200916353 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 .纟發明係關於—種蓋開閉裝置,尤其係關於—種適於 =全開時,在儲放部收容蓋部之形式的置物箱的蓋開閉裝 【先前技術】 例^以設在汽車之中央控制台(Center ^㈣⑷等 Γ ::::而° ’已知一種在物品收納部的開口面具備使用 鉸鏈將其一端予以連結的橫開式蓋件者。由於當該蓋件呈 ί 狀態時若有突㈣會造成干擾,因此最好構成為收容 在物品收納部之侧壁的外侧,但是當構成為完全收容蓋件 之情形中,雖然外形良好,但相反地,由於蓋件的自由端 埋入於開口面下,因此會對閉操作造成障礙。因此提出一 種使用了令朝向開方向與閉方向雙方的彈壓力在位移的中 間點反轉的反轉彈簧,且利用按紐操作而自動進行蓋件之 開閉動作的技術内容(請參照專利文獻丨)。 (專利文獻1)日本特開2002-362237號公報 【發明内容】 (發明所欲解決之課題) 然而,該習知之構造中,由於蓋件之開閉兩位置的保 $力係取決於反轉彈簧的彈開力,因此若以令蓋件不會在 全開·全閉兩位置振動的方式重視保持力而加大彈簧力 時’開閉操作時所f之操作力會變大,而#減輕操作力=夺, 保持力會變得不充分等,難以兼顧操作力與保持力的並 319964 6 200916353 -存。而且,由於用以使反轉彈簧位移至 的行程係取決於__作量二 使反轉彈簧超過中立點的行程, 要有 量。 j難以減少按鈕的操作 研創:發了解決如上所示之習知技術的不良情形所 八主要目的在提供一種蓋開閉裝置,能言 顧在全開·全閉兩位置蓋 回又兼 作力、操作量之大幅降低刀保持力的確保、及操 (用以解決課題之手段) ”蓋1/3解^上所示之課題,本發明係具有:用以保持 位置的較手段(第1鎖定機構5); = 積朝向打開前述蓋之方向的彈麗力的彈200916353 IX. Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention pertains] The invention relates to a cover opening and closing device, and in particular to a cover for opening and closing a compartment in the form of a cover portion in a storage portion when it is suitable for full opening [Previous technology] Example ^ is provided in the center console of the car (Center ^ (4) (4), etc. :::: ° °] It is known that there is a horizontal opening on the opening surface of the article storage portion using a hinge to connect one end thereof. The cover member is preferably configured to be housed on the outer side of the side wall of the article storage portion when the cover member is in the ί state, and is preferably housed in the outer side of the side wall of the article storage portion, but in the case of constituting the cover member completely, although The shape is good, but conversely, since the free end of the cover member is buried under the opening surface, it may cause an obstacle to the closing operation. Therefore, it is proposed to use an elastic force at both the opening and closing directions at the intermediate point of the displacement. The technical content of the opening and closing operation of the cover member is automatically performed by the operation of the button (refer to the patent document 丨). (Patent Document 1) Japanese Patent Laid-Open Publication No. 2002-362237 (Contents to be Solved by the Invention) However, in the conventional structure, since the force of the two positions of the opening and closing of the cover member depends on the spring opening force of the reverse spring, if the cover member does not In the case of the full-opening and the fully-closed two-position vibration, the holding force is increased and the spring force is increased. When the opening and closing operation is performed, the operating force of the f is increased, and the # reducing the operating force = the holding force is insufficient, and the holding force is insufficient. The sum of the operating force and the holding force is 319964 6 200916353 - and, because the stroke for displacing the reversing spring depends on the stroke of the reversing spring beyond the neutral point, it is difficult. Reducing the operation of the button: The main purpose of solving the problem of the prior art shown above is to provide a lid opening and closing device, which can be used to cover both the full-open and the full-closed position, and the operation amount is large. The invention provides a means for maintaining the position (the first locking mechanism 5); = the product is facing the opening of the aforementioned cover Directional bomb
&(扭轉螺旋彈簧6);及將前 、I 部(解綠4);並且,者斜乂m 解除鎖疋的才呆作 田對則述知作部進行解除鎖定操作 用以』述盖自動打開者,該蓋開閉裝置之特徵為具有: 全開位置移動至閉方向,途位置的彈 刀的第2彈壓力畜積手段(壓縮 彈壓力蓄積手段簡㈣墨力蓄積位置的第2 I苐2 方向令H 手段係解除鎖定而使前述蓋移動至閉 力藉由使該蓋移動至全閉位置,而將彈壓 ⑷。此外,除了上』:::=== 盍的全閉位置操作前述操作部時,將前述彈壓力蓄積= 319964 7 200916353 .的彈壓力予以解放的第!解 19、橫解除滑動件23);…鎖;^又(上部解除滑動件 =部時’將前述第2彈壓力蓄積手段的 的第2解除鎖定手段(下部解除滑 丽述第1解除鎖定手段及前诚筮9 μ 及用以、擇 結、非連社的解除銷—祚叙 解除鎖定手段之間的連 2項)。、’._除鎖疋作動切換手段⑷)(申請專利範圍第 於連:好!述蓋係透過連動機構(扇齒輪“、正齒 行同步動作的雙開式蓋(中請專利範圍 t ^ # ^ 八^刖述现的開方向移動連動而覆 盍剛述盍的覆盖件(翼片8)(申請專利範圍第4項)。 拉-此外’本發明係為—種蓋開_置,係以鎖定手段保 使中且對該鎖定手段進行解除鎖定操作時, 吏盍打開者’其中’設置覆蓋位於全開位置之蓋的覆蓋件 專利_第5項該覆蓋件係與蓋之開方向移動連 動者(申請專利範圍第6項)。 (發明之效果) 根據如上所示之本發明,打開蓋的驅動力係利用 ::簧手段等的㈣力,而蓋之全閉位置的保持力係另外 =於鎖定手段’因此,可輕易確保在全開/全閉兩位置 的盍件的充分的保持力。另外,由於只要提供將鎖 $鎖疋的操作力及操作量即可’因此可減低操作力及操 =量。此外’在全開位置所收容的蓋在進行閉操作時,會 自動移動至閉方向中途位置’因此可輕易藉由手動進行閉 319964 8 200916353 =乍除此以外’由閉方向中途位置至全閉 係藉由使用者以手動來進行,因此益須擔 的操作 來進行開操作及移===,可利用共通的操作部 作部不會變得繁雜。 