200900225 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明涉及,將積層支持層及至少感光材料層之感光 性織物,以上述感光材料層側朝向基板的方式接著於上述 基板後,使上述支持層與上述基板間露出之上述感光性織 物的一部分一體地從上述基板剝離之感光性織物之剝離裝 置及剝離方法。 【先前技術】 ί 例如,液晶面板用基板、印刷電路用基板、PDP面板 用基板,係以具有感光材料(感光性樹脂)層之感光性薄片 體(感光性織物)貼附於基板表面而構成。感光性薄片體 係,於撓性塑膠支持體上依序積層有感光材料層及保護薄 膜。 因而,用於貼附此種感光性薄片體之貼附裝置(積層裝 置)通常係採用,每隔指定間隔輸送玻璃基板或樹脂基板等 之基板,並對應於貼附在上述基板之感光材料層的範圍, I 從上述感光性薄片體剝離保護薄膜之方式。 例如,已知有日本專利特開2 0 0 3 - 3 3 7 4 1 1號公報揭示之 感光層轉印裝置。此感光層轉印裝置具備,以一定間隔供 給基板之基板供給手段;切斷配合上述基板之轉印區域之 感光層及保護薄膜(覆蓋薄膜),只剝離此經切斷之上述轉 印區域之覆蓋薄膜之薄膜前處理手段;使上述保護薄膜經 剝離之感光層區域與上述轉印區域一致,將保護薄膜已由 上述薄膜前處理手段剝離之積層體薄膜供給於來自上述基 200900225 板供給手段之基板,將上述感光層區域熱壓合於上述轉印 區域之熱壓合手段;藉上述熱壓合手段熱壓合積層體薄膜 的各基板間,從基板往剝離方向擠壓積層體薄膜,至少剝 離保護薄膜及基板之預備剝離手段;及,從基板剝離構成 上述積層體薄膜的支持體之剝離手段。 藉此’各基板間因將至少保護薄膜及基板預先予以剝 離’可防製程中落下而成爲雜質不良,留在上述基板造成 該基板之輸送異常或品質異常。 【發明內容】 本發明涉及此種支持層(支持體)之剝離,其目的在提 供’以簡單構造及製程,即可良好且高品質地完成往基板 之積層處理,提升積層精度之感光性織物之剝離裝置及剝 離方法。 本發明涉及,在將積層支持層及至少感光材料層之感 光性織物,以上述感光材料層側朝向基板的方式接著於上 述基板後’使上述支持層與上述基板間露出之上述感光性 織物之一部分從上述基板一體剝離的感光性織物之剝離裝 置及剝離方法。 剝離裝置具備,從基板剝離支持層之前,按壓上述基 板間露出之感光性織物之一部分,從上述基板剝離上述感 光性織物之一部分的預剝離部;配置在上述預剝離部下 游,從上述基板一體剝離上述支持層及上述感光性織物之 一部分的剝離治具;以及’至少上述基板之輸送一旦停止 之際’使上述剝離治具至少沿基板輸送方向或上述基板輸 200900225 送方向之逆向移動的剝離治具移動部。 再者,剝離治具下游以設置至少朝向基板噴出去靜電 氣體之去靜電機構爲佳。 又,剝離方法具有從基板一體剝離支持層及感光性織 物之一部分以前,按壓一度停止輸送之上述基板間露出之 上述感光性織物之一部分,從上述基板剝離上述感光性織 物之一部分的預剝離步驟,同時至少於上述基板之輸送一 旦停止之際,使上述剝離治具至少沿基板輸送方向或上述 基板輸送方向之逆向移動。 本發明因係透過預剝離部而預剝離基板間露出之感光 性織物之一部分,可透過剝離治具連同上述感光性織物之 一部分從上述基板輕易且確實剝離支持層。 並且,至少於基板之輸送一旦停止之際,將剝離治具 沿基板搬送方向或逆方向予以移動。因此剝離治具並不會 維持部分壓接於停止中之基板上的感光性織物的狀態,而 可確實防止例如於上述感光性織物產生筋紋等。藉此,以 簡單構造及步驟,即可良好且高品質地完成往基板之積層 處理,提升積層精度。 透過配合所附圖式之合適實施形態例的說明,上述目 的、特徵及優點應會更加清楚。 【實施方式】 第1圖係組裝有本發明實施形態有關之剝離裝置之感 光性積層體製造裝置20之示意構造圖。 此製造裝置20,在液晶或有機EL用彩色濾光片之製 200900225 程中,進行將長條狀感光性織物22a、22b之各感光性樹脂 層28(後述)並排而熱轉印於玻璃基板24的作業。以下,積 層有感光性織物22a、22b之玻璃基板24亦稱貼附基板 24a。感光性織物22a、22b各已設定爲指定寬度尺寸,構 成爲例如,上述感光性織物22a比上述感光性織物22b寬。 第2圖係使用於製造裝置20之感光性織物22a、22b 之剖視圖。此感光性織物22a、22b基本上係積層可撓性基 材薄膜(支持層)26、感光性樹脂層(感光材料層)28及保護薄 f ' 膜30而構成。 如第1圖,製造裝置20具備,容納捲繞感光性織物 22a、22b成卷狀之2卷(2卷以上亦可)之感光性織物卷23a、 23b,可同步從各感光性織物卷23a、23b送出上述感光性 織物22a、22b之第1及第2織物送出機構32a、32b ;於送 出之各感光性織物22a、22b之保護薄膜30形成可於寬度 方向切斷之邊界位置:半切部位34之第1及第2加工機構 36a、36b ;以及,使具有一部分非接著部38a之接著標籤 i 38(參照第3圖)黏著於各保護薄膜30之第1及第2標籤接 著機構40a、40b。 第1及第2標籤接著機構40a、40b之下游配設有’用 以將各感光性織物22a、22b從節拍(tact)輸送變更爲連續輸 送之第1及第2儲備機構42a、42b ;從各感光性織物22a、 22b以指定長度間隔剝離保護薄膜30之第1及第2剝離機 構44a、44b ;輸送加熱至指定溫度之狀態下的玻璃基板24 至貼附位置之基板輸送機構45 ;以及,一體旦並排地貼附 200900225 2 8於上述 ,直接偵測 部位34之 近配設有, 與新使用之 =貼附台49 移而於寬度 於此,薄膜 織物送出機 位置調整機 32b亦可構 織物22a、 用以算出容 各感光性織 及第2加工 沿感光性織 物 22a、22b 經剝離上述保護薄膜3 0而露出之感光性樹脂層 玻璃基板24之貼附機構46。 於貼附機構46的貼附位置上游附近配設有 出各感光性織物22a、22b之各邊界位置:半切 第1及第2偵測機構47a、47b。 第1及第2織物送出機構32a、32b下游附 貼附約略使用完畢之感光性織物22a、22b後端 感光性織物2 2 a、2 2 b前端之各自的貼附台4 9 ' / ' 下游,爲控制感光性織物卷2 3 a、2 3 b因捲繞偏 方向之偏移,配設有薄膜末端位置偵測器5 1。 末端位置調整係以於寬度方向移動第1及第2 構3 2a、3 2b而進行,但亦可附設由輥組合成的 構而進行。又,第1及第2織物送出機構3 2a、 成爲,裝塡感光性織物卷23a、23b捲出感光性 22b之捲出軸係2軸或3軸之多軸。 第1及第2加工機構36a、3 6b係配置在, I 納捲回於第1及第2織物送出機構32a、32b之 物卷23a、23b之卷徑的輥對50之下游。第1 機構36a、36b各具備單一圓刀52,此圓刀52 物22a、22b之寬度方向行走,於上述感光性織 之指定位置形成半切部位34。 如第2圖所示,半切部位3 4必須至少切斷保護薄膜 30,實際上,爲確實切斷此保護薄膜30,圓刀52之切入深 度係設定爲可切入感光性樹脂層28以至於基材薄膜26。圓 200900225 刀5 2係採用,在不迴轉之固定狀態下沿感光性織物2 2 a、 22b之寬度方向移動而形成半切部位34之方式,或於上述 感光性織物22a、22b上不滑動迴轉,同時沿上述寬度方向 移動形成上述半切部位34之方式。此半切部位34亦可取 代圓刀5 2,改採例如使用雷射光、超音波之切割方式,或 以其它刀刃、押切刃(托姆森刀具)等形成之方式^ 又,第1及第2加工機構36a、36b亦可係沿各感光性 織物22a、22b之輸送方向(箭頭A方向)僅以指定距離間隔 ί ' 配設2台,包夾殘留部分3 Ob而同時形成2個半切部位34。 半切部位34係例如設定於深入玻璃基板24兩側各 1 0mm之各位置。以玻璃基板24間之半切部位34所夾之部 分具有’於後述貼附機構46貼附感光性樹脂層28於上述 玻璃基板2 4成邊框狀時之作爲遮罩之功能。 因於玻璃基板24間對應留下保護薄膜30之殘留部分 3〇b,第1及第2標籤接著機構40a、40b供給連結剝離側 前方之剝離部分3 0 a a及剝離側後方之剝離部分3 〇 a b的接 K ' 著標籤38。如第2圖所示,保護薄膜30夾著殘留部分3〇b, 並以先前剝離之部分爲前方剝離部分30aa,而以在後剝離 之部分爲後方剝離部分3 0 a b。 如第3圖所示’接著標籤3 8係構成爲長方形狀,以例 如與保護薄膜3 0相同之樹脂材形成。接著標籤3 8於中央 部具有未塗敷黏著劑之非接著(含微黏著)部3 8a,並於此非 接著部3 8 a兩側,亦即上述接著標籤3 8之長邊方向兩端 部’具有接著於前方剝離部分3 Oaa之第1接著部38b,及 -10- 200900225 接著於後方剝離部分30 ab之第2接著部38c ° 如第1圖所示,第1及第2標籤接著機構40a、40b具 備,可各以指定間距分隔而貼附各自最多7片接著標籤3 8 之吸附墊54a〜54g,並在藉上述吸附墊54a〜54g貼附上述 接著標籤3 8之位置,將用以由下方保持感光性織物22a、 2 2 b之承受台5 6配置成可升降自如。 第1及第2儲備機構42a、42b具備擺動自如之舞動輥 60,以吸收上游側之感光性織物22a、22b之節拍輸送與下 f 流側之感光性織物22a、22b之連續輸送的速度差。於第2 儲備機構42b配設有用以將從第1及第2織物送出機構 3 2a、3 2b送出之各感光性織物22a、22b在抵達貼附機構46 爲止之各輸送徑長調整爲相同之舞動輥6 1 ° 配置於第1及第2儲備機構42a、42b下游之第1及第 2剝離機構44a、44b具備抽吸鼓62以阻止各感光性織物 22a、2 2b於送出側有張力變動,使積層時之張力穩定。各 抽吸鼓62附近配設有剝離輥63,同時透過剝離輥63將從 感光性織物22a、22b所剝離之保護薄膜30 ’除殘留部分 3 0b外,分別予以捲取於保護薄膜捲取部64。 第1及第2剝離機構44a、44b之下游側配設有可於感 光性織物2 2 a、2 2 b賦予張力之第1及第2張力控制機構 66a、6 6b。第1及第2張力控制機構66a、66b各具備活塞 68,在上述活塞68之驅動作用下’各張力舞動子70擺動 移位而可調整滑接各張力舞動子70的感光性織物22a、22b 之張力。 -11- 200900225 第1及第2偵測機構47a、47b具備雷射感測器或光感 測器等光電感測器72a、72b,上述光電感測器72a、72b直 接偵測出’半切部位3 4之楔形之溝形狀部、保護薄膜3 0 厚度造成之高低差,或這些之組合所致之變化,以此偵測 信號作爲邊界位置信號。光電感測器72a、72b係與支撐輥 73a、73b相向配置。而亦可取代光電感測器72a、72b,改 用非接觸位移計或CCD照相機等影像檢查手段等。又,CCD 照相機亦可配置於不與支撐輥7 3 a、7 3 b相向之位置。 基板輸送機構45具備,配設成可夾持玻璃基板24之 複數組基板加熱部(例如加熱器)74,及沿箭頭C方向輸送 此玻璃基板24之輸送部76。基板加熱部74平時能監視玻 璃基板24之溫度,有異常時停止輸送部76及發出警報, 並可發送異常資訊,於嗣後步驟作異常玻璃基板24之NG 排出,於品質管理或生產管理有用。輸送部76配設有未圖 示之氣浮板,使玻璃基板24浮起沿箭頭C方向輸送。玻璃 基板24之輸送亦可藉輥式輸送機進行。 基板加熱部74上游設有容納複數玻璃基板24之基板 庫7 1。容納於此基板庫7 1之各玻璃基板24係由設在機器 人75之手臂部75a的吸附墊79吸附取出,插入基板加熱 部74。 貼附機構4 6係上下配設,並具備加熱至指定溫度之橡 膠輥8 0 a、8 0 b。支撐輥8 2 a、8 2 b滑接於橡膠輥8 0 a、8 0 b, 同時上述支撐輥82b被構成輥夾部83之加壓活塞84a、84b 按壓於橡膠輥80b側。 200900225 橡膠輥80a附近配設有可移動之·’用於'防止感光性,織 物22a、2 2b接觸上述橡膠輥80a之接觸防止輥86 °貼附機 構4 6之上游附近配設有用於預備加熱感光性織物2 2 a、2 2 b 至預定溫度之預備加熱部8 7。此預加熱部8 7具備例如紅外 線棒加熱器等加熱手段。 玻璃基板24係從貼附機構46透過輸送道8 8沿箭頭C 方向輸送。此輸送道88配設有薄膜輸送輥90a、90b及基 板輸送輥9 2。橡膠輥8 0 a、8 0 b與基板輸送輥9 2之間隔係 以設定成一片玻璃基板24之長度以下爲佳。 貼附機構4 6下游設有冷卻機構1 2 2及本實施形態有關 之剝離裝置:基材自動剝離裝置142。基材自動剝離裝置 142具備,按壓玻璃基板24間露出之保護薄膜30的殘留部 分3 0b,將上述殘留部分30b與對應於半切部位34之感光 性樹脂層2 8從上述玻璃基板24 —體剝離之預剝離部1 44 ; 配置在上述預剝離部144下游,將基材薄膜26從上述玻璃 基板24連續剝離之剝離輥(剝離治具)1 46 ;以及,使上述剝 離輥146沿箭頭C方向及箭頭C方向之逆向(箭頭D方向) 移動之剝離輥移動部(剝離治具移動部)1 48。 預剝離部1 44如第4圖所示般具備,按壓玻璃基板24 間露出之保護薄膜30的殘留部分30b,將上述殘留部分30b 從上述玻璃基板2 4剝離之剝離構件1 5 0 :使上述剝離構件 150可沿箭頭C方向(基板輸送方向)進退之移動機構152; 以及,用於偵測上述剝離構件1 5 0對於上述殘留部分3 Ob 之按壓位置的偵測器,例如CCD照相機1 54(參照第1圖)。 200900225 移動機構1 5 2如第4圖所示般具備可沿箭頭C方向進 退之單軸機器人156,連結於此單軸機器人156之外殼158 係配置成可透過導軌(例如LM導桿)1 60沿箭頭C方向進退。 外殼158安裝有迴轉自如之複數承受輥162,上述承受 輥1 62間配置有升降活塞1 64。從升降活塞1 64向上延伸之 桿1 6 6安裝有剝離構件1 5 0。剝離構件1 5 0如第5圖所示, 係於與箭頭C方向交叉之箭頭E方向予以構成爲長條狀。 如第4圖所示,外殼1 5 8安裝有防止基板從剝離輥1 46 (側抬起接觸基材薄膜26之按壓構件167。此按壓構件167 在殘留部分30b由剝離構件1 50上抬時,具有阻止玻璃基 板24超出必要地上抬之功能。而圖雖未示,按壓構件1 67 係例如構成爲透過活塞升降自如,並可於剝離構件1 50之 上抬時使上述按壓構件1 67接觸基材薄膜26,盡可能抑制 玻璃基板24之移位。 剝離輥移動部148具備迴轉自如地支持剝離輥146兩 端之框架168a、168b,上述框架168a、168b透過單軸機器 人170a、170b可沿箭頭C方向及沿箭頭D方向移動自如。 如第1圖所示,以剝離輥1 46剝離之基材薄膜26係由 捲取軸1 7 2捲取。此捲取軸1 7 2於驅動時控制轉矩,於基 材薄膜2 6賦予張力。 如第4圖所示,剝離輥1 46下游配置有朝向基材薄膜 26經剝離之玻璃基板24噴出去靜電氣體之複數去靜電機 構174,並沿上述基材薄膜26配置有朝向由上述剝離輥146 剝離之基材薄膜 26噴出去靜電氣體之複數去靜電機構 -14- 200900225 176 ° 如第1圖,基材自動剝離裝置14 2下游配置有,測定 實際貼附於玻璃基板24之感光性樹脂層2 8的區域位置之 測定器1 8 0。此測定器1 8 0具備例如C C D等之照相機1 8 2, 上述照相機1 82係爲貼附有感光性樹脂層28之玻璃基板24 之攝影而配設。 基材剝離機構1 24下游設有容納複數感光性積層體 208之感光性積層體庫190。