201219318 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是關於淨化自來水等原水之淨水裝 該淨水裝置之消毒殺菌方法。 【先前技術】 習知飮用水之淨水裝置,是於導入原水之 配置具有過濾機能之濾芯(淨化部),且於該 側配置電解水生成裝置,並於濾芯及電解水生 裝設有光觸媒裝置(參照專利文獻1 )。 在此情形下,光觸媒裝置係爲對二氧化鈦 令其發生觸媒作用之裝置,可生成具殺菌作用 作爲殺菌裝置之用。 〔先前技術文獻〕 〔專利文獻〕 〔專利文獻1〕日本特開2002-1 8429號公報 【發明內容】 〔發明所欲解決之課題〕 上述習知之淨化裝置,是將殺菌裝置所產 入流通之原水當中,而臭氧供給之處位於殺菌 成分導入口之下流側的流路或電解水生成裝置 部分消毒殺菌。 然而,位於殺菌成分導入口上流側之處, 置,及用於 流路上流側 濾芯之下流 成裝置之間 照射紫外線 之臭氧,以 生之臭氧混 裝置之殺菌 ,並將此些 例如濾芯及 201219318 殺菌裝置之間的流路,由於並未供給臭氧,致使該部分會 有細菌殘留,導致衛生問題。 是故本發明之目的,在於提供可將殺菌成分導入口之 上流側予以消毒殺菌,以獲致更安全之淨化水之淨水裝置 ,以及淨水裝置之消毒殺菌方法。 〔用以解決課題之手段〕 爲達成上述目的,本發明之淨水裝置,是在從水供給 部導入之原水所流通之流路處、配置有淨化部及電解水生 成裝置之淨水裝置,其特徵爲設有殺菌裝置,將生成之殺 菌成分導入前述流路,且設有逆流手段,令前述殺菌成分 逆流回前述流路之殺菌成分導入口之上流側。 此外’本發明之淨水裝置之消毒殺菌方法,其特徵爲 利用上述淨水裝置’藉由前述逆流手段,令殺菌成分逆流 回前述流路之殺菌成分導入口之上流側。 〔發明之功效〕 依據本發明之淨水裝置及該淨水裝置之消毒殺菌方法 ’可藉由逆流手段’令殺菌成分逆流回流路之殺菌成分導 入口之上流側。藉此,可針對位於殺菌成分導入口上流側 之流路積極地進行消毒殺菌,於平常使用時,可獲得更安 全之淨化水。 【實施方式】 -6 - 201219318 以下一面參照圖式,一面詳細說明本發明之實施形態 〔淨水裝置之第1基本構造〕 圖1〜圖3所示者,係本發明第1基本構造之淨水裝置1 。淨水裝置1如圖1所示,是將原水之自來水,從未圖示之 水管經由水供給部之供給閥2,導入流路之主配管3。流路 之形成呈上下方向。亦即在本實施形態中,主配管3係配 置成上下方向,自來水從下方之上流側流通至上方之下流 側。又,在此雖以自來水做爲原水,但亦可利用其他飲用 水源,如井水、儲存水等,在以下說明中亦同。 主配管3從上流側朝向下流側(自圖中下方至上方) 依序配置有淨化部4及電解水生成裝置之電解槽5。於淨化 部4淨化過後之自來水,藉由電解槽5而形成鹼離子水,將 此鹼離子水經由吐出閥6,供應至未圖示之如水龍頭等吐 出部。 淨化部4內有活性碳等過濾材料’以除去自來水中之 髒污或氯等雜質並淨化之。 電解槽5如習知,具備有一對陰極板與陽極板’隔著 隔膜彼此相向。而當在兩電極板間施加電壓時,會分別於 陰極室生成鹼性電解水、陽極室生成酸性電解水。又’透 過電解而生成之酸性水當中含有次氯酸,故一般又稱此酸 性水爲次氯酸水,以下之次氯酸水統一以酸性水爲名進行 說明。 , 201219318 淨水裝置1當中設有控制裝置7,藉此控制裝置7來進 行供給閥2之開閉控制、監控淨化部4之堵塞狀態、電解槽 5之電壓控制以及吐出閥6之開閉控制。 在此淨水裝置1當中設有殺菌裝置1 〇,以將生成之殺 菌成分導入主配管3之中。此殺菌裝置10在本基本構成當 中,係配置於淨化部4與電解槽5之間,亦即淨化部4之下 流側,電解槽5之上流側,藉由控制裝置7來控制其動作。 又,此殺菌裝置10無需直接設於主配管3,亦可經由未圖 示之分岐管連通至主配管3。 另,淨水裝置1設有排水閥1 1做爲逆流手段,可將殺 菌成分逆流回主配管3之殺菌成分導入口 10a之上流側。此 排水閥1 1處於開狀態時,殺菌成分會從殺菌裝置1 〇逆流回 淨化部4之方向,亦即從殺菌裝置1 0流向下方之上流側。 排水閥11配置於主配管3之殺菌成分導入口 10a之上流側, 在本基本構成當中,係位於淨化部4之上流側,供給閥2之 下流側。此排水閥1 1亦藉由控制裝置7來控制開閉。此外 ,排水閥1 1配置於供給閥2之下流側附近,或是與其連通 較爲理想。 又,本基本構成當中,殺菌裝置10直接設於主配管3 ,故殺菌成分導入口 l〇a爲殺菌裝置10之下流側出口。但 若上述之殺菌裝置10是藉由分岐管連通時,則殺菌成分導 入口係爲分岐管與主配管3之連接部分。此外,圖1中雖以 箭號a表示高低關係,但控制裝置7與高低無關,可設置於 任意位置。 -8- 201219318 (1 ) 一般運轉模式 圖1爲淨水裝置1之一般運轉狀態。此時,供給閥2及 吐出閥6呈開閥,且排水閥1 1呈閉閥狀態,此外,電解槽5 雖呈動作(陰陽兩電極板間施加電壓)狀態,但殺菌裝置 10呈停止狀態。 而在此一般運轉模式下打開水龍頭時,如圖1中箭號 所示,導入主配管3之自來水會先經淨化部4淨化後,通過 殺菌裝置10而導入電解槽5。經此電解槽5生成之鹼性電解 水,係成爲鹼離子水而從水龍頭取用;另一方面,酸性電 解水則可廢棄,或可作其他用途。 (2 )下流側之殺菌模式 圖2爲位於淨水裝置1之殺菌裝置i 〇下流側之殺菌狀態 。此時與一般運轉模式相同,供給閥2及吐出閥6呈開閥, 且排水閥1 1呈閉閥狀態,此外,電解槽5及殺菌裝置1 0皆 呈動作狀態。又,在此情形下,電解槽5可呈停止狀態, 但呈動作狀態較爲理想。 而在此下流側之殺菌模式下打開水龍頭時,如圖2中 箭號所示,導入主配管3之自來水會先經淨化部4淨化後, 導入至殺菌裝置10。而在此殺菌裝置10內,將殺菌成分混 入自來水中。此殺菌成分與自來水一起被導入位於下流側 之電解槽5後,通過吐出閥6而供應至水龍頭方向。 因此’位於殺菌成分導入口 1 0a下流側之主配管3、電 -9 - 201219318 解槽5、吐出閥6及其下流側(水龍頭側),藉由混入自來 水中之殺菌成分,有效率地被消毒殺菌。 又,此時爲防止從水龍頭排出而導致誤飲,亦可於吐 出閥6之下流側連接未圖示之排水管,將混入殺菌成分之 自來水從此排水管排出。另一方面,不裝設排水管,而刻 意從水龍頭排出,便可對此水龍頭進行消毒殺菌。在此情 形下,爲防止從水龍頭排出而導致誤飲,於排水中可令其 發出警示音或顯示警告文字較爲妥當。 (3 )上流側之殺菌模式 圖3爲位於淨水裝置1之殺菌裝置10上流側之殺菌狀態 。此時,供給閥2呈閉閥狀態,而吐出閥6與排水閥1 1則呈 開閥狀態。此外,電解槽5與殺菌裝置1 0皆呈動作狀態。 又,在此情形下,電解槽5可呈停止狀態,但令其動作直 到殺菌裝置1 〇內的水流盡爲止較爲理想。 如上所述,設定淨水裝置1爲上流側之殺菌模式。藉 此,如圖3中箭號所示,殺菌裝置10內混入殺菌成分之自 來水,藉由本身重量(水壓),逆流經過位於此殺菌裝置 1 〇上流側之主配管3及淨化部4,而從排水閥1 1排出。 因此,位於殺菌成分導入口 1 0a上流側之主配管3及淨 化部4,藉由混入逆流自來水中之殺菌成分,有效率地被 消毒殺菌。 另外,此上流側之殺菌模式可獨立進行,但於上述下 流側之殺菌模式結束後接著進行較爲理想。藉此,保持於 -10- 201219318 淨水裝置1通路內之殺菌成分混入自來水當中(以下稱殺 菌水),藉由自身重量依序逆流經過水龍頭、吐出閥6、 電解槽5、殺菌裝置1 〇、淨化部4、以及排水閥1 1。因此, 可與主配管3 —同被消毒殺菌,淨水裝置1內幾乎全部的水 通路皆可輕易地被消毒殺菌。 .圖4爲前述第1基本構造之淨水裝置1之變形例中,上 流側之殺菌模式,本變形例所示之淨水裝置1 A,其淨化部 4之構造或狀態,令水難以流通。 舉例來說,當淨化部4是由使用RO膜或NF膜之逆滲透 膜等細密濾心來構成時,或淨化部4內之過濾材料接近使 用壽命而產生堵塞時。而本變形例之淨水裝置1 A,即使如 上述淨化部4難以令水流通的情形下,仍可對殺菌裝置1 〇 上流側之主配管3進行消毒殺菌。 在此,淨水裝置1A與第1基本構造相同之構成部分, 予以標註同一符號並省略重複說明,而其裝設有旁通配管 1 2,係連通淨化部4之下流側與排水閥1 1之上流側。在此 情形下,逆流手段是由排水閥1 1與旁通配管1 2共同構成。 此時,圖4中爲求簡便’於串連淨化部4與殺菌裝置1〇 之主配管3的略中央處連接旁通配管12,但旁通配管12連 接裝設於淨化部4之下流側附近較爲理想。此外,旁通配 管12僅容許從淨化部4之下流側流向排水閥i〗之上流側, 其裝設有逆止閥13以阻止反方向之流動。 因此,本變形例之淨水裝置1A中,一般運轉模式(參 照圖1 )與下流側之殺菌模式(參照圖2 )和第1基本構造 -11 - 201219318 之淨水裝置1相同’但上流側之殺菌模式中如圖4所示,殺 菌裝置10內之殺菌水藉由自身重量,逆流經過此殺菌裝置 1 〇與淨化部4之間之主配管3、以及旁通配管1 2,而從排水 閥1 1排出。藉此,將水難以流通之淨化部4予以旁通並流 入殺菌水,藉水自身重量可順暢地進行逆流。 此外,藉由將逆止閥13裝設於旁通配管12’可防止於 一般運轉模式下,從供給閥2通過之自來水不經過淨化部4 而直接從旁通配管12被導入殺菌裝置10內。 如上所述,第1基本構造及其變形例之淨水裝置1、1A 當中,藉由上流側之殺菌模式,該方法至少可對殺菌裝置 10與淨化部4之間之主配管3進行消毒殺菌。 依據上述構成,藉由第1.基本構造及其變形例之淨水 裝置1、1A及該淨水裝置1、1A之消毒殺菌方法,可使殺 菌裝置1 〇生成之殺菌成分逆流。亦即,做爲逆流手段之排 出閥11或排出閥11及旁通配管12,至少可使殺菌成分逆流 至殺菌裝置1 〇與淨化部4之間之主配管3。藉此,可針對位 於殺菌成分導入口 1 0a上流側之主配管3積極地進行消毒殺 菌,於平常使用時,可獲得更安全之淨化水。 此外,第1基本構造之淨水裝置1當中,尙可逆流至淨 化部4內,故可對此淨化部4內進行消毒殺菌,更加提高淨 化水之安全性。此外,亦可使淨化部4之使用壽命延長, 減低運轉成本。 又,藉由淨水裝置1當中之排出閥11、或藉由淨水裝 置1A當中之排出閥11及旁通配管12,於殺菌水逆流時,可 -12- 201219318 利用水的重力以自身重量進行逆流,故可簡化逆流手段之 構成。 又,第1基本構造及其變形例中,做爲流路之主配管3 係呈上下方向配置而利用水的重力進行逆流,但本發明不 限於此態樣。舉例來說,當主配管3呈水平配置時,亦可 以排水閥加上循環泵浦來形成逆流手段。如此一來,即使 不利用水的重力,亦可使殺菌成分逆流至位於殺菌成分導 入口 l〇a上流側之主配管3,而對該主配管3進行殺菌消毒 〔第1實施形態〕 圖5及圖6爲用於第1基本構成之淨水裝置1 (含變形例 之淨水裝置1A)之殺菌裝置,其具體構成之第1實施形態 示意圖。又,本實施形態當中,殺菌裝置1 0A係以臭氧產 生裝置構成。 亦即,淨水裝置1中,殺菌裝置10A之構成具備臭氧產 生部20、空氣泵浦21及臭氧混合槽22。而臭氧產生部20是 對空氣幫浦21所供應之空氣中的氧通電來產生臭氧,將此 產生之臭氧於臭氧混合槽22內與水混合,生成臭氧殺菌水 〇 有關臭氧產生之方法,舉例來說一般有光化學反應法 、放電法或電解法等,而圖5所示之形態乃採用放電法。 又,臭氧產生部20內部之詳細構造在此並未圖示,其係爲 在一對電極之間施加高電壓,於空氣中發生電暈放電或無 -13- 201219318 聲放電而產生臭氧之裝置。圖5所示之形態中,於通水時 或逆流時,爲防止水從臭氧混合槽22侵入臭氧產生部20之 中’在臭氧產生部2〇與臭氧混合槽22之間之流路(配管27 )裝設有逆流防止閥25。 另外’採用電解法之形態如圖6所示。如圖6所示,其 構成具備臭氧產生電極2 0a、2 0b,係於施加電壓時,會於 水中之電極表面產生臭氧。而在臭氧產生電極20a、20b之 間施加電壓,便會產生臭氧。圖6所示之形態當中,臭氧 產生部20可兼做臭氧混合槽22之用,也無需空氣幫浦21, 設計十分合理。圖6之形態當中,臭氧產生部20與臭氧混 合槽22爲同一裝置,符號記爲20。 臭氧產生電極20a、20b必須由表面電位可高於氧產生 之電位之材料來構成,例如摻硼鑽石電極、鉬電極或鉛電 極等。但除此些材料以外,凡表面電位可高於氧產生之電 位之材料者皆可使用。又,臭氧產生電極20a、2 Ob係由控 制裝置7來控制。 依據上述構成,第1實施形態當中,殺菌裝置10A係爲 臭氧產生裝置。因此,藉此臭氧產生裝置所產生之臭氧, 可針對位於殺菌成分導入口 1 〇a上流側之主配管3積極地進 行消毒殺菌。 〔第2實施形態〕 圖7爲殺菌裝置之第2實施形態之殺菌裝置1 0B,此殺 菌裝置10B與第1實施形態同樣具備臭氧產生部30,此時之 -14- 201219318 殺菌成分係爲臭氧。 亦即’本實施形態之殺菌裝置1 0B如圖7所示,與第1 實施形態相同,係由臭氧產生部3 0、空氣幫浦3 1及臭氧混 合槽32所構成》 本實施形態之臭氧產生部30係採用光化學反應法,其 大致之構成具備UV臭氧產生燈33、及包圍該燈33外側之 二重管34。接著將空氣幫浦31所供應之空氣中之氧送至二 重管34,並以UV臭氧產生燈33照射之,藉此,二重管34 內會產生臭氧,將此臭氧從臭氧吐出部35送入臭氧混合槽 32內,而生成臭氧殺菌水。又,臭氧吐出部35於中途裝設 有逆止閥36,避免臭氧混合槽32內的水逆流回二重管34內 。此外,空氣幫浦31及UV臭氧產生燈33係由控制裝置7來 控制。 因此,第2實施形態可與上述第1實施形態獲得相同之 作用功效。 〔淨水裝置之第2基本構造〕 圖8爲本發明之第2基本構造之淨水裝置1B,其與第1 基本構成(參照圖1 )相同之構成部分予以標註同一符號 ,並省略重複說明。 淨水裝置1B與第1基本構造相同,主配管3係呈上下方 向配置,避免自來水從下方流通至上方。而主配管3從上 流側朝向下流側依序配置有淨化部4及殺菌裝置之電解殺 菌裝置5A。 -15- 201219318 在此,電解殺菌裝置5A之構造,係兼做電解水生成裝 置與殺菌裝置之用。藉由控制施加至電極之電壓或電流, 可於一般運轉時及殺菌時,分別選擇使其發揮電解水生成 裝置之機能,或發揮殺菌裝置之機能。 因此,本構造之淨水裝置1B於一般運轉時,供給閥2 與吐出閥6呈開閥,排水閥1 1呈閉閥狀態,且電解殺菌裝 置5 A呈鹼性水生成狀態。藉此,自來水於淨化部4淨化後 ,經電荷殺菌裝置5A而生成鹼性離子水,可將其經由吐出 閥6送至水龍頭。又,在此情形下,亦可令電解殺菌裝置 5 A呈非動作狀態,以淨化部4淨化過後之自來水供應至水 龍頭。 下流側殺菌時,令電解殺菌裝置5A呈殺菌劑生成狀態 ,藉此電解殺菌裝置5 A所生成之殺菌水,可針對位於電解 殺菌裝置5A下流側之主配管3及吐出閥6乃至於水龍頭進行 消毒殺菌。 接著上流側殺菌時,令供給閥2呈閉閥,排水閥1 1呈 開閥狀態。藉此,於電解殺菌裝置5A下流側累積之殺菌水 會逆流,對位於電解殺菌裝置5 A上流側之主配管3及淨化 部4—面進行消毒殺菌,一面從排出閥11排出。又,在此 情形下,即使淨化部4之構造或狀態令水難以流通,亦可 同圖4所示,裝設旁通配管12或逆止閥13,使殺菌水順暢 地進行逆流。此做法於下述之各實施形態當中同樣適用。201219318 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field of the Invention] The present invention relates to a method for disinfecting and sterilizing a water purifying device for purifying raw water such as tap water. [Prior Art] The water purification device of the conventional water is a filter element (purification unit) having a filter function in the raw water, and an electrolysis water generating device is disposed on the side, and a photocatalyst device is installed in the filter element and the electrolyzed water. (Refer to Patent Document 1). In this case, the photocatalyst device is a device for causing a catalyst to act on titanium dioxide, and can be used as a sterilizing device. [PRIOR ART DOCUMENT] [Patent Document 1] [Patent Document 1] JP-A-2002-1 8429 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] The above-described conventional purification device is produced by distributing a sterilization device. In the raw water, the ozone supply is located in the flow path on the flow side below the sterilizing component introduction port or the electrolysis water generating device is partially sterilized. However, it is located at the upstream side of the sterilizing component introduction port, and is used to illuminate the ultraviolet ray between the flow forming devices under the flow side filter element on the flow path, and is sterilized by the raw ozone mixing device, and