquei que nós também não entramos em casa pela janela, nem devemos
tentar fazê- lo.
O AX fixou como trouxe o desenho para o toontalk através de “Ctrl+V”. Construiu sozinho a caixa dupla para
ensinar o robot a colocar o desenho na parede. Não testou o robot. Achou que por o ter ensinado ele já sabia.
OBSERVAÇÕES: o G faltou.
Session 8
IDADE: 4 anos
DATA: 4-02-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: fazer o nome e colocá-lo no telhado.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o AX conseguiu perceber o que precisava para ensinar o robot,
mas tem tendência a dar uma caixa vazia ao robot pois já tinha descoberto que assim iria para o pensamento do robot.
O G precisou de indicações para pôr o nome no telhado. Depois, para programar o robot, já não precisou de
O G não ia usar a caixa já criada par verificar o que o robot aprendeu, mas o AX disse: “olha uma ali igual!”.
OBSERVAÇÕES: de uma maneira geral, resultou ter simplificado o caderno de sensores. Tornou- se visível o
telhado na 1ª página o que evitou que demorassem e tivessem que pedir ajuda.
Session 9
IDADE: 4 anos
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: O AX conseguiu perceber a finalidade do jogo. Perguntei -lhe
porque o tinha feito daquela forma, respondeu: “Porque era assim.”
No pensamento do robô o AX não percebe que se trata do robô, continuando a agir como sendo ele próprio.
Tivemos de ensinar algo mais simples ao robot.
O AX construiu uma caixa igual à do jogo.
Resolvemos ensinar o robô a fazer uma casa, o que foi um ânimo para o AX, uma vez que já domina totalmente
essa “tarefa”, daí que seja fácil ensina -la.
O AX esquece- se de sair do pensamento do robô.
Expliquei que se ensinarem o robô a copiar a caixa antes de a usar ele terá sempre uma para copiar e, como tal,
não pára de fazer caixas.
Eu –se a caixa ficar vazia o que é que acontece?
Resp.: “ele não tem com que trabalhar”.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 629

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
O G não controla tão bem quanto o AX os movimentos a fazer com a mão, mas já consegue fazer o jogo
O G percebeu o que precisa para ensinar o robô a fazer a casa. Não se lembrava de dar a caixa com as coisas ao
robô. Não se refere ao pensamento do robô, é uma noção demasiado abstracta para ele. Não saia do pensamento do
Não ia usar a caixa inicial, igual ao pensamento do robô. O AX a rir diz: “Agora vai fazer muitas!”
OBSERVAÇÕES: O AX mostra sempre muito entusiasmo no computador.
Session 10
IDADE: 4 anos
DATA: 25-03-02
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: ensinar o robô a trocar a árvore com a flor
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o AX rapidamente trocou ele a flor e a árvore mostrando perceber
a troca. Depois ensinou o robô e saiu do pensamento do robô e deu –lhe a caixa inicial para ele fazer o que lhe tinha
ensinado. O AX ensinou o robô a tirar e voltar a encher as caixas.
Eu –Porque parou, AX?
AX – Porque só tinha uma caixinha.
O AX ensinou o G a fazer a troca e a ensinar o robô. O AX disse ao G para dar a caixa ao robô nas mãos, para
ver se ele aprendeu.
O G esquece-se de dar a caixa ao robô para o ensinar. Já no pensamento do robô o G lembrou-se de usar a
varinha mágica, mas não sai do pensamento. Também não testa o robô.
Eu – O que é que o robô está a pensar?
G – Nada.
Usou a caixa inicial para dar uma caixa ao robô.

Session 11
IDADE: 4 anos
DATA: 19- 05-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o AX explicou ao G como pôr o desenho na parede verdadeira,
através do caderno. Disse para ir buscar a parede ao caderno, para abrir e depois colocar o desenho na parede.
O AX começou por colocar o desenho dele mais pequeno, antes mesmo de usá –lo para pôr na parede. Encontrou
o caderno simplificado dos sensores. Tirou logo a parede e a casa pois disse “vou fazer tudo ao mesmo tempo”, para
explicar que ia fazer rápido o que tinha de fazer.
O AX colocou o nome sem dificuldades na entrada de casa. Quis guardar as coisas que fez sem eu lho dizer.
O G também consegue entender o que tem de fazer para colocar nome ou desenho mas a um ritmo muito
diferente do AX, que consegue abstrair –se e entender que colocando o desenho ou nome na parede ou casa “faz de
conta” ele vai aparecer “na grande”.
O AX quis depois ensinar o robô a colocar o nome na parede. Tentou fazê –lo dando uma caixa vazia ao robô.
Expliquei - lhe depois que era melhor dar uma caixa já com o nome ao robô.
O AX, ao ver o robô aspirar depois de ter feito o que lhe ensinou, disse:”Este robô é malandro!”. Expliquei –lhe
que ele faz o que nós fazemos antes de sair do toontalk ou seja, deixa tudo arrumado.

630 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 12
IDADE: 4 anos
DATA: 05- 06-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: ensinar o robô a colocar o nome no telhado
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: o AX confunde o sensor do telhado com o sensor da casa. Depois
de rapidamente ter posto o nome no telhado, o AX disse: agora vou ver.
Eu – O que precisas para ensinar o robô?
AX – Fazer uma caixa e depois pôr lá as coisas. O AX construiu a caixa mas depois ia dar uma caixa vazia ao
Sai do pensamento do robô. Ia logo ver o resultado no telhado antes de o testar. Expliquei que ensinou o robô
mas que ainda não tinha visto se ele sabia mesmo fazer. O AX usa o mais e menos para mexer no caderno.
O AX descobriu que se for o robô a pôr o nome no telhado o nome fica maior e então foi compor o primeiro que
tinha feito. O AX já escreve o nome no robô. O G tem dificuldade em encontrar o caderno de sensores. Já sabe pôr o
nome no telhado mas não vai verificar. O AX ajuda –o dando - lhe instruções. O G precisa de orientação para ensinar o

Group 11
Session 1
Nome1 AL – 5
Hora inicial 14:07 Hora final 14:34
Objectivos prévios
Exploração do ambiente ToonTalk. Robô construtor de casas. Pôr o nome no telhado. Usar bomba de ar.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A AL já conhece o jogo. Não se recordava dos diferentes botões para levantar, voar, aterrar.
Ao pôr coisas dentro de caixas e ver o rato a sobrepor letras riu estridentemente.
A AL quiz que o robô levasse um ninho para a casa.
Deu coisas ao passarinho para o ver levar coisas.
Depois de escrever o nome em duas casas fez uma casa para uma amiga (JG).
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Cidade com nomes.
É a 1ª sessão (acompanhada) deste ano lectivo, da AL.
Num dos telhados colocou uma flor, depois quis colocar também o nome, para se saber que a casa era dela.

Session 2
Nome1 AL
Hora inicial 11:40 Hora final 12:02
Objectivos prévios
Trabalhar o controlo da bomba de ar e do aspirador.
A limpeza do espaço de trabalho e de brincadeiras.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A AL não tem quaisquer dificuldades em utilizar os objectos da caixa de ferramentas. Também conseguiu perceber
que P = pequeno e G = grande.
Gosta de mandar construir casas e sai para, de helicóptero, ver as casas que construiu: “Olhas as casas que mandei
fazer” (disse apontando). Sem lhe dar instruções quis pôr o nome no telhado. Só perguntou onde desfolhar o caderno.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Ja sabe usa F1, sem eu fazer qualquer referência, para mandar o marciano embora.
Para pôr o nome no telhado tentou fazê-lo sem estar dentro de casa.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 631

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools

Session 3
Nome1 AL
Hora inicial 15h12 Hora final 15h28
Objectivos prévios
Usar os desenhos do Paint para decorar uma casa na cidade do ToonTalk. Aprender que o passarinho leva as coisas
para o ninho.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A AL precisou de ajuda para encontrar o caderno de sensores. Quis decorar também o telhado com o desenho de
A AL ao usar a bomba de ar perguntou como é que fazia para pôr as coisas pequenas. Disse-lhe que é na letra P e ela
disse que ainda não sabe essa letra.
Percebeu que o passarinho leva as coisas para o ninho e experimentou dar-lhe o nome para ele levar para outra casa
onde estava o ninho.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
Desenho do Paint, cidade ToonTalk.
A AL sugeriu que era bom usarmos um rato sem fio!!

Session 4
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 4-02-03
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: colocar o nome no telhado e ensinar o robot a fazer o mesmo.
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a AL precisou que lhe lembrasse de procurar o telhado/ sensor no
caderno, para escrever o nome. A AL perguntou como se levantava.
Não reparou na caixa igual à que tinha dado ao robot.
Saiu da casa para verificar que o nome estava no telhado e depois disse para voltarmos para a casa para arrumar
Session 5
IDADE: 5 anos
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a AL percebeu e explicou que estava a fazer igual. Ás vezes
acontece -lhe largar uns objectos sobre outros sem querer.
Para ensinar o robô a fazer casas a AL pensou precisar de uma caixa e de um camião, pois robô já tinha (o que
queria ensinar!).
Disse que tinha de sair do pensamento do robô.
Não usa a caixa inicial.
Aprendeu a copiar a caixa para que o robot não pare.
AL –“Temos que ensinar coisas e para não parar temos de ensina -lo a fazer truques com a varinha mágica.”

632 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 6
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 25-03-02
OBJECTIVOS PRÉVIOS: Ensinar o Robô a fazer uma troca de objectos numa caixa dupla
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a AL perguntou porque é que a árvore tem olhos. Respondi que
era uma árvore de desenhos animados, como tal podia ter olhos. Fez a troca rapidamente. Quando ia ensinar o robot ia
copiar a caixa antes de entrar no pensamento do robô e depois perguntou se tinha de lhe dar duas caixas vazias. No
pensamento do robô lembrou -se de usar a varinha mágica mas para copiar objectos. Não se lembrou que é para o robot
não parar. Quando saiu disse: “tenho de lhe dar a caixa”.
AL: Porque é que a árvore ficou vermelha?
Eu – Porque ele já tinha usado a árvore.
Copiar a caixa baralhou a AL na troca. Expliquei que no 1º robô a árvore fica vermelha porque só ensinamos o
robô com a caixa igual ao pensamento e depois da troca a caixa tem outra ordem. A AL voltou a ensinar o robô e
lembrou –se de lhe dar a caixa para ver se ele Aprendeu. Diz que não o ensinou a aspirar mas que ele aspira. Expliquei
que nós também costumamos deixar tudo arrumado.

