M3 66416 五、新型說明: t新型所屬之技術領域】 - 本創作為提供一種刮泥機結構,尤指一種能 透過活動滑行支撐架的樞接進而自動改變刮泥 板的使用狀況,以大幅增加到泥效率的一種具有 帶動刮板改變不同角度位置之刮泥機結構。 【先前技術】 按,現有的水處理設備係包括廢水處理、原 •水處理等設備,前述設備均設置有沉澱池,而沉 澱池功能係供流入水所含有的懸浮粒子沉澱於 池底,久而久之,懸浮粒子累積為具有一定厚度 的污泥層,因此沉澱池内另設置有污泥收集槽以 及刮泥裝置以便將污泥刮向污泥收集槽。 一般的刮泥裝置係在一軌道上裝設有可滑 動的滑板,在滑板上架設有複數橫向的刮泥板, 刮泥板面向污泥收集槽的一面約呈垂直壁面,背 #離污泥收集槽的一面形成有斜坡,透過一傳動裝 置來帶動刮泥裝置,刮泥板可反覆來回在軌道上 ‘滑行以便將污泥刮起推入污泥收集槽。 由於刮泥裝置於刮泥時,刮泥裝置係於沉澱 池底部進行往復的平面運作,因此,沉積於沉澱 池底部的污泥則無法有效刮除完全,進而無法提 升除污泥之效能。 是以,要如何解決上述習用之問題與缺失, 即為本創作之創作人與從事此行業之相關廠商 M366416 所亟欲研究改善之方向所在者。 【新型内容】 * 故,本創作之創作人有鑑於上述缺失,乃搜— 集相關資料,經由多方評估及考量,並以從事於 此行業累積之多年經驗,經由不斷試作及修改, 始設計出此種能透過活動滑行支撐架的樞接進 而自動改變到泥板的使用狀況,以大幅增加刮泥 效率的一種具有帶動刮板改變不同角度位置之 刮泥機結構的新型專利者。 本創作之主要目的在於:一種具有帶動刮板 改變不同角度位置之刮泥機結構其主要係由刮 泥機體組件及刮泥板所組成,其中刮泥機體組件 包括有下滑行支撐架及上滑行支撐架,而下滑行 支撐架樞接有複數活動滑行支撐架,透過活動滑 行支撐架能與上滑行支撐架相互旋轉移動,藉此 位於上滑行支撐架上的刮泥板則隨著下滑行支 撐架及上滑行支撐架相互旋轉移動而隨之上下 移動,如此,透過下滑行支撐架及上滑行支撐架 經由活動滑行支樓架的框接及刮泥板的移動方 向,進而能達到讓污泥順利刮除。 本創作之次要目的在於:當刮泥板返回原刮 泥位置時,刮泥板則藉由上滑行支撐架透過複數 活動滑行支撐架的旋轉運動而被升起,因此刮泥 板則完全離開有污泥的地方,進而完全避免被推 移後的污泥又被移動至原位,並且能大幅提升工 4 M3 66416 作效率。 • 本創作之另一目的在於:由於此種.結構簡 易,因此再製造上的費用不僅十分低廉,且除污 泥效果較以往除泥機的除泥效果高出許多。 【實施方式】 為達成上述目的及功效,本創作所採用之技 術手段及構造,兹緣圖就本創作較佳實施例詳加 暴說明其特徵與功能如下,俾利完全了解。 請參閱第一圖、第一 A之一圖及第一 A之二 圖所示,係為本創作較佳實施例之立體示意圖、 刮泥機體組件移動進行除污泥之局部放大動作 示意圖及活動滑行支撐架旋轉帶動上滑行支撐 架上移之局部放大動作示意圖,由圖中可清楚看 出本創作一種具有帶動刮板改變不同角度位置 之刮泥機結構1其主要係由刮泥機體組件2及 鲁刮泥板3所組成,其中刮泥機體組件2包括有下 滑行支撐架2 0及上滑行支撐架2 2,而下滑行 支撐架2 0樞接有複數活動滑行支撐架2 4,透 '過活動滑行支撐架2 4能與上滑行支撐架2 2 相互旋轉移動,其中下滑行支撐架2 0 —側係設 有一支撐活動滑行支撐架2 4之止推器2 5,且 於活動滑行支撐架2 4 —側進一步固定有刮泥 板3 ,依照該等刮泥機體組件2移動方向,並隨 著活動滑行支撐架2 4而改變轉動位置,藉此位 5 M366416 於上滑行支撐架2 2上的刮泥板3則隨著下滑 行支撐架2 0及上滑行支撐架2 2相互旋轉移 動而隨之上下移動,如此,透過下滑行支撐架2 0及上滑行支撐架2 2經由活動滑行支撐架2 4的樞接及刮泥板3的移動方向,進而能達到讓 污泥4順利刮除。 藉由上述之結構、組成設計,茲就本創作之 使用作動情形說明如下,請同時配合參閱第二圖 及第三圖所示,係為本創作較佳實施例之流程示 意圖及活動滑行支撐架旋轉示意圖,由圖中可清 楚看出,當操作人員欲進行清除污泥4時,將刮 泥機體組件2往有污泥4的方向進行移動,此時 於活動滑行支撐架2 4相連接的刮泥板3則推 動污泥4,並將污泥4推離原先位置並集中於一 預定位置。 當刮泥機體組件2推移至預定位置後,藉由 上滑行支撐架2 2相樞接的活動滑行支撐架2 4則進行旋轉並使上滑行支撐架2 2向上轉動 並與下滑行支撐架2 0分離,同時位於活動滑行 支撐架2 4上的刮泥板3亦同時向上移動並與 污泥4分開,以避免當刮泥機體組件2移動回原 位時,又將污泥4推移回原位置處。 藉由活動滑行支撐架2 4帶動的上滑行支 撐架2 2完成向上移動後,整組刮泥機體組件2 便往原位置處移動,當刮泥機體組件2抵達原位 6 M366416 置處後,活動滑行支撐架2 4便再度開始旋轉, 扁上滑行支撐架2 2亦同時向下移動並與下滑 行支撐架2 0貼合,此時設於活動滑行支撐架2 4上的刮泥板3則連動地向下移動並與下滑行 支撐架2 0底面切齊,完成後,整組刮泥機體組 件2便再往欲清潔方向移動,將污泥4進行刮 除,透過上述所有運作過程,亦能快速達到清潔 之效果,並且提升整體工作效果。 φ 請參閱第四圖、第五圖及第六圖所示,係為 本創作另一實施例之刮泥機體組件移動進行除 污泥之局部放大動作示意圖一、圖二及流程示意 圖,其中刮泥板3 a進一步固定於上滑行支撐架 2 2 a,而鄰近於刮泥板3 a處則樞接有活動滑 行支撐架2 4 a,藉由活動滑行支撐架2 4 a可 供上滑行支撐架2 2 a及下滑行支撐架2 0 a 進行旋轉位移,而位於上滑行支撐架2 2 a的刮 參泥板3 a則可進行與上滑行支撐架2 2 a相同 方向的位移。 當刮泥機體組件2 a完成推擠污泥4 a並 "欲返回到原位置處時,藉由活動滑行支撐架2 4 a使上滑行支撐架2 2 a則離開下滑行支撐架 2 0 a同時改變旋轉角度,讓刮泥板3 a則能透 過活動滑行支撐架2 4 a的轉動向上,而進而防 止污泥4 a又被推擠回原位置處。 參閱第七圖、第八圖、第九圖、第十圖及第 7 M366416 十一圖所示,係為本創作又一實施例之刮泥機體 組件移動進行除污泥之局部放大動作示意圖 一、圖二、圖三、流程示意圖及活動滑行支#架 旋轉示意圖,其中刮泥板3 b進一步固定於上滑 行支撐架2 2 b —側,且利用一樞接支架2 6 b 分別進行樞接,並依照該等刮泥機體組件2 b移 動方向,並透過該樞接支架2 6 b而改變轉動位 置,另於上滑行支撐架2 2 b —側之一預定間距 處係設有一具有樞接支架2 6 b之第一支撐檔 部2 3 b,另於下滑行支撐架2 0 b設有一與第 一支撐檔部2 3 b相對應之第二支撐檔部2 1 b,藉此,刮泥板3 b則可抵靠於該第二支撐檔 部 2 1 b。 當刮泥機體組件2 b完成推擠污泥4 b並 欲返回到原位置處時,刮泥板3 b則透過上滑行 支撐架2 2 b及下滑行支撐架2 0 b經活動滑 行支撐架2 4 b的轉動而向上位移,此時刮泥板 3 b則被第二支撐檔部2 1 b抵觸並透過樞接 支架2 6 b的轉動而改變旋轉角度並脫離污泥 4 b ,進而防止污泥4 b又被推擠回原位置處。 惟,以上所述僅為本創作之較佳實施例而 已,非因此即侷限本創作之專利範圍,故舉凡運 用本創作說明書及圖式内容所為之簡易修飾及 等效結構變化,均應同理包含於本創作之專利範 圍内,合予陳明。 