五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係有關於一種具高效率集/蓄電之奈米管碳片的電力 模組,尤指一種用以供應一電子裝置所需電力,於其電極上設置 包括有至少一獨立體的石炭片,碳片上分佈有複數條微/奈米碳管, 俾能增加比表面積,以提升電荷的儲存的效能及電導率者。 【先前技術】 按習知微/奈米碳管因具備質量輕、高強度、高韌性、高表面 積、高熱傳導、導電性以及半導體等諸多特性,因此,已逐漸應 用在包括電子、光電、機械、材料以及化工等不同的領域上。依 據目前所知的微/奈米碳管製程,不外乎為高溫化學氣相沉積法 (Thermal-CVD)以及電感式化學氣相沉積法(ICP_PECVD)。其中, 高溫化學氣相沉積法係利用高溫使碳於氣體熱解來成長微/奈米 碳管,由於其生產流程非常繁複的緣故,所以必須耗用大量的生 產成本。另,電感式化學氣相沉積法(iCP_pECVD)則是利用電漿來 分解碳源氣體,進而使碳管於低溫環境下成長,並且利用電場的 辅助使微/奈米碳管在垂直基板準直性地成長,亦可對催化劑進行 前處理及後處理,以減少微/奈米碳管的密度以及改變頂端的外 型,進而改善其場發射的特性,惟,其生產流程非常繁複的緣故, 所以同樣必須耗用大量的生產成本。 由於上述二種習用製程無法有效的控制微/奈米碳管的生長 狀況,以致微/奈米碳管的準直性、長度均勻性以及密度均相對較 M404500 差 >上製造成本非常的昂貴,是S今微/奈#碳管無法大量普及 的重要原因。再者,將微/奈米碳管朗在場發賴雜以及超大 31積體電路上’用轉代#晶材質,—直是眾人認為最有希望加 •以實現的商品化項目;惟,應用在場發射顯示器以及超大型積體 電路的微/奈米破管,必須具備均勻的長度、高準直性以及排列整 齊的微/不米碳管陣列方能力口以實現。由於上述二種習用製程皆無 法達到上述的要求’所以直至目前為止,尚未有商品化的產品問 ❿世,故而該等習用製程讀實有再改善的必要性。 為避免重複研究及侵犯他人專獅,本創作人等先做相關技 術之檢索,而經資料檢索發現有如后之專利前案,惟其專利前案 均與本創作不同’且摘作較該等前案具有改良功^所檢索之 專利前案,有賴/絲辭制在光鴻能電池的技術,如 本國發明第1251354號『微/奈米碳管太陽能發電模組』,其包含 第導電層’用以輸出電子的第二導電層;及用以提供並傳導電 參子與電洞的混合層’其介於第一導電層與第二導電層之間,由該 第-導電騎_之細概提供電子;及複數鎌/奈米碳管連 接於該第-導電層或該第二導電層,用以傳導該電子至該第一導 電層或該第一導電層。該專利前案技術之結構雖然可使微/奈米碳 管增加與導電有機材料的接觸面積,以提升電子接收能力以及光 電轉換的效率’惟,其微/奈米碳管非為單體缚造而成,而是採用 與上述習用製程相_化學氣相沉積法,因此,該習用結構無法 有效的控職/絲碳料生綠況,以賴/奈米碳管的準直 4 性、長度均勻度以及均㈣較差,所以無法叙地應用各層 面的領域上,加上微/奈米碳管生成之雜非常繁複的緣故,所以 必須耗用大量的生產成本,以致製造成本相當的昂貴。 再者,另有-餅微/絲碳管制在超級電容_專利前 案’如本國發明公開第2_23991號『超級電容器及其製備方法』, 其包括兩個電極、兩個集電體、—隔膜、—電解液溶液和一外殼, 該包括-M/絲碳管福,额/絲碳巾微/奈米碳 管均勻分佈’且平行於該微/絲碳管薄_表面。該專利前案結 構雖然可賤職/絲碳管_來成制奈米碳管陣 列,因而具有較高之比電容量與電導率等優點,惟,其微/奈来碳 S非為單體輯箱成’反而是與上述習贿程相同的化學氣相 "L·積法’ gj此’該習用製程較無法有效的掌控微/奈純管的生長 狀況,以賴/奈純管的準直性、長度料細及密度均相對較 差,所以無法廣泛地應用各層面領域,加上微/奈米碳管生成之流 程非常繁複的緣故;所以必須耗用大量的生產成本,以致製造成 本相當的昂貴,故而該等制結構有再改良的必要。 【新型内容】 本創作之主要目的,秘提供—料高鱗集/蓄電之奈来管 碳片的電力模組,主要储雜叫財式製从有複數條微/奈 米碳管的劍’或在-薄膜上覆賴數條微/奈米碳管,藉以取代 傳統式以基材生成微/奈米碳管的製程,*僅可⑽合顧在一般 電池、太陽能電池以及超級電容器等技術領域,以製備成一種供 應電子裝置賴nm可以依據使用需絲改賴/奈米碳 管的結構形態’且微/奈米碳管的準直性、長度均勻性以及密度均 相對較傳統習用結構為佳,因而具有製造流程簡單、無須耗用大 量的生產成本、製ϋ成本便宜、可方便隨身攜帶、不受電源線路 所限制於任何處所皆可充電、以及具有更高的絲面積藉以提升 電荷的儲存效能,進而可以發揮最佳的電容效益等特點。 為達成上述功效,本創作所採用之技術手段係包括有一封裝 體、設置在封裝體上且呈相反極性的一第一電極與一第二金極以 及一介於第一電極與第二電極之間且封裝在封裝體内的電荷循環 手段,其中,第一電極包括至少一獨立體的第一碳片,第一碳片 上分佈有複數條微/奈米碳管,俾能增加比表面積,以提升電荷的 儲存的效能及電導率者。 【實施方式】 壹.本創作構想及特點 請參看第五至七圖所示,本創作之構想,係將碳材以鑄造方 式製備成具有複數條微/奈米碳管的碳片形態,或在一薄膜上覆設 複數條微/奈米碳管所形成之破片,藉以取代傳統式以基材生成微 /奈米碳管的製程,並可將碳片技術結合應用在一般電池、太陽能 電池、超級電容器等技術領域上,進而製作成一種可以對行動電 話、無線電通話器、個人處理器PDA、可攜式衛星導航器GPS、筆 記型電腦、平板型電腦以及音樂播放器MP3等微電需求之電子裝 置(60)進行充電的供電模組。 再者本創作可以依據使用需求來改變微/奈米破管(αχ〗〗) 的結構形態’且微/奈米碳管(22)(32)的準直性、長朗勻度以及 密度白相對較傳統習用結構為佳,因*具有製造流程簡單、無須 耗用大量的生產成本、製造成本便宜、可方便隨身攜帶、不受電 源,路所_於任何處所皆可充電、以及具有更高的比表面積藉 以提升電荷的儲存贱,進*發揮最佳的電容效益等特點。 贰·本創作基本特徵的具體實施例 請參看第一、六圓所示,本實施例係為本創作的基本技術特 徵之具體實施例,其基本構造係包括有一封裝體(1〇)、設置在封 裝體(10)上且呈相反極性的一第一電極(2〇)與一第二電極(3〇), 及一介於第一電極(20)與第二電極(30)之間且封裝在封裝體(1〇) 内的電荷循環手段(40),此電荷循環手段(40)的一種具艘實施例 為電解質,其電解質可以為糠醇。其中,第一電極(2〇)包括至少 一獨立體的第一碳片(21)(碳片(21)可為碳薄月),第一碳片(21) 上則分佈有複數條微/奈米碳管(22)的微結構,且封裝於封裝艘 (10)内部,如此即可增加比表面積’以提升電荷的儲存的效能及 電導率。 請參看第一、五圖及第六圖所示,於一種更為具體的實施例 中,為接收及輸出電荷之目的,本創作第一電極(20)電性連接一 可供接收及輸出正電荷的第一導電層(23),第一碳片(21)的一面 經由一層導電膠而與第一導電層(23)黏著固定,大幅提高微/奈米 M404500 碳管(22)成形於第一導電層(23)的簡易性。另第二電極(30)則電 性連接一可供接收及輸出負電荷的第二導電層(33)。另一方面, 為提升儲存的電容量,本創作係讓每一微/奈米碳管(22)之孔徑小 於1 nm。且為使電荷移動方向得以對準第一電極(2〇)位置之目 的’其第一碳片(21)以破材鑄造而成,其上所形成之複數條微/奈 米碳管(22)可自第一碳片(21)厚度方向貫穿《此外,為取代傳統 式以基材生成的微/奈米碳管製程以達到節省成本目的,本創作第 φ 一碳片(21)—種製造方式是由碳材鑄造成為一獨立體,並由鑄造 直接形成複數個微/奈米碳管(22)。另一種製造方式’係在一薄膜 上覆設複數條微/奈米碳管,而形成可撓之結構。 又,為提升電荷接收採集與輸出效能之目的,上述第一導電 層(23)與第二導電層(33)各自密佈設有複數個與微/奈米碳管(22) 之末端(即電荷輸出端)對應連接的導電網點(本圖式例中未示), 此導電網點可以透過複數個微導線組將電荷予以傳輸出去,進而 ❿ 達到保電之目的。 參·本創作應用具艘實施例 3· 1應用於染料敏化太陽能電池的實施例 請參看第二圖所示,於本實施例中,供電模組係為一種太陽 能電池或是太陽能板,其可為有電解質或無電解質反應的太陽能 電池或太陽能板。於本圖示例中,係以具有電解質反應的染料敏 化太陽能電池為例說明,其第一電極(20)包括至少一獨立體的第 一碳片(21),第一碳片(21)上分佈有複數條微/奈米碳管(22),而 8 M404500 第二電極(30)則包括-工作層⑽(具體實施例係二氣化欽Ti⑻ 及-覆設於工作層(34)表面的透明導電玻璃(35),並於電荷猶環 手段(40)(即電解質)與工作層⑽之間介置一用以進行光電轉換 的光敏染料(36),藉由微/奈米碳管(22)的設置來降低染料敏化太 陽能電池對電極之雜轉換電阻,進而達到降低成本與提高光電 轉換效率。 上述之第二碳片(31)同樣第-種製作方式是由破材鑄造成為 • 一獨立體,並由鑄造直接形成複數個微/奈米碳管(32),另一種製 造方式,係在一薄膜上覆設複數條微/奈米碳管,而形成可撓之結 構。再者,上述第一電極(20)的第一導電層(23)亦可以是一種透 明的導電玻璃,如第二圖所示。 3· 1.1染料敏化太陽能電池的運作 請參看第二、六圖所示,當光敏染料(36)吸受光子能量後, 隨即激發低層能階之電子至高層能階,在原低層能階之電子軌道 參的空缺則會使電荷循環手段(40)(即電解質)氧化而釋放另一電子 將該空缺填滿’此時電子便會注入第二電極(3〇),再透過一導線 經一負載RL而接回至第一電極(20),同時傳輸電子至電荷循環手 段(40)(即電解質)_ ’藉以還原被光敏染料(36)所氧化的電荷循 環手段(40)(即電解質),如此即可形成一電源迴路。且本創作第 一電極(20)具有分佈複數條微/奈米碳管的第一碳片(21),由於微 /奈米碳管(22)具有優異的電子傳導性以及高比表面積的緣故,故 « 可增加與光敏染料(36)接觸的面積,並使光敏染料(36)得以均勻 9 M4045.00 地塗佈在第-電極(20)表面上,如此即提升染料敏化太陽能電池 的光電轉換效能。 