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Tag: Party

Friday the first of April, it sounded like a joke to us but as it turned out it wasn’t. It was the actual premiere date of the new Radio Skateboards video “Late but Short”.

We had heard stories about the last time Radio premiered a video. People arriving in limousines, streets being blocked off and inappropriate behavior only appropriate for a Radio event. “Late but Short” delivered, the video featured the entire team, friends and guests some expected and some unexpected. The whole Berlin skate and party scene came out to SO36 to celebrate the video in a way that can not be described. We will save you the details and just show you what happened. Snapshot is forever.

More Snapshots

Today is the day that Vans turns 50 years old. In that time the company has left a clear mark on our favorite pastime. I don’t think there is anybody reading this that did not have a pair or is not thinking about getting a pair. After all these years Vans’s classic silhouettes are amongst the most timeless when it comes to both the design and the performance part of todays skateboard shoes.
On March the 16th in the year 1966 the Van Doren Brother started the Van Doren Rubber Company which over time morphed into what we now know as Vans. The company has been a succes from the start and we believe it is not going anywhere soon! To celebrate that succes Vans is hosting an event today at the Titus store in Berlin. Prizes can be won and waffles will be both skated and eaten check the video for some further history lessons and check the flyer for more info on the celebration.


Cologne’s best miniramp turns 15 this year – time to celebrate! Get your calenders, mark August, 15th and make sure to join the annual Lohse Party – skateboarding, music, drinks and BBQ in the front! Her’s the schedule:

13:00 Start
14:00 Contest
20:00 Live Music

More info:


To all our friends,

… how are you? We hope this news finds you well. Hopefully resting in a state of serious GEMÜTLICHKEIT, you may have already noticed that this text is actually written in English. As a dedicated, committed reader of this website and companion over many issues and years, you already know that we’ve repeatedly fooled around with articles written in English. “Keep the natives native” – I guess you could say this used to be our motto. And did you know that the young German generation speaks better English than ever before? Probably the World Wide Web played a significant role in this evolution of communication. Anyway…

… here at PLACE we have a problem. Because we have many friends (which is actually great), and they simply can’t read most articles because they’re not German. To us, this is very sad because we have mad respect for the skills of so many people from other parts of the world – editors, photographers and of course the skaters we love to work (and play) with. For example, there’s Sylvain Tognelli from France, who likes to go on a SONDERWEG and just recently did an amazing trick on a brand new obstacle at the Dog Shit spot, which happens to be just a few hundred meters away from our office. There’s Davy van Laere from Belgium, who is one of our favorite photographers: a man with a special outlook on his UMWELT. There is also Dan Zvereff from New York City, a guy with Russian roots who has been capturing WELTSCHMERZ all over the world. They all contributed amazing stuff to our latest issue and we want to make everything readable for them.

Denis Yuzefovich, Mexico City by Dan Zvereff

Imagine inviting someone to a party. The invitee (as cool as he is) brings two beautiful FRÄULEINS with him, one to his left, one to his right. At the entrance, the girls get in easily so the club looks beautiful from the inside, but the invitee doesn’t make it because of the language-bouncer who shows off his SCHADENFREUDE. The invitee is doomed to wait outside, hearing the bass and all the commotion from the inside. Somehow mean, don’t you think?

So how about we have an amazing party together instead? We’re opening the German door and everybody who wants to join us is cordially invited. PLACE is a meeting point for the whole community that speaks the same language in one HEIMAT. Drinks are on us!

Benni Markstein

Opener: Michi Mackrodt, One Foot by DVL

In guter alter Tradition hatten wir letzten Freitag gemeinsam mit den Looky Looky Girls zur alljährlichen Geldverbrennung eingeladen. Schön dass so viele von euch unserem Ruf gefolgt sind und den Weg durch die Hinterhöfe Kreuzbergs angetreten haben, um im Freudenzimmer mit uns das neue Heft zu feiern – wir haben uns über jeden von euch gefreut. Hier ein paar Eindrücke aus unseren Quicksnaps – für alle, bei denen sich der Nebel der Nacht noch nicht verzogen hat…

Mehr Snapshot Recaps gibts hier…

Heute abend wird im Stuttgarter Delphi Kino das “Propeller” Video von Vans gezeigt und als wenn das nicht schon Grund genug zum feiern wäre, legen die Jungs vom Arrow & Beast Skatshop noch einen drauf: Im Anschluss wird das fünfjährige Jubiläum des Skateshops begossen! Turn up!