以基材自動剝離裝置142從貼 附基板24a剝離基材薄膜26及殘留部分30b之感光性積層 體208,係由設在機器人192之手臂部192a的吸附墊194 吸附取出,容納於感光性積層體庫1 9 0。 製造裝置20中,第1及第2織物送出機構32a、32b, 第1及第2加工機構36a、36b,第1及第2標籤接著機構 40a' 4 0b,第1及第2儲備機構42a、42b,第1及第2剝 離機構44a、44b,第1及第2張力控制機構66a、66b以及 第1及第2偵測機構47a、47b係配置於貼附機構46上方, 但亦可與此相反,將上述第1及第2織物送出機構32a、32b 至第1及第2偵測機構47a、47b配置於上述貼附機構46 下方,感光性織物22a、22b上下反轉而貼附感光性樹脂層 28於玻璃基板24下側,並亦可將上述製造裝置20全體構 成於直線上。 製造裝置20係透過積層製程控制部200控制全體,此 製造裝置20之各功能部各設有例如積層控制部202、基板 加熱控制部204及基材剝離控制部206等,這些在製程內 200900225 藉由網路所連繫。積層製程控制部200係連養 執行來自未圖示之工廠CPU之指示資訊(條 資訊)之生產管理及運轉管理等生產所需之資 基板加熱控制部204控制,接收來自上 基板24,加熱此玻璃基板24至所欲溫度供 46之動作及該玻璃基板24之資訊的取用等, 積層控制部202作爲製程全體之主宰, 控制,係構成爲基於由第1及第2偵測機構 測出之感光性織物22a、22b的半切部位34 而可控制在貼附位置的各邊界位置與玻璃基 位置及各邊界位置間之相對位置的控制機構 基材剝離控制部206從供給自貼附機構 24a剝離基材薄膜26,更於下游步驟控制感另 之排出動作,並控制上述貼附基板24a及上 體2 0 8之資訊取用。 基材剝離控制部206更基於以CCD照相 貼附基板24a的影像資訊測定玻璃基板24間 演算上述玻璃基板2 4在停止之際的上述按歷 演算結果,得剝離構件1 5 0之預剝離用停止 動機構152。 製造裝置20內,透過隔離牆210隔成第 及第2潔淨室212b。第1及第2織物送出機 第1及第2張力控制機構66a、66b係容納 212a,而第1及第2偵測機構47a、47b以降 I於工廠網路, 件設定及生產 訊處理。 游步驟之玻璃 給於貼附機構 3 進行各功能部 4 7 a、4 7 b 所偵 之位置資訊, 板24之相對 〇 46之貼附基板 3性積層體208 述感光性積層 機1 5 4攝影之 丨之按壓位置, I位置。基於此 位置,控制移 1潔淨室2 1 2 a 構 3 2a、3 2b 至 於第1潔淨室 則係容納於第 200900225 2潔淨室212b。第1潔淨室212a及第2潔淨室212b係透過 貫通部2 1 4連通。 以下說明如此構成之製造裝置20之動作。 _ 首先,從安裝於第1及第2織物送出機構32a、32b之 各感光性織物卷23a、23b送出感光性織物22a、22b。輸送 感光性織物22a、22b至第1及第2加工機構36a、36b。 第1及第2加工機構36a、36b之圓刀52沿感光性織 物22a、22b之寬度方向移動,自保護薄膜30切入上述感 f 光性織物22a、22b到感光性樹脂層28以至於基材薄膜26 而形成半切部位34(參照第2圖)。 感光性織物22a、22b更如第1圖所示在對應於保護薄 膜3 0之殘留部分3 Ob的尺寸沿箭頭A方向輸送後停止,在 圓刀52之行走作用下形成半切部位34。藉此,於感光性織 物22a、22b設置夾著殘留部分30b之前方剝離部分30aa 及後方剝離部分3 0 a b (參照第2圖)。 其次,輸送各感光性織物22a、22b至第1及第2標籤 k 接著機構40a、40b,配置保護薄膜30之指定貼附部位於承 受台56上。於第1及第2標籤接著機構40a、40b,指定片 數之接著標籤38藉由吸附墊54a〜5 4g吸附保持,各接著 標籤38跨越保護薄膜30之殘留部分30b,將前方剝離部分 3 0aa及後方剝離部分30ab —體地予以接著(參照第3圖)。 例如,接著7條接著標籤38之感光性織物22a、22b 如第1圖所示’透著第1及第2儲備機構42a、42b防止送 出側之張力變動後’連續輸送往第1及第2剝離機構44a、 -17 - 200900225 44b。於第1及第2剝離機構44a、44b,如第6圖所示,感 光性織物22a、22b之基材薄膜26由抽吸鼓62吸著保持, 同時從感光性織物22a、22b剝離保護薄膜30留下殘留部 分3 0b。此保護薄膜30透過剝離輥63剝離,捲取於保護薄 膜捲取部64(參照第1圖)。 在第1及第2剝離機構44a、44b之作用下,保護薄膜 30留下殘留部分30b從基材薄膜26剝離後,感光性織物 22a、22b由第1及第2張力控制機構66a、66b調整張力, ί 更於第1及第2偵測機構47a、47b由光電感測器72a、72b 偵測出半切部位34。 各感光性織物22a、22b基於半切部位34之偵測資訊, 在薄膜輸送輥90a、90b之迴轉作用下定量輸送往貼附機構 46。另一方面,玻璃基板24在基板輸送機構45之作用下, 於事先加熱狀態下輸送往貼附位置。此玻璃基板24係對應 於並排之感光性織物22a、22b之感光性樹脂層28的貼附 部分,一度配置於橡膠輥80a、80b之間。 / 此狀態下,藉由使支撐輥82b及橡膠輥80b上升而以 指定壓合壓力於橡膠輥80a、80b間夾入玻璃基板24。更在 橡膠輥80a之迴轉作用下,並排之各感光性樹脂層28被轉 印(積層)於此玻璃基板24。 於此,積層條件係,速度l.〇m/min〜l〇.〇m/min,橡膠 輥80a、80b之溫度80°C〜150°C,上述橡膠輥80a、80b之 橡膠硬度40度〜90度,該橡膠輥80a、80b之壓合壓力(線 壓)50N/cm 〜400N/cm。 -18- 200900225 當透過橡膠輥80a、80b於玻璃基板24之感光性織物 22a、22b的一片分之積層結束時,則停止上述橡膠輥8〇a之 迴轉’另一方面,積層有上述感光性織物22a、22b之上述 玻璃基板24 ’亦即貼附基板24a係藉由基板輸送輥92夾住。 然後橡膠輥80b自橡膠輥80a於分開方向上退避而將 夾具予以解除,並啓動基板輸送輥92之迴轉,沿箭頭C方 向定量輸送貼附基板24a,使感光性織物22a、22b之基板 間位置移至橡膠輥80a下方附近之指定位置。另一方面, ί ; 透過基板輸送機構45將次一玻璃基板24朝向貼附位置輸 送。 當該次一玻璃基板24先端經配置於橡膠輥80a、80b 間時,則上述橡膠輥80b上升,藉上述橡膠輥80a、80b夾 住上述次一玻璃基板24及感光性織物22a、22b。然後在橡 膠輥80a、80b及基板輸送輥92之迴轉作用下開始積層, 並沿箭頭C方向輸送貼附基板24a。 此際,貼附基板24a如第4圖所示,各自端部彼此間 ( 係藉由殘留部分30b所覆蓋。因此,轉印感光性樹脂層28 於玻璃基板24之際,橡膠輥80a、80b不會被上述感光性 樹脂層2 8污染。 另一方面,因積層時之熱,有在感光性樹脂層28之半 切部位34發生液體下垂,而將上述感光性樹脂層28接著 於玻璃基板24之虞。因此,從貼附基板24a剝離基材薄膜 26之際,對應於半切部位34會有接著於玻璃基板24之感 光性樹脂層28及殘留部分30b不會自上述玻璃基板24剝 -19- 200900225 離的情況。 於此,本實施形態中’以貼附機構4 6積層之貼附基板 2 4 a通過冷卻機構1 2 2冷卻後’移送到預剝離部1 4 4。以下’ 本實施形態有關之剝離方法係依如第7圖所示之時序圖進 行。 貼附機構46斷續地積層感光性織物22a、22b於各玻 璃基板24,每當各積層處理一結束即停止橡膠輥80a之迴 轉,並一度停止玻璃基板24之輸送。 f1 然後,停止玻璃基板24之輸送後,至以貼附機構46 對應於上述玻璃基板24間’亦即對應於保護薄膜3 0之殘 留部分30b而稍微移動玻璃基板24之期間,驅動預剝離部 144 ° 如第4圖及第5圖所示,在升降活塞164之驅動作用 下,剝離構件150與桿166 —體上升。因此,剝離構件150 被插入玻璃基板24間於垂直上方向按壓殘留部分30b(參照 第8圖)。因而於玻璃基板24間露出之殘留部分30b ’對應 I 於半切部位3 4與容易接著於上述玻璃基板24之感光性樹 脂層2 8被一體地從上述玻璃基板24之端部剝離。 另一方面,於預剝離部144下游側,在捲取軸1 7 2之 迴轉作用下,透過剝離輥1 46從貼附基板24a連續捲取基 材薄膜2 6 (參照第1圖)。此際,剝離輥1 4 6如第7圖所示, 在往玻璃基板24的感光性織物22a、22b之積層處理結束 前,透過構成剝離輥移動部148之單軸機器人170a、170b 往箭頭D方向(上游側)移動。 -20- 200900225 其次’積層處理結束,一度停止玻璃基板24後,至對 應於殘留部分3 Ob稍微移動之期間,剝離輥14 6沿箭頭D 方向移動同時進行基材薄膜26之剝離處理。進一步地,當 開始玻璃基板24之稍微移動時,則剝離輥1 46開始往箭頭 C方向(下游側)移動,結束上述玻璃基板24之稍微移動, 一度停止’開始往新玻璃基板24作積層處理後,上述剝離 輥146往箭頭C方向之移動停止。 如此,本實施形態中,一度停止輸送玻璃基板24之期 間,係使剝離輥14 6沿箭頭D方向及/或沿箭頭C方向移 動。因此,剝離輥1 46可不維持部分壓接於停止中之玻璃 基板24上之感光性織物22a、22b之狀態,確實阻止例如, 於上述感光性織物2 2 a、2 2 b產生筋紋等。 藉此,以簡單構造及步驟即可高精度且良好地積層感 光性樹脂層28於玻璃基板24,獲得提升積層精度之效果。 而且,剛要以剝離輥146作基材薄膜26之剝離處理 前,透過預剝離部1 44將對應於殘留部分3Ob及半切部位 34之感光性樹脂層28從玻璃基板24剝離。因此,有對應 於殘留部分30b及半切部位34之感光性樹脂層28可輕易 且確實地與基材薄膜26 —體地從玻璃基板24剝離之優點。 又,預剝離部144基於透過CCD照相機154攝影之貼 附基板24a之影像資訊,沿箭頭C方向或箭頭D方向調整 單軸機器人1 5 6之位置(參照第7圖)。因此,即可對應於依 序送來之各玻璃基板24間之剝離位置輕易且確實地配置 剝離構件1 50,可有效率地剝離對應於殘留部分30b及半切 200900225 部位3 4之感光性樹脂層2 8。 如上述般,經剝離基材薄膜26之玻璃基板24如第4 圖所示,係被沿箭頭C方向輸送,同時以噴出自去靜電機 構1 74之去靜電氣體去靜電後,配置在對應於測定器1 80 之檢查站。此檢查站如第1圖所示,在玻璃基板24被定位 固定之狀態下,藉由照相機1 82攝取玻璃基板24及感光性 樹脂層2 8之影像。接著,施行影像處理,演算貼附位置。 然後,透過機器人1 9 2將感光性積層體2 0 8收納於感光性 / 積層體庫1 9 0。 另一方面,從玻璃基板24剝離之基材薄膜26如第4 圖所示,以噴出自去靜電機構176之去靜電氣體去靜電後, 捲取於捲取軸172 (參照第1圖)。 又,本實施形態係使用2卷感光性織物卷2 3 a ' 2 3 b, 但不限於此,亦可採用1卷感光性織物卷,或3卷以上之 感光性織物卷。 【圖式簡單說明】 ^ " 第1圖爲組裝有本發明實施形態有關之剝離裝置之感 光性積層體的製造裝置之示意構造圖。 第2圖爲使用於上述製造裝置之長條狀感光性織物之 剖視圖。 第3圖爲於上述長條狀感光性織物接著有接著標籤之 狀態的說明圖。 第4圖爲基材自動剝離裝置之構造說明圖。 第5圖爲上述基材自動剝離裝置之側面說明圖。 -22- 200900225 第6圖爲從上述感光性織物剝離保護薄膜之際的說明 圖。 第7圖爲說明本發明之剝離方法的時序圖。 第8圖爲預剝離部之動作說明圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 \ 20 製造裝置 22a 、 22b 感光性織物 23a 、 23b 感光性織物卷 24 玻璃基板 26 基材薄膜 28 感光性樹脂層 30 保護薄膜 142 基材自動剝離裝置 144 預剝離部 146 剝離輥 148 剝離輥移動部 150 剝離構件 152 移動機構 154 CCD照相機 162 承受輥 164 升降活塞 -23 -。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 A peeling device and a peeling method of the photosensitive woven fabric in which a part of the photosensitive woven fabric exposed between the layer and the substrate is integrally peeled off from the substrate. [Prior Art] For example, a substrate for a liquid crystal panel, a substrate for a printed circuit, and a substrate for a PDP panel are formed by attaching a photosensitive sheet (photosensitive fabric) having a photosensitive material (photosensitive resin) layer to a surface of a substrate. . A photosensitive sheet system in which a photosensitive material layer and a protective film are sequentially laminated on a flexible plastic support. Therefore, the attaching apparatus (layering apparatus) for attaching such a photosensitive sheet is generally used to transport a substrate such as a glass substrate or a resin substrate at a predetermined interval, and corresponds to a photosensitive material layer attached to the substrate. The range of I is the manner in which the protective film is peeled off from the above-mentioned photosensitive sheet. For example, a photosensitive layer transfer device disclosed in Japanese Patent Laid-Open Publication No. Hei. No. 2 0 0 3 - 3 7 7 1 1 is known. The photosensitive layer transfer device includes a substrate supply means for supplying