Session 7
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 20- 05-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: a AL já não se recordava como decorar a parede.
Estiveram a pôr o nome na casa. A CA relembrou a AL onde levantava o boneco. A CA ao guardar o que fez no
caderno quis colocar de um lado o que fez e do outro o nome, como costumamos fazer. A AL e a CA conseguiram
perceber a actividade.
OBSERVAÇÕES: como a U está para a Ucrânia, a CA fez com a AL
Session 8
IDADE: 5 anos
DATA: 03- 06-03
DESENROLAR E RESULTADOS GERAIS: para pôr o nome no telhado disse que precisava de letras e do
Foi verificar se o nome estava no telhado.
Teve dúvidas em sair do pensamento do robô.
A AL coloca a caixa para o pensamento na zona branca.
A AL gosta sempre de arrumar o que desarrumou no toontalk, deixando as casas arrumadas.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 633

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools

São Vicente de Paula preschool

Group 1
Session 1
Nome1 IT
Nome2 ACS
Hora inicial 14:30 Hora final 14:50
Objectivos prévios:
Construção de casas
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A Catarina ainda tem um pouco de receio do computador. Esteve muito bem mas chegou a uma dada altura em
que não queria fazer mais, não demorou o tempo todo.
A Inês, por sua vez, como a Catarina era muito sossegada ajudou a Catarina, tendo ela própria tido um bom
desenrolar da actividade.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Uma falha que notei foi que ao colocar o robô a funcionar, tendo de lhe dar uma caixa azul, a que se encontrava
no chão da casa, fica sempre por trás do pensamento do robô, sendo difícil para as miúdas ir descobri-lo para dar ao
Session 2
This matches session 2b in group 10.
Nome1 J
Nome2 IT
Hora inicial 9:40 Hora final 10:00
Objectivos prévios
Relação de 1 para 1, relação de 1 pássaro –> n (ninhos)
Pergunta->O que é que o pássaro fazia ao objecto que nós lhe dávamos na relação de 1 pássaro para 1 ninho.
Depois o que é que o pássaro fazia se copiasse os ninhos? Onde é que ele iria pôr o objecto?
Depois entrei no pensamento do robô para os miúdos o programarem a fazer a relação de 1 pássaro para n ninhos.
Neste caso, copiei apenas 3 ninhos.
Inicialmente, expus as duas situações fazendo as perguntas para ver como reagiram.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
J: para pegar no ninho levantaram o rato do tapete. Em relação à segunda pergunta, disse que o pássaro morria.
Sabem como é que se entra no pensamento do robô. Conseguiu descobrir a caixa azul por detrás do robô para o pôr a
Achou piada no pensamento do robô estar a utilizar o aspirador e por ser tão pequenino com pernas e olhos.
IT: Resposta à pergunta: se calhar come-os e depois, morre.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 2
Session 1
Nome1 F
Nome2 M
Hora inicial 14:50 Hora final 15:10
Objectivos prévios:
Construção de casas
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
São dois miúdos que já dominam razoavelmente o computador. Estiveram a ouvir a minha explicação e depois
fizeram bastante bem, tendo sido a minha intervenção no que diz respeito a ajuda muito pouco.

634 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Session 2
Nome1 F
Nome2 M
Hora inicial 10:00 Hora final 10:20
Objectivos prévios
Os mesmos
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Ambos não souberam responder à primeira pergunta. São muito calados. Em relação à segunda disseram que ia
colocá-los em todos os ninhos.
F: Depois de entrar no pensamento do robô ia pô-lo a fazer casas, mas depois conseguiu fazer sozinho o que estava a
fazer fora do pensamento do robô.
O M, depois de ver o F, entrou directamente no pensamento do robô e utilizou bem a varinha para fazer cópias dos
ninhos. Saiu bem do pensamento do robô e conseguiu pô-lo a funcionar.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 3
Session 1
Nome1 IF
Nome2 MG
Hora inicial 15:15 Hora final 15:40
Objectivos prévios:
Construção de casas
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
São duas miúdas que ainda estão um pouco verdes no que diz respeito à motricidade fina. Sendo necessário
ainda a minha ajuda. Nestes dois casos eu ainda ajudei bastante, portanto as duas ainda não conseguiram fazer sozinhas.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 2a
This matches session 2a in group 7.
Nome1 FL
Nome2 IF
Hora inicial 14:41 Hora final 15:00
Objectivos prévios
Os mesmos
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
IF: Ao colocar a pergunta na relação 1 para 1, disse que iria colocá-lo, o objecto, no ninho. Quando fiz a cópia dos
ninhos, também me disse que iria pôr o objecto num ninho. Então perguntei porque é que não vai pôr nos outros
ninhos também. Depois, ficou à espera do que poderia acontecer. Ainda se lembrou do que é que a varinha fazia e
que era para copiar.
FL: Colocava o objecto num só ninho porque há só um. Não conseguiu fazer sozinho, eu é que tive de o ajudar.
Sabem bem onde é sair e copiar.
Dentro do pensamento do robô, quando disse que era com a outra mão do robô, ele trocou a mão dele no rato.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 635

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 2b
This matches session 2a in group 10.
Nome1 MG
Nome2 MA
Hora inicial 15:00 Hora final 15:20
Objectivos prévios
Os mesmos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
MG: disse depois de fazer a cópia que punha somente num, porque somente tenho um passarinho. Também tive de
a ajudar muito.
MA: lembra-se como é que se entra; conseguiu tirar o ninho. Respondeu à pergunta dizendo que só punha a balança
em dois ninhos! Pouco tive de ajudar.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 4
Session 1
Nome1 AT
Nome2 CP
Hora inicial 15:40 Hora final 16:00
Objectivos prévios:
Construção de casas
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Aplica-se a mesma situação à da IF e MG.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 5
Session 1
Nome1 FM
Nome2 D
Hora inicial 9:30 Hora final 9:50
Objectivos prévios:
Construção de casas
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O FM tem um bom desempenho. Depois, como o D ainda não consegue desenvolver, eu é que tenho de fazer
tudo, o FM acabou por ajudar o D, dizendo-lhe como é que ele devia fazer.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


636 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 2a
This matches session 2a in group 11.
Nome1 AC
Nome2 D
Hora inicial 14:15 Hora final 14:40
Objectivos prévios
Os mesmos
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
AC: Tive de pôr a minha mão por cima da dela e fazer praticamente tudo. Depois não quis fazer sozinha.
D é um daqueles miúdos que não fala, não reage, tenho de fazer tudo, não tem muito poder de concentração. Depois
de fazer a pergunta, já com as cópias dos ninhos, perguntei se ao dar um objecto ao pássaro ele iria colocar nos 3
ninhos e ambos disseram que sim. Mas eu é que tive de sugerir o que é que o pássaro iria fazer.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 2b
This matches session 2b in group 9.
Nome1 BB
Nome2 FM
Hora inicial 10:40 Hora final 11:00
Objectivos prévios
Os mesmos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
BB: resposta à primeira pergunta: vai é voar e vai-se embora.
Reposta à segunda: vai fazer mais pássaros. Queria tirar outro ninho e copiar mais pássaros. Pôs o robô a funcionar
com a caixa azul por trás do pensamento.
Disse: este robô é complicado porque ela não estava a colocá-lo onde queria. Disse a caixa vai sempre comigo.
FM: A CA explicava e punha a mão no FM para por a mão no monitor para ter muitos pássaros. Tive de o ajudar em
todos os passos.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 6
Session 1
Nome1 FS
Nome2 C
Hora inicial 9:50 Hora final 10:10
Objectivos prévios:
Construção de casas
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O FS somente ao fim é que descobriu que o robô fazia igual, ficando um pouco admirado com a saída dos
camiões das casas.
A C conseguiu mais ou menos, tendo gostado de ver os camiões a construir as casas na ilha.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Session 2
This matches session 2b in group 7.
Nome1 DI
Nome2 FS

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 637

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Hora inicial 15:20 Hora final 15:40
Objectivos prévios
Os mesmos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
DI: é um miúdo que fala muito e diz tudo o que tem a dizer. Resposta à pergunta: vou ver, teve ele de dar um objecto
ao pássaro para ver o que é que ele iria fazer. Passou logo para o pensamento do robô para o pôr a fazer o mesmo.
Pegou na caixa azul que estava por detrás do pensamento do robô, para o pôr a funcionar.
FS: Achava que o pássaro iria pôr o objecto sempre num só ninho. Quando chegou à parte de dar ordens ao robô
perguntou e agora. Depois o DI é que lhe disse que tinha de ir buscar a caixa azul. O DI ajudou-o muito nos passos a
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 7
Session 1
Nome1 FL
Nome2 DI
Hora inicial 10:10 Hora final 10:30
Objectivos prévios:
Construção de casas
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
O DI é um miúdo que está sempre a fazer perguntas, lembrou-se bem da sessão anterior e pensou que iríamos
fazer a mesma coisa. Conseguiu após a minha explicação fazer bem a actividade.
O FL ainda tenho de o ajudar bastante.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 2a
This matches session 2a in group 3.
Session 2b
This matches session 2 in group 6.

Group 8
Session 1
Nome1 B
Nome2 CA
Hora inicial 10:30 Hora final 10:50
Objectivos prévios:
Construção de casas
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A B ajudou a CA, depois da minha explicação. Ambas precisaram de pouco da minha ajuda.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Session 2
Nome1 CA
Nome2 B
Hora inicial 9:20 Hora final 9:40
Objectivos prévios

638 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Os mesmos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Primeira pergunta: vai pô-lo no ninho. Segunda pergunta: a CA disse que ia pô-lo nos três ninhos.
B: fez bem a cópia dos ninhos. Entrou facilmente no pensamento do robô e depois de o programar conseguiu pô-lo a
funcionar com a caixa por detrás do pensamento. A B ajudou a CA nos passos em que se enganava.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 9
Session 1
Nome1 BB
Nome2 L
Hora inicial 10:55 Hora final 11:20
Objectivos prévios:
Construção de casas
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A BB já não precisou muito da minha ajuda e conseguiu, após a explicação, fazer o exercício, sem problemas.
O L é o oposto, eu é que tive de colocar a minha mão no rato e fazer quase tudo.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 2a
This matches session 1 in group 12.
Session 2b
This matches session 2b in group 5.

Group 10
Session 1
Nome1 J
Nome2 MA
Hora inicial 11:20 Hora final 11:40
Objectivos prévios:
Construção de casas
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A J conseguiu descobrir a caixa atrás do pensamento do robô.
Antes, tinha pedido para ir ver a onde fora parar o camião.
A MA, depois de ver a J, conseguiu sozinha fazer a actividade.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 2a
This matches session 2b in group 3.
Session 2b
This matches session 2 in group 1.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 639

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Group 11
Session 1
Nome1 A
Nome2 AC
Hora inicial 1140 Hora final 12:00
Objectivos prévios:
Construção de casas
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
Mais uma vez com a AC não conseguiu descobrir a caixa que estava por detrás do pensamento do robô para o
pôr a funcionar.
A A conseguiu fazer tudo sozinha até ao fim. Enquanto que a AC precisou muito da minha ajuda.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Session 2a
This matches session 2a in group 5.
Session 2b
Nome1 AC
Hora inicial 11:20 Hora final 11:45
Objectivos prévios
Os mesmos.
Desenrolar e resultados gerais:
A AC não fala quase nada e tive de estar a fazer-lhe tudo. Não quer ficar muito tempo no computador.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:


Group 12
Session 1
This matches session 2a in group 9.

