JP4023791B2 - Antimicrobial substance-producing lactic acid bacteria and functional foods using the same - Google Patents
Antimicrobial substance-producing lactic acid bacteria and functional foods using the same Download PDFInfo
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バクテリオシンとして最もよく知られているものとしてはラクトコッカス・ラクチスの産生するナイシンAがあるが、その他の乳酸菌においても新規なバクテリオシンが見出されている。たとえばラクトバチルス・アシドフィルスグループの乳酸菌が産生するバクテリオシンには、ラクタシンB 、ラクタシンF 、アシドフィルシンA 、アシドシン8912、ガセリシンA が知られている[Itoh ,T .:Jpn J .Dairy and Food Sci.,43,P7-15 (1994)]。
しかしながら、このような利用法に関しては従来から克服すべきいくつかの問題点が指摘されてきた。その一つは、多くの乳酸菌は経口摂取によって胃内の低pH 環境や腸内の胆汁や消化酵素に曝されると死滅してしまい、そのために腸内で生存できないということである。
具体的な乳酸菌の特性としては、(1)通常食べた内容物は消化のために胃内において2時間程度留まっているといわれていることから、低pH に数時間曝されても生き残れること、(2)界面活性作用を持っている胆汁に対して耐性能を有し、そのため胆汁存在下でも生育できること、(3)腸内のトリプシンやパンクレアチンといった消化酵素に対して耐性能を有することである。
上記課題を解決するための請求項1の発明は、0.1〜0.3%ウシ胆汁粉末含有液体培地で増殖し、且つペプシンを含むpH2〜4の人工胃液中において生存できる胆汁および胃液耐性能を有するラクトバチルス・アシドフィルスグループ乳酸菌株であって、pH3の人工胃液に2時間曝した後、ウシ胆汁粉末とパンクレアチンを含む人工腸液に18時間曝しても生菌数が減少しない腸液耐性能を有し、大腸菌、黄色ブドウ球菌、枯草菌、リステリア菌に対して抗菌作用を示す抗菌物質産生能を有し、且つ還元脱脂乳培地を用いて37℃で培養した場合、24時間以内で酸度として0.8%の乳酸を生成する生酸性を有するとともに生菌数が2〜6×10 8 CFU / mlに達する増殖性を有することを特徴とするラクトバチルス・アシドフィルスグループ乳酸菌L−55株である。
本発明のラクトバチルス・アシドフィルスグループ乳酸菌L-55株は、本発明者がヒトの糞便より分離した乳酸菌158 株について、胆汁耐性試験、胃液耐性試験、腸液耐性試験ならびに抗菌物質産生能試験を実施することにより選抜された株である。
本菌の菌学的性状を、3種のラクトバチルス・アシドフィルスグループ乳酸菌の標準株、JCM1132 (ラクトバチルス・アシドフィルス)、JCM1185 (ラクトバチルス・クリスパタス)、JCM1126 (ラクトバチルス・アミロボラス)と比較した結果を表1に示す。本菌はすべての性状においてこれら標準株の性状と酷似していたことから、ラクトバチルス・アシドフィルスグル−プに属する乳酸菌と同定された。なお、本菌は、平成13年12月6日付けにて独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所 特許生物寄託センターに寄託した[(受託番号)FERM P−18652 ]。
L-55株の培養にはMRS 液体培地に代表される乳酸菌用合成培地が用いられるが、特に本菌株は乳を成分とする培地でも良く生育する特徴を有しているので、例えば還元脱脂乳培地なども用いることができる。
なお還元脱脂乳培地を用いて37℃で培養した場合、24時間以内で酸度として0.8 %の乳酸を生成し、最高生菌数は2 〜6 × 108 CFU/ml に達する。
乳酸菌の場合、生成乳酸の増加(すなわち酸度の上昇)にともない生菌数も増加するのが一般的であり、本菌株の場合0.8 %以上の酸度であればほぼ最大の生菌数が得られ、それよりも低い酸度であれば生菌数が少なくなることが懸念される。
胆汁耐性試験は、対象となる乳酸菌をMRS液体培地と胆汁(0.1~0.3%濃度のウシ胆汁粉末)含有MRS 液体培地で培養し、その増殖性を比較する試験法であり、両培地での増殖比が胆汁耐性度として表わされる。
本発明ではまず、ヒト糞便から分離した158 株の乳酸菌について胆汁耐性試験を実施することで、その中から胆汁存在下において増殖可能な胆汁耐性株を選抜することができる。
乳酸菌の胃液耐性試験には下記に示した人工胃液混合物が用いられる。詳しくはこの人工胃液混合物に1N塩酸を少量加えpH2、 3または4 に調整したのち37℃の条件下に静置し、0 〜3 時間まで経時的に乳酸菌の生存数を検査することで胃液耐性を評価することができる。なお乳酸菌数の検査はMRS 寒天培地を用いた段階希釈平板法で行なわれる。
乳酸菌のMRS培養液 25%
滅菌した市販牛乳 74 %
濾過滅菌した 4%ペプシン溶液 1 %
一方、乳酸菌の腸液耐性試験には下記の基礎培地と人工腸液混合物が用いられる。但し、基礎培地は110 ℃で20分間オートクレーブ滅菌され、また人工腸液耐性試験で使用する人工胃液混合物はあらかじめpH2、3または4 の条件下で2 〜3時間胃酸処理されなければならない。そしてこの人工腸液混合物を嫌気条件のもと37℃に保持し、0 〜18時間まで経時的に乳酸菌の生存数を検査することで腸液耐性が評価できる。なお乳酸菌数の検査はMRS 寒天培地を用いた段階希釈平板法で行なわれる。
市販牛乳 97.6%
脱脂粉乳 1.5%
酵母エキス 0.5%
ウシ胆汁粉末 0.4%
基礎培地 96%
人工胃液混合物 3%
1%パンクレアチン溶液 1%
たとえば、L-55株を0.1 %濃度の酵母エキスを含む10%還元脱脂乳培地に接種して37℃で16時間培養した場合、生菌数4 〜6 × 108 CFU/ml のスターターが得れる。また、このスターターを用いて製造される発酵食品の具体例としては牛乳を食材とする発酵乳(ヨーグルト)が挙げられる。この場合、発酵乳(ヨーグルト)はハードタイプ、ソフトタイプ、液状タイプあるいはフローズンタイプの食品としてそのまま提供できるほか、糖類、果汁、ゲル化剤、香料などの添加物を任意に加えて加工することもできる。また、L-55株のスターターは、ラクトバチルス・ブルガリクスやストレプトコッカス・サーモフィラスなど乳業用乳酸菌スターターと併用することも可能である。