a substrate at a predetermined interval, and a photosensitive layer and a protective film (covering film) for cutting the transfer region of the substrate are cut, and only the cut transfer region is peeled off. a film pretreatment means for covering the film; the photosensitive layer region of the protective film being peeled off is aligned with the transfer region, and the laminate film having the protective film peeled off by the film pretreatment means is supplied to the substrate supply means from the base 200900225 a substrate: a thermocompression bonding means for thermocompression bonding the photosensitive layer region to the transfer region; and thermally laminating between the substrates of the laminated film by the thermal pressing means, and pressing the laminated film from the substrate in a peeling direction, at least A preliminary peeling means for peeling off the protective film and the substrate; and a peeling means for peeling off the support constituting the laminated thin film from the substrate. Therefore, at least the protective film and the substrate are peeled off in advance between the substrates, and it is possible to prevent the film from falling due to dropping during the process, and leaving the substrate causes the substrate to be conveyed abnormally or abnormally. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to the peeling of such a support layer (support), and the object thereof is to provide a photosensitive fabric which can be laminated to a substrate with good structure and high quality, and which can improve the lamination precision with a simple structure and a process. Peeling device and peeling method. The present invention relates to a photosensitive fabric in which a laminated support layer and at least a photosensitive material layer are attached to the substrate so that the photosensitive material layer side faces the substrate, and the photosensitive fabric is exposed between the support layer and the substrate. A part of a photosensitive fabric peeling device and a peeling method which are integrally peeled off from the substrate. The peeling device includes a portion of the photosensitive fabric exposed between the substrates before the support layer is peeled off from the substrate, and a pre-separation portion of the photosensitive fabric is peeled off from the substrate; and is disposed downstream of the pre-separation portion and integrated from the substrate a peeling jig that peels off the support layer and a portion of the photosensitive fabric; and a peeling of the peeling jig at least in the substrate transport direction or the substrate transport direction 200900225 when the transport of the substrate is stopped Fixture moving department. Further, it is preferable to dispose the downstream of the jig to provide a destaticizing mechanism for ejecting at least the electrostatic gas toward the substrate. Further, the peeling method has a pre-peeling step of peeling off one of the photosensitive fabrics from the substrate before the substrate is partially peeled off from the support layer and the photosensitive fabric, and one portion of the photosensitive fabric exposed between the substrates that have been stopped for one time is pressed. At the same time, at least when the transport of the substrate is stopped, the peeling jig is moved in the reverse direction of at least the substrate transport direction or the substrate transport direction. In the present invention, a part of the photosensitive fabric exposed between the substrates is preliminarily peeled off through the pre-peeling portion, and the support layer can be easily and surely peeled off from the substrate through the peeling jig together with a part of the photosensitive fabric. Further, at least when the transport of the substrate is stopped, the peeling jig is moved in the substrate transport direction or the reverse direction. Therefore, the peeling of the jig does not maintain the state of the photosensitive fabric partially pressed against the substrate being stopped, and it is possible to surely prevent ribs and the like from being generated, for example, in the above-mentioned photosensitive fabric. Thereby, the lamination processing to the substrate can be completed with good structure and high quality, and the lamination precision can be improved. The above objects, features and advantages will be more apparent from the description of the preferred embodiments of the drawings. [Embodiment] FIG. 1 is a schematic structural view of a photosensitive laminate manufacturing apparatus 20 in which a peeling apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention is incorporated. In the manufacturing apparatus 20, the photosensitive resin layers 28 (described later) of the long-length photosensitive webs 22a and 22b are placed side by side and thermally transferred to a glass substrate in the process of the liquid crystal or the color filter for the organic EL. 24 homework. Hereinafter, the glass substrate 24 in which the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b are laminated is also referred to as a substrate 24a. Each of the photosensitive webs 22a and 22b is set to a predetermined width, and the photosensitive web 22a is made wider than the photosensitive web 22b, for example. Fig. 2 is a cross-sectional view of the photosensitive fabrics 22a, 22b used in the manufacturing apparatus 20. The photosensitive webs 22a and 22b are basically formed by laminating a flexible base film (support layer) 26, a photosensitive resin layer (photosensitive material layer) 28, and a protective thin f' film 30. As shown in Fig. 1, the manufacturing apparatus 20 is provided with two rolls (two rolls or more) of photosensitive fabric rolls 23a and 23b that are wound in a roll shape around the photosensitive webs 22a and 22b, and can be synchronously fed from each of the photosensitive web rolls 23a. And 23b, the first and second fabric feeding mechanisms 32a and 32b of the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b are fed out; and the protective film 30 of the photosensitive webs 22a and 22b that are fed out is formed at a boundary position which can be cut in the width direction: a half cut portion The first and second processing mechanisms 36a and 36b of the protective film 30 are adhered to the first and second processing mechanisms 36a and 36b of the protective film 30, and the first and second labeling mechanisms 36a and 36b having the partial non-rear portion 38a. 40b. The first and second storage mechanisms 42a and 42b for changing