1311051 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係提供一種乘坐部位與靠背部位之間的連結結 構,並藉由該結構使靠背部位在執行傾仰角度的調整時, 可讓乘坐部之背部與靠背部位之間的摩擦不適感降到最小 或甚至消除者。 【先前技術】 通常站立式輪椅之設計,係在協助使用者安全地從事 站姿的活動或工作,進而增進平等的人際關係及生活的獨 立性外,並因身體姿勢可獲較大的變化,而使肌肉與筋骨 能夠充分地活動而防止纖維化及避免褥瘡,並可促進體内 循環、增進心肺功能及幫助腸胃的蠕動發生等優點;而如 何讓乘坐於輪椅的人安全地站立起來,即為該輪椅設計的 重點。 目前一般所我們常見的站立式輪椅(如第一、二圖所 示),主要係包括一乘坐單元1及一主架體單元2,並在 主架體單元2上設有一可令乘坐單元1立起的驅動單元3 ,其中乘坐單元1又包括有一乘坐部11、一極接於乘坐部 11後端而兩旁設有扶手121的靠背部12,且又在乘坐部 11的前下侧處設一扶腳部13,並令該扶腳部13之位於乘 坐者的膝蓋部位處設有支持墊131,且又在扶腳部13的下 端處設有踏板132及支撐部133 ;另,主架體單元2係包 括一架體21的前、後設有輪子22,23,並令架體21的前端 與乘坐部11的前端樞接在一起,且在乘坐部11下方設一 與其呈平行的連動元件24,然後令該連動元件24之鄰近 5 1311051 其前端處枢固於架體21的前方處,而連動元件24的後端 末則係與靠背部12所延伸的部位之端末樞接在一起,另連 動元件24前端所延伸的部位之端末又與扶腳部13的上端 末樞接,而扶腳部13與架體21中間之間處又枢接一連結 元件25。 復請配合第三圖所示,在架體21上樞固設置一致動器 31,並令致動器31的驅動端樞接於連動元件24之預定處 ,所以當致動器31作動而頂推連動元件24時,會令乘坐 部11及連動元件24以其前端之支點而向上擺動,並當連 動元件24向上擺動時,即會拉動靠背部12之下端延伸部 末,而使靠背部12向後擺動,同時連動元件24的前端延 伸部末亦會因擺轉的位移,而帶動扶腳部13擺動,進而令 靠背部12、乘坐部11及扶腳部13三者幾乎呈同一平面狀 ,故使原來乘坐者由坐姿變換成站立的狀態;不過,在乘 坐部11變換成坐姿或立姿的過程中,會發生下列的問題: 1.當人體乘坐於輪椅上時,其上半身(背部)的擺動 係以其髖骨為支點,但輪椅之靠背部12的擺動卻係以其與 乘坐部11之枢接處為支點,該兩支點由於位在不同的位置 ,且又相距有一段距離,而且無論是變換成坐姿或立姿, 乘坐者的臀部通常是保持不移動的狀態,因此當靠背部12 向後或向前擺動時,乘坐者原來背部貼靠在接近靠背部12 上端的位置(如第一圖所示之A點),就會發生錯移的現 象,如第三圖所示之原來乘坐者的背部貼靠點A,移到靠 背部12的中間位置處,進而導致令乘坐者之背部感到與靠 6 1311051 背部12之間的滑動摩擦,而產生不適的感覺。 2.基於上述靠背部12向上的位移,而令扶手121的位 置也會提高許多,進而導致乘坐者之手臂的扶持支撐高度 也隨之昇高,如此不僅會造成乘坐者之手臂扶持施力時困 難,也會影響手臂的活動,嚴重者甚至造成扶手121的高 度幾乎超過肩膀而令手臂根本無法支撐。 【發明内容】 因此,為了改善前述輪椅之靠背部在傾仰擺動時,對 乘坐者之背部所產生的拉伸或擠推之摩擦不適感,本發明 係採在輪椅乘坐單元之乘坐部後端處固設一具有導槽的第 一連結元件,且又令第一連結元件上樞設一可以擺動、並 亦設有導槽的第二連結元件,並令第一與第二連結元件兩 者所各設的導槽呈交錯狀態,然後令靠背部的鄰近下端處 樞固於第二連結元件的上方,而再令靠背部之端末處設一 銷部插入前述第一與第二連結元件之兩導槽的交錯處,復 再設一連動元件的末端穿設於第二連結元件的下方。 緣是,藉上述本發明之第一連結元件、第二連結元件 與靠背部之間的連結關係,使靠背部相對於乘坐部的擺轉 支點位置,可隨著其擺動而向内或向外移動改變位置,令 乘坐者之背部貼靠在靠背部處的地方,保持不變或減少錯 移的現象,進而令乘坐者的背部不會發生或減少拉伸或推 擠之摩擦不適感。 是以,本發明可藉由下列的實施例並配合附圖,而獲 得充分的了解,並據以實施: 7 1311051 【實施方式】 本發明的構造如第四圖所示,其主要亦係包括一乘坐 單元1及一主架體單元2,而主架體單元2上亦設有一可令乘 坐單元1立起的驅動單元3,其中: 乘坐單元1 :係包括一乘坐部11、一樞接於乘坐部11 後端而兩旁設有扶手121及護桿122的靠背部12,又乘坐部 11的前方處設一上端具有支持墊131及下端設有踏板132及 支撐部133的扶腳部13;另,在乘坐部11的後端處固設一第 一連結元件14,並在第一連結元件14的後端處設一導槽141 ,且又在乘坐部11上(第一連結元件14的前端處)再樞固 一第二連結元件15,並使第二連結元件15的上方端樞固於 靠背部12的下端鄰近處(如圖中所示之樞固支點124),且 第二連結元件15上亦設一導槽151,而令第一與第二連結元 件14,15上各所設的導槽141,151呈交錯狀,並再令靠背部12 的下端末處設一銷部123,而使該銷部123容設於兩導槽 141,151的交錯處;此外,再令第二連結元件15的後下方第 三端處設一導槽152。 主架體單元2 :係包括一具前、後輪22,23的移動架體 21,並令架體21的前端與乘坐部11的前端樞接在一起,且 在架體21的前處樞接一向後伸的連動元件24,而使該連動 元件24之後端末所的銷軸部241,穿設於第二連結元件15 之第三端所設的導槽152處,然後再令該連動元件24前端又 向外延伸而與扶腳部13的上端枢接,並在扶腳部13與架體 21之間又極接一連結元件25。 8 1311051 單元3,除了包括一樞固於該架體21上的致動器31外,並令 架體21及乘坐部11上又各樞固一舉撐桿32,33,並令兩舉撐 桿32,33之自由端及致動器31之驅動端三者樞接在一起,而 原來穿設於第二連結元件15後下方的連動元件24之自由端 ,則係枢固於舉撐桿33上之預定處。 是以,如第七、八及九圖所示,同樣當致動器31之驅 動端做伸縮之動作時,即可令舉撐桿32,33將整個乘坐單元 2向上撐立起來或放下,使乘坐者呈立姿或坐姿外,並在乘 坐單元2變換的過程中,該連動元件24會因受舉撐桿33的帶 動,而令第二連結元件15發生擺動,同樣使得第一與第二 連結元件14,15之兩導槽141,151的交錯位置發生移動改變 ,進而令靠背部12與地面之間保持適當的角度外(即令乘 坐者的上半身保持預定的挺立姿態),並因靠背部12與乘 坐部11之間受第二連結元件15的牽連下,令兩者之間雖然 角度發生改變,但仍能保持預定的距離而不會發生錯移現 象,即讓乘坐者之背部倚靠在靠背部12上的位置,完全不 會改變,故令乘坐者之背部與靠背部12之間不會發生滑動 摩擦的不適感。 其次,前述之手法亦應用於一般只做靠背部12之傾仰 調整的結構,即如第十及十一圖所示,其中乘坐部11與靠 背部12之間所設的第一連結元件14及第二連結元件15的構 造及連結關係,仍與前述相同,而該驅動單元3之致動器31 的驅動端,係樞固於第二連結元件15的後下方第三端處, 所以當致動器31帶動第二連結元元件15擺轉時,即可令靠 10 1311051 背部12做傾仰之調整外,更令該靠背部12同樣可隨著其傾 仰角度的改變,而使乘坐部11及靠背部12之間保持適當的 距離,進而消除乘坐者之背部與靠背部12之間的摩擦不適 感。 此外,又可如第十二及十三圖所示,係僅令第二連結 元件15’的兩端分別樞固於乘坐部11及靠背部12之預定處 ,而靠背部12末端所設的銷部123係容設於第一連結元件 14’上所設的導槽141中,然後再令驅動單元3之致動器31 的驅動端則係枢固於靠背部12下端所設的樞接部125處(或 亦可樞固於銷部123位置處),故在致動器31的驅動及第二 連結元件15的牽動下,使靠背部12除了會傾仰擺動外,並 令靠背部12的銷部123於第一連結元件14’的導槽141内滑 動位移,進而靠背部12承受乘坐者之背部的倚靠位置,所 發生的錯移減小或甚至消除。 儘管,上述的實施例已對本發明有較佳之具體化的揭 露與詳述,皆為熟悉該項技術人士者所能清楚了解,而其 所做的各種型式及方法局部的改變,應都是沒有脫離本發 明精神與範疇。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係習知站立式輪椅的構造示意圖。 第二圖係習知站立式輪椅作動過程中的示意圖。 第三圖係習知站立式輪椅呈站立狀態時的示意圖。 第四圖係本發明輪椅的構造示意圖。 第五圖係本發明輪椅的作動過程中之示意圖。 1311051 第六圖係本發明輪椅呈站立狀態時的示意圖。 第七圖係本發明輪椅實施例二的構造示意圖。 