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29/03/2023, 19:03 Medical Science Monitor | Latency and Interpeak Interval Values of Auditory Brainstem Response in 73 Individuals with

ponse in 73 Individuals with Normal Hearing - Article abstract #937847

20 de outubro de 2022 : Pesquisa clínica  

Valores de latência e intervalo entre picos da resposta auditiva do tronco encefálico em 73 indivíduos
com audição normal
Milaine Dominici Sanfins   , Maria Francisca Colella-Santos 3DF , Natalia Ferrazoli 4B , Adriano Rezende 4B , Caroline Donadon 5B , Elżbieta Gos 6C , Piotr
Henryk Skarżyński    
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.937847
Med Sci Monit 2022; 28:e937847

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FUNDAMENTO: O potencial de resposta auditiva do tronco encefálico (PEATE) é importante para o diagnóstico audiológico, refletindo a integridade das estruturas
do sistema auditivo até o tronco encefálico. O estímulo clique é o mais conhecido e o mais utilizado na prática clínica. Porém, diferentes aparelhos e examinadores
podem apresentar resultados distintos, e cada instituição tende a utilizar seus próprios parâmetros. Nosso objetivo foi analisar os valores de latência das ondas I,
III, V e dos intervalos interpicos I-III, III-V, IV obtidos na avaliação do PEATE com um novo aparelho.

MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal com 73 participantes com limiares auditivos normais e sem problemas auditivos. Todos foram
submetidos à avaliação audiológica básica (condução aérea e óssea, limiar de reconhecimento de fala, índice de reconhecimento de fala, reflexo acústico e
timpanometria) e avaliação eletrofisiológica (avaliação PEATE).

RESULTADOS: A latência absoluta e os valores interpicos do PEATE mostraram respostas mais precoces nas mulheres, mais rápidas do que sugerem os padrões
internacionais. As respostas foram semelhantes a outros estudos realizados anteriormente, com exceção dos valores da onda I, que foram um pouco mais
precoces no sexo feminino.

CONCLUSÕES: Avaliamos os dados normativos da medição dos valores de latência das ondas I, III, V e intervalos interpicos I-III, III-V e IV aplicando 2 desvios
padrão na avaliação do ABR usando o novo dispositivo Neuro-Audio/ABR criado pela Neurosoft.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Audiologia, Eletrofisiologia, Potenciais Evocados, Auditivo, Tronco Encefálico, Audição


O potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico (PEATE) é um importante instrumento de diagnóstico audiológico, permitindo testar a integridade das estruturas
do sistema auditivo até o tronco encefálico [1]. Uma variedade de estímulos verbais e não verbais podem ser utilizados no teste [2], embora o clique seja o mais
conhecido e mais utilizado na prática clínica [2,3].

A avaliação via PEATE tem se mostrado capaz de diagnosticar distúrbios auditivos; a técnica desempenha um papel central no diagnóstico diferencial de perda
auditiva coclear, retrococlear ou condutiva [4,5]. As avaliações são feitas medindo as latências absolutas das ondas I, III e V, juntamente com os valores dos
intervalos interpicos I–III, III–V e I–V. Os déficits auditivos podem ser identificados por meio da análise desses valores [1–3].

Segundo Esteves et al [6], diferentes aparelhos e examinadores irão produzir resultados distintos; assim, cada instituição deve ter seu próprio conjunto padrão de
parâmetros. Os valores normativos de latência e intervalos interpicos são baseados em estudos populacionais. Equipamentos conhecidos e comercializados há
muito tempo possuem padrões normativos bem estabelecidos.

Mas com equipamentos novos, uma tarefa importante é fornecer dados normativos para aquela marca e modelo. Recentemente, foi disponibilizado um novo
modelo de equipamento para realização de potenciais evocados auditivos, o aparelho Neuro-Audio/ABR da Neurosoft (Ivanovo, Rússia).

O objetivo do presente estudo é obter os valores de latência das ondas I, III, V e dos intervalos interpicos I–III, III–V, I–V obtidos na avaliação do ABR usando um
novo equipamento de ABR, o dispositivo Neuro-Audio/ABR pela Neurosoft (Ivanovo, Rússia). Assim, é possível apresentar um dado normativo para este

Material e métodos


Este estudo retrospectivo e transversal foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (nº 2.831.741). consentimento informado por escrito foi obtido de todos os
participantes. Os dados foram coletados no Laboratório de Audiologia e Eletrofisiologia da Clínica Ouvire.

