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SI9600209A - Electronically commutated direct drive of a washing machine drum - Google Patents

Electronically commutated direct drive of a washing machine drum Download PDF


Publication number
SI9600209A SI9600209A SI9600209A SI9600209A SI 9600209 A SI9600209 A SI 9600209A SI 9600209 A SI9600209 A SI 9600209A SI 9600209 A SI9600209 A SI 9600209A SI 9600209 A SI9600209 A SI 9600209A
Prior art keywords
washing machine
direct drive
machine drum
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Slovenian (sl)
Sandi Dolenc
Janko Jelenc
Original Assignee
Domel Elektromotorji In
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Application filed by Domel Elektromotorji In filed Critical Domel Elektromotorji In
Priority to SI9600209A priority Critical patent/SI9600209A/en
Priority to TR1998/02748T priority patent/TR199802748T2/en
Priority to DE69709868T priority patent/DE69709868T2/en
Priority to EP97930973A priority patent/EP0909477B1/en
Priority to PCT/SI1997/000021 priority patent/WO1998000902A1/en
Priority to AU34723/97A priority patent/AU3472397A/en
Publication of SI9600209A publication Critical patent/SI9600209A/en



  • Main Body Construction Of Washing Machines And Laundry Dryers (AREA)
  • Iron Core Of Rotating Electric Machines (AREA)


Subject of the invention is an electronically commutated direct drive of a washing machine drum where the rotor (2) is implemented directly on the drum driving shaft, while the stator (1) is located on the drum supporting frame. The construction of the electronically commutated direct drive of a washing machine drum according to the invention provides by an optimum ratio between the width of the stator pole (10) featuring an uneven air gap (8) between the stator (1) and the rotor (2), a low noise level and a relatively large moment on the drive shaft. The number of the rotor terminals which are represented by magnet segments (3) is larger than the number of the stator terminals (6) featuring coils (4) so that the ratio between the rotor and stator terminals is 1,3333, while the ratio between the width of the stator terminal (6) and the gap width (10) between the stator terminals (6) equals 1,868.


Predmet izuma je elektronsko komutirani motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja pri katerem je rotor izveden direktno na pogonski osi bobna, stator pa na nosilnem križu bobna. Predmet izuma spada v razred H02K 7/00 mednarodne patentne klasifikacije.The subject of the invention is an electronically switched motor for direct drive of the washing machine drum in which the rotor is made directly on the driving axis of the drum and the stator on the supporting cross of the drum. The subject matter of the invention belongs to class H02K 7/00 of the international patent classification.

Tehnični problem, ki ga predložena izvedba motorja uspešno rešuje, je konstrukcijska izvedba pogonskega motorja bobna pralnega stroja, ki bo omogočal direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja ob nizkem nivoju hrupa in relativno velikem momentu na gredi motorja.A technical problem successfully solved by the proposed engine design is the design of the washing machine drum drive motor, which will allow the washing machine drum to be driven directly at low noise and relatively high torque on the motor shaft.

Obstoječi pralni stroji uporabljajo za pogon bobna asinhronski ali univerzalni kolektorski motor, ki je nameščen pod bobnom pralnega stroja. Prenos moči iz motorja na boben je izveden s pomočjo dveh jermenic in jermena z običajnim prestavnim razmerjem 1:12. Opisana izvedba ima nekaj pomanjkljivosti kot so: velika masa protiuteži zaradi lege motorja izven centra bobna, visok nivo hrupa zlasti v fazi centrifugiranja, relativno kratka življenjska doba jermena in motorja, neprilagojena karakteristika motorja karakteristiki bremena in slab izkoristek pogona.Existing washing machines use an asynchronous or universal collector motor mounted under the washing machine drum to drive the drum. Power is transferred from the motor to the drum by two pulleys and a belt with a standard gear ratio of 1:12. The described design has some disadvantages such as: high weight counterweight due to the position of the motor outside the center of the drum, high noise especially during the spin phase, relatively short belt and motor life, unadapted engine characteristics load characteristics and poor drive efficiency.

