1238793 ⑴ 九、發明說明 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明有關一種車輛用的四路安全閥。 [先前技術】 在日本特開2000-2 64 1 9 3號公報中,揭示以往的車輛 用四路安全閥。爲了提高氣動系統的可靠,丨生,在氣壓下使 常用煞車(Serv1Ce brake)、停車煞車(parking心❶㈧ 、離合器、避震器或其他的輔助機等動作的車輛中,係使 用四路安全閥。> 坦種四路安全閥如第]2圖所示,係經由第丨活塞閥 B1及第2活塞閥B2而將第}輸出埠C1及第2輸出埠 連接在從儲氣槽(air tank)供給氣體的一次室ai。又, 第I活塞閥B1的二次側(輸出埠c])及第2活塞閥β2 之二次側(第2輸出埠C2 )分別經由第}止回閥(check v al v e ) D 1及第2止回閥D 2之兩條補給路徑而連接在二 次室A2,並且經由第3止回閥d3及第4止回閥d4以及 第3活塞閥b 3及第4活塞閥B 4而將第3輸出埠匚3及第 4輸出埠C 4連接在上述二次室a 2。 因而’供給至一次室A 1的氣體係經由第1活塞閥b j 及第2活塞閥b 2而送出至第]輸出埠^ ]及第2輸出埠 C2 °同時’從第1活塞閥B ]及第2活塞閥B2所送出之 氣瞪的一部份通過第〗止回閥D 1及第2止回閥D 2之補 給路徑而送入至二次室A 2。又,從二次室A 2通過第3止 - 4- (2) 1238793 回閥D 3及第3活塞閥B 3而送出至第3輸出璋C 3,並且 經由第4止回閥D4及第4活塞閥B4而送出至第4輸出 埠C 4。在第]2圖中,符號E 1、E 2及F ]、F 2係使二次側 與第1活塞閥B 1及第2活塞閥B 2之一次側連接的通氣 口 ( orifice )及止回閥。 [專利文獻1】日本特開20〇〇-2 64 1 9 3號公報 【發明內容】 〔發明所欲解決之課題〕 但是,在第1 2圖所示的四路安全閥,由於形成用來 收容第1止回閥D1及第2止回閥D2之空間及藉由此等 閥而關閉之用的流通孔Gl、G2及H3、H4,在第12圖中 ’必須從閥本體1 0 0的左右方向進行開孔作業。且,由於 在止回閥的左右兩側配置有其他構件,故這種開孔作業在 技術上甚爲困難,即使可以進行,在開孔作業上亦有成本 高漲的問題。 因此,實際上,將以第〗2圖中的假想線K所表示的 位置之左右兩側分割製成2零件,在形成用來收納止回閥 Dl、D2之空間以及流通孔Gl、G2及H3、H4之後,一 邊組裝止回閥一邊藉由螺栓VI、V2栓緊2零件,以形成 閥本體1 0 0。但是,在這種2分割構造中,不僅將因零件 數量增加引起管理費的增加或導致製造步驟複雜化’在強 度上亦有問題。 因此,本發明之課題係提供一種全體爲一體構造’可 (3) 1238793 削減零件數量且可維持強的強度之四路安全閥。 〔用以解決課題之方案〕 爲達成上述課題,本發明第1樣態之四路安全閥,係 具備有閥本體,該閥本體係具有··與入口埠連接的第1室 ;分別經由第1閥部及第2閥部與上述第1室連接的第1 出i阜及第2輸出i阜;分別經由第1止回閥部及第2止回 閥部與上述第Ϊ輸出埠及第2輸出埠連接的第2室;以及 分別經由上述第3閥部及第4閥部與上述第2室連接的第 3輸出埠及第4輸出埠,其特徵在於:上述閥本體係在彎 曲部中形成全體爲彎曲形狀之單體,使得形成分別延伸於 第1軸向與第2軸向的第1本體部與第2本體部,且用來 設置上述第1止回閥部及第2止回閥部之止回閥用開口從 上述彎曲部之外壁不經由其他構件,而形成於可通路的位 置。 又,本發明第2樣態之四路安全閥,其特徵在於具備 有閥本體,該閥本體係具有:與入口埠連接的第]室;分 別經由第1閥部及第2閥部與上述第1室連接的第1輸出 埠及第2輸出埠;分別經由第1止回閥部及第2止回閥部 與上述第1輸出埠及第2輸出埠連接的第2室;以及分別 經由上述第3閥部及第4閥部與上述第2室連接的第3輸 出埠及第4輸出埠,上述第1閥部及第2閥部係第1閥體 及第2閥體分別經常按壓在第1閥座及第2閥座,且彈壓 於關閉上述連接之連通的方向,當上述第1室內於一定壓 -6- (4) 1238793 力以上時,上述第1閥體及第2閥體分別從第1閥座及第 2閥座離開,可開放成分別能與上述第]輸出埠及第2輸 出埠連通,上述第1止回閥部係當第1止回閥體按壓在第 ]止回閥座,使上述第1閥部開放時,可開放成上述第1 止回閥體從第1閥座離開可與上述第2室連通,上述第2 止回閥部係當第2止回閥體按壓在第2止回閥座使上述第 2閥部開放時,可開放成上述第2止回閥體從第2閥座離 開而可與上述第2室連通,上述第3閥部及第4閥部係第 3閥體及第4閥體分別經常按壓在第3閥座及第4閥座, 且彈壓於關閉上述連接之連通的方向,當上述第2室內於 一定壓力以上時,上述第3閥體及第4閥體分別從第3閥 座及第4閥座離開,可開放成分別能與上述第3輸出埠及 第4輸出埠連通,上述閥本體係在彎曲部中形成全體爲彎 曲形狀之單體,使得形成分別延伸於第1軸向與第2軸向 的第】本體部與第2本體部,且用來設置上述第1止回閥 部及第2止回閥部之止回閥用開口從上述彎曲部之外壁不 經由其他構件,而形成於可通路的位置。 根據本發明之第1樣態或第2樣態,就不需如習知之 因爲形成用來設置止回閥的孔而須分割閥本體,可從由單 體所構成的閥本體之該彎曲部的外壁直接以鑽頭等進行開 孔作業。因而,可提供一種不增加零件數量且維持強的強 度之閥本體亦即四路安全閥。 又’本發明之第3樣態的四路安全閥’在上述第1或 第2樣態中,上述彎曲部係彎曲成第1軸向與第2軸向垂 -7- (5) 1238793 直的方向。根據本樣態,可以鑽頭等從彎曲部的外壁在第 1軸向或第2軸向容易形成止回閥用開口。 又,本發明之第4樣態的四路安全閥,在上述第]或 第2樣態中,上述彎曲部係彎曲成使上述第]軸向與第2 軸向以鈍角交叉。根據本樣態,四路安全閥的全體形狀之 變化擴大’因應使用用途,可設定第1軸向或第2軸向之 交叉角度。 而且,本發明之第5樣態的四路安全閥,在上述第2 至4樣態之任一樣態中,具備有··上述第1閥部及第2閥 部被配置於從上述彎曲部分離的第1端部附近,且在與以 上述第1軸向與第2軸向所製作的面垂直的方向上可移動 的第1閥體及第2閥體;以及上述第3閥部及第4閥部被 配置在從上述彎曲部分離的第2端部附近,且在與以上述 第]軸向與第2軸向所製作的面垂直的方向上可移動的第 3閥體及第4閥體。根據本樣態,可提供一種全體小型化 的四路安全閥。 再者’本發明之第6樣態的四路安全閥,在上述第2 至5樣態之任一樣態中,上述第〗閥部、第2閥部、第3 閥部及桌4閥部係具備有隔膜,該隔膜係用以分隔以下區 域:以閥本體內的上述第1室及第2室等所構成的壓力媒 體流路區域;以及將此等各閥部的上述第1閥體2 9、第2 閥體3 0、第3閥體7 1、第4閥體7 5及將此等閥體彈壓在 關閉方向之各彈壓手段的配置區域。根據本樣態根據本樣 態,可構造簡單地構成各閥部。 -8- (6) 1238793 又’本發明第7樣態的四路安全閥,在上述第6樣態 中’上述第1閥部及第2閥部更於上述隔膜的上述壓力媒 體流路區域側設置有與上述第1閥座及第2閥座接合分離 ,以開閉壓力媒體流路之第1強化閥部及第2強化閥部。 〔發明的功效〕 根據本發明,就不需如習知之因爲形成用來設置止回 閥的孔而需要分割閥本體,可從由單體所構成的閥本體之 該彎曲部的外壁直接以鑽頭等進行開孔作業。因而,可提 供一種不增加零件數量且由維持強的強度之閥本體亦即四 路安全閥。 【實施方式】 以下,依據圖面說明本發明之實施形態。第1圖係本 發明之四路安全閥的立體圖。第2圖係用以說明四路安全 閥之功能的模式圖。第3 ( a )及(b )圖係四路安全閥開 閥時的兩個樣態之動作說明圖。第4 ( a ) 、 ( b )及(c )圖係分別從第1圖之IV ( a )方向觀看四路安全閥之圖 ,從該IV ( b )方向觀看四路安全閥之圖,以及該(b ) 之C - C線剖面圖。 第5圖係從第1圖的V方向觀看四路安全閥之圖。 第6圖係從第1圖的VI方向觀看四路安全閥之圖。第7 圖係從第]圖的VII方向觀看四路安全閥之圖。第8圖係 從第7圖的V 111 - V 111線剖靣圖。第9圖係第4 ( a )圖的 (7) 1238793 IX-IX線剖面圖。第10圖係第7圖的X-X線剖面圓 1 1圖係四路安全閥之電路圖。 如第1圖所示,四路安全閥1 (以下簡稱閥]) 閥本體3作爲主體所構成,在本實施形態中,閥本髓 形成以延伸位於個別垂直的關係之第]軸向5與第2 7之第1本體部9與第2本體部11藉由一體成形之 而構成的構造。閥本體3的素材舉例有:鋁材、合g 的聚縮醛(POM )材或尼龍材。第1本體部9與第2 部1 1如第1圖所示,在彎曲部1 3中被一體化。因 本實施形態中,閥本體3即閥1藉由射出成形法而形 體彎曲.成L字狀的形狀之單體。由如此彎曲形狀所橫 單體構造之閥本體3係在以往的該種閥沒有的構造, 爲本發明之特徵構成的一部份,惟該點於後詳述。 在第1圖中,符號4 A係表示後述的第1閥部 蓋部,符號4B係表示後述的第2閥部2 7之蓋部, 4 C係表示後述的第3閥部6 7之蓋部,符號4 D係表 述的第4閥部6 9之蓋部。 在說明本發明的特徵構造之前,首先依據第2圖 1¾閥]之功能。如第2圖所示,該閥1係構成車輛的 供給機構的一部份,將從空壓機1 5所供給且經由空 燥機1 7之壓縮空氣經由本發明之閥I而分配至四個 蓄壓裝置19a至]9d。然後,閥1係具備製作成即使 個氣體蓄壓裝置]9 a至]9 d中任一個產生空氣洩漏而 ’也不在其他氣體蓄壓裝置產生減壓之功能。 S D第 係以 I 3係 i軸向 L單體 ^樹脂 :本體 ί,在 〖成全 姜成的 雖成 25之 符號 :示後 說明 氣壓 氣乾 氣體 在四 減壓 -10 - (8) 1238793 然後’依據第3圖的動作說明圖,說明該閥]的基本 構成與其動作原理。如第3圖所示,閥1在內部具備有第 1室21與第2室23,第1室2]連接在入口埠。第1 室2 1係形成有兩個閥部,亦即第]閥部2 5及第2閥部 27。第1閥部25具備有:可動的第1閥體29、及藉由彈 壓構件之螺旋彈簧4 1經常按壓該第1閥體2 9之第1閥座 3 ],第2閥部2 7具備有:可動的第2閥體3 0、及藉由其 他彈壓構件之螺旋彈簧4 1經常按壓該第2閥體3 〇之第2 閥座3 3。 上述第1閥體29及第2閥體30在第1室21內的壓 力大於上述螺旋彈簧4 1的彈壓力時(成爲一定壓力以上 時),從各閥座3 1、3 3離開,而成爲開放各閥部2 5、2 7 。在第3圖中,符號3 7係表示大氣開放口,該大氣開放 口 3 7係用以大氣開放螺旋彈簧室3 9。 在第1閥部2 5及第2閥部2 7的下游側分別經由第1 流路4 3及第2流路4 5而形成有第1輸出埠4 7及第2輸 出埠49。與第]輸出埠47及第2輸出埠49聯繫的上述 第]流路4 3及第2流路4 5之適當的位置分別形成有第1 止回閥部5 1及第2止回閥部5 3。第1止回閥部5 1係具 備有:可動的第1止回閥體5 5 ;及藉由螺旋彈簧4 2彈壓 而按壓第1止回閥體5 5之第]止回閥座5 7,第2止回閥 部5 3係具備有:可動的第2止回閥體5 9 ;及藉由其他的 螺旋彈簧4 2彈壓而按壓第2止回閥體5 9之第2止回閥座 6 1。第]止回閥部5 ]及第2止回閥部5 3之下游側係在第 -11 - 1238793 3流路6J 口’該弟3流路6 3係與第2室2 j連通。弟1 止回閥體5 5與第2止回閥體5 9係僅在第1輸出埠4 7及 第2輸出埠4 9之壓力分別大於第2室2 3的壓力時,從第 1止回閥座5 7及第2止回閥座6 !