M339462 , 飞 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係有關-麵組化踏板,詳而言之係一種關於替換踩踏部之自行車 踏板,透_騎絲部紅現可拆卸、雜之設計,辭自行車踏板更具經 濟效益之替換模式。 •【先前技術】 •按,自行車具有能遠行又兼顧環保的特性,而纽重休閒生活的今日,於 籲戶外從事休閒活動’體驗大自然的舒暢’最合適亦最能達到運動健康的即是騎 自行車,自行車兜風不但能鍛鍊體魄,還可怡情養性,是最適合現代人的運動, 且在施行週休二日的情況下,以及自行車專利道的設立,人們更增加了許多休 閒時間與運動空間,因此在生活水平提昇的今日,自行車市場更被人們所重視; 現代人對於自行車之要林健在於輕便舒適心,對於結構方面之堅固 耐用亦相當重視,在不失美觀與結構穩固的情況下,自行車車體各部分之架構 改以可置換之設計已然成為潮流趨勢。 請參閲中華民國專利申請案號第〇 9 5 2 〇工3 9 3號「自行車踏板及曲 柄裝置」,其一種關於自行車踏板及曲柄裝置,係包括:一曲柄及一踏板;該曲 •柄底端具有-接合部,該接合部内具有一貫通於該曲柄之通孔,該通孔形態係 _雜;觸孔具有-小郷及—大㈣,從該小㈣_大徑部連接處向 該大徑部逐漸向外延伸擴張而形成一具弧度之連續性斜面,而該小徑部設有一 内螺紋段;該踏板向外凸設有一連接桿,該連接桿具有一小連接段及一大連接 #又,该大連接段與该踏板連接處向該小連接段逐漸向外延伸減縮於該小連接 段,並形成一具弧度且配合於該大徑部之連續性斜面;其中,該小連接段更設 5 M3 3 9462 ^ I ' 有一外螺紋段,該外螺紋段係可螺合於該小徑部之内螺紋段。 由上述可知,其整體創作内容在於踏板與曲柄之結合方式,然而,自行車 踏板最易損毀之部位在於與足底接觸之踩踏面,前述創作踏板之踩踏面係採一 體成型之設計,若僅踩踏面損毀時亦必須將踏板整個拆卸予以置換,於經濟效 益上可4不具理想,且自行車之踏板與曲柄之結合部位係一轉折處,並於作動 -時係直接承受使用者足部施力,若做經常性之鎖設動作,勢必對結構之結合部 -位產生耗損,減少整體使用壽命; Φ 再者,驾用亦有部分踏板在結合上必須增設具螺孔之塾塊以配合螺固件增 強踏板之鎖合強度,然此,墊塊與踏板採分離設計亦會增加踏板之結合複雜度, 且增加結構上之複雜性而有所不便。 鐘於上述自行車踏板易產生的問題及置換上之經濟效益,本創作者即推出 一種可分離軸部、踩踏部之踏板,使踏板更具經濟性之置換功效,且置換時不 需拆卸軸部、曲柄之結構,可達到避免產生結構之耗損。 【新型内容】 • 本創作「模組化踏板」不僅具置換上之經濟效益,於踏板與曲柄間之結合 亦可有效避免經常性之拆卸,保持結構之穩定度,且踩踏部更可因使用者之需 求,做型態上之置換、改變,以達最佳之自行車騎乘樂趣。 為達到前述之創作目的,本創作「模組化踏板」其整體結構係、包括_轴部 及-踩踏部,該軸部係有—心軸及—套轴,該心軸_端係為承載段另一端係為 結合段,並於承載段及結合段間具有一徑面較寬之限位段,該結合段係用以組 設,行車之曲柄,該承載段係供套軸做插設用,並以限位段來限制套軸僅可徑 向旋轉,不可水平位移;該套軸兩娜有複數凸座,且每凸座具有_螺孔貫穿 其凸座,該凸座與螺孔係用以組設踩踏部;該踩踏部表面係有複數栓孔,且於 6 M3 3 9462 I » .孔係可與螺孔產生賴,並於踩踏部—__伸有-結合·使踩踏部呈 現具連結之上下兩層態樣,透過該結合空間使踩踏部得以套設於凸座之上下兩 端,最後再透過複數栓固件鎖設栓孔及螺孔即可完成組設。 本創作「模組化踏板」比之習用踏板除具結構置換上之經濟效益,更具結 構穩定性及效紐,避免踏減曲柄之____定度,其栓固件鎖設 -於栓孔後,藉其栓爵之栓設餅踩踏敎表面形成凸點,更可與使用者之足 -底產生止滑效果,提升自行車之騎乘效益; 籲再就整體結構而言,省卻了不必要之墊塊而可直接供螺固件組設,結構簡 單亦較為便利,因此本創作可說是一種相當具有實用性及進步性之創作,相當 值得產業界來推廣,並公諸於社會大眾。 【實施方式】 本創作係有關一種「模組化踏板」,請參閱第一圖及第二圖所示,其本體工 係包括一軸部2及一踩踏部3,該軸部2係與自行車之曲柄及踩踏部3做接 s又’該踩踏部3係供使用者騎乘自行車時踩踏用。 鲁該軸部2係有一心軸21、一套轴2 2及一或多個培林2 3,該心軸21 係供套軸2 2套設用,且該心軸21依結構上之不同需求,於轴身係依序形成 有一鎖合段211、一承載段212、一限位段213及一結合段214,其 中,鎖合段211與結合段214係具有螺紋,限位段213之徑寬最大用以 做抵頂限位,承載段212之長度最長並可供培林2 3套設;當套軸2 2與心 軸21呈現套設狀態時,鎖合段211、承載段212及培林2 3係置於套轴 2 2内部,限位段213係靠抵套軸2 2之一端用以限制套轴2 2避免產生水 平位移,結合段214係與自行車之曲柄做設置用,該軸部2另具有一内限位 件2 4供心軸21之鎖合段211鎖固,並透過内限位件2 4於套軸2 2内部 7 M3 3 9462 » 1 β 產生限制,避免套轴2 2產生水平位移,如此,該套軸2 2即可於承載段21 2透過培林2 3做徑向旋轉且不脫離心軸21。 該軸部2之套轴2 2係具有一套槽2 21,該套槽2 21—端係供心軸2 1穿入與承載段212套設用,並於套轴2 2另一端係設有一固蓋2 2 2使整 體結構更穩固,且該套轴2 2在不影響結構強度之前提下,於部分身段係可設 -計為鏤空之態樣,可有效降低自行車整體之重量;該套軸2 2於兩端係各形成 _有複數個凸座2 2 3,且每一凸座2 2 3係形成有貫穿態樣之螺孔2 2 4,藉 泰該凸座2 2 3與踩踏部3套設,並透過螺孔2 2 4與之鎖設固定,使其產生結 合固定或拆卸分離之功效,賦予本體1更具結構置換上之經濟效益。 該踩踏部3係有一結合空間3 2,使其踩踏部3可套設於凸座2 2 3之兩 側’且該結合空間3 2係於踩踏部3之一側向内延伸,使踩踏部3呈現連結態 樣之上下兩層面得以供使用者踩踏,該踩踏部3於表面係形錢數錄孔3丄 及與之數量對應的栓固件3 3,且部份之栓孔3 i係與螺孔之兩端產生對應, 並可透過栓固件3 3予以鎖設固定;該踩踏部3之上下兩層亦可在不影響結構 參強度前提下,於部分身段係可設計為鏤空之錄,料有效降低自行車整體之 重量。 2本創作「拉組化踏板」除具結構置換上之經濟效益,t具結構穩定性及效 盈性,戦本幻與曲柄之鱗性__定度,其栓时3 3鎖設於检孔 "检固件3 3之栓設頭於踩踏部3之表面形成凸點,更可盘使用者 之足底/生场妓,提升自行車之騎驗益。 圖,二圖至第六圖所示,其係本創作踩踏部3不同態樣之實施例示意 鎖合之栓叫Γ伽者之需求置__紅踩料3,僅需贿套軸2 2 3卸τ,並換上所欲制之踩踏部3再將其賴合即可,不需 8 M339462 將整個自行車踏板做置拖、、 連《樣益;第六圖係本創作於踩踏部3於 任行^所述者僅為用以解釋本創作之較佳實施例,並非企圖具以對本創作做 任何形式上之限制,Η 有在相同之創作精神下所做有關本創作之任何修 ^更者&其他可據以實施之態樣且具有相同效果者,皆仍應包括 -作意圖保護之範疇内。 - 表卞上所述,水丨丨夕Γ > / , 人 下之杈組化踏板」,於結構設計及使用實用性上,確實符 P實用性’且賴露之結_作,歧具有前所未有之鑛構造,所以其具有 「新^性」應無疑慮,又本創作可較之習用結構更具功效之增進,因此亦具有 '」王符合我國專利法有關新型專利申請之規定,故,妥依法向鈞 。