Aplikacje iPhone
Filtrete Smart
Filtrete Smart iPhone App
Filtrete™ Smart pairs with your Filtrete™ Smart Air Filter and Filtrete™ Smart Air Purifier to help you understand and manage your home's air quality. It provides useful tips and alerts customized to your home's environment, and will notify you when it's time to replace your filters based on air flow and usage – not just time.With this app, you can
• Pair multiple Smart Air Filters to track their life, and receive filter change notifications based on real usage
• Pair Smart Air Purifiers to manage your indoor air quality – monitor and clean your air while remotely controlling your device by turning power onoff, setting different fan speeds, etc.
• Scan the barcode of your non-smart Air Filters, and set timers to receive filter replacement reminders
• Remember your filter type and size, and easily order replacement filters
• Monitor outdoor air quality in multiple places, and view short and long-term trends
• Receive tips and alerts to improve air quality
Thanks for using the Filtrete™ Smart App! We are constantly reviewing feedback and making changes to improve our app and your experience. This update includes:
• Option for users to receive notifications related to product offers, new products, and tips for improving indoor air quality;
• Compatibility with iOS 17.
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