離開,成爲開放各止回 閥部5 1、5 3。 在第2室2 3形成有兩個閥部即第3閥部6 7及第4閥 部6 9。第3閥部6 7係具有:可動之第3閥體7 1、及按壓 有第3閥體7 1的第3閥座7 3,第4閥部6 9係具有:可 動之第4閥體7 5、及按壓有第4閥體7 5的第4閥座7 7。 第3閥體71及第4閥體75具有與上述第1閥體29及第 2閥體3 0相同的構造。 在第3閥部6 7及第4閥部6 9的下游側分別經由第4 流路7 9及第5流路8丨而形成有第3輸出埠8 3及第4輸 出埠85。第1輸出埠47 '第2輸出埠49、第3輸出埠83 及第4輸出埠8 5係分別被連接在第2圖的氣體蓄壓裝置 ]9a至19d。此外,在第3圖中,上述各閥部25、2 7、6 7 、69之上述蓋部4A、4B、4C、4D係省略圖示。 & i胃閥1內部的基本原理構造,其作用說明如下。 &壓機1 5供給氣壓至氣體蓄壓裝置1 9a至1 9d時’如 第3圖(a)所示 郃2 5及第2閥部 由於在入口埠22的壓力使關閉第1閥 及第 之螺旋彈簧4 ]的彈壓力上升,使第 閥體29及第21238793 九 IX. Description of the invention [Technical field to which the invention belongs] The present invention relates to a four-way safety valve for a vehicle. [Prior Art] Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 2000-2 64 1 93 discloses a conventional four-way safety valve for a vehicle. In order to improve the reliability of the pneumatic system, four-way safety valves are used in vehicles that operate common brakes (Serv1Ce brake), parking brake (parking palpitations, clutches, shock absorbers or other auxiliary machines) under air pressure. ≫ As shown in Fig.2, the four-way safety valve of Tanzania is connected to the second output port C1 and the second output port through the first and second piston valves B1 and B2 to the air storage tank (air tank) The primary chamber ai for supplying gas. In addition, the secondary side (output port c) of the first piston valve B1 and the secondary side (second output port C2) of the second piston valve β2 pass through the} check valve, respectively. (Check v al ve) The two supply paths of D 1 and the second check valve D 2 are connected to the secondary chamber A2 and pass through the third check valve d3 and the fourth check valve d4 and the third piston valve b. The third and fourth piston valves B 4 connect the third output port 匚 3 and the fourth output port C 4 to the above-mentioned secondary chamber a 2. Therefore, the gas system supplied to the primary chamber A 1 passes through the first piston valve bj and The second piston valve b 2 is sent to the first output port ^] and the second output port C2 ° and at the same time, a portion of the gas sent out from the first piston valve B] and the second piston valve B2 It passes through the replenishing path of the first check valve D 1 and the second check valve D 2 and is sent to the secondary chamber A 2. From the secondary chamber A 2 through the third check-4- (2) 1238793 return valve D 3 and the third piston valve B 3 are sent to the third output 璋 C 3, and are sent to the fourth output port C 4 through the fourth check valve D4 and the fourth piston valve B4. In the figure] 2, Symbols E1, E2, and F] and F2 are vents and check valves that connect the secondary side to the primary side of the first piston valve B1 and the second piston valve B2. [Patent Document 1 [Japanese Patent Laying-Open No. 2000-2 64 1 93] [Summary of the Invention] [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] However, the four-way safety valve shown in FIG. 12 is formed to accommodate the first stopper. The space of the check valve D1 and the second check valve D2 and the flow holes G1, G2, and H3 and H4 for closing by these valves must be performed from the left and right directions of the valve body 100 in FIG. 12 Drilling operation. Moreover, because other components are arranged on the left and right sides of the check valve, this drilling operation is technically difficult. Even if it can be performed, there is a problem of high cost in drilling operation. ,real In the above, the left and right sides of the position indicated by the imaginary line K in the second figure are divided into two parts, and the space for receiving the check valves D1 and D2 and the flow holes G1, G2 and H3, H4 are formed. Then, while assembling the non-return valve, two parts are fastened with bolts VI and V2 to form the valve body 100. However, in this two-part structure, not only will the management cost increase due to the increase in the number of parts or cause Complicated manufacturing steps also have problems in terms of strength. Therefore, an object of the present invention is to provide a four-way safety valve that can be integrally structured. (3) 1238793 The number of parts can be reduced and the strength can be maintained. [Solution to solve the problem] In order to achieve the above-mentioned problem, the four-way safety valve of the first aspect of the present invention is provided with a valve body, and the valve system has a first chamber connected to the inlet port; The first and second output valves of the first valve section and the second valve section connected to the first chamber; via the first check valve section and the second check valve section, and the first output port and the second output valve, respectively. The second chamber connected to the two output ports; and the third output port and the fourth