M418549 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係為一種捕蚊器改良結構,尤指一種利用在集 蟲漏斗的底部上設有若干個貫穿孔之捕蚊器改良結構。 【先前技術】 按’蚊子的叮咬不僅會造成人類被叮部位的搔癢與紅 腫不適,同時也會傳染許多重大的疾病,例如東南亞頗為 常見的瘧疾以及登革熱等傳染病,嚴重者甚至會導致患者 高燒及多重器官衰竭而死亡。因此從以前的蚊香、殺蟲 劑、電蚊香、電擊式捕蚊燈到最近頗為暢銷的吸入式捕蚊 器。都受到很多人的喜愛與採用,傳統的蚊香因為具有火 源容易引起火災’所以目前僅有在鄉下地方或郊外比較常 見,至於殺蟲劑及電蚊香則有人體吸入相關氣體時是否會 影響健康的疑慮,而電擊式捕蚊燈雖然不必使用藥劑,但 其電擊蚊蟲所產生的噪音與微量的焦味,對於某些睡眠品 質要求較高的人仍會產生一定程度的影響其睡眠品質,因 此一種強調環保安全的捕蚊裝置就應運而生。 請參閱圖一所示,其係為目前較為常見之吸入式捕蚊 器’其主要係設有光源A及風扇B,利用蚊蟲趨光的特 性吸引蚊蟲靠近光源A,然後再利用風扇B轉動所產生 的吸力將蚊蟲吸入’利用高速旋轉的扇葉將蚊蟲肇毙,蚊 蟲的屍體會經過集蟲漏斗C而落到底部的收集裝置D。 前述的吸入式捕蚊器在捕蚊的過程中不會產生高壓放電 3 M418549 火花、噪音以及焦味,因此頗受消費大眾的歡迎與喜愛。 不過由於蚊子的體積小’不見得所有被吸入的蚊蟲都會在 通過風扇B的時候就一定會被扇葉擊斃,為了避免被吸 入收集裝置D内但仍舊存活的蚊蟲在白天風扇B停止運 轉時逆向的由集蟲漏斗C的底部穿過風扇b間隙後逃 出。是以,習用的捕蚊器會在集蟲漏斗C上利用樞設的 方式設置一對具有配重部的活動閥片E,當風扇B運轉時 所產生的風壓會使各活動閥片E樞轉朝下(如圖二所 示),讓被吸入的蚊蟲可以掉落到收集裝置D内,當電源 馨 關閉時風扇B停止轉動,此時該活動閥片E的配重部可 以令該活動閥片E因本身的重力而回覆到原來關閉集蟲 漏斗C開口的目的,即便收集裝置D内的蚊蟲沒有被風 扇B擊斃,也因為無法由集蟲漏斗c的底部飛出逃脫, 直到鐵死或飛到力竭而死。M418549 V. New description: [New technical field] This creation is a modified structure of a mosquito trap, especially an improved structure using a mosquito trap with a plurality of through holes on the bottom of the collecting funnel. [Prior Art] According to the 'bite of mosquitoes, it will not only cause itching and redness and discomfort in human beings, but also infect many major diseases, such as malaria, which is quite common in Southeast Asia, and infectious diseases such as dengue fever. In severe cases, patients may even be caused. High fever and multiple organ failure and death. Therefore, from the previous mosquito coils, insecticides, electric mosquito coils, electric mosquito traps to the recently popular inhaled mosquito traps. They are loved and adopted by many people. The traditional mosquito-repellent incense is easy to cause fire because of the fire source. Therefore, it is only common in rural areas or in the suburbs. As for insecticides and electric mosquito-repellent incense, it will affect the health of humans when inhaling related gases. The doubts, while the electric mosquito-type mosquito lamp does not need to use the drug, but the noise generated by the electric mosquito and the slight burnt smell will still affect the sleep quality to some people with high sleep quality requirements. A mosquito-removing device that emphasizes environmental protection and safety has emerged. Please refer to Figure 1, which is the more common inhaled mosquito trap. It is mainly equipped with light source A and fan B. It uses the characteristics of mosquito phototaxis to attract mosquitoes to the light source A, and then use the fan B to rotate. The generated suction sucks the mosquitoes' to use the high-speed rotating blades to smash the mosquitoes, and the corpses of the mosquitoes pass through the collecting funnel C and fall to the collecting device D at the bottom. The aforementioned inhalation type mosquito trap does not generate high-voltage discharge during the process of mosquito trapping. 