201003475 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關於—娃+ ~黾腦輪入裝置,特別是— 之電腦輸入裝置。 種具有滾輪組 【先前技術】 隨著科技的發展與進步,不論是 Computer,PC)肖 | ^ ^ (, Personal °己型電腦(Notebook )等雷日i 為大眾在曰常生活或是工 %知§又備’已成 備必須藉助鍵盤或滑鼠您丨可^缺的便捷工具’然而電腦設 能。 “月^電腦周邊裝置,才能執行電腦設備之功 以滑鼠為例’目前滑氣已廣泛地使用方 #控上,並成為密不可八 甸叹傷的視窗介面 ^ 」刀的周邊硬體裝置之一,A7 + 快迷地捲動視窗之顯干全= 马了方便使用者 乂 不晝面,故製造廠商遂於滑f 祝,以便於使用者直接 、上设計一滾動 存払位移至視窗晝面 乍而恶須將滑鼠 ^ <的锩軸棒(scroll bar) μ 鍵進行晝面的上下捲動。並且,f 再以滑鼠按 作動,以觸發位於滾動 ㈤動輪亦可向壓 功能。 I下方之微動開關’而執行相對應之預設 白用之利用滾動輪控制電腦頁面上下捲 用者以捲轴棒進行頁面捲動的不便,大幅提古了:,可節省使 性,然而目前之具有滾動輪設計之滑鼠,僅具7用上的便利 功能’因”造廠觸始針騎鼠之_輪隹—上下滾動之 計’藉由滾動輪左右傾斜的機構設計,即 步的改良設 5 了控市彳電腦頁面向左或 201003475 向右捲動,以滿足現今使用者可快;束权A _ 右捲動的使㈣求。· …^心進行上下捲動及左 於美國專利第2004/0025673說專译丨】安 ^ 合滾輪及補,使得滾輪除了可錢^巾_—球狀接頭結 動,滾輪係放置於-傾斜搖擺座巾,蘇卜亦可朝左右傾斜擺 以帶動搖擺觸賴斜,制私的左賴斜動作, i ^ 馬早7^偵測傾斜搖擺座之傾钭 方向,以產生左、右捲動影像的訊號。 土貝针 然第2⑻_25673鮮利t _ ,, 只斜搖擺座之兩方盘徭古4 直有樞接座,使得滑鼠之整體長度 〃、曼方。又 配且上將產生較多的限制,亦導致 、二間 热次溥型化,無法滿足現今消費者 么而 【發明内容】 、者、子產品必須輕薄的需求, 馨·於以上的問題,本發明提俾—猫+ 習用抑… 月*1、種電腦輸入裝置,藉以改良 白用滑鼠具有擺動功能滾動 ^ 内n 目樞接座的設置而佔據過多的 工曰¥致I體結構過於複雜而無法薄型化的問題。 -承ΪΓΓ腦輪人裝置包括有—體一支架、-第-滾輪、 有—、— 成L円邙具有一容置空間,且殼體具 置 额及一電路板,上蓋開設有-透孔,電路板設 t广、底板之間,且電路板上電性設置有-編碼器。支架具 及—錢部,樞接部係抱設於底板,錢支架活動設 承載而滚輪具有—輪桿,係穿置並可轉動地設置於 ': 且侧杯端結合於編碼器◦承載件係活動設置於上蓋, 亚可相對於上罢;隹y杳 ^ 现 風、仃杬動,而弟二滾輪係可轉動地設置於承 201003475 件’並且部分露出於净$夕|、,B+ 一β ^ L1且弟—·滾輪係與第一滚輪相嚅合。 .滾輪一併旋轉,从使 當第二滾輪被轉動時,第—滚輪即隨著第 編碼器輸出一編瑪訊號。 —本%明之功政在於,藉由第—滚輪與第二滾輪相權合《機棟 …十1¾•、了可準確令編碼器輸出編石馬訊號,以及觸發多個電性言〜 置於電路板上之微動卩·,更大幅簡化電腦輪人裝置之結構後^ 度,達到電腌輸入I置薄型化的目的。 以上之關於本發_容之綱及町之實财私說明 以示範與浦本發明之原理,並且提供本發日狀利申請範圍 進一步之解釋。 又 【實施方式】 .根據本發明所揭露之電腦輸人I置,包括但不_於滑氧、 執跡球、遊戲控制I等電顧邊輪人裝置1下本發明的, 說明中,將以滑鼠做為本發明之最佳實施例。然而所附圖式僅提 供麥考與說明用,並非用以限制本發明。 一第目」至第2圖」所示為本發明之電腦輸入裝置之 示意圖’本發明所揭露之電腦輸入襄置}⑻包括有一殼體則 一支架12(3、十滾_、—承載賴、1:滾胸、 及一彈性件16〇D請參閱「第u圖」至「第从圖」、及「第从 圖」。殼體110内部具有-容置空間,且殼體⑽農有—上芸⑴ -底板m、-設置於上蓋⑴與底板则之電路板^及一 裝聰'蓋111之按壓板114。上蓋则設有-透孔仙’底 板出凸設有-軸承座助,於㈣㈣| 201003475 / 31第4動開關U32、—第二微動開關]133、及一第三 U里力開關1134支‘ 12Q兩端分別為樞接部⑵與承載部122, 電路板】13開設有―開口 1135,支架120之樞接部⑵具有朝向 相反方向延伸之二樞舳】7彳】,把私^ 早由m 接部121係穿過開口 1135並樞設 灰底板U2之軸承座1121 ,以使支架120活動設置於殼體1K)内 1對包路板113上之第三微動開關⑴4,且支架⑽可朝向 ,直於底板1U之方向(即朝向苐三微動開關腦之方向)框轉。 第一滾輪130具有一於士曰ΊΛ1 " ^才干ljl,係穿置於支架120之承載部122, ^使弟-滾輪130可麵於承载部丨22進行觀,錄桿⑶一 端係結合於電路板113上之編㈣。 綱牛160之二端分別連接於支架120與電路板113,以令 支架]2_麟於未觸發第三微_關1134之位置。而本實施 胸知路之祕4 i6〇係為—壓縮彈簧,鋪悉此項技術者,亦 可選用任何具雜之元件做為本發日狀賴件,並不以此實施例 所揭露之彈簧為限。 請繼續參閱「第u圖」至「第3A圖」、及「第4A圖」。承 、·件140具有二按壓部141及—承座142,承座142延伸有二相 凸―肋1421 ’第—浪輪150設有對應於二凸肋1421之凹槽 bl第—,袞輪1;)0裝設於承座142時,凸肋⑽插設於凹槽⑸ 内’以使第二滾輪15q以可轉動之關係裝設於承载件⑽之承座 142 承載件140更延伸有二相對之軸桿143,上蓋ln之透孔 仙叹有對應於轴桿143之二樞槽1112,供承載件刚之轴桿⑷ 裝設於其巾,錢承裁件1㈣動設上蓋111,並可相對於上 201003475 蓋ill進行擺動;此時,該第二滾輪15〇之轴心線與該承載 件140之拖接方向相i垂直。而敦設於承載件⑽上之第二 ==將麵出於透孔mi外,以供使用者操作,且藏雜 内之弟二滾輪150係與第一滾輪13〇呈相接或是相喃 悲樣。 另外,為了避免承載件M0自上蓋ln脫落,遂於上菩⑴ ,對於枢槽1112位置處加設有二壓_,以限制承载件Γ40之 軸桿⑷保持於上蓋ln之抱槽1112内而不致脫離,並使得2 件Μ0可相對於上蓋U1於一定範圍内進行擺 本實施例之壓塊Π0呈右_ 但伃庄忍的疋, 之位置處設_於且上蓋川料雜槽仙 ^ 牙孔171之鎖孔⑴3,壓塊Π0藉由螺於⑽ ^過穿孔17!並_於鎖孔1113,以懸塊人於王 -, ^ l又於上盖lu,並不以本實施例所揭露為限。 土‘ 態之=為本發明電腦輸入裝置於作動狀 入1认/ 」及^犯圖」所示’當使用者 々路出於殼體11〇外之第二滾輪150進行轉動二田^用者 裎浐喆 連動弟一滚輪130之輪 杯3U疋轉,以令編碼器113 輪 介面之捲轴棒進行畫面的上下捲二二馬續例如為控制視窗 可以嚙合的形態帶動第—Μ 时意的是’f二滾輪150 行帶動。 弟私Β〇,亦可利用摩擦力的方式來進 當使用者向下按壓第二滚輪150,將連動與第二滚輪15〇相 201003475 接合之第一滾輪130向下位移—微小二 朝向底板112方向樞轉,並且觸動〜1 丁裎’以推抵或帶動支架]2〇 訊號;當施加於第二滾輪15〇之外力動開關1134輪出—第三 件160將回復至初始未受力之狀熊’释放紅,因受力壓縮之彈性 到未觸發第三微動開關1134之位置並推抵相連接之支架120回 如「第4A圖」至「第4C圖 _ 於殼體110外之第二滾輪15〇,=二不,當使用者施力推抵露出 相對於上蓋向左或向右擺動,衰輪150推動承載件140 部141觸發之第一微動開關1132化承載们4〇之其中—按壓 輪出—第-訊號或是-第二訊號/疋昂—趣開關1133,以對應 本發明之電腦輸入裝置 麵體之上蓋,並以設置於跑=以可擺動之關係裝設於 巾I簡化’/I碼"'妓各_湖繼訊號,以大 匕入I置之結構複雜度, 减而達到薄型化的目的。 ―置的體積得以縮 雄然本發明之實施例揭霖如上 ^ 明,任何孰 σ “ ’达亚非用以限定本發 W白相關技蟄者,在不脫離本發 凡依本發明申請範圍所述爾、構之娜,圍内,舉 ,〜小狀構造、特徵及精神當可做些許 利範圍所===專梅護範圍須視本說明書所附之申請專 【圖式簡單說明】 =认圖為本發明之分解示意圖; 罘1B圖為本發明之分解示意圖; 10 201003475 第2圖為本發明之立體示意圖; 第3A圖為本發明之剖面側視圖; 第3B圖為本發明於觸發第三微動開關狀態之剖面侧視圖; 第4A圖為本發明之剖視圖; 第4B圖為本發明於觸發第一微動開關狀態之剖視圖;以及 第4C圖為本發明於觸發第二微動開關狀態之剖視圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 100 110 111 1111 1112 1113 112 1121 113 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 114 120 電腦輸入裝置 殼體 上蓋 透孔 樞槽 鎖孔 底板 軸承座 電路板 編碼益' 第一微動開關 第二微動開關 第三微動開關 開口 按壓板 支架 201003475 121 框接部 1211 樞軸 122 承載部 130 第一滾輪 131 輪桿 140 承載件 141 按壓部 142 承座 1421 凸肋 143 轴桿 150 第二滾輪 151 凹槽 160 彈性件 170 壓塊 171 穿孔 180 螺栓 12201003475 IX. Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention pertains] The present invention relates to a computer input device for a baby + ~ camphor wheeling device, in particular. Kind of wheel set [prior art] With the development and advancement of technology, whether it is Computer, PC) Xiao | ^ ^ (, Personal ° Notebook (Notebook), etc. Lei Ri i for the public in the ordinary life or work% Know § also prepared 'has been prepared with the help of a keyboard or mouse you can use the convenient tools. However, the computer is capable. "Monthly ^ computer peripherals, in order to perform computer equipment to the mouse as an example of the current slippery It has been widely used in the control of the square, and it has become one of the surrounding hardware devices of the smashed window. A7 + is fascinatingly scrolling through the window. It doesn't matter, so the manufacturer is slicking the b, so that the user can directly design the scrolling displacement to the window, and the mouse must be the scroll bar of the mouse ^ < The key is used to scroll up and down the surface, and f is then actuated by the mouse to trigger the scrolling (five) moving wheel can also be pressed to the pressing function. The microswitch under the 'I" performs the corresponding preset white use of the scroll wheel Control the computer page up and down the user to use the reel bar The inconvenience of scrolling is greatly improved: it can save the sex. However, the current mouse with the scroll wheel design has only 7 convenient functions. - Up and down scrolling plan 'With the design of the left and right tilting of the scroll wheel, the step-by-step improvement is set to 5, and the computer screen is scrolled to the left or 201003475 to the right to meet the needs of today's users; bundle right A _ right Scrolling (4) seeking. · ... ^ heart to scroll up and left to the United States Patent No. 2004/0025673 said the translation of the roller and the complement, so that the roller in addition to the money _ _ ball joints The roller system is placed on the tilting rocking seat, and the Sub can also be tilted to the left and right to drive the rocking and tilting, and the private left leaning motion, i ^ Ma early 7^ detects the tilting direction of the tilting swing seat, In order to generate left and right scrolling images, the earthworms are 2nd (8)_25673 