640 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Senhora da Pena preschool

Group 1
Session 1
This matches Session 1 in Group 3.
Data: 10/10/2002 Grupo: F/JG
Hora Inicial: 10h Hora Final: 10.30h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Conhecer
ƒ Explorar/Brincar
ƒ Mexer objectos
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
Não houve nesta sessão uma proposta objectiva de trabalho. Sendo o primeiro contacto, era necessário observar,
explorar, mexer e interrogar. O despertar para algo novo e o estímulo a novas sessões foi de certo modo conseguido.
No decorrer da sessão é de salientar alguns comentários feitos pelas crianças.
Frederico: “Olha um avião...”
“ Vamos pôr nas caixas”
“Olha a minha mão abanar, olha...”
“Olha o que ela apanhou!...” “Vou largar”
O F adorou tirar números infinitamente, e camiões e fazia-os transportar os números, descobriu que colocando
um robô ele andaria.
O facto de descobrirem que abanavam os objectos (alertados para esse facto), deu-lhes muita satisfação e
O JG queria que existisse uma cadeira para o boneco se sentar.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Na sua totalidade estas crianças não tinham tido contacto com o computador, algumas estão no jardim pela
primeira vez.
O Toon Talk provocou-lhes admiração, entusiasmo e interesse.
Session 2
Data: 17/10/2002 Grupo: F/JO
Hora Inicial: 14.15h Hora Final: 15.45h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Conhecer
ƒ Explorar/Brincar
ƒ Mexer objectos
ƒ Manipular
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
As crianças ainda não exploraram totalmente o jogo, daí que as estratégias para os objectivos que definam uma
actividade ainda se torne difícil.
As crianças carregaram camiões com caixas e pretendiam despejá-los. O facto de lhe ter dito que com um
camião transportando um objecto e um robô poderia construir uma casa, quiseram fazê-lo repetidas vezes. As caixas e
os números dentro das mesmas foi o que mais fizeram.
“ Vou pôr números para dar os anos da B...”

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 641

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
“ Arruma isso...”
Nesta sessão o F já trabalhou o pensamento do robô, um pouco inconsciente, mas deu-lhe uma caixa com uma
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

As crianças já interiorizaram um pouco o jogo em si, ou seja as suas componentes e certas finalidades.
Session 3
Data: 28/11/2002 Grupo: JO/F
Hora Inicial: 14.45h Hora Final: 15.30h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Manipular o caderno
ƒ Manipular os objectos sabendo as suas funções,
ƒ Articular acções com o tema do Jardim.
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
O JO e o F tiraram caixas e letras para fazerem o nome e colocaram nas caixas, depois tornavam a tirar e com a
bomba aumentaram e diminuíram para verem o grande e o pequeno. O F gosta de escrever o nome e tirar do caderno os
camiões com os bonecos para brincar. O JO constrói casas e depois vai vê-las navegando no helicóptero.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O JO disse que a bomba de encher era a bomba da gasolina. O F gostava que os bonecos, que são de imagem
saíssem do camião para brincarem com ele.
Session 4
Data: 13/01/2003 Grupo: JO/F
Hora Inicial: 10.45h Hora Final: 11.15h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Manipular o caderno
ƒ Manipular os objectos sabendo as suas funções,
ƒ Articular acções com o tema do Jardim.
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
Hoje decidiu-se em grande grupo que se a partir do toon talk os símbolos para os cabides da sala de jardim. O JO
e o F antes de trazerem a fotografia, com é habitual quiseram andar com o helicóptero, depois sendo a sua preferência
brincar com os camiões resolveram colocar caixas e robôs e construir muitas casas. Já querem “fazer”, o nome para em
seguida colocar no telhado, onde podemos registar o seu sentimento de posse e de algo que conseguiram construir.
Depois quiseram trazer a fotografia para o toon talk para elaborarem a moldura.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Nota-se que percebem o que estão a fazer e que no quarto da casa é o sítio dos brinquedos.

642 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Session 5
Data: 10/02/2003 Grupo: JO/F
Hora Inicial: 14.15h Hora Final: 14.45h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Trabalhar os pássaros e os ninhos
ƒ Grau de quantidade
ƒ Relacionar
ƒ Desenvolver a observação
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
O JO e o F adoram andar de “avião”, descem, param saem do helicóptero e descobriram que se podem afastar
porque carregando na tecla do helicopetrr4o ele vem ter com eles. Com os pássaros quiseram duplicar os pássaros e os
ninhos e entregar números aos pássaros para eles aprenderem a contar a confusão instalou-se, mas eles divertiram-se.
Cada pássaro era um menino por isso teriam que ser muitos pássaros.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O JO, explicou ao Frederico, “o homem foge mas carrego no botão do avião e ele vêm porque o outro foi para o

Group 2
Session 1
Data: 18/10/2002 Grupo: A/L
Hora Inicial: 10h. Hora Final: 10.45h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Explorar/Brincar
ƒ Mexer objectos
ƒ Manipular
ƒ Encaixar
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
A A aderiu muito bem ao jogo, e está sempre aberta a novas descobertas.
Mexe bem o rato por isso consegue muito bem agarrar e largar objectos. A A utilizou a bomba de encher e
resolveu aumentar os números, “ vou encher números...” o L contrapôs a colega dizendo, “ não, não, a bomba é para
encher os pneus dos camiões”. O L quis mexer com o aspirador e chamou-lhe peixe gordo, “vou passeá-lo”.
A A já compreendeu que pode aspirar o que não consegue arrumar na caixa.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Nesta sessão as crianças já coordenam o rato em simultâneo com os movimentos dos objectos que pretendem
mexer. O ambiente do jogo já lhes é familiar, podendo-se avançar para actividades direccionadas e interligá-la com as
da sala.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 643

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 2
Data: 21/10/2002 Grupo: A/L
Hora Inicial: 10.20h Hora Final: 11.10h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Mexer objectos
ƒ Manipular
ƒ Colocar objectos nas caixas
ƒ Escrever nomes nas caixas
ƒ Registar no caderno
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
Como referi no grupo anterior, tentei que se utiliza-se a actividade da receita para trabalhar no toon talk, mas a
vontade de criar foi mais forte, ligada á de curiosidade e de exploração.
A A começou por andar um pouco de helicóptero não perdendo de vista as casas, depois quis entrar na casa azul.
Escolheu caixas e quis colocar numa números e noutra letras. Depois quis juntar números dentro da caixa. Depois quis
aspirar tudo. Ficou um objecto no chão, teve a percepção disso e voltou a ajoelhar-se e disse, “ ...Oh, não tires tudo da
caixa, palerma...”, falou para o boneco.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Já têm a noção de ajoelhar baixar o helicóptero, entrar nas casas e das ferramentas da mala.
Session 3
Data: 28/11/2002 Grupo: A/L
Hora Inicial: 9.45 Hora Final: 10h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Manipular o caderno
ƒ Manipular os objectos sabendo as suas funções,
ƒ Articular acções com o tema do Jardim.
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
A A tirou caixas, ninhos e robôs. A A gosta de ver os pássaros a saírem dos ninhos, depois faz jogos de faz de
conta, como se estivesse a brincar com bonecos no chão. Fala sozinho e com os “bonecos”, com o pássaro e o robô
dando-lhes ordens. De vez em quando vai andar de helicóptero para ir fazer compras. Depois regressa e percorre o
caderno para tirar objectos, a árvore, os bonecos e as flores para fazer quadros. O L é mais caladinho mas adere ás
brincadeiras da A. Este tira da mala os camiões para transportar coisas e fazer casas.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Estamos a preparar algo alusivo ao Natal para trabalhar no toon talk.
Session 4
Data: 28/11/2002 Grupo: A/L
Hora Inicial: 15.30h Hora Final: 15.45h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Manipular o caderno
ƒ Manipular os objectos sabendo as suas funções,
ƒ Articular acções com o tema do Jardim.
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
A A e o L quiseram voltar ao toon talk, para acabarem as “construções”.

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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Colocaram 2 balanças no chão da casa, depois de brincarem os dois o L disse que aquilo (a balança) eram
passadores 1 para a farinha e outro para o azeite, a avó tem um assim.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

São crianças muito pequenas, no entanto já interiorizaram o jogo e trazem muitas das suas vivências para o
pequeno ecrã, como se dele fizessem parte num mundo do faz de conta.
Session 5
Data: 13/01/2003 Grupo: A/L
Hora Inicial: 10.00h Hora Final: 10.30h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Manipular o caderno
ƒ Manipular os objectos sabendo as suas funções,
ƒ Articular acções com o tema do Jardim.
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
Hoje decidiu-se em grande grupo que se a partir do toon talk os símbolos para os cabides da sala de jardim. A A
e o L escolheram a moldura no caderno, escreveram o nome a partir da letra e trouxeram a fotografia para o toon talk e
depois de colocada na moldura com o respectivo nome imprimimos.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O facto de trabalharem no toon talk criando algo e terem ao mesmo tempo colocado a sua imagem dentro deste é
algo muito delirante e positivo para eles. Ficaram entusiasmadissímos com tal facto.
“ olha, o boneco já não está sozinho eu já estou lá.” (L)

Group 3
Session 1
Data: 21/10/2002 Grupo: JG/C
Hora Inicial: 9.45h Hora Final: 10.15h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Mexer objectos
ƒ Manipular
ƒ Colocar objectos nas caixas
ƒ Escrever nomes nas caixas
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
Anteriormente a esta sessão, a actividade da sala tinha sido culinária, mais propriamente “Biscoitos”.
Trabalhamos no paint os desenhos da receita como registo acompanhado do registo escrito feito no Word. Deste modo,
propus transportarmos esta actividade para o toon talk. Não foi possível porque as crianças ainda necessitaram explorar
um pouco mais. Resolvi direccionar para o trabalho de caixas e colocar o que iam fazendo no caderno.
O Helicóptero continua a ser a preferência das crianças. No caso do JG e da C, quiseram andar de helicóptero
acompanhavam o barulho deste com vocalizações. O efeito da bomba a estoirar também foi feito repetidamente.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O JG e a C têm 3 anos, gostam do toon talk, a exploração dos objectos ainda foi feita com muita vivacidade. A
curiosidade pelo funcionamento nota-se na constante pergunta, “...e isto para que serve?”, “vou ver, sim?...”

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 645

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 2
Data: 10/02/2003 Grupo: JG/C
Hora Inicial: 15.00h Hora Final: 15.30h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Trabalhar os pássaros e os ninhos
ƒ Grau de quantidade
ƒ Relacionar
ƒ Desenvolver a observação
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
O JG brincou com o helicóptero, e queria trazer os pássaros para o jardim. Duplicou os pássaros e depois dava-
lhe objectos para ele comer. Depois duplicou os ninhos para guardarem a comida.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

A C divertiu-se muito com os passarinhos mas tinha pena deles porque não tinham mãe.

Group 4
Session 1
Data: 21/10/2002 Grupo: P/FI
Hora Inicial: 11.15h Hora Final: 11.45h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Mexer objectos
ƒ Manipular
ƒ Colocar objectos nas caixas
ƒ Escrever nomes nas caixas
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
O P manuseia bem o rato, tem destreza manual, o que ajuda bastante no trabalho no toon talk. Ao entrar no ecrã
foi decidido. Colocou caixas em vários camiões para construir muitas casas. O P, lembrou-se da nossa conversa e disse
que uma das casas seria o armário dos biscoitos.
Adora explodir com as casas, (o pai é técnico de explosivos em obras e ele referiu fazer como o pai). Tirou um
robô e trabalhou o pensamento com caixas.
Em todos os camiões que tirava colocava caixas com objectos diferentes e com os robôs, e resolveu a certa altura
utilizar a varinha para os duplicar.
A FI só quis andar de helicóptero à deriva.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

As crianças mantem-se entusiasmadas, ainda não querem fazer actividades direccionadas, continuam a explorar a
função dos objectos exploram.
Session 2
Data: 13/01/2003 Grupo: FI/P
Hora Inicial: 11.30h Hora Final: 12.00h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Manipular o caderno
ƒ Manipular os objectos sabendo as suas funções,
ƒ Articular acções com o tema do Jardim.