3 M418549 Spark, noise and burnt smell are popular among consumers. However, due to the small size of the mosquitoes, it is not obvious that all inhaled mosquitoes will be killed by the fan blades when passing through the fan B. In order to avoid the mosquitoes that are sucked into the collecting device D but still survive, the fans B are reversed during the daytime when the fan B stops operating. The bottom of the collecting funnel C passes through the gap of the fan b and escapes. Therefore, the conventional mosquito trap will be provided with a pair of movable valve plates E having a weight portion on the collecting funnel C. When the fan B is operated, the wind pressure will cause the movable valve plates E to be active. Pivoting downward (as shown in Figure 2), the inhaled mosquito can be dropped into the collecting device D, and when the power supply is turned off, the fan B stops rotating, and the weight portion of the movable valve piece E can make the The movable valve piece E is returned to the original closed funnel C opening by its own gravity, even if the mosquito in the collecting device D is not killed by the fan B, it cannot escape from the bottom of the collecting funnel c until the iron Die or fly to exhaustion and die.
惟刖#又所述之結構,其雖然提出一個利用活動閥片E刖# again, the structure described, although it proposes to use an active valve plate E
來達到活動阻隔集蟲漏斗c開口之目的,惟該活動閥片E 的設計’-來增加製造及裝配的成本,二來該配重式的活 · 動閥片E也有可能麵過不斷的作動導致樞轴磨損祕 響其正常麵,或者如為該捕㈣放置的地面絲達到 真正水平的狀態,進而導致該利用配重部重力旋轉的活動 闕片E無法達到正確閉合的位置,而無法達到所預期的封 閉效果。 又目前習用的吸入式捕蚊器,其主要係利用-開關直 接控制其開啟或_,不僅操作麻煩,且-但使用者白天 忘記關閉則會相對浪費多電力’對於目前所提倡的綠能環 4 保節能減碳來說不僅大相逕庭,且對於具有一定使用壽命 的風扇還有燈管等具有一定程度使用壽命的消耗性元件 來說也是一種不必要的損耗與浪費。 是以,申請人有感於前述設計之缺失以及傳統未設有 閥片所要面對蚊蟲逃出的問題’經過潛心鑽研與不斷的試 驗改良而提出本創作之設計。 【新型内容】 本創作的主要目的係在於提供一種捕蚊器改良結 構其主要係在一集蟲漏斗的底部設有若干個貫穿孔,該 貫穿孔之寬度係小於4毫米(mm) ’藉以取代習用活動閥 片之設置’可以節省製造成本及使用壽命者。 本創作的次要目的係在於提供一種捕蚊器改良結 構’其中該貫穿孔的設計,不論該捕蚊器所放置的位置是 否達到真正的水平都可以達到確實阻檔蚊蟲反向飛出之 功效者。 本創作的次要目的係在於提供一種捕蚊器改良結 構’其中,於集蟲漏斗的底部中央設有一向上延伸之錐 體’而底部上之貫穿孔則設於靠近該錐體的底部邊緣,藉 由該錐體的設計可以有效引導上方風扇所產生的氣流直 接由錐體底部旁所設的貫穿孔排出,不僅可以使氣流更為 穩定且具有增強氣流強度之功效者。 本創作的又一目的係在於提供一種捕蚊器改良結 構,其中藉由一感光元件及控制單元的設置可以自動偵測 M418549 外部環境之明亮度並自動開啟或關閉捕蚊器之運轉,不僅 具有省電節能之效果且可以有效提升風扇及其他電子元 件的使用壽命者。 達到前述之目的’本創作捕蚊器改良結構,其主要係 由主體、誘蟲單元、風扇及電源供應單元,其中,誘蟲單 元、風扇及電源供應單元係設置於主體内,該電源供應單 元與誘蟲單元及風扇者之間分別設有電氣連結,提供該二 者運轉時所需之電源。該主體進一步係由上蓋、上座、中 座及底座所組成,其中底座外緣具有網體,而中座係可結 合於底座上方,其内可固定風扇,而上座則可結合於中座 之上方,其上則設有上蓋,該上座之側邊設有若干道鎮空 之貫穿槽孔,誘蟲單元則係固定於該上座内,其特徵在 於:該底座上套設有一具有底部的集蟲漏斗,該集蟲漏斗 的底部上設有若干個寬度不超過4亳米(mm)的貫穿孔 者。 為了能更清楚地描述本創作所提出之捕蚊器改良結 構’以下將配合圖示詳細說明之: 【實施方式】 首先請參閱圖三、圖四及圖五,其係分為本創作之立 體分解圖、立體部分剖面圖及剖面示意圖。本創作捕蚊器 改良結構;其主要係由主體!、誘蟲單元2、風扇3及電 源供應單元4所組成,其中,誘蟲單元2、風扇3及電源 供應單元4係設置於主體1内,該電源供應單元4與誘蟲 6 M418549 單元2及風扇3者之間係分別設有電氣連結,提供該二者 運轉時所需之電源。該主鱧1進一步係由上蓋U、上座 12、中座13及底座14所組成,其中底座外緣具有網 體141 ’該底座14係利用一固定元件丨42將網體141撐 開固定於底座14上而形成一蚊蟲收集區,而中座13係可 結合於底座14上方,其内可固定風扇3 ,而上座12則可 結合於中座13之上方,其上則設有上蓋u,該上座12 之側邊設有若干道鏤空之貫穿槽孔121,而誘蟲單元2則 • 係固定於該上座12内,其特徵在於:該底座14上套設有 一具有底部151的集蟲漏斗15’該集蟲漏斗15的底部151 上設有若干個貫穿孔152,該每-貫穿孔152之寬度係不 超過4毫米(mm )者。 藉由前段所述之結構設計,該被誘蟲單元2吸引過來 的蚊蟲,一但靠近上座12鏤空之貫穿槽孔121就會被風 扇3運轉所產生麵大氣流狀,進而穿過風扇3然後被 強大的现流推入集蟲漏斗15底部151所設之貫穿孔152 • 後進入底座14内,由於該集蟲漏+ 15的底部151所設貫 m 152之寬度係不超過4毫米(jjjjjj),小於一般蚊子張 開翅膀飛行時之寬度,因此即使該被吸入底座14集蟲區 内之蚊蟲未被風扇3之扇葉釘擊繁,其也無法展翅通過 寬度較窄之貫穿孔152補原路飛出逃逸,而達到相同的 RMt其逃麟絲,且自於本辦_祕-定寬度限制 貫穿孔152的設計來取代習用產品的活動闕片E,不僅可 以省略該習用結構巾活動閥片E繁_製造及組裝流程 而降低成本’且也可以破實解決習用產品在遇到放置平面 7 M418549 傾斜時所產生活動閥片E無法確實的封閉集蟲漏斗c底 部之缺失者。 前段所述之誘蟲裝置2,其係為可以產生任何一種足 以吸引蚊蟲靠近之誘因,例如:光源、溫度等裝置,本創 作中所使用的則是一種可發出亮光的LED光源,該led 光源不僅具料能省f之效果,其使財命亦較—般的傳 統燈具較高,透過該LED光源所發出的光源及溫度,不 僅可以吸引趨光性的蚊蟲,且所伴隨所產生的溫度則相近 於人體所散發出來的體溫,能更有效的吸引蚊蟲靠近者。 又本創作於前述之結構令,該主體上之上蓋U、上 座12、中座13及底座η等各個相關元件的結合,係利 用旋轉扣合結構的方式固定,藉以達到方便且快速的組合 或拆解之功效。而前述的旋轉扣合結構,主要就是在其中 待扣合物之一端設置一個以上之凸柱131、132,同時配 合在另一待結合卡固物件上的相對位置設置一可以配合 前述凸柱之L型槽孔122、145,藉由將凸柱131、丨32置 入L型槽孔122、145内然後旋轉即可以達到卡合固定之 功效者。 