ヒト糞便から分離した乳酸菌158 株について胆汁耐性試験を実施した。まず、試験前日から培養しておいた乳酸菌液を新鮮なMRS液体培地(対照区)と0.1 %、0.2 %、ならびに0.3 %のウシ胆汁粉末を含有したMRS 液体培地(試験区)にそれぞれ1%量づつ接種し37℃で8 時間培養後、その濁度をO.D.660 の吸光度にて測定した。そして次式に基づき胆汁耐性率を求め、その値が10%以上示した株を胆汁耐性株として選抜した。
その結果、158 株の分離乳酸菌の中から胆汁耐性能を保有するL-55株が得られた。表2にL-55株の胆汁耐性率を示す。胆汁に含まれる胆汁酸は界面活性作用を持っているため、細菌に対しては膜透過性の亢進をもたらし、強い殺菌作用を示すことが知られている。また腸内の胆汁については部位によって濃度差があるが、最高で胆汁粉末濃度に換算して0.2 %程度と云われている。従って本実験条件で胆汁耐性を示した乳酸菌L-55株は、胆汁が存在する腸内において充分生育可能な株とみなすことができる。
実施例1で選抜された胆汁耐性乳酸菌L-55株について、人工胃液耐性試験を実施した。滅菌した市販牛乳74mlにあらかじめMRS 液体培地で一晩培養した各選抜菌培養液25mlを加え、そこへさらに4%ペプシン(SIGMA 、P-7000)溶液を1ml 添加した(人工胃液混合物)。この人工胃液混合物に1N塩酸を少量滴下し、pH2、pH3あるいはpH4に調整したのち37℃に保持した。そして人工胃液混合物中の乳酸菌数を0 〜3 時間まで経時的にMRS寒天培地を用いた段階希釈平板法で測定し、胃液耐性能を評価した。
図1にL-55株の人工胃液耐性試験結果を示した。図1より、L-55株はpH3 およびpH4 の胃液に3時間曝されても生菌数の減少は全く認められなかった。一方pH2の胃液では処理時間が長くなるにつれてL-55株の生存率は減少していき、1 時間後で約60%、2 時間後には1 %になった。しかしながら、pH2 の胃液に3 時間曝されても完全に死滅することはなく、 103 CFU/ml レベルの生存が認められた
空腹時の胃内は胃酸によってpH1 〜2 に保たれており殺菌性の強い状態にあるが、食事中の胃内pHは摂取した食物の種類や量によって影響を受け、pH3〜4 に上昇すると考えられている。また通常、胃の内容物は食後2 時間ほどで十二指腸に移送されると云われている。これらのことを考え合わせると、上記の実験条件は実際よりも過酷な環境であると判断され、そのような条件下でも生存可能なL-55株は、経口で摂取した場合胃内で死滅することなく腸に移送されることが容易に推測される。
次にL-55株について人工腸液耐性試験を実施した。市販牛乳97.6g 、脱脂粉乳1.5g、酵母エキス0.5gならびにウシ胆汁末(SIGMA)0.4g を混合し、110 ℃20分間滅菌したものを人工腸液基礎培地とした。そしてこの人工腸液基礎培地96ml、1%パンクレアチン溶液(天野製薬、パンクレアチンF )1ml 、pH3 で2 時間処理した人工胃液混合物3ml を混和し(人工腸液混合物)、37℃の嫌気的環境下(炭酸ガス培養装置内)に保持した。
生菌数を検査は実施例2と同様の操作方法で行ない、経時的に0 〜18時間まで6 時間毎に調べた。図2にL-55株の人工腸液耐性試験結果を示した。この実施例3ではL-55株の培養液をあらかじめpH3 の人工胃液に2時間曝し、そののちに人工腸液中での生存性が調べられた。
さらに本発明のL-55株については抗菌物質産生能試験を実施した。本菌株をMRS液体培地(15ml)に植菌したのち37℃で48時間培養後、遠心分離にて培養上清液を得た。つづいてこの上清液に2N水酸化ナトリウム溶液を少量滴下してpH5 、6ならびに7に調製したあと、それぞれの試料を凍結乾燥した。得られた各乾固物を1.5ml の滅菌蒸留水で再溶解し、そのうち100 μl づつをペーパーディスク(13 φmm、Whatman)に浸み込ませた。
一方抗菌活性の測定に用いる被検菌、すなわち大腸菌(Escherichia coli RB)、黄色ブドウ球菌(Staphylococcus aureus IAM1011)、枯草菌(Bacillus subtilis IFO3025)ならびにリステリア菌(Listeria monocytogenes VTU206)は10mlのニュートリエント・ブロス(1.0% トリプトンペプトン、0.5 %酵母エキス、0.5%ブドウ糖)で37℃、18時間培養した。その後あらかじめ滅菌・保温(50 ℃)しておいた標準寒天培地(ニッスイ)50ml に上記被検菌培養液0.5ml を混和し、ただちに5ml づつシャーレに分注した。寒天平板培地が固化したら、先の培養濃縮液の浸み込んだペーパーディスクを寒天培地の中央部に置き、37℃で18時間培養した。抗菌活性の有無は、ペーパーディスクの周辺に形成される被検菌の生育阻止領域、すなわち阻止円の直径を測定することで判定した。
そして本菌株の産生する抗菌物質はEscherichia coli RBをはじめStaphylococcus aureus IAM1011、Bacillus subtilis IFO3025、Listeria monocytogenesVTU206に対して増殖阻止効果があり、またその活性はpH5〜6 の領域で強い効果が認められた。
L-55株のスターター調製:濃度0.1 %量の酵母エキスを含む10%還元脱脂乳培地100ml を110 ℃で20分間オートクレーブ滅菌した。これをスターター用培地とし、同培地にMRS 液体培地で増殖させたL-55株の培養液1ml を接種し、37℃で16時間培養した。この時スターターの最終酸度は1.2 %で、生菌数は2 × 108 CFU/ml であった。また同時にストレプトコッカス・サーモフィラス菌も10%還元脱脂乳100ml で培養し、発酵乳製造のための混合スターターとして用いた。
下記組成のヨーグルトミックスを均質化(150Kg/cm2 )、殺菌(95 ℃、40秒)したのち、40℃まで冷却した。このミックスに上記で調製したストレプトコッカス・サーモフィラス菌スターター80g とL-55株スターター40gを加え10間撹拌したのち、プラスチックカップに90g づつ充填し、アルミ蓋をした。なお発酵は40℃の恒温室内で8 時間行ない、発酵後は冷蔵庫内にて冷却、保存した。
こうして製造したヨーグルトには本発明のL-55株が2 ×107 CFU /ml含まれていた。なお製造したヨーグルトについて10人のパネラーを対象に味覚試験を実施した結果、従来のアシドフィラス菌を使った発酵乳に比べてなんら味覚的に劣ることはなかった。
