M442681 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 [0001] 本新型涉及一種電子裝置支撐架。 【先前技術】 [0002] 隨著高科技之發展,各種攜帶式電子裝置如行動電話、 個人數位助理(personal digital assistant, PDA )'掌上電腦等功能及外觀不斷豐富,受到人們之青睞 ’而人們於攜帶該等電子裝置時,為避免到傷電子裝置 之外殼’會用保護袋將其收納保護,而該等電子裝置除 了本身之功能外’大多可以用於觀賞電影等視頻,是故 使用者有需要配置可以攜帶之支撐架,以便觀看視頻, 而如此既費成本又不便攜帶。 【新型内容】 [0003]針對上述問題’有必要提供一種攜帶方便之'且具有保 護功能之電子裝置支撐架。 一種電子裝置支撐架,用於支撐電子裝置,其包括頂壁 及底壁,該底壁包括一底板、一第一主支架、一第二主 支架、二第一支板、二第二支板、手提部及卡持部,該 底板、第一主支架及第二主支架依次間隔設置且相鄰之 側邊相互平行,該二第一支板位於該第一主支架相對兩 側’該二第二支板位於該第二主支架相對兩側並分別與 該二第一支板相對,該手提部設置於底板及頂壁上,用 於提攜該電子裝置支撐架,該卡持部設置於該底板上’ s亥底壁可部分翻折使得該第一主支架、第二主支架、二 第一支板及二第二支板支撐於底板上,且第二主支架之 10120801^^^ A〇101 第 5 頁 / 共 25 頁 1013334887-0 M442681 [0005] [0006] [0007] [0008] [0009] 101年09月03日核正替 端部可與該切部,㈣成— 炒笛-士 士〜 體支標結構,支樓時^第一主支架抵持並支撐電子裝置。 位於該與錢端部上㈣有開口,該手提 二二可相對分開或閉合之片體該二片體由開口兩 =部及頂壁延伸形成,該開口用於裝設電子裝置於 保〜袋内,手提部可將開口遮蓋。 ,選地,該手提部還設有貫穿該二片體之通口及位於底 。卜側之片體上開設有υ型通槽,於通槽内形成一呈舌片 狀與一片體連接部連接之抵持部,該抵持以卡持電 子裝置。 優選地,該切部狀底壁上位於底部料之中部,該 卡持部上設有可相對該底部翻開之卡持片,用以卡持一 支樓部或者线電子裝置於卡持片與該續部之間。 優選地’該保«置還包括設於手提部二片體上之磁鐵 ’用以固定二片體並封住開口。 一種電子裝置支稽架,用於支樓電子裝置,電子裝置支 Φ 推架包括頂壁及底壁.,該底壁包括—底板、_第—主S 架、-第二主支架、二第-支板、二第二支板、手提部 及卡持部,m架之端部可_切部卡持,該底 板、第-主支架及第二主支架間隔設置,該二第一支板 位於該第一主支架相對兩側’該二第二支板位於該第二 主支架相對兩側並分別與該二第—支板相對,該手提部 設置於底板及頂壁上,用於提攜該電子裝置支撐架,該 手提部位於誠板之部分設有抵持部,該卡持部設於底 10120801#單编號 A〇101 第6頁/共25頁 1013334887-0 M442681 101年09月03日核正替换頁 壁上,該第一主支架、第二主支架、二第一支板及二第 二支板可相對底板翻折,使得該卡持部或抵持部之其中 之一卡持電子裝置於不同之支撐角度。 [0010] 優選地,該電子裝置支撐架之頂壁及底壁由軟性材料製 成,且頂壁及底壁可覆蓋於電子裝置以保護電子裝置。 [0011] 優選地,該底板、第一主支架及第二主支架間隔設於底 壁上,並且該底板、第一主支架及第二主支架相鄰之側 邊相互平行,該第一主支架設有二腰邊,該第二支板設 有二腰邊,該二第一支板分別與該第一主支架二腰邊平 行相對,二第二支板分別與該第二主支架二腰邊平行相 對。 [0012] 優選地,該底壁上還形成有第一彎折區、第二彎折區、 二第三彎折區及二第四彎折區,該第一彎折區及第二彎 折區相互平行,第三彎折區及第四弯折區均與延伸線該 第二彎折區相交,該底板、第一主支架、第二主支架、 二第一支板及二第二支板可沿第一,第二,第三,第四 彎折區翻折,從而使底壁上之第一主支架、第二主支架 、二第一支板及二第二支板相對翻折形成支架,以支撐 電子裝置。 [0013] 優選地,該底板設有第一邊,該第一邊平行於與其相對 之第一主支架之側邊,且之間形成所述第一彎折區;該 第二邊與第三邊平行間隔相對,之間形成第二彎折區, 該第一主支架之二腰邊與該二第一支板之間形成二第三 彎折區,該第二主支架之二腰邊與二第二支板之間形成 二第四彎折區。 10120801# 單編號 A_ 第7頁/共25頁 1013334887-0 [0014] 101年09月03日核正替換頁 上述之電子裝置支料可叫納並保護電子裝置,該底 壁内夹持有底板、第-主支架、第二主支架、第-支板 ^第一支板,藉由旋第—主支架、第二主支架,帶動第 -支板及第二支板相對底板轉動,從而形成一支撐架, 以支撐電子裝置,择你館。〇 插作間早,並且設有手提部,以便攜 帶保護裝置。 【實施方式】 _核型較佳實施方式之電子裝置支推架適用於如行動電 話、掌上電腦、PDA等攜帶式電子裝置。請一併參閱圖i ’本新型較佳實施方式電子袈置支樓架1〇〇可以由纖維材 質或皮革與塑膠材質製成。 _]請-併參閱圖2與圖3,該電子裝置支標架_包括頂壁1〇 、底壁20、可伸縮之週壁30、手提部40、抵持部5〇及卡 持部55。該頂壁10、底壁20及週壁30岣可由纖維布料或 皮革荨軟性材料製成,以避免對收納於其内之電子裝置造 成磨損。該週壁30位於該頂壁1〇與底壁20之間並連接頂 壁10與底壁20之週緣,頂壁10與底壁20及週壁30圍成一 容納電子裝置之袋狀容納空間。 [0017]該週壁30端部開設有開口 31,電子裝置可由該開口 31裝 入容納空間内。該手提部40為二U形片體,分別由該頂壁 10及底壁20位於開口 31之一端遠離該開口 31方向平行延 伸形成。所述手提部40上設有U形通口 41,其靠近該開口 31設置並貫穿手提部40,以便打開該開口 31並便於提攜 該電子裝置支撐架1〇〇。該手提部40上可以裝設有磁鐵或 ,該手提部 1013334887-0 魔術黏貼,用以封住該開口 31 〇本實施例中 單编號A0101 帛8真/共25頁 M442681 __ 101·年.09見0¾日梭正替换頁 40裝設有磁鐵(圖未示)。 [0018] 該手提部40與該底壁20連接部分邊緣開設有u形通槽21, 從而於通槽21内形成一呈舌片狀與手提部4〇連接之所述 抵持部50。該抵持部50端部可沿其與手提部4〇連接處相 對該底壁20翻折,用以卡持電子裝置於其内。 [0019] 請複參閱圖2,本實施例中,該底壁2〇上設有塑膠材質等 硬性材料製成之底板61、第一主支架62、第二主支架63 、二第一支板64、65及二第二支板66、67。該底板61、 • 第一主支架62、第二主支架63、二第一支板64、65及二 第二支板66、67間隔貼覆於或者嵌設於該底板2〇一表面 上或者包覆於底板20内。本實施例中,所述底板61、第 一主支架62、第二主支架63、第一支板64、65及第二支 板66、67為厚度相同之聚乙烯、聚丙烯等塑膠材質製成 之薄板。 [〇〇2〇]本實施例中,忒底板61上設置有該手提部4〇,可以保證 該手提部40之硬度"該底板61遠離該封口部4〇之一側設 • 有-第-邊611。該第-主支架62與該第二主支架⑽均為 等腰梯形。所述卡持部55凸設於該底板61之一端中部靠 近封口部40,其朝向該底板61方向平行於底板61延伸有 一卡持片551,該卡持片551可遠離底壁2〇翻折,用以卡 持第二主支架63。 [0021]該第一主支架62包括一第二邊621及二腰邊623。該第二 邊621為該第一主支架62較短之底邊。第一主支架62與該 第一邊611與相對之側邊平行於第—邊6U,第一主支架 ⑻臟产單編號 62與該底板61之間形成第一彎折區η。該第二主去您 A0101 第9頁/共25頁 1013334887-0 M442681 101年09月03日按正替換頁 包括一第三邊631及二腰邊633。