29/03/2023, 19:03 Medical Science Monitor | Latency and Interpeak Interval Values of Auditory Brainstem Response in 73 Individuals with Normal Hearing - Article abstract #937847

Com base nos resultados de um estudo anterior, calculou-se um tamanho amostral mínimo médio de 25 indivíduos (erro de ±0,3 em média e nível de significância
de 5%). No entanto, o presente estudo, para garantir a precisão, foi realizado com um total de 73 participantes (33 homens e 40 mulheres, com idades entre 3 e 79
anos no momento da avaliação).

Os critérios de inclusão foram idade acima de 3 anos, otoscopia normal bilateralmente, audição e imitância normais no momento da avaliação (definidos como
limiares de audiometria tonal liminar abaixo de 20 dB HL de 250 a 8000 Hz e timpanogramas tipo A com pico de complacência de 0,3 a 1,3 mmhos em −100 a +200
daPa de pressão) e a presença de reflexos acústicos ipsi e contralaterais de 1 kHz em ambas as orelhas no momento da avaliação [7]. Os critérios de exclusão
foram ausência de distúrbios comportamentais ou neurológicos e/ou síndromes genéticas e uso de medicamentos psicoativos.


A avaliação audiométrica envolveu 2 tipos de limiares. Primeiro, os limiares de condução aérea foram testados em 0,25, 0,5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 e 8 kHz. Em segundo
lugar, os limiares de condução óssea foram examinados em 0,5, 1, 2 e 4 kHz. Segundo a classificação de Davis e Silverman, os valores normais do limiar auditivo
foram fixados em até 15 dB para via aérea e fixados em até 20 dB para via óssea [8]. A avaliação foi realizada em cabina acústica utilizando um audiômetro
Interacoustics AC40 com fone TDH39 calibrado de acordo com as normas ISO-389 e IEC-645. Para o Limiar de Reconhecimento de Fala foi utilizada uma lista de
dissílabos. O resultado final foi a intensidade quando o participante obteve 50% das palavras apresentadas. Para o Índice de Reconhecimento de Fala, a lista de
palavras monossilábicas 40 dB acima do limiar tonal médio de 0,5, 1, e 2 kHz foi usado para o teste. Os valores normais foram obtidos se o número de respostas
corretas fosse de 88 a 100%.

For immittance audiometry (acoustic reflex and tympanometry), we used the Interacoustics 235 h clinical tympanometer through with a 226 Hz probe and the
pressure measured in daPa. Investigation of ipsilateral and contralateral acoustic reflexes was carried out with a volume of 0.3–1.3 ml [7]. Immittance audiometry
was performed prior to electrophysiological evaluation.

Electrophysiological evaluation was conducted using the Neuro-Audio device from Neurosoft (Ivanovo, Russia). Electrophysiological responses were recorded while
the participant was sitting passively in a reclining chair in a comfortable position in a sound-attenuating electrically shielded room.

Responses were recorded with the active electrode positioned on the vertex (Fz), the reference electrode on the ipsilateral mastoid, and the ground on the
contralateral mastoid [9]. Impedance was maintained below 5 kΩ and inter-electrode impedance below 3 kΩ. Participants were asked to keep their eyes closed to
avoid eye movement artifacts. The order in which the ears were tested was randomized across subjects – in 50% of patients the right ear was recorded first, and in
the other 50% the left ear was recorded first. A click stimulus of 0.1 ms duration and rarefaction polarity was presented monaurally to the right and left ears using
insert earphones (ER-3C; Etymotic Research, Inc.), with a repetition rate of 19.3/s at 80 dB HL. Two collections of 2000 artifact-free stimuli were collected. The
band-pass filter was set at 100–3000 Hz.

The data were analyzed and wave peaks were visually identified and marked as waves I, III, and V. The interpeak intervals I–III, III–V, and I–V were then calculated.


Statistical analysis was performed using IBM Statistics SPSS version 24. A statistical test for paired samples was conducted. First, the assumption of normality was
checked using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. This assumption was not fully met, so for further analysis the Wilcoxon signed rank test was used. The level of
statistical significance was set at P<0.05.



Table 1 presents the age distribution of males and females and shows that the sample was homogeneous in both analyses (P=0.41).


Table 2 presents the absolute latency values of waves I, III, and V and values of the interpeak intervals I–III, III–V, and I–V in the right and left ears at an intensity of
80 dB HL for males and females. Statistically significant differences between sexes were found for waves III and V (in right and left ears) and for interpeak intervals
I–III, III–V, and I–V (in right and left ears). In general, women had lower values than men. Only wave I had the same result for both sexes in right and left ears.