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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
Hoje decidiu-se em grande grupo que se a partir do toon talk os símbolos para os cabides da sala de jardim. A FI
e o P também estiveram empenhados na concretização da tarefa de hoje. Acederam ao toon talk normalmente, escrevem
o seu nome e clicam para entrar. Já no ecrã da casa foram ao caderno escolher a moldura para colocar a fotografia.
Depois da actividade o P quis construir casa para de seguida explodir para passarem estradas até França.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O P e a FI já se sentem á vontade no toon talk, e interagem bem os dois. A actividade e a possibilidade de
trazerem as fotografias deles para o toon talk aproximou-os mais do jogo tornando-o mais íntimo.
O P chegou a comentar:
“ Eu já consegui entrar para alí...olha ...”

Group 5
Session 1
Data: 21/10/2002 Grupo: JA/CA
Hora Inicial: 11.45h Hora Final: 12h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Mexer objectos
ƒ Manipular
ƒ Colocar objectos nas caixas
ƒ Escrever nomes nas caixas
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
Colocaram objectos nas caixas, trabalharam objectos nas caixas e colocaram imagens no caderno. Quiseram
fazer o nome, (são dos 5 anos). Escreveram-no nas caixas. No fim aspiraram tudo não quiseram arrumar.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

(O trabalho não ficou completo, estava na hora do almoço.)
Estas duas crianças, tem 5 anos e já aceitam actividades sugeridas.
Session 2
Data: 28/11/2002 Grupo: JA/CA
Hora Inicial: 11h Hora Final: 11.45h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Manipular o caderno
ƒ Manipular os objectos sabendo as suas funções,
ƒ Articular acções com o tema do Jardim.
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
A JA e a CA já se movimentam bem no jogo. Trabalhamos com caixas algumas noções de tamanhos, de dentro e
fora e de sequências. Elas gostam imenso de trabalhar com o caderno, construindo caixas com nomes e desenhos e
colocando no caderno. Fazem construções de palavras e sequências de números.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

Estamos a preparar algo alusivo ao Natal para trabalhar no toon talk. A CA disse que gostava de fechar o
caderno para ver a capa.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 647

Annex VIII – Full reports from the sessions conducted by computer-activity teachers in preschools
Session 3
Data: 13/01/2003 Grupo: JA/CA
Hora Inicial: 14.30h Hora Final: 15.00h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Manipular o caderno
ƒ Manipular os objectos sabendo as suas funções,
ƒ Articular acções com o tema do Jardim.
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
Hoje decidiu-se em grande grupo que se a partir do toon talk os símbolos para os cabides da sala de jardim. A JA
e a CA estavam entusiasmadíssimas em ver as suas fotografias no toon talk e quiseram enfeitar a moldura com flores.
Depois quiseram enfeitar a casa e o jardim.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
A JA e a CA estão muito bem adaptadas com o toon talk, para além de mexerem muito bem no caderno gostam
de trabalhar os números e letras escrevendo palavras conhecidas delas e copiando outras, encaixando-as de seguida em
Session 4
Data: 10/02/2003 Grupo: JA/CA
Hora Inicial: 10.30h Hora Final: 11.15h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Trabalhar os pássaros e os ninhos
ƒ Grau de quantidade
ƒ Relacionar
ƒ Desenvolver a observação
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
A JA e a CA tiraram um ninho da caixa, o pássaro saiu e com a varinha mágica copiaram vários ninhos. Depois
foram ao caderno e trouxeram uma flor para dar ao pássaro que se desdobrou em vários para colocar nos ninhos
copiados. Fizeram isso repetidas vezes e com objectos diferentes.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:
A JA, “ Oh, o pássaro fez muitas flores...”
A CA, “ Não apareceram foi muitos pássaros e depois fugiram e ficou só um...”

Group 6
Session 1
Data: 28/11/2002 Grupo: E/S
Hora Inicial: 10.5h Hora Final: 11h
Objectivos prévios:
ƒ Manipular os objectos sabendo as suas funções,
ƒ Articular acções com o tema do Jardim.
Desenrolar e resultados finais:
O E e a S gostam de experimentar todos os objectos da mala. Os camiões são os seus preferidos. O E já coloca
caixas robôs e objectos nos camiões para construir muitas casas “quando vier da Suíça”.
Lista de elementos de registo (ficheiros) associados:

O E, “ A Bomba é para cantar os parabéns.”
648 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Annex IX

Report on activities conducted by two second-year trainees of
the Early Childhood Education baccalaureate

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 649

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 651

Annex IX – Report on activities by trainees of the Early Childhood Education baccalaureate

Este relatório consiste na delineação do trabalho realizado no Jardim de Infância de Parada de Cunhos com um
grupo de 18 crianças de 3, 4 e 5 anos com o jogo Toon Talk. Integrado na nossa prática de Disciplina de Observação
das Actividades Educativas II, o trabalho foi feito durante o período das actividades livres (momento em que as crianças
circulam nos vários espaços da sala). Animámos o cantinho do Computador com o grande grupo, explorando o Toon
Talk e com um grupo pequeno, de 4 crianças, às quais fizemos uma proposta específica integrada no projecto “Vamos
Descobrir Portugal” desenvolvido ao longo do semestre.
O nosso trabalho divide-se principalmente em duas partes, o registo diário com o pequeno e o grande grupo.
Ambas as partes estão subdivididas em objectivos, comentários das crianças, avaliação e registos (em tabelas no grande
grupo e imagens do Toon no pequeno grupo). Os registos do pequeno grupo estão completados com ficheiros (em
anexo no CD) das várias evoluções que a Cidade sofreu (pasta CIDADE), a localização das pastas está abaixo do título
«Registos/observações do dia…». Note-se que o CD contém ainda este relatório (ficheiro Toon), pastas (identificadas)
com imagens do Toon (PrintScreen) realizadas e ainda uma pasta com os ficheiros dos crash´s dos dias
Quando tivemos problemas técnicos as crianças tinham conhecimento, era inevitável, mas tentamos sempre que
isso não constituísse um problema para o avanço do trabalho. Achámos relevante colocar alguns comentários das
observações das crianças mediante a ocorrência desses acontecimentos.

Instalação do jogo Toon Talk

A instalação do jogo Toon Talk foi no dia 26 de Janeiro, neste dia o objectivo principal foi experimentar o jogo
de forma a conhecer o que cada menino conhecia do jogo, pois alguns já tinham experimentado o jogo no ano anterior.
Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:
ƒ Brincámos com os brinquedos da caixa de ferramentas.
ƒ Explodimos casa.
ƒ Vimos desenhos no caderno.
ƒ Aspiramos a caixa.
ƒ Vimos o pássaro a sair do ovo.

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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Conhece o jogo
Manipula helicóptero
Sabe sentar e por em pé
Conhece os brinquedos
Gosta do jogo
Observações 26/02/04
Francisco S S S S S Tirou todos os brinquedos da Caixa de Ferramentas (CF)
Diogo S N N N S Tirou o caderno dos desenhos e perguntou como se tirava a CF.
Retirou sempre o mesmo desenho (CF) colocando-os no chão.
Afastou o caderno quando estorvava
Ricardo S S N N S Brincou com os brinquedos da CF, não reconheceu o robô como
tal. Pôs a caixa dentro de um camião mas não ficou curioso
porque se moveu. “E mais?” Foi às três casas e depois perguntou
sobre a bomba e acabou por rebentar duas casa (gostou).
Ana Rita N Dificuldade S Dificuldade a localizar-se na cidade a voar e no chão.
Fábio N S N S S Tirou os brinquedos da CF
David N S N S S Pôs a caixa dentro de um camião mas não ficou curioso. Tirou os
(S) (manipula brinquedos da CF. Gostou dos pássaros e utilizou o aspirador.
bem o rato) Explodiu casas. (? Carregou na tecla Q para sentar?)
Carina S S N S S Tirou os brinquedos da CF. Explodiu casas. Pôs a caixa dentro
(manipula de um camião mas não ficou curiosa. Viu imagens. Muito
bem o rato) independente.
Gonçalo S S N S S Tirou os brinquedos da CF. (tinha o caderno alterado)
Miguel S S N S S Aterrou imediatamente e brincou na rua, “quero ir para a casa”.
Quis mexer no caderno mas não sabia esfolhar. Retirou uma letra
e depois foi para a pg do aspirador (caderno de imagens) e
colocou o nº em cima da letra e o caderno foi para a pg da Bola
(sem intenção). Achou piada. Tirou os brinquedos da CF.
Diogo S S N S S Tirou os brinquedos da CF. Pegou na CF para ter mais espaço.
Martis Adorou as letras e nº. Por acaso colocou um nº por cima de outro
e riu-se com o resultado. Repetiu várias vezes e fez leras+nº
adorando o resultado, “D de Diogo”.
Diana N N N Alguns S Tirou todos os brinquedos da CF. Disse que o robô é um monstro
e não quis tocar, o ninho é comida e que o helicóptero é uma
Ana N N N N S Tirou todos os brinquedos da CF, mas não mostrou interesse,
nem curiosidade. Disse que o helicóptero é um avião.
Alexandra N N N N S Tirou todos os brinquedos da CF. Mostrou alguma curiosidade,
disse que o robô é um pássaro.
Cátia N N N N S Tirou todos os brinquedos da CF. Achou que tem poucos
brinquedos. “Só isto?”
Bruno S N N Alguns S Tirou todos os brinquedos da CF, mas não mostrou interesse.
Reconheceu o helicóptero como tal.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 653

Annex IX – Report on activities by trainees of the Early Childhood Education baccalaureate

Trabalho realizado com o grupo grande

Registos/Observações do dia 04/03/04 e 11/03/04
(Crianças aos pares)
Fazer pares para jogar no Toon
Explorar o Toon
Fazer casas
Explodir casas
Explorar a bomba de ar, aspirador e a varinha
Colocar nome no telhado, parede exterior e interior da casa
Trabalhar com os pássaros e ver o que fazem
Nossas sugestões para as crianças:
“Podias construir uma casa só tua” “Queres por o teu nome no telhado/quarto para toda a gente saber que é tua?”
“O nome está muito grande, como por mais pequeno?”
“O que é aquilo, um ovo? Dá qualquer coisa ao pássaro. Ele só aceita coisas quadradas. Vamos engana-lo
(esconder o ninho ou levar o pássaro para outra casa).”
Não precisámos de sugerir a explosão de casa pois foi o que mais gostaram de fazer no dia de 26 de Janeiro.
Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:
Gostamos de explodir e construir casas, do helicóptero, de aspirar, tentar enganar o pássaro.
Explodimos casas. Andamos de helicóptero, aspirámos, construímos casas e tentámos enganar o pássaro “não
conseguimos”. Continuámos na Quinta-feira porque não houve tempo.
Escrevemos o nome no telhado.
Escrevemos Benfica na parede da casa. “Quero escrever Benfica na parede da rua”
Copiar pássaros: “quero mais passarinhos”.
Nossa Avaliação:
A maioria das crianças gostou do jogo, existe um desinteresse por aquelas que não frequentam assiduamente o
Jardim. As crianças mais novas de início não se mostraram muito entusiasmadas, mas no segundo dia perante as nossas
sugestões ficaram vibrantes.
Muitos objectivos para trabalhar com todas as crianças. Continuamos na semana a seguinte com os mesmos
objectivos e também com as crianças que faltaram.