第三邊631為第二主支 架63較短之底邊。該第二主支架63與第一主支架62間隔 相對汉置’弟一邊6 21與第二邊6 31平行相對,之間形成 第二彎折區73。 [0022] 該第一支板64、65及第二支板66、67均呈三角形。該二 第一支板64、65分別間隔相對設置於該第一主支架62之 兩側,並且第一支板64、65與該第一主支架62相鄰之側 邊與所述腰邊623平行,並與腰邊623之間形成二第三彎 折區75。一第一支板66、67分別間隔相對設置於該第二 主支架63與該第一支板64、65之間,並且第二支板66、 ^ 67與第二主支架63及該第一支板64、65相鄰之邊相互平 行。該第二支板66、67分別與腰邊633之間形成二第四彎 折區77。是故,該二第二支板66、67分別與該第—支板 64、65間隔相對並位於該第二彎折區73兩端延伸線之兩 側。該第三彎折區75及第四彎折區77與該第二彎折區延 伸線相交。 [0023]請一併參閱圖3,當使用該電子裝置支撐架1〇〇裝置電子 裝置時,將手提部40之二片體打開,並撐開開口 31,將 電子裝置從開口 31裝入頂壁1〇與底壁2〇之間並將週壁3〇 撐起。再閉合手提部40,使手提部4〇内之磁鐵相互吸住 ,防止該電子裝置掉出該電子裝置支撐架1〇〇。 [0024]請一併參閱圖4,如需將該電子裝置支撐架1〇〇變形為一 能對電子裝置起支撐功能之支架時,首先將該第一主支 架62以該第一彎折區71為折線向該底板61翻折,另帶動 該第二主支架63、第一支板64、65及第二支板66、67向 1013334887-0 10120801卢單編號Α0101 第10頁/共25頁 M442681 • 101年.09月03日修正替換頁 底板61移動。然後,將該第二主支架63向底板61方向移 動並相對该弟一主支架翻折,直至該第二主支架Μ與 °玄卡持部55之卡持片551卡持;此時,該第一主支架及 苐—主支架63與底板61呈一夾角設置。最後,從該第二 彎折區73之兩端向該底壁61抵推該二第一支板64、65 , 使其沿著該第二腎折區73及第三彎折區75向底板61方向 翻折並與该第一主支架62呈夹角設置;與此另,第一支 板、65帶動第二支板66、67沿著該第四彎折區77及第 二彎折區75向底板61方向翻折並與第二主支架63呈夾角 。又置。此時’該第二主支架63、第一支板64、及第二 支板66、67支撐於該底板61從而形成圖5中所示狀態之折 疊支架》 [0025] • 請一併參閱圖6至圖8,將該電子裝置20.0-端卡持於該抵· 持部50上,第-支架62及第二支架63將電子裝置2〇〇本 體部分支摔,該電子裝置200另給支標架一重力使該支樓 架更加_,如此即可使用電子裝置觀看視頻。該電子 裝置200-端也可以卡持與該第二主支架63與該卡持片 Ml之間’將該第-主支架62與第二主支架63相對該底板 61略調整高角度,如此可以於卡持片551與抵持部5〇之間 更換滿足使用者不同拜訪電子裝置之角度。 [0026] 本新型較佳實施例所述之電子袭置支撐架1〇〇主要由纖維 布製成之袋體,用於收納f子|置;另於底壁2G内設有 塑膠材質之底板6卜第—主支架62、第二主支架⑽、二 第一支板64、65及二第二支板66、67,藉由折疊第一主 支架62、第二主支架63、二第一支板64、65及二第二支 10120801#單編號 A0101 第11頁/共25頁 1013334887-0 M442681 [0027] [0028] [0029] [0030] 101年09月03日核正替換頁 板66、67 ’使該電子裝置支撐架100形成一支撐架,用於 支標電子裝置200,並且該電子裝置支樓架1〇〇上之抵持 部50與卡持部55間隔設置,可以調整電子裝置之擺放角 度’該電子裝置支撐架100使用簡單,無需使用者另帶電 子裝置支架,攜帶方便。 可以理解’電子裝置支撐架100之頂壁10 '底壁20及週壁 30上可以設置有用於露出電子裝置200之按鈕或螢幕之通 孔。 可以理解’電子裝置支撐架100之週壁30可以省略,此時 ’頂壁10與底壁2G之週緣直接相連接形成容納電子裝置-之袋狀容納空間。 可以理解,所述抵持部50也可以為設置於手提部4〇上之 一或多個平行間隔設置之凸條或凹槽,此時,於支撐電 子裝置200時’由凸條或凹槽定位電子裝置2〇〇之一端, 且藉由選擇不同位置之凸條或凹槽可以調節電子裝置2〇〇 之傾斜度。 綜上所述,本新型符合新型專利要件,爰依法提出專利 ® 申请。惟,以上所述者僅為本新型之較佳實施例,本新 型之範圍並不以上述實施例為限,舉凡熟悉本案技藝之 人士援依本新型之精神所作之等效修飾或變化,皆應涵 蓋於以下申請專利範圍内。 [0031] 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1為本新型較佳實施方式電子裝置支撐架之立體結構示 意圖。M442681 V. New description: [New technical field] [0001] The present invention relates to an electronic device support frame. [Prior Art] [0002] With the development of high technology, various portable electronic devices such as mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), handheld computers, and other functions and appearances are constantly enriched, and people are favored. In order to avoid the damage to the electronic device's outer casing, the protective device will be stored and protected, and the electronic devices can be used for viewing movies and other videos in addition to their functions. There is a need to configure a support frame that can be carried to view the video, which is costly and not portable. [New content] [0003] In view of the above problems, it is necessary to provide an electronic device support frame that is portable and has a protective function. An electronic device support frame for supporting an electronic device, comprising a top wall and a bottom wall, the bottom wall comprising a bottom plate, a first main support, a second main support, two first support plates, and two second support plates The bottom plate, the first main bracket and the second main bracket are sequentially spaced apart and the adjacent side edges are parallel to each other, and