Absolute latencies of waves I, III, and V and of the interpeak values I–III, III–V, and I–V in the right and left ears for females and males are set out in terms of 2
standard deviations (SD) from the mean (Table 3).


The present study sets out results found with the ABR responses in individuals who had normal auditory thresholds using the newly commercialized device. In the
literature, there are several documents with guidelines on good practice for carrying out ABR assessments, such as the Newborn Hearing Screening Program
(NHSP, 2013) [10] and the British Columbia Early Hearing Program (2012) [11]. According to these works, by applying suitable norms when analyzing
electrophysiological responses, it is possible to use any brand of equipment available on the market [10,11]. However, the use of normative values is essential for
interpretation of ABR responses. According to Esteves et al [10], different devices and examiners will yield distinct results; thus, each institution should have its own
standard set of parameters. The present study used parameters following international guidelines, thus giving the evaluator confidence in the quality of the data and
the results obtained, and minimizing possible clinician biases and errors.

Our results were based on a Gaussian probabilistic model considering the expected normative values (±2 standard deviations) for the latencies of waves I, III, and V
and the interpeak intervals I–III, III–V, and I–V [12]. It is important to note that use of ±2 standard deviations represents 95.5% of the population, and this should
result in only a small number of inappropriate diagnoses. The ABR assessment is one of several clinical tests used by healthcare professionals to test for the
presence of hearing loss [13,14]. Neurodiagnostics aims to detect retrocochlear pathologies present in the auditory nervous system that impair proper functioning of
anatomical structures such as the proximal and distal portions of the auditory nerve, cochlear nuclei, superior olivary nuclei, lateral lemnisci, and inferior colliculi

The sensitivity of the ABR derives from the normative values of latency and the interpeak intervals. Hence, these values must be well established so that it is
possible to identify alterations in the auditory nervous system. When considering the normative values established for each device, researchers report a sensitivity of
89% for the ABR to detect a lesion smaller than 1.0 cm; if a lesion is 1.0–1.2 cm, the sensitivity of the test increases to 98%, whereas the sensitivity reaches 100% if
the lesion is larger than 2.0 cm [17]. 2/9
29/03/2023, 19:03 Medical Science Monitor | Latency and Interpeak Interval Values of Auditory Brainstem Response in 73 Individuals with Normal Hearing - Article abstract #937847

We analyzed ABR response of individuals with normal hearing at high intensity (80 dB nHL), rate of 19.3/s, and rarefaction polarity. These parameters were chosen
because a neurodiagnostic evaluation must be performed at high intensity (80dB nHL) so that the neural synchrony of the XVIII nerve and the brainstem responses
are optimized and robust. At higher intensities, the noise level must be controlled [18,19]. The rate values of 19.3/s provides robust responses with less electrical
interference and is often used in evaluations aimed at neurodiagnosis [19–21]. The responses need to be replicable, and if there is any uncertainty after collecting 2
waveforms, a third wave should be collected, which should be like the first 2. If there is a persistent difference between the waves, it is possible there is excessive
noise [19]. Finally, in terms of polarity, previous studies have reported that rarefaction polarity is more appropriate because it provides better and robust responses

Another interesting finding is the earlier ABR response values in women than in men. These findings agree with previous studies in the literature showing that in
differences in females are due to anatomical issues such as smaller head size and subcortical neural differences [23–27]. Latency values are directly related to the
speed of neural responses following a sound stimulation. In cases of neurological impairment, due, for example to the presence of a mass (or tumor) or a reduced
number of neurons in a certain structure within the auditory trajectory, latency values will be compromised. Therefore, reference values are essential for an accurate
diagnosis to be made, and from there appropriate interventions and treatments may be possible. Assessments of the ABR are the criterion standard for investigating
the maturation and integrity of the auditory pathway from the inner ear to the brainstem [28–31].

Our study used parameters following international guidelines and thus gives the evaluator confidence in the quality of the data and the results obtained, minimizing
possible clinician biases and errors. In the present work, the responses were very similar to those of previous studies, except for wave I values, which were a little
earlier, with values of 1.23 ms (right ear) and 1.21 ms (left ear) for females. Therefore, we strongly recommend that a survey be carried out with a larger number of
female subjects to understand whether this earlier wave I response characteristic is specific to this new device. It is worth noting that this response model was not
found for men in any of the evaluated ears. Below, we discuss some previous studies performed in patients with normal hearing and with different equipment.

