200826915 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關於一種扃關節復健機,尤指一 種整合扃關節牽引與連續被動式運動控制之復健 機。 : 【先前技術】 人體肩關節是全身活動範圍最大的關節,由 於肩關節結構複雑、活動頻繁且容易疲勞,受傷 的機率很高,常會導致提早退化的現象,其中又 Μ 厂冰凍肩」(frozen shoulder) (ί谷稱為 Γ 351 肩」)最為常見。冰凍肩症狀常有肩關節僵硬、 攀縮、疼痛、肌力下降及扃關節活動受限等,冰 凍肩患者常因疼痛及關節活動度的喪失,造成曰 常生活中的不方便,甚或干擾睡目民。 目前市面上並無一項整合關節牽引(traction )與被動式蓮動(passive motion)之復健設備,因 而臨床上治療冰凍肩,多係由治療師Μ徒手方式 進行肩關節牽引與被動式運動治療,來增加肩關 節活動範圍、減緩關節僵化、改善上肢肌力及減 少關節疼痛等。而徒手復健治療時不但費時費力 .,治療師對於肩關節施力大小及旋轉角度範圍無 法精確控制,導致復健治療品質無法確保,也容 易使患者在復健治療過程產生焦慮感。 【發明內容】 本發明之目的係為解決前述冰凍肩之復健治 療師Μ徒手方式進行扃關節牽引與被動運動治療 5 200826915 既費時費力,又無法確保治療品質的缺失,提供 一種肩關節復健機,整合肩關節牽引與連縯被動 式運動控制之復健機械手臂,主要分為:本體基 座、升降機構、護架機構及關節運動機構,其本 體基座之設計為一般治療椅形式,Μ供患者坐在 椅上接受復健治療;升降機構係採用電動赶或馬 達作為驅動裝置,帶動整體機構螺桿向上提升, Μ因應患者身高自動調整上、下位置;護架是Μ 塑膠或壓克力製成,其係固設於機器中,用以固 定支撐人體上肢;關節蓮動機構包括有:肩關節 伸展與屈曲、外展和内縮,肘關節的外旋與内旋 、外展和內縮等四軸旋轉運動機構,用Μ控制機 構伸縮的牽引拉力機構,其係Μ — PC電腦為基礎 ,結合關節運動機構作為即時控制,並擷取資料 記錄,提供給治療師作為量化評估與治療的依據 ,Μ達成肩關節復健治療之使用功能。 【實施方式】 本發明之實施方式及其功效特點依據附圖所 示之最佳實施例,進一步更詳細說明如下: 如第一圖所示,本發明扃關節復健機係一種 整合肩關節牽引與連續被動式運動控制之復健機 械手臂,其主要包括有:本體基座1、升降機構2 、護架機構3及關節運動機構4等。 前述本體基座1為一般治療椅設計型式,該本 體基座1在實施例上設有軟性泡綿或相類軟性物11 ,Μ供患者能舒適的坐在椅子上,接受復健治療。 6 200826915 前述升降機構2係5$—座體21上設置電動赶22 或馬達23,作為驅動裝置,帶動整體機構螺桿向 上提升,可依患者身高自動調整電動赶22或馬達 2 3所帶動之螺桿向上向下移動。 前述護架機構3(請參閱第一圖及第二圖)係由 前臂固定架31、上臂固定架32及護架33所構成, 該護架33在實施例上是Μ塑膨或壓克力製成,其 係以螺綠固設於機器中,用來支撐人體手臂,為 使患者能有舒適的依靠,得應用軟墊和魔鬼黏扣 來包覆手臂。 前述關節運動機構(請參閱第三圖)包括有: 肩關節伸展與屈曲、外展和內縮的肩關節旋轉運 動機構4 1,肘關節外旋與内旋、外展和內縮的肘 關節旋轉蓮動機構42等四軸旋轉運動機構及牽引 拉力控制機構43。 肩關節旋轉運動機構41 (請參閱第四圖)包含 手臂垂直上舉與水平旋轉兩種蓮動方向,該機構 設有上臂水平固定板411及肩關節旋轉馬達412, 其水平固定板411係連接於復健機械手臂機座上 ,而肩關節旋轉馬達41 2係用Μ帶動上面整體上臂 結構轉動;水平固定板411上並設有滑槽413,上 臂结構底座4 1 4的輪子係裝設於該滑槽4 1 3內,可 自由滑動,又能受到滑槽位置或裝設極限開關的 限制,而停止動作,以策安全。至於肩關節上舉 機構,則是由馬達4 1 5及一凸輪4 1 6所構成*其係 藉由馬達驅動凸輪416,並利用摩擦力產生推力作 用,達成整體上臂結構的轉動。 7 200826915 肘關節旋轉運動機構42 (請參閱第五圖)是由 肘關節旋轉馬達42 1,結合肘關節旋轉固定板422 而於肘關節旋轉固定板42 2側邊所结合之上臂旋轉 座423上裝設肘關節垂直旋轉馬達424藉以達成人 體肘關節水立與垂直旋轉的復健功能。 牽引拉力控制機構43 (請參閲第六圖)裝設有 螺桿431,可在固定患者肢體後,經由馬達43 2控 制導螺桿43 1執行短行程的牽引拉力控制作用。該 牽引拉力控制機構可調整牽引距離,Μ因應不同 患者的手長。 本發明肩關節復健機係M PC電腦控制為基礎 之「整合上肢關節牽引與連縯被動式運動控制之 復健機械手臂」控制糸統结合第一部份蓮動機構 做即時控制並擷取資料記錄,提供給治療師作為 量化評估的依據。 「整合上肢關節牽引與連縯被動式蓮動控制 之復健機械手臂」之控制系統(請參閱第七圖)係 以PC個人電腦5作為控制端,透過多軸運動控制卡 51進行驅動器52的驅動控制,撤取馬達53末端編 碼器54所感測復健設備本體结構55之位移訊號, 透過運動控制卡計數器56達成位置與速度回授控 制。該控制糸統並設有一控制電路機組57,其係 Μ手控調控的方式,達成自動化的位移調整功能 。在牽引拉力控制機構的感測部份,則是Μ測力 計5 8預測重量,並透過伺服馬達之扭矩控制模式 偵測牽引過程中的拉力訊號,利用電腦量測牽引 力與電壓訊號之關係,Μ達成牽引力量回授控制 8 200826915 與量測。 本發明之電腦人機操作軟體介面架構6 (請參 閱第八圖)包含資料庫管理61、單/多軸運動控制 6 2及運動復健軌規劃6 3等三大模組,該人機操作 軟體介面可達成復健訓練方式及硬體功能參數之 設定。 前述病患資料庫管理模組6 1主要包含:病患 資料輸入、病患資料査詢與病患資料評估功能等 前述單/多軸運動控制模組6 2包括關節運動 範圍控制功能、關節牽引力量控制功能、上肢運 動次數控制功能、糸統歸零校正功能。 前述運動復健軌跡規劃模組6 3包含軌跡資料 記錄與規劃執行功能。 綜上所述,本發明肩關節復健機係「整合手 臂關節牽引與連縯被動式運動控制之復健手臂」 ,其係以PC電腦作為控制糸統,達成肩關節復健 的使用功能,其構造為前所未見,具有新穎性及 進步性且能達成預期之使用效果,為一合於發明 專利要件之發明。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖為本發明之外觀立體圖。 第二圖為本發明護架機構立體圖。 第三圖為本發明關節運動機構立體圖。 第四圖為本發明肩關節旋轉運動機構立體圖 第五圖為本發明肘關節旋轉運動機構立體圖 第六圖為本發明牽引拉力控制機構立體圖。 9 200826915 第七圖為本發明控制糸統方塊圖。 第八圖為本發明人機操作軟體介面架構圖 【主要元件符號說明】 1 ...本體基座 2 ...升降機構 3 ...護架機構 4 ...關節運動機構 5 ·…P C電腦 6 ...人機操作軟體介面架構 1 1 ..軟性泡綿或相關軟性物 2 1 . ·座體 22 ♦•電動赶 2 3…馬達 31 ..前臂固定架 32 ..上臂固定架 33…護架 41 ..肩關節旋轉運動機構 42 ..肘關節旋轉運動機構 43…牽引拉力控制機構 4 1 1 ..水平固定板 412 ..肩關節旋轉馬達 4 1 3…滑槽 414..上臂結構底座 4 1 5…馬達 416…凸輪 421 ..肘關節旋轉馬達 10 200826915 42 2 ..肘關節旋轉固定板 423…上臂旋轉座 42 4..肘關節垂直旋轉馬達 431 . ·螺桿 432…馬達 51.. 多軸運動控制卡 5 2 . ·驅動器 5 3 ··擷取馬達 5 4 ..編碼器 55.. 復健設備本體結構 5 6 ..運動控制卡 5 7…控制電路横組 5 8…測力計 6 1 ..資料庫管理模組 62 ..單/多軸蓮動控制模組 6 3 ..運動復健軌規劃横組200826915 IX. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION: TECHNICAL FIELD The present invention relates to an ankle rehabilitation machine, and more particularly to a rehabilitation machine that integrates ankle traction and continuous passive motion control. : [Prior Art] The human shoulder joint is the joint with the largest range of body motion. Due to the recuperation of the shoulder joint structure, frequent activities and fatigue, the probability of injury is high, which often leads to early degradation, among which the frozen shoulder of the factory (frozen) Shoulder) ( ί谷 is called 351 351 shoulder) is the most common. Cramped shoulder symptoms often include shoulder stiffness, weight loss, pain, decreased muscle strength, and limited ankle movement. Patients with frozen shoulders often suffer from pain and loss of joint mobility, causing inconvenience in daily life, or even disturbing sleep. Target people. At present, there is no rehabilitation device that integrates joint traction and passive motion. Therefore, the frozen shoulder is clinically treated, and the shoulder and the passive exercise are performed by the therapist. To increase the range of shoulder joint activity, slow joint stiffness, improve upper limb muscle strength and reduce joint pain. The manual rehabilitation is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive. The therapist can not precisely control the size of the shoulder joint and the range of the rotation angle, which leads to the inability to ensure the quality of the rehabilitation treatment, and also makes the patient feel anxious during the rehabilitation treatment. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The object of the present invention is to solve the aforementioned anti-healing therapist of the frozen shoulder to perform the ankle joint and passive motion treatment 5 200826915. It is time-consuming and laborious, and cannot ensure the lack of treatment quality, and provides a shoulder joint rehabilitation. Machine, integrated shoulder joint traction and continuous movement control of the rehabilitation mechanical arm, mainly divided into: body base, lifting mechanism, cage mechanism and joint motion mechanism, the body base is designed as a general treatment chair form, The patient is seated on the chair for rehabilitation treatment; the lifting mechanism adopts electric rush or motor as the driving device to drive the whole mechanism screw upward, and the upper and lower positions are automatically adjusted according to the height of the patient; the guard frame is 塑胶 plastic or acrylic Made, it is fixed in the machine to fix and support the upper limbs of the human body; the joint movement mechanism includes: shoulder joint extension and flexion, abduction and contraction, external rotation and internal rotation of the elbow joint, abduction and internal A four-axis rotary motion mechanism, a traction tension mechanism for the telescopic control mechanism, which is based on a PC computer and combined with a joint transport Institutions as an immediate control, and retrieve data records to provide evidence to the therapist as a quantitative assessment and treatment, Μ reached using the function of shoulder rehabilitation therapy. [Embodiment] Embodiments of the present invention and its functional features are further described in more detail in accordance with the preferred embodiment shown in the drawings. As shown in the first figure, the ankle joint rehabilitation machine of the present invention is an integrated shoulder joint traction. The rehabilitation mechanical arm with continuous passive motion control mainly includes: a body base 1, a lifting mechanism 2, a cage mechanism 3, and an articulation mechanism 4. The body base 1 is of a general treatment chair design. The body base 1 is provided with a soft foam or a phase soft object 11 in the embodiment, so that the patient can comfortably sit on the chair and receive rehabilitation treatment. 