201123749 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於一種類型的增強式電力電纜配置裝置,其 (例如)在一電源配接器裝置與一調諧器裝置之間包含組合 平行耦接之電纜以便提供一接收天線及一針對電源之導電 路徑。本發明亦係關於一種減少共模干擾信號之方法,該 方法為(例如)減少一電源配接器裝置與一調諧器裝置之間 的組合平行耦接電纜中之共模干擾信號以便提供一接收天 線及一針對電源之導電路徑的類型。 【先前技術】 攜帶型計算器件(例如,包括全球定位系統(Gps)信號接 收及處理功能性之攜帶型導航器件(PND))係熟知的且°廣 泛用作車内或其他運輸工具導航系統。 奴吕《,現代PND包含處理n、記憶體及儲存於該哉 内之地圖資料。處理器與記憶體合作以提供執行辱 憶體 丨心aa d IF Μ敌倂執行支 境,在此環境中可建立軟體作業系統,且料,常常提名 一或多個額外軟體程式以使PND之功能性能夠得到’ 且提供各種其他功能。 ::,此等器件進一步包含允許使用者與器件互動… 二去之—或多個輸入介面’及可藉以將資訊中繼傳遞; :用者之一或多個輸出介面。輸出介面之說明性實⑴ =覺顯示器及用於聲訊輸出之揚聲器。輸入介… J包括:用來控制該器件之開/關操作 之一或多個實體按⑽若器件⑽於運輸工具内,則= 145378.doc 201123749 按鈕未必需要在該器件自身上,而是可在方向盤上);及 用於領測使用者話語之麥克風。在一項特定配置中,可將 輸出介面顯示器組態為觸摸感應式顯示器(藉由觸摸感應 式覆蓋或其他)以額外提供一輸入介面,藉由該輸入介 面,使用者可經由顯示器來操作該器件。 此類型之器件亦將常包括:一或多個實體連接器介面, 猎由該一或多個實體連接器介面,可將電力信號及視情況 t料信號傳輸至該器件並自該器件接枚電力信號及視情況 〇 =貝料k唬,及視情況,一或多個無線傳輸器/接收器,其 允許在蜂巢式電信及其他信號及資料網路(例如,藍芽 (Bluetooth)、Wi-Fi、Wi-Max、GSM、UMTS 及其類似網 路)上的通信。 此類型之PND亦包括一GPS天線,藉由該Gps天線,可 接收包括位置資料之衛星廣播信號,且隨後處理該等信號 以確定器件之當前位置。 ❹ PND亦可包括產生信號之電子迴轉儀(gyrosc〇pe)及加速 計,該等信號可經處理以確定當前角向及線性加速度,並 且又結合自GPS信號導出之位置資訊來確定器件及因此安 裝了該器件之運輸工具的速度及相對位移。通常,此等特 徵最常見地提供於運輸工具内導航系統中,但亦可提供於 PND中(若此舉係有利的)。 此等PND之效用主要表現在其確定在第一位置(通常, 出發或當前位置)與第二位置(通常,目的地)之間的路線之 能力上。此等位置可由器件之使用者藉由廣泛的各種不同 145378.doc 201123749 方法中之任-者來輸入,例如,藉由郵政編碼、街道名及 門牌號、先前儲存之「熟知」目的地(諸如,著名位置、 市政位置(諸如,體育館或游泳池)或其他興趣點)及最愛目 的地或近來去過之目的地。 通常,PND具備用於根據地圖資料來計算在出發地址位 置與目的地地址位置之間的「最好」$「最適宜」路線之 軟體的功能。「最好」&「最適宜」路線係基於預定準則 而確定且不-定為最快或最短路線。指引司機所沿著的路 線之選擇可為非常複雜的,且選定路線可考量現有、預測 的及動態及/或無線式地接收到的交通及道路資訊、關於 道路速度之歷史資訊及司機對於確定道路備選項之因素的 自身偏好(例如’司機可指定路線不應包括高速公路或收 費道路)。 此類型之PNDif常可安裝於運輸工具之儀錶板或播風玻 璃上仁亦可形成為運輸工具收音機之機載電腦之部分或 實際上形成為運輸工具自身之控制系統的部分。導航器件 亦可為掌上型系統之部分,諸如,pDA(攜帶型數位助 理)、媒體播放器、行動電話或其類似者,且在此等情況 本聖系統之常規功能性係藉由將硬體模組及/或軟 體安裝於器件上以執行路線計算及沿著計算出之路線的導 航而得以擴展。 在PND之情形下,一旦計算了路線,使用者便與導抗器 件互動以視情況自所提議路線之清單選擇所要之計算出的 路線視清况,使用者可干預或指引路線選擇過程,例如 145378.doc 201123749 路、位置途’應避免或必須遵循某些路線、道 且沿著此路線之導航路線計算態樣形成-主要功能’ 在沿著主要功能。 覺及/或聲訊指令,以線=導航期間,此等PND常常提供視 '路線之終點,亦即,所;^選定之路線將使用者指引至該 間於營幕上顯示地圖資:::地。PND亦常常在導航期 使得所顯示之地圖資 ^在勞幕上經定期更新, 〇 *用者或使用者之運检件的當前位置,且因此表示 輸工具内導航)輸工具的當前位置(若器件正用於運 盆中亦、勞幕上之圖符通常表示當前器件位置,且居中, 地圖資訊及其他地圖特;=附近的當前及周圍道路之 之地圖資訊上方、下方或广丨外’視情況’可於在所顯示 導航資訊之實例包括自使用態欄中顯示導航資訊’ 操縱之距離,該操縱之性質可需要選取的當前道路至下-如,左轉彎或右轉f)的進類i (例 定聲訊指令之内容、持續時門表不。導航功能亦確 沿著路線指引使用者。如二時二:藉由該等指令來 m後左轉」)需要大量處 ^ .„„ 及刀析。如先前所提及,使用者 二:=::由觸控螢幕、或者(另外或其他)藉由駕 错由語音啟動或者藉由任何其他適宜 另外 ’該器件可連續監視道路及交通條件, 且由於改變 145378.doc 201123749 之條件而提供或選擇改變料,在此路線上將進行剩下之 旅途。基於各種技術(例如,行動電話資料交換、固定相 機、GPS車隊追縱)之即時交通監視系統正用來識別交通延 遲且將資訊饋入通知系統中,例#,無線電資料系統 (RDS)-交通訊息頻道(TMC)服務。 雖然已知器件在於導航期間使用者偏離先前計算出之路 線(意外或故意)的情況下執行路線重新計算,但器件所提 i、及上文所提及之另一重要功能為在即時交通條件指示替 代路線將更方便之情況下的自動路線重新計算。或當使用 者因任何原因而主動地使器件執行路線重新計算,則器件 適當地能夠自動識別此等條件。 亦已知允許以使用者定義之準則來計算路線例如使用 者可能希望避免可能、預期或當前正發生之交通阻塞的任 何道路。讀軟體將接著使用指示特定道路上之正發生的 交通條件的所儲存資訊來計算各種料,並減其估計的 可能阻塞或延遲之程度來將所計算出之路線排序。其他基 於交通資訊之路線計算及導航準則亦係可能的。 /亦應提及,雖然路線計算及導航功能對pND之總體效用 /重要但有可能將器件純粹用於資訊顯示或「自由駕 駛」’其中僅顯示與當前器件位置相關之地圖及交通資 訊’且其中尚未計算出路線且器件當前不執行導航。此操 =模式常可適用於當使用者已知行進所要沿著之路線且不 需要導航輔助時。然而’關於交通之資訊仍用於此操作模 145378.doc 201123749 在任何情況下’可見在計算路線及指引使用者至一位置 時’或僅在自由駕敬時特定使用舆交通相關之資訊。在此 方面,且如上文所提及,已知使用一些廣播電台所支援之 RDS-TMC設施來廣播與交通相關之資訊。舉例而言在 UK ’使用分配給稱為「經典fm」之台的頻率來廣播一個 已知的與交通相關之資訊服務。當然:,熟習此項技術者應 瞭解不同頻率由不同的與交通相關之資訊服務提供者而使 用。 亦已知將一 RDS-TMC接收器提供給PND以用於接收RDS >料廣播,解碼RDS資料廣播及擷取包括於RDS資料廣播 中之TMC資料。此等調頻(FM)接收器需要為靈敏的。對於 許多當W所出售之PND,提供包含11£)8_丁]^(::調諧器之附 件,RDS-TMC調諧器在一端耦接至天線且在其另一端耦 接至連接器以用於將RDS-TMC調諧器耦接至pND之輸入。 為了以一對於使用者而言經濟且方便同時遵守國家或地 區順應規則(例如,與所謂「CE標誌」相關聯之規則)之方 式製造天線,已知由直導線形成天線。在此方面,在運輸 工具中,為了消除對多個電纜(其通常以不整齊之方式在 不同方向上延伸)的需要,已知提供一包含電力電纜與天 線之組合的增強式電力電纜。此增強式電力電纜包含以間 隔關係耦接至電力電纜之單極撓性天線,使得該單極撓性 天線大體上與電力電纜平行延伸。然而,此種類型之緊耦 接直導線類型天線易受來自相鄰電器件及/或電子器件(例 如,PND及/或電力供應(例如,點煙器轉接器(cla乃)之 145378.doc 201123749 EMC干擾。在此方面,不同於整合至運輸工具(例如,汽 車)中之電子系統,PND在射頻下相對於接地而「浮動」, 且因此所接收之信號未參考運輸工具之「EMI乾淨」主 體,而實際上參考PND之「雜訊」接地基準。此外,自 PND之製造者觀點來看,需要PND之使用者將天線連接至 運輸工具之主體以便獲得所要的「乾淨」接地基準係不需 要的。因此,天線非常接近EMI「雜訊」PND而定位。因 此,在一些情況下,天線效能可能不充分,從而導致PND 未接收任何資料或僅接收部分資料。自PND之使用者的觀 點來看,使用者簡單地感覺到沒有或不完整的交通資訊係 可用的,且可錯誤地推斷PND及/或TMC附件正不正常工 作。 歐洲專利公開案第EP 1 672 787號係關於具有經由饋線 耦接至無線電調諧器之共模輸入濾波器的天線插口之廣播 接收器。然而,輸入濾波器需要一接地,該接地由無線電 調諧器提供。不幸地,抗干擾類比接地不可用於RDS-TMC調諧器及天線之情形。 【發明内容】 根據本發明之第一態樣,提供一種增強式電力電纜配置 裝置,其包含:一調諧器外殼及一電源轉接器外殼;一在 該調諧器外殼與該電源轉接器外殼之間延伸的電力電纜; 及一在該調諧器外殼與該電源轉接器外殼之間延伸的接收 天線,該接收天線包含一大體上以與該電力電纜平行及間 隔之關係延伸的極部分;其中接收天線之用於辆接至一調 145378.doc •10· 201123749 諧器裝置之第一末端耦接至放大器裝置及共模濾波器。 接收天線可進一步包含耦接至共模濾波器之另一極部 分。 接收天線可為一共振饋線偶極接收天線其具有構成該 極。p刀之第一極部分及構成饋線部分之一段同軸電纜以及 第二極部分。第一極部分之長度可對應於待接收之射頻 (RF)信號的預定波長之約四分之一。 第一極部分之長度可對應於待接收之射頻(RF)信號的預 〇 $波長之約三分之-與該預定波長之約四分之—之間。 共模濾波器可具有—在約1〇〇〇 Ω與約4000 Ω之間的共模 阻抗。共模濾波器可具有一約22〇〇 Ω之共模阻抗。 共模濾波器可為一雙線線圈。共模濾波器可安置於調諧 器外殼内。 調諧器外殼可為一封裝。 調諧器外殼可包含一調諧器裝置。該調諧器裝置可為一 ❿冑頻(FM)調諧器。該調諧器裝置可為一無線電資料系統 (RDS)-交通訊息頻道(TMC)調諧器。 該裝置可進一步包含一耦接電纜,該耦接電纜自調諧器 外忒延伸以用於耦接至電子器件,以便承載由調諧器裝置 解碼之身料並支援用於電子器件之電力的傳輸。 極部分之第一末端可經由共模濾波器而耦接至放大器裝 置。 放大器裝置可耦接至調諧器裝置。 電力電纜可具有一相對於調諧器外殼之近端及一相對於 145378.doc 201123749 調讀器外殼之 接至電力電、纜 遠端;且該裝置可進一步包含一 之抑制濾波器。 在其遠端耗 元可::接盗外殼可包含一電力供應單元;該電力供應單 ::二-用於麵接至一經配置以輕接至電源插座的連 "之輸入端子;及一用於輕接至電力電纔之輸 千0 電力電纜之遠端與電力供應單元之 抑制濾波器可耦接於 輸出端子之間。 元之輸入端子與連接介 抑制濾波器可耦接於電力供應單 面之間。 根據本發明之-第二態樣,提供—攜帶型導航套件其 包含-攜帶型導航器件及如上文關於本發明之第一態樣所 闡述之增強式電力電纜配置裝置。 根據本發明之第三態樣,提供一減少關於增強式電力電 纔配置裝置之共模干擾信號的方法,該增強式電力電纜配 置裝置包含:一調諧器外殼及一電源轉接器外殼;一在該 調諧器外殼與該電源轉接器外殼之間延伸的電力電纜;及 一在該調諧器外殼與該電源轉接器外殼之間延伸的接收天 線,該接收天線包含一大體上以與電力電纜平行及間隔之 關係延伸的極部分;該方法包含:將接收天線之用於麵接 至調δ皆器裝置的第一末端輛接至一放大器裝置及一共模減 波器。 因此可提供一不受共模干擾信號影響之裝置及方法。因 此,改良之信號接收係可能的,藉此導致資訊(例如,與 145378.doc 12 Ο ❹ 201123749 =通_之資訊,諸如,膨TMC資料)之改良接收。天 邻=結Γ舞製造而言亦係簡單且經濟的且較易於由使用者 。。/、模m之使用將接收天線與—在調諧器裝置與 該裝置可輕接至的器件之間的轉接電境中所引發的任何丘 =擾信號隔離。可達成接故天線與其他共模干擾信號 (例如丄由接收天線可㈣至的器件之寄生電容所引起之 干擾么號)或與電源的改良隔離。抑制遽波器用來減少由 運輸工具之不乾淨(亦即,《「雜訊」)電力供應器所引起 之傾。此外’雖然天線與運輸工具之底盤之間的電流連 接提供有利之天線接收效能,但該裝置及^法允許(例如) 在運輸工具中簡單及方便地可卸除式安裝需要天線之電子 裝置而無需電流連接。又,調譜器裝置對電磁干擾之屏蔽 並非強制性的,以便維持調諧器裝置之效能。另外,該裝 置及方法未必專用且因此向不同灯接收應用提供靈活之解 決方案。由該方法及裝置所提供的改良效能亦減少使用者 煩惱及人工詢問製造商、經銷商及/或零售商關於裝置是 否有故障的情況。 此等實施例之其他優點將在下文中陳述,且此等實施例 中之每一者之其他細節及特徵定義於隨附獨立項及以下實 施方式中之其他處。 【實施方式】 現將參看隨附圖式僅以舉例方式描述本發明之至少一實 施例。 在以下描述中將始終使用相同參考數字來識別相同部 145378.doc 201123749 分。 現將特定參看PND來描述本發明之實施例。然而,應纪 住,本發明之教示不限於PND,而是實情為可普遍應用於 (例如)經組態而以攜帶或行動方式執行導航軟體以便提供 路線規劃及導航功能I生的任何類型之處理器件但不限於彼 等處理器件。因此,由此可見,在當前應用之情形下導 航器件意欲包括(而不限於)任何類型之路線規劃及導航器 件,無論該器件是體現為PND、諸如汽車之運輸工具還是 實際上體現為攜帶型計算資源(例如,執行路線規劃及導 航軟體之攜帶型個人電腦(PC)、行動電話或個人數位助理 (PDA))。 自下文亦將顯而易見,本發明之教示甚至在使用者並不 哥求對於如何自一點導航至另一點的指令,而僅希望得到 涉及(例如)交通之資訊的情況下亦有效用。 參看圖1 ’導航器件100位於外殼(未圖示)中。導航器件 100包含GPS接收器器件102或經由連接1〇4耦接至GPS接收 器器件102,其中GPS接收器器件1〇2可為(例如)Gps天線/ 接收器。應理解,由參考數字102指定之天線與接收器經 示意性地組合以用於說明,但天線及接收器可為分開定位 之組件’且天線可為(例如)GPS貼片天線或螺旋天線。 導航器件100包括一處理資源,該處理資源包含(例如) 一處理器106 ’該處理器106耦接至一輸入器件1〇8及一顯 示器件(例如’顯示螢幕110)。雖然此處參看單數形式之輸 入器件108,但熟習此項技術者應瞭解,輸入器件ι〇8表示 145378.doc -14- 201123749 任何數目個輸入器件,其包括鍵盤器件、語音輸入器件、 觸控面板及/或用以輸入資訊之任何其他已知輸入器件。 同樣’顯示螢幕110可包括例如液晶顯示器(LCD)之任何類 型之顯示螢幕。 在一個配置中,輸入器件108、觸控面板及顯示螢幕11〇 之一項態樣經整合以便提供一整合式輸入及顯示器件,包 括一觸控墊或觸控螢幕輸入以致能資訊之輸入(經由直接 輸入、選單選擇等)及經由觸控面板螢幕的資訊顯示,使 ° 得使用者僅需要觸摸顯示螢幕110之一部分來選擇複數個 顯示備選項中之一者或啟動複數個虛擬或「軟」按鈕中之 一者。在此方面,處理器106支援結合觸控螢幕而操作之 圖形使用者介面(GUI)。 在導航器件100中,處理器1〇6經由連接112操作地連接 至輸入态件108,並能夠自輸入器件1〇8接收輸入資訊,且 經由各別輸出連接116、118而操作地連接至顯示螢幕110 ❹及輸出益件114(例如,聲訊輸出器件(例如,揚聲器))中之 至少一者。由於輸出器件114可產生導航器件1〇〇之使用者 的聲訊資訊,所以應同等地理解,輸入器件108可包括一 夕克風及用於接收輸入語音命令之軟體。此外,導航器件 100亦可包括任何額外之輸入器件1〇8及/或任何額外之輸 出器件,例如,音訊輸入/輪出器件。 地益106經由連接122而操作地連接至記憶體資源 120 ’且經進—步配置以經由連接126自輸入/輸出(卿車 124接收資訊/發送資訊至輸入/輸出(1/〇)埠124,其中1/〇埠 145378.doc -15· 201123749 ⑶可連接至在導航器件丨叫部的ι/〇器件i28 源㈣包含(例如)揮發性記憶體(諸如 取 (RAM))及非揮發性記憶體(例如,數位記憶體二如= 閃記憶體)。 邊如快 如外=器件128可包括(但不限於)外部收聽器件,諸 如至1/〇器件128之連接可進—步為至任何其他外 邛盗件(例如’ a車立體聲單元)之有線 免持操作及/或用於語音啟動式操作、用於、至=用於 式耳機之連接及/或用於 …或頭戴 mv " 之連接’行動電話連 ==器件⑽與(例如)網際網路或任何其他網路 2間建立㈣連接,及/或用以經由(例如)網際網路或某— 其他網路建立至伺服器之連接。 =方面,導航器件100能夠經由一行動器件(未圖 =例如,上文描述之行動電話、PDA及/或具有行動電話 何器件)建立與「行動」或電信網路之網路硬體 二,需要),以便建立數位連接(例如,經由已知 息=技術之數位連接)。其後,行動器件可經由其網路服 務提供者來建立與伺服器(未圖示)之網路連接⑽如,經由 :際網路)二因而,可於導航器件1〇〇(當其獨自及/或在運 、具中行進時’其可為且時常為行動的)與飼服器之間 建立「行動」網路連接’以為資訊提供「即時」或至少很 「最新」閘道。 。。在此實例中’導航器件1〇〇亦包含—操作地搞接至處理 益106以用於接收與交通相關之資料的輸人淳lb。 145378.doc -16- 201123749 虽、\ :般熟習此項技術者將理解,圖!中示意地展示 之電子早7G係以習知方式由一或多個電源(未圖示)供電。 如一般熟習此項技術者亦將理解,預期圖!中所示之單元 之不同組態。舉例而古,圖丨由张一 °圖1中所不之組件可經由有線及/ 或無線連接及其類似者而相互通信。因此,本文中所描述 之導航器件_可為攜帶型或掌上型導航器件⑽。 ❹ ❹ 應注意,上文描述之導航器件】⑽之方塊圖不包括導航 器件100之所有組件’而是僅代表許多實例組件。 轉而參看圖2,導航裝置100之記憶體資源12〇儲存一啟 動載入程式(未圖示),該啟動載入程式由處理器ι〇6執行以 便自記憶體資源12〇載人—作業系統132以用於由功能硬體 組件130執行,S亥作業系統132提供應用程式軟體134可運 作之裱境。作業系統132用來控制功能硬體組件13〇,且駐 留於應用程式軟體134與功能硬體組件13〇之間。應用程式 軟體134提供-作業環境’該作業環境包括支援導航襄置 100之核心功能(例如,地圖檢視、路線規劃、導航功能及 與此相關聯之任何其他功能)的Gm。在此實例中,應用程 式軟體134之部分包含一交通資料處理模組136,其接收並 處理與交通相關之資料並將與地圖資訊整合之交通資訊提 供給使用者。因而此功能性並非單獨為本文中所描述之實 施例的核心,所以本文中將不再描述交通資料處理模組 13 6之其他細節’以便不分散對本文中之實施例的描述。 參看圖3 ’在此實例中’導航器件ι〇〇能夠耦接至臂 140,臂140能夠使用一吸盤142而緊固至(例如)一運輸工具 145378.doc 17- 201123749 儀錶板或窗戶。臂140為銜接台之一項實例,導航器件100 可與該銜接台銜接。舉例而言,導航器件100可藉由將導 航益件100搭扣連接至臂140而與銜接台140銜接或以其他 方式連接至銜接台140。導航器件100亦可在臂140上旋 轉。為釋放導航器件100與銜接台140之間的連接,提供導 航器件100上之按鈕並可按壓該按鈕。或者可提供用於將 導航器件100耦接至銜接台及將導航器件1〇〇與銜接台解耦 的其他同等適宜之配置。 轉而參看圖4,在此實例中,導航器件1〇〇位於運輸工具 (例如,汽車)中,並連接至銜接台140。銜接台140耦接至 一增強式電力電纜配置裝置150,該增強式電力電纜配置 裝置I50在其一端處包含點煙器轉接器(CLA)152 ’該CLA 152將插頭插入運輸工具之所謂的點煙器(未圖示)中。cla 152耦接至運輸工具之點煙器允許運輸工具之蓄電池Η*用 來在將由蓄電池154所提供的12 v直流(DC)電適當轉換後 (在此實例中)經由銜接台! 4〇向導航器件丨供電。蓄電池 154及CLA 152耦接至由運輸工具所提供之接地156,其通 常為運輸工具之底盤或主體。 