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nwr9 - TR - Pag - 151 - 165 (Testes de Inglês Com Soluções)

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New Wave Revolution · 9.

° ano Evaluation Tests

Unit 3 Ready4work
Matriz do teste de Compreensão Oral 3
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
A. Escolher a opção
Compreender Texto e vocabulário
4 x 10 = 40
Resposta correta: 10 pontos;
relacionados com os correta. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.
o texto.
tópicos da unidade B. Completar espaços Resposta correta: 10 pontos;
com vocabulário do texto. 6 x 10 = 60
Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.
New Wave Revolution · 9.° ano Evaluation Tests

Matriz do Teste 3A
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Texto e vocabulário A. Identificar antónimos no 4x2=8 Resposta correta: 2 pontos;
relacionados com os texto. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.
Compreender tópicos da unidade
o texto.
informação de B. Encontrar evidências no 4 x 3 = 12 Resposta correta: 3 ponto;
texto. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos;
forma clara e
C. Responder a perguntas 4 x 5 = 20 Resposta correta: 5 pontos;
sobre o texto. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos;
Conteúdo parcialmente correto: 2 pontos;
Desconto máximo para incorreções: 4 pontos.

Profissões D. Utilizar adjetivos para 6 x 2 = 12 Resposta correta: 2 pontos;

caracterizar um Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.
Aplicar o empregado.
na unidade.
Aplicar os itens Relative pronouns E. Completar espaços. 4x2=8 Resposta correta: 2 pontos;
Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.
Present Perfect e F. Preencher espaços com 5x1=5 Resposta correta:1 ponto;
Present Perfect o tempo verbal adequado. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.

Paired conjunctions G. Reescrever frases 3 x 5 = 15 Resposta correta: 5 pontos;

usando os conectores Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos;
indicados. Conteúdo parcialmente correto: 2 pontos.

Produzir um Profissões H. Descrever um emprego 20 16-20 pontos – o texto respeita o tema, tem uma
ideal. estrutura coerente e não apresenta erros
enunciado ortográficos relevantes.
escrito. 10-15 pontos – o texto respeita o tema, mas
revela alguns erros de estrutura e de ortografia.
1-9 pontos – o texto não respeita integralmente o
tema, tem erros de estrutura graves e apresenta
erros ortográficos que dificultam a comunicação.
0 pontos – o texto não respeita o tema proposto
ou tem erros de estrutura graves e apresenta
erros ortográficos que inviabilizam a sua

Matriz do Teste 3B
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Compreender Texto e vocabulário A. Unir sinónimos. Resposta correta: 2 pontos;
relacionados com os 4x2=8
o texto. tópicos da unidade
Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.
B. Unir frases. Resposta correta: 3 pontos;
Expressar 4 x 3 = 12
Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.
informação de
C. Responder a perguntas 4 x 5 = 20 Resposta correta: 5 pontos;
forma clara e
sobre o texto. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos;
estruturalmente Conteúdo parcialmente correto: 2 pontos;
correta. Desconto máximo para incorreções: 4 pontos.

Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação

Aplicar o Profissões D. Escrever antónimos. 6 x 2 = 12 Resposta correta: 2 pontos;
Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.
na unidade.
Aplicar os itens Relative pronouns E. Escolher o pronome 4x2=8 Resposta correta: 2 pontos;
relativo correto. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.
New Wave Revolution · 9.° ano Evaluation Tests
Present Perfect F. Completar frases com o 5x1=5 Resposta correta: 1 ponto;
Continuous tempo verbal adequado. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.

Paired conjunctions G. Corrigir o erro. 3 x 5 = 15 Resposta correta: 5 pontos;

Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.

