經濟部中央標準局員工消费合作社印製 404141__B7______ 五、發明説明(/ ) 發明領域: 本發明係關於一種彩色影像感測元件(color image sensing devices)的製造方法,特別是關於一種先形成聚 焦用微透鏡(microlens)’再形成彩色濾光器(color filter) 的高效能彩色影像光阻製程,來增加每一畫素(pixel)之光 二極體感測區上的影像光源擷取效能。 發明背景: 一般來說,CCD (charge coupled device)或 CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor)彩色影像感 測元件具有如圖一所顯示的結構,包括一矽基板1、光電能 量轉換器區(optoelectro transducer region)2、遮光膜 (light shading film)3 、絕緣護層(insulating passivation)4、平坦層5、彩色濾光板(紅/綠/藍,或藍綠 (cyan)/黃(yellow)/紫紅(magenta))6、7 和 8、間隙層 (spacer)9、及聚焦用微透鏡10。 更詳細的來說,其中各光電能量轉換器區2通常是由光 二極體(Photodiodes)所形成,當光線經由影像形成透鏡 (image forming lens)(未標示)入射至光電能量轉換器區 2,光二極體可將所接收的光能訊號轉換成電能訊號。將大 量的光電能量轉換器區2排成陣列於基板1表面,可形成 許多圖案單位,即所謂之畫素(Pixels)。位於光電能量轉 換器區2之上,藉由絕緣護層4包圍的遮光膜3爲金屬材 質(一般來說是採用鋁),可避免入射光線進入光電能量轉 換器區2之外的區域,由於該遮光膜3的埋入,而造成了 I- n n 11111 訂— —— ^—n I ^ (請先閲讀背面之注意产、'再填寫本頁) 經濟部中央棣準局員工消費合作社印製 404141_^___ 五、發明説明(λ) 不平整的表面,故需額外形成一平坦層5。 在平坦層5之上,依序形成三種不同顏色的彩色濾光板 6、7和8(例如:紅、綠、藍),由於其分別覆蓋於不同之 光電能量轉換器區2之上,故個別之光電能量轉換器將只 轉換單一顔色之光能訊號。然後,一間隙層9覆蓋於彩色 濾光板6、7、8之上,亦可用以增加表面平坦度。接下來, 在間隙層9上方,按照彩色濾光板6、7、8的排列,製作 微透鏡10以對應個別之彩色濾光板,請參閱圖二之單一畫 素聚焦用微透鏡的立體示意圖,該微透鏡Μ可將入射光線L 於穿透過彩色濾光器C之後,聚焦投影至彩色影像感測元 件之主動區Α的表面,即光電能量轉換器區2(畫素),因此 微透鏡可增加光線接收的敏感度,而提高影像感測效率, 提昇畫面品質。 對照圖一之製程結構剖面圖,請參閱圖三之長久以來的 習知技藝中彩色影像感測元件的製作流程圖。在基板上已 完成光二極體、遮光膜等前段製i之後,依序形成平坦層 5、彩色濾光板6/7/8、間隙層9、及微透鏡10。 在製造技術上不斷要求提昇產品效能之下,上述習用製 程所製作出之彩色影像感測元件仍有下述須進一步改進的 方向:(1)由於後續封裝、測試的工作溫度極高,最上層之 微透鏡係裸露於外界環境,因形成微透鏡之光阻特性材質 在高溫中會發生氧化現象,顔色變黃而造成光穿透率 (transmittance)降低,此一造成微透鏡變質的現象是一嚴 重的問題,會影響彩色影像感測元件的品質,及彩色影像 I I I I I I I I H ^1 ^1 訂 I n 务 * * --- (請先闖讀背面之注意再填寫本頁) 張尺度適用中國國家標準(〇灿)六4規格(210父297公釐) 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印装 404141 B7 五、發明説明(}) 感測元件是否能應用於高溫環境的可能性,且微透鏡之光 阻特性材質亦可能被後續步驟中所使用的化學物質損傷; (2)請再次參閱圖一,當光線入射至微透鏡後,較正向之光 線如可完全被接收至光電能量轉換器區2,並達到聚焦 的目的,但入射方向較偏的光線如L2則可能無法完全被接 收並聚焦而產生入射光的損失,故成爲影像接收效率上的 降低,尤其當畫素尺寸逐漸縮小及微透鏡下方結構不夠平 坦時,此一問題將更加被凸顯。因此,本發明將針對上述 的問題,提出解決的方法,以有效增進彩色影像感測元件 的效能。 發明之概述: 本發明之主要目的是提供一種彩色影像感測元件的製 造方法,可增加每一畫素之光二極體感測區上的影像光源 擷取效能。 本發明的另一目的是提供一種彩色影像感測元件的製 造方法,可改善製程中及後續封裝、測試的高溫環境下, 聚焦用微透鏡之黃化現象,並避免微透鏡被後續步驟之化 學物質損傷。 本發明是利用下列技術手段來達到上述之各項目的: 首先,提供一包含光電能量轉換器區及遮光膜的基板上, 在其上形成一護層;接著,於該護層上形成一層平坦層, 再於平坦層上塗佈高透光性之光阻材料,進行曝光、顯影 及熱流,以形成微透鏡結構;然後,於表面形成一層間隙 層;最後,再於該間隙層上依序形成不同顔色的彩色濾光 ___4__ 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS > A4規格(210X297公釐] I I I I I I I I I I I I I 訂— I I I I I 線 1. Ψ . (請先閲讀背面之注多 ><再填寫本頁) 404141_B7______ 五、發明説明(+) 板。 圖式簡要說明: 圖一爲習知技藝中彩色影像感測元件之剖面示意圖。 圖二爲習知技藝中彩色濾光器之單一畫素聚焦用微透 鏡的立體示意圖。 圖三爲習知技藝中彩色影像感測元件的製作流程圖。 圖四爲本發明實施例中彩色影像感測元件之剖面示意 圖。 圖五爲本發明實施例中彩色影像感測元件的製作流程 圖。 圖號說明= 1_基板 3-遮光膜 5-平坦層 7-第二彩色濾光板 9- 間隙層 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製 2-光電能量轉換器區 4-絕緣護層 6-第一彩色濾光板 8-第三彩色濾光板 10-微透鏡 20-光電能量轉換器區 40-絕緣護層 60-第一彩色濾光板 80-第三彩色濾光板 100-微透鏡 C-彩色濾光器 L-入射光 U L2’-偏向入射光 (請先閱讀背面之注意V-再填寫本頁) 10- 基板 30-遮光膜 50-平坦層 70-第二彩色濾光板 90-間隙層 A-主動區 D-非主動區 L^U’-正向入射光 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) 經濟部中央標準局員工消费合作社印装 404141 ^ 五、奋明説明(() M-微透鏡 發明詳細說明: 以下將以應用於CCD/CM0S的彩色影像感測元件爲實 施例,來說明本發明。請參閱圖四,爲本發明實施例之彩 色影像感測元件之剖面示意圖,包括一矽基板10、光電能 量轉換器區20、遮光膜30、絕緣護層40、平坦層50、聚 焦用微透鏡100、間隙層90、及彩色據光板(紅/綠/藍,或 藍綠(cyan)/黃(yellow)/紫紅(magenta))60、70 和 80。 更詳細之說明如下,首先,提供一半導體矽基板10, 於其上形成光電能量轉換器區2G,各光電能量轉換器區20 可由砂光二極體(silicon photodiodes)所形成,當光線經 由影像形成透鏡(image forming lens)(未標示)入射至光 電能量轉換器區20,其中之光二極體可根據入射光量的多 寡,將光能訊號轉換成電能訊號。將大量的光電能量轉換 器區20排成陣列於基板10表面,可形成許多圖案單位, 即所謂之畫素(pixels)。 