銜接台140包含輸入琿158,其在銜接導航器件1〇〇時耦 接至導航器件100之輸入埠125。增強式電力電纜配置裝置 150在其與包含CLA 152之端相對的另一端處耦接至銜接台 140之輸入埠158。當然,若不使用銜接台14〇,則增強式 電力電纜配置裝置150可直接連接至導航器件1〇〇之輸入埠 125。 145378.doc -18· 201123749 另外參看圖5 ’增強式電力電纜配置裝置15〇包含一調譜 器外殼160及CLA 152之電源轉接器外殼162。電力電纜164 在調諧器外殼160與電源轉接器外殼162之間延伸。在此實 例中,調諧器外殼160為一封裝。增強式電力電纜配置裝 置150亦包含一在調諧器外殼16〇與電源轉接器外殼162之 間延伸的接收天線166。接收天線166大體上以與電力電纜 164平行及間隔的關係延伸。在此方面,間隔關係藉由所 謂之「鬆套管(loose tube)」168而維持在電力電纜164與接 〇 收天線I66之間。在此實例中,增強式電力電纜配置裝置 150進一步包含一耦接電纔17〇 ’該耦接電纜17〇在其一端 耗接至調諧器外殼160並在其另一端處具有一用於耗接至 上文提及之輸入埠158或輸入埠125的耦接連接器172(例 如,所謂之小型USB(通用串列匯流排)連接器)。耦接電欖 170載運USB線及電力線(未圖示),並自調諧器外殼16〇延 伸以用於將增強式電力電纜配置裝置15〇耦接至電子器件 (例如,導航器件100),以便承載由調諧器裝置(圖5中未展 KS 一 示)解碼之資料並支援用於電子器件之電力的傳輸。 轉而參看圖6,如上文所提及,電力電纜164及接收天線 166在調諧器外殼160與電源轉接器外殼162之間依靠鬆套 管168而大體上平行延伸,鬆套管168亦維持電力電纜164 與接收天線166之間的大體上恆定之間隔。另外,調諸器 外殼160及電源轉接器外殼162中之每一者包含一拉力消除 配置(pull-relief arrangement)(未圖示)以預防電力電纜164 及接收天線166之拉力’該拉力可能使電力電纜164及/或 145378.doc -19- 201123749 接收天線166與調諳器外般16〇及電源轉接器外殼162中之 一者或兩者脫離及/或使任何電連接斷開。 電力電纜164之第一近端174電耦接至安置於調諧器外殼 160内之電源模組176,電源模組176耦接至耦接電纜17〇。 在此實例中,由耦接電纜170載運之USB線構成對於由耦 接電纜170載運之電力線的RF干擾源,且因此經由使用適 當濾波,電源模組176用來提供「乾淨」大體上抗干擾之5 V電力供應而不管USB線之存在。電源模組176亦耦接至亦 安置於調諧器外殼160内之調諧器裝置丨78。調諧器裝置 178耦接至USB介面模組180,但亦在其第一末端174處按 以下方式搞接至接收天線166。USB介面模組1 80搞接至搞 接電纜170。 在此實例中,調諧器外殼1 60内之調諧器裴置1 78為—調 頻(FM)調諧器’具體而言為一 RDS-TMC調諧器。藉由實 例說明’適宜之調諧器為可自美國Silicon Laboratories公 司購得之SI4703積體電路(1C)。 在此實例中,接收天線166為一共振饋線天線,其為偶 極天線類型。因此’接收天線166包含一麵接至具有核心 (未圖示)及屏蔽之一段同軸電纜184之第一極部分182,該 段同軸電規1 8 4充當偶極接收天線16 6之饋線部分,而該屏 蔽亦充當第二極部分。第一極部分1 82由一段導體(例如, 單軸導體)形成。在此實例中,第二段同軸電纜1 84之核心 (未圖示)用作形成第一極部分182之單轴電導體。然而,熟 習此項技術者應瞭解,可使用一獨立未屏蔽之導體且該獨 145378.doc •20· 201123749 立未屏蔽之導體可(例如)藉由焊接而耦接至該段同軸電境 1 84之核心》如自圖6可見,共振饋線偶極接收天線166經 末端饋入。 第一極1 82之第一長度對應於所要接收的信號(例如,廣 播信號,諸如’包含RDS-TMC資料之FM信號)之波長的四 分之一(λ/4)。因此,在此實例中,第一極182之長度為約 75 cm。類似地,第二極184之第二長度對應於所要接收的 信號之波長的四分之一(λ/4)。因此,在此實例中,共振饋 〇 線接收天線166為對稱的,第二極184之長度亦為約75 cm 〇 在另一實施例中,共振饋線接收天線166為非對稱的, 第一極部分182之第一長度及第二極部分184之第二長度為 波長(λ)之不同比例。因此,第一極部分1 82之第一長度亦 可對應於所要接收的信號(例如,廣播信號,諸如,包含 RDS-TMC資料之FM信號)之波長的四分之一(人/4)。舉例而 言’第一極部分182之長度可再次為約75 cm。然而,第二 〇 一 ^ 極部分184之第二長度可對應於所要接收的信號之波長的 三分之一(λ/3)。舉例而言,第二極部分184之長度可為約 5 0 cm。因此,可見第二極184之長度可對應於波長之約三 分之一與波長之約四分之一之間。 該段同軸電缆18 4之核心在第一末端17 4處耗接至遽波器 188之第一端子186,同軸電纜184之屏蔽在第一末端174處 耦接至濾波器188之第二端子190。濾波器188之第三端子 192耦接至放大器裝置194之輸入,放大器裝置194之接地 145378.doc -21- 201123749 端子及滤波188之弟四端子196麵接至接地電位。放大器 裝置194之輸出端子耦接至調諧器裝置178之輸入。 在此實例中’遽波器1 8 8為共模濾波器,例如共模變壓 器(諸如’線圈)或環形電感器或共模扼流圈(例如,雙線扼 流圈)。如上文所提及’滤'波器1 8 8位於調諧器外殼1 6 〇中 且具有一共模阻抗及一差模阻抗。濾波器i 8 8之共模阻抗 可為至少約1 kQ。共模阻抗可在約丨與約4 之間,例 如’在約1.5 kQ與約2.5 kn之間,諸如在約2 與約2 3 kQ之間。在此實例中,濾波器ι88具有約2 2让卩之共模阻 抗。此大大超過一段電纜之固有共模阻抗。濾波器188之 差模阻抗可在約1 Ω與約50 Ω之間,例如,在約! Ω與約2〇 Ω之間,諸如在約5 Ω與約15 Ω之間。在此實例中,濾波器 188之差模阻抗為約10 Ω。 電源模組176耦接至耦接電纜170。類似地,USB介面模 組1 80亦耦接至耦接電纜丨7〇。 轉而參看圖7,放大器裝置194為包含一輸入端子2〇2之 低雜訊放大器電路,在此實例中,輸入端子2〇2耦接至濾 波器188之第三端子192。輸入端子2〇2耦接至雙極射頻 (RF)電晶體2〇4(諸如,NPN雙極電晶體)之基極端子,並經 由包含用於靜電放電器保護(ESD)目的之一對背對背耦接 一極體之電壓鉗2〇6而耦接至接地電位。輸入端子亦耦 接至第一電阻器2〇8(例如,18 電阻器)之第—端子。雙 極電晶體204之集極端子麵接至第二電阻器21〇(例如,22 Ω電阻器)之第—端子,第二電阻器21〇之第二端子搞接至 145378.doc •22- 201123749 第-電阻器208之第二端子及放大器裝置i94之輸出端子 212。雙極電晶體204之發射極端子亦經由第一電感器 214(例如,10 nH電感器)耦接至接地電位。 ,放大器裝置194之輸出端子212輕接至第三電阻器216(例 如,56 Ω電阻器)之第-端子。第三電阻器216之第二端子 經由第四電阻器218(例如,则Ω電阻器)而純至供應電 壓。第三電阻器216之第二端子經由第一電容器22〇㈤ 如’ 5.6 nF電容器)亦耦接至接地電位。 〇 在放大器裝置194之外部,放大器裝置194之輸出端子 212耦接至第二電容器222(例如,1〇〇 pF電容器)之第一端 子。第二電容器222之第二端子輕接至包含用於衰減太高 且因此與調諧器裝置178不相容的尺?信號位準之一對頭對 腳(或陽極對陰極)耦接之二極體的另一電壓鉗224,第二電 容器222之第二端子耦接於該對耦接二極體之間。第二電 谷态222之第二端子亦耦接至第五電阻器228(例如,22 Ω ◎ 電阻器)之第一端子。第五電阻器228之第二端子經由第二 電感器230(例如,270 ηΗ電感器)及單獨地經由第三電容器 (例如3.3 pF電谷裔)而搞接至接地電位。第五電阻器 228之第二端子亦耦接至第三電感器234(例如,9.丨nH電感 器)之第一端子,第三電感器234之第二端子耦接至調諧器 裝置178。第二電容器222及第三電容器232、第五電阻器 228以及第二電感器23〇及第三電感器234用來阻擋信 號,阻抗匹配及濾波源於調諧器裝置178之本地振盪器的 言皆波。 145378.doc -23- 201123749 再次參看圖6,在此實例中,在電力電缓i 64及接收天線 166之第二遠端198處,電力電纜164及接收天線166耦接至 電源轉接器外殼162。在此實例中,電力電缓i 64之第二末 4叙接至女置於電源轉接器外殼162中之抑制渡波器2〇〇。 抑制濾波器200可安置於電力電纜164之第二末端與待於下 文描述之電力供應器之間,或安置於電力供應器與用於將 CLA 1 52耦接至電源插座之連接介面之間。 轉而參看圖8’在一項實施例中,電源轉接器外殼162包 3 —電源轉接器裝置240 ,其包含一經配置以(當使用時)與 ◎ 電源插座(例如,上文提及之運輸工具之點煙器)耦接的連 接介面(未圖示)。連接介面之端子麵接至抑制滤波器2〇〇之 第-及第二端子242 ’在此實施例中,抑制滤波器2〇〇為一 共模線圈。在此實例中’共模線圈具有—大於_圓2下 約1 kQ的阻抗(諸如,1〇〇 MHz下3 kn)及一小於約2〇〇 之直流(DC)電阻(諸如,·㈣之沉電阻)。共模線圈2〇〇 之輪出端子244耦接至開關式電力供應器2柄(例如,所謂 之降壓轉換器電路)之輸入端子。開關式電力供應器⑽之〇 輸出端子248耦接至電力電纜164之各別導線。 在另實施例(圖9)中,未採用圖8之共模線圈2〇〇。實 隋為’連接介面耦接至開關式電力供應器%而其間沒有 抑制遽波器200,抑制濾波器2_接於電力電缓164之遠 :與開關式電力供應器246之輸出端子之間。在此實例 :抑制濾波器200為一具有以下結構之濾波器。開關式 供應器246之第_輸出端子25〇因此輕接至第一鐵磁體 I45378.do, -24· 201123749 明片電感器252之第-端子,第—鐵磁體晶片電感器252之 第二端子純至第四電容器254之第—端子。開關式電力 供應益246之第一輸出端子256耦接至第二鐵磁體晶片電感 Ο Ο 益258之第—端子,第:鐵磁體晶片電感器25 8之第二端子 麵接至第四電谷器254之第二端子。電力電纔164之各別導 線分別麵接至第四電容器254之第—及第二端子,以使得 跨越第四電容器254而輕接。鐵磁體晶片電感器252、258 在一電磁譜之FM頻帶中提供大於綱Ω之阻抗,例如,在 電磁π曰之FM頻帶中介於約3〇〇 Ω與約ι〇〇〇 ω之間。 在另一實施例中,圖8之共模線圈及圖9之濾波器組合使 用以便提供改良之濾波。 返回參看圖4,在操作中,共模電壓u⑽由於運輸工具中 之其他干擾產生源(例&,與運輸卫具提供電力相關聯之 開關式電力供應器)而存在於系統中。 特別主意的是’系統包含第一共模干擾電流分量 (him) ’其在電力電缓⑹中自CLA 152流至銜接台且因 =流至導航器件_。第—共模干擾電流分量之主要 刀量係由CLA 152產生,但第一共模干擾電流分量(i_)亦 ^含-可歸因於共模電壓^之分量。第二共模干擾電流 分量(U2)流至接收天線166中,其主要分量由存在於接地 156與導航窃件1〇〇之間的寄生電容以及由電力電纜ι“發 出之電磁輻射引起。然而’第二共模干擾電流分量(icm2)之 另—分量可歸因於第-共模干擾電流分量(ieml)及待在下文 把述之第二共模干擾電流分量GW。當然,第二共模干擾 H5378.doc -25- 201123749 電流分量(iem2)流至接收天線166中而不管CLA 152是否麵 接至運輸工具之點煙器及/或CLA 152是否存在.,惟應瞭解 在此等情況下第二共模干擾電流分量(icm2)將不包含與第一 共模干擾電流分量(icml)相關聯之分量。 另外’第二共模干擾電流分量(iem3)藉由自導航器件 發出之電磁輻射而在接收天線166中引發,且表示其主要 分量。然而,第三共模干擾電流分量(丨㈣3)亦包含一可歸因 於共模干擾電流分量(icml)及第二共模干擾電流分量 的分量。 濾波器188之存在用來將共振饋線接收天線166與上述共 模干擾電流分量隔離,且因此接收天線166之效能顯著改 良(例如20 dB)。如本文中將在稱後解釋,抑制遽波器細 亦用來減少超過1 5 dB之關於雪士似由w ~ .BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to a type of enhanced power cable configuration apparatus that includes, for example, a combined parallel coupling between a power adapter device and a tuner device The cable provides a receiving antenna and a conductive path for the power source. The present invention is also directed to a method of reducing common mode interference signals by, for example, reducing a common mode interference signal in a combined parallel coupled cable between a power adapter device and a tuner device to provide a reception Antenna and a type of conductive path for the power supply. [Prior Art] Portable computing devices (e.g., portable navigation devices (PNDs) including Global Positioning System (Gps) signal receiving and processing functionality) are well known and widely used as in-vehicle or other vehicle navigation systems. Nuo Lu, Modern PND contains processing data, memory, and map data stored in the library. The processor cooperates with the memory to provide execution of the awkwardness aa d IF Μ Μ 倂 倂 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Functionality can be 'and a variety of other features are available. :: These devices further include allowing the user to interact with the device... two-to-or multiple input interfaces' and to relay the information; one or more of the user's output interfaces. Descriptive of the output interface (1) = sense display and speaker for audio output. Input... J includes: used to control the on/off operation of the device. One or more entities press (10) if the device (10) is in the vehicle, then = 145378. The doc 201123749 button does not have to be on the device itself, but on the steering wheel; and the microphone for the user's speech. In a particular configuration, the output interface display can be configured as a touch sensitive display (via touch sensitive overlay or otherwise) to additionally provide an input interface through which the user can operate the display via the display Device. Devices of this type will also often include: one or more physical connector interfaces, through which one or more physical connector interfaces can transmit power signals and optionally signal signals to and from the device. Power signals and, as appropriate, 贝 = 贝, and, as appropriate, one or more wireless transmitters/receivers that allow for cellular telecommunications and other signal and data networks (eg, Bluetooth, Wi) Communication on -Fi, Wi-Max, GSM, UMTS and similar networks. This type of PND also includes a GPS antenna with which satellite broadcast signals including positional data can be received and subsequently processed to determine the current position of the device. ❹ PND may also include an electronic gyroscope (gyrosc〇pe) that generates signals and an accelerometer that can be processed to determine the current angular and linear acceleration, and in conjunction with positional information derived from the GPS signal to determine the device and thus The speed and relative displacement of the vehicle on which the device is installed. Typically, these features are most commonly provided in the navigation system within the vehicle, but may also be provided in the PND (if this is advantageous). The utility of such PNDs is primarily manifested in their ability to determine the route between the first location (typically, the departure or current location) and the second location (usually the destination). These locations can be made by a wide variety of users