the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b from the tact conveyance to the continuous conveyance are disposed downstream of the first and second label attachment mechanisms 40a and 40b. Each of the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b peels off the first and second peeling mechanisms 44a and 44b of the protective film 30 at a predetermined length, and transports the glass substrate 24 heated to a predetermined temperature to the substrate transporting mechanism 45 at the attaching position; In the above, the direct detection part 34 is arranged nearby, and the newly used = attachment station 49 is moved over the width, and the film fabric feeder position adjusting machine 32b can also be used. The woven fabric 22a is used to calculate a affixing mechanism 46 for accommodating the photosensitive woven fabric and the photosensitive resin glazing substrate 24 which is exposed to the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b by peeling off the protective film 30. The boundary positions of the respective photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b are disposed near the upstream of the attachment position of the attaching mechanism 46: the first and second detecting mechanisms 47a and 47b are half-cut. The first and second fabric feeding mechanisms 32a and 32b are attached downstream of the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b which are slightly used, and the front end of the photosensitive fabrics 2 2 a and 2 2 b are attached to the front end of the first and second fabric feeding mechanisms 22a and 32b. In order to control the offset of the photosensitive fabric roll 2 3 a, 2 3 b due to the winding bias direction, a film end position detector 51 is disposed. The end position adjustment is performed by moving the first and second configurations 3 2a and 3 2b in the width direction, but it may be carried out by a combination of rollers. Further, the first and second fabric feeding mechanisms 3 2a are mounted on the photosensitive fabric rolls 23a and 23b, and the unwinding shaft of the photosensitive member 22b is wound in two or three axes. The first and second processing mechanisms 36a and 36b are disposed downstream of the roller pair 50 of the winding diameter of the rolls 23a and 23b of the first and second fabric feeding mechanisms 32a and 32b. Each of the first mechanisms 36a and 36b is provided with a single circular blade 52. The circular blades 52 are moved in the width direction of the objects 22a and 22b, and a half-cut portion 34 is formed at a predetermined position of the photosensitive woven fabric. As shown in Fig. 2, the half-cut portion 34 must cut at least the protective film 30. Actually, in order to surely cut the protective film 30, the cutting depth of the circular blade 52 is set so that the photosensitive resin layer 28 can be cut into the base. Material film 26. Round 200900225 The knife 5 2 is used to form a half-cut portion 34 in the width direction of the photosensitive fabrics 2 2 a, 22b in a fixed state without rotation, or to slide on the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b. At the same time, the manner of forming the above-described half-cut portion 34 is performed in the above-described width direction. This half-cut portion 34 can also be used in place of the round knife 52, for example, by using laser light, ultrasonic cutting, or by other cutting edges, cutting edges (Thomson knives), etc. ^, first and second The processing mechanisms 36a and 36b may be disposed at intervals of only a predetermined distance along the transport direction (arrow A direction) of each of the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b, and the residual portion 3 Ob may be sandwiched to form two half-cut portions 34 at the same time. . The half-cut portion 34 is set, for example, at a position 10 mm deep on both sides of the glass substrate 24. The portion sandwiched by the half-cut portion 34 between the glass substrates 24 has a function as a mask when the photosensitive resin layer 28 is attached to the glass substrate 24 in a frame shape by the attaching mechanism 46 to be described later. Since the remaining portions 3〇b of the protective film 30 are left between the glass substrates 24, the first and second label attachment mechanisms 40a and 40b are supplied with the peeling portion 3 0 aa that is connected to the front side of the peeling side and the peeling portion 3 that is behind the peeling side. The ab of the K' is labeled 38. As shown in Fig. 2, the protective film 30 sandwiches the remaining portion 3〇b, and the previously peeled portion is the front peeling portion 30aa, and the rear peeled portion is the rear peeling portion 3 0 a b. As shown in Fig. 3, the label 38 is formed into a rectangular shape, and is formed of, for example, the same resin material as the protective film 30. Next, the label 38 has a non-adhesive (including micro-adhesive) portion 38a which is not coated with an adhesive at the central portion, and is provided on both sides of the non-adjacent portion 38a, that is, at both ends of the long-side direction of the subsequent label 38. The first portion 38b having the front peeling portion 3 Oaa and the second rear portion 38c of the back peeling portion 30 ab are as shown in Fig. 1, and the first and second labels are next. The mechanisms 40a and 40b are provided so as to be attached to the suction pads 54a to 54g of up to seven sheets of the subsequent labels 3 8 at a predetermined pitch, and the positions of the subsequent labels 38 are attached by the adsorption pads 54a to 54g. The receiving table 56 for holding the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 2 2 b from below is disposed so as to be movable up and down. The first and second storage mechanisms 42a and 42b are provided with a swinging roller 60 that oscillates to absorb the difference in speed between the continuous conveyance of the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b on the upstream side and the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b on the lower f-flow side. . In the second storage mechanism 42b, the respective transport fabrics 22a and 22b for feeding the first and second fabric delivery mechanisms 3 2a and 3 2b are adjusted to have the same transport path length until they reach the attaching mechanism 46. The dancer roller 6 1 ° The first and second peeling mechanisms 44a and 44b disposed downstream of the first and second storage mechanisms 42a and 42b are provided with suction drums 62 to prevent tension