1275294 補充、修正後無劃線之說明書替換頁 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬的技術領域】 本發明係有關一種以代碼遮蔽用戶電話號碼之通訊服務方法,尤指一種促 成行動電減電職可^機公私_,明義人隱沖提親話用戶生活 品質的通訊方法者。 本發明使得電話用戶處於工作領域的時段内時,可利用虛擬創造指定對應 的電話號碼(或稱為遮蔽通訊代碼),暫時將電話用戶之^始電話號碼遮蔽,並 且專用於功械,碎錄•處雜人賴的•㈣,驗棚真實的 原始電話躺齡界顧,·餅電姻以_電减電域仙—機公私兩 用,而且當電話用戶處於屬於私人的領域時,能夠完全阻絕工作領域的人際通 訊干擾’所以能觸以增進個人隱私和提昇f柳戶的生活品質者。 【先前技術】 現代人由於相當注重個人的隱私和生活品質,大鑛公私領域完全觀割 =成不相干涉的獨立躺,所以,在工作領域上認真做事、緊張賣力和全力以 ”生活轉目此有相對程度的提高,而一旦處於屬於個人的休間隱私領域時 2對避不縣%到工俩_人際軌干擾,醋犯了細人隱私,或者 乂 口貝因此’現代人大約都有二支聯絡電話,即辦公室電話及私 _送。廷二支電話,與現代人的生存空間息息相關,但公私領域分明,個人 的fe私不致會被干擾’而且生活品f也不致會被影響。 綱^而^自從行動電話發明上市以來,由於具備了無遠弗屆的功能 ,能夠超 雷衽ή6:咖闕,麵成為贼人生社必備的軌產品。贼人舱動 二二:係’ ί像穿衣—般形影不離。在沒有_或空_限制下,朋友 ^千、^ 槪地藉著行動電話互相储密切聯繫,結果導致公私領域反而相 了二不再像往昔一#能夠保持獨立。除非將行動電話麵斷訊之外,個人 隨時i受到細事或工作領域上的人際通訊干擾, 、。之,行動電話普遍使用的結果,個人的休間隱私或者生 仏口貝,反而顯得十分低落ό 二個再滿足或者再提升個人的隱私或生活品質,許多現代人乾脆買了 ―動電話門號,利用一個腦(祕紅版r版而你腕*)晶 1275294 補充、修正後無劃線之說明書替換頁 片’依個人需要’在同-支手機上隨時抽換晶片,用於不同領域或不同人際關 係’以保護個人的隱私,甚至許多現代人怕麻煩,則直接買了二支以上的行動 電話(各含一個SIM晶片),分別使用於不同領域的人際通訊,像霹緻搶俠一 般,既累贅又可笑。 本發明人有鑑於此,經研究分析箇中原因之後,認為倘若能夠創作出一種 新穎的通訊方法,使得行動電話或電話機能夠—機公私領域兩用,就可迎刀解 決現代人追求保障個人隱私和提昇生活品質的問題,更可破實解決目前必須買 二支以上的行動電話或電話機,献必須利用二個以上的行動電話門號,才能 滿足維護個人的隱私或生活品質的問題,而且能夠減少費用和支出。 【發明内容】 ,明之主要目的在於提供—種喊碼遮_戶t話號 :使得行動電話或電話機可以一機公私兩用,利用虛擬創造的遮蔽通訊代碼, 來遮蔽電話用戶之原始電話號碼,使得電話用戶於工作領域的碑間内得利用虛 擬,話號,(即遮蔽親代碼)與外界通訊,而處於私人的嗔領域時,仍 然得利用真貫的原始電話號碼與外界通訊,而增進個人隱私和提昇電話用戶生 活品質者。 ,一本發明之次要目的在於提供一種以代碼遮蔽用戶電話號碼之通訊月峨方法 ’經錄加入成為舰通訊服務的電話用戶者,其行動電話或電話機就能夠一 機兩用’並且按照個人需要,得隨時隨地設定開啟或關閉遮蔽通訊服務的功能 ,而明销分個人的公私時間和公私領域,並得藉以避免和猶不必要的 通訊干擾者。 一本發明之再-目的在於提供_種以代碼遮蔽用戶電話號碼之通訊服務方法 ’經齡彔成為遮蔽通訊服務的電話用戶者,能夠利用電話用戶之真實的原始電 ”:也可利用虛擬創造的遮蔽通訊代碼與夕卜界通訊,餅其行動電話或電 杜η X機a私兩用,g没疋以虛擬的遮蔽通訊代碼與外界通訊時,電話用 ^之原始電魏碼即被遮蔽,所以撥打電話與外界通訊時,接收方的來電顯示 杰係顯不撥打方的遮蔽通訊代碼,不會顯示撥打方的原始電話 號碼,以保障撥 丁的個人穩私,而當電話用戶設定關閉遮蔽通訊代碼功能,並且撥打電話與 1275294 士 補充、修正後無劃線之說明書替換頁 ^號碼,不會顯示撥打方的 § ~ ’接收方的來電顯示器則顯示撥打方的原始電絕 遮蔽通訊代碼者。 餘之又一目的在於提供—種遮蔽用戶電話號碼之通雛務方法,經登 錄2=通訊厨㈣電戶者,能夠_電話⑽之真實的原始電話號瑪 2利用虛擬創造的遮蔽通訊代碼與外界通訊,使得其行動電話或電話機可 ^機么私關’當酬使用遮蔽通訊代碼與外軸瞒,電話用戶與外界通 3ΓΓ,就是電話用戶真實的之原始電話號碼,因雜打方除非撥打電 通話之外’撥打電話用戶所提供的 H訊躺’並滅魏朗續麵話,職縣.讀魏話或電話 =處於雜,遷是無法娜卿接通通話的,靠,電戶得以公 3明,避免受到人際通訊干擾’而藉以增進個人隱私和提昇電話用戶生活品 【實施方式】 請參閱第-®,本發騎揭示之親心電話號碼之通訊麟方法,主要 技術制㈣«麵聽f理祕(町,轉败義域蔽通娜 '此夠根據電°舌用戶之原始電話號碼’再虛擬對應指定一個虛擬的電話 號碼,指定為電話用戶之原始電話號碼的對應電話號碼,亦即,指定成為電話 用戶,始電話號碼的虛擬通訊號碼(以下,本發明簡稱為遮蔽通訊代碼)。 就本土腾定義之遮蔽通纖^系統而言,亦即,就電信業者的通信管理 系統而言,電話用戶之原始電話號碼與所施對應的遮蔽通訊代碼,是相互可 以轉換和辨別的;電話用戶1始電話號碼與所虛擬對應的遮蔽通訊代碼,是 相同性質功能的通訊號碼;以及,電話用户之原始電話號碼等於所虛擬對應的 遮蔽通訊代碼。所以,利用虛擬對應的遮蔽通訊代碼與外界通訊,在本發明之 遮蔽通纖齡_通辟理纽鋪下,實社械轉糊躺用戶 始電話號碼與外界通訊。 ’ 然而’就真實世界的行動電話或一般電話使用者而言,電話用戶之原始電 話號_所=對應_蔽通訊代碼’二者各別獨立,是無法相互轉換和辨別 的’因此’指定絲縣電話號碼的該遮蔽軌代碼,構成另-組不同的原始 電話號碼,電話用戶之原始電話號碼與所虛擬對應的遮蔽通訊代碼,是不相同 1275294 的通訊號碼 補充、修正後無劃線之說明書替換頁 是利用電話用戶實際4始電話號 $ 中,結果都 :通:=用戶在真貫世界中利用遮蔽通訊代碼與外界通訊時,在本發明之遮 ,__蔽軌躺,縣發3_随罐務系統下 的ίίΐϋ 話號碼,會赴虛擬麵通_«,餅電話用戶 的仃動電話或電話機,在真實世界中能约發揮一機兩用的結果。 請再參閱第-圖’本發明所獅之電_戶職親通觸絲,係由通 纖務業者(11)構築-套遮蔽通職系統⑽),而提供遮蔽通織務令登 1得使用遮蔽通訊服務的電話用戶’能夠利用電話用戶實際之原始電話號碼斑 外界通訊,朗用通^«業者⑹所提供的遮蔽通訊代碼與外界通訊使得 =:=或電話機可以一機公私兩用’咖 而電話用戶要使用本發明之遮蔽通訊服務時,首先要進入通訊服務業者 (11)所提供之遮蔽通訊服務系統(20),並登錄成為遮蔽通訊服務用戶;電話用 戶如果決定要登錄成為遮蔽通訊^務用戶時,在是否為遮蔽通訊服務用戶k步 驟(21)中,選擇進入登錄用戶原始電話號碼之步驟⑵),經電話用戶向通訊服 務業者提供電話用戶實際之原始電話號碼,經過^錄確認後,即、成為遮蔽 通訊服務用戶;同時,在遮蔽通訊用戶取得遮蔽通訊代碼之步驟(23)中, 遮蔽通訊服務系統(20)會根據電話用戶實際登錄之原始電話號碼,而虛擬對應 指定一個提供電話用戶使用的遮蔽通訊代碼,指定成為電話用戶之原始電話號 碼的虛擬通訊號碼;此時,已經取得遮蔽通訊代碼之電話用戶,可以在設定遮 蔽通訊代碼保障隱私之步驟(24)中,自主決定是否立即要利甩遮蔽通訊代碼, 1275294 Λ ^ 補充、修正後無劃線之說明書替換頁 iiH ί 驗有賊要設定時,則 細戶絲軸取觸2H,峨話用戶仍 卜雜魏訊;如果t獅戶決μ ’遮蔽通魏務系統(糊始提供 功’並根據電話用戶預先在酬遮蔽通訊_力能與否之_ )中所》又疋的指令,執行開啟遮蔽通雛務功能,而進 ,通話轉隱私之步驟⑽,或者執行酬遮蔽通觀務== 特定時段關閉遮蔽通訊代碼通話保障隱私之步驟⑽;亦即,電話用户 閉遮蔽通雛務功麟,電戶侧_遮蔽職代碼與外界通訊,=進人 用戶通訊電話號碼仍為用戶原始電話號碼之步驟(32),此時,外雜打電話用 戶實,之触號碼,遂_t_戶職職,但如果敝電話用戶 之遮蔽通tfl代碼’將如i§]舰讀親域電話麵機親,無雜電話用戶 通訊’因此’可以阻絕僅知遮蔽通訊代碼的特定人士干擾,而保障隱私;而電 話用戶設定開啟遮蔽通訊職功能時,電話用戶係開放以遮蔽通訊代碼與外界 通訊,而進入以用戶遮蔽通訊代碼遮蔽用戶原始電話號碼之步驟(28),和用戶 通訊電話號碼形式上為用戶遮蔽通訊代碼之步驟(29),所以,僅知遮蔽通訊代 碼的特定人士,麵用電話用戶形式上之觀電話綱(即遮蔽通訊代碼), 與電活用戶保持通訊,因此,藉由本發明之電話用戶用來遮蔽通訊的方法,電 話用戶的行動電話或電話機可以一機公私兩用,並且可增進個人隱私和提昇電 話用戶生活品質。 