Λ 一 ___ ίΓ 五、發明説明(1 ) 〜 發明範囡 本發明有關於一種透過定位於衛星網路與地面使用者之 間大氣平台的使用而用以提供無線通訊之系統及方法,以 提供地面上任一地方任何2個地面使用者之間的連接,本 發明尤其可使用於無線寬帶通訊系統與無線電話通訊系统 中。 發明背景 在過去20年,全球對於及時資訊與有效通訊服務的需 求已大幅成長。在最近年,新的通訊服務腳印與技術已爲 大家熟知(如網際網路,傳眞,數據機,呼叫器,行動電 話等)。隨著需求的平行增加,已開發出新式技術其具有 更快的速度與更低的成本來傳送語音,資料,聲音與视 訊。 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印裝 寬帶通訊市場部分對於此需求是極速增加。簡言之,寬 帶通訊系統是一種能提供任何2個使用者.,其位元率足以 供高速資料與視訊用。以本發明而言,將寬帶定義爲每秒 速率的多重百萬位元(如逮度大於1百萬位元/秒),其遠大 於目前電話網路支援的每秒率多重千位元(例如'2 8.8 kbps ) 。這類似於輸送水的管子,窄的管子不能在短時間内輸送 大量的水。然而極大的管子可以在相同時間輸送很多的 水。寬帶通訊系統類似於極寬的管子,它可有效的在每單 位時間移動所需的資訊量(或位元)。 目前消費者與商業界都需求能以高資料率(例如每秒多 重百萬位元資料率)與同一城市間以及城市外的使用者連 本紙張尺度適用肀圃國家標芈(CNS ) Λ4規格(210χ297公兑) 421 93 5 五、發明説明(2 ) 線以收發視訊,資料與影像。 寬帶通訊目前設置成有線或無線傳送方式。在有線寬帶 系統中,二者間的通訊是藉由實體連線如纜線裝置,電話 網路(即雙絞銅線),或光纖等來實施。雖然有線寬帶方式 極可靠,但是安裝費太貴因此一般是區域性的。因此有線 寬帶系統不能服務廣大的用户。 目前存在數種無線寬帶傳送方式,一種無線寬帶通訊系 統需要裝設地面傳送塔。根據這種方式,需要在服務地區 安裝眾多塔,各塔服務一特別使用者區域。無線信號從一 塔傳送到另一塔’藉以便於使用者之間的寬帶通訊。這種 塔式系統的目前使用例子稱爲區域多點傳送系統 (LMDS)。塔式無線寬帶系統有一嚴重的缺點,即塔式系 統僅能涵蓋市區内的部分區域。雖然可使用眾多塔來支援 廣大的使用者’但裝設眾多塔的費用很高,而且有礙景觀 且需要高容量的資料通訊線以便連接表塔。 經濟部中央標準局貝工消f合作社印製 另一種無線寬帶通訊系統是使用衛星直接與地面使用者 通訊,在這些種類的系統中使用數種衛星。低地球軌道 (LEO) ’中地球軌道(ΜΕΟ ),高橢圓軌道(ΗΕΟ),地面固 定式地球軌道(GEO )衛星都可用户衛星式寬帶。衛星式無 線寬帶系統提供大區域涵蓋面的優點(與地面式不同),但 是有以下優點,如衛星無線寬帶系統丨)的功率有限,2 ) 定位在與終端使用者極遠的距離,3)需要通過整個大氣 才能傳送到其目標使用者’以及4)因爲功率與距離的因 素使其每一區域能服務的使用者數目有限,因此不能有效 -5 - 本紙张纽i㈣巾賴 CNS ) Ml-m ( 2U)xly7.i>^ ) 421 935 嘴 五、發明説明(3 ) 的服務高密度的人口中心。 另一方面通訊市場中的無線電話的成長卻是空前的。無 線電話目前使用二種模式:行動使用者的無線電話(稱爲 細胞式或PCS )’及家庭或商業上使用的無線電話(稱爲固 定無線電話或無線區域迴路)。在多數已開發國家中,行 動無線電話是以極高的速率成長。爲了支援日増的需求, 目前需要設立塔或在屋頂上裝設天線,以致於一般城市需 要安裝數百個塔或天線以提供足夠的涵蓋區域與容量。這 些塔的裝設費用太高而且有限制,如需要建立固定服務位 置並且於人口變遷及市場需求改變時需要極高的改裝費 用。 固定無線電話在開發中國家的用途極廣,因爲這些國家 尚未安裝無線電話設施。提供基本電話服務給這些國家人 民的最快與最容易的方法是經由無線電話。無線電話不需 要埋設缓線或電線。目前藉由建立地面塔式系統即.可在沒 有裝設有線電話設施的區域中供應電無線電話,其具有如 上所述的相同缺點。 因此,需要一種更迅速且有效的系統與方法以提供通訊 服務給使用者。 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作.社印製 發明之概述 根據本發明,可使用大氣平台以提供無線通訊服務例如 給超級都會區域,即都市直徑是丨〇至i 〇 〇哩。大氣平台有 廣大功率的優點3這些平台可以在多數商用空中交通與尺 氣下操作,以及在多數大氣及其溼度下操作。由此高度其 -6- 本紙張尺度適州中國國家标準(CNS ) /以说格(210X297公# 五 、發明説明(4 蛵濟部中央榡準局貝工消f合作,杜印製 也能與不同軌道的各種衛星通訊。而且因爲其高度,大氣 平台也能使用高頻鏈供大氣平台與衛星間的連線,因爲視 線清晰而且沒有散射與吸收。地面使用者間的連接,大氣 平台與衛星是本發明的基礎以提供獨特的通訊結構用以處 理資料,影像,聲音,視訊與世界性的視訊會議。 尤其是根據本發明一種大氣平•台服務地面使用者之腳 印並經由無線裝置而與使用者通訊。大氣平台也與衛星星 座繞著地球軌道通訊,再回到無線裝置。大氣平台位於地 球的大氣的上方區域,在民航與惡劣天候的高度帶之上。 因爲大氣平台的高度在地表之上,所以也能以高頻和衛星 通訊,其實際上對於衛星與地面使用者間的寬帶通訊是不 穩定的。這種高頻通常會受到雨水與大氣氣體的扭曲與衰 減。將大氣平台置於上方大氣可允許大氣平台利用高頻與 衛星通訊,並接著以低頻和地面使用者通訊。這種衛星與 大氣平台的合併’與習用系統相比,可允許更有效的在地 面^的任何二位使用者間處理資料。本發明特別適用於寬 帶資料通訊系統與無線電話系統,包含行動與固定式。 附圖之簡單説曰 圖1是根據本發明第一實施例的圖。 圖2的圖形在說明根據本發明第_實施例的不同聊 使用者間的通訊3 圖3,圖形在說明根據本發明第—實施例得到的優點。 圖4是根據本發明第二實施例的圖。 圖5是根據本發明第三實施例的圖。 請 閱 背 1¾ 項 再广'I裂 頁 訂 木紙張尺度適用中闼囤家標準 CNS )八4規格(2i()x 297公对) 421 935 A' _____ ΙΓ 五、發明説明(5 ) 圖6的圖形在説明本發明的特別優點。 較佳實施例之詳v細説明 根據本發明,大氣平台配合衛星網路使用以利於地面使 用者間的通訊。參考圖1,設置一通訊系统其中地面使用 者103能依一種方式互連以允許他們用極高的資料率通 訊。圖1的系統包括大氣平台1 〇 2其位於地球上大氣的上 方區域。尤其是,大氣平台102的位置必須在民用航道之 上,以及在惡劣天候之上。較佳的,大氣平台i 〇 2位於地 面以上至少52,000呎.。圖】的衛星! 〇 1繞著地球執道並與 大氣平台102通訊p大氣平台102能與眾多衛星1Q1通 訊’該等相"星101以衛星鏈1〇5連接。衛星鏈—般使 用鬲頻率的寬廣頻帶以連.接這些衛星。 經濟部中央標率局員工消費合作社印製 先以相同商業錐或脚印中互相通訊的使用者情沉來説明 圖1所示系統的操作,相同商業錐或腳印中的使用者1 〇 3 是指那些使用者103其由相同大氣平台來服務。參考 孩圖,若使用者103-1想與使用者1〇3_2通訊,則使用者 1 03-1傳送無線信號〗〇7到大氣平台1 〇2。大氣平台與使 用者之間信號1 0 7的頻率必須使得信號在大氣中具有可接 艾的傳播特徵。信號i 〇 7會受到雨水與大氣氣體的強烈衰 減。在無線寬帶通訊系統中,信號1 0 7的頻率在60 GHz較 佳’在無線電話系統中,信號〗〇 7的頻率在i 〇 (jHz較佳。 接著大氣平台直接與其他使用者〈在此是使用者1〇3_ 2) ’或者與閘路丨〇 4通訊。閘路1 〇 4接到大眾交換電話網 路,或接到光纖主幹以提供與網際網路的連線。 . ._____ - 8 - 本紙張尺度4则,财料(⑽)Λ後# ( 2!GX加公及) 421935 A:Λ 一 ___ ίΓ 5. Description of the invention (1) ~ Inventive scope The invention relates to a system and method for providing wireless communication through the use of an atmospheric platform positioned between a satellite network and a ground user, to provide The connection between any two ground users anywhere on the ground. The present invention can be used in wireless broadband communication systems and wireless telephone communication systems. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Over the past 20 years, the global demand for timely information and effective communication services has grown significantly. In recent years, new communication service footprints and technologies have become known (eg Internet, modem, modem, pager, mobile phone, etc.). As demand has increased in parallel, new technologies have been developed that have faster speeds and lower costs for transmitting voice, data, sound, and video. Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs The demand for this segment of the broadband communications market is increasing rapidly. In short, a broadband communication system is one that can provide any two users. Its bit rate is sufficient for high-speed data and video. In the context of the present invention, broadband is defined as multiple megabits per second rate (for example, if the capture rate is greater than 1 million bits per second), which is much larger than the multi-kilobit per second rate supported by the current telephone network ( For example '2 8.8 kbps). This is similar to a water pipe. A narrow pipe cannot carry a large amount of water in a short time. However, very large pipes can carry a lot of water at the same time. A broadband communication system is similar to an extremely wide tube, which can effectively move the amount of information (or bits) required per unit of time. At present, consumers and businesses need to be able to communicate with users in the same city and outside the city at a high data rate (such as multiple million bits per second data rate). The paper standard is applicable to the National Park Standard (CNS) Λ4 specification. (210 x 297) 421 93 5 V. Description of the invention (2) Line to send and receive video, data and images. Broadband communication is currently set to wired or wireless transmission. In wired broadband systems, communication between the two is implemented through physical connections such as cable devices, telephone networks (ie, twisted-pair copper wires), or optical fibers. Although the wired broadband method is extremely reliable, the installation fee is too expensive and is therefore generally regional. Therefore, the wired broadband system cannot serve a large number of users. There are currently several wireless broadband transmission methods, and a wireless broadband communication system requires a ground transmission tower. According to this method, a large number of towers need to be installed in the service area, and each tower serves a special user area. Wireless signals are transmitted from one tower to another 'so as to facilitate broadband communication between users. An example of the current use of such a tower system is called an area multicast system (LMDS). The tower wireless broadband system has a serious disadvantage, that is, the tower system can only cover part of the urban area. Although a large number of towers can be used to support a large number of users ’, the cost of installing many towers is high, the view is obstructed, and high-capacity data communication lines are required to connect the watch towers. Printed by the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Peigong Cooperative. Another wireless broadband communication system uses satellites to communicate directly with ground users. Several types of satellites are used in these types of systems. Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) ′ Medium-Earth Orbit (ΜΕΟ), High Elliptical Orbit (ΗΕΟ), and Ground-Fixed Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites are all available for satellite broadband. The satellite wireless broadband system provides the advantages of large area coverage (different from the terrestrial type), but has the following advantages, such as the limited power of the satellite wireless broadband system 丨), 2) positioning at a great distance from the end user, 3) It needs to pass through the entire atmosphere to reach its target users' and 4) Because of the power and distance factors, the number of users that can be served in each area is limited, so it cannot be effective -5-This paper is only CNS) Ml- m (2U) xly7.i > ^) 421 935 V. Invention Description (3) serves a high-density population center. On the other hand, the growth of wireless phones in the communications market is unprecedented. Radiotelephones currently use two modes: radiotelephones for mobile users (called cellular or PCS) 'and radiotelephones for home or business use (called fixed radiotelephones or wireless area loops). In most developed countries, mobile radiotelephones are growing at extremely high rates. To support the needs of the sundial, towers or antennas need to be set up on the roof, so that in general cities need to install hundreds of towers or antennas to provide sufficient coverage and capacity. The installation cost of these towers is too high and limited. For example, if a fixed service location needs to be established and the demographic changes and market demand change, it will require extremely high conversion costs. The use of fixed wireless telephones is extremely widespread in developing countries because these countries have not yet installed wireless telephone facilities. The fastest and easiest way to provide basic telephone services to people in these countries is via wireless telephone. Cordless telephones do not need to be laid with extension cords or wires. By establishing a ground tower system, it is currently possible to supply electric radiotelephones in an area where no line telephone facilities are installed, which has the same disadvantages as described above. Therefore, there is a need for a more rapid and effective system and method for providing communication services to users. Printed by the Central Consumers Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Cooperative Printing. Summary of the Invention According to the present invention, an atmospheric platform can be used to provide wireless communication services, for example, to a super metropolitan area, that is, the diameter of a city is from 0 to 100 miles. Atmospheric platforms have the advantage of vast power3 These platforms can operate in most commercial air traffic and feet, as well as in most atmospheres and their humidity. Therefore, its paper size is -6- China State Standards (CNS) / Yishuoge (210X297 公 #) 5. Description of the invention (4 Cooperation between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Central Bureau of Standards, the Ministry of Health, and the printing industry can also Communicate with various satellites in different orbits. And because of its height, the atmospheric platform can also use high-frequency chains for the connection between the atmospheric platform and the satellite, because the line of sight is clear and there is no scattering and absorption. The connection between the ground users, the atmospheric platform and the satellite is The basis of the present invention is to provide a unique communication structure for processing data, images, sounds, video and worldwide video conferences. In particular, according to the present invention, an atmospheric platform serves the footprints of ground users and is used by wireless devices. The atmospheric platform also