the two first supporting plates are located on opposite sides of the first main bracket. The second supporting plate is located on opposite sides of the second main bracket and opposite to the two first supporting plates respectively. The portable portion is disposed on the bottom plate and the top wall for carrying the electronic device support frame, and the holding portion is disposed on the second supporting portion The bottom wall of the bottom plate can be partially folded so that the first main bracket, the second main bracket, the second first support plate and the second second support plate are supported on the bottom plate, and the second main support is 10120801^^^ A〇101 Page 5 of 25 1013334887-0 M442681 [0005] [0007] [0008] [0009] On September 3, 101, the nuclear replacement is available with the cut, (4) into - Flute-Sydney~ Body-supporting structure, when the building is in the building, the first main bracket resists and supports the electronic device. On the side of the money (4) having an opening, the hand 22 can be relatively separated or closed. The two bodies are formed by two openings and a top wall, and the opening is used for installing an electronic device in the bag. The portable part can cover the opening. In the selected area, the portable part is further provided with a through-mouth and a bottom. The cymbal-shaped body is provided with a υ-shaped through groove, and a resisting portion which is connected to the one-piece connecting portion in a tongue shape is formed in the through-groove, and is resisted to hold the electronic device. Preferably, the cut-shaped bottom wall is located in the middle of the bottom material, and the holding portion is provided with a holding piece that can be opened relative to the bottom portion for holding a building or a line electronic device on the holding piece Between this continuation. Preferably, the retaining means includes a magnet </ RTI> disposed on the two bodies of the portable portion for fixing the two sheets and sealing the opening. An electronic device support frame for a branch electronic device, the electronic device support Φ push frame comprises a top wall and a bottom wall. The bottom wall comprises a bottom plate, a _ first main S frame, a second main support, and a second a support plate, two second support plates, a carrying portion and a holding portion, wherein the end portion of the m frame can be held by the cutting portion, and the bottom plate, the first main bracket and the second main bracket are spaced apart, and the two first supporting plates are arranged Located on opposite sides of the first main bracket, the two second supporting plates are located on opposite sides of the second main bracket and respectively opposite to the two first supporting plates, and the portable portion is disposed on the bottom plate and the top wall for carrying The electronic device support frame is provided with a resisting portion located at a part of the board, and the holding portion is disposed at the bottom 10120801#单号A〇101 6th page/total 25 page 1013334887-0 M442681 101 September On the 03th, the first main support, the second main support, the second first support plate and the second second support plate can be folded relative to the bottom plate, so that one of the holding portion or the resisting portion The holding electronic device