such as the filter element and 201219318 Since the flow path between the sterilizing devices is not supplied with ozone, bacteria are left in this portion, which causes hygiene problems. Therefore, the object of the present invention is to provide a water purifying device capable of sterilizing and sterilizing the upstream side of the sterilizing component introduction port to obtain a safer purified water, and a sterilizing and sterilizing method for the water purifying device. [Means for Solving the Problems] In order to achieve the above object, the water purifying device of the present invention is a water purifying device in which a purifying portion and an electrolyzed water generating device are disposed in a flow path through which raw water introduced from a water supply unit flows. It is characterized in that a sterilizing device is provided, and the generated sterilizing component is introduced into the flow path, and a countercurrent means is provided to cause the sterilizing component to flow back to the upstream side of the sterilizing component introduction port of the flow path. Further, the sterilizing and sterilizing method of the water purifying apparatus of the present invention is characterized in that the sterilizing component is returned to the upstream side of the sterilizing component introduction port of the flow path by the countercurrent means by the water purifying means. [Effects of the Invention] The water purifying apparatus according to the present invention and the method of sterilizing and sterilizing the water purifying apparatus can be made by the countercurrent means to cause the sterilizing component to flow back to the upstream side of the sterilizing component of the return flow path. Thereby, the flow path on the upstream side of the sterilizing component introduction port can be actively sterilized, and when it is used normally, safer purified water can be obtained. [Embodiment] -6 - 201219318 The embodiment of the present invention will be described in detail below with reference to the drawings (the first basic structure of the water purification device). The first basic structure of the present invention is shown in Figs. 1 to 3 . Water device 1 . As shown in Fig. 1, the water purification device 1 is a main pipe 3 that introduces tap water of raw water into a flow path through a supply valve 2 of a water supply unit from a water pipe (not shown). The flow path is formed in the up and down direction. In the present embodiment, the main pipe 3 is disposed in the vertical direction, and the tap water flows from the upper flow side to the upper flow side. In addition, although tap water is used as raw water, other drinking water sources such as well water and stored water may be used, and the same applies to the following description. The main pipe 3 is provided with the purification unit 4 and the electrolytic cell 5 of the electrolyzed water generating device in this order from the upstream side toward the downstream side (from the lower side to the upper side in the drawing). The tap water after the purification unit 4 is purified, and the alkali ion water is formed by the electrolytic cell 5, and the alkali ion water is supplied to a discharge unit such as a faucet (not shown) via the discharge valve 6. The purification unit 4 contains a filter material such as activated carbon in order to remove impurities such as dirt or chlorine in the tap water and purify it. The electrolytic cell 5 is conventionally provided with a pair of cathode plates and anode plates s facing each other with a separator interposed therebetween. When a voltage is applied between the two electrode plates, alkaline electrolyzed water and anode electrolyzed water are generated in the anode chamber. Further, the acidic water produced by electrolysis contains hypochlorous acid. Therefore, the acid water is generally referred to as hypochlorous acid water. The following hypochlorous acid water is uniformly described in the name of acidic water. 201293018 The water purification device 1 is provided with a control device 7, whereby the control device 7 performs opening and closing control of the supply valve 2, monitoring the clogging state of the purification unit 4, voltage control of the electrolytic cell 5, and opening and closing control of the discharge valve 6. In the water purifying device 1, a sterilizing device 1 is provided to introduce the generated bactericidal component into the main pipe 3. In the present basic configuration, the sterilizing device 10 is disposed between the purification unit 4 and the electrolytic cell 5, that is, the downstream side of the purification unit 4, and the flow side of the electrolytic cell 5, and the control device 7 controls the operation thereof. Further, the sterilizing device 10 does not need to be directly provided to the main pipe 3, and may be connected to the main pipe 3 via a branching pipe (not shown). Further, the water purifying device 1 is provided with a drain valve 1 1 as a countercurrent means for returning the bactericidal component back to the upstream side of the sterilizing component introduction port 10a of the main pipe 3. When the drain valve 1 1 is in the open state, the sterilizing component flows back from the sterilizing device 1 to the direction of the purifying portion 4, that is, from the sterilizing device 10 to the lower flowing side. The drain valve 11 is disposed on the upstream side of the sterilizing component introduction port 10a of the main pipe 3, and in the present basic configuration, is located on the upstream side of the purge unit 4, and is supplied to the downstream side of the valve 2. This drain valve 11 is also controlled to open and close by the control device 7. Further, it is preferable that the drain valve 1 1 is disposed in the vicinity of the flow side below the supply valve 2 or in communication therewith. Further, in the basic configuration, since the sterilizing device 10 is directly provided in the main pipe 3, the sterilizing component introduction port l〇a is the downstream side outlet of the sterilizing device 10. However, if the sterilizing device 10 described above is connected by a branching pipe, the sterilizing component inlet is a connecting portion between the branching pipe and the main pipe 3. Further, although the height relationship is indicated by an arrow a in Fig. 1, the control device 7 can be set at any position regardless of the height. -8- 201219318 (1) Normal operation mode Figure 1 shows the general operation status of the water purification unit 1. At this time, the supply valve 2 and the discharge valve 6 are opened, and the drain valve 11 is in a closed state. Further, although the electrolytic cell 5 is operated (a voltage is applied between the anode and the cathode), the sterilizing device 10 is in a stopped state. . When the faucet is opened in the normal operation mode, as shown by the arrow in Fig. 1, the tap water introduced into the main pipe 3 is first purified by the purifying unit 4, and then introduced into the electrolytic cell 5 through the sterilizing device 10. The alkaline electrolyzed water produced by the electrolytic cell 5 is taken from the faucet as alkali ionized water; on the other hand, the acidic electrolyzed water can be discarded or used for other purposes. (2) Sterilization mode on the downstream side Fig. 2 shows the sterilization state on the downstream side of the sterilization device i of the water purification device 1. At this time, in the same manner as the normal operation mode, the supply valve 2 and the discharge valve 6 are opened, and the drain valve 1 is in a closed state, and both the electrolytic cell 5 and the sterilizing device 10 are in an operating state. Further, in this case, the electrolytic cell 5 can be in a stopped state, but it is preferably in an operating state. When