communicates with satellite constellations around the earth orbit, and then returns to the wireless device. The atmospheric platform is located in the upper area of the earth's atmosphere, above the altitude band of civil aviation and bad weather. Because the altitude of the atmospheric platform is above the surface It can also communicate with satellites at high frequencies, which is actually unstable for broadband communication between satellites and ground users. This high frequency is usually distorted and attenuated by rain and atmospheric gases. Placing the atmospheric platform above the atmosphere allows the atmospheric platform to use high frequencies to communicate with satellites, and then communicate with ground users at low frequencies. Such satellites and Compared with conventional systems, the combination of atmospheric platforms allows more efficient processing of data between any two users on the ground. The invention is particularly suitable for broadband data communication systems and wireless telephone systems, including mobile and fixed. Briefly speaking, Figure 1 is a diagram according to the first embodiment of the present invention. Figure 2 is a diagram illustrating communication between different users according to the _th embodiment of the present invention. 3 Figure 3 is a diagram illustrating the first embodiment of the present invention. —Advantages obtained by the embodiment. Fig. 4 is a diagram according to the second embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 5 is a diagram according to the third embodiment of the present invention.标准 Hardware standard CNS) 8 specifications (2i () x 297 male pairs) 421 935 A '_____ ΙΓ 5. Description of the invention (5) The graph of Figure 6 illustrates the special advantages of the present invention. Details of the preferred embodiment v Detailed description According to the present invention, the atmospheric platform is used in conjunction with a satellite network to facilitate communication between ground users. Referring to FIG. 1, a communication system is provided in which ground users 103 can be interconnected in a manner to allow them to use extremely high data The system of Figure 1 includes an atmospheric platform 102 which is located above the atmosphere on the earth. In particular, the location of the atmospheric platform 102 must be above the civil channel and above harsh weather. Preferably, the atmospheric platform i 〇2 is a satellite at least 52,000 feet above the ground ... Picture] 〇1 orbits the earth and communicates with the atmospheric platform 102. The atmospheric platform 102 can communicate with many satellites 1Q1. 105 links. Satellite chains-generally use a wide band of chirp frequencies to connect to these satellites. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the operation of the system shown in FIG. 1 will be explained by the user sentiment in the same commercial cone or footprints. Those users 103 are served by the same atmospheric platform. Referring to the child figure, if the user 103-1 wants to communicate with the user 103_2, the user 1 03-1 transmits a wireless signal 〖07 to the atmospheric platform 1 〇2. The frequency of the signal 107 between the atmospheric platform and the user must be such that the signal has an accessible propagation characteristic in the atmosphere. The signal i 07 is strongly attenuated by rain and atmospheric gases. In a wireless broadband communication system, the frequency of the signal 107 is better at 60 GHz. In the wireless telephone system, the frequency of the signal 〇07 is better than iHz (jHz. Then the atmospheric platform directly communicates with other users (here It is the user 103_ 2) 'or communicates with the gate circuit 04. Gate 104 is connected to the public switched telephone network, or to an optical fiber backbone to provide connectivity to the Internet. .. ___-8-This paper has 4 scales, and (料) Λ 后 # (2! GX plus public) 421935 A:
\V 五、發明説明(6 ) 使用者103能藉由二種方法之一而與其本身腳印之外的 其他使用者通訊《在例子中,使用者1〇3_1想與其本身腳 印之外的另一使用者通訊以傳送訊息到其區域大氣平台 1 〇 2。接著大氣平台傳送無線信號1 〇 7到閘路1 0 4,再接 到大眾交換電話網路或光纖主幹以接到網際網路。 使用者與其本身腳印以外通訊的第二種方式如圖2所 示。使用者2 0 6經由信號2 1 1 (具有適於地面無線應用的 .頻率如圖1的信號i 07)而接到大氣平台200。大氣平台 200又經由無線信號212與衛星2〇1通訊。尤其是信號 212能利用一頻率,其與大氣平台及使用者之間的信號頻 率(即圖2‘的信號211與圖1的信號1〇7)相比較高。衛星 2 〇 1是一系列衛星之一。在任何已知時間,各衛星具有一 相關大氣平台其服務包含使用者的唯一腳印。在本實施例 中’術星2 0 1經由衛星鏈或無線信號2 〇 2透過衛星2 0 3.而 與衛星204通訊。衛星204接著經由無線信號212與其相 關大氣平台205通訊。大氣平台2〇5服務使用者209 ,即 係使用者206想通訊者。大氣平台2〇5經由無線信號21 i 而與腳印210中的使用者209通訊,因而影響不同腳印中 經濟部中央標準局員工消费合作社印製 使用者間的通訊,依此,通訊交通可以後拉或者在不同腳 印中包含的不同點之間移動。 根據本發明的大氣平台(例如圖1的平台1〇2 ;圖2的平 口 200 ’ 205,與圖3的平台3 〇 4 )可以是任何裝置,其在民 用航道(約52,刪吹或更高)上維持空令傳播,而其能實體 支援無線通訊負載。大氣平台必須能供應足夠㈣的負 -9 - 本紙度適用準( Z 經濟部中央標隼局員工消费合作社印製 4 193 5 , Λ' ---^_______I1;________ 五、發明説明(7 ) 載’環境控制與一指定位置或一指定航道上的熱調節,換 舌之’大氣平台必須能作站台檢查;它不能是自由浮動裝 置。較佳的’根據本發明的大氣平台包括一天線陣列,功 率產生功能’板上數位開關,收發無線電,功率分配匯流 排,與環境控制及I周節。如上所述,大氣平台必須位於民 用航道與惡劣天候的高度之上,例如約52,〇〇〇吸。惟,也 可能在該高度偶而發現協和式客機或者是少見的風暴。這 .種在民用航道與/或惡劣天候下偶而發生的情況對於本發 明並沒有害處,只要大氣平台在極少發生這種情況的高度 下。設置大氣平台的可接受地面高度是依季節,緯度與考 慮的地理位置而定,例如可以有效的在極區的較低高度上 操作大氣平台,這與赤道區成對比,其中天候(對流層頂) 到達大氣之上。所以例如大氣平台可以比飛機,汽球高, 或者大氣平台可以是飛機。較佳的,大氣平’台是高空長程 操作(HALO)飛機,其在規定的高度上以小於5哩半徑的 圓繞著地球運行3 本發明的大氣平台包括板上數位開關,參考圖2 ,使用 者206能經由無線信號211與大氣平台2〇〇通訊。大氣平 台2 0 0承載一板上數位開關2丨3其能決定資料位元要傳送 到那裡。例如使用者2 0 6經由信號2u而傳送到大氣平台 200的資訊可以留在腳印208之中並傳送到使用者207 , 或者資訊可以經由信號1 1 2而從網路送出而,其中信號與 衛星2 0 1有通訊。 使用衛星與地面之間的大氣平台根據本發明可提供特別 -10- 本紙張尺度適用中固圏家標华(CNS )八4圯格(2i()X2yT^Tj ~ ^1 c 經濟部中央標準局員工消费合作社印製 A' ΙΓ 五、發明説明(8 ) 的優點。首先,參考圖3,本發明允許衛星3 0 1與大氣平 台3 0 4經由信號3 〇 3而通訊,其具有極高的頻率一般在60-90 GHz或更高如雷射光。這些極高的頻率信號會受到大 氣的極強衰減,因此習用方法中不使用,例如與地面直接 通訊的衛星。因此本發明有效的利用先前未使用的高頻, 其中可使用大量的帶寬。一旦衛星301以高頻信號303和 大氣平台304連接,大氣平台304接著即能使用其本身的 .板上功率與天線以便大致在低頻重覆或放大信號以便與地 面使用者通訊。 此外根據本發明,大氣平台因爲其大量的功率,大的天 線陣列與接近地面而能透過多波束細胞式圖樣3 〇 6與透過 已知腳印3 0 5之中的專屬點波東而投射出.一頻率再使用圖 樣。頻率再使用圖樣是作出頻譜迅速使用是習用方法。頻 率再使用圖樣中波束的數目與大小是平台高度,天線陣列 大小’使用頻率’可用功率,與切換及網路管理功能的函 數。地面使用者與大氣平台之間的處理量與地面使用者及 衛星間的處理量相比,可以在每單位面積中是極高的。 圖4説明本發明的第二較佳實施例,在圖4中,本發明 的理想配置包括繞著地球赤道的衛星圈,其包含地表上 6000-12,000 km高度帶的5至8個衛星4 0 1。該圈中至少需 要5個衛星。該圈中的5個衛星允許一衛星失效而允許其 他衛星互相通訊。理論上,圈中應該包含6個衛星。若一 圈具有6個衛星,則每一空中傳播太氣平台4〇4即能在一 已知時間看到至少2個衛星,圈中的8個衛星允許作備份 -11 - 本紙張尺度通用中國固家標準(CNS ) AWt格(210X 297公总) (請先閲讀背而之注意事項再#寫本頁) -裝' 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印$1 Ό 五、發明説明(9 ) 衛星用。 圖4的系統,其中衛星在約地表上9,000 km處,可提供 緯度+/ - 50度的涵蓋區域’即它的高度足以在不產生明顯 的環路時間延遲下涵蓋地球上多數人口眾多的區域,該延 遲導因於大氣平台與衛星之間的距離。 在較佳實施例中,將大氣平台加入繞著地球赤道的衛星 圈’事實上可允許衛星系統的腳印延伸。參考圖6,衛星 ό ο 1位於地球赤道處,即能直接與聊印(如參考數字6 2 所示)涵蓋的位置通訊β由參考數字6〇3所示的極小觀看 角度決定此腳印的大小。典型的極小觀看角度是5到】〇 度’對於約9,000 km高度的衛星而言,可提供與+/_ $ 0度 高度的通訊。此極小觀看角度以及脚印大小,因此有限以 設定太氣的極大量,其中衛星信號必須藉此傳播。惟,衛 星601能與大氣平台604通訊,其在脚印之外,因爲在衛 星與大氣平台之間傳送的信號被52,〇〇〇吸以上高度的薄乾 太氣衰減的不夠多。大氣平台6〇4現在能與其本身腳印中 的使用者通訊,其在衛星腳印6〇2外界的極遠處。因此上 述較佳實施例能有效允許衛星6 〇 1的腳印透過大氣平台的 使用而增加’該平台在衛星本身腳印的範圍之外。雖然圖 6僅顯7F —大氣平台604,在典型實施例中,也可使用多 重大氣平台。 圖.5的第三實施例在説明一高度橢圓系統。因爲地球上 的人口多數在北緯,所以高度橢圓的衛星軌道最高點在地 球的北半邵區域,因此提供這些區域的極佳涵蓋。換言 -12- 本紙張尺度適州中國闽孓榡皁(CNS ) /\4叹格(2!0xm公并 --:---.-----裝-- .·\7· (請先閱讀背面之注意事項-ir·你本頁) 訂 421 93 5 4 _____ ir 五、發明説明(TO ) 之’圖5衛星5 02的運行時間在北緯上方是最大的,因而 能有效服務地球上人口最集中的區域。雖然圖5僅顯示多 個衛星中的2個橢圓軌道的運行,但是也可利用多個衛星 中的多個橢圓轨道的運行來服務北緯區域。 可使用數種橢圓軌道如Molniya軌道其使得衛星通過地 球的最南端區域時最接近地球(小於1,〇〇〇公里),以及當 通過最北端區域時離地球最遠(約40,000公里)。其他的橢 圓軌道,其不具有如同Molniya軌道運行的端點,則具有 所謂最高點6,000-10,000公里之間,本發明也能使用這種 軌道。 本發明不僅限於上述配合附圖用來説明本發明的特別實 施例。 經濟部中央標準局員工消费合作社印製 -13- 本紙張尺度適用中國國家揉华(CNS ) A4ML格(210X29?