is at different supporting angles. [0010] Preferably, the top wall and the bottom wall of the electronic device support frame are made of a soft material, and the top wall and the bottom wall may cover the electronic device to protect the electronic device. [0011] Preferably, the bottom plate, the first main bracket and the second main bracket are spaced apart from each other on the bottom wall, and the adjacent sides of the bottom plate, the first main bracket and the second main bracket are parallel to each other, the first main The bracket is provided with two waist sides, the second support plate is provided with two waist sides, the two first support plates are respectively parallel to the waist sides of the first main bracket, and the second second support plates are respectively opposite to the second main support brackets The waist is parallel to each other. [0012] Preferably, the bottom wall is further formed with a first bending zone, a second bending zone, two second bending zones and two fourth bending zones, the first bending zone and the second bending zone The regions are parallel to each other, and the third bending zone and the fourth bending zone intersect with the second bending zone of the extension line, the bottom plate, the first main bracket, the second main bracket, the second first supporting plate and the second second branch The plate can be folded along the first, second, third, and fourth bending regions, so that the first main bracket, the second main bracket, the second first supporting plate, and the second second supporting plate on the bottom wall are relatively folded A bracket is formed to support the electronic device. [0013] Preferably, the bottom plate is provided with a first side, the first side is parallel to a side of the first main bracket opposite thereto, and the first bending area is formed therebetween; the second side and the third side a second bending zone is formed between the two waist portions of the first main bracket and the two first supporting plates, and the two waist portions of the second main bracket are opposite to each other. Two second bending zones are formed between the second support plates. 10120801# Single No. A_ Page 7 / Total 25 Page 1013334887-0 [0014] On September 3, 101, the replacement of the electronic device support can be called and protect the electronic device. The bottom wall is clamped with a bottom plate. , the first main bracket, the second main bracket, the first support plate, the first support plate, and the first support plate and the second support plate drive the first support plate and the second support plate to rotate relative to the bottom plate, thereby forming A support frame to support the electronic device and choose your library.插 It is inserted early and has a portable part for carrying a protective device. [Embodiment] The electronic device support frame of the preferred embodiment is suitable for portable electronic devices such as mobile phones, palmtop computers, and PDAs. Please refer to FIG. 1 ''. The preferred embodiment of the present invention can be made of fiber material or leather and plastic material. _] Please - and referring to FIG. 2 and FIG. 3 , the electronic device support frame _ includes a top wall 1 〇, a bottom wall 20 , a retractable peripheral wall 30 , a portable portion 40 , a resisting portion 5 , and a holding portion 55 . . The top wall 10, the bottom wall 20, and the peripheral wall 30 can be made of a fiber cloth or a leather soft material to avoid abrasion of the electronic device housed therein. The peripheral wall 30 is located between the top wall 1 〇 and the bottom wall 20 and connects the periphery of the top wall 10 and the bottom wall 20. The top wall 10 and the bottom wall 20 and the peripheral wall 30 enclose a pocket-shaped receiving space for accommodating the electronic device. . An opening 31 is formed at an end of the peripheral wall 30, and the electronic device can be loaded into the accommodating space by the opening 31. The hand-held portion 40 is a two U-shaped sheet body, and the top wall 10 and the bottom wall 20 are respectively formed in parallel with one end of the opening 31 away from the opening 31. The hand-held portion 40 is provided with a U-shaped opening 41 disposed adjacent to the opening 31 and extending through the hand-held portion 40 to open the opening 31 and facilitate carrying the electronic device support frame 1 . The portable part 40 can be provided with a magnet or the portable part 1013334887-0 is magically pasted to seal the opening 31. In this embodiment, the single number A0101 帛8 true/total 25 pages M442681 __ 101·year. 09 see 03⁄4 day shuttle replacement page 40 is equipped with a magnet (not shown). [0018] The U-shaped through groove 21 is formed in the edge of the connecting portion of the bottom portion of the hand-held portion 40, so that the abutting portion 50 connected to the hand-held portion 4b is formed in the tongue-groove 21. The end of the abutting portion 50 can be folded over the bottom wall 20 along the junction with the hand-held portion 4 for holding the electronic device therein. [0019] Please refer to FIG. 2, in this embodiment, the bottom wall 2 is provided with a bottom plate 61 made of a hard material such as a plastic material, a first main bracket 62, a second main bracket 63, and two first support plates. 64, 65 and two second support plates 66, 67. The bottom plate 61, the first main bracket 62, the second main bracket 63, the two first support plates 64, 65 and the second second support plates 66, 67 are spaced or embedded on the surface of the bottom plate 2 or Covered in the bottom plate 20. In this embodiment, the bottom plate 61, the first main bracket 62, the second main bracket 63, the first support plates 64 and 65, and the second support plates 66 and 67 are made of plastic materials such as polyethylene and polypropylene having the same thickness. Into the thin board. [〇〇2〇] In the present embodiment, the carrying portion 4 is disposed on the bottom plate 61 to ensure the hardness of the portable portion 40. The bottom plate 61 is disposed away from the side of the sealing portion 4 - Side 611. The first main bracket 62 and the second main bracket (10) are both isosceles trapezoids. The holding portion 55 is disposed at a middle end of the bottom plate 61 near the sealing portion 40. A locking piece 551 extends parallel to the bottom plate 61 toward the bottom plate 61. The holding piece 551 can be folded away from the bottom wall 2 For holding the second main bracket 63. [0021] The first main bracket 62 includes a second side 621 and two waist sides 623. The second side 621 is a shorter bottom edge of the first main bracket 