永作,因此操 尤其’若形成為透過連動機構 的雙開式蓋,則可加宫門卫進仃R步動作 蓋件覆蓋位於全開位置:蓋二f使用性,且若為以覆 平坦而可提升美觀,在Γ 開時使開口面形成為 消失,因此品時不會卡住,而且間隙會 …、須擔心掉落零錢等而無法取出。 【實施方式】 以下參照所附圖示,詳細說明本發明。 該置第/圖係適用本發明之置物箱之整體斜視圖。 物相1係埋設在例如汽車之中央控制台(Cp十 Console)所使用者,具備有:構成物品收納部的箱體er 及關閉箱體2之上部開口面而構成為雙開式的左右―對罢 件3a,。其中,關於以下說明中的方向性,係指朝向J 圖、弟2圖的紙面者,並將靠近自己之側設為「前」。 該置物箱1中,兩蓋件3a、3b#同步以左右對稱進行 回旋運動,當在全閉位置(第!圖)按壓設在箱體2之前壁 上部的解除42(Kelease buttQn)4時,用以保持右蓋件& 之全閉位置的第1鎖定機構5係被解除鎖定(u n i 〇 c k )而藉 由組入左盍件3a之扭轉螺旋彈簧6(參照第4圖)的彈開 力,百'先令兩蓋件3a、3b自動打開至第3圖所示之沿著箱 319964 9 200916353 -體2之左右側壁的垂直位置為止。當兩蓋件3&、扑打開至 該位置時,兩蓋件3a、3b與以回旋移動自如的方式支持兩 蓋件3a、3b的滑座7一起藉由本身重量下降,最後兩蓋: 3a、3b的自由端下降至比箱體2之開口面更低的儲放位 置,而且利用樞接在箱體2之左右侧壁之上緣侧的左右一 對翼片8覆蓋位在儲放位置之兩蓋件如、 照第2圖、第4圖)。 纟此’關於兩翼片8,係在其樞軸設置扭轉螺旋彈簧 (未圖不),藉此朝使其自由端向外旋動 — 覆蓋位在錯放位置之兩蓋件3⑽之自由端的位置予 f彈壓’而在兩蓋件3心扑朝閉方向移動時,係以各芸件 3a、3b的自由端予以按壓而使各自由端向内旋動。 當在第2圖、第4圖所示之兩蓋件如、3 ㈣狀態下按_除紐4,而使兩蓋件3a、3b全閉時: 將弟2鎖定機構㈣除鎖定(該第2鎖將古 =之麼縮螺晴9的彈開力被向 :: 10予以保持在下降位置)而使升降件1〇上升。該升降件降牛„ 的上升力係施加至與升降 ° 0 動件O-h⑴er)12,而使兩^上3表面相抵接的齒條滑 齒條滑動件12一起上升,使兩::⑽及滑座7連同 至由籁髀?1件3a、3b的自由端移動 止。 ’口面稍微突出的令間位置(參照第5圖)為 當在該狀態下以手動使兩蓋件如 端朝向關閉方向回旋移動時方的自由 -抗將左盍件3b打開彈麼 319964 10 200916353 -的扭轉螺旋彈簀6的彈開 關閉動作’當右蓋件3b到達 右:件3a、3b同步進行 係進行作動而保持兩蓋件3a、扑的全閉位=1鎖定機構5 該右蓋件3b之_動作連動之 料,以與 而下屢升降件ίο,以_將升降件動件12下降 "升降…。到達: 回第】圓所示之全閉Π持升降件1fl的下降位置。亦即返 動力=二=說明用以將上述蓋件開放動作之- 知,的彈壓機構。其中,該 將 := 說明。 ^後兩方,但以下係就設在前側者加以 在箱體2之前後帶的#主 月J傻土的外表面係以上下滑動自如的 设置滑座7。在該滑座7的外表面係 : ^'的自由端,該等L字形臂部133、挪係由= 位置之兩盍件3a、3b之外側端緣部中的前後兩端 稱形狀延伸設置。 對 在右臂部13b係設有以樞軸點為中心之適當角度的扇 齒輪(Sector Gear)丨4b。在該扇齒輪1让係以軸向=聯= 方式嚙合有右正齒輪(Spur gear)15b、及形成在上下滑動 自如的齒條滑動件12上的齒條(rack gear)16。接著,在 左臂部13a亦設有以框軸點為中心之適當角度的扇齒輪 14a,並且令其嚙合於與右正齒輪15b相嚙合的左正齒輪 319964 11 200916353 -15a。藉由該等一對正齒輪15a、15b及兩扇齒輪丨知、, 構成為藉由將開閉驅動力施予至其中一方的蓋件從而使左 右蓋件3a、3b之開閉動作同步進行的同步機構。其中,在 一方之正齒輪15b( 15a)係連結有周知的阻尼器(damper) 裝置(未圖不),用以施予適當的旋轉阻力,該旋轉阻力係 設定成,使藉由繞設在左臂部13a之樞軸之扭轉螺旋彈簧 6的彈開力所致之兩蓋件3a、3b之開放速度成為適當者。 如第6圖詳細顯示,僅在箱體2之前壁的中央以垂直 方向叹有縱導引筒17,而與解除紐4形成一體且藉由壓縮 螺旋彈簧18被向上彈開彈壓之上部解除滑動件19係滑動 於該縱導引筒η的上部。在該上部解除滑動㈣的右側 有第1鎖定機構5,用以與形成在—體地設在右前 4扑之扇絲14b之外周部的缺口(敵h)2〇相扣合 而保持兩蓋件3a、3b之全閉位置Ό ^鎖定機構5係由下述構件所構成:橫解除滑動件 橫導引^於以水平方^延伸設置在箱體2之前壁上部的 第1 且被壓縮螺旋彈簧22朝左方彈開彈壓;及 之右栓Μ ’係以可上下移動的方式於橫導引筒21 之右側端部滑動。 钭凸於動件23的左端係透過例如45度之角度的傾 =:上部解除滑動件19連動、連結。接著,在橫 第1問鎖螺栓24之間之扣合部係設有垂 向的縱凸輪開縫26,並且在橫解除 第1閂鎖螺栓24之人似、解除/月動件23中之與 曰、扣δ部係設有朝左上傾斜之傾斜凸 319964 12 200916353 -輪開縫27。此外,在第!㈣螺栓24係突設有與兩凸輪 開縫2 6、2 7相扣合的鎖2 8。 另一方面’如第4圖所示,在箱體2之前後壁的外表 面係將由跨越超過大概9 G度之角度範圍的圓弧部分2 9 a、 及在該圓弧部分2仏的下端接連的垂直部分2肋 料突條29予以設在左右對稱位置。在與各臂部⑶、⑽ 呈-體之扇齒輪14a、14b上突設的鎖30係卡合於該 引突條29的外周面。藉此,#在兩蓋件知、%進行開放 動作時,銷30扣合在導引突條29之圓弧部分心 =座3bT在最上位位置(第1圖、第3圖),而當兩 :^ 直姿勢而使銷3G到達導引突條29之垂直 。刀29b時’將滑座7保持在最上位位置者亦會消失,因 3b^ ^ 3a ^ 圖)。此時在呈:姿 被兩蓋件3a、3b之二:翼片8 :二*下降的途中, 的作用而向外打開,此如上^片8會X到扭轉螺旋彈菁 :降件1。係以上下移動自如的方式滑動於 Μ 部31/為下方之部分之前後壁的外表面所設置的導;; 並且如上所述,藉由縮設在其盥導 間的壓縮螺旋彈簧9而被向上彈開彈。:面之 用以保持該升降件i◦之下降位置的第2鎖定弟 下述構件所構成:下部解除滑動件34,/;;機構11係由 的方式於縱導引筒17的下部滑動,而且由縮二自如 319964 13 200916353 -17底部的璧縮螺旋彈复 鎖蟫於%总知 ^ 33予以向上彈開彈壓;及第2閂 、鎖螺检35,係與下部解除 •與升降件10的上遮而知4人 前後移動ή ^ μ +知面相扣合的第2問鎖螺栓35係以 鎖的下部滑動,並且透過 縫而當下部解除滑動:==斜:輪開 :凸輪_的作用,即會_7同==由: 於下部解除滑動件34係被向 拴35係祜尚并随、 j斤生口此弟Z閂鎖螺 螺栓3=:其中’利用鎖39而與設在第㈣ 輝栓心下方的前焉後低 頌 4〇係為用以將設在箱體卜^凸輪開縫38相結合的構件 至設在後壁的問鎖螺栓,:;:,4之下㈣作傳達 力傳達構件。 ' :後#升降件解除鎖定的解除 用以除滑動件19與下部解除滑動件心間設有 41:二:=,Γ動的切換機構41。該切換機構 除滑動二連構二 = 除滑動件42,係與上部解 咬、、口,及連結子43,係w他甘a, :擺:自如的方式樞接於中間部解除滑動件:2的下端可: 且朝向將其自由端向前異屮 端而 子43被由設在〜71 方向被彈開彈屢。當該連結 動凸輪44(以下亦有稱傾斜凸輪之情形)制冓=的滑 自由端朝向後方傾斜移動。 τ更^使其 動件^第/而圖所示,連結子43係具備插接於中間部解除滑 且利用接設於其樞㈣扭轉螺旋彈簧Μ被旋 319964 14 200916353& (torsion coil spring 6); and the front, I (green 4); and, the squat m is unlocked, the work is done, the lock is used to unlock the operation. In the opener, the cover opening and closing device is characterized in that: the second elastic pressure storage means of the elastic blade that moves to the closed position at the full-open position (the compressed elastic pressure storage means (4) the second storage unit of the ink accumulation position The direction causes the H means to unlock and move the cover to the closing force by moving the cover to the fully closed position, thereby pressing (4). Further, the above operation is performed except for the fully closed position of the upper 』:::=== 盍At the time of the second bullet, the above-mentioned elastic force is accumulated = 319964 7 200916353. The elastic pressure is released. The solution is 19, the horizontal release slide 23); the lock; ^ (the upper release slide = the part) The second unlocking means of the pressure accumulating means (the lower part releases the first unlocking