5 Jahre Arrow & Beast Party
(Vans Propeller Aftershow)

05.05.2015 / 22H

Töpferstaße 5
70173 Stuttgart


Die Liason von PLACE und LookyLooky geht in die nächste Runde. Und auch wenn wir keine Gründe zum Feiern brauchen – wir haben sie. Ausgabe 52 ist gedruckt, die neuen PLACE X LookyLooky Shirts getrocknet und der Frühling ist auch endlich da. Ein optimaler Zeitpunkt um mal wieder etwas Geld zu verbrennen, wie wir finden. Gewohnt schonungslos, euphorisch und mit den besten Menschen der Welt – du bist eingeladen! Bring your Feuerzeug und lass uns leben!

Music: LookyLooky & Sooph

08. Mai 2015 – 21.00 Uhr

Köpenicker Str. 154 (2.Hinterhof – Türsteher weist euch freundlich den Weg)
10997 Berlin

Eintritt: 4 Euro – No Guestlist.

Hier gehts zum Facebook Event und so sah das Ganze im letzten Jahr aus.

Gangtreffen in München. Am kommenden Wochenende feiern wir mit den Jungs von TPDG und SHRN den Release unserer Ausgabe 49 mit Schwerpunkt München. Ort des Geschehens ist, wie könnte es anders sein, der SHRN Skateshop in der bayrischen Hauptstadt: Dort gibt es ab 15 Uhr Boards Bier und Brezn und ihr seid alle herzlich eingeladen. Bring your Gang! Am Abend geht es dann zum Ausklang in die Robinson Kuhlmann Bar am Gärtnerplatz, wo das enjoi Video “Oververt” Premiere feiern wird… Kommt zahlrich, wir freuen uns auf euch!

Alle Infos findet ihr auch nochmal gesammelt im passenden Facebook Event.

Die zweite Episode von Epicly Later’d über Chocolate Skateboards dreht sich um das frühe Team der Company und den Wandel, den der traurige Tod von Keenan Milton mit sich brachte. Höchstinteressant zu erfahren, welche Umstände zum Tod führten und zu sehen, wie die Protagonisten mit diesem Schicksalsschlag umgegangen sind…

“When you go to Franken it’s a one way ticket.”

No doubt that Austyn Gillette is one of the most respected professional skateboarders out there, but for this one he’s not “out there” but came “in here” – visiting our home turf. Together with his HUF mate Dylan Rieder, one cinematographer and one photographer, the little group spent a full month in Berlin to go skate and film – of course! But people, and especially visitors who’ve been to this city, know about the difficulties of having a mission, wanting be productive vs. also wanting to have a “good time”. Most of them like to go out at night, that’s for sure. So we’ve been wondering how Austyn managed to find that balance, and what he experienced between all those new spots, old bars and major obligations to his sponsors. We sat down in a little park at Gipsdreieck in Mitte to have coffee three days before his departure…

Hi Austyn, how’s it going?
It’s good today, it’s great today. It’s a sunny day, we got two weeks of rain and now it’s starting to clear up, it’s nice now.

You’ve been here for a while now, and your stay is nearly over. What’s the reason that you’ve been here for almost four weeks?
Well, the plan was made probably about six months ago, when we knew that we wanted to come back here. It was last summer when we came here, but it was only for a few days. I’ve been here quite a few times in the past, filming with some of the guys at Habitat. Now we’re filming for HUF, this is a desirable city for the few of us that are here. As far as skate spots and lifestyle, we’re sitting in a park right now, it’s beautiful! You can drink here, you can smoke here, you can do whatever you want.

So the plan was to shoot footage for a new HUF video?
Yeah, kind of, there’s two projects going on. Dylan has to film here for his shoe that comes out in July, I believe, and then I have to film for a full video part for December; my shoe comes out in January. It’s kind of crunch time.

Crunch time?
Like cracking the whip, you know? We’ve only got six months, so it’s like, “Alright, we need to produce some stuff.” This trip’s been good.

Do you feel a lot of pressure while you’re here?
For me, yes. Not like pressure that everyday I wake up not at ease or that I don’t feel, like, happy, it’s not like that. Just who I am, skating outside here, filming for another video part, so your expectations for yourself are really high. Because you don’t want to do the same things you’ve done in the past. So it’s a little bit of pressure, but more on myself.