654 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Nome Observações individuais (dos objectivos dos dias 04 e 11/03/04)
Francisco Gostou muito de aspirar.
Diogo Gostou de por o nome no telhado.
Ricardo Adora explodir casas, levou o pássaro para outra casa e gostou de ver o nome no telhado.
Ana Rita Ainda se perdia na cidade.
Fábio Faltou.
Adorou explodir casas; Brincou com as caixas e balança para ver qual o maior número, gostou de
por o nome no quarto e telhado.
Carina Tentou dar o pássaro ao pássaro. Anda muito bem na cidade.
Gonçalo Faltou.
Miguel Gostou de fazer casa e de explodir casas, não quis brincar com os pássaros.
Diogo Martins Muito desembaraçado. Gostou de enganar o pássaro.
Diana Gostou de ver o nome no telhado.
Ana Adorou ver o nome no telhado.
Alexandra Faltou.
Cátia Não mostra interesse.
Bruno Gostou de explodir casas, e somar os números.
Mara (1ª vez que jogou) Gostou de construir, explodir casas e brincar com os pássaros.
Rafael Não mostra muito interesse (foi embora quando o seu par estava a jogar). Perde-se na cidade.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 655

Annex IX – Report on activities by trainees of the Early Childhood Education baccalaureate

Registos/Observações do dia 18/03/04

Continuar a explorar as várias ferramentas do Toon
Nossas sugestões para as crianças:
“Para saberem que o pássaro é teu podes por o teu nome nele e no ninho”, “É impossível enganar o pássaro”
“Podes enviar o que quiseres, se não for quadrado metes numa caixa e dás ao pássaro”
Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:
Tentamos enganar o pássaro, levamos o pássaro para outra casa. Escrevemos no Toon e mandamos mensagens.
Nossa Avaliação:
As crianças começam a gostar mais do jogo, como já se sentem inseridas no jogo começam a querer fazer.
Algumas esquecem como se fazem algumas coisas (de Quinta para Quinta).
Algumas das crianças, ao colocar o nome no telhado, colavam letra a letra. Pensavam que só podiam escrever
uma letra de cada vez (como só tem a letra A…)
Nome Observações individuais (dos objectivos de 18/03/04)
Francisco Faltou
Diogo Faltou
Ricardo Fugia com o ninho para ver se o pássaro conseguia colocar a mensagem. Colocou 3 pássaros só
para um ninho (sobrepôs os ninhos). Escreveu o nome no pássaro e no ninho. Aumentou e diminui
com a bomba de ar um camião e a caixa de ferramentas.
Ana Rita Tentou enganar o pássaro.
Fábio Faltou.
David Lembrava-se de algumas coisas que já tinha feito, escondeu um ninho do pássaro.
Carina Explodiu casas e levou o pássaro para a casa do Miguel. Recebeu a mensagem pelo pássaro ao
Miguel (foi verificar se tinha chegado a casa).
Gonçalo Pôs o nome no telhado.
Miguel Explodiu casas, fez casa e pôs o nome no telhado. Enviou uma mensagem à Carina.
Diogo Martins Explodiu casas, levou o pássaro para outra casa.
Diana Explodiu e fez casas.
Ana Pôs o nome no telhado.
Alexandra Pôs o nome no telhado e queria que o pássaro ficasse no telhado (perguntar à Irina o que fez)
Cátia Explodiu casas e tentou enganar o pássaro levando-o para outra casa.
Bruno Explodiu casas.
Mara Faltou
Rafael Fez casas, gostou do camião.

Registos/Observações dos dias 01/04/04, 29/04/04, 13/05/04 e 20/05/05

Vamos continuar a explorar as várias ferramentas do Toon
Fazer casas
Explodir casas
Explorar a bomba de ar, aspirador e a varinha
Colocar nome no telhado, parede exterior e interior da casa
Trabalhar com os pássaros
Nossas sugestões para as crianças:
“Para saberem que o pássaro é teu podes por o teu nome nele e no ninho”, “É impossível enganar o pássaro”
“Podes enviar o que quiseres, se não for quadrado metes numa caixa e dás ao pássaro”
Não houve tempo, tivemos muito que fazer e não foi possível ir para o Toon.

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Registos/Observações do dia 27/05/04

Vamos continuar a explorar as várias ferramentas do Toon
Nossas sugestões para as crianças:
“Para saberem que o pássaro é teu podes por o teu nome nele e no ninho”, “É impossível enganar o pássaro”
“Podes enviar o que quiseres, se não for quadrado metes numa caixa e dás ao pássaro”
Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:
“Pega-se na letra A põe-se no nº 1 por cima: já está, mudou a letra”
“Vou mas é explodir a casa”
“Para a casa é a caixa, o camião e o senhor” (Diogo)

Registos/Observações do dia 09/06/04

Vamos continuar a explorar as várias ferramentas do Toon
Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:
“Gostei de destruir a casa” (Bruno e Gonçalo)
“Gostei de brincar com os pássaros” (Ana Isabel)
“Gostei de brincar com as letras e os números” (Alexandra)
“Gostei de arrebentar com a bomba” (Diogo Matos)
“Gostei de explodir a casa” (Cátia)

Trabalho realizado com o grupo pequeno

Nas actividades livre reunimos com a Educadora e com quatro crianças, propusemos a construção da Cidade das
profissões no Toon Talk. Cada criança escolheu a profissão (das que nós demos a conhecer: Carteiro João, Jardineiro
Jasmim, Padeira Brites, e Teresa Limpeza, inseridas no projecto “Vamos Descobrir Portugal”). As quatro crianças que
escolhemos foram aquelas que se mostraram mais interessadas no jogo.
ƒ Miguel: Carteiro João
ƒ Carina: Padeira Brites
ƒ Carina: Teresa Limpeza (Cantoneira de Triagem)
ƒ Diogo: Jardineiro Jasmim

Ilustração 1 Reunião como pequeno grupo.

A Cidade na fase inicial (no CD pasta “Cidade26-02”) é só constituída por duas casas, uma é a casa dos
desenhos onde as crianças vão buscar as imagens que necessitam, a outra casa é a chamada casa das construções, é a
partir desta casa que as crianças constroem as outras casas. Optámos por construir esta casa pois verificámos que se as
crianças construíssem as casas através da casa dos desenhos haveria um problema relativamente à decoração. A
decoração da casa dos desenhos iria aparecer no caderno da nova casa e poderia confundir a criança desnecessariamente
numa fase inicial.

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Annex IX – Report on activities by trainees of the Early Childhood Education baccalaureate

Ilustração 2 Imagem da Cidade (na fase inicial).

Registos/Observações do dia 29/04/04

Explorar a Cidade
Construir a casa para a sua profissão
Nossas sugestões para as crianças:
“Para poderes trabalhar terás de construir uma casa.”
“Como é que os outros meninos vão saber que é a tua casa?”
Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:
“Construí a casa e dei-lhe nome.” (Carina)
“Tentei enganar o pássaro.” (Miguel)

Registos/Observações do dia 13/05/04

Explorar a Cidade
Construir a casa para a sua profissão
Por o nome no telhado e na parede exterior da casa
Nossas sugestões para as crianças:
“Para poderes trabalhar terás de construir uma casa.”
“Como é que os outros meninos vão saber que é a tua casa?”
Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:
“Construí a casa para a minha profissão e dei-lhe nome.” (Miguel)
“Tentei enganar o pássaro.” (Rita)

Registos/Observações do dia 20/05/04

Explorar a Cidade
Construir a casa para a sua profissão
Por o nome no telhado e na parede exterior da casa
Nossas sugestões para as crianças:
“Para poderes trabalhar terás de construir uma casa.”
“Como é que os outros meninos vão saber que é a tua casa?”
“Quando aterras não se vê o telhado, como é que os outros meninos vão saber que é a tua casa?”
Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:
“Gostei de por o nome na casa.” (Rita)
“Gostei de escrever o nome o telhado” (David)

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Registos do Toon:

Ilustração 3 Registo da casa (vista do telhado) do Miguel, datado e assinado.

Ilustração 4 Registo da casa (vista do telhado) da Carina, datado e assinado.

Ilustração 5 Registo da casa (vista do telhado) da Rita, datada e assinado.

Ilustração 6 Registo da casa (vista do telhado) do David, datado e assinado.

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Annex IX – Report on activities by trainees of the Early Childhood Education baccalaureate
Registos/Observações do dia 27/05/04
Explorar a Cidade
Colocar no telhado e na parede exterior da casa o desenho que as crianças fizeram no Paint
Decorar a parede interior da casa numa moldura a fotografia do dono da casa
Nossas sugestões para as crianças:
“Sabes que podes por na casa os teus desenhos e a tua fotografia?”
“E se colocasses a tua fotografia dentro de casa? Assim se alguém se enganasse e entrasse sabe que está na casa
“Olha, tens a casa toda desarrumada, é melhor limpar a casa.”
Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:
“Vamos por o meu desenho no telhado para saberem que é a minha casa” (Rita)
“Gostei de por o desenho da minha profissão na casa.” (Carina)
“Gostei de por o nome João Carteiro no telhado e o desenho do João Carteiro na parede.” (Miguel)
“Gostei de por no telhado o desenho da Padeira Brites.” (Rita)
“Gostei de por o desenho do Jardineiro Jasmim na casa.” (David)
Registos do Paint:

Ilustração 7 Desenhos das crianças das suas próprias profissões.

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Registos do Toon:

Ilustração 8 Casa da Carina (Teresa Limpeza) vista do telhado e da parede exterior.

Ilustração 9 Casa da Rita (Padeira Brites) vista do telhado e da parede exterior.

Ilustração 10 Casa do Miguel (Carteiro João) vista do telhado e da parede exterior.

Ilustração 11 Casa do David (Jardineiro Jasmim) vista do telhado e da parede exterior.

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Annex IX – Report on activities by trainees of the Early Childhood Education baccalaureate

Registos/Observações do dia 09/06/04

Arrumar a casa, aspirar tudo o que está no chão que não seja necessário
Pôr a fotografia numa moldura e na parede do quarto
Colocar o guarda-roupa na casa e a roupa de cada profissão
Colocar o armário para as ferramentas e produtos de cada profissão
Nossas sugestões para as crianças:
“Para poderes trabalhar precisas da tua farda, a roupa de trabalho.”
“Para guardar a roupa precisas de um guarda-roupa”
“Vamos ter de por um armário para guardar os produtos e ferramentas da tua profissão”
Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:
“Pus o armário na casa para por as cartas, faltam os envelopes.” (Miguel)
“Falta o rolo da massa.” (Rita)
“Oh, o computador está lento” (Rita e Miguel)
“Gostei de por a roupa no guarda-roupa.” (David)
“Gostei de por a fotografia na parede.” (Miguel)
“Consegui por a fotografia na moldura.” (Carina)
“Gostei de por a roupa no armário” (Rita)
Nossa Avaliação:
Tivemos alguns problemas com o jogo pois algumas imagens não eram reconhecidas e o computador começou a
ficar muito lento devido à opção da viagem no tempo. Tentámos retirar esta opção, mas o resultado era o
desaparecimento de todo o trabalho realizado com as crianças até ali, apreciam somente duas casas (a dos desenhos e a
casa das construções).
Para resolver o problema das imagens não reconhecidas colocaremos os ficheiros dentro do ficheiro Cidade.

