200831041 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是關於一種泡洙紅茶搖搖機,尤指_種應、、 調製飲料的機器設計,可形成左右搖擺的混合路徑,於 杯中的液態内容物能充分混合,而能調製出 如 人开贷醇口味 的茶飲,提供消費者加以飲用。 【先前技術】 按’市售飲料中’有一種現調的茶飲,可依個人 加以調製’而在調製過程中,則必需用力晃動調製飲:的 =杯’使其中所裝人的水、茶原料、果糖及其他混合物, 能充分均勻的混合一起,而目前常見的搖搖機設計,是 二台:設置馬達、曲柄、連桿組,並於機台外側結合設置 -可隨之上下擺動的搖臂,而可將調製飲料的搖杯放置在 :臂上’使其能隨著搖臂上下擺動,而能對於搖杯 態内谷物進行搖動混合操作。 上述搖搖機設計的連桿組、搖臂及連動結構係形成複 :的組成結構,且搖臂上下擺動的設計,在上下擺動的回 覆知點上,會產生加速度急劇轉折的強烈瞬間衝擊,而造 成上下擺動的搖臂根緣處容易斷裂損壞,並且,其上下搖 擺動作’只能對於搖杯中的液態内容物進行上下衝擊混 合旦於混合行程之純上,對於搖杯巾的各種液態内容物 =易達到均句混合效果,而會影響到調製飲料的飲用口 :’為此’該種搖搖機設計,仍不儘理想,而確有加以改 4 200831041 良之必要 【發明内容】 本發明汉5十目的在於,提供一種可使液態内容物充分 均勻混合的「泡珠红苯装篮她 ^ 、 搖搖機」,其技術手段係於機殼中 設置-可進行左右搖擺的搖擺裝置,以及在機殼上設置一 夾持裝置,夾持裝置可供搖杯橫躺置放,夾持裝置與搖擺 裝置的軸桿連結,使搖擺裝置啟㈣,可帶動夹持裝置左 右擺動’其能克服習用搖搖機上下擺動易於斷裂之缺點, 使搖杯:所裝入的液態内容物之混合,可充分的進行混合 :!:稭此没計’可讓搖杯内所裝入的液態内容物能均勻 “ ’以調製出更具香醇D味的茶飲供消f者加以飲用。 【實施方式】 圖所示,本發明「泡沫紅茶搖 配合參看第一、二、 _ 搖機」,其包括: :座(20),於基座(20)上設置定位件(2 2 )及控制用的電路板(2 3 ); 搖攏裝置(30),其設置於基座(2〇) 系 於定位件(9、、 1 )上設置一軸承(3 1 ),軸承(3 1 ) 中樞設~幸由炉 / 0 0 達(3 # ( 3 2 ),並於定位件(2 2 )上設置一馬 轉輪(3),且於基座(20)上樞設一轉輪(35), 貧 、5 )與馬達(3 3 )心軸以連接件(3 4 )繞設 ;輛椁(3 2 )上設置一擺臂(36),擺臂(3 5 200831041 6)上設置一滑槽(361),並於轉輪(35)上設置 一滾轴(351),滾軸(351)穿設在滑槽(361) 中; 一機殼(1 0 ),其上設置一穿孔(丄1 ),其前端 設置一控制面板(1 2),機殼(1 〇)罩設在基座(2 0) 上,使穿孔(1 1)套在軸桿(32)周圍; 一夾持裝置(4 0 ),其具有一橫向設置的搖臂(4 1) ,搖臂(41)中間固設在轴桿(3 2)上,搖臂(4 籲 1 )兩側設置定位架(4 2 ),定位架(4 2 )二端設置 支架(43) ( 4 5 ),於一端(43)支架(43)上 設置夾爪(4 4 ),於另端支架(4 5 )上設置套環(4 6),支架(45)底端設置一可滑動定位的調整器(5 0 ) 〇 上述夾持裝置(40)之搖臂(41)中間處設置一 穿孔(4 1 1 ),當軸桿(3 3 )穿出機殼(1 0 )穿孔 (11)時’在軸桿(33)上套設一墊圈(13) ’旅 _ 以搖臂(4 1 )中間置於軸桿(3 2 )上,而玎以一嫘絲 (1 4 )穿入穿孔(4 1 1 )而螺入軸桿(3 2 )頂端所 設置的螺孔(3 2 1 )中加以固結定位。 配合參看第三圖及第四圖所示,調整器(5 〇 )結構 具有一滑座(51),滑座(51)底端設置嵌槽(52) ’ 嵌槽(5 2 )套設在定位架(4 2 )上,於定位架(4 2 ) 上設置數個固定孔(4 2 1 ),以及在滑座(5 1 )上設 置一限位槽(5 3),並於限位槽(5 3)的壁面上設置 6 200831041 縱向槽(54),於限位槽(53)中設置一滑塊(55), 滑塊(5 5 )前端設置一螺孔(5 5 1 ),滑塊(5 5 ) 上°又置一斜槽(56),於斜槽(56)中設置一可移位 的k桿(5 7 1 )’於橫桿(5 7 1 )兩端設置縱向的鎖 桿(5 7 ),鎖桿(5 7 )可伸入滑座(5 i )的縱向槽 (54)中,滑座(51)上設置墊圈(452),而可 以螺絲(4 5 1 )穿過支架(4 5 )及穿過墊圈(4 5 2 ), • ㈤螺入滑座(5 1 )上所設置的螺孔(5 1 2 )中,以及 :推桿(5 9 )穿設一彈簧(5 9丄)及穿入滑座(5工) 牙孔(5 1 1 )而螺入滑塊(5 5 )前端所設置的螺孔 5 1 )中。 、° 上述調整器(5 〇 )的操作使用,可用手按壓推桿(5 ^ ’使推桿(5 9 )能推動滑塊(55),而可以利用 鬼(5 5)上所設置的斜槽(56)斜向推動橫桿 ▽ 1 )向上移動,使橫桿(5 7 i )兩側所設置的鎖桿(5 C =位架(42)的固定孔(…),而可以 (5 1 )位移進行調整,並放開推桿(5 9 )使 / ( 5 9 1 )推動推桿(5 9 )帶動滑塊(5 5 ) 定:二而讓橫桿(5?1)下降,使鎖桿(5”能插入 木(42)上適當位置的固定孔(421)中,~ 成支架( 4 5 ) ( 4 3 )間距的調整動作。 元 配合參看第五圖及第六圖所示,本發明操作使用 =部裝有液態内容物的摇杯(6Q)設置在夾持裝 )的支架( 4 3 ) ( 4 5 )間,並且,啟動馬達 7 200831041 利用鐘使馬達(3 3)可帶動轉輪(3 5)旋轉,而可以 β輪(3 5 )上所設置的滾軸(3 5 1 )在擺臂(3 β /月槽(361)中所進行的圓周運動,推動擺臂(3 左右搖擺’並以擺臂(3 6 )帶動軸桿(3 2 ) 夾持裝置(4〇),使夹持裝置(4())1 :能對於搖杯(“)中所裝入的液態内容物進行二 由於本發明設計,可 了以搖擺裝置(3 0 )帶動夾持裝 & ( 4 0 )進行左右搖擺動作,而使搖杯(6 q ) 態内容物,可隨著失持穿 、液 (4 0 )左右擺動之弧形往 路极,使搖杯(6 η、夕士仏、 设 /一、日入 的液悲内容物能充分均勻的進 灯 合,而能調盤屮ρ 延 更八香醇入味的茶飲,供消費者飲用, 、 本發明没計’是以馬達( 動轉輪(35) 轉’而能驅動擺臂(3 6 ) '軸桿(3 2 )左 動,其形成精簡的結構哎呼,古^y 右擺 有別於以往複雜的連桿組件, , 且其以轉輪始 丁 及夾持裝置(4 0 )之卢女μ心 d2) ^ Λ ^ 之左右擺動,可達到更流利順暢之者 用功效,其動作穩仝 ^ ^ 、所〈具 …動作%疋’而能延長使用壽命,此為本發明讯 計之特點所在。 ~个知明设 綜上所述,本發明「 ★ /包,末紅余搖搖機」,可對於搓 中的液態内容物進杆右八^ 、 对歹'搖杯 ^ 刀=勻的混合操作,且其藉由轉輪 滾轴▼動擺臂,而讓軸標 衣 褥輪 能克服習用搖臂各讳Λp 孤動,亦 ,心速在设易於斷裂之缺點,因此, 設計具良好的實用性、推丰 咏 發月 、 進v性,付合發明專利要件,爰依 8 200831041 法倶文提出申請。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖:本發明立體外觀圖。 第二圖:本發明立體分解圖。 第三圖:本發明設置於機台上的調整器立體分解圖。 第四圖:本發明調整器的組合剖視圖。 第五圖:本發明實施例外觀圖。200831041 IX. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a brewing black tea shaker, in particular to a machine design for modulating a beverage, which can form a mixing path of left and right swings in the cup. The liquid contents can be thoroughly mixed, and the tea can be prepared to be tasted by a person, and provided to the consumer for drinking. [Prior Art] According to the 'commercial beverages', there is a tea that can be adjusted according to the individual's. In the process of preparation, it is necessary to shake the brewing drink: the cup is made of water, Tea raw materials, fructose and other mixtures can be mixed thoroughly and evenly. The common shaker design is two: set motor, crank, connecting rod set, and set on the outside of the machine - can swing up and down The rocker arm can be placed on the arm to enable the rocker to swing up and down with the rocker arm to shake and mix the grain in the shaker state. The connecting rod set, the rocker arm and the interlocking structure of the above-mentioned rocking machine are formed into a complex structure, and the design of the rocker arm swinging up and down, a strong instantaneous impact of a sharp turning of the acceleration occurs at the reply point of the up and down swing. The root of the rocker arm that causes the up and down swing is easily broken and damaged, and its up and down swinging motion can only be used for the liquid content in the shaker cup to be up and down and mixed on the pureness of the mixing stroke. Contents = easy to achieve the mixed effect of the sentence, but will affect the drinking mouth of the brewed beverage: 'for this' the design of the shaker is still not ideal, but it has to be changed 4 200831041 good need [invention content] this The invention aims to provide a "bubble red benzene basket basket ^, a rocking machine" which can fully and uniformly mix liquid contents, and the technical means thereof is provided in the casing - a rocking device capable of swinging left and right And a clamping device is arranged on the casing, the clamping device is arranged for the rocker to be placed horizontally, and the clamping device is coupled with the shaft of the rocking device to enable the rocking device to open (4), which can be carried The clamping device swings left and right 'It can overcome the shortcomings of the conventional rocking machine to be easily broken