I heard you’re on more than just one photo mission.
It actually is kinda like that. We had to shoot photos for magazines. I basically have to get two ads and an interview kind of thing. That worked out, and as far as the footage goes, we’ve been able to film lines and some cool stuff.

Do you prefer filming or shooting photos?
I prefer just filming and if it’s needed: going back to shoot the photo. I think that’s more preferable to me but it’s not how it always works. I like filming.

Please describe the vibe in Berlin from you personal experiences.
One of the last free cities. For us you can’t do half of the shit we’ve been doing. You can’t do that in a certain time or you’re limited. In the States there’s so many laws and restrictions, and I guess when you come here that’s not the case with anything. I realize I found myself, like when I would go peeing in the bush over here in this park, no one would think anything about it, you’re just peeing on a bush. In the States, if there’s kids and you’re peeing in a bush, you’re going to jail. You would be considered a sex offender. You know, just things like that, small things. I came to this city five years ago for the first time and within in the first week I knew that this was probably one of the few places that I can potentially live; or cities like that. So for me it’s appealing, the food, the people…

Are you interested in other stuff apart from skating? Cultural stuff, German history, art shows?
I am, I’ve read some little things about Berlin on this trip. I think over time, if I wasn’t skating and had more time, I would’ve been digesting more things. I’ve been reading a little bit.

You’ve been on your bikes every day, it’s good, isn’t it?
Oh yeah, it’s way better by bike. You’re working on your own pace, you don’t have to worry about traffic. That’s pretty nice. This time around we bought the bikes of some place called “Bikepark” or something. Since the first day we got in we’ve been on our own bikes instead of renting them. I want to be able to throw my bike down some stairs at, like, four in the morning and not feel bad about it. So that has happened.

So the bike is broken now?
No! Somehow it’s “German made” so it’s still in good condition. I think I’m going to give the bike to Simo (Mäkelä) actually, as a gift, as a token to my appreciation for Finnish people.

Speaking of Simo, did you get to know some of the Berlin skaters from the scene and did you hang out?
I guess with Steve (Forstner), ha-ha. When we got out we tried to keep it small and packed. So when we do see people, it’s nice to see local skaters and what people are up to. But I never really experienced that, I think that is something you do when you’re not filming or you’re not shooting photos, because either way no one wants to come and skate the spot because there’s photographers or filmers. It’s a separation, but it’s out of, like, a respect thing. If someone else, someone from here is shooting a photo, it somehow means that we’re not going to go and skate the spot. But I don’t think I really know any native skaters besides Steve and a few other ones who are all transplants who ended up in Berlin.

What are your favorite top-3 spots in Berlin?
Number one: Burgermeister! Then I like the green little bumps in this new park area (Gleisdreieck, A.d.R.) not only for skating, but because it’s really nice there. And there’s one spot we didn’t go on this trip, it’s in Kreuzberg with this pyramid ledge, I like the flat ground there.

Wassertorplatz. The place you always get stuck trying to film a trick although you just went there to warm up…
Yeah, that place but that’s good though. You always know what you’re getting into when you go there. You know, you can plan ahead.

Were there some situations when you came to a spot and kids recognized you guys?
Kind of. We’ve seen a lot of kids wearing HUF out here, wearing the socks and shoes but not too crazy.

I’ve heard there were two kids coming from Poland, who tracked you down after they heard that you’re in town.
Oh shit, there he is up in the tree, right here! But really? That’s weird. That’s awesome. I guess they have a hard time finding me – fuck, yeah, I’m running!

What about girls out here?
I like them, but I haven’t had much motivation. It’s been purely skating for the most part which is kind of weird. I mean we went out and met chicks and stuff but I got out of a relationship not too long ago, so I don’t have much motivation towards women right now. I’m trying to stay away from them. This is the first trip this hasn’t happened here!

What does your apartment in Mitte look like? How do you live here?
It’s a nice little flat, which the guys at HUF rented for us through Airbnb. I think it’s good, it would have been nice to be a little closer to Kreuzberg, but it’s good that we could come here and find some solitude. We can go back home and relax and on a bike it’s ten minutes to anywhere. I guess it’s comparable to what I do back home, to where I live in LA. I don’t live in Hollywood, I live in East LA, which is the opposite of the center, so it’s really relaxed. Not like clubs when you walk out of your door. It’s like neighbors and dogs and trees, you know. Calm down, that’s cool. The last times we always stayed at Falckensteinstrasse in Kreuzberg, and that was productive in the evening, but not so much during the day. But it was fun.