Produzir um Profissões H. Descrever profissões. 20 16-20 pontos – o texto respeita o tema, tem uma
estrutura coerente e não apresenta erros
enunciado ortográficos relevantes.
escrito. 10-15 pontos – o texto respeita o tema, mas
revela alguns erros de estrutura e de ortografia.
1-9 pontos – o texto não respeita integralmente o
tema, tem erros de estrutura graves e apresenta
erros ortográficos que dificultam a comunicação.
0 pontos – o texto não respeita o tema proposto
ou tem erros de estrutura graves e apresenta
erros ortográficos que inviabilizam a sua

Matriz do Teste 3C
Objetivos Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação
Compreender Texto e vocabulário A. Encontrar sinónimos 4 x 3 = 12 Resposta correta: 23 pontos;
relacionados com os no texto.
o texto. tópicos da unidade
Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.
B. Completar frases. 4x2=8 Resposta correta: 2 pontos;
Expressar Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos;
informação de C. Responder a perguntas 4 x 5 = 20 Resposta correta: 5 pontos;
forma clara e sobre o texto. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos;
estruturalmente Conteúdo parcialmente correto: 2 pontos;
correta. Desconto máximo para incorreções: 4 pontos.

Aplicar o Profissões D. Caracterizar um bom 6 x 2 = 12 Resposta correta: 2 pontos;

empregado. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.
na unidade.
Aplicar os itens Relative pronouns E. Escolher a opção 4x2=8 Resposta correta: 2 pontos;
correta. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.
tratados. Present Perfect F. Reescrever frases nas 5 x 3 = 15 Resposta correta: 3 ponto;
Continuous formas negativa e Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.
Paired conjunctions G. Unir frases. 3x2=6 Resposta correta: 2 pontos;
Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos.

Produzir um Voluntariado H. Descrever experiências 19 16-19 pontos – o texto respeita o tema, tem
de voluntariado. uma estrutura coerente e não apresenta erros
enunciado ortográficos relevantes.
escrito. 10-15 pontos – o texto respeita o tema, mas
revela alguns erros de estrutura e de ortografia.
1-9 pontos – o texto não respeita integralmente
o tema, tem erros de estrutura graves e
erros ortográficos que dificultam a
0 pontos – o texto não respeita o tema
proposto ou tem erros de estrutura graves e
apresenta erros ortográficos que inviabilizam a
sua compreensão.
Correction Table Listening Test 3 / Tests 3A / 3B / 3C Unit _____ Class _____ Date _____ / _____ /_____
Listening Test 3 Tests 3A / B Test 3C
A B Total A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H Total Final
No. Name 40 60 100 4x2 4x3 4x5 6x2 4x2 5x1 3x5 20 4x3 4x2 4x5 6x2 4x2 5x3 3x2 19 100 Mark
Unit 3 Ready4work Listening Test 3

Name_______________________________________________________________ No. ____Class____

Date____ /____ /____ Evaluation ________________________ Teacher ________________________

A Listen to the text and choose the correct option.

1. Mike’s first job was:
a) in a day camp. b) in a library. c) in a primary school.
2. He was ___________ when he was hired for the first time.
a) 15 years old b) 16 years old c) 14 years old
3. According to Mike you shouldn’t___________ to your customers.
a) sing b) shout c) mumble
4. You shouldn’t interrupt anyone at work unless it is:
a) a secret b) extremely urgent c) very important

B Complete the sentences with information from the text.

Mike gives you 1 ___________ important tips to succeed at your first
___________. Firstly, you should speak 3 ___________, but it is
also important not to 4___________ others when they are working.
Tip number three tells you to dress 5 ___________. Finally, he says that
it is vital that you listen carefully and pay 6___________ to what people
tell you at work.
Unit 3 Ready4work Test 3A
Name_______________________________________________________________ No. ____Class____
Date____ /____ /____ Evaluation ________________________ Teacher ________________________

Time Banking
Time banking is making time as important as money.
An hour is an hour; it doesn’t matter whose time it is.
We should apply time banking to work experience
internships. Young people can give their time helping
at the workplace, while professionals give theirs too.
Time banking is a way of trading skills in a community.
Members of a time bank share their skills with other
members within the community and in return they get
time credits for the work they do. With the credits they gain,
each member can ‘buy’ someone else’s time, and get the service they need.
Unfortunately, working an unpaid internship is a privilege available only to young people
who don’t need to work for money. But internships are a great way to gain work experience,
and can also provide value for the professional or company overseeing the intern.
An hour is an hour, whether it’s a young person’s hour or a professional’s hour. Let’s value all
people as equal human beings, and value their time on an equal basis, too. The time banking
could move out of the workplace and extend to babysitting and yard work, or any other
activities someone may need performed. This allows for meaningful exchange of time while
being fair to everyone involved. (adapted)

A Read the text and find antonyms of these words:

1. take___________ 3. lose___________
2. hurting___________ 4. sell___________

B Find evidence in the text for the following statements.