第八圖係本發明輪椅實施例二的作動過程中之示意圖。 第九圖係本發明輪椅實施例二呈站立狀態時的示意圖。 第十圖係本發明輪椅實施例三的構造示意圖。 第十一圖係本發明輪椅實施例三之靠背部傾仰示意圖。 第十二圖係本發明輪椅實施例四的構造示意圖。 第十三圖係本發明輪椅實施例四之靠背部傾仰示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 乘坐單元 11 乘坐部 12 靠背部 121 扶手 122 護桿 123 銷部 124 枢固支點 125 框接部 13 扶腳部 131 支持墊 132 踏板 133 支撐部 14,14, 第一連結元件 141 導槽 15,15, 第二連結元件 151 導槽 152 導槽 2 主架體單元 21 架體 22 前輪 23 後輪 24 連動元件 241 銷軸部 25 連結元件 3 驅動單元 31 致動器 32,33 舉撐桿 121311051 IX. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention provides a joint structure between a seat portion and a backrest portion, and by which the seat portion can be adjusted when the tilt angle is adjusted The frictional discomfort between the back and backrest parts is minimized or even eliminated. [Prior Art] Usually, the design of a standing wheelchair is to assist the user to safely engage in standing activities or work, thereby promoting equal interpersonal relationships and independence of life, and can be greatly changed due to body posture. And the muscles and bones can fully move to prevent fibrosis and avoid hemorrhoids, and can promote the circulation of the body, improve the heart and lung function and help the gastrointestinal motility; and how to let the person in the wheelchair stand up safely, that is, The focus of the design for the wheelchair. At present, the common standing wheelchairs (as shown in the first and second figures) mainly include a riding unit 1 and a main frame unit 2, and a seating unit 1 is provided on the main frame unit 2. The erected drive unit 3, wherein the accommodating unit 1 further includes a seat portion 11, a backrest portion 12 that is connected to the rear end of the seat portion 11 and has armrests 121 on both sides, and is further disposed at the front lower side of the seat portion 11. a footrest 13 is provided with a support pad 131 at the knee portion of the occupant 13 and a pedal 132 and a support portion 133 at the lower end of the pedestal portion 13; The body unit 2 includes a front body 22 and a front side of the frame body 21, and the front end of the frame body 21 is pivotally connected to the front end of the seat portion 11, and a parallel portion is disposed below the seat portion 11. The interlocking member 24 is then pivoted to the front of the frame 21 at the front end of the adjacent member 5 1311051, and the rear end of the linking member 24 is pivotally connected to the end of the portion where the back portion 12 extends. The end of the portion where the front end of the interlocking member 24 extends and the upper end of the footrest portion 13 Pivoting, while supporting the leg portions 13 and 21 between the intermediate member and a pivoting link member 25. In conjunction with the third figure, the actuator 31 is pivotally disposed on the frame 21, and the driving end of the actuator 31 is pivotally connected to the predetermined portion of the linking member 24, so when the actuator 31 is actuated When the interlocking member 24 is pushed, the seat portion 11 and the interlocking member 24 are swung upward by the fulcrum of the front end thereof, and when the interlocking member 24 is swung upward, the lower end portion of the lower end portion of the backrest portion 12 is pulled, and the backrest portion 12 is pulled. When the front end portion of the interlocking member 24 is swung, the footrest portion 13 is swung by the displacement of the swinging end portion, and the backrest portion 12, the seat portion 11 and the footrest portion 13 are almost in the same plane shape. Therefore, the original occupant is changed from the sitting posture to the standing state; however, in the process of changing the seating portion 11 into the sitting posture or the standing posture, the following