Naštete pomanjkljivosti odpravlja izvedba pralnega stroja z direktnim io pogonom bobna. Stator takšnega motorja je pritrjen na nosilni križ bobna, rotor pa je montiran direktno na pogonsko os bobna pralnega stroja. Sam motor torej nima svojega uležajenja, saj je uporabljeno kar obstoječe uležajenje bobna. Pri takšni konstrukcijski izvedbi pogona odpadeta pogonski jermenici in jermen ter precejšen del protiuteži. Poleg že is navedenih prednosti pa direktni pogon odpravlja tudi predhodno naštete pomanjkljivosti klasičnega pogona bobna pralnega stroja.The above disadvantages are eliminated by the implementation of the washing machine with direct drum drive. The stator of such an engine is attached to the drum support cross, and the rotor is mounted directly on the drive axle of the washing machine drum. The motor itself therefore does not have its own bearing, since the existing drum bearings are used. In such a construction of the drive, the drive pulleys and the belt and a considerable part of the counterweight are lost. In addition to the advantages already mentioned, direct drive eliminates the previously mentioned disadvantages of the classic washing machine drum drive.

Znane izvedbe motorjev za direktni pogon pralega stroja imajo ponavadi večje število statorskih polov od rotorskih, kar povzroča velike puzacije momenta na gredi in s tem tudi relativno visok nivo hrupa. Zračna reža med rotorjem in statorjem je običajno enakomerna, kar daje trapezno obliko medfazne inducirane napetosti, ki ob običajni obliki toka vodi zopet do relativno visokega nivoja hrupa. Razmerje med širino statorskega pola in širino vmesnega prostora mora biti izbrano optimalno, če hočemo dobiti nizek nivo hrupa in relativno velik moment na gredi stroja. To razmerje pri do sedaj poznanih direktnih pogonih ni optimalno. Ker sta zunanji in notranji premer motorja relativno velika je pri običajnem načinu izdelovanja lamel odpadek železa zelo velik, kar močno podraži motor. Do sedaj poznane izvedbe direktnih pogonov uporabljajo klasičen način čelne in utorne izolacije, kar je drag in časovno dolgotrajen postopek. Konstrukcija elektronsko komutiranega motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja po izumu omogoča z optimalnim razmerjem med širino statorskega pola in širino vmesnega prostora ob neenakomerni zračni reži med statorjem in rotorjem doseganje nizkega nivoja hrupa ter relativno velik moment na gredi motorja.The well-known direct-drive engines of a machine are generally larger in number of stator poles than the rotor ones, causing large momentum puzzles on the shaft and thus a relatively high noise level. The air gap between the rotor and the stator is usually uniform, giving a trapezoidal form of interfacial induced voltage, which, in the normal form of the current, leads again to a relatively high noise level. The ratio between the stator pole width and the width of the intermediate space must be optimally selected in order to obtain low noise and relatively high torque on the machine shaft. This ratio is not optimal for the direct drives known so far. Since the outer and inner diameters of the motor are relatively large, the conventional method of manufacturing lamellae is very high, which greatly increases the cost of the engine. Up-to-date direct drive designs use the conventional front and groove insulation method, which is an expensive and time-consuming process. The design of the electronically switched motor for direct drive of the washing machine drum according to the invention enables an optimal ratio of the stator pole width to the intermediate space at the uneven air gap between the stator and the rotor to achieve a low noise level and a relatively high torque on the motor shaft.