means and the front of the lock 9 μ and the use of the knot, the release of the non-connected company - the connection between the unlocking means 2 items)., '._ In addition to lock 疋 actuation switching means (4)) (application for patent The first connection: good! The cover is through the linkage mechanism (fan gear", the double-open cover of the spur-tooth synchronous action (in the patent range t ^ # ^ 八 刖 刖 刖 的 的 刖 刖 移动 移动 移动 移动 移动 盍 盍 盍 盍覆盖 覆盖 覆盖 翼 翼 翼 翼 翼 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外 此外吏盍Opener 'where' sets the cover patent covering the cover in the fully open position _ Item 5 The cover is moved in conjunction with the opening direction of the cover (Application No. 6) (Effect of the invention) According to According to the invention as described above, the driving force for opening the cover is by (4) force of the spring means or the like, and the holding force of the fully closed position of the cover is additionally = for the locking means 'so that it is easy to ensure that the two are fully open/closed. In addition, as long as the operating force and the amount of operation for locking the lock $ are provided, it is possible to reduce the operating force and the amount of operation. In addition, the cover housed in the fully open position is being carried out. When closed, it will automatically move to the closed direction The position of the way 'so can be easily closed by hand 319964 8 200916353 = 乍 ' ' 'from the closed direction midway position to the full closure by the user manually, so the operation is required to open and move ===, the common operation part can be used without becoming complicated. Forever, therefore, if it is formed as a double-open cover through the linkage mechanism, the door can be added to the R-step action cover. Full-open position: the cover is easy to use, and if it is flat, it can improve the appearance. When the opening is opened, the opening surface is formed to disappear, so the product will not get stuck, and the gap will be..., and it is necessary to worry about dropping the change, etc. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the accompanying drawings. This illustration/panel is an overall perspective view of a glove box to which the present invention is applied. The object 1 is embedded in, for example, a user of a center console (Cp Ten Console) of an automobile, and includes a case er that constitutes the article storage portion and a closed upper surface of the case 2, and is configured to be double-opened. Stroke 3a,. In the following description, the directivity in the following description refers to the paper face toward the J map and the second figure, and the side close to itself is set to "front". In the storage compartment 1, the two cover members 3a, 3b# are synchronized in a bilaterally symmetrical motion, and when the full-closed position (FIG.) is pressed, the lifting 42 (Kelease buttQn) 4 provided in the upper portion of the wall before the casing 2 is pressed. The first lock mechanism 5 for holding the fully closed position of the right cover member & is unlocked (uni 〇ck) and is opened by the torsion coil spring 6 (see FIG. 4) incorporated in the left jaw 3a. The force, the hundred shilling two cover members 3a, 3b automatically open to the vertical position along the left and right side walls of the box 319964 9 200916353 - body 2 as shown in Fig. 3. When the two cover members 3&, the flaps are opened to the position, the two cover members 3a, 3b are supported by the slides 7 which support the two cover members 3a, 3b in a freely movable manner by their own weight, and the last two covers: 3a The free end of 3b is lowered to a lower storage position than the opening surface of the casing 2, and is covered by a pair of left and right flaps 8 pivotally connected to the upper edge side of the left and right side walls of the casing 2 in the storage position. The two cover parts are as shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 4). 