1323136 九、發明說明: ' 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係涉及一種音箱結構,尤係涉及一種移動 電子設備之音箱結構。 【先前技術】 隨著資訊産業之快速發展,移動電子設備如移動 電話(Mobile telephone)、個人數位助理(pDA)之需求量 大,。移動電話作爲通訊工I,其最基本之功能係傳 輪聲音信號,爲傳輸聲音信號,需採用電聲轉換元件 將聲音信號轉換爲電訊號,或者將電訊號轉換爲結構 ^動以産生聲音。其中,廣泛應用之將電訊號轉換爲 聲音之電聲轉換元件爲揚聲器(L〇udspeaker)。 近年來,由於移動電話不斷朝向輕薄短小之方向 發展’在移動電話中使用之揚聲器之尺寸也受到限 制。爲使揚聲器之發聲得到良好之共鳴,通常直接在 移動電話之内部空間裏設置音箱殼體將揚聲器收容 於内以作爲揚聲器之音箱,從而提高該移動電話之發 聲品質。 然而,移動電話不斷朝著輕薄短小之方向發展, =電話之内部空間也隨之减小,這就使揚聲器音箱 ^效容積减小’從而提高該揚聲器音箱之低頻共振 ^。該:聲器音箱低頻共振頻率之提高將降低該揚 之低曰表現能力,提高揚聲器之失真度,從而影 6 響該移動電話之發聲品質。 【發明内容】 有鑒於此,有必要提供一種具有提升發聲品質之 音箱結構及採用該音箱結構之移動電子設備。 一種音箱結構,包括一音箱殼體及置於該音箱殼 體内之一揚聲器,該音箱殼體内形成有一前音響室及 一後音響室,該前音響室上設有一出音孔與外界連 通,該前音響室及後音響室之間設有至少一隔板,該 揚聲器設於該前音響室及後音響室之間,該隔板上設 有一導音孔而將該前音響室與後音響室連通。 一種移動電子設備,包括一外殼,該外殼上設有 至少一出音孔,該外殼内設有一音箱結構,該音箱結 構包括一音箱殼體、置於該音箱殼體内之一揚聲器及 與該揚聲器電連接之一電路板,該音箱殼體内形成有 一前音響室及一後音響室,該前音響室上設有一出音 孔與外界連通,該前音響室及後音響室之間設有至少 一隔板,該揚聲器設於該前音響室及後音響室之間, 該隔板上設有一導音孔而將該前音響室與後音響室 連通。 與習知技術相比,上述音箱結構中分別形成前、 後音響室結構,揚聲器向前及向後發出之聲波分別進 入該前、後音響室産生共振,並藉由該導音孔將該前 音響室與該後音響室連通。由於該導音孔之連通,該 後音響室發出之聲波與該前音響室之聲波叠加並且 共振後傳遞至外界’從而有效地降低該音箱結構之低 頻共振頻率’擴展頻帶之寬度,提高低音揚聲器單元 之輻射效率,進而提升揚聲器之發聲品質。 【實施方式】 下面參照附圖,結合實施例作進一步說明。 圖1所示爲本發明移動電子設備之其中一實施例 中以移動電話1〇〇爲例之結構示意圖。該移動電話1〇〇 包括一電話外殼10 ’該電話外殼1〇大致呈長方體形結 構,該電話外殼10之底部區域形成一按鍵區11,中央 區域形成一顯示區12,頂端則形成一發聲區。該發 聲區13之侧壁上設有出音孔132。 請參照圖1與圖2,該電話外殼1〇之内部於對應移 動電話100之發聲區13之位置設有一音箱結構20,該 音箱結構20包括一電路板30、一框體40、一揚聲器50 及一音箱殼體60。該揚聲器50置於該音箱殼體60内, 該音箱殼體60及該電路板30之間夾設該框體40,從而 形成該音箱結構20。當然,該音箱結構20除了應用於 圖1所示直板式移動電話1〇〇之外,還可應用於其他各 類移動電子設備如折叠式移動電話等。 請參照圖2至圖4,該音箱殼體60爲一長方形半封 閉結構’其由一個底板61及四個侧板62、63、64及65 合圍而形成一收容空間。該等侧板62、63、64及65之 頂面均位於同一個平面上,以便與該框體4〇緊密貼 合。 請參照圖4及圖5,該音箱殼體60之底板61上向四 個側板62、63、64及65之延伸方向延伸形成一圓管形 環墙66。該環墙66靠近該底板61之一端向内凸伸設有 環狀凸緣661 ’該凸緣661與該底板61接觸且合圍而形 成第一腔體60a,環墙66與該凸緣661之頂端合圍而形 成第二腔體60b。該音箱殼體60内還設有將該環墙66 與侧板62連接之一隔板67,以及將該環墙66與側板65 中部連接之一隔板68。該底板61、環墙66、隔板67、 68以及側板62、65合圍而形成第三腔體6〇c ;該底板 61、環墙66、隔板67、68以及侧板62、63、64、65合 圍而形成第四腔體60d。該隔板67、68之頂面與該侧 板62、65之頂面共面,該環墙66與該第三腔體6〇c相接 部份之頂面與該侧板62、65之頂面共面,該環墙%與 該第四腔體60d相接部份之頂面低於該側板62、65之 頂面,借此尚度差而將該第二腔體6〇b與第四腔體6〇d 相連通。該環墙66與該第四腔體6〇d相接部份之上端 設有一凹槽662。該環墙66之凸緣661上對應第三腔體 60c之位置設有一個通音孔663,該通音孔663將該第一 腔體60a與第三腔體60c相連通。當然,該環墙66也可 與該側板62相貼接而省略該隔板67,同樣能形成該第 三腔體60c及第四腔體6〇d。 該側板65對應第三腔體6〇c之位置上設有一出音 孔651,該出音孔651對應該電話外殼1〇之出音孔132 設置,將該第三腔體6〇c與周圍環境連通。 1323136 . 該隔板68之底部靠近該底板61處設有一導音孔 69。該導音孔69爲一半圓形結構,且該導音孔69將該 第二腔體60c與第四腔體60d連通,使該第四腔體6〇d 内之聲波可經由該導音孔69傳遞至該第三腔體6〇c内。 請參照圖2及圖3 ’該揚聲器50爲一圓柱狀結構, 該揚聲器50之正面設有複數前出音孔52(如圖3所 示)’該揚聲器50之背面設有複數後出音孔54(如圖2所 示),該揚聲器50側面上設有一凸耳56。該揚聲器5〇 電連接至電路板30’用於將電路板30輪入之電訊號轉 化爲聲波,並藉由前出音孔52及後出音孔54傳出。該 揚聲器50可組裝於該音箱殼體60之環墙66内,組裝 時’該揚聲器50之前出音孔52朝向該第一腔體6〇a,且 該揚聲器50之正面與該凸緣661之頂面抵接,以利用 該揚聲器50分隔形成該第一腔體6〇a與第二腔體6〇b, 該揚聲器50之凸耳56與該環墙66之凹槽662緊密配 合,以將該揚聲器50固定於該環墙66内。 請參照圖2、圖3及圖6,該框體40係由橡膠、玻 璃纖維布、海綿等制振材料製成,該框體4〇設於該音 響殼體60之侧板62、63、64及65以及隔板67、68之頂 面上(如圖6所示),並夾設於該音箱殼體60與電路板3〇 之間。該框體40包括·-外框41及設於該外框41内之一 内框42。該外框41及該内框42爲厚度和寬度均相同之 片體結構。該外框41之形狀與該音響殼體60之侧板 62、63、64及65之頂面圍成之形狀大致相同,但該外 10 1323136 框41之寬度大於該侧板62、63、64及65頂面之寬度。 該内框42之形狀與隔板67、環墙66與第三腔體60c相接 部份及隔板68之頂面圍成之形狀大致相同。該框體40 被夾設於該殼體60之侧板62、63、64及65以及該隔板 67、68之頂面與該電路板30之間,該框體40與該電路 板30及音相设體60之接觸處利用枯合劑(圖未示)進行 充分之填充粘合’以填補該電路板30與音箱殼體60間 之空隙’從而達成制振與防止第三腔體6〇c與第四腔體 60d内聲音泄漏之效果。 