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Psychic Attack

I remember a lady who asked me to help with a situation regarding psychic attack. In this instance it was particularly unpleasant. A nurse in the hospital she worked in was familiar with Voodoo magic, she was using it on patients and staff, terrifying all who she came into contact with. The woman had been found out and the lady who came to me for help was the one who had been volunteered to fire her. Colleagues had been offering her everything from prayer to rosary beads to help her. I began to look into the energy of the situation and the woman directing the voodoo magic. I decided to use an ancient Egyptian method to harmonise the level of psychic attack. It involved directing back to the woman the energy she was giving out. I sent the voodoo back to her. Apparently the next day she had altered from a very aggressive and confrontational person who had refused to leave to someone who was very frightened. She handed in her resignation and left, leaving the staff and patients in peace!

Psychic attack in this instance is exaggerated, but on a day to day basis we come across it all the time. You are the victim of constant psychic attack and you have psychically attacked others at some point in your life.

Psychic attack is the direction of psychic energy towards a situation or person that has a negative basis. For example, when you can feel someone is angry or upset with you they are directing a ‘psychic attack’. Similarly you direct a ‘psychic attack’ when you hold anger or resentment towards another. We have all come across people in our life who drain our energy field. The people in your life when you’re in their company you feel drained and exhausted. They are unconsciously using your energy – therefore attacking your field, taking energy without your conscious permission. They don’t mean to, it simply means they are taking energy from a stronger field.

How do you protect yourself from psychic attack?

There are many ways to protect and build your energy field to protect it from ‘psychic attack’. One of the most basic yet crucial is to be responsible with your own thoughts and energy system. For you to be reading this you will be ‘a sensitive.’ Your senses will be a lot more alert than the general population therefore you’ll be more sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others. Your energy will also be stronger than most, if you feel negativity towards another person they will receive the ‘psychic attack’ stronger than if it came from someone with a less developed sensitivity. There are many other ways to protect your field, too numerous to mention here, but the most important to remember is to be conscious of how your energy interacts in the world. What excites you and what depletes you?

Article ©2015

Heidi Sawyer BA (hons) is known for her clear, concise and direct approach to intuitive and psychic development. Her popular course material is used for TV research, featured on BBC radio, and sold in 55 countries. Heidi is the author of The Intelligent Guide to the Sixth Sense & How to Develop Your 7th Sense (Hay House). She is the course director for The Centre for Psychic Development, the largest Psychic Development provider in the world.