'This is about the two flaps 8, which are provided with a torsion coil spring (not shown) on their pivots, thereby rotating outwardly toward their free ends - covering the free ends of the two cover members 3 (10) in the misplaced position. When the two cover members 3 are moved in the closing direction, the free ends of the respective members 3a and 3b are pressed to rotate the ends inwardly. When the two cover members 3a, 3b are fully closed according to the two cover members shown in Figs. 2 and 4, such as the 3 (4) state, the cover members 3a, 3b are fully closed: the second lock mechanism (four) is locked (the first 2 The lock will be the old one. The elastic opening force of the screw 9 will be kept at the lower position and the lifter will be raised. The lifting force of the lifting member is applied to the lifting and lowering member O-h(1)er12, and the rack-sliding slider 12 abutting the surfaces of the two upper surfaces 3 is raised together to make two::(10) And the slide 7 is moved to the free end of the 1 piece 3a, 3b. The position of the mouth slightly protruding (refer to Fig. 5) is when the two cover pieces are manually turned in this state. When the direction of the rotation is turned toward the closing direction, the free-resistance will open the left jaw 3b. 319964 10 200916353 - The opening of the torsion coil magazine 6 is closed. When the right cover member 3b reaches the right: the pieces 3a, 3b are synchronized. Actuating to keep the two cover members 3a, the full-closed position of the flapping member 1 locking mechanism 5, the material of the right-liding member 3b, and the lower-lifting member _ _ _ will lift the lifting member 12 Rise and lower.. Arrival: Back to the first position of the full-closed lifting and lowering member 1fl shown in the circle. That is, the returning power = two = indicating the spring-loading mechanism for opening and closing the cover member. The will: = Description. ^ The latter two sides, but the following is set on the front side to bring the #主月J before and after the box 2 The outer surface of the soil is provided with a sliding seat 7 which is slidable above and below. On the outer surface of the sliding seat 7, the free end of the ^', the L-shaped arm portion 133, the two-piece member 3a of the position = The front and rear ends of the outer side edge portion of the 3b are extended in shape. The sector gear 丨4b is provided at the right arm portion 13b at an appropriate angle centering on the pivot point. A right spur gear 15b and a rack gear 16 formed on the rack slider 12 that slides up and down are vertically engaged in the axial direction = joint mode. Then, the left arm portion 13a is also provided. There is a fan gear 14a at an appropriate angle centered on the frame axis point, and is engaged with the left spur gear 319964 11 200916353 -15a meshing with the right spur gear 15b. By the pair of spur gears 15a, 15b and two The fan gear is known as a synchronizing mechanism that synchronizes the opening and closing operations of the left and right cover members 3a and 3b by applying the opening and closing driving force to one of the cover members. The spur gear 15b (15a) Attached to a well-known damper device (not shown) for application The rotational resistance is set such that the opening speeds of the two cover members 3a, 3b by the elastic opening force of the torsion coil spring 6 wound around the pivot of the left arm portion 13a are appropriate. Fig. 6 shows in detail that the longitudinal guide cylinder 17 is slanted in the vertical direction only in the center of the front wall of the casing 2, and is integrally formed with the release button 4 and is biased upward by the compression coil spring 18 to bias the upper portion to release the slider. The 19 series slides on the upper portion of the vertical guide cylinder η. On the right side of the upper release slide (four), there is a first lock mechanism 5 for forming a gap with the outer peripheral portion of the fan wire 14b formed on the right front portion 4 (Enemy h) 2 〇 而 而 而 保持 保持 Ό Ό Ό 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定 锁定The first upper portion of the front wall of the casing 2 is biased to the left by the compression coil spring 22; and the right bolt Μ is slidable at the right end of the transverse guide cylinder 21 so as to be movable up and down. The left end of the cymbal convex member 23 is transmitted through an angle of, for example, 45 degrees. The lower portion of the slider 19 is interlocked and connected. Next, a vertical longitudinal cam slit 26 is provided in the engaging portion between the first and second interlocking