相關申請案之交叉引用 本申請案主張2016年9月23日申請之美國臨時申請案第62/399,210號之優先權,其以全文引用之方式併入本文中。 以ASCII正文檔案形式提交序列表 以下以ASCII正文檔案提交之內容係以全文引用的方式併入本文中:電腦可讀形式(CRF)之序列表(檔案名稱:750042000740SEQLIST.txt,記錄日期:2017年9月22日,大小:145 KB)。 本申請案提供經分離構築體(在本文中被稱作「抗RTMC構築體」),其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物(在本文中被稱作「HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物」或「RTMC」)的抗體部分(在本文中被稱作「抗RTMC抗體部分」)。 由諸如HIV之病毒表現之蛋白質由於在正常細胞中無表現而表示免疫療法之極佳標靶。RT為尚未由細胞毒性效應細胞療法抵靠細胞表面蛋白質成功靶向的胞內蛋白質。YQYMDDLYV為HIV-1 RT中的HLA-A2受限HIV-1抗原決定基。該YQYMDDLYV抗原決定基為四個主HIV-1分枝系A、B、C及D中的HIV蛋白質組之14個最保守區域中之一者(Létourneau, S.等人(2007)PloS one , 2
(10): e984; Harrer, E.等人(1996)Journal of Infectious Diseases 173
(2): 476-479)。由於此抗原決定基處於RT之活性位點內且為許多逆轉錄酶抑制劑之標靶,其具有較大臨床相關性。RT中導致藥物抗性之最常見突變中之一者M184V處於此區域中(Shafer, R. W., & Schapiro, J. M. (2008)AIDS reviews 10
(2): 67)。 抗RTMC構築體特異地識別HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物在表現HIV-1 RT細胞之表面上。抗RTMC構築體可特異性結合於複合物中之HIV-1 RT肽之N端部分、C端部分或中間部分,及/或與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之不同次型的至少一種複合物交叉反應(例如,抗RTMC構築體結合至HIV-1 RT肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物及HIV-1 RT肽/HLA-A*02:02複合物兩者)。抗RTMC構築體允許特異性靶向RTMC呈遞細胞(亦即在其表面上呈遞結合至MHC分子HIV-1 RT肽的細胞),諸如表現HIV-1 RT之經感染細胞。此策略提供由於使用針對HIV-1 RT蛋白質之抗體的顯著技術優勢,使用該等抗體無法特異性靶向RTMC呈遞細胞。此外,融合至可偵測部分時,抗RTMC抗體部分允許以對RTMC呈遞細胞之數目及分佈變化之高靈敏度進行HIV-1感染之診斷及預後。 使用噬菌體呈現技術,吾人產生多個單株抗原結合抗體片段,其對HIV-1 RT 181肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物具有特異性及高親和性。流式細胞測量術及T細胞介導之細胞毒性分析表明抗體以HIV-1 RT及HLA-A*02:01受限方式識別HIV-1 RT肽脈衝之T2細胞。當以抗CD3雙特異性抗體形式武裝時,抗體重定向人類T細胞以殺滅HIV-1 RT陽性及HLA-A*02:01陽性標靶細胞。本文中提供之該資料表明在HLA複合物的情況下針對HIV-1 RT肽之抗體可為HIV-1感染之有效治療劑。 本申請案因此提供構築體(諸如經分離構築體),其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗體部分。構築體可例如為全長抗RTMC抗體、多特異性抗RTMC分子(諸如雙特異性抗RTMC抗體)、抗RTMC嵌合抗原受體(「CAR」)或抗RTMC免疫結合物。 在另一態樣中,提供編碼抗RTMC構築體或該構築體之抗RTMC抗體部分部分之核酸。 在另一態樣中,提供包含抗RTMC構築體之組合物,該構築體包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗體部分。該組合物可為醫藥組合物,其包含抗RTMC構築體或表現抗RTMC構築體或與抗RTMC構築體相關之效應細胞(例如表現抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR之T細胞)。 亦提供出於治療或診斷目的製造及使用抗RTMC構築體(或表現抗RTMC構築體或與其相關之細胞)的方法,以及適用於此類方法之套組及製品。 定義 如本文所用,「治療(treatment/treating)」為用於獲得有益或期望結果(包括臨床結果)之方法。出於本發明之目的,有益或期望臨床結果包括(但不限於)以下中之一或多者:緩解一或多種產生於疾病之症狀、降低疾病程度、使疾病穩定化(例如預防或延遲疾病惡化)、預防或延遲疾病擴散、預防或延遲疾病復發、延遲或減緩疾病進展、改善疾病病況、提供疾病緩解(部分或完全)、減少治療疾病所需的一或多種其他藥物之劑量、延遲疾病進展、提高或改善生活品質、增加體重增長及/或延長存活期。「治療」亦涵蓋疾病病理結果之減輕。本發明之方法涵蓋此等治療態樣中之任何一或多者。 術語「難治性」或「耐受性」係指不回應於治療之疾病。 如本文關於表現CD3之細胞所用的「活化」係指已經足夠刺激以誘發CD3信號傳導路徑之下游效應功能(包含但不限於細胞增殖及細胞介素產生)的可偵測提高的細胞之狀態。 術語「抗體部分」包括全長抗體及其抗原結合片段。全長抗體包含兩個重鏈及兩個輕鏈。輕鏈及重鏈之可變區對抗原結合負責。兩種鏈中之可變區一般均含有三個稱作互補決定區(CDR)之高度可變迴路(輕鏈(LC) CDR包括LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3,重鏈(HC) CDR包括HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2及HC-CDR3)。本文所揭示之抗體及抗原結合片段之CDR邊界可藉由Kabat、Chothia或Al-Lazikani公約(Al-Lazikani 1997;Chothia 1985;Chothia 1987;Chothia 1989;Kabat 1987;Kabat 1991)界定或鑑別。重鏈或輕鏈之三個CDR插入於稱為構架區(FR)之側接伸長部之間,該等側接伸長部比CDR更高度保守且形成支撐高變迴路之架構。重鏈及輕鏈之恆定區不參與抗原結合,但展現各種效應功能。抗體基於其重鏈之恆定區之胺基酸序列分配至各種類別。五種主要類別或同型之抗體為IgA、IgD、IgE、IgG及IgM,其特徵為分別存在α、δ、ε、γ及μ重鏈。若干主要抗體類別分成子類,諸如lgG1 (γ1重鏈)、lgG2 (γ2重鏈)、lgG3 (γ3重鏈)、lgG4 (γ4重鏈)、lgA1 (α1重鏈)或lgA2 (α2重鏈)。 如本文所用之術語「抗原結合片段」係指抗體片段,包括例如雙功能抗體、Fab、Fab'、F(ab')2、Fv片段、二硫鍵穩定Fv片段(dsFv)、(dsFv)2、雙特異性dsFv (dsFv-dsFv')、二硫鍵穩定雙功能抗體(ds雙功能抗體)、單鏈抗體分子(scFv)、scFv二聚體(二價雙功能抗體)、由包含一或多個CDR之抗體的一部分形成之多特異性抗體、駱駝的單域抗體、奈米抗體、域抗體、二價域抗體、或結合至抗原但不包含完整抗體結構之任何其他抗體片段。抗原結合片段能夠結合至與親本抗體或親本抗體片段(例如親本scFv)所結合相同之抗原。在一些實施例中,抗原結合片段可包含接枝至來自一或多種不同人類抗體之構架區的來自特定人類抗體之一或多種CDR。 如本文所用之術語「抗原決定基」係指抗體或抗體部分所結合之抗原上之特定原子或胺基酸群。若兩個抗體或抗體部分展現對於抗原之競爭性結合,則其可結合抗原內之相同抗原決定基。 「Fab樣抗原結合模組」係指包含第一多肽鏈及第二多肽鏈之抗體部分,其中第一及第二多肽鏈包含VL
抗體域位於另一條鏈上。在一些實施例中,第一及第二多肽鏈諸如藉由肽鍵或藉由另一化學鍵(諸如,二硫鍵鍵)連接。 如本文所用,當在一等莫耳濃度之第一抗體部分存在下,第一抗體部分將第二抗體部分之標靶RTMC結合抑制至少約50% (諸如至少約55%、60%、65%、70%、75%、80%、85%、90%、95%、98%或99%中之任一者)時,第一抗體部分與第二抗體部分「競爭」結合於標靶RTMC,或反之亦然。基於抗體之交叉競爭而將其「分組(binning)」之高通量過程描述於PCT公開案第WO 03/48731號中。 如本文中所用,術語「特異性結合」或「對...具有特異性」係指可量測及可再現相互作用,諸如標靶與抗體或抗體部分之間的結合,其在非均質分子(包括生物分子)群體存在下決定標靶之存在。舉例而言,特異性結合於標靶(其可為抗原決定基)之抗體或抗體部分為結合此標靶之親和性、親合力、容易性及/或持續時間強於其結合至其他標靶之抗體或抗體部分。在一些實施例中,特異性結合於抗原之抗體或抗體部分以其對於其他標靶之結合親和性之至少約10倍的結合親和性與抗原之一或多個抗原決定子(例如HIV-1 RT肽/MHC I類蛋白質複合物)反應。 術語「T細胞受體」或「TCR」係指由T細胞表面上配對的αβ或γδ鏈構成之雜二聚體受體。各α、β、γ及δ鏈由兩個Ig樣域構成:經由互補決定區(CDR)賦予抗原識別之可變域(V),隨後為藉由連接肽及跨膜(TM)區錨定至細胞膜的恆定域(C)。TM區與CD3信號傳導設備之恆定次單位結合。V域中之每一者具有三個CDR。此等CDR與結合至由主要組織相容性複合物(pMHC)編碼之蛋白質的抗原肽之間的複合物相互作用(Davis及Bjorkman (1988) Nature, 334, 395-402;Davis等人 (1998) Annu Rev Immunol, 16, 523-544;Murphy (2012), xix, 第868頁)。 術語「TCR相關信號傳導分子」係指具有基於細胞質免疫受體酪胺酸之活化基元(ITAM)的分子,其為TCR-CD3複合物之一部分。TCR相關信號傳導分子包含CD3γε、CD3δε及ζζ,且為TCR之信號傳導能力所必需。 術語「模組」在提及蛋白質之一部分時意謂包括構成蛋白質之一或多種多肽之結構上及/或功能上相關之部分。舉例而言,二聚體受體之跨膜模組可指受體之每一多肽鏈之跨膜部分。模組亦可指單一多肽鏈之相關部分。舉例而言,單體受體之跨膜模組可指受體之單一多肽鏈之跨膜部分。模組亦可僅包括多肽之單一部分。 如本文所用之「經分離」抗RTMC構築體係指(1)不與自然界中發現之蛋白質相關,(2)不含來自相同來源之其他蛋白質,(3)由來自不同物種之細胞表現,或(4)不存在於自然界中之抗RTMC構築體。 如本文所用之術語「經分離核酸」欲意謂基因組核酸、cDNA或合成來源或其某一組合之核酸,藉助於其來源,「經分離核酸」(1)不與「經分離核酸」發現於自然界中之所有或一部分聚核苷酸相關,(2)可操作地連接於自然界中不與其連接之聚核苷酸,或(3)在自然界中不作為較大序列之部分存在。 如本文所用,術語「CDR」或「互補決定區」欲意謂重鏈與輕鏈多肽兩者之可變區內發現的非鄰接抗原組合位點。此等特定區域已由以下描述:Kabat等人, J. Biol. Chem. 252:6609-6616 (1977); Kabat等人, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, 「Sequences of proteins of immunological interest」 (1991); Chothia等人, J. Mol. Biol. 196:901-917 (1987);及MacCallum等人, J. Mol. Biol. 262:732-745 (1996),其中該等定義在彼此比較時包括胺基酸殘基之重疊或子集。儘管如此,使用任一定義來提及抗體或接枝抗體之CDR或其變體意欲屬於如本文所定義及使用之術語的範疇。涵蓋以上所引用參考文獻中之每一者所定義的CDR的胺基酸殘基如下闡述於表1中作為對比物。表 1 : CDR 定義 1
殘基編號遵循MacCallum等人前述之命名法 術語「嵌合抗體」係指以下抗體以及此類抗體之片段,其中重鏈及/或輕鏈之一部分與來源於特定物種或屬於特定抗體類別或子類別之抗體中的對應序列一致或同源,而該(該等)鏈之剩餘部分與來源於另一物種或屬於另一抗體類別或子類別之抗體中的對應序列一致或同源,只要該等抗體或片段展現本發明之生物活性即可(參見美國專利第4,816,567號;及Morrison等人,Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci . USA
,81: 6851-6855(1984))。 關於抗體或抗體部分之術語「半合成」意謂抗體或抗體部分具有一或多個天然存在之序列及一或多個非天然存在之(亦即合成)序列。 「Fv」為含有完整抗原識別及抗原結合位點之最小抗體片段。此片段由緊密、非共價締合之一個重鏈可變區域與一個輕鏈可變區域之二聚體組成。自此兩個域之摺疊發出六個高變迴路(各來自重鏈及輕鏈之3個迴路),其促進胺基酸殘基之抗原結合且向抗體賦予抗原結合特異性。然而,即使單一可變域(或僅包含三個對抗原具有特異性之CDR之Fv之一半)能夠識別及結合抗原,但親和性比整個結合位點低。 「單鏈Fv」(亦縮寫為「sFv」或「scFv」)為包含連接至單一多肽鏈中之VH
域之間進一步包含多肽連接子,其使得scFv能夠形成用於抗原結合的期望結構。關於scFv之評述,參見Pluckthun,The Pharmacology of Monoclonal Antibodies
, 第113卷, Rosenburg及Moore編 ,Springer-Verlag, New York, 第269-315頁 (1994)。 術語「雙功能抗體」係指如下製備之小抗體片段:通常用VH
域存在於不同多肽鏈上。雙功能抗體更充分描述於例如EP 404,097;WO 93/11161;及Hollinger 等人,Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci . USA
, 90:6444-6448 (1993)中。 非人類(例如嚙齒動物)抗體之「人類化」形式為含有來源於非人類抗體之最小序列之嵌合抗體。在極大程度上,人類化抗體為人類免疫球蛋白(接受者抗體),其中來自接受者的高變區(HVR)之殘基經來自諸如具有期望抗體特異性、親和性及能力之小鼠、大鼠、家兔或非人類靈長類動物之非人類物種(供體抗體)的高變區之殘基置換。在一些情況下,人類免疫球蛋白之構架區(FR)殘基經對應非人類殘基置換。此外,人類化抗體可包含在接受者抗體或供者抗體中未發現之殘基。進行此等修飾以進一步改進抗體效能。一般而言,人類化抗體將包含至少一個且通常兩個可變域中的基本上所有可變域,其中所有或基本上所有高變迴路對應於非人類免疫球蛋白之高變迴路且所有或基本上所有FR為人類免疫球蛋白序列之FR。人類化抗體視情況亦將包含免疫球蛋白恆定區(Fc)之至少一部分,通常,人類免疫球蛋白之恆定區的至少一部分。關於其他細節,參見Jones等人,Nature
321:522-525 (1986); Riechmann等人,Nature
332:323-329 (1988);及Presta,Curr . Op . Struct . Biol
. 2:593-596 (1992)。 關於本文中鑑別之多肽及抗體序列的「胺基酸序列一致性百分比(%)」或「同源性」定義為在序列比對後,在將任何保守取代考慮為序列一致性之一部分的情況下,候選序列中與所比較多肽中胺基酸殘基一致的胺基酸殘基之百分比。出於測定胺基酸序列一致性百分比目的之比對可以此項技術中之技能範圍內的各種方式達成,例如使用公開可獲得之電腦軟體,諸如BLAST、BLAST-2、ALIGN、Megalign (DNASTAR)或MUSCLE軟體。熟習此項技術者可測定用於量測比對之適當參數,包括用於達成所比較序列之全長內之最大比對所需的任何演算法。然而,出於本文之目的,使用序列比較電腦程式MUSCLE產生胺基酸序列一致性%值(Edgar, R.C.,Nucleic Acids Research
32(5):1792-1797, 2004;Edgar, R.C.,BMC Bioinformatics
5(1):113, 2004)。 術語「Fc受體」或「FcR」用於描述結合至抗體之Fc區的受體。在一些實施例中,本發明之FcR為結合IgG抗體(γ受體)且包括FcγRI、FcγRII及FcγRIII子類之受體(包括此等受體之對偶基因變體及交替剪接形式)的FcR。FcγRII受體包括FcγRIIA (「活化受體」)及FcγRIIB (「抑制受體」),兩者具有主要在其細胞質域方面不同的類似胺基酸序列。活化受體FcγRIIA在其胞質域中含有基於免疫受體酪胺酸之活化基元(ITAM)。抑制受體FcγRIIB在其細胞質域中含有基於免疫受體酪胺酸之抑制基元(ITIM) (參見評述M. in Daëron,Annu . Rev . Immunol
. 15:203-234 (1997))。該術語包括異型,諸如FcγRIIIA異型:FcγRIIIA-Phe158、FcγRIIIA-Val158、FcγRIIA-R131及/或FcγRIIA-H131。FcR在Ravetch及Kinet,Annu . Rev . Immunol
9:457-92 (1991);Capel等人,Immunomethods
4:25-34 (1994);及de Haas等人,J . Lab . Clin . Med .
126:330-41 (1995)中進行綜述。其他FcR包括將來鑑別之FcR,由本文術語「FcR」涵蓋。該術語亦包括新生兒受體FcRn,其負責輸送母體IgG至胎兒(Guyer等人,J . Immunol
. 117:587 (1976)及Kim等人,J . Immunol
. 24:249 (1994))。 術語「FcRn」係指新生兒Fc受體(FcRn)。FcRn結構上類似於主要組織相容複合物(MHC)且由非共價結合於β2-微球蛋白之α鏈組成。新生兒Fc受體FcRn之多種功能評述於Ghetie及Ward (2000)Annu . Rev . Immunol
. 18, 739-766中。FcRn在自母體向幼體被動傳遞免疫球蛋白IgG及血清IgG含量調節中起作用。FcRn可充當救助受體,其在細胞內且跨越細胞結合及輸送完整形式之經胞飲IgG,且將其自預設降解路徑挽救。 人類IgG Fc區之「CH
1域」(亦被稱作「H1」域之「C1」)通常自約胺基酸118延伸至約胺基酸215 (EU編號系統)。 「鉸鏈區」通常定義為自人類IgG1之Glu216延伸至Pro230 (Burton,Molec . Immunol
.22:161-206 (1985))。其他IgG同型之鉸鏈區可藉由將形成重鏈間S-S鍵之第一個及最後一個半胱胺酸殘基置放在相同位置而與IgG1序列比對。 人類IgG Fc區之「CH2域」(亦被稱作「H2」域之「C2」)通常自約胺基酸231延伸至約胺基酸340。CH2域的獨特之處在於其不與另一域緊密配對。實際上,兩個N連接分支鏈碳水化合物鏈插入於完整天然IgG分子之兩個CH2域之間。已推測碳水化合物可為域-域配對提供替代物且幫助CH2域穩定化。Burton,Molec Immunol.
22:161-206 (1985)。 「CH3域」(亦被稱作「C2」或「H3」域)包含Fc區中殘基C端至CH2域之伸長部(亦即約胺基酸殘基341至抗體序列之C端,通常在IgG之胺基酸殘基446或447處)。 「功能性Fc片段」具有天然序列Fc區之「效應功能」。例示性「效應功能」包括C1q結合;補體依賴性細胞毒性(CDC);Fc受體結合;抗體依賴性細胞介導之細胞毒性(ADCC);噬菌作用;下調細胞表面受體(例如B細胞受體;BCR)等。該等效應功能一般需要Fc區與結合域(例如抗體可變域)組合且可使用此項技術中已知之各種分析評估。 具有「經改變」FcR結合親和性或ADCC活性之變體IgG Fc之抗體為相較於親本多肽或包含天然序列Fc區之多肽,具有增強或減弱之FcR結合活性(例如FcγR或FcRn)及/或ADCC活性之抗體。「展現與FcR之增加結合」之變體Fc以相比於親本多肽或天然序列IgG Fc更高之親和性(例如較低表觀Kd
值)結合至少一個FcR。相較於親本多肽之結合減少可為約40%或40%以上之結合減少。 「抗體依賴性細胞介導之細胞毒性」或「ADCC」係指以下細胞毒性形式:其中結合至某些細胞毒性細胞(例如,自然殺傷(NK)細胞、嗜中性細胞及巨噬細胞)上存在之受體(FcR)的所分泌Ig使得此等細胞毒性效應細胞特異性地結合於帶抗原標靶細胞及隨後用細胞毒素殺滅標靶細胞。抗體「武裝」細胞毒性細胞且對於此類殺滅為絕對需要的。用於調節ADCC之初級細胞(NK細胞)僅表現FcγRIII,而單核細胞表現FcγRI、FcγRII及FcγRIII。FcR在造血細胞上之表現概述於Ravetch及Kinet,Annu . Rev . Immunol
. 9:457-92 (1991)之第464頁之表3中。為了評估相關分子之ADCC活性,可進行活體外ADCC分析,諸如美國專利第5,500,362號或5,821,337號中描述之分析。適用於此類分析之效應細胞包括周邊血液單核細胞(PBMC)及自然殺傷(NK)細胞。或者或另外,相關分子之ADCC活性可在活體內評估,例如在諸如揭示於Clynes等人PNAS ( USA )
95:652-656 (1998)中之動物模型中。 包含「展現增加之ADCC」或在人類效應細胞存在下比具有野生型IgG Fc之多肽或親本多肽有效地介導抗體依賴性細胞介導之細胞毒性(ADCC)的變異Fc區的多肽為在分析中具有變異Fc區之多肽與具有野生型Fc區之多肽(或親本多肽)之量基本上相同時活體外或活體內實質上更有效介導ADCC的多肽。一般而言,此類變體將使用此項技術中已知之任何活體外ADCC分析鑑別,諸如用於例如在動物模型中等測定ADCC活性之分析或方法。在一些實施例中,變體介導ADCC之有效性為野生型Fc(或親本多肽)的約5倍至約100倍(例如約25至約50倍)。 「補體依賴性細胞毒性」或「CDC」係指標靶細胞在補體存在下之溶解。經典補體路徑之活化藉由補體系統(C1q)之第一組分結合於(適當子類之)抗體起始,該等抗體結合於其同源抗原。為評估補體活化,可進行CDC分析,例如如Gazzano-Santoro等人,J . Immunol . Methods
202:163 (1996)中所描述。具有改變之Fc區胺基酸序列及提高或降低之C1q結合能力之多肽變體描述於美國專利第6,194,551B1號及WO99/51642中。彼等專利公開案之內容以引用之方式特別併入本文中。亦參見Idusogie等人J . Immunol
. 164: 4178-4184 (2000)。 除非另外指定,否則「編碼胺基酸序列之核苷酸序列」包括為彼此之簡併型式且編碼相同胺基酸序列之所有核苷酸序列。片語編碼蛋白質或RNA之核苷酸序列亦可包括內含子,其達到編碼蛋白質之核苷酸序列可在一些型式中含有內含子之程度。 術語「可操作地連接」係指調節序列與異源核酸序列之間的官能鍵,其導致後者之表現。舉例而言,當第一核酸序列與第二核酸序列處於官能性關係時,第一核酸序列可操作地連接第二核酸序列。舉例而言,若啟動子影響編碼序列之轉錄或表現,則啟動子可操作地連接於編碼序列。一般而言,可操作地連接之DNA序列為連續的,且當必需接合兩個蛋白質編碼區時,在相同閱讀框架中。 「同源」係指兩個多肽之間或兩個核酸分子之間的序列相似性或序列一致性。當兩個比較序列中之一個位置由相同鹼基或胺基酸單體子單元佔據時,例如若兩個DNA分子中之每一者中的一個位置由腺嘌呤佔據,則該等分子在該位置處同源。兩個序列之間的同源性%為兩個序列共用之匹配或同源位置之數目除以所比較位置之數目乘以100之函數。舉例而言,若兩個序列中之6/10個位置匹配或同源,則兩個序列為60%同源。舉例而言,DNA序列ATTGCC及TATGGC共用50%同源性。一般而言,當兩個序列經比對以產生最大百分比同源時進行比較。 如本文中所揭示之抗RTMC構築體或組合物之「有效量」為足以進行特定陳述目的之量。「有效量」可憑經驗及藉由與所述目的相關之已知方法測定。 術語「治療有效量」係指有效「治療」個體之疾病的如本文中所揭示之抗RTMC構築體或組合物的量。在HIV-1感染之情況下,治療有效量之如本文中所揭示之抗RTMC構築體或組合物可減小HIV-1感染細胞的數目;減小HIV-1複製;抑制(亦即,在一定程度上減慢及較佳地停止)至感染未感染細胞之擴散;及/或在一定程度上緩解與HIV-1感染相關之症狀中之一或多者。至如本文中所揭示之抗RTMC構築體或組合物可殺滅現存HIV-1感染細胞的程度,其可為細胞毒性的。在一些實施例中,治療有效量為延長患者存活期之量。 如本文所使用,「醫藥學上可接受」或「藥理學上相容」意謂不為生物學上或其他方面不適宜之物質,例如,該物質可併入投與患者之醫藥組合物中而不會引起任何顯著不適宜生物效應或以有害方式與含有其之組合物的任何其他組分相互作用。醫藥學上可接受之載劑或賦形劑較佳地滿足毒理學及製造測試之所要求標準及/或包括於美國食品藥物管理局(U.S. Food and Drug administration)制定之非活性成分指南(Inactive Ingredient Guide)中。 術語「標記」當在本文中使用時係指可直接或間接結合至抗RTMC抗體部分之可偵測化合物或組合物。標記自身可為可偵測的(例如放射性同位素標記或螢光標記),或在酶標記之情況下,可催化受質化合物或組合物的化學改變,此改變為可偵測的。 應瞭解,本文所描述之本發明實施例包括「由實施例組成」及/或「基本上由實施例組成」。 本文中,對“約”一個值或參數之提及包括(及描述)針對該值或參數本身之變化。舉例而言,提及「約X」之描述包括「X」之描述。 如本文所用,提及「不為」一值或參數一般意謂且描述「除一值或參數外」。舉例而言,方法不用於治療X型感染意謂該方法用於治療除X型外之類型之感染。 除非上下文另外明確表示,否則如在本文及所附申請專利範圍中所用,單數形式「一個(種)(a/an)」及「該(the)」包括複數個(種)指示物。 抗RTMC構築體 在一態樣中,本發明提供HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物特異性構築體(抗RTMC構築體),其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物(「HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物」或「RTMC」)的抗體部分。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為經分離抗RTMC構築體。抗RTMC構築體之特異性來源於特異性結合於RTMC之抗RTMC抗體部分,諸如全長抗體或其抗原結合片段。在一些實施例中,提及特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的部分(諸如抗體部分)意謂該部分以如下結合至RTMC:a)為其對於全長HIV-1 RT、無HIV-1 RT肽、不結合至肽之MHC I類蛋白質及/或結合至非HIV-1 RT肽之MHC I類蛋白質中之每一者的結合親和性的至少約10 (包含例如至少約10、20、30、40、50、75、100、200、300、400、500、750、1000或大於1000中之任一者)倍的親和性;或b)為其結合於全長HIV-1 RT、無HIV-1 RT肽、不結合至肽之MHC I類蛋白質及/或結合至非HIV-1 RT肽之MHC I類蛋白質中之每一者的Kd
的不超過約1/10 (諸如不超過約1/10、1/20、1/30、1/40、1/50、1/75、1/100、1/200、1/300、1/400、1/500、1/750、1/1000或小於1/1000)倍的Kd
可藉由此項技術中已知之方法,諸如利用例如Biacore儀器之表面電漿子共振(SPR)分析,或利用例如Sapidyne儀器之動力學排除分析(KinExA)測定。 涵蓋之抗RTMC構築體包括例如全長抗RTMC抗體、多特異性(諸如雙特異性)抗RTMC分子、抗RTMC嵌合抗原受體(CAR)及抗RTMC免疫結合物。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC構築體(諸如經分離抗RTMC構築體),其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽包含(諸如由其組成)SEQ ID NO: 5-18中之任一者之胺基酸序列。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01 (Genbank寄存編號:AAO20853)。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為非天然存在的。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為全長抗體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為多特異性(諸如雙特異性)分子。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為嵌合抗原受體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為免疫結合物。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體以約0.1 pM至約500 nM之間(諸如約0.1 pM、1.0 pM、10 pM、50 pM、100 pM、500 pM、1 nM、10 nM、50 nM、100 nM或500 nM中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)的Kd
結合RTMC。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體與包含MHC I類蛋白質及具有一個胺基酸取代(諸如保守性胺基酸取代)之HIV-1 RT肽之變體的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4、5或6中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之不同次型的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4或5中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC構築體,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及HLA-A*02:01之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該HIV-1 RT肽包含SEQ ID NO: 5-18中之任一者之胺基酸序列(諸如由其組成)。在一些實施例中,HIV1-RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為非天然存在的。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為全長抗體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為多特異性(諸如雙特異性)分子。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為嵌合抗原受體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為免疫結合物。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體以約0.1 pM至約500 nM之間(諸如約0.1 pM、1.0 pM、10 pM、50 pM、100 pM、500 pM、1 nM、10 nM、50 nM、100 nM或500 nM中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)的Kd
結合RTMC。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體與包含MHC I類蛋白質及具有一個胺基酸取代(諸如保守性胺基酸取代)之HIV-1 RT肽之變體的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4、5或6中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之不同次型的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4或5中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC構築體,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗體部分,其中該抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 240的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為非天然存在的。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為全長抗體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為多特異性(諸如雙特異性)分子。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為嵌合抗原受體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為免疫結合物。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體以約0.1 pM至約500 nM之間(諸如約0.1 pM、1.0 pM、10 pM、50 pM、100 pM、500 pM、1 nM、10 nM、50 nM、100 nM或500 nM中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)的Kd
結合RTMC。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體與包含MHC I類蛋白質及具有一個胺基酸取代(諸如保守性胺基酸取代)之HIV-1 RT肽之變體的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4、5或6中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之不同次型的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4或5中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC構築體,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,其中該抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR1;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR2;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR3;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR1;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR2;或包含至多約3 (例如約1、2、3中之任一者)個胺基酸取代之其變體;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR3;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC構築體,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,其中該抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR3;或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR3;或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為非天然存在的。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為全長抗體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為多特異性(諸如雙特異性)分子。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為嵌合抗原受體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為免疫結合物。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體以約0.1 pM至約500 nM之間(諸如約0.1 pM、1.0 pM、10 pM、50 pM、100 pM、500 pM、1 nM、10 nM、50 nM、100 nM或500 nM中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)的Kd
結合RTMC。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體與包含MHC I類蛋白質及具有一個胺基酸取代(諸如保守性胺基酸取代)之HIV-1 RT肽之變體的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4、5或6中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之不同次型的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4或5中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC構築體,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,其中該抗RTMC抗體部分包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)之重鏈可變域,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體;及包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)之輕鏈可變域,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為非天然存在的。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為全長抗體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為多特異性(諸如雙特異性)分子。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為嵌合抗原受體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為免疫結合物。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體以約0.1 pM至約500 nM之間(諸如約0.1 pM、1.0 pM、10 pM、50 pM、100 pM、500 pM、1 nM、10 nM、50 nM、100 nM或500 nM中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)的Kd
結合RTMC。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體與包含MHC I類蛋白質及具有一個胺基酸取代(諸如保守性胺基酸取代)之HIV-1 RT肽之變體的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4、5或6中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之不同次型的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4或5中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC構築體,其包含與根據本文所描述之抗RTMC抗體部分中之任一者之第二抗RTMC抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物的第一抗RTMC抗體部分。在一些實施例中,第一抗RTMC抗體部分與第二抗RTMC抗體部分結合至相同、或基本上相同的抗原決定基。在一些實施例中,第一抗RTMC抗體部分與標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物之結合將第二抗RTMC抗體部分與標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物之結合抑制至少約70% (諸如至少約75%、80%、85%、90%、95%、98%或99%中之任一者),或反之亦然。在一些實施例中,第一抗RTMC抗體部分及第二抗RTMC抗體部分交叉競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物,亦即第一及第二抗體部分中之每一者彼此競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC構築體,其包含與包含以下之抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 240的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC構築體,其包含與包含以下之抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR1;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR2;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR3;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR1;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR2;或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR3;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC構築體,其包含與包含以下之抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR3;或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR2;包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR3;或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC構築體,其包含與包含以下之抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分:包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)之重鏈可變域,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體;包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)之輕鏈可變域,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC構築體,其包含與包含以下之抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分:包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)之重鏈可變域,及包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)之輕鏈可變域。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體在溶液中穩定達至少約1個月(諸如至少約1個月、2個月、3個月、4個月、5個月、6個月、7個月、8個月、9個月、10個月、11個月、1年、2年或大於2年中之任一者)。穩定性可表現為例如抗RTMC構築體之效應功能(例如,標靶細胞殺滅活性)在保持於儲存溫度(例如4℃)下之調配物水溶液中的保持性。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體在保持於儲存溫度下之調配物水溶液中保持至少40% (諸如至少約45%、50%、55%、60%、65%、70%、75%、80%、85%、90%、95%、96%、97%、98%、99%或大於99%中之任一者)之效應功能達至少約1個月(諸如至少約1個月、2個月、3個月、4個月、5個月、6個月、7個月、8個月、9個月、10個月、11個月、1年、2年或大於2年中之任一者)。在一些實施例中,儲存溫度不超過約25℃ (諸如不超過約20、18、16、14、12、10、8、6、5、4、3、2、1或0℃,或更低)。在一些實施例中,效應功能為標靶細胞殺滅活性。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體之抗體部分包含HC-CDR及LC-CDR序列,且包含HC-CDR及LC CDR序列之串聯二scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體在保持於儲存溫度下之調配物水溶液中保持至少40% (諸如至少約45%、50%、55%、60%、65%、70%、75%、80%、85%、90%、95%、96%、97%、98%、99%或大於99%中之任一者)之效應功能達至少約1個月(諸如至少約1個月、2個月、3個月、4個月、5個月、6個月、7個月、8個月、9個月、10個月、11個月、1年、2年或大於2年中之任一者),其中串聯二scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT 181肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物且包含HC-CDR及LC-CDR序列的第一scFv,及b)特異性結合於CD3ε的第二scFv。在一些實施例中,儲存溫度不超過約25℃ (諸如不超過約20、18、16、14、12、10、8、6、5、4、3、2、1或0℃,或更低)。在一些實施例中,效應功能為標靶細胞殺滅活性。 不同態樣更詳細地論述於下文各部分中。 抗RTMC抗體部分 抗RTMC構築體包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於存在於細胞表面上之RTMC。在一些實施例中,該細胞為T細胞。在一些實施例中,T細胞為CD4+
T細胞。 在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽為MHC I類受限肽。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽的長度為約8至約12 (諸如約8、9、10、11或12中之任一者)個胺基酸。 在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽包含SEQ ID NO: 5-18中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)。 在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽包含胺基酸181-189之序列HIV-1 RT (YQYMDDLYV,SEQ ID NO: 5;在本文中亦被稱作「HIV-1 RT 181」) (且在一些實施例中由其組成)。 在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A、HLA-B、HLA-C、HLA-E、HLA-F或HLA-G。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A。在一些實施例中,HLA-A為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,HLA-A02為HLA-A*02:01。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分為全長抗體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分為抗原結合片段,例如選自由以下組成之群的抗原結合片段:Fab、Fab'、F(ab')2、Fv片段、二硫鍵穩定性Fv片段(dsFv)及單鏈抗體分子(scFv)。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分為scFv。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分為人類、人類化或半合成的。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於複合物中之HIV-1 RT肽之N端部分。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於複合物中之HIV-1 RT肽之C端部分。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於複合物中之HIV-1 RT肽之中間部分。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分(或包含抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體)以一親和性結合至包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物,該親和性為其對於全長HIV-1 RT、無HIV-1 RT肽、不結合至肽之MHC I類蛋白質及/或結合至非HIV-1 RT肽之MHC I類蛋白質中之每一者之結合親和性的至少約10 (包含例如至少約10、20、30、40、50、75、100、200、300、400、500、750、1000或大於1000中之任一者)倍。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分(該包含抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體)以一Kd
結合至包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物,該Kd
為其結合至全長HIV-1 RT、無HIV-1 RT肽、不結合至肽之MHC I類蛋白質及/或結合至非HIV-1 RT肽之MHC I類蛋白質中之每一者的Kd
的不超過約1/10 (諸如不超過約1/10、1/20、1/30、1/40、1/50、1/75、1/100、1/200、1/300、1/400、1/500、1/750、1/1000或小於1/1000中之任一者)倍。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分(或包含抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體)以一Kd
結合至包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物,該Kd
在約0.1 pM至約500 nM之間(諸如約0.1 pM、1.0 pM、10 pM、50 pM、100 pM、500 pM、1 nM、10 nM、50 nM、100 nM或500 nM中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分(或包含抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體)以一Kd
結合至包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物,該Kd
在約1 pM至約250 pM之間(諸如約1、10、25、50、75、100、150、200或250 pM中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分(或包含抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體)以一Kd
結合至包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物,該Kd
在約1 nM至約500 nM之間(諸如約1、10、25、50、75、100、150、200、250、300、350、400、450或500 nM中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物,其中抗RTMC抗體部分與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之對偶基因變體之至少一種複合物交叉反應。在一些實施例中,當相較於MHC I類蛋白質時,對偶基因變體具有至多約10 (諸如約1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9或10中之任一者)個胺基酸取代。在一些實施例中,對偶基因變體為與MHC I類蛋白質相同之血清型。在一些實施例中,對偶基因變體為與MHC I類蛋白質不同之血清型。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分不與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之對偶基因變體之任何複合物交叉反應。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之不同次型的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4或5中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物,其中抗RTMC抗體部分與包含MHC I類蛋白質及具有一個胺基酸取代(諸如保守性胺基酸取代)之HIV-1 RT肽之變體的至少一種複合物交叉反應。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分不與包含MHC I類蛋白質及HIV-1 RT肽之變體的任何複合物交叉反應。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽(包含SEQ ID NO: 5-9中之任一者(SEQ ID NO: 5)之胺基酸序列(諸如由其組成))及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物,其中抗RTMC抗體部分進一步結合至以下中之至少一者(包括至少約2、3、4或5個中之任一者):包含SEQ ID NO: 10之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 11之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 12之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 13之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;及包含SEQ ID NO: 15之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC之抗體部分特異性結合於:包含含SEQ ID NO: 5-9中之任一者之胺基酸序列之HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 10之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;及包含SEQ ID NO: 11之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於:包含含SEQ ID NO: 6-9中之任一者之胺基酸序列之HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 10之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;及包含SEQ ID NO: 12之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於:包含含SEQ ID NO: 5-9中之任一者之胺基酸序列之HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 10之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 11之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;及包含SEQ ID NO: 13之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於:包含含SEQ ID NO: 5-9中之任一者之胺基酸序列之HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 10之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 11之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 12之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;及包含SEQ ID NO: 13之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於:包含含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 6或7之HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 11之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 12之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 13之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;及包含SEQ ID NO: 15之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於:包含含SEQ ID NO: 5-9中之任一者之胺基酸序列之HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 10之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 11之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 12之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含SEQ ID NO: 13之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;及包含SEQ ID NO: 15之丙胺酸取代HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於包含含SEQ ID NO: 5-9中之任一者之胺基酸序列之HIV-1 RT肽及HLA-A*02:01的複合物,其中抗RTMC抗體部分與以下中之至少一者(包括至少約2、3、4、5或6中之任一者)交叉反應:包含HIV-1 RT肽及HLA-A*02:02 (GenBank寄存編號:AFL91480)的複合物,包含HIV-1 RT肽及HLA-A*02:03 (GenBank寄存編號:AAA03604)的複合物,包含HIV-1 RT肽及HLA-A*02:05 (GenBank寄存編號:AAA03603)的複合物,包含HIV-1 RT肽及HLA-A*02:06 (GenBank寄存編號:CCB78868)的複合物,包含HIV-1 RT肽及HLA-A*02:07 (GenBank寄存編號:ACR55712)的複合物,及包含HIV-1 RT肽及-A*02:11 (GenBank寄存編號:CAB56609)的複合物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於以下中之一或多者:包含HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含具有胺基酸序列YQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 6)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含具有胺基酸序列YQYIDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 7)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含具有胺基酸序列CQYMDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 8)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;及包含具有胺基酸序列CQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 9)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於:包含SEQ ID NO: 5之HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含具有胺基酸序列YQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 6)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;及包含具有胺基酸序列YQYIDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 7)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於:包含SEQ ID NO: 5之HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含具有胺基酸序列YQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 6)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含具有胺基酸序列YQYIDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 7)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含具有胺基酸序列CQYMDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 8)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;及包含具有胺基酸序列CQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 9)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於:包含具有胺基酸序列YQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 6)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含具有胺基酸序列YQYIDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 7)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;包含具有胺基酸序列CQYMDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 8)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;及包含具有胺基酸序列CQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 9)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於:包含具有胺基酸序列YQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 6)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物;及包含具有胺基酸序列YQYIDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 7)之HIV-1 RT 181變體及MHC I類蛋白質(諸如HLA-A02,例如HLA-A*02:01)的複合物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分為包含全人類序列及一或多個合成區域之半合成抗體部分。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分為包含全人類輕鏈可變域及半合成重鏈可變域之半合成抗體部分,該半合成重鏈可變域包含全人類FR1、HC-CDR1、FR2、HC-CDR2、FR3及FR4區及合成HC-CDR3。在一些實施例中,半合成重鏈可變域包含全合成HC-CDR3,其具有長度為約5至約25 (諸如約5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24或25中之任一者)個胺基酸之序列。在一些實施例中,半合成重鏈可變域或合成HC-CDR3獲自半合成庫(諸如半合成人類庫),其包含具有長度為約5至約25 (諸如約5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24或25中之任一者)個胺基酸之序列的全合成HC-CDR3,其中序列中之各胺基酸隨機選自標準人類胺基酸,減去半胱胺酸。在一些實施例中,合成HC-CDR3之長度為約7至約15 (諸如約7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14或15中之任一者)個胺基酸。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含特定序列或此類序列之某些變體。在一些實施例中,變體序列中之胺基酸取代基本上不會降低抗RTMC抗體部分結合RTMC之能力。舉例而言,可進行基本上不會降低RTMC結合親和性之改變。亦涵蓋大體上改良RTMC結合親和性或影響一些其他特性,諸如特異性及/或與RTMC之相關變體之交叉反應性之改變。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 240的HC-CDR1或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 240的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 240的HC-CDR1,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約3個(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;或在LC-CDR序列包含至多約3個(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 240的HC-CDR1,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3。在下表2中提供本文提及之CDR之序列。表 2
在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域,其包含含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列之HC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,其中胺基酸取代在HC-CDR1或HC-CDR2中;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,其中胺基酸取代在HC-CDR1或HC-CDR2中。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3。在下表3中提供來自推定抗RTMC抗體純系之HC-CDR之序列,且在下表4中提供來自該等純系之LC-CDR之序列。表 3 表 4
在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列的重鏈可變域,或具有至少約95% (包含例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列的輕鏈可變域,或具有至少約95% (包含例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列的重鏈可變域及包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列的輕鏈可變域。 重鏈及輕鏈可變域可以各種成對組合來組合以產生多種抗RTMC抗體部分。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3,其包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238;或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239;或個別地在HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1及/或LC-CDR3中包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR2中包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。舉例而言,在一些實施例中,重鏈包含:包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 75之HC-CDR1,包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 97之HC-CDR2,及包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO 125之HC-CDR3,且輕鏈包含:包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 164之LC-CDR1,包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 190之LC-CDR2,及包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 208之LC-CDR3。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3,其包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239;或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3,其包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214 ,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238;或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含:重鏈及輕鏈可變域,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74;或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74。在下表5中提供來自推定抗RTMC抗體純系之重鏈可變域及輕鏈可變域之序列。表 5
在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含分別包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 27及55之重鏈及輕鏈可變域,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,其分別包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 27及55。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含分別包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 30及58之重鏈及輕鏈可變域,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,其分別包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 30及58。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與根據本文所描述之抗RTMC抗體部分中之任一者的第二抗RTMC抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與第二抗RTMC抗體部分結合至相同、或基本上相同的抗原決定基。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物之結合將第二抗RTMC抗體部分與標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物之結合抑制至少約70% (諸如至少約75%、80%、85%、90%、95%、98%或99%中之任一者),或反之亦然。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分及第二抗RTMC抗體部分交叉競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物,亦即該等抗體部分中之每一者彼此競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含以下之抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 240的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含以下之抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR1;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR2;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR3;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR1;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR2;或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR3;或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含以下之抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的HC-CDR3;或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的LC-CDR3;或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含以下之抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物:包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的重鏈可變域,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列(且在一些實施例中由其組成)的輕鏈可變域,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3,其包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239;或個別地在HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1及/或LC-CDR3中包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR2中包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3,其包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239,或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3,其包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體的抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗體部分競爭結合至標靶HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74。全長抗 RTMC 抗體
在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為包含抗RTMC抗體部分之全長抗體(在本文中亦被稱作「全長抗RTMC抗體」)。在一些實施例中,全長抗體為單株抗體。 在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體包含來自免疫球蛋白(諸如IgA、IgD、IgE、IgG及IgM)之Fc序列。在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體包含IgG (諸如IgG1、IgG2、IgG3或IgG4)中之任一者之Fc序列。在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體包含人類免疫球蛋白之Fc序列。在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體包含小鼠免疫球蛋白之Fc序列。在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體包含已改變或以其他方式變化以使其具有增強的抗體依賴性細胞毒性(ADCC)或補體依賴性細胞毒性(CDC)效應功能之Fc序列。 因此,舉例而言在一些實施例中,提供一種全長抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,及b)Fc區。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01。在一些實施例中,提供一種全長抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V(SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)肽及HLA-A*02:01之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,及b)Fc區。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含人類IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含小鼠IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含MHC I類蛋白質及具有一個胺基酸取代(諸如保守性胺基酸取代)之HIV-1 RT肽之變體的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4、5或6中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之不同次型的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4或5中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。 在一些實施例中,提供一種全長抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 240的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及b)Fc區。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含人類IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含小鼠IgG1 Fc序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種全長抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 240的HC-CDR1,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;及b)Fc區。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含人類IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含小鼠IgG1 Fc序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種全長抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含人類IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含小鼠IgG1 Fc序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種全長抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及在HC-CDR序列中包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及b)Fc區。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含人類IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含小鼠IgG1 Fc序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種全長抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;及b)Fc區。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含人類IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含小鼠IgG1 Fc序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種全長抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗RTMC抗體部分包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列的重鏈可變域,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列的輕鏈可變域,或具有至少約95% (包含例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體;及b)Fc區。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含人類IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含小鼠IgG1 Fc序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種全長抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗RTMC抗體部分包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列的重鏈可變域及包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列的輕鏈可變域;及b)Fc區。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含人類IgG1 Fc序列。在一些實施例中,Fc區包含小鼠IgG1 Fc序列。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3,其包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238;或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239;或個別地在HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1及/或LC-CDR3中包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR2中包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3,其包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238;或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239;或個別地在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3,其包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214 ,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238;或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239。 在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體部分包含:重鏈及輕鏈可變域,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74;或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,該等重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74。 在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體部分包含分別包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 27及55的重鏈及輕鏈可變域,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,其分別包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 27及55。在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體部分包含分別包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 30及58的重鏈及輕鏈可變域,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,其分別包含胺基酸序列SEQ ID NO: 30及58。 在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體以一Kd
結合至包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質的複合物,該Kd
在約0.1 pM至約500 nM之間(諸如約0.1 pM、1.0 pM、10 pM、50 pM、100 pM、500 pM、1 nM、10 nM、50 nM、100 nM或500 nM中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)。在一些實施例中,全長抗RTMC抗體以一Kd
結合至包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質的複合物,該Kd
在約1 pM至約250 pM之間(諸如約1、10、25、50、75、100、150、200或250 pM中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)。多特異性抗 RTMC 分子
在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體包含多特異性抗RTMC分子,其包含抗RTMC抗體部分及第二結合部分(諸如第二抗原結合部分)。在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子包含抗RTMC抗體部分及第二抗原結合部分。 多特異性分子為對於至少兩種不同抗原或抗原決定基具有結合特異性的分子(例如雙特異性抗體對兩種抗原或抗原決定基具有結合特異性)。亦涵蓋具有超過兩個價及/或特異性之多特異性分子。舉例而言,可製備三特異性抗體。Tutt等人J . Immunol .
147: 60 (1991)。應瞭解,熟習此項技術者可選擇本文所描述之個別多特異性分子之適當特徵以彼此組合而形成本發明之多特異性抗RTMC分子。 因此,例如在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性(例如,雙特異性)抗RTMC分子,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,及b)第二結合部分(諸如抗原結合部分)。在一些實施例中,第二結合部分特異性結合於包含結合於MHC I類蛋白質之不同HIV-1 RT肽的複合物。在一些實施例中,第二scFv特異性結合於包含結合於不同MHC I類蛋白質之HIV-1 RT肽的複合物。在一些實施例中,第二結合部分特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物上之不同抗原決定基。在一些實施例中,第二結合部分特異性結合於不同抗原。在一些實施例中,第二結合部分特異性結合於細胞(諸如細胞毒性細胞)表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,第二結合部分特異性結合於淋巴細胞(諸如T細胞、NK細胞、中性粒細胞、單核球、巨噬細胞或樹突狀細胞)表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,第二結合部分特異性結合於效應T細胞,諸如細胞毒性T細胞(亦稱為細胞毒性T淋巴細胞(CTL)或T殺傷細胞)。 在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性抗RTMC分子,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,及b)特異性結合於CD3之第二抗原結合部分。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於CD3ε。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於CD3ε之促效抗原決定基。如本文中所使用,術語「促效抗原決定基」意謂(a)在結合多特異性分子後,視情況在結合相同細胞上之若干多特異性分子後允許該等多特異性分子激活T細胞受體(TCR)傳信且誘導T細胞活化的抗原決定基,及/或(b)僅由CD3之ε鏈之胺基酸殘基組成且在其T細胞上之天然情形下存在(亦即,由TCR、CD3γ鏈等包圍)時可由多特異性分子結合的抗原決定基,及/或(c)在結合多特異性分子後不能使CD3ε相對於CD3γ之空間位置穩定的抗原決定基。 在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性抗RTMC分子,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,及b)特異性結合於效應細胞,包括例如CD3γ、CD3δ、CD3ε、CD3ζ、CD28、CD16a、CD56、CD68及GDS2D表面上之抗原之第二抗原結合部分。 在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性抗RTMC分子,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,及b)特異性結合於補體系統之組分,諸如C1q之第二抗原結合部分。C1q為活化血清補體系統之C1酶複合物之次單元。 在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於Fc受體。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於Fcγ受體(FcγR)。FcγR可為存在於自然殺傷(NK)細胞表面上之FcγRIII或存在於巨噬細胞、單核細胞、嗜中性白血球及/或樹突狀細胞表面上之FcγRI、FcγRIIA、FcγRIIBI、FcγRIIB2及FcγRIIIB中的一者。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分為Fc區或其功能片段。如此上下文中所使用之「功能片段」係指仍能夠以足夠特異性及親和性結合於FcR,尤其結合於FcγR以允許攜有效應細胞之FcγR,特定言之巨噬細胞、單核球、嗜中性白血球及/或樹突狀細胞藉由細胞毒素裂解或噬菌作用殺死靶細胞的抗體Fc區之片段。功能性Fc片段能夠競爭性地抑制初始、全長Fc部分與諸如活化FcγRI之FcR的結合。在一些實施例中,功能性Fc片段保持至少30%、40%、50%、60%、70%、80%、90%或95%其與活化FcγR之親和性。在一些實施例中,Fc區或其功能片段為增強型Fc區或其功能片段。如本文中所使用,術語「增強型Fc區」係指經修飾以增強Fc受體介導之效應功能,特定言之抗體依賴性細胞介導之細胞毒性(ADCC)、補體依賴性細胞毒性(CDC)及抗體介導之噬菌作用之Fc區。此可如此項技術中已知地實現,例如藉由以導致活化受體(例如表現於自然殺傷(NK)細胞上之FcγRIIIA (CD16A))增加之親和性及/或與抑制受體(例如FcγRIIB1/B2 (CD32B))減少之結合的方式更改Fc區。在又其他實施例中,第二抗原結合部分為抗體或其抗原結合片段,其以足夠特異性及親和性特異性結合於FcR,尤其結合於FcγR以允許攜有FcγR之效應細胞,特定言之巨噬細胞、單核球、中性粒細胞及/或樹突狀細胞藉由細胞毒性裂解或噬菌作用殺死靶細胞。 在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子允許殺死RTMC呈遞靶細胞及/或可有效地重定向CTL以裂解RTMC呈遞靶細胞。在一些實施例中,本發明之多特異性(例如,雙特異性)抗RTMC分子展示在10至500 ng/ml範圍內之活體外EC50
且能夠以約1:1至約50:1 (諸如約1:1至約15:1,或約2:1至約10:1)之CTL比靶細胞之比率誘導約50%靶細胞經由CTL之重定向裂解。 在一些實施例中,多特異性(例如,雙特異性)抗RTMC分子能夠交聯經刺激或未刺激之CTL及靶細胞,以此方式使得靶細胞裂解。此提供如下優勢:不產生靶特異性T細胞純系或不需要藉由樹突狀細胞之共同抗原呈遞以使得多特異性抗RTMC分子發揮其所需活性。在一些實施例中,本發明之多特異性抗RTMC分子能夠重定向CTL以在不存在其他活化信號的情況下裂解靶細胞。在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子之第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於CD3 (例如特異性結合於CD3ε),且不需要經由CD28及/或IL-2之信號傳導來重定向CTL以裂解靶細胞。 量測多特異性抗RTMC分子同時結合於兩種抗原(例如,兩種不同細胞上之抗原)之偏好的方法在熟習此項技術者之正常能力內。舉例而言,當第二結合部分特異性結合於CD3時,多特異性抗RTMC分子可與CD3+
/HIV-1 RT-
/HIV-1 RT+
細胞之混合物接觸。多特異性抗RTMC分子陽性單細胞之數量及藉由多特異性抗RTMC分子交聯之細胞之數量可接著藉由此項技術中已知之顯微術或螢光活化細胞分選(FACS)評估。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性抗RTMC分子,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物中抗RTMC抗體部分,及b)第二抗原結合部分。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於包含結合至MHC I類蛋白質之不同HIV-1 RT肽之複合物。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於包含結合於不同MHC I類蛋白質之HIV-1 RT肽之複合物。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物上的不同抗原決定基。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於另一抗原。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於細胞,諸如RTMC呈遞細胞表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於不表現HIV-1 RT之細胞表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於細胞毒性細胞表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於淋巴細胞,諸如T細胞、NK細胞、中性粒細胞、單核球、巨噬細胞或樹突狀細胞表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於效應T細胞,諸如細胞毒性T細胞表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分特異性結合於效應細胞,包括例如CD3γ、CD3δ、CD3ε、CD3ζ、CD28、CD16a、CD56、CD68及GDS2D表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分為抗體部分。在一些實施例中,第二抗原結合部分為人類、人類化或半合成抗體部分。在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子進一步包含至少一個(諸如至少約2、3、4、5或更多中的任一者)額外抗原結合部分。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含MHC I類蛋白質及具有一個胺基酸取代(諸如保守性胺基酸取代)之HIV-1 RT肽之變體的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4、5或6中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之不同次型的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4或5中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。 在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性抗RTMC分子,其包含a)特異性結合於包含以下之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分:HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C、M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)肽及HLA-A*02:01,及b)第二抗原結合部分。 在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性抗RTMC分子,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及b)第二抗原結合部分。 在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性抗RTMC分子,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸的HC-CDR2,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,及b)第二抗原結合部分。 在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性抗RTMC分子,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及b)第二抗原結合部分。 在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性抗RTMC分子,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及b)第二抗原結合部分。 在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性抗RTMC分子,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;及b)第二抗原結合部分。 在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性抗RTMC分子,其包含a)抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體,及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列或具有至少約95% (包含例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體;及b)第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性抗RTMC分子,其包含a)抗RTMC抗體部分,其包含含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列的重鏈可變域,及包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列的輕鏈可變域;及b)第二抗原結合部分。 在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子為例如雙功能抗體(Db)、單鏈雙功能抗體(scDb)、串聯scDb(Tandab)、線性二聚scDb(LD-scDb)、圓形二聚scDb (CD-scDb)、二-雙功能抗體、串聯scFv、串聯二-scFv (例如雙特異性T細胞接合分子)、串聯三-scFv、三功能抗體、雙特異性Fab2、二-微型抗體、四功能抗體、scFv-Fc-scFv融合體、雙親和性再靶向(DART)抗體、雙可變域(DVD)抗體、IgG-scFab、scFab-ds-scFv、Fv2-Fc、IgG-scFv融合體、塢鎖(dock and lock;DNL)抗體、杵-臼(knob-into-hole;KiH)抗體(藉由KiH技術製備之雙特異性IgG)、DuoBody (藉由Duobody技術製備之雙特異性IgG)、雜多聚體抗體或異結合物抗體。在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子為串聯scFv (例如串聯二-scFv,諸如雙特異性T細胞接合分子)。串聯 scFv
在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子為串聯scFv,其包含含抗RTMC抗體部分之第一scFv及第二scFv (在本文中亦稱為「串聯scFv多特異性抗RTMC抗體」)。在一些實施例中,串聯scFv多特異性抗RTMC抗體進一步包含至少一個(諸如至少約2、3、4、5或更多中之任一者)額外scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯scFv多特異性(例如雙特異性)抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,及b)第二scFv。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01。在一些實施例中,第二scFv特異性結合於包含結合至MHC I類蛋白質之不同HIV-1 RT肽之複合物。在一些實施例中,第二scFv特異性結合於包含結合於不同MHC I類蛋白質之HIV-1 RT肽的複合物。在一些實施例中,第二scFv特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物上的不同抗原決定基。在一些實施例中,第二scFv特異性結合於另一抗原。在一些實施例中,第二scFv特異性結合於細胞,諸如RTMC呈遞細胞表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,第二scFv特異性結合於不表現HIV-1 RT之細胞表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,第二scFv特異性結合於細胞毒性細胞表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,第二scFv特異性結合於淋巴細胞,諸如T細胞、NK細胞、中性粒細胞、單核球、巨噬細胞或樹突狀細胞表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,第二scFv特異性結合於效應T細胞,諸如細胞毒性T細胞表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,第二scFv特異性結合於效應細胞,包括例如CD3γ、CD3δ、CD3ε、CD3ζ、CD28、CD16a、CD56、CD68及GDS2D表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,第一scFv為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第二scFv為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第一scFv及第二scFv均為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,串聯scFv多特異性抗RTMC抗體進一步包含至少一個(諸如至少約2、3、4、5或更多中之任一者)額外scFv。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含MHC I類蛋白質及具有一個胺基酸取代(諸如保守性胺基酸取代)之HIV-1 RT肽之變體的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4、5或6中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之不同次型的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4或5中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯scFv多特異性(例如雙特異性)抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含以下之複合物的第一scFv:HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C、M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)肽及HLA-A*02:01;及b)第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯scFv多特異性(例如雙特異性)抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約3 (例如約1、2或3中的任一者)個胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約3 (例如約1、2或3中的任一者)個胺基酸取代之其變體,及b)第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯scFv多特異性(例如雙特異性)抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,及b)第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯scFv多特異性(例如雙特異性)抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約5 (諸如約1、2、3、4或5中的任一者)個胺基酸取代之其變體;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及b)第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯scFv多特異性(例如雙特異性)抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或在LC CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及b)第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯scFv多特異性(例如雙特異性)抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;及b)第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯scFv多特異性(例如雙特異性)抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)第一scFv,該第一scFv包含重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體,及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體;及b)第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯scFv多特異性(例如雙特異性)抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)第一scFv,該第一scFv包含重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列,及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列;及b)第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯scFv多特異性(例如雙特異性)抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的第一scFv,及b)第二scFv,其中串聯scFv多特異性抗RTMC抗體為串聯二-scFv或串聯三-scFv。在一些實施例中,串聯scFv多特異性抗RTMC抗體為串聯二-scFv。在一些實施例中,串聯scFv多特異性抗RTMC抗體為雙特異性T細胞接合分子。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,及b)特異性結合於T細胞表面上之抗原之第二scFv。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01。在一些實施例中,第二scFv特異性結合於效應T細胞,諸如細胞毒性T細胞表面上之抗原。在一些實施例中,第二scFv特異性結合於選自例如由以下組成之群的抗原:CD3γ、CD3δ、CD3ε、CD3ζ、CD28、OX40、GITR、CD137、CD27、CD40L及HVEM。在一些實施例中,第二scFv特異性結合於T細胞表面上之抗原上之促效抗原決定基,其中第二scFv與抗原之結合增強T細胞活化。在一些實施例中,第一scFv為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第二scFv為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第一scFv及第二scFv均為人類、人類化或半合成的。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含以下之複合物之第一scFv:HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C、M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)肽及HLA-A*02:01,及b)特異性結合於T細胞表面上之抗原之第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及b)特異性結合於T細胞表面上之抗原之第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,及b)特異性結合於T細胞表面上之抗原之第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及b)特異性結合於T細胞表面上之抗原之第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及b)特異性結合於T細胞表面上之抗原之第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;及b)特異性結合於T細胞表面上之抗原之第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)第一scFv,該第一scFv包含:重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體,及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體,及b)特異性結合於T細胞表面上之抗原之第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)第一scFv,該第一scFv包含:重鏈可變域,包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列,及輕鏈可變域,包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列,及b)特異性結合於T細胞表面上之抗原之第二scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,及b)特異性結合於CD3ε之第二scFv。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01。在一些實施例中,第一scFv經由與肽連接子之鍵聯融合至第二scFv。在一些實施例中,肽連接子之長度在約5至約20 (諸如約5、10、15或20中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)個胺基酸之間。在一些實施例中,肽連接子包含(且在一些實施例中由以下組成)胺基酸序列SRGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSLEMA (SEQ ID NO: 276)。在一些實施例中,第一scFv為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第二scFv為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第一scFv及第二scFv均為人類、人類化或半合成的。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含以下之複合物之第一scFv:HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C、M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)肽及HLA-A*02:01,及b)特異性結合於CD3ε之第二scFv。在一些實施例中,第一scFv經由與肽連接子之鍵聯融合至第二scFv。在一些實施例中,肽連接子之長度在約5至約20 (諸如約5、10、15或20中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)個胺基酸之間。在一些實施例中,肽連接子包含(且在一些實施例中由以下組成) SEQ ID NO: 276之胺基酸序列。在一些實施例中,第一scFv為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第二scFv為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第一scFv及第二scFv均為人類、人類化或半合成的。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及b)特異性結合於CD3ε之第二scFv。在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,及b)特異性結合於CD3ε之第二scFv。在一些實施例中,第一scFv經由與肽連接子之鍵聯融合至第二scFv。在一些實施例中,肽連接子之長度在約5至約20 (諸如約5、10、15或20中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)個胺基酸之間。在一些實施例中,肽連接子包含(且在一些實施例中由以下組成) SEQ ID NO: 276之胺基酸序列。在一些實施例中,第一scFv為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第二scFv為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第一scFv及第二scFv均為人類、人類化或半合成的。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及b)特異性結合於CD3ε之第二scFv。在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及b)特異性結合於CD3ε之第二scFv。在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,該第一scFv包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;及b)特異性結合於CD3ε之第二scFv。在一些實施例中,第一scFv經由與肽連接子之鍵聯融合至第二scFv。在一些實施例中,肽連接子之長度在約5至約20 (諸如約5、10、15或20中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)個胺基酸之間。在一些實施例中,肽連接子包含(且在一些實施例中由以下組成) SEQ ID NO: 276之胺基酸序列。在一些實施例中,第一scFv為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第二scFv為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第一scFv及第二scFv均為人類、人類化或半合成的。 在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)第一scFv,該第一scFv包含:重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體,及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體,及b)特異性結合於CD3ε之第二scFv。在一些實施例中,提供一種串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,其包含a)第一scFv,該第一scFv包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列的重鏈可變域,及包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列的輕鏈可變域,及b)特異性結合於CD3ε之第二scFv。在一些實施例中,第一scFv經由與肽連接子之鍵聯融合至第二scFv。在一些實施例中,肽連接子之長度在約5至約20 (諸如約5、10、15或20中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)個胺基酸之間。在一些實施例中,肽連接子包含(且在一些實施例中由以下組成) SEQ ID NO: 276之胺基酸序列。在一些實施例中,第一scFv為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第二scFv為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,第一scFv及第二scFv均為人類、人類化或半合成的。 在一些實施例中,串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體以約0.1 pM至約500 nM (諸如約0.1 pM、1.0 pM、10 pM、50 pM、100 pM、500 pM、1 nM、10 nM、50 nM、100 nM或500 nM中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)之間的Kd