the faucet is opened in the sterilization mode on the downstream side, as shown by the arrow in Fig. 2, the tap water introduced into the main pipe 3 is first purified by the purification unit 4, and then introduced into the sterilizing device 10. In the sterilizing device 10, the sterilizing component is mixed into the tap water. This sterilizing component is introduced into the electrolytic cell 5 on the downstream side together with the tap water, and is supplied to the faucet direction through the discharge valve 6. Therefore, the main pipe 3 located on the downstream side of the sterilizing component introduction port 10a, the electric -9 - 201219318 sump 5, the discharge valve 6, and the downstream side thereof (the faucet side) are efficiently entangled by the sterilizing component in the tap water. Sterilization. Further, in this case, in order to prevent the accidental discharge from being discharged from the faucet, a drain pipe (not shown) may be connected to the downstream side of the discharge valve 6, and the tap water mixed with the sterilizing component may be discharged from the drain pipe. On the other hand, the faucet can be sterilized without installing a drain pipe and deliberately discharging it from the faucet. In this case, in order to prevent accidental drinking due to discharge from the faucet, it is more appropriate to make a warning sound or display a warning text in the drainage. (3) Sterilization mode on the upstream side Fig. 3 is a sterilization state on the upstream side of the sterilization apparatus 10 of the water purification apparatus 1. At this time, the supply valve 2 is in a closed state, and the discharge valve 6 and the drain valve 1 are in an open state. Further, both the electrolytic cell 5 and the sterilizing device 10 are in an operating state. Further, in this case, the electrolytic cell 5 may be in a stopped state, but it is preferable that the operation is performed until the water in the sterilizing device 1 is exhausted. As described above, the water purifying device 1 is set to be in the sterilization mode on the upstream side. As a result, as shown by the arrow in FIG. 3, the tap water in which the sterilizing component is mixed in the sterilizing device 10 is reversely flowed through the main pipe 3 and the purifying portion 4 located on the upstream side of the sterilizing device 1 by its own weight (water pressure). It is discharged from the drain valve 1 1. Therefore, the main pipe 3 and the purification unit 4 located on the upstream side of the sterilizing component introduction port 10a are efficiently sterilized by being mixed with the sterilizing component in the countercurrent tap water. Further, the sterilization mode on the upstream side can be performed independently, but it is preferably carried out after completion of the sterilization mode on the downstream side. In this way, the sterilizing component held in the passage of the water purification device in -10-201219318 is mixed with tap water (hereinafter referred to as sterilizing water), and flows backward through the faucet, the discharge valve 6, the electrolytic cell 5, and the sterilizing device 1 by its own weight. , the purification unit 4, and the drain valve 1 1. Therefore, it can be sterilized together with the main pipe 3, and almost all the water passages in the water purifying device 1 can be easily sterilized. Fig. 4 is a sterilizing mode of the upstream side of the modified example of the water purifying device 1 of the first basic structure, and the water purifying device 1 A shown in the present modification has a structure or state of the purifying unit 4, making it difficult to circulate water. . For example, when the purification unit 4 is constituted by a fine filter such as a reverse osmosis membrane using an RO membrane or an NF membrane, or when the filtration material in the purification unit 4 is close to the service life and is clogged. In the water purifying device 1A of the present modification, even when the purifying unit 4 is difficult to circulate water, the main pipe 3 on the upstream side of the sterilizing device 1 can be sterilized. Here, the components of the water purification device 1A that are the same as those of the first basic structure are denoted by the same reference numerals and the description thereof will not be repeated, and the bypass pipe 1 2 is attached to the lower flow side of the purification unit 4 and the drain valve 1 1 Above the flow side. In this case, the counterflow means is constituted by the drain valve 1 1 and the bypass pipe 12 together. In this case, in FIG. 4, the bypass piping 12 is connected to the center of the main piping 3 of the sterilizing apparatus 1 and the bypass piping 12, but the bypass piping 12 is connected and installed in the lower side of the purification part 4. It is ideal nearby. Further, the bypass pipe 12 is only allowed to flow from the lower flow side of the purge portion 4 to the upstream side of the drain valve i, and the check valve 13 is provided to prevent the flow in the reverse direction. Therefore, in the water purifying apparatus 1A of the present modification, the normal operation mode (see FIG. 1) is the same as the downstream side sterilization mode (see FIG. 2) and the first basic structure -11 - 201219318, the water purification device 1 but the upstream side In the sterilization mode, as shown in FIG. 4, the sterilizing water in the sterilizing device 10 flows back through the main pipe 3 and the bypass pipe 12 between the sterilizing device 1 and the purification unit 4 by its own weight, and is drained from the drain. The valve 11 is discharged. Thereby, the purification unit 4, which is difficult to circulate water, is bypassed and flows into the sterilizing water, and the backflow can be smoothly performed by the weight of the water itself. Further, by installing the check valve 13 in the bypass pipe 12', it is possible to prevent the tap water that has passed through the supply valve 2 from being directly introduced into the sterilizing device 10 from the bypass pipe 12 without passing through the purifying portion 4 in the normal operation mode. . As described above, in the water purification device 1, 1A of the first basic structure and its modification, the method can sterilize at least the main pipe 3 between the sterilizing device 10 and the purification unit 4 by the sterilization mode on the upstream side. . According to the above configuration, the sterilizing component produced by the sterilizing device 1 can be reversely flown by the sterilizing and sterilizing methods of the water purifying device 1, 1A of the first basic structure and its modifications, and the water purifying device 1, 1A. In other words, the discharge valve 11 or the discharge valve 11 and the bypass pipe 12, which are countercurrent means, can at least flow the sterilizing component back to the main pipe 3 between the sterilizing device 1 and the purification unit 4. Thereby, the main pipe 3 located on the upstream side of the sterilizing component introduction port 10a can be actively disinfected and sterilized, and when it is used normally, safer purified water can be obtained. Further, in the water purification device 1 of the first basic structure, the crucible can be reversely flown into the purification unit 4, so that the inside of the purification unit 4 can be sterilized and sterilized, and the safety of the purified water can be further improved. In addition, the service life of the purification unit 4 can be extended to reduce the running cost. Further, by the discharge valve 11 in the water purifying device 1, or the discharge valve 11 and the bypass pipe 12 in the water purifying device 1A, when the sterilizing water flows backward, the weight of the water can be used as its own weight. Countercurrent flow is performed, so that the composition