3· 2應用於充電式電池的實施例 請參看第四、六圖所示,於本實施例中,供電模組係為一種 充電式電池,其第一電極(20)之第一碳片(21)的數量為複數個, 並於每一第一碳片(21)上分佛有複數條微/奈米碳管(22),而第二 電極(30)則包括複數個第二碳片(31),每一第二碳片(31)上則分 # 佈有複數條微/奈米碳管(32),複數個第一碳片(21)及複數個第二 碳片(31)逐一交錯且相隔並置,且第一碳片(21)與鄰接之第二碳 片(31)電性連接,使電池内部形成一種串聯組態,藉以提升電壓 輸出的準位。 上述之第一碳片(21)與第二碳片(31)第一種製作方式分別是 由破材鑄造成為一獨立體,並由鑄造直接形成複數個微/奈米碳管 (22)(32)。另一種製造方式,係在一薄膜上覆設複數條微/奈米碳 ❿ 管,而形成可撓之結構。 本實施例中,第一電極(20)與第二電極(30)分別設有第一導 電層(23)及第二導電層(33)。第一碳片(21)及第二碳片(31)的一 面分別經由一層導電膠而與第一導電層(23)及第二導電層(33)黏 著固定。 3.2.1充電式電池的運作 請參看第四、六圖及第七圖所示,當充電裝置(50)對第一電 極(20)與第二電極(30)充電時,電荷循環手段(4〇)(即電解質)中 M404500 的負離子則被相反極性的第一電極(2〇)所吸引,使得第一碳片(21) 上的複數條微/奈米碳管(22)之内外表面的空隙開始將負離子予 以吸覆;另一方面,電荷循環手段(40)(即電解質)中的正離子則 被相反極性的第二電極⑽所吸引,使得第二碳片(31)上的複數 條微/奈米碳管(32)之内外表面的空隙開始將正離子予以吸覆,如 此即可達到電雙層的儲能效果。由於微/奈米碳管(22)(32)具有優 異的電子傳導性以及高比表面積的緣故,所以可以提升儲存電荷 鲁的電容量,當第一電極(20)與第二電極(30)之間接上負載rl時, 則可形成一電源迴路,此時上述電池則可對負載RL供應電力。 3. 3應用於電容器的實施例 請參看第四至六圖所示,於本實施例中,供電模組係為一種 電容器,尤其是指一種超級電容器而言,係於第一電極(2〇)之第 一碳片(21)上分佈有複數條微/奈米碳管(22),而第二電極(3〇)則 包括至少一獨立體的第二碳片(31),並於第二碳片(31)上分佈有 • 複數條微/奈米碳管(32) ’複數條微/奈米碳管(32)自第二壤片(3i) 厚度方向貫穿,並於第一電極(20)之第一碳片(21)與第二電極(30) 之第二碳片(31)之間設有一供離子穿過的隔膜(37),使離子分別 吸附在各微/奈米碳管(22)(32)的内外表面上,如此即可藉由各微 /奈米碳管(22)(32)來儲存電荷。 上述之第一碳片(21)與第二碳片(31)第一種製作方式分別是 由破材鑄造成為一獨立體,並由鑄造直接形成複數個微/奈米碳管 (22)(32)。另一種製造方式,係在一薄膜上覆設複數條微/奈米碳 M404500 管,而形成可撓之結構。 本實施例中’第一電極(2〇)與第二電極(3〇)分別設有第一導 電層(23)及第二導電層(33)。第一碳片(21)及第二碳片(31)的一 面分別經由一層導電膠而與第一導電層(23)及第二導電層(33)黏 著固定。 3.3.1電容器的運作 請參看第五至七圖所示,當充電裝置(5〇)對第一電極(2〇)與 # 第二電極(30)充電時’電荷循環手段(40)(即電解質)中的負離子 則被相反極性的第一電極(2〇)所吸引,使得第一碳片(21)上的複 數條微/奈米碳管(22)之内外表面的空隙則開始將負離子予以吸 覆;另一方面,電荷循環手段(4〇)(即電解質)中的正離子則被相 反極性的第二電極(30)所吸引,使得第二碳片(31)上的複數條微/ 奈米碳管(32)之内外表面的空隙則開始將正離子予以吸覆,由於 第一電極(20)之第一碳片(21)與第二電極(30)之第二碳片(31)之 ❿間設有一棋離子穿過的隔膜(37)的緣故,所以第一電極(2〇)與第 二電極(30)之間不至於發生短路的現象,如此即可達到儲能的效 果。加上微/奈米碳管(22)(32)具有優異的電子傳導性以及高比表 面積,所以可以提升儲存電荷的電容量,當第一電極(2〇)與第二 電極(30)之間接上負載RL時,電容器則可對負載RL供應電力。 3.4供電模组的充放電實施例 請參看第七圖所示,為讓充電裝置(50)得以對第一電極(2〇) 與第二電極(30)進行充電之目的,係於封裝體(1〇)上設置一分別 12 M404500 與第一電極(20)與第二電極(30)電性連接的輸入接端(12),當充 電裝置(50)之電源插端(51)插接在輸入接端(12)時,則可對第一 電極(20)之微/奈米碳管(22)以及第二電極(30)之微/奈米碳管 (32)進行充電;另一方面,係於封裝體(1〇)設有一分別與第一導 電層(23)及第二導電層(33)電性連接的輸出接端(11),此輸出接 端(11)可供一般電子裝置(60)之充電導線組(61)插接電導通,如 此供電模組即可對電子裝置(60)進行電源之供應。 # 請參看第八圖所示,於一種上述供電模組為電容器與電池的 實施例中,係以一殼體(70)來包覆封裝體(10),此殼體(7〇)的形 狀可以與電子裝置(60)的電池組形狀相同,亦即殼體(7〇)的外型 可以依據電子裝置(60)之電池組的形狀來加以設計,進而成為一 種電子裝置(60)的電池組,且於殼體(7〇)上設有至少一提供電源 至電子裝置(60)的電極組(71),僅需將充電裝置⑽之電源插端 (51)插接在電子裝置(6〇)的電源接端(62)上,如第七圖所示,即 ❿ 河恢级、,υ)内之第一電極(20)的微/奈米碳管(22)以及第二電 極(30)的微/奈米碳管(32)進行充電,當供電模組充飽電後則可對 電子裝置(60)供應電源。 具體而言,上述所指的電子裝置(60)可以是一般的行動電 話、可攜式衛星導航器(GPS)、筆記型電腦、平板型電腦或是音樂 播放器(MP3)等。 肆•結論 因此’藉*上狀結構舰建置,本創作確實可將破材以鎮 13 造方式製成具有複紐微/奈米碳管貫穿的刻,藉轉代傳統以 基材生成微/奈米碳管的製程,不僅可以結合應用在一般電池、太 陽能電池以及超級電容器等技術領域上,以製備成一種供電模 組,而且可以依據使用需求來改變微/奈米碳管的結構形態,且微 /奈米碳管的準JL性、長度均自度以及密度均相雌傳㈣用結構 為佳,因而具有製造敵鮮、無須耗用大量·產成本、製造 成本便宜、可方便㈣攜帶、不受魏線路所關於任何處所皆 可充電、以及具有更高的比表面積藉以提升電荷的齡效能,進 而發揮最佳的電容效益等特點。 以上所述,僅為本創作之—可行實施例,並非用以限定本創 作之專利範圍’凡舉依據下列請求項所述之内容、特徵以及其精 神而為之其他變⑽實施,皆應包含於摘作之專利範圍 内。本創作除上述優料,觀具產業之_性,可植改善習 用所產生之缺失’而且所具體界定於請求項之触,未見於同類 物品;故而具實时與進步性,已符合新型專利要件,爰依法具 文提出申請,謹請㈤局依法核予專利,以維護本申請人合法之 權益。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係本創作基本結構之剖視示意圖。 第二圖係本創作為太陽能電池之剖視示意圖。 第三圖係本創作為電容器之剖視示意圖。 第四圖係本創作為充電式電池之剖視示意圖》 M404500 第五圖係本創作碳爿的外觀示意圖》 第六圖係本創作碳月的剖視示意圖。 第七圖係本創作對電子裝置充電之實施示意圖。 第八圖係本創作為電子裝置之電池組的實施示意圖 【主要元件符號說明】 (10)封裝體 (11)輸出接端 (12)輸入接端 (20)第一電極 春 (21)第一碳片 (22)(32)微/奈米碳管 (23)第一導電層 (30)第二電極 (31)第二碳片 (33)第二導電層 (34)工作層(Ti〇2) (35)導電玻璃 (36)光敏染料 (37)隔膜 (40)電荷循環手段 (50)充電裝置 (51)電源插端 (60)電子裝置 φ (61)充電導線組 (70)殼艎 (62)電源接端 (71)電極組 15V. New description: [New technical field] This is a power module with a high efficiency set/storage of nanotube carbon sheets, especially one for supplying an electronic device. The electrode is provided with a carbonaceous sheet comprising at least one independent body, and a plurality of micro/nano carbon tubes are distributed on the carbon sheet, and the specific surface area is increased to enhance the storage efficiency and electrical conductivity of the electric charge. [Prior Art] Micro/nanocarbon tubes have been gradually applied in electronics, optoelectronics, and machinery because of their light weight, high strength, high toughness, high surface area, high heat conduction, electrical conductivity, and semiconductor properties. , materials and chemicals in different fields. According to the current micro/nano carbon control process, it is nothing more than high temperature chemical vapor deposition (Thermal-CVD) and inductive chemical vapor deposition (ICP_PECVD). Among them, the high-temperature chemical vapor deposition method uses high temperature to pyrolyze carbon to gas to grow micro/nanocarbon tubes, and since the production process is very complicated, it requires a large amount of production cost. In addition, inductive chemical vapor deposition (iCP_pECVD) uses plasma to decompose the carbon source gas, thereby allowing the carbon tube to grow in a low temperature environment, and assisting the micro/nanocarbon tube on the vertical substrate by the use of an electric field. Sexually grow, the catalyst can be pre-treated and post-treated to reduce the density of the micro/nanocarbon tubes and change the shape of the top end, thereby improving the characteristics of the field emission. However, the production process is very complicated. Therefore, it is also necessary to consume a large amount of production costs. Since the above two conventional processes cannot effectively control the growth of the micro/nanocarbon tubes, the collimation, length uniformity and density of the micro/nanocarbon tubes are relatively poor compared to the M404500. The manufacturing cost is very expensive. It is an important reason why S-Mini/Nai # carbon tube cannot be widely used. In addition, the micro/nano carbon nanotubes are used in the field and on the oversized 31-integrated circuit, which is the most promising plus commercialization project; The micro/nano tube used in the field emission display and the ultra-large integrated circuit must have a uniform length, high collimation, and a neatly arranged micro/m 2 carbon tube array capability port. Since neither of the above-mentioned two conventional processes can achieve the above requirements, so far, no commercial products have been published, and there is a need for further improvement in such conventional processes. In order to avoid duplication of research and infringement of other lions, the creator first searches for related technologies, and after the data search, it found that there is a patent case before, but the patent case is different from the original one's The case has a patent pending case of the improved work, and relies on the technology of the Guanghong energy battery, such as the national invention No. 1251354 "micro/nano carbon tube solar power generation module", which contains the first conductive layer' a second conductive layer for outputting electrons; and a mixed layer for providing and conducting electrical parades and holes, which is interposed between the first conductive layer and the second conductive layer, by the first conductive An electron is provided; and a plurality of tantalum/nanocarbon tubes are connected to the first conductive layer or the second conductive layer for conducting the electrons to the first conductive layer or the first conductive layer. The structure of the patented prior art technology can increase the contact area of the micro/nanocarbon tube with the conductive organic material to improve the electron receiving ability and the efficiency of photoelectric conversion. However, the micro/nano carbon tube is not a single bond. Made, but the use of the above-mentioned conventional process phase_chemical vapor deposition method, therefore, the conventional structure can not effectively control the position / silk carbon material green, with the collimation of the Lai / carbon nanotubes, The uniformity of length and the average (4) are poor, so it is impossible to describe the field of each level, and the complexity of micro/nanocarbon tube generation is very complicated, so it must consume a lot of production costs, so that the manufacturing cost is quite expensive. . Furthermore, there is also a cake micro/wire carbon control in a supercapacitor _patent case, as in the national invention publication No. 2_23991 "supercapacitor and its preparation method", which includes two electrodes, two current collectors, a diaphragm - an electrolyte solution and an outer casing, the -M/wire carbon tube, the balance/wire carbon towel micro/nano carbon tube is evenly distributed 'and parallel to the micro/wire carbon tube thin_surface. Although the patented structure of the patent can be used to form a carbon nanotube array, it has the advantages of higher specific capacitance and electrical conductivity, but its micro/near carbon S is not a monomer. The box is made into 'the same chemical vapor phase as the above-mentioned bribery process' L process. 