bolts 24, and the male latching/release member 23 of the first latch bolt 24 is laterally released. The 曰 and buckle δ sections are provided with an inclined slant which is inclined upward to the left 319964 12 200916353 - wheel slit 27. Also, at the first! (4) The bolt 24 is provided with a lock 28 which is engaged with the two cam slits 2 6 and 2 7 . On the other hand, as shown in Fig. 4, the outer surface of the rear wall before the casing 2 is composed of a circular arc portion 2 9 a spanning an angular range exceeding approximately 9 G degrees, and a lower end of the circular arc portion 2 仏The successive vertical portions 2 rib ribs 29 are disposed at left and right symmetrical positions. The lock 30 projecting from the fan gears 14a and 14b which are formed in the respective arm portions (3) and (10) is engaged with the outer peripheral surface of the lead projection 29. Therefore, when the two cover members are known and the % is opened, the pin 30 is engaged with the arc portion of the guide protrusion 29, and the seat 3bT is at the uppermost position (Fig. 1, Fig. 3). Two: ^ Straight posture causes the pin 3G to reach the vertical of the guide protrusion 29. When the knife 29b is held, the slider 7 will remain in the uppermost position, because 3b^^3a^ is shown. At this time, the posture is opened outward by the action of the two cover members 3a, 3b: the flap 8: two *, and the above-mentioned sheet 8 will be X to the torsion spiral: the lowering member 1. The guide is disposed in a movable manner above and below the portion of the front portion of the rear portion of the lower portion 31; and as described above, by the compression coil spring 9 retracted between the guides thereof Bounce up. a second locking member for holding the lowering position of the lifting member i: the lower releasing slider 34, the mechanism 11 is slid in the lower portion of the longitudinal guiding cylinder 17, Moreover, the contraction of the collapsed screw at the bottom of the 319964 13 200916353 -17 is 复 蟫 % % % ^ 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; It is known that the four people move forward and backward ή ^ μ + the second interlocking bolt 35 that engages with the face is sliding with the lower part of the lock, and the lower part is slid through the slit: == oblique: wheel open: cam _ The role, that is, _7 with == by: The lower part of the sliding part 34 is squatted to the 拴35 system and along with, j jinsheng mouth this brother Z latch bolt bolt 3=: where 'use lock 39 and set The lower 颂 4 〇 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方 下方The next (four) is the communication force transmission component. ' : Rear # Lifting member release lock is used to remove the slide mechanism 19 and the lower release slide between the cores with a 41:2:=, swaying switching mechanism 41. The switching mechanism except the sliding two-construction two=excluding the sliding member 42, the upper unbucking, the mouth, and the connecting member 43, is a freely pivoted connection to the intermediate portion to release the sliding member: The lower end of 2 can be: and the direction of its free end forwards and the sub-43 is bounced by the direction set in the ~71. When the coupling cam 44 (hereinafter also referred to as a tilt cam), the sliding free end of the pressing cam = is tilted rearward. τ更^ The moving member ^ is shown in the figure /, and the connecting member 43 is inserted into the intermediate portion to release the sliding and is connected to the pivot (four) torsion coil spring to be rotated. 319964 14 200916353
動彈壓的左右側壁46,在各側壁46内面的自由端係八別 形成有向内的突起47。兩突起47係令其端緣以彼此二Z 的方式突出,而且在相互之對向端面彼此間係相隔適當間 隔0 另一方面,在下部解除滑動件34的上端係形成有了 字形突部48,而連結子43之兩突起47的下表面係抵接於 其頂面。該Τ字形突部48的腳部49係形成為可通過在連 結子43之兩突起47彼此間的間隙的尺寸。 接著詳細說明由全閉位置按壓解除鈕4而打開蓋件 3a ' 3b的動作。 兩蓋件3a、3b位於全閉位置時,亦即滑座7位於最上 位位置時,設在滑座7背面的傾斜凸輪44與連結子“係 為非接觸(參照第7圖)。在該狀態下,由於連結子43的自 由端朝向前方晃出,因此即使按壓解除鈕4而使連結子“ j同上部解除滑動件19及中間部解除滑動件42—=下降 其自由端的突起47.亦不會與下部解除滑動件34的τ 字形突部48接觸’因此中間部解除滑動件42的向下移動 亚不會影響到下部解除滑動件34(參照第9圖)。此時,如 第12圖所*,兩蓋件3a、3b係以與被施作在中央控制台 cs上面的化粧面板形成為連續面的方式所構成,而翼片8 係如上所述,被兩蓋件3a、3b的内面按壓而向内傾斜移動。 在該狀態下,當按壓解除紐4時,藉由45度的傾斜凸 輪2δ的作用,將盘解除# 4 # & ^ 、 '解除鈕4形成一體的上部解除滑動件 的向下移動轉換成橫解除滑動件23之向右移動,而使 319964 15 200916353 -橫解除滑動件23朝右方移動。如此一 滑動件23的傾斜凸輪開縫29之朝 28與其相扣合的第〗_螺栓24沿著 “以銷 =1…向上移動。藉此,第"_,鎖== 由與全閉位置的右蓋件3b呈一體之右前 4的大知係 14b的切π 2〇脫離,並藉由作用於左蓋件知之=扇齒輪 的扭轉螺旋彈箐6的彈開力,使兩蓋件知心自動進 動作。