output port connected to the second chamber through the third valve portion and the fourth valve portion, respectively, wherein the valve system is in a curved portion. A single unit having a curved shape is formed in the middle so that the first body portion and the second body portion respectively extending in the first and second axial directions are formed, and the first check valve portion and the second stopper are provided. The check valve opening of the return valve portion is formed at a position where it can pass from the outer wall of the curved portion without passing through other members. The four-way safety valve according to the second aspect of the present invention includes a valve body. The valve system includes a first chamber connected to the inlet port, and a first valve portion and a second valve portion respectively connected to the above. The first output port and the second output port connected to the first room; the second room connected to the first output port and the second output port through the first check valve section and the second check valve section, respectively; and The third valve portion and the fourth valve portion are connected to the third output port and the fourth output port of the second chamber, and the first valve portion and the second valve portion are frequently pressed by the first valve body and the second valve body, respectively. The first valve seat and the second valve seat are elastically pressed in a direction to close the connection of the connection. When the first chamber is at a certain pressure of -6- (4) 1238793 or more, the first valve body and the second valve The bodies are separated from the first valve seat and the second valve seat, respectively, and can be opened to be able to communicate with the first output port and the second output port, respectively. The first check valve part is pressed when the first check valve body is pressed on the first ] When the first valve part is opened, the check valve seat can be opened so that the first check valve body is separated from the first valve seat and can communicate with the second chamber. When the second check valve body is pressed against the second check valve seat to open the second valve portion, the check valve portion can be opened so that the second check valve body is separated from the second valve seat and can be separated from the second check valve. The third valve part and the fourth valve part are the third valve body and the fourth valve body, which are often pressed on the third valve seat and the fourth valve seat, respectively, and are pressed in the direction to close the connection of the connection. When the second chamber is above a certain pressure, the third valve body and the fourth valve body are separated from the third valve seat and the fourth valve seat, respectively, and can be opened to communicate with the third output port and the fourth output port, respectively. In the above valve system, a curved unit is formed in the curved portion as a whole, so that a first body portion and a second body portion respectively extending in the first and second axial directions are formed, and the first stopper is provided. The check valve openings of the check valve portion and the second check valve portion are formed at positions accessible from the outer wall of the curved portion without passing through other members. According to the first aspect or the second aspect of the present invention, it is not necessary to divide the valve body because of forming a hole for providing a check valve as is conventional, and the bent portion of the valve body composed of a single body can be used. The outer wall is directly drilled with a drill or the like. Therefore, it is possible to provide a four-way safety valve, which is a valve body that maintains strong strength without increasing the number of parts. Also, the "four-way safety valve of the third aspect of the present invention" In the first or second aspect, the bent portion is bent so that the first axial direction is perpendicular to the second axial direction. 7- (5) 1238793 straight Direction. According to this aspect, the opening for the check valve can be easily formed in the first axial direction or the second axial direction from the outer wall of the bent portion such as a drill. In a fourth aspect of the present invention, in the four-way safety valve, in the second aspect or the second aspect, the bent portion is bent so that the first axial direction and the second axial direction intersect at an obtuse angle. According to this aspect, the overall shape of the four-way safety valve is enlarged and enlarged 'Depending on the application, the cross angle of the first axial direction or the second axial direction can be set. In addition, in a fifth aspect of the present invention, the four-way safety valve includes, in any of the second to fourth aspects, the first valve portion and the second valve portion are disposed from the bent portion. A first valve body and a second valve body that are movable near the separated first end portion and that are movable in a direction perpendicular to a surface made in the first and second axial directions; and the third valve portion and The fourth valve portion is disposed near the second end portion separated from the bent portion, and the third valve body and the third valve body are movable in a direction perpendicular to a surface made in the first and second axial directions. 