試験食のハードヨーグルトは、L-55株、ブルガリア菌およびサーモフィルス菌の3菌種混合スターターで製造した。このときヨーグルトに含まれる乳酸菌数は、L-55株が1 ×1010CFU /100ml 、ブルガリア菌とサーモフィルス菌については合わせて2 ×1010CFU /100ml であった。またヨーグルトの最終酸度は0.9%であった。
ヨーグルトミックス組成は下記のとおりであり、均質化(150Kg/cm2 )、殺菌(95 ℃、40秒)、冷却(40 ℃)後、スターターを接種し、40℃で発酵させた。
排便量は、鶏卵の大きさを基準として目測させ、0.5 個単位で鶏卵0.5 個分以下(1点)、鶏卵0.5 個分程度(2点)、鶏卵1個分程度(3点)、鶏卵1.5 個分程度(4点)、鶏卵2個分程度(5点)、鶏卵2.5 個分以上(6点)の6段階に振り分けた点数を選択肢から選択させた。便の形状はコロコロ状(1点)、カチカチ状(2点)、バナナ状(3点)、半練り状(4点)、泥状(5点)、水状(6点)の中から選択させた。便の色はカラーガイド第16版の色見本を配布し、それをもとに黄橙色(1点)、やや黄褐色(2点)、黄褐色(3点)、褐色(4点)、やや黒褐色(5点)、黒褐色(6点)の中から選択させた。便のにおいは、非常に弱い(1点)、弱い(2点)、普通(3点)、強い(4点)、非常に強い(5点)の5段階から、また、排便後の爽快感についてはスッキリ(1点)、概ねスッキリ(2点)、普通(3点)、残便感あり(4点)の4段階の中から選択させた。
本発明の請求項1記載のラクトバチルス・アシドフィルスグループ乳酸菌L−55株は、0.1〜0.3%ウシ胆汁粉末含有液体培地で増殖し、且つペプシンを含むpH2〜4の人工胃液中において生存できる胆汁および胃液耐性能を有するラクトバチルス・アシドフィルスグループ乳酸菌株であって、pH3の人工胃液に2時間曝した後、ウシ胆汁粉末とパンクレアチンを含む人工腸液に18時間曝しても生菌数が減少しない腸液耐性能を有し、大腸菌、黄色ブドウ球菌、枯草菌、リステリア菌に対して抗菌作用を示す抗菌物質産生能を有し、且つ還元脱脂乳培地を用いて37℃で培養した場合、24時間以内で酸度として0.8%の乳酸を生成する生酸性を有するとともに生菌数が2〜6×10 8 CFU / mlに達する増殖性を有することを特徴としており、そのため乳中での発酵性により優れ、経口摂取した時生きて腸まで到達することが可能であることから、それを用いて製造される発酵食品は腸内環境の改善に優れた効果を発揮する機能性食品として利用でき、特に乳中での発酵性に優れていることから、発酵乳製造に用いられるという顕著な効果を奏する。
The present invention relates to an antibacterial substance-producing lactic acid bacterium and a functional food using the same, and more specifically, has an antibacterial substance-producing ability and is resistant to bile, gastric juice and intestinal juice, and thus reaches the intestine alive The present invention relates to a Lactobacillus acidophilus group lactic acid bacterium which can be used, and a functional food containing the lactic acid bacterium produced using the microorganism.
[Prior art]
The production of antibacterial substances is known in various lactic acid bacteria, many of which are proteinaceous, called bacteriocin [Norihiro Sashihara, Kenji Sonomoto and Bunsuke Ishizaki: Chemistry and Biology, 38, P439-446 ( 2000)].
Nisin A produced by Lactococcus lactis is the best known bacteriocin, but a new bacteriocin has also been found in other lactic acid bacteria. For example, lactacin B, lactacin F, acidphilsin A, acidsin 8912, and gasericin A are known as bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria of the Lactobacillus acidophilus group [Itoh, T. et al. : Jpn J. Dairy and Food Sci. , 43, P7-15 (1994)].
By the way, bacteriocin produced by such lactic acid bacteria has attracted much attention in application in recent years. For example, in Europe and the US, bacteriocin is considered to be used as a safe and functional natural food preservative, and nisin has already been put to practical use. On the other hand, the utilization as so-called probiotics that suppress the growth of harmful microorganisms in the intestine by orally ingesting lactic acid bacteria that produce antibacterial substances such as bacteriocin is also expected.