1. Only some young people can work for free.
2. A very good way to get work experience is to take an internship.
3. Time is as valuable for a young person as to a professional.
4. Time banking could be used in everyday tasks.
C Answer the questions about the text.
1. What is time banking applied to work internships?
2. Why are internships important for young people?
3. How can time banking be used out of the world of work?
4. What is your opinion on time banking?

D Complete the chart with the right adjectives for each heading.
A good employee A weak employee
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

E Complete the sentences with who, whose or which.

1. The girl __________ notebooks we borrowed is my friend.
2. That is the man __________ sold me my car.
3. I couldn’t decide __________ candidate was right for the job.
4. I applied for the job __________ you told me about.

F Use the appropriate verb tense: Present Perfect or Present Perfect

1. Lately, I __________ (study) a lot. My exams start tomorrow.
2. We __________ (do) this project for months and months.
3. I __________ (always / love) strawberries.
4. What’s that delightful smell? __________ (you / cook) for the last 30
5. I __________ (watch) four films this weekend!
G Use the paired conjunctions to combine the sentences.
1. I am available to work in the morning. I am available to work in the afternoon.
(either… or)
2. My boss is very demanding. He is very hardworking. (not only… but also)
3. Doing voluntary work is very rewarding. It is also very challenging. (both… and)

H Write a short text describing your ideal job. Refer to:

• salary;
• tasks;
• workplace.
Unit 3 Ready4work Test 3B
Name_______________________________________________________________ No. ____Class____
Date____ /____ /____ Evaluation ________________________ Teacher ________________________

Time Banking
Time banking is making
time as important as
An hour is an hour; it
doesn’t matter whose
time it is. We
should apply time
banking to work
experience internships.
Young people can give
their time helping at the
while professionals give theirs too.
Time banking is a way of trading skills in a community.
Members of a time bank share their skills with other
members within the community and in return they get time
credits for the work they do. With the credits they gain, each
member can ‘buy’ someone else’s time, and get the service
they need.
Unfortunately, working an unpaid internship is a privilege available only to young people who
don’t need to work for money. But internships are a great way to gain work experience, and can
also provide value for the professional or company overseeing the intern.
An hour is an hour, whether it’s a young person’s hour or a professional’s hour. Let’s value all
people as equal human beings, and value their time on an equal basis, too. The time banking
could move out of the workplace and extend to babysitting and yard work, or any other
activities someone may need performed. This allows for meaningful exchange of time while
being fair to everyone involved. (adapted)

A Match these words from the text with the right antonyms:
1. buy a) take
2. helping b) hurting
3. give c) lose
4. gain d) sell

B Link the sentences according to the information in the text.

1. Only some young people a) as to a professional.
2. A great way to get work experience b) can work for free.
3. Time is as valuable for a young person c) in everyday tasks.
4. Time banking could be used d) is to take an internship.
C Answer the questions about the text.
1. What is time banking applied to work internships?
2. Why are internships important for young people?

3. How can time banking be used out of the world of work?


4. What is your opinion on time banking?


D Write the antonyms of these words.

1. responsible________________ 4. strong________________
2. motivated________________ 5. winner________________
3. hardworking ________________ 6. competent________________

E Choose the correct relative pronoun.

1. The boy who / whose skate we borrowed is my friend.
2. That is the assistant which / who helped me.
3. She can’t decide who / which candidate is the best for the vacancy.
4. I sent an application letter to the job add who / that you showed me yesterday.

F Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs
in brackets.
1. She ________________ (work) in this school for 4 years.
2. He ________________ (listen) to music all afternoon.
3. It ________________ (not / rain). The floor is dry.
4. ________________ (you / sleep) enough lately? You look tired.
5. I ________________ (learn) English for more than 6 years.
G Find the mistakes and correct them.
1. I am available to work either in the morning nor in the afternoon.
2. My boss is not only very demanding and very hardworking.
3. Doing voluntary work is neither very rewarding and very challenging.

H Talk about your ideal job. You may refer to:

• salary;
• workplace;
• tasks.

Unit 3 Ready4work Test 3C
Name_______________________________________________________________ No. ____Class____
Date____ /____ /____ Evaluation ________________________ Teacher ________________________

Volunteer ideas for teens

Unpaid work can help you learn new skills, understand
more about the workplace, and – best of all – give you
something to put in your CV when you’re looking for a
job in the future. Many communities have a volunteer
centre that can help you find that perfect volunteer
opportunity. Opportunities include recycling centres,
hospitals, museums, summer camps, and libraries.
Search online or call your city or town hall to see if there’s
a volunteer centre in your community. Ask to speak to the
volunteer director or the volunteer coordinator.
Summer Camps
You might want to find out about the counselor-in-training
programme at a camp you’ve attended.
Interested in medicine? Enjoy helping people? Then volunteering at your local hospital
might be just the thing for you. Just call a hospital in your area and ask to speak to the
volunteer coordinator or the director of volunteers.
Museums and aquariums
Museums and aquariums are great places to learn but many also offer volunteer opportunities
for kids and teens. Call the museum or aquarium in your area to find out what’s available
and what the requirements are. Opportunities vary greatly from museum to museum. (adapted)

A Read the 1st and 2nd paragraphs of the text and find synonyms of these words:
1. gain _______________ 3. ideal_______________
2. abilities_______________ 4. chance_______________

B Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. You may learn new skills _____________________________________________.
2. Volunteer experiences may be _____________________________________________.
3. You can volunteer in _____________________________________________.
4. A volunteer director _____________________________________________.
C Answer the questions about the text.
1. What do volunteer centres do?
2. Who might want to volunteer in a hospital?
3. Why are museums and aquariums great places to do volunteer work?
4. What are the advantages of volunteer work?

D Write 6 features that may define a good employee.

1. _____________ 3. _____________ 5. _____________
2. _____________ 4. _____________ 6._____________

E Complete the sentences with who, whose or which.

1. The girl _____________notebooks we borrowed is my friend.
2. That is the man _____________sold me my car.
3. I couldn’t decide _____________candidate was right for the job.
4. I applied for the job _____________you told me about.

F Rewrite the following sentences in the negative and interrogative forms.

1. She has been working in this school for 4 years.
Negative: _______________________________________
Interrogative: _______________________________________
2. He has read that book.
Negative: _______________________________________
Interrogative: _______________________________________
3. It has been raining.
Negative: _______________________________________
Interrogative: _______________________________________
4. I have slept all afternoon.
Negative: _______________________________________
Interrogative: _______________________________________
5. They have been watching TV all day.
Negative: _______________________________________
Interrogative: _______________________________________

G Match the sentences.

1. I am available to work either in the morning a) and very challenging.
2. My boss is not only very demanding b) or in the afternoon.
3. Doing voluntary is both very rewarding c) but also very hardworking.

H Would you like to be a volunteer? Why (not)?