freshly t _ , and only the two sides of the swaying seat are sturdy and have a pivotal seat, making the overall length of the mouse 〃, Man Fang In addition, there will be more restrictions on the upper and lower, which will result in two hot-spots that cannot be satisfied. Today's consumers and [invention content], people, sub-products must be light and thin, Xin·in the above problems, the present invention is improved - cat + habits... month * 1, a computer input device, to improve white slip The rat has the function of swinging the function of the swinging arm. The occupation of the n-mesh pivoting seat occupies too much work. The problem that the body structure is too complicated to be thinned. - The bearing device of the brain wheel includes a body-supporting bracket, - -Roller, with -, - into L円邙 has a accommodating space, and the housing has a set and a circuit board, the upper cover is provided with a through hole, the circuit board is set to be wide, the bottom plate is between, and the circuit board is electrically The sex setting has an encoder. The bracket has a money portion, the pivoting portion is hung on the bottom plate, the money support is set to carry the load, and the roller has a wheel bar, which is rotatably disposed at the ': and the side cup end is coupled to the encoder ◦ carrier The activity is set on the upper cover, and the sub-coco is opposite to the upper one; 隹y杳^ is now windy and turbulent, and the second two-wheel system is rotatably set in the 201003475 piece and partially exposed to the net$@|, B+ The β ^ L1 and the brother-roller are coupled to the first roller. The scroll wheel rotates together, so that when the second roller is rotated, the first scroll wheel outputs a signal with the encoder. - The essence of this Ming Ming is that, by the first wheel and the second wheel, the machine frame...1013⁄4•, can accurately output the encoder signal, and trigger multiple electrical words~ The micro-motion on the circuit board greatly simplifies the structure of the computer wheel human device, and achieves the purpose of thinning the electric pick-up input I. The above is about the principle of the invention and the principle of the invention, and provides a further explanation of the scope of the application. [Embodiment] According to the invention, the computer input device includes, but does not, the user of the invention, such as the slippery oxygen, the obstruction ball, the game control I, etc. The mouse is used as the preferred embodiment of the invention. However, the drawings are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to limit the invention. 1D to 2D is a schematic view of a computer input device of the present invention. The computer input device (8) disclosed in the present invention includes a housing and a bracket 12 (3, ten roll _, - bear , 1: Rolling chest, and an elastic member 16〇D, please refer to “U-tu” to “Secondary Diagram” and “Secondary Diagram”. The inside of the housing 110 has a accommodating space, and the housing (10) is farmed. - upper cymbal (1) - bottom plate m, - a circuit board provided on the upper cover (1) and the bottom plate ^ and a pressing plate 114 of a Cong's cover 111. The upper cover is provided with a through-hole hole , (4) (4) | 201003475 / 31 4th switch U32, - 2nd micro switch] 133, and a third U Li force switch 1134 branch '12Q both ends are the pivoting part (2) and the carrying part 122, the circuit board] 13 The opening 1135 is opened, and the pivoting portion (2) of the bracket 120 has two pivoting members extending in opposite directions, and the housing of the gray bottom plate U2 is pivoted through the opening 1135. 