62. The first main bracket 62 and the first side 611 and the opposite side are parallel to the first side 6U, and the first main bracket (8) has a first bending area n formed between the dirty production number 62 and the bottom plate 61. The second master goes to you A0101 Page 9 of 25 1013334887-0 M442681 On September 3, 101, the replacement page includes a third side 631 and two waist sides 633. The third side 631 is the shorter base of the second main frame 63. The second main bracket 63 is spaced apart from the first main bracket 62 so that the second side 6 21 and the second side 6 31 are parallel to each other, and a second bending portion 73 is formed therebetween. [0022] The first support plates 64, 65 and the second support plates 66, 67 are all triangular. The two first supporting plates 64 and 65 are respectively disposed at opposite sides of the first main bracket 62, and the side edges of the first supporting plates 64 and 65 adjacent to the first main bracket 62 and the waist 623 Parallel, and forming a second third bending zone 75 with the waist 623. A first support plate 66, 67 is spaced apart from the second main bracket 63 and the first support plate 64, 65, respectively, and the second support plate 66, ^ 67 and the second main support 63 and the first The adjacent sides of the support plates 64, 65 are parallel to each other. The second support plates 66, 67 form a second and fourth bend regions 77, respectively, between the waist edges 633. Therefore, the two second supporting plates 66 and 67 are spaced apart from the first supporting plates 64 and 65, respectively, and are located on two sides of the extending line at both ends of the second bending portion 73. The third bending zone 75 and the fourth bending zone 77 intersect the extension line of the second bending zone. [0023] Referring to FIG. 3 together, when the electronic device support frame 1 is used, the two pieces of the portable unit 40 are opened, and the opening 31 is opened, and the electronic device is loaded from the opening 31 to the top. Between the wall 1〇 and the bottom wall 2〇 and the peripheral wall 3〇. The portable unit 40 is closed again to attract the magnets in the portable unit 4 to prevent the electronic device from falling out of the electronic device support frame 1 . [0024] Referring to FIG. 4 together, if the electronic device support frame 1 is deformed into a support capable of supporting the electronic device, the first main support 62 is firstly used as the first bending area. 71 is a fold line folded to the bottom plate 61, and the second main bracket 63, the first support plate 64, 65 and the second support plate 66, 67 are directed to 1013334887-0 10120801. The single number is Α0101, the 10th page, the total 25 pages. M442681 • 101 years. September 3rd revised replacement page bottom plate 61 movement. Then, the second main bracket 63 is moved toward the bottom plate 61 and folded relative to the first main bracket until the second main bracket 卡 is engaged with the retaining piece 551 of the hinge portion 55; The first main bracket and the cymbal-main bracket 63 are disposed at an angle to the bottom plate 61. Finally, the two first supporting plates 64 and 65 are pushed against the bottom wall 61 from the two ends of the second bending portion 73 so as to be along the second kidney folding region 73 and the third bending region 75 toward the bottom plate. 