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Publishing overview

See your draft and pending changes in one place, and control when updates are published

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View your changes at a glance

See a list of all of your draft and pending changes, organized by the type of change and release track.

Control when changes are sent for review

Send changes in "Changes ready to send for review" section for review when you finish editing all the changes.

Control when updates are published

Use Managed publishing to decide exactly when to publish your updates, instead of them automatically going live after approval.

Best practices

  • Submit changes long before your intended release date, giving yourself time to review or make changes without sacrificing control over your publishing date.

  • Staged mode, enabled by default, allows you to decide when to send your changes for review.

  • Ensure smoother rollout of your releases and avoid unintended policy violations with pre-submission checks. Pre-submission checks combine existing policy & new compatibility checks.

  • Change your mind last minute? Discard any saved releases before they are sent for review.

  • You can publish your approved changes, even if other changes are still in review.

  • You can turn Managed publishing on or off at any time, even if there are changes in review or ready to publish.

  • Easily see if Managed publishing is turned on in the left-hand navigation menu.

Find out more

More on releasing with confidence

Make your app launch a success with tools and strategies to help you publish, manage, and distribute your app worldwide

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Try Publishing overview

See your draft and pending changes in one place, and control when updates are published

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