結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物。在一些實施例中,串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體以約1 nM至約500 nM (諸如約1、10、25、50、75、100、150、200、250、300、350、400、450或500 nM中之任一者,包括此等值之間的任何範圍)之間的Kd
結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物。 在一些實施例中,串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體在溶液中穩定至少約1個月(諸如至少約1個月、2個月、3個月、4個月、5個月、6個月、7個月、8個月、9個月、10個月、11個月、1年、2年或更長中之任一者)。穩定性可表現例如為藉由保持在儲存溫度,例如4℃下之水性調配物中之串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體保存殺死靶細胞活性。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體在保持在儲存溫度至少約1個月(諸如至少約1個月、2個月、3個月、4個月、5個月、6個月、7個月、8個月、9個月、10個月、11個月、1年、2年或更長)下之水性調配物中保持至少40% (諸如至少約45%、50%、55%、60%、65%、70%、75%、80%、85%、90%、95%、96%、97%、98%、99%、或更大中之任一者)殺死靶細胞活性。在一些實施例中,儲存溫度不超過約25℃ (諸如不超過約20、18、16、14、12、10、8、6、5、4、3、2、1或0℃,或更低)。在一些實施例中,串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體在保持在4之儲存溫度下至少約2年之水性調配物中保持至少60%殺死靶細胞活性。在一些實施例中,串聯二-scFv雙特異性抗RTMC抗體包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT 181肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之第一scFv,及b)特異性結合於CD3ε之第二scFv。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子(諸如二-scFv)包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2、及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239;或在HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1及/或LC-CDR3中個別地包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR2中包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子(諸如二-scFv)包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239,或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子(諸如二-scFv)包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239。 在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子(諸如二-scFv)包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下之胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下之胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74。 在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子(諸如二-scFv)包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域分別地包含SEQ ID NO: 27及55之胺基酸序列,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子(諸如二-scFv)包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含含分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55之胺基酸序列的重鏈及輕鏈可變域。在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子(諸如二-scFv)包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域分別地包含SEQ ID NO: 30及58之胺基酸序列,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,多特異性抗RTMC分子(諸如二-scFv)包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含含分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58之胺基酸序列的重鏈及輕鏈可變域。嵌合受體及效應細胞
在一些實施例中,嵌合受體為嵌合抗原受體(CAR),且抗RTMC嵌合受體為抗RTMC CAR。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含:a)包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分的細胞外域及b)胞內信號傳導域。跨膜域可存在於細胞外域與細胞內域之間。 在抗RTMC CAR之細胞外域與跨膜域之間,或在抗RTMC CAR之細胞內域與跨膜域之間,可存在間隔域。間隔域可為用於將多肽鏈中之跨膜域連接至細胞外域或細胞內域之任何寡肽或多肽。間隔域可包含至多約300個胺基酸,包括例如約10至約100,或約25至約50個胺基酸。 跨膜域可來源於天然來源或合成來源。在來源為天然時,該域可來源於任何膜結合蛋白或跨膜蛋白。特定用於本發明中之跨膜區可來源於(亦即至少包含以下之跨膜區)T細胞受體、CD28、CD3ε、CD3ζ、CD45、CD4、CD5、CD8、CD9、CD16、CD22、CD33、CD37、CD64、CD80、CD86、CD134、CD137、CD154之α、β、δ、γ或ξ鏈。在一些實施例中,跨膜域可為合成的,在此情況下,其可主要包含疏水性殘基,諸如白胺酸及纈胺酸。在一些實施例中,在合成跨膜域之各端可發現苯丙胺酸、色胺酸及纈胺酸之三聯體。在一些實施例中,具有例如長度在約2與約10 (諸如約2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9或10中之任一者)個胺基酸之間的長度之短寡肽或多肽連接子可在抗RTMC CAR之跨膜域與胞內信號傳導域之間形成鍵。在一些實施例中,連接子為甘胺酸-絲胺酸二聯體。 在一些實施例中,使用自然地與抗RTMC CAR之細胞內域中之序列中的一者結合之跨膜域(例如若抗RTMC CAR細胞內域包含CD28共刺激序列,則抗RTMC CAR之跨膜域來源於CD28跨膜域)。在一些實施例中,跨膜域可藉由胺基酸取代選擇或修飾以避免此類域與相同或不同表面膜蛋白質之跨膜域結合以使得與受體複合物之其他成員之相互作用最小化。 抗RTMC CAR之胞內信號傳導域負責活化免疫細胞(其中已置入抗RTMC CAR)之正常效應功能中之至少一者。T細胞之效應功能例如可為細胞溶解活性或輔助活性,包括分泌細胞介素。因此,術語「胞內信號傳導域」係指轉導效應功能信號且引導細胞執行特異性功能之蛋白質部分。儘管通常可採用全部胞內信號傳導域,但在多數情況下,不必使用整條鏈。至於使用胞內信號傳導域之截短部分的程度,此類截短部分只要轉導效應功能信號即可用於替代完整鏈。術語「胞內信號傳導序列」因此意欲包括足以轉導效應功能信號之胞內信號傳導域之任何截短部分。 用於本發明之抗RTMC CAR中之胞內信號傳導域之實例包括在抗原受體接合之後共同起作用以引發信號轉導之T細胞受體(TCR)及共受體之細胞質序列,以及此等序列之任何衍生物或變體及具有相同功能能力之任何合成序列。 已知經由單獨的TCR產生之信號不足以完全活化T細胞且亦需要二級或共刺激信號。因此,T細胞活化可稱為藉由兩種相異類別之胞內信號傳導序列介導:經由TCR引發抗原依賴性一級活化之彼等(一級信號傳導序列)及以抗原獨立方式起作用以提供二級或共刺激信號之彼等(共刺激信號傳導序列)。 一級信號傳導序列以刺激方式或抑制方式調節TCR複合物之一級活化。以刺激方式起作用之一級信號傳導序列可含有信號傳導基元,稱為基於免疫受體酪胺酸之活化基元或ITAM。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR構築體包含一或多種ITAM。 特定用於本發明中之含有一級信號傳導序列之ITAM之實例包括衍生自TCRζ、FcRγ、FcRβ、CD3γ、CD3δ、CD3ε、CD5、CD22、CD79a、CD79b及CD66d之彼等。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含衍生自CD3ζ之一級信號傳導序列。舉例而言,CAR之胞內信號傳導域可包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列本身或與適用於本發明之抗RTMC CAR之情形下之任何其他所需胞內信號傳導序列組合。舉例而言,抗RTMC CAR之細胞內域可包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及共刺激信號傳導序列。協同刺激信號傳導序列可為協同刺激分子之細胞內域的一部分,該協同刺激分子包括例如CD27、CD28、4-1BB (CD137)、OX40、CD30、CD40、PD-1、ICOS、淋巴細胞功能相關抗原-1 (LFA-1)、CD2、CD7、LIGHT、NKG2C、B7-H3、特異性結合CD83之配位體及其類似物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR之胞內信號傳導域包含CD3ζ之胞內信號傳導序列及CD28之胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR之胞內信號傳導域包含CD3ζ之胞內信號傳導序列及4-1BB之胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR之胞內信號傳導域包含CD3ζ之胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及4-1BB之胞內信號傳導序列。 因此,例如在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含a)細胞外域,該細胞外域包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導結構域。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01。在一些實施例中,胞內信號傳導域能夠活化免疫細胞。在一些實施例中,胞內信號傳導域包含一級信號傳導序列及共刺激信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,一級信號傳導序列包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,共刺激信號傳導序列包含CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,胞內域包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含MHC I類蛋白質及具有一個胺基酸取代(諸如保守性胺基酸取代)之HIV-1 RT肽之變體的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4、5或6中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之不同次型的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4或5中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含a)包含特異性結合於包含以下之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分的細胞外域:HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C、M184V(SEQ ID NO: 9)肽及HLA-A*02:01;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域。在一些實施例中,胞內信號傳導域能夠活化免疫細胞。在一些實施例中,胞內信號傳導域包含一級信號傳導序列及共刺激信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,一級信號傳導序列包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,共刺激信號傳導序列包含CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,胞內域包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含a)細胞外域,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域。在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含a)細胞外域,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;b)胞內信號傳導域。在一些實施例中,胞內信號傳導域能夠活化免疫細胞。在一些實施例中,胞內信號傳導域包含一級信號傳導序列及共刺激信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,一級信號傳導序列包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,共刺激信號傳導序列包含CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,胞內域包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含a)細胞外域,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2,或包含至多約3(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)個胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域。在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含a)細胞外域,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域。在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含a)細胞外域,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;b)胞內信號傳導域。在一些實施例中,胞內信號傳導域能夠活化免疫細胞。在一些實施例中,胞內信號傳導域包含一級信號傳導序列及共刺激信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,一級信號傳導序列包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,共刺激信號傳導序列包含CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,胞內域包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含a)細胞外域,包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體,及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或具有至少約95% (包括例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域。在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含:a)細胞外域,包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列,及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列;b)胞內信號傳導域。在一些實施例中,胞內信號傳導域能夠活化免疫細胞。在一些實施例中,胞內信號傳導域包含一級信號傳導序列及共刺激信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,一級信號傳導序列包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,共刺激信號傳導序列包含CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,胞內域包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含:a)細胞外域,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含:a)細胞外域,包含特異性結合於包含以下之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分:HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C、M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)肽及HLA-A*02:01;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含a)細胞外域,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含a)細胞外域,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含a)細胞外域,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2,或包含至多約3(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)個胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含a)細胞外域,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含a)細胞外域,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含:a)細胞外域,包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體,及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或具有至少約95% (包括例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC CAR,其包含:a)細胞外域,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列,及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239;或在HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1及/或LC-CDR3中個別地包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR2中包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO:、82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239,或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下之胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下之胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含含以下之重鏈及輕鏈可變域:分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55之胺基酸序列,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含分別包含SEQ ID NO: 27及55之胺基酸序列的重鏈及輕鏈可變域。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含含以下之重鏈及輕鏈可變域:分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58之胺基酸序列,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含分別包含SEQ ID NO: 30及58之胺基酸序列的重鏈及輕鏈可變域。嵌合抗體 / T 細胞受體
在一些實施例中,嵌合受體為嵌合抗體/T細胞受體構築體(在本文中稱為「abTCR」),且抗RTMC嵌合受體為抗RTMC abTCR。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含a)細胞外域,其包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,及b)能夠募集至少一種TCR相關信號傳導模組之T細胞受體模組(TCRM)。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含第一多肽鏈及第二多肽鏈。在一些實施例中,第一及第二多肽鏈諸如藉由共價鍵(例如,肽鍵或其他化學鍵)或非共價鍵連接。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR為包含第一多肽鏈及第二多肽鏈之雜二聚體。在一些實施例中,第一多肽鏈及第二多肽鏈經由至少一個二硫鍵連接。抗RTMC abTCR之特異性源自賦予RTMC結合特異性之抗體部分。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fab樣抗原結合模組。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fv樣抗原結合模組。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為scFv。抗RTMC abTCR募集TCR相關信號傳導模組之能力源自T細胞受體模組(TCRM)。在一些實施例中,TCRM包含TCR之跨膜模組(諸如αβTCR或γδTCR)。在一些實施例中,TCRM進一步包含TCR之連接肽或其片段中之一者或兩者。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR進一步包含至少一個細胞內域。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR之至少一個細胞內域中之一或多者包含來自TCR之細胞內域的序列。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR之至少一個細胞內域中之一或多者包含T細胞協同刺激信號傳導序列。協同刺激信號傳導序列可為協同刺激分子之細胞內域的一部分,該協同刺激分子包括例如CD27、CD28、4-1BB (CD137)、OX40、CD30、CD40、ICOS、淋巴細胞功能相關抗原-1 (LFA-1)、CD2、CD7、LIGHT、NKG2C、B7-H3、特異性結合CD83之配位體及其類似物。在一些實施例中,抗體部分含於抗RTMC abTCR之細胞外域中。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR進一步包含在抗體部分與TCRM之間的一或多個肽連接子以最佳化細胞外域之長度。 在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fab樣抗原結合模組,其包含a)第一多肽鏈,該第一多肽鏈包含第一抗原結合域,該第一抗原結合域包含VH
1域源自IgG (例如IgG1、IgG2、IgG3或IgG4)重鏈,視情況為人類的。在一些實施例中,CH
域包含一或多個增加其彼此之間的結合親和性及/或引入非天然存在之二硫鍵的修飾。在一些實施例中,Fab樣抗原結合模組為人類、人類化、嵌合、半合成或全合成的。 在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fab樣抗原結合模組,其包含a)第一多肽鏈,該第一多肽鏈包含第一抗原結合域,該第一抗原結合域包含VL
1域源自IgG (例如IgG1、IgG2、IgG3或IgG4)重鏈,視情況為人類的。在一些實施例中,CH
域包含一或多個增加其彼此之間的結合親和性及/或引入非天然存在之二硫鍵的修飾。在一些實施例中,Fab樣抗原結合模組為人類、人類化、嵌合、半合成或全合成的。 在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fv樣抗原結合模組,其包含a)第一多肽鏈,該第一多肽鏈包含第一抗原結合域,該第一抗原結合域包含VH
抗體域包含源自超過一個抗體部分之抗體CDR。在一些實施例中,第一及第二多肽鏈諸如藉由共價鍵(例如,肽鍵或其他化學鍵)或非共價鍵連接。在一些實施例中,第一及第二抗原結合域藉由二硫鍵連接。在一些實施例中,第一及第二抗原結合域藉由在第一TCR恆定域中之殘基與第二TCR恆定域中之殘基之間的雙硫鍵連接。在一些實施例中,第一TCR恆定域源自TCR α次單元、視情況為人類的,及/或第二TCR恆定域源自TCR β次單元,視情況為人類的。在一些實施例中,第一TCR恆定域源自包含SEQ ID NO: 281之胺基酸序列的TCR α次單元,及/或第二TCR恆定域源自包含SEQ ID NO: 282之胺基酸序列的TCR β次單元。在一些實施例中,第一TCR恆定域源自TCRδ次單元,視情況為人類的,及/或第二TCR恆定域源自TCRγ次單元,視情況為人類的。在一些實施例中,第一TCR恆定域源自包含SEQ ID NO: 283之胺基酸序列的TCR δ次單元,及/或第二TCR恆定域源自包含SEQ ID NO: 282之胺基酸序列的TCR γ次單元。在一些實施例中,第一及/或第二TCR恆定域為相比於其來源之序列包含一或多個修飾(例如胺基酸取代、插入及/或缺失)之變體。在一些實施例中,第一及/或第二TCR恆定域包含一或多個基本上不改變其彼此之間的結合親和性的修飾。在一些實施例中,第一及/或第二TCR恆定域包含一或多個增加其彼此之間的結合親和性及/或引入非天然存在之雙硫鍵的修飾。在一些實施例中,Fv樣抗原結合模組為人類、人類化、嵌合、半合成或全合成的。 在一些實施例中,抗體部分為scFv,該scFv包含a)多肽鏈,該多肽鏈包含VH
抗體域包含源自超過一個抗體部分之抗體CDR。在一些實施例中,scFv為人類、人類化、嵌合、半合成或全合成的。 在一些實施例中,TCRM包含a)第一多肽鏈,該第一多肽鏈包含含第一跨膜域之第一T細胞受體域(TCRD);及b)第二多肽鏈,該第二多肽鏈包含含第二跨膜域之第二TCRD。在一些實施例中,第一跨膜域為第一TCR次單元之跨膜域及/或第二跨膜域為第二TCR次單元之跨膜域。在一些實施例中,第一TCR次單元為TCR α鏈(例如,GenBank寄存編號:CCI73895),且第二TCR次單元為TCR β鏈(例如,GenBank寄存編號:CCI73893)。在一些實施例中,第一TCR次單元為TCR β鏈,且第二TCR次單元為TCR α鏈。在一些實施例中,第一TCR次單元為TCR γ鏈(例如,GenBank寄存編號:AGE91788),且第二TCR次單元為TCR δ鏈(例如,GenBank寄存編號:AAQ57272)。在一些實施例中,第一TCR次單元為TCR δ鏈,且第二TCR次單元為TCR γ鏈。在一些實施例中,第一及/或第二跨膜域個別地包含(諸如由以下組成)SEQ ID NO: 281-284之TCR次單元胺基酸序列中之任一者所含有的跨膜域。在一些實施例中,第一及/或第二跨膜域個別地包含(諸如由以下組成) SEQ ID NO: 285-288之胺基酸序列中之任一者。在一些實施例中,第一TCRD進一步包含在跨膜域之胺基端的第一連接肽及/或第二TCRD進一步包含在跨膜域之胺基端的第二連接肽。在一些實施例中,第一連接肽包含第一TCR次單元之所有或一部分連接肽及/或第二連接肽包含第二TCR次單元之所有或一部分連接肽。在一些實施例中,第一及/或第二連接肽個別地包含(諸如由以下組成)SEQ ID NO: 281-284之TCR次單元胺基酸序列中之任一者所含有的所有或一部分連接肽。在一些實施例中,第一及/或第二連接肽個別地包含(諸如由以下組成) SEQ ID NO: 289-296之胺基酸序列中之任一者。在一些實施例中,第一TCRD進一步包含在第一跨膜域之羧基端的第一TCR細胞內域及/或第二TCRD進一步包含在第二跨膜域之羧基端的第二TCR細胞內域。在一些實施例中,第一TCR細胞內域包含第一TCR次單元之所有或一部分細胞內域及/或第二TCR細胞內域包含第二TCR次單元之所有或一部分細胞內域。在一些實施例中,第一及/或第二TCR細胞內域個別地包含(諸如由以下組成) SEQ ID NO: 281-284之TCR次單元胺基酸序列中之任一者所含有的所有或一部分細胞內序列。在一些實施例中,第一及/或第二TCR細胞內域個別地包含(諸如由以下組成) SEQ ID NO: 297-298之胺基酸序列中之任一者。在一些實施例中,第一TCRD為第一TCR次單元之片段及/或第二TCRD為第二TCR鏈之片段。在一些實施例中,第一及第二多肽鏈諸如藉由共價鍵(例如,肽鍵或其他化學鍵)或非共價鍵連接。在一些實施例中,第一及第二TCRD藉由二硫鍵連接。在一些實施例中,第一及第二TCRD藉由第一連接肽中之殘基與第二連接肽中之殘基之間的二硫鍵連接。在一些實施例中,TCRM能夠募集至少一個選自由CD3δε、CD3γε及ζζ組成之群的TCR相關信號傳導模組。在一些實施例中,TCRM能夠募集CD3δε、CD3γε及ζζ中之每一者以形成八聚抗RTMC abTCR-CD3複合物(亦即,促進抗RTMC abTCR-CD3複合物形成)。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR為包含抗體部分與TCRM之融合體的分子。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含在TCRM之第一多肽鏈之胺基端的Fab樣或Fv樣抗原結合模組之第一多肽鏈的融合體,從而形成抗RTMC abTCR之第一多肽鏈;及在TCRM之第二多肽鏈之胺基端的Fab樣或Fv樣抗原結合模組之第二多肽鏈的融合體,從而形成抗RTMC abTCR之第二多肽鏈。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含在TCRM之第一或第二多肽鏈之胺基端的scFv之融合體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR進一步包含在Fab樣或Fv樣抗原結合模組之第一多肽鏈與TCRM之第一多肽鏈之間的肽連接子及/或在Fab樣或Fv樣抗原結合模組之第二多肽鏈與TCRM之第二多肽鏈之間的肽連接子。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR進一步包含在TCRM之scFv與第一或第二多肽鏈之間的肽連接子。在一些實施例中,肽連接子之長度介於約5至約70 (諸如約5、10、15、20、25、30、35、40、45、50、55、60、65或70中之任一者,包括在此等值之間的任何範圍)個胺基酸之間。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR之第一多肽鏈進一步包含胺基端第一信號肽及/或抗RTMC abTCR之第二多肽鏈進一步包含胺基端第二信號肽。在一些實施例中,第一及/或第二信號肽包含(諸如由以下組成)SEQ ID NO: 299之胺基酸序列。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR之第一多肽鏈進一步包含在第一跨膜域之羧基端的第一附屬細胞內域及/或抗RTMC abTCR之第二多肽鏈進一步包含在第二跨膜域之羧基端的第二附屬細胞內域。在一些實施例中,第一及/或第二附屬細胞內域包含TCR協同刺激域。在一些實施例中,TCR協同刺激域包含SEQ ID NO: 300之胺基酸序列中的所有或一部分。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR之第一及第二多肽鏈諸如藉由共價鍵(例如肽鍵或其他化學鍵)或非共價鍵連接。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR為雜二聚體。 因此,例如在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC abTCR,其包含a)細胞外域,該細胞外域包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,及b)能夠募集至少一種TCR相關信號傳導模組之T細胞受體模組(TCRM)。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fab樣抗原結合模組。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fv樣抗原結合模組。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為scFv。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含MHC I類蛋白質及具有一個胺基酸取代(諸如保守性胺基酸取代)之HIV-1 RT肽之變體的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4、5或6中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之不同次型的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4或5中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC abTCR,其包含a)細胞外域,該細胞外域包含特異性結合於包含以下之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分:HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C、M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)肽及HLA-A*02:01,及b)能夠募集至少一種TCR相關信號傳導模組之T細胞受體模組(TCRM)。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fab樣抗原結合模組。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fv樣抗原結合模組。在一些實施例中,抗體部分scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC abTCR,其包含a)細胞外域,該細胞外域包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約3( 例如約1、2或3中之任一者)個胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及b)能夠募集至少一種TCR相關信號傳導模組之T細胞受體模組(TCRM)。在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC abTCR,其包含a)細胞外域,該細胞外域包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;及b)能夠募集至少一種TCR相關信號傳導模組之T細胞受體模組(TCRM)。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fab樣抗原結合模組。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fv樣抗原結合模組。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC abTCR,其包含a)細胞外域,該細胞外域包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2,或包含至多約3(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)個胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約5(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)個胺基酸取代之其變體;及b)能夠募集至少一種TCR相關信號傳導模組之T細胞受體模組(TCRM)。在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC abTCR,其包含a)細胞外域,該細胞外域包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)個胺基酸取代之其變體;及b)能夠募集至少一種TCR相關信號傳導模組之T細胞受體模組(TCRM)。在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC abTCR,其包含a)細胞外域,該細胞外域包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;及b)能夠募集至少一種TCR相關信號傳導模組之T細胞受體模組(TCRM)。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fab樣抗原結合模組。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fv樣抗原結合模組。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為scFv。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC abTCR,其包含a)細胞外域,該細胞外域包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體,及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或具有至少約95% (包含例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體;及b)能夠募集至少一種TCR相關信號傳導模組之T細胞受體模組(TCRM)。在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC abTCR,其包含a)細胞外域,該細胞外域包含特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列,及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列;及b)能夠募集至少一種TCR相關信號傳導模組之T細胞受體模組(TCRM)。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fab樣抗原結合模組。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為Fv樣抗原結合模組。在一些實施例中,抗體部分為scFv。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2,及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239;或在HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1及/或LC-CDR3中個別地包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR2中包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239,或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191、及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204、及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下之胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下之胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含含以下之重鏈及輕鏈可變域:SEQ ID NO: 27及55的胺基酸序列或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含分別包含SEQ ID NO: 27及55之胺基酸序列的重鏈及輕鏈可變域。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域分別地包含SEQ ID NO: 30及58之胺基酸序列,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含分別包含SEQ ID NO: 30及58之胺基酸序列的重鏈及輕鏈可變域。 本文亦提供表現抗RTMC嵌合受體(諸如抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR)之效應細胞(諸如淋巴球,例如T細胞)。 另外,提供一種準備表現抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR之效應細胞的方法,該方法包含將包含編碼抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR之核酸的載體引入至效應細胞中。在一些實施例中,將載體引入至效應細胞中包含藉由載體轉導效應細胞。在一些實施例中,將載體引入至效應細胞中包含藉由載體轉染效應細胞。載體轉導或轉染至效應細胞中可使用此項技術中已知之任何方法進行。免疫結合物
在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體包含含附接至效應分子之抗RTMC抗體部分的免疫結合物(在本文中亦稱為「抗RTMC免疫結合物」)。在一些實施例中,效應分子為治療劑,諸如病毒治療劑,其為細胞毒性的、細胞生長抑制的或以其他方式提供一些治療效益。在一些實施例中,效應分子為標記,其可直接或間接產生可偵測信號。 在一些實施例中,提供包含抗RTMC抗體部分及治療劑之抗RTMC免疫結合物(在本文中亦稱為「抗體-藥物結合物」或「ADC」)。在一些實施例中,治療劑為毒素,其為細胞毒性的、細胞生長抑制的或以其他方式阻止或降低靶細胞分裂之能力。使用ADC局部傳遞細胞毒性劑或細胞生長抑制劑,即在癌症治療中殺死或抑制腫瘤細胞之藥物(Syrigos及Epenetos, Anticancer Research 19:605-614 (1999);Niculescu-Duvaz及Springer, Adv. Drg. Del. Rev. 26:151 -172 (1997);美國專利第4,975,278號)允許藥物部分靶向傳遞至靶細胞,及胞內積聚於其中,其中全身性投與此等非結合治療劑可對於正常細胞以及設法消除之靶細胞產生不可接受之毒性水準(Baldwin等人, Lancet (1986年3月15日):603-605 (1986);Thorpe, (1985) 「Antibody Carriers Of Cytotoxic Agents In Cancer Therapy: A Review」, Monoclonal Antibodies '84: Biological And Clinical Applications, A. Pinchera等人 (編),第475-506頁)。藉此尋求功效最大、毒性最小。重要的是,由於大部分正常細胞不在其表面上呈現RTMC,所以其無法結合抗RTMC免疫結合物,且受保護免於毒素或其他治療劑之殺死效應。 用於抗RTMC免疫結合物中之治療劑包括例如柔紅黴素(daunomycin)、小紅莓(doxorubicin)、甲胺喋呤(methotrexate)及長春地辛(vindesine) (Rowland等人, Cancer Immunol. Immunother. 21:183-187 (1986))。用於抗RTMC免疫結合物中之毒素包括細菌毒素,諸如白喉毒素;植物毒素,諸如蓖麻毒素;小分子毒素,諸如格爾德黴素(Mandler等人, J.Nat. Cancer Inst. 92(19):1573-1581 (2000);Mandler等人, Bioorganic & Med. Chem. Letters 10:1025- 1028 (2000);Mandler等人, Bioconjugate Chem. 13:786-791 (2002))、類美登素(EP 1391213;Liu等人, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:8618-8623 (1996))及卡奇黴素(Lode等人, Cancer Res. 58:2928 (1998);Hinman等人, Cancer Res. 53:3336-3342 (1993))。毒素可藉由包括微管蛋白結合、DNA結合或拓樸異構酶抑制之機制發揮其細胞毒性及細胞生長抑制效應。一些細胞毒性藥物傾向於在結合至較大抗體或蛋白質受體配位體時為非活性的或弱活性的。 可使用之酶活性毒素及其片段包括例如白喉A鏈、白喉毒素之非結合活性片段、外毒素A鏈(來自綠膿假單胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa))、篦麻毒素A鏈、相思子毒素A鏈、莫迪素A鏈、α-帚麴菌素(α-sarcin)、油桐(Aleurites fordii)蛋白、康乃馨蛋白、美洲商陸(Phytolaca Americana)蛋白(PAPI、PAPII及PAP-S)、苦瓜(momordica charantia)抑制劑、麻瘋樹毒蛋白(curcin)、巴豆毒素(crotin)、肥皂草(sapaonaria officinalis)抑制劑、白樹素(gelonin)、有絲分裂素(mitogellin)、侷限麴菌素(restrictocin)、酚黴素、伊諾黴素(neomycin)及黴菌毒素(tricothecene)。參見例如1993年10月28日公佈之WO 93/21232。 本文中亦涵蓋抗RTMC抗體部分及一或多種小分子毒素,諸如卡奇黴素、類美登素、海兔毒素(dolastatin)、奧瑞他汀(aurostatin)、新月毒素及CC1065,及具有毒素活性之此等毒素之衍生物的抗RTMC免疫結合物。 在一些實施例中,提供包含具有胞內活性之治療劑的抗RTMC免疫結合物。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物經內化且治療劑為阻斷細胞之蛋白質合成,在其中導致細胞死亡之細胞毒素。在一些實施例中,治療劑為包含具有核糖體不活化活性之多肽的細胞毒素,包括例如白樹素、波甘寧(bouganin)、沙泊寧(saporin)、蓖麻毒素、蓖麻毒素A鏈、欖香膠素、白喉毒素、侷限麴菌素、綠膿桿菌外毒素A及其變體。在一些實施例中,當治療劑為包含具有核糖體不活化活性之多肽的細胞毒素時,抗RTMC免疫結合物必須在結合至靶細胞時經內化以使蛋白質對於細胞為細胞毒性的。 在一些實施例中,提供包含起破壞DNA作用之治療劑的抗RTMC免疫結合物。在一些實施例中,起破壞DNA作用之治療劑例如選自由以下組成之群:烯二炔(例如卡奇黴素(calicheamicin)及埃斯培拉黴素(esperamicin))及非烯二炔小分子劑(例如博萊黴素(bleomycin)、甲錠丙基-EDTA-Fe(II))。 本發明進一步涵蓋形成於抗RTMC抗體部分與具有核分解活性之化合物(例如核糖核酸酶或DNA核酸內切酶,諸如去氧核糖核酸酶;DNA酶)之間的抗RTMC免疫結合物。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物包含起破壞微管蛋白作用之藥劑。此類藥劑可包括例如根瘤菌素/美登素、太平洋紫杉醇、長春新鹼及長春鹼、秋水仙鹼、奧瑞他汀海兔毒素10 MMAE及peloruside A。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物包含烷基化劑,包括例如Asaley NSC 167780、AZQ NSC 182986、BCNU NSC 409962、白消安NSC 750、羧基鄰苯二甲酸鉑NSC 271674、CBDCA NSC 241240、CCNU NSC 79037、CHIP NSC 256927、苯丁酸氮芥NSC 3088、氯脲菌素NSC 178248、順鉑NSC 119875、氯乙礬NSC 338947、氰基(N-嗎啉基)小紅莓NSC 357704、塞迪遜(cyclodisone) NSC 348948、衛康醇NSC 132313、氟多潘NSC 73754、海普法姆(hepsulfam) NSC 329680、羥胺硫蒽酮NSC 142982、美法侖NSC 8806、甲基CCNU NSC 95441、絲裂黴素C NSC 26980、米托唑醯胺NSC 353451、氮芥NSC 762、PCNU NSC 95466、哌嗪NSC 344007、哌嗪二酮NSC 135758、哌泊溴烷NSC 25154、泊非羅黴素NSC 56410、螺乙內醯脲芥NSC 172112、替羅昔隆(teroxirone) NSC 296934、四鉑NSC 363812、噻替派NSC 6396、三伸乙基三聚氰胺NSC 9706、尿嘧啶氮芥NSC 34462及Yoshi-864 NSC 102627。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物包含高度放射性原子。多種放射性同位素可用於產生放射性結合之抗體。實例包括211
Pb及Lu之放射性同位素。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分可結合至「受體」(諸如抗生蛋白鏈菌素),以便用於其中向患者投與該抗體-受體結合物將腫瘤預先靶向,隨後使用清除劑將未結合之結合物自循環中移除,且隨後投與結合至細胞毒性劑(例如放射性核苷酸)之「配位體」(例如抗生素蛋白)。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物可包含結合至前藥活化酶之抗RTMC抗體部分。在一些此類實施例中,前藥活化酶將前藥轉化成活性藥物,諸如抗病毒藥物。在一些實施例中,此類抗RTMC免疫結合物適用於抗體依賴性酶介導之前藥療法(「ADEPT」)。可結合至抗體之酶包括(但不限於)鹼性磷酸酶,其適用於將含磷酸根之前藥轉化成游離藥物;芳基硫酸酯酶,其適用於將含硫酸根之前藥轉化成游離藥物;蛋白酶,諸如沙雷氏菌蛋白酶、嗜熱菌蛋白酶、枯草桿菌蛋白酶、羧基肽酶及組織蛋白酶(諸如組織蛋白酶B及L),其適用於將含肽之前藥轉化成游離藥物;D-丙胺醯羧肽酶(D-alanylcarboxypeptidases),其適用於轉化含有D-胺基酸取代基之前藥;裂解碳水化合物之酶,諸如β-半乳糖及神經胺糖酸苷酶,其適用於將經糖基化前藥轉化成游離藥物;β-內醯胺酶,其適用於將用β-內醯胺衍生之藥物轉化成游離藥物;及青黴素醯胺酶,諸如青黴素V醯胺酶及青黴素G醯胺酶,其適用於將在其胺氮上分別用苯氧基乙醯基或苯乙醯基衍生之藥物轉化成游離藥物。在一些實施例中,酶可藉由此項技術中熟知之重組DNA技術共價結合於抗體部分。參見例如Neuberger等人, Nature 312:604-608 (1984)。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物之治療部分可為核酸。可使用之核酸包括(但不限於)反義RNA、基因或其他聚核苷酸,包括核酸類似物,諸如硫鳥嘌呤及硫代嘌呤。 本申請案進一步提供包含附接至效應分子之抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC免疫結合物,其中效應分子為標記,其可間接或直接產生可偵測信號。此等抗RTMC免疫結合物可用於研究或診斷應用,諸如用於癌症之活體內偵測。標記較佳能夠直接或間接產生可偵測信號。舉例而言,標記可為射線不透的或放射性同位素,諸如3
I,或用於核磁共振(NMR)成像(亦稱為磁共振成像,MRI)之自旋標記,諸如鋯-89、碘-123、碘-131、銦-111、氟-19、碳-13、氮-15、氧-17、釓、錳或鐵。鋯-89可與各種金屬螯合劑錯合且結合至抗體,例如用於PET成像(WO 2011/056983)。 在一些實施例中,可間接偵測抗RTMC免疫結合物。舉例而言,對於抗RTMC免疫結合物具有特異性且含有可偵測標記之二級抗體可用於偵測抗RTMC免疫結合物。 因此,例如在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC免疫結合物,其包含a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,及b)效應分子。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01。在一些實施例中,效應分子共價連接於抗RTMC抗體部分。在一些實施例中,效應分子為選自例如由以下組成之群的治療劑:藥物、毒素、放射性同位素、蛋白質、肽及核酸。在一些實施例中,效應分子為病毒治療劑。在一些實施例中,病毒治療劑為選自例如由以下組成之群的高度放射性原子:211
I。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分為scFv。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分為人類、人類化或半合成的。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含MHC I類蛋白質及具有一個胺基酸取代(諸如保守性胺基酸取代)之HIV-1 RT肽之變體的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4、5或6中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分與包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之不同次型的至少一種(諸如至少2、3、4或5中之任一者)複合物交叉反應。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC免疫結合物,其包含a)特異性結合於包含以下之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分:HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C、M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)肽及HLA-A*02:01,及b)效應分子。在一些實施例中,效應分子共價連接於抗RTMC抗體部分。在一些實施例中,效應分子為選自例如由以下組成之群的治療劑:藥物、毒素、放射性同位素、蛋白質、肽及核酸。在一些實施例中,效應分子為病毒治療劑。在一些實施例中,病毒治療劑為選自例如由以下組成之群的高度放射性原子:211
I。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分為scFv。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分為人類、人類化或半合成的。 在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性抗RTMC免疫結合物,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及b)效應分子。 在一些實施例中,提供一種多特異性抗RTMC免疫結合物,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,及包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,及包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,及b)效應分子。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC免疫結合物,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體,包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2,或包含至多約3(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)個胺基酸取代之其變體,及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及b)效應分子。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC免疫結合物,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3,或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3,或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代之其變體;及b)效應分子。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC免疫結合物,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR3;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含:包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR1;包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR2;及包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列的LC-CDR3;及b)效應分子。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC免疫結合物,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體,及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或具有至少約95% (包含例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性之其變體;及b)效應分子。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC免疫結合物,其包含:a)特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列,及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列;及b)效應分子。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239;或在HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1及/或LC-CDR3中個別地包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR2中包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191、及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239,或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88,113,144,178,201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下之胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下之胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物包含含重鏈輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域分別包SEQ ID NO: 27及55之胺基酸序列,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域分別包含SEQ ID NO: 27及55之胺基酸序列。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域分別包含SEQ ID NO: 30及58之胺基酸序列,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含分別包含SEQ ID NO: 30及58之胺基酸序列的重鏈及輕鏈可變域。核酸
亦涵蓋編碼抗RTMC構築體或抗RTMC抗體部分之核酸分子。在一些實施例中,提供編碼全長抗RTMC抗體之核酸(或核酸集合)。在一些實施例中,提供編碼多特異性抗RTMC分子(例如多特異性抗RTMC抗體、雙特異性抗RTMC抗體,或雙特異性T細胞接合分子抗RTMC抗體)或其多肽部分之核酸(或核酸集合)。在一些實施例中,提供編碼抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR之核酸(或核酸集合)。在一些實施例中,提供編碼抗RTMC免疫結合物,或其多肽部分之核酸(或核酸集合)。 本申請案亦包括此等核酸序列之變體。舉例而言,變體包括在至少適度地嚴格雜交條件下雜交至編碼本申請案之抗RTMC構築體或抗RTMC抗體部分之核酸序列的核苷酸序列。 本發明亦提供插入有本發明之核酸的載體。 簡言之,抗RTMC構築體(例如抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR)或其多肽部分藉由編碼抗RTMC構築體或其多肽部分之天然或合成核酸的表現可藉由將該核酸插入至適當表現載體中來達成,以使得該核酸可操作地連接於5'及3'調節要素,包含例如啟動子(例如淋巴細胞特異性啟動子)及3'非轉譯區(UTR)。載體可適合於真核宿主細胞中之複製及整合。典型選殖及表現載體含有轉錄及轉譯終止子、起始序列及適用於調節所要核酸序列表現之啟動子。 本發明之核酸亦可用於使用標準基因傳遞方案的核酸免疫接種及基因療法。基因傳遞方法為此項技術中已知。參見例如美國專利第5,399,346號、第5,580,859號、第5,589,466號,其以全文引用之方式併入本文中。在一些實施例中,本發明提供基因療法載體。 核酸可選殖至多種類型之載體中。舉例而言,核酸可選殖至包括(但不限於)質體、噬菌粒、噬菌體衍生物、動物病毒及黏質體之載體中。尤其受關注之載體包括表現載體、複製載體、探針產生載體及測序載體。 此外,表現載體可以病毒載體形式提供給細胞。病毒載體技術為此項技術中熟知的且描述於例如Sambrook等人 (2001, Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York)及其他病毒學及分子生物學手冊中。適用作載體之病毒包括(但不限於)反轉錄病毒、腺病毒、腺相關病毒、疱疹病毒及慢病毒。一般而言,適合之載體含有在至少一種生物中有作用之複製起點、啟動子序列、適宜之限制性核酸內切酶位點,及一或多種可選標記物(參見例如WO 01/96584;WO 01/29058;及美國專利第6,326,193號)。 已針對基因轉移至哺乳動物細胞中開發出多個基於病毒之系統。舉例而言,反轉錄病毒為基因傳遞系統提供適宜平台。所選基因可插入載體中且使用此項技術中已知之技術封裝於反轉錄病毒粒子中。接著可分離重組型病毒且活體內或離體傳遞至個體之細胞中。此項技術中已知許多反轉錄病毒系統。在一些實施例中,使用腺病毒載體。多種腺病毒載體為此項技術中已知。在一些實施例中,使用慢病毒載體。來源於反轉錄病毒(諸如慢病毒)之載體為達成長期基因轉移之適合工具,因為其允許長期穩定整合轉殖基因及其在子細胞中之傳播。慢病毒載體具有優於來源於致癌反轉錄病毒(諸如鼠類白血病病毒)之載體的額外優勢,因為其可轉導非增殖性細胞,諸如肝細胞。其亦具有低免疫原性之額外優勢。 額外啟動子要素(例如,強化子)調節轉錄起始頻率。通常,此等要素定位於起始位點上游30-110 bp區中,儘管多個啟動子最近已展示含有亦在起始位點下游之功能性要素。啟動子要素之間的間距通常為靈活的,使得在要素倒置或相對於彼此移動時保留啟動子功能。在胸苷激酶(tk)啟動子中,啟動子要素之間的間距在活性開始減退之前可增加至相隔50 bp。 適合啟動子之一個實例為即刻早期巨細胞病毒(CMV)啟動子序列。此啟動子序列為能夠驅使任何與其可操作地連接之聚核苷酸序列之高表現水準的強組成性啟動子序列。適合啟動子之另一實例為延伸生長因子-1α (EF-1α)。然而,亦可使用其他組成性啟動子序列,包括(但不限於)猴病毒40 (SV40)早期啟動子、小鼠乳房腫瘤病毒(MMTV)、人類免疫缺乏病毒(HIV)長末端重複序列(LTR)啟動子、MoMuLV啟動子、禽類白血病病毒啟動子、埃-巴二氏病毒(Epstein-Barr virus)即刻早期啟動子、勞斯肉瘤病毒啟動子(Rous sarcoma virus promoter),以及人類基因啟動子,諸如(但不限於)肌動蛋白啟動子、肌球蛋白啟動子、血紅素啟動子及肌酸激酶啟動子。此外,本發明應不限於組成性啟動子之使用。亦涵蓋誘導性啟動子作為本發明之部分。誘導性啟動子之使用提供分子開關,該分子開關能夠在需要此類表現時打開其可操作地連接之聚核苷酸序列之表現或在不需要表現時關閉表現。誘導性啟動子之實例包括(但不限於)金屬硫蛋白啟動子、糖皮質激素啟動子、孕酮啟動子及四環素啟動子。 為了評估多肽或其部分之表現,待引入細胞中之表現載體亦可含有可選標記基因或報導基因或兩者以促進自設法經病毒載體轉染或感染之細胞群體鑑別及選擇表現細胞。在其他態樣中,可選標記物可攜載於獨立DNA段上且用於共轉染程序。可選標記物及報導體基因皆可側接適當調節序列以使能夠在宿主細胞中表現。有用可選標記包括例如耐抗生素基因,諸如neo及其類似物。 報導基因用於識別潛在經轉染細胞及評估調節序列功能。一般而言,報導基因係接受者生物體或組織中不存在或表現且會編碼表現藉由一些容易偵測之特性(例如酶促活性)顯現之多肽的基因。在DNA已引入接受者細胞中之後的適合時間分析報導基因之表現。適合報告基因可包括編碼螢光素酶、β-半乳糖、氯黴素乙醯基轉移酶、分泌鹼性磷酸酶或綠色螢光蛋白基因之基因(例如Ui-Tel等人, 2000 FEBS Letters 479: 79-82)。適合表現系統為熟知的且可使用已知技術製備或商購獲得。一般而言,具有展示報導基因最高表現水準之最小5'側接區的構築體鑑別為啟動子。此類啟動子區可連接至報導基因且用於評估調節啟動子驅動之轉錄能力的試劑。 向細胞中引入及表現基因之方法為此項技術中已知。在表現載體之上下文中,載體可藉由此項技術中之任何方法容易地引入宿主細胞,例如哺乳動物、細菌、酵母菌或昆蟲細胞中。舉例而言,表現載體可藉由物理、化學或生物方式轉移至宿主細胞中。 用於將聚核苷酸引入至宿主細胞中之物理方法包括磷酸鈣沈澱、脂質體轉染、粒子轟擊、顯微注射、電穿孔及其類似方法。用於製造包含載體及/或外源性核酸之細胞的方法為此項技術中熟知的。參見例如Sambrook等人(2001, Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York)。在一些實施例中,藉由磷酸鈣轉染進行將聚核苷酸引入至宿主細胞中。 將所關注的聚核苷酸引入宿主細胞中之生物方法包括使用DNA及RNA載體。病毒載體及尤其反轉錄病毒載體已成為最廣泛用於將基因插入至哺乳動物(例如人類)細胞中之方法。其他病毒載體可來源於慢病毒、痘病毒、1型單純疱疹病毒病毒、腺病毒及腺相關病毒及其類似病毒。參見例如,美國專利第5,350,674號及第5,585,362號。 用於將聚核苷酸引入至宿主細胞中之化學方式包括膠態分散系統,諸如大分子複合物、奈米囊劑、微球、珠粒及基於脂質之系統,包括水包油乳液、微胞、混合微胞及脂質體。用作活體外及活體內傳遞媒劑之例示性膠態系統為脂質體(例如人工膜泡)。 在利用非病毒傳遞系統之情況下,例示性傳遞媒劑為脂質體。預期使用脂質調配物將核酸引入至宿主細胞(活體外、離體或活體內)。在另一態樣中,核酸可與脂質結合。與脂質相結合之核酸可囊封於脂質體之水性內部中,穿插於脂質體之脂質雙層內,經由與脂質體及寡核苷酸相結合之連接分子附接至脂質體、包覆於脂質體中,與脂質體複合,分散於含有脂質之溶液中,與脂質混合,與脂質組合,以懸浮液形式含於脂質中,含有微胞或與微胞複合,或以其他方式與脂質相結合。結合脂質、脂質/DNA或脂質/表現載體之組合物不限於溶液中之任何特定結構。舉例而言,其可存在於雙層結構中,以微胞形式存在或具有「塌陷」結構。其亦可簡單地穿插於溶液中,可能形成尺寸或形狀上不均勻的聚集物。脂質為可為天然存在之脂質或合成脂質的脂肪物質。舉例而言,脂質包括細胞質中天然存在之脂肪滴以及含有長鏈脂族烴及其衍生物之化合物類別(諸如脂肪酸、醇、胺、胺基醇及醛)。 不管用於將外源性核酸引入宿主細胞或以其他方式使細胞暴露於本發明之抑制劑的方法,為了確認宿主細胞中重組DNA序列之存在,可進行多種分析。此類分析包括例如熟習此項技術者熟知之「分子生物」分析,諸如南方及北方墨點法、RT-PCR及PCR;「生物化學」分析,諸如偵測特定肽之存在或不存在,例如藉由免疫學方式(ELISA及西方墨點法)或藉由本文所描述之分析來識別在本發明之範疇內的試劑。MHC I 類蛋白質
MHC I類蛋白質為兩種主要類別之主要組織相容複合物(MHC)分子中的一者(另一者為MHC II類)且發現於身體之幾乎每一成核細胞上。其功能為顯示細胞內至T細胞之蛋白質片段;將忽略健康細胞,而含有外來蛋白質之細胞將被免疫系統攻擊。由於MHC I類蛋白質呈遞衍生自胞溶質蛋白質之肽,MHC I類呈遞路徑通常稱作胞溶質或內源性路徑。I類MHC分子結合主要產生自胞溶質蛋白質之降解(藉由蛋白酶體)之肽。MHC I:肽複合物接著插入至細胞之質膜中。肽結合至I類MHC分子之細胞外部分。因此,I類MHC之功能為將胞內蛋白質呈現至細胞毒性T細胞(CTL)。然而,I類MHC亦可在稱為交叉呈遞之方法中呈遞產生自外源蛋白質之肽。 MHC I類蛋白質由兩個多肽鏈組成:α及β2-微球蛋白(β2M)。兩個鏈經由b2m及α3域之相互作用非共價連接。僅α鏈為多晶型且由HLA基因編碼,而b2m次單元並非多晶型且由β-2微球蛋白基因編碼。α3域跨越質膜且與T細胞之CD8共受體相互作用。α3-CD8相互作用將MHC I分子保持在適當的位置,而細胞毒性T細胞表面上之T細胞受體(TCR)結合其α1-α2雜二聚體配位體,且檢查偶合肽之抗原性。α1及α2域摺疊而構成凹槽,用於肽結合。MHC I類蛋白質結合長度為8-10個胺基酸之肽。 人類白血球抗原(HLA)基因為MHC基因之人類型式。人體中之三種主要MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A、HLA-B及HLA-C,而3種次要MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-E、HLA-F及HLA-G。HLA-A位列人體中具有最快演進編碼序列之基因中。截至2013年12月,存在2432種編碼1740種活性蛋白質及117種剔除式蛋白質之已知HLA-A等位基因。HLA-A基因位於染色體6之短臂上且編碼HLA-A之較大α鏈成分。HLA-A α-鏈之變化對於HLA功能至關重要。此變化促進群體中之基因多樣性。由於各HLA對於某些結構之肽具有不同親和性,較多種HLA意謂較多種抗原『呈遞』於細胞表面上,增加群體子組將對任何給定外來侵入物具抗性之可能性。此減小單一病原體具有消滅整個人類群體之能力的可能性。各個體可表現至多兩種類型之HLA-A,分別來自其親本。一些個體將自親本繼承相同HLA-A,減少其個體HLA多樣性;然而,大多數個體將接受HLA-A之兩種不同複本。所有HLA組遵循此相同模式。換言之,個體可僅表現2432種已知HLA-A等位基因中之一者或兩者。 所有等位基因以至少四數位碼進行分類,例如HLA-A*02:12。A表示對偶基因所屬於的HLA基因。由於有許多HLA-A等位基因,因此藉由血清型之分類使分類簡化。後面的一對數字就是表示此分配結果。舉例而言,HLA-A*02:02、HLA-A*02:04及HLA-A*02:324全部為A2血清型之成員(以*02字首表示)。此群組係負責HLA相容性之主要因子。後面的所有數字無法藉由血清分型測定而係經由基因定序劃定。第二組數字代表產生何種HLA蛋白質。此等以發現順序指定且截至2013年12月,有456種不同的已知HLA-A02蛋白質(指定名稱HLA-A*02:01至HLA-A*02:456)。最短可能的HLA名稱包括此等細節中之全部兩者,超出該名稱所擴展的每一者表示可能會或可能不會改變蛋白質之核苷酸變化。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分特異性結合於包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物,其中MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A、HLA-B、HLA-C、HLA-E、HLA-F或HLA-G。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A、HLA-B或HLA-C。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-B。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-C。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A01、HLA-A02、HLA-A03、HLA-A09、HLA-A10、HLA-A11、HLA-A19、HLA-A23、HLA-A24、HLA-A25、HLA-A26、HLA-A28、HLA-A29、HLA-A30、HLA-A31、HLA-A32、HLA-A33、HLA-A34、HLA-A36、HLA-A43、HLA-A66、HLA-A68、HLA-A69、HLA-A74或HLA-A80。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01-555中的任一者,諸如HLA-A*02:01、HLA-A*02:02、HLA-A*02:03、HLA-A*02:04、HLA-A*02:05、HLA-A*02:06、HLA-A*02:07、HLA-A*02:08、HLA-A*02:09、HLA-A*02:10、HLA-A*02:11、HLA-A*02:12、HLA-A*02:13、HLA-A*02:14、HLA-A*02:15、HLA-A*02:16、HLA-A*02:17、HLA-A*02:18、HLA-A*02:19、HLA-A*02:20、HLA-A*02:21、HLA-A*02:22或HLA-A*02:24。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01。HLA-A*02:01表現於39-46%之所有高加索人中,且因此表示是用於本發明之MHC I類蛋白質之適合選擇。 適用於產生抗RTMC抗體部分之HIV-1 RT肽可例如基於使用熟習此項技術者已知之電腦預測模型之蛋白酶體及免疫蛋白酶體之HLA-A*02:01結合基元及裂解位點的存在而確定。對於預測MHC結合位點,此類模型包括(但不限於) IEDB (Vita等人, The immune epitope database (IEDB) 3.0.Nucleic Acids Res .
2014年10月9日. pii: gku938)、ProPred1 (更詳細地描述於Singh及Raghava,ProPred : prediction of HLA - DR binding sites . BIOINFORMATICS
17(12):1236-1237, 2001中)及SYFPEITHI (參見Schuler等人SYFPEITHI , Database for Searching and T - Cell Epitope Prediction . Immunoinformatics Methods in Molecular Biology
, 第409(1)卷: 75-93, 2007)。 一旦鑑別出適當肽,即可根據熟習此項技術者熟知之方案完成肽合成。本發明之肽由於其相對較小尺寸而可根據習知肽合成技術直接在溶液中或固體載體上合成。各種自動合成器為可商購的且可根據已知方案使用。在溶液相中合成肽已變為大規模生產合成肽之公認程序且因此為製備本發明之肽之適合替代方法(參見例如Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis, John Morrow Stewart及Martin等人Application of Almez - mediated Amidation Reactions to Solution Phase Peptide Synthesis
, Tetrahedron Letters 第39卷, 第1517-1520頁, 1998)。 候選HIV-1 RT肽之結合活性可使用抗原加工缺陷型T2細胞株測試,該細胞株在藉由抗原呈遞溝槽中之肽穩定時增加HLA-A之表現。T2細胞經候選肽脈衝足以使細胞表面上之HLA-A表現穩定化之時間,其可使用此項技術中已知之任何方法量測,諸如藉由用對HLA-A具有特異性之螢光標記單株抗體(例如BB7.2)免疫染色,接著進行螢光活化細胞分選(FACS)分析。製備抗 RTMC 抗體及抗 RTMC 抗體部分
在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體或抗RTMC抗體部分為單株抗體。單株抗體可例如使用融合瘤方法,諸如Kohler及Milstein, Nature, 256:495 (1975)及Sergeeva等人, Blood, 117(16):4262-4272描述之方法,使用本文及下文實例中所述之噬菌體呈現方法,或使用重組DNA方法(參見例如美國專利第4,816,567號)製備。 在融合瘤方法中,倉鼠、小鼠或其他適當宿主動物通常用免疫劑免疫以產生淋巴細胞,其產生或能夠產生將特異性結合於免疫劑之抗體。或者,淋巴細胞可在活體外免疫。
免疫劑可包括多肽或相關蛋白質之融合蛋白質,或包含至少兩種分子之複合物,諸如包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物。一般而言,若需要人類來源之細胞,則使用末梢血液淋巴細胞(「PBL」);或若需要非人類哺乳動物來源之細胞,則使用脾細胞或淋巴結細胞。淋巴細胞接著使用適合融合劑(諸如聚乙二醇)與永生化細胞株融合以形成融合瘤細胞。參見例如Goding, Monoclonal Antibodies: Principles and Practice (New York: Academic Press, 1986), 第59-103頁。永生化細胞株通常為經轉化哺乳動物細胞,特定言之嚙齒動物、牛類及人類來源之骨髓瘤細胞。通常,採用大鼠或小鼠骨髓瘤細胞株。融合瘤細胞可在較佳含有一或多種抑制未融合、永生化細胞之生長或存活之物質的適合培養基中培養。舉例而言,若親本細胞缺乏酶次黃嘌呤-鳥嘌呤磷酸核糖基轉移酶(HGPRT或HPRT),則用於融合瘤之培養基通常將包括次黃嘌呤、胺基蝶呤及胸苷(「HAT培養基」),其阻止缺乏HGPRT之細胞生長。 在一些實施例中,永生化細胞株有效融合,藉由所選之產生抗體細胞支持抗體之穩定高水準表現且對於諸如HAT培養基之培養基敏感。在一些實施例中,永生化細胞株為鼠類骨髓瘤細胞株,其可例如獲自Salk Institute Cell Distribution Center, San Diego, California及American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, Virginia。亦已描述人類骨髓瘤及小鼠-人類融合骨髓瘤細胞株用於製備人類單株抗體。Kozbor,J . Immunol .
, 133:3001 (1984);及Brodeur等人, Monoclonal Antibody Production Techniques and Applications (Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1987)第51-63頁。 接著可分析培養融合瘤細胞之培養基中針對該多肽之單株抗體的存在。可藉由免疫沈澱或藉由活體外結合分析(諸如放射免疫分析(RIA)或酶聯免疫吸附分析(ELISA))測定由融合瘤細胞產生之單株抗體的結合特異性。該等技術及分析法為此項技術中已知的。單株抗體之結合親和性可例如藉由Munson及Pollard,Anal . Biochem .
, 107:220 (1980)之Scatchard分析測定。 在鑑別所需融合瘤細胞之後,純系可藉由限制稀釋程序次選殖且藉由標準方法生長。Goding, 前述。
適用於此目的之培養基包括例如達爾伯克改良型伊格爾培養基(Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium)及RPMI-1640培養基。或者,融合瘤細胞可以腹水形式活體內生長於哺乳動物中。 次純系所分泌之單株抗體可藉由習知免疫球蛋白純化程序(諸如蛋白A-瓊脂糖、羥磷灰石層析、凝膠電泳、透析或親和層析)自培養基或腹水液分離或純化。 抗RTMC抗體或抗體部分亦可藉由針對具有一或多種所需活性之抗體篩選組合庫而鑑別。舉例而言,此項技術中已知多種方法用於產生噬菌體呈現庫及針對具有所需結合特徵之抗體篩選此類文庫。此類方法綜述於例如Hoogenboom等人, Methods in Molecular Biology 178:1-37 (O'Brien等人編, Human Press, Totowa, N.J, 2001)中,且進一步描述於例如McCafferty等人,Nature
352: 624-628 (1991);Marks等人,J . Mol . Biol .
222: 581-597 (1992);Marks及Bradbury,Methods in Molecular Biology
248:161-175 (Lo編, Human Press, Totowa, N.J, 2003);Sidhu等人,J . Mol . Biol .
338(2): 299-310 (2004);Lee等人,J . Mol . Biol .
340(5): 1073-1093 (2004);Fellouse,Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci . USA
101(34): 12467-12472 (2004);及Lee等人,J . Immunol . Methods
284(1-2): 119-132(2004)中。 在某些噬菌體呈現方法中,VH
基因之譜系分別藉由聚合酶鏈反應(PCR)選殖且在噬菌體庫中隨機重組,其接著可如Winter等人,Ann . Rev . Immunol .
12: 433-455 (1994)中所述,針對抗原結合噬菌體進行篩選。噬菌體通常以單鏈Fv (scFv)片段或Fab片段形式呈現抗體片段。來自經免疫來源之文庫向免疫原提供高親和性抗體而無需構築融合瘤。替代地,可選殖原始譜系(例如來自人類)以提供針對廣泛範圍之非自體抗原以及自體抗原之單一抗體來源而無需任何免疫接種,如Griffiths等人,EMBO J ,
12: 725-734 (1993)所述。最終,原始文庫亦可以合成方式藉由自幹細胞選殖未經重排之V基因區段,且使用含有隨機序列以編碼高度可變CDR3區及實現活體外重排之PCR引子來製得,如由Hoogenboom及Winter,J . Mol . Biol .
, 227: 381-388 (1992)所描述。描述人類抗體噬菌體文庫之專利公開案包括例如:美國專利第5,750,373號及美國專利公開案第2005/0079574號、第2005/0119455號、第2005/0266000號、第2007/0117126號、第2007/0160598號、第2007/0237764號、第2007/0292936號及第2009/0002360號。 抗體或其抗原結合片段可使用噬菌體呈現來製備以篩選對包含HIV-1 RT肽及MHC I類蛋白質之複合物具有特異性之抗體的文庫。文庫可為具有至少1×109
中的任一者)個獨特人類抗體片段之多樣性的人類scFv噬菌體呈現文庫。在一些實施例中,文庫為構築自DNA之未處理人類文庫,該DNA提取自來自健康供體之人類PMBC及脾,包涵所有人類重鏈及輕鏈亞科。在一些實施例中,文庫為構築自DNA之未處理人類文庫,該DNA提取自患有各種疾病之患者,諸如患有自體免疫疾病之患者、癌症患者及患有感染性疾病(諸如HIV)之患者分離之PBMC。在一些實施例中,文庫為半合成人類文庫,其中重鏈CDR3為完全隨機化的,所有胺基酸(除半胱胺酸之外)同樣可能存在於任何給定位置(參見例如Hoet, R.M. 等人,Nat . Biotechnol .
23(3):344-348, 2005)。在一些實施例中,半合成人類文庫之重鏈CDR3之長度為約5至約24 (諸如約5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23或24中之任一者)個胺基酸。在一些實施例中,文庫為非人類噬菌體呈現文庫。 以高親和性結合至RTMC之噬菌體純系可如下選擇:藉由將噬菌體反覆結合至RTMC,該RTMC結合至固體載體(諸如用於溶液淘選之珠粒或用於細胞淘選之哺乳動物細胞),接著移除未結合噬菌體及藉由特異性結合噬菌體之溶離。在溶液淘選之實例中,RTMC可經生物素標記以固定至固體載體。生物素標記之RTMC與噬菌體文庫及固體載體,諸如抗生蛋白鏈菌素結合之戴諾珠粒(Dynabeads) M-280混合,且接著分離RTMC-噬菌體-珠粒複合物。結合噬菌體純系接著經溶離且用於感染適當宿主細胞,諸如大腸桿菌XL1-Blue,以用於表現及純化。在細胞淘選之實例中,負載有RTMC之HIV-1 RT肽之T2細胞(TAP缺陷、HLA-A*02:01+
淋巴母細胞細胞株)與噬菌體文庫混合,其後收集細胞且結合純系經溶離且用於感染適當宿主細胞以用於表現及純化。淘選可藉由溶液淘選、細胞淘選或兩者之組合進行多個(諸如約2、3、4、5、6或更多中之任一者)回合以富集特異性結合至RTMC之噬菌體純系。可藉由此項技術中已知之任何方法,包括例如ELISA及FACS測試富集之噬菌體純系與RTMC之特異性結合。 單株抗體亦可藉由重組DNA方法製得,諸如美國專利第4,816,567號中描述之方法。本發明之編碼單株抗體之DNA可使用習知程序(例如藉由使用能夠特異性結合於編碼鼠類抗體之重鏈及輕鏈之基因的寡核苷酸探針)容易地分離及定序。如上文所述之融合瘤細胞或本發明之RTMC特異性噬菌體純系可充當此類DNA之來源。分離後,可將DNA置於表現載體中,接著轉染於宿主細胞(諸如猴COS細胞、中國倉鼠卵巢(CHO)細胞或骨髓瘤細胞)中(否則該等宿主細胞不會產生免疫球蛋白),獲得重組宿主細胞中單株抗體之合成。DNA亦可例如藉由用人類重鏈及輕鏈恆定域及/或構架區之編碼序列取代同源非人類序列(美國專利第4,816,567號;莫里森等人, 前述)或藉由將非免疫球蛋白多肽之全部或部分編碼序列共價接合至免疫球蛋白編碼序列而修飾。此類非免疫球蛋白多肽可取代本發明抗體之恆定域,或可取代本發明抗體之一個抗原組合位點的可變域以產生嵌合二價抗體。 抗體可為單價抗體。用於製備單價抗體之方法為此項技術中已知。舉例而言,一種方法涉及免疫球蛋白輕鏈及經修飾之重鏈的重組表現。通常在Fc區中之任一點截斷重鏈以防止重鏈交聯。替代地,相關半胱胺酸殘基經另一胺基酸殘基取代或經缺失以防止交聯。 活體外方法亦適合於製備單價抗體。可使用此項技術中已知之任何方法實現抗體之消化以產生其片段,特定言之Fab片段。 具有所需結合特異性之抗體可變域(抗體-抗原組合位點)可融合至免疫球蛋白恆定域序列。較佳與包含鉸鏈、CH2及CH3區之至少一部分的免疫球蛋白重鏈恆定域進行融合。在一些實施例中,含有輕鏈結合所需之位點的第一重鏈恆定區(CH
1)存在於融合物中之至少一者中。將編碼免疫球蛋白重鏈融合物及(若需要)免疫球蛋白輕鏈之DNA插入獨立表現載體中,且共轉染至合適宿主生物體中。對於產生雙特異性抗體之其他細節,參見例如Suresh等人,Methods in Enzymology
, 121: 210 (1986)。人類及人類化抗體
、scFv或抗體之其他抗原結合子序列)。人類化抗體包括人類免疫球蛋白(接受者抗體),其中接受者CDR之殘基由具有所要特異性、親和性及能力的非人類物種(諸如小鼠、大鼠或兔)之CDR (供者抗體)的殘基替代。在一些情況下,人類免疫球蛋白之Fv構架殘基置換為相應非人類殘基。人類化抗體亦可包含在接受者抗體中及在所引入之CDR或構架序列中均不存在之殘基。一般而言,人類化抗體可包含基本上所有可變域,至少一個且通常兩個,其中所有或基本上所有CDR區對應於非人類免疫球蛋白之彼等CDR區且所有或基本上所有FR區為人類免疫球蛋白共同序列之彼等FR區。在一些實施例中,人類化抗體將包含免疫球蛋白恆定區(Fc)的至少一部分,通常為人類免疫球蛋白的至少一部分。參見例如Jones等人,Nature
, 321: 522-525 (1986);Riechmann等人,Nature ,
332: 323-329 (1988);Presta,Curr . Op . Struct . Biol .
, 2:593-596 (1992)。 一般而言,人類化抗體具有一或多個自非人類來源引入至其中之胺基酸殘基。此等非人類胺基酸殘基通常稱為「引入」殘基,其典型地取自「引入」可變域。根據一些實施例,人類化可基本上遵循Winter及同事之方法(Jones等人,Nature
, 321: 522-525 (1986);Riechmann等人,Nature
, 332: 323-327 (1988);Verhoeyen等人,Science
, 239: 1534-1536 (1988)),藉由用嚙齒動物CDR或CDR序列取代人類抗體之對應序列進行。因此,此類「人類化」抗體為其中實質上較少完整人類可變域已經來自非人類物種之對應序列取代的抗體(美國專利第4,816,567號),。實際上,人類化抗體通常為一些CDR殘基及可能一些FR殘基經來自嚙齒動物抗體中之類似位點的殘基取代之人類抗體。 作為人類化之替代方案,可產生人類抗體。舉例而言,現在可能產生在免疫接種後能夠在不存在內源性免疫球蛋白產生的情況下產生人類抗體之完全譜系的轉殖基因動物(例如小鼠)。舉例而言,已描述嵌合及生殖系突變小鼠中之抗體重鏈接合區(JH)基因的同型接合缺失導致完全抑制內源性抗體產生。將人類生殖系免疫球蛋白基因陣列轉移至此類生殖系突變小鼠中將導致在抗原攻擊時產生人類抗體。參見例如Jakobovits等人,PNAS USA
, 90:2551 (1993);Jakobovits等人,Nature
, 362:255-258 (1993);Bruggemann等人,Year in Immunol .
, 7:33 (1993);美國專利第5,545,806號、第5,569,825號;第5,591,669號;第5,545,807號;及WO 97/17852。替代地,可藉由將人類免疫球蛋白基因座引入轉殖基因動物(例如內源免疫球蛋白基因已部分或完全不活化的小鼠)來製備人類抗體。在攻擊之後,觀察人類抗體產生,其在所有態樣中與在人類中所見極其類似,包括基因重排、組合及抗體譜系。此方法描述於例如美國專利第5,545,807號;第5,545,806號;第5,569,825號;第5,625,126號;第5,633,425號;及第5,661,016號,及Marks等人,Bio / Technology
, 10: 779-783 (1992);Lonberg等人,Nature
, 368: 856-859 (1994);Morrison,Nature
, 368: 812-813 (1994);Fishwild等人,Nature Biotechnology
, 14: 845-851 (1996);Neuberger,Nature Biotechnology
, 14: 826 (1996);Lonberg及Huszar,Intern . Rev . Immunol .
, 13: 65-93 (1995)中。 人類抗體亦可藉由活體外活化B細胞(參見美國專利5,567,610及5,229,275)或藉由使用此項技術中已知之各種技術,包括噬菌體呈現文庫產生。Hoogenboom及Winter,J . Mol . Biol .
, 227:381 (1991);Marks等人,J . Mol . Biol .
, 222:581 (1991)。 Cole等人及Boerner等人之技術亦可用於製備人類單株抗體。Cole等人,Monoclonal Antibodies and Cancer Therapy
, Alan R. Liss, 第77頁 (1985)及Boerner等人,J. Immunol.
, 147(1): 86-95 (1991)。多特異性抗體
, 305: 537-539 (1983);WO 93/08829,及Traunecker等人,EMBO J
. 10: 3655 (1991))。由於免疫球蛋白重鏈及輕鏈之隨機分類,此等融合瘤(四源融合瘤)產生十種不同抗體分子之潛在混合物,其中僅一種具有適當雙特異性結構。適當分子之純化通常藉由親和層析步驟實現。類似程序揭示於WO 93/08829中及Traunecker等人,EMBO
, 10: 3655-3659 (1991)中。替代地,重鏈及輕鏈之組合可藉由利用物種受限配對定向(參見例如Lindhofer等人,J . Immunol .
, 155:219-225 (1995))且重鏈之配對可藉由使用CH3域之「杵-臼」工程改造定向(參見例如美國專利第5,731,168號;Ridgway等人,Protein Eng .
, 9(7):617-621 (1996))。多特異性抗體亦可藉由工程改造靜電轉向效應以製造抗體Fc-雜二聚體分子而製得(參見例如WO 2009/089004A1)。在另一方法中,穩定雙特異性抗體可由受控Fab臂交換產生,其中具有相異抗原特異性及CH3域中之匹配點突變之兩個親本抗體在還原條件下混合以允許分離、重組及再氧化而形成高度純雙特異性抗體。Labrigin等人,Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci .
, 110(13):5145-5150 (2013)。包含重鏈/輕鏈對之混合物的此類抗體在本文中亦稱為「雜多聚體抗體」。 具有不同特異性之抗體或其抗原結合片段亦可經化學交聯以產生多特異性異結合物抗體。舉例而言,對於不同抗原各具有特異性之兩個F(ab')2分子可以化學方式連接。Pullarkat等人,Trends Biotechnol.
, 48:9-21 (1999)。舉例而言,已提出此類抗體將免疫系統細胞靶向不需要的細胞(美國專利第4,676,980號)且用於治療HIV感染。WO 91/00360;WO 92/200373;EP 03089。預期抗體可使用合成蛋白質化學中之已知方法(包括涉及交聯劑之彼等方法)在活體外製備。舉例而言,免疫毒素可使用二硫鍵交換反應或藉由形成硫醚鍵來構築。適於此目的之試劑之實例包括亞胺基硫醇酯及甲基-4-巰基丁醯亞胺酯及揭示於例如美國專利第4,676,980號中之試劑。 在一些實施例中,多特異性抗體可使用重組DNA技術製備。舉例而言,雙特異性抗體可藉由融合兩個scFv,如藉由經肽連接子將其融合,產生串聯scFv而工程改造。串聯scFv之一個實例為雙特異性T細胞接合分子。雙特異性T細胞接合分子係藉由將抗CD3 scFv連接至對靶細胞之表面抗原,如腫瘤相關抗原(TAA)具有特異性之scFv,導致T細胞重定向至靶細胞而製得。Mack等人,Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci .
, 92:7021-7025 (1995);Brischwein等人,Mol . Immunol .
, 43(8):1129-1143 (2006)。藉由縮短兩個可變域之間的肽連接子長度,其可防止自裝配且強制與第二多肽上之域配對,從而產生稱作雙功能抗體(Db)之緊湊型雙特異性抗體。Holliger等人,Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci .
, 90:6444-6448 (1993)。Db之兩個多肽各自包含藉由太短而無法允許相同鏈上之兩個域之間的配對之連接子連接至VL
域配對,進而形成兩個抗原結合位點。以此型式之修飾,兩個多肽藉由另一肽連接子連接,從而產生單鏈雙功能抗體(scDb)。在Db型式之另一修飾中,雙親和性再靶向(DART)雙特異性抗體可藉由在各多肽之C端處之半胱胺酸殘基之間引入二硫鍵,視情況包括驅動所需雜二聚體結構之組裝之C端半胱胺酸殘基之前的域而產生。Veri等人,Arthritis Rheum.
, 62(7):1933-1943 (2010)。此項技術中亦已知雙可變域免疫球蛋白(DVD-IgTM
),其中兩個單株抗體之靶結合可變域經由天然存在之連接子組合以產生四價、雙特異性抗體。Gu及Ghayur,Methods Enzymol.
, 502:25-41 (2012)。在另一型式中,藉由利用藉由衍生自人類A激酶錨定蛋白(AKAP)之錨定域的肽(AD2)對衍生自人類cAMP依賴性蛋白激酶(PKA)之調節次單元的肽(DDD2)進行二聚化製備塢鎖(Dock and Lock;DNL)、雙特異性抗體。Rossi等人,Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci .
, 103:6841-6846 (2006)。 已亦描述直接自重組細胞培養物製備及分離雙特異性抗體片段之各種技術。舉例而言,已使用白胺酸拉鏈產生雙特異性抗體。Kostelny等人,J. Immunol.
, 148(5):1547-1553 (1992)。此方法亦可用於產生抗體同型二聚體。抗 RTMC 變體
在一些實施例中,涵蓋本文所提供之抗體部分之胺基酸序列變體。舉例而言,可需要改良抗體部分之結合親和性及/或其他生物特性。抗體部分之胺基酸序列變體可藉由將適當修飾引入編碼該抗體部分之核苷酸序列中或藉由肽合成來製備。此類修飾包括例如在抗體部分之胺基酸序列內之殘基之缺失及/或插入及/或取代。可製造缺失、插入及取代之任一組合以獲得最終構築體,其限制條件為最終構築體具有所需特徵,例如抗原結合。 在一些實施例中,提供具有一或多個胺基酸取代之抗體部分變體。用於取代突變誘發之相關位點包括HVR及FR。胺基酸取代可引入相關抗體部分及篩檢所需活性(例如保持/改良抗原結合、減小免疫原性或改良ADCC或CDC)之產物中。 保守性取代展示於下表6中。表 6 : 保守性取代
胺基酸可根據常見側鏈特性分組為不同類別: a.疏水性:正白胺酸、Met、Ala、Val、Leu、Ile; b.中性親水性:Cys、Ser、Thr、Asn、Gln; c.酸性:Asp、Glu; d.鹼性:His、Lys、Arg; e.影響鏈定向之殘基:Gly、Pro; f.芳族:Trp、Tyr、Phe。 非保守性取代將必然伴有將此等類別中之一者之成員換成另一個類別。 例示性取代型變體為親和性成熟的抗體部分,其可例如使用基於噬菌體呈現之親和性成熟技術便利地產生。簡言之,使一或多個CDR殘基突變且在噬菌體上呈現變異抗體部分且針對特定生物活性(例如結合親和性)篩檢。更改(例如取代)可在HVR中進行以例如改良抗體部分親和性。此類更改可在HVR「熱點」(亦即由在體細胞成熟過程期間經歷高頻率突變之密碼子所編碼之殘基(參見例如Chowdhury,Methods Mol . Biol .
207:179-196 (2008)),及/或特異性決定殘基(SDR))中進行,其中測試所得變體VH
之結合親和性。藉由構築二級文庫及自二級文庫再選擇來達成親和性成熟已描述於例如Hoogenboom等人,Methods in Molecular Biology
178:1-37 (O'Brien等人編, Human Press, Totowa, NJ, (2001))中。 在親和性成熟之一些實施例中,藉由各種方法(例如,易錯PCR、鏈改組或寡核苷酸導引之突變誘發)中之任一者將多樣性引入選用於成熟之可變基因中。隨後產生二級庫。隨後篩選該文庫以鑑別具有所需親和性之任何抗體部分變體。引入多樣性之另一方法包括HVR定向方法,其中若干個HVR殘基(例如,一次4-6個殘基)隨機進行。可特異性地鑑別抗原結合所涉及之HVR殘基,例如使用丙胺酸掃描突變誘發或建立模型。尤其通常靶向CDR-H3及CDR-L3。 在一些實施例中,可在一或多個HVR內發生取代、插入或缺失,只要此類更改實質上不降低抗體部分結合抗原之能力。舉例而言,HVR中可發生實質上不降低結合親和性之保守性更改(例如如本文所提供之保守性取代)。此類更改可在HVR 「熱點」或SDR外。在上文所提供之變異VH
序列之某些實施例中,各HVR未更改或含有不超過一個、兩個或三個胺基酸取代。 一種適用於鑑別突變誘發可靶向之抗體部分之殘基或區的方法稱為「丙胺酸掃描突變誘發」,如Cunningham及Wells (1989)Science
, 244:1081-1085所描述。在此方法中,殘基或目標殘基組(例如帶電殘基,諸如arg、asp、his、lys及glu)經鑑別且由中性或帶負電胺基酸(例如丙胺酸或聚丙胺酸)替換以確定抗體部分與抗原之相互作用是否受影響。可在對初始取代展現功能敏感性之胺基酸位置處引入其他取代。替代地或另外,可確定抗原-抗體部分複合物之晶體結構以鑑別抗體部分與抗原之間的接觸點。此類接觸殘基及鄰近殘基可作為取代之候選物經靶向或排除。可篩選變體以確定其是否含有所需特性。 胺基酸序列插入包括長度在一個殘基至含有一百個或更多個殘基之多肽範圍內的胺基端及/或羧基端融合,以及單個或多個胺基酸殘基之序列內插入。末端插入之實例包括具有N末端甲硫胺醯基殘基之抗體。抗體部分之其他插入變體包括抗體部分之N端或C端與酶(例如對於ADEPT而言)或增加抗體部分之血清半衰期之多肽的融合物。Fc 區變體
在一些實施例中,一或多個胺基酸修飾可引入至本文所提供之全長抗RTMC抗體之Fc區中,進而產生Fc區變體。在一些實施例中,Fc區變體具有增強的抗體依賴性細胞毒性(ADCC)效應功能,其通常與結合至Fc受體(FcR)相關。在一些實施例中,Fc區變體具有降低的ADCC效應功能。存在可改變效應功能的Fc序列之變化或突變的多個實例。舉例而言,WO 00/42072及Shields等人J Biol . Chem
. 9(2): 6591-6604 (2001)描述具有提高或降低之與FcR之結合之抗體變體。此等公開案之內容以引用之方式特別併入本文中。 抗體依賴性細胞介導之細胞毒性(ADCC)為治療性抗體對腫瘤細胞之作用機制。ADCC為細胞介導之免疫防禦,藉此免疫系統之效應細胞主動地有效地裂解靶細胞(例如經HIV-1感染之細胞),該細胞之膜表面抗原已與特異性抗體(例如抗RTMC抗體)結合。典型ADCC涉及NK細胞藉由抗體之活化。NK細胞表現為Fc受體之CD16。此受體識別結合至靶細胞表面之抗體之Fc部分,且結合至該Fc部分。NK細胞表面上之最常見Fc受體稱作CD16或FcγRIII。Fc受體與抗體之Fc區之結合導致NK細胞活化、溶細胞顆粒之釋放及隨之而來的靶細胞凋亡。ADCC對腫瘤細胞殺死之貢獻可藉由使用已經高親和性FcR轉染之NK-92細胞之特異性測試量測。將結果與不表現FcR之野生型NK-92細胞進行比較。 在一些實施例中,本發明涵蓋包含具有一些但並非所有效應功能之FC區的抗RTMC構築體變體,此使得其為抗RTMC構築體活體內半衰期重要,而某些效應功能(如CDC及ADCC)不必要或有害之應用的所需候選物。可進行活體外及/或活體內細胞毒性分析以確認CDC及/或ADCC活性之降低/損耗。舉例而言,可進行Fc受體(FcR)結合分析以確保抗體缺乏FcγR結合(因此可能缺乏ADCC活性),但保留FcRn結合能力。用於調節ADCC之初級細胞(NK細胞)僅表現FcγRIII,而單核細胞表現FcγRI、FcγRII及FcγRIII。FcR在造血細胞上之表現概述於Ravetch及Kinet,Annu . Rev . Immunol .
9:457-492 (1991)之第464頁之表3中。評估所關注的分子之ADCC活性之活體外分析之非限制性實例描述於美國專利第5,500,362號(參見例如Hellstrom, I.等人 Proc.Nat ' l Acad . Sci
. USA 83:7059-7063 (1986))及Hellstrom, I等人,Proc . Nat ' l Acad . Sci
. USA 82:1499-1502 (1985);美國專利第5,821,337號(參見Bruggemann, M.等人,J . Exp . Med
. 166:1351-1361 (1987))中。替代地,可採用非放射性分析方法(參見例如用於流式細胞量測術之ACTI™非放射性細胞毒性分析(CellTechnology, Inc. Mountain View, Calif.);及CytoTox 96™非放射性細胞毒性分析(Promega, Madison, Wis.))。適用於此類分析之效應細胞包括周邊血液單核細胞(PBMC)及自然殺傷(NK)細胞。替代地或另外,所關注的分子之ADCC活性可活體內評估,例如在如揭示於Clynes等人Proc . Nat ' l Acad . Sci
. USA 95:652-656 (1998)中之動物模型中。亦可進行C1q結合分析以證實抗體不能結合C1q且因此缺乏CDC活性。參見例如WO 2006/029879及WO 2005/100402中之C1q及C3c結合ELISA。為了評估補體活化,可進行CDC分析法(參見例如Gazzano-Santoro等人,J . Immunol . Methods
202:163 (1996);Cragg, M.S.等人,Blood
101:1045-1052 (2003);及Cragg, M.S.及M.J. Glennie,Blood
103:2738-2743 (2004))。亦可使用此項技術中已知之方法(參見例如Petkova, S. B.等人,Int ' l . Immunol
. 18(12):1759-1769 (2006))進行FcRn結合及活體內清除率/半衰期測定。 具有降低效應功能之抗體包括具有Fc區殘基238、265、269、270、297、327及329中之一或多者之取代的彼等抗體(美國專利第6,737,056號)。此類Fc突變體包括在胺基酸位置265、269、270、297及327中之兩者或更多者處具有取代之Fc突變體,包括殘基265及297取代為丙胺酸之所謂的「DANA」Fc突變體(美國專利第7,332,581號)。 描述具有提高或降低之與FcR之結合的某些抗體變體。(參見例如美國專利第6,737,056號;WO 2004/056312,及Shields等人,J . Biol . Chem .