接著,於光電能量轉換器區2G之上,以習知手段形成 遮光膜30,該遮光膜30係爲金屬材質,例如鋁薄層,藉由 絕緣護層40包圍隔離而依序排列,可避免入射光線進入光 電能量轉換器區20之外的區域,其中所述絕緣護層40可 由氧化砂膜(si 1 icon-oxide f ilm)或電漿輔助化學氣相沉 積之氮化矽膜(PE nitride)所形成。另外,由於該遮光膜 30的埋入,而造成了不平整的表面,故需額外形成一平坦 層50,以平坦化表面,所述平坦層5G係爲一透明之材質, _ _ 6___ 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標隼(CNS ) A4規格(2U)X297公釐〉 ! I I I . i I n 線 - J - (請先閲讀背面之注意再填寫本頁} 經濟部中央揉準局貝工消费合作社印製 404141 a7 _B7_ 五、發明説明(b ) 例如可由聚苯乙稀(polystyrene)所形成。 接下來,爲本發明之重點,在平坦層5G之上,先形成 聚焦用之微透鏡結構100,該微透鏡結構100之製作是利用 高透光性之光阻材料,一般是使用正光阻,將其塗佈於完 成前段製程的基板表面後,利用光罩(mask)將其曝光 (exposure),再進行顯影(development)之步驟,而留下 每單一畫素上方之不連續的光阻圖案,並分別對應於不同 之光電能量轉換器區20,接著進行熱流(reflow),以熱處 理之方式使光阻圖案表面呈圓弧狀(如圖示),具透鏡聚焦 之功能。於本發明中,由於微透鏡的位置緊接在平坦層50 的上方,故較習知技藝中更爲接近光電能量轉換器區20, 所以所述每一個微透鏡100的表面曲率半徑必須小於習知 技藝中之微透鏡,方能達到本發明所須之焦距。 接著,形成一間隙層90覆蓋於所述微透鏡結構100之 上,可用以增加表面平坦度,所述間隙層90係爲一透明之 材質,例如可由聚苯乙烯(polystyrene)所形成。 再接著,於所述間隙層90上,依序形成三種不同顔色 的彩色濾光板60、70和80,分別覆蓋於不同之光電能量轉 換器區20之上方,並同時分別對應於各個微透鏡100,故 個別之光電能量轉換器將只能轉換單一顏色之光能訊號。 首先於間隙層90上以習知手段形成第一彩色濾光板60(例 如:紅色),使爲其所覆蓋之部份光電能量轉換器區20僅 轉換紅色之光能訊號,該第一彩色濾光板60可由紅色染料 所形成;接著以習知手段形成第二彩色濾光70(例如:綠 ______7__ 本紙張尺度逋用國家標隼(CNS > A4規格(210X297^釐) ----------裝------訂------線 --i (請先閲讀背面之注意t-.,'再填寫本頁) 經濟部_央橾準局員工消费合作社印製 404141__J;___ 五、’發明説明(j ) 色),使爲其所覆蓋之部份光電能量轉換器區20僅轉換綠 色之光能訊號’該第二彩色濾光板70可由綠色染料所形 成;最後再以習知手段形成第三彩色濾光板80(例如:藍 色)’使爲其所覆蓋之部份光電能量轉換器區20僅轉換藍 色之光能訊號,該第三彩色濾光板80可由藍色染料所形 成。至此’本發明實施例之彩色影像感測元件製程於焉完 成。 對照圖四之製程結構剖面圖,請參閱圖五之本發明中彩 色影像感測元件之製作流程圖,在基板上已完成光二極 體、遮光膜等前段製程之後,依序形成平坦層50、微透鏡 結構100、間隙層90、及彩色濾光板6G/70/8Q。相較於圖 三之習知技藝中彩色影像感測元件之製作流程圖,本發明 利用了新的製程步驟順序,先形成微透鏡100,再形成彩色 濾光板60/70/8G,本發明並無增加任何額外的製程步驟, 並不會影響製程之整合。 由上所述,本發明一方面利用間隙層90及彩色濾光板 60/70/8G覆蓋於微透鏡1〇〇的表面,以隔絕微透鏡1〇〇與 外界環境,因此後續步驟中如高溫硬烤及封裝、測試或須 接觸化學物質的製程將不會直接影響微透鏡的品質,而確 保了微透鏡本身的光穿透率;另一方面,影像之入射光線 可先完全通過彩色濾光板60/70/80,再藉由微透鏡1〇〇聚 焦於距離比習知技藝中近的光電能量轉換器區20,故可有 效降低光源的損失,提高影像感測效率,提昇畫面品質, 尤其當畫素尺寸逐漸縮小及微透鏡下方結構不夠平坦時, 8 ___ 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(2丨〇><297公釐) (請先閲讀背面之注意事r"*填寫本頁) 404141 A7 _____B7_^^_ 五、發明説明(g") 本發明所揭露之技術將更可凸顯元件光能擷取效能上之改 進效果。請再次參閱圖四,當光線入射至微透鏡後,較正 向之光線如可完全被接收至光電能量轉換器區20,並達 到聚焦的目的,而入射方向較偏的光線如L2’亦可完全被接 收,而達成本發明之自的,減少入射光的損失。 本發明亦具有再一方面之優點,即本發明的微透鏡製作 步驟先於彩色濾光板的製作,因此,當微透鏡製作出現瑕 疵時,其重新製作(rework)的成本因不須包括彩色濾光板 的重作而降低。 本發明並不限於應用在CCD或CMOS之半導體基板上, 凡須製作微透鏡來聚光之影像感測元件,無論是使用在各 類半導體基板、玻璃基板、或陶瓷基板等,皆屬本發明之 應用範圍。 以上所述係利用較佳實施例詳細說明本發明,而非限 制本發明的範圍,因此熟知此技藝的入士應能明瞭,適當 而作些微的改變與調整,仍將不失本發明之要義所在,亦 不脫離本發明之精神和範圍,故都應視爲本發明的進一步 實施狀況。謹請貴審査委員明鑑,並祈惠准,是所至禱。 ! I n n I I n I I I I 訂— I I I 線 * -声 (請先聞讀背面之注意本:再填寫本頁) 經濟部中央標準局貝工消费合作社印装 9Printed by the Consumers' Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 404141__B7______ 5. Description of the Invention (/) Field of the Invention: The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a color image sensing device, and more particularly to a method for forming a focusing micro The lens (microlens) further forms a high-efficiency color image photoresistance process of a color filter to increase the capture efficiency of the image light source on the light diode sensing area of each pixel. Background of the Invention: Generally, a CCD (charge coupled device) or CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) color image sensing element has a structure as shown in FIG. 1, which includes a silicon substrate 1 and an optoelectro transducer area. region) 2, light shading film 3, insulating passivation 4, flat layer 5, color filter (red / green / blue, or cyan / yellow) / purple red ( magenta)) 6, 7, and 8, a spacer 9 