Registos/Observações do dia 18/06/04

Colocar as ferramentas e os produtos no armário para poder abrir o negócio
Continuar a arrumar a roupa
Nossas sugestões para as crianças:
“O armário é muito pequeno para lá colocares tudo.”
“Já temos a roupa, as ferramentas e os produtos, estás pronto para trabalhar.”
Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:
“Gostei de por as botas no guarda-fatos.” (David)
“Gostei de por as coisas no sítio, envelopes e caixas.” (Miguel)
“Gostei de ir buscar o ecoponto e as ferramentas para separar o lixo” (Carina)
“Encolhi os pães e o bolo” (Rita)
Nossa Avaliação:
Algumas das imagens foram feitas pelas crianças (roupa e ferramentas) de forma a ultrapassar o problema das
imagens não serem reconhecidas na Cidade, foi uma boa opção (apesar de demorada) pois as crianças gostaram mais de
utilizar os seus próprios desenhos.

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Registos do Toon:

Ilustração 12 Vista da Cidade (telhados).

Ilustração 13 Casa da Rita (Padeira Brites) vista da parede exterior e interior da casa.

Ilustração 14 Casa da Rita: armário de ferramentas (baixo) e produtos (em cima) e guarda-roupa.

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Ilustração 15 Casa da Carina (Teresa Limpeza) vista da parede exterior e interior da casa.

Ilustração 16 Casa da Carina: guarda-roupa e armário de ferramentas (baixo) e produtos (em cima).

Ilustração 17 Casa do David (Jardineiro Jasmim) vista da parede exterior e interior da casa.

Ilustração 18 Casa do David: guarda-roupa e armário de ferramentas (baixo) e produtos (em cima).

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Ilustração 19 Casa do Miguel (Carteiro João) vista da parede exterior e interior da casa.

Ilustração 20 Casa do Miguel: guarda-roupa e armário de ferramentas (baixo) e produtos (em cima).

Registos/Observações do dia 21/06/04

Limpar a casa
Começar a distribuir os produtos
Nossas sugestões para as crianças:
“Como vamos distribuir os produtos? Se calhar com o que não conseguíamos enganar. O que era?” _ o pássaro
“Vamos deixar o pássaro na casa dos outros meninos para eles poderem fazer as encomendas.”
“Como é que os outros meninos vão saber que é o teu pássaro?”
“Como é que os outros meninos vão responder aos teus pedidos? É melhor levares um pássaro teu.”
“Os pássaros e o ninho vão ficar no chão? Se calhar é melhor arruma-los, vamos procurar na casa dos desenhos.”
Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:
“Descobri que ao colar dois desenhos não precisava de caixas para levar os desenhos.” (Rita)
“Tem de se ter cuidado com os pássaros porque o que lhes aparece à frente levam tudo.” (Rita)
“Gostei de pedir as encomendas, pedi 3 bolos à Padeira.” (Miguel)
“Gostei de por o pássaro na casa dos meninos.” (Carina)
Nossa Avaliação:
A Rita fez as suas descobertas por acaso pois é a que tem mais dificuldades a manusear o rato (apesar de se notar
uma melhoria), em compensação, ao largar os objectos sem querer, descobre coisas novas.
A disposição dos armários e o tipo de armários para arrumações foram opções das crianças, logo cada interior da
casa tem um cunho pessoal. As crianças gostaram muito de identificar os seus pássaros, ficaram muito admiradas.
Colocámos imagens em cada casa para as crianças poderem escolher e colocar nos respectivos armários

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Annex IX – Report on activities by trainees of the Early Childhood Education baccalaureate

Ilustração 21 Algumas imagens para as crianças escolherem colocadas nas casas.

Registos do Toon:

Ilustração 22 Interior da casa do David (Jardineiro Jasmim), vista geral, mesa dos pássaros, guarda-roupa e
armário de produtos e utensílios.

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Ilustração 23 Interior da casa da Rita (Padeira Brites), vista geral, mesa dos pássaros, guarda-roupa e armário
de produtos e utensílios.

Ilustração 24 Interior da casa da Carina (Teresa Limpeza), vista geral, armário dos pássaros, guarda-roupa e
armário de produtos e utensílios.

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Annex IX – Report on activities by trainees of the Early Childhood Education baccalaureate

Ilustração 25 Interior da casa do Miguel (Carteiro João), vista geral, armário dos pássaros, guarda-roupa e
armário de produtos e utensílios.

Registos/Observações do dia 22/06/04

Verificar se temos encomendas na nossa casa
Responder aos pedidos
Fazer novas encomendas
Pedir os contentores
Nossas sugestões para as crianças:
Para o Miguel: “Como podes enviar cartas se os outros meninos não têm caixas de correio? Podias fazer um
surpresa e enviar as caixas de correio para eles colocarem na porta.”
Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:
“Já tenho os três pássaros!” (Rita)
“Recebi uma encomenda!” (Carina) – 1 embalão da Padeira
“Mandei dois selos e duas caixas que a Padeira pediu.” (Miguel)
“Vou buscar um armário para guardar os pedidos. Vou a pé.” (Carina)
“Gostei de arrumar as encomendas que me fizeram.” (Rita)
“Gostei de pedir as encomendas à Carina.” (Miguel)
“Gostei de por a caixa de correio na porta” (Carina)

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Nossa Avaliação:
Deveria ter sido primeiro a Rita a jogar porque era a única que tinha encomendas e seria mais fácil de recomeçar
a partira daí, mas para não destabilizar o andamento no Jardim teve de ser o Miguel. Daí surgiu a ideia de enviar as
caixas de correio para os outros meninos.
O David faltou surgindo um espaço no tempo de cada menino, dai surgiu a ideia de na tarde pedir os contentores
do ecoponto para eventualmente colocar no exterior.
As crianças estão cada vez mais independente no jogo e daí surgem novas ideias.
Como todos têm problemas com rato, ao andar de armário em armário dentro de casa pois não havia área da
mesa suficiente: “levanta o rato e vai fazendo festas à mesa ”. Resultou e houve melhorias consideráveis na utilização
da área da mesa ao deslocar o rato.
Tivemos problemas com a decoração das casas, daí a repetição ou desaparecimento dos nomes na parede
exterior, problema que não conseguimos resolver. Quando se ia colocar algo de novo para decorar a parede, as
decorações anteriores não apareciam, pensamos esse problema apareceu devido à instalação da nova versão do Toon
Registos do Toon:

Ilustração 26 Casa do Miguel (Carteiro João), vista do exterior e interior e mesa dos pedidos.

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Annex IX – Report on activities by trainees of the Early Childhood Education baccalaureate

Ilustração 27 Casa da Rita (Padeira Brites), vista do exterior e interior e armário dos pedidos.

Ilustração 28 Casa da Carina (Teresa Limpeza), vista do exterior e interior e mesa dos pedidos.

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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Registos/Observações do dia 23/06/04

Continuar a responder aos pedidos
Colocar o ecoponto na parede exterior da casa.
Nossas sugestões para as crianças:

Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:

“Quero por o pinheiro na rua.” (Carina)
“Quero tirar as letras que não preciso [da parede exterior].” (Miguel)
“Gostei da Carina mandar os ecoponto”. (Miguel)
“Gostei de por a caixa de correio na porta.” (David)
Nossa Avaliação:
As crianças estão cada vez mais envolvidas e entusiasmadas, adoram responder e encomendar, quiseram enviar
com as encomendas pedidas textos “Aqui está …”.
Registos no Toon:

Ilustração 29 Casa da Rita (Padeira Brites), vista do exterior, armário dos pedidos e guarda-roupa.

Ilustração 30 Casa do David (Jardineiro Jasmim), vista do exterior e armário dos pedidos.

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Ilustração 31 Casa da Carina (Teresa Limpeza), vista do exterior e mesa dos pedidos.

Ilustração 32 Casa do Miguel (Carteiro João), vista do exterior e mesa dos pedidos.

Registos/Observações do dia 24/06/04: Jogo final

Nossas sugestões para as crianças:
“Vamos às compras à casa dos desenhos” (para enviar o lixo para a Teresa Limpeza).
Avaliação/Comentário das crianças:
“Quero por o ecoponto na rua.” (Carina)
“Gostei de por o ecoponto no telhado.” (Carina)
“Gostei de por Padeira Brites na casa.” (Rita)
“Gostei de mandar o pacote de leite à Carina.” (Miguel)
“Gostei de dar ao pássaro uma carta para o Carteiro enviar à Padeira.”
Nossa Avaliação:
O trabalho era para ter sido terminado no dia anterior, mas como as crianças estavam a aderir muito bem e a
gostar decidimos continuar por mais este dia, daí a falta de preparação de objectivos.
Começamos por trabalhar com o David (Jardineiro), este foi à casa dos desenhos e pegou numa das imagens
colocadas recentemente, uma caixa de cartão amassada, surgiu a ideia de enviar o lixo para a Teresa (Carina) para
depois se poder reciclar. A Rita e o Miguel fizeram o mesmo, cada um escolheu o lixo do livro dos desenhos e enviou
para a Carina (Teresa).
O David também enviou uma carta para a Padeira (imagem enviada pelo Carteiro) através dos CTT.
O Miguel enviou a Carta do David para a Padeira (Rita) e enviou um pacote de leite para a Teresa.
A Rita guardou a carta e escolheu uma lata de sardinhas (“gosto muito de sardinhas”) para a Teresa.

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Registos do Toon:

Ilustração 33 Vista da Cidade (dos telhados).

Ilustração 34 Casa da Rita (Padeira Brites) vista do exterior.

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Ilustração 35 Casa do David (Jardineiro Jasmim) vista do exterior.

Ilustração 36 Casa da Carina (Teres Limpeza) vista do exterior.

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Ilustração 37 Casa do Miguel (Carteiro João) vista do exterior.

Ilustração 38 Lixo para enviar à Teresa Limpeza (Carina).

Ilustração 39 Envio da carta do Jardineiro Jasmim (David) para a Padeira Brites (Rita) através dos CTT

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Annex IX – Report on activities by trainees of the Early Childhood Education baccalaureate

Ao finalizarmos este trabalho pensamos que conseguimos realizar um bom trabalho com as crianças, todos nós
aprendemos e divertimo-nos muito. Constamos que as crianças gostaram do jogo desde o início e que não jogaram
tantas vezes como o desejariam.
As principais dificuldades que sentimos na realização do trabalho foi a falta de tempo, uma vez por semana era
muito pouco para avançar com o trabalho, as crianças no início esqueciam-se de algumas coisas.
Quando se trabalhou com as crianças (pequeno grupo) dias seguidos notou-se um grande avanço e com isso um
crescente entusiasmo. As crianças interiorizaram mais facilmente o objectivo da Cidade, ao início ainda estavam um
pouco confusas. Perto do final, já tinham memorizado as teclas F1, F2, etc. e assim chamavam os instrumentos que
necessitavam sem lhes pegar; quando necessitavam de algum desenho dirigiam-se à Casa dos Desenhos e mostravam
um grande à vontade de deslocação na Cidade, iam a pé de um lado para o outro sem necessitar do helicóptero para se

Grande Grupo
ƒ Gostámos de jogar no Toon Talk.
ƒ Aprendemos a jogar com as teclas.
ƒ Explodimos as casas.
ƒ Com o helicóptero passeávamos para baixo e para cima.
ƒ Brincámos com o pássaro e tentámos enganá-lo, mas não conseguimos.
ƒ Com a bomba fazíamos as coisas pequenas e grandes.
ƒ Aspirámos as coisas com o aspirador e cuspimos.
ƒ O Rato Marretas colava as coisas.
ƒ Gostámos do jogo e foi fácil jogar.