組裝後’該第一腔體60a與第三腔體60c藉由通音 孔663相連通形成一前音響室61a;該第二腔體60b與第 四腔體60d藉由該環墙66頂面之高度差相連通形成一 後音響室61b,該後音響室61b藉由導音孔69而與該前 音響室61a連通。 揚聲器50由前出音孔52及後出音孔54發出之聲 波’分別進入該前音響室61a及後音響室61b産生共 振,並藉由音箱殼體60之侧板65上之出音孔651以及 電話外殼10上之出音孔132輻射至外界。其中,該揚 聲器50由前出音孔52發出之聲波與該前音響室6ia内 之空氣發生共振然後經出音孔651、132輻射至外界; 揚聲器50由後出音孔54發出之聲波與該後音響室6ib 内之空氣發生共振,然後藉由該導音孔69傳遞至該前 音響室61a内’與該前音響室61a内之聲波叠加並與該 前音響室61a内之空氣發生共振’然後經出音孔651、 11 132輻射至外界。從該揚聲器5〇之後出音孔54輻射出 之聲波在相位上與從揚聲器50之前出音孔52輻射出 之聲波在相位上相差18〇度,而該導音孔69將該後出 音孔54輻射之聲波之相位倒轉18〇度,所以從後音響 室61b經由導音孔69傳遞至前音響室61a之聲波與揚聲 器50從前音孔52輻射出之聲波在到達該前音響室6ia 時係同相叠加之’所以該音箱結構2〇能提供比沒有該 導音孔69時更寬之頻帶,使諧振頻率之峰值向低頻處 移動’具有較低之低頻共振頻率,從而提高發聲之低 頻共振效果。 根據聲-振分析軟體SYSNOISE之類比得出,當該 音箱殼體60中未設置該導音孔69時,該前、後音響室 61a、61b之低頻共振頻率分別爲3〇〇〇Hz、65〇〇Hz ;而 设置該導音孔69後,該前、後音響室61a、61b相互連 通’其低頻共振頻率降爲1〇16Hz。由此可見’採用該 音箱結構20之移動電話1〇〇可提高發聲之低頻共振效 果’提高揚聲器低音單元之輻射效率,擴展頻帶之寬 度’從而提升聲音之質感與豐富感,使聲音響度適當 並趨於穩定’避免鈴聲尖銳化或破音現象之發生,進 而獲得良好之發聲品質。 另外’上述音箱結構2〇中由於夾設了框體4〇,可 防止音箱結構2〇漏出聲波,使聲音之頻率特性趨於穩 定;同時,該框體40由制振材料製成,可降低由於揚 聲器50之發聲所弓丨起之揚聲器5〇與電路板3〇間共振 之傳遞’從而可避免聲音受到干擾,提升移動電話100 之發聲品質。 清參照圖7 ’其所示爲音箱殼體第二實施例之示 意圖,其與第-實施例之不同之處在於,該音箱殼體 70中之隔板78爲加厚結構’ g卩該隔板78比第—實施例 中之隔板微難62、63、64、㈣。藉由該隔板% 之加厚結構之設置,可以增加導音孔79之長度,從而 調節該音箱殼體7〇之低頻共振頻率,得到所需之頻率 響應fe圍。根據聲-振分析軟體SYSN〇ISE類比可得 出,該音箱殼體70在連通後之低頻共振頻率爲 704Hz,比第一實施例之音箱殼體6〇之低頻共振頻率 1016Hz低,進一步提升揚聲器低頻之發聲品質。 請參照圖8 ’其所示爲音箱殼體第三實施例之示 意圖,其與第一實施例之不同之處在於,該設有導音 孔89之隔板88將該環墙66與該侧板64、65之相交處連 接,從而增大該第三腔體80c(前音響室81a)之體積, 同時相對地减小該第四腔體80d(後音響室81b)之體 積。由於該前音響室81a及後音響室81b之體積之變 化’該音箱殼體80之共振頻率也相應産生變化。根據 聲-振分析軟體SYSNOISE之類比得出,該音箱殼體80 之低頻共振頻率爲1427Hz,比第一實施例之音箱殼體 60之低頻共振頻率i〇i6Hz高,從而可與特定低頻共振 頻率之揚聲Is相適配。 由以上敘述可知,藉由該等導音孔69、79及89之 13 1323136 · 設置,將該前、後音響室61a(81a)、61b(81b)相連通, 使該後音響室61b、81b發出之聲波與該前音響室61a、 81a之聲波叠加並且共振後傳遞至外界,從而有效地降 低該音箱結構20之低頻共振頻率,擴展頻帶之寬度, 提高揚聲器低音單元之輻射效率,進而提升移動電話 100之發聲品質。藉由該隔板68、78、88之厚度之設 置以及該前音響室61a、81a與後音響室61b、81b相對 體積之設置,可以調節音箱殼體60、70、80之低頻共 振頻率,與揚聲器之低頻共振頻率相適配,提高揚聲 器之發聲品質。 綜上所述,本發明符合發明專利要件,爰依法提 出專利申請。惟,以上所述者僅為本發明之較佳實施 例,舉凡熟悉本案技藝之人士,在爰依本發明精神所 作之等效修飾或變化,皆應涵蓋於以下之申請專利範 圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1爲本發明移動電子設備(以移動電話爲例)其中一 實施例之結構示意圖。 圖2爲圖1所示移動電話内之音箱結構沿第一視角之 立體分解圖。 圖3爲圖2所示音箱結構沿第二視角之立體分解圖。 圖4爲圖2所示音箱結構中之音箱殼體之立體圖。 圖5爲圖2所示音箱結構中之音箱殼體之俯視圖。 圖6爲圖2所示音箱結構之部分組裝圖。 14 1323136 圖7爲音箱殼體第二實施例之立體圖。 圖8爲音箱殼體第三實施例之立體圖。 【主要元件符號說明】1323136 IX. Description of the invention: 'Technical field to which the invention pertains>> The present invention relates to a speaker structure, and more particularly to a speaker structure of a mobile electronic device. [Prior Art] With the rapid development of the information industry, mobile electronic devices such as mobile telephones and personal digital assistants (pDAs) are in great demand. As the communication worker I, the most basic function of the mobile phone is the transmission sound signal. To transmit the sound signal, the electro-acoustic conversion component is used to convert the sound signal into a telecommunication signal, or the electric signal is converted into a structure to generate a sound. Among them, the widely used electroacoustic conversion element that converts a telecommunication signal into a sound is a speaker (L〇udspeaker). In recent years, as mobile phones have continued to move toward light, thin, and small, the size