提出新型專辦請,懇請_局能早日賜予本案專利權,至感德便。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係本創作模組化踏板之立體分解示意圖。 第圖係本創作模組化踏板之外觀立體示意圖。 圖至第/、圖係本創作模組化踏板之踩踏部型態實施例示意圖。 ,【主要元件符號說明】 2軸部 2 1心軸 212承載段 213限位段 2 2套軸 2 2 1套槽 2 2 3凸座 2 2 4螺孔 2 4内限位件 3踩踏部 3 2結合空間 3 3栓固件 1本體 211鎖合段 214結合段 2 2 2固蓋 2 3培林 3 1拴孔 9M339462 , Fei Ba, new description: [New technical field] This creation is related to the face-to-group pedal, which is a bicycle pedal that replaces the tread part. The _ riding part is red and detachable. The design, the bicycle pedal is more economical alternative mode. • [Previous technology] • According to the bicycle, the bicycle has the characteristics of being able to travel far and environmentally friendly, and today, leisurely life, Yu Yu outdoor leisure activities 'experience the comfort of nature' is the most suitable and the most healthy sports. It is a bicycle ride. The bicycle ride can not only exercise the body, but also enjoy the nature. It is the most suitable sport for modern people. With the implementation of the two-day break and the establishment of the bicycle patent road, people have added a lot of leisure time. Sports space, so today's living standards are improving, the bicycle market is more valued by people; modern people are comfortable and comfortable for bicycles, and they attach great importance to the durability of the structure, without losing the appearance and stability. In this case, the design of the various parts of the bicycle body has changed to a replaceable design. Please refer to the Republic of China Patent Application No. 〇9 5 2 Completion No. 3 9 3 "Bicycle Pedal and Crank Device", which relates to a bicycle pedal and crank device, comprising: a crank and a pedal; the handle The bottom end has a joint portion having a through hole penetrating through the crank, the through hole having a shape of a through hole; the contact hole having a small bore and a large (four), from the joint of the small (four)_large diameter portion The large diameter portion gradually expands outward to form a curved continuous slope, and the small diameter portion is provided with an internal thread segment; the pedal protrudes outwardly with a connecting rod, the connecting rod has a small connecting portion and a large Connecting # again, the connecting portion of the large connecting portion and the step of the pedal gradually extend outwardly to the small connecting portion to reduce the small connecting portion, and form a continuous inclined surface with a curvature and matching the large diameter portion; wherein the small portion The connecting section is further provided with 5 M3 3 9462 ^ I ' having an externally threaded section which can be screwed to the internal thread section of the small diameter portion. It can be seen from the above that the overall creation content is the combination of the pedal and the crank. However, the most vulnerable part of the bicycle pedal is the tread surface that is in contact with the sole of the foot. The tread surface of the above-mentioned creation pedal is designed in one piece, if only the pedal is stepped on When the surface is damaged, the entire