本創作於前段所述之結構中,於底座14之底部頂面 設有一向上延伸突出之第一錐體143 ,該第一錐體143的 頂端係具有一圓弧修飾’令由上方風扇3所產生的向下氣 流在通過集蟲漏斗15底部151的貫穿孔152後可以順著 該第一錐體143的引導向外側引導流動,令其整個氣流的 流動更有效率。另外於該底座14之底面中央設有一凹孔 144,藉由該凹孔144之設置,令本創作可以利用一直徑 8 大小可以配合該凹孔的長條物(例如:木棍、金屬管或是塑 膠管)將其固定於地上者。 請繼續參閱圖六,其係為本創作中集蟲漏斗15的另 一較佳實施例圖,其中於該集蟲漏斗15底部151的頂面 中央’設有一向上延伸突出之第二錐體153,而貫穿孔152 則沿著第二錐體153下方外側設置,同時配合將底座14 上所設置之第一錐體143的頂面與以切平(如圖七所示), 令該風扇3運轉細產生的向下氣流,在經過集蟲漏斗 15時就可以藉由第二錐體153的設計有效的引導該氣流 朝向該设於第二錐體153底部旁所設置之貫穿孔152流 出,然後順著第-錐部143繼續導引形成一穩定的循環氣 流,不僅使整個吸入氣流循環更為穩定,且透過有效的氣 流導引也可以增加氣流本身之強度與效率者。 又本創作於前述之結構中,本創作進一步更包括一切 換開關5及-控制單以,其中_換開關5係與電源供 應單το 4及控制單元6做電氣連結,而控制單元G更包括 有感光元件61,該感光元件61可以自動偵測外部環境 2月儿度。藉由前述之設計,使用者可以透過娜開關$ ,擇本創作的開啟、關或是自動啟閉,透過感光元件 自動_外部環境_暗,當_到外部環境的亮度 ^於奴辦翁自較動梢侧純作,:3亮7 外=境之亮度高於其預設值時,該控制單^則會自動 創作之運作,達到自動啟閉之功效,不僅可以避免 •用者早上上班、上學後忘記轉電騎產生的能源 且可叫效延長蝴具有-定使用壽命之消耗元件 (例如:風扇3及發光元件)之使用壽命者。 又本創作於前述設計中,該上蓋u之頂部設有一貫 穿孔111,可供設置-提環112或是提绳,方便使用者提 取。 是以由上可知,藉由前述之結構設計,本創作不僅可 以在停止運轉時可叫止存活親减出,幼較於使用 活動閥片的習用結構’本創作不僅製造容易且可以省略繁 瑣的結構設计及組裝人力成本,且其本創作之阻擋效果確 實’不需考慮補蚊器的放置是否水平,完全不用擔心因為 放置位置不夠水平會有活動閥片無法完全閉合的問題者。 唯以上所述之實施例不應用於限制本創作之可應用 範圍’本創作之保護範圍應以本創作之申請專利範圍内容 所界定技術精神及其均等變化所含括之範圍為主。即大凡 依本創作申請專利範圍所做之均等變化及修飾,例如誘蟲 単元之種類以及集蟲漏斗底部貫穿孔之形狀及數量之變 化等’仍將不失本創作之要義所在,亦不脫離本創作之精 神和範圍,都應視為本創作的進一步實施狀況。 综上所述,本創作之捕蚊器改良結構,其相較於習用 利用活動閥片之設計,不僅製造、組裝便利,且可以有效 解決該類產品在放置時未呈水平會產生活動閥片無法完 全閉合之缺失。且本創作利用感光元件自動偵測啟閉運作 的設計不僅可以達到綠色環保節能之功效,且可有效提升 產品的使用期限。是以;其實用性無庸置疑,且本創作申 請前亦未曾見於任何刊物或公開場合,其新穎性及進步性 毫無疑慮,誠已符合新型專利法所規定之要件。 M418549 【圖式簡單說明】 圖一為習用產品之立體外觀圖。 圖二為習用產品之剖面示意圖。 圖三為本創作之立體分解圖。 圖四為本創作之立體外觀圖。 圖五係本創作之剖面示意圖。 圖六係本創作另一實施例之外觀示意圖。 圖七係本創作另一實施例之剖面示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 A〜光源 B〜風扇 C〜集蟲漏斗 D〜收集裝置 E〜活動閥片 1〜主體 • 11〜上蓋 111〜貫穿孔 112〜提環 12〜上座 121〜貫穿槽孔 122〜L型槽孔 13〜中座 131〜凸柱 M418549 132〜凸柱 14~底座 141〜網體 142〜固定元件 143〜第一錐體 144-凹孔 145〜L型槽孔 15〜集蟲漏斗 151〜底部 152〜貫穿孔 153〜第二錐體 2〜誘蟲單元 3〜風扇 31〜扇葉 電源供應單元 5〜切換開關 6-控制單元 61〜感光元件 12In order to achieve the purpose of blocking the opening of the insect funnel c, but the design of the movable valve plate E is to increase the cost of manufacturing and assembly, and the weight-type movable and movable valve piece E may also face the continuous operation. Causing the pivot to wear its normal face, or if the ground wire placed for the catch (four) reaches a true horizontal state, the active blade E that is gravity-rotated by the weight portion cannot reach the correct closed position, and cannot be reached. The expected sealing effect. At present, the conventional inhalation type mosquito trap is mainly controlled by the -switch to directly open it or _, which is not only troublesome to operate, but - but the user forgets to turn off during the day, which is relatively wasteful of power" for the current green energy ring advocated 4 Energy saving and carbon reduction are not only very different, but also an unnecessary loss and waste for a fan with a certain service life and a consumable component with a certain service life such as a lamp. Therefore, the applicant feels that the lack of the aforementioned design and the problem that the traditional valve is not required to face the mosquitoes escaped. The design of the creation was made through painstaking research and continuous trial improvement. [New content] The main purpose of this creation is to provide a modified structure of a mosquito trap which is mainly provided with a plurality of through holes at the bottom of a collecting