'This process is less effective than the control of the growth of the micro/nai tube. Collimation, length and density are relatively poor, so it is not possible to widely apply various fields, and the process of micro/nanocarbon tube generation is very complicated; so it must consume a lot of production costs, resulting in manufacturing costs. It is quite expensive, so there is a need for further improvements in the structure. [New content] The main purpose of this creation is to provide a power module with a high-scale collection/storage power to the carbon tube. The main storage is a sword from a multi-micro/nano carbon tube. Or on the film - a number of micro / carbon nanotubes, in order to replace the traditional process of generating micro / carbon nanotubes on the substrate, * only (10) in the general battery, solar cells and supercapacitors and other technologies The field, in order to prepare a supply electronic device, can be based on the structural shape of the wire/nanocarbon tube used, and the collimation, length uniformity and density of the micro/nanocarbon tube are relatively more conventional. It is better, so it has a simple manufacturing process, no need to use a lot of production costs, cheap to make, easy to carry around, can be charged without being restricted by any power line, and has a higher wire area to increase the charge. The storage performance, in turn, can achieve the best capacitance benefits. In order to achieve the above effects, the technical means adopted in the present invention includes a package, a first electrode and a second gold electrode disposed on the package and having opposite polarities, and a gap between the first electrode and the second electrode. And a charge recycling means encapsulated in the package, wherein the first electrode comprises at least one independent body of the first carbon piece, and the first carbon piece is distributed with a plurality of micro/nano carbon tubes, and the 俾 can increase the specific surface area to enhance The efficiency and conductivity of charge storage. [Embodiment] 壹. The concept and characteristics of this creation can be seen in Figures 5 to 7. The concept of this creation is to prepare a carbon material in a carbon sheet form with a plurality of micro/nano carbon tubes by casting, or A film formed by coating a plurality of micro/nanocarbon tubes on a film, thereby replacing the conventional process of forming micro/nanocarbon tubes on a substrate, and combining the carbon sheet technology in general batteries and solar cells. In the technical field of supercapacitors, etc., it is further developed into a micro-electric demand for mobile phones, radio talkers, personal processor PDAs, portable satellite navigators GPS, notebook computers, tablet computers, and music players MP3. The electronic device (60) is used to charge the power supply module. In addition, this creation can change the structural form of micro/nano broken tube (αχ〗) according to the use requirements, and the collimation, long uniformity and density white of micro/nano carbon tube (22) (32). It is better than the traditional structure, because it has a simple manufacturing process, no need to consume a lot of production costs, cheap manufacturing cost, easy to carry around, no power, roads can be charged in any place, and higher The specific surface area is used to enhance the storage of the charge, and to make the best capacitance benefits. For a specific embodiment of the basic features of the present creation, please refer to the first and sixth circles. This embodiment is a specific embodiment of the basic technical features of the creation, and the basic structure includes a package (1〇), setting a first electrode (2〇) and a second electrode (3〇) on the package (10) and having opposite polarities, and one between the