4 valve body. According to this aspect, a compact four-way safety valve can be provided. Furthermore, the four-way safety valve according to the sixth aspect of the present invention, in any of the above-mentioned second to fifth aspects, the aforementioned valve section, the second valve section, the third valve section, and the table 4 valve section A diaphragm is provided to separate the following areas: the pressure medium flow path area composed of the first chamber and the second chamber in the valve body; and the first valve body of each valve portion. 2 9. The second valve body 30, the third valve body 71, the fourth valve body 75, and the arrangement area of each springing means for springing the valve body in the closing direction. According to this aspect, according to this aspect, each valve portion can be constructed simply. -8- (6) 1238793 Also in the seventh aspect of the present invention, the four-way safety valve, in the sixth aspect, the first valve portion and the second valve portion are further in the pressure medium flow path region of the diaphragm. A first reinforced valve portion and a second reinforced valve portion which are engaged and separated from the first valve seat and the second valve seat to open and close the pressure medium flow path are provided on the side. [Effect of the Invention] According to the present invention, it is not necessary to divide the valve body because of forming a hole for providing a check valve as is conventional, and a drill can be directly used from the outer wall of the bent portion of the valve body made of a single body. Wait for drilling. Therefore, it is possible to provide a valve body that does not increase the number of parts and maintains a strong strength, that is, a four-way safety valve. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, an embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a four-way safety valve of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a schematic diagram for explaining the function of the four-way safety valve. Figures 3 (a) and (b) are explanatory diagrams of the two modes of operation when the four-way safety valve is opened. Figures 4 (a), (b), and (c) are views of the four-way safety valve viewed from the IV (a) direction of Figure 1, and views of the four-way safety valve from the IV (b) direction, and Section (c) of C-C. FIG. 5 is a view of the four-way safety valve viewed from the V direction in FIG. 1. Fig. 6 is a view of the four-way safety valve viewed from the VI direction in Fig. 1. Fig. 7 is a view of the four-way safety valve viewed from the direction VII of Fig. Fig. 8 is a sectional view taken along line V 111-V 111 in Fig. 7. Fig. 9 is a sectional view taken along line (7) 1238793 IX-IX in Fig. 4 (a). Figure 10 is the X-X line section circle in Figure 7 Figure 1 is the circuit diagram of the four-way safety valve. As shown in Fig. 1, the four-way safety valve 1 (hereinafter referred to as the valve) is composed of the valve body 3 as the main body. In this embodiment, the valve core is formed so as to extend in the vertical relationship between the first and fifth axes. The structure of the 2nd 7th 1st main body part 9 and the 2nd main body part 11 is integrally formed. Examples of the material of the valve body 3 include an aluminum material, a polyacetal (POM) material, or a nylon material. The first body portion 9 and the second portion 11 are integrated in the bent portion 13 as shown in FIG. 1. Therefore, in the present embodiment, the valve body 3, that is, the valve 1 is formed by bending the shape of the valve body 1 into a single L-shape. The valve body 3 having a single unit structure formed by such a curved shape is a structure not available in the conventional valve of this kind, and is a part of the characteristic structure of the present invention, but this point will be described in detail later. In the first figure, reference numeral 4 A indicates a cover portion of a first valve portion described later, reference numeral 4B indicates a cover portion of a second valve portion 27 described later, and 4 C indicates a cover of a third valve portion 67 described later. The part 4 D is a cover part of the fourth valve part 69. Before describing the characteristic