of speakers used in mobile phones has also been limited. In order to resonate well with the sound of the speaker, the speaker housing is usually placed directly in the internal space of the mobile phone to house the speaker as a speaker for the speaker, thereby improving the sound quality of the mobile phone. However, mobile phones are constantly moving in a light, short, and small direction, and the internal space of the phone is also reduced, which reduces the speaker's effective volume, thereby increasing the low-frequency resonance of the speaker. The improvement of the low frequency resonance frequency of the sound box will reduce the low performance of the speaker and increase the distortion of the speaker, thereby affecting the sound quality of the mobile phone. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In view of the above, it is necessary to provide a speaker structure having improved sound quality and a mobile electronic device using the speaker structure. A speaker structure includes a speaker housing and a speaker disposed in the speaker housing. The speaker housing defines a front audio chamber and a rear audio chamber. The front audio chamber is provided with a sound hole to communicate with the outside. At least one partition is disposed between the front sound chamber and the rear sound chamber, and the speaker is disposed between the front sound chamber and the rear sound chamber, wherein the partition plate is provided with a sound guiding hole for the front sound chamber and the rear The sound room is connected. A mobile electronic device includes a casing, the casing is provided with at least one sound hole, and the casing is provided with a speaker structure, the speaker structure includes a speaker casing, a speaker disposed in the speaker casing, and the speaker The speaker is electrically connected to one of the circuit boards. The speaker housing is formed with a front sound chamber and a rear sound chamber. The front sound chamber is provided with a sound hole communicating with the outside, and the front sound chamber and the rear sound chamber are disposed between the sound chamber and the rear sound chamber. At least one partition is disposed between the front acoustic chamber and the rear acoustic chamber, and the partition is provided with a sound guiding hole to communicate the front acoustic chamber with the rear acoustic chamber. Compared with the prior art, the front and rear acoustic chamber structures are respectively formed in the speaker structure, and the sound waves emitted from the front and rear of the speaker respectively enter the front and rear sound chambers to generate resonance, and the front sound is made by the sound guide hole. The chamber is in communication with the rear acoustic chamber. Due to the communication of the sound guiding holes, the sound waves emitted by the rear sound chamber are superimposed with the sound waves of the front sound chamber and are transmitted to the outside world after resonance, thereby effectively reducing the width of the low frequency resonant frequency of the speaker structure's extended frequency band, and improving the woofer. The radiation efficiency of the unit, which in turn improves the sound quality of the speaker. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, the embodiments will be further described with reference to the accompanying drawings. FIG. 1 is a schematic structural view showing a mobile phone 1 in an embodiment of a mobile electronic device according to an embodiment of the present invention. The mobile phone 1 includes a phone housing 10'. The phone housing 1 has a substantially rectangular parallelepiped structure. The bottom portion of the phone housing 10 defines a button area 11. The central area defines a display area 12, and the top end forms a sounding area. . A sound hole 132 is provided on the side wall of the sound emission area 13. Referring to FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 , a speaker structure 20 is disposed inside the phone housing 1 at a position corresponding to the sound emitting area 13 of the mobile phone 100 . The speaker structure 20 includes a circuit board 30 , a frame 40 , and a speaker 50 . And a speaker housing 60. The speaker 50 is placed in the speaker housing 60. The housing 40 is interposed between the speaker housing 60 and the circuit board 30, thereby forming the speaker structure 20. Of course, the speaker structure 20 can be applied to other various types of mobile electronic devices such as a foldable mobile phone, in addition to the bar type mobile phone shown in Fig. 1. Referring to Figures 2 to 4, the speaker housing 60 is a rectangular semi-closed structure which is enclosed by a bottom plate 61 and four side plates 62, 63, 64 and 65 to form a receiving space. The top surfaces of the side plates 62, 63, 64 and 65 are all located on the same plane so as to be in close contact with the frame body 4. Referring to Figures 4 and 5, the bottom plate 61 of the speaker housing 60 extends in the direction in which the four side plates 62, 63, 64 and 65 extend to form a circular tubular wall 66. The annular wall 66 protrudes inwardly from one end of the bottom plate 61 and has an annular flange 661. The flange 661 is in contact with the bottom plate 61 and is enclosed to form a first cavity 60a. The ring wall 66 and the flange 661 The top end is rounded to form a second cavity 60b. The speaker housing 60 is further provided with a partition 67 connecting the annular wall 66 and the side plate 62, and a partition 68 connecting the annular wall 66 with the central portion of the side plate 65. The bottom plate 61, the annular wall 66, the partitions 67, 68, and the side plates 62, 65 are enclosed to form a third cavity 6〇c; the bottom plate 61, the ring wall 66, the partitions 67, 68, and the side plates 62, 63, 64 And 65 are combined to form a fourth cavity 60d. The top surfaces of the partitions 67, 68 are coplanar with the top surfaces of the side plates 62, 65, and the top surface of the portion of the ring wall 66 that is in contact with the third cavity 6〇c and the side plates 62, 65 The top surface is coplanar, and the top surface of the portion of the annular wall that is in