This is based on the idea of eliminating harmful microorganisms from the body and preparing the intestinal environment by eating fermented foods produced using antibacterial (bacteriocin) -producing lactic acid bacteria.
However, several problems to be overcome have been pointed out in the past for such usage. One of them is that many lactic acid bacteria die when exposed to the low pH environment in the stomach, intestinal bile and digestive enzymes by ingestion, and thus cannot survive in the intestine.
Furthermore, it is regarded as a problem in practical use that the target lactic acid bacteria do not always exhibit excellent fermentability in foods. Even if it is a lactic acid bacterium having an excellent physiological function, if the fermentability in the food is poor, the production of the fermented food may be hindered.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
In order to solve the above problems, the following measures can be considered. That is, to select a bacterial strain that does not die even in the presence of gastric juice or bile so that antimicrobial-producing lactic acid bacteria taken orally can live and reach the intestinal tract.
Specific characteristics of lactic acid bacteria are as follows: (1) It is said that normally eaten contents remain in the stomach for about 2 hours for digestion, so it can survive even if exposed to low pH for several hours; (2) Resistant to bile that has surface activity, and therefore can grow even in the presence of bile. (3) Resistant to digestive enzymes such as trypsin and pancreatin in the intestine. is there.
Moreover, in order to manufacture the target fermented food, in addition to said characteristic, the fermentability in a foodstuff is verified and it is selecting the strain suitable for a foodstuff.
That is, the first object of the present invention is excellent in fermentability in foods mainly made of milk, has an ability to produce antibacterial substances, and is resistant to bile, gastric juice and intestinal juice, and therefore can live up to the intestine. It is to provide a novel antibacterial substance-producing lactic acid bacterium that can be reached, and a second object of the present invention is to provide a functional food containing the lactic acid bacterium that is produced using the microorganism.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
Therefore, in order to obtain such industrially useful lactic acid strains, the present inventor has isolated lactic acid bacteria that inhabit the human intestine and examined them in detail. In addition, Lactobacillus acidophilus group lactic acid bacteria having resistance to bile, gastric juice and intestinal digestive enzymes are found, and this strain is also confirmed to have excellent fermentability in foods mainly made from milk, The present invention has been completed.
