A young man, David (Alex Marx), takes his girlfriend, Sue (Tuyen Do), to meet his parents, Michael (Tim McInnerny) and Claire (Kate Fahy), for the first time. As the awkward afternoon progresses, it becomes clear they have all gathered for...See moreA young man, David (Alex Marx), takes his girlfriend, Sue (Tuyen Do), to meet his parents, Michael (Tim McInnerny) and Claire (Kate Fahy), for the first time. As the awkward afternoon progresses, it becomes clear they have all gathered for David's brother John's birthday. Tragically, John is not there to celebrate it with them, having been killed in action six months previously. However, through Sue's sensitivity and kindness, and the announcement of good news, the family are able to unite and begin to move forward into a new chapter of their lives. Happy Accident is a short dramatic film about love, loss and the horrors of war; not for those directly involved in the fighting, but for those who only ever experience it second hand. Written by
Alex Marx
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