by the up and down swing, so that the shake cup: the mixture of the liquid contents loaded can be fully mixed:!: This is not enough to make the shake The liquid content contained in the cup can be uniformly "applied to make a more mellow D-flavored tea drink for consumption." [Embodiment] As shown in the figure, the "foam black tea shake fit" refers to the first, 2. _ 摇机", comprising: a seat (20), a positioning member (2 2 ) and a control circuit board (2 3 ) are disposed on the base (20); a shaking device (30) is provided A bearing (3 1 ) is arranged on the positioning member (9, 1) on the base (2〇), and the bearing (3 1 ) is pivoted to the furnace (0 1 to reach (3 # ( 3 2 ), and A horse wheel (3) is arranged on the positioning member (2 2 ), and a rotating wheel (35), a lean, 5) and a motor (3 3 ) mandrel are connected to the base (20) as a connecting piece ( 3 4) Winding; a swing arm (36) is arranged on the vehicle (3 2 ), a sliding slot (361) is arranged on the swing arm (3 5 200831041 6), and a roller is arranged on the rotating wheel (35). (351), the roller (351) is worn In the chute (361); a casing (10), which is provided with a perforation (丄1), a control panel (1 2) is disposed at the front end thereof, and the casing (1 〇) is disposed on the base (20) ), the perforation (1 1) is placed around the shaft (32); a clamping device (40) having a laterally disposed rocker arm (4 1), the rocker arm (41) being fixed in the middle of the shaft On the rod (3 2), the rocker arm (4 call 1) is provided with a positioning frame (4 2 ) on both sides, and the positioning frame (4 2 ) is provided with a bracket (43) (4 5 ) at one end, and at one end (43) bracket (43) a clamping jaw (4 4 ) is disposed on the other end bracket (4 5 ), and a collar (4 6) is disposed on the other end bracket (45), and a bottom of the bracket (45) is provided with a slidable positioning adjuster (50). (40) A perforation (4 1 1 ) is arranged in the middle of the rocker arm (41), and the shaft (33) is sleeved on the shaft (33) when the shaft (3 3) passes through the casing (10) through hole (11). A washer (13) 'Brigade _ is placed on the shaft (3 2 ) with the rocker arm (4 1 ) interposed, and the 玎 is threaded into the shaft with a twisted wire (1 4 ) through the perforation (4 1 1 ) 3 2) Consolidate and position the screw holes (3 2 1 ) set at the top. Referring to the third and fourth figures, the adjuster (5 〇) structure has a sliding seat (51), and the bottom end of the sliding seat (51) is provided with a fitting groove (52). On the positioning frame (4 2 ), a plurality of fixing holes (4 2 1 ) are arranged on the positioning frame (4 2 ), and a limiting groove (5 3) is arranged on the sliding seat (5 1 ), and the limiting position is A longitudinal groove (54) is arranged on the wall surface