and a micro lens 10 for focusing. In more detail, each of the photoelectric energy converter regions 2 is generally formed by photodiodes. When light is incident on the photoelectric energy converter region 2 through an image forming lens (not labeled), The photodiode can convert the received light energy signal into an electrical signal. By arranging a large number of photoelectric energy converter regions 2 in an array on the surface of the substrate 1, many pattern units can be formed, so-called pixels. The light-shielding film 3, which is located above the photoelectric energy converter area 2, and is surrounded by an insulating coating 4 is made of metal (generally, aluminum), which can prevent incident light from entering the area outside the photoelectric energy converter area 2. The embedding of the light-shielding film 3 resulted in the I-nn 11111 order — — ^ —n I ^ (Please read the note on the back, and then fill out this page) Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Central Procurement Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 404141 _ ^ ___ V. Description of the invention (λ) An uneven surface requires an additional flat layer 5 to be formed. On the flat layer 5, three different color filter plates 6, 7 and 8 (for example: red, green, and blue) are sequentially formed. Since they respectively cover different photoelectric energy converter regions 2, they are individually The photoelectric energy converter will only convert light energy signals of a single color. Then, a gap layer 9 covers the color filter plates 6, 7, and 8 and can also be used to increase the surface flatness. Next, above the gap layer 9, according to the arrangement of the color filter plates 6, 7, and 8, the microlenses 10 are made to correspond to the individual color filter plates. Please refer to FIG. 2 for a schematic perspective view of a single lens focusing microlens. The microlens M can focus the incident light L after passing through the color filter C and project it onto the surface of the active area A of the color image sensing element, namely the photoelectric energy converter area 2 (pixels). Therefore, the microlens can be increased Sensitivity of light reception improves image sensing efficiency and picture quality. Referring to the cross-sectional view of the process structure of FIG. 1, please refer to the manufacturing flowchart of the color image sensing element in the long-known technique of FIG. After the front-end fabrication of photodiodes and light-shielding films has been completed on the substrate, a flat layer 5, a color filter plate 6/7/8, a gap layer 9, and a microlens 10 are sequentially formed. Under the continuous demand of manufacturing technology to improve product efficiency, the color image sensing elements produced by the conventional process described above still need to be further improved in the following directions: (1) Due to the extremely high working temperature of subsequent packaging and testing, the top layer The microlens is exposed to the outside environment. The material that forms the photoresist characteristics of the microlens will oxidize at high temperatures, and the color will turn yellow, which will reduce the light transmittance. This phenomenon that causes the deterioration of the microlens is a Serious problems will affect the