Elektronsko komutirani motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja po izumu bomo podrobneje obrazložili na osnovi izvedbenega primera in pripadajočih slik, od katerih kaže:The electronically commutated motor for direct drive of the washing machine drum according to the invention will be explained in more detail on the basis of an embodiment and the accompanying figures, of which:

slika 1 motor po izumu v prerezu s prikazom rotorskega in statorskega dela;Fig. 1 is a cross-sectional view of an engine according to the invention showing a rotor and stator part;

slika 2 segment statorskega paketa motorja po izumu;Figure 2 is a segment of the stator motor package of the invention;

slika 3 del statorja in rotorja motorja po izumu s prikazom neenakomerne zračne reže;Figure 3 shows a portion of the stator and motor rotor according to the invention showing a non-uniform air gap;

slika 4 prikaz izdelave statorske lamele;Figure 4 shows a stator blade construction;

slika 5 shematska predstavitev električne vezave motorja za različne delovne operacije pralnega stroja;Fig. 5 is a schematic representation of the electrical circuit of the engine for various washing machine operating operations;

slika 6 vzdolžni prerez motorja po izumu.6 is a longitudinal sectional view of the engine according to the invention.

Elektronsko komutirani motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja po izumu ima stator 1, ki je sestavljen iz statorskega paketa iz dinamo pločevine s statorskim jarmom 5 z izraženimi statorskimi poli 6 po zunanjem obodu. Na izraženih statorskih polih 6 so nameščene tuljave 4, ki predstavljajo koncentrično navito trifazno statorsko navitje. Rotor 2 motorja je izveden kot mehkomagnetno železno jedro 7 z nanj nalepljenimi magnetni segmenti 3.The electronically switched engine for direct drive of the washing machine drum according to the invention has a stator 1, which consists of a stator package made of dynamo plate with a stator yoke 5 with pronounced stator poles 6 along the outer circumference. Coil poles 6 are provided with coils 4, which represent a concentrically wound three-phase stator winding. The rotor 2 of the motor is designed as a soft magnetic core 7 with magnetic segments 3 attached to it.

io Elektronsko komutirani motor po izumu ima stator 1 pritrjen na nosilni križ pralnega stroja, medtem ko je rotor 2 pritrjen direktno na os bobna pralnega stroja. Število rotorskih polov, ki jih predstavljajo magnetni segmenti 3 je večje od števila izraženih statorskih polov 6. Faktor razmerja rotorski poli - statorski poli je The electronically commutated motor of the invention has a stator 1 attached to the washer cross carrier, while the rotor 2 is attached directly to the washer drum axis. The number of rotor poles represented by magnetic segments 3 is greater than the number of expressed stator poles 6. The ratio factor of the rotor pole - stator poles is 1.3333.

Neenakomerno zračno režo med rotorskimi in statorskimi poli lahko dosežemo na dva načina. V prvem primeru imajo na rotorsko jedro 7 nalepljeni magnetni segmenti 3 pravokotno obliko, medtem ko je zgornja površina statorskih polov 9 v statorskem paketu 12 oblikovana rahlo konveksno tako, da je zračna reža 8 neenakomerna. V drugem primeru pa so lahko magnetni segmenti 3 oblikovani po radiju statorski poli 9 pa ravni. S tako oblikovano neenakomerno zračno režo med statorjem in rotorjem dosežemo sinusno obliko medfazne inducirane napetosti, kar močno zmanjša nivo hrupa med obratovanjem motorja. Razmerje širine statorskega pola 9 proti širini vmesnega prostora 10 med statorskimi poli 9 je 1.868. Tako izbrano razmerje predstavlja optimalno izbiro, saj z njim dosežemo minimalno nihanje vrtilnega momenta ter s tem tudi minimalen nivo hrupa.The uneven air gap between the rotor and stator poles can be achieved in two ways. In the first case, the magnetic segments 3 attached to the rotor core 7 have a rectangular shape, while the upper surface of the stator poles 9 in the stator package 12 is formed slightly convex so that the air gap 8 is uneven. In the second case, however, the magnetic segments 3 may be radio-shaped stator 9s as flat. With such a non-uniform air gap between the stator and the rotor, a sinusoidal phase-induced induced voltage is achieved, which greatly reduces the noise level during engine operation. The ratio of the width of the stator pole 9 to the width of the intermediate space 10 between the stator poles 9 is 1.868. The ratio chosen in this way represents the optimum choice, as it achieves minimal torque fluctuation and thus a minimum noise level.