Tell me about your daily routine over here.
I guess that was the routine: Basically wake up, drink coffee, skate, drink, skate, drink some more, and then go eat a Falafel around two or three in the morning, and then do the same thing the next day.

The last time I met you guys at a spot you were pretty wasted from the night before. When I asked you what you’d done, you just said: “Dirty things.” What kind of dirty things are we talking here?
Oh, did I say that? Dirty things? That was probably bullshitting, but I guess dirty things probably would have consisted of Franken Bar, and there were, like, many Mexicana shots, we probably had a bunch of those. I don’t know what we did after that, it’s kind of blurry. When you go to Franken it’s a one way ticket.

Do you have a crazy story of something that happened to you in Berlin?
Not this trip, I really can’t say that, and that’s really embarrassing but I guess we haven’t been in that mode to doing that. But I can tell you about that one time a few years ago: I was doing a full makeover to get into Berghain, and I cut out my nipple holes in my shirt. I looked like a complete psycho waiting in the line for like an hour and a half, and then I ended up getting to the front and they just went: No. And that was it. All in all we got some good photos out of that, ha-ha… I would say in the past I had different experiences compared to this one. Steve and I like to call ourselves losers, because we’re just skating and nothing else really.

Skateboard losers?
Just losers, just nerds, which I guess is cool because you don’t find yourself doing that back home too often. You get in your comfort zone, this time it’s just everyday skating.

What do you think about the fact that Alien Workshop is done now?
It’s very sad. A lot of people over there are really talented. Maybe it’s for the best, some of the people are so talented that I’m sure plenty of other companies either inside or outside of skateboarding, the people behind the desk, maybe they’ll open up new doors for them. I mean, it sucks but this has been going on for so long. It was really influential for everybody and now it’s a weird time. You wouldn’t think that DNA would close their doors ever, you know. I felt that they had, like, a solid backbone in the industry. The people always loved it and supported it. I guess it just gets into like money and people buying companies out, then things start to get dirty businesswise. It’s sad but that’s how things go. If you want to go on trips or if you want to travel or to produce more, you have to work with people that want to fund that.

How are things going for you with 3D?
It’s progressing. Surprisingly – I mean it’s just Brian and I on the team, and my dog is on the team too. We’re getting good feedback, people are liking it, and I’ve seen kids riding the boards and they’re constantly asking about it. It’s all nice because all of it’s just Brian’s vision. He’s got a motor mind, constantly thinking on ideas, even when you’re just hanging out he’s drawing or making potential graphics or things like that. It’s easy as far as, like, for us. We get to do whatever we want, I call him and tell him whatever I like.

What’s next on your map?
New York for about five months, filming. Trying not to go back to LA. When I’m back home I just don’t do this much as far as skating goes by myself. Just playing music and hanging out with friends. I don’t have that much motivation just because LA is exactly what it seems like to everybody: Same spots, same people, same things. You go to a new city and it’s more exciting, and especially New York is always exciting. That’s on the horizon in three days.

So, looking back on your time over here, was it a success all in all?
Yeah, of course, it’s been good. It’s been productive up until I got hurt a week ago. Maybe I can get some more stories squeezed in in the next few days, who knows.

Did you learn some German besides the word “Scheiße”?
“Natürlich” – naturally. “Kuscheln”, something like cuddling, ha-ha…

Are you planning to come back to Berlin?
I hope so. It’s been successful; I had a great time! You guys know how to cook up some quality tunes on the dance floor! That makes a good party, when the music is not so serious. Stay away from this fancy shit, you guys did it successfully. Place mag parties? I will be there. And if I’m not there, I’ll be there in spirit.

That’s a great final statement. Thank you very much!

by Benni Markstein

Das Cons Project Berlin geht in die nächste Runde und macht heute in einem alten Supermarkt Station. Ab 18.00 Uhr gibt es einen Best Trick Contest für den sich unter anderem Jake Johnson, Louie Lopez, Pontus Alv und weitere internationale Starter angemeldet haben. Danach geht es nahtlos mit der Party weiter, bei der die Flatbush Zombies und Palace DJs für den Sound sorgen… Hin da!

