TARIFNAM E YANA AÇMA KARE ORING Teknik Alan Bulus, otobüs, uçak, tren gibi seyahat araçlarinda daha konforlu bir yolculuk için ikili koltuklarin koridor genisligini kullanarak yolculuk sirasinda yana açilmasini saglayan, eklenen oring ile mukavemeti arttirilmis mekanizma ile ilgilidir. Teknigin Bilinen Durumu Günümüzde kullanilan otobüs, uçak, tren ve benzeri araçlarin koltuklarinda seyahat konforunun arttirilmasi için koltuk sirt kisminin geriye dogru yatirilabilmesi, koltugun kizak hareketi yapmasi, koltuk sirt dayama bölümüne eklenen multimedya ekranlar, hareketli baslik gibi birçok yenilik gerçeklestirilmistir. Ayrica yolculuk konforunun arttirilmasi amaciyla araç içerisindeki koltuk sayisi ve yerlesimi de zaman içerisinde degisime ugramistir. Yolcu tasimaciliginda kullanilan araçlarin birçogunda yolcu konforunun saglanmasi amaciyla yana dogru açilabilen koltuklar bulunmaktadir. Mevcut teknikte kullanilmakta olan yana açma sisteminde zamanla; makara sisteminin deforme olmasi, mekanizma geçislerindeki bosluklardan kaynakli rahatsizlik veren seslerin olmasi, yana açma kuvvetinin zamanla degiskenlik göstermesi, planlanan yapinin zamana bagli bozulmasi gibi birçok sorun ortaya çikmaktadir. Mevcut sistemlerde kullanilan oring tasarimi makaralarin alüminyum parçalarla temasini tam olarak engelleyemedigi için makaralar birbirine sürterek çalismaktadir. Normal oringler ezildikleri için yana açma esnasinda makaralarin dönmeden kayarak hareket etmesi sorunu ortaya çikmaktadir. Kayarak hareket eden makaralar zamanla mevcut yüzeylerde asinmaya sebebiyet verdigi için bosluklara neden olmaktadir. Yana açilir/kayar koltuk mekanizmalarinin iyilestirilmesi ve mevcut sorunlarin giderilmesi amaciyla günümüzde birçok çalisma gerçeklestirilmistir. Bu çalismalardan biri, TR 2019/15977 numarali ve bulus, toplu ulasim alaninda faaliyet gösteren otobüs, minibüs, midibüs, tren, uçak, gemi vb. araçlarda bulunan yolcu koltuklarinin öne arkaya yatirilmasi ve saga sola kaydirilarak iki koltuk arasindaki mesafenin ayarlanabilmesine tek kumanda kontrolü ile olanak saglayan yolcu koltugu yatirma ve yana açma butonu ile ilgilidir. Bir diger çalisma, TR 2018/06215 numarali ve "Yana Açilabilen Koltuk Sasesi" baslikli faydali model basvurusuna konu olan bulustur. Bulus, sehirlerarasi yolcu tasimaciliginda, yolcularin rahat ve ergonomik sekilde yolculuk yapmasini saglamak üzere gelistirilmis kayarak yana açilabilen koltuk sasesi ile ilgilidir. Bahsedilen yana açilabilen koltuk sasesi, üzerine koltugu tasiyan koltuk baglanti profilinin irtibatlandirildigi, sabit profil ve bu profil içerisinde hareket ederek ikili koltuk arasindaki mesafenin arttirilip azaltilmasini saglayan hareketli ray içermektedir. Diger bir çalisma, TR 2016/20056 numarali ve "Yolcu Koltuklari Için Yana Açma Mekanizmasi" baslikli faydali model basvurusuna konu olan bulustur. Bulus, alt iskelet profili üzerinde bulunan miller vasitasiyla alt iskelet profili ile oturak plakasi arasinda konumlandirilan rulo sayesinde yolcu koltuklarinda oturak kisminin hareket ettirilerek istenilen pozisyona getirmesini saglayan, alternatiflerine göre daha düsük maliyetli ve daha hafif bir yana açma mekanizmasi ile ilgilidir. Baska bir çalisma, TR 2016/14334 numarali ve "Yana Kayma Hareket Mekanizmasi" baslikli faydali model basvurusuna konu olan bulustur. Bulus, profillerden olusan bir alt iskelet, alt iskelete konumlandirilmis plastik klipsler ve alt iskelet üzerinde hareket eden oturak plakalarina sahip, yolcu koltuklarinda yana kayma hareketini yerine getirmek amaciyla kullanilan, alternatiflerine göre daha düsük maliyetli ve daha hafif bir hareket mekanizmasi ile ilgilidir. Sonuç olarak mevcut teknikte var olan dezavantajlari ortadan kaldiran oring ile mukavemeti arttirilmis mekanizmaya olan gereksinimin varligi ve mevcut çözümlerin yetersizligi ilgili teknik alanda bir gelistirme yapmayi zorunlu kilmistir. Bulusun Kisa Açiklamasi Mevcut bulus, yukarida bahsedilen gereksinimleri karsilayan, tüm