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Digitalization: Current Challenges and Perspectives

Guest editor: Stamatios Papadakis (Greece)

Dr Stamatios Papadakis has been a postdoctoral researcher in Educational Technology, with an emphasis on mobile learning, at the Department of Preschool Education at the University of Crete, Greece, since 2016.

He has worked in several international and national computational thinking and pedagogy projects for Pre-K to 16 Education. His scientific and research interests include the study of mobile learning, especially on using smart mobile devices and their accompanying mobile applications (apps) in Preschool and Primary Education, focusing on developing Computational Thinking and students’ understanding of numbers. Furthermore, he currently investigates how a STEM learning approach influences learning achievement through a context-aware mobile learning environment in the preschool classroom and explain the effects on preschoolers' learning outcomes.

What Makes a Family Work: Current Problems of Family Psychology and Psychotherapy

Guest editor: Spivakovskaya, A.S. (Russia)

Doctor of Psychology, Professor Emeritus at Lomonosov Moscow State University. She published numerous works in the field of parent-child and marital relationships. She was one of the first specialists in Russia to develop family and play psychotherapy for the treatment of various forms of neuropsychiatric pathology, studied comprehensive psychological correction in the prevention of childhood neuroses, and created her own beatotherapeutic approach in psychotherapy.

Guest editor: Kočiūnas R. (Lithuania)

Doctor of Psychology and Professor at Vilnius University. His research and practice focuses on psychotherapeutic dynamics and outcomes, mainly in existential approach. He was one of the first scholars that developed humanistic and existential branches in the post-soviet space, and his books, articles and chapters were dedicated to the phenomenology of individual and group psychological work and the psychologists’ professional identity.

Developmental Research and Practice in Cultural-Historical Psychology

Guest editor: Solovieva, Yu. (Mexico)

Yulia Solovieva has published books, chapters in books and articles dedicated to broad aspects of cultural-historical psychology, neuropsychology and activity theory. She is the author of original methods for assessment, development and teaching programs for pre-school and school children in drawing, written speech and mathematics. She is a member of Technical Council of Science and Technology of the State of Puebla (CONCYTEP). She is editor and reviewer for several international journals and invited speaker of numerous educational institutions.

Guest editor: Koutsoklenis, A. (Greece)

Research of Athanasios Koutsoklenis encompasses a number of theoretical engagements currently focusing on disability studies in education and cultural-historical theory. He has published scientific articles in journals such as Pedagogy, Culture & Society, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Journal of the History of Neurosciences, and Frontiers in Education. He has served as editor and/or reviewer for Frontiers in Human Neurosciences, Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, and European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

Subjective Well-being: Predictors and Consequences

Guest editor: Żemojtel-Piotrowska, M. (Poland)

Ph. D., associate professor, cross-cultural, social and political psychologist, is Head of Cross-Cultural Research Centre, Cardinal Stephan Wyszynski Univeristy in Warsaw and chair of Cross-cultural Psychology section of Polish Society of Social Psychology. She focuses on self-enhancement studies, emphasizing subjective well-being and human functioning in relation to both individual and collective narcissism and entitlement. She is an author of two books, 60 publications and led three international projects in 66 countries.

Guest editor: Nartova-Bochaver, S.K. (Russia)

Ph. D. and specialist in Personality, Environmental, and Development Psychology, is a Professor of the Department of Psychology, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE). She focuses on different issues of subjective well-being, paying particular attention to its personal and environmental predictors. She is an expert in the field of a person’s positive functioning and authenticity, author of more than 200 publications dedicated to various aspects of the well-being phenomena, a participant or supervisor of seven international projects.

COVID-19: Psychological Challenges

Guest editor: Buxin, H. (China)

President, Asian Psychological Association (APsyA)
President, Chinese Psychological Society (CPS)
Vice President, China Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (CAGG)

Buxin Han is professor of psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IPCAS), Beijing, China. His research focused on the psychology of ageing, cultural psychology of religion, and color perception, and was supported by grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST), Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Natural Social Science Foundation of China (NSSFC), General Administration of Quality Supervision and Inspection of China (GAQSI), and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), while reviewing grant applications for these agencies. He has published over 200 scientific articles in journals such as The Psychologist, Aging Neuropsychology and Cognition, European Journal of Personality, Pastoral Psychology, Aging & Mental Health, PloS ONE, and many Chinese journals. He is on the editorial boards of Acta Psychological Sinica, Psychological Science, Advances in Psychological Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Chinese Journal of Gerontology, Clinical Psychology in China.

Ethical Issues and Challenges in Psychological Practice and Research

Guest editor: Shaboltas, A.V. (Russia)

Alla Shaboltas, PhD and specialist in Health and Clinical Psychology, is a Dean of the department of Psychology, St.Petersburg State University (SPbSU). She developed specialized coursers and teaches Professional Ethics for psychologists as part of Bachelor and Master Programs at SPSU and abroad. She is currently a Chief of Board of Ethics of Russian Psychological Society and a Member of EFPA BoE representing Russia.

Guest editor: Geertsema, H. (Netherlands)

Henk Geertsema, healthcare psychologist, is Head Continuous Learning at GERION, Amsterdam University Medical Centers and one of the founders of the multidisciplinary Center for Decision Making Capacity at this academic hospital. Apart from his expertise in the field of geropsychology, he is considered to be an expert with regards to professionalism, more specifically professional ethics. He was for many years the chair of the Dutch Board of Ethics; currently he is convenor of the Board of Ethics of the EFPA.