Answer Key Unit 3 Ready4work
Listening Test 3
Test 3A
A. 1. give 2. helping 3. gain 4. buy
My name is Mike and my first job was a tremendous B.
learning experience for me, and yours can be one for 1. “Unfortunately, working an unpaid internship is a
you too. When I was 14 years old, I was hired to work privilege available only to young people who don’t need
as a counsellor-in-training at a day camp. I had to learn to work for money.”
how to interact with my supervisors, other counsellors, 2. “But internships are a great way to gain work
children, and parents. I think I did a good job, but I experience (…)”
wish I had known then what I know now — and what 3. “An hour is an hour, whether it’s a young person’s
I'm about to share with you. If you're a teenager about hour or a professional’s hour.”
to start your first job, this article can help you succeed 4. “(…) the time banking could move out of the
at it, and at those jobs that come after. Even if you have workplace and extend to babysitting and yard work, or
worked before, you may find something in these five any other activities someone may need performed.”
tips you don't already know.
Tip number 1: Speak Clearly. It is very important that C. 1. Time banking applied to work internships is when
you don not mumble as many teens sometimes do. young people give their time helping in the workplace,
Your customers have to understand clearly what you getting time from professionals in return.
say. 2. Internships are very important for young people
Tip number 2: Don’t interrupt someone at work, unless since it is a way to gain work experience and also for
you need to tell him or her something extremely the company to get to know the intern.
urgent. People at work should be concentrated and if 3. Time banking can be used for any activity that
there’s someone always interrupting it is quite hard to someone may need performed, for example babysitting
do your job properly and efficiently. or yard work.
Tip number 3: Dress appropriately. Although you are a 4. Student’s personal answer.
teenager and may prefer some eccentric look, try to
understand what kind of clothes is appropriate for your
D. Possible answers:
specific job by talking to your co-workers for example.
A good employee – 1. hardworking 2. strong
Tips number 4 and 5: Listen carefully and pay
3. motivated
attention. It is very important to make sure you
A weak employee – 1. lazy 2. weak 3. irresponsible
understand exactly what you are told to do.
I'm sure you'll have an easier time remembering the
E. 1. whose 2. who 3. which 4. which
rules and tips presented here.
F. 1. have been studying 2. have been doing 3. have
A. 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b always loved 4. have you been cooking 5. have
B. 1. five 2. job 3. clearly 4. interrupt 5. appropriately
6. attention G.
1. I am available to work either in the morning or in the
2. My boss is not only very demanding but also very
3. Doing voluntary work is both very rewarding and
very challenging.

H. Student’s personal answer.

Test 3B
A. 1. d 2. b; 3. a; 4. c Test 3C
A. 1. learn 2. skills 3. perfect 4. opportunity
B. 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
B. 1. … doing an unpaid work. 2. … important when
C. looking for a job in the future. 3. … recycling centres,
1. Time banking applied to work internships is when hospitals, museums, summer camps and libraries. 4.
young people give their time helping in the workplace, … may help you decide.
getting time from professionals in return.
2. Internships are very important for young people C.
since it is a way to gain work experience and also for 1. Volunteer centres can help you find the adequate
the company to get to know the intern. volunteer opportunity.
3. Time banking can be used for any activity that 2. Youngsters who enjoy helping people and medicine
someone may need performed, as for example can volunteer in hospitals.
babysitting or yard work. 3. Museums and aquariums are great places to
4. Student’s personal answer. volunteer because there you can learn many things.
4. The advantages of volunteer work are the
D. 1. irresponsible 2. unmotivated 3. lazy 4. weak 5. opportunity to learn new skills, understanding more
loser 6. incompetent about the workplace; it may be an added value for your
E. 1. whose 2. who 3. which 4. that
D. Possible answers: 1. hardworking 2. motivated
F. 1. has been working 2. has been listening 3. responsible 4. strong 5. intelligent 6. competent

3. hasn’t been raining 4. Have you been sleeping E. 1. whose 2. who 3. which 4. which
5. have been learning
G. 1. She hasn’t been working in this school for 4 years.
1. I am available to work either in the morning or in the Has she been working in this school for 4 years?
afternoon. 2. He hasn’t read that book.
2. My boss is not only very demanding but also very Has he read that book?
hardworking. 3. It hasn’t been raining.
3. Doing voluntary work is both very rewarding and Has it been raining?
very challenging. 4. I haven’t slept all afternoon.
H. Student’s personal answer. Have I slept all afternoon?
5. They haven’t been watching TV all day.
Have they been watching TV all day?

G. 1. b 2. c 3. a

H. Student’s personal answer.

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