6 200826915 The above-mentioned lifting mechanism 2 is a 5$-body 21 with an electric drive 22 or a motor 23 as a driving device, which drives the whole mechanism screw upward, and can automatically adjust the screw driven by the electric drive 22 or the motor 2 3 according to the height of the patient. Move up and down. The above-mentioned cage mechanism 3 (please refer to the first diagram and the second diagram) is composed of a forearm holder 31, an upper arm holder 32 and a cage 33, which in the embodiment is a plastic or acrylic Made of screw green, it is fixed in the machine to support the human arm. In order to make the patient comfortable, it is necessary to apply the cushion and the devil's adhesive to cover the arm. The aforementioned articulation mechanism (see the third figure) includes: shoulder joint extension and flexion, abduction and contraction of the shoulder joint rotation mechanism 4, elbow joint external rotation and internal rotation, abduction and retraction of the elbow joint A four-axis rotary motion mechanism such as a rotary lotus mechanism 42 and a traction pull control mechanism 43 are provided. The shoulder joint rotary motion mechanism 41 (refer to the fourth figure) includes two vertical directions of arm vertical lifting and horizontal rotation. The mechanism is provided with an upper arm horizontal fixing plate 411 and a shoulder joint rotation motor 412, and the horizontal fixing plate 411 is connected. On the rehabilitation robot arm base, the shoulder joint rotation motor 41 2 is used to drive the upper upper arm structure to rotate; the horizontal fixing plate 411 is provided with a sliding slot 413, and the upper arm structure base 4 14 is mounted on the wheel system. The chute 4 1 3 is free to slide, and can be restricted by the position of the chute or the limit switch, and the operation is stopped for safety. As for the shoulder joint lifting mechanism, it is constituted by the motor 4 15 and a cam 4 16 * which drives the cam 416 by the motor and generates a thrust by friction to achieve the rotation of the entire upper arm structure. 7 200826915 The elbow joint rotation mechanism 42 (please refer to the fifth figure) is coupled to the upper arm rotation seat 423 by the elbow joint rotation motor 42 1 in combination with the elbow joint rotation fixing plate 422 on the side of the elbow joint rotation fixing plate 42 2 . The elbow joint vertical rotation motor 424 is installed to achieve the rehabilitation function of the vertical and vertical rotation of the human elbow joint. The traction tension control mechanism 43 (see Fig. 6) is provided with a screw 431 which can control the lead screw 43 1 via the motor 43 2 to perform the short-stroke traction pull control after fixing the patient's limb. The traction tension control mechanism can adjust the traction distance, depending on the length of the patient's hand. The shoulder joint rehabilitation machine of the present invention is based on the M PC computer control system, and the "reconstruction of the upper limb joint traction and the continuous rehabilitation of the passive motion control" control system is combined with the first part of the lotus mechanism for immediate control and data acquisition. Records are provided to the therapist as a basis for quantitative assessment. The control system (refer to the seventh figure) that integrates the upper limb joint traction and the passive lotus movement control (see the seventh figure) uses the PC personal computer 5 as the control terminal to drive the driver 52 through the multi-axis motion control card 51. Controlling, the motor 53 end encoder 54 senses the displacement signal of the rehabilitation device body structure 55, and the position and speed feedback control is achieved through the motion control card counter 56. The control system is also provided with a control circuit unit 57, which is controlled by manual control to achieve an automatic displacement adjustment function. In