of the device 145378. Doc 201123749 The method of inputting, for example, by postal code, street name and house number, previously stored "familiar" destinations (such as famous locations, municipal locations (such as gymnasium or swimming pool) or other interests Point) and favorite destinations or destinations that have been recently visited. In general, the PND has a function for calculating the software of the "best" $ "optimal" route between the departure address location and the destination address location based on the map data. The "best" & "best" routes are determined based on predetermined criteria and are not defined as the fastest or shortest route. The choice of route to guide the driver can be very complex, and the selected route can take into account existing, predicted and dynamic and/or wirelessly received traffic and road information, historical information about road speed and driver determination Self-preference for factors of road alternatives (eg 'driver can specify routes that should not include highways or toll roads). This type of PNDif can often be mounted on the dashboard of the vehicle or on the airborne glass or can be formed as part of the onboard computer of the vehicle's radio or as part of the control system of the vehicle itself. The navigation device can also be part of a palm-sized system, such as a pDA (portable digital assistant), a media player, a mobile phone, or the like, and in this case the conventional functionality of the system is by hardware Modules and/or software are mounted on the device to perform route calculations and to expand along the calculated route navigation. In the case of a PND, once the route is calculated, the user interacts with the impedance device to select the desired route view from the list of proposed routes as appropriate, and the user can intervene or direct the route selection process, such as 145378. Doc 201123749 Road, location way 'should avoid or must follow certain routes, roads and calculate the way along the route's navigation route - the main function' is along the main function. Sense and/or voice command, during line=navigation, these PNDs often provide the end of the route, that is, the route; the selected route directs the user to the scene to display the map::: Ground. The PND also often causes the displayed map to be periodically updated on the screen during the navigation period, 〇* the current position of the user or the user's shipment, and thus the current position of the navigation tool in the tool ( If the device is being used in the transport basin, the icon on the screen usually indicates the current device position, and is centered, the map information and other maps are special; = the map information of the current and surrounding roads nearby is above, below or outside the map. 'Depending on the situation, the navigation information can be displayed in the self-use status column in the example of the displayed navigation information. The distance of the manipulation can be selected from the current road to the next - for example, left turn or right turn f) Enter class i (for example, the content of the voice command, the duration of the door is not. The navigation function also guides the user along the route. For example, 2:2: turn left after the instruction by m).) A large number of places are required. „„ and knife analysis. As mentioned previously, User 2:=:: is activated by voice by touch screen, or (in addition or otherwise) by mistake, or by any other suitable device that continuously monitors road and traffic conditions, and Due to the change of 145378. Doc 201123749 provides or selects a change, and the rest of the journey will take place on this route. An instant traffic monitoring system based on various technologies (eg, mobile phone data exchange, fixed camera, GPS fleet tracking) is being used to identify traffic delays and feed information into the notification system, Example #, Radio Data System (RDS) - Traffic Message Channel (TMC) service. Although it is known that the device performs route recalculation while the user deviates from the previously calculated route (unexpected or intentional) during navigation, the device mentions that another important function mentioned above is in the immediate traffic condition. Automatic route recalculation in the case where an alternate route would be more convenient. Or when the user actively causes the device to perform a route recalculation for any reason, the device can automatically recognize these conditions as appropriate. It is also known to allow for the calculation of routes with user-defined criteria, such as any road that a user may wish to avoid, possibly, expected or currently occurring traffic jams. The reading software will then use the stored information indicating the traffic conditions that are occurring on a particular road to calculate the various materials and rank the calculated routes by the extent of their estimated possible blockage or delay. Other route calculation and navigation guidelines based on traffic information are also possible. / It should also be mentioned that although the route calculation and navigation functions are generally effective/important for pND, it is possible to use the device purely for information display or "free driving" where only maps and traffic information related to the current device location are displayed. The route has not been calculated and the device is currently not performing navigation. This mode of operation is often applicable when the user knows the route to travel along and does not require navigation assistance. However, information about transportation is still used for this operation mode 145378. Doc 201123749 In any case, 'visible when calculating routes and directing users to a location' or simply using traffic-related information when you are free to drive. In this regard, and as mentioned above, it is known to use some RDS-TMC facilities supported by broadcast stations to broadcast traffic related information. For example, in UK's use of frequencies assigned to stations called "classic fm" to broadcast a known traffic-related information service. Of course: those skilled in the art should be aware that different frequencies are used by different traffic-related information service providers. It is also known to provide an RDS-TMC receiver to the PND for receiving RDS > material broadcasts, decoding RDS data broadcasts, and extracting TMC data included in the RDS data broadcast. These frequency modulated (FM) receivers need to be sensitive. For many PNDs sold by W, there is an accessory that includes a £1:8 tuned to the tuner. The RDS-TMC tuner is coupled to the antenna at one end and to the connector at the other end. Coupling the RDS-TMC tuner to the input of the pND. To fabricate the antenna in a manner that is economical and convenient for the user while complying with national or regional compliance rules (eg, rules associated with the so-called "CE Mark") It is known to form an antenna from a straight wire. In this respect, it is known to provide a power cable and an antenna in a vehicle in order to eliminate the need for multiple cables, which typically extend in different directions in an irregular manner. A combination of enhanced power cables. The reinforced power cable includes a monopole flexible antenna coupled to the power cable in a spaced relationship such that the monopole flexible antenna extends generally parallel to the power cable. However, this type Tightly coupled straight wire type antennas are susceptible to susceptibility from adjacent electrical devices and/or electronic devices (eg, PND and/or power supplies (eg, cigarette lighter adapters (cla) 145378. Doc 201123749 EMC interference. In this respect, unlike an electronic system integrated into a vehicle (eg, a car), the PND "floats" relative to ground at radio frequencies, and thus the received signal is not referenced to the "EMI clean" body of the vehicle. In fact, refer to the "noise" grounding reference of the PND. In addition, from the perspective of the manufacturer of the PND, it is not necessary for the user of the PND to connect the antenna to the body of the vehicle in order to obtain the desired "clean" ground reference. Therefore, the antenna is positioned very close to the EMI "noise" PND. Therefore, in some cases, the antenna performance may be insufficient, resulting in the PND not receiving any data or receiving only part of the data. From the point of view of the user of the PND, the user simply feels that no or incomplete traffic information is available and can erroneously infer that the PND and/or TMC accessory is not functioning properly. European Patent Publication No. EP 1 672 787 relates to a broadcast receiver having an antenna jack coupled to a common mode input filter of a radio tuner via a feeder. However, the input filter requires a ground that is provided by the radio tuner. Unfortunately, anti-jamming analog grounding is not available for RDS-TMC tuners and antennas. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION According to a first aspect of the present invention, an enhanced power cable configuration apparatus includes: a tuner housing and a power adapter housing; and a tuner housing and the power adapter housing a power cable extending therebetween; and a receiving antenna extending between the tuner housing and the power adapter housing, the receiving antenna including a pole portion extending substantially parallel to and spaced from the power cable; The receiving antenna is used to connect the vehicle to a tone of 145378. Doc •10· 201123749 The first end of the harmonic device is coupled to the amplifier device and the common mode filter. The receive antenna can further include another pole portion coupled to the common mode filter. The receiving antenna can be a resonant feeder dipole receiving antenna that has the pole. The first pole portion of the p-blade and the coaxial cable and the second pole portion forming one of the feeder portions. The length of the first pole portion may correspond to about a quarter of a predetermined wavelength of a radio frequency (RF) signal to be received. The length of the first pole portion may correspond to between about three thirds of the pre-〇 wavelength of the radio frequency (RF) signal to be received - and about four quarters of the predetermined wavelength. The common mode filter can have a common mode impedance between about 1 〇〇〇 Ω and about 4000 Ω. The common mode filter can have a common mode impedance of about 22 Ω. The common mode filter can be a two-wire coil. The common mode filter can be placed in the tuner housing. The tuner housing can be a package. The tuner housing can include a tuner device. The tuner device can be a frequency (FM) tuner. The tuner device can be a Radio Data System (RDS) - Traffic Message Channel (TMC) tuner. The apparatus can further include a coupling cable extending from the outer tuner for coupling to the electronic device to carry the body decoded by the tuner device and to support transmission of power for the electronic device. The first end of the pole portion can be coupled to the amplifier device via a common mode filter. The amplifier device can be coupled to the tuner device. The power cable can have a proximal end relative to the tuner housing and a relative to 145378. Doc 201123749 The reader housing is connected to the power and cable ends; and the device may further comprise a suppression filter. At the far end of the consumer:: the burglar shell may comprise a power supply unit; the power supply list:: two - for the interface to a connection to a power outlet connected to the "option"; and a A suppression filter for connecting the remote end of the power cable to the power supply unit and the power supply unit for coupling to the power supply can be coupled between the output terminals. The input terminal of the element and the connection suppression filter can be coupled between the power supply single side. In accordance with a second aspect of the present invention, a portable-portable navigation kit is provided that includes a portable navigation device and an enhanced power cable configuration apparatus as set forth above with respect to the first aspect of the present invention. According to a third aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of reducing a common mode interference signal for an enhanced power configuration device, the enhanced power cable configuration apparatus comprising: a tuner housing and a power adapter housing; a power cable extending between the tuner housing and the power adapter housing; and a receiving antenna extending between the tuner housing and the power adapter housing, the receiving antenna including a substantially The pole portion of the cable parallel and spaced relationship extends; the method comprises: connecting the first end of the receiving antenna for connecting to the δδ器 device to an amplifier device and a common mode wave reducer. Therefore, an apparatus and method that are not affected by the common mode interference signal can be provided. Therefore, improved signal reception is possible, thereby causing information (for example, with 145378. Doc 12 Ο ❹ 201123749 = Improved information on the information, such as the expansion of TMC data. It is also simple and economical and easy to be used by users. . /, the use of the modulo m isolates the receive antenna from any mute/disturb signal induced in the transit environment between the tuner device and the device to which the device can be lightly connected. A good connection between the antenna and other common-mode interference signals (such as the interference caused by the parasitic capacitance of the device from the receiving antenna (4)) or improved isolation of the power supply can be achieved. The suppression chopper is used to reduce the tilt caused by the unclean (ie, "noise") power supply of the vehicle. Furthermore, although the current connection between the antenna and the chassis of the vehicle provides advantageous antenna reception performance, the apparatus and method allow for easy and convenient removable installation of the electronic device requiring the antenna, for example, in the vehicle. No current connection is required. Moreover, the shielding of the electromagnetic interference by the spectrometer device is not mandatory in order to maintain the performance of the tuner device. In addition, the apparatus and method are not necessarily dedicated and thus provide a flexible solution for different lamp receiving applications. The improved performance provided by the method and apparatus also reduces user annoyance and manually asks the manufacturer, distributor, and/or retailer if the device is faulty. Other advantages of these embodiments are set forth below, and other details and features of each of these embodiments are defined in the accompanying independent items and elsewhere in the following embodiments. [Embodiment] At least one embodiment of the present invention will now be described by way of example only with reference to the accompanying drawings. The same reference numerals will always be used in the following description to identify the same part 145378. Doc 201123749 points. Embodiments of the present invention will now be described with particular reference to PNDs. However, it should be noted that the teachings of the present invention are not limited to PNDs, but rather are generally applicable to any type of configuration software that is configured to carry or implement navigation software in a portable or mobile manner to provide route planning and navigation functions. Processing devices are not limited to their processing devices. Thus, it can be seen that the navigation device is intended to include, without limitation, any type of route planning and navigation device in the context of current applications, whether the device is embodied as a PND, a vehicle such as a car, or actually embodied as a portable type. Computational resources (for example, portable personal computers (PCs), mobile phones, or personal digital assistants (PDAs) that perform route planning and navigation software). It will also be apparent from the following that the teachings of the present invention are effective even in the case where the user does not ask for instructions on how to navigate from one point to another, but only if it is desired to obtain information relating to, for example, traffic. Referring to Figure 1, the navigation device 100 is located in a housing (not shown). The navigation device 100 includes a GPS receiver device 102 or is coupled to the GPS receiver device 102 via a connection 1.4, wherein the GPS receiver device 201 can be, for example, a GPS antenna/receiver. It will be understood that the antenna and receiver specified by reference numeral 102 are schematically combined for illustration, but the antenna and receiver may be separately positioned components' and the antenna may be, for example, a GPS patch antenna or a helical antenna. The navigation device 100 includes a processing resource including, for example, a processor 106' coupled to an input device 〇8 and a display device (e.g., 'display screen 110). Although reference is made herein to the singular form of the input device 108, those skilled in the art will appreciate that the input device ι 〇 8 represents 145378. Doc -14- 201123749 Any number of input devices, including keyboard devices, voice input devices, touch panels, and/or any other known input device for inputting information. Similarly, display screen 110 can include any type of display screen such as a liquid crystal display (LCD). In one configuration, an aspect of the input device 108, the touch panel, and the display screen 11 is integrated to provide an integrated input and display device, including a touch pad or touch screen input to enable input of information ( Through direct input, menu selection, etc., and information display via the touch panel screen, the user only needs to touch one of the display screens 110 to select one of the plurality of display options or to initiate a plurality of virtual or "soft" One of the buttons. In this regard, processor 106 supports a graphical user interface (GUI) that operates in conjunction with a touch screen. In the navigation device 100, the processor 〇6 is operatively coupled to the input state 108 via connection 112 and is capable of receiving input information from the input device 〇8 and operatively coupled to the display via respective output connections 116,118. At least one of the screen 110 and the output benefit 114 (eg, an audio output device (eg, a speaker)). Since the output device 114 can generate the audio information of the user of the navigation device 1, it should be equally understood that the input device 108 can include a wind and a software for receiving input voice commands. In addition, navigation device 100 can also include any additional input devices 1〇8 and/or any additional output devices, such as audio input/wheeling devices. The ground benefit 106 is operatively coupled to the memory resource 120' via connection 122 and is configured to be self-input/output via connection 126 (receive information/send information to input/output (1/〇) 124 , where 1/〇埠145378. Doc -15· 201123749 (3) The i28 source (4) that can be connected to the snoring part of the navigation device contains, for example, volatile memory (such as fetch (RAM)) and non-volatile memory (for example, digital memory) Two such as = flash memory). As fast as the outside = device 128 may include, but is not limited to, an external listening device, such as a connection to a 1/〇 device 128 that can be stepped into any other external hacker (eg, a car stereo) Hands-free operation and / or for voice-activated operation, for, to = connection for headsets and / or for ... or wearing mv " connection 'mobile phone connection == device (10) and (for example) The Internet or any other network 2 establishes (d) a connection, and/or establishes a connection to the server via, for example, the Internet or some other network. In terms of the navigation device 100, it is possible to establish a network hardware with an "action" or telecommunications network via a mobile device (not shown, for example, a mobile phone, a PDA, and/or a mobile phone device). Required) to establish a digital connection (eg, via a known bit = technology digital connection). Thereafter, the mobile device can establish a network connection (10) with a server (not shown) via its network service provider (eg, via the Internet). Thus, the navigation device can be And/or establish an "action" network connection with the feeder when traveling in the vehicle, to provide "instant" or at least "latest" gateways for the information. . . In this example, the 'navigation device 1' also includes an operator lb that is operatively coupled to the processing benefit 106 for receiving traffic related material. 145378. Doc -16- 201123749 Although, \: familiar with this technology will understand, figure! The electronic early 7G system shown schematically is powered by one or more power sources (not shown) in a conventional manner. If you are familiar with this technology, you will also understand the expected map! Different configurations of the units shown in . For example, components that are not shown in FIG. 1 can communicate with each other via wired and/or wireless connections and the like. Thus, the navigation device described herein can be a portable or handheld navigation device (10). ❹ ❹ It should be noted that the block diagram of the navigation device described above (10) does not include all of the components of the navigation device 100, but merely represents many example components. Referring to FIG. 2, the memory resource 12 of the navigation device 100 stores a boot loader (not shown), which is executed by the processor ι 6 to load the user from the memory resource. System 132 is for execution by functional hardware component 130, which provides an environment in which application software 134 can operate. The operating system 132 is used to control the functional hardware components 13 and reside between the application software 134 and the functional hardware components 13A. Application Software 134 provides - the operating environment 'The operating environment includes Gm that supports the core functions of the navigation device 100 (e.g., map view, route planning, navigation functions, and any other functions associated therewith). In this example, portion of the application software 134 includes a traffic data processing module 136 that receives and processes traffic-related data and provides traffic information integrated with the map information to the user. Thus, this functionality is not solely the core of the embodiments described herein, so other details of the traffic data processing module 136 will not be described herein so that the description of the embodiments herein is not to be construed. Referring to Figure 3, in this example, the navigation device ι can be coupled to an arm 140 that can be fastened to, for example, a vehicle 145378 using a suction cup 142. Doc 17- 201123749 Dashboard or window. The arm 140 is an example of a docking station to which the navigation device 100 can be coupled. For example, the navigation device 100 can be coupled to or otherwise coupled to the docking station 140 by snapping the navigation aid 100 to the arm 140. The navigation device 100 can also be rotated on the arm 140. To release the connection between the navigation device 100 and the docking station 140, a button on the navigation device 100 is provided and can be pressed. Alternatively, other equally suitable configurations for coupling the navigation device 100 to the docking station and decoupling the navigation device 1〇〇 from the docking station may be provided. Turning now to Figure 4, in this example, the navigation device 1 is located in a vehicle (e.g., a car) and is coupled to the docking station 140. The docking station 140 is coupled to an enhanced power cable configuration device 150 that includes a cigarette lighter adapter (CLA) 152 at one end thereof. The CLA 152 inserts the plug into the vehicle. Cigarette lighter (not shown). The cigarette lighter coupled to the transporter of the cla 152 allows the battery Η* of the transport to be used to properly convert the 12 volt direct current (DC) power provided by the battery 154 (in this example) via the docking station! 4〇 Power the navigation device. Battery 154 and CLA 152 are coupled to ground 156 provided by the vehicle, which is typically the chassis or body of the vehicle. The docking station 140 includes an input port 158 that is coupled to the input port 125 of the navigation device 100 when the navigation device 1 is engaged. The enhanced power cable configuration device 150 is coupled to the input port 158 of the docking station 140 at its other end opposite the end containing the CLA 152. Of course, if the docking station 14 is not used, the enhanced power cable configuration device 150 can be directly connected to the input port 125 of the navigation device 1 . 145378. Doc -18· 201123749 Referring additionally to Fig. 5, the enhanced power cable configuration device 15 includes a modem housing 160 and a power adapter housing 162 of the CLA 152. Power cable 164 extends between tuner housing 160 and power adapter housing 162. In this example, tuner housing 160 is a package. The enhanced power cable configuration device 150 also includes a receiving antenna 166 that extends between the tuner housing 16A and the power adapter housing 162. Receive antenna 166 extends generally in parallel and spaced relationship with power cable 164. In this regard, the spacing relationship is maintained between the power cable 164 and the receiving antenna I66 by what is referred to as a "loose tube" 168. In this example, the enhanced power cable configuration device 150 further includes a coupling circuit 17A that is coupled to the tuner housing 160 at one end thereof and has a capacity for consumption at the other end thereof. The coupling connector 172 (for example, a so-called small USB (Universal Serial Bus) connector) to the input port 158 or the input port 125 mentioned above. The coupling circuit board carries a USB cable and a power line (not shown) and extends from the tuner housing 16〇 for coupling the enhanced power cable configuration device 15 to the electronic device (eg, the navigation