公兑;V. Description of the invention (6) User 103 can communicate with other users other than his own footprint by one of two methods. "In the example, user 103_1 wants another Users communicate to send messages to their regional atmospheric platform 102. The atmospheric platform then transmits the wireless signal 107 to the gate 104, and then connects to the public switched telephone network or fiber optic backbone to connect to the Internet. The second method of communication between the user and his own footprint is shown in Figure 2. The user 2 0 6 is connected to the atmospheric platform 200 via a signal 2 1 1 (with a signal suitable for terrestrial wireless applications. The frequency is signal i 07 of FIG. 1). The atmospheric platform 200 communicates with the satellite 201 via a wireless signal 212. In particular, the signal 212 can utilize a frequency, which is higher than the signal frequency between the atmospheric platform and the user (i.e., the signal 211 in FIG. 2 and the signal 107 in FIG. 1). Satellite 201 is one of a series of satellites. At any given time, each satellite has an associated atmospheric platform whose service contains the unique footprint of the user. In this embodiment, the 'art star 201' communicates with the satellite 204 via the satellite chain or wireless signal 202 through the satellite 204. The satellite 204 then communicates with its associated atmospheric platform 205 via a wireless signal 212. Atmospheric Platform 205 serves users 209, that is, users 206 who want to communicate. Atmospheric platform 205 communicates with user 209 in footprint 210 via wireless signal 21 i, which affects the communication between users printed by employees' cooperatives of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in different footprints. Based on this, communication traffic can be pulled back Or move between different points contained in different footprints. The atmospheric platform according to the present invention (for example, platform 102 in FIG. 1; flat mouth 200 ′ 205 in FIG. 2, and platform 3 〇 4 in FIG. 3) may be any device that is used in a civil waterway (about 52, deleted or more High) to maintain airborne transmission, and it can physically support wireless communication loads. Atmospheric platform must be able to supply enough negative -9-this paper is applicable (Z 193 5 printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Λ '--- ^ _______ I1; ________ V. Description of the Invention 'Environmental control and thermal regulation on a designated location or on a designated channel.' The atmospheric platform must be capable of platform inspection; it cannot be a free-floating device. The preferred 'atmospheric platform according to the invention includes an antenna array, Power generation function 'on-board digital switches, transceiver radios, power distribution buses, and environmental control and weekly festivals. As mentioned above, the atmospheric platform must be above the height of civil waterways and harsh weather, such as about 520,000. However, it is also possible to occasionally find Concorde passenger aircraft or rare storms at this altitude. This kind of situation that occurs occasionally in civil waterways and / or bad weather is not harmful to the present invention, as long as the atmospheric platform rarely occurs in this The acceptable ground height of the atmospheric platform depends on the season, latitude, and geographical location considered. For example, it can be effective An atmospheric platform is operated at a lower altitude in the polar region, which is in contrast to the equatorial region, where the weather (top of the troposphere) reaches above the atmosphere. So, for example, the atmospheric platform can be higher than an airplane, a balloon, or the atmospheric platform can be an airplane. Better The atmospheric flat platform is a high-altitude long-range operation (HALO) aircraft that orbits the earth at a prescribed altitude in a circle with a radius of less than 5 miles. 