quality of color image sensing elements, and color images IIIIIIIIH ^ 1 ^ 1 Order I n service * * --- (Please read the note on the back before filling this page) Zhang standards are applicable to Chinese national standards (〇chan) 6 4 specifications (210 father 297 mm) Printed by the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economy Shellfish Consumer Cooperative Co., Ltd. 404141 B7 V. Description of the invention (}) Possibility of whether the sensing element can be applied in high temperature environments, and micro lenses The photoresist characteristics of the material may also be damaged by the chemicals used in the subsequent steps; (2) Please refer to Figure 1 again. When light enters the microlens, the light is more positive. If it can be completely received to the photoelectric energy converter area 2 and achieve the purpose of focusing, but the light with a more incident direction such as L2 may not be completely received and focused, resulting in the loss of incident light, so it becomes the image receiving efficiency. This problem is reduced, especially when the pixel size is gradually reduced and the structure under the micro lens is not flat enough. Therefore, the present invention will propose a solution to the above problems, so as to effectively improve the performance of the color image sensing element. Summary of the Invention: The main object of the present invention is to provide a method for manufacturing a color image sensing element, which can increase the capturing performance of the image light source on the light diode sensing area of each pixel. Another object of the present invention is to provide a method for manufacturing a color image sensing element, which can improve the yellowing phenomenon of the microlenses for focusing during the manufacturing process and the subsequent high temperature environment of packaging and testing, and prevent the microlenses from being chemically affected by subsequent steps. Material damage. The present invention uses the following technical means to achieve the above-mentioned objects: First, a substrate including a photoelectric energy converter region and a light-shielding film is provided, and a protective layer is formed thereon; then, a flat layer is formed on the protective layer. Layer, and then coating a light-transmitting photoresist material on the flat layer, and exposing, developing, and heat flow to form a microlens structure; then, forming a gap layer on the surface; finally, sequentially on the gap layer Form different color filters ___4__ This paper size applies Chinese national standard (CNS > A4 size (210X297mm) IIIIIIIIIIIII order — IIIII line 1. Ψ. (Please read the note on the back > < (This page) 404141_B7______ 5. Explanation of the invention (+) board. Brief description of the drawings: Figure 1 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a color image sensing element in the conventional technique. Figure 2 is a single pixel focus of the color filter in the conventional technique A three-dimensional schematic diagram using a microlens. Fig. 3 is a flowchart of manufacturing a color image sensing element in a conventional art. Fig. 4 is a color image sensing element in an embodiment of the present invention Sectional schematic diagram. Fig. 5 is a flow chart of manufacturing a color image