請參閱第二圖,通訊服務業者(11)利用本發明之電話用戶用來遮蔽通訊的 方法時,得提供以下所述之一種電話用戶用來遮蔽通訊的服務方法(簡稱遮蔽 通訊的服務方法),當任何電話用戶以行動電話或一般電話撥打電話時,即屬進 入撥打通話接收方之電話號碼之步驟(10),此際,通訊服務業者(11)所使用之 遮敝通訊服務系統(20) ’會執行判斷撥打方是設定遮蔽通訊代碼用戶與否之步 鱗(30), 根據撥打方的電話號碼,自動辨別撥打方是否為登錄之遮蔽通訊服務用戶 ,如果不是遮蔽通訊服務之用戶時,則進入發出訊號顯示撥打方用戶之原始電 話號碼之步驟(31),使得在執行步驟(80)時,接收方的來電顯示器,能夠顯示 撥打方的原始電話號碼;然而,如果是遮蔽通訊服務之用戶時,則進一步自動 1275294 ==r:: 6又疋開啟遮蔽服務功能時’則進入將撥打方的用 = ϋ=ί=ί8ί))時’接收方__,係_打_蔽通 减碼,術獨狀滤綱認和雜後,鮮,執行触方料 ^代碼^狄步驟⑽,接收方的電話號碼經過遮蔽通___— 後,確礙-般電話用戶之原始電話號碼,不是遮蔽通訊代碼時,則直接進入 撥打接收方用戶原始電話號碼之步驟⑽),經傳遞訊號嘯打接通接收方用戶 之原始電織碼,並進人無絲義示示衡方雜魏代喊原始電 話號碼之步娜G) ’娜触施辦綱_打麵躲,錢讀打方與 接收方雙方進行通話之步驟(9〇),完成雙方通話目的;而在執行接收方電話號 f是遮蔽通訊代碼與否之步驟(50)中,接收方的電話號碼經查核後,如果確認 ,蔽通IW務用戶之遮蔽通訊代碼時,則在接收方是否晒了遮蔽通言織務 功能之步驟⑽)中,進-步查核接收方目前是否麵了遮蔽通$織務功能,如 果是關閉遮蔽通訊服務功能時,接收方目前因為要保障穩私而關閉以遮蔽通訊 代碼進行撥接通話,因此進入保障遮蔽通訊服務用戶隱私之步驟(61),直接保 障接收方遮蔽通訊服務用戶之隱私,並執行向撥打方回覆接收方的電話處於關 機狀態之步驟(62),使得撥打方知悉接收方的電話正處於關機狀態,不能進行 撥接通話’以保障接收方之隱私;如果接收方的電話號碼經查核後,嫁認是遮 蔽通訊服務用戶之遮蔽通訊代碼,而且目前是設定開啟遮蔽通訊服務功能時, 則進入將接收方的遮蔽通訊代碼還原為用戶原始電話號碼之步驟(63),遮蔽通 訊服務系統(20)將之還原為遮蔽通訊服務用戶所^錄之原始電話號碼,並進入 撥打接收方用戶原始電話號碼之步驟(70),經傳遞訊號而撥打接通接收方用戶 之原始電話號碼,再於接收方來電顯示器顯示撥打方遮蔽通訊代碼或原始電話 號碼之步驟(80),使得接收方能夠辨別判斷撥打方的身分,而進入撥打方與接 收方雙方進行通話之步驟(90),完成雙方通話目的。 如此,當本發明之遮蔽通訊服務用戶,在屬於他的私人時間與私人空間時 ,可將遮蔽通訊服務功能,設定為關閉使用狀態,一切工作領域的相關人際通 1275294 補充、修正後無劃線之說明書替換頁 訊,通過這個形式上虛擬的遮敝通訊服代碼,將全部暫時不能進來,因而得確 保偭人隱私空間。然而,此時遮蔽通訊服務用戶的行動電話或電話機並未實際 關機,他的私人朋友及他的家人,仍然得以撥打平常的原始電話號碼,與遮蔽 通訊服務用戶進行溝通無誤。 而這位遮蔽通訊服務用戶,在特定時間與特定空間設定開啟遮蔽通訊服務 功能時,遮蔽通訊服務用戶之原始電話號竭,暫時由遮蔽通訊代碼遮蔽,一切 工作領域的相關人際通訊’撥出撥入的信息,都得以通過遮蔽通訊代碼執行; 此時,他的私人朋友及他的家人撥打平常的原始電話號碼,仍然得鱼遮蔽通% 服務用戶進行溝通。 ^ ° 因此’遮蔽通訊服務用戶的行動電話或電話機可以一機公私兩用,而且不 需要關機斷訊,並得以增進個人隱私和提昇電話用戶生活品質。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖是本發明所揭示之電話用戶用麵蔽通訊的方法雜圖 第二圖是本發明所揭示之遮蔽通訊的服務方法流程圖。1275294 Supplementary, Corrected, Unlined Instructions Replacement Page 9 Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a communication service method for masking a user's telephone number by code, and more particularly to a mobile power reduction service ^ Machine public and private _, the Mingyi people implicitly rushed to communicate with the user's quality of life communication methods. When the telephone user is in the working period, the virtual telephone can be used to specify the corresponding telephone number (or called the cover communication code), and the telephone number of the telephone user is temporarily obscured, and is dedicated to the power equipment. • The miscellaneous person's (4), the real original phone of the shed, the age of the occupants, the cake, the electric and the private, and the public and private use of the phone, and when the phone user is in a private field, can completely Blocking interpersonal communication interference in the field of work', so can be used to enhance personal privacy and improve the quality of life of the family. [Prior Art] Because modern people pay considerable attention to personal privacy and quality of life, the large-scale public and private areas of the big mines are completely slashed into independent lie, so in the field of work, we are serious about doing things, working hard and doing our best. This has a relative increase, and once in the privacy zone of the individual, 2 pairs of avoidance of the county to the workers _ interpersonal interference, vinegar committed fine privacy, or 乂口贝, so modern people have about The two contact telephones, namely the office telephone and the private one. The two telephones of the court are closely related to the living space of the