fluctuations of the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b on the delivery side. To stabilize the tension during lamination. A peeling roller 63 is disposed in the vicinity of each of the suction drums 62, and the protective film 30' peeled off from the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b by the peeling roller 63 is wound around the protective film winding portion except for the residual portion 30b. 64. On the downstream side of the first and second peeling mechanisms 44a and 44b, first and second tension control mechanisms 66a and 66b that can apply tension to the photosensitive fabrics 2 2 a and 2 2 b are disposed. Each of the first and second tension control mechanisms 66a and 66b is provided with a piston 68. Under the driving action of the piston 68, the tension dancers 70 are oscillated and displaced, and the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b of the respective tension dancers 70 can be adjusted to be slidably attached. The tension. -11- 200900225 The first and second detecting mechanisms 47a and 47b are provided with photodetectors 72a and 72b such as laser sensors or photo sensors, and the photodetectors 72a and 72b directly detect the 'half-cut portion The wedge-shaped groove shape portion, the height difference caused by the thickness of the protective film 30, or the change caused by the combination thereof, thereby detecting the signal as a boundary position signal. The photodetectors 72a and 72b are disposed to face the support rollers 73a and 73b. Instead of the photodetectors 72a and 72b, it is also possible to use an image inspection means such as a non-contact displacement meter or a CCD camera. Further, the CCD camera may be disposed at a position that does not face the support rollers 733a, 337b. The substrate transfer mechanism 45 includes a multi-array substrate heating portion (for example, a heater) 74 that can hold the glass substrate 24, and a transport portion 76 that transports the glass substrate 24 in the direction of the arrow C. The substrate heating unit 74 can monitor the temperature of the glass substrate 24 in a normal state. When there is an abnormality, the transport unit 76 is stopped and an alarm is issued, and abnormal information can be transmitted, and the NG discharge of the abnormal glass substrate 24 can be performed in the subsequent step, which is useful for quality management or production management. The conveying portion 76 is provided with an air floating plate (not shown), and the glass substrate 24 is floated and transported in the direction of the arrow C. The transport of the glass substrate 24 can also be carried out by means of a roller conveyor. A substrate library 71 for accommodating a plurality of glass substrates 24 is provided upstream of the substrate heating portion 74. Each of the glass substrates 24 accommodated in the substrate library 71 is sucked and taken out by the adsorption pad 79 provided in the arm portion 75a of the robot 75, and inserted into the substrate heating portion 74. The attaching mechanism 46 is disposed above and below, and has rubber rollers 80a and 80b heated to a predetermined temperature. The support rollers 8 2 a, 8 2 b are slidably attached to the rubber rollers 80a, 80b, and the support rollers 82b are pressed against the rubber roller 80b side by the pressurizing pistons 84a, 84b constituting the roller clamp portion 83. 200900225 The vicinity of the rubber roller 80a is provided with a movable contact for preventing the photosensitivity, and the fabric 22a, 22b is in contact with the rubber roller 80a. The contact preventing roller 86 is disposed near the upstream of the attaching mechanism 46 for preliminary heating. The photosensitive fabric 2 2 a, 2 2 b is supplied to the preliminary heating portion 87 of a predetermined temperature. This preheating unit 8 7 includes a heating means such as an infrared bar heater. The glass substrate 24 is transported from the attaching mechanism 46 through the transport path 8 8 in the direction of the arrow C. This conveying path 88 is provided with film conveying rollers 90a, 90b and a substrate conveying roller 92. The distance between the rubber rollers 80a and 80b and the substrate transporting roller 9 2 is preferably set to be less than or equal to the length of one glass substrate 24. A downstream of the attaching mechanism 46 is provided with a cooling mechanism 1 22 and a peeling device according to the present embodiment: an automatic substrate peeling device 142. The substrate automatic peeling device 142 includes a residual portion 30b that presses the protective film 30 exposed between the glass substrates 24, and the remaining portion 30b and the photosensitive resin layer 28 corresponding to the half-cut portion 34 are peeled off from the glass substrate 24. a pre-peeling portion 1 44; a peeling roll (peeling jig) 1 46 disposed downstream of the pre-separation portion 144 to continuously peel the base film 26 from the glass substrate 24; and the peeling roller 146 in the direction of the arrow C And a peeling roller moving portion (peeling jig moving portion) 1 48 that moves in the reverse direction of the arrow C direction (in the direction of the arrow D). The pre-peeling portion 1 44 is provided as shown in Fig. 4, and the remaining portion 30b of the protective film 30 exposed between the glass substrates 24 is pressed, and the peeling member 150 is peeled from the glass substrate 24 by the remaining portion 30b: a moving mechanism 152 that the peeling member 150 can advance and retreat in the direction of the arrow C (substrate conveying direction); and a detector for detecting the pressing position of the peeling member 150 for the residual portion 3 Ob, such as a CCD camera 1 54 (Refer to Figure 1). 