pedal must be disassembled and replaced. The economic benefit is not ideal, and the combination of the pedal and the crank of the bicycle is a turning point, and when the actuation is performed, the user's foot is directly applied. If you do the regular locking action, it will inevitably consume the loss of the joint part of the structure and reduce the overall service life. Φ In addition, some pedals must be added with a screw hole to match the screw. By enhancing the locking strength of the pedal, the separation design of the spacer and the pedal also increases the complexity of the combination of the pedals, and increases the complexity of the structure and is inconvenient. In the above-mentioned problems caused by the bicycle pedal and the economic benefits of replacement, the creator introduced a pedal that can separate the shaft and the pedal, so that the pedal is more economical, and the shaft is not required to be disassembled. The structure of the crank can avoid the loss of the structure. [New Content] • The “Modularized Pedal” of this creation not only has the economic benefit of replacement, but also the combination of the pedal and the crank can effectively avoid frequent disassembly, maintain the stability of the structure, and the tread part can be used. The needs of the person, the type of replacement, change, in order to achieve the best bicycle riding fun. In order to achieve the above-mentioned creative purpose, the overall structure of the "modular pedal" of the present invention includes a _shaft portion and a tread portion, the shaft portion is a mandrel and a sleeve shaft, and the mandrel _ end is a bearing The other end of the segment is a joint segment, and has a wide-range limit segment between the load-bearing segment and the joint segment, and the joint segment is used for assembling and driving the crank, and the load-bearing segment is inserted into the sleeve shaft. Use, and limit the sleeve shaft to only rotate radially, not horizontally; the sleeve shaft has a plurality of protrusions, and each protrusion has a screw hole through the protrusion, the protrusion and the screw hole It is used to set the treading part; the surface of the treading part is provided with a plurality of bolt holes, and the hole can be generated with the screw hole in the 6 M3 3 9462 I ». The tapping hole is formed on the treading part -__ The part is formed by connecting the upper two layers, and the treading portion is sleeved on the upper and lower ends of the protrusion through the joint space, and finally the bolt holes and the screw holes are locked through the plurality of bolts to complete the assembly. The "Modular Pedal" of this creation has more economical advantages than the conventional pedal in addition to the structural replacement, and it has more structural stability and effect, avoiding the reduction of the crank ____ degree, and the bolt locking - in the bolt hole After that, by using the tying of the tying of the cake, the surface of the shovel is formed on the surface of the shovel to form a bump, which can also produce a slip-proof effect with the foot-bottom of the user, thereby improving