3 The atmospheric platform of the present invention includes on-board digital switches. Refer to Figure 2, users 206 can communicate with the atmospheric platform 200 via the wireless signal 211. The atmospheric platform 2000 carries a digital switch 2 丨 3 on the board, which can determine where the data bits are to be transmitted. For example, the user 206 transmits through the signal 2u The information to the atmospheric platform 200 can be left in the footprint 208 and transmitted to the user 207, or the information can be sent from the network via the signal 1 12 where the signal communicates with the satellite 201. Using the satellite and the ground Atmospheric platforms according to the present invention can provide special -10- This paper size is applicable to China Solid Standard Chinese Standard (CNS) 8 4 grid (2i () X2yT ^ Tj ~ ^ 1 c staff consumption of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs A 'ΙΓ printed by Zhuozuosha V. Advantages of the invention description (8). First, referring to FIG. 3, the present invention allows the satellite 3 0 1 to communicate with the atmospheric platform 3 0 4 via a signal 3 0 3, which has an extremely high frequency Generally at 60-90 GHz or higher, such as laser light. These extremely high-frequency signals will be strongly attenuated by the atmosphere, so they are not used in conventional methods, such as satellites that communicate directly with the ground. Therefore, the present invention effectively uses previously unused The high frequency used, which can use a large amount of bandwidth. Once the satellite 301 is connected to the atmospheric platform 304 with a high frequency signal 303, the atmospheric platform 304 can then use its own. On-board power and antenna to repeat or amplify at roughly low frequencies Signal to communicate with ground users. In addition, according to the present invention, because of its large amount of power, large antenna array and close to the ground, it can be projected through the multi-beam cell pattern 3 06 and through the exclusive point wave of the known footprint 3 05. Use the pattern again at a frequency. Frequency reuse patterns are used to make rapid use of the frequency spectrum. The number and size of the beams in the frequency reuse pattern are the platform height, the size of the antenna array 'used frequency' available power, and the functions of switching and network management functions. The throughput between the ground user and the atmospheric platform can be extremely high per unit area compared to the throughput between the ground user and the satellite. Fig. 4 illustrates a second preferred embodiment of the present invention. In Fig. 4, the ideal configuration of the present invention includes a satellite circle around the earth's equator, which contains 5 to 8 satellites at an altitude of 6000-12,000 km above the ground. 40 1. At least 5 satellites are needed in this circle. The five satellites in the circle allow one satellite to fail while allowing other satellites to communicate with each other. In theory, the circle should contain 6 satellites. If there are 6 satellites in a circle, each airborne air platform 404 can see at least 2 satellites at a known time, and 8 satellites in the circle are allowed to be backed up-11-This paper is for China Good Home Standards (CNS) AWt grid (210X 297 total) (Please read the back notice before #write this page)-Install 'printed by the Bayer Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs $ 1 Ό 5. Description of the invention (9 ) For satellites. The system of Figure 4, where a satellite at about 9,000 km above the surface can provide a coverage area of latitude + /-50 degrees' i.e. it is high enough to cover most of the most populated areas of the planet without significant loop time delays This delay is due to the distance between the atmospheric platform and the satellite. In the preferred embodiment, the addition of an atmospheric platform to a satellite circle around the Earth's equator allows virtually the footprint of the satellite system to be extended. Referring to Figure 6, the satellite ό 1 is located at the equator of the earth, that is, it can directly communicate with the location covered by the chat (as shown in reference numeral 62). The size of this footprint is determined by the extremely small viewing angle shown in reference numeral 603. . A typical minimum viewing angle is 5 to 0 °. For satellites at approximately 9,000 km altitude, it can provide communication with + / _ $ 0 degrees. This extremely small viewing angle and the size of the footprints are therefore limited to set a very high volume of air, in which satellite signals must be transmitted. However, the satellite 601 can communicate with the atmospheric platform 604, which is outside the footprints, because the signal transmitted between the satellite and the atmospheric platform is not sufficiently attenuated by the thin air that is sucked at a height above 520,000. Atmospheric platform 604 is now able to communicate with users in its own footprint, which is very far outside the satellite footprint 602. Therefore, the above-mentioned preferred embodiment can effectively allow the footprint of the satellite 601 to be increased through the use of the atmospheric platform, which is outside the range of the footprint of the satellite itself. Although FIG. 6 only shows 7F-atmospheric platform 604, in typical embodiments, multiple atmospheric platforms may be used. The third embodiment of Fig. 5 illustrates a highly elliptical system. Because the majority of the population on the earth is at the north latitude, the highest point of the highly elliptical satellite orbit is in the northern half of the Earth's region, thus providing excellent coverage of these areas. In other words -12- This paper scale is suitable for China Minquan Soap (CNS) in Shizhou / \ 4 格格 (2! 0xm 公 合-: ---.----- installation-. · \ 7 · (Please First read the notes on the back-ir · your page) Order 421 93 5 4 _____ ir V. Description of the invention (TO) The operation time of satellite 5 02 is the largest above the north latitude, so it can effectively serve the earth The most populated area. Although Figure 5 only shows the operation of two elliptical orbits among multiple satellites, the operation of multiple elliptical orbits among multiple satellites can also be used to serve the north latitude area. Several types of elliptical orbits can be used, such as Molniya orbit which makes the satellite closest to the earth (less than 1,000 km) when passing through the southernmost region of the earth and farthest from the earth (about 40,000 km) when passing through the northernmost region. Other elliptical orbits, which do not have Like the end point of the Molniya orbit, which has a so-called highest point between 6,000 and 10,000 kilometers, the present invention can also use this orbit. The present invention is not limited to the above-mentioned accompanying drawings for explaining the special embodiment of the present invention. Standard Bureau employee consumer cooperatives seal -13- This paper applies China National scale knead China (CNS) A4ML grid (210X29 public against?;