modern people, but the public and private sectors are distinct, and the personal feudality will not be disturbed' and the life products will not be affected. Since the launch of the mobile phone, the company has been able to surpass the 6th: the curry, and it has become a must-have product for the thief life club. The thief is moving two or two: the system Dressing is inseparable. In the absence of _ or _ _ restrictions, friends ^ thousand, ^ 槪 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借 借# can remain independent. Unless the mobile phone is disconnected, the individual is constantly disturbed by the interpersonal communication in the field of work or work, and the result of the universal use of the mobile phone, personal privacy or sputum Bei, but it seems very low. Two re-satisfy or enhance personal privacy or quality of life, many modern people simply bought the "mobile phone number", using a brain (secret red version r version and your wrist *) crystal 1275294 supplement After the amendment, the instruction without a line is replaced by the page 'According to the individual needs', the wafer can be exchanged at any time on the same mobile phone for different fields or different personal relationships to protect the privacy of the individual, and even many modern people are afraid of trouble. I bought two or more mobile phones (each containing a SIM chip) and used them in different fields of interpersonal communication. It is both cumbersome and ridiculous, like the tactics of robbing the man. The inventor has studied and analyzed this. After the reason, I believe that if a novel communication method can be created, so that the mobile phone or the telephone can be used in both public and private areas, it can be solved. Modern people pursue the problem of protecting personal privacy and improving the quality of life. They can also solve the problem of having to buy more than two mobile phones or telephones. They must use more than two mobile phone numbers to meet the privacy or life of individuals. The problem of quality, and can reduce the cost and expenditure. [Invention content], the main purpose of Ming is to provide a kind of shouting code to cover the number of words: to make the mobile phone or telephone can be used for both public and private use, using virtual created shadow communication The code, to obscure the original telephone number of the telephone user, so that the telephone user can use the virtual, slogan, (ie, cover the pro code) to communicate with the outside world in the field of work, and still have to use the real when in the private field. The original telephone number communicates with the outside world to enhance personal privacy and improve the quality of life of the telephone user. The second objective of the invention is to provide a communication method for obscuring the user's telephone number by code. The telephone user of the service can use both the mobile phone and the telephone. And according to individual needs, you have set anywhere on or off the shielding function of communication services, and public and private time and points out pin field of public and private individuals, and to have so as to avoid unnecessary communication and still disturber. A further invention of the present invention is to provide a communication service method for obscuring a user's telephone number by code. 