structure of the present invention, the function of the valve according to FIG. 2 is first described. As shown in FIG. 2, the valve 1 is a part of the supply mechanism of the vehicle, and the compressed air supplied from the air compressor 15 and passed through the air dryer 17 is distributed to four through the valve I of the present invention. Pressure storage devices 19a to 9d. Then, the valve 1 is provided with a function that even if any of the gas pressure accumulating devices] 9a to] 9d causes air leakage, it does not cause pressure reduction in other gas pressure accumulating devices. The SD series is I 3 series i axial L monomer ^ Resin: The body ί, in the symbol of Chengquan, although it is 25: After the description, it indicates that the air pressure and dry gas are decompressed at four pressures -10-(8) 1238793 Then 'Based on the operation explanatory diagram of FIG. 3, the basic structure of this valve] and its operation principle will be described. As shown in Fig. 3, the valve 1 includes a first chamber 21 and a second chamber 23 therein, and the first chamber 2] is connected to the inlet port. The first chamber 21 is formed with two valve portions, that is, the first valve portion 25 and the second valve portion 27. The first valve portion 25 includes a movable first valve body 29 and a first spring seat 3 of the first valve body 2 9 which is constantly pressed by a coil spring 41 of an elastic member, and the second valve portion 27 includes There are: a movable second valve body 30 and a coil spring 41 which is pressed by another elastic member, and the second valve body 33 of the second valve body 30 is constantly pressed. When the pressure of the first valve body 29 and the second valve body 30 in the first chamber 21 is greater than the spring pressure of the coil spring 41 (when it becomes a certain pressure or more), they are separated from the valve seats 3 1 and 3 3 and Each valve portion 25, 27 is opened. In Fig. 3, the symbol 37 refers to the atmosphere opening, and the atmosphere opening 37 is used to open the coil spring chamber 39 to the atmosphere. On the downstream sides of the first valve portion 25 and the second valve portion 27, a first output port 47 and a second output port 49 are formed via the first flow path 43 and the second flow path 45, respectively. The first flow path 43 and the second flow path 45, which are in communication with the first output port 47 and the second output port 49, are formed with appropriate first check valve portions 51 and second check valve portions, respectively. 5 3. The first check valve portion 51 is provided with: a movable first check valve body 5 5; and a first check valve body 5 5 that is pressed by the coil spring 42 to be pressed] a check valve seat 5 7 The second check valve portion 5 3 is provided with: a movable second check valve body 5 9; and a second check valve that presses the second check valve body 59 by the other coil spring 42 to be pressed. Block 6 1. The first and second check valve sections 5] and 2 3 are connected at the -11-1238793 3th flow path 6J port, and the 3rd flow path 6 3 series is in communication with the second chamber 2j. Brother 1 check valve body 5 5 and second check valve body 5 9 are only from the first stop when the pressure of the first output port 4 7 and the second output port 49 is greater than the pressure of the second chamber 23 The check valve seat 5 7 and the second check valve seat 6! Are separated, and the check valve parts 5 1 and 5 3 are opened. In the second chamber 23, two valve portions, that is, a third valve portion 67 and a fourth valve portion 69 are formed. The third valve portion 6 7 includes a movable third valve body 71 and a third valve seat 7 3 which presses the third valve body 7 1. The fourth valve portion 69 includes a movable fourth valve body. 7 5 and a fourth valve seat 7 7 on which a fourth valve body 7 5 is pressed. The third valve body 71 and the fourth valve body 75 have the same structure as the first valve body 29 and the second valve body 30 described above. On the downstream sides of the third valve portion 67 and the fourth valve portion 69, a third output port 83 and a fourth output port 85 are formed via the fourth flow path 79 and the fifth flow path 8 丨, respectively. The first output port 47 ′, the second output port 49, the third output port 83, and the fourth output port 85 are respectively connected to the gas pressure accumulators in FIG. 2] 9a to 19d. In the third figure, the cover portions 4A, 4B, 4C, and 4D of the valve portions 25, 27, 67, and 69 are not shown. & i The basic principle structure inside the gastric valve 1 is explained below. & When the press 15 supplies air pressure to the gas pressure storage devices 19a to 19d, 'as shown in Fig. 3 (a), 25 and the second valve section close the first valve and the valve due to the pressure at the inlet port 22. The spring pressure of the first coil spring 4] rises, causing the second valve body 29 and the second