Shematska predstavitev električne vezave motorja za različne delovne operacije pralnega stroja je prikazana nasliki 4. Trifazno motorno navitje 19 je vezano v zvezdo tako, da ima vsaka faza dva odcepa - enega za pranje in enega za centrifugo. Pri pranju, kjer rabimo majhno hitrost vrtenja je motor priključen med sponke U1, V1 in W1. V tem primeru je io aktivno celotno navitje. Pri centrifugiranju, kjer rabimo veliko hitrost vrtenja je motor priključen med sponke U2, V2 in W2. V tem položaju je aktiven le del navitja. Razmerje med aktivnim navitjem pri centrifugi in pranju je 1:3, 1:4 ali 1:5. Navitje 19 z odcepi nam omogoča delovanje motorja v optimalnih razmerah pri vseh pralnih ciklusih, is Na sliki 4 je prikazan del izdelave statorskega paketa. Posamezne statorske lamele so izsekane iz traku 11, nakar se le-te oblikujejo z upogibanjem izsekanega traku na predpisani premer. Iz traku 11 je možno hkrati izsekati po dve statorski lameli. Pri upogibanju na predpisani premer se izvaja upogibanje izsekanih trakov za prvi paket v eno in za drugi paket v drugo stran. Pri izsekovanju statorskih lamel iz traku hkrati izsekamo tudi pomožne utore 13, ki olajšajo naknadno upogibanje izsekanega traku na predpisani premer.A schematic representation of the electrical connection of the motor for the different operating operations of the washing machine is shown in FIG. 4. The three-phase motor winding 19 is star-bound so that each phase has two branches - one for washing and one for centrifuge. For low-speed washes, the motor is connected between terminals U1, V1 and W1. In this case, the entire winding is active. For centrifugation, where high rotational speed is required, the motor is connected between terminals U2, V2 and W2. Only a part of the winding is active in this position. The ratio of active coil to spin and wash is 1: 3, 1: 4 or 1: 5. The coil winding 19 enables us to operate the engine under optimum conditions for all wash cycles, is Figure 4 shows the part of the stator package. The individual stator blades are cut from the strip 11 and then formed by bending the strip to the prescribed diameter. Two stator blades can be cut simultaneously from the strip 11. When bending to the prescribed diameter, bending of the cut strips for the first packet into one and for the second packet into the other side is performed. When cutting the stator blades from the strip, the auxiliary grooves 13 are also cut, which facilitates the subsequent bending of the strip cut to the prescribed diameter.

Sam statorski paket je zalit v plastiko, tako da le ta tvori čelno izolacijo 14, utorno izolacijo 15 in pesto 16 za pritrditev statorja na nosilni križ bobna. Plastika, v kateri je zalit statorski paket, ima pritrdilna mesta za vezja 17 Hall generatorjev, ki so trije in leže na sredini sosednjih utorov, na medsebojni kotni razdalji 15°. Položaj vezij 17 je prikazan na sliki 1.The stator package itself is embedded in plastic so that it forms the front insulation 14, the groove insulation 15 and the hub 16 for attaching the stator to the drum support cross. The plastic in which the stator pack is embedded has mounting points for the 17 Hall generators, which are three and lie in the middle of adjacent grooves, at an angular distance of 15 °. The position of the circuits 17 is shown in Figure 1.