200900225 The moving mechanism 1 5 2 has a single-axis robot 156 that can advance and retreat in the direction of the arrow C as shown in Fig. 4, and the outer casing 158 connected to the single-axis robot 156 is configured to be permeable to the guide rail (for example, the LM guide) 1 60 Move forward and backward in the direction of arrow C. The outer casing 158 is provided with a plurality of slewing rollers 162 which are freely rotatable, and a lifting piston 1 64 is disposed between the urging rollers 1 62. A rod 166 extending upward from the lift piston 1 64 is fitted with a peeling member 150. As shown in Fig. 5, the peeling member 150 is formed in an elongated shape in the direction of the arrow E intersecting the direction of the arrow C. As shown in Fig. 4, the outer casing 158 is attached with a pressing member 167 for preventing the substrate from being lifted from the peeling roller 1 46 (the side is brought up to contact the base film 26). This pressing member 167 is lifted by the peeling member 150 when the residual portion 30b is lifted The pressing member 167 is configured to be movable up and down through the piston, and can be brought into contact with the pressing member 1 67 when the peeling member 150 is lifted, although not shown. The base film 26 suppresses displacement of the glass substrate 24 as much as possible. The peeling roller moving portion 148 includes frames 168a and 168b that rotatably support both ends of the peeling roller 146, and the frames 168a and 168b are movable along the single-axis robots 170a and 170b. The direction of the arrow C is movable in the direction of the arrow D. As shown in Fig. 1, the base film 26 peeled off by the peeling roller 146 is taken up by the take-up shaft 172. When the take-up shaft 172 is driven The torque is controlled to apply tension to the base film 26. As shown in Fig. 4, a plurality of destaticizing mechanisms 174 are disposed downstream of the peeling roller 1 46 to discharge the electrostatic gas toward the peeled glass substrate 24 of the base film 26. Arranged along the above substrate film 26 The plurality of destaticizing means 14-200900225 176 ° is sprayed toward the base film 26 peeled off by the peeling roller 146. As shown in Fig. 1, the substrate automatic peeling device 14 2 is disposed downstream, and the measurement is actually attached to the glass substrate. The measuring device 180 of the area of the photosensitive resin layer 28 of 24 is provided. The measuring device 180 has a camera 182 such as a CCD, and the camera 1 82 is a glass to which the photosensitive resin layer 28 is attached. The substrate 24 is disposed to be photographed. The substrate peeling mechanism 1 24 is provided with a photosensitive layer stack 190 for accommodating the plurality of photosensitive laminates 208. The substrate peeling device 142 peels off the substrate film 26 from the attached substrate 24a. The photosensitive laminated body 208 of the residual portion 30b is sucked and taken out by the adsorption pad 194 provided in the arm portion 192a of the robot 192, and is accommodated in the photosensitive laminated body library 190. In the manufacturing apparatus 20, the first and second woven fabrics are fed out. Mechanisms 32a and 32b, first and second processing mechanisms 36a and 36b, first and second label attachment mechanisms 40a' to 40b, first and second storage mechanisms 42a and 42b, first and second separation mechanisms 44a and 44b , first and second tension control mechanisms 66a, 66b And the first and second detecting mechanisms 47a and 47b are disposed above the attaching mechanism 46, but the first and second fabric feeding mechanisms 32a and 32b may be opposite to the first and second detecting mechanisms. 47a and 47b are disposed under the attaching mechanism 46, and the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b are vertically inverted to attach the photosensitive resin layer 28 to the lower side of the glass substrate 24, and the entire manufacturing apparatus 20 may be formed on a straight line. The manufacturing apparatus 20 is controlled by the stacking process control unit 200. Each of the functional units of the manufacturing apparatus 20 is provided with, for example, a buildup control unit 202, a substrate heating control unit 204, and a substrate peeling control unit 206, which are borrowed in the process 200900225. Connected by the Internet. The stacking process control unit 200 controls the substrate heating control unit 204 necessary for production management such as production management and operation management of the instruction information (article information) of the factory CPU (not shown), receives the upper substrate 24, and heats the The operation of the glass substrate 24 to the desired temperature supply 46 and the acquisition of the information of the glass substrate 24, etc., the lamination control unit 202 is the master of the entire process, and is controlled based on the detection by the first and second detecting means. The control mechanism substrate peeling control unit 206 from the half-cut portion 34 of the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b can control the relative position between the boundary position of the attaching position and the glass base position and each boundary position from the self-adhesive mechanism 24a. The base film 26 is peeled off, and the downstream step is controlled to control the other discharge operation, and the information of the attached substrate 24a and the upper body 206 is controlled. The substrate peeling control unit 206 further calculates the results of the above-described calculation of the glass substrate 24 when the glass substrate 24 is stopped based on the image information of the CCD photo-attach substrate 24a, and obtains the pre-separation of the peeling member 150. The moving mechanism 152 is stopped. The manufacturing apparatus 20 is partitioned into the second clean room 212b through the partition wall 210. First and second fabric feeders The first and second tension control mechanisms 66a and 66b accommodate 212a, and the first and second detection mechanisms 47a and 47b are lowered in the factory network, and are set and processed. The glass of the walking step is applied to the attaching mechanism 3 to perform the position information detected by the functional parts 4 7 a, 4 7 b, and the attached substrate 3 of the board 24 is attached to the substrate. The photosensitive layering machine 1 5 4 Press position after photography, I position. Based on this position, the control shift 1 clean room 2 1 2 a structure 3 2a, 3 2b to the first clean room is accommodated in the 200900225 2 clean room 212b. The first clean room 212a and the second clean room 212b communicate with each other through the through portion 2 1 4 . The operation of the manufacturing apparatus 20 configured as above will be described below. First, the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b are fed from the respective photosensitive fabric rolls 23a and 23b attached to the first and second fabric feeding mechanisms 32a and 32b. The photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b are conveyed to the first and second processing mechanisms 36a and 36b. The circular blades 52 of the first and second processing mechanisms 36a and 36b move in the width direction