contact with the fourth cavity 60d is lower than the top surface of the side plates 62, 65, thereby making the second cavity 6〇b The fourth cavity 6〇d is in communication. A groove 662 is defined at an upper end of the annular wall 66 and the fourth cavity 6〇d. A sound hole 663 is defined in the flange 661 of the ring wall 66 corresponding to the third cavity 60c. The sound hole 663 communicates the first cavity 60a with the third cavity 60c. Of course, the annular wall 66 can also be attached to the side plate 62 to omit the partition 67, and the third cavity 60c and the fourth cavity 6〇d can be formed in the same manner. The side plate 65 is provided with a sound hole 651 corresponding to the position of the third cavity 6〇c. The sound hole 651 is disposed corresponding to the sound hole 132 of the phone case 1,, and the third cavity 6〇c is surrounded by Environmental connectivity. 1323136. A sound guiding hole 69 is defined in the bottom of the partition plate 68 near the bottom plate 61. The sound guiding hole 69 has a semicircular structure, and the sound guiding hole 69 communicates the second cavity 60c with the fourth cavity 60d, so that sound waves in the fourth cavity 6〇d can pass through the sound guiding hole. 69 is delivered into the third cavity 6〇c. Referring to FIG. 2 and FIG. 3, the speaker 50 has a cylindrical structure, and the front surface of the speaker 50 is provided with a plurality of front sound holes 52 (shown in FIG. 3). The back surface of the speaker 50 is provided with a plurality of sound holes. 54 (shown in FIG. 2), a lug 56 is provided on the side of the speaker 50. The speaker 5 is electrically connected to the circuit board 30' for converting the electrical signal that the circuit board 30 is rotated into sound waves, and is transmitted through the front sound hole 52 and the rear sound hole 54. The speaker 50 can be assembled in the ring wall 66 of the speaker housing 60. When assembled, the sound hole 52 of the speaker 50 faces the first cavity 6〇a, and the front surface of the speaker 50 and the flange 661 The top surface abuts to form the first cavity 6〇a and the second cavity 6〇b by using the speaker 50. The lug 56 of the speaker 50 closely matches the groove 662 of the ring wall 66 to The speaker 50 is fixed within the ring wall 66. Referring to FIG. 2 , FIG. 3 and FIG. 6 , the frame body 40 is made of a vibration-damping material such as rubber, fiberglass cloth or sponge. The frame body 4 is disposed on the side plates 62 and 63 of the acoustic housing 60 . 64 and 65 and the top surfaces of the partitions 67, 68 (shown in FIG. 6) are interposed between the speaker housing 60 and the circuit board 3''. The frame 40 includes an outer frame 41 and an inner frame 42 provided in the outer frame 41. The outer frame 41 and the inner frame 42 are sheet structures having the same thickness and width. The shape of the outer frame 41 is substantially the same as the shape of the top surfaces of the side plates 62, 63, 64 and 65 of the acoustic housing 60, but the outer frame 10 1323136 has a larger width than the side plates 62, 63, 64. And the width