8 M3 66416 綜上所述,本創作之一種具有帶象 ¥同角度位置之刮泥機結構於使用時, 達到其功效及目的,故本創作誠為一實 之創作,為符合新型專利之申請要件, 出申請,盼 審委早曰賜准本創作,^ 人之辛苦創作,倘若 鈞局審委有任个 不吝來函指示,創作人定當竭力配合 便。 f刮板改變 為確實能 ^用性優異 爱依法提 .保障創作 丁稽疑,請 ,實感德M3 66416 V. New description: t new technology field] - This work is to provide a scraper structure, especially a kind of pivoting through the movable sliding support frame to automatically change the use condition of the scraper to greatly increase A mud scraper structure with a squeegee that changes the position of the different angles. [Prior Art] According to the existing water treatment equipment, including wastewater treatment, raw water treatment and the like, the foregoing equipment is provided with a sedimentation tank, and the function of the sedimentation tank is for the suspended particles contained in the inflow water to settle at the bottom of the pool, over time. The suspended particles are accumulated into a sludge layer having a certain thickness, so that a sediment collecting tank and a scraping device are additionally disposed in the sedimentation tank to scrape the sludge to the sludge collecting tank. The general scraping device is provided with a slidable sliding plate on a track, and a plurality of horizontal scraping plates are arranged on the sliding plate, and a side of the scraping plate facing the sludge collecting tank is about a vertical wall surface, and the back is separated from the sludge. A side of the collecting trough is formed with a slope, and the scraping device is driven by a transmission device, and the scraping plate can be slid back and forth on the rail to push the sludge into the sludge collecting trough. Since the scraping device is used for scraping mud, the scraping device is operated in a reciprocating plane at the bottom of the sedimentation tank. Therefore, the sludge deposited on the bottom of the sedimentation tank cannot be effectively scraped completely, and the sludge removal efficiency cannot be improved. Therefore, how to solve the above-mentioned problems and shortcomings of the above-mentioned applications, that is, the creators of the creation and the related manufacturers engaged in this industry, M366416, want to study the direction of improvement. [New content] * Therefore, the creators of this creation, in view of the above-mentioned shortcomings, are collecting and collecting relevant information, and through multi-party evaluation and consideration, and through years of experience accumulated in this industry, through continuous trial and modification, they have begun to design This type of patented utility model can automatically change the use condition of the mud board through the pivoting of the movable sliding support frame to greatly increase the scraping efficiency, and has a scraper structure that drives the scraper to change the position of the different angles. The main purpose of this creation is: a scraper structure with a driving blade to change the position of different angles, which mainly consists of a scraper body assembly and a scraper, wherein the scraper body assembly includes a sliding support frame and an upper sliding line. The support frame, and the sliding support frame is pivotally connected with a plurality of movable sliding support frames, and the movable sliding support frame can rotate relative to the upper sliding support frame, whereby the scraping plate on the upper sliding support frame is supported by the sliding support The frame and the upper sliding support frame rotate and move with each other, and then move up and down. Thus, through the sliding support frame and the upper sliding support frame, the frame of the movable sliding branch frame and the moving direction of the scraping plate can be used to achieve the sludge. Smoothly scraped. The secondary purpose of this creation is that when the scraper returns to the original scraping position, the scraper is raised by the upper sliding support frame through the rotary motion of the plurality of movable sliding support frames, so the scraping plate is completely left. Where there is sludge, it is completely avoided that the sludge after being moved is moved to the original position, and the efficiency of the work 4 M3 66416 can be greatly improved. • Another purpose of this creation is that, because of its simple structure, the cost of remanufacturing is not only very low, but the decontamination effect is much higher than that of the previous desilter. [Embodiment] In order to achieve the above objects and effects, the technical means and structure adopted by the present invention are described in detail in the preferred embodiment of the present invention, and the features and functions are as follows. Please refer to the first figure, the first A diagram and the first A bis diagram, which are schematic diagrams and activities of the partial enlargement action of the sludge removal by moving the scraper body assembly according to the preferred embodiment of the creation. The sliding support frame rotates to drive the upper sliding movement support frame to move up the partial enlargement action diagram. It can be clearly seen from the figure that the scraper structure 1 with the driven scraper changing the different angle positions is mainly composed of the scraper body assembly 2 And the scraping mud board 3, wherein the scraping body assembly 2 comprises a sliding row support frame 20 and an upper sliding support frame 22, and the sliding row support frame 20 is pivotally connected with a plurality of movable sliding support frames 24, The over-traveling support frame 2 4 can be rotated relative to the upper sliding support frame 2 2 , wherein the sliding support frame 20 - the side is provided with a thruster 2 5 supporting the movable sliding support frame 2 4 , and is slid in the activity The support frame 24 is further fixed with a scraper 3 according to the moving direction of the scraper body assembly 2, and the rotating position is changed with the movable sliding support frame 24, thereby positioning the frame 5 on the upper sliding support frame 2 On 2 The scraper 3 moves up and down as the sliding support frame 20 and the upper sliding support frame 2 2 rotate with each other, so that the sliding support frame 20 and the upper sliding support frame 2 2 pass through the movable sliding support frame. The pivoting of 2 4 and the moving direction of the scraper 3 can further smooth the sludge 4 . With the above structure and composition design, the following is a description of the use of the present creation, please refer to the second and third figures at the same time, which is a schematic flow diagram of the preferred embodiment and a movable sliding support frame. The rotation diagram is clearly shown in the figure. When the operator wants to remove the sludge 4, the scraper body assembly 2 is moved in the direction of the sludge 4, and the movable sliding support frame 24 is connected at this time. The scraper 3 pushes the sludge 4 and pushes the sludge 4 away from the original position and concentrates at a predetermined position. After the scraper body assembly 2 is moved to the predetermined position, the movable sliding support frame 24 pivotally connected by the upper sliding support frame 22 is rotated and the upper sliding support frame 2 2 is rotated upward and the sliding support frame 2 is 0 is separated, and the scraper 3 located on the movable sliding support frame 24 is simultaneously moved upward and separated from the sludge 4 to prevent the sludge 4 from being moved back to the original when the scraper body assembly 2 is moved back to the original position. Location. After the upward sliding movement of the upper sliding support frame 2 2 driven by the movable sliding support frame 24, the entire group of the scraper body assembly 2 is moved to the original position. When the scraper body assembly 2 reaches the home position 6 M366416, The movable sliding support frame 2 4 starts to rotate again, and the flat upper sliding support frame 2 2 also moves downward and fits with the sliding row support frame 20, and the scraping plate 3 disposed on the movable sliding support frame 24 at this time Then, it moves downwardly and is aligned with the bottom surface of the sliding support frame 20, and after completion, the entire set of scraper body assembly 2 is moved to the direction of cleaning, and the sludge 4 is scraped through all the above operations. It also quickly achieves the effect of cleaning and improves overall work. φ Please refer to the fourth, fifth and sixth figures, which are schematic diagrams of the partial enlargement of the sludge removal body assembly according to another embodiment of the present invention, FIG. 2 and the flow diagram, wherein the scraping The mud plate 3 a is further fixed to the upper sliding support frame 2 2 a, and adjacent to the scraping plate 3 a, the movable sliding support frame 24 4 a is pivotally connected, and the movable sliding support frame 24 4 a is supported for sliding support. The frame 2 2 a and the sliding row support frame 20 a are rotationally displaced, and the scraping mud plate 3 a located on the upper sliding support frame 2 2 a can be displaced in the same direction as the upper sliding support frame 2 2 a. When the scraper body assembly 2a finishes pushing the sludge 4a and "to return to the original position, the upper sliding support frame 2 2 a leaves the sliding support frame 2 by the movable sliding support frame 24a a Simultaneously changing the angle of rotation, so that the scraper 3 a can be rotated upward through the movable sliding support frame 24 a, thereby preventing the sludge 4 a from being pushed back to the original position. Referring to the seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and seventhth M366416, FIG. 11 is a schematic view showing a partial enlargement operation of the sludge removing body assembly according to another embodiment of the present invention. Figure 2, Figure 3, flow diagram and the sliding diagram of the movable sliding support frame, wherein the scraping plate 3 b is further fixed to the upper sliding support frame 2 2 b - side, and is pivoted by a pivoting bracket 2 6 b respectively And changing the rotational position according to the moving direction of the scraping body assembly 2b, and changing the rotational position through the pivoting bracket 2 6 b, and further having a pivotal connection at a predetermined interval of the upper sliding support frame 2 2 b The first support portion 2 3 b of the bracket 2 6 b is further provided with a second support portion 2 1 b corresponding to the first support portion 2 3 b on the sliding support frame 20 b, thereby scraping The mud plate 3b can abut against the second support portion 2 1 b. When the scraper body assembly 2 b finishes pushing the sludge 4 b and wants to return to the original position, the scraper 3 b passes through the upper sliding support frame 2 2 b and the sliding row support frame 2 0 b through the movable sliding support frame When the rotation of 2 4 b is upward, the scraper 3 b is in contact with the second support portion 2 1 b and is rotated by the rotation of the pivot bracket 2 6 b to change the rotation angle and deviate from the sludge 4 b , thereby preventing The sludge 4 b is pushed back to its original position. However, the above description is only a preferred embodiment of the present invention, and thus does not limit the scope of the patent of the present invention. Therefore, all the simple modifications and equivalent structural changes using the present specification and the schema should be the same. It is included in the scope of this creation patent and is given to Chen Ming. 8 M3 66416 In summary, this kind of creation has a scraper structure with the same angle position as the image, which achieves its efficacy and purpose. Therefore, this creation is a real creation, in line with the application of the new patent. The requirements, the application, hope that the trial committee will give priority to this creation, ^ people's hard work, if there is any letter from the audit committee, the creators will try their best to cooperate. f Scraper change to be able to use excellent use of love, according to the law. Guarantee creation Ding Ji suspect, please, real sense
M366416 [ 圖 式 簡 單 說 明 ] 第 一 圖 係 為 本 創 作 較 第 一 A 之 一 圖 係 為 本 進 行 除 意 圖 〇 第 -— A 之 二 圖 係 為 本 轉 帶 動 部 放 大 第 二 圖 係 為 本 創 作 較 第 -- 圖 係 為 本 創 作 活 圖 0 第 四 圖 係 為 本 創 作 另 件 移 動 進 行 除 意 圖 — 〇 第 五 圖 係 為 本 創 作 另 件 移 動 進 行 除 意 圖 二 〇 第 六 圖 係 為 本 創 作 另 件 移 動 進 行 除 第 七 圖 係 為 本 創 作 又 件 移 動 進 行 除 意 圖 一 0 第 八 圖 係 為 本 創 作 又 件 移 動 進 行 除 意 圖 0 佳實施例之立體示意圖 創作刮泥機體組件移動 污泥之局部放大動作示 創作活動滑行支撐架旋 上滑行支撐架上移之局 動作示意圖。 佳實施例之流程示意圖 動滑行支撐架旋轉示意 一實施例之刮泥機體組 污泥之局部放大動作示 一實施例之刮泥機體組 污泥之局部放大動作示 一實施例之刮泥機體組 污泥之流程不意圖。 一實施例之刮泥機體組 污泥之局部放大動作示 一實施例之刮泥機體組 污泥之局部放大動作示 M3 66416 第九圖 係為本創作又一實施例之刮泥機體組 ' 件移動進行除污泥之局部放大動作示 ' 意圖三。 第十圖 係為本創作又一實施例之刮泥機體組 件移動進行除污泥之流程示意圖。 第十一圖 係為本創作又一實施例之活動滑行 支撐架旋轉示意圖。 Φ【主要元件符號說明】 刮泥機結構 .·. 刮泥機體組件 · · · 下滑行支撐架 · · · 第二支撐檔部 · · · 上滑行支撐架 · · · 第一支撐檔部 · · · 活動滑行支撐架 ·.. •推器 ... 框接支架 · · · 刮泥板 ... 污泥 · · · 2、 2 a、2 b 20、20a、20b 2 1b 22、22a、22b 2 3b 24、24a、24b 2 5 2 6b 3、 3 a、3 b 4 、 4 a 、 4 bM366416 [Simple description of the drawing] The first picture is based on the first picture of the first A. In addition to the intention, the second picture is the second picture of the conversion. The first - the picture is the creation of the living picture 0 The fourth picture is the intention of the creation of the movement of the creative parts - 〇 The fifth picture is the movement of the creative part of the creative in addition to the intention of the second picture is the creation of the piece In addition to the seventh figure, this is the creation of the piece and the movement is carried out except for the intention. The eighth picture is the creation of the piece and the movement is carried out. In addition to the intention, the three-dimensional schematic diagram of the preferred embodiment creates a partial enlargement action of the moving sludge of the scraper body assembly. The schematic diagram of the movement of the sliding support frame on the sliding support frame is shown. The flow chart of the preferred embodiment is shown in the following section. The partial enlargement operation of the sludge of the scraper body of an embodiment shows a partial enlargement of the sludge of the scraper body of an embodiment. The sludge process is not intended. The partial enlargement action of the sludge of the scraper body of one embodiment shows a partial enlargement action of the sludge of the scraper body of an embodiment. M3 66416 The ninth figure is a scraper body set of another embodiment of the present invention. The partial amplification operation of the sludge removal by movement is shown as 'intent three. The tenth figure is a schematic diagram of the process of removing the sludge by moving the scraper body assembly of another embodiment of the present invention. The eleventh figure is a schematic diagram of the rotation of the movable sliding support frame according to still another embodiment of the present invention. Φ [Description of main component symbols] Scraper structure. ·. Scraper body assembly · · · Sliding support frame · · · Second support section · · · Upper sliding support · · · First support section · · · Activity slide support ·.. • Pusher... Frame bracket · · · Scraper... Sludge · · · 2, 2 a, 2 b 20, 20a, 20b 2 1b 22, 22a, 22b 2 3b 24, 24a, 24b 2 5 2 6b 3, 3 a, 3 b 4 , 4 a , 4 b