dezavantajlari ortadan kaldiran ve ilave bazi avantajlar getiren otobüs, uçak, tren gibi seyahat araçlarinda daha konforlu bir yolculuk için ikili koltuklarin koridor genisligini kullanarak yolculuk sirasinda yana açilmasini saglayan, eklenen oring ile mukavemeti arttirilmis mekanizma ile ilgilidir. Teknigin bilinen durumundan yola çikarak bulusun amaci, gelistirilen kare oring sayesinde makaralarin asinmasinin engellenerek diger sorunlari beraberinde ortadan kaldirmasinin ve uzun ömürlü bir sistem ortaya konulmasinin saglanmasidir. Bulusun amaci, yana açma sisteminin yana açma kuvvetlerinin sabitlenmesi sayesinde zamanla kuvvet degisikligine mahal verilmesinin saglanmasidir. Bulusun diger bir amaci, degistirilerek köseli hale getirilen oring tasarimi sayesinde makarayi tam olarak sarmasinin ve makara ile eszamanli çalismasinin saglanmasidir. Bulusun diger bir amaci, makaralarin daireselliginin arttirilmasi sayesinde asinmanin önüne geçilmesinin ve bosluk probleminin ortadan kaldirilmasinin saglanmasidir. Bulusun diger bir amaci, oringin özel kauçuk malzeme ile gelistirilmesi ve sertlik ölçümleri 70NBR ile pozitif olmasi sayesinde ölçüsel tolerans sapmalarinin önüne geçilerek mekanizmanin kuvvet toleransinin asilmamasinin saglanmasidir. Bulusun yapisal ve karakteristik özellikleri ve tüm avantajlari asagida verilen sekiller ve bu sekillere atiflar yapilmak suretiyle yazilan detayli açiklama sayesinde daha net olarak anlasilacaktir, bu nedenle degerlendirmenin de bu sekillerin ve detayli açiklamalarin göz önüne alinarak yapilmasi gerekmektedir. Sekillerin Kisa Açiklamasi Mevcut bulusun yapilanmasi ve ek elemanlarla birlikte avantajlarinin en iyi sekilde anlasilabilmesi için asagida açiklamasi yapilan sekiller ile birlikte degerlendirilmesi gerekir. Sekil-1; yana açma mekanizmasinin sematik genel görünümüdür. Referans Numaralari . Yana açma mekanizmasi 11. Kizak 12. Makara 13. Oring Bulusun Detayli Açiklamasi Bu detayli açiklamada, bulus konusu otobüs, uçak, tren gibi seyahat araçlarinda daha konforlu bir yolculuk için ikili koltuklarin koridor genisligini kullanarak yolculuk sirasinda yana açilmasini saglayan, eklenen oring (13) ile mukavemeti arttirilmis yana açma mekanizmasi (10) sadece konunun daha iyi anlasilmasina yönelik örnek olarak ve hiçbir sinirlayici etki olusturmayacak sekilde anlatilmaktadir. Sekil-1'de gösterilen yana açma mekanizmasi (10); araç sase profili ile yana açma mekanizmasi (10) parçalarinin irtibatlandirilmasini saglayan, alüminyum malzemeden mamul kizak (11); yana açma mekanizmasinin (10) daha düsük kuvvet ile açilmasi için hareket esnasinda dönerek tekerlek görevi gören makara (12); yana açma mekanizmasinda (10) tolerans veren ve makaranin (12) asinmasini önleyen oring (13) içermektedir. Bahsedilen kizak (11), makaranin (12) dönerek hareketini saglamaktadir. Yana açma kursu boyunca bahsedilen kizak (11), makarayi (12) slot yardimiyla tutmaktadir. Bahsedilen makara (12), dönme hareketiyle yana açma esnasinda kuvveti azaltmak için dairesel formdadir. Bulus konusu yana açma mekanizmasinda (10) kullanilan köseli yapidaki oring (13), makaralarin (12) asinmasini engelleyerek teknigin bilinen durumunda yasanan diger sorunlari da beraberinde ortadan kaldirmakta ve uzun ömürlü bir sistemin servis ömrünü uzatmaktadir. Bahsedilen oring (13) ile yana açma mekanizmasinin (10) yana açma kuvvetleri sabitlenerek zamanla kuvvet degisikligine mahal verilmemistir. Bahsedilen oringin (13) köseli hale getirilmesi, makaranin (12) tam olarak sarilmasini ve makara (12) ile eszamanli çalismasini saglamistir. Ayrica asinmanin önüne geçilmesi ve bosluk probleminin ortadan kaldirilmasi için makaralarin (12) daireselligi arttirilmistir. Oring (13) özel kauçuk malzeme ile gelistirilmis sertlik ölçümleri 70NBR ile pozitiftir. Özel kauçuk malzeme ile ölçüsel tolerans sapmalarinin önüne geçilerek yana açma mekanizmasinin (10) kuvvet toleransi asilmamistir TR TR TR TR TR TR DESCRIPTION SIDE OPENING SQUARE ORING