2閥體3 0從各閥座3 1、3 3分離,壓縮空 4 7及第2輸出埠4 9而被供給至氣體蓄 又,該壓力亦作用在第】止回閥部 -12- (10) 1238793 及第2止回閥部5 3,而藉由使此等閥部5 ]、5 3開放,使 第3閥部6 7及第4閥部6 9的第3閥體7 1及第4閥體7 5 從各閥座7 3、7 7離開,壓縮空氣亦通過第3輸出埠8 3及 第4輸出埠85而被供給至氣體蓄壓裝置]9c、]9d。當^ 壓機1 5的動作停止時,各閥部2 5、2 7、6 7、6 9及各止回 閥部5 1、5 3係關閉,在氣體蓄壓裝置〗9 a至1 9 d內成爲 蓄壓一定的氣壓之狀態。 假設,在如上述的壓縮空氣之供給過程中,在氣體蓄 壓裝置19a形成有成爲氣體漏洩的原因之孔時,在與氣體 蓄壓裝置19a相通的第1輸出埠47之壓力由於空氣洩漏 而低於在與其他的氣體蓄壓裝置19b至I9d相通的第2輸 出埠49、第3輸出埠83及第4輸出埠85之壓力。在該 狀態下,當空壓機1 5動作時,從各輸出埠4 9、8 3、8 5側 施加至第2閥體3 0、第3閥體7 1及第4閥體7 5,的壓力 大於從第1輸出埠4 7 (由於空氣漏洩而壓力降低)施加 於第1閥體2 9之壓力,故如第3圖(b )所示,第2閥體 3 〇、第3閥體7 1及第4閥體7 5比第1閥體2 9更早動作 ,使得開放各閥體2 7、6 7、69。因而,關於氣體蓄壓裝 置]9b至I9d比氣體蓄壓裝置]9a優先充塡有壓縮空氣, 成爲可維持其功能。另一方面,雖然第1閥部2 5也隨後 開放而朝向氣體蓄壓裝置1 9a並供給有壓縮空氣,惟在上 述空氣洩漏的影響下,在第1輸出埠4 7之壓力瞬間下降 ,立刻關閉第]閥部2 5。 在警示燈等狀態下’對氣體蓄壓裝置1 9a的氣體漏洩 -13- (11 ) 1238793 警覺的駕駛者,係在該狀態下,於行駛至接近加油 期間’可利用氣體蓄壓裝置1 9b至]9d的氣壓而移 此’可在加油站修理氣體蓄壓裝置]9a之氣體漏洩 然後,依據第1圖、第4(a) 、 ( b )、及 、第5圖至第1 1圖說明有關本發明的闕1之特徵 而且,關於與第3圖所說明的基本構造具有相同功 ,在各圖中之對應部份附加相同符號並省略其說明 所述,閥本體3係在彎曲部1 3中形成全體爲彎曲 ,使得形成分別延伸於第1軸向5與第2軸向7之 體部9與第2本體部1 1。 然後,用以設置上述第1止回閥部5 1及第2 部53之止回閥用開口 54、54如第1圖、第4(c 及第7圖所示,從彎曲部1 3的外壁8 7不經由其他 形成在可通路的位置。亦即,該止回閥用開口 5 4、 形成於從彎曲部1 3之外壁8 7可直接以鑽頭等進行 業之位置。該止回閥用開口 5 4、5 4係如第4 ( c ) 7圖所示,皆形成與上述第1室2 1連通。加上’ 部I 3的其他外壁8 8同樣不經由其他構件可直接以 進行開孔作業之位置上形成有用來謀求與上述第2 連通的止回閥用開口 6 4、6 4。兩止回閥用開口 5 4、 然被形成連通。又’如第8圖所示’第1止回閥部 第2止回閥部5 3係以同樣的構成配設在彎曲部1 3。 藉由採用這種構成,該止回閥用開口 54、64 ) 如以往所示,由於形成止回閥配置用的開口而須分丨 站等的 動。藉 〇 (C )圖 構造。 能部份 。如上 之形狀 第1本 止回閥 )圖、 構件而 54以 開孔作 圖及第 從彎曲 鑽頭等 室 23 64當 5]與 就不需 割構件 -14- (12) 1238793 ,可從彎曲部1 3的外壁8 7、8 8直接以鑽頭等進行開孔作 業而形成。然後,如此,藉由在已開孔的部分配設該止回 閥5 ]、5 3。不分割該閥本體3而就可以單體形成。藉此 ’可提供一種由不增加零件數量且維持強的強度之閥本體 3所構成的四路安全閥。此外,在第4 ( c )圖及第7圖中 ,符號72爲用來阻塞止回閥用開口 64之入口的鋼球,在 第8圖中,符號74 ' 74爲用來阻塞止回閥用開口 54之入 口的保持環。又,符號7 6爲止回閥擋片,符號7 8爲密封 用的〇形環。 此外’在本實施形態中,上述第1閥部2 5、第2閥 部27、第3閥部67及第4閥部69係如第8圖至第10圖 所示設置有隔膜(diaphragm ) 35,該隔膜係用以分隔以 下區域:以閥本體3內的上述第1室21及第2室23等所 構成的壓力媒體(空氣)流路區域;此等各閥部的上述第 1閥體29、第2閥體30、第3閥體71、第4閥體75;以 及將此等閥體彈壓在關閉方向之各彈簧線圈4 1的配置區 域。然後,上述第1閥部25及第2閥部27更於上述隔膜 3 5的上述壓力媒體流路區域側設置有如第8圖及第9圖 所示之與上述第1閥座31及第2閥座33接合分離,而開 閉壓力媒體流路之第1強化閥部]0〗及第2強化閥部】〇7 。第]強化閥邰】0 ]及第2強化閥部107兩者爲相同構造 ,係由閥體1 0 1、設置於該閥體]〇1的閥封〗〇 2、配設於 該閥體101內的通氣閥103及通氣環]〇4所構成。閥封 ]〇 2部分被按壓在上述閥座3 ]、3 3而導致阻塞流路。 -15- (13) 1238793 藉此,對於壓力媒體的流動方向而言,使配置在上游 側的上述第】閥部2 5及第2閥部2 7之開閉動作可比第3 閥部6 7及第4閥部6 9精確度更佳,可以更高精確度實現 全體的開閉動作。 在上述實施形態中,雖然使第1軸向5與第2軸向7 垂直,惟在從彎曲部]3的外壁8 7、8 8可實現止回閥用開 口之開孔作業的範圍內,即使彎曲部彎曲成使第1軸向與 第2軸向以鈍角交叉亦可。 又,在上述實施形態中,具備有:上述第1閥部2 5 及第2閥部2 7配置於從上述彎曲部1 3分離的第1端部 91附近,且在與以上述第1軸向5與第2軸向7所製作 的面垂直的方向上可移動的第1閥體29及第2閥體30; 以及,上述第3閥部67及第4閥部69配置在從上述彎曲 部1 3分離的第2端部8 9附近,且在與以上述第1軸向5 與第2軸向7所製作的面垂直的方向上可移動的第3閥體 7 1及第4閥體75所構成。藉由採用這種構造,可提供全 體小型化之閥1。 [圖式簡單說明】 第1圖係本發明之四路安全閥的立體圖。 第2圖係周以說明四路安全閥之功能的模式圖。 第3 ( a )及(b )圖係四路安全閥開閥時的兩個樣態 之動作說明圖。第4 ( a ) 、 ( b )及(c )圖係分別從第1 圖之】V ( a )方向觀看四路安全閥之圖,從該1V ( b )方 -16 - (14) 1238793 向觀看四路安全閥之圖,以及該(b )之O C剖面圖。 第5圖係從第]圖的V方向觀看四路安全閥之圖。 第6圖係從第1圖的VI方向觀看四路安全閥之圖。 第7圖係從第]圖的VII方向觀看四路安全閥之圖。 第8圖係從第7圖的V 111 - V III線剖面圖。 第9圖係第4 ( a )圖的IX -1X線剖面圖。 第1 0圖係第7圖的X - X線剖面圖。 第1 1圖係四路安全閥之電路圖。 第1 2圖係以往的四路安全閥之縱剖面圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1…四路安全閥 3…閥本體 5…第1軸向 7…第2軸向 9…第1本體部 1 1…第2本體部 1 3…彎曲部 ]5 ··•空壓機 17···空氣乾燥機 ]9a〜19d…氣體蓄壓裝置 2 1…第]室 22…入口埠 23…第2室 -17 - (15) (15)1238793 25…第1閥部 2 7…·第2閥部 29···第1閥體 3 0-·第2閥體 3 1…第1閥座 33…第2閥座 35…隔膜 3 7…開口 3 9…空間 41…螺旋彈簧 43…第1流路 4 5…第2流路 47…第1輸出埠 49…第2輸出埠 51…第1止回閥部 53···第2止回閥部 5 4···止回閥用開口 55···第1止回閥體 57···第1止回閥座 59…第2止回閥體 6]…第2止回閥座 63…第3流路 67···第3閥部 69…第4閥部 - 18- (16) 1238793 7 1…第3閥體 73…第3閥座 75.··第4閥體 77…第4閥座 79…第4流路 1軸向的第2端部 2軸向的第1端部 8 1…第5流路 83…第3輸出埠 85…第4輸出埠 87…彎曲部的外壁 89…從彎曲部離開第 91…從彎曲部離開第 -19-2 The valve body 3 0 is separated from each of the valve seats 3 1 and 3 3, and is compressed and air is supplied to the gas storage 4 7 and the second output port 49. This pressure also acts on the first check valve part -12- ( 10) 1238793 and the second check valve portion 53, and by opening these valve portions 5], 5 3, the third valve body 7 7 and the fourth valve portion 69 of the third valve body 7 1 and The fourth valve body 7 5 leaves each of the valve seats 7 3, 7 7, and the compressed air is also supplied to the gas pressure storage device through the third output port 83 and the fourth output port 85] 9c,] 9d. When the operation of the press 15 is stopped, each of the valve sections 2 5, 2 7, 6 7, 6 9 and each of the check valve sections 5 1, 5 3 are closed, and the gas pressure storage device 9a to 1 9 In d, a state where the pressure is constant is stored. It is assumed that in the process of supplying compressed air as described above, when the gas accumulating device 19a is formed with a hole that causes gas leakage, the pressure of the first output port 47 communicating with the gas accumulating device 19a is caused by air leakage. The pressure is lower than the second output port 49, the third output port 83, and the fourth output port 85 which are in communication with