9(2):6591-6604(2001))。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC構築體(例如全長抗RTMC抗體)變體,其包含含一或多個改良ADCC之胺基酸取代的變異Fc區。在一些實施例中,變異Fc區包含一或多個改良ADCC之胺基酸取代,其中取代係在變異Fc區之位置298、333及/或334 (殘基之EU編號)處。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體(例如全長抗RTMC抗體)變體包含在其變異Fc區中之以下胺基酸取代:S298A、E333A及K334A。 在一些實施例中,在產生改變(亦即改良或降低) C1q結合及/或補體依賴性細胞毒性(CDC)之Fc區中作出更改,例如描述於美國專利第6,194,551號、WO 99/51642及Idusogie等人,J . Immunol
. 164: 4178-4184(2000)。 在一些實施例中,提供一種抗RTMC構築體(例如全長抗RTMC抗體)變體,其包含含一或多個增加半衰期及/或改良與新生Fc受體(FcRn)之結合的胺基酸取代之變異Fc區。具有增加之半衰期及改良之與FcRn之結合的抗體描述於US2005/0014934A1 (Hinton等人)中。彼等抗體包含其中具有一或多個取代之Fc區,此改善Fc區與FcRn之結合。此類Fc變體包括在以下Fc區殘基中之一或多者處具有取代的彼等:238、256、265、272、286、303、305、307、311、312、317、340、356、360、362、376、378、380、382、413、424或434,例如Fc區殘基434之取代(美國專利第7,371,826號)。 關於Fc區變體之其他實例,亦參見Duncan及Winter,Nature
322:738-40 (1988);美國專利第5,648,260號;美國專利第5,624,821號;及WO 94/29351。 涵蓋包含本文所述之Fc變體中的任一者,或其組合之抗RTMC構築體(諸如全長抗RTMC抗體)。糖基化變體
在一些實施例中,本文提供之抗RTMC構築體經更改以增加或減少抗RTMC構築體經糖基化之程度。對於抗RTMC構築體之糖基化位點之添加或缺失可藉由更改抗RTMC構築體或其多肽部分之胺基酸序列,使得產生或移除一或多個糖基化位點而便利地實現。 在抗RTMC構築體包含Fc區之情況下,可改變連接於其上之碳水化合物。由哺乳動物細胞產生之天然抗體通常包含分支鏈雙觸角寡醣,其一般藉由N-連接連接於Fc區之CH2域的Asn297。參見例如Wright等人,TIBTECH
15:26-32 (1997)。寡醣可包括各種碳水化合物,例如甘露糖、N-乙醯基葡糖胺(GlcNAc)、半乳糖及唾液酸,以及連接於雙觸角寡醣結構之「主幹」中之GlcNAc上的海藻糖。在一些實施例中,可進行本發明之抗RTMC構築體中之寡醣之修飾以產生具有某些改良特性之抗RTMC構築體變體。 在一些實施例中,提供包含Fc區之抗RTMC構築體(諸如全長抗RTMC抗體)變體,其中連接至Fc區之碳水化合物結構具有減少之海藻糖或不具有海藻糖,此可改良ADCC功能。特定言之,本文中涵蓋相對於野生型CHO細胞中產生之相同抗RTMC構築體上之海藻糖的量具有減少的海藻糖的抗RTMC構築體。亦即,其特徵在於具有的海藻糖之量比其在由天然CHO細胞(例如產生天然糖基化模式之CHO細胞,諸如含有天然FUT8基因之CHO細胞)產生之情況下將另外具有之量低。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為其中在其上之N-連接聚糖之小於約50%、40%、30%、20%、10%或5%包含海藻糖之構築體。舉例而言,此類抗RTMC構築體中之海藻糖的量可為1%至80%、1%至65%、5%至65%,或20%至40%。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為其中在其上之N-連接聚糖中無一者包含海藻糖,亦即其中抗RTMC構築體完全不含海藻糖,或不具有海藻糖或經去海藻糖基化的。海藻糖之量係藉由計算糖鏈內Asn297處之海藻糖相對於如藉由MALDI-TOF質譜分析量測之連接至Asn 297之所有醣結構(例如複合、雜交及高甘露糖結構)的總和之平均量來判定,如例如WO 2008/077546中所描述。Asn297係指位於Fc區中之約位置297處(Fc區殘基之Eu編號)之天冬醯胺殘基;然而,歸因於抗體之微小序列變異,Asn297亦可位於約位置297上游或下游之±3個胺基酸處,亦即位於位置294與位置300之間。此類海藻糖基化變體可具有改良之ADCC功能。參見例如美國專利公開案第US 2003/0157108號(Presta, L.);第US 2004/0093621號(Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co., Ltd)。與「去海藻糖基化」或「海藻糖缺乏」抗體變體相關之公開案之實例包括:US 2003/0157108;WO 2000/61739;WO 2001/29246;US 2003/0115614;US 2002/0164328;US 2004/0093621;US 2004/0132140;US 2004/0110704;US 2004/0110282;US 2004/0109865;WO 2003/085119;WO 2003/084570;WO 2005/035586;WO 2005/035778;WO2005/053742;WO2002/031140;Okazaki等人.J. Mol. Biol
. 336:1239-1249 (2004);Yamane-Ohnuki等人. Biotech. Bioeng
. 87: 614 (2004)。能夠產生去海藻糖基化抗體之細胞株之實例包括缺乏蛋白質海藻糖基化之Lec13 CHO細胞(Ripka等人, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 249:533-545 (1986);美國專利申請案第US 2003/0157108 A1號,Presta, L;以及WO 2004/056312 A1,Adams等人,尤其實例11),及基因剔除細胞株,諸如α-1,6-海藻糖基轉移酶基因、FUT8、基因剔除CHO細胞(參見例如Yamane-Ohnuki等人, Biotech. Bioeng. 87: 614 (2004);Kanda, Y.等人, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 94(4):680-688 (2006);以及WO2003/085107)。 抗RTMC構築體(諸如全長抗RTMC抗體)變體另外具有對分寡糖,例如其中連接至抗RTMC構築體之Fc區之二觸角寡醣藉由GlcNAc對分。此類抗RTMC構築體(諸如全長抗RTMC抗體)變體可具有減少之海藻糖基化及/或改良之ADCC功能。此類抗體變體之實例描述於例如WO 2003/011878 (Jean-Mairet等人);美國專利第6,602,684號(Umana等人);US 2005/0123546 (Umana等人)及Ferrara等人,Biotechnology and Bioengineering
, 93(5): 851-861 (2006)中。亦提供在連接至Fc區之寡醣中具有至少一個半乳糖殘基之抗RTMC構築體(諸如全長抗RTMC抗體)變體。此類抗RTMC構築體變體可具有改良之CDC功能。此類抗體變體描述於例如WO 1997/30087 (Patel等人);WO 1998/58964 (Raju, S.);及WO 1999/22764 (Raju, S.)中。 在一些實施例中,包含Fc區之抗RTMC構築體(諸如全長抗RTMC抗體變體能夠結合至FcγRIII。在一些實施例中,包含Fc區之抗RTMC構築體(諸如全長抗RTMC抗體)變體在人類效應細胞存在下具有ADCC活性或相比於包含人類野生型IgG1Fc區之另外相同抗RTMC構築體(諸如全長抗RTMC抗體)在人類效應細胞存在下具有增加之ADCC活性。半胱胺酸工程改造變體
在一些實施例中,本文中所提供之抗RTMC構築體可經進一步修飾以含有此項技術中已知且可易於獲得之額外非蛋白質部分。適合於抗RTMC構築體衍生作用之部分包括(但不限於)水溶性聚合物。水溶性聚合物之非限制性實例包括(但不限於)聚乙二醇(PEG)、乙二醇/丙二醇共聚物、羧甲基纖維素、聚葡萄糖、聚乙烯醇、聚乙烯吡咯啶酮、聚-1,3-二氧雜環戊烷、聚-1,3,6-三噁烷、乙烯/順丁烯二酸酐共聚物、聚胺基酸(均聚物或無規共聚物)及聚葡萄糖或聚(n-乙烯吡咯啶酮)聚乙二醇、丙二醇均聚物、聚氧化丙烯/氧化乙烯共聚物、聚氧乙烯多元醇(例如甘油)、聚乙烯醇及其混合物。聚乙二醇丙醛因其於水中之穩定性而可在生產中具有優勢。聚合物可具有任何分子量,且可為分支鏈或未分支鏈。連接至抗RTMC構築體之聚合物之數目可變化,且若連接多於一種聚合物,則其可為相同或不同分子。一般而言,用於衍生作用之聚合物之數目及/或類型可基於包括(但不限於)待改良抗RTMC構築體之特定特性或功能、抗RTMC構築體衍生物是否將用於限定條件下之療法等考慮因素來判定。 在一些實施例中,提供抗RTMC構築體與可藉由暴露於輻射選擇性地加熱之非蛋白性部分之結合物。在一些實施例中,非蛋白質部分為碳奈米管(Kam等人,Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA
102: 11600-11605 (2005))。輻射可具有任何波長,且包括(但不限於)不損害普通細胞但將非蛋白質部分加熱至殺死抗RTMC構築體-非蛋白質部分近側之細胞之溫度的波長。嵌合受體效應細胞製備
在一個態樣中,本發明提供表現抗RTMC嵌合受體(諸如抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR)之效應細胞(諸如淋巴細胞,例如T細胞)。本文提供製備表現抗RTMC嵌合受體之效應細胞(諸如T細胞) (抗RTMC嵌合受體效應細胞,諸如抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞)之例示性方法。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC嵌合受體(諸如抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR)效應細胞(諸如T細胞)可藉由將包含編碼以下之序列之載體(包括例如慢病毒載體)引入至效應細胞(諸如T細胞)中來產生:抗RTMC CAR (例如包含抗RTMC抗體部分及CD28或4-1BB以及CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列之CAR)或抗RTMC abTCR。在一些實施例中,本發明之抗RTMC嵌合受體效應細胞(諸如T細胞)能夠活體內複製,引起可導致HIV-1感染之持續控制的長期持久性。 在一些實施例中,本發明係關於投與表現抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR之基因改造T細胞,以用於使用淋巴細胞輸注治療患有HIV-1感染或處於患HIV-1感染風險下的患者。在一些實施例中,在治療中使用自體淋巴細胞輸注。自需要治療之患者收集自體PBMC且使用本文中所描述及此項技術中已知之方法活化及擴增T細胞,且接著將其輸注回患者體內。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR T細胞表現包含抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC CAR (在本文中亦稱為「抗RTMC CAR T細胞」)。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR T細胞表現包含含抗RTMC抗體部分之胞外域及包含CD3ζ及CD28及/或4-1BB之胞內信號傳導序列之胞內域的抗RTMC CAR。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR T細胞表現包含抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC abTCR (在本文中亦稱為「抗RTMC abTCR T細胞」)。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR T細胞表現包含以下之抗RTMC abTCR:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質之複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分;及b)T細胞受體模組(TCRM),其能夠募集至少一個TCR相關信號傳導模組。本發明之抗RTMC嵌合受體T細胞(諸如抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞)可經受穩固的活體內T細胞擴增,且可建立以較高位準在血液及骨髓中存留較長時間的RTMC特異性記憶細胞。在一些實施例中,輸注至患者中之本發明之抗RTMC嵌合受體T細胞可在活體內消除患有HIV-1感染之患者之RTMC呈遞細胞,諸如RTMC呈遞HIV-1感染細胞。在一些實施例中,輸注至患者中之本發明之抗RTMC嵌合受體T細胞可在活體內消除患有難以用至少一種習知治療治療之HIV-1感染的患者的RTMC呈遞細胞,諸如RTMC呈遞HIV-1感染細胞。 在T細胞擴增及基因改造之前,T細胞來源獲自個體。T細胞可獲自許多來源,包括周邊血液單核細胞、骨髓、淋巴結組織、臍帶血、胸腺組織、來自感染位點之組織、腹水、肋膜積液、脾組織及腫瘤。在本發明之一些實施例中,可使用任何數目的此項技術中可用之T細胞株。在本發明之一些實施例中,T細胞可獲自使用任何數目的熟習此項技術者已知之技術(諸如Ficoll™分離)自個體收集之血液單元。在一些實施例中,藉由血球分離術獲得來自個體之循環血液的細胞。血球分離術產物通常含有淋巴細胞,包括T細胞、單核細胞、粒細胞、B細胞、其他成核白血球、紅血球及血小板。在一些實施例中,藉由血球分離術收集之細胞可經洗滌以移除血漿部分且將細胞置於適當緩衝液或介質中以用於後續處理步驟。在一些實施例中,細胞用磷酸鹽緩衝鹽水(PBS)洗滌。在一些實施例中,洗滌溶液缺乏鈣且可能缺乏鎂或可能缺乏許多(若並非全部)二價陽離子。如一般技術者將易於瞭解,洗滌步驟可藉由熟習此項技術者已知之方法實現,諸如藉由根據製造商說明書使用半自動「流通」離心機(例如,Cobe 2991細胞處理器、Baxter CytoMate或Haemonetics細胞保存器5)。在洗滌之後,細胞可再懸浮於多種生物相容性緩衝液中,如不含Ca2+
之PBS、PlasmaLyte A或其他具有或不具有緩衝劑之生理鹽水溶液。或者,可移除血球分離術樣本之非所要組分且細胞直接再懸浮於介質中。 在一些實施例中,藉由溶解紅血球及例如藉由經PERCOLL™梯度離心或藉由逆流離心淘析耗盡單核細胞而自周邊血液淋巴細胞分離T細胞。T細胞之特異性亞群(諸如CD3+
T細胞)可藉由正選擇或負選擇技術進一步分離。舉例而言,在一些實施例中,藉由與抗CD3/抗CD28 (亦即,3×28)結合珠粒(諸如DYNABEADS® M-450 CD3/CD28 T)一起培育足夠正選擇所需T細胞之時段來分離T細胞。在一些實施例中,時段為約30分鐘。在一些實施例中,時段在30分鐘至36小時或更長及其間的所有整數值範圍內。在一些實施例中,時段為至少2、3、4、5或6小時。在一些實施例中,時段為10至24小時。在一些實施例中,培育時段為24小時。為了自患有白血病之患者分離T細胞,使用較長培育時間(諸如24小時)可提高細胞產量。在相較於其他細胞類型存在極少T細胞的任何情況下可使用較長培育時間分離T細胞,諸如自腫瘤組織或免疫功能不全個體分離腫瘤浸潤淋巴細胞(TIL)。此外,使用較長培育時間可提高捕獲CD8+
T細胞之效率。因此,藉由僅縮短或延長允許T細胞結合至CD3/CD28珠粒之時間及/或藉由增加或減小珠粒與T細胞的比率,可關於或針對培養起始或方法期間之其他時間點優先選擇T細胞亞群。此外,藉由增加或降低珠粒或其他表面上抗-CD3及/或抗-CD28抗體之比率,可關於或針對培養起始或其他時間點優先選擇T細胞亞群。熟習此項技術者將認識到本發明之上下文中亦可使用多個選擇回合。在一些實施例中,可能需要進行選擇程序且在活化及擴增過程中使用「未經選擇之」細胞。「未經選擇之」細胞亦可經受其他選擇回合。 藉由負選擇之富集T細胞群體可使用與負選擇細胞相異的針對表面標記物之抗體組合實現負選擇。一種方法為經負磁性免疫黏附或流動式細胞量測術分選及/或選擇細胞,該負磁性免疫黏附或流動式細胞量測術使用針對負選擇細胞上存在之細胞表面標記物之單株抗體混合物。舉例而言,為了藉由負選擇富集CD4+
。可替代地,在一些實施例中,T調節細胞藉由抗CD25結合珠粒或其他類似選擇方法耗盡。 為了藉由正選擇或負選擇分離所需細胞群體,細胞濃度及表面(例如粒子,諸如珠粒)可變化。在一些實施例中,可能需要顯著減小珠粒及細胞混合在一起之體積(亦即增加細胞濃度),以確保細胞及珠粒之最大接觸。舉例而言,在一些實施例中,使用約20億個細胞/毫升之濃度。在一些實施例中,使用約10億個細胞/毫升之濃度。在一些實施例中,使用大於約1億個細胞/毫升。在一些實施例中,使用約1千萬、1千5百萬、2千萬、2千5百萬、3千萬、3千5百萬、4千萬、4千5百萬或5千萬個細胞/毫升中的任一者之細胞濃度。在一些實施例中,使用約7千5百萬、8千萬、8千5百萬、9千萬、9千5百萬或1億個細胞/毫升中的任一者之濃度。在一些實施例中,使用約1億2千5百萬或約1億5千萬個細胞/毫升之濃度。使用高濃度可導致增加之細胞產量、細胞活化及細胞擴增。此外,使用高細胞濃度允許更有效地捕獲可能弱表現所關注之靶抗原(諸如CD28陰性T細胞)或來自存在許多腫瘤細胞之樣本(亦即,白血病血液、腫瘤組織等)的細胞。此類細胞群體可具有治療價值且將需要獲得。舉例而言,使用高細胞濃度允許更有效選擇通常具有較弱CD28表現之CD8+
T細胞。 在本發明之一些實施例中,T細胞直接獲自治療之後的患者。就此而言,已觀測到,在某些癌症治療之後,特定言之使用破壞免疫系統之藥物治療之後,在患者通常將自治療恢復的時段期間治療之後不久,獲得之T細胞品質可最佳或其離體擴增之能力得到改良。同樣,在使用本文中所描述之方法離體操縱之後,此等細胞之增強移植及活體內擴增可呈較佳狀態。因此,本發明之上下文內涵蓋在此恢復階段期間收集血細胞(包括T細胞)、樹突狀細胞或造血譜系之其他細胞。此外,在一些實施例中,移動(例如用GM-CSF移動)及調節方案可用於建立個體內之條件,其中尤其在治療之後的制定時間窗期間宜再增殖、再循環、再生及/或擴增特定細胞類型。說明性細胞類型包括T細胞、B細胞、樹突狀細胞及免疫系統之其他細胞。 無論是在基因改造T細胞以表現所需抗RTMC嵌合受體(諸如抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR)之前或之後,可一般使用如例如於以下中所描述之方法來活化及擴增T細胞:美國專利第6,352,694號;美國專利第6,534,055號;美國專利第6,905,680號;美國專利第6,692,964號;美國專利第5,858,358號;美國專利第6,887,466號;美國專利第6,905,681號;美國專利第7,144,575號;美國專利第7,067,318號;美國專利第7,172,869號;美國專利第7,232,566號;美國專利第7,175,843號;美國專利第5,883,223號;美國專利第6,905,874號;美國專利第6,797,514號;美國專利第6,867,041;以及美國專利申請公開案第20060121005號。 一般而言,本發明之T細胞藉由使與其連接之表面與刺激CD3/TCR複合物相關信號之藥劑及刺激T細胞表面上之共刺激分子之配位體接觸而擴增。特定言之,T細胞群體可諸如藉由與抗CD3抗體或其抗原結合片段,或固定於表面上之抗CD2抗體接觸,或藉由同與鈣離子載體結合之蛋白激酶C活化劑(例如苔蘚蟲素)接觸而刺激。為了共刺激T細胞表面上之輔助分子,使用結合輔助分子之配位體。舉例而言,T細胞群體可與抗CD3抗體及抗CD28抗體在適於刺激T細胞增殖之條件下接觸。為了刺激CD4+
T細胞之增殖,可使用抗CD3抗體及抗CD28抗體。抗CD28抗體之實例包括9.3、B-T3、XR-CD28 (Diaclone, Besançon, France),可如此項技術中通常已知之其他方法一般使用(Berg等人,Transplant Proc
. 30(8):3975-3977, 1998;Haanen等人,J . Exp . Med
. 190(9):13191328, 1999;Garland等人,J . Immunol Meth
. 227(1-2):53-63, 1999)。免疫結合物製備
抗RTMC免疫結合物可使用此項技術中已知之任何方法製備。參見例如WO 2009/067800、WO 2011/133886及美國專利申請公開案第2014322129號,其以全文引用之方式併入本文中。 抗RTMC免疫結合物之抗RTMC抗體部分可藉由任何方法「連接至」效應分子,抗RTMC抗體部分可藉由該方法與效應分子相結合,或連接至效應分子。舉例而言,抗RTMC免疫結合物之抗RTMC抗體部分可藉由化學或重組方法連接至效應分子。製備融合物或結合物之化學方法為此項技術中已知且可用於製備抗RTMC免疫結合物。用於使抗RTMC抗體部分與效應分子結合之方法必須能夠在不干擾結合蛋白結合至靶細胞上之抗原之能力的情況下使結合蛋白與效應分子接合。 抗RTMC免疫結合物之抗RTMC抗體部分可間接連接至效應分子。舉例而言,抗RTMC免疫結合物之抗RTMC抗體部分可直接連接至含有若干類型中之一者之效應分子之脂質體。效應分子及/或抗RTMC抗體部分亦可結合至固體表面。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物之抗RTMC抗體部分及效應分子均為蛋白質且可使用此項技術中熟知之技術結合。存在數百種可結合兩種蛋白質之可用交聯劑。(參見例如「Chemistry of Protein Conjugation and Crosslinking」. 1991 , Shans Wong, CRC Press, Ann Arbor)。交聯劑一般基於可用或插入抗RTMC抗體部分及/或效應分子上之反應性官能基選擇。另外,若不存在反應性基團,則可使用光可活化交聯劑。在某些情況下,可能需要在抗RTMC抗體部分與效應分子之間包括間隔基。此項技術已知之交聯劑包括同型雙官能藥劑:戊二醛、二亞胺代己二酸二甲酯及雙(重氮聯苯胺);及異型雙官能藥劑:間順丁烯二醯亞胺基苯甲醯基-N-羥基丁二醯亞胺及磺酸基-間順丁烯二醯亞胺基苯甲醯基-N-羥基丁二醯亞胺。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC免疫結合物之抗RTMC抗體部分可經特異性殘基工程改造以化學連接效應分子。此項技術已知之用於化學連接分子之特異性殘基包括離胺酸及半胱胺酸。交聯劑基於插入抗RTMC抗體部分上及效應分子上可用之反應性官能基選擇。 抗RTMC免疫結合物亦可使用重組DNA技術製備。在此情況下,編碼抗RTMC抗體部分之DNA序列融合至編碼效應分子之DNA序列,產生嵌合DNA分子。將嵌合DNA序列轉染至表現融合蛋白之宿主細胞中。融合蛋白可自細胞培養物回收且使用此項技術中已知之技術純化。 將效應分子(其為標記)連接至結合蛋白之實例包括以下各者中所描述之方法:Hunter等人,Nature
144:945 (1962);David等人,Biochemistry
13:1014 (1974);Pain等人,J . Immunol . Meth
. 40:219 (1981);Nygren,J . Histochem . and Cytochem
. 30:407 (1982);Wensel及Meares,Radioimmunoimaging And Radioimmunotherapy
, Elsevier, N.Y. (1983);及Colcher等人, 「Use Of Monoclonal Antibodies As Radiopharmaceuticals For The Localization Of Human Carcinoma Xenografts In Athymic Mice」,Meth . Enzymol .
, 121:802-16 (1986)。 放射性或其他標記可以已知方式併入免疫結合物中。舉例而言,肽可生物合成或可藉由化學胺基酸合成、使用適合胺基酸前體(包括例如氟-19替代氫)而合成。諸如99
In之標記可經由肽中之半胱胺酸殘基連接。釔-90可經由離胺酸殘基連接。IODOGEN方法(Fraker等人, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 80:49-57 (1978))可用於併入碘-123。「Monoclonal Antibodies in Immunoscintigraphy」(Chatal, CRC Press 1989)詳細描述其他方法。 抗體部分與細胞毒性劑之免疫結合物可使用多種諸如以下來製備:雙功能蛋白質偶合劑,N-丁二醯亞胺基-3-(2-吡啶基二硫基)丙酸酯(SPDP)、丁二醯亞胺基-4-(N-順丁烯二醯亞胺基甲基)環己烷-1-甲酸酯(SMCC)、亞胺基硫雜環戊烷(IT);醯亞胺酯之雙功能衍生物(諸如二亞胺代己二酸二甲酯HCl);活性酯(諸如辛二酸二丁二醯亞胺酯);醛類(諸如戊二醛);雙疊氮基化合物(諸如雙(對疊氮基苯甲醯基)己二胺);雙重氮衍生物(諸如雙(對重氮苯甲醯基)-乙二胺);二異氰酸酯(諸如甲苯2,6-二異氰酸酯);及雙活性氟化合物(諸如1,5-二氟-2,4-二硝基苯)。舉例而言,蓖麻毒素免疫毒素可如Vitetta等人,Science
238: 1098 (1987)中所描述來製備。碳14標記之1-異硫氰基苯甲基-3-甲基二伸乙三胺五乙酸(MX-DTPA)為用於將放射性核苷酸結合至抗體之例示性螯合劑。參見例如WO94/11026。連接子可為促進細胞毒性藥物在細胞中釋放之「可裂解連接子」。舉例而言,可使用酸不穩定連接子、肽酶敏感連接子、光不穩定性連接子、二甲基連接子或含二硫鍵連接子(Chari等人,Cancer Research
52:127-131 (1992);美國專利第5,208,020號)。 本發明之抗RTMC免疫結合物明確地涵蓋但不限於用交聯劑試劑製備之ADC:BMPS、EMCS、GMBS、HBVS、LC-SMCC、MBS、MPBH、SBAP、SIA、SIAB、SMCC、SMPB、SMPH、磺基-EMCS、磺基-GMBS、磺基-KMUS、磺基-MBS、磺基-SIAB、磺基-SMCC及磺基-SMPB,及SVSB (丁二醯亞胺基-(4-乙烯基碸)苯甲酸酯),其市售可得(例如來自Pierce Biotechnology, Inc., Rockford, IL., U.S.A)。參見第467-498頁, 2003-2004 Applications Handbook and Catalog。醫藥組合物
本文亦提供包含抗RTMC構築體之組合物(諸如醫藥組合物,在本文中亦稱為調配物)。在一些實施例中,組合物進一步包含與抗RTMC構築體結合之細胞(諸如效應細胞,例如T細胞)。在一些實施例中,提供包含抗RTMC構築體及醫藥學上可接受之載劑之醫藥組合物。在一些實施例中,醫藥組合物進一步包含與抗RTMC構築體結合之細胞(諸如效應細胞,例如T細胞)。 抗RTMC構築體之適合調配物藉由將具有所需純度之抗RTMC構築體與視情況存在之醫藥學上可接受之載劑、賦形劑或穩定劑(Remington ' s Pharmaceutical Sciences
第16版, Osol, A.編 (1980))以凍乾調配物或水溶液形式混合而獲得。可接受之載劑、賦形劑或穩定劑在所採用劑量及濃度下對接受者為無毒性的,且包括:緩衝液,諸如磷酸鹽、檸檬酸鹽及其他有機酸;抗氧化劑,包括抗壞血酸及甲硫胺酸;防腐劑(諸如氯化十八烷基二甲基苯甲基銨;氯化六羥季銨;氯化苯甲烴銨、氯化苯索銨;苯酚、丁醇或苯甲醇;對羥基苯甲酸烷基酯,諸如對羥基苯甲酸甲酯或對羥基苯甲酸丙酯;兒茶酚;間苯二酚;環己醇;3-戊醇;以及間甲酚);低分子量(小於約10個殘基)多肽;蛋白質,諸如血清白蛋白、明膠或免疫球蛋白;親水性聚合物,諸如聚乙烯吡咯啶酮;胺基酸,諸如甘胺酸、麩醯胺酸、天冬胺酸、組胺酸、精胺酸或離胺酸;單糖、雙糖及其他碳水化合物,包括葡萄糖、甘露糖或糊精;螯合劑,諸如EDTA;糖,諸如蔗糖、甘露醇、海藻糖或山梨醇;成鹽反離子,諸如鈉;金屬複合物(例如Zn-蛋白質複合物);及/或非離子型界面活性劑,諸如TWEEN™、PLURONICS™或聚乙二醇(PEG)。例示性調配物描述於WO98/56418中,該專利以引用的方式明確併入本文中。適用於皮下投與之凍乾調配物描述於WO97/04801中。此類凍乾調配物可藉由適合稀釋劑復原至高蛋白質濃度且經復原調配物可皮下投與至本文中之待治療個體。脂質體(Lipofectin/liposome)可用於將本發明之抗RTMC構築體遞送至細胞中。 本文中之調配物亦可含有除抗RTMC構築體以外之一或多種活性化合物(視治療之特定適應症之需要),較佳具有不會不利地彼此影響之互補活性之彼等。舉例而言,可能需要進一步提供除抗RTMC構築體以外之抗贅生劑、生長抑制劑、細胞毒性劑或化學治療劑。此類分子宜以對預期目的有效之量存在於組合中。此類其他藥劑之有效量視存在於調配物中之抗RTMC構築體之量、HIV-1感染之階段及上文所論述之其他因素而定。此等藥劑一般以如本文所描述之相同劑量及投與途徑或迄今為止採用之劑量的約1%至99%使用。 亦可例如藉由凝聚技術或藉由界面聚合將抗RTMC構築體包埋於所製備之微膠囊中,例如羥甲基纖維素或明膠微膠囊及聚-(甲基丙烯酸甲酯)微膠囊分別包埋於膠狀藥物遞送系統(例如脂質體、白蛋白微球體、微乳液、奈米粒子及奈米囊劑)中或於巨乳液中。此類技術揭示於Remington ' s Pharmaceutical Sciences
第16版, Osol, A.編 (1980)中。可製備持續釋放製劑。 可製備抗RTMC構築體之持續釋放製劑。持續釋放製劑之適合實例包括含有抗體(或其片段)之固體疏水性聚合物的半滲透基質,該等基質呈成型物,例如膜或微膠囊形式。持續釋放基質之實例包括聚酯、水凝膠(例如,聚(甲基丙烯酸2-羥乙酯)或聚(乙烯醇))、聚乳酸交酯(美國專利第3,773,919號)、L-麩胺酸與乙基-L-麩胺酸酯之共聚物、不可降解乙烯-乙酸乙烯酯、諸如LUPRON DEPOTTM (由乳酸-乙醇酸共聚物及乙酸亮丙立德(leuprolide acetate)組成之可注射微球體)之可降解乳酸-乙醇酸共聚物及聚-D-(-)-3-羥基丁酸。雖然諸如乙烯-乙酸乙烯酯與乳酸-乙醇酸之聚合物允許持續釋放分子超過100天,但某些水凝膠釋放蛋白質持續較短時間段。若囊封抗體長時間留存於體內,則其可因在37℃下暴露於水分而變性或聚集,從而引起生物活性損失及可能的免疫原性變化。可視相關機制而定來設計抗RTMC構築體穩定化之合理策略。舉例而言,若發現聚集機制係經由硫基-二硫化物互換而形成分子間S-S鍵,則穩定化可藉由修飾巰基殘基、自酸性溶液凍乾、控制水分含量、使用適當添加劑及開發特定聚合基質組合物來達成。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體調配於包含檸檬酸鹽、NaCl、乙酸鹽、丁二酸鹽、甘胺酸、聚山梨醇酯80 (Tween 80)或前述之任何組合之緩衝液中。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體調配於包含約100 mM至約150 mM甘胺酸之緩衝液中。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體調配於包含約50 mM至約100 mM NaCl之緩衝液中。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體調配於包含約10 mM至約50 mM乙酸鹽之緩衝液中。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體調配於包含約10 mM至約50 mM丁二酸鹽之緩衝液中。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體調配於包含約0.005%至約0.02%聚山梨醇酯80之緩衝液中。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體調配於pH值在約5.1與5.6之間的緩衝液中。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體調配於包含10 mM檸檬酸鹽、100 mM NaCl、100 mM甘胺酸及0.01%聚山梨醇酯80之緩衝液中,其中調配物之pH為5.5。 體內投與之調配物必須為無菌的。此藉由例如經由無菌過濾膜過濾容易地實現。使用抗 RTMC 構築體之治療方法
可向個體(例如哺乳動物,諸如人類)投與本發明之抗RTMC構築體及/或組合物,以治療HIV-1感染。因此在一些實施例中,本申請案提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之組合物(諸如醫藥組合物),該組合物包含含抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體,諸如本文中所描述之抗RTMC構築體中之任一者。在一些實施例中,組合物進一步包含與抗RTMC構築體結合之細胞(諸如效應細胞)。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之組合物,該組合物包含含特異性結合至複合物(包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質)抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽包含(諸如由其組成)SEQ ID NO: 5-18中之任一者之胺基酸序列。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為非天然存在的。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為全長抗體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為多特異性(諸如雙特異性)分子。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為嵌合抗原受體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為免疫結合物。在一些實施例中,組合物進一步包含與抗RTMC構築體結合之細胞(諸如效應細胞)。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之組合物,該組合物包含含特異性結合至複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)、或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)肽及HLA-A*02:01。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為非天然存在的。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為全長抗體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為多特異性(諸如雙特異性)分子。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為嵌合抗原受體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為免疫結合物。在一些實施例中,組合物進一步包含與抗RTMC構築體結合之細胞(諸如效應細胞)。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之組合物,該組合物包含含特異性結合至複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,其中抗RTMC抗體部分包含:i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 240的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之組合物,該組合物包含含特異性結合至複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,其中抗RTMC抗體部分包含: i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 240的胺基酸序列;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者的胺基酸序列。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為非天然存在的。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為全長抗體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為多特異性(諸如雙特異性)分子。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為嵌合抗原受體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為免疫結合物。在一些實施例中,組合物進一步包含與抗RTMC構築體結合之細胞(諸如效應細胞)。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之組合物,該組合物包含含特異性結合至複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,其中抗RTMC抗體部分包含: i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;以及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;LC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;以及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之組合物,該組合物包含含特異性結合至複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,其中抗RTMC抗體部分包含: i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者的胺基酸序列;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者的胺基酸序列;或包含在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者的胺基酸序列;LC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者的胺基酸序列;以及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者的胺基酸序列;或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之組合物,該組合物包含含特異性結合至複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,其中抗RTMC抗體部分包含: i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者的胺基酸序列;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者的胺基酸序列;LC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者的胺基酸序列;以及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者的胺基酸序列。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為非天然存在的。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為全長抗體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為多特異性(諸如雙特異性)分子。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為嵌合抗原受體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為免疫結合物。在一些實施例中,組合物進一步包含與抗RTMC構築體結合之細胞(諸如效應細胞)。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之組合物,該組合物包含含特異性結合至複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,其中抗RTMC抗體部分包含:重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者的胺基酸序列或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體;及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者的胺基酸序列或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之組合物,該組合物包含含特異性結合至複合物之抗RTMC抗體部分之抗RTMC構築體,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,其中抗RTMC抗體部分包含:重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者的胺基酸序列。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為非天然存在的。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為全長抗體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為多特異性(諸如雙特異性)分子。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為嵌合抗原受體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為免疫結合物。在一些實施例中,組合物進一步包含與抗RTMC構築體結合之細胞(諸如效應細胞)。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,包含於在治療HIV-1感染方法中向個體投與之組合物中的抗RTMC構築體包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239;或個別地在HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1及/或LC-CDR3中包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR2中包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,包含於在治療HIV-1感染方法中向個體投與之組合物中的抗RTMC構築體包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239;或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,包含於在治療HIV-1感染方法中向個體投與之組合物中的抗RTMC構築體包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239。 在一些實施例中,包含於在治療HIV-1感染方法中向個體投與之組合物中的抗RTMC構築體包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下之胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74;或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下之胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74。 在一些實施例中,包含於在治療HIV-1感染方法中向個體投與之組合物中的抗RTMC構築體包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含含以下之重鏈及輕鏈可變域:SEQ ID NO: 27及55之胺基酸序列,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,包含於在治療HIV-1感染方法中向個體投與之組合物中的抗RTMC構築體包含含重鏈可變域及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,重鏈及輕鏈可變域分別地包含SEQ ID NO: 27及55之胺基酸序列。在一些實施例中,包含於在治療HIV-1感染方法中向個體投與之組合物中的抗RTMC構築體包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含含以下之重鏈及輕鏈可變域:SEQ ID NO: 30及58之胺基酸序列,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,包含於在治療HIV-1感染方法中向個體投與之組合物中的抗RTMC構築體包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含含以下之重鏈及輕鏈可變域:SEQ ID NO: 30及58之胺基酸序列。 在用於治療上文所描述之HIV-1感染之方法中之任一者之一些實施例中,在向個體投與之前,將抗RTMC構築體與細胞(諸如免疫細胞,例如T細胞)結合。因此,舉例而言,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含:a)將本文中所描述之抗RTMC構築體中的任一者與細胞(諸如免疫細胞,例如T細胞)結合,形成抗RTMC構築體/細胞結合物,及b)向個體投與有效量的包含抗RTMC構築體/細胞結合物的組合物。在一些實施例中,細胞源於個體。在一些實施例中,細胞不源於個體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體藉由共價連接至細胞表面上之分子而結合至細胞。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體藉由非共價連接至細胞表面上之分子而結合至細胞。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體藉由將一部分抗RTMC構築體插入至細胞外膜中而結合至細胞。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為非天然存在的。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為全長抗體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為多特異性(諸如雙特異性)分子。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為嵌合抗原受體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體為免疫結合物。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,個體為哺乳動物(例如人類、非人類靈長類、大鼠、小鼠、牛、馬、豬、綿羊、山羊、狗、貓等)。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。在一些實施例中,個體為臨床患者、臨床試驗志願者、實驗動物等。在一些實施例中,個體年齡小於約60歲(包括例如年齡小於約50、40、30、25、20、15或10歲中之任一者)。在一些實施例中,個體年齡大於約60歲(包括例如年齡大於約70、80、90或100歲中之任一者)。在一些實施例中,個體診斷為患有HIV-1感染。 在一些實施例中,本申請案提供一種在個體中將抗RTMC構築體(諸如本文中所描述之抗RTMC構築體中之任一者)遞送至在其表面上呈遞包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之細胞的方法,該方法包含向個體投與包含抗RTMC構築體的組合物。在一些實施例中,待遞送之抗RTMC構築體與細胞(諸如效應細胞,例如T細胞)結合。 許多HIV-1感染診斷性方法為此項技術中已知的。此類方法包括(但不限於)例如免疫組織化學、PCR及螢光原位雜交(FISH)。 在一些實施例中,本發明之抗RTMC構築體及/或組合物與第二、第三或第四藥劑(包括例如抗病毒藥物)組合投與,以治療HIV-1感染。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體與增加MHC I類蛋白質表現及/或藉由MHC I類蛋白質增強HIV-1 RT肽之表面呈遞之藥劑組合投與。在一些實施例中,藥劑包括例如IFN受體促效劑、Hsp90抑制劑、p53表現增強劑及化學治療劑。在一些實施例中,藥劑為IFN受體促效劑,包括例如IFNγ、IFNβ及IFNα。在一些實施例中,藥劑為Hsp90抑制劑,包括例如坦螺旋黴素(tanespimycin) (17-AAG)、阿螺旋黴素(alvespimycin) (17-DMAG)、瑞他黴素(retaspimycin) (IPI-504)、IPI-493、CNF2024/BIIB021、MPC-3100、Debio 0932 (CUDC-305)、PU-H71、加利特皮(Ganetespib) (STA-9090)、NVP-AUY922 (VER-52269)、HSP990、KW-2478、AT13387、SNX-5422、DS-2248及XL888。在一些實施例中,藥劑為p53表現增強劑,包括例如5-氟尿嘧啶及nutlin-3。在一些實施例中,藥劑為化學治療劑,包括例如拓朴替康(topotecan)、依託泊苷(etoposide)、順鉑(cisplatin)、太平洋紫杉醇(paclitaxel)及長春鹼(vinblastine)。 在一些實施例中,提供治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其中表現HIV-1 RT之細胞通常不在其表面上呈遞,或以相對較低位準呈遞包含HIV-1 RT蛋白質與MHC I類蛋白質之複合物,該方法包含向個體投與包含與增加MHC I類蛋白質之表現及/或藉由MHC I類蛋白質增強HIV-1 RT肽之表面呈遞之藥劑組合之抗RTMC構築體的組合物。在一些實施例中,藥劑包括例如IFN受體促效劑、Hsp90抑制劑、p53表現增強劑及化學治療劑。在一些實施例中,藥劑為IFN受體促效劑,包括例如IFNγ、IFNβ及IFNα。在一些實施例中,藥劑為Hsp90抑制劑,包括例如坦螺旋黴素(17-AAG)、阿螺旋黴素(17-DMAG)、瑞他黴素(IPI-504)、IPI-493、CNF2024/BIIB021、MPC-3100、Debio 0932 (CUDC-305)、PU-H71、加利特皮(STA-9090)、NVP-AUY922 (VER-52269)、HSP990、KW-2478、AT13387、SNX-5422、DS-2248及XL888。在一些實施例中,藥劑為p53表現增強劑,包括例如5-氟尿嘧啶及nutlin-3。在一些實施例中,藥劑為化學治療劑,包括例如拓朴替康、依託泊苷、順鉑、太平洋紫杉醇及長春鹼。 癌症治療可例如藉由腫瘤消退、腫瘤重量或尺寸收縮、進展時間、存活持續時間、無進展存活期、總反應率、反應持續時間、生活品質、蛋白質表現及/或活性評估。可使用判定療法功效之方法,包括例如經由放射成像量測反應。 在一些實施例中,治療功效以腫瘤生長抑制百分比(TGI%)形式量測,其使用方程式100-(T/C × 100)計算,其中T為經治療腫瘤之平均相對腫瘤體積,且C為未治療腫瘤之平均相對腫瘤體積。在一些實施例中,TGI%為約10%、約20%、約30%、約40%、約50%、約60%、約70%、約80%、約90%、約91%、約92%、約93%、約94%、約95%或大於95%。投與抗 RTMC 構築體組合物之劑量及方法
向個體(諸如人類)投與之抗RTMC構築體組合物之劑量可隨特定組合物、投與模式及HIV-1感染階段而變化。在一些實施例中,組合物之量有效地產生不可偵測的病毒負荷。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC構築體組合物之量足以產生潛伏性HIV儲備之完全消除。 在一些實施例中,組合物之量足以延長個體之總存活期。在一些實施例中,組合物之量(例如當單獨投與時)足以在用抗RTMC構築體組合物治療之個體群體中產生大於約50%、60%、70%或77%中之任一者的臨床效益。 在一些實施例中,單獨組合物或與第二、第三及/或第四藥劑組合的組合物的量為,與在治療前之相同個體中之對應病毒負荷或HIV-1感染細胞之數目相比,或與未接受治療之其他個體中之對應值相比,足以降低病毒負荷或降低HIV-1感染細胞的數目至少約10%、20%、30%、40%、50%、60%、70%、80%、90%、95%或100%中的任一者的量。標準方法可用於量測此效果之量值,諸如藉由純化酶之活體外分析、基於細胞之分析、動物模型或人類測試。 在一些實施例中,組合物中之抗RTMC構築體(例如全長抗RTMC抗體、多特異性抗RTMC分子、抗RTMC CAR、抗RTMC abTCR或抗RTMC免疫結合物)之量低於誘發毒理學效果(亦即高於臨床上可接受之毒性位準的效果)之位準或處於當向個體投與組合物時,可控制或容許潛在副作用之位準。 在一些實施例中,組合物之量接近遵循相同給藥方案之組合物之最大耐受劑量(MTD)。在一些實施例中,組合物之量大於MTD之約80%、90%、95%或98%中的任一者。 在一些實施例中,組合物中之抗RTMC構築體(例如全長抗RTMC抗體、多特異性抗RTMC分子、抗RTMC CAR、抗RTMC abTCR或抗RTMC免疫結合物)之量包括於約0.001 µg至約1000 µg範圍內。 在以上態樣中之任一者一些實施例中,組合物中之抗RTMC構築體(例如全長抗RTMC抗體、多特異性抗RTMC分子、抗RTMC CAR、抗RTMC abTCR或抗RTMC免疫結合物)之量在約0.1微克/公斤總體重至約100微克/公斤總體重範圍內。 抗RTMC構築體組合物可經由各種途徑向個體(諸如人類)投與,包括例如靜脈內、動脈內、腹膜內、肺內、經口、吸入、囊泡內、肌肉內、氣管內、皮下、眼內、鞘內、經黏膜及經皮。在一些實施例中,可使用組合物之持續連續釋放調配物。在一些實施例中,組合物經靜脈內投與。在一些實施例中,組合物經門靜脈內投與。在一些實施例中,組合物經動脈內投與。在一些實施例中,組合物經腹膜內投與。在其他實施例中,組合物經肝內投與。在一些實施例中,組合物藉由肝動脈輸注投與。抗 RTMC 嵌合受體效應細胞療法
本申請案亦提供使用抗RTMC嵌合受體(諸如抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR)以重導向效應細胞(諸如初級T細胞)針對包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質之特異性的方法。因此,本發明亦提供一種在哺乳動物中刺激針對靶細胞群體或組織(包含RTMC呈遞細胞)之效應細胞介導的反應(諸如T細胞介導的免疫反應)的方法,其包含向哺乳動物投與表現抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR的效應細胞(諸如T cell)的步驟。 可將表現抗RTMC嵌合受體之抗RTMC嵌合受體效應細胞(諸如抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞)輸注至有需要之接受者。輸注之細胞能夠殺死接受者中之RTMC呈遞細胞。在一些實施例中,不同於抗體療法,抗RTMC嵌合受體效應細胞(諸如T細胞)能夠活體內複製,引起可導致持續腫瘤控制之長期持久性。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC嵌合受體效應細胞為可經受活體內穩固T細胞擴增且可存留延長時間量之抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞。在一些實施例中,本發明之抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞發育為可再活化以抑制任何額外腫瘤形成或生長的特定記憶T細胞。 本發明之抗RTMC嵌合受體T細胞(諸如抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞)亦可用作一種哺乳動物離體免疫接種及/或活體內療法的疫苗類型。在一些實施例中,哺乳動物為人類。 至於離體免疫接種,在將細胞投與至哺乳動物中之前,在活體外發生以下中之至少一者:i)擴增細胞,ii)將編碼抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR之核酸引入至細胞,及/或iii)低溫保存細胞。 離體程序為此項技術中熟知且在下文中更充分論述。簡言之,細胞自哺乳動物(較佳地人類)分離,且用表現本文中所揭示之抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR之載體進行基因改造(亦即,活體外轉導或轉染)。可向哺乳動物接受者投與抗RTMC CAR細胞或抗RTMC abTCR細胞,以獲得治療效益。哺乳動物接受者可為人類,且抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR細胞關於接受者可為自體的。可替代地,細胞關於接受者可為同種異體、同系或異種的。 用於離體擴增造血幹細胞及祖細胞之程序描述於美國專利第5,199,942號(其以引用的方式併入本文中)中,且可應用於本發明之細胞。其他適合方法為此項技術中已知的,因此本發明不限於任何特定離體擴增細胞之方法。簡言之,T細胞之離體培養及擴增包含:(1)藉由周邊血液採集或骨髓外植體自哺乳動物收集CD34+
造血幹細胞及祖細胞;及(2)離體擴增此類細胞。除美國專利第5,199,942號中描述之細胞生長因子以外,諸如flt3-L、IL-1、IL-3及c-套組配位體之其他因素可用於培養及擴增該等細胞。 除在離體免疫接種方面使用基於細胞之疫苗以外,本發明亦提供用於活體內免疫接種以引發針對患者中之抗原之免疫反應的組合物及方法。 本發明之抗RTMC嵌合受體效應細胞(諸如抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞)可單獨投與或呈與稀釋劑及/或其他組分(諸如IL-2或其他細胞介素或細胞群)組合之醫藥組合物投與。簡言之,本發明之醫藥組合物可包含與一或多種醫藥學上或生理學上可接受之載劑、稀釋劑或賦形劑組合之抗RTMC嵌合受體效應細胞(諸如T細胞)。此類組合物可包含:緩衝液,諸如中性緩衝鹽水、磷酸鹽緩衝鹽水及其類似物;碳水化合物,諸如葡萄糖、甘露糖、蔗糖或聚葡萄糖、甘露醇;蛋白質;多肽或諸如甘胺酸之胺基酸;抗氧化劑;螯合劑,諸如EDTA或麩胱甘肽;佐劑(例如氫氧化鋁);以及防腐劑。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC嵌合受體效應細胞(諸如T細胞)組合物調配為用於靜脈內投藥。 待投與之本發明之抗RTMC嵌合受體效應細胞(諸如抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞)組合物之精確量可由醫師考慮個體之年齡、體重、腫瘤大小、感染或癌轉移程度差異及患者(個體)病狀來決定。在一些實施例中,包含抗RTMC嵌合受體效應細胞(諸如T細胞)之醫藥組合物以約104
個細胞/公斤體重,包括彼等範圍內的所有整數值。抗RTMC嵌合受體效果細胞(諸如T細胞)組合物亦可以此等劑量多次投與。細胞可藉由使用免疫療法中通常已知之輸注技術投與(參見例如,Rosenberg等人, New Eng. J. of Med. 319:1676, 1988)。特定患者之最佳劑量及治療方案可由熟習醫藥技術者藉由監測患者之疾病跡象及相應調節治療而容易地判定。 在一些實施例中,可能需要向個體投與活化抗RTMC嵌合受體T細胞(諸如抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞),且接著隨後再抽取血液(或進行血球分離術),根據本發明自其活化T細胞及用此等活化且擴增的T細胞再輸注患者。此過程可每幾週進行多次。在一些實施例中,T細胞可自10 cc至400cc之抽血活化。在一些實施例中,T細胞自20 cc、30 cc、40 cc、50 cc、60 cc、70 cc、80 cc、90 cc或100cc之抽血活化。 可以任何便利方式進行抗RTMC嵌合受體效應細胞(諸如抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞)之投與,包括藉由氣霧劑吸入、注射、攝取、輸注、移植(implantation/transplantation)。可皮下、皮內、瘤內、結節內、髓內、肌肉內、靜脈內(i.v.)注射或腹膜內向患者投與本文所描述之組合物。在一些實施例中,藉由皮內或皮下注射向患者投與本發明之抗RTMC嵌合受體效應細胞(諸如T細胞)組合物。在一些實施例中,藉由靜脈內注射投與本發明之抗RTMC嵌合受體效應細胞(諸如T細胞)組合物。抗RTMC嵌合受體效應細胞(諸如T細胞)之組合物可直接注射至腫瘤、淋巴結或感染位點中。 因此,舉例而言,在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC CAR之效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC CAR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質的複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC CAR之效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC CAR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至包含HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I(SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)肽與HLA-A*02:01的複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC CAR之效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC CAR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質的複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該MHC I類蛋白質包含 i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 240的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC CAR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC CAR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,該MHC I類蛋白質包含 i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 240的胺基酸序列;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者的胺基酸序列;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC CAR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC CAR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,該MHC I類蛋白質包含 i)重鏈可變域,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,LC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC CAR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC CAR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,該MHC I類蛋白質包含 i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者的胺基酸序列;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者的胺基酸序列;或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者的胺基酸序列;LC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者的胺基酸序列;或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC CAR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC CAR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,該MHC I類蛋白質包含 i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者的胺基酸序列;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者的胺基酸序列;LC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者的胺基酸序列;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC CAR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC CAR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,該MHC I類蛋白質包含i)重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者的胺基酸序列;或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者的胺基酸序列;或具有至少約95% (包括例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC CAR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC CAR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,該MHC I類蛋白質包含重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者的胺基酸序列;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239;或在HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1及/或LC-CDR3中個別地包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR2中包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239,或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下之胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74;或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下之胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含含以下之重鏈及輕鏈可變域:分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55之胺基酸序列,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含分別包含SEQ ID NO: 27及55之胺基酸序列的重鏈及輕鏈可變域。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含含以下之重鏈及輕鏈可變域:分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58之胺基酸序列,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC CAR包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含分別包含SEQ ID NO: 30及58之胺基酸序列的重鏈及輕鏈可變域。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC abTCR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC abTCR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質;及b)能夠募集至少一個TCR相關信號傳導模組的T細胞受體模組(TCRM)。在一些實施例中,HIV-1 RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。在一些實施例中,MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC abTCR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC abTCR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8)、或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9)肽及HLA-A*02:01;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC abTCR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC abTCR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,該MHC I類蛋白質包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 240的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC abTCR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC abTCR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,該MHC I類蛋白質包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 240的胺基酸序列;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者的胺基酸序列;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC abTCR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC abTCR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,該MHC I類蛋白質包含 i)重鏈可變域,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,LC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個(諸如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體,及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者的胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC abTCR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC abTCR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,該MHC I類蛋白質包含i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者的胺基酸序列;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者的胺基酸序列;或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者的胺基酸序列;LC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者的胺基酸序列;或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC abTCR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC abTCR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,該MHC I類蛋白質包含 i)重鏈可變域序列,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者的胺基酸序列;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及ii)輕鏈可變域序列,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者的胺基酸序列;LC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者的胺基酸序列;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC abTCR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC abTCR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,該MHC I類蛋白質包含i)重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者的胺基酸序列或具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體,及ii)輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者的胺基酸序列或具有至少約95% (包括例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 在一些實施例中,提供一種治療個體之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之包含表現抗RTMC abTCR的效應細胞(諸如T細胞)的組合物,該抗RTMC abTCR包含:a)胞外域,其包含特異性結合至複合物的抗RTMC抗體部分,該複合物包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質,該MHC I類蛋白質包含重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者的胺基酸序列;及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者的胺基酸序列;b)跨膜域;及c)胞內信號傳導域,其包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列。在一些實施例中,個體為人類。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2,及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239,或在HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1及/或LC-CDR3中個別地包含至多約5個(例如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR2中包含至多約3個(例如約1、2或3中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239,或在HC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代及/或在LC-CDR序列中包含至多約5個(諸如約1、2、3、4或5中之任一者)胺基酸取代的其變體。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含含以下之胺基酸序列的HC-CDR1、HC-CDR2、HC-CDR3、LC-CDR1、LC-CDR2及LC-CDR3:分別地SEQ ID NO: 75、97、125、164、190及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、126、165、191及209,分別地SEQ ID NO: 77、99、127、164、192及210,分別地SEQ ID NO: 78、100、128、166、193及211,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、101、129、167、194及212,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、130、168、192及213,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、103、131、169、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、104、132、170、195及215,分別地SEQ ID NO: 76、98、133、171、196及216,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、105、134、164、192及217,分別地SEQ ID NO: 83、106、135、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 84、107、136、172、197及219,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、137、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 86、109、138、173、198及220,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、139、174、199及221,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、140、164、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 87、111、141、175、200及222,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、142、176、192及208,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、112、143、177、191及223,分別地SEQ ID NO: 88、113、144、178、201及224,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、145、179、202及225,分別地SEQ ID NO: 89、115、146、175、200及226,分別地SEQ ID NO: 90、116、147、169、191及227,分別地SEQ ID NO: 81、117、148、169、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、118、149、180、199及228,分別地SEQ ID NO: 82、114、150、176、200及229,分別地SEQ ID NO: 91、119、151、181、191及230,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、152、182、203及231,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、153、164、192及232,分別地SEQ ID NO: 93、121、154、183、204及233,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、120、155、184、191及214,分別地SEQ ID NO: 80、102、156、164、192及234,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、157、185、200及235,分別地SEQ ID NO: 85、108、158、186、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 79、110、159、187、205及236,分別地SEQ ID NO: 92、108、160、177、191及218,分別地SEQ ID NO: 94、122、161、173、206及237,分別地SEQ ID NO: 95、123、162、188、200及238,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 96、124、163、189、207及239。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下之胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC抗體部分包含重鏈及輕鏈可變域,重鏈及輕鏈可變域包含以下之胺基酸序列:分別地SEQ ID NO: 19及47,分別地SEQ ID NO: 20及48,分別地SEQ ID NO: 21及49,分別地SEQ ID NO: 22及50,分別地SEQ ID NO: 23及51,分別地SEQ ID NO: 24及52,分別地SEQ ID NO: 25及53,分別地SEQ ID NO: 26及54,分別地SEQ ID NO: 27及55,分別地SEQ ID NO: 28及56,分別地SEQ ID NO: 29及57,分別地SEQ ID NO: 30及58,分別地SEQ ID NO: 31及59,分別地SEQ ID NO: 32及60,分別地SEQ ID NO: 33及61,分別地SEQ ID NO: 34及62,分別地SEQ ID NO: 35及63,分別地SEQ ID NO: 36及64,分別地SEQ ID NO: 37及65,分別地SEQ ID NO: 38及66,分別地SEQ ID NO: 39及67,分別地SEQ ID NO: 40及68,分別地SEQ ID NO: 41及69,分別地SEQ ID NO: 42及70,分別地SEQ ID NO: 43及71,分別地SEQ ID NO: 44及72,分別地SEQ ID NO: 45及73,或分別地SEQ ID NO: 46及74。 在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含含以下之重鏈及輕鏈可變域:SEQ ID NO: 27及55的胺基酸序列或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含分別包含SEQ ID NO: 27及55之胺基酸序列的重鏈及輕鏈可變域。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含含重鏈及輕鏈可變域之抗RTMC抗體部分,該重鏈及輕鏈可變域分別地包含SEQ ID NO: 30及58之胺基酸序列,或個別地具有至少約95% (例如至少約96%、97%、98%或99%中之任一者)序列一致性的其變體。在一些實施例中,抗RTMC abTCR包含抗RTMC抗體部分,該抗體部分包含分別包含SEQ ID NO: 30及58之胺基酸序列的重鏈及輕鏈可變域。使用抗 RTMC 構築體之診斷及成像方法
特異性結合至細胞表面上之RTMC之經標記之抗RTMC抗體部分及其衍生物與類似物,可用於診斷性目的,以偵測、診斷或監測HIV-1感染。舉例而言,本發明之抗RTMC抗體部分可用於原位、活體內、離體及活體外診斷分析或成像分析中。 本發明之其他實施例包括診斷個體(例如哺乳動物,諸如人類)之HIV-1感染之方法。方法包含偵測個體中之RTMC呈遞細胞。在一些實施例中,提供一種診斷個體(例如哺乳動物,諸如人類)之HIV-1感染之方法,其包含:(a)向個體投與有效量之根據上文所描述的實施例中的任一者的經標記抗RTMC抗體部分;及(b)測定個體中之標記的位準,使得標記位準高於臨限位準表示個體患有HIV-1感染。臨限位準可藉由各種方法測定,包括例如藉由根據上文所描述之診斷方法在患有HIV-1感染之第一組個體及不患有HIV-1感染之第二組個體中偵測標記,及將臨限值設定至允許在第一組與第二組之間加以區別的位準。在一些實施例中,臨限位準為零,且方法包含測定個體中之標記之存在或不存在。在一些實施例中,方法進一步包含在投與步驟(a)之後等待一定時間間隔以准許經標記抗RTMC抗體部分優先在表現RTMC之個體中之位點處濃縮(及用於清除非結合標記抗RTMC抗體部分)。在一些實施例中,方法進一步包含減去標記之背景位準。背景位準可藉由各種方法來測定,包括(例如)藉由在投與經標記抗RTMC抗體部分之前偵測個體中之標記,或藉由根據上文所描述之診斷方法偵測不患有HIV-1感染的個體中的標記。 本發明之抗RTMC抗體部分可用於使用熟習此項技術者已知之方法分析生物樣本中之RTMC呈遞細胞之位準。適合抗體標記為此項技術中已知且包括酶標記,如葡萄糖氧化酶;放射性同位素,如碘(131
Ru);魯米諾(luminol);螢光標記,如螢光素及若丹明;及生物素。 此項技術中已知之技術可應用於本發明之經標記抗RTMC抗體部分。此類技術包括(但不限於)使用雙官能結合劑(參見例如美國專利第5,756,065號;第5,714,631號;第5,696,239號;第5,652,361號;第5,505,931號;第5,489,425號;第5,435,990號;第5,428,139號;第5,342,604號;第5,274,119號;第4,994,560號;及第5,808,003號)。除以上分析以外,熟習此項技術者可使用各種活體內及離體分析。舉例而言,可將個體身體內之細胞暴露至視情況經可偵測標記(例如放射性同位素)標記之抗RTMC抗體部分,且可例如藉由外部放射性掃描或藉由分析源於先前暴露於抗RTMC抗體部分之個體的樣本(例如活檢或其他生物樣本)評估抗RTMC抗體部分與細胞之結合。製品及套組
在本發明之一些實施例中,提供一種含有適用於治療HIV-1感染之材料、用於將抗RTMC構築體遞送至在其表面上呈遞RTMC之細胞、或用於分離或偵測個體中之RTMC呈遞細胞的製品。該製品可包含容器及容器上或容器隨附之標記或藥品說明書。適合的容器包括例如瓶子、小瓶、注射器等。容器可由各種材料形成,諸如玻璃或塑膠。一般而言,容器容納對於治療HIV-1感染有效之組合物且可具有無菌接取口(例如容器可為具有可由皮下注射針刺穿之塞子的靜脈內溶液袋或小瓶)。組合物中之至少一種活性劑為本發明之抗RTMC構築體。標記或藥品說明書指明該組合物用於治療特定病狀。標記或藥品說明書將進一步包含向患者投與抗RTMC構築體組合物之說明書。亦涵蓋包含本文中描述之組合療法的製品及套組。 藥品說明書指市售治療產品封裝中通常所包括之含有關於適應症、使用、劑量、投與、與此類治療產品之使用有關之禁忌及/或警告之資訊的說明書。在一些實施例中,藥品說明書指明組合物用於治療HIV-1感染。 另外,製品可進一步包含第二容器,其包含醫藥學上可接受之緩衝液,諸如抑菌性注射用水(BWFI)、磷酸鹽緩衝鹽水、林格氏溶液(Ringer's solution)及右旋糖溶液。其可進一步包括就商業及使用者觀點而言所需之其他物質,包括其他緩衝液、稀釋劑、過濾器、針及注射器。 亦提供適用於各種目的,例如用於治療HIV-1感染、用於將抗RTMC構築體遞送至在其表面上呈遞RTMC之細胞、或用於分離或偵測個體中之RTMC呈遞細胞,的套組,其視情況與該製品組合。本發明之套組包括一或多個容器,其包含抗RTMC構築體組合物(或單位劑型及/或製品),且在一些實施例中,進一步包含根據本文所描述之方法中之任一者之另一藥劑(如本文所描述之藥劑)及/或使用說明書。套組可進一步包含選擇適合於治療之個體的說明。本發明套組中供應之說明書為通常在標記或藥品說明書(例如,包括套組於中之紙片)上之書面說明書,但機器可讀說明書(例如,磁性或光學儲存盤上載有的說明書)亦為可接受的。 舉例而言,在一些實施例中,套組包含含抗RTMC構築體(例如全長抗RTMC抗體、多特異性抗RTMC分子(諸如雙特異性抗RTMC抗體)或抗RTMC免疫結合物)之組合物。在一些實施例中,套組包含a)包含抗RTMC構築體之組合物,及b)有效量之至少一種其他藥劑,其中其他藥劑增加MHC I類蛋白質之表現及/或增強HIV-1 RT肽藉由MHC I類蛋白質(例如IFNγ、IFNβ、IFNα或Hsp90抑制劑)之表面呈遞。在一些實施例中,套組包含a)包含抗RTMC構築體之組合物,及b)關於向個體投與抗RTMC構築體組合物以用於治療HIV-1感染的說明書。在一些實施例中,套組包含a)包含抗RTMC構築體之組合物,b)有效量之至少一種其他藥劑,其中其他藥劑增加MHC I類蛋白質之表現及/或增強HIV-1 RT肽藉由MHC I類蛋白質(例如IFNγ、IFNβ、IFNα或Hsp90抑制劑)之表面呈遞,及c)關於向個體投與抗RTMC構築體組合物及其他藥劑以用於治療HIV-1感染的說明書。抗RTMC構築體及其他藥劑可存在於獨立容器或單一容器中。舉例而言,套組可包含一種相異的組合物或兩種或多於兩種之組合物,其中一種組合物包含抗RTMC構築體且另一組合物包含另一藥劑。 在一些實施例中,套組包含a)包含抗RTMC構築體(例如全長抗RTMC抗體、多特異性抗RTMC分子(諸如雙特異性抗RTMC抗體)或抗RTMC免疫結合物)之組合物,及b)關於將抗RTMC構築體與細胞(諸如源於個體之細胞,例如免疫細胞)組合以形成包含抗RTMC構築體/細胞結合物之組合物及向個體投與該抗RTMC構築體/細胞結合組合物以用於治療HIV-1感染的說明書。在一些實施例中,套組包含a)包含抗RTMC構築體之組合物,及b)細胞(諸如細胞毒性細胞)。在一些實施例中,套組包含a)包含抗RTMC構築體之組合物,b)細胞(諸如細胞毒性細胞),及c)關於將抗RTMC構築體與細胞組合以形成包含抗RTMC構築體/細胞結合物之組合物及向個體投與該抗RTMC構築體/細胞結合物組合物以用於治療HIV-1感染的說明書。在一些實施例中,套組包含含與細胞(諸如細胞毒性細胞)結合之抗RTMC構築體之組合物。在一些實施例中,套組包含a)包含與細胞(諸如細胞毒性細胞)結合之抗RTMC構築體之組合物,及b)關於向個體投與組合物以用於治療HIV-1感染的說明書。在一些實施例中,結合係藉由抗RTMC構築體結合至細胞表面上之分子。在一些實施例中,結合係藉由將抗RTMC構築體之一部分插入至細胞外膜中。 在一些實施例中,套組包含編碼抗RTMC構築體(例如全長抗RTMC抗體、多特異性抗RTMC分子(諸如雙特異性抗RTMC抗體)、抗RTMC CAR、抗RTMC abTCR或抗RTMC免疫結合物)或其多肽部分之核酸(或核酸集合)。在一些實施例中,套組包含a)編碼抗RTMC構築體或其多肽部分之核酸(或核酸集合),及b)表現核酸(或核酸集合)之宿主細胞(如效應細胞)。在一些實施例中,套組包含a)編碼抗RTMC構築體或其多肽部分之核酸(或核酸集合),及b)關於i)在宿主細胞(諸如效應細胞,例如T細胞)中表現抗RTMC構築體、ii)製備包含抗RTMC構築體或表現抗RTMC構築體之宿主細胞之組合物、及iii)向個體投與包含抗RTMC構築體或表現抗RTMC構築體之宿主細胞之組合物以用於治療HIV-1感染的說明書。在一些實施例中,宿主細胞源於個體。在一些實施例中,套組包含a)編碼抗RTMC構築體或其多肽部分之核酸(或核酸集合),b)用於表現核酸(或核酸集合)之宿主細胞(諸如效應細胞),及c)關於i)在宿主細胞中表現抗RTMC構築體、ii)製備包含抗RTMC構築體或表現抗RTMC構築體之宿主細胞之組合物、及iii)向個體投與包含抗RTMC構築體或表現抗RTMC構築體之宿主細胞的組合物以用於治療HIV-1感染的說明書。 在一些實施例中,套組包含編碼抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR之核酸。在一些實施例中,套組包含含編碼抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR之核酸之載體。在一些實施例中,套組包含a)包含編碼抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR之核酸之載體,及b)關於i)將載體引入至效應細胞(諸如源於個體之T細胞)中、ii)製備包含抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR效應細胞之組合物,及iii)向個體投與抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR效應細胞組合物以用於治療HIV-1感染的說明書。 本發明之套組係在適合的封裝中。適合的封裝包括(但不限於)小瓶、瓶子、罐、可撓性封裝(例如密封Mylar或塑膠袋)及其類似物。套組可視情況提供諸如緩衝液之額外組分及說明性資訊。因此,本申請案亦提供製品,其包括小瓶(諸如密封小瓶)、瓶子、罐、可撓性封裝及其類似者。 與抗RTMC構築體組合物之使用相關之說明書大體上包括關於所期望治療之劑量、給藥時程及投與途徑之資訊。容器可為單位劑量、散裝(例如,多劑量封裝)或次單位劑量。舉例而言,可提供套組,其含有足夠劑量之如本文中所揭示之抗RTMC構築體(例如全長抗RTMC抗體、多特異性抗RTMC分子(諸如雙特異性抗RTMC抗體)、抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR或抗RTMC免疫結合物)以持續延長時段,諸如一週、8天、9天、10天、11天、12天、13天、2週、3週、4週、6週、8週、3個月、4個月、5個月、7個月、8個月、9個月或更長中的任一者提供個體的有效治療。套組亦可包括多個單位劑量之抗RTMC構築體及醫藥組合物以及使用說明書且以對於在藥房(例如醫院藥房及配藥房)中儲存及使用而言足夠之量封裝。例示性實施例
實施例1.一種經分離抗RTMC構築體,其包含特異性結合至複合物之抗體部分,該複合物包含人類免疫不全病毒1 (HIV-1)逆轉錄酶(RT)肽與主要組織相容(MHC) I類蛋白質(「RTMC」)。 實施例2.如實施例1之分離抗-RTMC構築體,其中該HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物存在於細胞表面上。 實施例3.如實施例1之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物存在於T細胞表面上。 實施例4.如實施例1至3中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該MHC I類蛋白質為人類白血球抗原(HLA)-A。 實施例5.如實施例4之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A02。 實施例6.如實施例5之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該MHC I類蛋白質選自由以下組成之群:HLA-A*02:01、HLA-A*02:02、HLA-A*02:06、HLA-A*02:07及HLA-A*02:11。 實施例7.如實施例6之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該MHC I類蛋白質為HLA-A*02:01。 實施例8.如實施例1至7中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該抗體部分與包含該HIV-1 RT肽與第二MHC I類蛋白質之複合物交叉反應,該第二MHC I類蛋白質具有不同於該MHC I類蛋白質的HLA對偶基因。 實施例9.如實施例1至8中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該HIV-1 RT肽長度為8至12個胺基酸。 實施例10.如實施例1至9中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該HIV-1 RT肽源於對應於SEQ ID NO: 1之胺基酸181至189的區。 實施例11.如實施例1至10中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該HIV-1 RT肽包含選自由SEQ ID NO: 5-18組成之群之胺基酸序列。 實施例12.如實施例10之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該HIV-1 RT肽具有YQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 6)之胺基酸序列。 實施例13.如實施例12之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該經分離抗RTMC構築體與包含HIV-1 RT肽之變體與該MHC I類蛋白質之複合物交叉反應,該HIV-1 RT肽具有YQYMDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 5)、YQYIDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 7)、CQYMDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 8)或CQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 9)中之任一者之胺基酸序列。 實施例14.如實施例10之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該HIV-1 RT肽具有YQYMDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 5)之胺基酸序列。 實施例15.如實施例14之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該經分離抗RTMC構築體與包含HIV-1 RT肽之變體與該MHC I類蛋白質之複合物交叉反應,該HIV-1 RT肽具有YQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 6)、YQYIDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 7)、CQYMDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 8)或CQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 9)中之任一者之胺基酸序列。 實施例16.如實施例1至15中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該抗體部分為人類、人類化、合成的或半合成的。 實施例17.如實施例1至16中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該抗體部分為全長抗體、Fab、Fab'、(Fab')2、Fv或單鏈Fv (scFv)。 實施例18.如實施例1至17中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該抗體部分以約0.1 pM至約500 nM之平衡解離常數(Kd)結合至該HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物。 實施例19.如實施例1至18中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該經分離抗RTMC構築體以約0.1 pM至約500 nM之Kd結合至該HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物。 實施例20.如實施例1至19中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該抗體部分包含: i) 重鏈可變域,其包含重鏈互補決定區(HC-CDR) 1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 240之胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個胺基酸取代的其變體;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 241-244中之任一者之胺基酸序列或包含至多約3胺基酸取代的其變體;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 245-246中之任一者之胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個胺基酸取代的其變體;及 ii) 輕鏈可變域,其包含:輕鏈互補決定區(LC-CDR) 1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 247-249中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或包含至多約3個胺基酸取代的其變體;及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 250-253中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或包含至多約3個胺基酸取代的其變體。 實施例21.如實施例1至19中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該抗體部分包含: i) 重鏈可變域,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 75至 SEQ ID NO: 96中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或包含至多約5個胺基酸取代的其變體;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或包含至多約5個胺基酸取代的其變體;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列,或包含至多約5個胺基酸取代的其變體;及 ii) 輕鏈可變域,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個胺基酸取代的其變體;LC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列或包含至多約3個胺基酸取代的其變體;及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列或包含至多約5個胺基酸取代的其變體。 實施例22.如實施例1至19中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該抗體部分包含: i) 重鏈(HC)可變域,其包含HC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 75-96中之任一者之胺基酸序列;HC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 97-124中之任一者之胺基酸序列;及HC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 125-163中之任一者之胺基酸序列;或在該等HC-CDR區中包含至多約5個胺基酸取代的其變體;及 ii) 輕鏈(LC)可變域,其包含LC-CDR1,其包含SEQ ID NO: 164-189中之任一者之胺基酸序列;LC-CDR2,其包含SEQ ID NO: 190-207中之任一者之胺基酸序列;及LC-CDR3,其包含SEQ ID NO: 208-239中之任一者之胺基酸序列;或在該等LC-CDR區中包含至多約5個胺基酸取代的其變體。 實施例23.如實施例21或22之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該抗體部分包含:a)重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列或與SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者具有至少約95%序列一致性的其變體;以及b)輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列或與SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者具有至少約95%序列一致性的其變體。 實施例24.如實施例23之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該抗體部分包含:重鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 19-46中之任一者之胺基酸序列;及輕鏈可變域,其包含SEQ ID NO: 47-74中之任一者之胺基酸序列。 實施例25.如實施例1至24中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該經分離抗RTMC構築體為全長抗體。 實施例26.如實施例1至25中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該經分離抗RTMC構築體為單特異性的。 實施例27.如實施例1至25中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該經分離抗RTMC構築體為多特異性的。 實施例28.如實施例27之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該經分離抗RTMC構築體為雙特異性的。 實施例29.如實施例27或28之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該經分離抗RTMC構築體為串聯scFv、雙功能抗體(Db)、單鏈雙功能抗體(scDb)、雙親和性再靶向(DART)抗體、雙可變域(DVD)抗體、杵-臼(knob-into-hole;KiH)抗體、塢鎖(dock and lock;DNL)抗體、化學交聯抗體、雜多聚體抗體或異結合物抗體。 實施例30.如實施例29之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該經分離抗RTMC構築體為包含由肽連接子連接之兩個scFv之串聯scFv。 實施例31.如實施例30之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該肽連接子包含SEQ ID NO: 276之胺基酸序列。 實施例32.如實施例27至31中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該經分離抗RTMC構築體進一步包含特異性結合至第二抗原之第二抗體部分。 實施例33.如實施例32之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該第二抗原為T細胞表面上之抗原。 實施例34.如實施例33之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該第二抗原選自由以下組成之群:CD3γ、CD3δ、CD3ε、CD3ζ、CD28、OX40、GITR、CD137、CD27、CD40L及HVEM。 實施例35.如實施例33之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該第二抗原為CD3ε,且其中該經分離抗RTMC構築體為包含對HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物具有特異性之N端scFv及對CD3ε具有特異性之C端scFv之串聯scFv。 實施例36.如實施例33之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該T細胞選自由以下組成之群:細胞毒性T細胞、輔助T細胞及自然殺傷T細胞。 實施例37.如實施例32之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該第二抗原為自然殺傷細胞、嗜中性白血球、單核球、巨噬細胞或樹突狀細胞表面上之抗原。 實施例38.如實施例1至24中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該經分離抗RTMC構築體為嵌合抗原受體(CAR)。 實施例39.如實施例38之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該嵌合抗原受體包含含抗體部分之細胞外域、跨膜域及包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28及/或4-1BB胞內信號傳導序列之胞內信號傳導域。 實施例40.如實施例1至24中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該經分離抗RTMC構築體為嵌合抗體/T細胞受體(abTCR),其包含含該抗體部分之胞外域及含TCR跨膜域之T細胞受體(TCR)模組(TCRM)。 實施例41.如實施例40之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該TCRM能夠募集至少一個TCR相關信號傳導模組。 實施例42.如實施例41之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該TCR相關信號傳導模組選自由CD3δε、CD3γε及ζζ組成之群。 實施例43.如實施例40至42中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該抗體部分包含: a) 第一多肽鏈,其包含含VH