of the photosensitive webs 22a and 22b, and the above-mentioned luminescent fabrics 22a and 22b are cut into the photosensitive resin layer 28 from the protective film 30 to the substrate. The film 26 forms a half-cut portion 34 (see Fig. 2). Further, as shown in Fig. 1, the photosensitive webs 22a and 22b are stopped in the direction of the arrow A in accordance with the size of the residual portion 3 Ob corresponding to the protective film 30, and a half-cut portion 34 is formed by the running of the circular blade 52. Thereby, the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b are provided with the peeling portion 30aa and the rear peeling portion 3 0 a b (see Fig. 2) before the remaining portion 30b is interposed therebetween. Next, the photosensitive webs 22a and 22b are conveyed to the first and second labels k to the mechanisms 40a and 40b, and the designated attaching portions on which the protective film 30 is placed are placed on the receiving table 56. In the first and second label attachment mechanisms 40a and 40b, the designated number of subsequent labels 38 are adsorbed and held by the adsorption pads 54a to 54g, and each of the subsequent labels 38 spans the remaining portion 30b of the protective film 30, and the front peeling portion is 3aaa. The rear peeling portion 30ab is integrally followed (see Fig. 3). For example, the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b following the seven subsequent labels 38 are as shown in Fig. 1 'the first and second storage mechanisms 42a and 42b are prevented from changing the tension on the delivery side, and then the first and second are continuously conveyed. Peeling mechanism 44a, -17 - 200900225 44b. In the first and second peeling mechanisms 44a and 44b, as shown in Fig. 6, the base film 26 of the photosensitive webs 22a and 22b is sucked and held by the suction drum 62, and the protective film is peeled off from the photosensitive webs 22a and 22b. 30 leaves the residual portion 30b. This protective film 30 is peeled off by the peeling roller 63, and is taken up by the protective film take-up portion 64 (see Fig. 1). The protective film 30 is separated from the base film 26 by the first and second peeling mechanisms 44a and 44b, and the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b are adjusted by the first and second tension control mechanisms 66a and 66b. Tension, ί The half-cut portion 34 is detected by the photodetectors 72a, 72b in the first and second detecting mechanisms 47a, 47b. Each of the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b is quantitatively conveyed to the attaching mechanism 46 by the rotation of the film transporting rollers 90a and 90b based on the detection information of the half-cut portion 34. On the other hand, the glass substrate 24 is transported to the attaching position by the substrate transport mechanism 45 in a previously heated state. This glass substrate 24 is disposed between the rubber rolls 80a and 80b in correspondence with the attachment portions of the photosensitive resin layers 28 of the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b which are arranged side by side. In this state, the glass substrate 24 is sandwiched between the rubber rolls 80a and 80b at a predetermined pressing pressure by raising the support roller 82b and the rubber roller 80b. Further, under the action of the rotation of the rubber roller 80a, the photosensitive resin layers 28 which are arranged side by side are transferred (laminated) to the glass substrate 24. Here, the build-up condition is a speed of l.〇m/min~l〇.〇m/min, the temperature of the rubber rolls 80a, 80b is 80 ° C to 150 ° C, and the rubber hardness of the rubber rolls 80a, 80b is 40 degrees. At 90 degrees, the pressing pressure (linear pressure) of the rubber rolls 80a, 80b is 50 N/cm to 400 N/cm. -18-200900225 When the lamination of one piece of the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b of the glass substrate 24 by the rubber rollers 80a and 80b is completed, the rotation of the rubber roller 8〇a is stopped. On the other hand, the above-mentioned photosensitivity is laminated. The glass substrate 24' of the woven fabrics 22a and 22b, that is, the attached substrate 24a is sandwiched by the substrate transporting roller 92. Then, the rubber roller 80b is retracted from the rubber roller 80a in the separating direction to release the jig, and the rotation of the substrate conveying roller 92 is started, and the attaching substrate 24a is quantitatively conveyed in the direction of the arrow C to position the substrate between the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b. Move to a specified position near the lower side of the rubber roller 80a. On the other hand, the next glass substrate 24 is transported toward the attaching position by the substrate transport mechanism 45. When the tip end of the next glass substrate 24 is disposed between the rubber rolls 80a and 80b, the rubber roll 80b is raised, and the next glass substrate 24 and the photosensitive webs 22a and 22b are sandwiched by the rubber rolls 80a and 80b. Then, lamination is started by the rotation of the rubber rolls 80a, 80b and the substrate transfer roller 92, and the attached substrate 24a is conveyed in the direction of the arrow C. In this case, as shown in Fig. 4, the attached substrates 24a are covered by the respective remaining portions 30b. Therefore, when the photosensitive resin layer 28 is transferred to the glass substrate 24, the rubber rolls 80a, 80b The photosensitive resin layer 28 is not contaminated by the photosensitive resin layer 28. On the other hand, due to the heat during lamination, liquid sag occurs in the half-cut portion 34 of the photosensitive resin layer 28, and the photosensitive resin layer 28 is adhered to the glass substrate 24. Therefore, when the base film 26 is peeled off from the attached substrate 24a, the photosensitive resin layer 28 and the residual portion 30b which are next to the glass substrate 24 are not peeled off from the glass substrate 24 in accordance with the half-cut portion 34. - 200900225. In the present embodiment, the attached substrate 2 4 a laminated by the attaching mechanism 46 is cooled by the cooling mechanism 1 2 2 and then transferred to the pre-separation unit 14 4 . The peeling method relating to the form is performed according to the timing chart shown in Fig. 7. The attaching mechanism 46 intermittently laminates the photosensitive webs 22a and 22b on the respective glass substrates 24, and stops the rubber roller 80a every