problems occur: 1. When the human body is in a wheelchair, the upper body (back) The swinging system has its hip bone as a fulcrum, but the swinging of the backrest portion 12 of the wheelchair is fulcrum with the pivotal connection with the seat portion 11, and the two pivot points are located at different positions and are separated by a distance, and Whether it is transformed into sitting Or standing posture, the occupant's buttocks are usually kept in a non-moving state, so when the backrest portion 12 swings backward or forward, the occupant's original back rests close to the upper end of the backrest portion 12 (as shown in the first figure). Point), the phenomenon of misalignment occurs, as shown in the third figure, the original occupant's back abutment point A, moved to the middle position of the backrest portion 12, thereby causing the occupant's back to feel and rely on 6 1311051 The sliding friction between the backs 12 causes an uncomfortable feeling. 2. Based on the upward displacement of the backrest portion 12, the position of the armrest 121 is also increased a lot, and the height of the support of the occupant's arm is also increased, which not only causes the occupant's arm to support the force. Difficulties can also affect the activity of the arm. In severe cases, the height of the armrest 121 is almost over the shoulder and the arm cannot support it at all. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Therefore, in order to improve the frictional discomfort of stretching or squeezing of the back of the occupant when the backrest portion of the wheelchair is tilted, the present invention is adopted at the rear end of the seat of the wheelchair seating unit. Fixing a first connecting element having a guiding groove, and further arranging a second connecting element capable of swinging and also providing a guiding groove on the first connecting element, and making both the first and second connecting elements The guide grooves are arranged in a staggered state, and then the adjacent lower end of the backrest portion is pivoted above the second connecting member, and a pin portion is inserted into the end portion of the backrest portion to insert the first and second connecting members. At the intersection of the two guide grooves, the end of the interlocking element is further disposed below the second connecting element. The edge is such that the position of the swinging fulcrum of the backrest portion relative to the seat portion can be inward or outward with the swinging of the first connecting member, the second connecting member and the backrest portion of the present invention. The movement changes the position so that the back of the occupant is placed against the backrest portion, which remains unchanged or reduces the misalignment, so that the occupant's back does not occur or reduce the frictional discomfort of stretching or pushing. Therefore, the present invention can be fully understood by the following embodiments and with reference to the accompanying drawings, and is implemented according to the following: 7 1311051 [Embodiment] The configuration of the present invention is as shown in the fourth figure, and mainly includes A ride unit 1 and a main frame unit 2, and the main frame unit 2 is also provided with a drive unit 3 for arranging the ride unit 1, wherein: the ride unit 1 includes a seat portion 11 and a pivotal connection The backrest portion 12 of the armrest 121 and the guard bar 122 is disposed at the rear end of the seat portion 11, and the front portion of the seat portion 11 is provided with a support pad 131 at the upper end and a footrest portion 13 having the pedal 132 and the support portion 133 at the lower end. In