of the top surface of 65. The shape of the inner frame 42 is substantially the same as the shape in which the partition 67, the annular wall 66 and the third cavity 60c meet, and the top surface of the partition 68. The frame 40 is sandwiched between the side plates 62, 63, 64 and 65 of the casing 60 and the top surface of the partition plates 67 and 68 and the circuit board 30. The frame 40 and the circuit board 30 and The contact portion of the acoustic phase body 60 is sufficiently filled and bonded by a dry agent (not shown) to fill the gap between the circuit board 30 and the speaker housing 60 to achieve vibration suppression and prevent the third cavity 6〇. The effect of c and sound leakage in the fourth cavity 60d. After assembly, the first cavity 60a and the third cavity 60c communicate with each other through the sound hole 663 to form a front acoustic chamber 61a; the second cavity 60b and the fourth cavity 60d are topped by the annular wall 66 The height difference is connected to form a rear acoustic chamber 61b, and the rear acoustic chamber 61b communicates with the front acoustic chamber 61a via the sound guiding hole 69. The sound waves emitted from the front sound hole 52 and the rear sound hole 54 of the speaker 50 respectively enter the front sound chamber 61a and the rear sound chamber 61b to resonate, and through the sound hole 651 on the side plate 65 of the speaker casing 60. And the sound hole 132 on the telephone casing 10 is radiated to the outside. The sound wave emitted by the front sound hole 52 of the speaker 50 resonates with the air in the front sound chamber 6ia and is radiated to the outside through the sound hole 651, 132; the sound wave emitted by the speaker 50 from the rear sound hole 54 and the sound wave The air in the rear acoustic chamber 6ib resonates and is transmitted to the front acoustic chamber 61a through the sound guiding hole 69 to 'superimpose with the sound waves in the front acoustic chamber 61a and resonate with the air in the front acoustic chamber 61a'. Then, it is radiated to the outside through the sound holes 651, 11 132. The sound wave radiated from the sound hole 54 from the speaker 5 在 is phase-shifted by 18 相位 in phase with the sound wave radiated from the sound hole 52 before the speaker 50, and the sound hole 69 is the sound hole. 54 The phase of the radiated sound wave is reversed by 18 degrees, so that the sound wave transmitted from the rear sound chamber 61b to the front sound chamber 61a via the sound guiding hole 69 and the sound wave radiated from the front sound hole 52 by the speaker 50 arrive at the front sound chamber 6ia. In-phase superimposed 'so the speaker structure 2〇 can provide a wider frequency band than when the sound guiding hole 69 is absent, so that the peak of the resonant frequency shifts to the low frequency', which has a lower low-frequency resonant frequency, thereby improving the low-frequency resonance effect of the sounding . According to the analogy of the acoustic-vibration analysis software SYSNOISE, when the sound guiding hole 69 is not disposed in the speaker housing 60, the low-frequency