1抗體域之第一抗原結合域;及 b) 第二多肽鏈,其包含含VL
抗體域之第二抗原結合域, 其中該第一抗原結合域之該VH
域形成特異性結合至該RTMC之Fab樣抗原結合模組。 實施例44.如實施例1至24中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該經分離抗RTMC構築體為包含該抗體部分及效應分子之免疫結合物。 實施例45.如實施例44之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該效應分子為選自由以下組成之群之治療劑:藥物、毒素、放射性同位素、蛋白質、肽及核酸。 實施例46.如實施例45之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該治療劑為藥物或毒素。 實施例47.如實施例44之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該效應分子為標記。 實施例48.一種宿主細胞,其表現如實施例1至47中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體。 實施例49.一種核酸,其編碼包含於如實施例1至47中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體中之一或多種多肽。 實施例50.一種載體,其包含如實施例49之核酸。 實施例51.一種效應細胞,其表現如實施例38至43中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體。 實施例52.如實施例51之效應細胞,其中該效應細胞為T細胞。 實施例53.一種醫藥組合物,其包含實施例1至46中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,實施例49之核酸、實施例50之載體或實施例51或52之效應細胞。 實施例54.一種用於偵測在其表面上呈遞包含HIV-1 RT肽與MHC I類蛋白質之複合物之細胞的方法,其包含使該細胞與實施例47之經分離抗RTMC構築體接觸,及偵測該細胞上之標記之存在。 實施例55.一種用於治療患有HIV-1感染之個體之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之實施例53之醫藥組合物。 實施例56.一種用於治療患有HIV-1感染之個體之方法,其包含向個體投與有效量之實施例51或52之效應細胞。 實施例57.一種診斷患有HIV-1感染之個體之方法,其包含: a) 向個體投與有效量之實施例47之經分離抗RTMC構築體;及 b) 測定該個體中該標記之位準,其中該標記之位準高於臨限位準表示該個體患有該HIV-1感染。 實施例58.一種診斷患有HIV-1感染之個體之方法,其包含: a) 使源於該個體之樣本與實施例47之經分離抗RTMC構築體接觸;及 b) 測定該樣本中與該經分離抗RTMC構築體結合之細胞數目,其中與該經分離抗RTMC構築體結合之細胞數目之值高於臨限位準表示該個體患有該HIV-1感染。 實施例59.如實施例55至58中任一者之方法,其中該個體為人類。 實施例60.如實施例1至19中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該HIV-1 RT肽為HIV-1 RT 181,其中該抗體部分包含HC-CDR及LC-CDR序列,且其中如實施例35且包含經分離抗RTMC構築體之HC-CDR及LC-CDR序列的雙特異性抗體在水溶液調配物中持續至少約2年為穩定的。 實施例61.如實施例60之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該水溶液調配物儲存在約4℃下。 實施例62.如實施例60或61之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中於該水溶液調配物中之該雙特異性抗體保持其靶向細胞殺傷活性之至少約40%至少約2年。 實施例63.如實施例60至62中任一項之經分離抗RTMC構築體,其中該抗RTMC構築體為如實施例35之雙特異性抗體。實例
細胞樣本、細胞株及抗體 細胞株包括:肝腺癌細胞株SK-HEP-1 (ATCC HTB-52、HLA-A2+
)及淋巴母細胞細胞株T2 (ATCC CRL-1992、HLA-A2+
)。T2為TAP缺陷細胞株。細胞株在補充有5% FCS、青黴素、鏈黴素、2 mmol/L麩醯胺酸及2-巰基乙醇之RPMI 1640中在37℃/5% CO2
下培養。 所有肽均購自且由Genemed Synthesis, Inc. (San Antonio, Tex.)或Elim Biopharm (Hayward, CA)合成。肽之純度>90%。以10 mg/mL將肽溶解於DMSO中,且冷凍在-80℃下。藉由將肽與重組HLA-A02 (在C端處使用BirA、來自Avidity (Aurora, Colorado)之生物素-蛋白質接合酶進行生物素標記)及β-2微球蛋白(β2M) (~2M)再摺疊,來製備重組HIV-1 RT肽/HLA-A*02:01及對照肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物。20種結合HLA-A*02:01之對照肽(P20,SEQ ID NO: 255-274)由以下15種基因產生:BCR、BTG2、CALR、CD247、CSF2RA、CTSG、DDX5、DMTN、HLA-E、IFI30、IL7、PIM1、PPP2R1B、RPS6KB1、SSR1及β-血球蛋白基因。實例 1 . 產生 生物素標記 HIV - 1 RT / HLA - A * 02 : 01 複合物單體
生物素標記HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01複合物單體係根據標準方案製備(John D. Altman及Mark M. Davis,Current Protocols in Immunology
17.3.1-17.3.33, 2003)。簡言之,編碼全長人類β-2微球蛋白(β2m)之DNA由Genewiz合成且選殖至載體pET-27b中。編碼HLA-A*02:01 ECD-BSP (融合至HLA-A*02:01胞外域(ECD)之C端之BirA受質肽(BSP))之DNA亦由Genewiz合成且選殖至載體pET-27b中。表現人類β2m及HLA-A*02:01 ECD-BSP之載體分別轉化至大腸桿菌BL21細胞中,且經表現蛋白質以包涵體形式自細菌培養物分離。將肽配位體HIV-1 RT肽181 M184V (YQYVDDLYV,SEQ ID NO: 6)與人類β2m及HLA-A*02:01 ECD-BSP再摺疊,以形成HIV-1 RT肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物單體。摺疊肽/HLA-A*02:01單體藉由超過濾濃縮且經由尺寸排外層析法進一步純化。HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-300 HR藉由1.5管柱體積之海克隆杜爾貝科氏(Hyclone Dulbecco's)磷酸鹽緩衝鹽水溶液(Thermo Scientific, 目錄號SH3002802)平衡。未純化樣本經負載於管柱並且用1管柱體積溶離。對應於錯誤摺疊集聚物之第一峰在大致111 mL處溶離,對應於恰當摺疊MHC複合物之峰在212 mL處觀測到,且對應於游離β2M之峰在267 mL處觀測到(資料未展示)。肽/HLA-A*02:01單體經由BirA介導的酶反應經生物素標記。生物素標記肽/HLA-A*02:01單體在-80℃下儲存於PBS中。 可進行純化HIV-1 RT肽/MHC複合物之SDS-PAGE以測定蛋白質純度。舉例而言,將1 µg蛋白質複合物與2.5 µL NuPAGE LDS樣本緩衝液(Life Technologies,NP0008)混合且用去離子水使其總計達10 µL。樣本在70℃下加熱10分鐘,且接著負載至凝膠上。在180V下進行凝膠電泳1小時。實例 2 . 選擇及表徵對 HIV - 1 RT / HLA - A * 02 : 01 複合物具有特異性之 scFv 。
藉由Eureka療法構築之人類scFv抗體噬菌體呈現文庫集合(多樣性=10 × 1010
)用於選擇對HIV-1 RT 181 M184V/HLA-A*02:01/β2M複合物具有特異性的人類mAb。24個全人類噬菌體scFv文庫用於淘選HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01複合物。為了減少藉由將蛋白質複合物固定至塑膠表面上引入之MHCI複合物之構形變化,使用溶液淘選及細胞淘選替代習知板淘選。在溶液淘選中,重組生物素標記抗原在用PBS緩衝液延長洗滌之後首先與人類scFv噬菌體文庫混合,且接著,抗原-scFv抗體噬菌體複合物藉由抗生蛋白鏈菌素結合之戴諾珠粒(Dynabead) M-280經由磁道拉下。接著,結合之純系經溶離且用於感染大腸桿菌XL1-Blue細胞。在細胞淘選中,負載有HIV-1 RT肽之T2細胞首先與人類scFv噬菌體文庫混合。T2細胞為TAP缺陷、HLA-A*02:01+
淋巴母細胞細胞株。為了負載肽,用含肽(50 µg/ml)之無血清RPMI1640介質脈衝T2細胞。在用PBS延長洗滌之後,具有結合scFv抗體噬菌體之肽負載之T2細胞經快速離心。接著,結合之純系經溶離且用於感染大腸桿菌XL1-Blue細胞。接著,表現於細菌中之噬菌體純系經純化。用溶液淘選、細胞淘選或溶液與細胞淘選之組合中之任一個進行3回合淘選,以富集特異性結合HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01之scFv噬菌體純系,且選擇1350個純系以用於篩檢。 抗生蛋白鏈菌素ELISA盤分別塗佈有單體生物素標記HIV-1 RT 181肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物單體或單體生物素標記C3對照肽/HLA-A*02:01單體。C3肽為人類核蛋白p68衍生之肽YLLPAIVHI (SEQ ID NO: 255)。相對於HIV-1 RT 181肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物之來自富集噬菌體呈現淘選池之個別噬菌體純系在塗佈盤中培育。噬菌體純系之結合藉由HRP結合之抗M13抗體偵測且使用HRP受質顯影。吸光度在450 nm處讀取。從噬菌體淘選所富集的1350個噬菌體純系以ELISA篩檢鑑別出214個陽性純系。藉由DNA定序214個ELISA陽性噬菌體純系鑑別出39個獨特純系。 藉由流動式細胞測量術(FACS分析),使用HIV-1 RT負載之活T2細胞進一步測試特異性及獨特純系與細胞表面上之HLA-A*02:01/肽複合物之結合。T2細胞負載有HIV-1 RT 181 WT肽、HIV-1 RT 181 M184V肽或19種肽(P19,SEQ ID NO: 255-273)之對照混合物。對照包括無肽負載之T2細胞(T2)、R-PE結合之馬抗小鼠IgG對照(僅二級抗體)及用陰性對照噬菌體(NC噬菌體)染色之細胞。簡言之,肽負載之T2細胞用純化scFv噬菌體純系第一次染色,隨後用小鼠抗M13 mAb第二次染色,且用來自Vector Labs之R-PE結合之馬抗小鼠IgG第三次染色。各染色步驟在冰上進行30至60分鐘之間且細胞在染色之間洗滌兩次。如表7中所報告,在39個測試純系中,所有39種均特異性識別HIV-1 RT 181 M184V負載之T2細胞,且37種亦特異性識別HIV-1 RT 181 WT負載之T2細胞。此等噬菌體純系特異性結合至HIV-1 RT負載之T2細胞且不識別在HLA-A*02:01之情況下負載有對照肽混合物P19之T2細胞,或無肽負載之T2細胞。為了確認肽負載,T2-P19細胞及T2-RT 181細胞用BB7.2 (一種抗HLA-A*02特異性抗體)染色。結合至MHC複合物之肽使細胞表面MHC複合物穩定,且此穩定性變化可用BB7.2偵測。因此,與無肽負載之T2細胞相比,負載有MHC結合肽且用BB7.2染色之T2細胞之螢光信號將增強。BB7.2結合資料展示,HIV-1 RT肽及對照肽混合物P19能夠結合HLA-A*02:01分子,且形成表面肽/MHC複合物,如與T2細胞相比MFI之變化所見。表 7
平均而言,人體中之各成核細胞表現約50萬不同肽/MHC I類複合物。為了將抗肽/MHCI複合物抗體開發為具有高特異性及治療指數之抗癌藥物,對抗體至關重要的是特異性識別靶肽/MHCI複合物,而非MHCI分子自身,或結合至細胞表面上呈遞之其他肽之MHCI分子。針對19種內源性HLA-A*02:01肽之混合物篩檢噬菌體純系,該等肽衍生自通常表現於多種類型之成核人類細胞之蛋白質,諸如血球蛋白α鏈、β鏈、核蛋白p68及其類似物。如表7中所報告,HIV-1 RT肽/HLA-A*02:01特異性抗體噬菌體純系結合HIV-1 RT肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物,而非與內源性肽摺疊之HLA-A*02:01複合物。吾人推斷,經鑑別的抗體對HIV-1 RT肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物具有特異性,且不會識別結合至其他HLA-A*02:01限制肽之HLA-A*02:01分子。實例 3 . FACS 陽性 HIV - 1 RT 特異性噬菌體純系之表徵 HIV - 1 RT
變體之交叉反應 本發明中選擇之HIV-1 RT 181肽在各種HIV-1菌株中高度保守。選自針對WT及M184V HIV-1 RT肽181負載之T2細胞之FACS結合分析之純系使用變體HIV-1 RT肽負載之活T2細胞藉由FACS分析關於對活細胞表面上之HIV-1 RT肽181變體/HLA-A*02:01複合物之交叉反應性進一步表徵。變體肽與WT HIV-1 RT 181肽在位置181及/或184處相差一或兩個胺基酸。所測試變體肽序列包括HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (YQYVDDLYV,SEQ ID NO: 6)、HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (YQYIDDLYV,SEQ ID NO: 7)、HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (CQYMDDLYV,SEQ ID NO: 8)及HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C/M184V (CQYVDDLYV,SEQ ID NO: 9)。 簡言之,T2細胞負載有HIV-1 RT 181肽。對照包括無肽負載之T2細胞(T2)。肽負載之T2細胞用純化scFv噬菌體純系染色,隨後用小鼠抗M13 mAb第二次染色,且用來自Vector Labs之R-PE結合之馬抗小鼠IgG第三次染色。各染色步驟在冰上進行30至60分鐘且在各染色步驟之間洗滌細胞兩次。如表8中所報告,在8種測試純系中,6種特異性識別所有HIV-1 RT 181肽負載之T2細胞,而2種不能結合至HIV-1 RT WT負載之T2細胞,其中之1種亦不能結合至負載有HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C/M184V之T2細胞。BB7.2結合資料顯示,所有HIV-1 RT肽均能夠結合HLA-A*02:01分子,形成表面肽/MHC複合物,但負載有HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C或HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C/M184V之T2細胞展示比負載有其他HIV-1 RT肽之T2細胞高許多的表面表現(圖1)。表 8 藉由丙胺酸行走之抗原決定基定位
為了精確研究抗原決定基以用於mAb識別,在位置1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8或9處具有丙胺酸取代之HIV-1 RT肽(表9)經脈衝至T2細胞表面上。接著,藉由FACS分析測試抗體噬菌體純系與此等肽負載之T2細胞之結合。各染色之平均螢光強度(MFI)值展示於表9中。所有測試抗體噬菌體純系均識別由HIV-1 RT肽及其周圍MHCα鏈殘基形成之較小構形抗原決定基,且與各種抗體相互作用之主要肽殘基似乎駐留於肽之C端半部分中,因為大部分純系對於在位置6及7處之取代為敏感的(表10)。基於BB7.2結合,位置5、8及9似乎影響肽負載(圖1)。對照包括無肽負載之T2細胞(表10中之「T2」及圖1中之「T2細胞+二級抗體」)。表 9 表 10 針對內源性肽之抗體結合特異性評估
噬菌體純系亦可針對個別內源性HLA-A*02:01肽篩檢,該等肽衍生自通常在多種類型之成核人類細胞中表現之蛋白質,諸如包含於P20中之肽(SEQ ID NO: 255-274)。舉例而言,分別地將與20種內源性肽(SEQ ID NO: 255-274)摺疊之重組肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物塗佈在抗生蛋白鏈菌素盤上,且經由ELISA分析測定抗體結合。簡言之,在肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物塗佈盤上培育個別噬菌體純系。噬菌體純系之結合藉由HRP結合之抗M13抗體偵測且使用HRP受質顯影。吸光度在450 nm處讀取。實例 4. 工程改造之雙特異性抗體
使用HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01特異性噬菌體純系之scFv序列產生雙特異性抗體(BsAb)。BsAbs為單鏈雙特異性抗體,其包含藉由BsAb連接子(SEQ ID NO: 278)在C端端部處融合至抗-人類CD3ε小鼠單克隆scFv (SEQ ID NO: 277) (Brischwein, K.等人,Molecular Immunology
43:1129-1143, 2006)之HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01特異性噬菌體純系(自N端至C端:輕鏈可變區(LCVR)、scFv連接子(SEQ ID NO: 276)、重鏈可變區(HCVR))的scFv序列。用於產生BsAb之噬菌體純系重鏈及輕鏈可變區列於表11中。編碼HIV-1 RT scFv及抗人類CD3ε scFv之DNA片段藉由Genewiz合成且使用標準DNA技術次選殖至尤里卡(Eureka)哺乳動物表現載體pGSN-Hyg中。六組胺標籤插入C端端部以用於抗體純化及偵測。中國倉鼠卵巢(CHO)細胞經BsAb表現載體轉染,且接著培養7天以產生BsAb抗體。收集含有分泌之HIV-1 RT BsAb分子之CHO細胞上清液。BsAb藉由親和性層析法使用HisTrap HP管柱(GE healthcare)及AKTA FPLC系統來純化。簡言之,CHO細胞培養物經澄清且在低咪唑濃度(20 mM)下負載至管柱上,且接著等度高咪唑濃度溶離緩衝液(500 mM)用於溶離結合之BsAb蛋白質。可在還原條件下藉由凝膠電泳測定經純化HIV-1 RT BsAb之純度及分子量。舉例而言,將4 µg蛋白質與2.5 µL NuPAGE LDS樣本緩衝液(Life Technologies,NP0008)混合且藉由去離子水使其總計達10 µL。樣本在70℃下加熱10分鐘,且接著負載至凝膠上。在180V下進行凝膠電泳1小時。表 11
抗體聚集可藉由尺寸排外層析法(SEC)評估。舉例而言,將50 µL樣本在使由杜爾貝科氏磷酸鹽緩衝鹽水(Fisher Scientific,SH30028.FS)及0.2 M精胺酸組成之緩衝液(調節至pH 7.0)流動時注射至SEC管柱(例如Agilent,BioSEC-3,300A,4.6 × 300 mm)中。選擇具有小於10%之高分子量聚集之BsAb用於進一步表徵。實例 5 . HIV - 1 RT BsAb 抗體之表徵 HIV - 1 RT BsAb 抗體之結合親和性
例如藉由表面電漿共振(BiaCore),量測HIV-1 RT BsAb與重組HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01複合物之結合親和性。例如根據用於多循環動力學量測之製造商方案使用His Capture套組(GE Healthcare,目錄號28995056)在Biacore X100 (GE Healthcare)上量測HIV-1 RT BsAb與HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01複合物之間的結合參數。用於分析之所有蛋白質均使用HBS-E緩衝液稀釋。舉例而言,將1 µg/mL之HIV-1 RT BsAb藉由使溶液以2 µL/min持續2分鐘流經流動池2固定至藉由抗組胺酸抗體預官能化之感測器晶片上。與HIV-1 RT/A*02:01複合物之結合在例如0.19、0.38、7.5、15及30 µg/mL處分析,各運行由30 µL/min下之3分鐘結合及3分鐘解離組成。在循環結束時,表面使用來自His Capture套組之再生緩衝液再生。資料藉由BiaCore X-100評估軟體使用1:1結合位點模式分析。接著,計算結合參數(結合速率常數ka
)。藉由肽脈衝 T2 細胞之 T 細胞殺傷分析
腫瘤細胞毒性藉由LDH細胞毒性分析(Promega)來分析。購自AllCells之人類T細胞藉由CD3/CD28戴諾珠粒(Invitrogen)根據製造商方案活化及擴增。活化T細胞(ATC)在具有10% FBS加30 U/ml IL-2之RPMI1640介質中培養及維持,且在第7至14天使用。根據FACS分析,T細胞為>99% CD3+
。活化αβ T細胞(效應細胞)及靶肽負載之T2細胞以5:1比率與1 µg/ml或0.2 µg/ml BsAb共培養16小時。藉由將T2細胞與50 µg/ml之靶HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (YQYVDDLYV,SEQ ID NO: 6)或對照肽混合物P20 (SEQ ID NO: 255-274)一起培育隔夜來製備肽負載之T2細胞。接著,細胞毒性藉由在培養物上清液中量測LDH活性而測定。如圖2中所展示,BsAb 1、4、9、10、13、14、17、27、30及34以選擇性方式殺死HIV-1 RT肽負載之T2細胞。藉由細胞株之 T 細胞 殺傷分析
靶細胞細胞毒性藉由LDH細胞毒性分析(Promega)來分析。人類T細胞購自AllCells且藉由CD3/CD28戴諾珠粒(Invitrogen)根據製造商方案活化及擴增。活化T細胞(ATC)在具有10% FBS加30 U/mL IL-2之RPMI1640介質中培養及維持,且在第7至14天使用。活化T細胞(效應細胞)及靶癌細胞以5:1比率與不同濃度之BsAb (包括例如0.2、0.04、0.008及0.0016 μg/ml BsAb)共培養16小時。接著,細胞毒性藉由在培養物上清液中量測LDH活性而測定。 所測試靶細胞包括親本SK-Hep1細胞及用小型基因轉染穩定地表現HIV-1 RT WT (SEQ ID NO: 1) (SK-Hep1 HIV-1 RT WT)、HIV-1 RT M184V (SEQ ID NO: 3) (SK-Hep1 HIV-1 RT M184V)或HIV-1 RT M184I (SEQ ID NO: 4) (SK-Hep1 HIV-1 RT M184I)的SK-Hep1細胞。如圖3中所展示,BsAb 1、9、10、13、14、27及34能夠特異性地直接殺死SK-Hep1 WT、M184V及M184I細胞,而非親本SK-Hep1細胞。BsAb純系4能夠特異性地直接殺死SK-Hep1 M184V及M184I細胞,而非SK-Hep1 WT細胞。BsAb 17及30展示非特異性殺傷之證據。 可測試之其他靶細胞包括T細胞(諸如CD4+
T細胞),該等T細胞經轉導以表現HIV-1 RT WT (SEQ ID NO: 1)、HIV-1 RT M184V (SEQ ID NO: 3)或HIV-1 RT M184I (SEQ ID NO: 4)。HIV - 1 RT BsAb 抗體針對多種 HLA - A02 對偶基因之交叉反應性
人類MHCI分子由6類同功異型物HLA-A、-B、-C、-E、-F及G組成。HLA-A、-B及-C重鏈基因為高度多晶型的。對於各同功異型物,HLA基因根據重鏈序列之相似性另外分群。舉例而言,HLA-A分成不同對偶基因,諸如HLA-A01、-A02、-A03等。對於HLA-A02對偶基因,存在多種次型,諸如HLA-A*02:01、A*02:02等。在HLA-A02群組之不同次型之間,序列差異僅限於若干個胺基酸。因此在許多情況下,結合至HLA-A*02:01分子之肽亦可與HLA-A02對偶基因之多個次型形成複合物。如表12 (http://www.allelefrequencies.net/)中所展示,儘管HLA-A*02:01在高加索人群體中為優勢HLA-A02次型,在亞洲,A*02:05、A*02:06、A*02:07及A*02:11亦為常見HLA-A02次型。HIV-1 RT抗體不僅在HLA-A*02:01,但亦在HLA-A02之其他次型的情況下識別HIV-1 RT肽之能力將使可能能夠受益於HIV-1 RT抗體藥物治療之患者群體極大地變寬。為了測定交叉反應性,產生具有HLA-A02對偶基因之其他次型之HIV-1 RT/MHC I類複合物且測試HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01特異性抗體對於此等其他複合物之結合親和性。舉例而言,使用ForteBio Octet QK測定結合親和性。簡言之,將具有變化次型之5 µg/mL生物素標記之HIV-1 RT肽/HLA-A02 MHC複合物負載至抗生蛋白鏈菌素生物感測器上。在洗掉過量抗原之後,BsAb在例如10 µg/mL下測試結合及解離動力學。使用1:1結合位點、部分擬合模型計算結合參數。表 12 HIV - 1 RT BsAb 抗體之穩定性
抗RTMC BsAb純系10號、14號及27號儲存於4℃下調配物緩衝液(30 mM檸檬酸、200 mM離胺酸、0.05%聚山梨醇酯80、pH 7)中兩年,且進行如上文所描述之靶細胞殺傷分析(使用表現HIV-1 RT 181 WT小型基因之SK-Hep1靶細胞)。發現純系10號之百分比比溶胞率為~48% (兩年前測定之75%位準之64%,如圖3中所展示),發現純系14號之百分比比溶胞率為~52% (兩年前測定之75%位準之69%,如圖3中所展示),且發現純系27號之百分比比溶胞率為~4% (兩年前測定之83%位準之5%)。實例 6A . HIV - 1 RT / HLA - A * 02 : 01 特異性嵌合抗原受體 ( CAR ) 構築體之產生
嵌合抗原受體療法(CAR-T療法)為靶向免疫療法之相對新穎形式。其合併單株抗體之敏銳的靶向特異性與由細胞毒性T細胞提供之強力細胞毒性及長期持久性。此技術使得T細胞能夠獨立於內源性TCR獲得長期新穎抗原特異性。臨床試驗已在神經母細胞瘤(Louis C.U.等人,Blood
118(23):6050-6056)、B-ALL (Maude S.L.等人,N . Engl . J . Med .
371(16):1507-1517, 2014)、CLL (Brentjens R.J.等人,Blood
118(18):4817-4828, 2011)及B細胞淋巴瘤(Kochenderfer J.N.等人,Blood .
116(20):4099-4102, 2010)中展示CAR-T療法之臨床顯著抗腫瘤活性。在一個研究中,報告用CD19-CAR T療法治療之30位患有B-ALL之患者中之90%完全緩解率(Maude S.L.等人, 前述)。 為了進一步探究HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01特異性抗體之效能,構築含抗RTMC scFv之CAR且轉導至T細胞中。舉例而言,使用慢病毒CAR表現載體構築HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01特異性CAR。將抗HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01 scFv移植至具有共刺激信號傳導結構域(諸如來自CD28或4-1BB)及來自TCRζ之信號傳導結構域(其在cis
中工程改造)之第二代CAR上(Mackall C.L.等人,Nat . Rev . Clin . Oncol .
11(12):693-703, 2014),以提供胞內T細胞刺激信號及活化T細胞。舉例而言,將抗HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01 scFv移植至具有SEQ ID NO: 279或SEQ ID NO: 280之胺基酸序列之CAR多肽上。實例 6B . HIV - 1 RT / HLA - A * 02 : 01 特異性嵌合抗原受體 ( CAR ) 構築體之產生
HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01特異性CAR使用產生抗HIV CAR 10 (SEQ ID NO: 254)及抗HIV CAR 14 (SEQ ID NO: 275)之HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01特異性噬菌體純系10及14之scFv序列產生。抗HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01 CAR包含在其C端端部處融合至包含CD3ζ胞內信號傳導序列及CD28胞內信號傳導序列 (SEQ ID NO: 279)之CAR多肽之HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01特異性噬菌體純系(自N端至C端:輕鏈可變區(LCVR)、scFv連接子(SEQ ID NO: 276)、重鏈可變區(HCVR))的scFv序列。用於產生CAR之噬菌體純系重鏈及輕鏈可變區列於表13中。表 13 實例 7 . HIV - 1 RT / HLA - A * 02 : 01 特異性嵌合抗體 / TCR 受體呈遞 T 細胞 ( abTCR T 細胞 ) 之產生
嵌合抗體/T細胞受體(abTCR)由控制TCR活化之天然存在機制調節,且因此可避免組成性活化及與此類活化相關聯之負面結果。預期abTCRT細胞信號傳導內源性T細胞調節機制及對其起反應,且證明增加活體內持久性。 為了進一步探究HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01特異性抗體之效能,構築抗RTMC abTCR且轉導至T細胞中。舉例而言,使用一或多種慢病毒abTCR表現載體構築HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01特異性abTCR。將抗HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01Fab樣抗原-結合模組移植至包含T細胞受體次單元跨膜域之T細胞受體跨膜模組上,以提供經由與內源性TCR相關聯信號傳導分子(諸如CD3δε、CD3γε及ζζ)相關聯之胞內T細胞刺激信號及活化T細胞。舉例而言,將抗HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01Fab樣抗原-結合模組移植至包含SEQ ID NO: 301及302之胺基酸序列之abTCR多肽上。實例 8A . 抗 RTMC 嵌合受體 T 細胞 之表徵 抗 RTMC 嵌合受體 T 細胞 之活體外細胞毒性研究
例如藉由分別地用抗RTMC CAR載體或抗RTMC abTCR載體轉染293T細胞,來產生編碼HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01特異性嵌合抗原受體(CAR)或嵌合抗體/TCR (abTCR)之慢病毒。人類T細胞用於在藉由CD3/CD28珠粒(Dynabeads®,Invitrogen)刺激2天之後在30 U/ml之介白素-2存在下進行轉導。將濃縮慢病毒塗覆至含T細胞之Retronectin (Takara)塗佈之6孔盤72小時。藉由FACS使用生物素標記之HIV-1 RT四聚體及PE結合之抗生蛋白鏈菌素評定轉導效率。在72小時且此後每隔3至4天進行重複FACS分析。 使用LDH細胞毒性分析進行轉導T細胞(抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞)之功能性評定。所使用之效應細胞與靶細胞之比率包括例如5:1及10:1。靶細胞株可包括例如SK-HEP-1 (ATCC HTB-52、HLA至A2+
)、T細胞白血病細胞株Jurkat (ATCC TIB-152、HLA-A2-
)、白血病細胞株K562 (ATCC CCL-243、HLA-A2-
T細胞。SK-HEP-1、Jukat、K562及初級T細胞用編碼WT HIV-1 RT (SEQ ID NO: 1)、M184V HIV-1 RT (SEQ ID NO: 3)或M184I HIV-1 RT (SEQ ID NO: 4)之HIV-1 RT表現小型基因盒轉導,此產生較高位準之HIV-1 RT肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物之細胞表面表現。表現抗RTMC CAR之T細胞或表現抗RTMC abTCR之T細胞殺死靶標陽性細胞之特異性及效率如上文所描述使用LDH分析測定。抗 RTMC 嵌合受體 T 細胞 之病毒抑制研究
如上文所描述產生抗RTMC嵌合受體T細胞(抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞)。用含1 mg/ml PHA及10 ng/ml IL-2之RPMI-1640 + 10% FBS治療PBMC 2天。CD4+
T細胞與抗RTMC CAR轉導或抗RTMC abTCR轉導的CD8+
T細胞以5:1或1:1之例示性效靶比混合。每2天(對於8天)胞內p24 (Gag)位準藉由流式細胞測量術來量測。簡言之,HIV感染CD4+
T細胞用CD4、CD8及p24之抗體使用例如FIX & PERM® Cell Fixation & Cell Permeabilization套組染色。對於病毒抑制研究之實例,參見Varela-Rohena, A. 等人 (2008)Nature medicine
14(12): 1390-1395。抗 RTMC 嵌合受體轉導的 CD8 + T 細胞 回應於 HIV 感染的 CD4 + T 細胞 之增殖
此實驗之目的是為了量測用抗RTMC CAR或抗RTMC abTCR轉導的CD8+
T細胞的增殖能力。 HIV感染的CD4+
T細胞如上文所描述產生。靶細胞例如用高劑量γ輻射(例如10,000拉德)輻射。抗RTMC嵌合受體T細胞(抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞)用細胞跟蹤紫(Cell Trace Violet) (ThermoFisher)根據製造商說明書標記。以例如1:1比率混合靶細胞及抗RTMC嵌合受體T細胞。在3天之後更換介質,且在7天之後量測細胞跟蹤紫螢光。對於增殖研究之實例,參見Ali, A. 等人 (2016)Journal of virology
JVI-00805。 由活化抗RTMC嵌合受體轉導的CD8+
T細胞之細胞介素釋放 此分析之目的是為了量測由活化CD8+
抗RTMC嵌合受體T細胞(抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞)回應於HIV感染的CD4+
T細胞產生細胞介素之分析之實例,參見Varela-Rohena, A. 等人 (2008)Nature medicine 14
(12): 1390-1395。 HIV感染的CD4+
T細胞如上文所描述產生。例如以1:1或1:8之例示性E:T比率混合靶細胞及抗RTMC嵌合受體T細胞。例如使用Granzyme B (Neobioscience)、IL-2 (MultiSciences,Lianke Biotech)及IFN-γ之ELISA套組分析由CD8+
嵌合受體T細胞之細胞介素釋放。參見例如Liu, B. 等人 (2016)Journal of Virology
JVI-00852。實例 8B . 抗 RTMC CAR T 細胞 之表徵 抗 RTMC 嵌合受體 T 細胞 之活體外細胞毒性研究
編碼HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01特異性CAR之慢病毒藉由用編碼抗HIV CAR 10 (SEQ ID NO: 254)及抗HIV CAR 14 (SEQ ID NO: 275)之抗RTMC CAR載體轉染的293T細胞產生。人類T細胞用於在藉由CD3/CD28珠粒(Dynabeads®,Invitrogen)刺激1天之後在30 U/ml之介白素-2存在下進行轉導。將濃縮慢病毒(MOI 3:1)塗覆至含T細胞之Retronectin (Takara)塗佈之6孔盤72小時。亦製備模擬轉染的T細胞以用作對照。藉由FACS使用生物素標記之HIV-1 RT四聚體及PE結合之抗生蛋白鏈菌素評定轉導效率(圖4)。 使用LDH細胞毒性分析進行IL-2生長第9天之轉導T細胞(抗HIV CAR 10 T細胞或抗HIV CAR 14 T細胞)及模擬T細胞的功能性評定。以大致1 × 105
個靶細胞/孔使用5:1之效靶比。靶細胞株包括SK-HEP-1對照細胞(ATCC HTB-52、HLA-A2+
)及SK-HEP-1-MG,該SK-HEP-1-MG藉由用編碼WT HIV-1 RT 181-189 (SEQ ID NO: 5)之表現HIV-1 RT肽之小型基因盒轉導親本SK-HEP-1細胞來製備,產生較高位準之HIV-1 RT 181-189/HLA-A*02:01複合物之細胞表面表現。 表現抗RTMC CAR之T細胞殺死靶標陽性細胞之特異性及效率如上文所描述使用LDH分析測定(圖5)。兩種表現抗RTMC CAR之T細胞均以特異性及高效方式殺死靶標陽性SK-HEP-1-MG細胞。然而,相同T細胞不佳地識別靶標陰性野生型SK-HEP1細胞。此等結果表明,抗體純系對表現HIV RT之細胞具有高度特異性,且不介導對不表現HIV RT之細胞株的非特異性殺傷。實例 9 . 全長 IgG1 HIV - 1 RT 抗體之產生及表徵
例如在如所描述之HEK293及中國倉鼠卵巢(CHO)細胞株中產生所選噬菌體純系之全長人類IgG1 (Tomimatsu K.等人,Biosci . Biotechnol . Biochem .
73(7):1465-1469, 2009)。簡言之,將抗體可變區次選殖至具有相配之人類λ或κ輕鏈恆定區及人類IgG1恆定區序列的哺乳動物表現載體中。應用相同選殖策略,產生具有小鼠IgG1重鏈及輕鏈恆定區之嵌合抗HIV-1 RT肽/MHC全長抗體。在還原及非還原兩者條件下,藉由電泳量測純化之全長IgG抗體的分子量。進行純化之HIV-1 RT小鼠嵌合IgG1抗體之SDS-PAGE以測定蛋白質純度。簡言之,將2 µg蛋白質與2.5 µL NuPAGE LDS樣本緩衝液(Life Technologies,NP0008)混合且藉由去離子水使其總計達10 µL。樣本在70℃下加熱10分鐘,且接著負載至凝膠上。在180V下進行凝膠電泳1小時。 藉由流式細胞測量術,測試抗HIV-1 RT肽/MHC嵌合IgG1抗體與HIV-1 RT呈遞細胞(諸如SK-Hep1、Jurkat、K562及用如上文所描述之小型基因盒轉導之初級CD4+
細胞)之結合。將HIV-1 RT小型基因盒(表現WT、M184V或M184I HIV-1 RT)轉染至細胞中,以產生HIV-1 RT呈遞靶細胞。將10 µg/mL抗體持續1小時添加至冰上之細胞。在洗滌之後,添加R-PE結合之抗小鼠IgG(H+L) (Vector Labs#EI-2007)以偵測抗體結合。藉由ForteBio Octet QK來測定小鼠嵌合IgG1抗HIV-1 RT肽/MHC抗體之結合親和性。將5 µg/mL生物素標記之HIV-1 RT肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物負載至抗生蛋白鏈菌素生物感測器上。在洗掉過量抗原之後,在10 µg/mL下測試小鼠嵌合全長抗體之結合及解離動力學。使用1:1結合位點、部分擬合模型計算結合參數。 在ELISA分析中測試HIV-1 RT特異性及陰性對照小鼠嵌合IgG1與HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01、HIV-1 RT重組蛋白及游離HIV-1 RT 181肽之結合。抗體例如在3×連續稀釋下測試,自100 ng/mL開始,持續總共8個濃度。生物素化HIV-1 RT/A*02:01 MHC以2 µg/mL塗佈至抗生蛋白鏈菌素盤上,HIV-1 RT蛋白質以2 µg/mL塗佈且HIV-1 RT肽以40 ng/mL塗佈。測定全長抗HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01抗體在HLA-A02之情況下僅識別HIV-1 RT肽且不結合重組HIV-1 RT蛋白質或游離HIV-1 RT肽的能力。實例 10 . 活體內效果研究 小鼠中之抗 RTMC 嵌合受體 T 細胞 治療
在HIV感染之小鼠模型中評價抗RTMC嵌合受體T細胞(諸如抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR細胞)。對於此類小鼠模型之實例,參見Akkina, R. (2013)Virology 435
(1): 14-28。舉例而言,將人類周邊血液單核細胞(PBMC)、人類造血幹細胞(HSC)、胸腺細胞、肝細胞及/或來自HLA-A2+
來源之骨髓細胞移植入NOD SCIDγ(NSG)小鼠,以產生人類化NSG小鼠。接著,諸如藉由直腸或陰道接種HIV-1,用HIV感染小鼠。小鼠分成接受以下中之一者之至少3個群組:(i)無治療;(ii)模擬治療;或(iii)用抗RTMC構築體(例如BsAb)或抗RTMC嵌合受體T細胞(抗RTMC CAR T細胞或抗RTMC abTCR T細胞)治療。監測各群組中之動物之HIV相關聯疾病病變、CD4+
T細胞位準、HIV病毒負荷、體重及一般健康狀況(進食、步行、每日活動)。實例 11 . 抗 HIV - 1 RT 抗體藥劑之親和性成熟
此實例描述抗HIV-1 RT抗體藥劑之親和性成熟。特定言之,此實例特異性地描述藉由併入隨機突變至代表性抗HIV-1 RT抗體中隨後篩檢及表徵抗體變體而產生一系列抗體變體。 變體噬菌體文庫之產生 編碼抗HIV-1 RT肽/MHC scFv之DNA使用GeneMorph II隨機突變誘發套組(Agilent Technologies)根據製造商說明書經受隨機突變誘發。在突變誘發之後,將DNA序列選殖至表現scFv之噬菌質體載體中以建立含有例如約5 × 108
個獨特噬菌體純系之變體人類抗體噬菌體文庫。平均而言,相比於每個scFv序列介於1至4個核苷酸突變範圍內之親本抗HIV-1 RT肽/MHC純系,變體純系具有兩個核苷酸突變。細胞淘選
具有突變之人類噬菌體scFv文庫用於淘選如實例2中所描述之HIV-1 RT 181肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物。特定言之,使用細胞淘選。舉例而言,將人類scFv噬菌體文庫首先與負載有50 μg/ml之20種不同內源性肽(P20,SEQ ID NO: 255-274)池之T2細胞混合,作為陰性對照淘選。接著,將陰性對照缺乏之人類scFv噬菌體文庫與負載有HIV-1 RT 181肽(第一回合1.5 μg/ml,第二回合0.8 μg/ml,第三回合0.4 μg/ml)之T2細胞混合,以用於陽性選擇。為了負載肽,T2細胞用20 µg/ml β2M存在下之含肽無血清RPMI1640介質脈衝隔夜。在藉由PBS延長洗滌之後,具有結合之scFv抗體噬菌體之肽負載之T2細胞經快速離心。接著,結合之純系經溶離且用於感染大腸桿菌XL1-Blue細胞。接著,表現於細菌中之噬菌體純系經純化。進行3回合淘選以富集特異性結合HIV-1 RT 181肽/HLA-A*02:01之scFv噬菌體純系。 抗生蛋白鏈菌素ELISA盤塗佈有生物素標記HIV-1 RT 181肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物單體或生物素標記P20對照肽/HLA-A*02:01單體。相對於HIV-1 RT 181肽/HLA-A*02:01複合物之來自富集噬菌體呈現淘選池之個別噬菌體純系在塗佈盤中培育。噬菌體純系之結合藉由HRP結合之抗M13抗體偵測且使用HRP受質顯影。吸光度在450 nm處讀取。從噬菌體淘選所富集之噬菌體純系中以ELISA篩檢鑑別出陽性純系。獨特純系係以DNA定序鑑別經ELISA陽性噬菌體純系。藉由流式細胞測量術(FACS分析)使用HIV-1 RT 181肽負載之活T2細胞,進一步測試特異性及獨特純系與活細胞表面上之HLA-A*02:01/肽複合物的結合。對照包括無肽負載(僅細胞)之T2細胞及R-PE結合之馬抗小鼠IgG對照(僅二級抗體)。簡言之,負載有HIV-1 RT 181肽或P20肽池之T2細胞用純化scFv噬菌體純系第一次染色,接著用小鼠抗M13 mAb第二次染色,且用來自Vector Labs之R-PE結合之馬抗小鼠IgG第三次染色。各染色步驟在冰上進行30至60分鐘且在染色步驟之間洗滌細胞兩次。測定,對HIV-1 RT 181負載之T2細胞且不與在HLA-A*02:01之情況下之負載有P20肽池之T2細胞或無肽負載之T2細胞的特異性結合。實例 12 . 基於抗 HIV - 1 RT 親和性成熟變體之雙特異性抗體分子之表徵 雙特異性抗體之產生
使用實例10中分離之親和性成熟HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01特異性噬菌體純系之scFv序列使用實例4中描述之方法產生雙特異性抗體(BsAb)。所得單鏈雙特異性抗體包含N端端部處之HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01特異性噬菌體純系之scFv序列及C端端部處之抗-人類CD3ε小鼠單克隆scFv。雙特異性抗體與 HIV - 1 RT / HLA - A * 02 : 01 之結合親和性之測定
藉由表面電漿子共振(BiaCore)來量測HIV-1 RT BsAb抗體(源於親和性成熟純系)與重組HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01複合物之結合親和性。HIV-1 RT BsAb與HIV-1 RT/HLA-A*02:01複合物之間的結合參數係根據用於多循環動力學量測之製造商方案使用Biotin CAPture套組(GE Healthcare,目錄號28920233)在Biacore X100 (GE Healthcare)上量測。用於分析之所有蛋白質均使用HBS-E操作緩衝液稀釋。將5 µg/mL生物素標記之HIV-1 RT 181/HLA-A*02:01/β2M複合物藉由使溶液持續75秒以5 µL/min流經流動池(每循環捕獲~120 RU MHC複合物)固定至藉由抗生蛋白鏈菌素(捕獲~3,800 RU抗生蛋白鏈菌素)預官能化之感測器晶片CAP上。在150 nM、75 nM、37.5 nM、18.8 nM及9.4 nM處分析與HIV-1 RT BsAb之結合,各運行由30 µL/min下之2分鐘結合及10分鐘解離組成。在循環結束時,表面使用來自Biotin CAPture套組之再生緩衝液再生。資料藉由BiaCore X-100評估軟體使用1:1結合位點模式分析。接著,計算結合參數(結合速率常數ka
)。HIV - 1 RT 雙特異性抗體針對多個 HLA - A02 對偶基因之交叉反應性及結合親和性
如上文實例5中所描述,HLA-A02群組之不同次型相當保守,且針對多個HLA-A02次型之交叉反應性為高度所需的。因此,進行實驗以測定由親本純系及親和性成熟變體產生之雙特異性抗體(BsAb)是否與HLA-A02群組之非HLA-A*02:01次型交叉反應。特定言之,產生具有HLA-A02對偶基因之各種次型之HIV-1 RT 181/MHC I類複合物,且使用Pall ForteBio LLC (Menlo Park,CA)之Octet® QKe系統(其利用生物層干擾測量法(Biolayer Interferometry;BLI)技術)測定其與HIV-1 RT 181/HLA-A*02:01特異性抗體之結合親和性。所測試BsAb包括親本純系及親和性成熟變體純系。將具有HLA-A02之變化次型之5 µg/mL生物素標記之HIV-1 RT 181肽/HLA-A02複合物負載至抗生蛋白鏈菌素生物感測器上。在洗掉過量抗原(HIV-1 RT肽/HLA-A02複合物)之後,在10 µg/mL下測試BsAb之結合及解離動力學。使用1:1結合位點、部分擬合模型計算結合參數。肽結合特異性分析
為了確認由親和性成熟變體抗體識別之肽之特異性,藉由負載有HIV-1 RT 181肽、P20肽池或無肽負載之T2細胞進行FACS分析。藉由丙胺酸行走之抗原決定基定位
為了精確研究由BsAb親和性成熟變體識別之HIV-1 RT 181肽之敏感殘基,進行如上文所描述之丙胺酸行走實驗。序列表 Cross-Reference to Related Applications This application claims the priority of US Provisional Application No. 62 / 399,210 filed on September 23, 2016, which is incorporated by reference in its entirety. Submit the sequence table in the form of an ASCII text file The following content submitted in the ASCII text file is incorporated into the text by reference in full text: the sequence table in the computer readable form (CRF) (file name: 750042000740SEQLIST.txt, record date: 2017 September 22, size: 145 KB). The present application provides an isolated construct (referred to herein as an "anti-RTMC construct") that includes a complex that specifically binds to an HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein (referred to herein as an "HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex" or "RTMC") antibody portion (referred to herein as "anti-RTMC antibody portion"). Proteins expressed by viruses such as HIV represent an excellent target for immunotherapy because they are not expressed in normal cells. RT is an intracellular protein that has not been successfully targeted against cell surface proteins by cytotoxic effect cell therapy. YQYMDDLYV is the HLA-A2 restricted HIV-1 epitope in HIV-1 RT. The YQYMDDLYV epitope is one of the 14 most conserved regions of the HIV proteome in the four main HIV-1 branch lines A, B, C and D (Létourneau, S. et al. (2007)PloS one , 2
(10): e984; Harrer, E. et al. (1996)Journal of Infectious Diseases 173
(2): 476-479). Since this epitope is located in the active site of RT and is the target of many reverse transcriptase inhibitors, it has great clinical relevance. One of the most common mutations that cause drug resistance in RT, M184V, is in this region (Shafer, R. W., & Schapiro, J. M. (2008)AIDS reviews 10
(2): 67). The anti-RTMC construct specifically recognizes the HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex. In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex is on the surface expressing HIV-1 RT cells. The anti-RTMC construct can specifically bind to the N-terminal part, C-terminal part or middle part of the HIV-1 RT peptide in the complex, and / or different subtypes containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein At least one complex cross-reacts (eg, the anti-RTMC construct binds to both HIV-1 RT peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex and HIV-1 RT peptide / HLA-A * 02: 02 complex). The anti-RTMC construct allows specific targeting of RTMC presenting cells (ie cells presenting on their surface binding to the MHC molecule HIV-1 RT peptide), such as infected cells expressing HIV-1 RT. This strategy provides significant technical advantages due to the use of antibodies against HIV-1 RT protein, which cannot specifically target RTMC presenting cells using these antibodies. In addition, when fused to a detectable part, the anti-RTMC antibody part allows diagnosis and prognosis of HIV-1 infection with high sensitivity to changes in the number and distribution of RTMC presenting cells. Using phage display technology, we produced multiple individual antigen-binding antibody fragments that have specificity and high affinity for the HIV-1 RT 181 peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex. Flow cytometry and T cell-mediated cytotoxicity analysis showed that the antibody recognized HIV-1 RT peptide-pulsed T2 cells in an HIV-1 RT and HLA-A * 02: 01 restricted manner. When armed with anti-CD3 bispecific antibodies, the antibodies redirect human T cells to kill HIV-1 RT positive and HLA-A * 02: 01 positive target cells. The data provided herein indicates that antibodies against HIV-1 RT peptides in the case of HLA complexes can be effective therapeutic agents for HIV-1 infection. The present application therefore provides a construct (such as an isolated construct) comprising an antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. The construct can be, for example, a full-length anti-RTMC antibody, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule (such as a bispecific anti-RTMC antibody), an anti-RTMC chimeric antigen receptor ("CAR"), or an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate. In another aspect, a nucleic acid encoding an anti-RTMC construct or a portion of an anti-RTMC antibody portion of the construct is provided. In another aspect, a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct is provided, the construct comprising an antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. The composition may be a pharmaceutical composition comprising anti-RTMC constructs or effector cells exhibiting anti-RTMC constructs or associated with anti-RTMC constructs (eg T cells exhibiting anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR). Also provided are methods for manufacturing and using anti-RTMC constructs (or cells expressing anti-RTMC constructs or cells related thereto) for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes, as well as kits and products suitable for such methods. Definitions As used herein, "treatment (treating)" is a method for obtaining beneficial or desired results (including clinical results). For the purposes of the present invention, beneficial or desired clinical results include (but are not limited to) one or more of the following: alleviate one or more symptoms arising from the disease, reduce the degree of the disease, stabilize the disease (eg, prevent or delay the disease) Exacerbate), prevent or delay the spread of the disease, prevent or delay the recurrence of the disease, delay or slow the progression of the disease, improve the condition of the disease, provide disease remission (partial or complete), reduce the dose of one or more other drugs required to treat the disease, delay the disease Progress, improve or improve quality of life, increase weight gain and / or prolong survival. "Treatment" also covers the reduction of the pathological results of the disease. The methods of the present invention encompass any one or more of these treatment modalities. The term "refractory" or "tolerability" refers to a disease that does not respond to treatment. As used herein with regard to CD3 expressing cells, "activation" refers to the state of detectably elevated cells that have been sufficiently stimulated to induce downstream effector functions of CD3 signaling pathways, including but not limited to cell proliferation and interleukin production. The term "antibody portion" includes full-length antibodies and antigen-binding fragments thereof. A full-length antibody contains two heavy chains and two light chains. The variable regions of the light and heavy chains are responsible for antigen binding. The variable regions in both chains generally contain three highly variable loops called complementarity determining regions (CDRs) (light chain (LC) CDRs include LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3, heavy chain (HC ) CDR includes HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2 and HC-CDR3). The CDR boundaries of the antibodies and antigen-binding fragments disclosed herein can be defined or identified by the Kabat, Chothia, or Al-Lazikani conventions (Al-Lazikani 1997; Chothia 1985; Chothia 1987; Chothia 1989; Kabat 1987; Kabat 1991). The three CDRs of the heavy or light chain are inserted between the lateral extensions called the framework regions (FR). These lateral extensions are more conservative than CDRs and form a framework that supports hypervariable loops. The constant regions of the heavy and light chains do not participate in antigen binding, but exhibit various effector functions. Antibodies are assigned to various classes based on the amino acid sequence of the constant region of their heavy chains. The five main classes or isotypes of antibodies are IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM, which are characterized by the presence of α, δ, ε, γ, and μ heavy chains, respectively. Several major antibody classes are divided into subcategories, such as lgG1 (γ1 heavy chain), lgG2 (γ2 heavy chain), lgG3 (γ3 heavy chain), lgG4 (γ4 heavy chain), lgA1 (α1 heavy chain), or lgA2 (α2 heavy chain) . The term "antigen-binding fragment" as used herein refers to antibody fragments, including, for example, bifunctional antibodies, Fab, Fab ', F (ab') 2, Fv fragments, disulfide stabilized Fv fragments (dsFv), (dsFv) 2 , Bispecific dsFv (dsFv-dsFv '), disulfide-stabilized bifunctional antibody (ds bifunctional antibody), single chain antibody molecule (scFv), scFv dimer (bivalent bifunctional antibody), consisting of one or Part of an antibody of multiple CDRs forms a multispecific antibody, camel's single domain antibody, nanobody antibody, domain antibody, bivalent domain antibody, or any other antibody fragment that binds to an antigen but does not contain the entire antibody structure. The antigen-binding fragment can bind to the same antigen as the parent antibody or parent antibody fragment (eg, parent scFv). In some embodiments, the antigen-binding fragment may comprise one or more CDRs from a specific human antibody grafted to the framework regions from one or more different human antibodies. The term "epitope" as used herein refers to a specific atom or group of amino acids on the antigen to which the antibody or antibody portion is bound. If two antibodies or antibody portions exhibit competitive binding to an antigen, they can bind the same epitope within the antigen. "Fab-like antigen binding module" refers to an antibody portion comprising a first polypeptide chain and a second polypeptide chain, wherein the first and second polypeptide chains comprise VL
Antibody domain, CL
Antibody domain, VH
Antibody domain and CH
1 Antibody domain. VL
And CL
The antibody domain can be on one chain, and VH
And CH
1 The antibody domain is on another chain; or VL
And CH
1 Antibody domain can be located on a chain, and VH
And CL
The antibody domain is on another chain. In some embodiments, the first and second polypeptide chains are linked such as by peptide bonds or by another chemical bond (such as a disulfide bond). As used herein, the first antibody portion inhibits target RTMC binding of the second antibody portion by at least about 50% (such as at least about 55%, 60%, 65%) when the first antibody portion is at an equal molarity , 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 98% or 99%), the first antibody part and the second antibody part "compete" to bind to the target RTMC, Or vice versa. The high-throughput process of "binning" antibodies based on their cross-competition is described in PCT Publication No. WO 03/48731. As used herein, the term "specific binding" or "specific to" refers to a measurable and reproducible interaction, such as the binding between a target and an antibody or antibody portion, which is in a heterogeneous molecule The presence of a population (including biomolecules) determines the presence of targets. For example, an antibody or antibody portion that specifically binds to a target (which can be an epitope) is more affinity, affinity, easiness, and / or duration of binding to this target than it is to bind to other targets The antibody or antibody part. In some embodiments, an antibody or antibody portion that specifically binds to an antigen has one or more antigenic determinants (eg, HIV-1) with at least about 10 times its binding affinity for other targets and one or more antigenic determinants of the antigen RT peptide / MHC class I protein complex) reaction. The term "T cell receptor" or "TCR" refers to a heterodimeric receptor composed of paired αβ or γδ chains on the surface of T cells. Each α, β, γ, and δ chain is composed of two Ig-like domains: a variable domain (V) conferred by the complementarity determining region (CDR) for antigen recognition, followed by an anchoring by a linking peptide and a transmembrane (TM) region To the constant domain of the cell membrane (C). The TM area is combined with a constant subunit of the CD3 signal transmission device. Each of the V domains has three CDRs. Complex interactions between these CDRs and antigen peptides bound to proteins encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (pMHC) (Davis and Bjorkman (1988) Nature, 334, 395-402; Davis et al. (1998 ) Annu Rev Immunol, 16, 523-544; Murphy (2012), xix, p. 868). The term "TCR-related signaling molecule" refers to a molecule having an activation motif (ITAM) based on the cytoplasmic immune receptor tyrosine, which is part of the TCR-CD3 complex. TCR-related signaling molecules include CD3γε, CD3δε, and ζζ, and are necessary for TCR's signaling ability. The term "module" when referring to a part of a protein is meant to include structurally and / or functionally related parts that constitute one or more polypeptides of the protein. For example, the transmembrane module of the dimeric receptor may refer to the transmembrane portion of each polypeptide chain of the receptor. Module can also refer to the relevant part of a single polypeptide chain. For example, the transmembrane module of the monomeric receptor may refer to the transmembrane portion of the single polypeptide chain of the receptor. The module may also include only a single part of the polypeptide. As used herein, the "isolated" anti-RTMC construction system refers to (1) not related to proteins found in nature, (2) free of other proteins from the same source, (3) expressed by cells from different species, or ( 4) Anti-RTMC constructs that do not exist in nature. The term "isolated nucleic acid" as used herein is intended to mean genomic nucleic acid, cDNA, or a nucleic acid of synthetic origin or some combination thereof, with the aid of which source, "isolated nucleic acid" (1) is not found in "isolated nucleic acid" All or part of the polynucleotides in nature are related, (2) are operably linked to polynucleotides that are not linked to them in nature, or (3) do not exist as part of a larger sequence in nature. As used herein, the terms "CDR" or "complementarity determining region" are intended to mean non-contiguous antigen combination sites found within the variable regions of both heavy and light chain polypeptides. These specific areas have been described by: Kabat et al., J. Biol. Chem. 252: 6609-6616 (1977); Kabat et al., US Dept. of Health and Human Services, "Sequences of proteins of immunological interest" ( 1991); Chothia et al., J. Mol. Biol. 196: 901-917 (1987); and MacCallum et al., J. Mol. Biol. 262: 732-745 (1996), where these definitions are compared with each other Includes overlaps or subsets of amino acid residues. Nevertheless, the use of any definition to refer to the CDR of an antibody or grafted antibody or variants thereof is intended to fall within the scope of the term as defined and used herein. The amino acid residues covering the CDRs defined by each of the references cited above are set forth in Table 1 as a comparison as follows.table 1 : CDR definition 1
Numbering of residues follows the nomenclature previously described by Kabat et al.2
The residue numbering follows the nomenclature described by Chothia et al.3
The residue numbers follow the nomenclature of MacCallum et al. The term "chimeric antibody" refers to the following antibodies and fragments of such antibodies, in which part of the heavy chain and / or light chain is derived from a specific species or belongs to a specific antibody class or The corresponding sequence in a class of antibodies is identical or homologous, and the remainder of the chain (s) is identical or homologous to the corresponding sequence in an antibody derived from another species or belonging to another antibody class or subclass, as long as the Such antibodies or fragments can exhibit the biological activity of the present invention (see US Patent No. 4,816,567; and Morrison et al.,Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci . USA
, 81: 6851-6855 (1984)). The term "semi-synthetic" with respect to an antibody or antibody portion means that the antibody or antibody portion has one or more naturally occurring sequences and one or more non-naturally occurring (ie, synthetic) sequences. "Fv" is the smallest antibody fragment that contains complete antigen recognition and antigen binding sites. This fragment consists of a dimer of a heavy chain variable region and a light chain variable region that are tightly and non-covalently associated. From the folding of these two domains, six hypervariable circuits (each from three circuits of the heavy chain and the light chain) are issued, which promote the antigen binding of amino acid residues and confer antigen binding specificity to the antibody. However, even if a single variable domain (or one-half of an Fv containing only three CDRs specific for an antigen) can recognize and bind the antigen, the affinity is lower than the entire binding site. `` Single-chain Fv '' (also abbreviated as `` sFv '' or `` scFv '') includes V linked to a single polypeptide chainH
And VL
Antibody fragments of the antibody domain. In some embodiments, the scFv polypeptide is at VH
With VL
A polypeptide linker is further included between the domains, which enables the scFv to form the desired structure for antigen binding. For comments on scFv, see Pluckthun,The Pharmacology of Monoclonal Antibodies
, Volume 113, edited by Rosenburg and Moore, Springer-Verlag, New York, pages 269-315 (1994). The term "bifunctional antibody" refers to small antibody fragments prepared as follows: usually VH
With VL
Short linkers between domains (such as about 5 to about 10 residues) construct scFv fragments (see previous paragraphs) so that inter-chain rather than intra-chain pairing of V domains is achieved, resulting in bivalent fragments, that is Fragments of two antigen binding sites. Bispecific bifunctional antibodies are heterodimers of two "crossover" scFv fragments, of which the V of two antibodiesH
And VL
Domains exist on different polypeptide chains. Bifunctional antibodies are more fully described in, for example, EP 404,097; WO 93/11161; and Hollinger et al.,Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci . USA
, 90: 6444-6448 (1993). "Humanized" forms of non-human (eg, rodent) antibodies are chimeric antibodies that contain minimal sequences derived from non-human antibodies. To a great extent, humanized antibodies are human immunoglobulins (recipient antibodies), in which the residues from the hypervariable region (HVR) of the recipient are derived from such Replacement of residues in hypervariable regions of non-human species (donor antibodies) of rats, rabbits or non-human primates. In some cases, framework region (FR) residues of human immunoglobulin are replaced by corresponding non-human residues. In addition, the humanized antibody may contain residues not found in the recipient antibody or the donor antibody. These modifications are made to further improve antibody performance. In general, a humanized antibody will comprise at least one and usually two variable domains of substantially all variable domains, wherein all or substantially all hypervariable circuits correspond to non-human immunoglobulin hypervariable circuits and all or Basically all FRs are FRs of human immunoglobulin sequences. The humanized antibody will also optionally include at least a portion of an immunoglobulin constant region (Fc), usually, at least a portion of a human immunoglobulin constant region. For other details, see Jones et al.,Nature
321: 522-525 (1986); Riechmann et al.,Nature
332: 323-329 (1988); and Presta,Curr . Op . Struct . Biol
. 2: 593-596 (1992). The "amino acid sequence identity percentage (%)" or "homology" with respect to the polypeptide and antibody sequences identified herein is defined as the situation after considering any conservative substitutions as part of the sequence identity after sequence alignment Below, the percentage of amino acid residues in the candidate sequence that are identical to the amino acid residues in the compared polypeptide. Alignment for the purpose of determining the percent amino acid sequence identity can be achieved in various ways within the skill in the art, for example using publicly available computer software such as BLAST, BLAST-2, ALIGN, Megalign (DNASTAR) Or MUSCLE software. Those skilled in the art can determine appropriate parameters for measuring alignment, including any algorithms needed to achieve maximum alignment over the full length of the compared sequences. However, for the purposes of this article, the sequence comparison computer program MUSCLE was used to generate the amino acid sequence identity% value (Edgar, R.C.,Nucleic Acids Research
32 (5): 1792-1797, 2004; Edgar, R.C.,BMC Bioinformatics
5 (1): 113, 2004). The term "Fc receptor" or "FcR" is used to describe a receptor that binds to the Fc region of an antibody. In some embodiments, the FcR of the present invention is an FcR that binds an IgG antibody (gamma receptor) and includes receptors of the FcγRI, FcγRII, and FcγRIII subclasses (including dual gene variants and alternate splicing forms of these receptors). FcγRII receptors include FcγRIIA (“activated receptor”) and FcγRIIB (“inhibited receptor”), both of which have similar amino acid sequences that differ mainly in their cytoplasmic domain. The activated receptor FcyRIIA contains an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) in its cytoplasmic domain. The inhibitory receptor FcγRIIB contains an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM) in its cytoplasmic domain (see review M. in Daëron,Annu . Rev . Immunol
. 15: 203-234 (1997)). The term includes allotypes, such as FcyRIIIA allotypes: FcyRIIIA-Phe158, FcyRIIIA-Val158, FcyRIIA-R131 and / or FcyRIIA-H131. FcR in Ravetch and Kinet,Annu . Rev . Immunol
9: 457-92 (1991); Capel et al.,Immunomethods
4: 25-34 (1994); and de Haas and others,J . Lab . Clin . Med .
126: 330-41 (1995). Other FcRs include those identified in the future and are covered by the term "FcR" herein. The term also includes the neonatal receptor FcRn, which is responsible for delivering maternal IgG to the fetus (Guyer et al.,J . Immunol
.117: 587 (1976) and Kim et al.,J . Immunol
. 24: 249 (1994)). The term "FcRn" refers to the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn). FcRn is structurally similar to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and consists of an alpha chain non-covalently bound to β2-microglobulin. The various functions of neonatal Fc receptor FcRn are reviewed in Ghetie and Ward (2000)Annu . Rev . Immunol
. 18, 739-766. FcRn plays a role in the passive transfer of immunoglobulin IgG and serum IgG content from the mother to the larvae. FcRn can act as a rescue receptor, which binds and transports a complete form of endocytotic IgG within and across cells, and rescues it from a predetermined degradation pathway. Human IgG Fc region "CH
The "domain 1" (also known as "C1" of the "H1" domain) generally extends from about amino acid 118 to about amino acid 215 (EU numbering system). The `` hinge region '' is usually defined as extending from Glu216 of human IgG1 to Pro230 (Burton,Molec . Immunol
.22: 161-206 (1985)). The hinge regions of other IgG isotypes can be aligned with the IgG1 sequence by placing the first and last cysteine residues forming the S-S bond between the heavy chains in the same position. The "CH2 domain" of the human IgG Fc region (also known as the "C2" domain of the "H2" domain) generally extends from about amino acid 231 to about amino acid 340. The CH2 domain is unique in that it is not closely paired with another domain. In fact, two N-linked branched-chain carbohydrate chains are inserted between the two CH2 domains of a complete natural IgG molecule. It has been speculated that carbohydrates can provide a substitute for domain-domain pairing and help stabilize the CH2 domain. Burton,Molec Immunol.