Cons Project Berlin
10. Juli 2014
Holzmarkt 5

18.00 Best Trick Contest
22.00 Flatbush Zombies / Palace DJ Set

Europas Skateboard Elite trifft sich übernächstes Wochenende im Nike SB Shelter zu den ersten Berlin Open und wir freuen uns, euch im Anschluss an den Contest die offizielle Aftershowparty im Cassiopeia präsentieren zu dürfen. Die Party verspricht ein Line Up, bei dem es wild, laut und voller Leidenschaft zur Sache gehen wird: Die bezaubernden Girls von Looky Looky bringen den Main Floor zum Kochen bevor die Bass Gang den Tanzenden mit ihrem Nachbarschaftsbass den Rest verpasst, auf dem A MILLION Floor wird Niemand still stehen und auf dem Oberdeck wird mit Pille Pop und den Special Guests Esther Silex und Marius Krickow das elektronische Tanzbein geschwungen. Dance or die.

Alle Infos findet ihr noch einmal gesammelt auf dem Flyer oder im passenden Facebook Event – Kommt zahlreich, wir freuen uns auf euch.


Wir verbrannten Geld mit den Girls von LookyLooky. Ein blauer Abriss, der in unschuldigem Weiss als Traum gewordenes Paket in die Verlängerung geht.
Dieser Abend war episch und um noch etwas länger auf dem Kaugummi der Glückseligkeit zu kauen oder wen die Lust auf gut angezogen und rauchend lesen überkommt, kann jetzt das Ganze exklusiv und super limitiert shoppen – genau HIER

Place Mag + Geld verbrennen T-shirt + Feuerzeug + Beutel

crew love is true love









Ab heute ist die “Goldnugget” EP von Jeremaier offiziell im Handel und diesem Anlass hat es sich Team Titus Pro Jeremy Reinhard nicht nehmen lassen, seine Kölner und Berliner Party-Gefolgschaft um sich zu versammeln und ordentlich Gas zu geben – sowohl auf dem Board als auch am Glas, einen Tag lang durch die Domstadt. Party On.

Das Interview mit Jeremy.

Besorg dir “Goldnugget”:

Terre Des Pommes

Jeremaier auf Facebook

Der PLACE Skateboard Jetset und die LOOKYLOOKY Schickeria tun sich zusammen, um Geld zu verbrennen – nur zu eurem Besten. Wir schmeissen nicht mit Fuffies, wir schieben euch die Hunnies vorne und hinten rein: Wir machen euch fertig. Gemeinsam Scheine anzünden, die neue Ausgabe 46 und die PLACE X LOOKYLOOKY Kollabo feiern: Bier statt Kir Royal. Lasst uns also nicht alleine stehen wie die Deppen, sondern kommt vorbei und lasst uns Freunde werden – tot oder reich!

09.05.2014 | 18:00
Cassiopeia Sommergarten
Free Money


Wir sehen es als unsere Pflicht an euch dieses Event ans Herz zu legen, immerhin geht es hier um einen wirklich guten Zweck: Was, wieso und überhaupt, lest ihr bitte hier – soviel Zeit muss sein:

“Wir, Search and Destroy, einer der kleinsten und ältesten Skateshops in Deutschland, wurden Anfang September von ein paar sehr schlauen und liebevollen Mitmenschen beklaut. Dieser Einbruch bringt unser kleines Skateshopschiff in sehr raues Gewässer. Die Wellen könnten sich noch diesen Winter in unkontrollierte höhen steigern und dann über uns herein brechen. Um dies zu verhindern wollen und müssen wir mit euch eines der Feste des Jahres feiern. Also kommt vorbei geniesst einen prall gefüllten Abend und plündert euer Sparschwein damit wir unsere Schaluppe gemeinsam in ruhigere Gewässer führen können. In diesem Sinne „Love and Joy for Search and Destroy.

Live im SO36 gibt es MachOne, Paradize Huztlass, Balg und Foool zu sehen. An den Turntables versorgen euch die Beathoavenz und Krikow und JB B2B mit Musik.
Ausserdem gibt es ja auch noch unsere Gigantische Tombolarasa.

In der Franken Bar gegenüber erwarten euch noch eine Kunstauktion. Als Djs das neu formierte “Zwei Teller eine Wahrheit” Team und die ganze Nacht “Lets go Apeshit” Karaoke.”