61 is folded and disposed at an angle with the first main bracket 62; and the first supporting plate 65 drives the second supporting plate 66, 67 along the fourth bending portion 77 and the second bending region 75 is folded in the direction of the bottom plate 61 and at an angle to the second main bracket 63. Set again. At this time, the second main bracket 63, the first support plate 64, and the second support plates 66, 67 are supported by the bottom plate 61 to form a folded bracket in the state shown in Fig. 5. [0025] Please refer to the figure together. 6 to 8, the electronic device 20.0-end is held on the abutting portion 50, and the first bracket 62 and the second bracket 63 partially support the electronic device 2, and the electronic device 200 is additionally supported. The frame-gravity makes the stand more _, so you can watch the video using the electronic device. The electronic device 200-end can also be held between the second main bracket 63 and the holding piece M1. The first main bracket 62 and the second main bracket 63 are slightly adjusted at a high angle with respect to the bottom plate 61, so that The angle between the holding piece 551 and the abutting portion 5〇 is changed to satisfy the angle at which the user visits the electronic device. [0026] The electronically mounted support frame 1 according to the preferred embodiment of the present invention is mainly composed of a bag made of fiber cloth for accommodating the f sub-position; and the bottom plate 2G is provided with a bottom plate 6 of a plastic material. The first main bracket 62, the second main bracket (10), the two first supporting plates 64, 65 and the second second supporting plates 66, 67 are folded by the first main bracket 62, the second main bracket 63, and the first branch Board 64, 65 and two second branch 10120801# single number A0101 page 11 / total 25 page 1013334887-0 M442681 [0028] [0030] [0030] [November 03, 101, the replacement of the page board 66, The electronic device support frame 100 is formed into a support frame for supporting the electronic device 200, and the abutting portion 50 of the electronic device support frame 1 is spaced apart from the holding portion 55, and the electronic device can be adjusted. The mounting angle of the electronic device support frame 100 is simple to use, and the user does not need to bring another electronic device bracket, which is convenient to carry. It can be understood that the bottom wall 20 and the peripheral wall 30 of the top wall 10' of the electronic device support frame 100 may be provided with through holes for exposing buttons or screens of the electronic device 200. It can be understood that the peripheral wall 30 of the electronic device support frame 100 can be omitted, and the top wall 10 and the peripheral wall of the bottom wall 2G are directly connected to each other to form a pocket-shaped accommodating space for accommodating the electronic device. It can be understood that the abutting portion 50 can also be one or a plurality of ribs or grooves disposed in parallel on the hand-held portion 4, and at this time, when the electronic device 200 is supported, the ridge or the groove is used. One end of the electronic device 2 is positioned, and the inclination of the electronic device 2 can be adjusted by selecting