first electrode (20) and the second electrode (30) and packaged A charge recycling means (40) in the package (1), an embodiment of the charge recycling means (40) is an electrolyte, and the electrolyte may be sterol. Wherein, the first electrode (2〇) comprises at least one independent first carbon piece (21) (the carbon piece (21) may be carbon thin moon), and the first carbon piece (21) is distributed with a plurality of micro// The microstructure of the carbon nanotube (22) is encapsulated inside the package vessel (10), thus increasing the specific surface area 'to enhance the storage efficiency and conductivity of the charge. Please refer to the first, fifth and sixth figures. In a more specific embodiment, for the purpose of receiving and outputting electric charge, the first electrode (20) of the present invention is electrically connected to receive and output positively. The first conductive layer (23) of the charge, one side of the first carbon sheet (21) is adhered and fixed to the first conductive layer (23) via a layer of conductive paste, and the micro/nano M404500 carbon tube (22) is substantially formed. The simplicity of a conductive layer (23). The second electrode (30) is electrically connected to a second conductive layer (33) for receiving and outputting a negative charge. On the other hand, in order to increase the storage capacity, the authors make each micro/nano carbon tube (22) have a pore size of less than 1 nm. And for the purpose of aligning the direction of charge movement with the position of the first electrode (2〇), the first carbon sheet (21) is cast in a broken material, and a plurality of micro/nano carbon tubes formed thereon (22) ) can be penetrated from the thickness direction of the first carbon sheet (21). In addition, in order to replace the conventional micro/nano carbon control process generated by the substrate to achieve cost saving, the φth carbon sheet (21) of the present invention The manufacturing method is to cast a carbon material into a separate body, and directly form a plurality of micro/nano carbon tubes (22) by casting. Another method of manufacture is to coat a plurality of micro/nanocarbon tubes on a film to form a flexible structure. Moreover, for the purpose of improving the charge receiving and outputting performance, the first conductive layer (23) and the second conductive layer (33) are respectively densely disposed with a plurality of ends of the micro/nanocarbon tubes (22) (ie, charges). The output end corresponds to the connected conductive dot (not shown in the figure), and the conductive dot can transmit the electric charge through a plurality of micro-wire sets, thereby achieving the purpose of ensuring power. The embodiment of the present invention is applied to a dye-sensitized solar cell. Please refer to the second figure. In this embodiment, the power supply module is a solar cell or a solar panel. It can be a solar cell or solar panel with or without electrolyte reaction. In the example of the figure, a dye-sensitized solar cell having an electrolyte reaction is taken as an example, and the first electrode (20) includes at least one independent first carbon sheet (21), and the first carbon sheet (21) There are a plurality of micro/nano carbon tubes (22) distributed thereon, and the 8 M404500 second electrodes (30) include a working layer (10) (the specific embodiment is a gasification Ti(8) and a coating on the working layer (34) a transparent conductive glass (35) on the surface, and a photosensitive dye (36) for photoelectric conversion between the charge device (40) (ie, electrolyte) and the working layer (10), by micro/nano carbon The tube (22) is arranged to reduce the mismatch resistance of the counter electrode of the dye-sensitized solar cell, thereby reducing the cost and improving the photoelectric conversion efficiency. The second carbon sheet (31) is also produced by the broken material. It becomes an independent body, and a plurality of micro/nanocarbon tubes (32) are directly formed by casting, and another manufacturing method is to apply a plurality of micro/nano carbon tubes on a film to form a flexible structure. Furthermore, the first conductive layer (23) of the first electrode (20) may also be a transparent guide. Electro-glass, as shown in the second figure. 