'The telephone user who is obscured by the communication service can use the real original power of the telephone user": virtual creation can also be utilized The obscured communication code communicates with the Xibie community, and its mobile phone or electric Du X X machine a private use, g did not use the virtual cover communication code to communicate with the outside world, the phone is blocked with the original electric Wei code Therefore, when making a call to communicate with the outside world, the caller of the receiving party displays the masked communication code of the caller, and does not display the original telephone number of the caller to protect the personal privacy of the dialing, and when the caller is set to close Block the communication code function, and make a call with the 1275294 s supplement, the corrected unlined manual to replace the page number, the caller's §~ 'receiver's caller's display will show the caller's original occlusion communication code. Another purpose of Yu is to provide a way to cover the user's phone number. After logging in 2=Communication Kitchen (4), you can _Phone (10) The real original telephone number Ma 2 uses the virtual created masked communication code to communicate with the outside world, so that its mobile phone or telephone can be used to privately 'receive the communication code and the external axis, the telephone user and the outside world. Pass 3ΓΓ, which is the original original telephone number of the telephone user. Because the caller does not call the electric call, 'call the H-seat provided by the user' and provide the resume. Wei County. Read Weihua or Phone=at Miscellaneous, it is impossible to get a call from Naqing, relying on, the electric household can be publicized, avoiding interference from interpersonal communication, and thereby enhance personal privacy and enhance the life of the telephone user. [Implementation] Please refer to the -®, this issue Riding the revealing of the personal telephone number of the communication Lin method, the main technical system (four) «face listening f secret (cho, the turn of the right domain cover Tongna 'this enough according to the electricity ° tongue user's original phone number' and then virtual corresponding to specify a virtual Phone number, designated as the corresponding phone number of the original phone number of the phone user, that is, the virtual communication number designated as the phone user, the initial phone number (below, this The invention is referred to as the occlusion communication code. In terms of the occlusion system of the local stipulation, that is, in the communication management system of the carrier, the original telephone number of the telephone user and the corresponding occlusion communication code are The telephone user 1 initial telephone number and the virtual corresponding obscured communication code are communication numbers of the same nature function; and the telephone user's original telephone number is equal to the virtual corresponding obscured communication code. Therefore, the use The virtual corresponding obscured communication code communicates with the outside world. Under the cover of the invention, the real-life device communicates with the outside world. 