22: 161-206 (1985). The "CH3 domain" (also known as the "C2" or "H3" domain) contains the elongation from the C-terminus of the residue in the Fc region to the CH2 domain (ie, about amino acid residue 341 to the C-terminus of the antibody sequence, usually At amino acid residues 446 or 447 of IgG). The "functional Fc fragment" has the "effector function" of the native sequence Fc region. Exemplary "effector functions" include C1q binding; complement dependent cytotoxicity (CDC); Fc receptor binding; antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC); phagocytosis; down-regulation of cell surface receptors (eg B cells) Receptor; BCR), etc. These effector functions generally require the Fc region to be combined with a binding domain (eg, antibody variable domain) and can be evaluated using various analyses known in the art. Variant IgG Fc antibodies with "altered" FcR binding affinity or ADCC activity are enhanced or reduced FcR binding activity (eg, FcγR or FcRn) compared to the parent polypeptide or a polypeptide comprising a native sequence Fc region and / Or ADCC activity antibody. Variant Fc "showing increased binding to FcR" has a higher affinity (e.g. lower apparent K than parent polypeptide or native sequence IgG Fcd
Or IC50
Value) binds at least one FcR. According to some embodiments, the binding increase compared to the parent polypeptide is about 3-fold (such as about any of 5, 10, 25, 50, 60, 100, 150, 200, or up to 500-fold, or about 25% Up to 1000%). Polypeptide variants that "show reduced binding to FcR" have a lower affinity (e.g. higher apparent Kd
Or higher IC50
Value) binds at least one FcR. The reduction in binding compared to the parent polypeptide may be about 40% or more. "Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity" or "ADCC" refers to the following cytotoxic forms: which bind to certain cytotoxic cells (eg, natural killer (NK) cells, neutrophils, and macrophages) The secreted Ig of the existing receptor (FcR) allows these cytotoxic effector cells to specifically bind to antigen-bearing target cells and subsequently kill the target cells with cytotoxin. Antibodies "arm" cytotoxic cells and are absolutely necessary for such killing. Primary cells used to regulate ADCC (NK cells) only express FcγRIII, while monocytes express FcγRI, FcγRII and FcγRIII. The performance of FcR on hematopoietic cells is summarized in Ravetch and Kinet,Annu . Rev . Immunol
. 9: 457-92 (1991), page 464, table 3. To assess the ADCC activity of related molecules, an in vitro ADCC analysis can be performed, such as the analysis described in US Patent No. 5,500,362 or 5,821,337. Effector cells suitable for this type of analysis include peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and natural killer (NK) cells. Alternatively or in addition, the ADCC activity of related molecules can be assessed in vivo, for example, as disclosed in Clynes et al.PNAS ( USA )
95: 652-656 (1998) in the animal model. Polypeptides that contain "variable Fc regions that exhibit increased ADCC" or that mediate antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) in the presence of human effector cells are more effective than those with wild-type IgG Fc or parent polypeptides When the amount of the polypeptide having a variant Fc region and the polypeptide (or parent polypeptide) having a wild-type Fc region in the analysis is substantially the same, a polypeptide that mediates ADCC substantially more effectively in vitro or in vivo. In general, such variants will be identified using any in vitro ADCC analysis known in the art, such as assays or methods used to determine ADCC activity in, for example, animal models. In some embodiments, the effectiveness of the variant-mediated ADCC is about 5 times to about 100 times (eg, about 25 to about 50 times) the wild-type Fc (or parent polypeptide). "Complement dependent cytotoxicity" or "CDC" refers to the lysis of target cells in the presence of complement. The activation of the classical complement pathway is initiated by the first component of the complement system (C1q) binding to (of the appropriate subclass) antibodies that bind to their cognate antigens. To assess complement activation, CDC analysis can be performed, such as Gazzano-Santoro et al.,J . Immunol . Methods
202: 163 (1996). Polypeptide variants with altered amino acid sequences in the Fc region and increased or decreased C1q binding ability are described in US Patent No. 6,194,551B1 and WO99 / 51642. The contents of their patent publications are specifically incorporated herein by reference. See also Idusogie et alJ . Immunol
. 164: 4178-4184 (2000). Unless otherwise specified, "nucleotide sequences encoding amino acid sequences" includes all nucleotide sequences that are degenerate versions of each other and encode the same amino acid sequence. The phrase nucleotide sequence encoding protein or RNA may also include introns to the extent that the nucleotide sequence encoding protein may contain introns in some versions. The term "operably linked" refers to the functional bond between the regulatory sequence and the heterologous nucleic acid sequence, which results in the latter's performance. For example, when the first nucleic acid sequence and the second nucleic acid sequence are in a functional relationship, the first nucleic acid sequence is operably linked to the second nucleic acid sequence. For example, if the promoter affects the transcription or performance of the coding sequence, the promoter is operably linked to the coding sequence. Generally speaking, the operably linked DNA sequences are continuous, and when it is necessary to join two protein coding regions, they are in the same reading frame. "Homologous" refers to the sequence similarity or sequence identity between two polypeptides or between two nucleic acid molecules. When a position in the two compared sequences is occupied by the same base or amino acid monomer subunit, for example, if a position in each of the two DNA molecules is occupied by adenine, the molecules are located in the Same position. The% homology between two sequences is a function of the number of matching or homologous positions shared by the two sequences divided by the number of compared positions multiplied by 100. For example, if 6/10 of the two sequences match or are homologous, the two sequences are 60% homologous. For example, the DNA sequences ATTGCC and TATGGC share 50% homology. In general, comparisons are made when two sequences are aligned to produce the largest percentage of homology. The "effective amount" of the anti-RTMC construct or composition as disclosed herein is an amount sufficient for the specific stated purpose. The "effective amount" can be determined empirically and by known methods related to the stated purpose. The term "therapeutically effective amount" refers to an amount of an anti-RTMC construct or composition as disclosed herein that is effective to "treat" an individual's disease. In the case of HIV-1 infection, a therapeutically effective amount of an anti-RTMC construct or composition as disclosed herein can reduce the number of HIV-1 infected cells; reduce HIV-1 replication; inhibit (i.e. To some extent slows and preferably stops) the spread to infected uninfected cells; and / or to some extent relieves one or more of the symptoms associated with HIV-1 infection. To the extent that an anti-RTMC construct or composition as disclosed herein can kill existing HIV-1 infected cells, it can be cytotoxic. In some embodiments, the therapeutically effective amount is an amount that prolongs the survival of the patient. As used herein, "pharmacologically acceptable" or "pharmacologically compatible" means a substance that is not biologically or otherwise unsuitable, for example, the substance can be incorporated into a pharmaceutical composition administered to a patient Without causing any significant unsuitable biological effects or interacting with any other components of the composition containing them in a harmful manner. Pharmaceutically acceptable carriers or excipients preferably meet the required standards of toxicology and manufacturing testing and / or include guidelines for inactive ingredients developed by the US Food and Drug Administration ( Inactive Ingredient Guide). The term "label" when used herein refers to a detectable compound or composition that can be directly or indirectly bound to an anti-RTMC antibody moiety. The label itself can be detectable (for example, a radioisotope label or a fluorescent label), or in the case of an enzyme label, can catalyze a chemical change of the substrate compound or composition, which change is detectable. It should be understood that the embodiments of the present invention described herein include "consisting of embodiments" and / or "essentially consisting of embodiments". Herein, reference to "about" a value or parameter includes (and describes) changes to that value or parameter itself. For example, a reference to "about X" includes a description of "X". As used herein, the reference to "not" a value or parameter generally means and describes "except for a value or parameter." For example, the method is not used to treat type X infection means that the method is used to treat types of infections other than type X. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the singular forms "a (an) (a / an)" and "the" include plural (species) indicators as used in this and the accompanying patent applications. In an aspect of the anti-RTMC construct, the present invention provides an HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex-specific construct (anti-RTMC construct), which comprises a specific binding to an HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I The antibody portion of a protein complex ("HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex" or "RTMC"). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is an isolated anti-RTMC construct. The specificity of the anti-RTMC construct is derived from the anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to RTMC, such as a full-length antibody or antigen-binding fragment thereof. In some embodiments, reference to a portion (such as an antibody portion) that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein means that the portion binds to RTMC as follows: a) is its response to full-length HIV -1 RT, no HIV-1 RT peptide, MHC class I protein that does not bind to the peptide, and / or MHC class I protein that binds to a non-HIV-1 RT peptide has a binding affinity of at least about 10 ( Contains, for example, at least about 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000, or greater than 1000 times any affinity); K of each of full-length HIV-1 RT, HIV-1 RT peptide-free, MHC class I protein that does not bind to the peptide, and / or MHC class I protein that binds to a non-HIV-1 RT peptided
Of no more than about 1/10 400, 1/500, 1/750, 1/1000 or less than 1/1000) times Kd
. Binding affinity can be determined by methods known in the art, such as ELISA, fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis or radioimmunoprecipitation analysis (RIA). Kd
It can be determined by methods known in the art, such as surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis using, for example, Biacore instruments, or kinetic exclusion analysis (KinExA) using, for example, Sapidyne instruments. Covered anti-RTMC constructs include, for example, full-length anti-RTMC antibodies, multispecific (such as bispecific) anti-RTMC molecules, anti-RTMC chimeric antigen receptors (CAR), and anti-RTMC immunoconjugates. For example, in some embodiments, an anti-RTMC construct (such as an isolated anti-RTMC construct) is provided that includes an anti-RTMC antibody that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein section. In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide comprises (such as consisting of) the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 5-18. In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9). In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01 (Genbank deposit number: AAO20853). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is non-naturally occurring. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a full-length antibody. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a multispecific (such as bispecific) molecule. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a chimeric antigen receptor. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is an immunoconjugate. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct ranges from about 0.1 pM to about 500 nM (such as about 0.1 pM, 1.0 pM, 10 pM, 50 pM, 100 pM, 500 pM, 1 nM, 10 nM, 50 nM, 100 nM or 500 nM, including any range between these values) Kd
Combined with RTMC. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct and at least one variant (such as at least 2, 3) of a variant of an HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an MHC class I protein and an amino acid substitution (such as a conservative amino acid substitution) , Any of 4, 5, or 6) complex cross reaction. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct cross-reacts with at least one complex (such as at least any one of 2, 3, 4, or 5) of different isoforms including HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC construct comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and HLA-A * 02: 01, the HIV-1 RT peptide comprising SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 5-18 (such as consisting of it). In some embodiments, the HIV1-RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7) ), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is non-naturally occurring. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a full-length antibody. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a multispecific (such as bispecific) molecule. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a chimeric antigen receptor. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is an immunoconjugate. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct ranges from about 0.1 pM to about 500 nM (such as about 0.1 pM, 1.0 pM, 10 pM, 50 pM, 100 pM, 500 pM, 1 nM, 10 nM, 50 nM, 100 nM or 500 nM, including any range between these values) Kd
Combined with RTMC. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct and at least one variant (such as at least 2, 3) of a variant of an HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an MHC class I protein and an amino acid substitution (such as a conservative amino acid substitution) , Any of 4, 5, or 6) complex cross reaction. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct cross-reacts with at least one complex (such as at least any one of 2, 3, 4, or 5) of different isoforms including HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, an anti-RTMC construct is provided that includes an antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, wherein the anti-RTMC antibody portion includes: i) heavy chain A variable domain sequence comprising: the HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 240, or a variant comprising at most about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2 or 3) amino acid substitutions , HC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 241-244, or comprising at most about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions Variants, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 245-246, or comprising up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acids Variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 247-249, or up to about 3 (eg about Any one of 1, 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 250-253, or containing up to about 3 (E.g. about any of 1, 2, or 3) Acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is non-naturally occurring. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a full-length antibody. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a multispecific (such as bispecific) molecule. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a chimeric antigen receptor. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is an immunoconjugate. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct ranges from about 0.1 pM to about 500 nM (such as about 0.1 pM, 1.0 pM, 10 pM, 50 pM, 100 pM, 500 pM, 1 nM, 10 nM, 50 nM, 100 nM or 500 nM, including any range between these values) Kd
Combined with RTMC. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct and at least one variant (such as at least 2, 3) of a variant of an HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an MHC class I protein and an amino acid substitution (such as a conservative amino acid substitution) , Any of 4, 5, or 6) complex cross reaction. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct cross-reacts with at least one complex (such as at least any one of 2, 3, 4, or 5) of different isoforms including HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, an anti-RTMC construct is provided that includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, wherein the anti-RTMC antibody portion includes: i) heavy A chain variable domain sequence comprising: an HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NOs: 75-96 (and consisting of it in some embodiments); or comprising up to about 5 ( (Eg, any of about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 97-124 (and in some embodiments HC-CDR2; or variants containing up to about 5 (eg, any of about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions; and SEQ ID NO: 125 -HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of (and consisting of, in some embodiments) of any of 163; or comprising up to about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 The variant of amino acid substitution; and ii) the light chain variable domain sequence comprising: an amino acid sequence comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 164-189 (and in some embodiments by Its composition) LC-CDR1; or contains More than about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207 ( And in some embodiments it consists of) LC-CDR2; or a variant comprising up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2, 3) amino acid substitutions; and comprising SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any of 208-239 (and consisting of it in some embodiments); or comprising up to about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 One) Amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, an anti-RTMC construct is provided that includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, wherein the anti-RTMC antibody portion includes: i) heavy Chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 75-96 (and consisting of it in some embodiments); comprising SEQ ID NO: 97- HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of 124 (and consisting of it in some embodiments); and the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163 (and in some HC-CDR3 of the embodiment); or variants containing up to about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the HC-CDR sequence ; And ii) a light chain variable domain sequence comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of (and consisting of, in some embodiments) any one of SEQ ID NO: 164-189; comprising SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207 (and consisting of it in some embodiments); and an amino acid comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 Sequence (and in some LC-CDR3 of which it consists of in the examples); or variants containing up to about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the LC-CDR sequence . In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is non-naturally occurring. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a full-length antibody. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a multispecific (such as bispecific) molecule. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a chimeric antigen receptor. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is an immunoconjugate. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct ranges from about 0.1 pM to about 500 nM (such as about 0.1 pM, 1.0 pM, 10 pM, 50 pM, 100 pM, 500 pM, 1 nM, 10 nM, 50 nM, 100 nM or 500 nM, including any range between these values) Kd
Combined with RTMC. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct and at least one variant (such as at least 2, 3) of a variant of an HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an MHC class I protein and an amino acid substitution (such as a conservative amino acid substitution) , Any of 4, 5, or 6) complex cross reaction. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct cross-reacts with at least one complex (such as at least any one of 2, 3, 4, or 5) of different isoforms including HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC construct comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, wherein the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: comprising SEQ ID NO: the heavy chain variable domain of the amino acid sequence of any of 19-46 (and consisting of it in some embodiments), or having at least about 95% (eg, at least about 96%, 97%, 98 % Or 99%) variants of sequence identity; and the amino acid sequence comprising (and consisting of, in some embodiments) any of SEQ ID NOs: 47-74 A chain variable domain, or a variant thereof that has at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is non-naturally occurring. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a full-length antibody. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a multispecific (such as bispecific) molecule. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a chimeric antigen receptor. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is an immunoconjugate. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct ranges from about 0.1 pM to about 500 nM (such as about 0.1 pM, 1.0 pM, 10 pM, 50 pM, 100 pM, 500 pM, 1 nM, 10 nM, 50 nM, 100 nM or 500 nM, including any range between these values) Kd
Combined with RTMC. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct and at least one variant (such as at least 2, 3) of a variant of an HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an MHC class I protein and an amino acid substitution (such as a conservative amino acid substitution) , Any of 4, 5, or 6) complex cross reaction. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct cross-reacts with at least one complex (such as at least any one of 2, 3, 4, or 5) of different isoforms including HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, an anti-RTMC construct is provided that includes a second anti-RTMC antibody portion that competes for binding to a target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I according to any of the anti-RTMC antibody portions described herein The first anti-RTMC antibody portion of the complex. In some embodiments, the first anti-RTMC antibody portion and the second anti-RTMC antibody portion bind to the same, or substantially the same epitope. In some embodiments, the binding of the first anti-RTMC antibody portion to the target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex inhibits the binding of the second anti-RTMC antibody portion to the target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex At least about 70% (such as at least about any of 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 98%, or 99%), or vice versa. In some embodiments, the first anti-RTMC antibody portion and the second anti-RTMC antibody portion cross-competitively bind to the target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex, ie, each of the first and second antibody portions Compete with each other to bind to the target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex. For example, in some embodiments, an anti-RTMC construct is provided that includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion that competes with an antibody portion comprising the following for binding to a target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex: i) heavy chain Variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 240, or a variant comprising up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2 or 3) amino acid substitutions HC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 241-244, or containing up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions Variants thereof, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 245-246, or up to about 3 (eg, any one of 1, 2, or 3) amino groups Acid-substituted variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising LC-CDR1 containing the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249, or up to about 3 (eg about Any one of 1, 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 250-253, or containing up to about 3 (E.g. about any of 1, 2, or 3) the amino acid is taken Its variant. In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC construct comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that competes with an antibody portion comprising the following for binding to a target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex: i) heavy chain variable domain sequence Which comprises: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 75-96 (and consisting of it in some embodiments); or comprising up to about 5 (eg about 1, 2 , Any of 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 (and consisting of it in some embodiments) HC-CDR2; or variants containing up to about 5 (eg, any of about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions; and including any of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163 HC-CDR3 of one of the amino acid sequences (and consisting of it in some embodiments); or contains up to about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acids Variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain sequence comprising: an LC comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NOs: 164-189 (and consisting of it in some embodiments) -CDR1; or contain up to about 5 (eg about 1, 2 , Any of 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207 (and consisting of it in some embodiments) LC-CDR2; or variants containing up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions; and amines including any of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 LC-CDR3 of an acid sequence (and consisting of it in some embodiments); or a variant containing up to about 5 (eg, any of about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions body. In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC construct comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that competes with an antibody portion comprising the following for binding to a target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex: i) heavy chain variable domain sequence Which comprises: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 75-96 (and consisting of it in some embodiments); comprising any of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of (and consisting of in some embodiments); and the amino acid sequence comprising any of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163 (and consisting of in some embodiments) Composition) of HC-CDR3; or variants containing up to about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the HC-CDR sequence; and ii) light Chain variable domain sequence comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 164-189 (and consisting of it in some embodiments); comprising SEQ ID NO: 190- LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of 207 (and consisting of it in some embodiments); comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 (and in some implementations (In this case, it is composed of) LC- CDR3; or a variant comprising up to about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the LC-CDR sequence. In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC construct comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that competes with an antibody portion comprising the following for binding to a target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex: comprising SEQ ID NO: 19-46 The heavy chain variable domain of the amino acid sequence of any of (and consisting of, in some embodiments), or having at least about 95% (eg, at least about 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) Any of them) a variant of sequence identity; a light chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of (and consisting of, in some embodiments) any of SEQ ID NOs: 47-74, or Variants thereof having at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity. In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC construct comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that competes with an antibody portion comprising the following for binding to a target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex: comprising SEQ ID NO: 19-46 The heavy chain variable domain of the amino acid sequence of any of (and consisting of, in some embodiments), and the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NOs: 47-74 (and in In some embodiments it consists of the light chain variable domain. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is stable in solution for at least about 1 month (such as at least about 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months, 7 Month, 8 months, 9 months, 10 months, 11 months, 1 year, 2 years, or greater than 2 years). Stability can be expressed as, for example, the retention of the effector function of anti-RTMC constructs (eg, target cell killing activity) in an aqueous formulation solution maintained at a storage temperature (eg, 4 ° C). For example, in some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is maintained at least 40% (such as at least about 45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%) in the aqueous formulation solution maintained at the storage temperature , 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99%, or greater than 99% of the effect function for at least about 1 month (such as at least about 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months, 7 months, 8 months, 9 months, 10 months, 11 months, 1 year, 2 years or Greater than any of 2 years). In some embodiments, the storage temperature does not exceed about 25 ° C (such as not exceed about 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 ° C, or lower ). In some embodiments, the effector function is target cell killing activity. In some embodiments, the antibody portion of the anti-RTMC construct comprises HC-CDR and LC-CDR sequences, and the tandem two scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibodies comprising the HC-CDR and LC CDR sequences are formulated at a temperature maintained At least 40% (such as at least about 45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99% or greater than 99%) of the effect function for at least about 1 month (such as at least about 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 Month, 7 months, 8 months, 9 months, 10 months, 11 months, 1 year, 2 years or more than 2 years), where the tandem two scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibodies contain a ) A first scFv that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT 181 peptide and MHC class I protein and includes HC-CDR and LC-CDR sequences, and b) a second scFv that specifically binds to CD3ε. In some embodiments, the storage temperature does not exceed about 25 ° C (such as not exceed about 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 ° C, or lower ). In some embodiments, the effector function is target cell killing activity. The different aspects are discussed in more detail in the following sections. Anti-RTMC antibody portion The anti-RTMC construct includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to RTMC present on the cell surface. In some embodiments, the cell is a T cell. In some embodiments, the T cell is CD4+
T cells. In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide is an MHC class I restricted peptide. In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide is about 8 to about 12 (such as about any of 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12) amino acids in length. In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide comprises the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NOs: 5-18 (and consists of it in some embodiments). In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide comprises the sequence of amino acids 181-189 HIV-1 RT (YQYMDDLYV, SEQ ID NO: 5; also referred to herein as "HIV-1 RT 181") (and In some embodiments it consists of). In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, HLA-E, HLA-F, or HLA-G. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A. In some embodiments, HLA-A is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, HLA-A02 is HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion is a full-length antibody. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion is an antigen-binding fragment, for example, an antigen-binding fragment selected from the group consisting of: Fab, Fab ', F (ab') 2, Fv fragment, disulfide bond stability Fv fragment ( dsFv) and single chain antibody molecules (scFv). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion is scFv. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to the N-terminal portion of the HIV-1 RT peptide in the complex. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to the C-terminal portion of the HIV-1 RT peptide in the complex. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to the middle portion of the HIV-1 RT peptide in the complex. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion (or anti-RTMC construct comprising the anti-RTMC antibody portion) binds with an affinity to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the affinity of which is The binding affinity of each of the full-length HIV-1 RT, no HIV-1 RT peptide, MHC class I protein that does not bind to the peptide, and / or MHC class I protein that binds to a non-HIV-1 RT peptide is at least about 10 (including, for example, at least about any of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000, or greater than 1000) times. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion (the anti-RTMC construct comprising the anti-RTMC antibody portion) isd
Bound to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the Kd
K for each of its binding to full-length HIV-1 RT, no HIV-1 RT peptide, MHC class I protein that does not bind to the peptide, and / or MHC class I protein that binds to non-HIV-1 RT peptided
Of no more than about 1/10 (such as no more than about 1/10, 1/20, 1/30, 1/40, 1/50, 1/75, 1/100, 1/200, 1/300, 1 / 400, 1/500, 1/750, 1/1000 or less than 1/1000) times. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion (or anti-RTMC construct comprising the anti-RTMC antibody portion) isd
Bound to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the Kd
Between about 0.1 pM to about 500 nM (such as any of about 0.1 pM, 1.0 pM, 10 pM, 50 pM, 100 pM, 500 pM, 1 nM, 10 nM, 50 nM, 100 nM, or 500 nM , Including any range between these values). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion (or anti-RTMC construct comprising the anti-RTMC antibody portion) isd
Bound to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the Kd
Between about 1 pM to about 250 pM (such as any of about 1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, or 250 pM, including any range between these values). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion (or anti-RTMC construct comprising the anti-RTMC antibody portion) isd
Bound to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the Kd
Between about 1 nM and about 500 nM (such as any of about 1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, or 500 nM, inclusive Any range between values). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, wherein the anti-RTMC antibody portion is altered from the dual gene comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein At least one compound of the body cross-reacts. In some embodiments, the dual gene variant has at most about 10 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 when compared to MHC class I protein The) amino acid substitution. In some embodiments, the dual gene variant is the same serotype as the MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, the dual gene variant is a serotype different from the MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion does not cross-react with any complexes that include the HIV-1 RT peptide and the dual gene variant of the MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion cross-reacts with at least one complex (such as at least any one of 2, 3, 4, or 5) of different isoforms including HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, wherein the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises MHC class I protein and has an amino acid substitution (such as conservative At least one complex of a variant of the HIV-1 RT peptide that is substituted by an amino acid). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion does not cross-react with any complexes comprising variants of MHC class I protein and HIV-1 RT peptide. For example, in some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to an amino acid sequence comprising HIV-1 RT peptide (including any of SEQ ID NO: 5-9 (SEQ ID NO: 5) (Such as consisting of)) and a complex of MHC class I proteins (such as HLA-A02, for example HLA-A * 02: 01), wherein the anti-RTMC antibody portion further binds to at least one of the following (including at least about 2 , Any of 3, 4 or 5): containing alanine substituted SEQ ID NO: 10 HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01) Complex; a complex containing alanine substituted HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 11 and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, eg HLA-A * 02: 01); a complex containing SEQ ID NO: 12 Complex of acid-substituted HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, for example HLA-A * 02: 01); comprising alanine substituted HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 13 and MHC class I Complexes of proteins (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01); and alanine-substituted HIV-1 RT peptides of SEQ ID NO: 15 and MHC class I proteins (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A02 A * 02: 01). In some embodiments, the antibody portion of anti-RTMC specifically binds to: an HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an amino acid sequence containing any of SEQ ID NOs: 5-9 and an MHC class I protein (such as HLA- A02, for example the complex of HLA-A * 02: 01); comprising the alanine substituted HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 10 and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, for example HLA-A * 02: 01) Complex; and a complex comprising alanine substituted HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 11 and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to: an HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an amino acid sequence containing any of SEQ ID NO: 6-9 and an MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02 , For example, a complex of HLA-A * 02: 01); containing alanine-substituted HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 10 and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01) Complex; and a complex comprising alanine substituted HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 12 and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, for example HLA-A * 02: 01). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to: an HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an amino acid sequence containing any of SEQ ID NOs: 5-9 and an MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02 , For example, a complex of HLA-A * 02: 01); containing alanine-substituted HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 10 and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01) Complex; a complex comprising alanine substituted HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 11 and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, eg HLA-A * 02: 01); and a complex comprising SEQ ID NO: 13 Alanine replaces the complex of HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, eg HLA-A * 02: 01). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to: an HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an amino acid sequence containing any of SEQ ID NOs: 5-9 and an MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02 , For example, a complex of HLA-A * 02: 01); containing alanine-substituted HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 10 and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01) Complex; a complex containing alanine substituted HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 11 and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, eg HLA-A * 02: 01); a complex containing SEQ ID NO: 12 Complex of acid-substituted HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, eg HLA-A * 02: 01); and alanine-substituted HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC I comprising SEQ ID NO: 13 A complex of protein-like proteins such as HLA-A02, for example HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to: an HIV-1 RT peptide comprising the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 6 or 7 and an MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02:01); a complex comprising the alanine substituted HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 11 and an MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, for example HLA-A * 02: 01); comprising SEQ ID NO: 12 Alanine substituted HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01) complex; including SEQ ID NO: 13 Alanine substituted HIV-1 RT A complex of peptides and MHC class I proteins (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01); and alanine substituted HIV-1 RT peptides including SEQ ID NO: 15 and MHC class I proteins (such as HLA- A02, for example the complex of HLA-A * 02: 01). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to: an HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an amino acid sequence containing any of SEQ ID NOs: 5-9 and an MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02 , For example, a complex of HLA-A * 02: 01); containing alanine-substituted HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 10 and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01) Complex; a complex containing alanine substituted HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 11 and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, eg HLA-A * 02: 01); a complex containing SEQ ID NO: 12 Complex of acid-substituted HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, for example HLA-A * 02: 01); comprising alanine substituted HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 13 and MHC class I Complexes of proteins (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01); and alanine-substituted HIV-1 RT peptides of SEQ ID NO: 15 and MHC class I proteins (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A02 A * 02: 01). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to a complex comprising an HIV-1 RT peptide containing the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NOs: 5-9 and HLA-A * 02: 01 , Where the anti-RTMC antibody portion cross-reacts with at least one of the following (including at least about 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6): comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and HLA-A * 02: 02 ( GenBank deposit number: AFL91480) complex, including HIV-1 RT peptide and HLA-A * 02: 03 (GenBank deposit number: AAA03604) complex, including HIV-1 RT peptide and HLA-A * 02: 05 ( GenBank deposit number: AAA03603) complex, including HIV-1 RT peptide and HLA-A * 02: 06 (GenBank deposit number: CCB78868) complex, including HIV-1 RT peptide and HLA-A * 02: 07 ( GenBank deposit number: ACR55712) complex, and a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and -A * 02: 11 (GenBank deposit number: CAB56609). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to one or more of the following: comprising HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5) and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01) complex; comprising HIV-1 RT 181 variant with amino acid sequence YQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 6) and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, for example HLA-A * 02: 01 ); A complex containing an HIV-1 RT 181 variant with the amino acid sequence YQYIDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 7) and a MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01) ; A complex comprising an HIV-1 RT 181 variant having the amino acid sequence CQYMDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 8) and a MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01); and comprising A complex of the HIV-1 RT 181 variant of the amino acid sequence CQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 9) and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, for example HLA-A * 02: 01). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to: a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 5 and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, eg HLA-A * 02: 01) ; A complex comprising an HIV-1 RT 181 variant with the amino acid sequence YQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 6) and a MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, eg HLA-A * 02: 01); and comprising A complex of the HIV-1 RT 181 variant of the amino acid sequence YQYIDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 7) and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, for example HLA-A * 02: 01). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to: a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide of SEQ ID NO: 5 and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, eg HLA-A * 02: 01) ; A complex comprising an HIV-1 RT 181 variant with the amino acid sequence YQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 6) and an MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, eg HLA-A * 02: 01); containing a complex with an amine Complex of HIV-1 RT 181 variant of amino acid sequence YQYIDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 7) and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, eg HLA-A * 02: 01); contains CQYMDDLYV with amino acid sequence (SEQ ID NO: 8) A complex of HIV-1 RT 181 variant and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, for example HLA-A * 02: 01); and comprising CQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 9) A complex of HIV-1 RT 181 variant and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, eg HLA-A * 02: 01). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to: comprises an HIV-1 RT 181 variant having the amino acid sequence YQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 6) and an MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA -A * 02: 01) complex; comprising HIV-1 RT 181 variant with amino acid sequence YQYIDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 7) and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, for example HLA-A * 02 : 01); containing HIV-1 RT 181 variant with amino acid sequence CQYMDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 8) and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01) Complex; and a complex comprising an HIV-1 RT 181 variant having the amino acid sequence CQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 9) and a MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02: 01). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to: comprises an HIV-1 RT 181 variant having the amino acid sequence YQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 6) and an MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA -A * 02: 01); and contains HIV-1 RT 181 variant with amino acid sequence YQYIDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 7) and MHC class I protein (such as HLA-A02, such as HLA-A * 02:01). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion is a semi-synthetic antibody portion comprising fully human sequences and one or more synthetic regions. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion is a semi-synthetic antibody portion comprising a fully human light chain variable domain and a semi-synthetic heavy chain variable domain, the semi-synthetic heavy chain variable domain comprising fully human FR1, HC-CDR1 FR2, HC-CDR2, FR3 and FR4 regions and synthetic HC-CDR3. In some embodiments, the semi-synthetic heavy chain variable domain comprises a fully synthetic HC-CDR3 having a length of about 5 to about 25 (such as about 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Any of 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, or 25) amino acid sequences. In some embodiments, the semi-synthetic heavy chain variable domain or synthetic HC-CDR3 is obtained from a semi-synthetic library (such as a semi-synthetic human library), which comprises a length of about 5 to about 25 (such as about 5, 6, 7, (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 or 25) total synthesis of amino acid sequences HC-CDR3, where each amino acid in the sequence is randomly selected from standard human amino acids, minus cysteine. In some embodiments, the length of the synthetic HC-CDR3 is about 7 to about 15 (such as about any of 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15) amino acids. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises a specific sequence or certain variants of such sequences. In some embodiments, amino acid substitution in the variant sequence does not substantially reduce the ability of the anti-RTMC antibody portion to bind to RTMC. For example, changes can be made that do not substantially reduce RTMC binding affinity. It also covers changes that substantially improve RTMC binding affinity or affect some other characteristics, such as specificity and / or cross-reactivity with related variants of RTMC. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 245-246, or at most about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: including any of SEQ ID NO: 250-253 LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of the amino acid sequence, or a variant thereof containing up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 245-246; and ii) light A chain variable domain comprising: LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 250-253. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 240 or comprising up to about 3 (eg, about 1, 2 or Any one of 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, comprising the HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 241-244, or up to about 3 (eg, about 1, Any one of 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 245-246, or comprising up to about 3 (eg Any one of about 1, 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: an amino acid comprising any of SEQ ID NO: 247-249 LC-CDR1 of the sequence, or variants containing up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions, and any of SEQ ID NO: 250-253 The LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence, or a variant thereof containing up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 240, or up to about 3 (eg, about 1, 2 Or any of 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, comprising the HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 241-244, or up to about 3 (eg, about 1 , Any of 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 245-246; and ii) light chain variable Domain, comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249, or comprising up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2 or 3) amino groups Acid-substituted variants thereof, and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 250-253. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 240, comprising any of SEQ ID NO: 241-244 HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of the above, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 245-246; or up to about 3 (such as about Any one of 1, 2 or 3) an amino acid substituted variant thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: an amino acid sequence comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249 LC-CDR1, and LC-CDR3 containing the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 250-253; or the LC-CDR sequence contains up to about 3 (such as about 1, 2 or 3 Either) Amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 240, comprising any of SEQ ID NO: 241-244 HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of the above, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 245-246; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 247-249, and LC-CDR3 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 250-253. The sequences of the CDRs mentioned herein are provided in Table 2 below.table 2
In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163, or at most about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: including SEQ ID NO: 208-239 LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any of them, or a variant thereof containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising HC-CDR3 containing the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163; and ii) a light chain A variable domain comprising LC-CDR3 containing the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96, or at most about Variants of 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions, including the HC- of the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 CDR2, or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions, and any of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163 HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence, or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions; and ii) light chain variable domains Which comprises: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 164-189, or up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 ) Amino acid substituted variants thereof, including the LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207, or up to about 3 (such as about any of 1, 2, or 3) One) Amino acid substituted variants thereof, and amino acid sequences comprising any of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 LC-CDR3, or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96, or at most about Variants of 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions, including the HC- of the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 CDR2, or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions, and any of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163 HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 164-189, or up to about 5 (Such as any of about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, including LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 190-207, Or a variant comprising up to about 3 (such as about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions, and an LC comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 -CDR3. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 97-124; and HC-CDR3 containing the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 125-163; or in the HC-CDR sequence Contains up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain sequence comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO : LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189; LC-CDR2 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and comprising SEQ ID NO: 208- LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any of 239; or containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the LC-CDR sequence Its variant. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 97-124; and HC-CDR3 containing the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 125-163; or containing up to about 5 (Such as any of about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) variants of amino acid substitutions, wherein the amino acid substitutions are in HC-CDR1 or HC-CDR2; and ii) the light chain variable domain Sequence comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 164-189; LC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207 ; And LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239; or comprising up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amines; A variant of the amino acid substitution, in which the amino acid substitution is in HC-CDR1 or HC-CDR2. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 97-124; and HC-CDR3 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 125-163; and ii) the light chain may Variable domain sequence comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 164-189; LC comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207 -CDR2; and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239. The sequences of HC-CDRs from putative anti-RTMC antibody pure lines are provided in Table 3 below, and the sequences of LC-CDRs from these pure lines are provided in Table 4 below.table 3 table 4
In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: a heavy chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 19-46, or has at least about 95% (including, for example, at least about 96% , 97%, 98%, or 99%) variants of sequence identity, and the light chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 47-74, or Variants thereof having at least about 95% (including, for example, at least about 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: a heavy chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 19-46 and any one of SEQ ID NO: 47-74 The light chain variable domain of the amino acid sequence. The heavy and light chain variable domains can be combined in various pairs to generate multiple anti-RTMC antibody portions. For example, in some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion includes heavy and light chain variable domains that include HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 , LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3, which contain the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190, and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191, respectively And 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192, and 210, respectively SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193, and 211, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, respectively , 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80 , 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218 , Respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ I D NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222 , Respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, respectively SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178 , 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, respectively SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116 , 147, 169, 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO : 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 And 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206 and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238; Or SEQ ID NOs: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207, and 239, respectively; or individually contain up to about 5 in HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, and / or LC-CDR3 (E.g., any of about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitution and / or include up to about 3 (e.g., about any of 1, 2, or 3) amines in the LC-CDR2 Variants of the base acid substitution. For example, in some embodiments, the heavy chain comprises: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 75, HC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 97, and comprising the amino acid sequence HC-CDR3 of SEQ ID NO 125, and the light chain comprises: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 164, LC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 190, and comprising the amino acid sequence LC-CDR3 of SEQ ID NO: 208. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion includes heavy chain and light chain variable domains that include HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2 And LC-CDR3, which contains the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190, and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191, and 209, respectively SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 And 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132 , 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83 , 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102 139, 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, respectively SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191, and 218, SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199, and 228, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 157, 18 5, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206 and 237, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, or SEQ respectively ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207, and 239; or include up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the HC-CDR sequence and And / or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the LC-CDR sequence. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion includes heavy chain and light chain variable domains that include HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2 And LC-CDR3, which contains the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190, and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191, and 209, respectively SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 And 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132 , 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83 , 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102 , 139, 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, respectively SEQ ID NO : 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, respectively SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 And 227, SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191, and 218, SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199, and 228, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150 , 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80 , 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 157, 1 85, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206 and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238; or SEQ respectively ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: heavy chain and light chain variable domains, the heavy chain and light chain variable domains comprising the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 19 and 47, respectively, respectively SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, respectively SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, respectively SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, respectively SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, respectively SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, respectively SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, respectively SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57 respectively SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, respectively SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, respectively SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, respectively SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, respectively SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, respectively SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, respectively SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, respectively SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, respectively SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, respectively SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, respectively SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, respectively SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74, respectively; or individually have Variants of at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion includes heavy and light chain variable domains that include the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NOs: 19 and 47, and SEQ, respectively ID NO: 20 and 48, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, SEQ, respectively ID NO: 25 and 53, respectively SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, respectively SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, respectively SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, respectively SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, respectively SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, SEQ respectively ID NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, SEQ, respectively ID NO: 40 and 68, respectively SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, respectively SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, respectively SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, respectively SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, respectively SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74, respectively. The sequences of the heavy chain variable domain and light chain variable domain from the putative anti-RTMC antibody pure line are provided in Table 5 below.table 5
In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises heavy and light chain variable domains comprising amino acid sequences SEQ ID NOs: 27 and 55, or individually has at least about 95% (eg, at least about 96%, 97 %, 98% or 99%) variants of sequence identity. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises heavy and light chain variable domains, which comprise the amino acid sequences SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, respectively. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises heavy and light chain variable domains comprising amino acid sequences SEQ ID NOs: 30 and 58, respectively, or individually has at least about 95% (eg, at least about 96%, 97 %, 98% or 99%) variants of sequence identity. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises heavy and light chain variable domains, which comprise the amino acid sequences SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, respectively. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion competes with the second anti-RTMC antibody portion according to any of the anti-RTMC antibody portions described herein to bind to the target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion and the second anti-RTMC antibody portion bind to the same, or substantially the same epitope. In some embodiments, the binding of the anti-RTMC antibody portion to the target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex inhibits the binding of the second anti-RTMC antibody portion to the target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex by at least about 70% (such as at least about any of 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 98%, or 99%), or vice versa. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion and the second anti-RTMC antibody portion cross-compete to bind to the target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex, that is, each of these antibody portions competes with each other for binding to the target Target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex. For example, in some embodiments, an anti-RTMC antibody portion competes with an antibody portion comprising the following for binding to a target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex: i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: comprising an amine HC-CDR1 of the acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 240, or a variant thereof containing up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2 or 3) amino acid substitutions, including SEQ ID NO: 241-244 HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of them, or a variant thereof containing up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions, and comprising SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 245-246; or a variant thereof comprising at most about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions; and ii) Light chain variable domain comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 247-249, or up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2 or 3 The variant of the amino acid substitution, and the LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 250-253, or up to about 3 (eg, about 1, 2 or 3) Either) Amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion competes with an antibody portion comprising the following for binding to the target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex: i) heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO: 75 -The HC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of (and consisting of, in some embodiments) of any of 96; or up to about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 ) -Amino acid substituted variants thereof; HC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NOs: 97-124 (and consisting of it in some embodiments); or comprising up to about 5 (Eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and the amino acid sequence comprising any of SEQ ID NO: 125-163 (and in HC-CDR3 in some embodiments); or variants containing up to about 5 (eg, any of about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions; and ii) light Chain variable domain sequence comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 164-189 (and consisting of it in some embodiments); or comprising up to about 5 ( (E.g. about any of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substitution Variants thereof; LC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207 (and consisting of it in some embodiments); or comprising up to about 3 (eg about 1, 2 or 3) an amino acid substituted variant thereof; and an LC comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 (and consisting of it in some embodiments) -CDR3; or a variant comprising up to about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion competes with an antibody portion comprising the following for binding to the target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex: i) heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO: 75 -HC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any of (and consisting of in some embodiments); comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 (and in some HC-CDR2; and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163 (and in some embodiments); or in HC -Up to about 5 (e.g., about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof are included in the CDR sequence; and ii) light chain variable domain sequence comprising: comprising LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 164-189 (and consisting of it in some embodiments); comprising the amino acid of any of SEQ ID NO: 190-207 LC-CDR2 of the sequence (and consisting of it in some embodiments); and LC- comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 (and consisting of it in some embodiments) CDR3; or include at most in the LC-CDR sequence There are about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion competes with an antibody portion comprising the following for binding to the target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex: comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 19-46 (And in some embodiments thereof) a heavy chain variable domain, or one having at least about 95% (e.g., at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity Variants, and a light chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NOs: 47-74 (and consisting of it in some embodiments), or having at least about 95% (eg, at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) variants of sequence identity. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion competes with an antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains for binding to a target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3, which include the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201, and 224, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202, and 225, respectively SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206 and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200, and 238, or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207, and 239, respectively; or individually in HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3 , LC-CDR1 and / or LC-CDR3 contain up to about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions and / or up to about 3 in LC-CDR2 (Eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion competes with an antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains for binding to a target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3, which include the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201, and 224, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202, and 225, respectively SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206 and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200, and 238, or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207, and 239, respectively, or up to about 5 (such as about Any of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substitutions and / or up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 in the LC-CDR sequence ) Amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion competes with an antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains for binding to a target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3, which include the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201, and 224, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202, and 225, respectively SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206 and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200, and 238, or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207, and 239, respectively. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises at least about 95% (e.g., at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence of heavy chain and light chain variable domains or individually Consistently, the antibody portion of its variant competes for binding to the target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex. The heavy and light chain variable domains contain the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 19 and 47, SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, SEQ ID NO: 24 and 47, respectively 52, SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, respectively SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, respectively SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, respectively SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and respectively 62, SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, SEQ ID NO: 39 and 62, respectively 67, SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, respectively SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74, respectively . In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion competes with an antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains for binding to a target HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising The following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 19 and 47, SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, SEQ ID, respectively NO: 23 and 51, respectively SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, respectively SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, respectively SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, respectively SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, respectively SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, respectively SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, SEQ ID, respectively NO: 38 and 66, SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, SEQ ID, respectively NO: 43 and 71, respectively SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, respectively SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74, respectively.Full length anti RTMC antibody
In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a full-length antibody comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion (also referred to herein as "full-length anti-RTMC antibody"). In some embodiments, the full-length antibody is a monoclonal antibody. In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibody comprises Fc sequences from immunoglobulins, such as IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM. In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibody comprises the Fc sequence of any of IgG (such as IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, or IgG4). In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibody comprises the Fc sequence of human immunoglobulin. In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibody comprises the Fc sequence of mouse immunoglobulin. In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibody comprises an Fc sequence that has been altered or otherwise altered to have enhanced antibody-dependent cytotoxicity (ADCC) or complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) effector functions. Thus, for example, in some embodiments, a full-length anti-RTMC antibody is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, and b) Fc region. In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9). In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, a full-length anti-RTMC antibody is provided, comprising: a) specific binding to HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9) peptide and HLA-A * 02 : The anti-RTMC antibody portion of the complex of 01, and b) the Fc region. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises human IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises mouse IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion and at least one variant (such as at least 2, 3) of a variant of HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an MHC class I protein and an amino acid substitution (such as a conservative amino acid substitution) , Any of 4, 5, or 6) complex cross reaction. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion cross-reacts with at least one complex (such as at least any one of 2, 3, 4, or 5) of different isoforms including HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, a full-length anti-RTMC antibody is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising: i ) Heavy chain variable domain sequence, comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 240, or comprising up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2 or 3) amino acid substitutions Variants thereof, comprising HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 241-244, or containing up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino groups Acid-substituted variants thereof, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 245-246, or up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2 or 3 ) An amino acid substituted variant thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 247-249, or up to about 3 (For example, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 250-253, or comprising Up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, 2 or 3 of One) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and b) Fc region. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises human IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises mouse IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, a full-length anti-RTMC antibody is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising: i ) Heavy chain variable domain sequence, comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence SEQ ID NO: 240, HC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 241-244, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 245-246; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: an amine comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249 LC-CDR1 of the acid sequence, and LC-CDR3 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 250-253; and b) Fc region. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises human IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises mouse IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, a full-length anti-RTMC antibody is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising: i ) A heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96, or up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3, 4 or Any of 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, comprising the HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 97-124, or containing up to about 5 (such as about 1, (Any of 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 125-163, or comprising at most about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO: 164-189 LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any of them, or a variant thereof containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions, including SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR2 of amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207, or package Up to about 3 (such as about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 , Or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises human IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises mouse IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, a full-length anti-RTMC antibody is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising: i ) Heavy chain variable domain sequence, comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising the amine group of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2 of the acid sequence; and HC-CDR3 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 125-163 in the HC-CDR sequence; or up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, Any of 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) light chain variable domain sequence comprising: an amino acid comprising any of SEQ ID NO: 164-189 LC-CDR1 of the sequence; LC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and LC comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 -CDR3; or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the LC-CDR sequence; and b) Fc region. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises human IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises mouse IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, a full-length anti-RTMC antibody is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising: i ) Heavy chain variable domain sequence, comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising the amine group of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2 of the acid sequence; and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163; and ii) a light chain variable domain sequence comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO: 164 -LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 189; LC-CDR2 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and including SEQ ID NO: 208-239 LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one; and b) Fc region. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises human IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises mouse IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, a full-length anti-RTMC antibody is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising: comprising The heavy chain variable domain of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 19-46, or has at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99% ) A variant of sequence identity, and a light chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 47-74, or having at least about 95% (including, for example, at least about 96%, 97 Any of%, 98%, or 99%) variants of sequence identity; and b) Fc region. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises human IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises mouse IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, a full-length anti-RTMC antibody is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising: comprising The heavy chain variable domain of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 19-46 and the light chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 47-74; and b) Fc region. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises human IgG1 Fc sequence. In some embodiments, the Fc region comprises mouse IgG1 Fc sequence. For example, in some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibody portion includes heavy and light chain variable domains that include HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC- CDR1, LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3, which include the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190, and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, respectively SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, respectively SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and SEQ respectively 218, SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, respectively 178, 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, respectively SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192, and 232, SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204, and 233, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO : 85, 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191, and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206, and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 And 238; or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239, respectively; or individually included up to HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 and / or LC-CDR3 About 5 (e.g., any of about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions and / or up to about 3 (e.g., about any of 1, 2, or 3) included in the LC-CDR2 The variant of amino acid substitution. In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises heavy and light chain variable domains, and these heavy and light chain variable domains comprise HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC- CDR2 and LC-CDR3, which include the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190, and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191, and 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, respectively SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 15 7, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206 and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238; or respectively SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207, and 239; or individually contain up to about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amines in the HC-CDR sequence Amino acid substitutions and / or variants containing up to about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the LC-CDR sequence. In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises heavy and light chain variable domains, and these heavy and light chain variable domains comprise HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC- CDR2 and LC-CDR3, which include the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190, and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191, and 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80 , 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, respectively SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224 , SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202, and 225, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200, and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169 , 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114 , 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO : 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 1 57, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206 and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238; or respectively SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239. In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: heavy chain and light chain variable domains, the heavy chain and light chain variable domains comprising the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NOs: 19 and 47, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57 respectively SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74, respectively; or individually Variants thereof having at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity. In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises heavy and light chain variable domains, and these heavy and light chain variable domains comprise the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NOs: 19 and 47, respectively, respectively SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, respectively SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, respectively SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, respectively SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, respectively SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, respectively SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, respectively SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57 respectively SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, respectively SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, respectively SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, respectively SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, respectively SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, respectively SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, respectively SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, respectively SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, respectively SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, respectively SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, respectively SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, respectively SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74, respectively. In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises heavy and light chain variable domains comprising amino acid sequences SEQ ID NOs: 27 and 55, or individually has at least about 95% (eg, at least about 96%, Any of 97%, 98%, or 99%) variants of sequence identity. In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises heavy and light chain variable domains, which comprise the amino acid sequences SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, respectively. In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises heavy and light chain variable domains comprising amino acid sequences SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, respectively, or individually has at least about 95% (eg, at least about 96%, Any of 97%, 98%, or 99%) variants of sequence identity. In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises heavy and light chain variable domains, which comprise the amino acid sequences SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, respectively. In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibodyd
Bound to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the Kd
Between about 0.1 pM to about 500 nM (such as any of about 0.1 pM, 1.0 pM, 10 pM, 50 pM, 100 pM, 500 pM, 1 nM, 10 nM, 50 nM, 100 nM, or 500 nM , Including any range between these values). In some embodiments, the full-length anti-RTMC antibodyd
Bound to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the Kd
Between about 1 pM to about 250 pM (such as any of about 1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, or 250 pM, including any range between these values).Multispecific anti RTMC molecule
In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct includes a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule that includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion and a second binding portion (such as a second antigen binding portion). In some embodiments, the multispecific anti-RTMC molecule includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion and a second antigen binding portion. Multispecific molecules are molecules that have binding specificities for at least two different antigens or epitopes (eg, bispecific antibodies have binding specificities for two antigens or epitopes). Multispecific molecules with more than two valencies and / or specificities are also covered. For example, trispecific antibodies can be prepared. Tutt et alJ . Immunol .
147: 60 (1991). It should be understood that those skilled in the art can select appropriate characteristics of the individual multispecific molecules described herein to combine with each other to form the multispecific anti-RTMC molecules of the present invention. Thus, for example, in some embodiments, a multispecific (e.g., bispecific) anti-RTMC molecule is provided, comprising: a) an antibody that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein RTMC antibody portion, and b) a second binding portion (such as an antigen binding portion). In some embodiments, the second binding moiety specifically binds to a complex comprising different HIV-1 RT peptides bound to MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, the second scFv specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptides bound to different MHC class I proteins. In some embodiments, the second binding moiety specifically binds to different epitopes on a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, the second binding moiety specifically binds to different antigens. In some embodiments, the second binding moiety specifically binds to an antigen on the surface of cells (such as cytotoxic cells). In some embodiments, the second binding moiety specifically binds to an antigen on the surface of lymphocytes (such as T cells, NK cells, neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, or dendritic cells). In some embodiments, the second binding moiety specifically binds to effector T cells, such as cytotoxic T cells (also known as cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) or T killer cells). In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, and b) specific binding The second antigen binding portion of CD3. In some embodiments, the second antigen-binding portion specifically binds to CD3ε. In some embodiments, the second antigen-binding portion specifically binds to the agonistic epitope of CD3ε. As used herein, the term "promoting epitope" means (a) after binding to a multispecific molecule, optionally allowing it to activate T after binding to a number of multispecific molecules on the same cell The epitope of cell receptor (TCR) signaling and inducing T cell activation, and / or (b) consists only of amino acid residues in the epsilon chain of CD3 and exists in its natural state on T cells (also That is, an epitope that can be bound by multispecific molecules when surrounded by TCR, CD3γ chain, and / or (c) an epitope that cannot stabilize the spatial position of CD3ε relative to CD3γ after binding the multispecific molecule. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, and b) specific binding In effector cells, this includes, for example, CD3γ, CD3δ, CD3ε, CD3ζ, CD28, CD16a, CD56, CD68 and the second antigen-binding portion of the antigen on the surface of GDS2D. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule is provided that includes a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, and b) specifically binds to Components of the complement system, such as the second antigen-binding portion of Clq. C1q is the subunit of the C1 enzyme complex that activates the serum complement system. In some embodiments, the second antigen-binding portion specifically binds to Fc receptors. In some embodiments, the second antigen binding portion specifically binds to Fcγ receptor (FcγR). FcγR may be FcγRIII present on the surface of natural killer (NK) cells or FcγRI, FcγRIIA, FcγRIIBI, FcγRIIB2 and FcγRIIIB present on the surface of macrophages, monocytes, neutrophils and / or dendritic cells. The one. In some embodiments, the second antigen binding portion is an Fc region or a functional fragment thereof. "Functional fragment" as used in this context means still able to bind to FcR with sufficient specificity and affinity, especially to FcγR to allow FcγR carrying effector cells, specifically macrophages, monocytes, tropism Neutral leukocytes and / or dendritic cells kill fragments of the antibody Fc region of target cells by cytotoxin lysis or phagocytosis. Functional Fc fragments can competitively inhibit the binding of the initial, full-length Fc portion to FcR such as activated FcγRI. In some embodiments, the functional Fc fragment retains at least 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, or 95% of its affinity for activated FcyR. In some embodiments, the Fc region or functional fragment thereof is an enhanced Fc region or functional fragment thereof. As used herein, the term "enhanced Fc region" refers to modified to enhance Fc receptor-mediated effector functions, specifically antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), complement-dependent cytotoxicity (ADC CDC) and antibody-mediated bacteriophage Fc region. This can be achieved as known in the art, for example by causing increased affinity for activated receptors (such as FcγRIIIA (CD16A) expressed on natural killer (NK) cells) and / or with inhibitory receptors (such as FcγRIIB1 / B2 (CD32B)) The reduced binding modifies the Fc region. In still other embodiments, the second antigen-binding portion is an antibody or antigen-binding fragment thereof, which binds specifically to FcR with sufficient specificity and affinity, especially to FcγR to allow effector cells carrying FcγR, specifically Macrophages, monocytes, neutrophils and / or dendritic cells kill target cells by cytotoxic lysis or phagocytosis. In some embodiments, multispecific anti-RTMC molecules allow killing of RTMC presenting target cells and / or can effectively redirect CTL to lyse RTMC presenting target cells. In some embodiments, multispecific (eg, bispecific) anti-RTMC molecules of the invention display in vitro EC in the range of 10 to 500 ng / ml50
And can induce about 50% of target cells to pass through CTL at a ratio of CTL to target cells of about 1: 1 to about 50: 1 (such as about 1: 1 to about 15: 1, or about 2: 1 to about 10: 1) It's redirected to crack. In some embodiments, multispecific (e.g., bispecific) anti-RTMC molecules are capable of cross-linking stimulated or unstimulated CTL and target cells, in such a way that the target cells are lysed. This provides the advantage that no target-specific T-cell pure lines are generated or that common antigen presentation by dendritic cells is not required to allow the multispecific anti-RTMC molecules to exert their desired activity. In some embodiments, the multispecific anti-RTMC molecules of the invention can redirect CTL to lyse target cells in the absence of other activation signals. In some embodiments, the second antigen binding portion of the multispecific anti-RTMC molecule specifically binds to CD3 (eg, specifically binds to CD3ε) and does not require C28 and / or IL-2 signaling to redirect CTL To lyse the target cells. It is within the normal ability of those skilled in the art to measure the preference of a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule to simultaneously bind to two antigens (eg, antigens on two different cells). For example, when the second binding moiety specifically binds to CD3, the multispecific anti-RTMC molecule can interact with CD3+
/ HIV-1 RT-
Cells and CD3-
/ HIV-1 RT+
Contact the mixture of cells. The number of multispecific anti-RTMC molecule positive single cells and the number of cells cross-linked by the multispecific anti-RTMC molecule can then be evaluated by microscopy or fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) known in the art . For example, in some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, and b ) Second antigen binding portion. In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9). In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, the second antigen-binding portion specifically binds to a complex comprising different HIV-1 RT peptides bound to MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, the second antigen-binding portion specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptides bound to different MHC class I proteins. In some embodiments, the second antigen-binding portion specifically binds to different epitopes on a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, the second antigen binding portion specifically binds to another antigen. In some embodiments, the second antigen binding moiety specifically binds to cells, such as RTMC presenting antigen on the cell surface. In some embodiments, the second antigen-binding portion specifically binds to an antigen on the cell surface that does not express HIV-1 RT. In some embodiments, the second antigen-binding portion specifically binds to antigens on the surface of cytotoxic cells. In some embodiments, the second antigen binding moiety specifically binds to lymphocytes, such as antigens on the surface of T cells, NK cells, neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, or dendritic cells. In some embodiments, the second antigen binding moiety specifically binds to effector T cells, such as antigens on the surface of cytotoxic T cells. In some embodiments, the second antigen binding moiety specifically binds to effector cells, including, for example, CD3γ, CD3δ, CD3ε, CD3ζ, CD28, CD16a, CD56, CD68, and antigens on the surface of GDS2D. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, the second antigen binding portion is an antibody portion. In some embodiments, the second antigen-binding portion is a human, humanized, or semi-synthetic antibody portion. In some embodiments, the multispecific anti-RTMC molecule further comprises at least one (such as at least about any of 2, 3, 4, 5, or more) additional antigen binding moieties. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion and at least one variant (such as at least 2, 3) of a variant of HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an MHC class I protein and an amino acid substitution (such as a conservative amino acid substitution) , Any of 4, 5, or 6) complex cross reaction. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion cross-reacts with at least one complex (such as at least any one of 2, 3, 4, or 5) of different isoforms including HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule is provided, which comprises a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising: HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9) Peptide and HLA-A * 02: 01, and b) second antigen binding portion. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule is provided, comprising a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion comprising: i) Heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 240, or comprising up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2 or 3) amino acid substitutions Variants thereof, HC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 241-244, or up to about 3 (eg, about any one of 1, 2, or 3) amino groups Acid substituted variants thereof, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 245-246, or up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2 or 3 ) An amino acid substituted variant thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 247-249, or comprising up to about 3 (Eg, any of about 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 250-253, or comprising Up to about 3 (e.g. about any of 1, 2, or 3 One) amino acid substituted variants, and b) a second antigen binding portion. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule is provided, comprising a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion comprising: i) Heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 240, HC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid of any of SEQ ID NO: 241-244, and comprising HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 245-246; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: comprising an amino group of any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249 The LC-CDR1 of the acid sequence, and the LC-CDR3 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 250-253, and b) the second antigen binding portion. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule is provided, comprising a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion comprising: i) Heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96, or up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Any one of them) amino acid substituted variants thereof, comprising the HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124, or containing up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2 , Any of 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163, or comprising up to about 5 (Such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO: 164-189 LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one, or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions, including SEQ ID NO : LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207, or containing More than three (such as about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 , Or comprise up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and b) a second antigen binding moiety. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule is provided, comprising a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion comprising i) heavy Chain variable domain sequence, comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2; and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163; or up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3, Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain sequence comprising: an amino acid sequence comprising any of SEQ ID NO: 164-189 LC-CDR1; LC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 Or, in the LC-CDR sequence, up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and b) a second antigen binding portion. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule is provided, comprising a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion comprising i) heavy Chain variable domain sequence, comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2; and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 125-163; and ii) a light chain variable domain sequence comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO: 164-189 LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of them; LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and any of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of one; and b) the second antigen binding portion. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule is provided that includes a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that includes a heavy chain variable domain that includes the amine of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 19-46 Base acid sequence or a variant thereof having at least about 95% (e.g., at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity, and a light chain variable domain comprising SEQ ID NO : An amino acid sequence of any of 47-74 or a variant thereof having at least about 95% (including, for example, at least about 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity; And b) a second scFv. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule is provided that includes a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that includes a heavy chain variable domain containing the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 19-46 , And a light chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 47-74; and b) a second antigen binding portion. In some embodiments, the multispecific anti-RTMC molecules are, for example, bifunctional antibodies (Db), single chain bifunctional antibodies (scDb), tandem scDb (Tandab), linear dimerization scDb (LD-scDb), circular dimerization scDb (CD-scDb), bi-bifunctional antibody, tandem scFv, tandem bi-scFv (e.g. bispecific T cell junction molecule), tandem tri-scFv, trifunctional antibody, bispecific Fab2, bi-minibody, Four-functional antibody, scFv-Fc-scFv fusion, dual affinity retargeting (DART) antibody, dual variable domain (DVD) antibody, IgG-scFab, scFab-ds-scFv, Fv2-Fc, IgG-scFv fusion Antibody, dock and lock (DNL) antibody, knob-into-hole (KiH) antibody (bispecific IgG prepared by KiH technology), DuoBody (bispecific prepared by Duobody technology) IgG), heteromultimeric antibodies or heteroconjugate antibodies. In some embodiments, the multispecific anti-RTMC molecule is a tandem scFv (eg, tandem di-scFv, such as a bispecific T cell junction molecule).Tandem scFv
In some embodiments, the multispecific anti-RTMC molecule is a tandem scFv, which includes a first scFv and a second scFv containing an anti-RTMC antibody portion (also referred to herein as "tandem scFv multispecific anti-RTMC antibody"). In some embodiments, the tandem scFv multispecific anti-RTMC antibody further comprises at least one (such as at least about any of 2, 3, 4, 5, or more) additional scFv. In some embodiments, a tandem scFv multispecific (eg bispecific) anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, And b) a second scFv. In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9). In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, the second scFv specifically binds to a complex comprising different HIV-1 RT peptides bound to MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, the second scFv specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptides bound to different MHC class I proteins. In some embodiments, the second scFv specifically binds to different epitopes on a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, the second scFv specifically binds to another antigen. In some embodiments, the second scFv specifically binds to a cell, such as RTMC presenting an antigen on the cell surface. In some embodiments, the second scFv specifically binds to an antigen on the cell surface that does not express HIV-1 RT. In some embodiments, the second scFv specifically binds to an antigen on the surface of cytotoxic cells. In some embodiments, the second scFv specifically binds to an antigen on the surface of lymphocytes, such as T cells, NK cells, neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, or dendritic cells. In some embodiments, the second scFv specifically binds to effector T cells, such as antigens on the surface of cytotoxic T cells. In some embodiments, the second scFv specifically binds to effector cells, including, for example, CD3γ, CD3δ, CD3ε, CD3ζ, CD28, CD16a, CD56, CD68, and antigens on the surface of GDS2D. In some embodiments, the first scFv is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, the second scFv is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, both the first scFv and the second scFv are human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, the tandem scFv multispecific anti-RTMC antibody further comprises at least one (such as at least about any of 2, 3, 4, 5, or more) additional scFv. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion and at least one variant (such as at least 2, 3) of a variant of HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an MHC class I protein and an amino acid substitution (such as a conservative amino acid substitution) , Any of 4, 5, or 6) complex cross reaction. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion cross-reacts with at least one complex (such as at least any one of 2, 3, 4, or 5) of different isoforms including HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, a tandem scFv multispecific (eg bispecific) anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising: HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO : 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9) peptide and HLA-A * 02: 01; and b) second scFv. In some embodiments, a tandem scFv multispecific (eg bispecific) anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The first scFv comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 240, or up to about 3 (eg, about 1, 2 or 3 of Any one) amino acid substituted variants thereof, comprising the HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 241-244, or up to about 3 (eg, about 1, 2 or 3) Any one of them) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and the HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 245-246, or up to about 3 (eg about 1, Any one of 2 or 3) an amino acid substituted variant thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: LC comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249 -CDR1, or a variant thereof containing up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions, and an amino acid comprising any of SEQ ID NO: 250-253 LC-CDR3 of the sequence, or contains up to about 3 (eg about Any one of 1, 2 or 3) an amino acid substituted variant thereof, and b) a second scFv. In some embodiments, a tandem scFv multispecific (eg bispecific) anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The first scFv comprises i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 240, comprising the amino acid of any one of SEQ ID NO: 241-244 HC-CDR2 of the sequence, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 245-246; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO: 247-249 LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one, and LC-CDR3 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 250-253, and b) the second scFv. In some embodiments, a tandem scFv multispecific (eg bispecific) anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The first scFv comprises i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96, or up to about 5 (such as about 1, Any of 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; HC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 97-124, or comprising up to about 5 (Such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and HC- comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 125-163 CDR3, or variants comprising up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substitutions; and ii) light chain variable domains comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189, or it contains up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions Variant; LC-C comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207 DR2, or a variant comprising at most about 3 (such as about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions; and an amino acid sequence comprising any of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 LC-CDR3, or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions; and b) a second scFv. In some embodiments, a tandem scFv multispecific (eg bispecific) anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The first scFv comprises i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one; and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163, or up to about 5 in the HC-CDR sequence ( Such as any of about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) light chain variable domain sequence comprising: including any of SEQ ID NO: 164-189 LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of one; LC-CDR2 including the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence, or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the LC CDR sequence; and b) Second scFv. In some embodiments, a tandem scFv multispecific (eg bispecific) anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The first scFv comprises i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one; and HC-CDR3 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163; and ii) the light chain variable domain sequence, comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 164-189; LC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and comprising SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 208-239; and b) the second scFv. In some embodiments, a tandem scFv multispecific (eg bispecific) anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv, the first scFv comprising a heavy chain variable domain comprising SEQ ID NO: 19- The amino acid sequence of any one of 46 or a variant thereof having at least about 95% (eg, at least about 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity, and the light chain may A variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 47-74, or having at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) Variants of sequence identity; and b) a second scFv. In some embodiments, a tandem scFv multispecific (eg bispecific) anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv, the first scFv comprising a heavy chain variable domain comprising SEQ ID NO: 19- The amino acid sequence of any one of 46, and the light chain variable domain, which includes the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 47-74; and b) a second scFv. In some embodiments, a tandem scFv multispecific (eg, bispecific) anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises: a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein , And b) a second scFv, wherein the tandem scFv multispecific anti-RTMC antibody is tandem two-scFv or tandem three-scFv. In some embodiments, the tandem scFv multispecific anti-RTMC antibody is tandem di-scFv. In some embodiments, the tandem scFv multispecific anti-RTMC antibody is a bispecific T cell junction molecule. For example, in some embodiments, a tandem bi-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises: a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein , And b) a second scFv that specifically binds to an antigen on the surface of T cells. In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9). In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, the second scFv specifically binds to effector T cells, such as antigens on the surface of cytotoxic T cells. In some embodiments, the second scFv specifically binds to an antigen selected from the group consisting of, for example, CD3γ, CD3δ, CD3ε, CD3ζ, CD28, OX40, GITR, CD137, CD27, CD40L, and HVEM. In some embodiments, the second scFv specifically binds to an agonistic epitope on an antigen on the surface of the T cell, wherein the binding of the second scFv to the antigen enhances T cell activation. In some embodiments, the first scFv is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, the second scFv is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, both the first scFv and the second scFv are human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, a tandem bi-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, comprising: a) specifically binding to a first scFv comprising the following complex: HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5) , HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9) peptide and HLA-A * 02: 01, and b) a second scFv that specifically binds to an antigen on the surface of T cells. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the first scFv Comprising i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 240, or up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2 or 3) amines Variants of the amino acid substitution, including the HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 241-244, or up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2, or 3) ) Amino acid substituted variants thereof, and the HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 245-246, or up to about 3 (eg, about 1, 2 or 3) Any one) an amino acid substituted variant thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249, or comprising Up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 250-253 , Or contain up to about 3 (such as about any of 1, 2, or 3 One) amino acid substituted variants, and b) a second scFv that specifically binds to an antigen on the surface of T cells. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the first scFv Comprising i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 240, HC- comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 241-244 CDR2, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 245-246; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249 LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of the above, and LC-CDR3 including the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 250-253, and b) the first specific binding to the antigen on the surface of the T cell Two scFv. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the first scFv Comprising i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 75-96, or up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3, Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, comprising the HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124, or containing up to about 5 (such as about Any one of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 125-163, or comprising Up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO: 164- LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 189, or a variant containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions, including LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207, or comprising More than three (such as about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 , Or a variant containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions; and b) a second antigen that specifically binds to an antigen on the surface of T cells scFv. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the first scFv Comprising i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence; and HC-CDR3 containing the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163; or up to about 5 (such as about 1, such as about 1, in the HC-CDR sequence) Any one of 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) light chain variable domain sequence comprising: an amine comprising any of SEQ ID NO: 164-189 LC-CDR1 of the acid sequence; LC-CDR2 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 LC-CDR3; or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the LC-CDR sequence; and b) specific binding The second scFv of the antigen on the surface of T cells. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the first scFv Comprising i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence; and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163; and ii) light chain variable domain sequence comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO : LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189; LC-CDR2 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and comprising SEQ ID NO: 208- LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any of 239; and b) a second scFv that specifically binds to an antigen on the surface of T cells. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, comprising: a) a first scFv, the first scFv comprising: a heavy chain variable domain comprising SEQ ID NO: 19-46 Any one of the amino acid sequences, or a variant having at least about 95% (eg, at least about 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity, and the light chain is variable Domain, which comprises the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 47-74, or has a sequence of at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) Consistent with its variants, and b) a second scFv that specifically binds to an antigen on the surface of T cells. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, comprising: a) a first scFv, the first scFv comprising: a heavy chain variable domain comprising SEQ ID NO: 19-46 The amino acid sequence of any one, and the light chain variable domain, including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 47-74, and b) the first specific binding to the antigen on the surface of the T cell Two scFv. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, comprising: a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, and b) It specifically binds to the second scFv of CD3ε. In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9). In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, the first scFv is fused to the second scFv via a link to the peptide linker. In some embodiments, the length of the peptide linker is between about 5 to about 20 (such as any of about 5, 10, 15, or 20, including any range between these equivalents) amino acids. In some embodiments, the peptide linker comprises (and in some embodiments consists of the following) the amino acid sequence SRGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSLEMA (SEQ ID NO: 276). In some embodiments, the first scFv is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, the second scFv is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, both the first scFv and the second scFv are human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, a tandem bi-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, comprising: a) specifically binding to a first scFv comprising the following complex: HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5) , HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, The M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9) peptide and HLA-A * 02: 01, and b) specifically bind to the second scFv of CD3ε. In some embodiments, the first scFv is fused to the second scFv via a link to the peptide linker. In some embodiments, the length of the peptide linker is between about 5 to about 20 (such as any of about 5, 10, 15, or 20, including any range between these equivalents) amino acids. In some embodiments, the peptide linker comprises (and in some embodiments consists of the following) the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 276. In some embodiments, the first scFv is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, the second scFv is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, both the first scFv and the second scFv are human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the first scFv Contains: i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 240, or up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2 or 3) Amino acid substituted variants thereof, comprising the HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 241-244, or up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3 The variant of the amino acid substitution, and the HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 245-246, or up to about 3 (eg, about 1, 2 or 3) Any one) an amino acid substituted variant thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249, or Variants comprising up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2 or 3) amino acid substitutions, and LC- comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 250-253 CDR3, or contain up to about 3 (eg, about 1, 2 or 3 of Either) an amino acid substituted variant thereof, and b) a second scFv that specifically binds to CD3ε. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the first scFv Contains: i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 240, HC comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 241-244 -CDR2 and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 245-246; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249 LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of the above, and LC-CDR3 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 250-253, and b) the second scFv that specifically binds to CD3ε. In some embodiments, the first scFv is fused to the second scFv via a link to the peptide linker. In some embodiments, the length of the peptide linker is between about 5 to about 20 (such as any of about 5, 10, 15, or 20, including any range between these equivalents) amino acids. In some embodiments, the peptide linker comprises (and in some embodiments consists of the following) the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 276. In some embodiments, the first scFv is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, the second scFv is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, both the first scFv and the second scFv are human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the first scFv Comprising i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 75-96, or up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3, Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, comprising the HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124, or containing up to about 5 (such as about Any one of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 125-163, or comprising Up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO: 164- LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 189, or a variant containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions, including LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207, or comprising More than three (such as about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 Or a variant comprising up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions, and b) a second scFv that specifically binds to CD3ε. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the first scFv Comprising i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence; and HC-CDR3 containing the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163; or up to about 5 (such as about 1, such as about 1, in the HC-CDR sequence) Any one of 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) light chain variable domain sequence comprising: an amine comprising any of SEQ ID NO: 164-189 LC-CDR1 of the acid sequence; LC-CDR2 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 LC-CDR3; or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the LC-CDR sequence, and b) specific binding In the second scFv of CD3ε. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the first scFv Comprising i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence; and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163; and ii) light chain variable domain sequence comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO : LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189; LC-CDR2 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and comprising SEQ ID NO: 208- LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any of 239; and b) specifically binds to the second scFv of CD3ε. In some embodiments, the first scFv is fused to the second scFv via a link to the peptide linker. In some embodiments, the length of the peptide linker is between about 5 to about 20 (such as any of about 5, 10, 15, or 20, including any range between these equivalents) amino acids. In some embodiments, the peptide linker comprises (and in some embodiments consists of the following) the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 276. In some embodiments, the first scFv is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, the second scFv is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, both the first scFv and the second scFv are human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv, the first scFv comprising: a heavy chain variable domain comprising SEQ ID NO: 19-46 The amino acid sequence of any one, or a variant thereof having at least about 95% (eg, at least about 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity, and the light chain variable domain , Which contains the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 47-74, or has at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity Variants thereof, and b) a second scFv that specifically binds to CD3ε. In some embodiments, a tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is provided, which comprises a) a first scFv, the first scFv comprising: an amino acid comprising any one of SEQ ID NOs: 19-46 The heavy chain variable domain of the sequence, and the light chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 47-74, and b) a second scFv that specifically binds to CD3ε. In some embodiments, the first scFv is fused to the second scFv via a link to the peptide linker. In some embodiments, the length of the peptide linker is between about 5 to about 20 (such as any of about 5, 10, 15, or 20, including any range between these equivalents) amino acids. In some embodiments, the peptide linker comprises (and in some embodiments consists of the following) the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 276. In some embodiments, the first scFv is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, the second scFv is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, both the first scFv and the second scFv are human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, the tandem bi-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody ranges from about 0.1 pM to about 500 nM (such as about 0.1 pM, 1.0 pM, 10 pM, 50 pM, 100 pM, 500 pM, 1 nM, 10 nM , 50 nM, 100 nM, or 500 nM, including any range between these values) Kd
Binding to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, the tandem bi-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody ranges from about 1 nM to about 500 nM (such as about 1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 , 450 or 500 nM, including any range between these values) Kd