當在該狀態下放開解除鈕4時,上部解除 = =壓縮螺旋彈簧18的彈開力而返回原位解二= 2^致由由作用於橫解除滑動件23之屢縮螺旋彈簧 咖之扇Λ!=:力,維持將其突端抵接於右臂部 頌w輪14b的外周面的狀態。 π nt上所示’將右前臂部13解除鎖定而使兩甚件3a、 :同r開,之後,兩蓋件3a、3b與滑座7二^^ -王開位置係如上所述。在該全開位置,如第1 不,兩蓋件3a、3b係收 圖斤 體2外側的^“〜中央控制° CS内之區劃在箱 由翼片8= Μ,而且該收容空間《的上面係 收容空間以=°猎此’在蓋件全開時,無法看到蓋件 會卡住之二:Γ提升美觀,而且在放入物品時不 掉落=件收容空間H 因此無須擔心零錢等 7下降主’在進行開操作時,即使將解除钮4壓下至滑座 字形突部I/由於連結子43之兩突起47的間隙會容許T 的腳部49通過,因此,當被滑動凸輪44按壓 319964 16 200916353 時’可避免連結子43之突起47與T字形突部“間的干擾。 接著針對從滑座7連同兩蓋件如、3 b —起下降至最 下位位置的王開位置、在按壓解除叙4時連同滑座7 一起 將兩瓜件3a、3b上推至半閉位置為止之升降件! 詳細說明。 ^ 在滑座7下降的全開位置 ^ .τ…土叫m且,冴废背面的滑動凸輪44 係推壓連結子43,而使其自由端朝向後方移動(參照第^ 圖)。當在該狀態下、亦即在兩蓋件%、此的全開位置按 壓解除叙4時’上部解除滑動件19及與其呈-體的中間部 解除滑動件42係向下移動,而滑動凸輪44之向内突起47 的下表面係與下部解除滑動件34之T字形突部48的頂面 相抵接,而下壓下部解除滑動# 34。如此一纟,透過鎖37 部解除滑動件34之傾斜凸輪開縫%相卡合的第2 ’螺栓+ 35係向後退’而將升降件1〇解除鎖定(參照第 ^)。藉此,升降件1〇利用壓縮螺旋彈簧9的彈開力而 且场抵接於升降件1G上表面的齒條滑動件η。 :螺:狀悲下放開解除鈕4時’上部解除滑動件19藉由壓 鈿螺疑彈簧18的彈開力而返回原位 動件34藉由壓縮蟫旋彈笼强、下。卩解除滑 啄焚泮尹、33的彈開力而返回原位置。葬 之背銷螺栓35亦返回前進位置。在此,升降件10 栓 ’f、了上端部以外的部分係以不會干擾第2問銷螺 的方式予以切除’因此並不會妨礙第2閃銷螺 往3 5返回刖進位置。 另一方面’由於銷30與導引突條29的垂直部29b相 319964 17 200916353 -卡合,因此兩臂部13a、13b並無法旋動 .齒輪⑽係維持與齒條16的喃合 的扇 .二:上升時,兩蓋心,及滑座7係二動 藉此,兩蕞株Q 〇1 趣上升。 3a、3b的内端緣係推回置g 的開口面朝上方突出。其中,在齒條滑 :由箱體2 的阻尼器裝置,而趑使卜止*ώ 2附设有周知 戒置而將其上升速度予以適當設定。 在如上所示由箱體2的開口面突 30係卡合在導引* 狀先、下,由於銷 心“ ¥ 条 圓弧部29a,因此兩臂邻” ⑽成為可旋動之狀態。在該狀態 :13a、 %的任-者的自由端向内回旋移動,而手:使:盍件%、 到達全閉位置時,第“咖二〜兩盍件3a、3b 2〇,而保持丄 的前端會扣合於切口 '、、兩盍件3a、3b的全閉位置。 與其同時,藉由因右蓋件3b之閉 的扇齒輪ub,使齒條滑動件方向運動而進行旋動 1〇,當升降杜μ 向下移動而下壓升降件 田升降件1 0到達最下底位置, 前端會與升降件1Q 鎖螺栓35的 下底位置。 的上表面相扣合而保持升降件!〇的最 蓋件的閉操作係必須將足以抵抗對左 進行上抑 轉螺旋彈簧6與對齒條滑動件12 進灯上升弹壓的壓縮螺 以施加於蓋件3a、qh / 雙方的反作用力的力予 件3a 3b,但根據上述構成,由於可充八Λ 士 由蓋件3a、3b的自由端 由於了充刀加大 動件12之你… 為的距離、及與齒條滑 傳達效率車」 合的扇齒輪⑽的半徑,因此力的 傳達放且可利㈣小㈣作力來 319964 18 200916353 -(產業上利用可能性) 本發明之蓋開閉裝置一般 -等乘坐交通工具,自不待▲:適用於電車、船舶、飛機 泰I芸却从— σ ’亦廣泛適用於在物品收納部 而要盍相豕具、辦公室機器 【圖式簡單說明】 $ i洗口等用途。 第1圖係適用本發明之番4 — 圖。 之置物相之閉蓋狀態的全體斜視 第2圖係適用本發明# 圖 置物相之開蓋狀態的全體斜視 第3圖係開方向中間位置的前視圖。 第4圖係全開位置的前視圖。 第5圖係閉方向,間位置的前視圖。 圖 第6圖係將第i鎖定機構的一部分予以切除後的前視 弟7圖係第2鎖定機構之鎖定狀態的側剖視圖。 第8圖係切換機構的斜視圖。 的狀=:將第1鎖定機構解除鎖定時之切換機構 側剖下之第2鎖定_之鎖定狀態的 第11圖係第2較機構之解除鎖定狀態的側剖視圖。 第12圖係顯示在全閉位置下之蓋件與翼片之 垂直剖視圖。 第13圖係顯示在全開位置下之蓋件與翼片之關係的 319964 19 200916353 -垂直剖視圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 置物箱 3a 、3b蓋件 5 第1鎖定機構 7 滑座 9 壓縮螺旋彈簧 11 弟2鎖定機構 13a 、13b L字形臂部 15 正齒輪 17 縱導引筒 19 上部解除滑動件 21 橫導引筒 23 橫解除滑動件 25 傾斜凸輪 27 傾斜凸輪開縫 29 傾斜凸輪開縫 29b 垂直部分 33 壓縮螺旋彈簧 35 第2問鎖螺检 37 銷 39 銷 41 切換機構 43 連結子 2 箱體 4 解除紐 6 扭轉螺旋彈簧 8 翼片 10 升降件 12 齒條滑動件 14 、14a、14b扇齒輪 16 齒條 18 壓縮螺旋彈箐 20 缺口 22 壓縮螺旋彈簧 24 第1閂銷螺栓 26 縱凸輪開縫 28 銷 29 導引突條 31 導引部 34 下部解除滑動件 36 傾斜凸輪開縫 38 傾斜凸輪開縫 40 構件 42 中間部解除滑動件 44 滑動凸輪 319964 20 200916353 45 扭轉螺旋彈簧 46 側壁 47 突起 48 Τ字形突部 49 腳部 CS 中央控制台 Η 收容空間 21 319964The left and right side walls 46 of the dynamic pressure are formed with inward projections 47 at the free ends of the inner faces of the side walls 46. The two projections 47 are such that their end edges project in a zigzag manner with respect to each other, and are spaced apart from each other by an appropriate interval therebetween. On the other hand, the upper end of the lower release slider 34 is formed with a shape-shaped projection 48. The lower surface of the two protrusions 47 of the link 43 abuts against the top surface thereof. The leg portion 49 of the U-shaped projection 48 is formed to have a size that can pass through a gap between the projections 47 of the coupling member 43. Next, the operation of opening the cover member 3a' 3b by pressing the release button 4 from the fully closed position will be described in detail. When the two cover members 3a, 3b are in the fully closed position, that is, when the carriage 7 is at the uppermost position, the inclined cam 44 provided on the back surface of the carriage 7 is "non-contact" with the linker (see Fig. 7). In this state, since the free end of the linker 43 is swung forward, even if the release button 4 is pressed, the link "j" is released from the upper portion of the slider 19 and the intermediate portion is released from the slider 42. It does not come into contact with the τ-shaped projection 48 of the lower release slider 34. Therefore, the downward movement of the intermediate portion releasing the slider 42 does not affect the lower release slider 34 (refer to Fig. 9). At this time, as shown in Fig. 12, the two cover members 3a, 3b are formed in such a manner as to form a continuous surface with the cosmetic panel applied to the center console