Current Status: Currently, no tables of any sort are included when you print a wikipedia article as pdf. @cscott has started writing a patch to change that: However, the patch does not cover all cases, and the layout is still an issue to solve.
Task: As a first step, create a version that adds all tables of an article to an appendix of the pdf.
This includes
- coming up with a good way to reference the tables in the article
- adding the tables to an appendix (it is probably out of the scope of a hackathon project to also make sure that the table always fits the page)
Please be aware that there are separate tasks for improving cscott's patch(T137431).
The proposal to Include tables in pdfs received 23 support votes in the community wishlist survey, and was ranked #39 out of 107 proposals.
This was also on the German Community Wishlist 2015: