M269822 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係關於一種壽塔,尤指一種設置壽塔頂端提供 飾板組設其上的飾板頂座結構設計。 【先前技術】 在寺廟之神明壽誕、…等,依習俗人們通常擺放一座 座由食品等禮品堆石切而成壽塔,並於壽塔頂端設置一塔頂 錦物,該塔頂飾物中設有象徵吉祥、福壽、…等意義的圖 案化飾板,作為表徵祝壽之意。 前述中’設於壽塔頂端之塔頂飾物為便於人們組裝使 用及搬運’該塔頂飾物一般係採取由飾板及飾板頂座之組 合式構造設計,其中藉由飾板頂座固定於禮品堆上,提供 圖案化之飾板組设其上,其中飾板頂座為搭配各款式飾板 之、、且"又目刚相關業者即設計多款飾板頂座供人選購使 用。 目前已知之飾板頂座設計,概如公告第四〇九五四六 就「哥桃塔之頂座έ士福 、八土楚工τ 只从、、構」、公告弟五五---三號「壽塔 :“冓改良(二)」、公告第五六三四九三㉟「多層擺飾座 組成」、公告第五三0六0六號「壽塔頂座飾板結構改良- 或设書號數第]y[二四〇九四九|卢「扨| u几w几现祝奇塔之飾板組成結 構」等專利案所揭示者,其中: A 口第四〇九五四六號「壽桃塔之頂座結構」及公告 第五六三四九三號「多層擺飾座組成」等二新型專利前^ M269822 之飾板頂座設計,主要係於-該盤形座體頂面上設-組或 多數由上而下延伸之插孔,用以提供平板狀或立體狀之飾 板以其底端才番接部插組設其中;公告第五五一一一三號「壽 塔結構改良(二)」新型專利前案之飾板頂座設計,主ί 係於一錐狀的座體徑向相對的兩周邊各設一插孔,提供飾 板以其底端的二插片插組其中,或可再於座體前側錐面上 設-開槽,提供另一飾板插组其中;公告第五三〇六〇六 號奇塔頂座飾板結構改良」及證書號數第μ二四〇九四 九號「祝壽塔之飾板組成結構」等二專利案揭示之掷板頂 座主要係於一盤狀座體徑向相對之兩周邊各設一插孔,提 供飾板以其底端的二插片插組其中。 前揭各專利前案壽塔設計中,其飾板頂座雖可提供飾 板以簡便的插組方式組設其中,但是大部分之飾板頂座所 叹的插孔6又e十’僅能提供一組飾板組設其中,無法提供不 同尺寸大小之飾板作機動性調整組裝或作層次狀之變化, 使其在空間型態上可變化之效果偏差。 至於證書號數第Μ二四〇 λ四九冑「祝壽塔之飾板組 成結構」之專利案,雖其飾板頂座僅具有一插孔提供飾板 插組ά計’另以藉其多數飾板組件進行組合,使該飾板具 層次狀排列之視覺效果,但此設計會使整個飾板重心不 不易穩固地定位於飾板頂座上,且使飾板本身之結構 變得十分複雜’同時因受限於飾板組件間的結合關係,其 可作之變化仍然有限。 M269822 至於公告第五五---三號「壽塔結構改良(二)」 新型專利前案之飾板頂座設計,雖於其錐狀座體徑向相對 的兩周邊各設一插孔,提供飾板以其底端的二插片插組其 中,另於座體前側錐面上設開槽,提供另一飾板插組其中, 使該二飾板可呈層次狀排列,但此設計,因二飾板插組構 這不同,彼此間無法直接相互通用,仍有可變化性偏差之 缺點。 【新型内容】 本創作之主要目的在於提供一種壽塔之飾板頂座,希 藉此設計,用以改善前揭公知飾板頂座無法提供飾板作多 樣化變換組合之缺點。 為達成前揭目的,本創作所提出之技術手段係令該壽 塔之飾板頂座包括一可為單階或多階層之座體,該座體周 邊並設有至少二組由外向内延伸的插槽組,各插槽組包括 一個呈左右對應或徑向對應之插槽,或是該座體周邊設至 少三個插槽,#此,使其可組設於壽塔頂端提供多項不同 的飾板組設定位其上。 ^本創作藉由前揭技術方案之設計,相較於前揭公知壽 ί⑽飾板頂座°又什’其特點在於:本創作之飾板頂座無論 疋單I5白盤狀座體或二階以上之座體,該座體周邊均有至少 二組相對應之插槽,且各插槽組槽間距不#,使該飾板頂 座可通用於大小不同尺寸之㈣,提供人們依禮品擺置方 〆、擇口適圖案及尺寸的飾才反’另一方面’本創作飾板頂 M269822 座也可提供二個以上之飾板於其上作前後層次狀之排列組 合,或可以其周邊分佈設置之數插槽提供亭式或其它立體 式之飾板插組定位之用,藉此,使本創作之飾板頂座應用 於壽塔上,可提供人們依其實際需要將不同型式的飾板組 叹其上,使本創作之飾板頂座可提供多樣化之變換組合功 能。 【實施方式】 依據則揭本創作技術方案之創意,本創作壽塔之飾板 頂座至少可設計成以下數種類型,其中: 第一類型之飾板頂座係包括一座體,該座體周邊設有 至少二組由外向内延伸的插槽組,該數插槽組包括二個徑 向對應之插槽,且該數插槽組具有不等長度之槽間距。 第二類型之飾板頂座係包括一座體,該座體周邊設有 至少二組前後排列之插槽組,該數插槽組包括二個左右對 應由外向内延伸之插槽。 第三類型之飾板頂座係、包括一座體,該座體周邊分佈 至少三個由外向内延伸之插槽。 依據前述各類型之飾板頂座之基本創意,本創作娜板 頂座可進一步設計成以下多_具體可行之較佳實施例,盆 中: ’、 關於本創作壽塔之御板頂座(丄)第—類型之較佳實 施例’如第-圖所示,該飾板頂座(1)係'包括一由單階 層基部(1 0 1 A )構成之盤狀座體(丄〇 A ),並於二 M269822 基部(1 Ο 1 A )周邊設至少二組由外向内延伸的插槽矣 0 (11) ’该數插槽組(1 1 )包括二個設於基部 周邊呈徑向對應之插槽(111),且各插槽組(1 1 )之二插槽(1 1 1 )間之槽間距(LI ) (L2)不相等。 前述第一類型飾板頂座(1)之座體(1 OA)除前 揭單階層設計,亦可如第二圖所示為一個至少二階層之多 階層座體(1 〇 B ),其中該座體(1 〇 B )包括一盤^ 基4 (1 0 1B)以及至少一層自該基部(1 〇iB)巧 邊底部朝外延伸之延伸階層(1 〇 2 B )該多階層座體(工 0B)可為一體成型或為分離的個體藉由黏合、卡接、·· · 等固接手段組合而成,該設於座體(1 〇 B )周邊之數插 槽組(1 1 )可如第二圖所示同設於座體(1 〇B)上層 基部(1 0 1 B)周邊,或同設於下層預定之一延伸階層 (1 0 2 B } ’或是分佈於上層基部(101B)及下層 延伸階層(1 〇 2 B )之周邊,或是分佈於下層數延伸層 (102B)周邊、· ··等(圖未示)。 關於本創作壽塔之飾板頂座(1 )第二類型之具體實 知例’如第三圖所示,該飾板頂座(1 )係包括一由單階 層基4(101A)構成之盤狀座體(ι〇Α),該座體 (1 〇 A )可為圓形、長形或其它幾何形狀之盤狀體,於 本實知例中’係揭示該飾板頂座(1 )為圓形盤狀體之設 ^又遠座體(10A)於其基部(1Q1A)周邊設至 v —組呈前後排列之插槽組(丄^ ),該數插槽組(丄丄) M269822 包括一個左右對應且由外向内延伸之插槽(丄丄丄)。 前述第二類型飾板頂座(1)之座體(1 0A)除前 揭皁階層設計,同樣的,也可如第四圖所示為—至少二階 層之多階層座體(i 〇 B ),其中係令該座體(丄〇 B ) 包括-盤狀基部(i i B )以及至少一層自該基部(工 0 1 B )肖邊底部朝外延伸之延伸階層(丄〇 2 B ),該 層座體(1 〇B)彳為—體成型或為分離的個體藉由 黏σ卡接、...等固接手段組合而成,該設於座體(1 Ο Β)周邊之數插槽組(丄i )可同設於座體(1 〇Β) 上層的基。p ( 1 〇丄周邊,&同設於下層預定之一延 伸I5白層(102B),或是分佈於上層基部(1Q1B) 及下層延伸階層(i 〇 2 B )之周邊(如第四圖所示者), 或是分佈下層數延伸層(1 〇 2 B )周邊….等設計。 關於本創作壽塔之飾板頂座(1)第三類型之具體實 施例,如第五圖所示’該斜板頂座⑴係包括一座體(1 〇 ) ’該座體(1 0 A )可為—層基部(i 〇工A )構成 之盤狀體’或可為一盤狀基部以及至少一層自該基部商邊 广Μ月外I伸之延伸階層構成之多階層座體(圖未示), 心階層座體可為一體成型或為分離的個體藉由黏合、十 接、..·等固接手段組合而成,又該座體(1 (1 W)周邊分佈至少三個由外向内延伸之插槽(ιΐι), 。亥座體(1 〇 Α)為單階層體時,該數插槽(丄丄丄)分 佈於其基部(i 〇 ! A)周邊不同位置處,該座體為多階 M269822 層體時(圖未示),該數插槽可同設於座體上層的基部周 位置處’或同設於下層預定之—延伸㈣周邊 位置處、或分設於上層基部及下層延伸階層之周邊、或八 佈於下層數延伸層周邊...等設計。 义刀 如第/、圖所不,前述各類型之飾板頂座(丄)之單 座體(1 〇A)或多階層座,(願土- 也 體(圖未不”,可令其底部 為中工狀’並於盆內邦;^日:^〜> … ”内°"目對於每-插槽(1 1 1 )之兩側 °又補強槽壁(1 2 );又該單階層或多階層之座體(1 〇 A) ( 1 Ο B )尚可於其基部(工〇 A)(工〇工叫或 L伸p白層(1 0 2 B )之頂面上增設由上而下延伸之插孔 (圖未示),或於座體(1〇)基部(1〇ib)或延伸 層(1 0 2 B )周邊之側面上增設插孔(i 3 )(如第一、 五圖所示),用以提供其它飾物或裝飾性發光元件、.· · 等物件插組定位其上。 本創作藉由前述數較佳實施例之設計,於使用時,該 飾板頂座(!)可組設於由禮品堆疊的壽塔頂端,提供人 們依其需要將預定形狀的飾板組設其上, 圖所示為例,人們可依禮品堆疊後的尺寸選用合適大小尺 寸的飾板,該飾板(2 ) @日,丨+ 4早μ γ Τ攸I Z J底埏兩側之插片(2 〇 )插組於 該飾板頂座(1 )周邊一組相對應之插槽(^ 1 1 )中定 位其中因本創作飾板頂座(1)座體(1〇A)上之數插 1 1 )之槽間距為不相等之設計’故可通用於多種 不同尺寸的飾板組設其上。 M269822 ,人們可選取二個或以上不同尺 前後排列方式插組於飾板頂座 2 )可組構具有層次感之立體視 又如第八、九圖所示 寸或圖案的飾板(2 )以 (1 )上,使該些飾板( 覺效果。 〇弟十圖所示,人們亦可選用亭式、·.·或其它 飾板插組於該飾板頂座⑴1等。另本創作飾板 亦可以其座體(10…面或周邊所設的插 :提供其它壽塔用裝飾物或裝•性發光元件插 上與飾板相互搭配(圖未示)’提高其裝飾效果。 由以上說明中可以瞭解,本 別作可塔之飾板頂座設 5十,可&供人們依禮品擺置方式選 』^ σ適圖案及尺寸的飾 板’其中藉由座體上多數不同尺寸 八丁扪猶槽組設計,使其可 通用於不同尺寸之飾板,另本創作 八 p刀』耗供二個以上之飾 板於其上作前後層次狀之排列組合,或提供亭式或是盆它 立體狀飾板插組定位之用’使本創作之錦板頂座在應用上 可提供多樣化之變換組合功能。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係本創作飾板頂座第一類 一 蝴空較佳實施例之立體 示意圖。 第 圖係本創作飾板頂座第一類型一— 、力一較佳實施例之 立體示意圖。 第 ®係本創作飾板頂座第二類型較佳實施例之立體 示意圖。 11 M269822 第四圖係本創作飾板頂座第二類型另一較佳實施例之 立體示意圖。 第五圖係本創作飾板頂座第三類型較佳實施例之立體 示意圖。 第六圖係本創作飾板頂座之局部剖面示意圖。 第七〜十圖係本創作飾板頂座可變化組設飾板之實施 狀態參考圖。 【主要元件符號說明】M269822 VIII. Description of the new type: [Technical field to which the new type belongs] This creation is about a kind of life tower, especially a structure design of the top plate of the decoration plate provided with the decoration plate set on the top of the life tower. [Previous technology] At the birthday of the god of the temple, etc., according to the custom, people usually place a shou tower cut from food and other gifts and set a crown on the top of the shou tower. A patterned decorative plate with the meaning of auspicious, blessing, etc., as a symbol of wishing for longevity. In the foregoing, 'the top decoration of the tower is provided for the convenience of assembly and use and transportation.' The top decoration of the tower generally adopts the combined structure design of the decorative plate and the decorative plate top, which is fixed to the decorative plate top by On the gift pile, a patterned decorative panel set is provided, and the top of the decorative panel is matched with various types of decorative panels, and "quote" and related companies have designed a variety of decorative top panels for purchase and use. . At present, the design of the top plate of the decorative plate is similar to that of the announcement of 4095946, which is about the top seat of Getao Tower, Shi Shifu, Batu Chugong τ, only from, and construction. No. 3 "Shou Tower:" Improvement (2) ", Announcement No. 563 493" Multi-layer Decoration Seat Composition ", Announcement No. 5306" Shou Tower Top Seat Structure Improvement- Or set the number of the book number] y [2404049 | Lu "扨 | u Jiwujijita's composition of the decorative plate of the Qiqita" and other patent cases disclosed in these patent cases, of which: A mouth 4094954 No. 6 "Shoutao Tower Top Seat Structure" and Announcement No. 563 4933 "Multi-layer Decoration Seat Composition" and other new patents ^ M269822 The top plate design of the decorative plate is mainly based on the disc-shaped seat The top surface is provided with a set or a majority of jacks extending from top to bottom to provide a flat or three-dimensional decorative plate with its bottom end only inserted into the set; Announcement No. 5511-13 "Shou Tower Structure Improvement (2)" The new patented case design of the top seat of the decorative plate is mainly connected to a cone-shaped seat body with two sockets on opposite sides of the radial direction. One of the two inserts at the bottom can be slotted on the front side cone surface of the seat body to provide another trim panel insert; the structure of the top seat trim panel No. 5306 is improved. "And the certificate number μ 2409497" The composition structure of the decorative plate of the birthday celebration tower "and other patent cases are mainly based on a disc-shaped base body radially opposite two peripheral perimeters The socket is provided with a decorative plate with a two-prong insert at the bottom end thereof. In the design of the life tower of the previous patents, although the top plate of the decorative plate can provide the decorative plate to be assembled in a simple way, but most of the sockets on the top plate of the decorative plate sigh. It can provide a set of decorative panels. Among them, it is not possible to provide decorative panels of different sizes for mobility adjustment and assembly or to make layered changes, so that the effect of the changeable spatial pattern can be deviated. As for the patent case No. M2400-149 "the composition structure of the plaque of the longevity tower", although the plaque top seat only has a jack to provide plaque inserts, and by its majority The decorative panel components are combined to make the decorative panel have a layered visual effect, but this design will make it difficult to position the center of gravity of the entire decorative panel firmly on the top of the decorative panel and make the structure of the decorative panel itself very complicated. 'At the same time, because of the limited relationship between the decorative panel components, the changes that can be made are still limited. M269822 As for the announcement of the 55th "No. 3" Study Tower Structure Improvement (2) "new top patent design of the decorative plate top seat, although its cone-shaped base body is provided with two sockets on the radially opposite sides, A trim panel is provided with a two-piece insert group at the bottom end thereof, and a slot is provided on the front side cone surface of the seat body, and another trim plate insert group is provided, so that the two trim plates can be arranged in a hierarchical manner, but this design, Because of the difference in the structure of the two trim panels, they cannot be used directly with each other, and still have the disadvantage of variability deviation. [New content] The main purpose of this creation is to provide a top plate of the decorative plate of the Shou Tower. This design is intended to improve the disadvantages of the previously disclosed known decorative plate top that cannot provide a variety of decorative plates. In order to achieve the purpose of the previous disclosure, the technical means proposed in this creation is to make the top plate of the decorative tower of the life tower include a single-stage or multi-stage seat. The periphery of the seat is provided with at least two groups extending from the outside to the inside. Slot group, each slot group includes a left or right or radial corresponding slot, or at least three slots around the base, # this makes it can be set at the top of the tower to provide a number of different The trim panel set is on it. ^ The design of this creation is based on the technical solution of the front cover. Compared with the front cover, the top plate of the decorative plate is well known. Its characteristics are: the top plate of the decoration is no matter whether it is a single I5 white disc-shaped base or a second stage. For the above seat body, there are at least two corresponding slots around the seat body, and the slot spacing of each slot group is not #. Place the square decoration, choose the right pattern and size of the decoration. On the other hand, the top of the original decorative plate M269822 can also provide two or more decorative plates on the front and back to form a hierarchical arrangement, or the surroundings. The distributed slots are provided for the positioning of kiosk or other three-dimensional decorative panel inserts, so that the top plate of this decorative panel is applied to the life tower, which can provide people with different types of The decorative panel group sighs on top, so that the top panel of this decorative panel can provide diversified combination functions. [Embodiment] According to the creative idea of the creative technical solution, the top plate of the decorative shovel can be designed into at least the following types, of which: The first type of veneer top seat includes a base, the base The periphery is provided with at least two groups of slot groups extending from the outside to the inside. The number of slot groups includes two radially corresponding slots, and the number of slot groups has slot intervals of unequal length. The second type of decorative board top seat includes a body, and the periphery of the seat body is provided with at least two slot groups arranged back and forth, and the number of slot groups includes two left and right corresponding slots extending from the outside to the inside. The third type of veneer top seat system includes a body, and the periphery of the seat body is provided with at least three slots extending from the outside to the inside. According to the basic ideas of the various types of decorative plate tops, this creative na plate top can be further designed into the following _ specific and feasible preferred embodiment, in the basin: ', About the royal plate top of this creative life tower ( (I) The first type of the preferred embodiment, 'as shown in the figure, the veneer top seat (1) series' includes a disc-shaped seat (丄 〇A) composed of a single-level base (1 0 1 A). ), And at least two sets of slots extending from the outside to the inside of the periphery of the base of the two M269822 (1 0 1 A) 矣 0 (11) 'The number of slot groups (1 1) includes two radially arranged at the periphery of the base The corresponding slots (111), and the slot spacing (LI) (L2) between the two slots (1 1 1) of each slot group (1 1) are not equal. In addition to the design of the first stage of the first type of decorative plate top seat (1), as shown in the second figure, it can also be a multi-level seat (100B) of at least two levels, of which The base (100B) includes a plate 4 (101B) and at least one extended layer (100B) extending from the bottom of the base (100B) and the multi-level base. (工 0B) can be formed as a single body or separated by a combination of gluing, snapping, and other fixing means. The number of slot groups (1 1 ) Can be located at the periphery of the upper base (1 0 1 B) of the base (1 0B) as shown in the second figure, or can be located at an extended level (1 0 2 B) 'that is scheduled at the lower level or distributed at the upper level The periphery of the base (101B) and the lower extended layer (102B), or distributed around the lower extended layer (102B), etc. (not shown). A specific practical example of the second type of the seat (1), as shown in the third figure, the veneer top seat (1) includes a disc-shaped seat (ι〇Α) composed of a single layer base 4 (101A) , The base (1 〇 A ) Can be a circular, oblong or other geometric disc-shaped body. In this example, it is revealed that the top plate (1) of the decorative plate is a circular disc-shaped body. Around its base (1Q1A), it is set to v — a group of slot groups (丄 ^) arranged in front and back. The number of slot groups (丄 丄) M269822 includes a slot corresponding to left and right and extending from outside to inside (丄 丄 丄). In addition to the above-mentioned design of the base body (1 0A) of the second type of decorative plate top base (1), the same can also be shown in the fourth figure-at least two levels of multi-level base bodies (i 〇B), in which the base body (丄 〇B) includes a disc-shaped base (ii B) and at least one extended layer (丄 〇2 B) extending outward from the base of the base (工 0 1 B) ), The layer base body (100B) is a body formed or separated by a combination of fixing means such as sticky σ snap-in, etc., and is located around the base body (10 Β). The number of slot groups (丄 i) can be co-located on the base of the upper layer of the base (10 〇). P (100 丄 periphery, & co-located on the lower one of the predetermined extension I5 white layer (102B), or Distributed in the upper layer Design of the periphery of the Ministry (1Q1B) and the lower extension (i 〇2 B) (as shown in the fourth figure), or the distribution of the periphery of the lower extension (1 〇2 B) ... etc. About this creative life The third type of concrete embodiment of the tower veneer top seat (1), as shown in the fifth figure, 'The sloping plate top seat system includes a body (1 0)' The seat body (1 0 A) may be- The disk-shaped body formed by the layer base (i 〇 工 A) may be a disk-shaped base and at least one layer of a multi-level base (not shown in the figure) composed of an extended layer extending from the base's quotient to the outside. The hierarchical base can be integrally formed or separated by a combination of bonding methods such as gluing, ten joints, .., and so on, and the base (1 (1 W) has at least three perimeters extending from the outside to the inside). Slot (ιΐι),. When the Hai body (1 〇Α) is a single-layer body, the number of slots (丄 丄 丄) are distributed at different positions around the base (i 〇! A). When the base is a multi-level M269822 layer body (Figure (Not shown), the number of slots can be located at the base of the upper part of the base, or at the lower part of the predetermined-extension perimeter position, or at the base of the upper and lower extended perimeters, or eight Designed around the extension of the lower layers ... and so on. The right knife is not as shown in the figure, and the single seat body (10A) or multi-level seat of the above-mentioned various types of decorative plate top seats (丄), (Wish soil-also body (picture is not shown), can make it The bottom is in the shape of a workman 'and in the basin; ^ Day: ^ ~ >… "Inside °" For both sides of each-slot (1 1 1) ° and reinforce the groove wall (1 2); again The single-level or multi-level seat (100A) (100B) can still be on the top surface of its base (工 〇A) (工 〇 工 叫 or L extension p white layer (1 0 2 B)). Add jacks (not shown) extending from top to bottom, or add jacks (i 3) on the side of the base (10) of the base (10ib) or the periphery of the extension layer (10 2 B) ( (As shown in Figures 1 and 5), used to provide other ornaments or decorative light-emitting elements, etc. to insert and position on it. This creation uses the design of the foregoing several preferred embodiments. When used, the The top plate of the decorative plate (!) Can be assembled on the top of the life tower stacked by gifts, providing people with a predetermined shape of decorative plates set on it. The picture shows an example, people can choose according to the size of the stacked gifts The right size of the trim, the Board (2) @ 日 , 丨 + 4 early μ γ Τ You IZJ inserts (20) on both sides of the bottom of the panel are inserted into a set of corresponding slots (^ 1 1 ) Is located in the design because the number of