addition, a first connecting member 14 is fixed at the rear end of the seat portion 11, and a guiding groove 141 is disposed at the rear end of the first connecting member 14, and is further on the seat portion 11 (the first connecting member 14) At the front end, a second connecting member 15 is pivoted, and the upper end of the second connecting member 15 is pivoted to the lower end of the backrest portion 12 (the pivoting fulcrum 124 as shown in the figure), and the second A guiding groove 151 is also disposed on the connecting member 15, and the first and second connecting members 14 and 15 are respectively disposed. The guide grooves 141, 151 are staggered, and a pin portion 123 is further disposed at the end of the lower end of the backrest portion 12, so that the pin portion 123 is accommodated at the intersection of the two guide grooves 141, 151; A guide groove 152 is defined at the lower third end. The main frame body unit 2 includes a moving frame body 21 having front and rear wheels 22, 23, and the front end of the frame body 21 is pivotally connected with the front end of the seat portion 11, and is at the front of the frame body 21. The interlocking member 24 is extended backward, and the pin portion 241 of the rear end of the linking member 24 is passed through the guiding groove 152 provided at the third end of the second connecting member 15, and then the linking member is further disposed. The front end of the 24 extends outwardly and is pivotally connected to the upper end of the leg portion 13, and a connecting member 25 is further connected between the leg portion 13 and the frame body 21. 8 1311051 unit 3, in addition to including an actuator 31 pivoted on the frame body 21, and the frame body 21 and the seat portion 11 are pivoted together to support the poles 32, 33, and the two-lift strut The free ends of the 32, 33 and the driving end of the actuator 31 are pivotally connected together, and the free ends of the linking elements 24 originally disposed behind the second connecting member 15 are pivoted to the lifting rods 33. On the reservation. Therefore, as shown in the seventh, eighth and ninth diagrams, when the driving end of the actuator 31 is telescopic, the lifting rods 32, 33 can be used to support the entire seating unit 2 up or down. The occupant is placed in a standing position or in a sitting position, and during the change of the riding unit 2, the linking member 24 is caused to swing by the lifting strut 33, so that the second connecting member 15 is oscillated, also making the first and second The staggered positions of the two guide grooves 141, 151 of the connecting members 14, 15 are changed in movement, thereby maintaining an appropriate angle between the backrest portion 12 and the ground (i.e., maintaining the occupant's upper body in a predetermined upright posture), and due to the backrest portion 12 and When the seat portion 11 is implicated by the second connecting member 15, the angle between the two is changed, but the predetermined distance can be maintained without misalignment, that is, the occupant's back rests on the backrest portion. The position on the 12 does not change at all, so that there is no discomfort of sliding friction between the back of the occupant and the backrest portion 12. Secondly, the aforementioned method is also applied to a structure in which only the tilt adjustment of the backrest portion 12 is generally performed, that is, as shown in the tenth and eleventh drawings, the first connecting member 14 provided between the seat portion 11 and the backrest portion 12 is provided. And the structure and the connection relationship of the second connecting member 15 are still the same as the foregoing, and