of the groove (53), a slider (55) is arranged in the limiting groove (53), and a screw hole (5 5 1 ) is arranged at the front end of the sliding block (5 5 ). The slider (5 5 ) is further provided with a chute (56), and a shiftable k-bar (5 7 1 ) is disposed in the chute (56) to be longitudinally disposed at both ends of the crossbar (5 7 1 ) The lock lever (5 7 ), the lock lever (57) can extend into the longitudinal groove (54) of the slide (5 i ), and the washer (51) is provided with a washer (452), and the screw can be used (4 5 1 ) through the bracket (4 5 ) and through the washer (4 5 2 ), • (5) screw into the screw hole (5 1 2 ) provided on the carriage (5 1 ), and: push rod (5 9 ) wear Set a spring (5 9 丄) and penetrate the slide (5 work) hole (5 1 1 ) and screw into the screw hole 5 1 ) provided at the front end of the slider (5 5 ), ° The above adjuster (5 〇) is used for operation. You can press the push rod with your hand (5 ^ ' so that the push rod (5 9 ) can push the slider (55), and you can use the tilt set on the ghost (5 5) The groove (56) pushes the crossbar 斜 1) upwards, so that the lock bar (5 C = fixed hole (...) of the positioner (...) is provided on both sides of the crossbar (5 7 i ), and can be (5 1) Adjust the displacement and release the push rod (5 9 ) so that / ( 5 9 1 ) pushes the push rod (5 9 ) to drive the slider (5 5 ): second, let the cross bar (5? 1) descend, Make the lock lever (5" can be inserted into the fixing hole (421) at the appropriate position on the wood (42), and adjust the spacing of the bracket (4 5 ) ( 4 3 ). See Figure 5 and Figure 6 for the cooperation. It is shown that the operation of the present invention uses a shaker cup (6Q) containing a liquid content to be disposed between the holders (4 3 ) ( 4 5 ) of the clamp device, and the starter motor 7 200831041 utilizes a clock to make the motor (3 3 ) can drive the wheel (3 5) to rotate, and the circular motion of the roller (3 5 1 ) provided on the β wheel (3 5 ) in the swing arm (3 β / lunar groove (361) pushes Swing arm (swinging around 3' and swinging arm (3 6) The moving shaft (3 2 ) clamping device (4 〇) enables the clamping device (4 ()) 1 to perform the liquid contents contained in the shake cup ("). The swinging device (30) drives the clamping device & (40) to perform the left and right rocking motion, so that the contents of the shake cup (6q) state can be swung with the left and right sides and the liquid (40). Shaped to the road, so that the shake cup (6 η, 夕士仏, set / one, the liquid content of the day into the light can be fully and evenly into the light, and can adjust the 屮ρ to extend the taste of the tea, for the tea Consumers drink, the invention does not count 'is the motor (rotating wheel (35) turn 'can drive the swing arm (3 6 ) 'shaft (3 2) left