slots on the top plate (1) base body (10A) of the original decorative panel is not equal, so it can be used for a variety of decorative panels of different sizes. M269822, one can choose two or more different feet to arrange in front and back to insert into the top of the decorative panel 2) can be composed of three-dimensional stereoscopic view and the size or pattern of decorative panels as shown in Figures 8 and 9 ( 2) Use (1) above to make these decorative panels (the effect. 〇 As shown in the figure 10, people can also choose kiosk type,... Or other decorative panels to insert in the top of the decorative panel ⑴1. Etc. This creative decorative plate can also be inserted in its seat body (10 ... surface or surrounding: provide other decorative items or equipment for life towers. Plug in light-emitting elements to match with the decorative plate (not shown) 'to improve its decorative effect. As can be understood from the above description, the top plate of this decorative plate, which can be used as a tower, is set to 50, which can be & for people to choose according to the way of gift placement. 'Among them, the design of many different sizes of octagonal plates on the base makes it universally applicable to decorative plates of different sizes. In addition, this creation of the eight p-knife' consumes more than two decorative plates on the front and rear layers. The arrangement and combination, or the provision of pavilion or basin-shaped three-dimensional decorative panel inserts for positioning, so that this creative brocade top seat can provide diversified transformation and combination functions in the application. [Schematic description of the first] The figure is a three-dimensional schematic diagram of the first type of a butterfly hollow preferred embodiment of the top plate of the creative decorative plate. The figure is a three-dimensional schematic diagram of the first type one of the first decorative plate of the creative decorative plate and the force one. Section ® is a three-dimensional schematic view of the second preferred embodiment of the top plate of the decorative panel. 11 M269822 The fourth diagram is a perspective view of another preferred embodiment of the second type of the top plate of the decorative panel. The fifth diagram is a three-dimensional schematic diagram of the third type of preferred embodiment of the top plate of the decorative plate. The sixth figure is a partial cross-sectional view of the top base of the decorative plate. The seventh to tenth pictures are reference drawings of the implementation status of the variably-arranged decorative board on the top plate of the creative board. [Description of main component symbols]
(1 0 1 A )基部 (101B)基部 (111)插槽 (1 3 )插孔 (2 B )飾板 (1 )飾板頂座 (1 0 A )座體 (1 Ο B )座體 (1 0 2 B )延伸階層 (1 1 )插槽組(1 0 1 A) Base (101B) Base (111) Slot (1 3) Jack (2 B) Trim (1) Trim top (1 0 A) Base (1 Ο B) Base ( 1 0 2 B) Extended Hierarchy (1 1) Slot Group
(1 2 )補強槽壁 (2 A )飾板 (2 〇 )插片 12(1 2) Reinforcing groove wall (2 A) Trim plate (20) Insert 12