Pequeno Grupo
ƒ Fizemos muitas trocas: bolos, flores, pinheiro, ecoponto.
ƒ A Rita enganou-se na encomenda, mandou para o Jasmim, pediu desculpa e depois enviou para a
ƒ Conseguimos arrumar todas as casas. Ao princípio foi difícil mas depois arrumamos tudo.
ƒ Gostávamos de continuar a jogar.
ƒ Já sabíamos as teclas todas para jogar, só precisávamos de ajuda para escrever.

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Annex X

Logs of the activities conducted in a home setting in Medford,

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NOTE: these reports were provided by the adult, F. Berthold, via e-mail. N is a five-year-old child, as
mentioned in section 5.3.8, on p. 338.

Game History:
N generally plays games such as "Blue's Treasure Hunt" and "Putt-Putt joins the Race." On weekends he also
plays Zangband, "Planet Hot-wheels" and most of the Yahoo games.

To make N. aware of and comfortable with the basic tools in toontalk by August 25, when he is to receive his
own copy of TT as a gift.

7-23-04 6:40pm-7:15pm
Introduce N. to the basic interface of toon-
talk. Show how houses can be decorated and
decorate one with his assistance.

Get N. comfortable with and interested in the

N. was slightly irritable and tired at the start,
he'd had a fairly long day.

In this lessen we decorated two houses together. In the first house I decorated while he suggested what pictures
to place. On the second house he decorated the inside, but grew tired and wanted me to finish. I ended up showing him
more than I'd initially intended. Along with the basics of adding pictures, I also taught him how to use Pumpy, Dusty,
navigating a notebook and removing items from it and the basic idea of typing in letter tiles. He learned each of the
basic concepts behind these fairly quickly, and had no trouble understanding that the thing you wanted to effect should
be shaking. He had some trouble understanding the difference between littler and shorter. He had little trouble using the
helicopter, and obviously found it intriguing, though he was somewhat uneasy dealing with navigation in general. He
showed considerable trepidation regarding moving the hand past the apparent bounds of the screen and had to be
encouraged to navigate the floor.

N's Questions/Observations:
Where's Tooly's mouth? <He came to the conclusion it must be on the top>
Why is the house door open when we're inside?
We're stepping on our things! <The things left on the floor, he was a touch alarmed>

He was obviously excited, and was interested in continuing this form of play.

His words:
He repeatedly commented that it looked just like a game. After playing and describing it to his parents, he
described Marty as the green guy who tells you what to do when you don't understand something, Pumpy as the purple
guy who makes things wider or narrower, taller or shorter, big or little and the robot, who he'd seen in the picture on the
CD, as being the blue guy you teach to do things (this came from my description, we'll probably start with the robot
next week).

My Thoughts:
Though I showed more than initially intended none of it has any bearing on the weekend's work as presently
planned. He's picking it up well and was fairly comfortable doing it with a little hand holding, it'll be interesting to see
how he progresses.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 679

Annex X – Logs of the activities conducted in a home setting in Medford, MA, USA

7-24-04 4:05pm-5:10pm
Introduce the mechanism for editing pictures
in toontalk.

Show continuity from previous styles of play
to toontalk.

N was a little riled up today, he'd been rather
sick the night before and slept a bit late.

Today we decorated another house, this time the theme was to be a garden with flowers inside, vegetables
outside and implements on the top. We started out looking for flowers for the inside, but there was only one in the
notebook. So I then walked him through the process of taking a black square and editing it to be a drawing of his
choice. He was able to pick up the process fairly quickly. On getting three different kinds of flower I showed him how
to make many of the same thing using the wand. Interestingly he didn't seem nearly as amused by this as he was by
using Pumpy to make them larger and smaller.
I also showed him how to use a truck to build a new house.
I had intended for the session to only be half an hour long, but I'm obviously trying to squeeze too much into the
time since it took over any hour before we were done. He grew somewhat bored with the project midway through the
vegetables and had to be redirected towards it more than once.
He spent a fair amount of time exploring the limits of the world, finding how far his hand could reach on the
floor, whether he could get into the house by walking through the wall next to the door, seeing how far he could walk in
the world itself, and how far the helicopter could fly. He's obviously become more comfortable with the helicopter and
was a little irked to find that he couldn't land on the house, but tried for about 5 minutes.
He seems to be particularly interested in Tooly, he spent a while seeing how Tooly followed him. Maggie just
didn't seem to interest him.
He seemed to get a little frustrated when dealing with the mouse because it frequently required him to either pick
up the mouse and put it back to keep it on the pad, or to use the entire desk as his surface for the mouse, he generally
chose the latter.
He also wanted to look through each step of the process of making the new pictures in detail, wanting the screen
where TT asks what you want to do with the picture in hand to be read to him from the top down. This is typical
behavior for N.

Still riled up.

N's Questions/Observations:
Why can the toolbox walk on the water? (at the bottom edge of the world)
Hey, I can walk through the wall!

His Words:
What did we do: We made a new house and we had to decorate it, that what our project was today.
Did you learn anything: We learned how to build a house.

My Thoughts:
He seems to be growing bored fairly quickly, part is simply is present mood, but I think I need to add more
variety with what we're doing. I might add the robots tomorrow instead of waiting until next week, I'll have to think on
it. Other possibilities would be to add a variety of small projects to what we're doing.

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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

7-25-04 12:00pm-2:30pm
With a break from 12:30 to 1:15 for lunch and Gilligan's Island.

Teach the basics of training a robot. Intended task is to make the robot count and go through the alphabet.

Start a new form of play in toontalk and introduce the beginning of programming.

He was in a fairly relaxed mood today.

I started out showing N the basics of
programming a robot by teaching a robot to count
up, introduced how to deal with when the robot
expected something that it wasn't holding. He
understood these decently well, we then used the
scale to teach it to count to 10, and then 100. He
rapidly picked up the idea of how the scale works,
comparing how the scale looked to holding his
hands either even or with one above the other.
We then started making a 'supprise' for his
mother we did this by first making a background
picture and programming a robot to layer several
other pictures on top of it. Despite this process
taking significantly longer than the other projects he
remained actively interested until the end.

Somewhat excited.

His Words:

My Thoughts:
I suspect there were a couple of factors involved with his continued interest, the first was the intent to give his
mother a present. Second because of the combination of putting the picture together and programming the robot there
was enough variety to keep him amused despite the added complexity.

7-30-04 2:30pm-4:15pm
Today is going to be focused more on inspiring that instructing. I'm going to demonstrate some of the small
simple things that can be done in toontalk that are still amusing.

The main idea is to inspire N. to continue playing with Toontalk, to insure that it doesn't become a chore.

N. was in a decent mood today, feeling alert and in the mood for playing.

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Annex X – Logs of the activities conducted in a home setting in Medford, MA, USA
He'd shown interest in the tutorials a couple of times, so we started with the introductory tutorial, both because it
was of some interest and as a bit of a review. He was amused by most of it, though as we got to the last section he grew
bored with it. I then walked him through the recursion exercise where a robot duplicates itself twice, sends them copies
to make houses, then blows up its own house. He found this amusing and wanted to repeat it again midway through the
session, I had no problem with this, and expect it will not be the last time we do. I then started a project to make a ball
"bounce" between y=500 and y=700 using four robots, two to make the robot go up or down and two to switch from
going up or down when the robot has reached the appropriate height, this ended up being significantly more time
consuming than anticipated due to debugging. The final project was having two robots say "hi" to each other, initially
just using birds and nests to send the word back and forth, then to also drop it onto a text to speech box so they really
said the word. I demonstrated that they could do this from an extended distance by moving one of the robots to a
different house.

He was restless afterwards. I suspect that this was due to a combination of the heat, it's been a hot day and the
room itself is hot, and the length of the session.

My Thoughts:
Overall this was a fairly productive session, I think I achieved my intended goal, but not in the way I'd planned.
The surprising result was that N. actively interested in the debugging process. For a programmer this is often
considered the most frustrating task, for N. it was a natural extension of play, and in fact probably the closest we have
done to the play he is accustomed to. This is partly because of an average American boy's tendency towards playing
fix-it with toy tools etc. Also he and I have a history of "debugging play" where, for example, a toy train will not run
on the track properly, normally this is a cause for distress but we've turned this into a game of it's own by exploring
what has occurred to cause it and discussing it. Because of this, it is safe to say today was one of the most successful
sessions in terms of getting and holding his interest. Instead of having to judge when he was too bored to continue I had
to choose to stop because of time constraints and judging how tired he was. When I ended the session we were still
having trouble getting the "talking robots" working, we'd started having them say longer phrases and they were
vacuuming them up prematurely, and he told me he wanted to go back to fixing them tomorrow. The major draw back
to this kind of session is he was not directly involved, though he gave verbal input, and I made a point of asking his
opinion in the problems he made no direct action himself, but I think at this stage it is more important that he become
familiar with the system and learn to enjoy working with it than that he push though it because he should be getting

7-31-04 2:00pm-3:00pm
Continuing on yesterday's theme. Today I'm going to make a fairly complicated program with his assistance.
We're going to make make a flower that grows in several stages.

We're going to continue to do moderately complex, interesting programs.

Fairly alert, interested in play.

Due to time constraints todays session was somewhat shorter. Today we started by attempting to make a flower
that grew in several stages. Unfortunately we were stopped at an early stage by a bug in toontalk. The experience in
general was similar to yesterday's experience. He took a slightly more active roll, operating some of the tools and
helping to edit a picture of a leaf. We then started a more organized version of the recursive program for blowing up
the buildings. Here the buildings would be built one at a time and when a set number of buildings was reached they
would all be blown up at once. Unfortunately this did not work out as hoped due to a lack of understanding of how the
robots deal with nests on my part. We then proceeded to work on the standard recursive blowing up buildings program,
which he watched until we ended the session.

682 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

His Words:
We were changing a leaf and blowing up the city.

My Thoughts:
Today's session was a strong reminder of the importance of testing out ideas before presenting them in a learning
situation. Working on the fly can be ok for small parts of a project, but it is very important to practice in advance
before trying it with a child. Though I think N. enjoyed the session and learned some from it, he clearly gained less
than he would have if I'd been prepared both for the error in toontalk and had full understanding of how the given
program would perform when run.

08-07-04 2:00pm-3:00pm
Construct robot that will cause a rectangle to cycle through all of its colors.

This is a fairly simple project to execute, but N is still likelly to find it to be amusing.

N was in a good mood.

We worked through the process of creating a robot that would just add to the "picture #" sensor of a rectangle
repeatedly and stuck it on the back of the rectangle. N thought it was neat, but it flickered too fast for his taste, we then
went about the process of putting a delay in. We had little trouble doing this and were able to change the speed to his
satisfaction. He then said that he wanted to make it so it would only do it once, we decided to hold off on this project
for another day.

Slightly hyperactive.

My Thoughts:
I'm particularly excited by the fact that this is the first time that N has taken a creative interest in what we're
doing it. It suggests that he's both become sufficiently comfortable with the medium to imagine what it can do and
remained sufficiently interested to want to impliment it.

08-08-04 1:50pm-3:20pm
Continue yesterday's project by making the color square cycle only once. I'm going to attempt to get N more
directly involved in the creative process now that he's becoming more comfortable with the system.

To help to focus his present interest.

He was in the mood to be paid attention to.

As planned we progressed through the process of making a color square cycle only once, with N doing more of
the work. I made a point of at each step asking his opinion of what we should do to solve a given problem. I also had

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 683

Annex X – Logs of the activities conducted in a home setting in Medford, MA, USA
him controlling the system directly for most of the project. Along with making the square cycle only once, we also
made it so the number of the color was displayed on the square and its color was one step out of sync with the color of
the square insuring that it was always visible(to some extent)

Slightly more insistent on the attention.