sensing element according to an embodiment of the present invention. Explanation of drawing number = 1_ substrate 3- light-shielding film 5- flat layer 7- second color filter plate 9- gap layer economic department Printed by the Consumer Standards Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards 2- Photoelectric energy converter area 4- Insulating coating 6- First color filter 8- Third color filter 10- Micro lens 20- Photoelectric energy converter area 40- Insulating cover 60-first color filter 80-third color filter 100-microlens C-color filter L-incident light U L2'-biased incident light (please read the note V on the back first and then fill out this page) 10 -Substrate 30-Light-shielding film 50-Flat layer 70-Second color filter plate 90-Gap layer A-Active area D-Inactive area L ^ U'-Forward incident light This paper applies Chinese national standard (CNS) A4 Specifications (210X 297mm) Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 404141 ^ V. Fenming Explanation (() M-Micro Lens Invention Detailed Description: The following will be the color image sensing element applied to CCD / CM0S: Examples to illustrate the present invention. Please refer to FIG. A schematic cross-sectional view of an example color image sensing element includes a silicon substrate 10, a photoelectric energy converter region 20, a light-shielding film 30, an insulating cover layer 40, a flat layer 50, a focusing microlens 100, a gap layer 90, and a color data sheet. Light plates (red / green / blue, or cyan / yellow / magenta) 60, 70, and 80. More detailed descriptions are as follows. First, a semiconductor silicon substrate 10 is provided and formed thereon. Photoelectric energy converter area 2G. Each photoelectric energy converter area 20 may be formed by silicon photodiodes. When light is incident on the photoelectric energy converter area 20 through an image forming lens (not labeled), The light diode can convert the light energy signal into an electric energy signal according to the amount of incident light. By arranging a large number of photoelectric energy converter regions 20 in an array on the surface of the substrate 10, many pattern units, so-called pixels, can be formed. Next, a light-shielding film 30 is formed on the photoelectric energy converter area 2G by conventional means. The light-shielding film 30 is made of a metal material, such as a thin layer of aluminum. The incident light enters the area outside the photoelectric energy converter area 20, wherein the insulating cover 40 can be made of a silicon oxide film (si 1 icon-oxide f ilm) or a plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition silicon nitride film (PE nitride ). In addition, due to the embedding of the light-shielding film 30, which results in an uneven surface, an additional flat layer 50 is required to planarize the surface. The flat layer 5G is a transparent material. _ _ 6___ This paper Standards apply to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (2U) X297 mm>! III. I I n line-J-(Please read the note on the back before filling in this page} Print 404141 a7 _B7_ 5. Description of the invention (b) For example, it can be formed of polystyrene. Next, for the focus of the present invention, a micro lens structure 100 for focusing is formed on a flat layer 5G, The micro-lens structure 100 is