device 100) so that The data decoded by the tuner device (not shown in Figure 5) is carried and supports the transmission of power for the electronic device. Referring now to Figure 6, as mentioned above, the power cable 164 and the receiving antenna 166 extend substantially parallel between the tuner housing 160 and the power adapter housing 162 by means of a loose tube 168, which is also maintained. A substantially constant spacing between the power cable 164 and the receiving antenna 166. Additionally, each of the damper housing 160 and the power adapter housing 162 includes a pull-relief arrangement (not shown) to prevent tension between the power cable 164 and the receiving antenna 166. Make power cable 164 and / or 145378. Doc -19- 201123749 The receiving antenna 166 is disconnected from and/or disconnects any one or both of the regulator and the power adapter housing 162. The first proximal end 174 of the power cable 164 is electrically coupled to a power module 176 disposed within the tuner housing 160. The power module 176 is coupled to the coupling cable 17A. In this example, the USB cable carried by the coupling cable 170 constitutes an RF interference source for the power line carried by the coupling cable 170, and thus the power module 176 is used to provide "clean" substantially anti-interference by using appropriate filtering. 5 V power supply regardless of the existence of the USB cable. The power module 176 is also coupled to a tuner device 78 that is also disposed within the tuner housing 160. Tuner device 178 is coupled to USB interface module 180, but is also coupled to receive antenna 166 at its first end 174 in the following manner. The USB interface module 1 80 is connected to the cable 170. In this example, tuner device 1 78 within tuner housing 1 60 is a frequency modulated (FM) tuner', specifically an RDS-TMC tuner. By way of example, the appropriate tuner is the SI4703 integrated circuit (1C) available from Silicon Laboratories, USA. In this example, receive antenna 166 is a resonant feed line antenna that is of the dipole antenna type. Thus, the receiving antenna 166 includes a first pole portion 182 that is coupled to a coaxial cable 184 having a core (not shown) and a shield, the coaxial electrical gauge 184 acting as a feeder portion of the dipole receiving antenna 16 6 . The shield also acts as a second pole. The first pole portion 182 is formed from a length of conductor (e.g., a single-axis conductor). In this example, the core (not shown) of the second length of coaxial cable 184 is used as a single-axis electrical conductor forming the first pole portion 182. However, those skilled in the art will appreciate that a separate unshielded conductor can be used and that the 145378. Doc •20· 201123749 The unshielded conductor can be coupled, for example, to the core of the coaxial electrical field by soldering. As can be seen from Figure 6, the resonant feeder dipole receiving antenna 166 is fed through the end. The first length of the first pole 1 82 corresponds to a quarter (λ/4) of the wavelength of the signal to be received (e.g., a broadcast signal, such as an FM signal containing RDS-TMC data). Thus, in this example, the length of the first pole 182 is about 75 cm. Similarly, the second length of the second pole 184 corresponds to a quarter (λ/4) of the wavelength of the signal to be received. Thus, in this example, the resonant feed line receiving antenna 166 is symmetrical and the second pole 184 is also about 75 cm in length. In another embodiment, the resonant feed line receiving antenna 166 is asymmetrical, first pole The first length of portion 182 and the second length of second pole portion 184 are different ratios of wavelengths (λ). Thus, the first length of the first pole portion 128 can also correspond to a quarter (human/4) of the wavelength of the signal to be received (e.g., a broadcast signal, such as an FM signal containing RDS-TMC data). For example, the length of the first pole portion 182 may again be about 75 cm. However, the second length of the second 〇 pole portion 184 may correspond to one third (λ/3) of the wavelength of the signal to be received. For example, the second pole portion 184 can have a length of about 50 cm. Thus, it can be seen that the length of the second pole 184 can correspond to between about one-third of the wavelength and about one-quarter of the wavelength. The core of the length of the coaxial cable 18 4 is connected to the first terminal 186 of the chopper 188 at the first end 17 4 , and the shield of the coaxial cable 184 is coupled to the second terminal of the filter 188 at the first end 174 . 190. The third terminal 192 of the filter 188 is coupled to the input of the amplifier device 194, and the ground of the amplifier device 194 is 145378. Doc -21- 201123749 Terminal and filter 188 brother four terminals 196 face to ground potential. The output terminal of amplifier device 194 is coupled to the input of tuner device 178. In this example, the chopper 1 8 8 is a common mode filter, such as a common mode transformer (such as a 'coil) or a toroidal inductor or a common mode choke (e.g., a two-wire choke). As mentioned above, the 'filter' is located in the tuner housing 16 and has a common mode impedance and a differential mode impedance. The common mode impedance of filter i 8 8 can be at least about 1 kQ. The common mode impedance can be between about 丨 and about 4, for example, at about 1. 5 kQ and about 2. Between 5 kn, such as between about 2 and about 2 3 kQ. In this example, filter ι 88 has a common mode impedance of about 2 2 卩. This greatly exceeds the inherent common mode impedance of a section of cable. The differential mode impedance of filter 188 can be between about 1 Ω and about 50 Ω, for example, at about! Between Ω and about 2 Ω, such as between about 5 Ω and about 15 Ω. In this example, filter 188 has a differential mode impedance of about 10 Ω. The power module 176 is coupled to the coupling cable 170. Similarly, the USB interface module 180 is also coupled to the coupling cable 丨7〇. Referring now to Figure 7, amplifier device 194 is a low noise amplifier circuit including an input terminal 2〇2, in this example, input terminal 2〇2 is coupled to third terminal 192 of filter 188. The input terminal 2〇2 is coupled to a base terminal of a bipolar radio frequency (RF) transistor 2〇4 (such as an NPN bipolar transistor) and is back-to-back via one of the purposes for electrostatic discharge arrester (ESD) protection The voltage clamp 2〇6 coupled to the pole body is coupled to the ground potential. The input terminal is also coupled to the first terminal of the first resistor 2〇8 (e.g., 18 resistor). The collector terminal of the bipolar transistor 204 is connected to the first terminal of the second resistor 21 (for example, a 22 Ω resistor), and the second terminal of the second resistor 21 is connected to 145378. Doc •22- 201123749 The second terminal of the first-resistor 208 and the output terminal 212 of the amplifier device i94. The emitter terminal of bipolar transistor 204 is also coupled to ground potential via a first inductor 214 (e.g., a 10 nH inductor). The output terminal 212 of the amplifier device 194 is lightly coupled to the first terminal of the third resistor 216 (e.g., a 56 Ω resistor). The second terminal of the third resistor 216 is pure to the supply voltage via a fourth resistor 218 (e.g., an Ω resistor). The second terminal of the third resistor 216 is via the first capacitor 22 (f) such as ' 5. The 6 nF capacitor is also coupled to the ground potential.输出 Outside of amplifier device 194, output terminal 212 of amplifier device 194 is coupled to a first terminal of a second capacitor 222 (e.g., a 1 〇〇 pF capacitor). The second terminal of the second capacitor 222 is lightly connected to include a ruler for attenuation that is too high and therefore incompatible with the tuner device 178. One of the signal levels is coupled to the other voltage clamp 224 of the diode coupled to the head (or anode to cathode), and the second terminal of the second capacitor 222 is coupled between the pair of coupled diodes. The second terminal of the second valley state 222 is also coupled to the first terminal of the fifth resistor 228 (eg, a 22 Ω ◎ resistor). The second terminal of the fifth resistor 228 is via a second inductor 230 (e.g., a 270 Η inductor) and separately via a third capacitor (e.g., 3. 