N's Questions/Observations:
Why is everything made out of lego's? (I responded that it was because we built programs with it, to which he
responded "But lego's are a toy.")

My Thoughts:
A good session, he navigated the system well, and is able to at least to some extent think in toontalk. He was
noticibly disturbed by the fact that robots on the back of pictures don't always look like they're working properly. In
this case, though there were two robots that were doing their job on the back of the picture they both had boxes that
contained red squares.

08-09-04 3:20pm-4:10pm
Another attempt at the robot team that distributes other teams one at a time, then blows up all of the houses at

The amusement of both N and myself.

He was pretty relaxed today.

Today's was intended largely to be mostly me working and talking through as I did it. We wrote up the program
with minimal trouble, other than there is presently a glitch somewhere that causes TT to freeze. Unfortunately there's
still something in the program that doesn't quite work as anticipated and though we were able to produce all of the
houses, the final explosion didn't occur.

A little impatient.

N's Questions/Observations:

My Thoughts:
You would think that I would have learned after last weekend, you'd be wrong. I thought I had this figured out,
but hadn't planned on a couple of glitches in TT itself, but these border on random. Mostly, I still need to get my own
head wrapped around the TT paradigm. The previous two days were carefully planned, today was intended more to be
just tossing together an amusing toy to play with, I have to remember in these circumstances, even the toys need to be
carefully planned.

684 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Annex XI

Sample activity sheet for preschool teachers: Storage Levels

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 685

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Activity: storage levels (notebooks)

This activity aims to explore the use of notebooks for storage and organization, helping
children understand the utility of such processes.
The example of integration in a preschool room is based on the “Tree Day” theme.

Source and authorship

This activity started as an original idea from students Elisabete Gonçalves, Ercília Carocha
and Sónia Carvalho, of the Computers in Teaching course, from the 2nd year of the Early Childhood
Education baccalaureate, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal, 2003-2004. The
adjustments, corrections, and final adaptation for use in preschool rooms were made by the lecturer,
Leonel Morgado.

Initial activity
Considering that a sequence of activities based on “Arbour Day” is taking place in the garden,
this suggestion is that initially a set of drawings is assembled, each drawing covering a small feature
of the theme. A global, theme-wide picture can also be produced. ToonTalk is used to store all
images. The final result may (and should) be somewhat disorganized, as demonstrated in figure 1.
So that the background image doesn’t get in the way of the activity development, it can be
glued to the ground. This initial activity allows children to develop basic manipulation activities
(pick, drop, enlarge, shrink, etc.).

Figure 1 – Collection of images about the theme

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 687

Annex XII – Sample activity sheet for preschool teachers: communication channels (birds)

Figure 2 – Separated images

Initially, the images can be separated, to make some sense out of them. For instance, in figure
2, they were separated into Animals, Tools, and Fruits.

Other possible developments

During the initial activity, it is common for children to come across several ToonTalk features
that are not fundamental regarding manipulation training: number pads, letter pads, trucks, birds,
etc. Under the constructionist philosophy of education supported by computer-programming, such
casual interest that children may demonstrate for these elements is to be supported and explored.
This may even lead to a complete redesign of this activity.
I.e., this activity must be seen as a mere strategy, aiming to conduct children on a path of
understanding of the advantages of using notebooks to organize and store information.
The ideal result for this strategy would be that the children themselves, during of after the
activity, would come to use the notebooks in other (new) situations; either directly or verbally
proposing their use to solve other problems or situations.

Central activity
Storing things in notebooks
Having the pictures on the floor all the time, taking up a lot a space, isn’t the most practical
way to store them. Truth be told, they are more readily accessible, but they can also easily be lost,
vacuumed, “ruined” (by being drop on one another), etc.
These disadvantages are examples of motives that can be used to introduce the notebooks as a
storage solution. Figure 3 shows the use of 3 notebooks to save previously separated images. A
piece of text was used to describe each image, but that wasn’t absolutely necessary.

688 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Figure 3 – Storing the pictures in notebooks

Developing: notebooks within notebooks

Even so, three notebooks also take up a lot of space. The next phase of this activity is to
explore the disadvantage of having the images in three notebooks, in order to propose the
integration of these in a single one (vd. figure 4), to store the full activity.

Figure 4 – Notebooks inside a general notebook

Completion: exploring complexity

The conclusion of this activity deals with the increase in complexity of this concept (which
similar, for instance, to having folders within folders, in the computer’s hard disk). The notebook
with the full activity, for instance, can and should be saved in the global notebook (the one with the
children’s names – figure 5). That makes three levels of storage.
It is recommended that diverse strategies and approaches are explored, and the results
observed. Can children find what they want? Can they explain where it is? Can they, in order to
save the picture of a new animal, find the animals notebooks and store the new animal inside? Etc.

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Annex XII – Sample activity sheet for preschool teachers: communication channels (birds)

Figure 5 – Activity notebook inside the global notebook

The complexity can also be increased regarding notebook use, as long as there are enough
images for that: the animals notebook can be split into notebooks for insects, mammals, reptiles,
etc.; the tools notebook can be split into gardening and farming tools; etc. (vd. figure 6).

Figure 6 – Multiple notebooks

Final comments
Since an image archive is being produced, its very important for it to be used in other
activities. If there is a printer available, for instance, the images can be used in other off-computer
activities of the preschool room. They can also, obviously, be used in other computer or ToonTalk-
related activities.
Finally, it should be stressed that the aim is to use this activity as a method for exploration,
to try and find, for each children, strategies that allow her to understand “navigation” through a
multi-level organizational structure, becoming capable of creating and following it, in order to
obtain what she wants.

690 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Annex XII

Sample activity sheet for preschool teachers: communication
channels (birds)

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 691

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Activity: communication channels (birds)

The activity aims to explore the use of birds to provide communication, helping children
understand the utility and process of establishment of communication channels.
The example of integration in the preschool room is based around professions, and the fact
that most professions are interlinked: the postman needs bread; the baker needs letters; etc.

Source and authorship

This activity began as an original idea by students Irina Brandão, Liliana Miguéis and Mónica
Pereira, of the Computers in Teaching course, from the second year of the Early Childhood
Education baccalaureate, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal, 2003-2004. The
adjustments, corrections, and final adaptation for use in preschool rooms were made by the lecturer,
Leonel Morgado.

Initial activity
Considering an activity sequence in the preschool room, under the theme “professions”, this
activity proposes that all children play in the same ToonTalk city. It is assumed that each child
plays the role of a professional, taking responsibility for the decoration and preparation of a house
for that professional (example: figure 1).

Figure 1 – City with houses for three professionals (plus a “pictures” house”)
Each house should have a “warehouse” or “products"
section, related to its professional (vd. figure 2).
Products can be generic images, photographs, children-
made drawings, etc. These can be turned into infinite stacks,
so that the activity can take place in a more straightforward
manner. For this very reason, background images can be
glued to the house floor.
This initial activity allows time for children to develop
basic manipulation skills.

Figure 2 – Postman’s products

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 693

Annex XII – Sample activity sheet for preschool teachers: communication channels (birds)

Other possible developments

While the initial activity takes place, it’s likely for children to notice several ToonTalk
features that are not fundamental regarding manipulation training: number pads, letter pads, trucks –
and birds. Under the constructionist philosophy of education supported by computer programming,
such casual interest that children may demonstrate for these elements is to be supported and
explored. This may even lead to a complete redesign of this activity.
I.e., this activity must be seen as a mere strategy, aiming to conduct children on a path of
understanding of the advantages of creating and using communication channels (using birds).
The ideal result for this strategy would be that the children themselves, during or after the
activity, would come to use the birds in other (new) situations; either directly or verbally
proposing their use to solve other problems or situations.

Central activity
Announcing services
When a professional is ready to provide services to the community, the activity can move on
into this phase. It’s the teacher’s role to decide when that time comes. Examples: when there are
enough products; when, besides having products, the house is properly decorated; when besides
products and decoration, there is a uniform; etc...
In order to provide services to the community, it is proposed that in this activity the children
playing a professional’s role will ANNOUNCE those services, using his/her bird. I.e.: he/she
creates a bird, makes copies of it, and distributes them around town. So that its purpose is
understood as a service-request point, the placement of a bird can be played, theatre-like, by saying,
for instance “I’m the baker. For when you want to order something from me, here’s a bird: use it to
place an order.”
As each professional announces available
services, at each house several birds will become
available (figure 3).
In this picture, birds have the name of a
profession on their shirts. Actually, it’s preferable for
birds to have an image identifying the service, instead
of text.

Performing an order
When, due to an activity taking place in the
preschool room, a product becomes necessary, any
child can order it from the adequate professional. Each
Figure 3 – Performing an order
order is composed, at a minimum, by a box with a
description of the request, and the identification of the
Figure 3, shows an order, which is being placed by the mailman (identified by the mailman’s
hat): the mailman is requesting “1 bolo” (1 cake). So probably the request will be handed to the
baker’s bird.
Notice that the text “1 cake” could be replaced by the Picture of a cake (drawn by the
requesting children, for instance).

694 Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Receiving requests
In figure 3, a nest is visible. In that figure, it was the mailman’s nest, since he/she was placing
the order. If we had been at the baker’s, that nest would belong to the baker.
When, at a later time, the baker visits the ToonTalk city, he/she will find in the nest the other
children’s requests: a cake, half a dozen breads, etc.
The strategy for organizing these requests is up to
the teacher and child. In fig. 4, the choice was to place
all requests in a cupboard, to fulfil them afterwards. The
nurse ordered a pastry (the second request). But there
are requests nor meant for the baker: a package, a
stamp, etc...
The child and the teacher must decide how the
orders will be satisfied. For proper requests (for the
baker: bread, cakes, etc.), the necessary products must
be gathered. For inadequate requests, a decision must be
made: ignore them? Reply with text, stating that they
can’t be satisfied? Forward them to the adequate
Figure 4 – Requests after distribution
professional? The decision process is a nice opportunity
for reflection for exploring...

Order delivery
Thus, the moment of delivery is reached. This can occur in two ways.
1. If the child that issued the order (the nurse, for instance) still hasn’t
distributed his/her birds, the only way is for the baker to walk up to the
nurse’s house, to deliver the order.
2. If there’s a bird available, from the ordering child, it can deliver the order (the fastest
and most convenient way) or still make the delivery by foot.

Potential developments
After integrally exploring this process, there is no mandatory need to abandon it. Several
ideas may have arisen throughout the activity, worth exploring.
A few sample possibilities were considered:
ƒ Buying and selling. Parcels may require a payment, which in turns allows the
introduction of sending and receiving money; a record of outstanding debts may be
kept; a record of payments made and settled accounts; a bank can be created in the
city; etc.
ƒ Automatic dispatching. The nest where requests arrive may be handled by a robot.
This can be taught by the children, to perform some activity automatically, for each
received request, for instance: update a request list; provide automated replies; etc.
ƒ Quality control. The delivery of a parcel can include a “copy of the request", so that
the receiver may check the order contents, to see if they are right. For instance: a hole
for the order, another hole for the original request.
It should be noted that except for the “automatic dispatching”, the remaining activities can
also be made in the preschool room, without using ToonTalk or the computer; they are way of
exploring the computer activity by linking it with more physical activities, for instance.

Framework for Computer Programming in Preschool and Kindergarten 695

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