funnel, the width of the through holes being less than 4 mm (mm) 'to replace The setting of the conventional active valve piece can save manufacturing cost and service life. The secondary purpose of this creation is to provide a modified structure of the mosquito trap, in which the design of the through-hole can achieve the effect of the reverse-flying of the mosquitoes regardless of whether the position of the mosquito trap is at a true level. By. The secondary objective of the present invention is to provide a mosquito trap improved structure in which an upwardly extending cone is provided in the center of the bottom of the collecting funnel and a through hole in the bottom is provided near the bottom edge of the cone. The design of the cone can effectively guide the airflow generated by the upper fan to be directly discharged through the through hole provided at the bottom of the cone, which not only makes the airflow more stable but also has the effect of enhancing the airflow intensity. Another object of the present invention is to provide an improved structure of a mosquito trap, wherein the setting of a photosensitive element and a control unit can automatically detect the brightness of the external environment of the M418549 and automatically turn the mosquito trap on or off, not only having It saves energy and saves energy and can effectively improve the service life of fans and other electronic components. In order to achieve the above purpose, the improved structure of the present mosquito trap is mainly composed of a main body, a trapping unit, a fan and a power supply unit, wherein the trap unit, the fan and the power supply unit are disposed in the main body, and the power supply unit An electrical connection is provided between the trapping unit and the fan to provide the power required for the operation of the two. The main body is further composed of an upper cover, an upper seat, a middle seat and a base, wherein the outer edge of the base has a mesh body, and the middle seat can be coupled to the upper side of the base, wherein the fan can be fixed therein, and the upper seat can be coupled to the upper seat. The upper side of the upper seat is provided with a plurality of through-holes of the inner space, and the trapping unit is fixed in the upper seat, wherein the base is provided with a collecting insect having a bottom. The funnel has a plurality of through holes having a width of not more than 4 mm (mm) on the bottom of the collecting funnel. In order to more clearly describe the improved structure of the mosquito trap proposed by the present invention, the following will be described in detail with reference to the drawings: [Embodiment] First, please refer to FIG. 3, FIG. 4 and FIG. 5, which are divided into three dimensions of the present creation. Exploded view, sectional view of the three-dimensional part and schematic view of the section. The creative mosquito trap has an improved structure; it is mainly composed of the main body! a trapping unit 2, a fan 3, and a power supply unit 4, wherein the trap unit 2, the fan 3, and the power supply unit 4 are disposed in the main body 1, the power supply unit 4 and the trap 6 M418549 unit 2 The fans 3 are respectively provided with electrical connections to provide the power required for the operation of the two. The main frame 1 is further composed of an upper cover U, an upper seat 12, a middle seat 13 and a base 14. The outer edge of the base has a mesh body 141. The base 14 is fastened and fixed to the base by a fixing member 42. 