Technical Field The invention relates to a mechanism whose strength is increased with the added o-ring, which allows double seats to be opened sideways during the journey by using the aisle width for a more comfortable journey in travel vehicles such as buses, planes and trains. Known State of the Technique Many innovations have been made in order to increase travel comfort in the seats of buses, planes, trains and similar vehicles used today, such as the ability to recline the seat back, the sled movement of the seat, multimedia screens added to the seat backrest, and movable headrests. In addition, the number and placement of seats in the vehicle have changed over time in order to increase travel comfort. Many of the vehicles used for passenger transportation have seats that can be opened sideways to ensure passenger comfort. Over time, in the side opening system used in the current technique; Many problems arise, such as deformation of the pulley system, disturbing noises due to gaps in the mechanism passages, variation of the opening force over time, and deterioration of the planned structure over time. Since the o-ring design used in current systems cannot completely prevent the rollers from contacting the aluminum parts, the rollers work by rubbing against each other. Since normal o-rings are crushed, the problem of the spools sliding without turning during side opening occurs. Sliding rollers cause gaps on existing surfaces over time as they cause wear. Today, many studies have been carried out to improve the tilting/sliding seat mechanisms and to eliminate the existing problems. One of these studies, numbered TR 2019/15977, is an invention of buses, minibuses, midibuses, trains, planes, ships, etc. operating in the field of public transportation. It is related to the passenger seat reclining and sideways opening button, which allows the passenger seats in vehicles to be reclined front and back and to adjust the distance between the two seats by sliding them left and right with a single remote control. Another work is the invention that is the subject of the utility model application numbered TR 2018/06215 and titled "Side Opening Seat Chassis". The invention relates to a seat chassis that can slide to the side, developed to enable passengers to travel comfortably and ergonomically in intercity passenger transportation. The mentioned side-folding seat chassis contains a fixed profile, to which the seat connection profile that carries the seat is connected, and a movable rail that moves within this profile, allowing the distance between the double seats to be increased or decreased. Another work is the invention that is the subject of the utility model application numbered TR 2016/20056 and titled "Side Opening Mechanism for Passenger Seats". The invention relates to a lower-cost and lighter side opening mechanism compared to alternatives, which enables the seat part of passenger seats to be moved to the desired position thanks to the roller positioned between the sub-frame profile and the seat plate by means of the shafts on the sub-frame profile. Another study is the invention that is the subject of a utility model application numbered TR 2016/14334 and titled "Side Sliding Motion Mechanism". The invention relates to a lower-cost and lighter movement mechanism than alternatives, which has a sub-frame consisting of profiles, plastic clips positioned on the sub-frame and seat plates moving on the sub-frame, and is used to perform the side-sliding movement in passenger seats. As a result, the need for a mechanism with increased strength by o-ring, which eliminates the disadvantages of the current technique, and the inadequacy of existing solutions have made it necessary to make a development in the relevant technical field. Brief Description of the Invention The present invention is a mechanism with increased strength with the added o-ring, which meets the above-mentioned requirements, eliminates all the