Schwartz et al [32] reported ABR responses at 80 dBnHL and found the following results with ±2.5 SD: Wave I (1.29–1.79 ms), Wave III (3.32–4.08 ms), Wave V
(5.12–6.08 ms), I–III (1.60–2.80 ms), III–V (1.42–2.26 ms), and I–V (3.59–4.49 ms). Joseph et al [33] reported the ABR responses at 80 dBnHL and found the
following results considering the absolute mean of the values: Wave I (1.65 ms), Wave III (3.80 ms), Wave V (5.64 ms), I–III (2.15 ms), III–V (1.84 ms) and I–V (3.99
ms). Hall [23] presented the ABR responses at 80 dBnHL and the following results were found with ±2.0 SD: Wave I (1.37–1.93 ms), Wave III (3.4–4.16 ms), Wave V
(5.18–6.10 ms), I–III (1.87–2.43 ms), III–V (1.56–2.12 ms), and I–V (3.59–4.39 ms). Hood (1998) [34] reported the ABR responses in women with normal hearing at
80 dBnHL and found the following results with ±2 SD: Wave I (1.37–1.93 ms), Wave III (3.44–4.16 ms), Wave V (5.18–6.10 ms), I–III (1.87–2.43 ms), III–V (1.56–
2.12 ms), and I–V (3.59–4.39 ms). Musiek et al [35] analyzed only the responses of the interpeak intervals of the ABR at 80 dBnHL and found the following results
with ±2SD: I–III (1.80–2.30 ms), III–V (1.40–2.30 ms), and I–V (3.36–4.40 ms).

Our study showed the following responses at 80 dBnHL in normal hearing with ±2SD: Right ear (male) – [Wave I (1.23–1.83 ms), Wave III (3.45–4.09 ms), Wave V
(5.21–6.21 ms), I–III (1.89–2.57 ms), III–V (1.67–2.27 ms), and I–V (3.70–4.20 ms)]; Right ear (woman) – [Wave I (1.23–1.87 ms), Wave III (3.45–4.13 ms), Wave V
(5.07–6.07 ms), I–III (1.69–2.61 ms), III–V (1.63–2.15 ms), and I–V (3.54–4.54 ms)]; Left ear (male) – [Wave I (1.26–1.82 ms), Wave III (3.47–4.19 ms), Wave V
(5.29–6.29 ms), I–III (1.87–2.71 ms), III–V (1.60–2.32 ms) and I–V (3.69–4.81 ms)] and Left ear (woman) – [Wave I (1.21–1.89 ms), Wave III (3.33–4.05 ms), Wave
V (5.03–6.11 ms), I–III (1.79–2.47 ms), III–V (1.53–2.25 ms), and I–V (3.48–4.56 ms)].

The participants who took part in this study were all at least 3 years old, since research has concluded that there is stabilization of latency at age 24–36 months,
after which maturation in the brainstem is complete and the responses of children and adults become similar [22]. Therefore, the values described in the present
study should not be applied to patients under 3 years of age. For this portion of the pediatric population, further studies will be required to verify the ABR responses.
The next stage of this research will be to compare the values obtained with the new device with those obtained using standard equipment.


We assessed normative data through of measurement of latency values of wave I, III, V, and interpeak intervals I–III, III–V and I–V values applying 2 standard
deviations in the assessment of ABR using the new Neuro-Audio device by Neurosoft. Normative values are set out in Table 3.


Table 1. Statistical analysis of the sample in terms of sex and mean age. 3/9
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Table 2. Absolute latency and interpeak interval values with differences between sexes. 4/9
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Table 3. Expected values considering 2 standard deviations (waves I, III, V and intervals I–III, III–V, I–V) at 80 dB nHL.


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29/03/2023, 19:03 Medical Science Monitor | Latency and Interpeak Interval Values of Auditory Brainstem Response in 73 Individuals with Normal Hearing - Article abstract #937847


Tabela 1. Análise estatística da amostra quanto ao sexo e média de idade.

Tabela 2. Valores de latência absoluta e intervalo interpico com diferenças entre os sexos. 7/9
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Tabela 3. Valores esperados considerando 2 desvios padrão (ondas I, III, V e intervalos I–III, III–V, I–V) a 80 dB nHL.


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Medical Science Monitor (MSM) Pesquisa Clinica Sobre o ISI
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Monitor de Ciências Médicas

International Scientific Information, American Journal of Case Reports

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