the riding efficiency of the bicycle; and appealing to the overall structure, eliminating unnecessary The pad can be directly provided for the screw firmware, and the structure is simple and convenient. Therefore, the creation can be said to be a practical and progressive creation, which is worthy of promotion by the industry and is publicized to the public. [Embodiment] The present invention relates to a "modular pedal", which is shown in the first figure and the second figure. The body system includes a shaft portion 2 and a stepping portion 3, and the shaft portion 2 is coupled with a bicycle. The crank and the tread portion 3 are connected to the s and the tread portion 3 is used for the user to step on when riding the bicycle. The shaft portion 2 has a mandrel 21, a set of shafts 2 2 and one or more Palin 2 3, and the mandrel 21 is sleeved for the sleeve shaft 22, and the mandrel 21 is structurally different. In the shaft body, a locking portion 211, a bearing portion 212, a limiting portion 213 and a coupling portion 214 are formed in the shaft body. The locking portion 211 and the coupling portion 214 are threaded, and the limiting portion 213 is The maximum diameter is used for the top limit. The length of the load-bearing section 212 is the longest and can be set by the Palin 23; when the sleeve shaft 2 2 and the mandrel 21 are in the set state, the lock section 211 and the load-bearing section 212 And the Palin 2 3 is placed inside the sleeve shaft 2 2 , and the limiting section 213 is supported by one end of the sleeve shaft 2 2 to limit the sleeve shaft 2 2 to avoid horizontal displacement, and the coupling section 214 is arranged for the crank of the bicycle. The shaft portion 2 further has an inner limiting member 24 for locking the locking portion 211 of the spindle 21, and is restricted by the inner limiting member 24 in the inner sleeve 7 2 7 M3 3 9462 » 1 β. The horizontal displacement of the sleeve shaft 2 2 is prevented, so that the sleeve shaft 2 2 can be rotated radially through the Palin 2 3 at the carrier section 21 2 without departing from the mandrel 21 . The sleeve shaft 2 2 of the shaft portion 2 has a groove 2 21, and the sleeve 2 21 is provided for the mandrel 2 1 to be inserted into the bearing portion 212 and is disposed at the other end of the sleeve shaft 2 2 . A solid cover 2 2 2 makes the overall structure more stable, and the sleeve shaft 2 2 is lifted before the structural strength is affected, and the partial body section can be set to be hollowed out, which can effectively reduce the overall weight of the bicycle; The sleeve shaft 2 2 is formed at both ends _ there are a plurality of protrusions 2 2 3, and each of the protrusions 2 2 3 is formed with a threaded hole 2 2 4 through the aspect, and the protrusion 2 2 3 The treading portion 3 is sleeved and fixed by the screw hole 2 2 4 to be combined with the fixing, so as to give the body 1 a more structural replacement economic benefit. The tread portion 3 is provided with a joint space 3 2 such that the tread portion 3 can be sleeved on both sides of the boss 2 2 3 and the joint space 3 2 extends laterally inwardly of one of the