of the countercurrent means can be simplified. In the first basic structure and its modification, the main pipe 3 as the flow path is disposed in the vertical direction and is backflowed by the gravity of water. However, the present invention is not limited to this. For example, when the main pipe 3 is horizontally arranged, a drain valve plus a circulation pump may be used to form a counterflow means. In this way, even if the gravity of the water is unfavorable, the sterilizing component can be reversely flowed to the main pipe 3 located on the upstream side of the sterilizing component introduction port 10a, and the main pipe 3 can be sterilized and disinfected (first embodiment). Fig. 6 is a schematic view showing a first embodiment of a specific configuration of a sterilizing apparatus for a water purifying apparatus 1 (including a water purifying apparatus 1A according to a modification) of the first basic configuration. Further, in the present embodiment, the sterilizing device 10A is constituted by an ozone generating device. In other words, in the water purifying device 1, the sterilizing device 10A is configured to include the ozone generating unit 20, the air pump 21, and the ozone mixing tank 22. The ozone generating unit 20 energizes oxygen in the air supplied from the air pump 21 to generate ozone, and the ozone generated in the ozone mixing tank 22 is mixed with water in the ozone mixing tank 22 to generate ozone sterilizing water. The ozone generating method is exemplified. In general, there are photochemical reaction methods, discharge methods, or electrolysis methods, and the form shown in Fig. 5 is a discharge method. Further, the detailed structure inside the ozone generating unit 20 is not shown here, and is a device that applies a high voltage between a pair of electrodes, generates a corona discharge in the air, or generates an ozone without the sound discharge of -13-201219318. . In the embodiment shown in FIG. 5, in order to prevent water from entering the ozone generating unit 20 from the ozone mixing tank 22 during the water flow or the reverse flow, the flow path between the ozone generating unit 2 and the ozone mixing tank 22 (for piping) 27) A backflow prevention valve 25 is installed. In addition, the form of the electrolytic method is as shown in Fig. 6. As shown in Fig. 6, the ozone generating electrodes 20a and 20b are provided to generate ozone in the surface of the electrode when a voltage is applied. When a voltage is applied between the ozone generating electrodes 20a and 20b, ozone is generated. In the form shown in Fig. 6, the ozone generating unit 20 can also serve as the ozone mixing tank 22, and the air pump 21 is not required, and the design is very reasonable. In the embodiment of Fig. 6, the ozone generating unit 20 and the ozone mixing tank 22 are the same device, and the symbol is 20. The ozone generating electrodes 20a, 20b must be composed of a material having a surface potential higher than that generated by oxygen, such as a boron doped diamond electrode, a molybdenum electrode or a lead electrode. However, in addition to these materials, any material whose surface potential can be higher than the potential generated by oxygen can be used. Further, the ozone generating electrodes 20a and 2 Ob are controlled by the control device 7. According to the above configuration, in the first embodiment, the sterilizing device 10A is an ozone generating device. Therefore, the ozone generated by the ozone generating device can be actively sterilized against the main pipe 3 located on the upstream side of the sterilizing component introduction port 1 〇a. [Second Embodiment] Fig. 7 is a sterilizing device 10B according to a second embodiment of the sterilizing device. The sterilizing device 10B includes the ozone generating unit 30 in the same manner as the first embodiment. In this case, the bactericidal component is -11-201219318. . In other words, as shown in Fig. 7, the sterilizing apparatus 10B of the present embodiment is composed of the ozone generating unit 30, the air pump 3, and the ozone mixing tank 32, as in the first embodiment. The generating unit 30 is a photochemical reaction method, and is basically configured to include a UV ozone generating lamp 33 and a double tube 34 surrounding the outside of the lamp 33. Then, the oxygen in the air supplied from the air pump 31 is sent to the double pipe 34, and is irradiated with the UV ozone generating lamp 33, whereby ozone is generated in the double pipe 34, and the ozone is discharged from the ozone discharge portion 35. It is sent into the ozone mixing tank 32 to generate ozone sterilizing water. Further, the ozone discharge unit 35 is provided with a check valve 36 in the middle to prevent the water in the ozone mixing tank 32 from flowing back into the double pipe 34. Further, the air pump 31 and the UV ozone generating lamp 33 are controlled by the control unit 7. Therefore, the second embodiment can achieve the same operational effects as the first embodiment. [Second basic structure of the water purification device] Fig. 8 is a water purification device 1B of the second basic structure of the present invention, and the same components as those of the first basic configuration (see Fig. 1) are denoted by the same reference numerals, and the description thereof will not be repeated. . The water purification device 1B is the same as the first basic structure, and the main pipe 3 is disposed vertically upward and downward to prevent the tap water from flowing downward from above. On the other hand, the main pipe 3 is provided with the purification unit 4 and the electrolysis killing device 5A of the sterilizing device in this order from the upstream side to the downstream side. -15- 201219318 Here, the structure of the electrolysis sterilizing device 5A is also used as an electrolyzed water generating device and a sterilizing device. By controlling the voltage or current applied to the electrodes, it is possible to select the function of the electrolyzed water generating device or the function of the sterilizing device during normal operation and sterilization. Therefore, in the normal operation of the water purifying device 1B of the present configuration, the supply valve 2 and the discharge valve 6 are opened, the drain valve 11 is in a closed state, and the electrolysis sterilization device 5A is in an alkaline water generating state. Thereby, the tap water is purified by the purification unit 4, and alkaline ionized water is generated by the charge sterilizing device 5A, and can be sent to the faucet via the discharge valve 6. Further, in this case, the electrolysis sterilizing device 5 A may be in a non-operating state, and the tap water purified by the purifying portion 4 may be supplied to the faucet. When the downstream side is sterilized, the sterilizing agent 5A is in a sterilizing agent-generating state, and the sterilizing water generated by the sterilizing device 5A can be applied to the main pipe 3, the discharge valve 6, and the faucet located on the downstream side of the electrolysis sterilizing device 5A. Sterilization. When the upstream side is sterilized, the supply valve 2 is closed, and the drain valve 1 is opened. As a result, the sterilizing water accumulated on the downstream side of the electrolysis sterilizing device 5A is reversely flowed, and the main pipe 3 and the purifying portion 4 located on the upstream side of the electrolysis sterilizing device 5 A are sterilized and discharged from the discharge valve 11. Further, in this case, even if the structure or state of the purification unit 4 makes it difficult to circulate water, the bypass pipe 12 or the check valve 13 can be installed as shown in Fig. 4 to smoothly sterilize the sterilizing water. This practice is equally applicable to the embodiments described below.
依據上述構成,藉由第2基本構造之淨水裝置1B,不 僅可與第1基本構造獲得同樣功效,且因電解殺菌裝置5 A -16- 201219318 兼做電解水生成裝置與殺菌裝置之用,可進一步簡化淨水 裝置1B之構成。 〔第3實施形態〕 圖9爲用於第2基本構成之淨水裝置1B之電解殺菌裝置 5A,其具體構成之第3實施形態,本實施形態當中具備電 解槽44,其內之陰極板41與陽極板42中間隔著隔膜43彼此 相向。而當在陰極板41與陽極板42之間施加電壓時,擁有 陰極板41之陰極室41R內會生成鹼性電解水,而擁有陽極 板42之陽極室42R內會生成酸性電解水。 陰極室41R經由鹼性水供給管41P與第1三通閥45連通 ,且陽極室42R經由酸性水供給管42P與第2三通閥46連通 。第1及第2三通閥45、46的其中一個吐出口分別經由連通 管47相互連通並與吐出閥6相連,而其他吐出口分別連接 排水管4 1 D、4 2 D。 因此,依據本實施形態,一般運轉模式當中,於電解 槽44之陰極板41與陽極板42之間施加低電壓,使陰極室 4 1R生成鹼性電解水,且切換第1三通閥45與連通管47連通 。此時,第2三通閥46切換至配水管42D側。藉此,於淨化 部4淨化過後之自來水通過電解槽44期間會變爲鹼離子水 ,經由吐出閥6供應至水龍頭。 下流側之殺菌模式中,於陰極板41與陽極板42之間施 加高電壓,使陽極室42R生成酸性電解水做爲殺菌成分, 且切換第2三通閥46與連通管47連通。此時,第1三通閥45 -17- 201219318 切換至配水管4 1 D側。藉此,通過淨化部4之自來水,於通 過電解槽44期間會變爲酸性水,可用此酸性水做爲殺菌水 對電解殺菌裝置5A之下流側進行消毒殺菌。 上流側之殺菌模式中,如第2基本構成中所說明的, 令供給閥2呈閉閥,排水閥1 1呈開閥狀態。藉此,於電解 槽44下流側累積之殺菌水會逆流,對位於電解槽44上流側 之主配管3及淨化部4一面進行消毒殺菌,一面從排出閥11 排出。 因此,第3實施形態可與上述第2基本構成之淨水裝置 1B獲得相同之功效。 〔第4實施形態〕 圖10爲用於第2基本構成之淨水裝置1B之電解殺菌裝 置5A,其具體構成之第4實施形態。本實施形態當中,與 第3實施形態同樣具備電解槽54,其內之陰極板51與陽極 板52隔著隔膜53彼此相向。而利用此電解槽54做爲過氧化 氫產生裝置,當於陰極板51與陽極板52之間施加高電壓時 ,擁有陰極板51之陰極室51R內會生成過氧化氫電解水。 另一方面,擁有陽極板52之陽極室52R內會生成酸性電解 水。 陰極室5 1 R經由鹼性水供給管5 1 P與第1三通閥5 5連通 ,而陽極室52R經由酸性水供給管52P與第2三通閥56連通 。第1及第2三通閥55、56的其中一個吐出口分別經由連通 管57相互連通並與吐出閥6相連,而其他吐出口分別連接 -18- 201219318 排水管5 1 D、5 2 D。 因此,依據本實施形態之淨水裝置IB,一般運轉模式 當中,令電解槽54之陰極板51與陽極板52處於未通電狀態 ,而第1三通閥55及第2三通閥56皆與連通管57連通。藉此 ,於淨化部4淨化過後之自來水在電解槽54不會產生任何 變化,經由吐出閥6供應至水龍頭。 下流側之殺菌模式中,於陰極板5 1與陽極板5 2之間施 加高電壓,使陰極室51R內生成過氧化氫電解水做爲殺菌 成分,且切換第1三通閥55與連通管57連通。此時,陽極 室52R內會生成酸性電解水,藉由將第2三通閥56切換至配 水管52D側以廢棄之。藉此,通過淨化部4之自來水,於通 過電解槽54之陰極室51R期間會變爲過氧化氫水,可用此 過氧化氫水做爲殺菌水對電解殺菌裝置5A之下流側進行消 毒殺菌。 上流側之殺菌模式中,如第2基本構成中所說明的, 令供給閥2呈閉閥,排水閥1 1呈開閥狀態。藉此,電解槽 54下流側累積之過氧化氫水會逆流,對位於電解槽54上流 側之主配管3及淨化部4一面進行消毒殺菌,一面從排出閥 1 1排出。 依據上述構成,藉由第4實施形態,殺菌裝置係爲過 氧化氫產生裝置,藉此過氧化氫水可針對位於電解槽54上 流側之主配管3及淨化部4積極地進行消毒殺菌。 〔第5實施形態〕 -19- 201219318 圖11爲用於第1基本構成之淨水裝置1 (含變形例之淨 水裝置1A)之殺菌裝置,其具體,構成之第5實施形態示意 圖。本實施形態當中,殺菌裝置係以電熱裝置,亦即加熱 器60來構成。 加熱器60收納於經淨化部4淨化後之自來水所導入之 貯水槽61內,且藉由控制手段7來控制加熱,使貯水槽61 內之自來水成爲高溫。加熱溫度以可殺菌之溫度爲準,一 般以60度以上較爲理想。 因此,依據本實施形態之淨水裝置1,一般運轉模式 當中,令加熱器60處於未加熱狀態,而從淨化部4導入貯 水槽61內之淨化後自來水,直接送至電解水生成裝置5。 又,其後之流程與第1基本構成之一般運轉模式下所說明 者相同。 下流側之殺菌模式中,將加熱器60通電以加熱貯水槽 6 1內之自來水使成爲熱水,當熱水足夠熱時,供應至下流 側。·此時,爲達可充分殺菌之溫度,適當地開啓吐出閥6 ’使熱水送至下流側。藉此,可針對位於貯水槽6 1下流側 之主配管3及電解水生成裝置5,乃至於吐出閥6或水龍頭 進行消毒殺菌。 上流側之殺菌模式中,令供給閥2呈閉閥,排水閥1 1 呈開閥狀態。藉此’於貯水槽6 1下流側累積之熱水會逆流 ’對位於貯水槽6 1上流側之主配管3及淨化部4 一面進行消 毒殺菌’一面從排出閥1 1排出。此時,爲防止貯水槽6 1內 處於空燒狀態’當切換至上流側之殺菌模式時、或貯水槽 -20- 201219318 61內之水降至一定量以下時,令加熱器60斷電較爲理想。 依據上述構成,第5實施形態當中,殺菌裝置係爲電 熱裝置,亦即加熱器60。因此,藉此加熱器60所加熱之熱 水’可針對位於貯水槽6 1上流側之主配管3及淨化部4積極 地進行消毒殺菌。 〔第6實施形態〕 圖12爲用於第2基本構成之淨水裝置1B之殺菌裝置, 其具體構成之第6實施形態示意圖。本實施形態之電解殺 菌裝置5A,係使用電解槽70之陰極板71及陽極板72,利用 此兩電極71、72通電時產生的熱做爲電熱手段。又,此時 之殺菌成分與第5實施形態同樣爲熱水。此外,73爲隔膜 。在此情形下之加熱溫度亦以可殺菌之溫度爲準,一般以 60度以上較爲理想。 因此,依據本實施形態之淨水裝置1 B,一般運轉模式 當中,令供給閥2及吐出閥6呈開閥,且排水閥1 1呈閉閥狀 態下進行通水。藉此,電解槽7 0會進行一般電解反應,於 陰極室71R生成鹼性電解水、陽極室72R生成酸性電解水。 而鹼性電解水會經由鹼性水供給管7 1 P、第1三通閥7 4 及連通管76而送至吐出閥6。此時,因電解槽70內水流通 的緣故,溫度幾乎不會上昇。又,酸性電解水經由酸性水 供給管72P、第2三通閥75及配水管72D而排出,被排出之 酸性電解水可廢棄,或可作其他用途。 下流側之殺菌模式中,令供給閥2暫時呈閉閥狀態, -21 - 201219318 對電解槽70之陰極板71與陽極板72通電,加熱電解槽7〇內 之水。而當加熱至可充分殺菌之溫度時,適當地開啓吐出 閥6,於此狀態下令供給閥2呈開閥狀態,便可針對電解槽 70之下流側進行消毒殺菌。 上流側之殺菌模式中,令供給閥2呈閉閥,排水閥i i 呈開閥狀態。藉此’於電解槽70下流側累積之熱水會逆流 ’對位於電解槽70上流側之主配管3及淨化部4一面進行消 毒殺菌,一面從排出閥11排出。此時,爲防止電解槽70內 處於空燒狀態,當切換至上流側之殺菌模式時、或電解槽 70內之水降至一定量以下時,令陰極板71及陽極板72斷電 較爲理想。 因此,第6實施形態可與上述第2基本構成之淨水裝置 獲得相同之功效。 〔第7實施形態〕 圖13爲用於第2基本構成之淨水裝置1B之殺菌裝置, 其具體構成之第7實施形態示意圖》本實施形態之電解殺 菌裝置5A,其電解槽8 0係使用生成強酸性水或強鹼性水之 電解單元,殺.菌成分爲強PH水。 電解槽80其內之陰極板81與陽極板82隔著隔膜83彼此 相向,於此陰極板81與陽極板82之間施加高電壓。藉此, 陰極室81R內會生成強鹼性水,陽極室82R內會生成強酸性 水。 因此,依據本實施形態之淨水裝置1 B,一般運轉模式 -22- 201219318 當中,令供給閥2及吐出閥6呈開閥,且排水閥1 1呈閉閥狀 態,對電解槽80施加低電壓,使其進行一般電解。此時, 陰極室8 1 R所生成之鹼性電解水,會經由鹼性水供給管8 1 P 、第1三通閥84及連通管86而送至吐出閥6供飮用。當然, 陽極室8 2 R所生成之酸性電解水,會經由酸性水供給管8 2 P 、第2三通閥85而從配水管82D排水。 下流側之殺菌模式中,於電解槽8 〇之陰極板8 1與陽極 板82施加高電壓,利用此時在陰極室81R生成之強鹼性水 及陽極室82R生成之強酸性水之其中一者做爲殺菌水。此 時,強鹼性水及強酸性水皆呈強PH値,可有效抑制生菌繁 殖。 亦即,使用強鹼性水做爲殺菌水時,令供給閥2及吐 出閥6呈開閥,且排水閥1 1呈閉閥狀態,經由鹼性水供給 管81P、第1三通閥84及連通管86送至吐出閥6。藉此,可 以強鹼性水針對電解槽80之下流側進行殺菌消毒。又,此 時,將第2三通閥85切換至配水管82D側,以廢棄強酸性水 〇 另一方面,使用強酸性水做爲殺菌水時,經由酸性水 供給管82P、第2三通閥85及連通管86送至吐出閥6,可以 強酸性水針對電解槽80之下流側進行殺菌消毒。又,此時 ,將第1三通閥.84切換至配水管8 1 D側,以廢棄強鹼性水。 上流側之殺菌模式中,無論先前以上述強鹼性水進行 下流側之殺菌模式或以強酸性水進行下流側之殺菌模式, 皆令供給閥2呈閉閥而排水閥1 1呈開閥狀態。藉此,於下 -23- 201219318 流側累積之強P Η水會逆流,與前述各實施形態相同,可針 對電解槽80之上流側進行消毒殺菌。 又,以強ΡΗ水來消毒殺菌時,未必要僅以強鹼性水或 強酸性水來進行,亦可令兩方之強ΡΗ水交互進行殺菌。舉 例來說,以強鹼性水進行一定時間之殺菌後,切換以強酸 性水進行一定時間之殺菌:此外,反向之切換亦可,因應 殺菌等級之需要分別使用兩者。 依據上述構成,第7實施形態當中,殺菌裝置係爲生 成強酸性水或強鹼性水之電解單元。因此,藉由強ΡΗ水, 可針對電解槽80上流側之主配管3及淨化部4積極地進行消 毒殺菌。 〔飮水機〕 圖14及圖15爲本發明之淨水裝置應用於桶裝水飮水機 10 0時之示意圖。桶裝水飲水機100係於最上方位置配置有 水供給部之桶裝水1 0 1,朝此桶裝水1 0 1之下方(下流)配 置有主配管1 02。 主配管102上,從上方(上流)朝向下方(下流)依 序配置有淨化部103、電解槽104、UV產生裝置1〇5以及做 爲殺菌裝置之附光觸媒UV產生裝置106。此最下方配置之 附光觸媒UV產生裝置106上,設有如水龍頭等吐水閥107 及排出殺菌水時所用之排水閥1 08。 UV產生裝置106可爲UV燈等,其產生紫外線以對自來 水進行殺菌。此UV產生裝置106所產生之紫外線具殺菌作 -24- 201219318 用而對人體無害,係於一般運轉模式下動作。 附光觸媒UV產生裝置107可爲第2實施形態所示之UV 臭氧產生燈33等,其產生臭氧。此臭氧專供消毒殺菌之用 ,殺菌後之臭氧水將予廢棄。 因此,依據本實施形態之桶裝水飮水機100,一般運 轉模式當中,令排水閥108呈閉閥,電解槽104呈ON狀態 ,附光觸媒UV派生裝置106則呈OFF狀態。而開啓吐水閥 107時,桶裝水101內之水經淨化部103淨化過後,於電解 槽104內成爲鹼性離子水,接著於UV產生裝置105內經紫 外線進行一般殺菌後,通過附光觸媒UV產生裝置106,而 從吐水閥107被取用。當然,在此一般運轉模式當中,可 因水自身重量而自然落下並從吐水閥107取用,可達成裝 置之簡化。 圖1 5 ( a )所示之上流側之殺菌模式中,吐水閥1 07及 排水閥108皆呈閉閥,且附光觸媒UV產生裝置106.呈ON狀 態,UV產生裝置105及電解槽104皆呈OFF狀態。於是,附 光觸媒UV裝置106所產生之臭氧會成爲氣泡,因其與水之 比重不同而上昇(逆流),藉由臭氧氣泡依序針對位於此 附光觸媒UV裝置106上流側之UV產生裝置105、電解槽104 及淨化部1 03進行消毒殺菌。因此,本實施形態之逆流手 段,係爲臭氧氣泡與水之比重差。 又,此時,爲防止臭氧氣泡侵入桶裝水1 〇 1中導致貯 存之水成爲臭氧水,於桶裝水101與淨化部103之間’設有 逆止閥1 09及將剩餘臭氧排出至系統外之排氣口 11 0。 -25- 201219318 而針對附光觸媒UV裝置1 06之上流側進行殺菌後,如 圖15 (b)所示’令吐水閥107呈閉閥狀態而將排水閥1〇8 開閥。於是,於附光觸媒UV裝置106上流側累積之臭氧氣 泡或臭氧水會逆流,而從排水閥1 0 8排出。此時,附光觸 媒UV裝置106維持在ON、UV產生裝置105維持在OFF狀態 因此,從排水閥1 〇 8排出殺菌水時,桶裝水1 0 1內之水 亦會同時流下,藉該桶裝水1 〇 1內之水來洗淨系統內部。 此時,用以洗淨之桶裝水1 〇 1內之水會鹼性化,故將電解 槽104切換爲ON狀態較爲理想。 本實施形態之桶裝水飲水機1〇〇當中,圖15(a)、( b )所示之殺菌模式,係於桶裝水飮水機1 00未使用待機時 實行,故幾乎不會妨礙平常使用。 因此,本實施形態之桶裝水飮水機1 00與上述淨水裝 置1、ΙΑ、1B相同,於平常使用時,可獲得更安全之淨化 水。 以上已針對本發明之理想實施形態加以說明,但本發 明不限於上述實施形態,可有各種變形。舉例來說,除了 各實施形態所示之各種淨水手段,例如淨化部、殺菌裝置 、電解槽、電解殺菌裝置等之外,主配管上尙配置有其他 淨水手段時,本發明同樣適用。 此外,淨水裝置之消毒殺菌方法,除上述第1基本構 成及其變形例之淨水裝置外,上述各實施形態之淨水裝置 自然亦同樣適用。 -26- 201219318 【圖式簡單說明】 〔圖1〕本發明淨水裝置之第1基本構造中,一般運轉 模式之流程示意圖。 〔圖2〕第1基本構造中,位於殺菌裝置下流側之殺菌 模式之流程示意圖。 〔圖3〕第1基本構造中,位於殺菌裝置上流側之殺菌 模式之流程示意圖》 〔圖4〕第1基本構造之變形例,當淨化部構造上難以 逆流時,其上流側之殺菌模式之流程示意圖。 〔圖5〕用於第1基本構造之殺菌裝置之第1實施形態 示意圖。 〔圖6〕構成第1實施形態殺菌裝置之臭氧產生裝置之 詳細示意圖。 · 〔圖7〕用於第1基本構造之殺菌裝置之第2實施形態 示意圖。 〔圖8〕本發明淨水裝置之第2基本構造中,一般運轉 模式及下流側之殺菌模式之流程示意圖。 〔圖9〕用於第2基本構造之殺菌裝置之第3實施形態 示意圖。 〔圖10〕用於第2基本構造之殺菌裝置之第4實施形態 示意圖。 〔圖11〕用於第1基本構造之殺菌裝置之第5實施形態 示意圖。 -27- 201219318 〔圖12〕用於第2基本構造之殺菌裝置之第6實施形態 示意圖。 〔圖13〕用於第2基本構造之殺菌裝置之第7實施形態 示意圖。 〔圖1 4〕使用了本發明淨水裝置之飮水機實施形態, 其一般運轉模式之流程示意圖。 〔圖15〕同圖14所示之飮水機,其中(a)爲位於殺 菌裝置上流側之殺菌模式流程示意圖、(b )爲以上流側 之殺菌模式殺菌後排出殺菌成分之流程示意圖》 【主要元件符號說明】 1、ΙΑ、1B:淨水裝置 2 :供給閥(水供給部) 3 :主配管(流路) 4 :淨化部 5:電解槽(電解水生成裝置) 5A :電解殺菌裝置 .54:電解槽(過氧化氫產生裝置) 10、10A、10B、10C :殺菌裝置 l〇a :殺菌成分導入口 1 1 :排水閥(逆流手段) 1 2 :旁通配管(逆流手段) -28-According to the above configuration, the water purification device 1B of the second basic structure can achieve the same effect as the first basic structure, and the electrolytic sterilizing device 5 A -16 - 201219318 can also serve as the electrolysis water generating device and the sterilizing device. The configuration of the water purifying device 1B can be further simplified. [Embodiment 3] Fig. 9 is a third embodiment of a specific configuration of an electrolysis sterilizing apparatus 5A for a water purification apparatus 1B of a second basic configuration. In the present embodiment, an electrolytic cell 44 is provided, and a cathode plate 41 therein is provided. The separators 43 are opposed to each other with the anode plate 42 interposed therebetween. On the other hand, when a voltage is applied between the cathode plate 41 and the anode plate 42, alkaline electrolyzed water is generated in the cathode chamber 41R having the cathode plate 41, and acidic electrolyzed water is generated in the anode chamber 42R having the anode plate 42. The cathode chamber 41R communicates with the first three-way valve 45 via the alkaline water supply pipe 41P, and the anode chamber 42R communicates with the second three-way valve 46 via the acidic water supply pipe 42P. One of the