Binding to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, the tandem bi-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is stable in solution for at least about 1 month (such as at least about 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 Any of months, 7 months, 8 months, 9 months, 10 months, 11 months, 1 year, 2 years or longer). Stability can be expressed, for example, by preserving the activity of killing target cells by maintaining tandem di-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibodies in an aqueous formulation maintained at a storage temperature, such as 4 ° C. For example, in some embodiments, the tandem bi-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody is maintained at storage temperature for at least about 1 month (such as at least about 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months, 7 months, 8 months, 9 months, 10 months, 11 months, 1 year, 2 years or more) at least 40% (such as at least About 45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99%, or greater Either) Kill target cell activity. In some embodiments, the storage temperature does not exceed about 25 ° C (such as not exceed about 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 ° C, or lower ). In some embodiments, the tandem bi-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody maintains at least 60% of the target cell-killing activity in an aqueous formulation maintained at a storage temperature of 4 for at least about 2 years. In some embodiments, the tandem bi-scFv bispecific anti-RTMC antibody comprises a) a first scFv that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT 181 peptide and MHC class I protein, and b) specifically binds to The second scFv of CD3ε. For example, in some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule (such as di-scFv) includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion that contains heavy and light chain variable domains that include the following HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2, and LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190, and 208, respectively, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, respectively SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 And 211, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194, and 212, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192, and 213, SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, respectively , 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82 , 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201, and 224, SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202, and 225, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206 and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200, and 238, or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207, and 239, respectively; or in HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 And / or LC-CDR3 individually contains up to about 5 (e.g., any of about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions and / or up to about 3 in LC-CDR2 ( For example, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, the multispecific anti-RTMC molecule (such as di-scFv) comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC- CDR1, LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, SEQ ID respectively NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, respectively SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102 139, 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, respectively SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191, and 218, SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199, and 228, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 157, 185 , 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108 , 160, 177, 191, and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206, and 237, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200, and 238, or SEQ ID, respectively NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207, and 239, or include up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the HC-CDR sequence and / Or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the LC-CDR sequence. In some embodiments, the multispecific anti-RTMC molecule (such as di-scFv) comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC- CDR1, LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, SEQ ID respectively NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, respectively SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102 139, 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, respectively SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191, and 218, SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199, and 228, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 157, 185 , 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108 , 160, 177, 191, and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206, and 237, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200, and 238, or SEQ ID, respectively NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule (such as di-scFv) includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion that includes heavy and light chain variable domains that include the following amino acid sequences : SEQ ID NO: 19 and 47 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51 respectively , Respectively SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, respectively SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, respectively SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, respectively SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, respectively SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56 , SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, respectively SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61 respectively , SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, respectively , SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, respectively , Respectively SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, respectively SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, or points To SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74, individually or at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98%, or of any one of 99%) sequence identity to a variant thereof. In some embodiments, the multispecific anti-RTMC molecule comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion containing heavy and light chain variable domains, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO, respectively : 19 and 47, respectively SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, respectively SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, respectively SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, respectively SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, respectively SEQ ID NO : 24 and 52, respectively SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, respectively SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, respectively SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, respectively SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, respectively SEQ ID NO : 29 and 57, respectively SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, respectively SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, respectively SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, respectively SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, respectively SEQ ID NO : 34 and 62, respectively SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, respectively SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, respectively SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, respectively SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, respectively SEQ ID NO : 39 and 67, respectively SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, respectively SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, respectively SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, respectively SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, respectively SEQ ID NO : 44 and 72, respectively SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, or respectively SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule (such as di-scFv) comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion containing heavy and light chain variable domains, which heavy chain and light chain variable domains comprise SEQ ID NO: Amino acid sequences of 27 and 55, or variants thereof that individually have at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule (such as di-scFv) comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chains containing amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NOs: 27 and 55, respectively Variable domain. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule (such as di-scFv) comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion containing heavy and light chain variable domains, which heavy chain and light chain variable domains comprise SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequences of 30 and 58, or variants thereof that individually have at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule (such as di-scFv) comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chains containing amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NOs: 30 and 58, respectively Variable domain.Chimeric receptors and effector cells
In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a chimeric antigen receptor comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion (also referred to herein as "anti-RTMC chimeric receptor"). Also provided is an effector cell (eg, T cell) containing a chimeric receptor, which contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion (also referred to herein as "anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cell", such as "anti-RTMC Chimeric receptor T cells ").Chimeric antigen receptor
In some embodiments, Chimeric receptors are chimeric antigen receptors (CAR), And the anti-RTMC chimeric receptor is anti-RTMC CAR. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains: a) an extracellular domain that contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein and b) an intracellular signaling domain. The transmembrane domain may exist between the extracellular domain and the intracellular domain. Between the extracellular domain and transmembrane domain of anti-RTMC CAR, Or between the intracellular domain and transmembrane domain of anti-RTMC CAR, There may be a spacer field. The spacer domain may be any oligopeptide or polypeptide used to link the transmembrane domain in the polypeptide chain to the extracellular domain or intracellular domain. The spacer domain may contain up to about 300 amino acids, Including, for example, about 10 to about 100, Or about 25 to about 50 amino acids. The transmembrane domain can be derived from natural or synthetic sources. When the source is natural, This domain can be derived from any membrane-bound protein or transmembrane protein. The transmembrane region specifically used in the present invention may be derived from (ie, at least include the following transmembrane region) T cell receptors, CD28, CD3ε, CD3ζ, CD45, CD4, CD5, CD8, CD9, CD16, CD22, CD33, CD37, CD64, CD80, CD86, CD134, CD137, CD154 of α, β, δ, γ or ξ chain. In some embodiments, The transmembrane domain can be synthetic, In this situation, It may mainly contain hydrophobic residues, Such as leucine and valine. In some embodiments, Amphetamine acid can be found at each end of the synthetic transmembrane domain, Triad of tryptophan and valine. In some embodiments, Having for example a length between about 2 and about 10 (such as about 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, Either 9 or 10) a short oligopeptide or polypeptide linker between amino acids can form a bond between the transmembrane domain of the anti-RTMC CAR and the intracellular signaling domain. In some embodiments, The linker is glycine-serine dimer. In some embodiments, Use a transmembrane domain that naturally binds to one of the sequences in the intracellular domain of anti-RTMC CAR (for example, if the anti-RTMC CAR intracellular domain contains a CD28 costimulatory sequence, The anti-RTMC CAR transmembrane domain is derived from the CD28 transmembrane domain). In some embodiments, The transmembrane domains can be selected or modified by amino acid substitution to avoid binding of such domains to the transmembrane domains of the same or different surface membrane proteins to minimize interaction with other members of the receptor complex. The intracellular signaling domain of anti-RTMC CAR is responsible for activating at least one of the normal effector functions of immune cells in which anti-RTMC CAR has been placed. The effector function of T cells can be, for example, cytolytic activity or auxiliary activity, Including secretion of cytokines. therefore, The term "intracellular signaling domain" refers to a portion of a protein that transduces effector function signals and guides cells to perform specific functions. Although generally all intracellular signaling domains can be used, But in most cases, It is not necessary to use the entire chain. As for the extent to which the truncated part of the intracellular signaling domain is used, Such truncated parts can be used to replace the complete chain as long as they transduce the effect signal. The term "intracellular signaling sequence" is therefore intended to include any truncated portion of the intracellular signaling domain sufficient to transduce effector functional signals. Examples of intracellular signaling domains used in the anti-RTMC CAR of the present invention include cytoplasmic sequences of T cell receptors (TCR) and co-receptors that work together to initiate signal transduction after antigen receptor conjugation, And any derivatives or variants of these sequences and any synthetic sequences with the same functional capabilities. It is known that signals generated via TCR alone are not sufficient to fully activate T cells and also require secondary or co-stimulatory signals. therefore, T cell activation can be said to be mediated by two distinct classes of intracellular signaling sequences: Those that trigger antigen-dependent primary activation via TCR (primary signaling sequences) and those that function in an antigen-independent manner to provide secondary or costimulatory signals (costimulatory signaling sequences). The primary signaling sequence regulates the primary activation of the TCR complex in a stimulatory or inhibitory manner. The first-level signaling sequence that functions in a stimulating manner may contain signaling primitives, It is called the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif or ITAM. In some embodiments, The RTMC CAR construct contains one or more ITAMs. Examples of ITAMs containing primary signaling sequences specifically used in the invention include those derived from TCRζ, FcRγ, FcRβ, CD3γ, CD3δ, CD3ε, CD5, CD22, CD79a, CD79b and CD66d. In some embodiments, The anti-RTMC CAR contains a first order signaling sequence derived from CD3ζ. For example, The intracellular signaling domain of the CAR may include the CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence itself or in combination with any other desired intracellular signaling sequence suitable in the context of the anti-RTMC CAR of the present invention. For example, The intracellular domain of the anti-RTMC CAR may include CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequences and costimulatory signaling sequences. The co-stimulatory signaling sequence can be part of the intracellular domain of the co-stimulatory molecule, The costimulatory molecules include, for example, CD27, CD28, 4-1BB (CD137), OX40, CD30, CD40, PD-1, ICOS, Lymphocyte function related antigen-1 (LFA-1), CD2, CD7, LIGHT, NKG2C, B7-H3, Ligands and analogs that specifically bind CD83. In some embodiments, The intracellular signaling domain of the anti-RTMC CAR includes the intracellular signaling sequence of CD3ζ and the intracellular signaling sequence of CD28. In some embodiments, The intracellular signaling domain of the anti-RTMC CAR includes the intracellular signaling sequence of CD3ζ and the intracellular signaling sequence of 4-1BB. In some embodiments, The intracellular signaling domain of the anti-RTMC CAR includes the intracellular signaling sequence of CD3ζ and the intracellular signaling sequences of CD28 and 4-1BB. therefore, For example, in some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains a) extracellular domain, The extracellular domain contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain. In some embodiments, The HIV-1 RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9). In some embodiments, The MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, The MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, The intracellular signaling domain can activate immune cells. In some embodiments, The intracellular signaling domain includes primary signaling sequences and costimulatory signaling sequences. In some embodiments, The primary signaling sequence contains the CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, Costimulatory signaling sequences include CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequences. In some embodiments, The intracellular domain includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequences and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequences. In some embodiments, The anti-RTMC antibody portion and at least one variant (such as at least 2, 3. 4. Either 5 or 6) Complex cross reaction. In some embodiments, The anti-RTMC antibody portion is at least one of a different subtype (such as at least 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Complex cross reaction. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains a) an extracellular domain that contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the following complexes: HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9) Peptide and HLA-A * 02: 01; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain. In some embodiments, The intracellular signaling domain can activate immune cells. In some embodiments, The intracellular signaling domain includes primary signaling sequences and costimulatory signaling sequences. In some embodiments, The primary signaling sequence contains the CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, Costimulatory signaling sequences include CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequences. In some embodiments, The intracellular domain includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequences and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequences. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody part that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein The antibody part contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of 240, Or contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Any one of 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 241-244, Or contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Any one of 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, And contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any of 245-246, Or contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Either 2 or 3) Amino acid substituted variants; And ii) light chain variable domain, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any of 247-249, Or contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Any one of 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, And contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 250-253, Or contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Either 2 or 3) Amino acid substituted variants; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The antibody part contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of 240, Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 241-244, And contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any of 245-246; And ii) light chain variable domain, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any of 247-249, And contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 250-253; b) Intracellular signaling domain. In some embodiments, The intracellular signaling domain can activate immune cells. In some embodiments, The intracellular signaling domain includes primary signaling sequences and costimulatory signaling sequences. In some embodiments, The primary signaling sequence contains the CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, Costimulatory signaling sequences include CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequences. In some embodiments, The intracellular domain includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequences and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequences. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The antibody part contains i) a heavy chain variable domain, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 75-96, Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of 97-124, Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, And contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 125-163, Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; And ii) light chain variable domain, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189, Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207, Or contains up to about 3 (such as about 1, Any of 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, And contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 208-239, Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The antibody part contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 75-96; Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of 97-124; And contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 125-163; Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, in the HC-CDR sequence 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; And ii) light chain variable domain sequence, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189; Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207; And contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 208-239, Or include up to about 5 (such as about 1, in the LC-CDR sequence 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The antibody part contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 75-96; Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of 97-124; And contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 125-163; And ii) light chain variable domain sequence, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189; Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207; And contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 208-239; b) Intracellular signaling domain. In some embodiments, The intracellular signaling domain can activate immune cells. In some embodiments, The intracellular signaling domain includes primary signaling sequences and costimulatory signaling sequences. In some embodiments, The primary signaling sequence contains the CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, Costimulatory signaling sequences include CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequences. In some embodiments, The intracellular domain includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequences and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequences. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains a) extracellular domain, Contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, This antibody part contains the heavy chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 19-46, Or have at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) variants of sequence identity, And the light chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 47-74, Or have at least about 95% (including for example at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) variants of sequence identity; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains: a) extracellular domain, Contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, This antibody part contains the heavy chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 19-46, And the light chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 47-74; b) Intracellular signaling domain. In some embodiments, The intracellular signaling domain can activate immune cells. In some embodiments, The intracellular signaling domain includes primary signaling sequences and costimulatory signaling sequences. In some embodiments, The primary signaling sequence contains the CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, Costimulatory signaling sequences include CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequences. In some embodiments, The intracellular domain includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequences and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequences. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The HIV-1 RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9). In some embodiments, The MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, The MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains: a) extracellular domain, Contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising: HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9) Peptide and HLA-A * 02: 01; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody part that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein The antibody part contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of 240, Or contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Any one of 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 241-244, Or contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Any one of 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, And contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any of 245-246, Or contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Either 2 or 3) Amino acid substituted variants; And ii) light chain variable domain, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any of 247-249, Or contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Any one of 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, And contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 250-253, Or contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Either 2 or 3) Amino acid substituted variants; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody part that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein The antibody part contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of 240, Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 241-244, And contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any of 245-246; And ii) light chain variable domain, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any of 247-249, And contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 250-253; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The antibody part contains i) a heavy chain variable domain, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 75-96, Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of 97-124, Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, And contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 125-163, Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; And ii) light chain variable domain, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189, Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207, Or contains up to about 3 (such as about 1, Any of 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, And contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 208-239, Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The antibody part contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 75-96; Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of 97-124; And contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 125-163, Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, in the HC-CDR sequence 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; And ii) light chain variable domain sequence, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189; Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207; And contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 208-239, Or include up to about 5 (such as about 1, in the LC-CDR sequence 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The antibody part contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 75-96; Contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of 97-124; And contains SEQ ID NO: HC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 125-163; And ii) light chain variable domain sequence, It contains: Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189; Contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207; And contains SEQ ID NO: LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 208-239; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains: a) extracellular domain, Contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, This antibody part contains the heavy chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 19-46, Or have at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) variants of sequence identity, And the light chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 47-74, Or have at least about 95% (including for example at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) variants of sequence identity; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, Provide an anti-RTMC CAR, It contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody part that specifically binds to a complex containing HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein This antibody part contains the heavy chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 19-46, And the light chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 47-74; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. For example, In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody parts containing heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains include HC-CDR1 containing the following amino acid sequence HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75. 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, SEQ ID NO: 78. 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, SEQ ID NO: 81. 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, SEQ ID NO: 82. 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, SEQ ID NO: 83. 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, SEQ ID NO: 89. 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, SEQ ID NO: 81. 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 82. 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, SEQ ID NO: 91, 119. 151, 181, 191 and 230, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161 173, 206 and 237, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, Or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239; Or in HC-CDR1 HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 and / or LC-CDR3 individually include up to about 5 (e.g. about 1, 2, 3. Any of 4 or 5) amino acid substitutions and / or up to about 3 (e.g. Either 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody parts containing heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains include HC-CDR1 containing the following amino acid sequence HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75. 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, SEQ ID NO: 78. 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, SEQ ID NO: 81. 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, SEQ ID NO: 82. 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, SEQ ID NO: 83. 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, SEQ ID NO: 89. 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, SEQ ID NO: 81. 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: , 82. 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, SEQ ID NO: 91, 119. 151, 181, 191 and 230, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161 173, 206 and 237, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, Or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239, Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, in the HC-CDR sequence 2, 3. Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substitutions and / or include up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody parts containing heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains include HC-CDR1 containing the following amino acid sequence HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75. 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, SEQ ID NO: 78. 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, SEQ ID NO: 81. 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, SEQ ID NO: 82. 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, SEQ ID NO: 83. 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, SEQ ID NO: 89. 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, SEQ ID NO: 81. 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 82. 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, SEQ ID NO: 91, 119. 151, 181, 191 and 230, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161 173, 206 and 237, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, Or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody parts containing heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains contain the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 19 and 47, SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, Or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74, Or individually have at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) sequence variants. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody parts containing heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains contain the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 19 and 47, SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, Or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody part, The antibody portion includes the following heavy and light chain variable domains: SEQ ID NO: Amino acid sequence of 27 and 55, Or individually have at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) sequence variants. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody part, The antibody portion contains SEQ ID NO: The heavy and light chain variable domains of the amino acid sequences of 27 and 55. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody part, The antibody portion includes the following heavy and light chain variable domains: SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of 30 and 58, Or individually have at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) sequence variants. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody part, The antibody portion contains SEQ ID NO: The heavy and light chain variable domains of the amino acid sequences of 30 and 58.Chimeric antibody / T Cell receptor
In some embodiments, the chimeric receptor is a chimeric antibody / T cell receptor construct (referred to herein as "abTCR"), and the anti-RTMC chimeric receptor is anti-RTMC abTCR. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR comprises a) an extracellular domain comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, and b) is capable of recruiting at least one TCR-related T cell receptor module (TCRM) of signal transduction module. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR comprises a first polypeptide chain and a second polypeptide chain. In some embodiments, the first and second polypeptide chains are linked, such as by covalent bonds (eg, peptide bonds or other chemical bonds) or non-covalent bonds. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR is a heterodimer comprising a first polypeptide chain and a second polypeptide chain. In some embodiments, the first polypeptide chain and the second polypeptide chain are connected via at least one disulfide bond. The specificity of anti-RTMC abTCR is derived from the portion of the antibody that confers RTMC binding specificity. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is a Fab-like antigen binding module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is an Fv-like antigen binding module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is scFv. The ability of anti-RTMC abTCR to recruit TCR-related signaling modules originates from the T cell receptor module (TCRM). In some embodiments, the TCRM comprises a transmembrane module of TCR (such as αβTCR or γδTCR). In some embodiments, the TCRM further comprises one or both of TCR's linker peptide or fragments thereof. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR further comprises at least one intracellular domain. In some embodiments, one or more of the at least one intracellular domain of anti-RTMC abTCR comprises a sequence from the intracellular domain of TCR. In some embodiments, one or more of the at least one intracellular domain of anti-RTMC abTCR comprises T cell co-stimulatory signaling sequences. The co-stimulatory signaling sequence may be part of the intracellular domain of the co-stimulatory molecule including, for example, CD27, CD28, 4-1BB (CD137), OX40, CD30, CD40, ICOS, lymphocyte function-related antigen-1 LFA-1), CD2, CD7, LIGHT, NKG2C, B7-H3, ligands that specifically bind CD83, and the like. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is contained in the extracellular domain of anti-RTMC abTCR. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR further comprises one or more peptide linkers between the antibody portion and TCRM to optimize the length of the extracellular domain. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is a Fab-like antigen binding module, which comprises a) a first polypeptide chain, the first polypeptide chain comprises a first antigen binding domain, and the first antigen binding domain comprises VH
Antibody domain and CH
1 an antibody domain; and b) a second polypeptide chain comprising a second antigen binding domain, the second antigen binding domain comprising VL
Antibody domain and CL
Antibody domain. In some embodiments, the first antigen binding domain comprises CH
1V of amine terminal of antibody domainH
The antibody domain and / or the second antigen binding domain comprises CL
Antibody domain amine terminal VL
Antibody domain. In some embodiments, at VL
With CL
There are peptide linkers between antibody domains and / or in VH
With CH
1 There is a peptide linker between antibody domains. In some embodiments, all VL
Antibody domain and VH
The antibody domain CDRs are all derived from the same antibody part. In some embodiments, VL
Antibody domain and VH
The antibody domain contains antibody CDRs derived from more than one antibody portion. In some embodiments, the first and second polypeptide chains are linked, such as by covalent bonds (eg, peptide bonds or other chemical bonds) or non-covalent bonds. In some embodiments, the first and second antigen binding domains are connected by disulfide bonds. In some embodiments, the first and second antigen binding domains are via CH
Residues in the 1 domain and CL
The disulfide bonds between the residues in the domain. In some embodiments, CH
The domain 1 is derived from the heavy chain of IgG (eg IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 or IgG4), and is optionally human. In some embodiments, CH
Domain 1 is a variant that contains one or more modifications (such as amino acid substitutions, insertions, and / or deletions) compared to the sequence from which it originated. In some embodiments, CL
The domain is derived from a kappa or lambda light chain, depending on the situation. In some embodiments, CL
A domain is a variant that contains one or more modifications (such as amino acid substitutions, insertions, and / or deletions) compared to the sequence from which it originated. In some embodiments, CH
1 and / or CL
Domains contain one or more modifications that do not substantially change their binding affinity to each other. In some embodiments, CH
1 and / or CL
Domains contain one or more modifications that increase their binding affinity to each other and / or introduce non-naturally occurring disulfide bonds. In some embodiments, the Fab-like antigen binding module is human, humanized, chimeric, semi-synthetic, or fully synthetic. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is a Fab-like antigen binding module, which comprises a) a first polypeptide chain, the first polypeptide chain comprises a first antigen binding domain, and the first antigen binding domain comprises VL
Antibody domain and CH
1 an antibody domain; and b) a second polypeptide chain comprising a second antigen binding domain, the second antigen binding domain comprising VH
Antibody domain and CL
Antibody domain. In some embodiments, the first antigen binding domain is contained in CH
1 V at the amine end of the antibody domainL
The antibody domain and / or second antigen binding domain is contained in CL
V at the amine end of the antibody domainH
Antibody domain. In some embodiments, at VH
With CL
There are peptide linkers between antibody domains and / or in VL
With CH
1 There is a peptide linker between antibody domains. In some embodiments, all VL
Antibody domain and VH
The antibody domain CDRs are all derived from the same antibody part. In some embodiments, VL
Antibody domain and VH
The antibody domain contains antibody CDRs derived from more than one antibody portion. In some embodiments, the first and second polypeptide chains are linked, such as by covalent bonds (eg, peptide bonds or other chemical bonds) or non-covalent bonds. In some embodiments, the first and second antigen binding domains are connected by disulfide bonds. In some embodiments, the first and second antigen binding domains are via CH
Residues in the 1 domain and CL
The disulfide bonds between the residues in the domain. In some embodiments, CH
The domain 1 is derived from the heavy chain of IgG (eg IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 or IgG4), and is optionally human. In some embodiments, CH
Domain 1 is a variant that contains one or more modifications (such as amino acid substitutions, insertions, and / or deletions) compared to the sequence from which it originated. In some embodiments, CL
The domain is derived from a kappa or lambda light chain, depending on the situation. In some embodiments, CL
A domain is a variant that contains one or more modifications (such as amino acid substitutions, insertions, and / or deletions) compared to the sequence from which it originated. In some embodiments, CH
1 and / or CL
Domains contain one or more modifications that do not substantially change their binding affinity to each other. In some embodiments, CH
1 and / or CL
Domains contain one or more modifications that increase their binding affinity to each other and / or introduce non-naturally occurring disulfide bonds. In some embodiments, the Fab-like antigen binding module is human, humanized, chimeric, semi-synthetic, or fully synthetic. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is an Fv-like antigen binding module that includes a) a first polypeptide chain that includes a first antigen binding domain that includes VH
The antibody domain and optionally the first TCR constant domain from the T cell receptor subunit; and b) a second polypeptide chain, the second polypeptide chain comprising a second antigen binding domain, the second antigen binding domain comprising VL
The antibody domain and optionally the second TCR constant domain from the T cell receptor subunit. In some embodiments, the first antigen binding domain comprises a V at the amine end of the first TCR constant domainH
The antibody domain and / or the second antigen-binding domain contains the V at the amine end of the second TCR constant domainL
Antibody domain. In some embodiments, at VL
There is a peptide linker between the antibody domain and the first TCR constant domain and / or in the VH
There is a peptide linker between the antibody domain and the second TCR constant domain. In some embodiments, all VL
Antibody domain and VH
The antibody domain CDRs are all derived from the same antibody part. In some embodiments, VL
Antibody domain and VH
The antibody domain contains antibody CDRs derived from more than one antibody portion. In some embodiments, the first and second polypeptide chains are linked, such as by covalent bonds (eg, peptide bonds or other chemical bonds) or non-covalent bonds. In some embodiments, the first and second antigen binding domains are connected by disulfide bonds. In some embodiments, the first and second antigen binding domains are connected by a disulfide bond between the residue in the first TCR constant domain and the residue in the second TCR constant domain. In some embodiments, the first TCR constant domain is derived from the TCR alpha subunit, optionally human, and / or the second TCR constant domain is derived from the TCR beta subunit, optionally human. In some embodiments, the first TCR constant domain is derived from a TCR alpha subunit comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 281, and / or the second TCR constant domain is derived from an amino acid comprising SEQ ID NO: 282 TCR β subunit of the sequence. In some embodiments, the first TCR constant domain is derived from TCR delta subunits, optionally human, and / or the second TCR constant domain is derived from TCR gamma subunits, optionally human. In some embodiments, the first TCR constant domain is derived from a TCR delta subunit comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 283, and / or the second TCR constant domain is derived from an amino acid comprising SEQ ID NO: 282 TCR γ subunit of the sequence. In some embodiments, the first and / or second TCR constant domain is a variant that includes one or more modifications (eg, amino acid substitutions, insertions, and / or deletions) compared to the sequence from which it was derived. In some embodiments, the first and / or second TCR constant domains include one or more modifications that do not substantially change their binding affinity to each other. In some embodiments, the first and / or second TCR constant domains include one or more modifications that increase their binding affinity to each other and / or introduce non-naturally occurring disulfide bonds. In some embodiments, the Fv-like antigen binding module is human, humanized, chimeric, semi-synthetic, or fully synthetic. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is scFv, the scFv comprises a) a polypeptide chain, the polypeptide chain comprises VH
Antibody domain and VL
Antibody domain. In some embodiments, scFv is included in VL
V at the amine end of the antibody domainH
Antibody domain. In some embodiments, scFv is included in VH
V at the amine end of the antibody domainL
Antibody domain. In some embodiments, at VL
Antibody domain and VH
There are peptide linkers between antibody domains. In some embodiments, all VL
Antibody domain and VH
The antibody domain CDRs are all derived from the same antibody part. In some embodiments, VL
Antibody domain and VH
The antibody domain contains antibody CDRs derived from more than one antibody portion. In some embodiments, the scFv is human, humanized, chimeric, semi-synthetic, or fully synthetic. In some embodiments, TCRM comprises a) a first polypeptide chain comprising a first T cell receptor domain (TCRD) containing a first transmembrane domain; and b) a second polypeptide chain, The second polypeptide chain includes a second TCRD containing a second transmembrane domain. In some embodiments, the first transmembrane domain is the transmembrane domain of the first TCR subunit and / or the second transmembrane domain is the transmembrane domain of the second TCR subunit. In some embodiments, the first TCR subunit is the TCR α chain (eg, GenBank deposit number: CCI73895), and the second TCR subunit is the TCR β chain (eg, GenBank deposit number: CCI73893). In some embodiments, the first TCR subunit is a TCR β chain and the second TCR subunit is a TCR α chain. In some embodiments, the first TCR subunit is a TCR γ chain (for example, GenBank deposit number: AGE91788), and the second TCR subunit is a TCR delta chain (for example, GenBank deposit number: AAQ57272). In some embodiments, the first TCR subunit is a TCR delta chain, and the second TCR subunit is a TCR γ chain. In some embodiments, the first and / or second transmembrane domain individually comprises (such as consisting of) the transmembrane contained in any of the TCR subunit amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO: 281-284 area. In some embodiments, the first and / or second transmembrane domain individually comprises (such as consisting of) any of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO: 285-288. In some embodiments, the first TCRD further comprises a first connecting peptide at the amine end of the transmembrane domain and / or the second TCRD further comprises a second connecting peptide at the amine end of the transmembrane domain. In some embodiments, the first connecting peptide comprises all or part of the connecting peptide of the first TCR subunit and / or the second connecting peptide comprises all or part of the connecting peptide of the second TCR subunit. In some embodiments, the first and / or second linker peptide individually comprises (such as consisting of) all or part of any of the TCR subunit amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO: 281-284 Linking peptides. In some embodiments, the first and / or second linker peptide individually comprises (such as consisting of) any one of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO: 289-296. In some embodiments, the first TCRD further comprises a first TCR intracellular domain at the carboxy terminus of the first transmembrane domain and / or the second TCRD further comprises a second TCR intracellular domain at the carboxy terminus of the second transmembrane domain. In some embodiments, the first TCR intracellular domain includes all or a portion of the intracellular domain of the first TCR subunit and / or the second TCR intracellular domain includes all or a portion of the intracellular domain of the second TCR subunit. In some embodiments, the first and / or second TCR intracellular domain individually comprises (such as consisting of) all of the amino acid sequences contained in any of the TCR subunit amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO: 281-284 Or part of the intracellular sequence. In some embodiments, the first and / or second TCR intracellular domain individually comprises (such as consisting of) any of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO: 297-298. In some embodiments, the first TCRD is a fragment of the first TCR subunit and / or the second TCRD is a fragment of the second TCR chain. In some embodiments, the first and second polypeptide chains are linked, such as by covalent bonds (eg, peptide bonds or other chemical bonds) or non-covalent bonds. In some embodiments, the first and second TCRD are connected by disulfide bonds. In some embodiments, the first and second TCRD are connected by a disulfide bond between the residue in the first connecting peptide and the residue in the second connecting peptide. In some embodiments, TCRM can recruit at least one TCR-related signaling module selected from the group consisting of CD3δε, CD3γε, and ζζ. In some embodiments, TCRM is capable of recruiting each of CD3δε, CD3γε, and ζζ to form an octameric anti-RTMC abTCR-CD3 complex (ie, promote the formation of anti-RTMC abTCR-CD3 complex). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR is a molecule comprising a fusion of an antibody portion and TCRM. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR comprises a fusion of the first polypeptide chain of the Fab-like or Fv-like antigen binding module at the amine terminus of the first polypeptide chain of TCRM, thereby forming the first anti-RTMC abTCR A peptide chain; and a fusion of the second polypeptide chain of the Fab-like or Fv-like antigen binding module at the amine end of the second polypeptide chain of TCRM, thereby forming a second polypeptide chain that is anti-RTMC abTCR. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR comprises a fusion of scFv at the amine terminus of the first or second polypeptide chain of TCRM. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR further comprises a peptide linker between the first polypeptide chain of the Fab-like or Fv-like antigen binding module and the first polypeptide chain of the TCRM and / or the Fab-like or Fv-like A peptide linker between the second polypeptide chain of the antigen binding module and the second polypeptide chain of TCRM. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR further comprises a peptide linker between the scFv of TCRM and the first or second polypeptide chain. In some embodiments, the length of the peptide linker is between about 5 to about 70 (such as about 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, or 70) Any one, including any range between these values) amino acids. In some embodiments, the first polypeptide chain of anti-RTMC abTCR further includes an amine-terminal first signal peptide and / or the second polypeptide chain of anti-RTMC abTCR further includes an amine-terminal second signal peptide. In some embodiments, the first and / or second signal peptide comprises (such as consisting of the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 299. In some embodiments, the first polypeptide chain of the anti-RTMC abTCR further comprises the first accessory intracellular domain at the carboxyl terminus of the first transmembrane domain and / or the second polypeptide chain of the anti-RTMC abTCR further comprises the second span The second accessory intracellular domain at the carboxyl terminus of the membrane domain. In some embodiments, the first and / or second accessory intracellular domain comprises a TCR costimulatory domain. In some embodiments, the TCR costimulatory domain comprises all or part of the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 300. In some embodiments, the first and second polypeptide chains of the anti-RTMC abTCR are linked such as by covalent bonds (eg, peptide bonds or other chemical bonds) or non-covalent bonds. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR is a heterodimer. Therefore, for example, in some embodiments, an anti-RTMC abTCR is provided, which comprises a) an extracellular domain comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, And b) T cell receptor module (TCRM) capable of recruiting at least one TCR related signaling module. In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9). In some embodiments, the antibody portion is a Fab-like antigen binding module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is an Fv-like antigen binding module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is scFv. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion and at least one variant (such as at least 2, 3) of a variant of HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an MHC class I protein and an amino acid substitution (such as a conservative amino acid substitution) , Any of 4, 5, or 6) complex cross reaction. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion cross-reacts with at least one complex (such as at least any one of 2, 3, 4, or 5) of different isoforms including HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC abTCR comprising a) an extracellular domain, the extracellular domain comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising: HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5) , HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9) peptide and HLA-A * 02: 01, and b) T cell receptor module (TCRM) capable of recruiting at least one TCR related signaling module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is a Fab-like antigen binding module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is an Fv-like antigen binding module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is scFv. In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC abTCR comprising a) an extracellular domain comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion Comprising i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 240, or up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2 or 3) amines Variants of the amino acid substitution, including the HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 241-244, or up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2, or 3) ) Amino acid substituted variants thereof, and the HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 245-246, or up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) One) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 247-249, or comprising Up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 250-253 , Or contain up to about 3 (eg About 2 or 3 according to any one of) the amino acid substituted variant thereof, and b) capable of raising at least one TCR signaling module associated T cell receptor module (TCRM). In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC abTCR comprising a) an extracellular domain comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion Comprising i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 240, HC- comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 241-244 CDR2, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 245-246; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249 LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of the above, and LC-CDR3 containing the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 250-253; and b) capable of recruiting at least one TCR-related signaling module T Cell Receptor Module (TCRM). In some embodiments, the antibody portion is a Fab-like antigen binding module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is an Fv-like antigen binding module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is scFv. In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC abTCR comprising a) an extracellular domain comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion Comprising i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 75-96, or up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3, Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, comprising the HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124, or containing up to about 5 (such as about Any one of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 125-163, or comprising Up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO: 164- LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 189, or a variant containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions, including SEQ ID NO: amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207 LC-CDR2, or variants containing up to about 3 (such as about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions, and amino groups containing any of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 LC-CDR3 of the acid sequence, or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions; and b) capable of recruiting at least one TCR related signal The T cell receptor module (TCRM) of the conduction module. In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC abTCR comprising a) an extracellular domain comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion Comprising i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence; and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163, or up to about 5 (such as about 1, such as about 1, in the HC-CDR sequence) Any one of 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) light chain variable domain sequence comprising: an amine comprising any of SEQ ID NO: 164-189 LC-CDR1 of the acid sequence; LC-CDR2 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 LC-CDR3, or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the LC-CDR sequence; and b) capable of recruiting at least A TCR related signal conduction module T cell receptor module (TCRM). In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC abTCR comprising a) an extracellular domain comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion Comprising i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence; and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163; and ii) light chain variable domain sequence comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO : LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189; LC-CDR2 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and comprising SEQ ID NO: 208- LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 239; and b) T cell receptor module (TCRM) capable of recruiting at least one TCR related signaling module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is a Fab-like antigen binding module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is an Fv-like antigen binding module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is scFv. In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC abTCR comprising a) an extracellular domain comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion Comprising a heavy chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 19-46, or having at least about 95% (eg, at least about 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99% Any one) its variants of sequence identity, and the light chain variable domain, which comprise the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 47-74, or have at least about 95% (including, for example, at least about Any of 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) variants of sequence identity; and b) a T cell receptor module (TCRM) capable of recruiting at least one TCR related signaling module. In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC abTCR comprising a) an extracellular domain comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion Contains a heavy chain variable domain that includes the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 19-46, and a light chain variable domain that includes the amine of any one of SEQ ID NO: 47-74 Acid sequence; and b) T cell receptor module (TCRM) capable of recruiting at least one TCR-related signaling module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is a Fab-like antigen binding module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is an Fv-like antigen binding module. In some embodiments, the antibody portion is scFv. For example, in some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion that contains heavy and light chain variable domains that include HC-CDR1 containing the following amino acid sequence , HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2, and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190, and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, respectively SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, respectively SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199, and 221, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192, and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, respectively SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, respectively SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192, and 232 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204, and 233, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191, and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206, and 237, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239 respectively; or individually in HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 and / or LC-CDR3 Include at most about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions and / or include at most about 3 (eg, about 1, 2 or 3) in the LC-CDR2 Either) Amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2 containing the following amino acid sequence , HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2, and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190, and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191, respectively And 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192, and 210, respectively SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193, and 211, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, respectively , 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80 , 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218 , Respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, respectively SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 1 08, 157, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206 and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, Or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207, and 239, respectively, or contain up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amines in the HC-CDR sequence Amino acid substitutions and / or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the LC-CDR sequence. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2 containing the following amino acid sequence , HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2, and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190, and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191, respectively And 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192, and 210, respectively SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193, and 211, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, respectively , 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80 , 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218 , Respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, respectively SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191, and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191, and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199, and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO : 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192, and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204, and 233, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206 and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207, and 239, respectively. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 19 and 47, SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, SEQ ID NO: 24 and 47, respectively 52, SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, respectively SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, respectively SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, respectively SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and respectively 62, SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, SEQ ID NO: 39 and 62, respectively 67, SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, respectively, or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74, respectively Individually having at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98%, or of any one of 99%) sequence identity to a variant thereof. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 19 and 47, SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, SEQ ID NO: 24 and 47, respectively 52, SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, respectively SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, respectively SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, respectively SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and respectively 62, SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, SEQ ID NO: 39 and 62, respectively 67, SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, respectively, or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74, respectively. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising a heavy chain and light chain variable domain comprising: the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NOs: 27 and 55 or individually having at least about 95 % (Eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence variants thereof. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains comprising amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NOs: 27 and 55, respectively. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion containing heavy and light chain variable domains, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NOs: 30 and 58, respectively Or a variant thereof that individually has at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains comprising the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NOs: 30 and 58, respectively. Also provided herein are effector cells (such as lymphocytes, such as T cells) that exhibit anti-RTMC chimeric receptors (such as anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR). In addition, there is provided a method for preparing effector cells expressing anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR, the method comprising introducing a vector containing a nucleic acid encoding anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR into effector cells. In some embodiments, introducing the vector into the effector cell includes transducing the effector cell with the vector. In some embodiments, introducing the vector into the effector cell includes transfecting the effector cell with the vector. Vector transduction or transfection into effector cells can be performed using any method known in the art.Immunoconjugate
In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct comprises an immunoconjugate containing an anti-RTMC antibody moiety attached to an effector molecule (also referred to herein as an "anti-RTMC immunoconjugate"). In some embodiments, the effector molecule is a therapeutic agent, such as a viral therapeutic agent, which is cytotoxic, cytostatic, or otherwise provides some therapeutic benefit. In some embodiments, the effector molecule is a label, which can directly or indirectly generate a detectable signal. In some embodiments, an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate (also referred to herein as an "antibody-drug conjugate" or "ADC") comprising an anti-RTMC antibody moiety and a therapeutic agent is provided. In some embodiments, the therapeutic agent is a toxin, which is cytotoxic, cytostatic, or otherwise prevents or reduces the ability of the target cell to divide. Use ADC to locally deliver cytotoxic agents or cell growth inhibitors, ie drugs that kill or inhibit tumor cells in cancer treatment (Syrigos and Epenetos, Anticancer Research 19: 605-614 (1999); Niculescu-Duvaz and Springer, Adv. Drg. Del. Rev. 26: 151 -172 (1997); U.S. Patent No. 4,975,278) allows partial delivery of drugs to target cells, and intracellular accumulation therein, in which systemic administration of these unconjugated therapeutic agents may Produces unacceptable levels of toxicity for normal cells and target cells that seek to eliminate (Baldwin et al., Lancet (March 15, 1986): 603-605 (1986); Thorpe, (1985) "Antibody Carriers Of Cytotoxic Agents In Cancer Therapy: A Review ", Monoclonal Antibodies '84: Biological And Clinical Applications, A. Pinchera et al. (Eds.), Pages 475-506). In order to seek the greatest efficacy and the least toxicity. Importantly, since most normal cells do not present RTMC on their surface, they cannot bind anti-RTMC immunoconjugates and are protected from the killing effect of toxins or other therapeutic agents. Therapeutic agents used in anti-RTMC immunoconjugates include, for example, daunomycin, doxorubicin, methotrexate, and vindesine (Rowland et al., Cancer Immunol. Immunother. 21: 183-187 (1986)). Toxins used in anti-RTMC immunoconjugates include bacterial toxins such as diphtheria toxin; plant toxins such as ricin; small molecule toxins such as geldanamycin (Mandler et al., J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 92 ( 19): 1573-1581 (2000); Mandler et al., Bioorganic & Med. Chem. Letters 10: 1025- 1028 (2000); Mandler et al., Bioconjugate Chem. 13: 786-791 (2002)) (EP 1391213; Liu et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 8618-8623 (1996)) and calicheamicin (Lode et al., Cancer Res. 58: 2928 (1998); Hinman et al. , Cancer Res. 53: 3336-3342 (1993)). Toxins can exert their cytotoxicity and cell growth inhibitory effects through mechanisms including tubulin binding, DNA binding, or topoisomerase inhibition. Some cytotoxic drugs tend to be inactive or weakly active when bound to larger antibodies or protein receptor ligands. Enzymatically active toxins and fragments thereof that can be used include, for example, diphtheria A chain, non-binding active fragments of diphtheria toxin, exotoxin A chain (from Pseudomonas aeruginosa), gabatoxin A chain, acacia toxin A chain, Modin A chain, α-sarcin, α-sarcin, Aleurites fordii protein, carnation protein, Phytolaca Americana protein (PAPI, PAPII and PAP-S), Momordica charantia inhibitor, curcin, crotin, sapaonaria officinalis inhibitor, gelonin, mitogellin, restrictedocin , Phenolmycin, inomycin (neomycin) and mycotoxin (tricothecene). See, for example, WO 93/21232 published on October 28, 1993. This article also covers anti-RTMC antibody parts and one or more small molecule toxins, such as calicheamicin, maytansinoids, dolastatin, aurostatin, crescent toxin and CC1065, and toxins Anti-RTMC immunoconjugates of derivatives of these active toxins. In some embodiments, an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate comprising a therapeutic agent having intracellular activity is provided. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate is internalized and the therapeutic agent is a cytotoxin that blocks cell protein synthesis, which causes cell death. In some embodiments, the therapeutic agent is a cytotoxin comprising a polypeptide having ribosome inactivating activity, including, for example, leukophyllin, bouganin, saporin, ricin, ricin A chain, Elemantin, diphtheria toxin, local aspergillin, Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A and its variants. In some embodiments, when the therapeutic agent is a cytotoxin comprising a polypeptide with ribosome inactivating activity, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate must be internalized upon binding to the target cell to make the protein cytotoxic to the cell. In some embodiments, an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate comprising a therapeutic agent that acts to destroy DNA is provided. In some embodiments, the therapeutic agent that acts to destroy DNA is selected from the group consisting of enediynes (such as calicheamicin and esperamicin) and non-enediynes, for example. Molecular agents (eg bleomycin, methamphetyl-EDTA-Fe (II)). The invention further encompasses anti-RTMC immunoconjugates formed between anti-RTMC antibody moieties and compounds with nucleolytic activity (eg ribonuclease or DNA endonuclease, such as deoxyribonuclease; DNase). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate includes an agent that acts to disrupt tubulin. Such agents may include, for example, rhizostatin / maytansine, paclitaxel, vincristine and vinblastine, colchicine, auristatin poketoxin 10 MMAE, and peloruside A. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate comprises an alkylating agent, including, for example, Asaley NSC 167780, AZQ NSC 182986, BCNU NSC 409962, busulfan NSC 750, platinum carboxyphthalate NSC 271674, CBDCA NSC 241240, CCNU NSC 79037, CHIP NSC 256927, chlorambucil NSC 3088, chloramphenicol NSC 178248, cisplatin NSC 119875, chloroethene NSC 338947, cyano (N-morpholino) cranberry NSC 357704, plug Cyclodisone NSC 348948, Wecanol NSC 132313, Fludopan NSC 73754, Hepsulfam NSC 329680, Hydroxathion NSC 142982, Melphalan NSC 8806, Methyl CCNU NSC 95441, Mitosis Amycin C NSC 26980, Metazolamide NSC 353451, Nitrogen mustard NSC 762, PCNU NSC 95466, Piperazine NSC 344007, Piperazine dione NSC 135758, Piper bromide NSC 25154, Porferomycin NSC 56410, Spirohydantoin NSC 172112, teroxirone NSC 296934, tetraplatinum NSC 363812, thiotepa NSC 6396, triethylene melamine NSC 9706, uracil nitrogen mustard NSC 34462 and Yoshi-864 NSC 102627 . In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate contains highly radioactive atoms. A variety of radioisotopes can be used to produce radioactively bound antibodies. Examples include211
Radioisotopes of Pb and Lu. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion may bind to a "receptor" (such as streptavidin) for use in where the antibody-receptor conjugate is administered to the patient to pre-target the tumor and then cleared using The agent removes unbound conjugate from circulation and then administers a "ligand" (eg, antibiotic protein) that binds to a cytotoxic agent (eg, radionucleotide). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate may comprise an anti-RTMC antibody moiety that binds to prodrug activating enzyme. In some such embodiments, the prodrug activating enzyme converts the prodrug into an active drug, such as an antiviral drug. In some embodiments, such anti-RTMC immunoconjugates are suitable for antibody-dependent enzyme-mediated prodrug therapy ("ADEPT"). Enzymes that can bind to antibodies include (but are not limited to) alkaline phosphatase, which is suitable for converting phosphate-containing prodrugs into free drugs; arylsulfatase, which is suitable for converting sulfate-containing prodrugs into free drugs ; Proteases, such as Serratia protease, thermolysin, protease, subtilisin, carboxypeptidase, and cathepsins (such as cathepsin B and L), which are suitable for converting peptide-containing prodrugs into free drugs; D-propylamine D-alanylcarboxypeptidases, which are suitable for the conversion of prodrugs containing D-amino acid substituents; carbohydrate-cleaving enzymes, such as β-galactose and neuraminidase, which are suitable for the conversion of sugar Basic prodrugs are converted into free drugs; β-lactamases, which are suitable for converting drugs derived from β-lactamase into free drugs; and penicillin acylases, such as penicillin V amidase and penicillin G amidase Aminase, which is suitable for the conversion of drugs derived from phenoxyacetyl or phenethylacetate on their amine nitrogen into free drugs. In some embodiments, the enzyme can be covalently bound to the antibody portion by recombinant DNA technology well known in the art. See, for example, Neuberger et al., Nature 312: 604-608 (1984). In some embodiments, the therapeutic portion of the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate can be a nucleic acid. Useful nucleic acids include, but are not limited to, antisense RNA, genes, or other polynucleotides, including nucleic acid analogs, such as thioguanine and thiopurine. The present application further provides an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion attached to an effector molecule, wherein the effector molecule is a label that can generate a detectable signal indirectly or directly. These anti-RTMC immunoconjugates can be used for research or diagnostic applications, such as for in vivo detection of cancer. The label preferably generates a detectable signal directly or indirectly. For example, the label may be radiopaque or radioisotope, such as3
I; fluorescent (fluorophore) or chemiluminescent (chromophore) compounds, such as fluorescent isothiocyanate, rhodamine, or luciferin; enzymes, such as alkaline phosphatase, β-galactose, or spicy Root peroxidase; developer; or metal ion. In some embodiments, the label is a radioactive atom used for scintigraphy studies, for example99
Tc or123
I, or spin labels for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging (also known as magnetic resonance imaging, MRI), such as zirconium-89, iodine-123, iodine-131, indium-111, fluorine-19, carbon-13 , Nitrogen-15, oxygen-17, gadolinium, manganese or iron. Zirconium-89 can be complexed with various metal chelating agents and bind to antibodies, for example for PET imaging (WO 2011/056983). In some embodiments, anti-RTMC immunoconjugates can be detected indirectly. For example, secondary antibodies specific for anti-RTMC immunoconjugates and containing detectable labels can be used to detect anti-RTMC immunoconjugates. Thus, for example, in some embodiments, an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate is provided that includes a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, and b) an effector molecule . In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9). In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, the effector molecule is covalently linked to the anti-RTMC antibody portion. In some embodiments, the effector molecule is a therapeutic agent selected from the group consisting of, for example, drugs, toxins, radioisotopes, proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids. In some embodiments, the effector molecule is a viral therapeutic agent. In some embodiments, the viral therapeutic agent is a highly radioactive atom selected from the group consisting of, for example:211
P and212
Pb. In some embodiments, the effector molecule is a label, which can directly or indirectly generate a detectable signal. In some embodiments, the label is a radioisotope selected from the group consisting of, for example:3
I and131
I. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion is scFv. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion and at least one variant (such as at least 2, 3) of a variant of HIV-1 RT peptide comprising an MHC class I protein and an amino acid substitution (such as a conservative amino acid substitution) , Any of 4, 5, or 6) complex cross reaction. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion cross-reacts with at least one complex (such as at least any one of 2, 3, 4, or 5) of different isoforms including HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, there is provided an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate comprising a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising: HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO : 9) Peptide and HLA-A * 02: 01, and b) effector molecule. In some embodiments, the effector molecule is covalently linked to the anti-RTMC antibody portion. In some embodiments, the effector molecule is a therapeutic agent selected from the group consisting of, for example, drugs, toxins, radioisotopes, proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids. In some embodiments, the effector molecule is a viral therapeutic agent. In some embodiments, the viral therapeutic agent is a highly radioactive atom selected from the group consisting of, for example:211
P and212
Pb. In some embodiments, the effector molecule is a label, which can directly or indirectly generate a detectable signal. In some embodiments, the label is a radioisotope selected from the group consisting of, for example:3
I and131
I. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion is scFv. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion is human, humanized, or semi-synthetic. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC immunoconjugate is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion comprising : I) heavy chain variable domain sequence, comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 240, or comprising up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amines Variants of the amino acid substitution, including the HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 241-244, or up to about 3 (eg, any of about 1, 2, or 3) ) Amino acid substituted variants thereof, and the HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 245-246, or up to about 3 (eg, about 1, 2 or 3) Any one) an amino acid substituted variant thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249, or comprising Up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 250-253 , Or contain up to about 3 (eg about 1, 2 Substituted to any one of 3) of amino acid variant thereof, and b) an effector molecule. In some embodiments, a multispecific anti-RTMC immunoconjugate is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion comprising : I) heavy chain variable domain sequence, comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 240, HC- comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 241-244 CDR2, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 245-246; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249 LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of the above, and LC-CDR3 including the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 250-253, and b) the effector molecule. In some embodiments, an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion comprising: i) Heavy chain variable domain comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96, or up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Any one of them) amino acid substituted variants thereof, comprising the HC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124, or containing up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2 , Any of 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163, or comprising up to about 5 (Such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO: 164-189 LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one, or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions, including SEQ ID NO : LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207, or containing More than 3 (such as about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, and LC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 , Or contain up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and b) effector molecules. In some embodiments, an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion comprising: i) Heavy chain variable domain sequence, comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising the amino acid of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2 of the sequence; and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 125-163, or up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3) in the HC-CDR sequence , Any of 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) light chain variable domain sequence comprising: an amino acid sequence comprising any of SEQ ID NO: 164-189 LC-CDR1; LC-CDR2 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 CDR3, or variants containing up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions in the LC-CDR sequence; and b) effector molecules. In some embodiments, an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion comprising: i) Heavy chain variable domain sequence, comprising: HC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 75-96; comprising the amino acid of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 HC-CDR2 of the sequence; and HC-CDR3 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 125-163; and ii) a light chain variable domain sequence comprising: comprising SEQ ID NO: 164- LC-CDR1 of the amino acid sequence of any one of 189; LC-CDR2 of the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 LC-CDR3 of the amino acid sequence of any one; and b) effector molecule. In some embodiments, an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion includes a heavy chain A variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 19-46, or having at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) Variants of sequence identity, and light chain variable domains, which comprise the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 47-74, or have at least about 95% (including, for example, at least about 96%, 97 Any of%, 98%, or 99%) variants of sequence identity; and b) effector molecules. In some embodiments, an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate is provided, comprising: a) an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, the antibody portion includes a heavy chain The variable domain, which includes the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 19-46, and the light chain variable domain, which includes the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 47-74; And b) effector molecules. For example, in some embodiments, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion that includes HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC containing the following amino acid sequence -CDR2 and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190, and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191, and 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, respectively , 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, respectively SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215 , Respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169 , 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109 , 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139 , 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85 , 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, respectively SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, respectively SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227 , Respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176 , 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102 , 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO : 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 157, 185, 2 00 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191, and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206, and 237, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200, and 238, or SEQ ID NO, respectively : 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239; or HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 and / or LC-CDR3 individually contain up to about 5 (eg about 1, 2 , Any of 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substitutions and / or changes in the LC-CDR2 comprising up to about 3 (e.g. about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions body. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising HC-CDR1, HC containing the following amino acid sequence -CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165 respectively , 191 and 209, respectively SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, respectively SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101 , 129, 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO : 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 And 218, SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, respectively 178, 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, respectively SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192, and 232, SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204, and 233, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191, and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192, and 234, respectively SEQ I D NO: 85, 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236 , SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191, and 218, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206, and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188 , 200 and 238 or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239, respectively, or up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 in the HC-CDR sequence One) amino acid substitutions and / or variants comprising up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substitutions in the LC-CDR sequence. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising HC-CDR1, HC containing the following amino acid sequence -CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165 respectively , 191 and 209, respectively SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, respectively SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101 , 129, 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO : 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 And 218, SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, respectively SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, respectively SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192, and 232, SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204, and 233, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID N O: 85, 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191, and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206, and 237, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207, and 239, respectively. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: respectively: 19 and 47, respectively SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, respectively SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, respectively SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, respectively SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, respectively SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, respectively SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, respectively SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, respectively SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, respectively SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, respectively SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, respectively SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, respectively SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, respectively SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, respectively SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, respectively SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, respectively SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, respectively SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, respectively SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, respectively SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, respectively SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, respectively SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, respectively SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, respectively SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, respectively, or SEQ ID NO: 46, respectively 74, individually or at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98%, or of any one of 99%) sequence identity to a variant thereof. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: respectively: 19 and 47, respectively SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, respectively SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, respectively SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, respectively SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, respectively SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, respectively SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, respectively SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, respectively SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, respectively SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, respectively SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, respectively SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, respectively SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, respectively SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, respectively SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, respectively SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, respectively SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, respectively SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, respectively SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, respectively, or SEQ ID NO: 46, respectively 74. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion containing a heavy chain light chain variable domain, the heavy chain and light chain variable domains comprising the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NOs: 27 and 55, respectively, Or a variant thereof that individually has at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NOs: 27 and 55, respectively . In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains, the heavy and light chain variable domains comprising the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NOs: 30 and 58, respectively , Or variants thereof that individually have at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion comprising heavy and light chain variable domains comprising amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NOs: 30 and 58, respectively.Nucleic acid
Nucleic acid molecules encoding anti-RTMC constructs or anti-RTMC antibody portions are also covered. In some embodiments, nucleic acids (or nucleic acid collections) encoding full-length anti-RTMC antibodies are provided. In some embodiments, nucleic acids encoding multispecific anti-RTMC molecules (eg, multispecific anti-RTMC antibodies, bispecific anti-RTMC antibodies, or bispecific T cell junction molecule anti-RTMC antibodies) or polypeptide portions thereof are provided (or Nucleic acid collection). In some embodiments, a nucleic acid (or nucleic acid collection) encoding anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR is provided. In some embodiments, a nucleic acid (or collection of nucleic acids) encoding an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate, or a polypeptide portion thereof is provided. This application also includes variants of these nucleic acid sequences. For example, variants include nucleotide sequences that hybridize to nucleic acid sequences encoding anti-RTMC constructs or anti-RTMC antibody portions of the present application under at least moderately stringent hybridization conditions. The present invention also provides a vector into which the nucleic acid of the present invention is inserted. In short, the expression of an anti-RTMC construct (eg, anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR) or a polypeptide portion thereof by a natural or synthetic nucleic acid encoding an anti-RTMC construct or a polypeptide portion thereof can be performed by inserting the nucleic acid into an appropriate expression This is achieved in the vector so that the nucleic acid is operably linked to 5 'and 3' regulatory elements, including, for example, promoters (eg, lymphocyte-specific promoters) and 3 'untranslated regions (UTR). The vector may be suitable for replication and integration in eukaryotic host cells. Typical selection and expression vectors contain transcription and translation terminators, an initiation sequence, and a promoter suitable for regulating the expression of the desired nucleic acid sequence. The nucleic acid of the present invention can also be used for nucleic acid immunization and gene therapy using standard gene delivery protocols. Gene delivery methods are known in the art. See, for example, US Patent Nos. 5,399,346, 5,580,859, and 5,589,466, which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. In some embodiments, the present invention provides gene therapy vectors. Nucleic acids can be cloned into various types of vectors. For example, nucleic acids can be cloned into vectors including, but not limited to, plastids, phagemids, phage derivatives, animal viruses, and slime bodies. Vectors of particular interest include expression vectors, replication vectors, probe generation vectors, and sequencing vectors. In addition, the expression vector can be provided to the cell in the form of a viral vector. Viral vector technology is well known in the art and described in, for example, Sambrook et al. (2001, Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York) and other manuals in virology and molecular biology. Viruses suitable as vectors include, but are not limited to, retroviruses, adenoviruses, adeno-associated viruses, herpes viruses, and lentiviruses. In general, suitable vectors contain an origin of replication that functions in at least one organism, a promoter sequence, a suitable restriction endonuclease site, and one or more selectable markers (see for example WO 01/96584; WO 01/29058; and US Patent No. 6,326,193). Several virus-based systems have been developed for gene transfer to mammalian cells. For example, retroviruses provide a suitable platform for gene delivery systems. The selected gene can be inserted into a vector and encapsulated in retroviral particles using techniques known in the art. The recombinant virus can then be isolated and delivered to the individual's cells in vivo or ex vivo. Many retrovirus systems are known in the art. In some embodiments, adenovirus vectors are used. Various adenovirus vectors are known in the art. In some embodiments, lentiviral vectors are used. Vectors derived from retroviruses (such as lentiviruses) are suitable tools for achieving long-term gene transfer because they allow long-term stable integration of transgenic genes and their propagation in daughter cells. Lentiviral vectors have the additional advantage over vectors derived from oncogenic retroviruses, such as murine leukemia viruses, because they can transduce non-proliferative cells, such as hepatocytes. It also has the additional advantage of low immunogenicity. Additional promoter elements (eg, enhancers) regulate the frequency of transcription initiation. Generally, these elements are located in the 30-110 bp region upstream of the start site, although multiple promoters have recently been shown to contain functional elements also downstream of the start site. The spacing between promoter elements is usually flexible so that the promoter function is preserved when the elements are inverted or moved relative to each other. In the thymidine kinase (tk) promoter, the spacing between promoter elements can be increased to 50 bp apart before activity begins to decline. An example of a suitable promoter is the immediate early cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter sequence. This promoter sequence is a strong constitutive promoter sequence capable of driving a high performance level of any polynucleotide sequence operably linked thereto. Another example of a suitable promoter is elongation growth factor-1α (EF-1α). However, other constitutive promoter sequences may also be used, including (but not limited to) monkey virus 40 (SV40) early promoter, mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) long terminal repeat sequence (LTR) ) Promoter, MoMuLV promoter, avian leukemia virus promoter, Epstein-Barr virus immediate early promoter, Rous sarcoma virus promoter, and human gene promoter, Such as (but not limited to) the actin promoter, myosin promoter, heme promoter and creatine kinase promoter. Furthermore, the invention should not be limited to the use of constitutive promoters. Inducible promoters are also covered as part of the invention. The use of an inducible promoter provides a molecular switch that can turn on the expression of the polynucleotide sequence to which it is operably linked when such expression is needed or turn off the expression when expression is not needed. Examples of inducible promoters include, but are not limited to, metallothionein promoter, glucocorticoid promoter, progesterone promoter, and tetracycline promoter. In order to assess the performance of the polypeptide or part thereof, the expression vector to be introduced into the cell may also contain selectable marker genes or reporter genes or both to facilitate identification and selection of expression cells from the cell population managed to be transfected or infected with the viral vector. In other aspects, selectable markers can be carried on separate DNA segments and used in co-transfection procedures. Both selectable markers and reporter genes can be flanked by appropriate regulatory sequences to enable expression in host cells. Useful selectable markers include, for example, antibiotic resistance genes, such as neo and the like. Reporter genes are used to identify potential transfected cells and assess the function of regulatory sequences. In general, a reporter gene is a gene that does not exist or is present in the recipient organism or tissue and encodes a polypeptide that is manifested by some easily detectable characteristics (such as enzymatic activity). The performance of the reporter gene is analyzed at a suitable time after the DNA has been introduced into the recipient cell. Suitable reporter genes may include genes encoding luciferase, β-galactose, chloramphenicol acetyltransferase, secreted alkaline phosphatase or green fluorescent protein genes (e.g. Ui-Tel et al., 2000 FEBS Letters 479 : 79-82). Suitable performance systems are well known and can be prepared using known techniques or commercially available. In general, the construct with the smallest 5 'flanking region displaying the highest performance level of the reporter gene is identified as a promoter. Such a promoter region can be linked to a reporter gene and used to assess reagents that regulate the ability of promoter-driven transcription. Methods for introducing and expressing genes into cells are known in the art. In the context of expression vectors, vectors can be easily introduced into host cells, such as mammalian, bacterial, yeast, or insect cells, by any method in the art. For example, the expression vector can be transferred to the host cell by physical, chemical or biological means. Physical methods for introducing polynucleotides into host cells include calcium phosphate precipitation, liposome transfection, particle bombardment, microinjection, electroporation, and similar methods. Methods for manufacturing cells containing vectors and / or exogenous nucleic acids are well known in the art. See, for example, Sambrook et al. (2001, Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York). In some embodiments, the introduction of the polynucleotide into the host cell is performed by calcium phosphate transfection. Biological methods for introducing polynucleotides of interest into host cells include the use of DNA and RNA vectors. Viral vectors and especially retroviral vectors have become the most widely used method for inserting genes into mammalian (eg, human) cells. Other viral vectors may be derived from lentivirus, poxvirus, herpes simplex virus type 1, adenovirus and adeno-associated virus and similar viruses. See, for example, US Patent Nos. 5,350,674 and 5,585,362. Chemical methods used to introduce polynucleotides into host cells include colloidal dispersion systems, such as macromolecular complexes, nanocapsules, microspheres, beads, and lipid-based systems, including oil-in-water emulsions, microspheres Cells, mixed microcells and liposomes. An exemplary colloidal system for delivery in vitro and in vivo is a liposome (eg, artificial membrane vesicle). In the case of using a non-viral delivery system, an exemplary delivery vehicle is a liposome. The use of lipid formulations is expected to introduce nucleic acids into host cells (in vitro, ex vivo, or in vivo). In another aspect, the nucleic acid can bind to the lipid. The nucleic acid bound to the lipid can be encapsulated in the aqueous interior of the liposome, interspersed in the lipid bilayer of the liposome, attached to the liposome via a linking molecule combined with the liposome and the oligonucleotide, and coated with Liposomes, complexed with liposomes, dispersed in a solution containing lipids, mixed with lipids, combined with lipids, contained in lipids in the form of a suspension, containing or complexed with microcells, or otherwise combined with lipid phase Combine. The combination of lipid, lipid / DNA or lipid / expression carrier is not limited to any specific structure in solution. For example, it can exist in a double-layer structure, in the form of microcells or have a "collapsed" structure. It can also be simply interspersed in the solution, possibly forming aggregates that are not uniform in size or shape. Lipids are fatty substances that can be naturally occurring lipids or synthetic lipids. For example, lipids include fat droplets that naturally occur in the cytoplasm and classes of compounds containing long-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives (such as fatty acids, alcohols, amines, amino alcohols, and aldehydes). Regardless of the method used to introduce the exogenous nucleic acid into the host cell or otherwise expose the cell to the inhibitor of the present invention, various analyses can be performed to confirm the presence of the recombinant DNA sequence in the host cell. Such analysis includes, for example, "molecular biology" analysis known to those skilled in the art, such as southern and northern blotting, RT-PCR, and PCR; "biochemical" analysis, such as detecting the presence or absence of specific peptides, for example Reagents within the scope of the present invention are identified by immunological means (ELISA and Western blotting) or by the analysis described herein.MHC I Protein-like
MHC class I proteins are one of two major classes of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules (the other is MHC class II) and are found on almost every nucleated cell in the body. Its function is to display protein fragments from cells to T cells; healthy cells will be ignored, and cells containing foreign proteins will be attacked by the immune system. Since MHC class I proteins present peptides derived from cytosolic proteins, the MHC class I presentation pathway is often referred to as the cytosolic or endogenous pathway. Class I MHC molecules bind peptides mainly produced by the degradation of cytosolic proteins (via proteasomes). The MHC I: peptide complex is then inserted into the plasma membrane of the cell. The peptide binds to the extracellular part of the MHC class I molecule. Therefore, the function of Class I MHC is to present intracellular proteins to cytotoxic T cells (CTL). However, MHC class I can also present peptides produced from foreign proteins in a method called cross-presentation. MHC class I protein consists of two polypeptide chains: α and β2-microglobulin (β2M). The two chains are non-covalently connected via the interaction of b2m and α3 domains. Only the alpha chain is polymorphic and encoded by the HLA gene, while the b2m subunit is not polymorphic and is encoded by the beta-2 microglobulin gene. The α3 domain spans the plasma membrane and interacts with the CD8 co-receptor of T cells. The α3-CD8 interaction keeps the MHC I molecule in place, while the T cell receptor (TCR) on the surface of the cytotoxic T cell binds to its α1-α2 heterodimer ligand and checks the antigenicity of the coupled peptide . The α1 and α2 domains fold to form grooves for peptide binding. MHC class I proteins bind peptides with a length of 8-10 amino acids. The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene is a human type of MHC gene. The three main MHC class I proteins in the human body are HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-C, and the three minor MHC class I proteins are HLA-E, HLA-F and HLA-G. HLA-A is among the genes with the fastest evolutionary coding sequences in humans. As of December 2013, there were 2,432 known HLA-A alleles encoding 1,740 active proteins and 117 knockout proteins. The HLA-A gene is located on the short arm of chromosome 6 and encodes the larger alpha chain component of HLA-A. Changes in the HLA-A α-chain are essential for HLA function. This change promotes genetic diversity in the population. Because each HLA has different affinity for certain structural peptides, more HLA means more antigens are "presented" on the cell surface, increasing the likelihood that the population subgroup will be resistant to any given foreign invader. This reduces the possibility that a single pathogen has the ability to eliminate the entire human population. Individuals can express up to two types of HLA-A, each from their parents. Some individuals will inherit the same HLA-A from their parents, reducing their individual HLA diversity; however, most individuals will receive two different copies of HLA-A. All HLA groups follow this same pattern. In other words, an individual may only express one or both of the 2432 known HLA-A alleles. All alleles are classified with at least four digit codes, such as HLA-A * 02: 12. A represents the HLA gene to which the dual gene belongs. Because there are many HLA-A alleles, the classification is simplified by serotype classification. The next pair of numbers indicates the result of this allocation. For example, HLA-A * 02: 02, HLA-A * 02: 04 and HLA-A * 02: 324 are all members of the A2 serotype (denoted by the prefix * 02). This group is the main factor responsible for HLA compatibility. All the following figures cannot be delineated by genetic sequencing by serotyping. The second set of numbers represents what HLA protein is produced. These are designated in the order of discovery and as of December 2013, there are 456 different known HLA-A02 proteins (designated names HLA-A * 02: 01 to HLA-A * 02: 456). The shortest possible HLA name includes all two of these details, and each extension beyond the name indicates that the nucleotide changes may or may not change the protein. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, wherein the MHC class I protein is HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, HLA-E , HLA-F or HLA-G. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A, HLA-B, or HLA-C. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-B. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-C. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A01, HLA-A02, HLA-A03, HLA-A09, HLA-A10, HLA-A11, HLA-A19, HLA-A23, HLA-A24, HLA-A25 , HLA-A26, HLA-A28, HLA-A29, HLA-A30, HLA-A31, HLA-A32, HLA-A33, HLA-A34, HLA-A36, HLA-A43, HLA-A66, HLA-A68, HLA -A69, HLA-A74 or HLA-A80. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is any one of HLA-A * 02: 01-555, such as HLA-A * 02: 01, HLA-A * 02: 02, HLA-A * 02: 03 , HLA-A * 02: 04, HLA-A * 02: 05, HLA-A * 02: 06, HLA-A * 02: 07, HLA-A * 02: 08, HLA-A * 02: 09, HLA -A * 02: 10, HLA-A * 02: 11, HLA-A * 02: 12, HLA-A * 02: 13, HLA-A * 02: 14, HLA-A * 02: 15, HLA-A * 02: 16, HLA-A * 02: 17, HLA-A * 02: 18, HLA-A * 02: 19, HLA-A * 02: 20, HLA-A * 02: 21, HLA-A * 02 : 22 or HLA-A * 02: 24. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01. HLA-A * 02: 01 is expressed in 39-46% of all Caucasians, and therefore represents a suitable choice for the MHC class I protein used in the present invention. HIV-1 RT peptides suitable for the production of anti-RTMC antibody portions can be based on, for example, HLA-A * 02: 01 binding motifs and cleavage sites of proteasomes and immunoproteasomes using computer prediction models known to those skilled in the art Exist. For predicting MHC binding sites, such models include (but are not limited to) IEDB (Vita et al., The immune epitope database (IEDB) 3.0.Nucleic Acids Res .
October 9, 2014. pii: gku938), ProPred1 (described in more detail in Singh and Raghava,ProPred : prediction of HLA - DR binding sites . BIOINFORMATICS
17 (12): 1236-1237, 2001) and SYFPEITHI (see Schuler et al.SYFPEITHI , Database for Searching and T - Cell Epitope Prediction . Immunoinformatics Methods in Molecular Biology
, Volume 409 (1): 75-93, 2007). Once the appropriate peptide is identified, peptide synthesis can be completed according to protocols well known to those skilled in the art. Due to its relatively small size, the peptides of the present invention can be synthesized directly in solution or on a solid support according to conventional peptide synthesis techniques. Various automatic synthesizers are commercially available and can be used according to known protocols. The synthesis of peptides in the solution phase has become an accepted procedure for the synthesis of peptides for large-scale production and is therefore a suitable alternative method for preparing the peptides of the present invention (see for example Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis, John Morrow Stewart and Martin et al.Application of Almez - mediated Amidation Reactions to Solution Phase Peptide Synthesis
, Tetrahedron Letters Volume 39, pages 1517--1520, 1998). The binding activity of the candidate HIV-1 RT peptide can be tested using an antigen processing-deficient T2 cell line, which increases the performance of HLA-A when stabilized by the peptide in the antigen presentation groove. T2 cells are pulsed with candidate peptides for a time sufficient to stabilize HLA-A on the cell surface, which can be measured using any method known in the art, such as by using fluorescent labels specific for HLA-A Immunostaining of monoclonal antibodies (eg BB7.2) followed by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis.Preparation of anti RTMC Antibodies and anti RTMC Antibody section
In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody or anti-RTMC antibody portion is a monoclonal antibody. Monoclonal antibodies can, for example, use fusion tumor methods such as those described by Kohler and Milstein, Nature, 256: 495 (1975) and Sergeeva et al., Blood, 117 (16): 4262-4272, using the methods described herein and in the examples below Phage display method, or prepared using recombinant DNA method (see, eg, US Patent No. 4,816,567). In the fusion tumor method, hamsters, mice, or other suitable host animals are usually immunized with an immunological agent to produce lymphocytes, which produce or are capable of producing antibodies that will specifically bind to the immunological agent.Alternatively, lymphocytes can be immunized in vitro.
Immunological agents may include fusion proteins of polypeptides or related proteins, or complexes containing at least two molecules, such as complexes containing HIV-1 RT peptides and MHC class I proteins. In general, if cells of human origin are required, peripheral blood lymphocytes ("PBL") are used; or if cells of non-human mammal origin are required, spleen cells or lymph node cells are used. Lymphocytes are then fused with immortalized cell lines using a suitable fusion agent (such as polyethylene glycol) to form fused tumor cells. See, for example, Goding, Monoclonal Antibodies: Principles and Practice (New York: Academic Press, 1986), pages 59-103. Immortalized cell lines are usually transformed mammalian cells, specifically myeloma cells of rodent, bovine, and human origin. Usually, rat or mouse myeloma cell lines are used. Fused tumor cells can be cultured in a suitable medium that preferably contains one or more substances that inhibit the growth or survival of unfused, immortalized cells. For example, if the parent cell lacks the enzyme hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT or HPRT), the medium used for fusion tumors will usually include hypoxanthine, aminopterin, and thymidine HAT medium ”), which prevents the growth of cells lacking HGPRT. In some embodiments, the immortalized cell lines are efficiently fused to support stable high-level performance of antibodies by the selected antibody-producing cells and are sensitive to culture media such as HAT medium. In some embodiments, the immortalized cell line is a murine myeloma cell line, which can be obtained, for example, from Salk Institute Cell Distribution Center, San Diego, California and American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, Virginia. Human myeloma and mouse-human fusion myeloma cell lines have also been described for the preparation of human monoclonal antibodies. Kozbor,J . Immunol .
, 133: 3001 (1984); and Brodeur et al., Monoclonal Antibody Production Techniques and Applications (Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1987) pages 51-63. The media for culturing the fusion tumor cells can then be analyzed for the presence of monoclonal antibodies directed against the polypeptide. The binding specificity of monoclonal antibodies produced by fused tumor cells can be determined by immunoprecipitation or by in vitro binding analysis, such as radioimmunoassay (RIA) or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). These techniques and analytical methods are known in the art. The binding affinity of monoclonal antibodies can be, for example, by Munson and Pollard,Anal . Biochem .
, 107: 220 (1980) by Scatchard analysis. After identifying the desired fusion tumor cells, pure lines can be sub-colonized by limiting dilution procedures and grown by standard methods.Goding, Aforementioned.
Suitable media for this purpose include, for example, Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium and RPMI-1640 medium. Alternatively, the fusion tumor cells can be grown in vivo in mammals in the form of ascites fluid. Monoclonal antibodies secreted by sub-pure lines can be separated from the culture medium or ascites fluid by conventional immunoglobulin purification procedures (such as protein A-agarose, hydroxyapatite chromatography, gel electrophoresis, dialysis, or affinity chromatography) or purification. Anti-RTMC antibodies or antibody portions can also be identified by screening combinatorial libraries against antibodies with one or more desired activities. For example, various methods are known in the art for generating phage display libraries and screening such libraries for antibodies with desired binding characteristics. Such methods are reviewed in, for example, Hoogenboom et al., Methods in Molecular Biology 178: 1-37 (edited by O'Brien et al., Human Press, Totowa, N.J, 2001), and further described in, for example, McCafferty et al.,Nature
348: 552-554; Clackson et al.,Nature
352: 624-628 (1991); Marks et al.,J . Mol . Biol .
222: 581-597 (1992); Marks and Bradbury,Methods in Molecular Biology
248: 161-175 (Ed. Lo, Human Press, Totowa, N.J, 2003); Sidhu et al.,J . Mol . Biol .
338 (2): 299-310 (2004); Lee et al.,J . Mol . Biol .
340 (5): 1073-1093 (2004); Fellouse,Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci . USA
101 (34): 12467-12472 (2004); and Lee et al.,J . Immunol . Methods
284 (1-2): 119-132 (2004). In some phage presentation methods, VH
And VL
The pedigrees of the genes were selected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and randomly recombined in the phage library, which can be followed by Winter et al.,Ann . Rev . Immunol .
12: 433-455 (1994), screening for antigen-binding phages. Phages usually present antibody fragments in the form of single chain Fv (scFv) fragments or Fab fragments. Libraries from immunized sources provide high affinity antibodies to immunogens without the need to construct fusion tumors. Alternatively, primitive lineages (eg from humans) can be selected to provide a single source of antibodies against a wide range of non-self antigens and self antigens without any immunization, such as Griffiths et al.,EMBO J ,
12: 725-734 (1993). Finally, the original library can also be prepared synthetically by colonizing unrearranged V gene segments from stem cells, and using PCR primers containing random sequences to encode highly variable CDR3 regions and achieving in vitro rearrangement, such as By Hoogenboom and Winter,J . Mol . Biol .
, 227: 381-388 (1992). Patent publications describing human antibody phage libraries include, for example: US Patent No. 5,750,373 and US Patent Publication Nos. 2005/0079574, 2005/0119455, 2005/0266000, 2007/0117126, and 2007/0160598 No., No. 2007/0237764, No. 2007/0292936 and No. 2009/0002360. Antibodies or antigen-binding fragments thereof can be prepared using phage display to screen libraries of antibodies specific for complexes containing HIV-1 RT peptides and MHC class I proteins. The library may be at least 1 × 109
(Such as at least about 1 × 109
, 2.5 × 109
, 5 × 109
, 7.5 × 109
, 1 × 1010
, 2.5 × 1010
, 5 × 1010
, 7.5 × 1010
Or 1 × 1011
Any of) a diverse human scFv phage display library of unique human antibody fragments. In some embodiments, the library is an unprocessed human library constructed from DNA extracted from human PMBC and spleen from healthy donors and encompasses all human heavy and light chain subfamilies. In some embodiments, the library is an untreated human library constructed from DNA extracted from patients with various diseases, such as patients with autoimmune diseases, cancer patients, and infectious diseases (such as HIV) PBMC isolated from patients. In some embodiments, the library is a semi-synthetic human library in which the heavy chain CDR3 is completely randomized, and all amino acids (except cysteine) may also be present at any given position (see for example Hoet, RM Wait,Nat . Biotechnol .
23 (3): 344-348, 2005). In some embodiments, the length of the heavy chain CDR3 of a semi-synthetic human library is about 5 to about 24 (such as about 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 , 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24) amino acids. In some embodiments, the library is a non-human phage display library. Pure phage lines that bind to RTMC with high affinity can be selected as follows: by repeatedly binding the phage to RTMC, the RTMC is bound to a solid support (such as beads for solution panning or mammalian cells for cell panning) Then, remove the unbound phage and dissociate by specifically binding the phage. In the example of solution panning, RTMC may be labeled with biotin to be fixed to a solid support. The biotin-labeled RTMC is mixed with a phage library and a solid carrier, such as streptavidin-conjugated Dynabeads (Dynabeads) M-280, and then the RTMC-phage-bead complex is separated. The pure line of bound phage is then lysed and used to infect appropriate host cells, such as E. coli XL1-Blue, for expression and purification. In the cell panning example, TMC cells loaded with HIV-1 RT peptide of RTMC (TAP defect, HLA-A * 02: 01+
Lymphoblast cell line) was mixed with the phage library, after which the cells were collected and combined with pure lines were lysed and used to infect appropriate host cells for expression and purification. Panning can be performed by multiple rounds (such as about any of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or more) by solution panning, cell panning, or a combination of the two to enrich for specific binding to RTMC The pure line of bacteriophage. The enriched bacteriophage pure line can be tested for specific binding to RTMC by any method known in the art, including, for example, ELISA and FACS. Monoclonal antibodies can also be produced by recombinant DNA methods, such as those described in US Patent No. 4,816,567. The DNA encoding the monoclonal antibody of the present invention can be easily isolated and sequenced using conventional procedures (for example, by using oligonucleotide probes that can specifically bind to genes encoding the heavy and light chains of murine antibodies) . Fusion tumor cells as described above or the RTMC-specific phage pure line of the present invention can serve as a source of such DNA. After isolation, the DNA can be placed in expression vectors and then transfected into host cells (such as monkey COS cells, Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells or myeloma cells) (otherwise these host cells will not produce immunoglobulins) To obtain the synthesis of monoclonal antibodies in recombinant host cells. DNA can also be used, for example, by replacing homologous non-human sequences with coding sequences for the constant domains and / or framework regions of human heavy and light chains (US Patent No. 4,816,567; Morrison et al., Aforementioned) or by non-immunization All or part of the coding sequence of the globulin polypeptide is covalently joined to the immunoglobulin coding sequence for modification. Such non-immunoglobulin polypeptides can replace the constant domain of the antibody of the present invention, or can replace the variable domain of an antigen combination site of the antibody of the present invention to produce a chimeric bivalent antibody. The antibody may be a monovalent antibody. Methods for preparing monovalent antibodies are known in the art. For example, one method involves the recombinant expression of immunoglobulin light chains and modified heavy chains. The heavy chain is usually truncated at any point in the Fc region to prevent heavy chain crosslinking. Alternatively, the relevant cysteine residue is substituted with another amino acid residue or deleted to prevent crosslinking. The in vitro method is also suitable for preparing monovalent antibodies. Any method known in the art can be used to effect digestion of antibodies to produce fragments thereof, specifically Fab fragments. An antibody variable domain (antibody-antigen combination site) with the desired binding specificity can be fused to an immunoglobulin constant domain sequence. Preferably, it is fused to an immunoglobulin heavy chain constant domain comprising at least a part of the hinge, CH2 and CH3 regions. In some embodiments, the first heavy chain constant region (CH
1) Exist in at least one of the fusions. The DNA encoding the immunoglobulin heavy chain fusion and, if necessary, the immunoglobulin light chain is inserted into a separate expression vector and co-transfected into a suitable host organism. For additional details on the production of bispecific antibodies, see for example Suresh et al.,Methods in Enzymology
, 121: 210 (1986).Human and humanized antibodies
The anti-RTMC antibody or antibody portion may be a humanized antibody or a human antibody. Humanized forms of non-human (e.g. murine) antibodies are chimeric immunoglobulins, immunoglobulin chains or fragments thereof (such as Fv, Fab, Fab ', F ( ab ')2
, ScFv or other antigen-binding sequences of antibodies). Humanized antibodies include human immunoglobulins (recipient antibodies), where the residues of the recipient CDRs are composed of CDRs (donors) of non-human species (such as mice, rats, or rabbits) with the desired specificity, affinity, and ability Antibody). In some cases, Fv framework residues of the human immunoglobulin are replaced with corresponding non-human residues. Humanized antibodies can also include residues that are not present in the recipient antibody and in the introduced CDR or framework sequences. In general, a humanized antibody may comprise substantially all variable domains, at least one and usually two, where all or substantially all CDR regions correspond to their CDR regions and all or substantially all FRs of non-human immunoglobulins Regions are the FR regions of human immunoglobulin common sequence. In some embodiments, the humanized antibody will comprise at least a portion of an immunoglobulin constant region (Fc), usually at least a portion of human immunoglobulin. See for example Jones et al.,Nature
, 321: 522-525 (1986); Riechmann et al.,Nature ,
332: 323-329 (1988); Presta,Curr . Op . Struct . Biol .
, 2: 593-596 (1992). In general, humanized antibodies have one or more amino acid residues introduced into them from non-human sources. These non-human amino acid residues are commonly referred to as "introduced" residues, which are typically taken from "introduced" variable domains. According to some embodiments, humanization can basically follow the method of Winter and colleagues (Jones et al.,Nature
, 321: 522-525 (1986); Riechmann et al.,Nature
, 332: 323-327 (1988); Verhoeyen et al.,Science
, 239: 1534-1536 (1988)), by replacing the corresponding sequences of human antibodies with rodent CDRs or CDR sequences. Therefore, such "humanized" antibodies are antibodies in which substantially fewer intact human variable domains have been substituted by corresponding sequences from non-human species (US Patent No. 4,816,567). In fact, humanized antibodies are usually human antibodies in which some CDR residues and possibly some FR residues are substituted with residues from similar sites in rodent antibodies. As an alternative to humanization, human antibodies can be produced. For example, it is now possible to produce transgenic animals (such as mice) that are capable of producing a full lineage of human antibodies in the absence of endogenous immunoglobulin production after immunization. For example, it has been described that the homozygous deletion of the antibody rejoining region (JH) gene in chimeric and germline mutant mice results in complete inhibition of endogenous antibody production. Transfer of the human germline immunoglobulin gene array to such germline mutant mice will result in the production of human antibodies upon antigen challenge. See for example Jakobovits et al,PNAS USA
, 90: 2551 (1993); Jakobovits et al.,Nature
, 362: 255-258 (1993); Bruggemann et al.,Year in Immunol .
, 7:33 (1993); US Patent Nos. 5,545,806, 5,569,825; 5,591,669; 5,545,807; and WO 97/17852. Alternatively, human antibodies can be prepared by introducing human immunoglobulin loci into transgenic animals (eg, mice whose endogenous immunoglobulin genes have been partially or completely inactivated). After the attack, observe human antibody production, which is very similar to that seen in humans in all aspects, including gene rearrangements, combinations, and antibody lineages. This method is described in, for example, U.S. Patent Nos. 5,545,807; 5,545,806; 5,569,825; 5,625,126; 5,633,425; and 5,661,016, and Marks et al.,Bio / Technology
, 10: 779-783 (1992); Lonberg et al.,Nature
, 368: 856-859 (1994); Morrison,Nature
, 368: 812-813 (1994); Fishwild et al.,Nature Biotechnology
, 14: 845-851 (1996); Neuberger,Nature Biotechnology
, 14: 826 (1996); Lonberg and Huszar,Intern . Rev . Immunol .
, 13: 65-93 (1995). Human antibodies can also be generated by activating B cells in vitro (see US Patent Nos. 5,567,610 and 5,229,275) or by using various techniques known in the art, including phage display libraries. Hoogenboom and Winter,J . Mol . Biol .
, 227: 381 (1991); Marks et al.,J . Mol . Biol .
, 222: 581 (1991). The techniques of Cole et al. And Boerner et al. Can also be used to prepare human monoclonal antibodies. Cole et al,Monoclonal Antibodies and Cancer Therapy
, Alan R. Liss, page 77 (1985) and Boerner et al.,J. Immunol.