'However' the real-world mobile phone or In general, for the telephone user, the telephone user's original telephone number _ == corresponding _ communication code 'is independent of each other, is not able to convert and distinguish each other 'so that' specifies the silky county phone number of the occlusion track code, constitutes Another-group of different original phone numbers, the original phone number of the phone user and the virtual corresponding masking communication code, It is different from the communication number of 1275294, and the replacement page without the line is corrected. The telephone user uses the actual 4 phone number in the beginning. The result is: pass: = when the user communicates with the outside world by using the masked communication code in the real world. In the cover of the present invention, __ lie on the track, the county issued 3_ with the ίίΐϋ number under the canning system, will go to the virtual face _«, the phone phone user's screaming phone or telephone, in the real world can Approximately the result of a dual-use. Please refer to the figure - 'The lion's electricity of the invention _ household contact thread, is constructed by the fiber business (11) - set of cover system (10)), and provide shelter and weaving The telephone user who uses the occlusion communication service can use the original telephone number of the telephone user to communicate with the outside world, and use the occlusion communication code provided by the operator (6) to communicate with the outside world so that =:= or the telephone can be used for both public and private use. When the telephone user wants to use the obscured communication service of the present invention, the user must first enter the obscured communication service system (20) provided by the communication service provider (11) and log in as the user of the obscured communication service; if the telephone user decides to log in as the obscuration When the user is in communication, in the step (21) of whether or not to block the communication service user, the step (2) of entering the original telephone number of the login user is selected, and the original telephone number of the telephone user is provided to the communication service provider via the telephone user. After the recording is confirmed, it becomes the user who shields the communication service; at the same time, in the step (23) of obscuring the communication user to obtain the obscured communication code, the communication service is shielded. The system (20) will specify the virtual communication number to be the original telephone number of the telephone user according to the original telephone number actually registered by the telephone user, and specify the voice communication code used to provide the telephone user. At this time, the obscured communication code has been obtained. The telephone user can decide whether or not to immediately block the communication code in the step (24) of setting the privacy code to protect the privacy. 1275294 Λ ^ Supplementary, corrected and unlined instructions to replace the page iiH ί When setting, the user's silk thread touches 2H, and the user is still confusing Wei; if the lion is determined to smudge the Weiwei system (the paste provides the work) and pre-empts the communication according to the telephone user _ force The ability to _ _ _ zhong zhong zhong 》 疋 》 , , , 执行 执行 执行 执行 执行 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽 遮蔽Step (10); that is, the telephone user closes the cloaking work, the electric household side _shadows the job code and communicates with the outside world, and the incoming user communication telephone number is still The original phone number of the user (32), at this time, the foreign call the user, the touch number, 遂 _t_ household position, but if the phone user's shadow pass tfl code 'will be like i§] ship reading The pro-local phone face pro, no miscellaneous phone user communication 'so' can block the interference of specific people who only know the communication