3 pF electric valley) and connected to the ground potential. The second terminal of the fifth resistor 228 is also coupled to the third inductor 234 (eg, 9. The first terminal of the 丨nH inductor) and the second terminal of the third inductor 234 are coupled to the tuner device 178. The second capacitor 222 and the third capacitor 232, the fifth resistor 228 and the second inductor 23 and the third inductor 234 are used to block signals, and the impedance matching and filtering are derived from the local oscillator of the tuner device 178. wave. 145378. Doc -23- 201123749 Referring again to FIG. 6, in this example, power cable 164 and receive antenna 166 are coupled to power adapter housing 162 at power remote 64 and second remote end 198 of receive antenna 166. In this example, the second end of the power stimuli i 64 is connected to the suppression ferrite 2 女 placed in the power adapter housing 162. The suppression filter 200 can be disposed between the second end of the power cable 164 and the power supply to be described below, or between the power supply and the connection interface for coupling the CLA 1 52 to the power outlet. Turning to Figure 8', in one embodiment, the power adapter housing 162 includes a power adapter device 240 that includes a configuration (when used) with a power socket (eg, as mentioned above) The cigarette lighter of the vehicle is coupled to a connection interface (not shown). The terminal face of the connection interface is connected to the first and second terminals 242' of the suppression filter 2'. In this embodiment, the suppression filter 2 is a common mode coil. In this example, the common mode coil has an impedance greater than about 1 kΩ at _circle 2 (such as 3 kn at 1 〇〇 MHz) and a direct current (DC) resistance less than about 2 ( (such as (4) Sink resistance). The common mode coil 2's wheel terminal 244 is coupled to an input terminal of a switched mode power supply 2 handle (e.g., a so-called buck converter circuit). The output terminal 248 of the switched power supply (10) is coupled to a respective wire of the power cable 164. In another embodiment (Fig. 9), the common mode coil 2A of Fig. 8 is not employed. The connection interface is coupled to the switching power supply % without suppressing the chopper 200 therebetween, and the suppression filter 2_ is connected to the power supply 164: between the output terminal of the switching power supply 246 . In this example, the suppression filter 200 is a filter having the following structure. The first output terminal 25 of the switch supply 246 is thus lightly connected to the first ferromagnetic body I45378. Do, -24· 201123749 The first terminal of the chip inductor 252, the second terminal of the first ferromagnetic chip inductor 252 is pure to the first terminal of the fourth capacitor 254. The first output terminal 256 of the switched power supply 246 is coupled to the second terminal of the second ferromagnetic chip inductor Ο 258 258, and the second terminal of the ferromagnetic chip inductor 25 8 is connected to the fourth valley The second terminal of the 254. The respective wires of the power 164 are respectively connected to the first and second terminals of the fourth capacitor 254 so as to be lightly connected across the fourth capacitor 254. The ferromagnetic chip inductors 252, 258 provide an impedance greater than Ω in the FM band of an electromagnetic spectrum, for example, between about 3 〇〇 Ω and about ι ω in the FM band of the electromagnetic π 。. In another embodiment, the common mode coil of Figure 8 and the filter of Figure 9 are used in combination to provide improved filtering. Referring back to Fig. 4, in operation, the common mode voltage u(10) is present in the system due to other sources of interference generation in the vehicle (eg &, a switched power supply associated with the power provided by the transport guard). It is particularly desirable that the 'system contains the first common mode interference current component (him)' which flows from the CLA 152 to the interface in the power mitigation (6) and from = to the navigation device _. The main scalar of the first-common mode interference current component is generated by CLA 152, but the first common mode interference current component (i_) is also contained - attributable to the component of the common mode voltage ^. The second common mode interference current component (U2) flows into the receiving antenna 166, the main component of which is caused by the parasitic capacitance existing between the ground 156 and the navigation aid 1 以及 and the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the power cable ι. The other component of the second common mode interference current component (icm2) is attributable to the first common mode interference current component (ieml) and the second common mode interference current component GW to be described later. Of course, the second total Mode interference H5378. Doc -25- 201123749 The current component (iem2) flows into the receiving antenna 166 regardless of whether the CLA 152 is attached to the vehicle's cigarette lighter and/or CLA 152. However, it should be understood that in this case the second common mode interference current component (icm2) will not contain the component associated with the first common mode interference current component (icml). Further, the second common mode interference current component (iem3) is induced in the receiving antenna 166 by the electromagnetic radiation emitted from the navigation device, and represents its main component. However, the third common mode interference current component (丨(4)3) also includes a component attributable to the common mode interference current component (icml) and the second common mode interference current component. The presence of filter 188 is used to isolate resonant feeder receive antenna 166 from the above-described common mode interference current component, and thus the performance of receive antenna 166 is significantly improved (e.g., 20 dB). As will be explained later in this paper, the suppression chopper fine is also used to reduce the snowiness of more than 1 5 dB.
干擾電流引發至其中的導體。歸因於接收 輻射源(亦即,導航器杜1 ηΛ、々.組 fA conductor that interferes with the current induced into it. Attributable to the receiving radiation source (ie, navigator Du 1 Λ Λ, 々. group f
Μ於筏收天線166與電磁 U*· -電磁輻射功率隨 流入接收天線166中之所 145378.doc -26 - 201123749 如圖8中所使用之抑制濾波器200用來提供關於共模電壓 Ucm之濾波。圖9之抑制濾波器200亦提供關於共模電壓Ucm 但亦關於由開關式電力供應器246所產生之干擾的濾波。 因此,可見在組合使用圖8及圖9之濾波的實施例中,可獲 知兩個濾波器之濾波益處以更廣泛地濾波共模電壓及 可歸因於開關式電力供應器246之干擾。 口此藉由接收器調諧器裝置178經由放大器裝置194接收 接收天線166中所產生之差模電流信號與減少之共模干擾 電流分量,且在經由USB介面模組18〇及輸入埠125傳達至 導航器件100之前解調變及解碼差模電流信號。USB介面 杈組1 80將輸入信號轉換成與USB規格相容之格式以用於 在器件之間進行信號通信。由USB介面模組180輸出的信 號所載運之資料係II由應用程式軟體134之交通資料處理 模組136來使用。差模電流幾乎未受共模濾波器188之存在 影響。由電源模組176所接收之電力傳輸至小型連接 0 器172之電源插腳以供導航器件1〇〇使用。 熟習此項技術者應理解,增強式電力電纜配置裝置可經 單獨提供為附件,或提供為(例如)與導航器件1〇〇組合 品套件。 σ 應瞭解,雖然迄今已描述本發明之各種態樣及實施例, 但本發明之範疇不限於本文中所陳述之特定配置,且實際 上擴展為包含屬於隨附申請專利範圍之範疇的所有配置及 對其之修改及更改。 舉例而言,雖然已在共振饋線偶極接收天線166之情形 145378.doc -27- 201123749 :述了上述實施例,但應瞭解,可採用任何適宜之接收 且想到採用其他類型天線之其他實施例。舉例而 在另-實施例中’無需採用饋線部分196,且例如使 :早,電線之單極天線可輕接至較器188而無需將饋線 邛分安置於其間。 雖…、已關於⑽吕號(具體而言’ RDS-TMC信號)之接收 描述了上述實施例,但是熟習此項技術者應瞭解,可關於 其他應用(例如’數位音訊廣播(DAB)接收,諸如,傳送協 定專業團體(TPEG)資料流)而使用上述實施例。實情為, 熟習此項技術者應瞭解’接收天線166可用以接收承載音 7 s之彳。號例如,FM音訊信號。因此,天線配置裝 置可結合FM無線電應用(例如,關於其他電子器件(諸如, 通信器件)所使用的!^^無線電應用)一起使用。一項適宜之 實例為一包含整合式FM接收器或耦接至1?]^接收器模组之 行動電話頭戴式耳機。 藉由另一實例,應瞭解,雖然已在導航裝置之情形下描 述上述實施例,但是本文中所描述之技術不僅適用於導航 裝置’而且適用於能夠接收RF信號(例如,fm頻道上之 RDS或RDBS資料信號)的任何其他電子裝置或其附件。適 宜器件的實例包括行動電話或媒體播放器,諸如,音樂播 放器’詳言之(但並非排他地)MP3播放器或其附件。 儘管在前述詳細描述中描述之實施例涉及Gps,但應注 意’導航器件可利用任何種類之位置感測技術作為對Gps 之替代(或實際上,除了 GPS之外)。舉例而言,導航器件 145378.doc -28· 201123749 可利用其他全球導航衛星系統,諸如歐洲伽利略(Galileo) 系統。同樣地’其不限於基於衛星,而是可易於使用基於 地面之信標或任何另一種使得該器件能夠確定其地理位置 之系統來發揮作用。 Ο Ο —般熟習此項技術者亦將很理解,雖然較佳實施例藉由 軟體實施某—功能性,但該功能性可同樣地僅在硬體中 (j如藉由或多個ASIC(特殊應用積體電路))實施或實 際上由硬體與軟體之混合來實施。因而,本發明之範疇不 應解釋為僅限於實施於軟體令。 最後,亦應注意’雖然隨附申請專利範圍陳述本文中描 述之特徵的特疋紕合’但本發明之範疇不限於以下所主張 特疋、’且σ ’而貫情為’本發明之範擴展為包含本文中 揭,的特徵或實施例之任何組合,不論此時是否已在隨附 申請專利範圍中具體列舉該特定組合。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1為導航器件之組件的示意說明; 圖2為由圖1之導航器件採用的架構堆叠之示意表示; 圖3為安裝及/或銜接圖1之導航器件之配置的示意圖; _為輕接至圖1之導航器件的增強式電力電繞配置裝置 刀 為更。羊細並構成本發明之實施例的圖4之增強式電 电境配置叢置之示意圖; …更詳、、用的圖4之增強式電力電纜配置裝置之示意 圖; 145378.doc •29· 201123749 圖7為用於將圖6之接收天線辆接至調諧器裝置的電子電 路之示意圖; 圖8為本發明之一項實施例中的圖6之增強式電力電纜配 置裝置之電源轉接器裝置的示意圖;及 圖9為本發明之另一實施例中的圖6之增強式電力電纖配 置裝置之電源轉接器裝置的示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 100 導航器件/導航裝置 102 GPS接收器器件 104 連接 106 處理器 108 輸入器件 110 顯示螢幕 112 連接 114 輸出器件 116 輸出連接 118 輸出連接 120 記憶體資源 122 連接 124 輸入/輸出(I/O)崞 125 輸入槔 126 連接 128 I/O器件 130 功能硬體組件The absorbing antenna 166 and the electromagnetic U*·- electromagnetic radiation power are flowing into the receiving antenna 166. 