14 is formed to form a mosquito collection area, and the middle seat 13 can be coupled to the upper portion of the base 14 to fix the fan 3 therein, and the upper seat 12 can be coupled to the upper portion 13 and the upper cover u is provided thereon. The side of the upper seat 12 is provided with a plurality of hollow through slots 121, and the trap unit 2 is fixed in the upper seat 12, wherein the base 14 is sleeved with an worm funnel 15 having a bottom 151. The bottom portion 151 of the collecting funnel 15 is provided with a plurality of through holes 152 each having a width of no more than 4 millimeters (mm). With the structural design described in the preceding paragraph, the mosquitoes attracted by the trapping unit 2, once approaching the slot 12 of the upper seat 12 hollow, will be operated by the fan 3 to generate a large airflow, and then pass through the fan 3 and then It is pushed into the through hole 152 provided by the bottom 151 of the worm funnel 15 by a powerful current flow. Then, it enters the base 14 because the width of the bottom 151 of the worm cover + 15 is not more than 4 mm (jjjjjj). ), which is smaller than the width of the general mosquito when the wings are opened, so even if the mosquito that is sucked into the worm area of the base 14 is not hit by the fan blade of the fan 3, it cannot be spread through the through hole 152 having a narrow width. The original road flies out and escapes, and reaches the same RMt, and the movable cymbal E of the conventional product is replaced by the design of the _ secret-width-limited through-hole 152, and the conventional structural towel activity can be omitted. The valve plate E is complicated to manufacture and assembly process and the cost is reduced. It can also be used to solve the problem that the movable valve piece E which is produced when the inclined surface of the conventional product is in the position of the placement plane 7 M418549 cannot be surely closed. The insect trap device 2 described in the preceding paragraph is capable of generating any kind of incentive for attracting mosquitoes close to, for example, a light source, a temperature, etc., and an LED light source capable of emitting bright light is used in the present invention. Not only can it save the effect of f, it makes the financial life higher than the traditional lamps, and the light source and temperature emitted by the LED light source can not only attract phototaxis mosquitoes, but also the temperature generated is similar. The body temperature emitted by the human body can more effectively attract mosquitoes to approach people. In addition to the above-mentioned structure, the combination of the upper cover U, the upper seat 12, the middle seat 13 and the base η on the main body is fixed by means of a rotating fastening structure, thereby achieving a convenient and quick combination or The effect of disassembly. The above-mentioned rotary fastening structure is mainly provided with one or more protrusions 131 and 132 at one end of the to-be-fastened compound, and at the same time, a relative position on