resonance frequencies of the front and rear acoustic chambers 61a, 61b are respectively 3 〇〇〇 Hz, 65 〇〇Hz; and after the sound guiding hole 69 is provided, the front and rear acoustic chambers 61a, 61b are connected to each other 'the low frequency resonance frequency is reduced to 1 〇 16 Hz. It can be seen that 'the mobile phone 1 using the speaker structure 20 can improve the low-frequency resonance effect of the vocalization', improve the radiation efficiency of the speaker woofer, and expand the width of the frequency band, thereby improving the texture and richness of the sound, so that the sound is appropriate. And tend to stabilize 'to avoid sharpening or broken sounds, so as to get good sound quality. In addition, in the above-mentioned speaker structure 2, since the frame body 4 is interposed, the sound structure of the speaker structure 2 is prevented from leaking, and the frequency characteristic of the sound is stabilized. At the same time, the frame body 40 is made of a vibration-damping material, which can be reduced. The sound transmission between the speaker 5 〇 and the circuit board 3 〇 by the sound of the speaker 50 can prevent the sound from being disturbed, and improve the sound quality of the mobile phone 100. Referring to Figure 7', there is shown a schematic view of a second embodiment of a speaker housing, which differs from the first embodiment in that the partition 78 in the cabinet housing 70 has a thickened structure 'g卩The plate 78 is slightly more difficult than the separators in the first embodiment 62, 63, 64, (d). By the arrangement of the thickened structure of the spacer %, the length of the sound guiding hole 79 can be increased, thereby adjusting the low frequency resonance frequency of the speaker housing 7 to obtain the desired frequency response. According to the analogy of the acoustic-vibration analysis software SYSN〇ISE, the low-frequency resonance frequency of the speaker housing 70 after communication is 704 Hz, which is lower than the low-frequency resonance frequency of 1016 Hz of the speaker housing 6〇 of the first embodiment, further improving the speaker. The sound quality of low frequency. Referring to FIG. 8 ' is a schematic view showing a third embodiment of the speaker housing, which is different from the first embodiment in that the partition wall 88 provided with the sound guiding hole 89 defines the ring wall 66 and the side. The intersections of the plates 64, 65 are joined to increase the volume of the third cavity 80c (front sound chamber 81a) while relatively reducing the volume of the fourth cavity 80d (rear sound chamber 81b). Since the volume of the front acoustic chamber 81a and the rear acoustic chamber 81b changes, the resonance frequency of the speaker housing 80 also changes accordingly. According to the analogy of the acoustic-vibration analysis software SYSNOISE, the low frequency resonance frequency of the speaker housing 80 is 1427 Hz, which is higher than the low frequency resonance frequency i 〇 i6 Hz of the speaker housing 60 of the first embodiment, so that it can be combined with a specific low frequency