Aplikacje Android
Niagara Launcher ? świeży i czysty
Niagara Launcher ? świeży i czysty Android App
Niagara Launcher jest launcherem oferującym minimalistyczny interfejs.Niagara Launcher gives your phone a whole new look and offers a minimalistic experience to help you to form a healthy relationship with your phone. You also get to experience the latest and greatest features of Android 10, including smart replies and dark mode.
? A standout new Android launcher for ergonomic efficiency · Computerworld
? Featured on XDA Developers
? Nominated as one of the best launchers of 2019 by Lifewire, Tom's Guide and AndroidPIT
▌ Top reasons to use Niagara Launcher:
? All apps in a simplified list · You just need to scroll either of the edges on the launcher to get access to all of your apps instantly.
? Interact with notifications right on the home screen · Unlike most other launchers, Niagara Launcher gives you essential information about received messages at a glance and directly on your home screen. Swiping on a notification expands it and lets you reply quickly.
✋ Ergonomic efficiency · Niagara Launcher is optimized for one hand usage. Your apps are always within reach and the scrollbar can be used from both sides.
⚡ Lightweight & fast · Niagara Launcher is not only lightweight to your phone's resources, but at just a few megabytes in size, the app takes up very little space. Next to simplicity, fluidity is one of the most important aspects of Niagara Launcher.
? Media Player · Music controls automatically show up on your home screen when they're needed, too – anytime you're playing audio from an app.
? Theming · Niagara Launcher pulls colors from your wallpaper for a nice thematic effect. Additionally, you can choose between a light or dark theme. Icon packs are supported as well – you can even apply an icon of your choice to each app individually.
?️ Hide unwanted Apps · Hide all pre-installed bloatware, to get a clean and tidy home screen.
? Active development & great community · Niagara Launcher is in active development and has a very supportive community. If you ever have a problem or just want to voice your opinions about the launcher, you can join the community:
? Twitter: twitter.com/niagaralauncher
? Telegram support & discussion group: t.me/niagara_launcher
? Subreddit: www.reddit.com/r/NiagaraLauncher
? Submit a feature request or report a bug: github.com/8bitPit/Niagara-Issues Info Info
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