cs, and the flaps 8 are as described above. The inner faces of the two cover members 3a, 3b are pressed and moved inwardly. In this state, when the release button 4 is pressed, by the action of the 45-degree tilt cam 2δ, the disk release #4 # & ^, the 'release button 4' is integrated into the upper portion to release the downward movement of the slider into The lateral release slider 23 is moved to the right, and the 319964 15 200916353 - lateral release slider 23 is moved to the right. The y-bolt 24 of the inclined cam slit 29 of such a slider 23 is moved upward by "with pin = 1...", whereby the "_, lock == by and fully closed The position of the right cover member 3b is integrated into the right front 4 of the large body 14b, and the two cover members are separated by the elastic opening force of the torsion screw magazine 6 acting on the left cover member. When the release button 4 is released in this state, the upper release = = the elastic opening force of the compression coil spring 18 returns to the in-situ solution 2 = 2^ caused by the action of the lateral release slider 23 Λ 螺旋 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 3a, : the same as r, after the two cover members 3a, 3b and the slide 7 two ^ ^ - Wang open position is as described above. In the fully open position, such as the first no, the two cover members 3a, 3b are closed The outside of the body 2 is "~ central control ° CS is zoned in the box by the wing 8 = Μ, and the accommodating space "the upper part of the accommodating space is = ° hunting this" when the cover is fully open, no The law sees that the cover will get stuck in the second: Γ improve the appearance, and does not drop when the item is placed = the accommodating space H, so there is no need to worry about the change, etc. 7 drop the main 'when the opening operation is performed, even if the release button 4 is pressed Down to the slider-shaped projection I/the gap between the two projections 47 of the coupling member 43 allows the leg portion 49 of T to pass, and therefore, when the sliding cam 44 presses 319964 16 200916353, the protrusion 47 of the coupling member 43 can be avoided. Interference between the T-shaped protrusions. Next, for the king open position descending from the slide 7 together with the two cover members, such as 3 b, to the lowermost position, together with the slide 7 when pressing the release 4 3a, 3b push up to the half-closed position! Detailed description. ^ In the fully open position where the slide 7 is lowered ^. τ...the ground is called m, and the sliding cam 44 on the back side is pressed to press the link 43 Move the free end toward the rear (refer to the figure). When in this state, that is, when the two cover members %, the full open position of the cover is released, the upper portion of the slide member 19 and the intermediate portion thereof are The portion releasing slider 42 is moved downward, and the sliding cam 44 is inward The lower surface of the lower portion 47 abuts against the top surface of the T-shaped projection 48 of the lower release slider 34, and the lower pressing portion releases the slide #34. Thus, the inclined cam slit of the slider 34 is released through the lock 37 portion. The 2nd 'bolt + 35 series that is engaged with the % phase is retracted', and the lifter 1〇 is unlocked (refer to the second). Thereby, the lifter 1〇 uses the elastic opening force of the compression coil spring 9 and the field abuts The rack slider η on the upper surface of the lifter 1G. : Screw: When the release button 4 is released, the upper lift slider 19 is returned to the home mover 34 by the spring force of the pressure spring 18 Strong and downward by the compression sling.卩Remove the shovel and burn the yin and 33's bounce to return to the original position. The funnel back bolt 35 is also returned to the forward position. Here, the elevating member 10 plug 'f' and the portion other than the upper end portion are cut so as not to interfere with the second request pin, so that the second flash pin is not prevented from returning to the retracted position by 35. On the other hand, since the pin 30 is engaged with the vertical portion 29b of the guide protrusion 29, 319964 17 200916353 - the two arm portions 13a, 13b cannot be rotated. The gear (10) is a fan that maintains the merging with the rack 16. 