1121, so that the bracket 120 is movably disposed in the third micro switch (1) 4 on the pair of road plates 113 in the casing 1K), and the bracket (10) can face, directly to the bottom plate 1U Direction (i.e., toward the direction Di brain of three micro-switches) switch box. The first roller 130 has a girder 1 " ^1l1l, which is placed on the bearing portion 122 of the bracket 120, and the disc-roller 130 can be viewed from the bearing portion 22, and the end of the rod (3) is coupled to Edited on board 113 (4). The two ends of the cows 160 are respectively connected to the bracket 120 and the circuit board 113 so that the brackets 2__ are not triggered by the third micro_off 1134. The 4 i6 秘 本 本 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i The spring is limited. Please continue to refer to "u" to "3A" and "4A". The bearing member 140 has two pressing portions 141 and a socket 142. The bearing seat 142 extends with two-phase convex-ribs 1421. The first-wave wheel 150 is provided with a groove bl corresponding to the two convex ribs 1421. 1;) 0 is mounted on the socket 142, the rib (10) is inserted into the groove (5) to enable the second roller 15q to be rotatably mounted on the carrier 142 of the carrier (10) In the opposite shaft 143, the through hole of the upper cover ln has two pivot slots 1112 corresponding to the shaft 143, and the shaft (4) of the bearing member is installed on the towel, and the money receiving member 1 (4) is provided with the upper cover 111. And swinging relative to the upper 201003475 cover ill; at this time, the axis line of the second roller 15〇 is perpendicular to the direction of the drag of the carrier 140. The second== disposed on the carrier (10) is outside the through hole mi for the user to operate, and the second roller 150 of the magazine is connected to the first roller 13 Mourning. In addition, in order to prevent the carrier M0 from falling off from the upper cover ln, the upper bogey (1) is provided with a second pressure _ at the position of the pivot slot 1112 to restrict the shaft (4) of the carrier Γ 40 from being retained in the holding slot 1112 of the upper cover ln. Do not disengage, and make 2 pieces of Μ0 can be placed in a certain range with respect to the upper cover U1. The clamp Π0 is right _ 伃 伃 忍 忍 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 疋 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上The locking hole (1) 3 of the dental hole 171, the pressing block Π0 is snailed by (10) ^ through the through hole 17! and the locking hole 1113, so that the hanging block is in the king -, and the upper cover is in the upper cover lu, not in the embodiment. The disclosure is limited. The soil state is the computer input device of the present invention, and the second roller 150 is rotated by the second roller 150 of the casing 11 when the user enters the road.