Magnetni segmenti 3 skupaj z železnim jedrom 7 so tudi zaliti v plastični del 18, ki poleg tega da učvrsti magnetne segmente 3 na železnem jedru 7 tvori istočasno tudi pesto za pritrditev rotorja 2 na gred bobna pralnega stroja.The magnetic segments 3 together with the iron core 7 are also embedded in the plastic part 18, which, in addition to fixing the magnetic segments 3 on the iron core 7, forms at the same time a hub for attaching the rotor 2 to the drum shaft of the washing machine.

io Elektronsko komutirani motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja po izumu uspešno rešuje zastavljen tehnični problem direktnega pogona bobna pralnega stroja ob minimalnem nihanju vrtilnega momenta in zato nizkem nivoju hrupa in relativno velikem momentu na gredi motorja. Poleg tega pa nudi opisana konstrukcijska rešitev motorja tudi možnost enostavne velikoserijske The electronically switched machine for direct drive of the washing machine drum according to the invention successfully solves the technical problem of the direct drive of the washing machine drum with minimal torque fluctuation and therefore low noise level and relatively high torque on the motor shaft. In addition, the engine design described above also offers the possibility of a simple large-scale production.

Claims (10)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Elektronsko komutirani motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja, pri katerem je stator 1 pritrjen na nosilni križ pralnega stroja in rotor 2 s direktno na os bobna pralnega stroja, označen s tem, da je število rotorskih polov, ki jih predstavljajo magnetni segmenti (3) večje od števila statorskih polov (6) s tuljavami (4) tako, da je faktor razmerja rotorski poli - statorski poli enak 1.3333, medtem ko je io razmerje širine statorskega pola (6) proti širini vmesnega prostora (10) med statorskimi poli (6) 1.868.An electronically switched engine for direct drive of a washing machine drum, in which the stator 1 is attached to the carrier cross of the washing machine and the rotor 2 directly to the axis of the washing machine drum, characterized in that the number of rotor poles represented by the magnetic segments ( 3) greater than the number of stator poles (6) with coils (4) such that the ratio factor of the rotor pole - stator pole is 1.3333, while io is the ratio of the width of the stator pole (6) to the width of the intermediate space (10) between the stator poles (6) 1.868. 2. Elektronsko komutirani motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja, po zahtevku 1,2. An electronically switched engine for direct drive of the washing machine drum according to claim 1, 15 označen stem, da imajo na rotorsko jedro (7) nalepljeni magnetni segmenti (3) pravokotno obliko, medtem ko je zgornja površina statorskih polov (9) v statorskem paketu (12) oblikovana rahlo konveksno tako, da je zračna reža (8) neenakomerna.15 indicates that the magnetic segments (3) adhered to the rotor core (7) have a rectangular shape, while the upper surface of the stator poles (9) in the stator package (12) is slightly convex so that the air gap (8) is uneven . 3. Elektronsko komutirani motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja, po zahtevku 1, označen stem, da so magnetni segmenti (3) oblikovani po radiju statorski poli (9) pa ravni.Electronically switched motor for direct drive of the washing machine drum according to claim 1, characterized in that the magnetic segments (3) radiator-shaped (9) are straight. 4. Elektronsko komutirani motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja, 5 po zahtevkih od 1 do 3, označen stem, da je trifazno navitje (19) vezano v zvezdo tako, da ima vsaka faza dva odcepa, pri čemer je v prvem režimu motor priključen med sponke U1, V1 in W1, z aktivnim celotnim navitjem, v drugem režimu pa med io sponke U2, V2 in W2, z aktivnim delom navitja, pri čemer je razmerje med aktivnima navitjema v prvem in drugem režimu 1:3, 1:4 ali 1:5.Electronically commutated drum direct-drive drum washer motor, 5 according to claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the three-phase winding (19) is connected to a star such that each phase has two branches, in which the motor is connected in the first mode. between terminals U1, V1 and W1, with active full winding, and in the second mode, between io terminals U2, V2 and W2, with active winding, with the ratio of active windings in first and second mode 1: 3, 1: 4 or 1: 5. 