code, and protect the privacy; when the phone user sets the function of turning on the cover communication function, the phone user is open to shield the communication code. Communicate with the outside world, and enter the step (28) of obscuring the user's original telephone number by the user obscuring the communication code, and the step of obscuring the communication code (29) in the form of the user communication telephone number, so that only the specific person obscuring the communication code is known. In the form of a telephone user, the telephone program (ie, the communication code) is used to maintain communication with the electric user. Therefore, the telephone user's mobile phone or telephone can be used by the telephone user of the present invention to shield the communication. Both public and private, and can enhance personal privacy and improve the quality of life of telephone users. Referring to the second figure, when the communication service provider (11) utilizes the method used by the telephone user of the present invention to shield communication, it may provide a service method used by the telephone user to shield communication (hereinafter referred to as a service method for obscuring communication). When any telephone user makes a call by mobile phone or general telephone, it is a step (10) of entering the telephone number of the call receiving party, and at this time, the concealer communication service system used by the communication service provider (11) (20) ) 'The execution will determine whether the dialing party is setting the step size (30) for obscuring the user code of the communication code. According to the telephone number of the dialing party, it is automatically discriminated whether the dialing party is the user of the occlusion communication service if the user is not occluding the communication service. And entering a step (31) of signaling the original telephone number of the dialing party user, so that when performing step (80), the incoming call display of the receiving party can display the original telephone number of the calling party; however, if it is an obscured communication service For the user, then the automatic 1275294 ==r:: 6 and when the masking service function is turned on, the user will enter the dialing party = ϋ = ί=ί8ί)) When the 'receiver __, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ After the ____ is blocked, the original telephone number of the telephone user is determined to be unobstructed. If the communication code is not obscured, the step (10) of dialing the original telephone number of the recipient user is directly entered, and the recipient user is connected by the transmission signal. The original electric woven code, and entered the non-wireless meaning of the Hengfang Wei Weidai shouted the original phone number step by step G) 'Na touches the office to run _ face to hide, the money to read the party and the receiver to talk on the steps (9 〇), the purpose of the two parties' call is completed; and in the step (50) of performing the receiving party's telephone number f to block the communication code, the receiving party's telephone number is checked, and if confirmed, the IW user's obscured communication code is blocked. At the time, in the step (10) of whether the receiving party has sun-masked the general-purpose weaving function, it is further checked whether the receiving party currently has the masking function, and if the function of the blocking communication service is turned off, the receiving party currently Because it is