motion, which forms a streamlined structure, ancient ^y Right swing is different from the complicated connecting rod assembly in the past, and it can be fluent and smooth by swinging around the runner and the clamping device (4 0). The effect of the person is stable, the action is stable with ^ ^, and the action with the action %疋' can extend the service life. This is the characteristic of the invention. Ming "★ /包,末红余摇摇机", can be used for the liquid content of the sputum into the right eight ^, 歹 摇 'shake cup ^ knife = uniform mixing operation, and by the roller roller ▼ The arm swings the arm, and the shaft can be used to overcome the disadvantages of the conventional rocker arm. Also, the heart speed is easy to break. Therefore, the design has good practicability, pushes the moon, and enters the v. Sexuality, paying for the invention patent requirements, and applying the application according to Law No. 8 200831041. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS First FIG.: A perspective view of the present invention. Second Figure: An exploded perspective view of the present invention. The third figure: an exploded perspective view of the adjuster provided on the machine platform of the present invention. Fourth Figure: A cross-sectional view of a combination of the adjusters of the present invention. Fifth drawing: an external view of an embodiment of the present invention.
第六圖:本發明於機殼中所裝設置的搖擺裝置之實施 例示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 (10)機殼 (11)穿孔 (1 2 )控制面板 (1 3 )墊圈 (2 0 )基座 (2 2 )定位件 (3 1 )軸承 (3 2 1 )螺孔 (3 4 )連接件 (1 4 )螺絲 X 2 1 )定位件 (3 0 )搖擺裝置 (3 2 )軸桿 (3 3 )馬達 (35)轉輪 (351)滾軸 (3 6 )擺臂 (4 0 )夾持裝置 (4 1 1 )穿孔 (4 3 )支架 (4 5 )支架 (3 6 1 )滑槽 (4 1 )搖臂 (4 2 )定位架 (4 4 )夾爪 (4 5 1 )螺絲 9 200831041 (4 6 )套環 (51)滑座 (5 1 2 )螺孔 (5 3 )限位槽 (5 5 )滑塊 (5 6 )斜槽 (5 7 1 )橫桿 (5 9 )推桿 (6 0 )搖杯 (5 0 )調整器 (5 1 1 )穿孔 (5 2 )嵌槽 (5 4 )縱向槽 (5 5 1 )螺孔 (5 7 )鎖桿 (5 8 )擋止螺絲 (5 9 1 )彈簧Fig. 6 is a view showing an embodiment of a rocking device provided in the casing of the present invention. [Main component symbol description] (10) Chassis (11) perforation (1 2 ) Control panel (1 3 ) Washer (2 0 ) Base (2 2 ) Positioning member (3 1 ) Bearing (3 2 1 ) Screw hole (3 4 ) Connector (1 4 ) Screw X 2 1 ) Positioning member (3 0 ) Rocking device (3 2 ) Shaft (3 3 ) Motor (35) Wheel (351) Roller (3 6 ) Swing arm (4 0 ) clamping device ( 4 1 1 ) perforated (4 3 ) bracket ( 4 5 ) bracket ( 3 6 1 ) chute (4 1 ) rocker arm (4 2 ) positioning bracket (4 4 ) jaw (4 5 1) Screw 9 200831041 (4 6 ) Collar (51) Slide (5 1 2 ) Screw hole (5 3 ) Limit groove (5 5 ) Slider (5 6 ) Chute (5 7 1 ) Crossbar (5 9 )Pusher (6 0 ) Rotating cup (5 0 ) Adjuster (5 1 1 ) Perforation (5 2 ) Insert groove (5 4 ) Longitudinal groove (5 5 1 ) Screw hole (5 7 ) Lock lever ( 5 8) Stop screw (5 9 1 ) spring