the sensing part of the traction tension control mechanism, the dynamometer is used to predict the weight, and the torque control mode of the servo motor is used to detect the pulling force signal during the traction process, and the relationship between the traction force and the voltage signal is measured by the computer. Μ Achieve traction force feedback control 8 200826915 with measurement. The computer human-machine operating software interface architecture 6 (refer to the eighth figure) of the present invention comprises three modules: a database management 61, a single/multi-axis motion control 62 and a sports rehabilitation track planning 63, and the human-machine operation. The soft interface can achieve the setting of rehabilitation training mode and hardware function parameters. The foregoing patient database management module 6 1 mainly comprises: patient data input, patient data query and patient data evaluation function, etc. The aforementioned single/multi-axis motion control module 6 2 includes joint motion range control function and joint traction force. Control function, upper limb movement count control function, and 归 system zero correction function. The aforementioned motion rehabilitation trajectory planning module 63 includes trajectory data recording and planning execution functions. In summary, the shoulder joint rehabilitation machine of the present invention is a "reinforcing arm that integrates arm joint traction and continuous passive motion control", which uses a PC computer as a control system to achieve the function of shoulder joint rehabilitation. The invention is unprecedented, novel and progressive, and can achieve the intended use effect, and is an invention combined with the patent requirements of the invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The first figure is a perspective view of the appearance of the present invention. The second figure is a perspective view of the cage mechanism of the present invention. The third figure is a perspective view of the joint motion mechanism of the present invention. The fourth figure is a perspective view of the shoulder joint rotary motion mechanism of the present invention. The fifth figure is a perspective view of the elbow joint rotary motion mechanism of the present invention. The sixth figure is a perspective view of the traction pull control mechanism of the present invention. 9 200826915 The seventh figure is a block diagram of the control system of the present invention. The eighth figure is the interface diagram of the human-machine operation software interface of the present invention [the main component symbol description] 1 ... the body base 2 ... the lifting mechanism 3 ... the cage mechanism 4 ... the joint motion mechanism 5 · ... PC Computer 6 ... Human Machine Operation Software Interface Architecture 1 1 .. Soft foam or related soft objects 2 1 · Seat 22 ♦ • Electric drive 2 3... Motor 31 .. Forearm mount 32 .. Upper arm mount 33 ...guard frame 41. shoulder joint rotary motion mechanism 42. elbow joint rotary motion mechanism 43... traction pull control mechanism 4 1 1 .. horizontal fixed plate 412 .. shoulder joint rotary motor 4 1 3... chute 414.. upper arm Structure base 4 1 5...motor 416...cam 421 .. elbow joint rotation motor 10 200826915 42 2 .. elbow joint rotation fixing plate 423... upper arm rotation seat 42 4. elbow joint vertical rotation motor 431. · screw 432...motor 51 .. multi-axis motion control card 5 2 · drive 5 3 ··take motor 5 4 .. encoder 55.. rehabilitation device body structure 5 6 .. motion control card 5 7... control circuit horizontal group 5 8... Dynamometer 6 1 ..Database Management Module 62 .. Single/Multi-axis Lotus Control Module 6 3 .. Sports Rehabilitation Track Planning Horizontal Group