3.1.1 The operation of the dye-sensitized solar cell, as shown in the second and sixth figures, when the photosensitizing dye (36) absorbs the photon energy, it immediately excites the lower-level electrons to The high-level energy level, the vacancies of the electron orbital parameters in the original lower-level energy level will cause the charge recycling means (40) (ie, the electrolyte) to oxidize and release another electron to fill the gap. At this time, the electrons will be injected into the second electrode (3) 〇), and then connected back to the first electrode (20) through a load RL, while transmitting electrons to the charge recycling means (40) (ie, electrolyte) _ 'to reduce the charge oxidized by the photosensitive dye (36) Circulating means (40) (i.e., electrolyte), thereby forming a power supply loop, and the first electrode (20) of the present invention has a first carbon sheet (21) distributing a plurality of micro/nanocarbon tubes, due to micro/na The carbon nanotube (22) has excellent electron conductivity and high specific surface area, so « can increase the area of contact with the photosensitive dye (36), and the photosensitive dye (36) can be uniformly coated at 9 M4045.00. Lifting the dye-sensitized solar energy on the surface of the first electrode (20) The photoelectric conversion performance of the battery. 3. 2 is applied to the embodiment of the rechargeable battery. Please refer to the fourth and sixth figures. In this embodiment, the power supply module is a rechargeable battery, and the first electrode (20) The number of the first carbon sheets (21) is plural, and each of the first carbon sheets (21) is divided into a plurality of micro/nano carbon tubes (22), and the second electrode (30) is included. a plurality of second carbon sheets (31), each of the second carbon sheets (31) is divided into a plurality of micro/nano carbon tubes (32), a plurality of first carbon sheets (21) and a plurality of The two carbon sheets (31) are staggered one by one and juxtaposed, and the first carbon sheet (21) is electrically connected to the adjacent second carbon sheet (31), so that a series configuration is formed inside the battery, thereby raising the level of the voltage output. . The first production method of the first carbon sheet (21) and the second carbon sheet (31) is respectively formed by breaking into a separate body, and a plurality of micro/nano carbon tubes (22) are directly formed by casting ( 32). Another method of fabrication involves applying a plurality of micro/nano carbon nanotubes to a film to form a flexible structure. In this embodiment, the first electrode (20) and the second electrode (30) are respectively provided with a first conductive layer (23) and a second conductive layer (33). One side of the first carbon sheet (21) and the second carbon sheet (31) are adhered to the first conductive layer (23) and the second conductive layer (33) via a layer of conductive paste, respectively. 3.2.1 Operation of the rechargeable battery Please refer to the fourth, sixth and seventh figures. When the charging device (50) charges the first electrode (20) and the second electrode (30), the charge recycling means (4) The negative ion of M404500 in 〇) (ie, electrolyte) is attracted by the first electrode (2〇) of opposite polarity, so that the inner and outer surfaces of the plurality of micro/nanocarbon tubes (22) on the first carbon sheet (21) The void begins to absorb the negative ions; on the other hand, the positive ions in the charge recycling means (40) (ie, the electrolyte) are attracted by the second electrode (10) of opposite polarity, such that the plurality of strips on the second carbon sheet (31) The voids on the inner and outer surfaces of the micro/nanocarbon tube (32) begin to absorb positive ions, so that the energy storage effect of the electric double layer can be achieved. Since the micro/nanocarbon tube (22) (32) has excellent electron conductivity and high specific surface area, the capacitance of the stored charge can be increased, when the first electrode (20) and the second electrode (30) When the load rl is connected, a power supply circuit can be formed, and at this time, the battery can supply power to the load RL. 3. 