the other gas storage devices 19b to I9d. In this state, when the air compressor 15 is operating, it is applied to the second valve body 30, the third valve body 71, and the fourth valve body 75 from each of the output ports 49, 8, 3, and 8-5. The pressure is greater than the pressure applied to the first valve body 29 from the first output port 47 (the pressure is reduced due to air leakage). Therefore, as shown in FIG. 3 (b), the second valve body 30 and the third valve body 7 1 and the fourth valve body 75 are operated earlier than the first valve body 2 9, so that each of the valve bodies 2 7, 6 7, and 69 is opened. Therefore, the gas pressure accumulating devices] 9b to I9d are filled with compressed air in preference to the gas pressure accumulating devices] 9a, so that their functions can be maintained. On the other hand, although the first valve portion 25 was subsequently opened to face the gas pressure storage device 19a and supplied with compressed air, the pressure of the first output port 47 decreased immediately under the influence of the air leakage, and immediately Close the first] valve section 2 5. In the state of warning lights, etc., 'Gas leakage from gas accumulator 19a' 13- (11) 1238793 A vigilant driver, in this state, while driving close to refueling, can use gas accumulator 19b To] 9d pressure and move this' can repair the gas storage device at the gas station] 9a gas leaks, then according to Figure 1, Figure 4 (a), (b), and Figure 5 to Figure 11 The features of 阙 1 according to the present invention will be described. The basic structure described in FIG. 3 has the same work, and the same reference numerals are assigned to corresponding parts in each figure, and the description thereof is omitted. The valve body 3 is attached to the bent portion. The entire formation in 13 is curved so that a body portion 9 and a second body portion 11 extending in the first axial direction 5 and the second axial direction 7 are formed, respectively. Then, the check valve openings 54 and 54 for providing the first check valve portion 51 and the second portion 53 are provided from the curved portion 1 to 3 as shown in FIG. 1, FIG. The outer wall 87 is formed in an accessible position without passing through it. That is, the check valve opening 5 4 is formed at a position where the outer wall 8 7 can be directly operated by a drill or the like from the bent portion 13. The check valve The openings 5 4 and 5 4 are connected to the above-mentioned first chamber 2 1 as shown in FIG. 4 (c) 7. The other outer walls 8 8 of the part I 3 can also be directly carried out without passing through other members. Opening operations are formed at the check valve openings 6 4 and 6 4 for communication with the second. The two check valve openings 5 4 are communicated. 'As shown in FIG. 8' The first check valve portion 2 and the second check valve portion 5 3 are arranged in the bent portion 13 with the same configuration. With this configuration, the check valve openings 54 and 64 are as described above. The opening for the check valve arrangement is formed, and it must be moved separately. Borrow 〇 (C) graph construction. Can part. The shape of the first non-return valve as above), the drawing of the component and the drawing of 54 and the opening from the curved drill bit and other chamber 23 64 when 5] and the need not cut the component -14- (12) 1238793, can be removed from the bending part The outer walls 8 7 and 8 8 of 1 3 are directly formed by drilling operations with a drill or the like. Then, the check valves 5] and 5 3 are distributed to the opened portions. The valve body 3 can be formed as a single body without dividing it. Thereby, a four-way safety valve composed of the valve body 3 without increasing the number of parts and maintaining a strong strength can be provided. In Figs. 4 (c) and 7, reference numeral 72 is a steel ball for blocking the entrance of the check valve opening 64. In Fig. 8, reference numerals 74 'and 74 are used for blocking the check valve. A retaining ring at the entrance of the opening 54 is used. In addition, the valve flap is returned to the reference numeral 76, and the reference numeral 78 is an o-ring for sealing. In addition, in this embodiment, the first valve portion 25, the second valve portion 27, the third valve portion 67, and the fourth valve portion 69 are provided with a diaphragm (diaphragm) as shown in FIGS. 8 to 10. 