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Contact us

Hi! We're happy to see you and want to ensure your experience using Plausible is excellent!

Our documentation is the best place to find most answers right away. We put a lot of effort into making our docs detailed and up to date so you can quickly find answers to any question you might have. We've also listed some frequently asked questions further down this page.

Still haven't found what you're looking for? We're here to help. Contact us using the email address below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. If you have a feature request or are wondering about upcoming features, take a look at our feedback board and roadmap. Thank you!

hello at

Frequently asked questions

We have a testing tool that you can try directly from your site settings. It will send some traffic to your site to ensure that everything is working correctly. If we encounter an issue with your integration, we’ll provide some tips on how to fix it. Learn more.

We exclusively use EU-owned cloud infrastructure. The site data we collect is stored in Falkenstein, Germany on servers owned by Hetzner, a European company. Your site data never leaves the EU and EU owned infrastructure.

The billing is based on the total number of pageviews between all of the sites you have added to your account. You can see this total number of billable pageviews at any time in your account settings.

You can add your company address and VAT number on the payment screen during the upgrade process. You can also open any of your previous invoices and click on the Add address & VAT Number link to do so.

Our payment processor Paddle sends an invoice to you via email automatically upon each payment. You can click on a link within this email to download your invoice. You can also download your invoices in your Plausible account settings.

Credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay and Google Pay are the supported payment methods. We cannot accept payments by wire transfer, invoicing or cryptocurrency unfortunately.

You will never be charged extra for an occasional traffic spike. We will not stop counting your stats either. There are no surprise fees and your card will never be charged unexpectedly. Suppose new higher traffic levels become your new standard and your page views exceed your subscription plan for two consecutive months. In that case, we kindly ask you to upgrade your subscription plan to accommodate your new traffic levels using our self-serve platform.

Our payment processor Paddle will calculate a pro-rated amount which reflects the amount you have paid on your previous subscription and the amount of time until that subscription was supposed to expire.

You can invite team members and assign user roles in your site settings. Or you can use our private and secure shared links. These can be password protected too. The person you share the link with doesn't need to have a Plausible account and they can see the individual dashboard but cannot see anything else that you have on your account.

No. There are no hard limits on the number of sites, the number of team members or the number of API requests per hour that you can have in your Plausible account. To modify the limits of your plan, please contact us. We're here to help tailor your subscription plan to your needs.

Yes. We have built several features to make it easy to integrate web analytics powered by Plausible (but without our branding) directly into your user interface. See more here.

Yes. You can use the same snippet on both the domain name and its subdomain. This allows you to see the visitor journey end-to-end from the landing on the main domain name to a conversion on the subdomain. More details here.

Yes. Rollup reporting allows you to aggregate stats from multiple sites and see them all together in one dashboard while still keeping the individual site stats on its own separate dashboard. More details here.

We're not blocked to the same extent as Google Analytics (neither Firefox, Chrome nor Safari blocks Plausible out of the box) but we're blocked by some adblock browser extensions. You can use a proxy if you want to count visitors that use adblockers too.

We don't have a free plan unfortunately. Plausible is independent and funded solely by the fees that our subscribers pay us. We're not monetizing the data we collect so a subscription fee is needed to cover our costs and salaries. Thanks for understanding!