選挙の動画素材は9,349件あります。この検索結果では、ポリティクス、政治、インタビュー、会見、対談、面接、接見、フラグ、フラッグ、旗、男性、男、記者、アニメ、3次元などの絞り込みキーワードがよく使われています。 動画定額制プランをご利用なら、どんなサイズでも1点1,980円から選び放題です。 全て表示
American republican politician performs at meeting with media
US presidential candidate comes to tribune, starts performance
Female representative of the European Union performs at press
Politician delivers successful speech to supporters at conference
Female American republican politician at meeting with journalist
Female US presidential candidate makes an announcement
Mature activist pronounce speech from the tribune in the conference hall
Mature politician comes to tribune, delivers campaign speech
Female representative of the European Union during press conference
Senior president of United States surrounded by journalists
American republican politician during performance at conference
3d animated pie chart with 15 percent red and 85 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 42 percent red and 58 percent blue including luma matte
President of the United States says inspirational political speech
Female representative of the European Union pronounces political speech
Back view of politician or activist pronouncing speech during press campaign
Confident politician makes an announcement, gives interview
3d animated pie chart with 24 percent red and 76 percent blue including luma matte
President of USA answers journalists questions
Elderly republican politician gives interview in the White House
Female press officer pronounces speech from tribune during press campaign
Female politician comes to the tribune, pronounces political speech
President of the United States of America gives interview
Presidential of USA candidate delivers campaign speech
Female organization representative gives interview in the conference room
Male organization representative pronounces speech from the tribune
US presidential candidate pronounces campaign speech from the tribune
Male press officer gives interview in the conference hall
3d animated pie chart with 1 percent red and 99 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 65 percent red and 35 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 56 percent red and 44 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 63 percent red and 37 percent blue including luma matte
Female American republican politician performs at meeting
3d animated pie chart with 3 percent red and 97 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 26 percent red and 74 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 64 percent red and 36 percent blue including luma matte
Mature EU representative gesticulates, gives interview
3d animated pie chart with 69 percent red and 31 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 73 percent red and 27 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 66 percent red and 34 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 50 percent red and 50 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 35 percent red and 65 percent blue including luma matte
Representative of the EU during performance at press conference
3d animated pie chart with 43 percent red and 57 percent blue including luma matte
Politician answers press questions, gives interview on television
3d animated pie chart with 49 percent red and 51 percent blue including luma matte
Presidential of USA candidate answers questions, gives interview
3d animated pie chart with 27 percent red and 73 percent blue including luma matte
Politician answers press questions, gives interview
3d animated pie chart with 52 percent red and 48 percent blue including luma matte
Back view of organization representative pronouncing speech in the conference room
3d animated pie chart with 30 percent red and 70 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 37 percent red and 63 percent blue including luma matte
Senior EU representative gives interview for TV breaking news
3d animated pie chart with 81 percent red and 19 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 79 percent red and 21 percent blue including luma matte
EU representative comes to press in government building
President of the United States says political speech from the tribune at press conference
American republican politician during performance
US President smiles, poses on cameras at press campaign in conference hall
3d animated pie chart with 38 percent red and 62 percent blue including luma matte
Mature representative of the European Union performs
3d animated pie chart with 61 percent red and 39 percent blue including luma matte
Senior republican politician answers press questions
Mature politician goes down stairs to press conference
3d animated pie chart with 44 percent red and 56 percent blue including luma matte
US President comes to tribune and starts inspirational political speech
3d animated pie chart with 80 percent red and 20 percent blue including luma matte
Male organization representative pronouncing speech from the tribune
US congressman speaks at press conference, gives interview for media
Confident republican politician delivers successful speech
Female EU representative seriously answers press questions
Mature diplomat surrounded by crowd of journalists
3d animated pie chart with 41 percent red and 59 percent blue including luma matte
Female politician comes to tribune, delivers campaign speech
3d animated pie chart with 59 percent red and 41 percent blue including luma matte
Mature congressman during press conference in the White House
3d animated pie chart with 46 percent red and 54 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 36 percent red and 64 percent blue including luma matte
Senior EU representative answers press questions
Mature republican politician speaks at press conference for media
US President finishes inspirational political speech after winning the elections