the other to-be-bonded object is provided, and a protrusion can be matched. The L-shaped slots 122 and 145 can achieve the effect of the snap-fit by placing the studs 131 and 32 in the L-shaped slots 122 and 145 and then rotating. In the structure described in the preceding paragraph, a first cone 143 extending upwardly is provided on the top surface of the bottom of the base 14. The top end of the first cone 143 has a circular arc modification. The resulting downward flow can be directed outwardly along the direction of the first cone 143 after passing through the through hole 152 at the bottom 151 of the worm funnel 15, making the flow of the entire gas stream more efficient. In addition, a recessed hole 144 is defined in the center of the bottom surface of the base 14. By the arrangement of the recessed hole 144, the present invention can utilize a strip having a diameter of 8 and matching the recessed hole (for example, a wooden stick, a metal tube or It is a plastic tube) that is fixed to the ground. Please refer to FIG. 6 , which is a diagram of another preferred embodiment of the worm funnel 15 of the present invention, wherein a second cone 153 extending upwardly is provided in the center of the top surface of the bottom portion 151 of the worm funnel 15 And the through hole 152 is disposed along the outer side of the lower side of the second cone 153, and cooperates with the top surface of the first cone 143 disposed on the base 14 to be leveled (as shown in FIG. 7), so that the fan 3 The operation of the finely generated downward airflow can effectively guide the airflow to flow out through the through hole 152 disposed beside the bottom of the second cone 153 by the design of the second cone 153 when passing through the collecting funnel 15. Then, along the first-cone portion 143, the guide is continued to form a stable circulating airflow, which not only makes the entire intake airflow cycle more stable, but also increases the strength and efficiency of the airflow itself through effective airflow guidance. In the foregoing structure, the present invention further includes a switch 5 and a control unit, wherein the _ switch 5 is electrically connected to the power supply unit το 4 and the control unit 6, and the control unit G further includes There is a photosensitive element 61, which can automatically detect the external environment for 2 months. With the above design, the user can use the Na switch to select the opening, closing or automatic opening and closing of the creation, through the photosensitive element automatically _ external environment _ dark, when the brightness of the external environment ^ The moving tip side is pure, 3: 7 bright 7 When the brightness of the environment is higher than its preset value, the control unit will automatically create the operation, achieving the effect of automatic opening and closing, which can not only avoid the user going to work in the morning. After school, I forgot to turn the energy generated by the electric ride and can extend the service life of the consumable components (such as the fan 3 and the light-emitting element) with a fixed service life. In the above design, the top of the upper cover u is provided with a consistent perforation 111, which can be provided with a lifting ring 112 or a lifting cord for the user