discharge ports of the first and second three-way valves 45, 46 communicates with each other via the communication pipe 47 and is connected to the discharge valve 6, and the other discharge ports are connected to the drain pipes 4 1 D, 4 2 D, respectively. Therefore, according to the present embodiment, in the normal operation mode, a low voltage is applied between the cathode plate 41 and the anode plate 42 of the electrolytic cell 44, and the cathode chamber 4 1R generates alkaline electrolyzed water, and the first three-way valve 45 is switched. The communication pipe 47 is in communication. At this time, the second three-way valve 46 is switched to the water distribution pipe 42D side. Thereby, the tap water after the purification by the purification unit 4 passes through the electrolytic cell 44 to become alkali ionized water, and is supplied to the faucet via the discharge valve 6. In the sterilization mode of the downstream side, a high voltage is applied between the cathode plate 41 and the anode plate 42, and the acid-dissolved water is generated as the sterilizing component in the anode chamber 42R, and the second three-way valve 46 is switched to communicate with the communication pipe 47. At this time, the first three-way valve 45 -17-201219318 is switched to the water distribution pipe 4 1 D side. Thereby, the tap water passing through the purification unit 4 becomes acidic water during the passage through the electrolytic cell 44, and the acidic water can be used as the sterilizing water to sterilize the flow side under the electrolytic sterilizing device 5A. In the sterilization mode on the upstream side, as described in the second basic configuration, the supply valve 2 is closed, and the drain valve 11 is in an open state. As a result, the sterilizing water accumulated on the downstream side of the electrolytic cell 44 is reversely flowed, and the main pipe 3 and the purification unit 4 located on the upstream side of the electrolytic cell 44 are sterilized and discharged from the discharge valve 11. Therefore, the third embodiment can obtain the same effects as the water purifying device 1B of the second basic configuration described above. [Fourth Embodiment] Fig. 10 shows a fourth embodiment of a specific configuration of an electrolysis sterilization apparatus 5A for a water purification apparatus 1B of a second basic configuration. In the present embodiment, as in the third embodiment, the electrolytic cell 54 is provided, and the cathode plate 51 and the anode plate 52 are opposed to each other via the separator 53. Further, when the electrolytic cell 54 is used as a hydrogen peroxide generating device, when a high voltage is applied between the cathode plate 51 and the anode plate 52, hydrogen peroxide electrolyzed water is generated in the cathode chamber 51R having the cathode plate 51. On the other hand, acidic electrolyzed water is generated in the anode chamber 52R having the anode plate 52. The cathode chamber 5 1 R communicates with the first three-way valve 55 via the alkaline water supply pipe 5 1 P , and the anode chamber 52R communicates with the second three-way valve 56 via the acidic water supply pipe 52P. One of the discharge ports of the first and second three-way valves 55, 56 communicates with each other via the communication pipe 57 and is connected to the discharge valve 6, and the other discharge ports are respectively connected to the drain pipes 5 1 D, 5 2 D of the -18-201219318. Therefore, according to the water purifier IB of the present embodiment, in the normal operation mode, the cathode plate 51 and the anode plate 52 of the electrolytic cell 54 are in an unenergized state, and the first three-way valve 55 and the second three-way valve 56 are both The communication pipe 57 is in communication. Thereby, the tap water after the purification by the purification unit 4 does not undergo any change in the electrolytic cell 54, and is supplied to the faucet via the discharge valve 6. In the sterilization mode of the downstream side, a high voltage is applied between the cathode plate 51 and the anode plate 52, and hydrogen peroxide electrolyzed water is generated in the cathode chamber 51R as a sterilizing component, and the first three-way valve 55 and the communication pipe are switched. 57 connected. At this time, acidic electrolyzed water is generated in the anode chamber 52R, and the second three-way valve 56 is switched to the side of the water conduit 52D to be discarded. Thereby, the tap water passing through the purification unit 4 becomes hydrogen peroxide water during the passage of the cathode chamber 51R of the electrolytic cell 54, and the hydrogen peroxide water can be used as the sterilizing water to sterilize the flow side under the electrolytic sterilizing device 5A. In the sterilization mode on the upstream side, as described in the second basic configuration, the supply valve 2 is closed, and the drain valve 11 is in an open state. As a result, the hydrogen peroxide water accumulated on the downstream side of the electrolytic cell 54 is reversely flowed, and the main pipe 3 and the purification unit 4 located on the flow side of the electrolytic cell 54 are sterilized and discharged from the discharge valve 1 1 . According to the fourth embodiment, the sterilizing device is a hydrogen peroxide generating device, whereby the hydrogen peroxide water can be actively sterilized for the main pipe 3 and the purifying portion 4 located on the upstream side of the electrolytic cell 54. [Fifth Embodiment] -19-201219318 Fig. 11 is a schematic view showing a fifth embodiment of a sterilizing apparatus for a water purifying apparatus 1 (including a water purifying apparatus 1A according to a modification) of the first basic configuration. In the present embodiment, the sterilizing device is constituted by an electric heating device, that is, a heater 60. The heater 60 is housed in the water storage tank 61 into which the tap water purified by the purification unit 4 is introduced, and the heating is controlled by the control means 7, so that the tap water in the water storage tank 61 becomes high temperature. The heating temperature is preferably sterilizable, and is preferably 60 or more. Therefore, in the water purifying apparatus 1 of the present embodiment, the heater 60 is placed in the unheated state in the normal operation mode, and the purified tap water introduced into the sump 61 from the purifying unit 4 is directly sent to the electrolyzed water generating apparatus 5. Further, the subsequent flow is the same as that described in the general operation mode of the first basic configuration. In the sterilization mode of the downstream side, the heater 60 is energized to heat the tap water in the water storage tank 6 1 to become hot water, and when the hot water is sufficiently hot, it is supplied to the downstream side. At this time, in order to achieve a temperature sufficient for sterilization, the discharge valve 6' is appropriately opened to supply hot water to the downstream side. Thereby, the main pipe 3 and the electrolyzed water generating device 5 located on the downstream side of the water storage tank 61, and even the discharge valve 6 or the faucet can be sterilized. In the sterilization mode on the upstream side, the supply valve 2 is closed, and the drain valve 1 1 is opened. Then, the hot water accumulated on the downstream side of the water storage tank 6 1 is reversely flowed, and the main pipe 3 and the purification unit 4 located on the upstream side of the water storage tank 6 1 are sterilized and discharged from the discharge valve 11 . At this time, in order to prevent the water in the water storage tank 61 from being in the air-burning state, when the water in the sterilizing mode of the upstream side is switched, or when the water in the water storage tank -20-201219318 61 falls