The invention of
The invention of claim 2The Lactobacillus acidophilus group lactic acid bacterium L-55 strain according to
The invention of claim 33. The functional food according to claim 2, wherein the functional food is in the form of powder or tablet..
The functional food of the present invention can be pulverized by a known freeze-drying method, vacuum drying method, etc., further processed into a granule, or in the form of a tablet using a known tableting machine for easy consumption. In addition, storage stability, handleability, ease of use, etc. can be improved.
The invention of claim 4A fermented milk for improving defecation status or defecation status improvement comprising the Lactobacillus acidophilus group lactic acid bacterium L-55 strain according to
The functional food of the present invention has an excellent intestinal regulating action as shown in Examples described later.
The invention of claim 5A method for producing a functional food containing the Lactobacillus acidophilus group Lactobacillus L-55 obtained by fermenting foods using the Lactobacillus acidophilus group lactic acid bacteria L-55 strain as a seed fungus according to
The invention of claim 6Lactobacillus acidophilus group lactic acid bacteria L-55 strain according to
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in detail.
Lactobacillus acidophilus group Lactobacillus L-55 strain of the present invention performs bile resistance test, gastric juice resistance test, intestinal fluid resistance test and antibacterial substance production ability test on 158 strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from human feces by the present inventor It is a stock selected by this.
The results of comparison of the bacteriological properties of this bacterium with three standard strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus group lactic acid bacteria, JCM1132 (Lactobacillus acidophilus), JCM1185 (Lactobacillus crispatas), JCM1126 (Lactobacillus amylovorus) Table 1 shows. Since this bacterium was very similar to the properties of these standard strains in all properties, it was identified as a lactic acid bacterium belonging to the Lactobacillus acidophilus group. This fungus was deposited at the Patent Organism Depositary of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology on December 6, 2001 [(Accession Number) FERM P-18652].
[Table 1]
The L-55 strain is cultured using a synthetic medium for lactic acid bacteria typified by the MRS liquid medium. In particular, this strain has characteristics that it can grow well in a medium containing milk. A culture medium etc. can also be used.
When cultured at 37 ° C using a reduced skim milk medium, lactic acid with an acidity of 0.8% is produced within 24 hours, and the maximum viable cell count is 2 to 6 × 108 Reach CFU / ml.
In the case of lactic acid bacteria, the number of viable bacteria generally increases as the amount of lactic acid produced increases (that is, the acidity increases). In the case of this strain, the maximum viable cell count is obtained if the acidity is 0.8% or higher. If the acidity is lower than that, there is a concern that the number of viable bacteria decreases.
Moreover, it is also possible to add glucose, a yeast extract, and peptides as a growth promotion substance of this bacterium as needed to the culture medium which uses milk as a component. The culture method may be a conventional method. Specifically, the culture is performed by stationary culture at 37 ° C. for about 20 hours under aerobic conditions.
The bile tolerance test is a test method in which the target lactic acid bacteria are cultured in an MRS liquid medium and an MRS liquid medium containing bile (0.1 to 0.3% bovine bile powder), and their growth properties are compared. The ratio is expressed as bile tolerance.
In the present invention, by first conducting a bile resistance test on 158 strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from human feces, a bile resistant strain capable of growing in the presence of bile can be selected.
For the gastric juice resistance test of lactic acid bacteria, the artificial gastric juice mixture shown below is used. Specifically, 1N hydrochloric acid was added to this artificial gastric juice mixture in a small amount, adjusted to
Composition of artificial gastric juice mixture:
Lactic acid bacteria MRS medium 25%
Sterilized commercial milk 74%
Filter-sterilized 4
On the other hand, the following basic medium and artificial intestinal juice mixture are used for the intestinal juice resistance test of lactic acid bacteria. However, the basal medium should be autoclaved at 110 ° C. for 20 minutes, and the artificial gastric juice mixture used in the artificial intestinal juice resistance test must be treated with gastric acid for 2 to 3 hours under the conditions of
Composition of basal medium:
Commercial milk 97.6%
Nonfat dry milk 1.5%
Yeast extract 0.5%
Bovine bile powder 0.4%
Composition of artificial intestinal juice mixture:
Basal medium 96%
Artificial gastric juice mixture 3%
The antimicrobial substance production ability test of L-55 strain is conducted by a bioassay method using a paper disc. Examples of microorganisms to be tested include food contamination such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Listeria monocytogenes. Examples include bacteria. In this bioassay method, a paper disc soaked with lactic acid bacteria culture medium is placed on the agar plate medium mixed with the test bacteria culture solution, and then the plate medium is cultured to measure the inhibition circle formed around the paper disk. It is determined by doing. The inhibition circle observed in this test is formed when the antibacterial substance in the culture medium soaked in the paper disk diffuses in the agar gel and inhibits the growth of the test microorganism.