, 147 (1): 86-95 (1991).Multispecific antibody
In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a multispecific antibody. Suitable methods for preparing multispecific (eg bispecific) antibodies are well known in the art. For example, the production of bispecific antibodies can be based on the co-presentation of two immunoglobulin heavy / light chain pairs, each of which has a different specificity and produces a heterodimeric antibody after binding (see, eg, Milstein And Cuello,Nature
, 305: 537-539 (1983); WO 93/08829, and Traunecker et al.,EMBO J
. 10: 3655 (1991)). Due to the random classification of immunoglobulin heavy and light chains, these fusion tumors (four-source fusion tumors) produce a potential mixture of ten different antibody molecules, of which only one has an appropriate bispecific structure. Purification of appropriate molecules is usually achieved by affinity chromatography steps. Similar procedures are disclosed in WO 93/08829 and Traunecker et al.,EMBO
, 10: 3655-3659 (1991). Alternatively, the combination of heavy and light chains can be oriented by using species-restricted pairing (see, for example, Lindhofer et al.,J . Immunol .
, 155: 219-225 (1995)) and the heavy chain pairing can be oriented by using the "Pestle-Morch" engineering of the CH3 domain (see, eg, US Patent No. 5,731,168; Ridgway et al.,Protein Eng .
, 9 (7): 617-621 (1996)). Multispecific antibodies can also be prepared by engineering the electrostatic turning effect to produce antibody Fc-heterodimer molecules (see, for example, WO 2009 / 089004A1). In another method, stable bispecific antibodies can be produced by controlled Fab arm exchange, where two parent antibodies with distinct antigen specificities and matching point mutations in the CH3 domain are mixed under reducing conditions to allow separation and recombination And reoxidation to form highly pure bispecific antibodies. Labrigin and others,Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci .
, 110 (13): 5145-5150 (2013). Such antibodies comprising a mixture of heavy / light chain pairs are also referred to herein as "heteromultimeric antibodies". Antibodies or antigen-binding fragments with different specificities can also be chemically cross-linked to produce multispecific heteroconjugate antibodies. For example, two F (ab ') 2 molecules each specific for different antigens can be chemically linked. Pullarkat and others,Trends Biotechnol.
, 48: 9-21 (1999). For example, such antibodies have been proposed to target immune system cells to unwanted cells (US Patent No. 4,676,980) and are used to treat HIV infection. WO 91/00360; WO 92/200373; EP 03089. It is expected that antibodies can be prepared in vitro using known methods in synthetic protein chemistry, including those involving cross-linking agents. For example, immunotoxins can be constructed using disulfide bond exchange reactions or by forming thioether bonds. Examples of reagents suitable for this purpose include iminothiol esters and methyl-4-mercaptobutyroimidate and reagents disclosed in, for example, US Patent No. 4,676,980. In some embodiments, multispecific antibodies can be prepared using recombinant DNA technology. For example, bispecific antibodies can be engineered by fusing two scFvs, such as by fusing them via peptide linkers to produce tandem scFvs. An example of a tandem scFv is a bispecific T cell junction molecule. Bispecific T cell junction molecules are prepared by attaching anti-CD3 scFv to a scFv specific for a surface antigen of a target cell, such as a tumor-associated antigen (TAA), resulting in the redirection of T cells to the target cell. Mack et al,Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci .
, 92: 7021-7025 (1995); Brischwein et al.,Mol . Immunol .
, 43 (8): 1129-1143 (2006). By shortening the length of the peptide linker between the two variable domains, it prevents self-assembly and forces pairing with the domain on the second polypeptide, resulting in a compact bispecific antibody called bifunctional antibody (Db) . Holliger et al.,Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci .
, 90: 6444-6448 (1993). The two polypeptides of Db each contain a linker that is too short to allow pairing between the two domains on the same chain to VL
. Therefore, the V of a polypeptideH
And VL
Domain is forced to be complementary to another polypeptide VL
And VH
The domains are paired to form two antigen binding sites. With this type of modification, two polypeptides are linked by another peptide linker, thereby generating a single chain bifunctional antibody (scDb). In another modification of the Db version, the dual affinity retargeting (DART) bispecific antibody can be introduced by introducing a disulfide bond between the cysteine residues at the C-terminus of each polypeptide, as appropriate The desired heterodimer structure is generated in the domain preceding the assembled C-terminal cysteine residue. Veri et al.,Arthritis Rheum.
, 62 (7): 1933-1943 (2010). Dual variable domain immunoglobulins (DVD-IgTM
), Where the target binding variable domains of two monoclonal antibodies are combined via a naturally occurring linker to produce a tetravalent, bispecific antibody. Gu and Ghayur,Methods Enzymol.
, 502: 25-41 (2012). In another version, by using a peptide (AD2) derived from the anchor domain of human A kinase anchor protein (AKAP) to a regulatory subunit peptide derived from human cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) ( DDD2) Dimerization to prepare Dock and Lock (DNL) and bispecific antibodies. Rossi et al.,Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci .
, 103: 6841-6846 (2006). Various techniques for preparing and isolating bispecific antibody fragments directly from recombinant cell culture have also been described. For example, leucine zippers have been used to generate bispecific antibodies. Kostelny and others,J. Immunol.
, 148 (5): 1547-1553 (1992). This method can also be used to generate antibody homodimers.anti- RTMC Variants
In some embodiments, amino acid sequence variants of the antibody portions provided herein are covered. For example, it may be necessary to improve the binding affinity and / or other biological properties of the antibody portion. Amino acid sequence variants of antibody portions can be prepared by introducing appropriate modifications into the nucleotide sequence encoding the antibody portion or by peptide synthesis. Such modifications include, for example, the deletion and / or insertion and / or substitution of residues within the amino acid sequence of the antibody portion. Any combination of deletion, insertion, and substitution can be made to obtain the final construct, with the restriction that the final construct has the desired characteristics, such as antigen binding. In some embodiments, antibody partial variants having one or more amino acid substitutions are provided. Related sites for substitution mutation induction include HVR and FR. Amino acid substitutions can be introduced into the product of the relevant antibody portion and screening for the desired activity (eg, maintaining / improving antigen binding, reducing immunogenicity, or improving ADCC or CDC). Conservative substitutions are shown in Table 6 below.table 6 : Conservative substitution
Amino acids can be grouped into different categories based on common side chain properties: a. Hydrophobicity: n-leucine, Met, Ala, Val, Leu, Ile; b. Neutral hydrophilicity: Cys, Ser, Thr, Asn, Gln ; C. Acidic: Asp, Glu; d. Basic: His, Lys, Arg; e. Residues that affect chain orientation: Gly, Pro; f. Aromatic: Trp, Tyr, Phe. Non-conservative substitutions will inevitably be accompanied by replacing members of one of these categories with another category. Exemplary substitution variants are affinity matured antibody portions, which can be conveniently generated, for example, using affinity mature technology based on phage display. Briefly, one or more CDR residues are mutated and a variant antibody portion is displayed on the phage and screened for specific biological activity (eg, binding affinity). Modifications (eg, substitutions) can be made in HVR to, for example, improve the partial affinity of the antibody. Such changes can be in HVR "hot spots" (i.e. residues encoded by codons that undergo high frequency mutations during the somatic maturation process (see e.g. Chowdhury,Methods Mol . Biol .
207: 179-196 (2008)), and / or specificity-determining residues (SDR)), where the resulting variant V is testedH
The binding affinity. Achieving affinity maturity by constructing secondary libraries and selecting from secondary libraries has been described in, for example, Hoogenboom et al.,Methods in Molecular Biology
178: 1-37 (edited by O'Brien et al., Human Press, Totowa, NJ, (2001)). In some embodiments of affinity maturation, diversity is introduced into variable genes selected for maturation by any of various methods (eg, error-prone PCR, strand shuffling, or oligonucleotide-induced mutation induction) in. Then a secondary library is generated. The library is then screened to identify any partial antibody variants with the desired affinity. Another method of introducing diversity includes the HVR targeting method, in which several HVR residues (eg, 4-6 residues at a time) are performed randomly. The HVR residues involved in antigen binding can be specifically identified, for example, using alanine to scan for mutation induction or model establishment. Especially CDR-H3 and CDR-L3 are usually targeted. In some embodiments, substitutions, insertions, or deletions can occur within one or more HVRs, as long as such modifications do not substantially reduce the ability of the antibody portion to bind antigen. For example, conservative changes (eg, conservative substitutions as provided herein) can occur in HVR that do not substantially reduce binding affinity. Such changes can be outside the HVR "hotspot" or SDR. Variation V provided aboveH
And VL
In certain embodiments of the sequence, each HVR is unchanged or contains no more than one, two, or three amino acid substitutions. A method suitable for identifying residues or regions of antibody parts that can be targeted by mutation induction is called "alanine scanning mutation induction", such as Cunningham and Wells (1989)Science
, 244: 1081-1085. In this method, residues or target residue groups (eg charged residues such as arg, asp, his, lys and glu) are identified and consist of neutral or negatively charged amino acids (eg alanine or polyalanine) Replacement to determine if the interaction of the antibody part with the antigen is affected. Other substitutions can be introduced at amino acid positions that exhibit functional sensitivity to the initial substitution. Alternatively or additionally, the crystal structure of the antigen-antibody portion complex can be determined to identify the contact point between the antibody portion and the antigen. Such contact residues and neighboring residues can be targeted or excluded as candidates for substitution. Variants can be screened to determine if they contain the desired characteristics. Amino acid sequence insertions include amino-terminal and / or carboxy-terminal fusions ranging in length from one residue to a polypeptide containing one hundred or more residues, as well as sequences of single or multiple amino acid residues insert. Examples of terminal insertions include antibodies with N-terminal methionine residues. Other insertion variants of the antibody portion include fusions of the N-terminus or C-terminus of the antibody portion with an enzyme (for example for ADEPT) or a polypeptide that increases the serum half-life of the antibody portion.Fc Zone variant
In some embodiments, one or more amino acid modifications can be introduced into the Fc region of full-length anti-RTMC antibodies provided herein, thereby generating Fc region variants. In some embodiments, Fc region variants have enhanced antibody-dependent cytotoxicity (ADCC) effector functions, which are generally associated with binding to Fc receptors (FcR). In some embodiments, Fc region variants have reduced ADCC effector function. There are multiple examples of changes or mutations in the Fc sequence that can alter the effector function. For example, WO 00/42072 and Shields et alJ Biol . Chem
9 (2): 6591-6604 (2001) describes antibody variants with increased or decreased binding to FcR. The contents of these publications are specifically incorporated by reference. Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) is the mechanism of action of therapeutic antibodies on tumor cells. ADCC is a cell-mediated immune defense, whereby effector cells of the immune system actively and efficiently lyse target cells (such as HIV-1 infected cells). The membrane surface antigens of the cells have been combined with specific antibodies (such as anti-RTMC antibodies) ) Combine. Typical ADCC involves the activation of NK cells by antibodies. NK cells appear as CD16 of Fc receptors. This receptor recognizes the Fc portion of the antibody that binds to the surface of the target cell and binds to the Fc portion. The most common Fc receptor on the surface of NK cells is called CD16 or FcγRIII. The binding of the Fc receptor to the Fc region of the antibody results in activation of NK cells, release of cytolytic particles and subsequent apoptosis of target cells. The contribution of ADCC to tumor cell killing can be measured by using a specific test of NK-92 cells that have been transfected with high affinity FcR. The results were compared with wild-type NK-92 cells that did not express FcR. In some embodiments, the present invention covers variants of anti-RTMC constructs that include FC regions with some but not all effector functions, which makes it important for the half-life of anti-RTMC constructs in vivo, while certain effector functions (such as CDC and ADCC) Required candidates for unnecessary or harmful applications. In vitro and / or in vivo cytotoxicity analysis can be performed to confirm the reduction / depletion of CDC and / or ADCC activity. For example, Fc receptor (FcR) binding analysis can be performed to ensure that the antibody lacks FcγR binding (hence likely lacking ADCC activity), but retains FcRn binding ability. Primary cells used to regulate ADCC (NK cells) only express FcγRIII, while monocytes express FcγRI, FcγRII and FcγRIII. The performance of FcR on hematopoietic cells is summarized in Ravetch and Kinet,Annu . Rev . Immunol .
9: 457-492 (1991), page 464, table 3. Non-limiting examples of in vitro analysis to assess the ADCC activity of the molecule of interest are described in U.S. Patent No. 5,500,362 (see for example Hellstrom, I. et al. Proc.Nat ' l Acad . Sci
. USA 83: 7059-7063 (1986)) and Hellstrom, I and others,Proc . Nat ' l Acad . Sci
. USA 82: 1499-1502 (1985); US Patent No. 5,821,337 (see Bruggemann, M. et al.,J . Exp . Med
. 166: 1351-1361 (1987)). Alternatively, non-radioactive analysis methods (see, for example, ACTI ™ non-radioactive cytotoxicity analysis (CellTechnology, Inc. Mountain View, Calif.) For flow cytometry; and CytoTox 96 ™ non-radioactive cytotoxicity analysis ( Promega, Madison, Wis.)). Effector cells suitable for this type of analysis include peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and natural killer (NK) cells. Alternatively or additionally, the ADCC activity of the molecule of interest can be assessed in vivo, for example, as disclosed in Clynes et al.Proc . Nat ' l Acad . Sci
. In the animal model of USA 95: 652-656 (1998). Clq binding analysis can also be performed to confirm that the antibody cannot bind Clq and therefore lacks CDC activity. See, for example, C1q and C3c binding ELISA in WO 2006/029879 and WO 2005/100402. To assess complement activation, CDC analysis can be performed (see for example Gazzano-Santoro et al.,J . Immunol . Methods
202: 163 (1996); Cragg, M.S. and others,Blood
101: 1045-1052 (2003); and Cragg, M.S. and M.J. Glennie,Blood
103: 2738-2743 (2004)). Methods known in the art can also be used (see, for example, Petkova, S. B. et al.,Int ' l . Immunol
. 18 (12): 1759-1769 (2006)) FcRn binding and clearance / half-life determination in vivo. Antibodies with reduced effect function include those antibodies having substitution of one or more of Fc region residues 238, 265, 269, 270, 297, 327 and 329 (US Patent No. 6,737,056). Such Fc mutants include Fc mutants that have substitutions at two or more of amino acid positions 265, 269, 270, 297, and 327, including the so-called "alanine residues 265 and 297 substitutions" "DANA" Fc mutant (US Patent No. 7,332,581). Describe certain antibody variants that have increased or decreased binding to FcR. (See, for example, US Patent No. 6,737,056; WO 2004/056312, and Shields et al.,J . Biol . Chem .
9 (2): 6591-6604 (2001)). In some embodiments, a variant of an anti-RTMC construct (eg, a full-length anti-RTMC antibody) is provided that includes a variant Fc region containing one or more amino acid substitutions of modified ADCC. In some embodiments, the variant Fc region includes one or more amino acid substitutions of modified ADCC, wherein the substitutions are at positions 298, 333, and / or 334 (residue EU numbering) of the variant Fc region. In some embodiments, anti-RTMC construct (eg, full-length anti-RTMC antibody) variants include the following amino acid substitutions in their variant Fc regions: S298A, E333A, and K334A. In some embodiments, changes are made in the Fc region that produces altered (ie, improved or decreased) Clq binding and / or complement dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), such as described in US Patent No. 6,194,551, WO 99/51642 Idusogie and others,J . Immunol
. 164: 4178-4184 (2000). In some embodiments, a variant of an anti-RTMC construct (eg, a full-length anti-RTMC antibody) is provided that includes an amino acid substitution that includes one or more amino acids that increase half-life and / or improve binding to a nascent Fc receptor (FcRn) Of the variant Fc region. Antibodies with increased half-life and improved binding to FcRn are described in US2005 / 0014934A1 (Hinton et al.). These antibodies include an Fc region with one or more substitutions therein, which improves the binding of the Fc region to FcRn. Such Fc variants include those having substitutions at one or more of the following Fc region residues: 238, 256, 265, 272, 286, 303, 305, 307, 311, 312, 317, 340, 356 , 360, 362, 376, 378, 380, 382, 413, 424, or 434, for example, substitution of residue 434 in the Fc region (US Patent No. 7,371,826). For other examples of Fc region variants, see also Duncan and Winter,Nature
322: 738-40 (1988); US Patent No. 5,648,260; US Patent No. 5,624,821; and WO 94/29351. Anti-RTMC constructs (such as full-length anti-RTMC antibodies) comprising any of the Fc variants described herein, or a combination thereof are encompassed.Glycosylation variant
In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC constructs provided herein are modified to increase or decrease the degree of glycosylation of the anti-RTMC constructs. The addition or deletion of the glycosylation site of the anti-RTMC construct can be facilitated by changing the amino acid sequence of the anti-RTMC construct or its polypeptide part, so that one or more glycosylation sites are generated or removed achieve. In the case where the anti-RTMC construct contains an Fc region, the carbohydrate attached to it can be changed. Natural antibodies produced by mammalian cells usually comprise branched-chain biantennary oligosaccharides, which are generally N-linked to Asn297 in the CH2 domain of the Fc region. See for example Wright et al.,TIBTECH
15: 26-32 (1997). Oligosaccharides can include various carbohydrates such as mannose, N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), galactose, and sialic acid, and trehalose attached to GlcNAc in the "backbone" of the biantennary oligosaccharide structure. In some embodiments, modification of oligosaccharides in the anti-RTMC constructs of the present invention can be made to produce anti-RTMC construct variants with certain improved properties. In some embodiments, variants of an anti-RTMC construct (such as a full-length anti-RTMC antibody) comprising an Fc region are provided, wherein the carbohydrate structure attached to the Fc region has reduced or no trehalose, which can improve ADCC function . In particular, covered herein are anti-RTMC constructs with reduced trehalose relative to the amount of trehalose on the same anti-RTMC construct produced in wild-type CHO cells. That is, it is characterized by having a lower amount of trehalose than it would otherwise have if it were produced by natural CHO cells (for example, CHO cells that produce a natural glycosylation pattern, such as CHO cells containing a natural FUT8 gene) . In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a construct in which less than about 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10%, or 5% of the N-linked glycans on it comprise trehalose. For example, the amount of trehalose in such anti-RTMC constructs may be 1% to 80%, 1% to 65%, 5% to 65%, or 20% to 40%. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is one in which none of the N-linked glycans on it contains trehalose, that is, wherein the anti-RTMC construct is completely free of trehalose, or does not have trehalose or is removed Trehalosylated. The amount of trehalose is calculated by summing the trehalose at Asn297 in the sugar chain relative to all sugar structures (e.g. complex, hybridization and high mannose structures) connected to Asn 297 as measured by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry The average amount is determined as described in WO 2008/077546, for example. Asn297 refers to asparagine residues located at approximately position 297 in the Fc region (Eu numbering of residues in the Fc region); however, due to minor sequence variations in the antibody, Asn297 can also be located upstream or downstream of approximately position 297 ± 3 amino acids, that is, between position 294 and position 300. Such trehalosylated variants may have improved ADCC function. See, for example, US Patent Publication No. US 2003/0157108 (Presta, L.); US 2004/0093621 (Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co., Ltd). Examples of publications related to "de-trehalosylated" or "trehalose-deficient" antibody variants include: US 2003/0157108; WO 2000/61739; WO 2001/29246; US 2003/0115614; US 2002/0164328; US 2004/0093621; US 2004/0132140; US 2004/0110704; US 2004/0110282; US 2004/0109865; WO 2003/085119; WO 2003/084570; WO 2005/035586; WO 2005/035778; WO2005 / 053742; WO2002 / 031140; Okazaki et al.J. Mol. Biol
. 336: 1239-1249 (2004); Yamane-Ohnuki et al.. Biotech. Bioeng
. 87: 614 (2004). Examples of cell lines capable of producing trehalosylated antibodies include Lec13 CHO cells lacking protein trehalosylation (Ripka et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 249: 533-545 (1986); US Patent Application No. US 2003/0157108 A1, Presta, L; and WO 2004/056312 A1, Adams et al., Especially Example 11), and gene knockout cell lines, such as α-1,6-trehalosyltransferase gene, FUT8, gene knockout CHO cells (see, for example, Yamane-Ohnuki et al., Biotech. Bioeng. 87: 614 (2004); Kanda, Y. et al., Biotechnol. Bioeng., 94 (4): 680-688 (2006); and WO2003 / 085107 ). Variants of anti-RTMC constructs (such as full-length anti-RTMC antibodies) additionally have bisecting oligosaccharides, for example, diantennary oligosaccharides in which the Fc region linked to the anti-RTMC construct is bisected by GlcNAc. Such anti-RTMC construct variants (such as full-length anti-RTMC antibody) variants may have reduced trehalosylation and / or improved ADCC function. Examples of such antibody variants are described in, for example, WO 2003/011878 (Jean-Mairet et al.); US Patent No. 6,602,684 (Umana et al.); US 2005/0123546 (Umana et al.) And Ferrara et al.,Biotechnology and Bioengineering
, 93 (5): 851-861 (2006). Variants of anti-RTMC constructs (such as full-length anti-RTMC antibodies) having at least one galactose residue in the oligosaccharide linked to the Fc region are also provided. Such anti-RTMC construct variants may have improved CDC function. Such antibody variants are described in, for example, WO 1997/30087 (Patel et al.); WO 1998/58964 (Raju, S.); and WO 1999/22764 (Raju, S.). In some embodiments, Fc region-containing anti-RTMC constructs (such as full-length anti-RTMC antibody variants are capable of binding to FcyRIII. In some embodiments, Fc region-containing anti-RTMC constructs (such as full-length anti-RTMC antibody) variants ADCC activity in the presence of human effector cells or increased ADCC activity in the presence of human effector cells compared to another identical anti-RTMC construct (such as a full-length anti-RTMC antibody) comprising human wild-type IgG1 Fc region.Cysteine engineered variants
In some embodiments, it may be necessary to generate cysteine engineered anti-RTMC constructs (such as full-length anti-RTMC antibodies) in which one or more amino acid residues are substituted with cysteine residues. In some embodiments, the substituted residue is present at an accessible site of the anti-RTMC construct. By replacing their residues with cysteine, the reactive thiol group is thus located at an accessible site of the anti-RTMC construct and can be used to bind the anti-RTMC construct to other parts, such as drug moieties or linkers -A drug moiety to produce an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate, as described further herein. Cysteine engineered anti-RTMC constructs (such as full-length anti-RTMC antibodies) can be generated as described in, for example, US Patent No. 7,521,541.derivative
In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC constructs provided herein can be further modified to contain additional non-protein portions known in the art and readily available. Parts suitable for anti-RTMC construct derivatization include (but are not limited to) water soluble polymers. Non-limiting examples of water-soluble polymers include, but are not limited to, polyethylene glycol (PEG), ethylene glycol / propylene glycol copolymer, carboxymethyl cellulose, polydextrose, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinylpyrrolidone, Poly-1,3-dioxolane, poly-1,3,6-trioxane, ethylene / maleic anhydride copolymer, polyamino acid (homopolymer or random copolymer) and Polydextrose or poly (n-vinylpyrrolidone) polyethylene glycol, propylene glycol homopolymer, polyoxypropylene / ethylene oxide copolymer, polyoxyethylene polyol (such as glycerin), polyvinyl alcohol, and mixtures thereof. Polyethylene glycol propionaldehyde can have advantages in production due to its stability in water. The polymer can have any molecular weight and can be branched or unbranched. The number of polymers attached to the RTMC-resistant construct can vary, and if more than one polymer is attached, they can be the same or different molecules. In general, the number and / or type of polymers used for derivatization can be based on including (but not limited to) the specific characteristics or functions of the anti-RTMC construct to be improved, and whether the anti-RTMC construct derivative will be used under limited conditions Considerations such as treatment. In some embodiments, a combination of an anti-RTMC construct and a non-proteinaceous moiety that can be selectively heated by exposure to radiation is provided. In some embodiments, the non-protein portion is a carbon nanotube (Kam et al.,Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA
102: 11600-11605 (2005)). The radiation may have any wavelength, and includes, but is not limited to, wavelengths that do not damage normal cells but heat the non-protein portion to a temperature that kills cells proximal to the anti-RTMC construct-non-protein portion.Preparation of chimeric receptor effector cells
In one aspect, the invention provides effector cells (such as lymphocytes, such as T cells) that exhibit anti-RTMC chimeric receptors (such as anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR). Provided herein are exemplary methods for preparing effector cells (such as T cells) expressing anti-RTMC chimeric receptors (anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cells, such as anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR T cells). In some embodiments, anti-RTMC chimeric receptor (such as anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR) effector cells (such as T cells) can be introduced into the effector by introducing a vector (including, for example, a lentiviral vector) that encodes the following sequence Produced in cells (such as T cells): anti-RTMC CAR (for example, CAR containing anti-RTMC antibody portion and CD28 or 4-1BB and CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequences) or anti-RTMC abTCR. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cells (such as T cells) of the present invention are capable of replicating in vivo, causing long-term persistence that can lead to continued control of HIV-1 infection. In some embodiments, the present invention relates to the administration of genetically modified T cells expressing anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR for the use of lymphocyte infusion to treat patients at or at risk of HIV-1 infection patient. In some embodiments, autologous lymphocyte infusion is used in the treatment. Autologous PBMCs are collected from patients in need of treatment and T cells are activated and expanded using methods described herein and known in the art, and then infused back into the patients. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC CAR T cells exhibit anti-RTMC CAR that includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion (also referred to herein as "anti-RTMC CAR T cells"). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC CAR T cells express an anti-RTMC CAR that includes an extracellular domain that contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion and an intracellular domain that includes the intracellular signaling sequences of CD3ζ and CD28 and / or 4-1BB. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR T cells express an anti-RTMC abTCR that includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion (also referred to herein as "anti-RTMC abTCR T cells"). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC abTCR T cell expression comprises the following anti-RTMC abTCR: a) the extracellular domain, which comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein; And b) T cell receptor module (TCRM), which can recruit at least one TCR related signaling module. The anti-RTMC chimeric receptor T cells (such as anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR T cells) of the present invention can withstand stable in vivo T cell expansion, and can be established at a higher level to remain in the blood and bone marrow. Long-term RTMC-specific memory cells. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC chimeric receptor T cells of the present invention infused into patients can eliminate RTMC presenting cells, such as RTMC presenting HIV-1 infected cells, in patients with HIV-1 infection in vivo. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC chimeric receptor T cells of the present invention infused into patients can eliminate RTMC presenting cells in vivo in patients with HIV-1 infection that are difficult to treat with at least one conventional treatment, such as RTMC presents HIV-1 infected cells. Prior to T cell expansion and genetic modification, T cell sources were obtained from individuals. T cells can be obtained from many sources, including peripheral blood mononuclear cells, bone marrow, lymph node tissue, umbilical cord blood, thymus tissue, tissue from the site of infection, ascites, pleural effusion, spleen tissue, and tumors. In some embodiments of the invention, any number of T cell lines available in the technology can be used. In some embodiments of the invention, T cells can be obtained from any number of blood units collected from the individual using techniques known to those skilled in the art, such as Ficoll ™ isolation. In some embodiments, cells from the circulating blood of the individual are obtained by haemocytosis. Hemocytosis products usually contain lymphocytes, including T cells, monocytes, granulocytes, B cells, other nucleated white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. In some embodiments, the cells collected by hemocytolysis can be washed to remove the plasma fraction and placed in an appropriate buffer or medium for subsequent processing steps. In some embodiments, the cells are washed with phosphate buffered saline (PBS). In some embodiments, the wash solution lacks calcium and may lack magnesium or may lack many, if not all, divalent cations. As one of ordinary skill will readily understand, the washing step can be achieved by methods known to those skilled in the art, such as by using a semi-automatic "flow-through" centrifuge according to the manufacturer's instructions (eg, Cobe 2991 cell processor, Baxter CytoMate or Haemonetics Cell holder 5). After washing, cells can be resuspended in a variety of biocompatible buffers, such as Ca-free2+
, Without Mg2+
PBS, PlasmaLyte A or other physiological saline solution with or without buffer. Alternatively, undesired components of the hemocytometer sample can be removed and the cells resuspended directly in the medium. In some embodiments, T cells are isolated from peripheral blood lymphocytes by lysing red blood cells and depleting monocytes, for example, by PERCOLL ™ gradient centrifugation or by countercurrent centrifugation. Specific subsets of T cells (such as CD3+
, CD28+
, CD4+
, CD8+
, CD45RA+
And CD45RO+
T cells) can be further separated by positive selection or negative selection techniques. For example, in some embodiments, by incubating with anti-CD3 / anti-CD28 (ie, 3 × 28) binding beads (such as DYNABEADS® M-450 CD3 / CD28 T), sufficient T cells are selected for positive selection Time to isolate T cells. In some embodiments, the time period is about 30 minutes. In some embodiments, the time period is in the range of 30 minutes to 36 hours or longer and all integer values in between. In some embodiments, the time period is at least 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 hours. In some embodiments, the time period is 10 to 24 hours. In some embodiments, the incubation period is 24 hours. To isolate T cells from patients with leukemia, the use of longer incubation times (such as 24 hours) can increase cell yield. In any case where there are very few T cells compared to other cell types, a longer incubation time may be used to isolate T cells, such as the isolation of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) from tumor tissue or immunocompromised individuals. In addition, using a longer incubation time can improve the capture of CD8+
T cell efficiency. Therefore, by only shortening or prolonging the time allowing T cells to bind to CD3 / CD28 beads and / or by increasing or decreasing the ratio of beads to T cells, other times during the initiation of culture or method Click to select T cell subsets first. In addition, by increasing or decreasing the ratio of anti-CD3 and / or anti-CD28 antibodies on beads or other surfaces, T cell subpopulations can be preferentially selected for or for initiation of culture or other time points. Those skilled in the art will recognize that multiple selection rounds can also be used in the context of the present invention. In some embodiments, it may be necessary to perform a selection procedure and use "unselected" cells during activation and expansion. "Unselected" cells can also withstand other selection rounds. Enriched T cell populations by negative selection can achieve negative selection using a combination of antibodies against surface markers that are different from negative selection cells. One method is to sort and / or select cells by negative magnetic immunoadhesion or flow cytometry, which uses a single strain against cell surface markers present on negative selection cells Antibody mixture. For example, to enrich CD4 by negative selection+
Cells, monoclonal antibody mixtures usually include antibodies to CD14, CD20, CD11b, CD16, HLA-DR and CD8. In some embodiments, it may be necessary to enrich or positively select regulatory T cells, which typically exhibit CD4+
, CD25+
, CD62Lhi, GITR+
And FoxP3+
. Alternatively, in some embodiments, T regulatory cells are depleted by anti-CD25 binding beads or other similar selection methods. In order to separate the desired cell population by positive selection or negative selection, the cell concentration and surface (eg particles, such as beads) can be varied. In some embodiments, it may be necessary to significantly reduce the volume of beads and cells mixed together (ie, increase the cell concentration) to ensure maximum contact between cells and beads. For example, in some embodiments, a concentration of about 2 billion cells / ml is used. In some embodiments, a concentration of about 1 billion cells / ml is used. In some embodiments, greater than about 100 million cells / ml are used. In some embodiments, about 10 million, 15 million, 20 million, 25 million, 30 million, 35 million, 40 million, 45 million, or 5,000 are used The cell concentration of any one of 10,000 cells / ml. In some embodiments, a concentration of any of about 75 million, 80 million, 85 million, 90 million, 95 million, or 100 million cells / ml is used. In some embodiments, a concentration of about 125 million cells or about 150 million cells / ml is used. The use of high concentrations can lead to increased cell yield, cell activation and cell expansion. In addition, the use of a high cell concentration allows more effective capture of target antigens that may be of weak performance (such as CD28 negative T cells) or cells from samples where there are many tumor cells (ie, leukemia blood, tumor tissue, etc.). Such cell populations may have therapeutic value and will need to be obtained. For example, the use of high cell concentrations allows more efficient selection of CD8, which usually has weaker CD28 performance+
T cells. In some embodiments of the invention, T cells are obtained directly from the patient after treatment. In this regard, it has been observed that after certain cancer treatments, specifically after treatment with drugs that damage the immune system, shortly after treatment, during which patients usually recover from the treatment period, the quality of T cells obtained may be optimal Its ability to expand in vitro has been improved. Likewise, after ex vivo manipulation using the methods described herein, enhanced transplantation and in vivo expansion of these cells may be in a better state. Therefore, the collection of blood cells (including T cells), dendritic cells, or other cells of the hematopoietic lineage during this recovery phase is covered within the context of the present invention. In addition, in some embodiments, movement (eg, movement with GM-CSF) and adjustment schemes can be used to establish conditions within the individual, where it is advisable to reproliferate, recycle, regenerate, and / or expand, especially during the established time window after treatment Increase specific cell types. Illustrative cell types include T cells, B cells, dendritic cells, and other cells of the immune system. Whether before or after genetically modifying T cells to express the desired anti-RTMC chimeric receptor (such as anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR), T cells can generally be activated and expanded using methods such as those described in the following : U.S. Patent No. 6,352,694; U.S. Patent No. 6,534,055; U.S. Patent No. 6,905,680; U.S. Patent No. 6,692,964; U.S. Patent No. 5,858,358; U.S. Patent No. 6,887,466; U.S. Patent No. 6,905,681; U.S. Patent No. 7,144,575; U.S. Patent No. 7,067,318; U.S. Patent No. 7,172,869; U.S. Patent No. 7,232,566; U.S. Patent No. 7,175,843; U.S. Patent No. 5,883,223; U.S. Patent No. 6,905,874; U.S. Patent No. 6,797,514; U.S. Patent No. 6,867,041; and U.S. Patent Application Open Case No. 20060121005. In general, the T cells of the present invention are expanded by contacting the surface to which they are connected with an agent that stimulates signals related to the CD3 / TCR complex and ligands that stimulate costimulatory molecules on the surface of the T cells. In particular, the T cell population may be such as by contact with an anti-CD3 antibody or antigen-binding fragment thereof, or an anti-CD2 antibody immobilized on the surface, or by a protein kinase C activator (such as moss) bound to a calcium ionophore Insecticidal) stimulated by contact. To co-stimulate accessory molecules on the surface of T cells, ligands that bind accessory molecules are used. For example, the T cell population can be contacted with anti-CD3 antibodies and anti-CD28 antibodies under conditions suitable to stimulate T cell proliferation. To stimulate CD4+
T cells or CD8+
For the proliferation of T cells, anti-CD3 antibodies and anti-CD28 antibodies can be used. Examples of anti-CD28 antibodies include 9.3, B-T3, XR-CD28 (Diaclone, Besançon, France), which can be generally used by other methods generally known in this technology (Berg et al.Transplant Proc
.30 (8): 3975-3977, 1998; Haanen et al.,J . Exp . Med
. 190 (9): 13191328, 1999; Garland et al,J . Immunol Meth
. 227 (1-2): 53-63, 1999).Immune conjugate preparation
Anti-RTMC immunoconjugates can be prepared using any method known in the art. See, for example, WO 2009/067800, WO 2011/133886, and US Patent Application Publication No. 2014322129, which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. The anti-RTMC antibody portion of the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate can be "linked" to the effector molecule by any method, and the anti-RTMC antibody portion can be bound to the effector molecule or linked to the effector molecule by this method. For example, the anti-RTMC antibody portion of the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate can be linked to the effector molecule by chemical or recombinant methods. Chemical methods for preparing fusions or conjugates are known in the art and can be used to prepare anti-RTMC immunoconjugates. The method used to bind the anti-RTMC antibody moiety to the effector molecule must be able to conjugate the binding protein to the effector molecule without interfering with the binding protein's ability to bind to the antigen on the target cell. The anti-RTMC antibody portion of the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate can be indirectly linked to the effector molecule. For example, the anti-RTMC antibody portion of the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate can be directly linked to liposomes containing effector molecules of one of several types. Effector molecules and / or anti-RTMC antibody moieties can also bind to solid surfaces. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion of the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate and the effector molecule are both proteins and can be bound using techniques well known in the art. There are hundreds of available cross-linking agents that can bind two proteins. (See, for example, "Chemistry of Protein Conjugation and Crosslinking". 1991, Shans Wong, CRC Press, Ann Arbor). The cross-linking agent is generally selected based on the reactive functional groups available or inserted into the anti-RTMC antibody moiety and / or effector molecule. In addition, if no reactive groups are present, a photoactivatable crosslinking agent can be used. In some cases, it may be necessary to include a spacer between the anti-RTMC antibody portion and the effector molecule. The crosslinking agents known in the art include homobifunctional agents: glutaraldehyde, dimethyl diiminoadipate, and bis (diazobenzidine); and heterobifunctional agents: m-cis-butadiene diacetyl Aminobenzyl-N-hydroxysuccinimide and sulfonate-m-maleimide dibenzimidylbenzyl-N-hydroxysuccinimide. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion of the anti-RTMC immunoconjugate can be engineered with specific residues to chemically link effector molecules. Specific residues known in the art for chemically linking molecules include lysine and cysteine. The cross-linking agent is selected based on the reactive functional groups inserted on the anti-RTMC antibody moiety and on the effector molecule. Anti-RTMC immunoconjugates can also be prepared using recombinant DNA technology. In this case, the DNA sequence encoding the anti-RTMC antibody portion is fused to the DNA sequence encoding the effector molecule, resulting in a chimeric DNA molecule. The chimeric DNA sequence is transfected into host cells expressing the fusion protein. The fusion protein can be recovered from the cell culture and purified using techniques known in the art. Examples of linking effector molecules (which are labels) to binding proteins include the methods described in the following: Hunter et al.,Nature
144: 945 (1962); David et al.,Biochemistry
13: 1014 (1974); Pain et al.,J . Immunol . Meth
. 40: 219 (1981); Nygren,J . Histochem . and Cytochem
. 30: 407 (1982); Wensel and Meares,Radioimmunoimaging And Radioimmunotherapy
, Elsevier, N.Y. (1983); and Colcher et al., "Use Of Monoclonal Antibodies As Radiopharmaceuticals For The Localization Of Human Carcinoma Xenografts In Athymic Mice",Meth . Enzymol .
, 121: 802-16 (1986). Radioactive or other labels can be incorporated into the immunoconjugate in a known manner. For example, peptides can be biosynthesized or can be synthesized by chemical amino acid synthesis using suitable amino acid precursors (including, for example, fluorine-19 instead of hydrogen). Such as99
Tc or123
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The label of In can be connected via a cysteine residue in the peptide. Yttrium-90 can be attached via lysine residues. The IODOGEN method (Fraker et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 80: 49-57 (1978)) can be used to incorporate iodine-123. "Monoclonal Antibodies in Immunoscintigraphy" (Chatal, CRC Press 1989) describes other methods in detail. Immunoconjugates of antibody moieties and cytotoxic agents can be prepared using a variety of such as the following: bifunctional protein coupling agent, N-butanediimido-3- (2-pyridyldithio) propionate (SPDP) , Butadiene imino-4- (N-maleimide diiminomethyl) cyclohexane-1-carboxylate (SMCC), iminothiolane (IT); amide Bifunctional derivatives of imine esters (such as dimethyl diimino adipate HCl); active esters (such as dibutylenediimidate suberate); aldehydes (such as glutaraldehyde); double stacks Nitrogen-based compounds (such as bis (p-azidobenzyl) hexamethylenediamine); double nitrogen derivatives (such as bis (p-diazobenzyl) -ethylenediamine); diisocyanates (such as toluene 2, 6-diisocyanate); and double-active fluorine compounds (such as 1,5-difluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene). For example, the ricin toxin immunotoxin may be such as Vitetta et al.,Science
238: 1098 (1987). Carbon 14-labeled 1-isothiocyanatobenzyl-3-methyldiethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (MX-DTPA) is an exemplary chelating agent for binding radionucleotide to antibodies. See for example WO94 / 11026. The linker may be a "cleavable linker" that promotes the release of cytotoxic drugs in cells. For example, acid labile linkers, peptidase sensitive linkers, photolabile linkers, dimethyl linkers or disulfide bond-containing linkers (Chari et al.,Cancer Research
52: 127-131 (1992); US Patent No. 5,208,020). The anti-RTMC immunoconjugates of the present invention specifically cover but are not limited to ADCs prepared with crosslinker reagents: BMPS, EMCS, GMBS, HBVS, LC-SMCC, MBS, MPBH, SBAP, SIA, SIAB, SMCC, SMPB, SMPH , Sulfo-EMCS, sulfo-GMBS, sulfo-KMUS, sulfo-MBS, sulfo-SIAB, sulfo-SMCC and sulfo-SMPB, and SVSB (succinimide- (4-ethylene Base)), which is commercially available (for example from Pierce Biotechnology, Inc., Rockford, IL., USA). See pages 467-498, 2003-2004 Applications Handbook and Catalog.Pharmaceutical composition
Also provided herein are compositions comprising anti-RTMC constructs (such as pharmaceutical compositions, also referred to herein as formulations). In some embodiments, the composition further comprises cells (such as effector cells, such as T cells) that bind to the anti-RTMC construct. In some embodiments, a pharmaceutical composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier is provided. In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition further comprises cells (such as effector cells, such as T cells) that bind to the anti-RTMC construct. Suitable formulations of anti-RTMC constructs are obtained by combining anti-RTMC constructs with the required purity with pharmaceutically acceptable carriers, excipients or stabilizers as appropriateRemington ' s Pharmaceutical Sciences
16th edition, Osol, A. (1980)) is obtained by mixing lyophilized formulations or aqueous solutions. Acceptable carriers, excipients or stabilizers are non-toxic to the recipient at the dosage and concentration used and include: buffers such as phosphates, citrates and other organic acids; antioxidants including ascorbic acid And methionine; preservatives (such as octadecyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride; hexahydroxy ammonium chloride; benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride; phenol, butanol or benzene Methanol; alkyl parabens, such as methyl paraben or propyl paraben; catechol; resorcinol; cyclohexanol; 3-pentanol; and m-cresol); low Polypeptides of molecular weight (less than about 10 residues); proteins, such as serum albumin, gelatin, or immunoglobulins; hydrophilic polymers, such as polyvinylpyrrolidone; amino acids, such as glycine, glutamic acid, Aspartic acid, histidine, arginine, or lysine; monosaccharides, disaccharides, and other carbohydrates, including glucose, mannose, or dextrin; chelating agents, such as EDTA; sugars, such as sucrose, mannitol, Trehalose or sorbitol; salt-forming counter ions, such as sodium; metal complexes (eg (Eg Zn-protein complex); and / or non-ionic surfactants such as TWEEN ™, PLURONICS ™ or polyethylene glycol (PEG). Exemplary formulations are described in WO98 / 56418, which is expressly incorporated herein by reference. Lyophilized formulations suitable for subcutaneous administration are described in WO97 / 04801. Such a lyophilized formulation can be reconstituted to a high protein concentration by a suitable diluent and the reconstituted formulation can be administered subcutaneously to the subject to be treated herein. Lipofectin / liposome can be used to deliver the anti-RTMC construct of the present invention into cells. The formulations herein may also contain one or more active compounds other than anti-RTMC constructs (depending on the needs of the particular indication being treated), preferably those with complementary activities that do not adversely affect each other. For example, it may be necessary to further provide anti-neoplastic agents, growth inhibitors, cytotoxic agents, or chemotherapeutic agents in addition to anti-RTMC constructs. Such molecules are preferably present in the combination in an amount effective for the intended purpose. The effective amount of such other agents depends on the amount of anti-RTMC constructs present in the formulation, the stage of HIV-1 infection, and other factors discussed above. These agents are generally used at about 1% to 99% of the same dose and route of administration as described herein or the doses used to date. It is also possible to embed the anti-RTMC construct in the prepared microcapsules by, for example, coagulation technology or interfacial polymerization, such as hydroxymethyl cellulose or gelatin microcapsules and poly- (methyl methacrylate) microcapsules Embedding in colloidal drug delivery systems (such as liposomes, albumin microspheres, microemulsions, nanoparticles and nanocapsules) or in giant emulsions. Such techniques are revealed inRemington ' s Pharmaceutical Sciences
16th edition, edited by Osol, A. (1980). Sustained-release preparations can be prepared. Sustained-release formulations against RTMC constructs can be prepared. Suitable examples of sustained-release preparations include semipermeable matrices of solid hydrophobic polymers containing antibodies (or fragments thereof), which matrices are in the form of shaped articles, such as films or microcapsules. Examples of sustained-release matrices include polyester, hydrogel (eg, poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) or poly (vinyl alcohol)), polylactide (US Patent No. 3,773,919), L-glutamine Copolymers of acid and ethyl-L-glutamine ester, non-degradable ethylene-vinyl acetate, such as Lupron DEPOTTM (injectable microspheres composed of lactic acid-glycolic acid copolymer and leuprolide acetate ) Of degradable lactic acid-glycolic acid copolymer and poly-D-(-)-3-hydroxybutyric acid. Although polymers such as ethylene-vinyl acetate and lactic acid-glycolic acid allow sustained release of molecules for more than 100 days, some hydrogels release proteins for a shorter period of time. If the encapsulated antibody remains in the body for a long time, it may be denatured or aggregated by exposure to water at 37 ° C, causing loss of biological activity and possible changes in immunogenicity. Depending on the relevant mechanism, a reasonable strategy for stabilizing the RTMC structure can be designed. For example, if the aggregation mechanism is found to form intermolecular SS bonds through sulfide-disulfide exchange, stabilization can be achieved by modifying sulfhydryl residues, freeze drying from acidic solutions, controlling moisture content, using appropriate additives and The specific polymer matrix composition is achieved. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is formulated in a buffer containing citrate, NaCl, acetate, succinate, glycine, polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), or any combination of the foregoing. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is formulated in a buffer containing about 100 mM to about 150 mM glycine. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is formulated in a buffer containing about 50 mM to about 100 mM NaCl. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is formulated in a buffer containing about 10 mM to about 50 mM acetate. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is formulated in a buffer containing about 10 mM to about 50 mM succinate. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is formulated in a buffer containing about 0.005% to about 0.02% polysorbate 80. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is formulated in a buffer with a pH between about 5.1 and 5.6. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is formulated in a buffer containing 10 mM citrate, 100 mM NaCl, 100 mM glycine, and 0.01% polysorbate 80, where the pH of the formulation is 5.5. The formulation administered in vivo must be sterile. This is easily achieved by, for example, filtration through a sterile filtration membrane.Use anti RTMC Constructive treatment
The anti-RTMC construct and / or composition of the present invention can be administered to an individual (eg, a mammal, such as a human) to treat HIV-1 infection. Therefore, in some embodiments, the present application provides a method of treating HIV-1 infection in an individual, which comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition (such as a pharmaceutical composition), the composition comprising an anti-RTMC antibody-containing portion Anti-RTMC constructs, such as any of the anti-RTMC constructs described herein. In some embodiments, the composition further comprises cells (such as effector cells) that bind to the anti-RTMC construct. For example, in some embodiments, there is provided a method of treating HIV-1 infection in an individual, which comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising a specific binding to a complex (including HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein) anti-RTMC constructs of anti-RTMC antibody part. In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide comprises (such as consisting of) the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 5-18. In some embodiments, the HIV-1 RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9). In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, the MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is non-naturally occurring. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a full-length antibody. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a multispecific (such as bispecific) molecule. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a chimeric antigen receptor. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is an immunoconjugate. In some embodiments, the composition further comprises cells (such as effector cells) that bind to the anti-RTMC construct. In some embodiments, the individual is a human. In some embodiments, there is provided a method of treating HIV-1 infection in an individual comprising administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex The complex contains HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8), or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9) peptide and HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is non-naturally occurring. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a full-length antibody. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a multispecific (such as bispecific) molecule. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a chimeric antigen receptor. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is an immunoconjugate. In some embodiments, the composition further comprises cells (such as effector cells) that bind to the anti-RTMC construct. In some embodiments, the individual is a human. In some embodiments, there is provided a method of treating HIV-1 infection in an individual comprising administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex The complex comprises HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, wherein the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain sequence, which comprises HC-CDR1, which comprises the amino acid of SEQ ID NO: 240 Sequence or variants comprising up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions; HC-CDR2, which comprises the amine of any of SEQ ID NOs: 241-244 Base acid sequence or variants comprising up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions; and HC-CDR3, which includes any of SEQ ID NO: 245-246 The amino acid sequence of it may comprise up to about 3 (eg about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) the light chain variable domain comprising LC-CDR1, It comprises an amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249 or a variant thereof comprising at most about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions; and LC -CDR3, its package SEQ ID NO: 250-253 in the amino acid sequence of any one of or contains up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, 2 or 3 according to any one of) amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, there is provided a method of treating HIV-1 infection in an individual comprising administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, wherein the anti-RTMC antibody part contains: i) heavy chain variable domain sequence, which contains HC-CDR1, which contains the amino acid of SEQ ID NO: 240 Sequence; HC-CDR2, which contains the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 241-244; and HC-CDR3, which contains the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 245-246 ; And ii) a light chain variable domain comprising LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 247-249; and LC-CDR3 comprising SEQ ID NO: 250-253 Any one of the amino acid sequences. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is non-naturally occurring. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a full-length antibody. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a multispecific (such as bispecific) molecule. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a chimeric antigen receptor. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is an immunoconjugate. In some embodiments, the composition further comprises cells (such as effector cells) that bind to the anti-RTMC construct. In some embodiments, the individual is a human. In some embodiments, there is provided a method of treating HIV-1 infection in an individual comprising administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex This complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, wherein the anti-RTMC antibody part contains: i) heavy chain variable domain sequence, which contains HC-CDR1, which contains SEQ ID NO: 75-96 The amino acid sequence of any one or variants containing up to about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions; HC-CDR2, which includes SEQ ID NO : An amino acid sequence of any one of 97-124 or a variant thereof comprising at most about 5 (eg, any of about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions; and HC- CDR3, which contains the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163 or contains up to about 5 (eg, about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions Variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain sequence comprising LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 164-189 or comprising up to about 5 (eg about 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 One) amino acid substituted variants thereof; LC-CDR2, which contains the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 190-207 or contains up to about 3 (eg, about 1, 2 or 3) Any one of them) amino acid substituted variants thereof; and LC-CDR3, which comprises the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 or contains up to about 5 (eg, about 1, 2 , Any of 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, there is provided a method of treating HIV-1 infection in an individual comprising administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex This complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, wherein the anti-RTMC antibody part contains: i) heavy chain variable domain sequence, which contains HC-CDR1, which contains SEQ ID NO: 75-96 The amino acid sequence of any one; HC-CDR2, which includes the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124; and HC-CDR3, which includes any one of SEQ ID NO: 125-163 An amino acid sequence of one; or a variant comprising at most about 5 (eg, any of about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions included in the HC-CDR sequence; and ii ) Light chain variable domain sequence, which contains LC-CDR1, which contains the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 164-189; LC-CDR2, which contains any of SEQ ID NO: 190-207 Amino acid sequence of one; and LC-CDR3, which contains the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239; or up to about 5 (eg, about 1, in the LC-CDR sequence) 2, 3, Either 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, there is provided a method of treating HIV-1 infection in an individual comprising administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex This complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, wherein the anti-RTMC antibody part contains: i) heavy chain variable domain sequence, which contains HC-CDR1, which contains SEQ ID NO: 75-96 The amino acid sequence of any one; HC-CDR2, which includes the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124; and HC-CDR3, which includes any one of SEQ ID NO: 125-163 The amino acid sequence of one; and ii) the light chain variable domain sequence, which comprises LC-CDR1, which comprises the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 164-189; LC-CDR2, which comprises The amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and LC-CDR3, which contains the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is non-naturally occurring. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a full-length antibody. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a multispecific (such as bispecific) molecule. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a chimeric antigen receptor. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is an immunoconjugate. In some embodiments, the composition further comprises cells (such as effector cells) that bind to the anti-RTMC construct. In some embodiments, the individual is a human. In some embodiments, there is provided a method of treating HIV-1 infection in an individual comprising administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex The complex comprises HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, wherein the anti-RTMC antibody part comprises: a heavy chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 19-46 or Variants thereof having at least about 95% (e.g., at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity; and a light chain variable domain comprising SEQ ID NO: 47-74 The amino acid sequence of any of them or a variant thereof having at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity. In some embodiments, there is provided a method of treating HIV-1 infection in an individual comprising administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct comprising an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex The complex comprises HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, wherein the anti-RTMC antibody part comprises: a heavy chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 19-46; And a light chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 47-74. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is non-naturally occurring. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a full-length antibody. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a multispecific (such as bispecific) molecule. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a chimeric antigen receptor. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is an immunoconjugate. In some embodiments, the composition further comprises cells (such as effector cells) that bind to the anti-RTMC construct. In some embodiments, the individual is a human. For example, in some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct included in a composition administered to an individual in a method of treating HIV-1 infection includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion containing heavy chain and light chain variable domains, heavy The chain and light chain variable domains include HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3 containing the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, respectively SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, respectively SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169 , 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110 , 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO : 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, respectively SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, respectively SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 And 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151 , 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93 , 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 2 respectively 14, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, 173, 206 and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, respectively SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239; or individually at HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 and / or LC-CDR3 contain up to about 5 (e.g. about any of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) amino acid substitutions and And / or include variants of up to about 3 (eg, about any of 1, 2, or 3) amino acid substitutions in LC-CDR2. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct included in a composition administered to an individual in a method of treating HIV-1 infection comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion containing heavy and light chain variable domains, heavy and light chains The variable domain includes HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3 containing the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, respectively, 190 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, respectively SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, respectively SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198, and 220, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199, and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, respectively SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, respectively SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively S EQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205, and 236, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191, and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, respectively 173, 206 and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239, respectively; or in the HC-CDR sequence Contains up to about 5 (such as about any of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) amino acid substitutions and / or up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3, Either 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct included in a composition administered to an individual in a method of treating HIV-1 infection comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion containing heavy and light chain variable domains, heavy and light chains The variable domain includes HC-CDR1, HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1, LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3 containing the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 75, 97, 125, 164, respectively, 190 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, respectively SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, respectively SEQ ID NO: 78, 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, respectively SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, respectively SEQ ID NO: 83, 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198, and 220, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199, and 221, respectively SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, respectively SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, respectively SEQ ID NO: 89, 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, respectively SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, respectively SEQ ID NO: 81, 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, respectively SEQ ID NO: 82, 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, SEQ ID NO: 82, 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, respectively SEQ ID NO: 91, 119, 151, 181, 191 and 230, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, respectively SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, respectively SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, respectively SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, respectively S EQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, respectively SEQ ID NO: 85, 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205, and 236, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191, and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161, respectively 173, 206 and 237, respectively SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239, respectively. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct included in a composition administered to an individual in a method of treating HIV-1 infection comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion containing heavy and light chain variable domains, heavy and light chains The variable domain contains the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 19 and 47, SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, respectively , SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, respectively , SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, respectively SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59 respectively, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60 respectively , SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, respectively , SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, respectively , SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 44 72, SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74, respectively; or individually having at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99% The variant of sequence identity. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC antibody portion comprises heavy and light chain variable domains, the heavy chain and light chain variable domains comprise the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NOs: 19 and 47, respectively, SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, SEQ ID, respectively NO: 25 and 53, respectively SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, respectively SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, respectively SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, respectively SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, respectively SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, SEQ ID, respectively NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, SEQ ID, respectively NO: 40 and 68, SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, SEQ ID, respectively NO: 45 and 73, or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74, respectively. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct included in a composition administered to an individual in a method of treating HIV-1 infection includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion that includes the following heavy and light chain variable domains : Amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NOs: 27 and 55, or variants thereof that individually have at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity . In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct included in the composition administered to an individual in a method of treating HIV-1 infection comprises an anti-RTMC antibody portion containing a heavy chain variable domain and a light chain variable domain, the heavy chain And the light chain variable domain comprise the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, respectively. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct included in a composition administered to an individual in a method of treating HIV-1 infection includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion that includes the following heavy and light chain variable domains : Amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NOs: 30 and 58, or variants thereof that individually have at least about 95% (eg, at least about any of 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99%) sequence identity . In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct included in a composition administered to an individual in a method of treating HIV-1 infection includes an anti-RTMC antibody portion that includes the following heavy and light chain variable domains : SEQ ID NO: amino acid sequence of 30 and 58. In some embodiments of any of the methods for treating HIV-1 infection described above, the anti-RTMC construct is combined with cells (such as immune cells, such as T cells) before administration to the individual . Thus, by way of example, a method of treating HIV-1 infection in an individual is provided, which comprises: a) combining any of the anti-RTMC constructs described herein with cells (such as immune cells, such as T cells) , Forming an anti-RTMC construct / cell conjugate, and b) administering an effective amount of a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct / cell conjugate to an individual. In some embodiments, the cells are derived from individuals. In some embodiments, the cells are not derived from the individual. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is bound to the cell by a molecule covalently attached to the cell surface. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is bound to the cell by a molecule that is non-covalently attached to the cell surface. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is bound to the cell by inserting a portion of the anti-RTMC construct into the outer cell membrane. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is non-naturally occurring. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a full-length antibody. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a multispecific (such as bispecific) molecule. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is a chimeric antigen receptor. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is an immunoconjugate. In some embodiments, the individual is a human. In some embodiments, the individual is a mammal (eg, human, non-human primate, rat, mouse, cow, horse, pig, sheep, goat, dog, cat, etc.). In some embodiments, the individual is a human. In some embodiments, the individual is a clinical patient, clinical trial volunteer, laboratory animal, or the like. In some embodiments, the individual is less than about 60 years old (including, for example, any age less than about 50, 40, 30, 25, 20, 15, or 10 years old). In some embodiments, the individual is older than about 60 years of age (including, for example, any age greater than about 70, 80, 90, or 100 years old). In some embodiments, the individual is diagnosed with HIV-1 infection. In some embodiments, the present application provides for delivery of an anti-RTMC construct (such as any of the anti-RTMC constructs described herein) in an individual to present on its surface an HIV-1 RT peptide and A method of cells of a complex of MHC class I proteins, the method comprising administering to a subject a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct to be delivered binds to cells (such as effector cells, such as T cells). Many diagnostic methods for HIV-1 infection are known in the art. Such methods include, but are not limited to, for example, immunohistochemistry, PCR, and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC constructs and / or compositions of the present invention are administered in combination with a second, third, or fourth agent (including, for example, antiviral drugs) to treat HIV-1 infection. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC construct is administered in combination with an agent that increases MHC class I protein performance and / or enhances surface presentation of HIV-1 RT peptides by MHC class I protein. In some embodiments, agents include, for example, IFN receptor agonists, Hsp90 inhibitors, p53 performance enhancers, and chemotherapeutic agents. In some embodiments, the agent is an IFN receptor agonist, including, for example, IFNγ, IFNβ, and IFNα. In some embodiments, the agent is an Hsp90 inhibitor, including, for example, tanspiramycin (tanespimycin) (17-AAG), alvespimycin (17-DMAG), retaspimycin (IPI- 504), IPI-493, CNF2024 / BIIB021, MPC-3100, Debio 0932 (CUDC-305), PU-H71, Ganetespib (STA-9090), NVP-AUY922 (VER-52269), HSP990 , KW-2478, AT13387, SNX-5422, DS-2248 and XL888. In some embodiments, the agent is a p53 performance enhancer, including, for example, 5-fluorouracil and nutlin-3. In some embodiments, the agent is a chemotherapeutic agent, including, for example, topotecan, etoposide, cisplatin, paclitaxel, and vinblastine. In some embodiments, a method of treating HIV-1 infection in an individual is provided, wherein cells expressing HIV-1 RT are generally not presented on their surface, or are presented at a relatively low level containing HIV-1 RT protein and MHC class I Protein complex, the method comprising administering to a subject a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct comprising a combination of agents that increase the performance of MHC class I proteins and / or enhance the surface presentation of HIV-1 RT peptides by MHC class I proteins . In some embodiments, agents include, for example, IFN receptor agonists, Hsp90 inhibitors, p53 performance enhancers, and chemotherapeutic agents. In some embodiments, the agent is an IFN receptor agonist, including, for example, IFNγ, IFNβ, and IFNα. In some embodiments, the agent is an Hsp90 inhibitor, including, for example, tamiromycin (17-AAG), aspiramycin (17-DMAG), retamycin (IPI-504), IPI-493, CNF2024 / BIIB021, MPC-3100, Debio 0932 (CUDC-305), PU-H71, Galitepi (STA-9090), NVP-AUY922 (VER-52269), HSP990, KW-2478, AT13387, SNX-5422, DS -2248 and XL888. In some embodiments, the agent is a p53 performance enhancer, including, for example, 5-fluorouracil and nutlin-3. In some embodiments, the agent is a chemotherapeutic agent, including, for example, topotecan, etoposide, cisplatin, paclitaxel, and vinblastine. Cancer treatment can be assessed, for example, by tumor regression, tumor weight or size contraction, time to progression, duration of survival, progression-free survival, total response rate, duration of response, quality of life, protein performance, and / or activity. Methods for determining the efficacy of therapy can be used, including, for example, measuring response via radiography. In some embodiments, the therapeutic efficacy is measured in terms of percent tumor growth inhibition (TGI%), which is calculated using the equation 100- (T / C × 100), where T is the average relative tumor volume of the treated tumor, and C is The average relative tumor volume of untreated tumors. In some embodiments, the TGI% is about 10%, about 20%, about 30%, about 40%, about 50%, about 60%, about 70%, about 80%, about 90%, about 91%, about 92%, about 93%, about 94%, about 95% or greater than 95%.Cast against RTMC Dosage and method of structure composition
The dose of the anti-RTMC construct composition administered to an individual (such as a human) can vary depending on the specific composition, the mode of administration, and the stage of HIV-1 infection. In some embodiments, the amount of the composition is effective to generate an undetectable viral load. In some embodiments, the amount of anti-RTMC construct composition is sufficient to produce a complete elimination of latent HIV reserves. In some embodiments, the amount of the composition is sufficient to extend the overall survival of the individual. In some embodiments, the amount of the composition (eg, when administered alone) is sufficient to produce greater than any of about 50%, 60%, 70%, or 77% in the population of individuals treated with the anti-RTMC construct composition The clinical benefit of the person. In some embodiments, the amount of the composition alone or in combination with the second, third, and / or fourth agent is the number of corresponding viral loads or HIV-1 infected cells in the same individual before treatment Compared, or compared with the corresponding value in other individuals who have not received treatment, is sufficient to reduce the viral load or reduce the number of HIV-1 infected cells by at least about 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% , 70%, 80%, 90%, 95%, or 100%. Standard methods can be used to measure the magnitude of this effect, such as by in vitro analysis of purified enzymes, cell-based analysis, animal models, or human testing. In some embodiments, the amount of anti-RTMC construct (eg, full-length anti-RTMC antibody, multispecific anti-RTMC molecule, anti-RTMC CAR, anti-RTMC abTCR, or anti-RTMC immunoconjugate) in the composition is lower than induced toxicology The level of effect (ie, an effect that is higher than the clinically acceptable toxicity level) may be at a level that can control or allow potential side effects when the composition is administered to an individual. In some embodiments, the amount of the composition is close to the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of the composition following the same dosing regimen. In some embodiments, the amount of the composition is greater than any of about 80%, 90%, 95%, or 98% of the MTD. In some embodiments, the amount of anti-RTMC construct in the composition (eg, full-length anti-RTMC antibody, multispecific anti-RTMC molecule, anti-RTMC CAR, anti-RTMC abTCR, or anti-RTMC immunoconjugate) is included from about 0.001 μg to Within the range of about 1000 µg. In some embodiments of any of the above aspects, the anti-RTMC construct in the composition (eg full-length anti-RTMC antibody, multispecific anti-RTMC molecule, anti-RTMC CAR, anti-RTMC abTCR or anti-RTMC immunoconjugate) The amount is in the range of about 0.1 μg / kg total weight to about 100 μg / kg total weight. The anti-RTMC construct composition can be administered to an individual (such as a human) via various routes including, for example, intravenous, intraarterial, intraperitoneal, intrapulmonary, oral, inhalation, intravesicular, intramuscular, intratracheal, subcutaneous, Intraocular, intrathecal, transmucosal and percutaneous. In some embodiments, a continuous continuous release formulation of the composition may be used. In some embodiments, the composition is administered intravenously. In some embodiments, the composition is administered intraportally. In some embodiments, the composition is administered intra-arterially. In some embodiments, the composition is administered intraperitoneally. In other embodiments, the composition is administered intrahepatic. In some embodiments, the composition is administered by hepatic artery infusion.anti- RTMC Chimeric receptor effector cell therapy
The present application also provides methods for using anti-RTMC chimeric receptors (such as anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR) to redirect effector cells (such as primary T cells) to specificity including HIV-1 RT peptides and MHC class I proteins . Therefore, the present invention also provides a method for stimulating an effector cell-mediated response (such as a T cell-mediated immune response) against a target cell population or tissue (including RTMC presenting cells) in a mammal, which comprises administering to the mammal Steps with effector cells (such as T cells) that exhibit anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR. Anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC chimeric receptors (such as anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR T cells) can be infused to recipients in need. The infused cells can kill RTMC presenting cells in the recipient. In some embodiments, unlike antibody therapy, anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cells (such as T cells) are able to replicate in vivo, causing long-term persistence that can lead to continued tumor control. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cells are anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR T cells that can withstand the expansion of solid T cells in vivo and can persist for an extended amount of time. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR T cells of the invention develop into specific memory T cells that can be reactivated to inhibit the formation or growth of any additional tumors. The anti-RTMC chimeric receptor T cells (such as anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR T cells) of the present invention can also be used as a vaccine type for mammalian ex vivo immunization and / or in vivo therapy. In some embodiments, the mammal is a human. For in vitro immunization, at least one of the following occurs in vitro before the cells are administered to the mammal: i) expansion of the cells, ii) introduction of nucleic acids encoding anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR into the cells , And / or iii) cryopreservation of cells. In vitro procedures are well known in the art and are discussed more fully below. Briefly, cells are isolated from mammals (preferably humans) and genetically modified (ie, transduced or transfected in vitro) with a vector expressing the anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR disclosed herein. Anti-RTMC CAR cells or anti-RTMC abTCR cells can be administered to mammalian recipients to obtain therapeutic benefits. The mammalian recipient can be a human, and the anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR cells can be autologous to the recipient. Alternatively, the cells may be allogeneic, homologous, or heterologous to the recipient. The procedure for ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells is described in US Patent No. 5,199,942 (which is incorporated herein by reference) and can be applied to the cells of the present invention. Other suitable methods are known in the art, so the invention is not limited to any particular method of expanding cells ex vivo. Briefly, the in vitro culture and expansion of T cells includes: (1) CD34 collection from mammals through peripheral blood collection or bone marrow explants+
Hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells; and (2) Expansion of such cells in vitro. In addition to the cell growth factors described in US Patent No. 5,199,942, other factors such as flt3-L, IL-1, IL-3, and c-kit ligands can be used to culture and expand these cells. In addition to using cell-based vaccines for ex vivo immunization, the present invention also provides compositions and methods for in vivo immunization to elicit an immune response against an antigen in a patient. The anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cells (such as anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR T cells) of the present invention can be administered alone or as a diluent and / or other components (such as IL-2 or other interleukins (Or cell population) combination of pharmaceutical compositions. Briefly, the pharmaceutical composition of the present invention may comprise anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cells (such as T cells) in combination with one or more pharmaceutically or physiologically acceptable carriers, diluents or excipients . Such compositions may include: buffers such as neutral buffered saline, phosphate buffered saline and the like; carbohydrates such as glucose, mannose, sucrose or polydextrose, mannitol; proteins; polypeptides or such as glycine Amino acids; antioxidants; chelating agents, such as EDTA or glutathione; adjuvants (such as aluminum hydroxide); and preservatives. In some embodiments, the anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cell (such as T cell) composition is formulated for intravenous administration. The precise amount of the anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cell (such as anti-RTMC CAR T cell or anti-RTMC abTCR T cell) composition of the invention to be administered can be determined by the physician taking into account the age, weight, tumor size, infection or cancer metastasis of the individual The degree of difference and the patient (individual) symptoms are determined. In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition comprising anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cells (such as T cells)4
Up to about 109
Dose per cell / kg body weight, such as any of the following: about 104
Up to about 105
, About 105
Up to about 106
, About 106
Up to about 107
, About 107
Up to about 108
Or about 108
Up to about 109