145378.doc -26 - 201123749 The suppression filter 200 used in FIG. 8 is used to provide a common mode voltage Ucm. Filtering. The suppression filter 200 of FIG. 9 also provides filtering regarding the common mode voltage Ucm but also with respect to the interference generated by the switched power supply 246. Thus, it can be seen that in an embodiment in which the filtering of Figures 8 and 9 is used in combination, the filtering benefits of the two filters can be known to more widely filter the common mode voltage and interference attributable to the switched power supply 246. The differential mode current signal generated in the receiving antenna 166 and the reduced common mode interference current component are received by the receiver tuner device 178 via the amplifier device 194, and are transmitted to the input interface 125 via the USB interface module 18 and the input port 125. The navigation device 100 demodulates and decodes the differential mode current signal. USB Interface 杈 Group 1 80 converts the input signal into a format compatible with the USB specification for signal communication between devices. The data contained in the signal output by the USB interface module 180 is used by the traffic data processing module 136 of the application software 134. The differential mode current is hardly affected by the presence of the common mode filter 188. The power received by the power module 176 is transmitted to the power pin of the small connector 172 for use by the navigation device. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the enhanced power cable configuration device can be provided separately as an accessory or as a kit for assembly with, for example, a navigation device. It is to be understood that the various aspects and embodiments of the present invention have been described herein, but the scope of the invention is not limited to the specific configuration set forth herein, and is in fact extended to include all configurations falling within the scope of the appended claims. And modify and change it. For example, while the above embodiment has been described in the context of a resonant feed dipole receiving antenna 166, it is to be understood that any other embodiment suitable for receiving and conceiving other types of antennas may be employed. . By way of example, in another embodiment, the feeder portion 196 need not be employed, and for example, the wire monopole antenna can be lightly coupled to the comparator 188 without the need to place the feeder split therebetween. Although the above embodiment has been described with respect to the reception of (10) Lu (specifically the 'RDS-TMC signal), those skilled in the art will appreciate that other applications (eg, 'digital audio broadcasting (DAB) reception, The above embodiment is used, such as a Transport Agreement Professional Group (TPEG) data stream. The fact is that those skilled in the art should understand that the receiving antenna 166 can be used to receive the transmitted tone for 7 s. For example, the FM audio signal. Thus, the antenna configuration device can be used in conjunction with FM radio applications (e.g., for use with other electronic devices (such as communication devices). A suitable example is a mobile phone headset that includes an integrated FM receiver or a receiver module that is coupled to a receiver module. By way of another example, it should be appreciated that while the above-described embodiments have been described in the context of a navigation device, the techniques described herein are applicable not only to navigation devices but also to being capable of receiving RF signals (eg, RDS on the fm channel). Or any other electronic device of the RDBS data signal or its accessories. Examples of suitable devices include mobile phones or media players, such as music players' in detail (but not exclusively) MP3 players or their accessories. Although the embodiments described in the foregoing detailed description relate to Gps, it should be noted that the navigation device can utilize any kind of position sensing technology as an alternative to (or in fact, in addition to GPS) GPS. For example, the navigation device 145378.doc -28· 201123749 may utilize other global navigation satellite systems, such as the European Galileo system. Similarly, it is not limited to satellite-based, but can be easily implemented using a ground-based beacon or any other system that enables the device to determine its geographic location. It will be understood by those skilled in the art that although the preferred embodiment implements some functionality by software, the functionality can be similarly only in hardware (eg by or multiple ASICs) The special application integrated circuit)) is implemented or actually implemented by a mixture of hardware and software. Therefore, the scope of the present invention should not be construed as being limited to the implementation of the software. Finally, it should also be noted that 'although the scope of the patent application claims a special combination of the features described herein', the scope of the invention is not limited to the following claims, 'and σ' and is a model of the invention. The invention extends to include any combination of features or embodiments disclosed herein, whether or not the specific combination is specifically recited in the appended claims. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of components of a navigation device; FIG. 2 is a schematic representation of a stack of architectures employed by the navigation device of FIG. 1; FIG. 3 is a diagram of mounting and/or interface of the navigation device of FIG. Schematic; _ is an enhanced power electric winding configuration device knife that is lightly connected to the navigation device of FIG. FIG. 4 is a schematic view showing the enhanced electric power configuration of FIG. 4 of the embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of the enhanced power cable configuration apparatus of FIG. 4; 145378.doc •29·201123749 7 is a schematic diagram of an electronic circuit for connecting the receiving antenna of FIG. 6 to a tuner device; FIG. 8 is a power adapter device of the enhanced power cable configuration device of FIG. 6 in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 9 is a schematic diagram of a power adapter device of the enhanced power fiber configuration device of FIG. 6 in another embodiment of the present invention. [Main component symbol description] 100 Navigation device/navigation device 102 GPS receiver device 104 Connection 106 Processor 108 Input device 110 Display screen 112 Connection 114 Output device 116 Output connection 118 Output connection 120 Memory resource 122 Connection 124 Input/output ( I/O)崞125 Input槔126 Connection 128 I/O Device 130 Functional Hardware Components
145378.doc -30- 201123749 132 作業系統 134 應用程式軟體 136 交通資料處理模組 140 臂/銜接台 142 吸盤 ' 150 增強式電力電纜配置裝置 152 點煙器轉接器(CLA) 154 蓄電池 Ο 156 接地 158 輸入蟑 160 調諧器外殼 162 電源轉接器外殼 164 電力電纜 166 接收天線 168 鬆套管 Ο 170 耦接電纜 172 耦接連接器/小型USB連接器 174 電力電纜之第一近端/第一末端 176 電源模組 178 調諧器裝置 180 USB介面模組 182 第一極部分 184 第二極部分/同軸電纜 186 濾波器之第一端子 l45378.doc -31 - 201123749 188 濾波器 190 濾波器之第二端子 192 濾波器之第三端子 194 放大器裝置 196 濾波器之第四端子/饋線部分 198 第二遠端 200 抑制濾波器/共模線圈 202 輸入端子 204 雙極射頻(RF)電晶體 206 電壓鉗 208 第一電阻器 210 第二電阻器 212 放大器裝置之輸出端子 214 第一電感器 216 第三電阻器 218 第四電阻器 220 第一電容器 222 第二電容器 224 電壓鉗 228 第五電阻器 230 第二電感器 232 第三電容器 234 第三電感器 240 電源轉接器裝置 145378.doc -32- 201123749 242 抑制濾波器之第一及第 二端子 244 共模線圈之輸出端子 246 開關式電力供應器 248 輸出端子 * 250 開關式電力供應器之第 一輸出端子 • 252 第一鐵磁體晶片電感器 254 第四電容器 256 開關式電力供應器之第二輸出端子 Ο 258 苐二鐵磁體晶片電感 1 cm 1 第一共模干擾電流分量 lcm2 第二共模·干擾電流分量 icm3 第三共模干擾電流分量 Ucm 共模電壓 ❹ 145378.doc -33-145378.doc -30- 201123749 132 Operating System 134 Application Software 136 Traffic Data Processing Module 140 Arm / Interface 142 Suction Cup ' 150 Enhanced Power Cable Configuration 152 Cigarette Lighter Adapter (CLA) 154 Battery Ο 156 Ground 158 Input 蟑160 Tuner Housing 162 Power Adapter Housing 164 Power Cable 166 Receiving Antenna 168 Loose Tube Ο 170 Coupling Cable 172 Coupling Connector / Mini USB Connector 174 First Cable / First End of Power Cable 176 power module 178 tuner device 180 USB interface module 182 first pole portion 184 second pole portion / coaxial cable 186 first terminal of the filter l45378.doc -31 - 201123749 188 filter 190 second terminal of the filter 192 Filter third terminal 194 Amplifier device 196 Filter fourth terminal / feeder portion 198 Second remote 200 Suppression filter / common mode coil 202 Input terminal 204 Bipolar radio frequency (RF) transistor 206 Voltage clamp 208 a resistor 210 second resistor 212 an output terminal of the amplifier device 214 a first inductor 216 a third Resistor 218 fourth resistor 220 first capacitor 222 second capacitor 224 voltage clamp 228 fifth resistor 230 second inductor 232 third capacitor 234 third inductor 240 power adapter device 145378.doc -32- 201123749 242 Suppression filter first and second terminals 244 Common mode coil output terminal 246 Switched power supply 248 Output terminal * 250 Switched power supply first output terminal • 252 First ferromagnetic chip inductor 254 Four capacitor 256 Switching power supply second output terminal 258 258 苐 二 Ferromagnetic chip inductor 1 cm 1 First common mode interference current component lcm2 Second common mode · Interference current component icm3 Third common mode interference current component Ucm Mode voltage ❹ 145378.doc -33-