Senior US minister speaks at press campaign for media and television
3d animated pie chart with 4 percent red and 96 percent blue including luma matte
EU representative comes to press conference and gives interview
3d animated pie chart with 40 percent red and 60 percent blue including luma matte
Female businesswoman goes down stairs to press conference
President of USA answers media questions
World leaders shake hands during meeting with journalists
US President gives interview for media at press campaign in conference hall
3d animated pie chart with 62 percent red and 38 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 10 percent red and 90 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 31 percent red and 69 percent blue including luma matte
Speech tribune with microphones for interview for media or television
US presidential candidate pronounces inspirational campaign speech
EU representative answers press questions for TV breaking news
US presidential candidate says campaign speech in White House
US President says inspirational political speech from the tribune
Elderly politician pronounces inspirational campaign speech
European Union representative and US president shake hands
3d animated pie chart with 28 percent red and 72 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 17 percent red and 83 percent blue including luma matte
Female president of United States surrounded by journalists
3d animated pie chart with 67 percent red and 33 percent blue including luma matte
Mature EU representative comes to press conference
American republican politician performs at press conference
Senior diplomat surrounded by crowd of journalists
Female US minister gives inspirational speech in the White House
3d animated pie chart with 84 percent red and 16 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 29 percent red and 71 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 51 percent red and 49 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 2 percent red and 98 percent blue including luma matte
Confident President of the United States speaks at press conference
3d animated pie chart with 23 percent red and 77 percent blue including luma matte
Politician gives interview for media in the White House
3d animated pie chart with 82 percent red and 18 percent blue including luma matte
US presidential candidate answers media questions
Mature representative of European Union performs at conference
Mature representative of the European Union performs at press
3d animated pie chart with 60 percent red and 40 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 19 percent red and 81 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 16 percent red and 84 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 77 percent red and 23 percent blue including luma matte
Multi ethnic American citizens come to vote in polling station
Speech tribune for politician in the White House in press conference hall
3d animated pie chart with 72 percent red and 28 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 32 percent red and 68 percent blue including luma matte
US President says inspirational political speech at press campaign
Elderly politician or minister speaks at press conference in the White House
3d animated pie chart with 18 percent red and 82 percent blue including luma matte
Crowd of journalists surround politician in government building
3d animated pie chart with 34 percent red and 66 percent blue including luma matte
Senior minister or politician speaks at press conference for media in the White House
3d animated pie chart with 83 percent red and 17 percent blue including luma matte
Confident US minister or congressman smiles, poses for cameras after political speech
3d animated pie chart with 58 percent red and 42 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 5 percent red and 95 percent blue including luma matte
American President comes to tribune, starts speech in the White House
Republican politician performs at meeting with press
Female EU representative answers press questions
Female politician makes an announcement and gives interview for media
3d animated pie chart with 20 percent red and 80 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 76 percent red and 24 percent blue including luma matte
Female American republican politician delivers successful speech
3d animated pie chart with 39 percent red and 61 percent blue including luma matte
Politician or congressman gives interview for media from the tribune at press campaign
US presidential candidate says inspirational campaign speech
Mature politician pronounces speech from tribune in the conference room
3d animated pie chart with 57 percent red and 43 percent blue including luma matte
President of the United States says political speech from the tribune in the White House
American republican politician delivers successful speech
American President comes to tribune, starts political speech
Minister or congressman answers journalists questions in the White House
EU representative answers press questions
President of USA answers questions and gives interview
3d animated pie chart with 68 percent red and 32 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 70 percent red and 30 percent blue including luma matte
Male organization representative pronounces speech during press campaign
3d animated pie chart with 33 percent red and 67 percent blue including luma matte
Female US government official speaks at press conference in the White House
Politician or minister poses on cameras for media in the White House
3d animated pie chart with 13 percent red and 87 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 54 percent red and 46 percent blue including luma matte
3d animated pie chart with 21 percent red and 79 percent blue including luma matte