below a certain amount, the heater 60 is powered off. Ideal. According to the above configuration, in the fifth embodiment, the sterilizing device is an electric heater, that is, the heater 60. Therefore, the hot water 'heated by the heater 60 can be actively sterilized against the main pipe 3 and the purifying portion 4 located on the upstream side of the water storage tank 61. [Embodiment 6] Fig. 12 is a schematic view showing a sixth embodiment of a specific configuration of a sterilizing apparatus for a water purification apparatus 1B of a second basic configuration. In the electrolytic sterilizing apparatus 5A of the present embodiment, the cathode plate 71 and the anode plate 72 of the electrolytic cell 70 are used, and the heat generated when the two electrodes 71 and 72 are energized is used as an electric heating means. Further, the sterilizing component at this time is hot water as in the fifth embodiment. In addition, 73 is a diaphragm. The heating temperature in this case is also based on the sterilizable temperature, and is generally preferably 60 degrees or more. Therefore, according to the water purifying device 1 B of the present embodiment, in the normal operation mode, the supply valve 2 and the discharge valve 6 are opened, and the drain valve 11 is opened in a closed state. Thereby, the electrolytic cell 70 performs a general electrolytic reaction to generate alkaline electrolyzed water in the cathode chamber 71R and the acidic electrolyzed water in the anode chamber 72R. The alkaline electrolyzed water is sent to the discharge valve 6 via the alkaline water supply pipe 7 1 P, the first three-way valve 7 4 and the communication pipe 76. At this time, the temperature hardly rises due to the flow of water in the electrolytic cell 70. Further, the acidic electrolyzed water is discharged through the acidic water supply pipe 72P, the second three-way valve 75, and the water distribution pipe 72D, and the discharged acidic electrolyzed water can be discarded or used for other purposes. In the sterilization mode in the downstream side, the supply valve 2 is temporarily closed, and -21 - 201219318 energizes the cathode plate 71 and the anode plate 72 of the electrolytic cell 70 to heat the water in the electrolytic cell 7'. When the temperature is sufficiently sterilized, the discharge valve 6 is appropriately opened, and in this state, the supply valve 2 is opened, and the flow side of the electrolytic cell 70 can be sterilized. In the sterilization mode on the upstream side, the supply valve 2 is closed, and the drain valve i i is in an open state. Then, the hot water accumulated on the downstream side of the electrolytic cell 70 is reversely flowed, and the main pipe 3 and the purification unit 4 located on the upstream side of the electrolytic cell 70 are sterilized and sterilized while being discharged from the discharge valve 11. At this time, in order to prevent the inside of the electrolytic cell 70 from being in an air-burning state, when switching to the sterilization mode on the upstream side or when the water in the electrolytic cell 70 falls below a certain amount, the cathode plate 71 and the anode plate 72 are turned off. ideal. Therefore, the sixth embodiment can achieve the same effects as the water purification device of the second basic configuration described above. [Embodiment 7] Fig. 13 is a view showing a sterilizing apparatus for a water purifying apparatus 1B of a second basic configuration, and a seventh embodiment of the specific configuration of the electrolysis sterilizing apparatus 5A of the present embodiment, wherein the electrolytic cell 80 is used. An electrolytic unit that generates strongly acidic water or strong alkaline water, and the killing component is strong PH water. The cathode plate 81 and the anode plate 82 in the electrolytic cell 80 face each other with a separator 83 interposed therebetween, and a high voltage is applied between the cathode plate 81 and the anode plate 82. Thereby, strong alkaline water is generated in the cathode chamber 81R, and strongly acidic water is generated in the anode chamber 82R. Therefore, according to the water purifying device 1 B of the present embodiment, in the normal operation mode -22-201219318, the supply valve 2 and the discharge valve 6 are opened, and the drain valve 11 is in a closed state, and the electrolytic cell 80 is applied low. The voltage is subjected to general electrolysis. At this time, the alkaline electrolyzed water generated in the cathode chamber 8 1 R is sent to the discharge valve 6 via the alkaline water supply pipe 8 1 P, the first three-way valve 84, and the communication pipe 86. Of course, the acidic electrolyzed water generated in the anode chamber 8 2 R is drained from the water distribution pipe 82D via the acidic water supply pipe 8 2 P and the second three-way valve 85. In the sterilization mode on the downstream side, a high voltage is applied to the cathode plate 8 1 and the anode plate 82 of the electrolytic cell 8 , and one of the strongly acidic water generated in the cathode chamber 81R and the strongly acidic water generated in the anode chamber 82R at this time is used. As a sterilizing water. At this time, strong alkaline water and strong acidic water are both strong PH値, which can effectively inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria. In other words, when the strong alkaline water is used as the sterilizing water, the supply valve 2 and the discharge valve 6 are opened, and the drain valve 1 is in a closed state, and the alkaline water supply pipe 81P and the first three-way valve 84 are passed through. And the communication pipe 86 is sent to the discharge valve 6. Thereby, the alkaline side water can be sterilized against the flow side of the electrolytic cell 80. In addition, at this time, the second three-way valve 85 is switched to the side of the water distribution pipe 82D to discard the strongly acidic water. On the other hand, when the strong acid water is used as the sterilizing water, the acidic water supply pipe 82P and the second three-way are passed. The valve 85 and the communication pipe 86 are sent to the discharge valve 6, and the strong acid water can be sterilized against the flow side of the electrolytic cell 80. Further, at this time, the first three-way valve .84 is switched to the side of the water distribution pipe 8 1 D to discard the strong alkaline water. In the sterilization mode of the upstream side, regardless of the sterilization mode of the downstream side by the above-mentioned strong alkaline water or the sterilization mode of the downstream side by the strong acidic water, the supply valve 2 is closed and the drain valve 1 1 is opened. . Thereby, the strong P water accumulated on the flow side of the lower -23-201219318 is reversely flowed, and the flow side of the electrolytic cell 80 can be sterilized and disinfected in the same manner as in the above embodiments. In addition, when it is sterilized by strong water, it is not necessary to carry out only strong alkaline water or strong acidic water, and it is also possible to sterilize the two sides with strong hydrophobic water. For example, after sterilizing for a certain period of time with strong alkaline water, switching with strong acid water for a certain period of time is sterilized: in addition, the reverse switching is also possible, and both are required depending on the sterilization level. According to the above configuration, in the seventh embodiment, the sterilizing device is an electrolytic unit that generates strongly acidic water or strongly alkaline water. Therefore, by the strong water, the main pipe 3 and the purification unit 4 on the upstream side of the electrolytic cell 80 can be actively disinfected. [Water Draining Machine] Figs. 14 and 15 are schematic views showing the water purifying device of the present