the driving end of the actuator 31 of the driving unit 3 is pivoted at the third lower end of the second connecting member 15, so When the actuator 31 drives the second coupling element 15 to swing, the adjustment of the back portion 12 of the 10 1311051 can be made, and the backrest portion 12 can also be used as the inclination angle thereof changes. An appropriate distance is maintained between the portion 11 and the backrest portion 12, thereby eliminating the frictional discomfort between the back of the occupant and the backrest portion 12. In addition, as shown in the twelfth and thirteenth drawings, only the two ends of the second connecting member 15' are respectively fixed to the predetermined portions of the seat portion 11 and the backrest portion 12, and the ends of the backrest portion 12 are provided. The pin portion 123 is received in the guide groove 141 provided in the first connecting member 14', and then the driving end of the actuator 31 of the driving unit 3 is pivotally fixed to the pivot end of the back end portion 12. The portion 125 (or may be pivoted at the position of the pin portion 123), so that under the driving of the actuator 31 and the second connecting member 15, the backrest portion 12 is tilted and tilted, and the backrest portion is The pin portion 123 of the 12 is slidably displaced in the guide groove 141 of the first coupling member 14', and the backrest portion 12 is subjected to the leaning position of the occupant's back, and the occurrence of the shift is reduced or even eliminated. The above description of the preferred embodiments of the present invention has been disclosed and described in detail in the embodiments of the present invention. It is out of the spirit and scope of the invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The first figure is a schematic view of the construction of a conventional standing wheelchair. The second figure is a schematic diagram of a conventional standing wheelchair operation. The third figure is a schematic diagram of a conventional standing wheelchair in a standing state. The fourth figure is a schematic view of the construction of the wheelchair of the present invention. The fifth figure is a schematic view of the operation of the wheelchair of the present invention. 1311051 The sixth figure is a schematic view of the wheelchair of the present invention in a standing state. Figure 7 is a schematic view showing the construction of the second embodiment of the wheelchair of the present invention. The eighth figure is a schematic view of the operation of the second embodiment of the wheelchair of the present invention. Figure 9 is a schematic view showing the second embodiment of the wheelchair of the present invention in a standing state. The tenth figure is a schematic structural view of a third embodiment of the wheelchair of the present invention. Figure 11 is a schematic view showing the backrest of the third embodiment of the wheelchair of the present invention. Figure 12 is a schematic view showing the construction of a fourth embodiment of the wheelchair of the present invention. Figure 13 is a schematic view showing the backrest of the fourth embodiment of the wheelchair of the present invention. [Description of main component symbols] 1 Ride unit 11 Ride part 12 Backrest part 121 Handrail 122 Brace 123 Pin part 124 Pivot fulcrum 125 Frame part 13 Foot part 131 Support pad 132 Pedal 133 Support part 14, 14, First link Element 141 Guide groove 15, 15 Second connection element 151 Guide groove 152 Guide groove 2 Main frame body unit 21 Frame body 22 Front wheel 23 Rear wheel 24 Linkage element 241 Pin portion 25 Coupling element 3 Drive unit 31 Actuator 32, 33 lifting poles 12