tread portions 3 to make the tread portion 3, the upper and lower layers of the connection state are provided for the user to step on. The tread portion 3 is formed on the surface by the number of holes 3 and the number of the bolts 3 3 corresponding thereto, and the part of the bolt hole 3 i is The two ends of the screw hole are correspondingly arranged, and can be locked and fixed by the bolts 3 3; the upper and lower layers of the stepping portion 3 can also be designed to be hollowed out in part of the body without affecting the structural strength of the structure. It is effective to reduce the overall weight of the bicycle. 2 The creation of the "pull group pedal" in addition to the economic benefits of structural replacement, t with structural stability and efficiency, squat and crank scale __ degree, the bolt 3 3 lock in the inspection The hole "checking firmware 3 3 bolts form a bump on the surface of the tread portion 3, and the bottom of the user can be used to enhance the ride of the bicycle. Figure 2, the second figure to the sixth figure, which is a different embodiment of the creation of the tread portion 3, the embodiment of the lock is called the stagnation of the singer's demand __ red stalking 3, only need to bridle the shaft 2 2 3 Unloading the τ, and replacing it with the tread part 3 that you want to make, then you can fit it. You don't need 8 M339462 to drag the whole bicycle pedal, and even the sample; the sixth picture is created in the tread part 3 The above description is only for explaining the preferred embodiment of the present creation, and is not intended to impose any formal restrictions on the creation, and any modification related to the creation in the same creative spirit. Further & Others that may be implemented and have the same effect should still include - in the scope of intentional protection. - As stated on the table, Shui Yu Xia > / , the group of pedals under the human body, in terms of structural design and practical use, it is indeed P practicality and the relationship of Lai Lu Unprecedented mineral structure, so its "newness" should be undoubtedly considered, and this creation can be more effective than the conventional structure. Therefore, it also has the "Wang" in line with the provisions of the new patent application of the Chinese Patent Law. Be strict with the law. I would like to ask for a new type of special office, and I would like to ask for the patent right of the case as soon as possible. [Simple description of the diagram] The first figure is a three-dimensional exploded view of the modular pedal of the creation. The figure is a three-dimensional schematic diagram of the appearance of the modular pedal of the present creation. Fig. to Fig. 3 and Fig. 3 are schematic diagrams showing an embodiment of the treading type of the modular pedal. [Description of main component symbols] 2 shaft part 2 1 mandrel 212 carrying section 213 limit section 2 2 sets of shaft 2 2 1 set of groove 2 2 3 boss 2 2 4 screw hole 2 4 inner limit member 3 tread portion 3 2 joint space 3 3 bolt firmware 1 body 211 lock section 214 joint section 2 2 2 solid cover 2 3 Palin 3 1 boring 9