As described above, the Lactobacillus acidophilus group Lactobacillus L-55 strain of the present invention can be obtained by performing the above-mentioned artificial gastric juice resistance test, artificial intestinal fluid resistance test and antibacterial substance production ability test from the previously selected bile resistant strains. To be elected.
In other words, the L-55 strain has the ability to produce antibacterial substances and is resistant to bile, gastric juice, and intestinal juice, and is therefore a lactic acid bacterium that can reach the intestines when ingested orally. Therefore, the food produced using this strain can be used as a functional food effective in improving the intestinal environment.
Functional foods produced according to the present invention include L-55 strains as live bacteria, processed as they are into tablets, powders or granules, and added to processed foods such as beverages, confectionery, or ice cream. Furthermore, fermented foods produced using this strain as an inoculum are mentioned.
The produced fermented food such as yogurt is powdered using a known freeze-drying method, and this powder is molded using a known tableting machine, and is cylindrical, bowl-shaped, flat plate-shaped, square-shaped, triangular And other polygonal tablets. Tablets and the like can be stored and shipped by being sealed and packaged in known bags and bottles, etc., thereby improving storability, handleability, ease of use and the like.
The L-55 strain used for the production of fermented food can be cultured in a reduced skim milk medium, and the culture can be used as it is as a starter (seed fungus). Furthermore, a starter with higher activity can be obtained by adding an appropriate amount of soy peptide, yeast extract or milk protein hydrolyzate to the same medium.
For example, when the L-55 strain is inoculated into a 10% reduced skim milk medium containing a yeast extract at a concentration of 0.1% and cultured at 37 ° C. for 16 hours, the viable cell count is 4 to 6 × 10 68 A CFU / ml starter is obtained. Moreover, the fermented milk (yoghurt) which uses milk as a foodstuff is mentioned as a specific example of the fermented food manufactured using this starter. In this case, fermented milk (yogurt) can be provided as it is as a hard type, soft type, liquid type or frozen type food, or it can be processed by optionally adding additives such as sugars, fruit juices, gelling agents, and fragrances. it can. The L-55 starter can also be used in combination with lactic acid bacteria starters for dairy industry such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.
EXAMPLES Next, although an Example is given and this invention is demonstrated in more detail, this invention is not limited to these Examples, unless it deviates from the main point of this invention.
Example 1
A bile resistance test was performed on 158 strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from human feces. First, the lactic acid bacteria liquid cultured from the day before the test was added to fresh MRS liquid medium (control group) and MRS liquid medium (test group) containing 0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.3% bovine bile powder, respectively. After inoculating in a quantity and culturing at 37 ° C for 8 hours, the turbidity was measured by the absorbance of OD660. Then, the bile resistance rate was determined based on the following formula, and a strain having a value of 10% or more was selected as a bile resistant strain.
Bile tolerance (%) = (medium turbidity when cultured in bile medium) / (medium turbidity when cultured in control medium) × 100
As a result, L-55 strain having bile resistance performance was obtained from 158 isolated lactic acid bacteria. Table 2 shows the bile resistance rate of the L-55 strain. It is known that bile acids contained in bile have a surface-active effect, and thus increase membrane permeability for bacteria and show a strong bactericidal action. The concentration of bile in the intestine varies depending on the site, but it is said to be about 0.2% in terms of bile powder concentration at the maximum. Therefore, the lactic acid bacteria L-55 strain that showed bile resistance under the present experimental conditions can be regarded as a strain that can sufficiently grow in the intestine where bile exists.
[Table 2]
(Example 2)
An artificial gastric juice resistance test was performed on the bile-resistant lactic acid bacteria L-55 strain selected in Example 1. To 74 ml of sterilized commercial milk, 25 ml of each selected bacterial culture previously cultured overnight in an MRS liquid medium was added, and 1 ml of a 4% pepsin (SIGMA, P-7000) solution was further added thereto (artificial gastric juice mixture). A small amount of 1N hydrochloric acid was added dropwise to the artificial gastric juice mixture to adjust the pH to pH2, pH3, or pH4, and then maintained at 37 ° C. Then, the number of lactic acid bacteria in the artificial gastric juice mixture was measured over time from 0 to 3 hours by a serial dilution plate method using an MRS agar medium, and the gastric juice resistance performance was evaluated.
FIG. 1 shows the results of an artificial gastric juice resistance test for the L-55 strain. As shown in FIG. 1, the L-55 strain did not show any decrease in the number of viable bacteria even after being exposed to gastric juice at pH 3 and
The stomach in the fasting stomach is maintained at pH 1-2 by gastric acid and is in a highly bactericidal state, but the gastric pH during the meal is affected by the type and amount of food ingested and increases to pH 3-4 It is considered. Also, it is usually said that the stomach contents are transferred to the duodenum about 2 hours after meals. Considering these factors, the above experimental conditions were judged to be a harsher environment, and the L-55 strain that can survive under such conditions will die in the stomach when taken orally. It is easily guessed that it is transported to the intestine without it.