3 embodiment of the application of the capacitor, please refer to the fourth to sixth figure, in this embodiment, the power supply module is a capacitor, especially a super capacitor, tied to the first electrode (2〇 a plurality of micro/nano carbon tubes (22) distributed on the first carbon sheet (21), and a second carbon sheet (31) including at least one independent body, and the second electrode (31) Two carbon sheets (31) are distributed with a plurality of micro/nano carbon tubes (32) 'multiple micro/nano carbon tubes (32) run through the thickness of the second lobe (3i) and are at the first electrode A separator (37) through which ions are passed is disposed between the first carbon sheet (21) of the second electrode (21) and the second carbon sheet (31) of the second electrode (30), so that ions are respectively adsorbed on each micro/nano On the inner and outer surfaces of the carbon tubes (22) (32), the charges can be stored by the respective micro/nanocarbon tubes (22) (32). The first production method of the first carbon sheet (21) and the second carbon sheet (31) is respectively formed by breaking into a separate body, and a plurality of micro/nano carbon tubes (22) are directly formed by casting ( 32). Another method of fabrication is to apply a plurality of micro/nano carbon M404500 tubes to a film to form a flexible structure. In the present embodiment, the first electrode (2) and the second electrode (3) are respectively provided with a first conductive layer (23) and a second conductive layer (33). One side of the first carbon sheet (21) and the second carbon sheet (31) are adhered to the first conductive layer (23) and the second conductive layer (33) via a layer of conductive paste, respectively. 3.3.1 Operation of the capacitor Please refer to Figures 5 to 7. When the charging device (5〇) charges the first electrode (2〇) and the #2 electrode (30), the charge circulation means (40) (ie The negative ions in the electrolyte are attracted by the first electrode (2〇) of opposite polarity, so that the voids on the inner and outer surfaces of the plurality of micro/nanocarbon tubes (22) on the first carbon sheet (21) start to have negative ions. On the other hand, the positive ions in the charge recycling means (ie, the electrolyte) are attracted by the second electrode (30) of opposite polarity, so that the plurality of micro-sheets (31) / The gap between the inner and outer surfaces of the carbon nanotube (32) begins to absorb positive ions due to the first carbon sheet (21) of the first electrode (20) and the second carbon sheet of the second electrode (30) ( 31) There is a diaphragm (37) through which the chess ions pass, so that there is no short circuit between the first electrode (2〇) and the second electrode (30), so that energy storage can be achieved. effect. In addition, the micro/nanocarbon tube (22) (32) has excellent electron conductivity and high specific surface area, so that the capacitance of the stored charge can be increased when the first electrode (2〇) and the second electrode (30) When indirectly loading the RL, the capacitor can supply power to the load RL. 3.4 charging and discharging embodiment of the power supply module, as shown in the seventh figure, in order to allow the charging device (50) to charge the first electrode (2〇) and the second electrode (30), in the package ( 1)) is provided with an input terminal (12) electrically connected to the first electrode (20) and the second electrode (30), respectively, when the power supply terminal (51) of the charging device (50) is plugged in When the terminal (12) is input, the micro/nanocarbon tube (22) of the first electrode (20) and the micro/nanocarbon tube (32) of the second electrode (30) can be charged; The output body (11) is electrically connected to the first conductive layer (23) and the second conductive layer (33), and the output terminal (11) is available for general electronics. The charging wire set (61) of the device (60) is electrically connected, so that the power supply module can supply the power to the electronic device (60). # Referring to the eighth embodiment, in an embodiment in which the power supply module is a