Guest editor: Postuvan, V. (Slovenia)

Vita Postuvan, PhD in Psychology, works as a researcher and Deputy Head of the Slovene Centre for Suicide Research (UP IAM) and Department of Psychology (FAMNIT) at the University of Primorska, Slovenia. She leads the work related to clinical-research and public-health interventions in suicidology, bereavement, crisis interventions and psychotherapy. She has participated in major European and Slovenian studies in the field of (public) mental health, suicidology and psychology, which were published in international journals. Vita has worked professionally in Austria, Japan, China and India. She is currently a president of Ethics Committee of Slovene Psychologists’ Association and a Member of EFPA’s Board of Ethics representing Slovenia.

Educational Psychology from a Contemporary Perspective

Guest editor: Arnold, C. (United Kingdom)

Christopher Arnold, PhD, is an experienced editor of both books and a periodical. He is currently an Editor of the BPS/DECP’s periodical DEBATE. He also published many articles and books in the area of educational psychology.

Guest editor: Schad, E. (Sweden)

Elinor Schad, PhD and specialist in Educational Psychology, is a Senior Lecturer in the department of Psychology, Lund University. She is an author and editor of a popular course book in educational psychology. Dr. Schad also currently serves as the 2nd vice President of the Swedish Psychological Association.

Personality Psychology from a Contemporary Perspective

Guest editor: Vrij, A. (United Kingdom)

Aldert Vrij is one of the leading world scientists in lie detection research. He is also a part of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Programme in Legal Psychology ( He is contact person of the European consortium of Psychological Research on Deception Detection (EPRODD) ( He is editor of the scholarly journal Legal Criminological Psychology, published by the British Psychological Society. He serves on the board of governors of the Society for Applied Reseach in Memory and Cognition and a Programme Director of research on 'Eliciting Information' at the Centre for Reseach and Evidence on Security Threats ( 

Language and Cognition

Guest editor: Pléh, C. (Hungary)

Csaba Pleh is Distingusihed Visiting Professor at the Department of Cognitive Science, Central European University, Budapest. He is a Full Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Academia Europaea. He was the Editor in Chief of Hungarian Review of Psychology (1997-2015) and the President of the Hungarian Philosophical Association (1998-2001). He has been a fellow to Collegium Budapest, the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, and Collegium de Lyon. In 1991-1992 and in 2004-2005, he was the György Ránki Hungarian Chair at Indiana University. His long-term research interests include history of cognitive science, psycholinguistics, the relationship between language and cognition, and linguistic developmental disorders.

Guest editor: Velichkovsky, B.B. (Russia)

Boris B. Velichkovsky is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. He graduated from Berlin Free University (1998) with Master Degree in Linguistics, Psychology, and Computer Science. At focus of his research interests are experimental studies of language, working memory, cognitive control, and bilingualism.

Education and Human Development

Guest editor: Kovas, Yu.V. (Russia, United Kingdom)

Yulia Kovas is Professor of Genetics and Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London ( She is also a visiting professor in New York University; University of Sussex; King's College, University of London and Higher School of Economics (Moscow). She directs the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Investigations into Individual Differences in Learning at Goldsmiths.  In addition, she directs the Laboratory for Cognitive Investigations and Behavioural Genetics at Tomsk State University; and co-directs the Russian-British Laboratory for Behavioural Genetics at the Psychological Institute of the RAE; and the International Centre for Research in Human Development at Tomsk State University.  She is associate editor for Intelligence (Elsevier) and British Journal of Educational Psychology (Wiley).

Luria’s Legacy in Cultural-Historical Psychology

Guest editor: Cole, Michael (USA)

Michael Cole, professor emeritus of Communication, Psychology, & Human Development (The Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, University of California San Diego, USA). Professor Cole is well-known for his contribution to development of cultural-historical psychology as well as dissemination of the works by L. Vygotsky and A. Luria in the international scientific community.

Contemporary Cognitive Science

Guest editor: Velichkovsky, Boris M. (Russia, Germany)

Boris M. Velichkovsky is leading expert at the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and the European Commission NEST - New and Emerging Science and Technology - program; head of the Neurocognitive Sciences, Social Humanities and Intellectual systems, Kurchatov Institute (Moscow, Russia); corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science.

Psychology of Sexual and Gender Identity

Guest editor: Horne, Sharon G. (USA)

Dr. Sharon Horne, professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Boston (USA), is a well-known researcher of sexual orientation and gender identity issues, one of two American Psychological Association's representatives in the International Psychology Network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues. 

Multiculturalism and Intercultural Relations: Comparative Analysis

Guest editor: Berry, J.W. (Russia)

Professor John W. Berry is chief research fellow at the Expert Institute of International Scientific-Educational Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research, National Research University Higher School of Economics ( 

Third Estoril Vigotsky Conference

Guest editor: Quintino-Aires, J. (Portugal)

Quintino-Aires Joaquim is clinical psychologist, who works in the fields of Neuropsychology and Psychotherapy. He graduated with a degree and graduated with a Masters degree in Psychology at the University of Lisbon, preparing a doctorate in Psycholinguistics in the New University of Lisbon and complete his training in psychology with studies of Neurosciences, Anthropology and Linguistics.

Since 1991 he taught at several Portuguese universities. In 1996 founded the first institute for the professionalization of clinical psychologists. Collaborates with several foreign universities and teaches psychotherapy in Lisbon, São Paulo and Madrid. Since 1998 collaborates regularly on television programs.

Guest editor: César, M. (Portugal)

Psychologist; retired full Professor, University of Lisbon,
Lisbon, Portugal

Second Russian-Japanese Forum of Social Sciences and Humanities

Guest editor: Abe Tsuneyuki (Japan)

Abe Tsuneyuki is professor at Psychology department of Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, editor-in-chief of “Japanese Journal of Research on Emotions” (since 2010)