(Example 3)
Next, an artificial intestinal juice resistance test was performed on the L-55 strain. 97.6 g of commercially available milk, 1.5 g of skim milk powder, 0.5 g of yeast extract and 0.4 g of bovine bile powder (SIGMA) were mixed and sterilized at 110 ° C. for 20 minutes to obtain an artificial intestinal juice basal medium. Then, 96 ml of this artificial intestinal basal medium, 1 ml of 1% pancreatin solution (Amano Pharmaceutical, Pancreatin F), 3 ml of artificial gastric fluid mixture treated with pH 3 for 2 hours (artificial intestinal fluid mixture), and anaerobic environment at 37 ° C ( In a carbon dioxide culture apparatus).
The number of viable bacteria was examined by the same operation method as in Example 2, and was examined every 6 hours from 0 to 18 hours over time. FIG. 2 shows the results of artificial intestinal fluid resistance test of the L-55 strain. In Example 3, the culture solution of the L-55 strain was previously exposed to an artificial gastric fluid having a pH of 3 for 2 hours, and then the viability in the artificial intestinal fluid was examined.
As shown in FIG. 2, the L-55 strain maintained the initial bacterial count until 18 hours after treatment without being killed in the artificial intestinal fluid even after being exposed to the artificial gastric fluid. That is, it was found from this experiment that the L-55 strain of the present invention does not die in the artificial intestinal fluid containing digestive enzymes even after passing through the stomach, suggesting that it survives and survives in the intestine.
Example 4
Furthermore, the antimicrobial substance production ability test was implemented about L-55 strain | stump | stock of this invention. This strain was inoculated into an MRS liquid medium (15 ml), cultured at 37 ° C. for 48 hours, and then centrifuged to obtain a culture supernatant. Subsequently, a small amount of 2N sodium hydroxide solution was added dropwise to the supernatant to adjust the pH to 5, 6 and 7, and then each sample was freeze-dried. Each dried product obtained was redissolved with 1.5 ml of sterile distilled water, and 100 μl of each was soaked in a paper disc (13 mm, Whatman).
On the other hand, the test bacteria used for measuring the antibacterial activity, namely Escherichia coli RB, Staphylococcus aureus IAM1011, Bacillus subtilis IFO3025, and Listeria monocytogenes VTU206 are 10 ml of nutrient broth. (1.0% tryptone peptone, 0.5% yeast extract, 0.5% glucose) was cultured at 37 ° C. for 18 hours. Thereafter, 0.5 ml of the above-mentioned culture solution for the test bacteria was mixed with 50 ml of a standard agar medium (Nissui) that had been sterilized and kept warm (50 ° C.) and immediately dispensed in 5 ml portions. When the agar plate medium solidified, the paper disk in which the previous culture concentrate was immersed was placed in the center of the agar medium and cultured at 37 ° C. for 18 hours. The presence or absence of antibacterial activity was determined by measuring the growth inhibition region of the test bacteria formed around the paper disk, that is, the diameter of the inhibition circle.
As a result, as shown in Table 3, the presence of the antibacterial substance was confirmed in the culture solution of the L-55 strain, and it was revealed that this strain has the antibacterial substance producing ability.
The antibacterial substance produced by this strain had a growth inhibitory effect against Escherichia coli RB, Staphylococcus aureus IAM1011, Bacillus subtilis IFO3025, and Listeria monocytogenes VTU206, and its activity was strong in the pH range of 5-6.
[Table 3]
(Example 5)
Next, examples relating to yogurt production using Lactobacillus acidophilus group lactic acid bacteria L-55 strain will be described.
Preparation of L-55 strain starter: 100 ml of 10% reduced skim milk medium containing yeast extract at a concentration of 0.1% was autoclaved at 110 ° C. for 20 minutes. This was used as a starter medium, and the same medium was inoculated with 1 ml of the culture solution of the L-55 strain grown in the MRS liquid medium and cultured at 37 ° C. for 16 hours. At this time the final acidity of the starter is 1.2% and the viable count is 2 x 108 CFU / ml. At the same time, Streptococcus thermophilus was also cultured in 100 ml of 10% reduced skim milk and used as a mixed starter for producing fermented milk.
Yogurt production:
Homogenized yogurt mix with the following composition (150 kg / cm2 ), Sterilized (95 ° C., 40 seconds), and then cooled to 40 ° C. 80 g of Streptococcus thermophilus bacteria starter and 40 g of L-55 strain starter prepared above were added to this mix, and the mixture was stirred for 10 minutes, then filled with 90 g each in a plastic cup, and covered with aluminum. Fermentation was carried out in a constant temperature room at 40 ° C. for 8 hours, and after fermentation, it was cooled and stored in a refrigerator.
The yogurt thus produced contains 2 × 10 5 of the L-55 strain of the present invention.7 CFU / ml was included. As a result of a taste test of 10 panelists on the produced yogurt, it was not inferior in taste as compared with conventional fermented milk using acidophilus bacteria.