裎浐喆 动 动 一 一 一 一 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 The 'f two rollers drive 150 lines. The younger brother can also use the frictional force to enter the user when the user presses down the second roller 150 to displace the first roller 130 that is engaged with the second roller 15〇201003475 downwardly—the microsecond faces the bottom plate 112. The direction pivots, and touches ~1 Ding' to push or drive the bracket] 2〇 signal; when applied to the second roller 15〇, the force switch 1134 is rotated—the third piece 160 will return to the initial unstressed The bear 'releases red', due to the elasticity of the force compression to the position of the third micro switch 1134 that is not triggered and pushes the connected bracket 120 back as in "4A" to "4C__ outside the housing 110" The two rollers 15 〇, = two, when the user pushes the force to push to sway to the left or right relative to the upper cover, the fascia 150 pushes the first micro switch 1132 of the carrier 140 141 to trigger the load. - pressing the wheel out - the first signal or the - second signal / 疋 ang - interesting switch 1133 to correspond to the upper cover of the computer input device of the present invention, and is installed in the towel in a swingable relationship I simplify '/I code " '妓 each _ lake relay signal, to enter the knot of I The complexity is reduced to achieve the purpose of thinning. ― The volume of the set is reduced. The embodiment of the present invention is as disclosed above, and any 孰 σ " 'Dafei is used to limit the hair white related technology, In the absence of the scope of the present application, the scope of the application of the invention, the composition of the structure, the characteristics and the spirit of the small structure can be done. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The following is a schematic view of the present invention; 罘1B is an exploded view of the present invention; 10 201003475 FIG. 2 is a perspective view of the present invention; FIG. 3A is a schematic view of the present invention 3B is a cross-sectional side view of the present invention in a state in which a third micro switch is triggered; FIG. 4A is a cross-sectional view of the present invention; FIG. 4B is a cross-sectional view showing a state in which the first micro switch is triggered; and a 4C The figure is a cross-sectional view of the invention in the state of triggering the second micro switch. [Main component symbol description] 100 110 111 1111 1112 1113 112 1121 113 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 114 120 Computer input device housing upper cover through hole pivot slot lock hole bottom plate housing circuit board code benefit 'first micro switch second micro switch Third micro switch opening pressing plate bracket 201003475 121 frame connecting portion 1211 pivot 122 bearing portion 130 first roller 131 wheel bar 140 carrier 141 pressing portion 142 bearing 1421 rib 143 shaft 150 second roller 151 groove 160 elastic Piece 170 clamp 171 perforated 180 bolt 12