manufactured by using a light-transmitting photoresist material. Generally, a positive photoresist is used, which is coated on the surface of a substrate that has undergone the previous process, and then exposed by a mask. The development step is performed, leaving a discontinuous photoresist pattern above each single pixel, and corresponding to different photoelectric energy converter regions 20, followed by heat flow (reflow), and heat treatment. Photoresist pattern The surface is arc-shaped (as shown) and has the function of lens focusing. In the present invention, since the position of the micro lens is immediately above the flat layer 50, it is closer to the photoelectric energy converter area than in the conventional art 20, so the radius of curvature of the surface of each microlens 100 must be smaller than the microlenses in the conventional art to achieve the focal length required by the present invention. Next, a gap layer 90 is formed to cover the microlens structure 100. It can be used to increase the surface flatness. The gap layer 90 is a transparent material, for example, it can be formed of polystyrene. Then, three different colors of the gap layer 90 are sequentially formed on the gap layer 90. The color filter plates 60, 70, and 80 are respectively covered above the different photoelectric energy converter regions 20 and correspond to each microlens 100 at the same time. Therefore, an individual photoelectric energy converter can only convert a single color of light energy signals. Firstly, a first color filter plate 60 (eg, red) is formed on the gap layer 90 by conventional means, so that a part of the photoelectric energy converter area 20 covered by the first color filter plate 60 only converts red light energy signals. The first color filter plate 60 may be formed of a red dye; then, a second color filter 70 (for example, green ______7__ is used in accordance with national standards) (CNS > A4 size (210X297 ^ cent) ) ---------- install ------ order ------ line --i (Please read the note on the back t-., 'Before filling this page) Ministry of Economy _ 央Printed by the Consumers ’Cooperative of the Associated Bureau 404141__J; ___ V. 'Invention (j) color), so that part of the photoelectric energy converter area 20 covered by it only converts green light signal' The second color filter 70 may be formed by a green dye; finally, a third color filter plate 80 (for example, blue) is formed by conventional means so that a part of the photoelectric energy converter area 20 covered by the third color filter plate only converts blue light energy signals, The third color filter 80 may be formed of a blue dye. So far, the color image sensing element manufacturing process of the embodiment of the present invention is completed. Referring to the cross-sectional view of the manufacturing process structure in FIG. 4, please refer to the manufacturing flow chart of the color image sensing element in the present invention shown in FIG. The micro-lens structure 100, the gap layer 90, and the color filter 6G / 70 / 8Q. Compared with the manufacturing flow chart of the color image sensing element in the conventional art of FIG. 3, the present invention utilizes a new process step sequence, first forming the micro lens 100, and then forming the color filter plate 60/70 / 8G. Without adding any