to extract. It can be seen from the above that with the above-mentioned structural design, the creation can not only stop the survival and reduce the survival when the operation is stopped, but also the conventional structure that uses the active valve piece. This creation is not only easy to manufacture but can also be omitted. The structural design and assembly labor cost, and the blocking effect of this creation does not need to consider whether the placement of the mosquito trap is horizontal, and there is no need to worry about the problem that the movable valve piece cannot be completely closed because the placement position is not enough. The above-mentioned embodiments are not intended to limit the scope of application of the present invention. The scope of protection of the present invention should be based on the technical spirit defined by the content of the patent application scope of the present invention and the scope of its equal changes. That is, the equal changes and modifications made by Dafan according to the scope of patent application for this creation, such as the type of trapping insects and the change of the shape and quantity of the through-holes at the bottom of the funnel funnel, will not lose the essence of this creation, nor will they leave. The spirit and scope of this creation should be considered as further implementation of this creation. In summary, the improved structure of the mosquito trap of the present invention is not only easy to manufacture and assemble, but also can effectively solve the problem that the product will not be horizontal when the product is placed. Can't completely close the missing. Moreover, the design of the automatic detection and opening and closing operation by the photosensitive element can not only achieve the effect of green environmental protection and energy saving, but also effectively improve the service life of the product. Therefore, its practicality is unquestionable, and it has not been seen in any publications or public occasions before the application of this creation. Its novelty and progress are unquestioned, and it has already met the requirements stipulated in the new patent law. M418549 [Simple description of the drawing] Figure 1 is a three-dimensional appearance of a conventional product. Figure 2 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a conventional product. Figure 3 is an exploded perspective view of the creation. Figure 4 is a three-dimensional appearance of the creation. Figure 5 is a schematic cross-sectional view of the creation. Figure 6 is a schematic view showing the appearance of another embodiment of the present creation. Figure 7 is a schematic cross-sectional view showing another embodiment of the present creation. [Description of main component symbols] A~light source B~fan C~set insect funnel D~collecting device E~active valve piece 1~body•11~upper cover 111~through hole 112~lifting ring 12~upper seat 121~through slot 122 ~ L-shaped slot 13 ~ middle seat 131 ~ stud M418549 132 ~ stud 14 ~ base 141 ~ net body 142 ~ fixing element 143 ~ first cone 144 - recessed hole 145 ~ L-shaped slot 15 ~ set worm funnel 151 to bottom 152 to through hole 153 to second cone 2 to insect trap unit 3 to fan 31 to blade power supply unit 5 to switch 6 - control unit 61 to photosensitive element 12