2. When the rise, the two covers, and the slide 7 are two moves, the two 蕞 Q Q 〇 1 fun. The inner end edges of the 3a and 3b are pushed back toward the opening surface of the g. Among them, in the rack slip: by the damper device of the casing 2, and the 卜 止 ώ ώ 2 is attached with a well-known stop and the rising speed is appropriately set. As described above, the opening face 30 of the casing 2 is engaged with the guide * first and the lower, and since the pin "¥ arc portion 29a, the two arms are adjacent" (10) is rotatable. In this state: 13a, % of the free end of the free-wheeling movement, and the hand: to: 盍%%, when reaching the fully closed position, the first "coffee two ~ two pieces 3a, 3b 2 〇, while maintaining The front end of the crucible is fastened to the slit ', and the fully closed positions of the two jaws 3a, 3b. At the same time, the rack slider ub is closed by the closing of the fan gear ub of the right cover member 3b, and the rack slider is rotated. 1〇, when the lifting and lowering μ moves downward and the lifting lifter lifter 10 reaches the lowermost position, the front end will be engaged with the upper surface of the lifting member 1Q lock bolt 35. The closing operation of the most cover member of the cymbal must be sufficient to resist the reaction of the compression screw on the left upper swing coil spring 6 and the rack slide member 12 to apply the pressure on the cover member 3a, qh / both sides. The force of the force is given to the member 3a 3b, but according to the above configuration, since the free end of the cover member 3a, 3b is enlarged by the filling tool, the distance of the movable member 12 is increased... Efficiency car" The radius of the combined fan gear (10), so the force is conveyed and can be profitable (four) small (four) force to 319964 18 2009 16353 - (Industrial Applicability) The lid opening and closing device of the present invention is generally used in a vehicle, and does not have to wait for ▲: it is suitable for trams, ships, and airplanes, but it is also widely used in the article storage portion. It is necessary to use the kitchen utensils, office machines [simple description of the drawings] $ i wash and other purposes. Fig. 1 is a view showing the application of the present invention. The entire squint of the closed state of the storage phase Fig. 2 is applicable to the present invention. #图 The whole squint of the open state of the object phase Fig. 3 is a front view of the intermediate position in the open direction. Figure 4 is a front view of the fully open position. Figure 5 is a front view of the closed position and the position. Fig. 6 is a side cross-sectional view showing the locked state of the second lock mechanism in the front view of the first lock mechanism. Figure 8 is a perspective view of the switching mechanism. Fig. 11 is a side cross-sectional view showing the unlocked state of the second comparative mechanism in the locked state of the second lock _ under the switching mechanism side when the first lock mechanism is unlocked. Figure 12 is a vertical cross-sectional view showing the cover member and the flap in the fully closed position. Figure 13 is a vertical cross-sectional view showing the relationship between the cover member and the flap in the fully open position, 319964 19 200916353. [Description of main components] 1 compartment 3a, 3b cover 5 1st locking mechanism 7 slide 9 compression coil spring 11 brother 2 locking mechanism 13a, 13b L-shaped arm 15 spur gear 17 longitudinal guide cylinder 19 upper sliding Member 21 Horizontal guide cylinder 23 Horizontal release slide 25 Tilt cam 27 Tilt cam slit 29 Tilt cam slit 29b Vertical portion 33 Compression coil spring 35 Second lock screw check 37 Pin 39 Pin 41 Switching mechanism 43 Linker 2 Box Body 4 Release button 6 Torsion coil spring 8 Flap 10 Lifting member 12 Rack slider 14 , 14a, 14b Fan gear 16 Rack 18 Compression screw magazine 20 Notch 22 Compression coil spring 24 1st bolt bolt 26 Vertical cam opening Seam 28 Pin 29 Guide rib 31 Guide portion 34 Lower release slide 36 Tilt cam slit 38 Tilt cam slit 40 Member 42 Intermediate release slide 44 Slide cam 319964 20 200916353 45 Torsion coil spring 46 Side wall 47 Projection 48 Τ-shaped protrusion 49 foot CS center console 收容 receiving space 21 319964