invention applied to a water dispenser of a bottled water dispenser. The bottled water dispenser 100 is provided with the bottled water 1 0 of the water supply unit at the uppermost position, and the main pipe 102 is disposed below (downstream) the bottled water 1 0 1 . The main pipe 102 is provided with a purifying unit 103, an electrolytic cell 104, a UV generating device 1〇5, and a photocatalytic UV generating device 106 as a sterilizing device in this order from the upper side (upward flow) toward the lower side (downstream). The photocatalyst UV generator 106 disposed at the bottom is provided with a spout valve 107 such as a faucet and a drain valve 108 for discharging sterilizing water. The UV generating device 106 may be a UV lamp or the like which generates ultraviolet rays to sterilize the tap water. The ultraviolet light generated by the UV generating device 106 is sterilized for use in the human body and is operated in the normal operation mode. The photocatalytic UV generating device 107 may be a UV ozone generating lamp 33 or the like as shown in the second embodiment, which generates ozone. This ozone is specially used for disinfection and sterilization, and the ozone water after sterilization will be discarded. Therefore, according to the bottled water dispenser 100 of the present embodiment, in the normal operation mode, the drain valve 108 is closed, the electrolytic cell 104 is in an ON state, and the photocatalyst UV derivative device 106 is in an OFF state. When the spouting valve 107 is opened, the water in the bottled water 101 is purified by the purifying unit 103, and then becomes alkaline ionized water in the electrolytic cell 104, and then generally sterilized by ultraviolet rays in the UV generating device 105, and then generated by photocatalyst UV. Device 106 is accessed from spout valve 107. Of course, in this general operation mode, it can be naturally dropped by the weight of the water itself and taken out from the spout valve 107, which simplifies the device. In the sterilization mode of the upstream side shown in Fig. 15 (a), the spout valve 107 and the drain valve 108 are both closed, and the photocatalyst UV generating device 106 is in an ON state, and the UV generating device 105 and the electrolytic cell 104 are both It is in the OFF state. Therefore, the ozone generated by the photocatalyst UV device 106 becomes a bubble, which rises (countercurrent) due to the difference in specific gravity of the water, and sequentially targets the UV generating device 105 located on the upstream side of the photocatalyst UV device 106 by the ozone bubble. The electrolytic cell 104 and the purification unit 103 are sterilized. Therefore, the countercurrent means of this embodiment is a difference in specific gravity between ozone bubbles and water. Further, at this time, in order to prevent ozone bubbles from intruding into the bottled water 1 〇1, the stored water becomes ozone water, and a check valve 109 is provided between the bottled water 101 and the purification unit 103, and the remaining ozone is discharged to Exhaust port 11 0 outside the system. -25- 201219318 After sterilizing the flow side of the photocatalyst UV device 106, as shown in Fig. 15 (b), the spout valve 107 is closed and the drain valve 1 〇 8 is opened. Then, the ozone bubble or the ozone water accumulated on the flow side of the photocatalyst UV device 106 is reversely flowed, and is discharged from the drain valve 108. At this time, the photocatalyst UV device 106 is kept ON, and the UV generating device 105 is kept in the OFF state. Therefore, when the sterilizing water is discharged from the drain valve 1 〇8, the water in the bottled water 1 0 1 also flows down at the same time. Fill the inside of the system with water in the water 1 〇1. At this time, the water in the bottled water 1 〇 1 to be washed is alkaline, so it is preferable to switch the electrolytic cell 104 to the ON state. In the bottled water dispenser of the present embodiment, the sterilization mode shown in Figs. 15(a) and (b) is performed when the bottled water dispenser 100 is not in use, so that it hardly hinders Usually used. Therefore, the bottled water dispenser 100 of the present embodiment is the same as the above-described water purifying devices 1, ΙΑ, and 1B, and when used normally, safer purified water can be obtained. Although the preferred embodiments of the present invention have been described above, the present invention is not limited to the above embodiments, and various modifications are possible. For example, the present invention is also applicable to various water purifying means, such as a purifying unit, a sterilizing apparatus, an electrolyzer, an electrolysis sterilizing apparatus, and the like in the respective embodiments, in which other water purifying means are disposed in the main pipe. Further, in the sterilizing and sterilizing method of the water purifying device, the water purifying device of each of the above embodiments is naturally applicable in addition to the above-described first basic configuration and the water purifying device of the modified example. -26-201219318 [Simplified description of the drawings] Fig. 1 is a flow chart showing the general operation mode in the first basic structure of the water purification device of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a flow chart showing the sterilization mode of the downstream side of the sterilizing device in the first basic structure. [Fig. 3] A flow chart of a sterilization mode located on the upstream side of the sterilizer in the first basic structure. Fig. 4 is a modification of the first basic structure. When the purification unit is difficult to reverse flow, the sterilization mode of the upstream side is Schematic diagram of the process. Fig. 5 is a schematic view showing a first embodiment of a sterilizing apparatus for a first basic structure. Fig. 6 is a schematic view showing the ozone generating apparatus constituting the sterilizing apparatus of the first embodiment. Fig. 7 is a schematic view showing a second embodiment of the sterilizing apparatus for the first basic structure. Fig. 8 is a flow chart showing a general operation mode and a sterilization mode on the downstream side in the second basic structure of the water purification device of the present invention. Fig. 9 is a schematic view showing a third embodiment of a sterilizing apparatus for a second basic structure. Fig. 10 is a schematic view showing a fourth embodiment of a sterilizing apparatus for a second basic structure. Fig. 11 is a schematic view showing a fifth embodiment of a sterilizing apparatus for a first basic structure. -27-201219318 [Fig. 12] Fig. 12 is a schematic view showing a sixth embodiment of a sterilizing apparatus for a second basic structure. Fig. 13 is a schematic view showing a seventh embodiment of a sterilizing apparatus for a second basic structure. [Fig. 14] A schematic diagram of a general operation mode of a water purifier embodiment using the water purifying device of the present invention. [Fig. 15] The same as the water squeezing machine shown in Fig. 14, wherein (a) is a schematic diagram of the sterilizing mode flow on the upstream side of the sterilizing device, and (b) is a schematic flow chart for discharging the sterilizing component after sterilizing the sterilizing mode of the upper flow side. Explanation of main component symbols: 1. ΙΑ, 1B: water purification device 2: supply valve (water supply unit) 3: main pipe (flow path) 4: purification unit 5: electrolytic cell (electrolyzed water generating device) 5A: electrolytic sterilizing device .54: Electrolytic cell (hydrogen peroxide generating device) 10, 10A, 10B, 10C: Sterilizing device l〇a : Sterilization component introduction port 1 1 : Drain valve (countercurrent means) 1 2 : Bypass pipe (countercurrent means) - 28-