resonance frequency. The sound of the Is is adapted. As can be seen from the above description, the front and rear acoustic chambers 61a (81a) and 61b (81b) are connected by the 13 1323136 of the sound guiding holes 69, 79, and 89, and the rear acoustic chambers 61b and 81b are connected. The emitted sound waves are superimposed with the sound waves of the front acoustic chambers 61a, 81a and are transmitted to the outside after resonance, thereby effectively reducing the low frequency resonance frequency of the speaker structure 20, expanding the width of the frequency band, improving the radiation efficiency of the speaker woofer, and thereby improving the movement. The sound quality of the telephone 100. By setting the thickness of the partitions 68, 78, 88 and the relative volume of the front acoustic chambers 61a, 81a and the rear acoustic chambers 61b, 81b, the low frequency resonant frequency of the speaker housings 60, 70, 80 can be adjusted, and The low frequency resonant frequency of the speaker is adapted to improve the sound quality of the speaker. In summary, the present invention complies with the requirements of the invention patent, and proposes a patent application according to law. However, the above description is only the preferred embodiment of the present invention, and equivalent modifications or variations made by those skilled in the art of the present invention should be included in the following claims. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic structural view of an embodiment of a mobile electronic device (taking a mobile phone as an example) of the present invention. 2 is an exploded perspective view of the speaker structure in the mobile phone of FIG. 1 along a first viewing angle. 3 is an exploded perspective view of the speaker structure of FIG. 2 along a second viewing angle. 4 is a perspective view of the speaker housing in the speaker structure shown in FIG. 2. FIG. 5 is a top plan view of the speaker housing in the speaker structure shown in FIG. 2. FIG. Figure 6 is a partial assembled view of the speaker structure shown in Figure 2. 14 1323136 Figure 7 is a perspective view of a second embodiment of the speaker housing. Figure 8 is a perspective view of a third embodiment of the speaker housing. [Main component symbol description]
移動電話 100 按鍵區 11 顯不區 12 發聲區 13 出音孔 132 音箱結構 20 電路板 30 框體 40 外框 41 内框 42 揚聲器 50 前出音孔 52 後出音孔 54 凸耳 56 音箱殼體 60 ' 70、80 第一腔體 60a 第二腔體 60b 第三腔體 60c、80c 第四腔體 60d 、 80d 底板 61 前音響室 61a 、 81a 後音響室 61b 、 81b 側板 62 ' 63 ' 64 ' 65 出音孔 651 壞牆 66 凸緣 661 凹槽 662 通音孔 663 導音孔 69 ' 79 ' 89 隔板 67 、 68 、 78 、 88 15Mobile phone 100 Key area 11 Display area 12 Sound area 13 Sound hole 132 Speaker structure 20 Circuit board 30 Frame 40 Frame 41 Inner frame 42 Speaker 50 Front sound hole 52 Rear sound hole 54 Lug 56 Speaker housing 60' 70, 80 first cavity 60a second cavity 60b third cavity 60c, 80c fourth cavity 60d, 80d bottom plate 61 front sound room 61a, 81a rear sound room 61b, 81b side plate 62 '63 '64 ' 65 sound hole 651 bad wall 66 flange 661 groove 662 sound hole 663 sound hole 69 ' 79 ' 89 partition 67 , 68 , 78 , 88 15