5. Elektronsko komutirani motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja, po zahtevkih od 1 do 4,5. An electronically switched engine for direct drive of the washing machine drum according to claims 1 to 4, 15 označen stem, da je statorski paket (12) narejen tako, da se statorske lamele izsekajo iz traku (11), nakar se statorski paket (12) oblikuje z upogibanjem izsekanega traku (11) na predpisani premer.15 indicates that the stator package (12) is made in such a way that the stator blades cut from the strip (11), and then the stator package (12) is formed by bending the cut strip (11) to the prescribed diameter. 2020 6. Elektronsko komutirani motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja, po zahtevku 5, označen stem, da se iz traku (11) istočasno izsekana dva statorska paketa (12) oblikujeta z upogibanjem izsekanega traku (11) za prvi paket v eno in za drugi paket v drugo stran.Electronically switched machine for direct drive of the washing machine drum according to claim 5, characterized in that two stator packages (12) are simultaneously cut from the strip (11) by bending the cut tape (11) for the first package into one and after the other packet to the other side. ss 7. Elektronsko komutirani motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja, po zahtevkih 5 in 6, označen stem, da pri izsekavanju statorskih lamel iz traku (11) hkrati izsekamo tudi pomožne utore (13).Electronically switched motor for direct drive of the washing machine drum according to claims 5 and 6, characterized in that the auxiliary grooves (13) are also cut when cutting the stator blades from the strip (11). 8. Elektronsko komutirani motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja, po zahtevkih od 1 do 7, označen stem, da je statorski paket (12) zalit v plastiko, tako da le ta tvori čelno 15 izolacijo (14), utorno izolacijo (15) in pesto (16) za pritrditev statorja (1) na nosilni križ bobna.The electronically commutated machine for direct drive of the washing machine drum according to claims 1 to 7, characterized in that the stator package (12) is embedded in plastic so that it forms the front 15 insulation (14), the slot insulation (15) and a hub (16) for attaching the stator (1) to the drum support cross. 9. Elektronsko komutirani motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja, po zahtevkih od 1 do 8,An electrically switched motor for direct drive of a washing machine drum according to claims 1 to 8, 20 označen stem, da so v delu v katerem je zalit statorski paket pritrdilna mesta za tri vezja (17) Hall generatorjev, ki leže na sredini med sosednjimi utori (10), na medsebojni kotni razdalji 15°.20 indicates that, in the part in which the stator pack is embedded, the mounting points for the three circuits (17) of the Hall generators lying midway between adjacent grooves (10) are at an angular distance of 15 °. 10. Elektronsko komutirani motor za direktni pogon bobna pralnega stroja, po zahtevkih od 1 do 9, označen stem,10. An electronically switched machine for direct drive of a washing machine drum according to claims 1 to 9, marked stem, 5 da so magnetni segmenti (3) skupaj z železnim jedrom (7) zaliti v plastičnem delu (18), ki tvori istočasno tudi pesto za pritrditev rotorja (2) na gred bobna pralnega stroja.5 that the magnetic segments (3) together with the iron core (7) are embedded in the plastic part (18), which at the same time forms a hub for attaching the rotor (2) to the drum shaft of the washing machine.
SI9600209A 1996-07-02 1996-07-02 Electronically commutated direct drive of a washing machine drum SI9600209A (en)

Priority Applications (6)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI9600209A SI9600209A (en) 1996-07-02 1996-07-02 Electronically commutated direct drive of a washing machine drum
TR1998/02748T TR199802748T2 (en) 1996-07-02 1997-07-02 Electronically commutated motor for direct drive of a washing machine drum.
EP97930973A EP0909477B1 (en) 1996-07-02 1997-07-02 Electronically commutated motor for direct drive of washing machine drum
PCT/SI1997/000021 WO1998000902A1 (en) 1996-07-02 1997-07-02 Electronically commutated motor for direct drive of washing machine drum
AU34723/97A AU3472397A (en) 1996-07-02 1997-07-02 Electronically commutated motor for direct drive of washing machine drum

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SI9600209A SI9600209A (en) 1996-07-02 1996-07-02 Electronically commutated direct drive of a washing machine drum

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