the ridges or grooves at different positions. In summary, the new model complies with the new patent requirements, and the patent application is filed according to law. However, the above description is only the preferred embodiment of the present invention, and the scope of the present invention is not limited to the above embodiments, and those skilled in the art will be able to modify the equivalent modifications or changes according to the spirit of the present invention. It should be covered by the following patent application. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a perspective view showing the structure of an electronic device support frame according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention.
*單编號 10120801T A0101 第12頁/共25頁 1013334887-0 M442681 101年.09月03日修正替換頁 [0032] 圖2為圖1所示電子裝置支撐架之另一角度之結構示意圖 〇 [0033] 圖3為圖1所示電子裝置支撐架之使用狀態圖,電子裝置 裝設於其内。 [0034] 圖4為圖1所示電子裝置支撐架之變化過程狀態示意圖。 [0035] 圖5為圖4所示電子裝置支撐架變形構成之支架之結構示 意圖。 [0036] 圖6為圖5所示電子裝置支撐架變形構成之支撐架之卡持 片相對底板翻開狀態圖 [0037] 圖7與圖8為圖5及圖6所示電子裝置支撐架之使用狀態圖 ,電子裝置被支撐該支撐架上。 【主要元件符號說明】 [0038] 電子裝置支撐架:100 [0039] 頂壁:1 0 [0040] 底壁:20 [0041] 通槽:21 [0042] 週壁:30 [0043] 開口 : 3 1 [0044] 手提部:40 [0045] 通口 : 4 1 [0046] 抵持部:50 1012080lf 單編號 A〇101 第13頁/共25頁 1013334887-0 M442681 [0047] 卡持部:55 [0048] 卡持片:551 [0049] 底板:61 [0050]. 第一邊:611 [0051] 第一主支架: 62 [0052] 第二邊:621 [0053] 腰邊:623 [0054] 第二主支架: 63 [0055] 第三邊:631 [0056] 腰邊:633 [0057] 第一支板:64 [、65 [0058] 第二支板:6e i ' 67 [0059] 第一彎折區: 71 [0060] 第二彎折區: 73 [0061] 第三彎折區: 75 [0062] 第四彎折區: 77 [0063] 電子裝置:200 1〇_β單編號A〇101 第14頁/共25頁 101年.09月03日梭正替换頁* Single No. 10120801T A0101 Page 12/Total 25 Page 1013334887-0 M442681 101. September 03 Revision Replacement Page [0032] FIG. 2 is a schematic structural view of another angle of the electronic device support frame shown in FIG. FIG. 3 is a view showing a state of use of the electronic device support frame shown in FIG. 1 , in which the electronic device is mounted. FIG. 4 is a schematic view showing a state of a change process of the support frame of the electronic device shown in FIG. 1. 5 is a schematic structural view of a bracket formed by deforming the support frame of the electronic device shown in FIG. 4. 6 is a state in which the holding piece of the support frame deformed by the support frame of the electronic device shown in FIG. 5 is opened relative to the bottom plate. [0037] FIG. 7 and FIG. 8 are the support frames of the electronic device shown in FIG. 5 and FIG. Using the state diagram, the electronic device is supported on the support frame. [Main component symbol description] [0038] Electronic device support frame: 100 [0039] Top wall: 1 0 [0040] Bottom wall: 20 [0041] Channel: 21 [0042] Wall: 30 [0043] Opening: 3 1 [0044] Hand-held part: 40 [0045] Port: 4 1 [0046] Resistor: 50 1012080lf Single number A〇101 Page 13/Total 25 pages 1013334887-0 M442681 [0047] Holding part: 55 [ 0048] Holder: 551 [0049] Base plate: 61 [0050]. Side: 611 [0051] First main bracket: 62 [0052] Second side: 621 [0053] Waist: 623 [0054] Two main brackets: 63 [0055] Third side: 631 [0056] Waist side: 633 [0057] First board: 64 [, 65 [0058] Second board: 6e i '67 [0059] First bend Folding area: 71 [0060] Second bending area: 73 [0061] Third bending area: 75 [0062] Fourth bending area: 77 [0063] Electronic device: 200 1〇_β single number A〇101 Page 14 of 25 pages 101. September 03 shuttle replacement page