Cells / kg body weight, including all integer values in their range. The composition of anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effect cells (such as T cells) can also be administered multiple times at this same dose. Cells can be administered by using infusion techniques commonly known in immunotherapy (see, for example, Rosenberg et al., New Eng. J. of Med. 319: 1676, 1988). The optimal dose and treatment plan for a particular patient can be easily determined by those skilled in medicine by monitoring the patient's disease signs and adjusting the treatment accordingly. In some embodiments, it may be necessary to administer activated anti-RTMC chimeric receptor T cells (such as anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR T cells) to the individual, and then subsequently draw blood (or perform hemocytosis), According to the present invention, patients are re-infused from their activated T cells and with these activated and expanded T cells. This process can be performed multiple times every few weeks. In some embodiments, T cells can be activated from a blood draw of 10 cc to 400 cc. In some embodiments, T cells are activated from blood draws of 20 cc, 30 cc, 40 cc, 50 cc, 60 cc, 70 cc, 80 cc, 90 cc, or 100 cc. Administration of anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cells (such as anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR T cells) can be performed in any convenient manner, including by aerosol inhalation, injection, ingestion, infusion, implantation ). May be subcutaneous, intradermal, intratumoral, intranodular, intramedullary, intramuscular, or intravenous (i. v. ) Injection or intraperitoneal administration of the composition described herein to the patient. In some embodiments, The anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cell (such as T cell) composition of the present invention is administered to the patient by intradermal or subcutaneous injection. In some embodiments, The anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cell (such as T cell) composition of the present invention is administered by intravenous injection. Compositions of anti-RTMC chimeric receptor effector cells (such as T cells) can be injected directly into tumors, Lymph nodes or sites of infection. therefore, For example, In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC CAR (such as T cells), This anti-RTMC CAR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The HIV-1 RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9). In some embodiments, The MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, The MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC CAR (such as T cells), This anti-RTMC CAR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains specific binding to HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9) Peptide and HLA-A * 02: 01 anti-RTMC antibody part of the complex; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC CAR (such as T cells), This anti-RTMC CAR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The MHC class I protein contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains HC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of 240 may contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Either 2 or 3) Amino acid substituted variants; HC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 241-244 may contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Either 2 or 3) Amino acid substituted variants; And HC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 245-246 may contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Either 2 or 3) Amino acid substituted variants; And ii) light chain variable domain, It contains LC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 247-249 may contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Any one of 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, And LC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 250-253 may contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Either 2 or 3) Amino acid substituted variants; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC CAR (such as T cells), This anti-RTMC CAR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The MHC class I protein contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains HC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of 240; HC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 241-244; And HC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 245-246; And ii) light chain variable domain, It contains LC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 247-249; And LC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 250-253; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC CAR (such as T cells), This anti-RTMC CAR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The MHC class I protein contains i) the heavy chain variable domain, It contains HC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any of 75-96 may contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; HC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any of 97-124 may contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; And HC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 125-163 may contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; And ii) light chain variable domain, It contains LC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any of 164-189 may contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, LC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207 may contain up to about 3 (such as about 1, Any one of 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, And LC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 208-239 may contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC CAR (such as T cells), This anti-RTMC CAR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The MHC class I protein contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains HC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 75-96; HC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 97-124; And HC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 125-163; Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, in the HC-CDR sequence 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; And ii) light chain variable domain sequence, It contains LC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189; LC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207; And LC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 208-239; Or include up to about 5 (such as about 1, in the LC-CDR sequence 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC CAR (such as T cells), This anti-RTMC CAR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The MHC class I protein contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains HC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 75-96; HC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 97-124; And HC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 125-163; And ii) light chain variable domain sequence, It contains LC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189; LC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207; And LC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 208-239; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC CAR (such as T cells), This anti-RTMC CAR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The MHC class I protein contains i) the heavy chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 19-46; Or have at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) variants of sequence identity; And ii) light chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 47-74; Or have at least about 95% (including for example at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) variants of sequence identity; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC CAR (such as T cells), This anti-RTMC CAR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, This MHC class I protein contains the heavy chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 19-46; And the light chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 47-74; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. For example, In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody parts containing heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains include HC-CDR1 containing the following amino acid sequence HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75. 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, SEQ ID NO: 78. 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, SEQ ID NO: 81. 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, SEQ ID NO: 82. 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, SEQ ID NO: 83. 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, SEQ ID NO: 89. 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, SEQ ID NO: 81. 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 82. 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, SEQ ID NO: 91, 119. 151, 181, 191 and 230, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161 173, 206 and 237, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, Or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239; Or in HC-CDR1 HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 and / or LC-CDR3 individually include up to about 5 (e.g. about 1, 2, 3. Any of 4 or 5) amino acid substitutions and / or up to about 3 (e.g. Either 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody parts containing heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains include HC-CDR1 containing the following amino acid sequence HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75. 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, SEQ ID NO: 78. 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, SEQ ID NO: 81. 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, SEQ ID NO: 82. 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, SEQ ID NO: 83. 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, SEQ ID NO: 89. 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, SEQ ID NO: 81. 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 82. 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, SEQ ID NO: 91, 119. 151, 181, 191 and 230, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161 173, 206 and 237, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238 or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239, Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, in the HC-CDR sequence 2, 3. Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substitutions and / or include up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody parts containing heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains include HC-CDR1 containing the following sequence HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75. 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, SEQ ID NO: 78. 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, SEQ ID NO: 81. 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, SEQ ID NO: 82. 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, SEQ ID NO: 83. 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, SEQ ID NO: 89. 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, SEQ ID NO: 81. 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 82. 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, SEQ ID NO: 91, 119. 151, 181, 191 and 230, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161 173, 206 and 237, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, Or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody parts containing heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains contain the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 19 and 47, SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, Or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74; Or individually have at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) sequence variants. In some embodiments, The anti-RTMC antibody part contains heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains contain the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 19 and 47, SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, Or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody part, The antibody portion includes the following heavy and light chain variable domains: SEQ ID NO: Amino acid sequence of 27 and 55, Or individually have at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) sequence variants. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody part, The antibody portion contains SEQ ID NO: The heavy and light chain variable domains of the amino acid sequences of 27 and 55. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody part, The antibody portion includes the following heavy and light chain variable domains: SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of 30 and 58, Or individually have at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) sequence variants. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC CAR contains anti-RTMC antibody part, The antibody portion contains SEQ ID NO: The heavy and light chain variable domains of the amino acid sequences of 30 and 58. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC abTCR (such as T cells), The anti-RTMC abTCR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein; And b) T cell receptor module (TCRM) capable of recruiting at least one TCR related signaling module. In some embodiments, The HIV-1 RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8) or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9). In some embodiments, The MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. In some embodiments, The MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC abTCR (such as T cells), The anti-RTMC abTCR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT 181 (SEQ ID NO: 5), HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (SEQ ID NO: 8), Or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C, M184V (SEQ ID NO: 9) Peptide and HLA-A * 02: 01; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC abTCR (such as T cells), The anti-RTMC abTCR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The MHC class I protein contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains HC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of 240 may contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Either 2 or 3) Amino acid substituted variants; HC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 241-244 may contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Either 2 or 3) Amino acid substituted variants; And HC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 245-246 may contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Either 2 or 3) Amino acid substituted variants; And ii) light chain variable domain, It contains LC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 247-249 may contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Any one of 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, And LC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 250-253 may contain up to about 3 (e.g. about 1, Either 2 or 3) Amino acid substituted variants; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC abTCR (such as T cells), The anti-RTMC abTCR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The MHC class I protein contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains HC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of 240; HC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 241-244; And HC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 245-246; And ii) light chain variable domain, It contains LC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 247-249; And LC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 250-253; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC abTCR (such as T cells), The anti-RTMC abTCR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The MHC class I protein contains i) the heavy chain variable domain, It contains HC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any of 75-96 may contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; HC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any of 97-124 may contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; And HC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 125-163 may contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; And ii) light chain variable domain, It contains LC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any of 164-189 may contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof, LC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207 may contain up to about 3 (such as about 1, Any one of 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof, And LC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 208-239 may contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC abTCR (such as T cells), The anti-RTMC abTCR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The MHC class I protein contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains HC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 75-96; HC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 97-124; And HC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 125-163; Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, in the HC-CDR sequence 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; And ii) light chain variable domain sequence, It contains LC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189; LC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207; And LC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 208-239; Or include up to about 5 (such as about 1, in the LC-CDR sequence 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) Amino acid substituted variants; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC abTCR (such as T cells), The anti-RTMC abTCR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The MHC class I protein contains i) the heavy chain variable domain sequence, It contains HC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 75-96; HC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 97-124; And HC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 125-163; And ii) light chain variable domain sequence, It contains LC-CDR1, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 164-189; LC-CDR2, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 190-207; And LC-CDR3, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 208-239; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC abTCR (such as T cells), The anti-RTMC abTCR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, The MHC class I protein contains i) the heavy chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 19-46 may have at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) variants of sequence identity, And ii) light chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 47-74 may have at least about 95% (including, for example, at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) variants of sequence identity; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. In some embodiments, Provide a method of treating individuals' HIV-1 infection, It comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of a composition comprising effector cells that exhibit anti-RTMC abTCR (such as T cells), The anti-RTMC abTCR contains: a) extracellular domain, It contains an anti-RTMC antibody portion that specifically binds to the complex, The complex contains HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein, This MHC class I protein contains the heavy chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 19-46; And the light chain variable domain, It contains SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 47-74; b) Transmembrane domain; And c) intracellular signaling domain, It includes CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 and / or 4-1BB intracellular signaling sequence. In some embodiments, The individual is human. For example, In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC abTCR contains anti-RTMC antibody parts containing heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains include HC-CDR1 containing the following amino acid sequence HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 LC-CDR2, And LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75. 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, SEQ ID NO: 78. 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, SEQ ID NO: 81. 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, SEQ ID NO: 82. 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, SEQ ID NO: 83. 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, SEQ ID NO: 89. 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, SEQ ID NO: 81. 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 82. 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, SEQ ID NO: 91, 119. 151, 181, 191 and 230, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161 173, 206 and 237, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, Or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239, Or in HC-CDR1 HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 and / or LC-CDR3 individually include up to about 5 (e.g. about 1, 2, 3. Any of 4 or 5) amino acid substitutions and / or up to about 3 (e.g. Either 2 or 3) amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC abTCR contains anti-RTMC antibody parts containing heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains include HC-CDR1 containing the following amino acid sequence HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75. 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, SEQ ID NO: 78. 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, SEQ ID NO: 81. 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, SEQ ID NO: 82. 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, SEQ ID NO: 83. 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, SEQ ID NO: 89. 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, SEQ ID NO: 81. 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 82. 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, SEQ ID NO: 91, 119. 151, 181, 191 and 230, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161 173, 206 and 237, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, Or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239, Or contain up to about 5 (such as about 1, in the HC-CDR sequence 2, 3. Any one of 4 or 5) amino acid substitutions and / or include up to about 5 (such as about 1, 2, 3. Either 4 or 5) amino acid substituted variants thereof. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC abTCR contains anti-RTMC antibody parts containing heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains include HC-CDR1 containing the following amino acid sequence HC-CDR2, HC-CDR3, LC-CDR1 LC-CDR2 and LC-CDR3: SEQ ID NO: 75. 97, 125, 164, 190 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 126, 165, 191 and 209, SEQ ID NO: 77, 99, 127, 164, 192 and 210, SEQ ID NO: 78. 100, 128, 166, 193 and 211, SEQ ID NO: 79, 101, 129, 167, 194 and 212, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 130, 168, 192 and 213, SEQ ID NO: 81. 103, 131, 169, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 104, 132, 170, 195 and 215, SEQ ID NO: 76, 98, 133, 171, 196 and 216, SEQ ID NO: 82. 105, 134, 164, 192 and 217, SEQ ID NO: 83. 106, 135, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 84, 107, 136, 172, 197 and 219, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 137, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 86, 109, 138, 173, 198 and 220, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 139, 174, 199 and 221, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 140, 164, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 87, 111, 141, 175, 200 and 222, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 142, 176, 192 and 208, SEQ ID NO: 80, 112, 143, 177, 191 and 223, SEQ ID NO: 88, 113, 144, 178, 201 and 224, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 145, 179, 202 and 225, SEQ ID NO: 89. 115, 146, 175, 200 and 226, SEQ ID NO: 90, 116, 147, 169, 191 and 227, SEQ ID NO: 81. 117, 148, 169, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 82. 118, 149, 180, 199 and 228, SEQ ID NO: 82. 114, 150, 176, 200 and 229, SEQ ID NO: 91, 119. 151, 181, 191 and 230, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 152, 182, 203 and 231, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 153, 164, 192 and 232, SEQ ID NO: 93, 121, 154, 183, 204 and 233, SEQ ID NO: 92, 120, 155, 184, 191 and 214, SEQ ID NO: 80, 102, 156, 164, 192 and 234, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 157, 185, 200 and 235, SEQ ID NO: 85. 108, 158, 186, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 79, 110, 159, 187, 205 and 236, SEQ ID NO: 92, 108, 160, 177, 191 and 218, SEQ ID NO: 94, 122, 161 173, 206 and 237, SEQ ID NO: 95, 123, 162, 188, 200 and 238, Or SEQ ID NO: 96, 124, 163, 189, 207 and 239. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC abTCR contains anti-RTMC antibody parts containing heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains contain the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 19 and 47, SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, Or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74, Or individually have at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) sequence variants. In some embodiments, The anti-RTMC antibody part contains heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy and light chain variable domains contain the following amino acid sequences: SEQ ID NO: 19 and 47, SEQ ID NO: 20 and 48, SEQ ID NO: 21 and 49, SEQ ID NO: 22 and 50, SEQ ID NO: 23 and 51, SEQ ID NO: 24 and 52, SEQ ID NO: 25 and 53, SEQ ID NO: 26 and 54, SEQ ID NO: 27 and 55, SEQ ID NO: 28 and 56, SEQ ID NO: 29 and 57, SEQ ID NO: 30 and 58, SEQ ID NO: 31 and 59, SEQ ID NO: 32 and 60, SEQ ID NO: 33 and 61, SEQ ID NO: 34 and 62, SEQ ID NO: 35 and 63, SEQ ID NO: 36 and 64, SEQ ID NO: 37 and 65, SEQ ID NO: 38 and 66, SEQ ID NO: 39 and 67, SEQ ID NO: 40 and 68, SEQ ID NO: 41 and 69, SEQ ID NO: 42 and 70, SEQ ID NO: 43 and 71, SEQ ID NO: 44 and 72, SEQ ID NO: 45 and 73, Or SEQ ID NO: 46 and 74. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC abTCR contains anti-RTMC antibody part, The antibody portion includes the following heavy and light chain variable domains: SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequences of 27 and 55 or individually have at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) sequence variants. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC abTCR contains anti-RTMC antibody part, The antibody portion contains SEQ ID NO: The heavy and light chain variable domains of the amino acid sequences of 27 and 55. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC abTCR contains anti-RTMC antibody parts containing heavy and light chain variable domains, The heavy chain and light chain variable domains comprise SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of 30 and 58, Or individually have at least about 95% (e.g. at least about 96%, 97%, 98% or 99%) sequence variants. In some embodiments, Anti-RTMC abTCR contains anti-RTMC antibody part, The antibody portion contains SEQ ID NO: The heavy and light chain variable domains of the amino acid sequences of 30 and 58.Use anti RTMC Diagnosis and imaging method of structure
The labeled anti-RTMC antibody portion and its derivatives and analogs that specifically bind to RTMC on the cell surface can be used for diagnostic purposes to detect, diagnose, or monitor HIV-1 infection. For example, the anti-RTMC antibody portion of the invention can be used for in situ, in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro diagnostic analysis or imaging analysis. Other embodiments of the present invention include methods of diagnosing HIV-1 infection in an individual (eg, a mammal, such as a human). The method includes detecting RTMC presenting cells in the individual. In some embodiments, a method of diagnosing an HIV-1 infection in an individual (eg, a mammal, such as a human) is provided, which comprises: (a) administering an effective amount to the individual according to any of the embodiments described above The labeled anti-RTMC antibody portion of one; and (b) determining the level of the label in the individual, such that the label level is higher than the threshold level indicates that the individual has HIV-1 infection. The threshold level can be determined by various methods, including, for example, by the diagnostic methods described above in the first group of individuals with HIV-1 infection and the second group of individuals without HIV-1 infection. Measure the mark and set the threshold to a level that allows to distinguish between the first group and the second group. In some embodiments, the threshold level is zero, and the method includes determining the presence or absence of the marker in the individual. In some embodiments, the method further includes waiting for a certain time interval after the administration step (a) to allow the labeled anti-RTMC antibody portion to be preferentially concentrated at a site in the individual expressing RTMC (and for removing unbound labeled anti RTMC antibody section). In some embodiments, the method further includes subtracting the background level of the marker. The background level can be determined by various methods, including, for example, by detecting the label in the individual before administering the labeled anti-RTMC antibody portion, or by detecting the absence of the patient according to the diagnostic methods described above Markers in HIV-1 infected individuals. The anti-RTMC antibody portion of the present invention can be used to analyze the level of RTMC presenting cells in biological samples using methods known to those skilled in the art. Suitable antibody labels are known in the art and include enzyme labels, such as glucose oxidase; radioisotopes, such as iodine (131
I), carbon (14
C), sulfur (35
S), tritium (3
H), indium (115m
In), cu99
Tc), thallium (201
Ti), gallium (68
Ga), palladium (103
Pd), molybdenum (99
Mo), Xenon (133
Xe), fluorine (18
F), samarium (153
Sm), 镏 (177
Lu), Yao (159
Gd), 鉕 (149
Pm), lanthanum (140
La), Ytterbium (175
Yb), 鈥 (166
Ho), yttrium (90
Y), scandium (47
Sc), rhenium (186
Re) 、 鐠 (142
Pr), rhodium (105
Rh) and Ruthenium (97
Ru); luminol; fluorescent labels, such as fluorescein and rhodamine; and biotin. Techniques known in the art can be applied to the labeled anti-RTMC antibody portion of the invention. Such techniques include (but are not limited to) the use of bifunctional binders (see, eg, US Patent Nos. 5,756,065; 5,714,631; 5,696,239; 5,652,361; 5,505,931; 5,489,425; 5,435,990; 5,428,139 ; No. 5,342,604; No. 5,274,119; No. 4,994,560; and No. 5,808,003). In addition to the above analysis, those familiar with this technique can use various in vivo and in vitro analyses. For example, cells in the body of an individual can be exposed to portions of anti-RTMC antibodies optionally labeled with a detectable label (eg, radioisotope), and can be derived from previous exposure to anti-cancer, such as by external radioactive scanning or by analysis Samples of individuals with RTMC antibody portions (such as biopsies or other biological samples) evaluate the binding of anti-RTMC antibody portions to cells.Products and sets
In some embodiments of the present invention, there is provided a material containing materials suitable for treating HIV-1 infection, for delivering anti-RTMC constructs to cells presenting RTMC on its surface, or for isolating or detecting individuals RTMC presents cell preparations. The product may include a container and a label or a package insert on or accompanying the container. Suitable containers include, for example, bottles, vials, syringes, and the like. The container may be formed of various materials, such as glass or plastic. In general, the container holds a composition effective for treating HIV-1 infection and may have a sterile access port (for example, the container may be an intravenous solution bag or vial with a stopper pierceable by a hypodermic injection needle). At least one active agent in the composition is the anti-RTMC construct of the present invention. The label or package insert indicates that the composition is used to treat a specific condition. The label or package insert will further include instructions for administering the anti-RTMC construct composition to the patient. Articles and kits containing the combination therapy described herein are also covered. A drug package insert refers to a package containing information about the indications, use, dosage, administration, contraindications and / or warnings related to the use of such therapeutic products, which are usually included in the package of commercially available therapeutic products. In some embodiments, the package insert indicates that the composition is used to treat HIV-1 infection. In addition, the product may further include a second container containing a pharmaceutically acceptable buffer, such as Bacteriostatic Water for Injection (BWFI), phosphate buffered saline, Ringer's solution, and dextrose solution. It may further include other substances required from a commercial and user point of view, including other buffers, diluents, filters, needles and syringes. Also provides kits suitable for various purposes, such as for the treatment of HIV-1 infection, for delivery of anti-RTMC constructs to cells presenting RTMC on their surface, or for the isolation or detection of RTMC presenting cells in individuals, Group, which is combined with the product as appropriate. The kit of the present invention includes one or more containers that contain an anti-RTMC construct composition (or unit dosage form and / or article), and in some embodiments, further includes any of the methods described herein Another medicament (as described herein) and / or instructions for use. The kit may further include instructions for selecting individuals suitable for treatment. The instructions supplied in the kit of the present invention are written instructions usually on the label or the instructions of the medicine (for example, including the paper in the kit), but the machine-readable instructions (for example, the instructions on the magnetic or optical storage disk) are also As acceptable. For example, in some embodiments, the kit includes a composition containing an anti-RTMC construct (eg, full-length anti-RTMC antibody, multispecific anti-RTMC molecule (such as bispecific anti-RTMC antibody), or anti-RTMC immunoconjugate) . In some embodiments, the kit comprises a) a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct, and b) an effective amount of at least one other agent, wherein the other agent increases the performance of MHC class I protein and / or enhances HIV-1 RT peptide By surface presentation of MHC class I proteins (eg IFNγ, IFNβ, IFNα or Hsp90 inhibitors). In some embodiments, the kit includes a) a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct, and b) instructions for administering an anti-RTMC construct composition to an individual for use in treating HIV-1 infection. In some embodiments, the kit comprises a) a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct, b) an effective amount of at least one other agent, wherein the other agent increases the performance of MHC class I protein and / or enhances HIV-1 RT peptide Presented by the surface of MHC class I proteins (eg, IFNγ, IFNβ, IFNα, or Hsp90 inhibitors), and c) instructions for administering anti-RTMC construct compositions and other agents to individuals for the treatment of HIV-1 infection. Anti-RTMC constructs and other agents can be present in separate containers or single containers. For example, the kit may include a different composition or two or more than two compositions, where one composition includes an anti-RTMC construct and the other composition includes another agent. In some embodiments, the kit comprises a) a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct (eg, a full-length anti-RTMC antibody, a multispecific anti-RTMC molecule (such as a bispecific anti-RTMC antibody), or an anti-RTMC immunoconjugate), and b) About combining anti-RTMC constructs with cells (such as cells derived from an individual, such as immune cells) to form a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct / cell combination and administering the anti-RTMC construct / cell combination to an individual Instructions for the composition for the treatment of HIV-1 infection. In some embodiments, the kit comprises a) a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct, and b) cells (such as cytotoxic cells). In some embodiments, the kit comprises a) a composition comprising anti-RTMC constructs, b) cells (such as cytotoxic cells), and c) regarding combining anti-RTMC constructs with cells to form an anti-RTMC construct / The composition of the cell conjugate and instructions for administering the anti-RTMC construct / cell conjugate composition to an individual for the treatment of HIV-1 infection. In some embodiments, the kit includes a composition containing an anti-RTMC construct that binds to cells, such as cytotoxic cells. In some embodiments, the kit includes a) a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct that binds to cells (such as cytotoxic cells), and b) instructions for administering the composition to an individual for treatment of HIV-1 infection . In some embodiments, the binding is a molecule that binds to the cell surface by an anti-RTMC construct. In some embodiments, binding is by inserting a portion of the anti-RTMC construct into the outer cell membrane. In some embodiments, the kit comprises an anti-RTMC construct (eg, full-length anti-RTMC antibody, multispecific anti-RTMC molecule (such as bispecific anti-RTMC antibody), anti-RTMC CAR, anti-RTMC abTCR, or anti-RTMC immunoconjugate ) Or the nucleic acid (or nucleic acid collection) of its polypeptide part. In some embodiments, the kit contains a) a nucleic acid (or nucleic acid collection) encoding an anti-RTMC construct or a polypeptide portion thereof, and b) a host cell (such as an effector cell) that expresses the nucleic acid (or nucleic acid collection). In some embodiments, the kit comprises a) a nucleic acid (or nucleic acid collection) encoding an anti-RTMC construct or a polypeptide portion thereof, and b) with respect to i) exhibiting anti-RTMC in a host cell (such as an effector cell, such as a T cell) Constructs, ii) preparing a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct or a host cell expressing an anti-RTMC construct, and iii) administering to a subject a composition comprising an anti-RTMC construct or a host cell expressing an anti-RTMC construct for use Instructions for the treatment of HIV-1 infection. In some embodiments, the host cell is derived from an individual. In some embodiments, the kit contains a) a nucleic acid (or nucleic acid collection) encoding an anti-RTMC construct or a polypeptide portion thereof, b) a host cell (such as an effector cell) used to express the nucleic acid (or nucleic acid collection), and c ) Regarding i) Expression of anti-RTMC constructs in host cells, ii) Preparation of a composition comprising anti-RTMC constructs or host cells expressing anti-RTMC constructs, and iii) Administration of anti-RTMC constructs or expression of anti-RTMC constructs to individuals The composition of the host cells of the RTMC construct is used in the instructions for the treatment of HIV-1 infection. In some embodiments, the kit comprises a nucleic acid encoding anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR. In some embodiments, the kit comprises a vector containing a nucleic acid encoding anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR. In some embodiments, the kit comprises a) a vector comprising a nucleic acid encoding anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR, and b) with respect to i) introducing the vector into effector cells (such as T cells from an individual), ii) A composition comprising anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR effector cells is prepared, and iii) instructions for administering an anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR effector cell composition to an individual for the treatment of HIV-1 infection. The kit of the present invention is in a suitable package. Suitable packages include, but are not limited to, vials, bottles, cans, flexible packages (such as sealed Mylar or plastic bags), and the like. The kit can provide additional components such as buffer and descriptive information as appropriate. Therefore, the present application also provides articles including vials (such as sealed vials), bottles, cans, flexible packages, and the like. The instructions related to the use of anti-RTMC construct compositions generally include information about the dose of treatment desired, the timing of administration, and the route of administration. The container may be in unit dose, bulk (eg, multi-dose packaging), or sub-unit dose. For example, kits can be provided that contain sufficient doses of anti-RTMC constructs as disclosed herein (eg, full-length anti-RTMC antibodies, multispecific anti-RTMC molecules (such as bispecific anti-RTMC antibodies), anti-RTMC CAR Or anti-RTMC abTCR or anti-RTMC immunoconjugate) for an extended period of time, such as one week, 8 days, 9 days, 10 days, 11 days, 12 days, 13 days, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 Any one of weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 7 months, 8 months, 9 months or longer provides effective treatment for the individual. The kit may also include multiple unit doses of anti-RTMC constructs and pharmaceutical compositions and instructions for use and are packaged in an amount sufficient for storage and use in pharmacies (eg, hospital pharmacies and dispensing pharmacies).Illustrative embodiment
Example 1. An isolated anti-RTMC construct comprising an antibody portion that specifically binds to a complex comprising human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase (RT) peptide compatible with major tissues (MHC) Class I protein ("RTMC"). Example 2. An isolated anti-RTMC construct as in Example 1, wherein the HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex is present on the cell surface. Example 3. The isolated anti-RTMC construct as in Example 1, wherein the HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex is present on the surface of T cells. Embodiment 4. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 3, wherein the MHC class I protein is human leukocyte antigen (HLA) -A. Example 5. The isolated anti-RTMC construct as in Example 4, wherein the MHC class I protein is HLA-A02. Example 6. The isolated anti-RTMC construct as in Example 5, wherein the MHC class I protein is selected from the group consisting of: HLA-A * 02: 01, HLA-A * 02: 02, HLA-A * 02 : 06, HLA-A * 02: 07 and HLA-A * 02: 11. Example 7. The isolated anti-RTMC construct as in Example 6, wherein the MHC class I protein is HLA-A * 02: 01. Embodiment 8. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 7, wherein the antibody portion cross-reacts with a complex comprising the HIV-1 RT peptide and a second MHC class I protein, the second The MHC class I protein has an HLA dual gene that is different from the MHC class I protein. Embodiment 9. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 8, wherein the HIV-1 RT peptide is 8 to 12 amino acids in length. Embodiment 10. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 9, wherein the HIV-1 RT peptide is derived from the region corresponding to amino acids 181 to 189 of SEQ ID NO: 1. Embodiment 11. The isolated anti-RTMC construct according to any one of embodiments 1 to 10, wherein the HIV-1 RT peptide comprises an amino acid sequence selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 5-18. Example 12. The isolated anti-RTMC construct as in Example 10, wherein the HIV-1 RT peptide has the amino acid sequence of YQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 6). Example 13. The isolated anti-RTMC construct as in Example 12, wherein the isolated anti-RTMC construct cross-reacts with a complex comprising a variant of HIV-1 RT peptide and a complex of the MHC class I protein, the HIV-1 The RT peptide has the amino acid sequence of any one of YQYMDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 5), YQYIDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 7), CQYMDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 8), or CQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 9). Example 14. An isolated anti-RTMC construct as in Example 10, wherein the HIV-1 RT peptide has the amino acid sequence of YQYMDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 5). Example 15. The isolated anti-RTMC construct as in Example 14, wherein the isolated anti-RTMC construct cross-reacts with a complex comprising a variant of HIV-1 RT peptide and a complex of the MHC class I protein, the HIV-1 The RT peptide has an amino acid sequence of any of YQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 6), YQYIDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 7), CQYMDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 8), or CQYVDDLYV (SEQ ID NO: 9). Embodiment 16. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 15, wherein the antibody portion is human, humanized, synthetic, or semi-synthetic. Embodiment 17. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 16, wherein the antibody portion is a full-length antibody, Fab, Fab ', (Fab') 2, Fv, or single chain Fv (scFv). Embodiment 18. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 17, wherein the antibody portion binds to the HIV-1 RT / MHC with an equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of about 0.1 pM to about 500 nM Class I complex. Embodiment 19. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 18, wherein the isolated anti-RTMC construct binds to the HIV-1 RT / MHC I with a Kd of about 0.1 pM to about 500 nM Similar compounds. Embodiment 20. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 19, wherein the antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising a heavy chain complementarity determining region (HC-CDR) 1, It contains the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 240 or its variant containing up to about 3 amino acid substitutions; HC-CDR2, which contains the amino acid sequence of any of SEQ ID NO: 241-244 Or a variant thereof comprising up to about 3 amino acid substitutions; and HC-CDR3, which comprises the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 245-246 or which comprises up to about 3 amino acid substitutions Variants; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising: a light chain complementarity determining region (LC-CDR) 1, which comprises the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 247-249, or at most Variants with about 3 amino acid substitutions; and LC-CDR3, which contains the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 250-253, or variants containing up to about 3 amino acid substitutions body. Embodiment 21. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 19, wherein the antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain variable domain comprising HC-CDR1, which comprises SEQ ID NO: 75 to The amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 96, or a variant thereof containing up to about 5 amino acid substitutions; HC-CDR2, which comprises any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124 An amino acid sequence, or a variant thereof containing up to about 5 amino acid substitutions; and HC-CDR3, which comprises the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 125-163, or up to about 5 Amino acid substituted variants thereof; and ii) a light chain variable domain comprising LC-CDR1 comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 164-189 or comprising up to about 5 Amino acid substituted variants thereof; LC-CDR2, which comprises the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 190-207 or variants comprising up to about 3 amino acid substitutions; and LC- CDR3, which contains the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239 or a variant thereof that contains up to about 5 amino acid substitutions. Embodiment 22. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 19, wherein the antibody portion comprises: i) a heavy chain (HC) variable domain, which comprises HC-CDR1, which comprises SEQ ID NO : The amino acid sequence of any one of 75-96; HC-CDR2, which comprises the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 97-124; and HC-CDR3, which comprises SEQ ID NO: The amino acid sequence of any one of 125-163; or variants containing up to about 5 amino acid substitutions in the HC-CDR regions; and ii) the light chain (LC) variable domain, which Comprising LC-CDR1, which comprises the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 164-189; LC-CDR2, which comprises the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 190-207; and LC-CDR3, which comprises the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 208-239; or variants comprising up to about 5 amino acid substitutions in these LC-CDR regions. Embodiment 23. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of embodiment 21 or 22, wherein the antibody portion comprises: a) a heavy chain variable domain comprising the amino acid of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 19-46 Sequence or a variant thereof having at least about 95% sequence identity with any one of SEQ ID NO: 19-46; and b) a light chain variable domain comprising any one of SEQ ID NO: 47-74 The amino acid sequence of the variant or its variant having at least about 95% sequence identity with any of SEQ ID NOs: 47-74. Embodiment 24. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of Embodiment 23, wherein the antibody portion comprises: a heavy chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs: 19-46; and light A chain variable domain comprising the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 47-74. Embodiment 25. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 24, wherein the isolated anti-RTMC construct is a full-length antibody. Embodiment 26. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 25, wherein the isolated anti-RTMC construct is monospecific. Embodiment 27. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 25, wherein the isolated anti-RTMC construct is multispecific. Example 28. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of Example 27, wherein the isolated anti-RTMC construct is bispecific. Embodiment 29. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of embodiment 27 or 28, wherein the isolated anti-RTMC construct is a tandem scFv, a bifunctional antibody (Db), a single chain bifunctional antibody (scDb), a double affinity Targeting (DART) antibodies, dual variable domain (DVD) antibodies, knob-into-hole (KiH) antibodies, dock and lock (DNL) antibodies, chemical cross-linking antibodies, heteromultimers Antibodies or heteroconjugate antibodies. Embodiment 30. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of embodiment 29, wherein the isolated anti-RTMC construct is a tandem scFv comprising two scFvs connected by a peptide linker. Example 31. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of Example 30, wherein the peptide linker comprises the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 276. Embodiment 32. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 27 to 31, wherein the isolated anti-RTMC construct further comprises a second antibody portion that specifically binds to a second antigen. Embodiment 33. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of embodiment 32, wherein the second antigen is an antigen on the surface of T cells. Example 34. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of Example 33, wherein the second antigen is selected from the group consisting of CD3γ, CD3δ, CD3ε, CD3ζ, CD28, OX40, GITR, CD137, CD27, CD40L, and HVEM. Embodiment 35. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of embodiment 33, wherein the second antigen is CD3ε, and wherein the isolated anti-RTMC construct is comprised of HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complex specific Tandem scFv of N-terminal scFv and C-terminal scFv specific for CD3ε. Embodiment 36. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of embodiment 33, wherein the T cells are selected from the group consisting of: cytotoxic T cells, helper T cells, and natural killer T cells. Embodiment 37. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of embodiment 32, wherein the second antigen is an antigen on the surface of natural killer cells, neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, or dendritic cells. Embodiment 38. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 24, wherein the isolated anti-RTMC construct is a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR). Embodiment 39. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of embodiment 38, wherein the chimeric antigen receptor comprises an extracellular domain containing an antibody portion, a transmembrane domain, and an intracellular signaling sequence including CD3ζ and CD28 and / or 4-1BB The intracellular signaling domain of the intracellular signaling sequence. Embodiment 40. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 24, wherein the isolated anti-RTMC construct is a chimeric antibody / T cell receptor (abTCR), which includes a portion containing the antibody portion Extracellular domain and T cell receptor (TCR) module (TCRM) containing TCR transmembrane domain. Embodiment 41. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of Embodiment 40, wherein the TCRM is capable of recruiting at least one TCR-related signaling module. Embodiment 42. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of Embodiment 41, wherein the TCR-related signaling module is selected from the group consisting of CD3δε, CD3γε, and ζζ. Embodiment 43. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 40 to 42, wherein the antibody portion comprises: a) a first polypeptide chain comprising V-containingH
Antibody domain and CH
1 the first antigen binding domain of the antibody domain; and b) the second polypeptide chain, which contains VL
Antibody domain and CL
The second antigen binding domain of the antibody domain, wherein the V of the first antigen binding domainH
Domain and the CH
1 domain and the V of the second antigen binding domainL
Domain and CL
The domain forms a Fab-like antigen binding module that specifically binds to the RTMC. Embodiment 44. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 24, wherein the isolated anti-RTMC construct is an immunoconjugate comprising the antibody portion and an effector molecule. Embodiment 45. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of Embodiment 44, wherein the effector molecule is a therapeutic agent selected from the group consisting of drugs, toxins, radioisotopes, proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids. Embodiment 46. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of Embodiment 45, wherein the therapeutic agent is a drug or toxin. Example 47. The isolated anti-RTMC construct as in Example 44, wherein the effector molecule is a label. Embodiment 48. A host cell expressing the isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 47. Embodiment 49. A nucleic acid encoding one or more polypeptides contained in the isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 47. Embodiment 50. A vector comprising the nucleic acid as in Embodiment 49. Embodiment 51. An effector cell expressing the isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of Embodiments 38 to 43. Embodiment 52. The effector cell of embodiment 51, wherein the effector cell is a T cell. Embodiment 53. A pharmaceutical composition comprising the isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of Embodiments 1 to 46, the nucleic acid of Embodiment 49, the vector of Embodiment 50, or the effector cells of Embodiment 51 or 52. Embodiment 54. A method for detecting a cell presenting a complex comprising HIV-1 RT peptide and MHC class I protein on its surface, comprising contacting the cell with the isolated anti-RTMC construct of Example 47 , And detect the presence of markers on the cell. Embodiment 55. A method for treating an individual with HIV-1 infection, which comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of the pharmaceutical composition of Embodiment 53. Embodiment 56. A method for treating an individual suffering from HIV-1 infection, which comprises administering to the individual an effective amount of the effector cells of embodiment 51 or 52. Embodiment 57. A method of diagnosing an individual with HIV-1 infection, comprising: a) administering an effective amount of the isolated anti-RTMC construct of Example 47 to the individual; and b) measuring the marker in the individual Level, where the level of the mark is higher than the threshold level indicates that the individual has the HIV-1 infection. Embodiment 58. A method of diagnosing an individual with HIV-1 infection, comprising: a) contacting a sample derived from the individual with the isolated anti-RTMC construct of Example 47; and b) determining the presence of The number of cells bound to the isolated anti-RTMC construct, wherein the value of the number of cells bound to the isolated anti-RTMC construct is higher than the threshold indicates that the individual has the HIV-1 infection. Embodiment 59. The method of any one of embodiments 55 to 58, wherein the individual is human. Embodiment 60. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 1 to 19, wherein the HIV-1 RT peptide is HIV-1 RT 181, wherein the antibody portion comprises HC-CDR and LC-CDR sequences, And wherein the bispecific antibody as in Example 35 and comprising the HC-CDR and LC-CDR sequences of the isolated anti-RTMC construct is stable in aqueous solution formulations for at least about 2 years. Example 61. The isolated anti-RTMC construct as in Example 60, wherein the aqueous formulation is stored at about 4 ° C. Embodiment 62. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of embodiment 60 or 61, wherein the bispecific antibody in the aqueous solution formulation retains at least about 40% of its target cell killing activity for at least about 2 years. Embodiment 63. The isolated anti-RTMC construct of any one of embodiments 60 to 62, wherein the anti-RTMC construct is a bispecific antibody as in embodiment 35.Examples
Those skilled in the art will recognize that several embodiments are possible within the scope and spirit of the present invention. The invention will now be described in more detail with reference to the following non-limiting examples. The following examples further illustrate the invention, but of course should not be interpreted as limiting its scope in any way.material
Cell samples, cell lines and antibodies Cell lines include: liver adenocarcinoma cell line SK-HEP-1 (ATCC HTB-52, HLA-A2+
, HIV-1-
) And lymphoblast cell line T2 (ATCC CRL-1992, HLA-A2+
, HIV-1-
). T2 is a TAP-deficient cell line. The cell line was supplemented with 5% FCS, penicillin, streptomycin, 2 mmol / L glutamic acid and 2-mercaptoethanol at 37 ° C / 5% CO2
Under cultivation. All peptides were purchased from and synthesized by Genemed Synthesis, Inc. (San Antonio, Tex.) Or Elim Biopharm (Hayward, CA). The purity of the peptide is> 90%. The peptide was dissolved in DMSO at 10 mg / mL and frozen at -80 ° C. By labeling peptides with recombinant HLA-A02 (BirA at the C-terminus, biotin-protein ligase from Avidity (Aurora, Colorado) for biotin labeling) and β-2 microglobulin (β2M) (~ 2M) Refold to prepare recombinant HIV-1 RT peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 and control peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex. 20 control peptides (P20, SEQ ID NO: 255-274) that bind HLA-A * 02: 01 are produced by the following 15 genes: BCR, BTG2, CALR, CD247, CSF2RA, CTSG, DDX5, DMTN, HLA-E , IFI30, IL7, PIM1, PPP2R1B, RPS6KB1, SSR1 and β-hemoglobin genes.Examples 1 . produce Biotinylated HIV - 1 RT / HLA - A * 02 : 01 Compound monomer
The biotinylated HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex single system was prepared according to standard protocols (John D. Altman and Mark M. Davis,Current Protocols in Immunology
17.3.1-17.3.33, 2003). Briefly, DNA encoding full-length human β-2 microglobulin (β2m) was synthesized by Genewiz and cloned into the vector pET-27b. DNA encoding HLA-A * 02: 01 ECD-BSP (BirA substrate peptide (BSP) fused to the C-terminus of HLA-A * 02: 01 extracellular domain (ECD)) was also synthesized by Genewiz and cloned into the vector pET -27b. The vectors expressing human β2m and HLA-A * 02: 01 ECD-BSP were transformed into E. coli BL21 cells, respectively, and the expressed proteins were isolated from the bacterial culture in the form of inclusion bodies. Refolding the peptide ligand HIV-1 RT peptide 181 M184V (YQYVDDLYV, SEQ ID NO: 6) with human β2m and HLA-A * 02: 01 ECD-BSP to form HIV-1 RT peptide / HLA-A * 02:01 Complex monomer. The folded peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 monomer was concentrated by ultrafiltration and further purified by size exclusion chromatography. HiPrep 26/60 Sephacryl S-300 HR was equilibrated with 1.5 column volume of Hyclone Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline solution (Thermo Scientific, catalog number SH3002802). The unpurified sample was loaded on the column and dissolved with 1 column volume. The first peak corresponding to the misfolded aggregate dissolves at approximately 111 mL, the peak corresponding to the properly folded MHC complex is observed at 212 mL, and the peak corresponding to the free β2M is observed at 267 mL (data not shown) ). The peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 monomer was labeled with biotin via BirA-mediated enzyme reaction. Biotin-labeled peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 monomer was stored in PBS at -80 ° C. SDS-PAGE of purified HIV-1 RT peptide / MHC complex can be performed to determine protein purity. For example, mix 1 µg of protein complex with 2.5 µL NuPAGE LDS sample buffer (Life Technologies, NP0008) and bring it to a total of 10 µL with deionized water. The sample was heated at 70 ° C for 10 minutes, and then loaded onto the gel. Gel electrophoresis was performed at 180V for 1 hour.Examples 2 . Selection and characterization HIV - 1 RT / HLA - A * 02 : 01 Complex-specific scFv .
Human scFv antibody phage display library constructed by Eureka therapy (diversity = 10 × 1010
) Is used to select human mAb specific for HIV-1 RT 181 M184V / HLA-A * 02: 01 / β2M complex. Twenty-four human phage scFv libraries were used for panning HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex. In order to reduce the configuration change of the MHCI complex introduced by fixing the protein complex on the plastic surface, solution panning and cell panning are used instead of conventional plate panning. In the solution panning, the recombinant biotin-labeled antigen was first mixed with the human scFv phage library after prolonged washing with PBS buffer, and then, the antigen-scFv antibody phage complex was combined with streptavidin-dino beads (Dynabead) M-280 is pulled down through the track. Next, the combined pure line was lysed and used to infect E. coli XL1-Blue cells. In cell panning, T2 cells loaded with HIV-1 RT peptide were first mixed with human scFv phage libraries. T2 cell is TAP defective, HLA-A * 02: 01+
Lymphocyte cell line. To load peptides, T2 cells were pulsed with serum-free RPMI1640 medium containing peptides (50 µg / ml). After prolonged washing with PBS, T2 cells with peptide load bound to scFv antibody phage were subjected to rapid centrifugation. Next, the combined pure line was lysed and used to infect E. coli XL1-Blue cells. Next, the pure bacteriophage expressed in bacteria was purified. Perform 3 rounds of panning with any of solution panning, cell panning, or a combination of solution and cell panning to enrich scFv phage pure lines that specifically bind HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01, and 1350 pure lines were selected for screening. The streptavidin ELISA plate is coated with monomer biotin-labeled HIV-1 RT 181 peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex monomer or monomer biotin-labeled C3 control peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 monomer. The C3 peptide is the peptide YLLPAIVHI (SEQ ID NO: 255) derived from the human nuclear protein p68. The individual phage pure lines from the enriched phage display panning pool relative to the HIV-1 RT 181 peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex were cultivated in a coating dish. The binding of phage pure lines was detected by HRP-conjugated anti-M13 antibody and developed using HRP substrate. The absorbance is read at 450 nm. The 1,350 bacteriophage pure lines enriched from phage panning were screened by ELISA to identify 214 positive pure lines. By DNA sequencing 214 ELISA-positive bacteriophage pure lines, 39 unique pure lines were identified. By flow cytometry (FACS analysis), HIV-1 RT loaded live T2 cells were used to further test the binding of specific and unique pure lines to the HLA-A * 02: 01 / peptide complex on the cell surface. T2 cells were loaded with a control mixture of HIV-1 RT 181 WT peptide, HIV-1 RT 181 M184V peptide or 19 peptides (P19, SEQ ID NO: 255-273). Controls included T2 cells without peptide loading (T2), R-PE-conjugated horse anti-mouse IgG control (secondary antibody only), and cells stained with negative control phage (NC phage). Briefly, peptide-loaded T2 cells were first stained with purified scFv bacteriophage pure line, followed by a second staining with mouse anti-M13 mAb, and a third time with R-PE conjugated horse anti-mouse IgG from Vector Labs dyeing. Each staining step was performed on ice for between 30 and 60 minutes and the cells were washed twice between staining. As reported in Table 7, of the 39 tested pure lines, all 39 specifically recognized HIV-1 RT 181 M184V loaded T2 cells, and 37 also specifically recognized HIV-1 RT 181 WT loaded T2 cells. These bacteriophage pure lines specifically bind to HIV-1 RT-loaded T2 cells and do not recognize T2 cells loaded with the control peptide mixture P19 in the case of HLA-A * 02: 01, or T2 cells without peptide loading. To confirm peptide loading, T2-P19 cells and T2-RT 181 cells were stained with BB7.2 (an anti-HLA-A * 02 specific antibody). The peptide bound to the MHC complex stabilizes the MHC complex on the cell surface, and this stability change can be detected with BB7.2. Therefore, the fluorescent signal of T2 cells loaded with MHC binding peptide and stained with BB7.2 will be enhanced compared to T2 cells without peptide loading. BB7.2 binding data shows that the mixture of HIV-1 RT peptide and control peptide P19 can bind HLA-A * 02: 01 molecules and form a surface peptide / MHC complex, as seen in the change in MFI compared to T2 cells.table 7
On average, each nucleated cell in the human body exhibits approximately 500,000 different peptide / MHC class I complexes. In order to develop anti-peptide / MHCI complex antibodies as anti-cancer drugs with high specificity and therapeutic index, it is important for antibodies to specifically recognize the target peptide / MHCI complex, not the MHCI molecule itself, or bind to cells MHCI molecules of other peptides presented on the surface. Screen pure phage lines against a mixture of 19 endogenous HLA-A * 02: 01 peptides derived from proteins that are commonly expressed in many types of nucleated human cells, such as hemoglobin alpha chain, beta chain, nuclear Protein p68 and its analogs. As reported in Table 7, HIV-1 RT peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 specific antibody bacteriophage pure line binds HIV-1 RT peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex instead of folding with endogenous peptides The HLA-A * 02: 01 complex. We infer that the identified antibodies are specific to the HIV-1 RT peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex and will not recognize HLA-A * 02 bound to other HLA-A * 02: 01 restricted peptides: 01 molecule.Examples 3 . FACS Positive HIV - 1 RT Characterization of specific bacteriophage pure lines HIV - 1 RT
Cross reaction of variants The HIV-1 RT 181 peptide selected in the present invention is highly conserved among various HIV-1 strains. Selected from pure T2 cells for WT and M184V HIV-1 RT peptide 181-loaded FACS binding analysis using variant HIV-1 RT peptide-loaded live T2 cells by FACS analysis on HIV-1 RT on the surface of live cells The cross-reactivity of the peptide 181 variant / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex was further characterized. The variant peptide differs from the WT HIV-1 RT 181 peptide by one or two amino acids at positions 181 and / or 184. The tested peptide sequences include HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (YQYVDDLYV, SEQ ID NO: 6), HIV-1 RT 181 M184I (YQYIDDLYV, SEQ ID NO: 7), HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C (CQYMDDLYV, SEQ ID NO: 8) and HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C / M184V (CQYVDDLYV, SEQ ID NO: 9). Briefly, T2 cells are loaded with HIV-1 RT 181 peptide. Controls included T2 cells without peptide loading (T2). Peptide-loaded T2 cells were stained with purified scFv phage pure line, followed by a second stain with mouse anti-M13 mAb, and a third stain with R-PE-conjugated horse anti-mouse IgG from Vector Labs. Each staining step was performed on ice for 30 to 60 minutes and the cells were washed twice between each staining step. As reported in Table 8, of the 8 tested pure lines, 6 specifically recognized all HIV-1 RT 181 peptide-loaded T2 cells, and 2 of them could not bind to HIV-1 RT WT-loaded T2 cells, of which 1 Neither species can bind to T2 cells loaded with HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C / M184V. BB7.2 binding data shows that all HIV-1 RT peptides can bind HLA-A * 02: 01 molecules to form a surface peptide / MHC complex, but loaded with HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C or HIV-1 RT 181 Y181C / T2 cells of M184V displayed much higher surface performance than T2 cells loaded with other HIV-1 RT peptides (Figure 1).table 8 Epitope localization through alanine walking
To accurately study the epitope for mAb recognition, HIV-1 RT peptides with alanine substitution at positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 (Table 9) were pulsed to T2 On the cell surface. Then, FACS analysis was used to test the binding of antibody phage pure lines to the T2 cells loaded with these peptides. The average fluorescence intensity (MFI) value of each stain is shown in Table 9. All test antibody bacteriophage bacteriophages recognize the smaller configuration epitopes formed by the HIV-1 RT peptide and the surrounding MHC alpha chain residues, and the main peptide residues that interact with various antibodies seem to reside in the C-terminal half of the peptide Because most of the pure lines are sensitive to substitutions at positions 6 and 7 (Table 10). Based on BB7.2 binding, positions 5, 8, and 9 appear to affect peptide loading (Figure 1). Controls included T2 cells without peptide loading ("T2" in Table 10 and "T2 cells + secondary antibody" in Figure 1).table 9 table 10 Antibody binding specificity assessment for endogenous peptides
Phage pure lines can also be screened against individual endogenous HLA-A * 02: 01 peptides, which are derived from proteins that are commonly expressed in many types of nucleated human cells, such as peptides contained in P20 (SEQ ID NO : 255-274). For example, a recombinant peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex folded with 20 endogenous peptides (SEQ ID NO: 255-274) is coated on a streptavidin disc separately, and via ELISA analysis determines antibody binding. Briefly, individual phage pure lines were cultivated on a peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex coated plate. The binding of phage pure lines was detected by HRP-conjugated anti-M13 antibody and developed using HRP substrate. The absorbance is read at 450 nm.Examples 4. Engineered bispecific antibody
Bispecific antibodies (BsAb) were generated using scFv sequences of HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 specific phage pure lines. BsAbs is a single-chain bispecific antibody, which comprises a monoclonal scFv (SEQ ID NO: 277) fused to an anti-human CD3ε mouse at the C-terminal end by a BsAb linker (SEQ ID NO: 278) (Brischwein, K. et al.Molecular Immunology
43: 1129-1143, 2006) HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 pure bacteriophage specific line (from N-terminus to C-terminus: light chain variable region (LCVR), scFv linker (SEQ ID NO: 276), scFv sequence of heavy chain variable region (HCVR). The phage pure heavy and light chain variable regions used to produce BsAb are listed in Table 11. DNA fragments encoding HIV-1 RT scFv and anti-human CD3ε scFv were synthesized by Genewiz and sub-selected into Eureka mammalian expression vector pGSN-Hyg using standard DNA techniques. Six histamine tags are inserted into the C-terminal end for antibody purification and detection. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were transfected with BsAb expression vector, and then cultured for 7 days to produce BsAb antibodies. The CHO cell supernatant containing the secreted HIV-1 RT BsAb molecule was collected. BsAb was purified by affinity chromatography using HisTrap HP columns (GE healthcare) and AKTA FPLC system. Briefly, CHO cell culture was clarified and loaded onto the column at low imidazole concentration (20 mM), and then isocratic high imidazole concentration dissolution buffer (500 mM) was used to dissociate the bound BsAb protein. The purity and molecular weight of the purified HIV-1 RT BsAb can be determined by gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. For example, 4 µg of protein is mixed with 2.5 µL NuPAGE LDS sample buffer (Life Technologies, NP0008) and brought to a total of 10 µL with deionized water. The sample was heated at 70 ° C for 10 minutes, and then loaded onto the gel. Gel electrophoresis was performed at 180V for 1 hour.table 11
Antibody aggregation can be assessed by size exclusion chromatography (SEC). For example, a 50 µL sample is injected into an SEC tube while flowing a buffer solution (adjusted to pH 7.0) consisting of Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline (Fisher Scientific, SH30028.FS) and 0.2 M arginine. In a column (eg, Agilent, BioSEC-3, 300A, 4.6 × 300 mm). BsAbs with high molecular weight aggregation of less than 10% were selected for further characterization.Examples 5 . HIV - 1 RT BsAb Characterization of antibodies HIV - 1 RT BsAb Antibody binding affinity
For example, by surface plasmon resonance (BiaCore), the binding affinity of HIV-1 RT BsAb and recombinant HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex is measured. For example, using the His Capture kit (GE Healthcare, catalog number 28995056) to measure HIV-1 RT BsAb and HIV-1 RT / HLA on Biacore X100 (GE Healthcare) according to the manufacturer ’s protocol for multi-cycle kinetic measurement A * 02: 01 The binding parameters between the complexes. All proteins used for analysis were diluted with HBS-E buffer. For example, 1 µg / mL of HIV-1 RT BsAb is fixed to a sensor chip pre-functionalized with antihistamine antibody by flowing the solution at 2 µL / min for 2 minutes through the flow cell 2 . Binding to HIV-1 RT / A * 02: 01 complex is analyzed at, for example, 0.19, 0.38, 7.5, 15 and 30 µg / mL. Each run consists of 3 minutes of binding and 3 minutes of dissociation at 30 µL / min. At the end of the cycle, the surface was regenerated using regeneration buffer from His Capture kit. The data was analyzed using BiaCore X-100 evaluation software using a 1: 1 binding site pattern. Next, calculate the binding parameter (binding rate constant ka
, Dissociation constant kd
And equilibrium dissociation constant Kd
).Peptide pulse T2 Of the cell T Cell killing analysis
Tumor cytotoxicity was analyzed by LDH cytotoxicity analysis (Promega). Human T cells purchased from AllCells were activated and expanded by CD3 / CD28 Dynano beads (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer's protocol. Activated T cells (ATC) were cultured and maintained in RPMI1640 medium with 10% FBS plus 30 U / ml IL-2 and used on days 7 to 14. According to FACS analysis, T cells are> 99% CD3+
. Activated αβ T cells (effector cells) and target peptide-loaded T2 cells were co-cultured with 1 µg / ml or 0.2 µg / ml BsAb at a ratio of 5: 1 for 16 hours. The peptide-loaded T2 was prepared by incubating T2 cells with 50 μg / ml of target HIV-1 RT 181 M184V (YQYVDDLYV, SEQ ID NO: 6) or control peptide mixture P20 (SEQ ID NO: 255-274) cell. Next, cytotoxicity was determined by measuring LDH activity in the culture supernatant. As shown in Figure 2, BsAbs 1, 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 27, 30, and 34 kill HIV-1 RT peptide-loaded T2 cells in a selective manner.With the cell line T cell Lethal analysis
Target cell cytotoxicity was analyzed by LDH cytotoxicity analysis (Promega). Human T cells were purchased from AllCells and activated and expanded by CD3 / CD28 Dynabeads (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer's protocol. Activated T cells (ATC) were cultured and maintained in RPMI1640 medium with 10% FBS plus 30 U / mL IL-2, and used on days 7 to 14. Activated T cells (effector cells) and target cancer cells were co-cultured at a 5: 1 ratio with different concentrations of BsAb (including for example 0.2, 0.04, 0.008, and 0.0016 μg / ml BsAb) for 16 hours. Next, cytotoxicity was determined by measuring LDH activity in the culture supernatant. The tested target cells include parental SK-Hep1 cells and stably express HIV-1 RT WT (SEQ ID NO: 1) (SK-Hep1 HIV-1 RT WT), HIV-1 RT M184V (SEQ ID NO: 3) (SK-Hep1 HIV-1 RT M184V) or SK-Hep1 cells of HIV-1 RT M184I (SEQ ID NO: 4) (SK-Hep1 HIV-1 RT M184I). As shown in FIG. 3, BsAb 1, 9, 10, 13, 14, 27, and 34 can specifically directly kill SK-Hep1 WT, M184V, and M184I cells, but not the parental SK-Hep1 cells. BsAb pure line 4 can specifically kill SK-Hep1 M184V and M184I cells directly, but not SK-Hep1 WT cells. BsAb 17 and 30 show evidence of non-specific killing. Other target cells that can be tested include T cells (such as CD4+
T cells), which are transduced to express HIV-1 RT WT (SEQ ID NO: 1), HIV-1 RT M184V (SEQ ID NO: 3) or HIV-1 RT M184I (SEQ ID NO: 4 ).HIV - 1 RT BsAb Antibodies against multiple HLA - A02 Cross-reactivity of dual genes
Human MHCI molecules are composed of 6 classes of isoforms HLA-A, -B, -C, -E, -F and G. The HLA-A, -B and -C heavy chain genes are highly polymorphic. For each isoform, the HLA genes are additionally grouped according to the similarity of the heavy chain sequences. For example, HLA-A is divided into different dual genes, such as HLA-A01, -A02, -A03, and so on. For the HLA-A02 dual gene, there are multiple subtypes, such as HLA-A * 02: 01, A * 02: 02 and so on. Among the different subtypes of the HLA-A02 group, the sequence difference is limited to several amino acids. Therefore, in many cases, peptides bound to HLA-A * 02: 01 molecules can also form complexes with multiple subtypes of HLA-A02 dual genes. As shown in Table 12 (http://www.allelefrequencies.net/), although HLA-A * 02: 01 is the dominant HLA-A02 subtype in the Caucasian population, in Asia, A * 02: 05, A * 02: 06, A * 02: 07 and A * 02: 11 are also common HLA-A02 subtypes. The ability of HIV-1 RT antibodies to recognize HIV-1 RT peptides not only in HLA-A * 02: 01, but also in other subtypes of HLA-A02 will make it possible to benefit from HIV-1 RT antibody drug therapy The patient population has greatly widened. To measure cross-reactivity, HIV-1 RT / MHC class I complexes with other subtypes of HLA-A02 dual genes were generated and tested for antibodies specific to HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 for these other complexes Binding affinity of things. For example, ForteBio Octet QK is used to determine binding affinity. In short, the HIV-1 RT peptide / HLA-A02 MHC complex with 5 μg / mL biotin labeling of varying subtypes was loaded onto the streptavidin biosensor. After washing away excess antigen, BsAb is tested for binding and dissociation kinetics at, for example, 10 µg / mL. The binding parameters were calculated using a 1: 1 binding site and a partially fitted model.table 12 HIV - 1 RT BsAb Antibody stability
Anti-RTMC BsAb pure lines No. 10, No. 14 and No. 27 were stored in formulation buffer (30 mM citric acid, 200 mM lysine, 0.05% polysorbate 80, pH 7) at 4 ° C for two years Target cell killing analysis as described above (using SK-Hep1 target cells expressing HIV-1 RT 181 WT small gene). The percentage specific lysis rate of pure line No. 10 was found to be ~ 48% (64% of the 75% level determined two years ago, as shown in Figure 3), and the percentage specific lysis rate of pure line No. 14 was found to be ~ 52% (69% of the 75% level determined two years ago, as shown in Figure 3), and found that the percentage of pure line No. 27 was ~ 4% than the lysis rate (5% of the 83% level determined two years ago ).Examples 6A . HIV - 1 RT / HLA - A * 02 : 01 Specific chimeric antigen receptor ( CAR ) Construction of the structure
Chimeric antigen receptor therapy (CAR-T therapy) is a relatively novel form of targeted immunotherapy. It combines the acute targeting specificity of monoclonal antibodies with the strong cytotoxicity and long-term durability provided by cytotoxic T cells. This technology enables T cells to obtain long-term novel antigen specificity independent of endogenous TCR. Clinical trials have been conducted in neuroblastoma (Louis C.U. et al.,Blood
118 (23): 6050-6056), B-ALL (Maude S.L., etc.,N . Engl . J . Med .
371 (16): 1507-1517, 2014), CLL (Brentjens R.J. et al.,Blood
118 (18): 4817-4828, 2011) and B-cell lymphoma (Kochenderfer J.N. et al.,Blood .
116 (20): 4099-4102, 2010) shows the clinically significant antitumor activity of CAR-T therapy. In one study, 90% of the 30 patients with B-ALL treated with CD19-CAR T therapy reported a complete remission rate (Maude S.L. et al., Supra). To further explore the efficacy of HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 specific antibodies, a CAR containing anti-RTMC scFv was constructed and transduced into T cells. For example, a lentiviral CAR expression vector is used to construct HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 specific CARs. Transplant anti-HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 scFv to a signaling domain with a costimulatory signaling domain (such as from CD28 or 4-1BB) and a signaling domain from TCRζ (whichcis
On the second generation of CAR (Mackall C.L. et al.,Nat . Rev . Clin . Oncol .
11 (12): 693-703, 2014) to provide intracellular T cell stimulation signals and activate T cells. For example, the anti-HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 scFv is grafted onto a CAR polypeptide having the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 279 or SEQ ID NO: 280.Examples 6B . HIV - 1 RT / HLA - A * 02 : 01 Specific chimeric antigen receptor ( CAR ) Construction of the structure
HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 specific CAR uses HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * that produces anti-HIV CAR 10 (SEQ ID NO: 254) and anti-HIV CAR 14 (SEQ ID NO: 275) 02:01 The scFv sequences of phage-specific pure lines 10 and 14 were generated. Anti-HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 CAR contains HIV fused at its C-terminal end to a CAR polypeptide comprising CD3ζ intracellular signaling sequence and CD28 intracellular signaling sequence (SEQ ID NO: 279) -1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 phage-specific pure line (from N-term to C-term: light chain variable region (LCVR), scFv linker (SEQ ID NO: 276), heavy chain variable region (HCVR )) ScFv sequence. The heavy and light chain variable regions of phage pure lines used for CAR production are listed in Table 13.table 13 Examples 7 . HIV - 1 RT / HLA - A * 02 : 01 Specific chimeric antibody / TCR Receptor presentation T cell ( abTCR T cell ) Production
Chimeric antibody / T cell receptor (abTCR) is regulated by a naturally occurring mechanism that controls TCR activation, and thus constitutive activation and the negative consequences associated with such activation can be avoided. The abTCRT cell signaling is expected to regulate and respond to endogenous T cell regulation and prove to increase persistence in vivo. To further explore the efficacy of HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 specific antibodies, anti-RTMC abTCR was constructed and transduced into T cells. For example, one or more lentiviral abTCR expression vectors are used to construct HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 specific abTCR. Transplant anti-HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 Fab-like antigen-binding module to the T cell receptor transmembrane module containing the T cell receptor subunit transmembrane domain to provide passage and endogenous TCR-associated signaling molecules (such as CD3δε, CD3γε, and ζζ) are associated with intracellular T cell stimulation signals and activated T cells. For example, an anti-HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 Fab-like antigen-binding module is grafted onto an abTCR polypeptide comprising the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO: 301 and 302.Examples 8A . anti- RTMC Chimeric receptor T cell Characterization anti- RTMC Chimeric receptor T cell In vitro cytotoxicity study
For example, by transfecting 293T cells with anti-RTMC CAR vector or anti-RTMC abTCR vector, to generate HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 specific chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) or chimeric antibody TCR (abTCR) lentivirus. Human T cells were used for transduction in the presence of interleukin-2 at 30 U / ml after stimulation with CD3 / CD28 beads (Dynabeads®, Invitrogen) for 2 days. The concentrated lentivirus was coated on a 6-well plate coated with Retronectin (Takara) containing T cells for 72 hours. The transduction efficiency was assessed by FACS using biotin-labeled HIV-1 RT tetramer and PE-conjugated streptavidin. The FACS analysis was repeated at 72 hours and every 3 to 4 days thereafter. The functional evaluation of transduced T cells (anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR T cells) was performed using LDH cytotoxicity analysis. The ratio of effector cells to target cells used includes, for example, 5: 1 and 10: 1. Target cell lines may include, for example, SK-HEP-1 (ATCC HTB-52, HLA to A2+
, HIV-1-
), T cell leukemia cell line Jurkat (ATCC TIB-152, HLA-A2-
, HIV-1-
), Leukemia cell line K562 (ATCC CCL-243, HLA-A2-
, HIV-1-
) And primary T cells, such as CD4+
T cells. SK-HEP-1, Jukat, K562 and primary T cells encode WT HIV-1 RT (SEQ ID NO: 1), M184V HIV-1 RT (SEQ ID NO: 3) or M184I HIV-1 RT (SEQ ID NO : 4) HIV-1 RT expresses small gene cassette transduction, which produces a higher level of cell surface performance of HIV-1 RT peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex. The specificity and efficiency of T cells expressing anti-RTMC CAR or T cells expressing anti-RTMC abTCR to kill target positive cells were determined using LDH analysis as described above.anti- RTMC Chimeric receptor T cell Virus suppression research
Anti-RTMC chimeric receptor T cells (anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR T cells) were generated as described above. PBMC were treated with RPMI-1640 containing 1 mg / ml PHA and 10 ng / ml IL-2 + 10% FBS for 2 days. CD4+
T cells are isolated by negative selection using magnetic beads and infected with various HIV strains (eg NL4-3, Bal and SF162). After 48 hours, the cells were washed with fresh medium. Infect HIV with CD4+
T cells and CD8 transduced with anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR+
T cells are mixed at an exemplary effect target ratio of 5: 1 or 1: 1. Every 2 days (for 8 days) the intracellular p24 (Gag) level is measured by flow cytometry. In short, HIV infected CD4+
T cells are stained with antibodies to CD4, CD8 and p24 using, for example, FIX & PERM® Cell Fixation & Cell Permeabilization kit. For examples of virus suppression studies, see Varela-Rohena, A. et al. (2008)Nature medicine
14 (12): 1390-1395.anti- RTMC Chimeric receptor transduced CD8 + T cell Respond to HIV infected CD4 + T cell Proliferation
The purpose of this experiment is to measure CD8 transduced with anti-RTMC CAR or anti-RTMC abTCR+
T cells respond to CD4 exposure to HIV infection+
T cell proliferation ability. HIV-infected CD4+
T cells are produced as described above. The target cells are irradiated with, for example, high dose gamma radiation (eg, 10,000 rads). Anti-RTMC chimeric receptor T cells (anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR T cells) were labeled with Cell Trace Violet (ThermoFisher) according to the manufacturer's instructions. The target cells and anti-RTMC chimeric receptor T cells are mixed in a ratio of, for example, 1: 1. After 3 days, the medium was changed, and after 7 days, the cells were measured to track purple fluorescence. For examples of proliferation studies, see Ali, A. et al. (2016)Journal of virology
JVI-00805. CD8 transduced by activated anti-RTMC chimeric receptor+
T cell cytokine release The purpose of this analysis is to measure the activation of CD8+
Anti-RTMC chimeric receptor T cells (anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR T cells) in response to HIV-infected CD4+
T cell cytokines are released. For CD8 by transduction+
For examples of analysis of T cell production of cytokines, see Varela-Rohena, A. et al. (2008)Nature medicine 14
(12): 1390-1395. HIV-infected CD4+
T cells are produced as described above. For example, target cells and anti-RTMC chimeric receptor T cells are mixed at an exemplary E: T ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 8. For example, ELISA kit analysis using Granzyme B (Neobioscience), IL-2 (MultiSciences, Lianke Biotech) and IFN-γ from CD8+
Interleukin release of chimeric receptor T cells. See for example Liu, B. et al. (2016)Journal of Virology
JVI-00852.Examples 8B . anti- RTMC CAR T cell Characterization anti- RTMC Chimeric receptor T cell In vitro cytotoxicity study
Lentivirus encoding HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 specific CAR by using anti-RTMC CAR encoding anti-HIV CAR 10 (SEQ ID NO: 254) and anti-HIV CAR 14 (SEQ ID NO: 275) Produced by vector-transfected 293T cells. Human T cells were used for transduction in the presence of interleukin-2 at 30 U / ml after stimulation with CD3 / CD28 beads (Dynabeads®, Invitrogen) for 1 day. The concentrated lentivirus (MOI 3: 1) was applied to a 6-well plate coated with Retronectin (Takara) containing T cells for 72 hours. Mock-transfected T cells were also prepared for use as controls. The transduction efficiency was assessed by FACS using biotin-labeled HIV-1 RT tetramer and PE-bound streptavidin (Figure 4). The functional evaluation of transduced T cells (anti-HIV CAR 10 T cells or anti-HIV CAR 14 T cells) and simulated T cells on day 9 of IL-2 growth was performed using LDH cytotoxicity analysis. To roughly 1 × 105
Each target cell / well uses an effective target ratio of 5: 1. Target cell lines include SK-HEP-1 control cells (ATCC HTB-52, HLA-A2+
, HIV-1-
) And SK-HEP-1-MG, the SK-HEP-1-MG is transduced by a small gene cassette encoding HIV-1 RT peptide encoding WT HIV-1 RT 181-189 (SEQ ID NO: 5) Prepared from parental SK-HEP-1 cells, producing a higher level of cell surface performance of HIV-1 RT 181-189 / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex. The specificity and efficiency of T cells expressing anti-RTMC CAR to kill target positive cells was determined using LDH analysis as described above (Figure 5). Both T cells expressing anti-RTMC CAR kill target-positive SK-HEP-1-MG cells in a specific and efficient manner. However, the same T cells poorly recognize target-negative wild-type SK-HEP1 cells. These results indicate that the antibody pure line is highly specific for cells expressing HIV RT and does not mediate non-specific killing of cell lines that do not express HIV RT.Examples 9 . full length IgG1 HIV - 1 RT Antibody production and characterization
For example, full-length human IgG1 of the selected bacteriophage pure line is produced in HEK293 and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines as described (Tomimatsu K. et al.,Biosci . Biotechnol . Biochem .
73 (7): 1465-1469, 2009). Briefly, antibody variable regions are sub-cloned into mammalian expression vectors with matching human lambda or kappa light chain constant region and human IgG1 constant region sequences. Using the same colonization strategy, chimeric anti-HIV-1 RT peptide / MHC full-length antibodies with mouse IgG1 heavy and light chain constant regions were generated. Under both reducing and non-reducing conditions, the molecular weight of the purified full-length IgG antibody was measured by electrophoresis. SDS-PAGE of purified HIV-1 RT mouse chimeric IgG1 antibody was performed to determine protein purity. Briefly, 2 µg of protein was mixed with 2.5 µL NuPAGE LDS sample buffer (Life Technologies, NP0008) and brought to a total of 10 µL with deionized water. The sample was heated at 70 ° C for 10 minutes, and then loaded onto the gel. Gel electrophoresis was performed at 180V for 1 hour. By flow cytometry, test anti-HIV-1 RT peptide / MHC chimeric IgG1 antibody and HIV-1 RT presenting cells (such as SK-Hep1, Jurkat, K562 and transduced with a small gene cassette as described above Beginner CD4+
Cells). The HIV-1 RT small gene cassette (expressing WT, M184V or M184I HIV-1 RT) is transfected into cells to produce HIV-1 RT presenting target cells. Add 10 µg / mL antibody to the cells on ice for 1 hour. After washing, R-PE-conjugated anti-mouse IgG (H + L) (Vector Labs # EI-2007) was added to detect antibody binding. The binding affinity of mouse chimeric IgG1 anti-HIV-1 RT peptide / MHC antibody was determined by ForteBio Octet QK. Load the 5 µg / mL biotin-labeled HIV-1 RT peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex onto the streptavidin biosensor. After washing away excess antigen, the binding and dissociation kinetics of the mouse chimeric full-length antibody were tested at 10 µg / mL. The binding parameters were calculated using a 1: 1 binding site and a partially fitted model. The binding of HIV-1 RT specific and negative control mouse chimeric IgG1 to HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01, HIV-1 RT recombinant protein and free HIV-1 RT 181 peptide was tested in ELISA analysis. Antibodies are tested, for example, at 3 × serial dilutions, starting at 100 ng / mL for a total of 8 concentrations. Biotinylated HIV-1 RT / A * 02: 01 MHC was applied to streptavidin discs at 2 µg / mL, HIV-1 RT protein was applied at 2 µg / mL and HIV-1 RT peptide was applied at 40 ng / mL coating. The ability of the full-length anti-HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 antibody in the case of HLA-A02 to recognize only the HIV-1 RT peptide and does not bind recombinant HIV-1 RT protein or free HIV-1 RT peptide.Examples 10 . In vivo effect research Antibodies in mice RTMC Chimeric receptor T cell treatment
Anti-RTMC chimeric receptor T cells (such as anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR cells) are evaluated in a mouse model of HIV infection. For examples of such mouse models, see Akkina, R. (2013)Virology 435
(1): 14-28. For example, human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), human hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), thymus cells, liver cells and / or from HLA-A2+
Bone marrow cells from the source are transplanted into NOD SCIDγ (NSG) mice to produce humanized NSG mice. Next, such as by rectal or vaginal vaccination of HIV-1, mice are infected with HIV. Mice are divided into at least 3 groups that receive one of: (i) no treatment; (ii) mock treatment; or (iii) anti-RTMC constructs (such as BsAb) or anti-RTMC chimeric receptor T cells (Anti-RTMC CAR T cells or anti-RTMC abTCR T cells) treatment. Monitor animals in each group for HIV-associated disease pathology, CD4+
T cell level, HIV viral load, body weight, and general health status (eating, walking, daily activities).Examples 11 . anti- HIV - 1 RT Compatibility and maturity of antibody agents
This example describes the affinity maturation of anti-HIV-1 RT antibody agents. In particular, this example specifically describes the generation of a series of antibody variants by incorporating random mutations into representative anti-HIV-1 RT antibodies followed by screening and characterization of antibody variants. Generation of variant phage libraries DNA encoding anti-HIV-1 RT peptide / MHC scFv was subjected to random mutation induction using GeneMorph II random mutation induction kit (Agilent Technologies) according to the manufacturer's instructions. After the mutation induction, the DNA sequence is cloned into a phage plastid vector expressing scFv to establish that it contains, for example, about 5 × 108
A phage library of variant human antibody phage from a unique phage pure line. On average, the variant pure line has two nucleotide mutations compared to the parental anti-HIV-1 RT peptide / MHC pure line with each scFv sequence in the range of 1 to 4 nucleotide mutations.Cell panning
The human phage scFv library with mutations was used for panning for HIV-1 RT 181 peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex as described in Example 2. In particular, cell panning is used. For example, a human scFv phage library is first mixed with T2 cells loaded with 20 different endogenous peptides (P20, SEQ ID NO: 255-274) pool of 50 μg / ml, and panned as a negative control. Next, the human scFv phage library lacking the negative control was mixed with T2 cells loaded with HIV-1 RT 181 peptide (1.5 μg / ml in the first round, 0.8 μg / ml in the second round, 0.4 μg / ml in the third round), Used for positive selection. To load peptides, T2 cells were pulsed overnight with peptide-free serum-free RPMI1640 medium in the presence of 20 µg / ml β2M. After prolonged washing with PBS, peptide-loaded T2 cells with bound scFv antibody phage were subjected to rapid centrifugation. Next, the combined pure line was lysed and used to infect E. coli XL1-Blue cells. Next, the pure bacteriophage expressed in bacteria was purified. Three rounds of panning were performed to enrich scFv phage pure lines that specifically bind to HIV-1 RT 181 peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01. The streptavidin ELISA plate is coated with biotin-labeled HIV-1 RT 181 peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex monomer or biotin-labeled P20 control peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 monomer. The individual phage pure lines from the enriched phage display panning pool relative to the HIV-1 RT 181 peptide / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex were cultivated in a coating dish. The binding of phage pure lines was detected by HRP-conjugated anti-M13 antibody and developed using HRP substrate. The absorbance is read at 450 nm. From the phage pure lines enriched by phage panning, positive pure lines were identified by ELISA screening. The unique pure line was identified by DNA sequencing by ELISA positive phage pure line. Using flow cytometry (FACS analysis) using HIV-1 RT 181 peptide-loaded live T2 cells to further test the binding of specific and unique pure lines to the HLA-A * 02: 01 / peptide complex on the surface of live cells . Controls include T2 cells without peptide loading (cells only) and R-PE-conjugated horse anti-mouse IgG controls (secondary antibodies only). Briefly, T2 cells loaded with HIV-1 RT 181 peptide or P20 peptide pool were first stained with purified scFv bacteriophage pure line, followed by a second staining with mouse anti-M13 mAb, and combined with R-PE from Vector Labs Zima anti-mouse IgG stained for the third time. Each staining step was performed on ice for 30 to 60 minutes and the cells were washed twice between staining steps. It was determined that it does not specifically bind to HIV-1 RT 181-loaded T2 cells and does not bind to P20 peptide pool-loaded T2 cells or peptide-free T2 cells in the case of HLA-A * 02: 01.Examples 12 . Anti-based HIV - 1 RT Characterization of bispecific antibody molecules of affinity mature variants Production of bispecific antibodies
The bispecific antibody (BsAb) was generated using the scFv sequence of the affinity-mature HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 phage pure line isolated in Example 10 using the method described in Example 4. The obtained single-chain bispecific antibody comprises the scFv sequence of the HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 specific phage pure line at the N-terminal and the anti-human CD3ε mouse monoclonal scFv at the C-terminal.Bispecific antibodies and HIV - 1 RT / HLA - A * 02 : 01 Determination of binding affinity
The binding affinity of HIV-1 RT BsAb antibody (derived from affinity mature pure line) and recombinant HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex was measured by surface plasmon resonance (BiaCore). The binding parameters between HIV-1 RT BsAb and HIV-1 RT / HLA-A * 02: 01 complex are based on the manufacturer ’s protocol for multi-cycle kinetic measurements using the Biotin CAPture kit (GE Healthcare, catalog number 28920233) measured on Biacore X100 (GE Healthcare). All proteins used for analysis were diluted with HBS-E operating buffer. 5 µg / mL biotin-labeled HIV-1 RT 181 / HLA-A * 02: 01 / β2M complex was flowed through the flow cell at 5 µL / min by holding the solution for 75 seconds (captured ~ 120 RU MHC per cycle The complex) is fixed to the sensor chip CAP pre-functionalized with streptavidin (capture ~ 3,800 RU streptavidin). The binding to HIV-1 RT BsAb was analyzed at 150 nM, 75 nM, 37.5 nM, 18.8 nM and 9.4 nM. Each run consisted of a 2 minute binding and a 10 minute dissociation at 30 µL / min. At the end of the cycle, the surface was regenerated using regeneration buffer from the Biotin CAPture kit. The data was analyzed using BiaCore X-100 evaluation software using a 1: 1 binding site pattern. Next, calculate the binding parameter (binding rate constant ka
, Dissociation constant kd
And equilibrium dissociation constant Kd
).HIV - 1 RT Bispecific antibodies target multiple HLA - A02 Dual gene cross-reactivity and binding affinity
As described in Example 5 above, the different subtypes of the HLA-A02 group are quite conservative, and cross-reactivity against multiple HLA-A02 subtypes is highly desirable. Therefore, experiments were conducted to determine whether the bispecific antibody (BsAb) produced by the parental pure line and the affinity matured variant cross-reacted with the non-HLA-A * 02: 01 subtype of the HLA-A02 group. Specifically, various types of HIV-1 RT 181 / MHC class I complexes with the HLA-A02 dual gene are generated, and the Pet ForteBio LLC (Menlo Park, CA) Octet® QKe system (which uses biolayer interference The measurement method (Biolayer Interferometry; BLI) technique was used to determine its binding affinity with HIV-1 RT 181 / HLA-A * 02: 01 specific antibody. The tested BsAbs include the parent pure line and the affinity mature variant pure line. Load the 5 µg / mL biotin-labeled HIV-1 RT 181 peptide / HLA-A02 complex with the varying subtype of HLA-A02 onto the streptavidin biosensor. After washing off excess antigen (HIV-1 RT peptide / HLA-A02 complex), the binding and dissociation kinetics of BsAb were tested at 10 µg / mL. The binding parameters were calculated using a 1: 1 binding site and a partially fitted model.Peptide binding specificity analysis
To confirm the specificity of the peptide recognized by the affinity matured variant antibody, FACS analysis was performed by T2 cells loaded with HIV-1 RT 181 peptide, P20 peptide pool or without peptide load.Epitope localization through alanine walking
To accurately study the sensitive residues of the HIV-1 RT 181 peptide recognized by the BsAb affinity mature variant, the alanine walking experiment as described above was performed.Sequence Listing