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Showing posts with label Birds Nest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birds Nest. Show all posts

Baya Weaver Nest

Baya Weaver Nest
Baya Weaver Nest
Baya Weaver Nest

Here is a picture of Baya Weaver bird taken from a book.
Baya Weaver Bird
Baya Weaver Bird

Common Babbler Nest

The Common Babbler (Turdoides caudata) is an Old World babbler (Family: Timaliidae), found in South Asia. They live in groups and feeding on insects and grain. The breeding season is from March to August. They have two broods per year. The cups like nests are made of grass and roots. They build nests in bushes about 4 to 5 feet above the ground. The greenish blue eggs are laid in a clutch of 3-4 eggs.

Common Babbler Bird Nests
Common Babbler Bird Eggs
Common Babbler Bird Eggs
Common Babbler Bird Chicks
Common Babbler Bird Chicks

Long-tailed Shrike Nest and Nestling

The Long-tailed Shrike (Lanius schach) also called Rufous-backed Shrike is a member of the bird family Laniidae (the shrikes). The Long-tailed Shrike is a common and widespread species found in Pakistan. They feed on insects, lizards, mice and small birds or their young. They lay eggs in clutch of four to six eggs (generally 5 eggs). The eggs are white in color with reddish spots. The eggs take about 16 days to hatch and the young leave the nest after about 15-19 days. They raise two broods per year from April to August. I found these nests at a height of about 8 feet and easy managed to take pictures, though not very clear.

Long-tailed Shrike (Lanius schach) Nest
Long-tailed Shrike Eggs
Long-tailed Shrike Eggs
Long-tailed Shrike Nest and Nestlings
I found this young one of Long-tailed Shrike on the ground, which was not capable of full flight. I searched for its nest and returned it to the nest.

Long-tailed Shrike Young
Long-tailed Shrike

Indian Myna Bird

Indian Myna (مینا) (Acridotheres tristis) also called Common Myna or Mynah, is a member of the starling family. It is a species of bird native to Asia. It is also known as talking Myna for its ability of learning human speech and is kept as a pet. It has dark brown body with shiny black head and wing plumage, with white wing patches. The beak, bare skin around the eyes and legs are of yellow color. Both sexes are similar, however male has a smaller and more shiny head as compared to female. They generally build their nest in a tree cavity or hole in a wall, however they also build nest in trees. Their nest looks like very similar to house sparrow nest i.e. a jumble of straw, twigs, leaves and grasses. The female lays 4 to 6 bluish-green eggs and raise two broods in one year. The brooding season is from May to August.They feed on a variety of insects, grains and fruits. Some time they also feed on the young ones of other birds.

Indian Myna Bird
Indian Myna Bird
Indian Myna Bird
Indian Myna Bird
Indian Myna Bird
Indian Myna Bird
Indian Myna Bird Nest
Indian Myna Bird Nest
Indian Myna Bird Eggs
Indian Myna Bird Eggs
Baby Indian Myna Bird
Baby Indian Myna
Indian Myna Bird For Sale
Mynah Birds For Sale

Red-vented Bulbul Nest

Today I have the nest pictures of Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer). The Red-vented Bulbul is a member of the bulbul family of passerine birds. It is commonly found in Pakistan. Some people used to keep it as a pet bird. It is a human friendly and loyal bird and returns the owner home after several hours of flight. They feed on fruits and that is why they are considered serious garden pests. Besides fruits they also feed on nectar and insects. They breed from May to September. They lay three or four eggs in cup like nest, made of small twigs. The eggs are pale pink with darker red spots/splashes. The eggs take about 12 days to hatch.

Red-vented Bulbul Nest Pictures
Red-vented Bulbul Eggs
Red-vented Bulbul Nestlings

Dove Nest

I found this Eurasian collared dove nest in a mulberry tree, about eight feet from the ground. Doves build relatively flimsy nests from small sticks. They generally don't use soft grass and leaves in their nest like other birds. Almost all doves lay two white eggs. The eggs takes about two weeks to hatch. Both male and female care for the young, which leave the nest from 2 to 3 weeks.

Dove Nest Pictures
Dove Nest/Eggs Picture
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