additional process steps, it will not affect the integration of the process. From the above, the present invention uses the gap layer 90 and the color filter plate 60/70 / 8G to cover the surface of the microlens 100 to isolate the microlens 100 from the external environment. The process of baking, packaging, testing, or contact with chemicals will not directly affect the quality of the microlenses, and ensure the light transmittance of the microlenses themselves. On the other hand, the incident light of the image can pass through the color filter plate 60 first. / 70/80, and the micro-lens 100 is used to focus on the photoelectric energy converter area 20 which is closer than the conventional technique, so it can effectively reduce the loss of light source, improve the image sensing efficiency, and improve the picture quality, especially when When the pixel size is gradually reduced and the structure below the microlenses is not flat enough, 8 ___ This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (2 丨 〇 > < 297 mm) (Please read the precautions on the back first r " * Fill in this page) 404141 A7 _____ B7 _ ^^ _ 5. Description of the Invention (g ") The technology disclosed in the present invention will highlight the improvement effect of the light energy capture performance of the device. Please refer to FIG. 4 again. After the light is incident on the micro lens, if the light is more positive, it can be completely received into the photoelectric energy converter area 20 and achieve the purpose of focusing, and the light with a more incident direction such as L2 'can also be completely It is received and reduced to the invention, reducing the loss of incident light. The present invention also has the advantage of another aspect, that is, the micro lens manufacturing steps of the present invention are preceded by the manufacturing of the color filter plate. Therefore, when the micro lens manufacturing defect occurs, the cost of rework does not need to include the color filter. The redo of the light plate is reduced. The present invention is not limited to being applied to a semiconductor substrate of CCD or CMOS. Any image sensing element that needs to be made with a microlens to collect light, whether it is used in various types of semiconductor substrates, glass substrates, or ceramic substrates, etc., belongs to the present invention Scope of application. The above description uses the preferred embodiments to explain the present invention in detail, but not to limit the scope of the present invention. Therefore, enthusiasts who are familiar with this technique should be able to understand, and make small changes and adjustments appropriately, without losing the essence of the present invention. Where it does not depart from the spirit and scope of the present invention, it should be regarded as the further implementation status of the present invention. I would like to ask your reviewers to make a clear reference and pray for your sincere prayer. ! I n n I I n I I I I Order — I I I Line * -Sound (please read the note on the back: fill in this page first) Printed by Shellfish Consumer Cooperative, Central Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs 9
^紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公楚T^ Paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 Gongchu T