time the respective lamination processes are completed. Turning and stopping the glass once The conveyance of the glass substrate 24. f1 Then, after the conveyance of the glass substrate 24 is stopped, the glass substrate 24 is slightly moved by the attaching mechanism 46 corresponding to the remaining portion 30b of the protective film 30 corresponding to the glass substrate 24 During the driving of the pre-peeling portion 144 °, as shown in FIGS. 4 and 5, the peeling member 150 and the rod 166 are lifted up by the driving of the lifting piston 164. Therefore, the peeling member 150 is inserted between the glass substrates 24 The remaining portion 30b is pressed in the vertical direction (see Fig. 8). Therefore, the remaining portion 30b' exposed between the glass substrates 24 is integrated with the photosensitive resin layer 28 which is easily attached to the glass substrate 24 in the half-cut portion 34. The ground is peeled off from the end portion of the glass substrate 24. On the other hand, on the downstream side of the pre-separation portion 144, the substrate is continuously wound from the attached substrate 24a by the peeling roller 1 46 under the action of the rotation of the take-up shaft 127. Thin film 2 6 (refer to Fig. 1). In this case, as shown in Fig. 7, the peeling roller 146 is configured to pass through the peeling roller moving portion 148 before the lamination process to the photosensitive webs 22a and 22b of the glass substrate 24 is completed. Single axis robot 170a, 170b moves in the direction of the arrow D (upstream side). -20- 200900225 Next, the end of the layering process is completed, and after the glass substrate 24 is once stopped, the peeling roller 14 6 is in the direction of the arrow D until the residual portion 3 Ob is slightly moved. Further, when the slight movement of the glass substrate 24 is started, the peeling roller 146 starts moving in the arrow C direction (downstream side), and the slight movement of the glass substrate 24 is completed. When the start of the lamination process to the new glass substrate 24 is stopped, the movement of the peeling roller 146 in the direction of the arrow C is stopped. As described above, in the present embodiment, the peeling roller 14 6 is moved in the direction of the arrow D and/or in the direction of the arrow C while the glass substrate 24 is being conveyed for a while. Therefore, the peeling roller 1 46 can prevent the state of the photosensitive fabrics 22a and 22b which are partially pressed against the glass substrate 24 which is being stopped, and can prevent, for example, the occurrence of ribs or the like on the photosensitive fabrics 2 2 a and 2 2 b. Thereby, the photosensitive resin layer 28 can be laminated on the glass substrate 24 with high precision and with high precision by a simple structure and a step, and the effect of improving the laminated precision can be obtained. Further, just before the peeling treatment by the peeling roll 146 as the base film 26, the photosensitive resin layer 28 corresponding to the remaining portion 3Ob and the half-cut portion 34 is peeled off from the glass substrate 24 through the pre-separation portion 144. Therefore, there is an advantage that the photosensitive resin layer 28 corresponding to the residual portion 30b and the half-cut portion 34 can be easily and surely peeled off from the glass substrate 24 integrally with the base film 26. Further, the pre-separation unit 144 adjusts the position of the single-axis robot 156 in the direction of the arrow C or the direction of the arrow D based on the image information of the attached substrate 24a imaged by the CCD camera 154 (see Fig. 7). Therefore, the peeling member 150 can be easily and surely disposed corresponding to the peeling position between the glass substrates 24 sequentially fed, and the photosensitive resin layer corresponding to the residual portion 30b and the half cut 200900225 portion 34 can be efficiently peeled off. 2 8. As described above, the glass substrate 24 through which the base film 26 is peeled off is conveyed in the direction of the arrow C as shown in Fig. 4, and is discharged by discharging the static electricity from the destaticizing mechanism 1 74, and is disposed corresponding to Check station for the detector 1 80. As shown in Fig. 1, the inspection station picks up the image of the glass substrate 24 and the photosensitive resin layer 28 by the camera 1 82 while the glass substrate 24 is positioned and fixed. Next, image processing is performed to calculate the attachment position. Then, the photosensitive laminate 2 0 8 is stored in the photosensitive/layered library 190 through the robot 192. On the other hand, as shown in Fig. 4, the base film 26 peeled off from the glass substrate 24 is discharged by the static electricity discharged from the destaticizing mechanism 176, and then taken up on the winding shaft 172 (see Fig. 1). Further, in the present embodiment, two rolls of photosensitive fabric roll 2 3 a ' 2 3 b are used. However, the present invention is not limited thereto, and one roll of photosensitive fabric roll or three rolls of photosensitive roll may be used. [Brief Description of the Drawings] ^ " Fig. 1 is a schematic structural view showing a manufacturing apparatus of a photosensitive laminate in which a peeling device according to an embodiment of the present invention is incorporated. Fig. 2 is a cross-sectional view showing a long strip of photosensitive fabric used in the above-described manufacturing apparatus. Fig. 3 is an explanatory view showing a state in which the above-mentioned long-length photosensitive fabric is followed by a label. Fig. 4 is a structural explanatory view of the substrate automatic peeling device. Fig. 5 is a side explanatory view showing the above-mentioned substrate automatic peeling device. -22- 200900225 Fig. 6 is an explanatory view of the protective film peeled off from the above-mentioned photosensitive fabric. Fig. 7 is a timing chart for explaining the peeling method of the present invention. Fig. 8 is an explanatory view of the operation of the pre-separation portion. [Main component symbol description] \ 20 Manufacturing apparatus 22a, 22b Photosensitive fabric 23a, 23b Photosensitive fabric roll 24 Glass substrate 26 Base film 28 Photosensitive resin layer 30 Protective film 142 Substrate automatic peeling device 144 Pre-separation portion 146 Stripping Roller 148 peeling roller moving portion 150 peeling member 152 moving mechanism 154 CCD camera 162 bearing roller 164 lifting piston -23 -