disadvantages and brings some additional advantages, allowing the double seats to be opened sideways during the journey by using the aisle width for a more comfortable journey in travel vehicles such as buses, planes and trains. It is related to. Based on the known state of the technique, the aim of the invention is to prevent the wear of the pulleys thanks to the developed square o-ring, thus eliminating other problems and providing a long-lasting system. The purpose of the invention is to ensure that force changes are not possible over time by fixing the side opening forces of the side opening system. Another purpose of the invention is to ensure that it fully wraps the spool and works simultaneously with the spool, thanks to the o-ring design that has been changed and made angular. Another purpose of the invention is to prevent wear and eliminate the gap problem by increasing the circularity of the rollers. Another purpose of the invention is to prevent dimensional tolerance deviations and ensure that the force tolerance of the mechanism is not exceeded, thanks to the development of the o-ring with a special rubber material and the hardness measurements being positive with 70NBR. The structural and characteristic features and all the advantages of the invention will be more clearly understood thanks to the figures given below and the detailed explanation written by making references to these figures, therefore the evaluation should be made by taking these figures and detailed explanations into consideration. Brief Description of the Drawings In order to best understand the structure of the present invention and its advantages with additional elements, it should be evaluated together with the figures explained below. Figure 1; is the schematic general view of the side opening mechanism. Reference Numbers . Side opening mechanism 11. Slide 12. Pulley 13. O-Ring Detailed Description of the Invention In this detailed description, the added o-ring (13) that enables the double seats to be opened sideways during the journey by using the aisle width for a more comfortable journey in travel vehicles such as buses, planes and trains. The side opening mechanism (10) with increased strength is explained only as an example for a better understanding of the subject and in a way that does not create any limiting effect. Side opening mechanism (10) shown in Figure-1; slide (11) made of aluminum material, which enables the connection of the vehicle chassis profile and the side opening mechanism (10) parts; the pulley (12), which rotates during movement and acts as a wheel in order to open the side opening mechanism (10) with less force; It contains an o-ring (13) that gives tolerance to the side opening mechanism (10) and prevents the pulley (12) from wearing. The mentioned sled (11) ensures the rotating movement of the pulley (12). The mentioned slide (11) holds the pulley (12) with the help of a slot throughout the side opening stroke. Said pulley (12) is in circular form to reduce the force during side opening with rotational movement. The angular structure o-ring (13) used in the side opening mechanism (10) of the invention prevents the wear of the pulleys (12), eliminating other problems experienced in the state of the art and extending the service life of a long-lasting system. The side opening forces of the side opening mechanism (10) are fixed by the said o-ring (13), thus preventing force change over time. Making the said o-ring (13) angular ensures that the spool (12) is completely wrapped and operates simultaneously with the spool (12). In addition, the circularity of the rollers (12) has been increased to prevent wear and eliminate the gap problem. O-ring (13) developed with special rubber material, hardness measurements are positive with 70NBR. By preventing dimensional tolerance deviations with the special rubber material, the force tolerance of the side opening mechanism (10) is not exceeded. TR TR TR TR TR TR