35. The diaphragm is used to separate the following areas: the pressure medium (air) flow path area composed of the above-mentioned first chamber 21 and second chamber 23 in the valve body 3; the above-mentioned first valves of each valve section The body 29, the second valve body 30, the third valve body 71, and the fourth valve body 75; and the arrangement areas of the spring coils 41 that urge the valve bodies in the closing direction. The first valve portion 25 and the second valve portion 27 are further provided with the first valve seat 31 and the second valve seat as shown in FIGS. 8 and 9 on the pressure medium flow path region side of the diaphragm 35. The valve seat 33 is engaged and separated, and the first reinforced valve portion [0] and the second reinforced valve portion [0] of the pressure medium flow path are opened and closed. #] Reinforced valve 邰] 0] and the second reinforced valve portion 107 have the same structure, and are composed of a valve body 1 01, a valve seal provided in the valve body] 〇1, provided in the valve body The vent valve 103 and the vent ring in 101 are formed. The valve seal] 〇 2 is pressed against the valve seat 3], 3 3 to block the flow path. -15- (13) 1238793 In this way, the opening and closing operations of the first valve portion 25 and the second valve portion 27 arranged on the upstream side in the direction of flow of the pressure medium can be compared with the third valve portion 67 and The fourth valve section 69 has better accuracy, and can realize the entire opening and closing operation with higher accuracy. In the above-mentioned embodiment, although the first axial direction 5 and the second axial direction 7 are made perpendicular, within the range in which the opening operation of the check valve opening can be achieved from the outer walls 8 7 and 8 8 of the bent portion] 3, The bent portion may be bent so that the first axial direction and the second axial direction intersect at an obtuse angle. Further, in the above-mentioned embodiment, the first valve portion 25 and the second valve portion 27 are provided in the vicinity of the first end portion 91 separated from the bent portion 13 and are disposed adjacent to the first axis. The first valve body 29 and the second valve body 30 that are movable in a direction perpendicular to the surface made by the second axial direction 5 and 5; and the third valve portion 67 and the fourth valve portion 69 are disposed to be bent from the above. The third valve body 7 1 and the fourth valve near the second end portion 8 9 separated from the portion 1 3 and move in a direction perpendicular to the surface made in the first axial direction 5 and the second axial direction 7 Body 75. By adopting such a structure, it is possible to provide the valve 1 which is fully miniaturized. [Brief description of the drawings] Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a four-way safety valve of the present invention. Figure 2 is a schematic diagram illustrating the function of the four-way safety valve. Figures 3 (a) and (b) are explanatory diagrams of the two modes of operation when the four-way safety valve is opened. Figures 4 (a), (b), and (c) are views of the four-way safety valve from the direction of V (a) in Figure 1, respectively. From the 1V (b) side, -16-(14) 1238793, View the diagram of the four-way safety valve, and the OC section of this (b). FIG. 5 is a view of the four-way safety valve viewed from the V direction in FIG. Fig. 6 is a view of the four-way safety valve viewed from the VI direction in Fig. 1. FIG. 7 is a view of the four-way safety valve viewed from the direction VII in FIG. Fig. 8 is a sectional view taken along the line V 111-V III in Fig. 7. Fig. 9 is a sectional view taken along the line IX-1X in Fig. 4 (a). Figure 10 is a sectional view taken along line X-X in Figure 7. Figure 11 is the circuit diagram of the four-way safety valve. Fig. 12 is a longitudinal sectional view of a conventional four-way safety valve. [Description of main component symbols] 1 ... four-way safety valve 3 ... valve body 5 ... first axial direction 7 ... second axial direction 9 ... first body portion 1 1 ... second body portion 1 3 ... bending portion] 5 ·· • Air compressor 17 ··· Air dryer] 9a ~ 19d… Gas pressure storage device 2 1… No.] Room 22… Inlet port 23… No. 2 -17-(15) (15) 1238793 25 ... No. 1 valve Part 2 7 ... 2nd valve part 29 ... 1st valve body 3 0 -... 2nd valve body 3 1 ... 1st valve seat 33 ... 2nd valve seat 35 ... diaphragm 3 7 ... opening 3 9 ... space 41 ... coil spring 43 ... first flow path 4 5 ... second flow path 47 ... first output port 49 ... second output port 51 ... first check valve portion 53 ... second check valve portion 5 4 ... · Check valve opening 55 ··· 1st check valve body 57 ··· 1st check valve seat 59 ... 2nd check valve body 6] ... 2nd check valve seat 63 ... 3rd flow path 67 ··· 3rd valve part 69 ... 4th valve part-18- (16) 1238793 7 1 ... 3rd valve body 73 ... 3rd valve seat 75 ... 4th valve body 77 ... 4th valve seat 79 ... 4 flow path 2nd end portion in the axial direction 2 first end portion 8 in the axial direction 8 1 ... 5th flow path 83 ... 3rd output port 85 ... 4th output port 87 ... outer wall 89 of the bent portion ... separated from the bent portion 91st ... from Curved portion is separated from the first -19-