necessary to protect the privacy and close it to cover The communication code makes a dial-up call, so it enters the step of protecting the privacy of the user of the communication service (61), directly guarantees the privacy of the user shielding the user of the communication service, and performs the step of answering the call of the recipient to the caller in a shutdown state (62) , so that the calling party knows that the receiving party's telephone is in the state of being turned off, and the dialing call cannot be made to protect the privacy of the receiving party; if the receiving party's telephone number is checked, the acknowledgment is the obscured communication code for obscuring the communication service user, and At present, when the function of setting the occlusion communication service is set, the step of restoring the occlusion communication code of the receiver to the original telephone number of the user is entered (63), and the occlusion communication service system (20) restores it to the user of the occlusion communication service. The original telephone number, and the step of dialing the original telephone number of the recipient user (70), dialing the original telephone number of the recipient user after transmitting the signal, and then displaying the dialing party's communication code or original telephone number on the incoming caller's display. Step (80), so that the receiving party can distinguish and determine the identity of the calling party. Enter the dialed party and the recipient of the call between the two sides step (90) to complete the call both purposes. In this way, when the user of the occlusion communication service of the present invention belongs to his private time and private space, the occlusion communication service function can be set to be in the closed use state, and the related interpersonal communication 1275294 in all work areas is supplemented and corrected without a scribe line. The manual replaces the page message, and through this form of virtual concealer communication service code, all of them can not be entered temporarily, thus ensuring the privacy space of the deaf. However, at this time, the mobile phone or telephone that shields the communication service user is not actually shut down, and his personal friend and his family are still able to dial the usual original telephone number to communicate with the user who shields the communication service. The user of the occlusion communication service, when setting the function of turning on the occlusion communication service at a specific time and a specific space, shields the original telephone number of the communication service user, temporarily obscured by the occlusion communication code, and dials out the relevant interpersonal communication in all work areas. The incoming information can be executed by obscuring the communication code; at this time, his personal friend and his family call the usual original telephone number, and still have the fish to block the communication. ^ ° Therefore, the mobile phone or telephone that shields the communication service user can be used for both public and private purposes, and does not need to be shut down, and can enhance personal privacy and improve the quality of life of the telephone user. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The first figure is a method for mask communication of a telephone user disclosed in the present invention. The second figure is a flow chart of a service method for masking communication disclosed by the present invention.