capacitor and a battery, the package (10) is covered by a casing (70), and the shape of the casing (7〇) The shape of the battery pack of the electronic device (60) may be the same, that is, the outer shape of the housing (7〇) may be designed according to the shape of the battery pack of the electronic device (60), thereby becoming a battery of the electronic device (60). And the at least one electrode group (71) for supplying power to the electronic device (60) is disposed on the casing (7〇), and only the power plug (51) of the charging device (10) needs to be plugged into the electronic device (6)电源) on the power terminal (62), as shown in the seventh figure, that is, the micro/nanocarbon tube (22) of the first electrode (20) and the second electrode in the 恢hehui, υ) 30) The micro/nanocarbon tube (32) is charged, and when the power supply module is fully charged, the electronic device (60) can be supplied with power. Specifically, the electronic device (60) referred to above may be a general mobile phone, a portable satellite navigator (GPS), a notebook computer, a tablet computer, or a music player (MP3).肆•Conclusion Therefore, the 'borrowing* upper structure ship was built. This creation can indeed make the broken material into the engraving of the composite micro/nano carbon tube in the way of the town 13 The process of carbon nanotubes can be combined not only in the technical fields of general batteries, solar cells and supercapacitors, but also to prepare a power supply module, and the structure of the micro/nanocarbon tubes can be changed according to the use requirements. And the micro-/nano carbon nanotubes have a quasi-JL property, a length of self-determination, and a uniform density of females. (4) The structure is better, so that it has the advantage of manufacturing a new enemy, no need to consume a large amount of production cost, and the manufacturing cost is cheap and convenient (4) Carrying, not being able to charge any space in the Wei line, and having a higher specific surface area to enhance the age performance of the charge, and thus to achieve the best capacitance benefits. The above description is only for the purpose of the present invention, and is not intended to limit the scope of the patents of the present invention. All of the changes (10) implemented according to the content, features and spirit of the following claims should include Within the scope of the patents cited. In addition to the above-mentioned superior materials, the creation of the industry can be used to improve the lack of use of the industry's and is specifically defined in the requirements of the request, not seen in the same category; therefore, real-time and progressive, has met the new patent For the requirements, the application shall be filed in accordance with the law. The (5) Bureau is required to approve the patent in accordance with the law to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the applicant. [Simple description of the diagram] The first diagram is a schematic cross-sectional view of the basic structure of the creation. The second figure is a schematic cross-sectional view of the solar cell. The third figure is a schematic cross-sectional view of the capacitor. The fourth picture is a schematic cross-sectional view of the rechargeable battery. M404500 The fifth picture shows the appearance of the carbon enamel. The sixth picture is a cross-sectional view of the carbon month of the creation. The seventh figure is a schematic diagram of the implementation of charging the electronic device by the present creation. The eighth figure is a schematic diagram of the implementation of the battery pack of the electronic device [main component symbol description] (10) package body (11) output terminal (12) input terminal (20) first electrode spring (21) first Carbon sheet (22) (32) micro/nano carbon tube (23) first conductive layer (30) second electrode (31) second carbon sheet (33) second conductive layer (34) working layer (Ti〇2 (35) Conductive glass (36) photosensitive dye (37) diaphragm (40) charge recycling means (50) charging device (51) power supply terminal (60) electronic device φ (61) charging wire group (70) shell 艎 ( 62) Power terminal (71) electrode group 15