The yogurt produced in this way can be pulverized using a freeze-drying method, and this powder can be molded into tablets using a known tableting machine, sealed and packaged in bags, bottles, etc., and stored and shipped. It was. As a result of performing a taste test on this tablet in the same manner as described above, it was not inferior in taste as compared with conventional fermented milk using acidophilus bacteria.
(Example 6)
A yogurt ingestion test was conducted for humans, and the effect of improving the defecation status (intestinal regulation) by yogurt containing Lactobacillus acidophilus group lactic acid bacteria L-55 was confirmed.
Test meal:
The hard yoghurt of the test meal was produced with a mixed starter of L-55 strain, Bulgarian bacteria and Thermophilus bacteria. At this time, the number of lactic acid bacteria contained in yogurt is 1 x 10 for L-55 strain.TenCFU / 100ml, 2 × 10 for Bulgaria and ThermophilusTenCFU / 100ml. The final acidity of yogurt was 0.9%.
On the other hand, the yogurt of the control food was produced with a two-bacteria mixed starter consisting of Bulgarian bacteria and Thermophilus bacteria without including the L-55 strain. At this time, it was confirmed that the number of lactic acid bacteria and acidity of the control food were almost the same as those of the test food.
Yogurt mix composition is as follows, homogenized (150Kg / cm2 ), Sterilization (95 ° C, 40 seconds), cooling (40 ° C), inoculated starter and fermented at 40 ° C.
Exam schedule:
The total duration of the test period is 10 days including the non-intake period (2 weeks), the test meal intake period (2 weeks), the non-intake period (2 weeks), the control food intake period (2 weeks), and the non-intake period (2 weeks). Weekly and throughout the intake period, the subjects ate the test meal or the control meal 100 g / day after each dinner. During the test period, other fermented dairy products, lactic acid bacteria beverages, oligosaccharide-containing foods, beverages containing dietary fiber, dairy products with high milk solids, antibiotics, constipation drugs, natto, and alcoholic beverages were refrained as much as possible. .
Investigation of convenience improvement effect:
A total of 10 people, including 5 people with constipation and 5 healthy people, were selected as subjects. Each test subject was given a record table regarding the defecation status, and the number of defecations during the study period, the amount of feces, fecal properties, and feeling of defecation were entered for each daily defecation.
The amount of defecation is measured based on the size of the chicken egg, and 0.5 units or less of 0.5 eggs (1 point), about 0.5 eggs (2 points), about 1 egg (3 points), 1.5 eggs From the choices, the score was divided into 6 levels: 4 pieces (5 points), 2 eggs (5 points), and 2.5 or more eggs (6 points). Stool shape can be selected from the following (1 point), tick (2 points), banana (3 points), semi-kneaded (4 points), mud (5 points), and water (6 points) I let you. For the color of the stool, we distributed a color sample of the 16th edition of the color guide, and based on it, yellowish orange (1 point), slightly yellowish brown (2 points), tan (3 points), brown (4 points), slightly Black brown (5 points) or black brown (6 points) was selected. The smell of stool is very weak (1 point), weak (2 points), normal (3 points), strong (4 points), very strong (5 points), and refreshment after defecation About, I was allowed to choose from 4 levels: refreshing (1 point), roughly refreshing (2 points), normal (3 points), and feeling of remaining stool (4 points).
Statistical analysis:
The results are shown as mean ± standard deviation. About the non-ingestion period, the average value of 3 times was made into the value of each test subject. The average number of stool days, number of stools, and stool volume during the test period are averaged per week, and stool properties (shape, color, odor) and feeling of stool are calculated from the scores entered by the subject. did. These values in each period were compared using Wilcoxon's sign rank sum test.
The stool properties (stool shape, color, odor, refreshing feeling) of the test subjects throughout the test period are as shown in Table 4, but no difference was observed in each intake period regarding the stool properties.
On the other hand, Table 5 shows the defecation status of the subjects throughout the test period.
As a result, the number of defecation days / week, the number of defecations / week, and the amount of defecation / week during the test meal intake period were significantly increased compared to the non-fermented milk intake period and the control food intake period (P <0.05). From these results, it was found that yogurt containing L-55 is effective in improving the defecation status.
[Table 4]
[Table 5]
【The invention's effect】
Lactobacillus acidophilus group lactic acid bacteria L-55 strain according to
The invention of claim 2 of the present inventionThe Lactobacillus acidophilus group lactic acid bacterium L-55 strain according to
The invention of claim 3 of the present inventionIn the functional food according to claim 2, since it is in the form of a powder or a tablet, there is an additional effect that the ease of eating, storage, handling and usability can be improved.
The invention of
The invention of claim 5 of the present inventionA method for producing a functional food comprising Lactobacillus acidophilus group Lactobacillus L-55 obtained by fermenting foodstuffs using Lactobacillus acidophilus group lactic acid bacteria L-55 strain according to
The invention of
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a graph showing the resistance to artificial gastric juice of lactic acid bacteria L-55 strain obtained by the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a graph showing the resistance to artificial intestinal fluid of lactic acid bacteria L-55 strain obtained by the present invention.
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